#and richard's like OK DO YOU WANT IT DONE WELL OR DONE? DAMN!
safyresky · 5 months
in other news I am having some very good and fun interactions today.
my work wife upon me mentioning i'm gonna take a half hour lunch today for lieu time next week:
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and a blinter coded richella interaction:
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tearfallpixie · 22 days
Make Mama Happy - Chapter 13
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Tags: @nerdraging4point0 @thesazzb @synthetic-wasp-570 @circle-with-me @beaker1636 @itsjustemily @witchyweeb34 @agravemisstake @cookiesupplier @cncohshit @faceless-mirror @nonamessblog @yournecessaryevil @black-damask1999
@lyschko666 @vinyardmauro @skulliecadaver-blog @some-daniela @latenightmusiclover @rye14-blog1 @somewhere-diamond @Shilohrosechicken @abiomens @awkwardalex @rumoured-whispers @miss570
“Chole, what about this one?” I glanced at the one Rick had pointed out and shrugged. It was Thursday and we had gotten an early start to go ring shopping but I just couldn’t bring myself to be excited. Vinny hadn’t messaged me at all but I hadn’t been brave enough to reach out either.
“Its nice.” I mumbled. We had been to three different shops at this point, and I hadn’t had a solid opinion about a single one of the hundreds of rings we had looked at. I could tell Rick was getting annoyed and I felt horrible.
“We’ll be right back.” I heard him say before he grabbed my arm and hauled me out of the store. He pulled us down the street and into a café where he ordered a couple of drinks and took us to a table in the back out of the way of prying eyes. “Ok, spill. What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing Rick. I’m fine.” I lied, keeping my eyes to the floor. I flinched as I felt his glare land on me. Even though we were the only ones in the shop at the moment I felt like there were a thousand eyes digging daggers into my skin.
“Bullshit. You haven’t been fine since you and Vinny got in that fight.” I twisted my hands together and felt warm ones take them in his. “Chole. Look at me.” I obeyed, looking up at his grey eyes and seeing only kindness in them. This was not the Richard I was use to but it was a welcomed change. I needed someone besides Heather to talk to, someone who knew Vinny better than I did and in that moment all the last slivers of hatred I had for the man in front of me slipped away.
“I love him, Rick. I don’t know when it happened, but it did and I fucked it up.” I whispered. “He hates me now and I probably have no chance of getting him to forgive me.” The thought of losing Vinny terrified me because despite our fighting over the last two months he had become my rock. He was the person I could rely on while Heather was out of town. I just needed that stupid drummer to hug me right now with one of his tight all-consuming hugs.
“I know for a fact that he doesn’t hate you. I think you two just need to sit down and talk. He loves you too but he can be a little thick some times.” I let out a soft giggle.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I asked. “I treated you horribly. You didn’t deserve it. I-I’m so sorry.”
“No. You don’t get to apologize. I started this with that damn lie. This is not your fault. I gave you every reason to hate me so yeah, you were right. You do have a right to be hurt. I just hope I can make it all up to you somehow.” I pulled my hands out of his and wiped the tears from my face. I felt ridiculous crying in front of Rick but for the first time I could tell he wasn’t going to use it against me. “You know I feel like we should have been friends from the get-go.” He grinned teasingly.
“Better late than never right?” I smirked.
“For sure. Hi, I’m Rick Olson. I’m a major asshole to the people I like and no one is immune to my abuse. I’m in love with your best friend and I want to marry her so I hope we can get along better.” He held out his hand and I let out a laugh as I took it in mine.
“Hi Rick. I’m Nichole. I’m very protective of my friend so you better not hurt her or I will make sure you are never heard from again. Funny enough I’m also in love with your best friend but he and I aren’t speaking currently so we’ll see if anything comes of that. I would like to be your friend as well.” The barista called Ricks name to signal our drinks were done so we went and picked them up. “Thank you for the drink Rick. Now should we get back to ring shopping?”
“Are you sure you are up for it?” He raised an eyebrow in my direction.
“Yes, but you are doing it all wrong. She doesn’t want some corporate thousands of dollars ring. Come with me.” I took his hand in mine and weaved through the back roads of Scranton until I found this ring shop Heather and I had visited on numerous occasions.
“This is a fantasy costuming shop.”
“Thank you Captain Obvious. She’s not a fan of the stereotypical rings people use for engagement. She’ll want something unique.” I pulled him into the shop and over to the ring counter where I pointed out a few. The attendant was off in the corner working on a different piece of jewelry, but I could tell he was watching us. “In her words ‘these look like they were carved out of the trunk of Yggdrasil and lost for centuries before being found by a wizard and enchanted with magic.’” I giggled.
“She’s so dramatic.” He said with a soft smile on his face. “What would I even go with though?” I scanned over the rings before letting out a soft gasp and waving to the gentleman.
“Sir can we switch out stones in these rings?” I asked him.
“I can see what I can do for you. What are we thinking?”
“That ring. But the stone the color of his eyes.” I said pointing to Rick. He looked startled and gave me an incredulous look.
“She always said your eyes were her favorite color. She’ll like the jester.” I shrugged as the man took the ring out of the case and went to the back. I turned to fully face him and he shook his head.
“My eyes are grey. They’re boring.” He mumbled.
“Not according to her. She says they are the bluish-grey color of the waves crashing over the beach on a stormy day.” I watched as his expression went from confused to shock and a blush coated his cheeks.
“That’s sweet.” We waited for a few more minutes until the man returned with a blue velvet box. As he approached the counter, he opened it to show the ring and Rick’s jaw dropped. “Its perfect. She’ll love it.”
“I told you.” I whispered in his ear. He shouldered me playfully and paid for the ring without a second thought. Once he was done he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked out of the shop.
“Now just to fix you and Vinny’s relationship.” He teased me. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around his waist.
“No. Just leave it. What’s done is done.” I shook my head.
“Never say that. I messed up before but I’m not giving up on this now.”
“How dare you drag that poor girl into your idiocy Vincenzo! She has been through enough.” Rosa scolded, slamming the pan down on the stove and rounding on her son.
“I know mum! I know I’m an idiot! You don’t have to tell me that. Even Ricky called me that last night.” Vincenzo groaned. He was currently at his mom’s place for their weekly family dinner, and she was giving him an ear full yet again.
“You aren’t just an idiot Vincenzo! You fucked up and you lied to me! You didn’t trust me enough to be honest with me about your feelings and lied to my face! You concocted an entire scheme and forced her to take part in it. I don’t know how she even dealt with the holidays knowing it was fake and with her family background. Did you even think how this would affect her?”
“It stopped being fake when we slept together on Christmas.” Vinny mumbled with a guilty expression. That made his mother freeze and cock her head and for the second time this week he saw that raised eyebrow that made him shudder.
“You slept together on Christmas? Is that how you two ended up upstairs?” Vinny blushed and refused to answer, becoming very interested in a hang nail on his finger. “Vincenzo.” She said lowly.
“She said I love you that night. I didn’t say it back and for a bit I thought we were ok, but Rick came back and said something… I don’t even know what was said but- its over and she’s never going to forgive me.” His mothers angry look melted into one of frustration and she sighed.
“I will help you but you only get one chance, do you hear me? But if you mess this up again then that’s it, Vincenzo! I will not forgive you again.” Vinny nodded rapidly and instantly regretted it. His mother grabbed his ear and started dragging him to the kitchen.
“Ow, ow, ow! Mom!”
“Everybody front and center! We are having a family meeting.” Rosa called. She shoved her son down in the arm chair as his father and siblings walked into the room with very confused looks on their faces.
“Mum? Vinny? What’s going on?” Adriana asked.
“You will apologize to all of them Vinny. Now.” She barked in her scary mom voice, glaring down at the drummer. Vinny felt like he was two inches tall in that moment, one wrong step and he would be squashed like a bug.
“Rosa what’s going on?” John asked.
“I lied, dad.” Vinny whispered. “I lied to all of you. Well, most of you. Kyle knew.”
“So Kyle lied to me too?” Rosa snapped, glaring at her older son who now looked terrified and held up his hands.
“He threatened me!”
“I did not!” Vinny yelled, glaring at Kyle. “Bastard!”
“Boys! Kyle, we will deal with you in a moment. Vincenzo, I don’t hear an apology coming out of your mouth.” The drummer sighed, fighting back a retort.
“I lied to you guys about my relationship with Nichole to get out of mom setting me up with a random chick. She wasn’t my girlfriend officially until Christmas eve, though that only lasted two weeks before I fucked it up. She’s pissed at me and I’m not ever going to get her back. But I’m sorry. I’m sorry I lied to you all.�� Adriana immediately melted and pulled Vinny to his feet and into a hug.
“You love her don’t you?” She mumbled. He nodded into her shoulder and fought the tears threatening to fall.
“That was really stupid son.” John scolded him when he separated from his sister’s hug. His dad had always been the easy going parent so he wasn’t scared of his wrath but he had always been close to his father so he hated disappointing him.
“Trust me, mom won’t let me forget it for a very long time.” He huffed.
“Neither will Nichole. But at least you realized how dumb you are. I guess I forgive you for lying to us.” Kyle smirked, clapping a hand on the drummer’s shoulder.
“Shut up asshole!” Vinny shoved him off and scuffled with him a bit, giant smiles on their faces.
“So, how are we going to fix this?” Rosa spoke up. Vin’s eyes went wide and he looked at his mother in awe. After everything she was still willing to help him and he did not deserve her kindness right now. He pulled her into a hug, making her laugh and hug him back.
“Thank you so much mom.”
“Yeah yeah, just don’t do it again.” /
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On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 9 Family Photos!
Some of these are a little shorter than others... Sorry, I got stressed by the deadline and didn't have a whole lot of inspiration.
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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🖤‼️Port Mafia family photos? Chaos. This (probably awful) idea was proposed by none other than the head of the PM himself, Mori.
🖤‼️Challenge number one: getting Aku into festive clothing for the picture. He is ridiculously stubborn when it comes to his outfit, and no amount of pleading can get him into anything other than his black coat. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is not a challenge you will win.
🖤‼️Challenge number two: getting everyone in the damn picture. The poor photographer is almost in tears by the end with how uncooperative everyone is, also he can’t say anything cause this is the MAFIA and he could be murdered.
🖤‼️Challenge number three: Aku refuses to smile. You also will not win this one, he’s just gonna look like the grumpy emo teenager that every family has.
🖤‼️It's… an interesting photo. And it's definitely going up on your refrigerator!
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💛🤠He’s definitely the one that suggested family photos. Misono fought him on it for so long before Lily convinced the angry runt it was a great idea to have Christmas pictures with all the servamps and eves.
💛🤠It's chaos. It's just a whole mess. Kruo doesn't want to be there, Licht is kicking Lawless around Mahiru is TRYING and failing to keep the peace. Mikuni himself is trying to set up the camera, which isn't going well.
💛🤠It takes like, 15 tries to finally get a decent picture because Lily keeps trying to strip for the camera.
💛🤠In hindsight, he really should have just settled for a picture with you and Jeje.
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🤍🖤We’re gonna do this with Crime Sorciere because I sincerely doubt that Brain wanted to organize Christmas pictures for the Oracion Seis. Anyway, Jellal wanted Christmas cards to send to Fairy Tail (mostly Erza, let’s be honest). As such, he is slightly obsessive about making this Christmas pictures perfect.
