#and scrumptious and a literal 5 course meal
luyo-mi · 5 months
Hi Lulu-san!! As promised, here's me cosplaying your butler Leona! Apologies that the color scheme is inaccurate 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ I also had to edit my eye color cause my lens expired 🥲🥲
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Unfortunately, we don't have a good pic that shows the entire outfit but here is the closest that looks presentable:
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Apologies that this came in as an ask, your messages are only enabled to those accounts that you follow.
Bomus pic of me and my friend:
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I am simply deceased . I don’t know how I’ll ever recover from this literally
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cuccoway · 4 months
bro has the most scrumptious gerard art i’ve seen, its literally a 5 course meal made by gordon ramsay
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y2kokomi · 3 years
thoma whines a lot. like, high pitched, breathy whines. oh my god and when he cums agHHHH he sounds so pretty
hey everyone sorry I’ve been inactive </3 I’ve just been super busy!!
(cums and dies)
(revives only to cum and die again)
im literally just a thoma yae and baal stan acc at this point<3
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carleencl · 5 years
📍✈️Traveling to Bali: Part 2 - Ubud to Seminyak (Day 3 - 5)
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Hey there!
Here’s the second part of my travel blog about Bali, Indonesia. This blog will be consisting of our days 3 - 5 in Bali. As a recap, first Bali blog includes visiting the different temples and experiencing the Bali swing. You may read about our days 1 and 2 in Bali, here.
For days 3 - 5, we tried the different and known food and drinks Indonesia has to offer. We also visited two more temples before heading to Seminyak from Ubud.
DAY 3 NOVEMBER 23, 2018
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Our day started with a scrumptious breakfast at Kopi Desa once again. As stated on my previous blog, I ordered their Fried Rice with chicken satay that costs IDR 38,000 (PHP 140.6).
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Our driver recommended this temple that we should visit this one. There was an entrance fee of IDR 15,000(PHP55.5) per person.
If you are not into trekking of walking up and down on flights of stairs, well, I couldn’t recommend this one. This temple has a lot of stairs to climb up and down. It was also very hot and humid when went to the temple, so better bring umbrellas, cap, drinking water, and a fan.
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Gunung Kawi Temple consists of ancient shrine collections that were carved on the rocks.
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Wearing sarongs were required upon entering the temple. If you forgot or don’t have a sarong with you, you may borrow one at the main entrance without any charge.
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I really like the temples in Bali that are always situated with nature. The nature gives the extra calmness and serenity that you would feel upon entering.
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I was actually very exhausted after visiting this temple however, the view, scenery and history behind it made it all worth it.
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Our driver recommended this place to have our lunch for this day since we would have a beautiful view while eating. Buffet was priced at IDR 100,000(PHP370) per person. There were a lot of food choices from appetizers, main course, and some desserts. In terms of taste, some food choices were delicious and some were okay in taste. Coffee and tea were included in the buffet, however, ordering other drinks than that would have an additional charge.
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Here’s our view while having lunch, the view of Mt. Batur.
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Oka Agriculture Bali was another recommendation from our driver. He said that we should try the teas and coffees here rather than in Uma Pakel Bali Swing. Visiting this Okay Agriculture is free.
Upon entering, a signage posted in trees letting visitors realize and be reminded to take care of mother nature since we need them to live everyday.
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The only part that saddens me in Okay as that they caged the Civet/Luwak as a “display.” Civets should be in the wild, running free.
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Oka Agriculture has the different kind of coffee beans displayed. A guide or staff assisted us about Oka Agriculture and told us about its homegrown coffee beans and different teas they serve.
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We tried the different types of teas and coffees they have which were free. However, we didn’t try the luwak coffee since there was an additional charge for it and is also locally available in the Philippines.
Our reaction and thoughts about their coffees and teas will be on my vlog that will be posted at the end of this blog.
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Day 3 in Bali was tiring but a fulfilling day. It was a day to be able to appreciate nature more. We were able to see another temple, see Mt. Batur from a far, and tried the different teas and coffees Bali has to offer.
DAY 4 NOVEMBER 24, 2018
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Saraswati Temple is located at the Ubud Center, near Ubud Art Market. This is also known as the Lotus Garden. Unfortunately, the lotus were not in season that time, thus explains the photo above.
This is another water temple and dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Saraswati. She is known as the goddess of learning, literature and art.
There’s a show happening at the temple but we decided not to watch it and spend more time exploring the Ubud Art Market. There was a fee if you’re going to watch the show, but entering the temple is free of charge.
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Exactly beside the temple is a Starbucks cafe. So if you’re not sure where the temple is, this Starbucks is easy to locate, hard to miss.
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Our driver recommended that we should try Babi Guling while in Ubud. Looking for this humble restaurant via Google Map (yup, we followed Google’s instructions 😅) made us felt as if we were in the Temple Run game. 😂 Google instructed us to turn and walked in small streets and alleys that made us doubt if we should follow it. But nonetheless, Google Map was right and lead us to Warung Babi Guling.
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There were a lot of choices that included the Babi Guling. We decided to get their Special that included Rice, Fresh Vegetables, Pork Roll, Fried Meat, and Sausage with Pork Skin. One special meal costs IDR 55, 000 (PHP 203.50). The Babi Guling (pork meat) was like the Lechon here in the Philippines. It actually tastes like one too, plus the crunchy skin! I really do recommend to put also the sweet sauce they have in the table. I so love the sauce that I bought 2 large ones and brought it back to Manila. 😅
I also ordered a watermelon juice since it was very humid that day. A glass costs IDR 17,000 (PHP 62.9).
After eating here, we realized that there was an easier and faster way in going in Warung Babi Guling. 😂 You can see on my vlog about our “Babi Guling adventure.”
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We walked around Ubud Art Market and found a lot of good deals for bags, accessories, clothes, and more. I wasn’t able to get photos since the art market was a little bit crowded that time.
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We also saw some cute dream catchers and a cafe around the art market. There were a lot of cafe we like to try but time was not enough to do so.
Day 4 at Ubud, Bali was just a chill and free time day to explore the Ubud center and the art market.
DAY 5 NOVEMBER 25, 2018
Day 5 of our Bali trip was the day to go to Seminyak from Ubud. But before heading straight to Seminyak, we had to visit Uluwatu Temple and try the famous Bali ribs!
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Uluwatu Temple is a large temple located on the cliff and above sea level. Entrance fee was IDR 30,000 (PHP 111) per person.
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It was a beautiful temple and a view to see. I was actually mesmerized at the sea and just have to capture every angle of opportunity I had.
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A sarong was required to be worn inside the temple. The sarong will be given at the entrance.
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On our Ubud trip, we decided to skip the Ubud Monkey Forest because we were actually scared of monkeys and their tendency to bite visitors. We were not aware that there were monkeys in Uluwatu Temple. That’s why on my vlog below, you would notice or hear we were instructed by our driver to remove our accessories (glasses, bracelets, etc.) for safety precaution since monkeys have the tendency to be attracted to it. Monkeys in Uluwatu Temple, just like in Monkey Forest, are running free but are less in number compared in the forest.
If you’re like us, afraid of monkeys, you can still visit the temple. However, make sure to remove all the accessories (especially shiny ones) like watches, earrings, sunglasses, and more upon entering Uluwatu Temple.