🤍🖤Macbeth is sick and tired of Christmas pictures within five minutes. It’s so boring! He’s gonna fall asleep! Richard and Meredy are honestly the only ones that are ok with this. The others are sick of Jellal’s obsessiveness.
🤍🖤By the time Jellal has gotten everyone where he wants them, Macbeth has indeed fallen asleep on your shoulder. You can gently shake him awake or wait for Jellal to notice and watch the world burn (he won't notice until after the picture is taken).
🤍🖤Jellal ends up with a nice card regardless, and Macbeth gets a nap out of it so it's all good.
Freed Justine
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❤️🎄Thunder Legion Christmas photos are a riot, honestly. We’re gonna say this is during Laxus’s banishment because I don’t want to include him.
❤️🎄Freed organizes the entire procedure, and Bickslow makes it his personal mission to mess it up as much as he can. You probably side with Freed on this issue because it’s Christmas and you don’t want to stress him out too much, the Christmas tree incident was already enough stress.
❤️🎄Bickslow insists that Freed wear Christmas lights and ornaments in his hair. He pesters the poor green bean until he relents. Bickslow himself rocks a full Santa costume! Ever is decked out in a fancy Christmas dress, and she probably got one for you as well!
❤️🎄The photo ends up looking great!
Touta Matsuda
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🖤👮Normal family photos with him! Nothing crazy, just a nice picture of the two of you for his parents.
🖤👮He looks so adorable all dressed up in his nice suit! He says you look great, as well.
🖤👮Nothing really crazy happens, honestly. It's just a cute outing for the two of you.
🖤👮He'll probably let you wander around the mall and get some Christmas shopping done afterwards. Maybe you could also go get some dinner while you're out!
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❤️🏜️Obviously family photos with Kankuro and Temari. Standard family pictures.
❤️🏜️There's a little bit of trouble getting Gaara to smile. He did spend several years of his life with only a sour grimace on his face (which was very justified, actually).
❤️🏜️Kankuro keeps trying to get away with making funny faces. Eventually you guys just decide to take one serious picture and one silly picture.
❤️🏜️Both pictures turn out great!
Rogue Cheney
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🖤🐉It's you, Rogue, and Frosch. It was probably your idea, but Rogue agreed pretty easily.
🖤🐉You have some serious trouble trying to get Frosch to look at the camera. He just keeps getting distracted!
🖤🐉Once you finally get Frosch to look at the camera, it's an adorable picture!
Alphonse Elric
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💛🐱It was Winry and Al's idea to do Christmas photos. Ed was dragged along by his braid.
💛🐱Nothing too exciting happens, other than the usual Winry hitting Ed with a wrench.
💛🐱It's a super cute picture!
Mahiru Shirota
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🤎🙂You two were invited to take Christmas pictures with all the other servamps and eves. Mahiru thought it was a great idea at first…
🤎🙂…Until you actually got there. It was utter chaos. Mahiru tried his best to calm things, but to no avail.
🤎🙂You both are exhausted by the time you finally get a good picture. Next year, you definitely won't try to attempt wrangling all 7 servamps and their eves into a family photo.
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rocknrollflames · 9 months
I’m curating a playlist on Spotify that’s dedicated to my hometown, Memphis, and I got so excited just now.
So I knew Otis Redding (one of my all-time fave singers) was discovered here (so to speak) and recorded here at Stax Records, but I guess I didn’t know to what extent. Like, so many of my favorite Otis Redding songs were recorded here—I’ve Been Loving You Too Long (To Stop Now), Try A Little Tenderness, Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay, and These Arms of Mine…just to name a few. 🖤
I’ve been to Graceland and toured Sun Records (where Elvis, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis all were discovered and recorded), but I’ve never been to Stax Records and done the tour there. I really need to. I also need to visit the Rock & Soul Museum, which is here too.
Sometimes, despite our issues here, I love being from Memphis. We have such a musical history and culture. I feel like that’s why I have such a love from deep in my soul for this music—the old Soul/Blues/50s & 60s rock. It’s in my DNA. 🎵
And we have the BEST BBQ IN THE COUNTRY. Fight me, you’ll lose. 😂
Ok, enough rambling about Memphis.
Love ya, sis. 🖤🍒🎵
Wow! I didn't know they also had a Rock & Soul Museum. That's so cool. I woiuld love to go there. I also still want to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame of course, too, lol!
I love old rock and roll. The first rock and roll. It's the real deal. A lot of people don't understand how rock is a mixture of both country and blues. I would say both country and rhythm and blues, but that's not the way I see it. Because country has rhythm too.
If you go back and listen to some of the oldest rock you can hear and feel it. I think the thing about rock, and this is my opinion, is that it should make you kind of let go. When it first came out, it drove people crazy! I mean, people were worried about their kids cause they wouldn't stop dancing and listening to the radio and they thought they had lost their damn minds. Women would pass out. They would faint when they watched Elvis Presley or The Beatles. Guys would wear their hair and clothes like them cause they wanted to be them and couldn't get enough of them.
And I love both the Buddy Holly/Everly Brothers side of things as well as the Chuck Berry/Little Richard side of things. They both fit in, you know? I have nothing against new rock at all, but the thing I love about old rock is that you can dance to it. If you can't dance to it fast then you can still dance to it slow! Or at least get a really good sway on, you know? Ha!
I understand they whole, 'get really into the lyrics and try to decipher the meaning behind every word and every line in a song and what the writer meant when they wrote it', and I get the appeal of that to an extent. But - rock is also a feeling. Like, it doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't have to have a deep, profound meaning ALL of the time. But sometimes it definitely does! And rock and roll and rock and soul that is straightforward and tells it like it is, is sorely missed.
I love my symbolic and deep thinking lines - the songs that you can find some meany meanings to. But when you don't have to THINK that hard - if you can just kind of lose yourself in it - then THAT'S rock and roll. That to me, is the most rock and roll that there is.
And I think that 'rock and soul' makes so much sense. Because to me, there is such a fine line, you know? There is overlapping and there is sharing and sometimes it is just borderline. But it's all so cool. Anyway - I think that is so awesome you have been to Graceland and to Sun Records and now are going to Stax too!
(I finally ordered my shoes, lol! Been putting that off forever! I lost my discount! Anyway, now I have to get the Spotify all worked out. As soon as I do I want to listen to your Memphis playlist. Is it going to be songs by artists from Memphis or is it going to songs from artist who recorded or played in Memphis, or will there also be songs that mention Memphis? Like, 'Walking in Memphis' and doesn't 'Black Velvet' also mention Memphis?
I think it is great that you still live in Memphis. I know there are problems there but there is nothing I hate more than people having to leave their home because of things like that. It has such a rich heritage and it needs it's people to maintain that heritage.
As far as the BBQ - I believe you. I have heard that dry rub is used in Memphis and other parts of TN. In GA, people were always poor. We weren't TX who had the ranches and the beef so no one knew what the hell brisket was cause no one could afford a cow. That's why they had to use every single piece of the poor hog! Ha! So, GA is and has always been famous for the pulled pork - with Carolina Sauce of course. And it is crazy you just mentioned BBQ cause i just had some pulled pork with CS a couple of hours ago.
When I lived In CA there was a cool restaurant that had all kinds of BBQ from around the country. They called the pulled pork sandwich the Georgia Pulled Pork Sandwich, lol. It was the first time I ever got try brisket. And I tried dry rub ribs the first time in Chattanooga.
Okay, so I really blogged today. Keep me up to date on the museum and the playlist. Otis is so cool. I mean, he feels it. He rocks. He rocks and souls.
Sissy xoxo <3
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Day 7 of the promptober list that @/Bittykimmy13 made and the second part of Forlorn
Several days had came and went with no response to messages, no phone calls or emails. Even a letter would have given the Wile giant a much needed sigh of relief, anything that could get him out of this agonizing hole that he was sinking deeper into. Ever since Jac left, Richard had spent his every waking moment feeling utterly miserable and hot to the touch. Everything else he had to do to get through the day- work, transportation, etc.- was overshadowed by the scene of his best friend walking away, which played in a constant loop in his head over and over again.
He barely ate. He bathed minimally, and his nights were restless with turbulent thoughts. That looming dread of losing his best friend... of what that could mean and, what he considered doing if it ever came to that point. He was weakening by the hour, yet he chose not to care.
Jac meanwhile was faring no better. The revelation of that night had infected her mind and it was difficult for her to maintain self control. She released her pent up emotions by lashing out violently at her pillow on numerous occasions. But in a few days time, even that feeling had passed, and in its place was a sense of hopelessness, resentment and despair.
And yet, nothing that Richard had said surprised her, nor did it cause her to outright hate him. She started to miss the parts of him that she loved, yet each time she tried to look back on them she was reminded of the side of him that, in her words, sucked.
Deep down I knew... that he still sees me this way. No matter how much time had passed...
She wanted dearly for things to go back the way they were, but not if he couldn't past her being a romantic partner. The very thought of that gave her cold chills that crawled up to the base of her neck. But at the same time, she knew that if she continued down her current path, she would never get the closure she desperately wanted. Something needed to be done, and soon.
Jac called her friends and told them her side of the story, and they all basically reacted to her the same way.
"We've gone through this before, Jac..." Aiden replied worriedly. "You have a tendency to bottle up your thoughts, and that's probably why he's been acting this way these past few months. You need to set boundaries, by letting him know what is ok and what isn't, you see what I'm saying?"
"You gotta stand up for yourself!" Jillian exclaimed. "Show him who's boss! You told him you don't like him being all lovey dovey, right? If he doesn't respect that, accidental or not, you need to reinforce that you can't accept that part of him! By not giving him the time of day until he learns to accept that change!"
Jac's response was always the same.
"I know that... It's... it's just not that easy for me. It's always been hard to confront people, even when that person is my best friend, sometimes... Even when I know damn well that being silent is possibly the most unhealthy thing I could do. It's better than getting hurt in the process... and seeing him get hurt because of me..."
"You have to at least try. Otherwise, you'll never know the truth." Aiden said. His voice was mildly choked up from the other line. "I know how much your friendship with Richard means to you. And if you cared that much and want it to last, then... you need to talk to him. And be upfront with how you feel."
"It's never easy Jac, and it never will be." Jillian replied. "But you gotta start off by practicing talking things through, no matter how hard it is. It's the best thing you can do to protect yourself, and to hopefully see a positive response if he's willing. You gonna be pouring rain nonstop otherwise. Doing nothing will lead to nothing. So the best thing you can do, is to let him know what's up."
While brunt at times, Jac was nevertheless grateful to hear these words. When she hung up, her resolve was strengthened to the point where- for a moment- she could not wait to dial the first contact saved on her phone. But just before her finger landed on the call button, she abruptly stopped. Her second guessing had caught up with her, and threatened to dampen her momentum with a new wave of dread. After a couple of moments of wallowing in a constant loop of asking herself "I'm ready for this?" She paused and stirred up a different question: "why am I not using my energy to actually put my brain into action?" Slowly but most certainly, a plan began to take shape, which helped in turn to boost her confidence to sky high levels. After a few minutes of refining her new master strategy, Jac took a deep breath, and began typing.