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Jo, our driver, brought us here to try the famous ribs! This Warung Iga Bali is located in Uluwatu.
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Fried crackers were given as appetizers!
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Here’s the famous ribs, Iga Babi! It was actually as large as the plate. We didn’t know beforehand that the serving was that big and ordered one for everyone. The ribs was actually good for 2 people and it has a lot of meat. One serving costs around IDR 125,000 (PHP462.50). The ribs was actually very delicious will surely make you full. Price is actually good for that serving.
After having a very delightful lunch, we went straight to Seminyak, Bali. We arrived at our hotel, Casa Kayu Aya, in the late afternoon.
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There were a lot of good restaurants with good food and aesthetics in Seminyak. And when I say, a lot, literally every corner of Seminyak!
First night at Seminyak was spent at the restaurant called, The Bistrot.
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The restaurant has low lighting but good ambience and interiors. It is a good restaurant to have a relaxing dinner.
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Price for the food was a little expensive for its serving. We mostly ordered good for family/group. In terms of taste, it was good but I think once is enough to be able to dine and try their food.
The Purèe de Potato (Mashed Potato, Fresh Basil, Spring Onion, Bread Crumbs, Basil & Parsley Butter) is the on the right side that looks like a Matcha ice cream. It costs IDR 60,000 (PHP 222).
Drinks were Ginger Ale that costs IDR 35,000 (PHP 129.50) each.
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Tarragon Salmon Over Edamame (Salmon Filet, Grilled Edamame, Citrus Spinach Salad Tarragon Sauce) - IDR 180,000 (PHP 666)
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Cauliflower Taboule Salad (Raw Grated Cauliflower, Cherry Tomato, Cucumber, Fresh Garden Mint, Roasted Almond, Fresh Coriander, Citrus Dressing) - IDR 80,000 (PHP 296).
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Homemade French Fries - IDR 25,000 (PHP92) The Marinated Chicken (Half Baked Chicken, Chili, Ginger, Kaffir Lime Thyme Rosemary, Olive Oil, Coriander, Yogurt Relish) -  IDR 140,000 (PHP 518).
Our bill for that night was IDR 835,200 (PHP 3090.24) including tax and service charge.
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Overall, it was the experience we were after. The price might be a little pricey, but in terms of service, they were good and attentive of our needs.
Before we ended the day, we tried one of Bali’s gelato in Oh My Cone.
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Oh My Cone was near our hotel, Casa Kayu Aya. This one has been our favorite gelato since we have tasted it. We literally always come back to have more of their gelatos.
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The place was quite small but has very good interiors. They also have little instagrammable spots too.
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Until today, we randomly message one another just to say we miss Oh My Cone and how yummy their gelatos are. My favorite (and my friends’ favorite too!) is the Whisky Cream gelato! For our 3 nights in Seminyak, we always went to Oh My Cone just to buy their gelato and I always end up ordering Whisky Cream. That’s how good it was!
We were actually even asking if they have a branch here in the Philippines, but unfortunately, they don’t. Their staff were so nice and cheerful that they always remember us whenever we pass by their shop. They also took our picture as remembrance in trying their gelato.
In addition on how good the gelatos are, my friends and I were always kidding around that we would just go randomly to Bali just to order Oh My Cone’s gelatos.
Day 5 was a transfer day to us from Ubud to Seminyak. We were able to try the famous ribs and had our first night at Seminyak, Bali.
Below is a vlog on our adventures for days 3 to 5 in Bali. Feel free to watch it!
Other blog post related to Bali below: 🔗 BALI DAY 1 & 2 BLOG POST 🔗 BALI DAY 6 & 7 BLOG POST
*Conversion of IDR to PHP are rounded and used IDR 1 = PHP 0.0037
*If you’re going to Bali and needs a driver/transportation, I highly recommend our driver during our trip last year. If interested, you can message me through my social media accounts or e-mail me to know his contact number.
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minaalle · 7 years
Your experience is honestly so amazing, I would love for that to happen to me. How long would you recommend a person stay for? What places to go? Where to stay? Etc?
I would say 2 weeks is a good period of time to stay. Before I went to Korea, I literally had a list of everything I wanted to do, and keep in mind, this list was LONG. I fulfilled that list within a week 😂😂 and after that I was just sitting around at home ordering take out, because I didn’t know what to do hahaha. There’s sooooo much to do in Korea it’s ridiculous. You’ll never be bored, and you’ll always find something to do. So I would say 2 weeks(:
As for recommendations, I would recommend going to UNCLES in hongdae. They’re famous for their samgyupsal and tteokbokki combination. It’s SO GOOD. And the inside is so architecturally beautiful haha, not to mention you’re looking down into the streets of hongdae.. it’s a pretty scene!! For a second recommendation, I would recommend Mochi iyagi. They have the BEST mochi I’ve ever tasted. Also, AGAIN it’s such a pleasing small cute themed place… NOT TO MENTION THE BOY THAT WORKS THERE IS SO SCRUMPTIOUS… y'all don’t understand, he’s b e a u t I f U l. My friend and I made it known that we like the way he looks 😂😂 so every time we go in the store, he just laughs lmaooo. Also, do not be intimidated by the little hole in the wall 아찌마 places, because not only is the food BOMB AF…. but the those prices😓 $5 for a full course meal??? I’m sold. I’m sorry if you wanted more recommendations, but I don’t know what kind of recommendations you want to hear. Sooo if you want to, you can send me another message of what kind of recommendations you want! Food, clubs, clothing stores, etc. just let me know ((:
For accommodation, I would recommend Airbnb, or the Kimchee Guesthouse in Sinchon! On a previous question I answered, I explained how amazinggggg the sincheon guesthouse was. The staff is so so so great, and they’re all college students, so their always looking for something fun to do! And the people that come through the hostel are also SO nice. It’s also just so rewarding to meet people from all around the world. The guesthouse is just within 5 minutes away from hongdae, the subway and bus lines are also within walking distance, anddddddd you’ll also be in the middle of where the party is hahaha. But if you’re wanting more of the “Korean experience,” I would recommend an Airbnb place. You can either choose between a solo house or a shared house. I have done both before, and they have their pros and cons. With a shard home, you obviously do not have the privacy you want, but you’ll be living with locals! They usually are very open to learning about you, and they’ll be there to help you whenever you need to be helped. Then with a full home, you have your own space! And you can come in and out whenever you want too, but you won’t have anyone to help you if you need it. So it’s whatever you think is best for you.
You never asked this question, but I think it correlates with everything. Download Naver map, and Subway Korea. YOU WILL THANK ME LATER. And if you need help with how to use the apps, there are so many videos on YouTube you can search it up and that will easily teach you how to use the apps!
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memsmedic1 · 8 years
India part two (clinics in the jungle) 12/25/2016-1/8/2017
…The patient was a 32 y/o male who’d been carried by his friends on a homemade stretcher from a village 5 hours away! He had been sick and getting progressively worse for the past 11 days with fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and now bloody diarrhea.
The patient was semiconscious, feverish, hyperpneic, tachypneic (44 RR/min) tachycardic, diaphoretic, hypovolemic (78/62), with severe RUQ and RLQ abdominal pain and guarding.
After completing a detailed exam and ruling out other possible causes of his illness such as appendicitis, peritonitis, encephalitis, amebic dysentery, malaria, and arboviral fever, we decided to treat for septic shock as well as enteric fever and infectious colitis.
After treating him with ceftriaxone, ketamine, promethazine, cipro, metronidazole, paracetamol, and 3 liters of normal saline over the course of the afternoon we advised his friends to spend the night in the village and come see us again first thing in the morning.
Next morning he was back again and this time he could talk and sit up on his own! He stated that he felt much better and his vital signs were much closer to normal than yesterday, but he was still sick so he got another IV with fluids and antibiotics, and then we turfed him back home with strict instructions on how to take the oral antibiotics and ibuprofen we prescribed for him and to drink lots of water!
Over the course of the entire expedition we only had a handful of critical patients (6-8) who probably would have died without care and several of them were seen in this first village. One woman who was carried in from an even further outlying village on a bamboo stretcher was so sick that we requested for her to be flown out by the military, and since we were foreigners they agreed. She was flown to Dibrugarh where she spent a week in ICU but was able to recover.
In between taking care of the critical patients, I was able to help with the rest of the people who came to be seen also. First the patients would sign in to the register and get triaged. After triage they would form a line and go one by one into newly built bamboo and sheet exam rooms where one medical person and a translator would do a complete workup on the patient and then call one of the two MD’s in who would take report, perform any additional examinations and make a diagnosis.
Most of these cases were fairly straightforward: We saw a lot of children with parasites, sick babies, stomach pain, back pain, muscle and joint pain, non cardiac chest pain, headaches, and ear problems.
We also saw quite a few patients who required surgical procedures. I was able to assist with several including keloid scar removal, lancing a plugged sublingual salivary gland, repairing a cleft lip, and cutting out a subcutaneous cyst on a patients head.
The amazing thing is how incredibly grateful and appreciative the people were for everything we did, from giving worm medicine and children’s vitamins to complex treatments and procedures. Not once did anyone demand more than we had given or try to maximize their profit from us unlike the rest of India. Of course some of the patients were shy and didn’t want to tell us everything that was wrong with them when we were writing down the chief complaint so after giving them medicine or other help for their illness or injury I would always ask if they had any questions and they would sometimes say no but I also have these other problems… So it was very hard to gauge how long a certain patient might take to be seen!
The medical team worked in the first village for 3 days. The weather during this time was crystal clear and sunny during the day and nearly freezing at night. On the morning of our first hike however, we woke up to fog and rain. We decided to hold the clinic for 2 more hours before heading out to see the last of the patients but it ended up being 4 hours by the time we were finished!
Then we packed all the medicine and supplies into large bamboo baskets that would be portered to the next village we would be stopping in. The cooks who had been taking such good care of us made us one more meal of rice and vegetables and then we were off on our first hike!
We were on the trail for maybe 2 hours when we came to a small village which consisted of only a couple bamboo houses. In front of one of these had been constructed a brand new bamboo shelter with tables and benches underneath. The villagers had received word that we were traveling through today and had prepared a meal for us!
We were all still full from lunch but if we were to refuse to eat it would be very disappointing to the generous villagers so we gratefully took off our ponchos and backpacks and sat down at the brand new tables.
In addition to the standard ball of rice with curry we were also given an assortment of fruits to eat. We had bananas, tangerines, fresh and dried persimmons (amazing), and small round fruits that looked exactly like tiny dragon eggs! They are called “gelesuh ” and after peeling the scales off are translucent with a large pit in the center like a litchi, but they taste deliciously tart instead of sweet.
Even though it was fruit like this that was special for me anything that can’t be grown or harvested locally is what is prized by the mountain people. Because these villages are completely cut off from the outside world except by trail (including radio, tv, cellular service, electricity other than solar, and even satellite phone which is banned by the military due to sensitive geographic location) you can either hike the 5 days out to town and then carry your groceries back uphill for 5 plus days home or you can purchase your supplies and have them packed in by Chakma porters.
Chakmas’ are originally from Bangladesh and are well known for the heavy loads they are able to carry. They make their living portering flour, salt, oil, roofing tin, and other staples up into the valley for 150 to 200 rupees/kg ($2.38-$3.17). The packs our porters are carrying are quite heavy (40-50 kg) but were nothing compared to what these guys carry which can be over 80 or 90 kg.
A package of salt that is worth 10 rupees in the city is sold for 200 rupees up here because it is valued by weight.
After this scrumptious repast we donned our packs and ponchos and continued hiking down the slippery trail. After another hour or so the rain stopped and we were able to see the afternoon sun shining on all the fresh snow that had been dumped higher up the mountains.
Part of the time the trail led through the dense jungle and part of the time we followed along the side of the river.
As we walked along we kept our eyes open for wild animals. Part of the trail we were on led through one of india’s national parks which is the largest protected area in the Eastern Himalayans, and is well known as one of the richest areas of biodiversity in India.
Animals that call the park and this valley home include Bengal Tigers, Leopards, Snow Leopards, Clouded Leopards, many smaller cats, Asiatic Black Bears, Sun Bears, Dholes, wolves, Indian Elephants and many other herbivores, Red Pandas, Slow Loris, Eurasian Otters, linsangs, binturongs, civets, butterflies, birds, and 7 species of primates!
While we heard monkeys almost every day (I think they were watching us) the only other wild things I saw were lots of brilliantly colored butterflies, many different birds, and a flock of Hornbills.
After another couple hours we came to a small Nepali village where the villagers insisted we stop for refreshments yet again! Fortunately for me one of our critical patients from the first clinic was in this village so I was able to delicately sidestep total gluttony and go check on her. While she had been doing very well after being treated a couple days ago she was now hemorrhaging again and needed additional medical care that we couldn’t give because all our medical supplies were ahead with the porters. We told the family that we would send a team back in the morning with medicine and helped them figure out some things they could do for her in the meantime.
After this we continued on hiking but because of our late start, the rain and slippery trail, and all of our stops we didn’t arrive at the next village we were stopping in ‘till a few hours after dark.
By this time we were tired, sore, and had blisters from our wet shoes but this village was very happy to see us and cheered us up with a welcome celebration that included speeches, dances, and jungle flower leis for everybody! Afterwards we were shown to our quarters which was actually a house built with hand cut boards for the school teacher to live in.
We set up our supplies in the village school and held the clinic for 2 days. Even though this is the biggest village in the valley there were no critical patients here so I was able to focus entirely on taking care of regular patients, and there were lots of them! Early in the morning when we’d walk over to the pharmacy and exam rooms to get ready to start we would have a crowd beginning to gather, and after dark when we were exhausted and finished for the day we’d have another look and there would be more patients waiting than when we started!
The kids were so cute and curious, our translators told us that there had only been one other time foreigners visited them; two German or Australian naturalists studying and photographing the flora and fauna several years ago. So if a child hadn’t hiked out of the valley yet either to go to town or school we were some of the first or the first white people they had ever seen!
On December 30th we packed up and prepared to hike to our next stop, but first the villagers had a going away ceremony for thanking us for coming and helping. They also gave each of us a beautiful hand woven basket as a going away present and then we were off!