As soon as he heard that notification, the one designated just for Jac, Richard dropped what he was doing and grabbed his phone in the speed of a bullet.
"Meet me tonight."
The Wile giant texted back.
After a minute long pause which felt like hours, Richard got the fateful reply that elevated his spirits profoundly.
"I don't care. Wherever you decide. How's that?"
Richard could not help but put on a pathetic smile.
"Sounds good. I'll text back soon!"
As cryptic as that seemed, Jac accepted his response in silence. It took a while to sink in, but she too started to feel a heavy weight being lifted from her shoulders.
"Meet me outside Frederico's Fine Dining."
That five star Italian restaurant across town... I haven't been there in ages.
Jac was admittedly cautious, but followed the Wile's direction without complaint. She was hoping that she didn't have to dress up for the occasion, but the Wile had went through the trouble of reserving a spot in the balcony just for the two of them, so she couldn't walk in with her every day attire. Just to rub it in his face, she chose to go in the clothes she would wear when attending a job interview- nothing more or less.
When she arrived at the designated spot, she was greeted by a single, human sized dining table, with candles near the edge of the balcony that illuminated her path. The star filled night was crystal clear, and the picture perfect scene was topped off with paid musicians who played a somber serenade with their violins.
He went all out...
Jac wasn't sure what to make of this just yet. Was this a love-struck friend's last ditch effort to profess his feelings for her? Or was it, in her own eyes, something more meaningful?
It took a few minutes before she spotted him off the distance. Sure enough he was in a suit and tie, but nothing like Jac was expecting. If her hunch was right, he too was wearing the same clothes that he wore for his own job interview. Which drew out a light chuckle from the human.
Richard's ears perked up as he turned his attention to the side of the building, and when their tired eyes met he was overwhelmed with emotions of every kind.
"You came..." He cried.
Jac said nothing at first, as the Wile giant walked up to meet her face to face. His top half was all she could see from her vantage point.
"I was worried that you might have... uh..."
"I was the one who texted you, you know." Jac snapped back, though she made sure to lower her voice after that. "I wouldn't have if I didn't wanted to see you..."
The two took in each other for a moment before any more words were exchanged. Jac noticed right away the Wile's slightly rough shave, as well as the horrendous dark spots that had formed under his eyes.
"You look like you got hit by a train."
"Sounds about right..." Richard replied. "You look, nice."
"Thanks, I guess."
Jac looked back at the table and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't know what the deal is here, but seriously Richard? You couldn't even get us mixed seating?"
"I can explain! See..."
Jac could tell his heart was racing, but she decided to give him time to allow air to flow back in his lungs.
"For one, mixed tables were booked. And second, and most importantly!... I... thought I should even the playing field a bit. At a time like this, I figured that perhaps I'm a bit too imposing as... I am now. So maybe..."
Jac's eyes opened widely at the implication of what he meant.
"First of all. I don't really care about your size, you know this. But... at the same time, I don't mind seeing all of you at once. It would help right now... I think. But, are you sure?"
"Positive." Richard answered nervously.
Richard backed up until he nearly reached the street.
"Stand back!"
"WAIT!!" Jac exclaimed.
Richard hit the ground running as a bluish white light began to flow from his back, and he leaped towards the the air just as the rest of his body glowed in an intense flash. He had shrunken midair into the size of a human just as he had made a grand entrance- by sliding across the balcony floor before plummeting against a wall. The music screeched to a halt as Jac rushed to be by his side.
"Oh my gaaawd!! Are you okay?!"
The Wile laid painfully on his side, but he tried his best to open his eyes for her.
"I... did not think this through..."
"Of course not!! What the hell was that?!" Jac yelled. "You could have gotten yourself killed..."
"Nonsense, I... could have maybe done that a little bit better, but I'm still here, heheh..."
As Jac aided Richard in as he slowly pulled himself up, as she brushed off the dirt that had clung to his suit during the incident. He still ached a bit, but it was nothing that his unfailing determination couldn't ignore. That, along with the other implications of what this could possibly mean, had begun to scare Jac slightly.
"Why though?" Jac uttered, as she looked down at her feet. "I know how much you hate being this size. So why do this now?"
"I... wanted to talk with you eye to eye. I know! We do that normally. But I wanted to see you... like this. To talk to you while seeing every bit of you upclose, and to really give you the opportunity to speak without a barrier or... even punch me in the gut if you have to!"
Jac held a hand to her mouth. "Don't give me any ideas."
"You'd like that, huh."
"Yeah.." Jac giggled slightly. "But, I think you've gone through enough pain tonight. I will warn you now though, that if you say anything that warrants it, then..."
"Then don't hold back. I mean it."
A pause followed, although this time the duo never looked away from each other's faces. Jac sighed and gave the shrunken Wile a rather cocky smile.
"You forgot one thing."
"What's that?"
"You... can hold me in this size."
Richard took a step back in surprise. "I-Is that allowed?!"
"Maybe... but you gotta earn it."
The two friends walked slowly over to the dinner table, as the sweet melody resumed in the background once again. Jac was quick to pull up her menu, but her mind drew a blank when she scanned the offerings. She glanced over at Richard and saw that he wasn't paying attention either, as his hand strummed atop the unopened book.
"How long do you think the food will take?" Jac asked.
"An hour, maybe? Frederico's has the best cuisine this side of town, but they're not known for their fast service."
"Perfect. That's all the time we need to have this discussion."
Richard nodded slightly and gave his first smile of the night. With enough time allowed, maybe things will go the way the two of them had hoped after all.
Next Chapter>>
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cleromancy · 1 year
i really hate that jason telling dick he killed tim was in bftc bc that could have been so good but instead it was bftc
extended bitching under the cut 🤪
wait actually FIRST OF ALL i just want to say that if jason genuinely believed he straight up killed tim with a single rusty old batarang that broke in a really unfortunate way that would be so funny. like oh my god bruce did you replace me with a child made of actual GLASS?
anyway lmao. like. obviously i reject the entire premise of bftc and the execution of literally everything was so completely borked but its so annoying that there are these seeds of ideas i really *like* like dick lying about what was in bruces will and bruces message for jason being so awful and triggering that jasons just like OKAY NAUGHTY CITIZENS ITS MURDER TIME and ckfkcilfkcpckc honestly tim hitting jason with a crowbar........... theres a lot of fucking potential!!
but first of all dick purposely triggering jason wjth bruces farewell message a *second time* and then after jason falls seemingly to his death being like why didnt jason take my hand 😢 why the fuck do you think Richard. (sorry dick i dont actually blame you for the choices you made when fucking tony daniel was writing you)
bc like dick reaching out offering jason a hand in a way that jason would be unable to accept would have been good too except like actually i wouldn't fucking take dicks hand either in that moment
anyway like the tim thing made no sense and also *if* you want me to believe bruce trained tim to have a physiological rxn that makes him flatline in order to appear dead in response to certain physical stimuli. like *if* you want me to go along with that. Jason would fucking know about it (and for that matter so would dick) and also that pokes a hole in the concept bc if dick knew that bruce had repeatedly made Tim flatline to train his body to automatically do it i think bruce would have died a long fucking time ago. or dick would have done SOMETHING to put a stop to it imo bc that crosses a very clear line
but i just wish it had been like. yeah jasons lying to dick and dick simultaneously does and doesnt believe him instead of the bullshit that happened bc [character rant redacted i dont feel like typing it right this minute]it could have been like so tragic and good bc it would be like. 1) obviously mirroring the joker doing the same thing b4 dick beat him to death and 2) a really tragic thing from jason to fucking lie to dick, who has no evidence to the contrary, bc he wants dick to not believe him
and its like thats why i want jason to reject dicks hand yk. bc he self sabotaged and now he thinks dicks lying about thinking he has the potential to be better or whatever. and instead it reads like dick purposely aired out bruce calling him a failure & broken and going on and on about how giving jason the best years of his life was a *mistake*
anyway im bored of complaining now (for the moment) so ill stop but god damn i really just wish his comic were good instead of bad
wait one final note. like i said earlier i reject the entire premise of bftc bc by necessity it ends with dick in the cowl and cass isnt even there. and well if cass *was* there why the F<UCK would dick get the cowl ykwim... that said i do think like if the comic had made a point that damian needs robin and cass is not in a position to be batman *to* him that could feasibly lead to cass being like "ok 👍 i dont want to look at you anymore tho so I'm going to travel around the world for a few years" (/months in universe). but obviously that is not fjckkng in the comic. also alfred giving damian the suit was so bogus I'm glad everyone pretends dickie did it xjdkcnoxck (i maintain if there was a robin suit in damians size it had to have been dicks idea anyway)
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sprouts-on-a-log · 3 months
Tuesday 7/2/24
The Bear Season 3, Episodes 1-4:
possible spoilers? better safe than sorry.
This show never fails to make me sob. I was a little confused what was going on at first because it's been a while since I watched the other two seasons. I think there's also a sort of rhythm to the show I have to warm up to again. But once it kept going, I felt alllll those emotions that made me love this show in the first place. It feels like every thought and action is at the forefront and you're given time to flow with it instead of them shoving the next idea at you.
I was really happy to see the evolution of his time in New York and the casual kindness of his roommate covering him with a blanket. Just small gestures throughout that really proves how so much of what he's done has been done with the help of those around him. Also shows just how focused he is on cooking even at the cost of distancing himself from people he really loves.
The shot of Sydney appreciating his meal??? I cheered idek why. She's so happy and impressed and that makes my heart full knowing everything that happens later.
Beautiful first episode! Very excited to binge the rest.
(the rest of these are more scattered thoughts I jotted down during so they're very rough)
Feels more like a typical episode. Less artistic and gentle.
Love the relationship between Sydney and her father. Very sweet to see.
Banging song at the start lmao
"Is it fucking rich, Richard??" omggg
genuinely what is this argument, they're not even attempting to make progress or come to an understanding
Ok but Carmy is literally insane for wanting to change the menu every single day. That is not sustainable at all, pushing too hard when this is genuinely still so new to all of you. Like, your plan is to be a team more and then you proceed to choose to do something that is all you. I get he's feeling a lack of control so this is something he CAN control, but damn bro. This only works if everyone is in full agreement. Forcing is just going to distance yourself further and create grudges.
aghhh him slowly becoming just like the abusive teacher oh nooo. he doesn't see how he's acting. i think he's just gone into full survival/freak out mode. i feel bad for him.
super intense episode, felt shorter somehow
Marcus :(((
Marcus' eulogy :(((((
ah yes the distinct feeling of teetering on certain disaster
Now Sydney can ALSO get some trauma from working in this kind of environment, oh goody! (thinking again about how hopeful she used to be, and just the reality being so so stressful now)
I feel bad laughing about Neil with the soup plsss
Tuesday surprise lmao there is no logic in this place
Conclusion: Carmy is losing it again. I thought we were healing.
"Did it hurt so much that it didn't hurt at all?" :'(
Rich loving his daughter so so much will always mean so much to me. It's always so bittersweet.
"Whatever grows together goes together." :'( pt.2 (two great quotes this episode??)
I love that Frank at least tried to clear the air a bit. I honestly think he was right for that. It is awkward, but he's clearly open to having Rich still be in his daughter's life. Coming to some sort of ok-ness with each-other just so that she can be happy is mature and good.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
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HRLP.. casually asking his age that means that sirius couldve been waiting for dorothy for 10+ years.. damn THE “SO YOUNG” OK 500 YR OLD the only reason im not changing his name to old man is bc emo boy fits him more rlly like seeing them interact.. everybody here so interesting with each other
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ALSO YEAH EXACTLY. it throws me off because ashe seems a lot more emotional in this one bro if hes still living in the past  smacks ashe so much angst can fit in this bitch FLAHSBACK TIME!!!! i realized thgat its less the crystal and more him just replaying memories?? or its zooming more in on him idk its just my own take i guess someone hug him it feels like he isnt over whatever happened at all THE PIANO PLAYING PART HAHSAHDWQH “i guess this is my fate??” PIANO PLAYING ASHE WHEN calling it right now i think that she died in a fire somehow not from her illness. maybe. maybe
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WAY I GRIMACED AT THIS LINE..............................
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claire noticing devleopment i love her
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even if its really scaring me right now okay that was precious even if it was really depressing ashe therapy speedrun challenge GO! im glad they get to genuinely talk in this one it feels a lot more different with whats going to happen and tbh im living for it
good luck ashe i guess i really still wanna hug you they wouldnt grant it anyway. its a good wish and demons dont grant goodness and even if he did get his wish he still would never be the same because of how brutally he killed a person to get it and i dont think his family is really as healthy as he says or thinks they are it feels a lot like denial OKAY HELL YES FINAL DAY FLASHBACK TIME
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its such a good family
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it isnt his fault he was just trying to help lillian the amount of survivors guilt ashe must be feeling right now. that’s families and even your family carrying on your back. what the hell matty. getting burned to death is one of my worst fears and the way that this just happened so easily and his family could do nothing about it and all ashe could do was stare and struggle and watch this isnt his fault at all its mattys fault for being so careless with other peoples lives or it could just be noones fault but UGGHHHJHJHEUIYU this is just too messed up. no wonder ashe can’t accept it and is so desperate
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i dont blame him for reacting like that at all. he had his entire life burn before him and just clung to the thing that couldve helped him get it back
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the way that limes just in awe of how dead inside he looks  i cant get over this woah richard trying to reach out to him. that’s sweet but he’s too buried in his own mind
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how long has he been doing this. long enough to grow a huge braid i guess
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dude i cant take this i didnt exit out and just go speechless but i still died the fact that ashe in all of these try again try agains just kills claire over nad over hes done so much for his family and im sure that when he found out killing claire was what he had to do next his mind just thought of that as the next goal to do to get everything he wanted back i guess when he started laughing and stuff when he killed claire im taking this from reaper it was more based on adrenaline and the thought that he could finally have a good ending and not need to face the reality that everything he’s worked up to at this point + how he left his entire life behind for this + how one of his childhood best friends who he thought he could trust and tutor just full out backstabbed him by setting up the fire for certain deaths in the first place would all just crush him and hes justnjhjkhkj ashe deserved so much better. they all desevred so much better with the cards they were dealt and honestly? they all could take the witch’s heart and use it for a reasonable purpose i really like ashe. the actions he has done to achieve what he’s trying to do im sure hasn’t been pleasant or morally good but he’s desperate and doesn’t want his life to slip him by like that when it’s already too late he’s stuck himself on the stage of denial so deep that even if he does go back he won’t ever be completely healed im sure the thought scares him as well anyway good game. goodcharacter  i feel so empty and im bad at essays but im sure thge feelings will hit me hard later on another note 
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i love how shocked charlotte is at claire’s genuine kindness and sympathy. i think that makes a good dynamic with her and claire  jokes on you bitch youre talking to the softest angel and you dont even know
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charlotte has a point but being heartless is just something that claire wouldnt do tbh
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hiddleloki · 3 years
*insert Mushu “I live” gif*
Ok, so I finally watched Loki and I loved it. Loki and Quicksilver are my fav characters and I was really, really mad at Marvel for what they did to my boy Quickie, but I’m still holding out hope that they somehow fix that at some point. I mean, hello, variants? That thing officially exists now.
Luckily Loki seems to be more favored by Feige/Marvel and seems like we’re gonna see lots more of him. Season 2 and possibly even MoM. Season 2 is old news as there were already reports of it actually happening last year, and this year in January Deadline confirmed S2 of Loki with Michael Waldron returning. But I was holding out hope for Loki making an appearance in MoM (I want to see Strange interact with Loki again) and it seems like there’s a good chance of this actually happening.
Anyway, some thoughts about the show:
- I loved the show’s cinematography. It didn’t feel like a tv show at all
- Soundtrack is just *chefs kiss*
- TVA Loki my beloved. I honestly think TVA Loki might be my favorite version of Tom’s Loki so far. This show finally gave us the opportunity to really delve deeper into Loki, who he is as a person, how does he form relationships with people outside his family. It was just so fun to see different sides of him, like making a friend, falling in love? I never thought I’d ever see that. Especially not after IW
- Really liked his reaction to watching his ‘greatest hits’ and realizing his family actually loved him. Loki was always kind of a softie who genuinely cared about his family and seeing his parents’ (and his own) deaths was so emotional
- Infinity Stones being used as paperweights for the TVA will never not be funny. It broke my mind and sent me into existential crisis just as it did with Loki. 
- Loki needs to give Casey a fish at some point. Or take him to an aquarium.
- Mobius needs his jet ski in season 2. I also want to know more about Mobius and his backstory. What was his Nexus event, does he have a family, what is his real name?
- I really liked his friendship with Loki and the fact that he’s canonically Loki’s first real friend. Loki needed a friend (the W3 and Sif were never really his friends, Loki just tagged along I guess) and I’m happy he finally has one
- I need to find out more about B-15, who she was, her real name...Wunmi absolutely killed it during “I looked happy.” scene. God, that bit broke me
- Ravonna was sus to me from the start and she’s also one of the characters I want them to explore more. Especially now since Kang and his variants are also involved.
- Sylvie is probably my favorite new character introduced. I knew Sophia’s gonna play Sylvie and she’s gonna have a large role, but damn I didn’t expect to love this character as much as I do. There’s so much more left of her to be explored and I think her arc in season 2 will be amazing
- I saw that Loki/Sylvie romance coming the moment Lamentis episode ended. There were so many hints in that episode, I’m actually surprised so many people viewed them as having a sibling type of dynamic.
- I know that their love story is not a typical straightforward romance, but also serves as a metaphor for self love, but I found the idea of Loki falling in love with someone who is an au version of him, but also isn’t him both interesting and hilarious. Also, it was adorable especially that blanket scene in the void. There’s just something adorable about Loki being a complete softie for someone else. You know what, I’m rooting for them. I hope they get their happy ending, they deserve it. 
- Literally every character in this show deserves their happy ending. Like, just the idea of the variants not knowing who they are, being brainwashed and forced to work for this organisation...*happy endings for everyone please*
- Majors’ variant of Kang, aka He Who Remains was everything and is right behind Sylvie as my new favorite character. The guy absolutely killed it and I need more of him and his (many) characters/variants right now. Plus I would’t mind if we see this particular version of He Who Remains again. 
- The way they made Loki come out as bi was also so well done and I’m so happy they acknowledged that. Disney is notoriously bad with LGBT+ representation so the fact that the creators of the show managed to put that in was everything. I heard the director was fighting real hard for that to be made canon and I appreciate her effort.
- We were shown more of Loki’s abilities. It was about damn time.
- Alligator Loki is the baby Yoda of the marvel verse. I loved the theory that there’s an universe in which Alligator Loki was adopted by Crocodile Odin.
- Classic Loki.....Richard E Grant stole that episode. God, I wouldn’t mind an episode that focuses strictly on Classic Loki, he was just such a great character and he broke my heart
- I wonder if Kid Loki will travel to the main timeline and join the Young Avengers at some point
- I really liked how they established that variants are basically their own people. Their own beings, they each have their own backstories, autonomy, clear differences that make them THEM. They aren’t copies, they’re individuals. And that they aren’t genetically related, but that they share the same soul and role in their universes (basically temporal aura) because that will also clear up some confusion with upcoming multiverse movies, for example Spiderman
- I suppose Loki confirms that all Peter Parkers in NWH are basically variants of Peter Parker, but just like Lokis, they aren’t the same, which explains why they all look different and why they also have different aunts and families. It’s not DNA that makes someone a variant of a certain being, it’s a soul. A role.
- I really hope that that one rumour of various Stephens in MoM actually turns out to be true.
- Strange is gonna kill Loki and Sylvie
- Which brings me to the last take:
- Ralph is totally Peter. I am clowning yes, but lemme have this.
Overall, I really liked the show. I loved it in fact. It was really character driven and didn’t focus much on action, which is a plus for me, because I rather watch characters talk and interact with each other than action sequences. 
The bad thing is that now I’l have to wait at least 2 years to see what happens next. And I’m curious if there’ll be a bit of a time jump between both seasons.
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pleasereadmeok · 3 years
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This ‘Wonderland’ Interview to promote A Single Man is a gem.  Matthew Goode is a bit of a handful and swears his way through this interview with his mate Nic Hoult.  It’s very funny.  It’s often quoted (including his description of Colin Firth’s kissing technique!) but it’s difficult to find a clean scan of the whole interview.  This scan (from Natalie/ Fairchilds on ohnotheydidnt) isn’t very clear to read so I did a transcript several years ago - here:-
Wonderland Interview
Based on the 1964 novel by Christopher Isherwood, A Single Man marks the screenwriting and directing debut of fashion icon, Tom Ford.  Having debuted earlier this year at the Venice Film Festival to a standing ovation, the film has continued to impress audiences during screening at the Toronto and London Film Festivals.
Joining lead actor, Colin Firth, on screen are fellow Brits Matthew Goode and Nicholas Hoult who discuss the film, Tom Ford and being British in LA.
Nicholas Hoult: The only time I saw Matthew was when we were getting our spray tans.
Matthew Goode: Which were more regular than we were expecting.  I got on a plane with Colin [Firth] and then literally the moment we arrived, got in the car together, went to the hotel and suddenly – it’s like ten thirty at night – we have to go to Colin’s room where we’re having our spray tans .  Colin Firth is in his pants, I’m in my pants and it stays that way for an hour whilst we wait for this stuff to set.  He’s fucking great.  I love Colin.
We [Nic’ and he] never had a scene together but we were there the whole time.  I was only really fitting in around these guys.  Nic had a damn sight more to do than I did.
NH: No I just did more.
MG: [Laughs] It was a really fun shoot. I mean, maybe I’m looking back with rose tinted spectacles, but …
NH: It was a good fun shoot. Everyone enjoyed it.  I remember the night in Venice after seeing it in front of all those people and just lying in bed thinking ‘that’s something I’m proud of’.
MG: It’s seriously impressive. You watch it and you care and, it doesn’t happen to me a lot, but I watched it and thought ‘I’m in something that doesn’t stink!’.  I’m proud of that.
NH:  That’s a nice feeling when you’ve done something and you can say ‘yeah, proud of that’.
MG:  Fucking hell – sorry to interrupt – but I was reading a magazine or a paper or something the other day and it said “A Single Man obviously being screened and whenever Nic Hoult was on screen there were gasps over his beauty” [laughs]. And I was thinking, fucking Hoult is going to LA and get so laid! [Laughs]. He is going to be turning bush away left right and centre!