Back along the river and through the jungle we trekked, enjoying the warm sunny day and gorgeous views. Halfway through the days journey we came to a small village where they were expecting us for lunch. After we entered one of the bamboo huts and sat down around the wall we had a happy surprise: no rice for lunch! Today we were served tea, popcorn, tapioca root, purple yams, and sugarcane! After we finished we were able to see 5 or 6 patients from the area before continuing on our way. Again we had to hike after dark through the jungle for several hours to make it to our next clinic area (not recommended).
There are countless creeks and streams that must be crossed, some via bamboo or log bridge and some from boulder to boulder. Also the trail was riddled with areas that had been completely obliterated by landslides and some of these were very treacherous. Either the mud is so deep that you run the risk of becoming permanently planted or so unstable and slippery you risk sliding right off the former trail and over the edge of the mountain.
Our destination today was the smallest village we were scheduled to visit. We spent New Years Eve there seeing patients and for the first time were able to see everyone who came for treatment in one day and still have daylight leftover to wash our clothes and take baths in the river! To get to the river you had to walk through a large field of cardamom which is the cash crop of this area, through a section of jungle, down a part of the mountain so steep you have to use roots and vines to lower yourself down, through more jungle, and down the bank to the rushing, bigger than it looked from the helicopter, ice cold, crystal clear, glacier water!
After hanging around the fire for a couple hours talking and taking care of blisters we went to bed, but not for long! We were woken up just after midnight by several very loud firecrackers and then we heard a large group of people singing to us! To celebrate New Years here the villagers go caroling and write a Happy New Years message on all the doors in the village in addition to setting off fireworks if they can get them.
Next morning we wished each other a happy 2017 and began packing our backpacks and getting ready for our longest hike of the journey. We ate a delicious breakfast of tea, rice balls, and dal and were on the trail by 0730.
One of the American teams people had been kinda dragging for the last day or two and wasn’t eating much but she said she was fine and we thought it was probably just fatigue and a stomach virus.
Again we traveled through virgin jungle and along the pristine river under a sunny, clear, bright blue sky. The sleeping bag penetrating chill of the night soon wore off and we started shedding our jackets one by one. As happens every travel day, the group slowly spread out along the trail as we hiked along with the faster ones in front. The longest hike of the expedition was going to be today because we were passing through the least populated part of the valley. There will be no villages between where we stayed last night and the next village where they are expecting us tonight. There was not even anywhere for us to stop for lunch so we were all trying to make good time.
Early afternoon I was drooping along somewhere near the front of the lineup when I was overtaken by one of the other M-E.M.S. team members. He told me that one of our translators had caught up to him and said that the person who had looked a little sick earlier had suddenly become a lot sick and was hardly making any time at all. The two of them were trying to catch up to the front of the group where the porters were and grab some IV supplies and medicine for her.
I decided to go with them so the 3 of us jogged down the trail a couple more miles until we came upon some porters. We searched through their loads and found a bunch of saline and a drip set but none of the other supplies needed. We continued on a little farther and found another group of people including some porters and another M-E.M.S. member. After more searching through porters loads we had amassed an eclectic pile of IV crap and a couple meds but not the medicine or IV start supplies I was looking for. The porters told us that the items we were looking for was with the next group at the front of the expedition but that they were too far ahead to catch.
We decided we would just have to make what we had work so the 3 of us from M-E.M.S. started running back up the valley towards our days starting point looking for our patient. We would remember certain landmarks and say “surely they will have made it that far” only to have them come into view one by one devoid of life.
Finally just before sunset we caught sight of our goal slowly moving toward us. One of our translators was carrying the patient on his back and there were a couple other medical team members and porters with them.
After laying the patient down and everyone else quickly catching our breath we found out the patient had started off from the village this morning mostly ok but then started experiencing worsening nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, weakness, and dizziness. When I checked her out the patient was cool, pale, diaphoretic, tachycardic, hypotensive, and dehydrated.
I patched together the supplies we had been able to find, started an IV, and gave her what medicine we had. Then we built a stretcher out of a bamboo pole and a hammock and got ready to retrace our steps a second time back down the trail.
This was easier said than done. For one thing there were creeks, streams, bamboo pole bridges, fallen trees, and landslides to cross, and for another even though we rotated out who was carrying the stretcher fairly often, when the translator/porter first came ahead to tell us there was a problem he had left his load along the trail so instead of resting between shifts whoever wasn’t carrying the patient had to tote a giant porters basket filled with clinic supplies!
After dark we continued on for 5 or 6 more hours using our headlamps but there was no way we would reach our destination that day. Fortunately one of our translators knew a family who had moved from the large village that we had held clinic at into this mostly unpopulated area to start growing a cardamom field and we were able to make it to their bamboo house and spend the night with them. They also gave us our first real meal since morning which was no small thing because they haven’t started growing rice yet. They have to carry in all their food that they can’t hunt or gather in the jungle!
The patient was still very sick and couldn’t eat or drink anything so we gave her more medicine, hung the IV bottle on the bamboo rafters above her section of floor space and kept it running all night.
In the morning we all felt very stiff and sore but the patient was feeling a little better and was able to walk with assistance. Our kind hosts made us rice cakes wrapped in leaves for us to take with us for breakfast and we started on our way again.
We added up the totals with our translators and figured out that the 3 of us who went back up the trail yesterday walked and ran a total of 27 miles, and most of that distance we were either carrying our backpacks or the patient!
Today we only had to hike 9 miles in order to catch up to the rest of the medical team, some of that way being through the jungle and a good portion of the distance along the bank of the river. Part of this was easy for our patient to walk over with sand and small rocks, but part of the river lay through a boulder field that would be covered by water during the rainy season and was a daunting challenge to clamber over one by one (still easier than blazing a new trail through the jungle though). We were all very grateful that our patient could get through this without being carried!
About halfway to the village where the team was holding clinic we were met by an emissary who was bringing us the medicine and supplies that we weren’t able to get from the lead porters the day before! Yesterday while running back to our patient we asked some of the team to send certain supplies back ASAP but we were just now getting what we needed. We took a trailside break and administered some additional meds to the patient which at least helped her maintain her current condition without worsening.
In a few more hours we arrived in the village that we were supposed to get to yesterday (too late for lunch although I wasn’t even hungry by this point), and after making the patient as comfortable as possible were finally able to take a rest! Somebody, though I don’t remember who it was due to my exhaustion, came over to where I was lying behind the medical supplies and took off my boots and washed my feet in cold water which helped immensely to rejuvenate me. After recovering for a bit we jumped into patient treatment mode along with the rest of the team who had already been seeing patients since early morning, and worked for the remainder of the day.
After clinic was finished for the evening Phillip came and talked to us and said that there was a problem. He was worried that the entire medical team would not be able to make it to the last village that we were scheduled to visit because it was not on the way out of the valley and the team had a lot of blistered feet and exhausted people in it by now plus a sick one. To get to the last village one would have to cross the river and climb a trail straight up the side of the mountain out of the river valley and back into the mountains.
Phillip didn’t want these villagers to be disappointed knowing that a medical team had passed within a few miles, were supposed to stop in their village, and didn’t, so he was wondering if the 3 of us from the Myanmar team and the optometry assistant would be willing to go provide care on our own (Phillip and Nio had to stay with the main group in case there were problems). I thought about my feet and muscles for a second or two and then said yes I’d be happy to go! The other three wanted to come also so we made preparations to leave the next day.