NH:  It’s all down to the fake tan again.  That’s where the performance stems for me.
MG:  That is a review!
NH:  Nothing about the acting, right?
MG:  They didn’t review the film.  It just said “I saw it.  I’m going to be reviewing it at some point, but let me tell you there were gasps over Nick Hoult’s beauty!”
MG:  Tom is immediately interesting. If it’s all about someone’s cannon of work then most of the time you wouldn’t work with a first ime director, but if the script is good and you have a chat with them and they know which end is up and which is down, then great.
NH: I didn’t know who Tom was when I met him.
MG: Nick “fashion forward” Hoult!
NH:  I’d gone over to LA got off a plane and had dinner with him.  And I asked him how he’d got into directing and why he was doing this!
MG:  I love that.  Isn’t that great?  And that’s also like Tom.  He’s not the sort of person who is like, ‘well fuck you!’.
NH: He explained very humbly what he had done and I thought OK.  And then I looked him up after dinner and was ‘oh jesus!  He’s actually accomplished quite a lot’ so probably quite a stupid question, but he was very honest and modest and made a great director.
MG: It’s so good.  And so good for Colin.  And Julianne [Moore] is bloody great in it as well.  But the real star of it, it has to be said, is Tom. It silences immediately the people who were going ‘you self indulgent cunt.’  It’s like two massive fingers up to them as it is very, very accomplished.
NH:  It’s very personal to him as well.
MG:  Hugely personal as the main story sort of mirror images the relationship between him and Richard.  There’s a similar age gap.
NH:  He would always say my character is him when he was 18.  He’s connected to every character and he knows them.
MG:  And he wrote the screenplay and it’s starkly different from the book.
NH:  Matthew’s read the book, so –
MG:  That’s right!  I have. It is different.  I am always about the script, really.  But one of the really nice things about being involved is that it is a love poem to Tom’s partner, Richard.
NH:  Tom is very good in the sense that he is an actor’s director and knows what he wants you to do but is very giving to let you go off and explore things and try stuff out.  And you don’t feel too much pressure of failure.
MG:  That’s very true.
NH: ‘Cause the second you’re on set – especially when there’s only 20 days to shoot – to not feel the pressure, that’s a good atmosphere he created.  Something his assistant was saying the other day was that he’s very good at holding his hands up and would admit when he wasn’t sure what he was doing and kept everyone on side and made it a really great team effort.
MG:   I love it when someone’s like that.  It’s so far away from self indulgent as well when someone’s shooting into the 19th hour of the day and the ship isn’t sinking, but there’s a leak and it’s far better to say we do have a leak and I’m trying to sort it out rather than leaning on one side and saying everything is fine.  He is fucking great.
MG:  Colin was great.  I knew he was going to be good.  The moment I read the script, I was like, ‘this is something you haven’t done in a long time’ – just something he could really get his teeth into.   He’s such a subtle actor and it’s been a long time since I can remember him having something that central and serious.
NH:  It was a great moment when we went to the Venice Film Festival and got the message Colin was winning the best actor award.
MG:  I know.  The previous evening we had sat there and we knew it had gone down well because there was a NINE minute standing ovation.  And particularly when you’re not in the film as much as I am, then I feel like a fucking charlatan.  I stood there and am looking down and smiling and embarrassed.  Colin’s quite emotional and I tell you what – four minutes of a standing ovation gets a bit uncomfortable, but NINE?  ‘OK, Colin… fucking move. Let’s go. Let’s leave.’ And he couldn’t tell us that he had won and so he was being shy about it.
NH:  Yeah, he kept it very quiet.
MG:  The moment we found out and we were on the boat we were like ‘What the fuck?  You’ve won and you didn’t tell us!?  And he was like ‘ I know, I didn’t wanna.’  He was humble.
NH:  It was great.  It was a bit of an odd first day like you had in the sense that I had to strip off in front of Colin on my first day.  It sounds a bit seedy when I say ‘strip off in front of him’.
MG:  It does!
NH:  It’s part of the film, I swear!  And it’s handled a lot more tastefully that that might seem, but yeah it was a bit of an odd first day.
MG:  Everyone is going to say ‘oh it’s a gay movie’ which we then counteract with ‘no it’s not, it’s a film about love.’  But there is nudity and a bit of man kissing.  Frankly Colin kisses like a nymphomaniac on death row, but it was a real pleasure!
NH:  He’s got a lot of love!
MG:  She’s a fucking hero.  She’s lovely. I didn’t have any scenes with her. I mean I’m only in flashback, so all my stuff was with Colin.
NH:  All my stuff is with Colin as well.   The first time I met Julianne was in Venice.
MG:  Yeah, she was probably in the middle of juggling six projects or something, you know, she never stops working.  She came in and shot two scenes, which were about 20 odd minutes of the film, and they did that in two evenings so she was in and out.  I never got a chance to meet her until I was at some party in LA and she is just fantastic.  And she’s married to a guy called Bart Freadlich who is a director in his own right.
NH:  He’s a hero.
MG:  He is actually fabulous!  My girlfriend spent the whole evening calling him Bert instead of Bart and he was like ‘you know, actually I prefer Bert!  Don’t worry about it’.  He’s lovely. They could throw their weight around, but they are actually family people and live in New York – they’re kind of anti Hollywood.
MG: There are a lot of Brits and Aussies at the moment who are working.  I don’t know what that means.  But we never think of ourselves.  When you get off the plane and you’re in America they ask ‘what’s the best thing about being a movie star?’ I am a jobbing actor, they have no idea! They make it sound like I get 500 scripts and am sitting there going through them all. If something comes up and they are stupid enough to give it to us or you love the script and audition but someone of a huge stature can come in and take it like Brad Pitt. Or Judi [Dench] – we’ve been up against each other a couple of times.
NH: I’ve never lost out to Judi yet.
MG: Only in a drinking contest! The vicious alcoholic that she is!
NH: Sam Worthington was telling me when he was in LA someone asked him why there were so many Aussies over there doing so well and his response was that it’s an awful long way to go to fail and not give it your best shot, basically.
MG: Oh. I was expecting some sort of knob gag in there, but yeah.
NH: It’s very true. I just got back from LA and every TV series has an English guy in the lead. Joseph Fiennes, Matthew Reece [RHYS]
MG: We’re good. We’re quite good…
N H: I can’t say it’s the training, because I don’t have any.
MG: You’re doing well! You make people gasp! You complete cunt. I hate that!
NH: You’re coming across very eloquent.
MG: That’s very nice of you.  OK, who used to live with Ewan McGregor and Jude Law and he has a TV show? You’re right about that. Though it makes it sound like ‘Oh you’re English.  Have a TV show’.  I’m sure they all have about ten auditions.
NH: I had an interesting day recently when I was at a BBQ and Jimmy Page and Roger Daltrey were there.
MG: Wow!
NH: I sat there and was very quiet because I thought if I speak to them I’ll make a fool of myself so it’s best to keep out of the way and then they can’t have any bad thoughts although they probably didn’t know I was there.  But I knew they were there so it was a good BBQ for me.
MG: I’d love to learn guitar. It’s one of those things I’d love to do. Though it’s not like I don’t have the time…
NH: [Laughs]
MG: I’d like to know all the chords.
NH: It’s difficult to get the fingering right… That’s what she said.
MG: And back to Dame Judi!
NH: [Laughs]
MG: It depends if you have a high action or a low action in terms of the strings.  It hurts. You’ve got to build up the calluses. If you get a low action one that would be easier.
NH:  Are we still talking about women?
MG:  Yes! [Laughs] I remember Billy Crudup got the part in Almost Famous and he had lessons with Peter Frampton but had to have lessons on the side because Peter was like ‘you are fucking terrible’. But that’s one of the nice accidents of the job is you can get training in things. And random travel.
NH: I got to do archery.
MG: You did! That was The Weatherman!
NH: No, for Clash of the Titans. I didn’t use it once.
MG: Oh yes, it was the daughter in The Weatherman.
NH: Yeah man, keep up.
MG: Sorry mate. That’s how pretty you are. I confused you with the female lead.
NH: He’s seen all my work.
MG: I have! I’ve got to learn how to do it. You are a master.  I did a Spanish film and it was all in Spanish [!] – I learnt it phonetically. Jesus, that’s my only skill.  The major skill I picked up is I can pay my rent. The older you get the more you realize there are a lot of people who hate their jobs.  I’m so glad I’m not – ha!  Famous last words! – it does seem to be going OK for now.  But bringing it back to what do you like about acting – to be honest, everything.
MG:  I think there is an element that we’re just so happy to work.  Certainly as for getting into film it was such an accident because I hadn’t worked in front of a camera.  For a while it was like what is the secret code to working on screen?  I have no idea what it is… but even ten films in I’m still sitting here renting and not owning a house.  I think that keeps you grounded.  As opposed to some American actors who are on a hundred thousand dollars doing some TV.
NH:  You don’t get comfortable so you feel you’ve got to keep on striving.
MG: I think we’re overrated. [Laughs].  There is an element over there if you walk into a room of Americans that they’re suddenly like ‘oh fuck they’re British and we’re steeped in tradition.
NH:  It’s odd that Tom got so many English actors for the film – we’re both playing American.
MG:  And Julianne is playing English.
NH:  it’s good he trusts in us to pull of the American accents.
MG:  Yeah, I mean – idiot!  In fairness you’ve done it before and I have done it a couple of times.  But it is odd.   If you think who he probably could have had –
NH:  He probably could have done better than us!
MG:  I’m sure he could have convinced someone with a much higher stature.  I think it was just we were willing to work for free, effectively.  And that’s also what makes Britain great.  We want to work and we want to please the director and often at times, yes we might have strong thoughts on character and script, but we turn up and are like, this is your vision and you are the director and we know where we fit in. Certainly the Brits, I find, we want to be told what to do or how it’s going to work rather than, ‘I’m the fucking star!’ I tend to find we leave our ego at the door. We tend not to pussyfoot around. We all like a drink. We’re steeped in that tradition as well. There’s a certain forbidden thing in America if you drink you’re an alcoholic. No I’m not, and I generally wait until at least half past one.
NH: On weekends. Weekdays, 11.
MG: There is a reason pubs are opened at 11 and it’s because you are allowed to start drinking at that time. Otherwise, they wouldn’t do it! Christ, can you remember back to when – you might not remember, actually. I gasp at your beauty as I try to remember!
NH:[laughs] I’m never going to live this down!
MG:Do you remember when pubs shut on Sundays at, like, 1 for two or three hours? Maybe I’m showing my age now. That is fucking madness. There would be a riot now.
NH:  So basically, we haven’t found a conclusion to what makes Britain great…  You’re a big X Factor fan though, aren’t you?
MG:  My girlfriend loves it.  She’s got me into it.  I mean it’s fucking hilarious.  You literally sit there and you don’t know any of these people but the music comes up and they get selected and you can be in tears and so happy that these people have been selected for the live shows.  I really like the over 25’s this year.  They’re fucking great.
NH:  Matthew Goode on The X Factor!
MG:  ‘He’s very much into the over 25s and what is funny is they are all male’.  But it is great.  But then it’s such a machine.  There is such a turn around.  Sometimes the winner gets completely forgotten and they have no career and then, obviously, sometimes they go shooting up.  But it is great telly!  Saturday night, a couple of beers and The X Factor.