The next morning there were still a few patients we had to see and a couple procedures to do but after everything was done we helped pack up all the medicine, equipment, and supplies into the baskets that the porters accompanying us to the last village would carry. The rest of the team heading out of the valley had already left by the time we were packed up so we said goodbye to the villagers and we were off!
We had followed the river downstream for two or three hours when we came across 4 men who were from the village we were on our way to. They had been expecting us to arrive today and had come down to give us some fresh fruit from their village and guide/assist us with our gear on the journey there.
The nickname of this last village that we are heading to is “the fruit village” and we now saw why. Our new friends had brought tangerines, grapefruits, and pineapples for us to eat and fixed them for us right there on the riverbank!
After we were done we continued on down the river for a little farther then turned off onto an obscure trail into the jungle. After a few minutes we popped out into a large clearing where there were several recently harvested rice paddies with little ponies grazing on them. Our guides told us that this is where the fruit village grows their rice because it’s the closest level area to the village. At the far side of the paddies the mountains started abruptly and we soon found ourselves clearing the trail with our noses as we climbed up the remarkably vertical trail.
Up, up, up we went until we finally cleared the valley and started walking along the mostly level ridge for a few minutes. Then we turned and dropped down onto a flat shelf on the side of the mountain and walked into the village. Everywhere we looked we could see pineapple plants, banana trees, many different types of citrus trees, and persimmon trees all loaded with fruit growing in between the houses. After we dropped off our packs where we would be staying we decided to set up the clinic since it was still early and see as many patients today as we could.
The village had already prepared the small 3 room bamboo schoolhouse for us to use so we simply unpacked and organized everything in one room and started seeing patients in the others.
There were never more than a few patients at a time waiting to be seen so we were encouraged to keep going by thinking that we had almost seen everybody. However, every time we called a patient from the waiting room (bonfire) another one seemed to take their place!
Finally, a little after eleven we saw the very last patient and called it a day. We walked back to the house we were staying in and started warming up around the open fire pit. While we were sitting talking and unwinding some of the village women brought us supper that we hadn’t stopped to eat earlier! We ate and crashed because tomorrow was the last day and we had a long hike out to town.
Next morning after a breakfast of fruit we loaded up and started off. Leaving the village we took a different trail that lead in the direction of town and would save us considerable time. Also it wasn’t as steep!
After a couple hours we wound our way back down to the river and continued to walk along the bank. The river was much larger now than it was when we saw it last because it had been joined by another river. The river was quite wide, at least 7-8 feet deep, and still ice cold. Sometimes in order to follow the easiest route bamboo bridges have been constructed from one side to the other. These bridges are built every year at the beginning of dry season and wash away every year at the beginning of rainy season so they are only built well enough to get by. Every time we walked across one we unbuckled our backpacks in case the bridge broke or we lost our balance off the one or two bamboo poles available to walk on.
Other times there were large streams flowing into the river that were too small to justify a bridge so we just had to wade through.
Early afternoon as we were walking along we saw a group of people far up ahead of us. As we got closer we realized that it was the rest of the medical team! They had spent last night camping out along the river and hadn’t left as early as we did this morning.
We crisscrossed the river several more times with the bamboo getting slippery from a light drizzle that started falling. Finally we left the river and started up the last steep part of the trail to the road. This road is constantly under construction to push up into the valley we are leaving and is constantly being obliterated by landslides. Right now the road extends 18 miles out of town. Phillip had arraigned to have 4 taxi trucks meet us at the end of the road today but when we scrambled up the last of the trail and onto the road there was only one taxi who was there by chance dropping off Chakma porters. Because there was still no cell service this far out Nio caught a ride back to call for additional taxis once she got into service.
Because it takes an hour and a half just to drive the 18 miles to or from town we decided to start walking. After 2 or three hours four more taxis showed up for us and our hiking was officially over!
The Myanmar team spent a couple extra days after the American team left hanging out and recuperating with our new friends before taking a truck taxi the 7 hours south to Dibrugarh. On the 8th we said goodbye to India and flew back to Thailand with sore muscles and blisters but so grateful for this opportunity we had to be of service and explore a remote corner of the world while spreading peace, goodwill, and healing!
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ohkaletryit · 8 years
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All Up In My GRILL Food and sex. For some, these two things have no connection, no lineage, and no common traits. For others, these are used together, complement each other and have their place in the bedroom as well as the kitchen. For me, each activity crosses similar barriers of touch, taste and eventual euphoria. With that being said, from the moment you “enter” Jane Bond, you get the feeling this isn’t your average hookup. You instantly feel the Southern comfort wash over you, (not that Southern Comfort) a welcoming, relaxed BBQ “joint” which captures the complete essence of its associated food subculture. Jane Bond knows how to treat a piece of meat, it doesn’t treat you like a booty call, it treats you like a fully functioning human being who deserves, love, respect and in this case most importantly, pleasure. Jane Bond is actually completely pleasure based, with ample napkins set forth on each table, excess amounts of utensils and a drink menu that is fun, full and unique. You are encouraged to be your empowered naughty self at Jane Bond with the suitable slogan “It Ain’t no sin to get sauce on your chin” – words to live by in all pleasure realms. Her: I ordered the Smoked Brisket, which was smothered in a house rub and slow smoked to perfection. This brisket was the most tender, intoxicating, melt in your mouth meat I have ever had. The house rub was seasoned with the utmost love, care and skill. Now this baby didn't need any sauce as the flavour was wholesome on its own. But if you want to kick up the heat and add a hint of deep smokey flavours with notes of dark chocolate, then feel free to get a little saaauuucy. You most definitely need to try slathering your meat in one of the two irresistible house sauces (BBQ/ Jerk). The Brisket was accompanied by two sides, a few gems chosen by yours truly. I of course had to go for the coconut cornbread, and a helping of mashed potatoes drizzled with house gravy . The cornbread was the best cornbread that's ever hit my palate. There were so many beautiful elements complimenting eachother. It was light, buttery, with gorgeous flakes of coconut throughout. The mashed potatoes had a wonderful backyard BBQ smoke with a thickilicious heart stopping gravy. As for the cocktail list, it was the bomb.com. If you want a mouthwatering yet creative drink, you've definitely gotta try the Bayou Swamp Bowl. Think fish bowl but 1000 x better! It comes in a cool bowl shaped glass, filled with a blue and green concoction topped with a cute garnish of your childhood favs on a stick (gummy frogs). Now I have to say, I am a loyal woman. But after my experience at Jane Bond, my meaty meal literally made me have thoughts of being unfaithful to my guy. Like if this meal was a person..He wouldn't just be my side piece. He would be my main. Yes, I did have moments where I couldn't form words. I also may have missed a solid 5 minutes of conversation because I was so into my cornbread. JB isn't just a crush, it's the real deal. Him: I started with the pulled pork poutine, featuring Jane’s house pig gravy, cheese blend and BBQ sauce. It is listed as a fan favorite and exceeded these expectations as soon as the first bite hit my mouth. The pulled pork/BBQ sauce/Gravy blend tastes both sweet and savory, neither stimulant fighting for your affection, but both harmonizing their fatal attractiveness, in a chorus of tantalizing taste provocations, as if a choir of delicious sirens were leading my mind body and soul off a waterfall of BBQ delight, into the climaxes of the Gravy stream of palate actualization. This is the best poutine I have ever eaten. For my main course, it was more of the same as I ordered the pulled pork once again, bound to it now, eternally. The shredded pig is so moist and soft that it almost feels as though it could disappear into your tongue like a Listerine strip. I paired this with the mashed potatoes and fries, which provided a “starch” contrast (you’re welcome) with the pork platter. Of course, I had both of these dishes drizzled in the house gravy as well, a liquid I would enjoy on its own out of a toddler’s Sippy cup. Jane Bond will always have a special place in my stomach. Comfort food, with unique and progressive twists on old favorites, as well as a backbone of solidified scrumptious mainstays that are just done right.