[Pics - My edit of Ben Rayner photos/scan by Natalie Fairchild.] 
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miraclesabound · 3 years
Helluva Boss Episode 7 Reactions
Behind the cut due to spoilers!
- The usual warnings, not surprised.
- "Binge Drinking is Sexy" - of course Verosika would think that...
- What kind of job would require taking out a pack of lumberjacks? A request by an environmentalist?
- Good LORD, Moxxie and Millie being only married a year makes so much sense, no wonder they're still in the lovey dovey stage!
- Poor Moxxie, he DID try to set a boundary. He and Millie do look awfully dashing in their anniversary clothes! The design of the train/elevator station is gorgeous.
- Ozzie's being for couples only? Interesting...and honestly, I appreciate Blitzo shooting his shot with the doorman - though the poor guy probably has this happen to him all the time (credits say that's Edward Bosco as the doorman)
- Oh, Stolas :( I know we'd all wondered about this shot in the trailer - where could Octavia and Stella be? It's kind of a nice reversal for Blitzo to be calling *him* for a hookup/date instead of the usual "Blitzo as the booty call" business.
- Wow, whoever did Stolas's movement animation when he says "Well, I wanted to look a little nicer" needs a raise and/or promotion, that was GORGEOUS.
- "Oh my! Oh - oh no, but YES!" I feel like I'd have the exact same reaction walking into this sort of club, especially with the wait staff saying "Can I get you off?"
- Ok, I know Stolas is an adulterer, but I'm feeling for him here - his and Blitzo's first real date and Blitzo is completely checked out!
- Hi Fizzarolli! Also, hi to Josh and Ace from Verosika's crew! Nice to see you again!
- *BOTH* Blitzo and Stolas panicking at Asmodeus's name? That can't be good. AND Verosika too?
- Multiple Robo Fizzes? I guess that makes sense, especially if the other models are so popular sexually. Funny that the kid's show performer still makes the most money.
- Moxxie got reservations at this place AND is going to perform?! What a man! And I didn't know Richard could get that growl in his voice! Again, who did the animation here on the spin, it's gorgeous!
- Very jazzy of Fizz and the boss, but poor Moxxie! Do we know who's doing Ozzie's voice? James Monroe Iglehart again? What's his and Fizz's relationship like, I wonder?
- Damn, Verosika, just going straight for the man's throat! And Ozzie airing Stolas's business like that, that's just rude!
- YES! Thank you, Millie! I'm surprised Ozzie didn't do more about her stomping Fizz like that.
- "Octavia's with her mother tonight" - ok, so the divorce DID go through. I wasn't sure if Ozzie just meant that they had left.
- "Tex invited me to a party" - oh, cool! I know he said he would do that, I hope Loona's having a good time!
- So Fizz and Blitzo were kids together? And OMG, is that Blitzo's mom??
- Ugh, Blitzo has needed to cry for a long time, hasn't he? And I was right, that *WAS* JMI as Ozzie!
- For those who don't know, Steve Dorian was an animator who had done lots of different work, and that included cleanup on HB. God rest his soul.
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professortennant · 3 years
Ok, how about Rebecca consoling Ted after the team loses a big game?
For a moment, just a moment, she--along with the rest of the AFC Richmond crowd--had thought they had pulled off a miracle, a Cinderella story that the press would be talking about for ages. Relegated only to win a Championship League final in the very next year, a team with a vengeance and a coach with a chip on his shoulder.
He hid it well, Rebecca thought. But now that she knew he hated being underestimated, counted out before the match even begun, she had seen a real change in him. She’d asked Beard about the change during a training session she was observing, the sun and blue sky too tempting to not go out for a bit. Ted was running right alongside his players, yelling words of encouragement and correction in equal measure. 
“I think he’s realized he’s not in Kansas anymore.” A beat of silence and then, “And I think he wants to prove himself to y--everyone.”
She hummed in acknowledgment and watched as Ted blew his whistle, jogging to midfield, and animatedly demonstrating the run he wanted for his players. It seemed now that the team was on the same page, it was time to put the real work in.
But Lady Fate had other plans for AFC Richmond this evening, a night that should have been victory. A dirty tackle on Richard left him with a torn ACL, lifted off the field on a stretcher, a drizzle of rain made for less-than-ideal field conditions, and a series of simple turnover errors had left the team in disarray and confusion. It was over before it could start. 
In the locker room, she watched as Ted tried to cheer his team up, noting that third place didn’t mean they were down and out for the Premier League, that they just had to work a little bit harder for a little bit longer. But even Ted’s heart seemed to be a little bit broken, a little disappointed. 
“Ah hell, who am I kiddin’? This flat out stinks. I really wanted this for you boys, I really did. Maybe I let y’all get ahead of yourselves. Let myself get ahead of myself,” he amended, eyes flicking down to his Nikes. “And I’m sorry for that. I should have kept you focused on tonight’s game. We can’t help injuries and field conditions, but we can control energy and the fundamentals. We were sloppy tonight. That team wasn’t better than us. I know it. Y’all know it.” He sighed, looking around the room. “We are going to be promoted this season, fellas. But tonight: Be sad, be disappointed, be angry. Be whatever you gotta be tonight to light a fire under your butts because we are gonna work that much harder starting tomorrow morning.” He nodded his head at each of them before turning on his heels, shoulders hunched inward, leaving his players behind and Coach Beard to wrap up the evening. 
Rebecca frowned, following him into his office, shutting the door with a soft click. It had become custom for her to join the team--win or lose--in the locker room, his words from so many months ago still ringing warmly in her ears. You liven up the place.
But this was not the Ted Lasso she was accustomed to seeing: not angry, not encouraging, not blissfully optimistic. Just wilted. Disappointed. 
He looked up at her from his slumped position in his chair, a small, tired smile on his face. “Hey, boss,” he sighed, rubbing his hands over his eyes and through his hair, ruffling it and making it stand up. “Not our best showing.”
She stood in front of him, hip leaning on his desk, as she considered him. “Oh, I don’t know about that,” she teases. “There were some real lowlights last season. You yelling like a maniac about stopping the clock comes to mind.”
“Yeah, well, I still think it’s a stupid rule. Why keep the clock running when no one’s playing? Don’t make a lick of sense to me."
“You know what doesn’t make a lick of sense to me?,” she prompted, earning a delighted look from him for using his own phrase as a segue. She tilted her head towards the locker room where she could see players milling about, heading for the showers or crowding around Coach Beard and his whiteboard. “That speech out there wasn’t exactly the Ted Lasso motivational speech I’ve come to expect.”
He groaned and quite suddenly lurched forward, forehead smacking the desk with a loud thunk. She acted without thinking, hands immediately going to the back of his head, fingers sliding through the thick hair, rubbing his head. “Ted! What the bloody hell?”
“‘m fine,” he said, voice muffled against a stack of papers, still facedown. She laughed, relieved to know he hadn’t completely lost his marbles, and tugged gently on his hair, encouraging him to sit up.
Instead, he groaned appreciatively in a way that made her heart pound double time in her chest, fingers hesitating in their movement. She went to withdraw her hand but he turned his head to face her, the movement entangling her hands further. 
She looked down at him, eyebrow arched. “Did you turn into a canine while I wasn’t looking?”
He panted at her playfully, a small, half-hearted woof escaping his mouth. “New deal boss: You keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll tell ya the God’s honest truth.”
“You’d tell me the God’s honest truth regardless of my petting, but go on,” she conceded. It was living out a harmless fantasy, she told herself. It wasn’t her fault his hair always looked as it did: perfectly coiffed and styled until it wasn’t, strands falling into his eyes, causing him to develop a new tic of running his hands through his hair, flipping it back into place. It had been maddening to watch and she was self-aware enough to acknowledge the urge to run her own fingers through his hair weren’t platonic in the least (the other images and fantasies accompanying the urge were definitely not to be explored in a packed locker room). 
He grinned lazily up at her as she continued stroking his hair, nails scratching ever so slightly at his scalp, causing him to stutter as he spoke, eyes falling closed. “I let them down,” he confesses softly. “I let them get ahead of themselves, horse before the cart, counted those damn chickens before the eggs hatched. I let them think this one was in the bag--didn’t stop ‘em from goofin’ around at practice--training, whatever. I let them down.”
His eyes flickered open, peering up at her, sorrowful. “I let you down.”
Her hands tightened in his hair reflexively. “Me? Ted, how could you let me down? You’ve done everything I’ve asked of you.” 
“I told you we’d win the whole fucking thing,” he reminded her. “Close but no cigar.”
"I never thought you’d be one to throw pity parties, Ted Lasso,” she reminded him, tugging at his hair once more before sliding her hand down to his shoulder and pulling, encouraging him to sit up. He did so, exaggerating the motion as if every movement cost him something. She bit back a smile.
He swiveled in his chair and it was only then she realized the position they were in: him in the chair, legs splayed while she stood between them, leaning back against the desk. Her cheeks flushed warm and she shook her head slightly, clearing the fantasy from between her ears.
She reached down to take his hand in hers, squeezing slightly. He clung back, fingers wiggling between hers so they were interlocked. She forgot sometimes that he was as desperate to touch as she was to be touched. 
“You did promise me you’d win the whole fucking thing. But I don’t recall a timestamp on that promise,” she reminded him. “And this is not over, Ted, not by a long shot. We have one more chance to make it to the Premier League for next season. The season is not yet over, Coach. And I don’t want your players--our players--thinking it is, either. We have work to do and I need you pushing every single one of those men to believe in themselves and this team the way that I believe in you.”
The words came earnestly but awkwardly, a year of walls and shields and a lifetime of British distaste for sincerity and emotions making the speech stilted. It certainly wasn’t a patented Ted Lasso speech, but she thought it a rather good Rebecca Welton.
Ted was looking at her with something akin to awe, mouth parted and eyes bright and gleaming. 
“Rebecca?” he asked, voice low, standing from his seat, still holding her hand. With him standing and her leaning against his desk, he towered over her ever so slightly, just enough that she had to look up to him. “I would really, really like to kiss you right now, if that’s alright.”
She blinked at him for a moment, mind racing, before giving a single, jerky nod. The moment she indicated her consent, he was there, fingers disentangling from hers so he had both hands free to cup her face on either side, cradling her gently as his lips pressed softly, quickly to hers. The combination of the warmth of his lips, the tickle of his mustache, and the sudden shift in action had her gasping into the kiss, her hands steadying themselves on his hips, clutching at one of his ridiculous jumpers, kissing him back as insistently as he was kissing her.
And then it was over.
But Ted kept his hands on either side of her face, thumbs stroking over the soft curve of her cheek, his forehead pressed to hers. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time now, but, uh, never seemed like the right time.”
“And now was the right time?,” she asked breathlessly, her own fingers and thumbs making abstract geometric shapes along his hips and sides, tracing the lines of him.
He pulled back, grinning, and she was delighted to see that his eyes were once again gleaming with the positive, radiant, sunshine force she had come to associate with him. 
“What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good pep talk.”