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amatchgirl · 4 years
Creamy Lemon Garlic Shrimp and Gnocchi
Creamy Lemon Garlic Shrimp and Gnocchi is a dish you might feel like you don’t deserve, but oh, boy you do! Creamy, garlicky, buttery, plump shrimp and soft, tender, pillowy gnocchi come together in a lemony cream sauce that’s simply divine, and in just 30 minutes!
For more delicious shrimp recipes, try my popular posts for Shrimp Boil Foil Packs, Cajun Shrimp and Rice Skillet, and my Lemon Herb Shrimp and Rice Skillet. 
Oh man, this dish is so darn delicious I have to stop myself from eating the whole thing. And, I hesitate to double it because 1) I’ll literally eat the entire thing, even doubled and 2) even if there were any leftovers, I don’t think shrimp reheats that well. (I’d probably eat it anyway though.) 
There’s just something about lemon and shrimp together with that pillowy gnocchi that’s just like eating a bit of heaven in every bite. If you don’t like shrimp or can’t eat seafood or just whatever reason you’d like to sub it out, this dish will work great with chicken as well. 
One quick little trip to the store later and you’ll have everything you need to make this scrumptious dish! 
Medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
Potato gnocchi
Olive oil
Minced garlic
Low sodium chicken broth
Heavy cream or fat free half and half
Salt and cracked black pepper
Grated parmesan cheese
Fresh thyme or parsley 
The best part about this healthy lemon garlic shrimp dish (other than the flavor and texture of course) is that you can buy the ingredients already ready for you, and that means a quick-and-easy meal that tastes like it took hours! 
The first thing you’ll do is cook the gnocchi. In order to do so, you’ll bring a large pot of water to a boil, then add the gnocchi and boil for three minutes, and remove it with a slotted spoon into a large bowl. (Don’t dump it into a strainer, to keep the gnocchi from clumping, you’ll want to scoop it out and place it into a bowl.) Then, toss the gnocchi with some olive oil to keep it from sticking. Set it aside. 
Move the cooking over to a large skillet. Melt the butter over medium-high heat, then stir in the garlic, cooking until fragrant. Add back in the gnocchi and shrimp, stirring and cooking for about 2-3 minutes. Add the broth, lemon juice, and heavy cream to the shrimp and gnocchi. 
Reduce the heat on the skillet and simmer for 5-10 minutes, or until the sauce is reduced by half and becomes thick and bubbly and creamy. Season the dish with salt and cracked black pepper and garnish with parmesan and/or fresh thyme or parsley, if you like. 
As I mentioned earlier, you can make this dish with chicken too, if you prefer. 
Cut up two boneless, skinless chicken breasts into one-inch pieces. Brown in the skillet in step 3 BEFORE adding the gnocchi. Add the gnocchi after all sides of the chicken are browned, then continue with the remaining steps. 
Alternately, you can add pre-shredded chicken (either cooked and shredded earlier or from a rotisserie chicken) in at step 3, to the gnocchi sauce. 
Gnocchi translates to “lumps” in Italian. Fun, right? So should we call this dish Creamy Lemon Garlic Shrimp and Lumps? Do you think anyone would want to make that? Probably not. But you might check it out out of curiosity right?  
Anyway, these “lumps” are basically small dumplings made with flour, potatoes, and eggs. So, gnocchi isn’t technically a pasta in the way that you typically think of pasta, but it’s a delicious dumpling that goes so deliciously with so many different foods! 
What goes great with this garlic shrimp dish? So many things, but mainly, I confess, I like to serve veggies with this dish because I feel like it just needs a little green, know what I mean?
A side salad is always easy to put together and goes nicely with Italian gnocchi. 
Roasted broccoli, asparagus, or green beans will cook in the oven while you do your thing on the stove. 
In addition to veggies, you can serve this dish with garlic bread, rolls, or a fresh baguette (cut into pieces, of course). 
Creamy Lemon Garlic Shrimp and Gnocchi
Creamy Lemon Garlic Shrimp and Gnocchi is a dish you might feel like you don’t deserve, but oh, boy you do! Creamy, garlicky, buttery, plump shrimp and soft, tender, pillowy gnocchi come together in a lemony cream sauce that’s simply divine, and in just 30 minutes!
Cuisine American, Italian
Keyword creamy garlic shrimp, gnocchi sauce, healthy lemon garlic shrimp, italian gnocchi
1 pound medium shrimp, peeled and de-veined
1 pound potato gnocchi
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 tablespoons butter
3 teaspoons minced garlic
1 cup low sodium chicken broth (or vegetable broth)
1/2 cup heavy cream or fat free half and half
4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper or to taste
cracked black pepper, grated parmesan cheese, fresh thyme or parsley optional toppings
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add gnocchi, boil three minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon and place in a large bowl. Toss with 1 teaspoon olive oil and set aside.
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, melt butter. Stir in garlic for 1 minute until fragrant.
Stir in gnocchi and shrimp for 2-3 minutes.
Stir in broth, lemon juice and heavy cream.
Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 5-10 minutes until sauce is reduced by half and thickened to a nice, creamy consistency.
Season with salt and pepper and garnish with optional toppings (herbs, cracked black pepper, parmesan cheese) and serve.
Heavy cream will make the sauce creamier and give it a richer flavor. For a lighter option, use fat free half and half – the sauce will be slightly less creamy and rich but still completely delicious. 
  from WordPress http://sweetly.site/creamy-lemon-garlic-shrimp-and-gnocchi/
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wikitopx · 5 years
Ragusa is a town in northern Sicily.
Its intriguing history, grand cathedrals and palaces, and divine food and drink provide visitors with endless opportunities for excitement. If you would like some ideas on how to start your Ragusa adventure, check out this list of the top ten things to do in the city.
1. Ragusa Ibla
History is alive in every road and piece of architecture in Ragusa Ibla or the Old Town. It is a wonderful place to stroll leisurely and examine the Baroque, Neoclassical, and Gothic buildings, that were built centuries ago, with some dating as far back as the early 18th century. There are several restaurants, bakeries, and gelaterias, so you can take a break in your time traveling and have some delicious treats.
2. Cattedrale di San Giovanni
Cattedrale di San Giovanni, which translates to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, is a magnificent church, which dates back to the 17th century. It was destroyed by the terrible earthquake of 1693 and rebuilt. As you peruse through the church, take note of the all the different architectural styles present here, due to the continuous rebuilding and renovation of the cathedral.
Entering the cathedral requires climbing up a set of stairs that, depending on your fitness level, may seem to go on forever. However, you will soon realize the climb is well worth it. The ornate baroque style carvings and statues and the sheer enormity of the church are simply awe inspiring. Additionally, from the top of the stairs, you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view of the Ragusa Ibla.
3. Gelati DiVini
Authentic Italian gelato is refreshing, wonderful, and delicious. It is the perfect treat on a warm day after exploring all that the city of Ragusa has to offer. Gelati DiVini’s selection of both traditional and unique flavors take gelato to another level. It is especially famous for its wine flavored gelato. Flavors offered at Gelati DiVini include chocolate with chili, white wine, red wine, rosé, and Moscato. Whether you prefer the typical gelato flavors or you are an adventurous foodie, you are certain to find something that pleases your taste buds.
4. Museo Archeologico Ibleo Ragusa
This museum is ideal for history buffs and it has artifacts dating back to prehistoric times. Look at the art, pottery and other artifacts. Make your way from prehistoric to modern times and make some stops at the time periods that fascinate you the most, such as ancient Greece or the Roman Empire.
5. Duomo Ristorante
Duomo Ristorante boasts two Michelin stars and serves traditional Italian food. Needless to say, the food is absolutely exquisite. It may seem pricey, however, considering that it is a gourmet restaurant and serves several courses per meal, it is well worth it. Savor the bread, sauces, and seafood and pair them with any of the incredible wines that the restaurant offers. Treat yourself - you will not regret it.
6. Giardini Iblei
Escape the midday heat and cool off under the shade of palm trees in Giardini Iblei, a botanical garden in the eastern part of the city. Take a rest from your busy itinerary to literally smell the roses. Walk through the garden and take in the bursts of color and delightful scents.
    7. Wine tasting at Planeta Dorilli Winery
Italy is known for its wines. Head to a wine tasting to sample some of the best wines in Ragusa and possibly Sicily. Planeta Dorilli Winery is a popular vineyard for wine tasting. In addition to the tasting, they offer a scrumptious Italian lunch, consisting of bruschetta, various pasta dishes, and fresh tomato sauces, that are absolutely divine. Enjoy the view of the vineyard, which is framed by stately palm trees, learn about the history of wine, and sip quality wine.
8. Irminio
Riserva Naturale del Fiume Irminio, referred to mainly as Irminio, is a small wildlife reserve, that includes a beach and river. It is home to several migratory birds, making it a wonderful place to bird watch. Listen to the rush of water flowing down the river, or to the waves crashing against the shore. It is a serene and quiet place to unwind, reflect and simply revel in nature.
9. Duomo di San Giorgio
Duomo San Giorgio or the Dome of St. George is a statuesque Baroque cathedral in Ragusa Ibla. The inside of the cathedral is equally as impressive as the exterior. From the inside, you can truly appreciate the enormity of the dome. Walk through the church and admire the artfully crafted and vivid stained-glass windows.
10. Palazzo Cosentini
Palazzo Cosentini is another architectural masterpiece in Ragusa Ibla. It is a Baroque palace that was built in the last half of the 18th century. What makes this particular palace unique is the art. As you approach the palace, you will be intrigued by the faces and figures on the exterior of the building. They are grotesque, misshapen and deformed, yet utterly captivating.
Read also: Top 10 things to do in Cap-d’Agde, France
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-ragusa-italy-707208.html
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freedomrecovery · 5 years
Freedom from Food
I list 9 different ways why THRIVING in life is more important than living in shame, guilt and anxiety because of food!
Living in freedom is a subjective phrase.
You can be free from multiple things…finances, jail, a stressful relationship..the list can go on.
But I’ll be referring to the freedom from food, the scale, anxiety, and body shame.
These 9 steps to freedom we’ll be discussing will open your eyes into a life of bondage and unworthiness of someone who thought was living a healthy lifestyle but in the end realized she was causing destruction to herself mentally and physically. Here’s a little familiar scenario for you before diving into this book.
Numbers can warp and corrupt your mind.
Your mind can be corrupted so much that if your goal is to lose weight then your whole life can be consumed by numbers. “How many calories does this apple have?” “I can’t eat all of my food, because then I’ll run out of calories by the end of the day.” “I need to lose 5 more lbs! Five more lbs then I’ll finally be happy once I’ve made it to my goal!” Then all of a sudden you end up not losing those pounds…in fact, you actually GAINED 3 extra pounds on top of the 5 pounds you “had” to lose!
Earth shattering…I know.
So what does a typical female, who doesn’t understand the concept of loving herself where she’s at at the moment do in this situation?
Freak out, right?!! Duh!
After MANY times freaking out over the numbers, food, and the scale it was brought to my attention that I was NOT made to always be at war with myself. I was NOT made to always be looking for another way to change me. I was NOT made to always be wanting to lose weight.
To make your life a little easier I have found 9 personal reasons explaining just how more important your life is than being obsessed with losing those extra pounds or tracking to the exact calorie and/or macro.
Getting the full experience out of moments in life
People may argue that food has nothing to do with experiences, but I refuse to believe that and I will be the first to disagree. Picture this...sitting with your family around the table on Christmas morning. There are pancakes, waffles, biscuits and gravy, pastries, real sausage (not turkey sausage...), eggs (not egg whites), bacon (not turkey bacon), and juice. You name it, they've got it. Your senses are filling up with the aroma of the delicious and savory food sitting right in front of you. Your belly growls. You've been hungry all morning and it's finally sitting right in front of you. After saying the blessing everyone digs in! Sister is going for the waffles first and smothering butter and syrup all on top. Brother is reaching for the biscuits and gravy and the gravy is so thick it's dripping off his plate. Dad is definitely going for the pancakes (that would be my choice as well) and putting peanut butter on top (because he's a genius), then syrup. Then it's your turn. You look at the waffles and think to yourself that you can't eat waffles without butter and syrup, because they're too dry, but if I added those two together the carb to fat ratio would be out of this world. You obviously don't even think about the biscuits and gravy, because look at it...it's 90% fat anyway. No way. On to the pancakes. Well, if you ate one pancake it might be okay. That peanut butter looks awfully good though. Maybe just portion the peanut butter out to one tablespoon and melt it so it looks like you have a lot. But if you ate a pancake and peanut butter could you put syrup on top? Probably not. That would be way too many calories for this meal. What in the world would you eat for the rest of the day, right? Then after the argument and justifying which foods you should eat and shouldn't eat you grab a couple pieces of fruit, maybe some of your own oatmeal (that wasn't on the table) and water.
Do you see what I'm getting at here? I personally lived my life like this for 7 years. In the "health and fitness" world there are always people telling you, "don't lose your goals during the holiday season" and,"be mindful of what you're eating so you don't ruin what hard work you've already put into your body".
Do you think you're still fully experiencing life at this very moment by not eating the scrumptious Christmas breakfast that someone you loved made for you?
No, it's not! Everyone at the table is groaning, because of how amazing their pancakes are while you sit at the same table and have no opinion, because you're eating your fruit and oats.
Food is apart of the experience in most situations!
Eat the freaking pancakes and chill out!