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sonybees · 3 years
me rewatching dead poets society instead of doing my assignments
i’m not sure if anyone would even care about this but i am really bored soo here we go
neil looks so down when he’s with his father stopdjejdkfjnr
poor todd got forced to stand up i would get pissed eujehd
the best preparatory school? lmfao ok.
poor kids being forced to go there
i still don’t know what a stiff means is that even what he said?
attractive pieces of sht leaning on a door frame help
“keen.” HA
why does meeks kind of sound like me when i meet someone new
“i thought you’d gOne.”
freaking hell stfu tom
i’ve always thought this who calls their father “sir” ???
they all look so confused like same
their smiles are so cute awwjdnejsnjd
“turn cold and die.” damn that took a turn fast
caaaaaarpeeeee dieeeeeem @siezethedaypoets (sorry! sjjejs)
“that means you daLtoN” the way he says it lfmaosjjd
i thought he was gonna do history he pulled out his chem book dhjshdbd
take a breath knox damn
them just not at all understanding math is a mood
too bad :/
“very funny, dalton.” hehehhehehejjdjdjfjrkdn ccmv mf
oh shit
ahh one of my fav scenes, charlie basically eating that ball of paper
i hate looking at this it’s so awkward like hello mr. mccallister
what will your verse be?
“no, keating.” LMFAO YES GO KEATING
is that stick? on the end of the table?
“don’t come please.”
“no shIt, sherlock.” HA I LOVE THIS GUY
“pittsie, cmon!” “his grades are hurting, charlie.” i literally just love this conversation
“i’ll try anything once.” “except sex!” “ha ha ha.” HSJWJJSND ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAV CONVOS
“CHARLIE @tellmewhytheyswoon” SORRY I HAD TO LMFAO
this is so chaotic and messy damn
the treatshsjdj
they’re loud asf
i wonder who’s who while they were running with the hoods
OH CRAP THE SUN IS OUT WHAT that isn’t in the movie sorry
i could never take note of the minutes when something happens how will he do that
“are you a man or an amoeba?” i’m sorry lol what the hell do you mean sjdjiend
“why do i stand up here? anybody?” “@tofeeltaller” HA I LOVE DOING THIS IM SORRY
i would cry if i found out that i had to make a poem AND read it aloud in front of everyone
poor todd thougsjwhidfj
i wanna marry todd. lmfao where did that come from
i can’t hear the audio hellloooooojdjwksbdken
AWW we got some anderperry content here
lol i wanna wear their sweaters
:/// TODD
“no.” “no? what do you mean no?” “no.” *smirks* HAJDJDJWKNS
the birds are so pretty
nice outfit knox
“sounds to me like you’re daunted.” JSJS
i bet todd’s poem is actually great
“the cat sat on the mat.” DNDIDHJDJDJDHS i love how keating still said it wasn’t all bad though
lmfao todd’s just hating every second of this
“sweaty toothed madman” i can see that too whatsbjdjdjsn
when keating pushed their foreheads together wtf aww father son love typa thing that’s so cutejjedujsidj
wtf this seems so fun
“your parents collect pipes? oh that’s really interesting.” LFMAOOAJSJD I LOVE PITTS
poetrusic by charlie dalton
laughing crying mumbling tumbling
the little kind of aggressive hair ruffle awwjendn
“exercising my right not to walk.” smartass
it’s todd’s birthday and no one greeted him excpet neil stfukqbxqbcdbkrw
the first unmanned flying desk set yes yes
merlin knox you are DRUNK
well you’re in deep trouble now
“it’s God. he says we should have girls at welton.” as much as i love this scene what the hell were you thinking my man
i don’t get how this was legal back then. wtf is it gonna do? you’re just hurting the kids bro
the pain in his eyes stop
“@dangitneil the name’s nuwanda.” pain brokqdb jdjf
the pic of keating’s wife/gf aww
neil you’re gonna make me cry stop
that is so odd why are their lockers like connected from the left side isn’t it usually from the right?
that piece of bread
chris is gorgeous omg
the snow in her hair stop marry me
“you are SO infuriating”
i hate how i’m just completely forgetting what’s gonna happen in like 10 minutes
“he’s really good.” AW YES HE IS FUCSHWMDMD
wait the holding hands is kinda cute thoughsjdnd
bro mr perry is making me want to kill someone maybe him
damnit you idiot i hate you sm let your son live you bastard
sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sobs sobs sobs
merlin neil
damn everything
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
charlie just sitting down not singing i hate this
i probably should’ve just stopped watching yk but i didn’t but that’s okay i think
i got so pissed the first time they said that they were gonna ask questions like??? did mr perry did no at all realize that it was his fault?
sigh cameron you aren’t always that bad but in this scene i loathe you
i hate how it went from a happy dark academia movie to this cmon
todd’s dad is so mean shut up he was just asking a question
it feels so sad in the room i hate it
the empty chairs pls no
keating’s little chuckle man i miss their smiles
and we’re done. damn okay
thanks for reading ig fjdbshsbjwhdjsj
anyways i’m tired goodnight or morning or wtvr thanks! and sorry <3
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ofstarsandfireflies · 3 years
I couldn’t end the last month of our movie nights without first making an au for this movie, now could I?
Tumblr media
Peter hadn’t meant to touch the time machine.
Ok, well, yes he kinda did mean to touch it, but he hadn’t meant to use the damn thing.
He’d just thought he’d type in the year his godparents had told him his real parents had gotten together, thinking if this thing actually worked, then that would be the year he’d want to go to.
Just to see them as they were.
He knew he couldn’t stop them from being killed, but he needed them more than ever.
Not the two guys who had taken him in.
He’d tried asking Tony and Stephen numerous times over the years about how his parents had gotten together, how they had been selected as his godparents, but he never really got a clear answer.
Tony would start off by telling him he and Peter’s father became friends after his own father accidentally struck him with his car, and that was how he met Stephen, but then something would always come up that was more important than finishing his story.
Maybe it was coincidence, maybe it was just a lie so they didn’t have to relive painful memories, but it hurt when they did it.
Like they were hiding something from him about his own parents.
If anyone deserved to know anything about them, it was Peter.
So when he found himself back in the late 1980’s, the first person he looked for was his real father.
And he found him, although he wasn’t what he’d imagined.
He was scrawny, much like himself, with thick rimmed glasses, the same as the ones in the photograph Peter had back home.
And he was up in a tree with a pair of binoculars, spying on someone.
Peter couldn’t believe this.
Even more than that, he couldn’t believe his father was so inept at climbing trees that he had just fallen out of it and into the path of an oncoming vechile.
Racing in to save him with no thought of self preservation, Peter is struck by the car instead and winded as his father escapes injury.
And as Peter begins to drift off, he can’t help but think how he’s like Tony in that regard.
Peter wakes up in the middle of the night, calling out to Tony, who he recognises as the figure in the room.
Only, this Tony is a teenager, and he’s a little clingy to Peter, who has only ever seen Tony act this way around Stephen.
And that’s when he remembers the story Tony would barely get through telling.
How he met Stephen through meeting Peter’s dad.
And Peter instantly realises he’s stuffed up his future.
If Tony doesn’t meet his dad, if Tony doesn’t meet Stephen, they won’t become his godparents in the future.
Who knows what will happen to Peter in that case?
What if he’s thrown into an orphanage to be taken in by strangers?
Or worse, given to someone who doesn’t care about him?
He has to find Stephen and get him and Tony together to keep his future intact.
Finding Stephen isn’t that hard, but getting him to cooperate with him and ask Tony out is another matter entirely, and getting Tony to even look at the guy while Peter is in the same room as him is exhausting all on its own.
It’s made even worse when Tony asks Peter out while Stephen is listening.
No matter what he says to get him to consider Stephen instead, Tony knows how brave Peter is. He knows he saved Richard Parker’s life.
And no one else he knows would have done something heroic like that.
Peter tries to talk Stephen into taking his place, but Stephen knows that Tony doesn’t want to go with him.
That he doesn’t deserve someone like Tony, and he doesn’t understand why Peter is trying to involve himself in his love life.
He’s acting as if his very existence depends on Stephen and Tony getting together.
Stephen is confused, even more so when Peter starts telling him that Tony actually wanted to go with him in the first place, but Peter is here to set things right.
He’s seen it countless times in the movies he’s watched.
He just has to dance with Tony and then all Stephen has to do is cut in and dance with Tony instead, at which point they’ll kiss and Peter’s future won’t be in jeopardy any longer.
So when the night of the dance arrives and Tony is sending Peter all the signals he can, Peter is relieved when he feels a hand on his shoulder and sees Stephen standing there.
Peter steps to the side, smiling as the two finally make eye contact.
And right on that dance floor, Peter knows he’s set everything right when he sees Stephen and Tony kiss.
And not a moment too soon.
He needs to get back.
Peter smiles as Stephen wraps an arm around Tony and they say their farewells.
Peter isn’t upset about leaving them, and he’s not upset about wasting the little time he had to see his parents.
He did see them, and he got to know them a little better too.
And now he’s going back to them.
Quotes -
“Mom? That you?”
“There, there, now. Just relax. You’ve been asleep for almost nine hours now.”
“I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamed that I went back in time. It was terrible.”
“Well, you’re safe and sound now back in good old 1955.”
“1955? You’re my ma…you’re my ma…”
“My name is Lorraine. Lorraine Baines?”
“Yeah. But you’re ha…you’re so ha…you’re so…thin!”
Peter meeting Young Tony
“Just go in there and invite her.”
“Okay, but I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, just say anything, George. Say whatever’s natural, or the first thing that comes into your mind.”
“Nothing’s coming to my mind!”
Peter trying to get Stephen to ask Tony out
“Marty, this may seem a little forward but I was kind of wondering if you’d ask me to the enchantment under the sea dance this Saturday?”
“You mean…you mean nobody’s asked you?”
“No. Not yet.”
“What about-what about George?”
“George McFly? Oh, he’s kind of cute and all, but not…well…I think a man should be strong so he can stand up for himself and protect the woman he loves. Don’t you?”
Tony asking Peter out
“I had a feeling about you two.”
“I have a feeling, too.”
“Listen, I gotta go, but I wanted to tell you that it’s been…educational.”
“Marty, will we ever see you again?”
“I guarantee it.”
Peter successfully getting his godparents together and having to leave.
Bring Me Back to You
Going into the past to meet his parents causes ripple effects which tears Tony and Stephen apart in the future.
Now Peter has to make sure they end up together and not throw his future into uncertainty.
January, February
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Okay so instead of obscure asks, rapidfire canon ships: Prue/Andy, Piper/Leo, Piper/Dan, Piper/Greg, Phoebe/Cole, Phoebe/Leslie, Phoebe/Dex, Phoebe/Coop, Paige/Glen, Paige/Richard, Paige/Kyle, Paige/Mason (for funsies), and Paige/Henry
Prue & Andy
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i must confess i do not remember them so super well bc it’s been a minute since i watched season like namely um. in order. but what i do remember is they were kinda like soulmatism there was just the genuine love there but beyond that there was the want this want for this to work out this want to be with the other and life kept throwing them curveballs but it could never get rid of how bad they just like. wanted to be with each other. like damn man. aint we all just looking for that?
Piper & Leo
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i wish the writers did less with them they kept giving them such messy relationship drama like that love triangle?? who cared. genuinely. and like they kinda made leo a dick during that whole phase when piper & leo were at their peak just being soft just being silly like you know goofin around leo trying to be hip and piper bullying him for it the small moments where there’s just like. it’s so tender and it’s love and then they went okay but what if leo joined a secret faction and lied to piper about it in their divorce era like what??/ stop that shit man just let them sit on the couch together dude
Piper & Dan
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
dan was fun and he really was like perfect for piper and i get the whole reason she just couldn’t be with him was like because she loved leo but like in um. reckless abandon where dan’s great with kids and piper’s like wow that’s such a turn off like really?? really?? but dan could stand to have a lot more meat on his bones but like you know like he knew he’d always be playing second fiddle to leo so like. there’s that. i just. i wish they had done a lot of that differently because again he really could have been perfect for piper but they just didn’t want him to be to which like. make him less perfect. and they said no <3
Piper & Greg
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
greg had no personality except for being SPRUNG for that milf mad respect after not seeing her for two years he’s like damn u still single because i love you. me too buddy.
Phoebe & Cole
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i get how people ship them i really do and they have some great scenes and some great moments but i hate the inception of their relationship i hate human cole era and um obvi i hate king/queen of hell era oh and like supercharged cole era also sucked so like. it definitely comes up L for me. but i get it i do like i see how easy it could be to like them i just simply don’t
Phoebe & Leslie
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
honestly? a relatively high ranking more than reasonably they deserve but i like the concepts behind them like the workplace rivals to lovers one of those ships where they’re both aware of how hot they are and then of course the doomsday clock leslie will leave those are the facts and phoebe doesn’t even want to try because it’s just gonna end all love ever does is end but she does just like. like him. it drives her up the wall but it’s true but what is she supposed to to with that? that and they’re both relationship advice columnists dancing around their own relationship there’s a lot fun there.
Phoebe & Dex
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
they don’t even get vomit because they don’t elicit enough emotion from me. he fucking sucked. lame ass.
Phoebe & Coop
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
haha besties. love them. they’re both like. like they’re both agents of love who have resigned to the fact they will never find true romantic love for themselves until they dooo haahaha they find it with each other <3 i have a longer post explaining my love for them so if ur really like damn why it’s gonna be somewhere in my phoebe x coop tag ik not a lot of people like them because they were rushed but like. i love filling in the gaps and i love them
Paige & Glen
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
they were fun! we didn’t do much with them like at all but like childhood friend to on and off lovers / fwb like??? insanely fun dynamic
Paige & Richard
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
whoa whoa whoa margaret what in fuck’s name did this ship do to get such a high ranking um simple. i am richard montana & i’m also really in love w paige matthews. their whole go save an innocent or something / yeah i’m trying deadass such a banger we don’t talk about their amazing potential enough
Paige & Kyle
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
listen listen okay if paige and kyle weren’t canon odds are is i would ship them because they could have an insanely funny enemies to lovers stoner x narc dynamic with wild child paige and stick up the ass brody but they didn’t!! they like. ugh they made it so bad she just liked him with no clear reason why and it’s like what he tells her oh yeah i tranqed a lady and keep her hopped up on drugs so she can’t remeber who she is and paige is like so true bestie let’s have sex or like piper’s like hi paige ur boyfriend just tried to kill my husband and paige is like kyle🙄😪! like. what the fuck was going on there??
Paige & Mason
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
should have given us more at the very least had him be more than “the boss’s son” like idk let us see him once before it’s phoebe-paige vaguely on a date with him
Paige & Henry
already answered <3
send me a ship!
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The Only One (Lewis Nixon)
Requested by: @dontfearthereaper-09
Summary: You're Colonel Sink's granddaughter and you're helping out with paperwork - you eventually fall in love with Lewis Nixon and start dating. However, every relationship has its ups and downs.
Prompt: a requested one - I wish I'd never met you.
Author's Note: I struggled so hard with this and I'm not proud of it at all, but hope it is what you wanted. A big thank you goes to for @alienoresimagines and her great help as always!
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans  @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @stressedinadress @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday
"He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began." - Anna Karenina, L. Tolstoj
Y/N had never in her life shooted from a rifle or even held it in her innocent hands. She had never known combat, real combat, where men kill and die. She had never endured real physical pain.
And still, Y/N was standing in the middle of Camp Toccoa during the hot summer days of 1942 with a huge grin on her face. She finally persuaded her grandfather to let her join the paratroopers. Well, she was there to help out with paperwork mainly, to be there at hand for the intelligence officers, but she also managed to pull a few strings so she will be undergoing the combat training like every other soldier even though she's not allowed to go and fight in France.
The first weeks were exhausting - physically and mentally - with the combat training Y/N volunteered for. She constantly felt like she's at the verge of giving up and going home. 
But Y/N didn't and neither will she. Even though it was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life, it seemed right. This is where Y/N Sink belonged.
But thank God it wasn't just exercise, work and signing documents. One evening, when everything was finished for the day, her grandfather Sink took her with him to a certain celebration, more like an occasion to get drunk and forget that a war is going on just across an ocean. 
It was certainly the most eventful night during her stay in Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Y/N lost her grandfather nearly 10 minutes after they walked in the pub. She immediately befriended two guys - George Luz and Joe Liebgott. It seemed like they'd known each other for years. The soldiers heard all about the mysterious woman that had been helping out in their training camp weeks ago now but never really got the chance to talk to her.
George introduced her to the rest of his friends within Easy Company and they spend the night together laughing, downing shots one after another, dancing and joking around. Y/N felt relaxed and genuiely unworried that night so when they were told to break it up and get some sleep for tomorrow, it suddenly saddened her. The Easy Company boys were the most welcoming, kind and funny men Y/N'd met during her stay and she was sure that she's not gonna have a chance to talk to them like that night for a long time.
There was a soldier waiting for her outside of the pub to escort her into her room but Y/N kindly told him to fuck off and he made sure to be quickly on his way. 
So there she was again, standing under the starry night in Georgia, a warm summer breeze dancing through her hair while she struggled a bit to remain on her feet due to all the alcohol flowing in her veins. 
"Have a trouble finding your way, Miss Sink?" a deep voice filled her ears and Y/N jumped a bit on her spot as she didn't see him coming from behind.
"I'm perfectly fine, soldier." she tried to answer with a firm steady voice but a quiet giggle escaped her lips.
"I can see that. Let me help you there, Miss." he offered his help kindly, smirking. The Moon was illuminating his face making his hair appear darker than the night itself and his eyes shined like two stars up at the sky.
"I assure you, Mr Nixon, that I have no trouble at all. I can manage myself." Y/N stood behind her words but a part of her desired his gentle hand on her lower back steadying her. 
"I'm surprised you know my name." Nix laughed raising his eyebrows as he took a few steps closer to her.
"And I'm surprised it was just a can of peaches." Y/N replied boldly looking directly into his dark eyes.
They were covered in silence for a few moments but they burst out laughing in the next second earning some "shut the fuck ups" from the nearest barracks.
The duo spent the rest of the night walking around the camp as they eventually ended up in her room talking about nothing and everything. By the next morning, Y/N knew every little thing about Lewis and he knew every little thing about her. 
It was no surprise, to Easy Company boys or even his grandfather, that the two of them started dating just a couple of days after the party. Richard Winters soon payed Y/N a visit informing her how he's never seen Lew so damn happy and cheerful all the time.
At the end of May, 1944 when all the preparations for D-Day were finishing, another party was thrown in honor of the paratroopers that had earned their jump wings. Y/N persaued Sink to take her to Britain with him so she was able to celebrate with all of them. 
She was a bit tipsy already because George Luz made her drink three beers and the forth was already on its way. 
Lewis Nixon glared at the duo with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand and a cigarette in the left. He watched how Y/N's lips curled into the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen at something George whispered in her ear. She burst out in a hearty laugh as she touched Luz's shoulder gently and this simple action reminded Lewis the night they met for the first time. An uneasy feeling burned through his chest - it suddenly became hard to breathe. Nixon clenched the glass in his hands and he'd have break it eventually if Richard didn't shake with Lew's shoulder.
"Not now, Dick," the intellingent officer snapped immediately, "we'll talk tomorrow. I'm heading back to my room."
And with that, he stood up and walked out of the pub without any other glance toward his girlfriend. The bottle of Vat '69 was left on the table half full.
"Baby? Why did you disappear so quickly?" Y/N barged in his room while he was sitting behind his desk looking out of the window absently. 
"You seemed quite happy with George." Nixon murmured quietly, he didn't even bother to turn and face her.
"What is this all about? Is there a problem?" she asked kindly moving closer to her broken soldier. The sweet tone of her voice was making it even harder than it already was.
Lewis Nixon looked at her for the first time. "I think we shouldn't be seeing each other anymore." He sounded decided, strongly convinced in his statement.
Y/N suspiciously eyed his face whereas Lewis tried to avoid her concerned look. "Is this about George?"
"No, it's not about fucking George!" Lewis raised his voice and stood up from the little chair, "you are better without me, okay? I drag you down, Y/N."
She stared at him in disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about? I love you and only you, damn it!"
"You just think you do!"
Y/N's eyes began to water and when the first hot tear rolled down her cheek Nixon's heart broke into million pieces. He hated himself for hurting the most precious human being on the Earth but he had to do it. There was no other way.
"I wish you trusted me more, Lew." she breathed out reaching out to caress his cheek but changed her mind in the last second and her hand fell to her body.
Lewis pressed his eyelids tightly together forcing the coming tears stay inside of his soul. "I wish I'd never met you."
The next days hit Y/N harder than her first days at Toccoa. No combat training, no amount of paperwork had ever made her feel so broken, tired and demotivated. As weird as it sounds, even after the relatively short relationship with the Easy Company intelligence officer, Lewis was a big important part of her life. He made her feel so many new emotions, he fulfilled her soul and heart like nobody else did.
And now, it was all gone.
Everyone noticed the sudden cold behaviour between Y/N and Lewis but they didn't really know what happened. Y/N brushed it off every single time when someone asked her and no one really dared to approach Nixon. 
It wasn't like the duo stopped communicating absolutely. Lewis after the argument stormed off and got drunk, he was genuiely wasted, but he also realised what a mistake he did. It was the first time Y/N told him she loved him and he was still able to make the person who cared for him the most go away.
When Y/N tried her best to avoid Nixon, he tried his best to talk to her as much as possible, every day he left her a note at her desk along with a flower and every time she accidentally glanced at him he sent her an apologetic smile.
Y/N knew her anger and hurt was slowly fading away. Lewis felt truly sorry - alcohol and jealousy wasn't really a great combination.
My dearest Y/N,
I know you don't want to have anything to do with me, and I don't blame you, but there's still something I need to tell you. I'm just gonna hope that this sort of letter is not lying in the bin already.
I want you to know that I regret every single word I said that night. Clearly my jealousy and my alcoholic problem (as much as you hate me right now, please don't tell anyone I just admitted that) came in the way and I thought you're better off without me.
I'm not the perfect boyfriend, Y/N, and I never will be. I'm not funny as George, and I guarantee you there's gonna be more arguments between us. But I can assure you that no matter what happens, I will love you for the rest of my life. 
Hope you can forgive me,
I'm sorry.
With love, your Lewis
A tear soaked into the piece of paper as she pressed it to her heart. Little did Y/N know that she will love the idiot forever.
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