Hanging out with friends/family FREELY with no restrictions
Do you remember the last time you were invited to get some drinks after work or froyo on a Sunday afternoon or you were invited to a strange restaurant you’ve never been before?
Did you go or did you opt out, because you didn’t have enough calories to eat what you wanted for dinner AND have a couple drinks with friends, or you weren’t sure how to exactly calculate the froyo into your MyFitnessPal app, or the restaurant your friends were wanting to go to didn’t have any “healthy” platters so you had to spend valuable time out of your day to look up the menu and choose the least calorie filled plate? If you have done one or all of these to get out of having fun with friends…you’re not alone, and you’re not crazy. Okay, maybe a little crazy, but that’s why you’re reading this!
Now picture getting invited to one of these places—drinks, froyo, or dinner—and immediately saying YES! You’re not having to count, measure, or weigh anything. There’s no need to look at the menus, because you’re going to eat what you want and the world will still be spinning, you’ll still be alive, and when you wake up the next day you will look exactly the same, and you will have more memories then if you decided to be a hermit and not go out with your friends!
For some of you saying yes to these invitations is easy breezy, and you don’t understand why I’m taking the time to even explain why someone would do this. But for the others reading this, and myself, this WAS (or still is) us. This was how I would go about my everyday…trying to track, fit, and count every single morsel or food and macro that entered my mouth. Spontaneously getting invited to parties, dinners, or any event made me anxious. Literally, sometimes I would even have a panic attack. I would look up Youtube videos on how to accurately count froyo on my MyFitnessPal app, but just in case it wasn’t accurate I wouldn’t eat full meals before the outing, because I didn’t want to go over in carbs. I would spend so much time looking at the menus of the places my family and friends wanted to go to so I could already plug the numbers into my macro calculator to make sure if I should only eat 1 piece of bread…or maybe none so I could have half a sandwich, and soup…or I could eat a piece of bread with no butter and just eat the soup…but of course I would get the vegetables as a side, and ask for no added butter. No way, Jose.
Lets take a glimpse into the present tense. Every invitation I receive from my friends or family dealing with what used to scare me, I say YES! I say yes, because I don’t want to say no to life anymore. The freedom of going out with friends and feeling “normal” and not waiting for someone to touch the rolls first is one of the greatest feelings I’ve ever experienced and I want everyone who is dealing with this issue to experience it too. Because you deserve to feel FREE and you deserve to have 2 rolls at dinner, with a side of baked beans and not go home and stare at yourself in the mirror and cry, because of the “bad” decision you made! You’re better than that!!
Go eat a roll!
I remember traveling to Canada by myself when I was in high school, and I had to stay the night with one of my sisters since she was going to drive me to the airport. She was such a great hostess that she made me a goody bag I could take with me full of a whole bunch of fun food. I glanced in the bag, said thank you, rolled it back up and stuffed it in my bag. “Who was she to think I would eat this crap?” “She knows that I’m better than that!”
We were leaving for the airport at 5 A.M. and coincidentally that’s when Krispy Kreme opened. Great. She pulled into the parking lot and we walked in. The smell of freshly made donuts filled my senses and I for sure thought I had died and Krispy Kreme was heaven. Anyway, she told me that when she leaves her house in the early mornings she makes her way over to Krispy Kreme and she figured I would want one too. DUH! DONUTS ARE MY FAVORITE! The man started to hand me a fresh, hot, donut right off the conveyor belt…”No thanks.”
I literally said, “no thanks”, to a FRESH donut! How stupid, right?! (insert rolling eye emoji here). My sister kept asking if I was sure I didn’t want anything, and I kept refusing…trying to show her my true self discipline and motivation to remain “healthy”, while wishing I could just eat one.
Just eat one, but I knew if I had the rest of the day would mentally eat me up. Knowing how many grams of sugar, carbs, and fat that was in that donut was my main concern…not the fact that my big sister thought it would be nice to feed me before I went on a 3 hour plane ride to California. Makes sense, huh?
The very first traveling experience I had with no prepped food, no weighing mechanism, and no on board snacks was in 2015 after my first (and only) body building competition. My family and I were heading out to a family reunion in Iowa so we packed up the car and drove 8 hours to see people I didn’t even know. I felt vulnerable, not prepared, alone, and just really really open to the world…not in a good way. I was stepping into a whole other dimension that I’ve never been apart of before. I ate fast food for the first time in years. I had several helpings of Kringla (Norwegian cookie…made from heaven), and so much breakfast food it was outrageous. This was the start to a long road ahead to recovery. When I say long road…I literally mean the longest road I’ve ever been on in my life. After this trip I suffered with depression on how and why my body was changing. Yes, I was happy I ate what I ate, because I missed those foods so much, but I felt guilty and shameful for spending that time with my family and just 'letting go' and doing what I wanted with no restrictions. Although there were no food restrictions, there were mental restrictions that I had to conquer later in the journey.
My most recent venture was in 2016 to California to visit friends. All they could talk about was the food. Food this, food that. They kept telling me about how California food was the absolute best and I would love it…the burritos, Mexican food, and burgers…everything was the best. Do you know my reaction to this?
“HELL YEA! Let’s eat it all!"
You see, by diving in with both feet when I knew that the life I was trying to lead wasn’t the life people needed to look up to and realizing there was an issue, now I’m able to travel and experience the world with no regrets, no excuse to not try a certain food, and no restrictions with my food or mental being.
Peace of Mind
I explained above that the people who have been living a life of restrictions are a little crazy. Don’t take it too personally, because I’m the one writing this, which means I’ve had my moments of craziness too. Like…a lot of crazy!
So what do we do about the crazy?
1. Breathe
2. Don’t overthink it
3. Take a step back and remember that life is too short to be so restrictive and grumpy about food
4. Make the decision of what you and your body want…not what you think your body needs or what other people think you need. What do YOU want?
5. Stop being crazy!
How to stop being crazy:
First, you need to accept that the way you’re living is NOT the way you were designed to live. God did NOT make you and place you on this earth to go to bed and wake up every morning being anxious about food. Anxiousness does not add years to your life, in fact it shortens your life.
Secondly, after you’ve accepted this fact ACT on it. Don’t mope and bask in self pity because there’s something wrong with you. Put your big girl britches on, read some self help books (great job with this pick, I think it’s pretty awesome myself) talk to someone who actually cares for you and will help you out, and DO SOMETHING. Do something proactive that will HELP you in your recovery. You can’t expect the anxiousness and the craziness to just disappear one day, because it won’t, I promise. You have got to put in your 100% and dig deep to reach peace of mind and mental freedom.
The baggage that insecurities have on women is insane. When I would get into a conversation about physical features I would mentally curl up in the fetal position and cry until the subject changed and I could be apart of the conversation again. This is a subject that women feel uncomfortable talking about, because they don’t want to be vulnerable and truthful about what they think about when they’re at home all alone or when they couldn’t fit into any of the clothes they could wear in college. Your mental health is priority number one. Without your mental health you will not be able to fully recover from this way of disordered thinking. Make up your mind today that change is here and you will do whatever if it takes to break through the walls of insecurity so you can live a life having peace of mind.
Mind and Body communication
Once I threw away my food scale and text my powerlifting coach and told her that I couldn’t go through with the programming, because of how strict I had to be with counting macros, I was lost. This was the first time since seventh grade I wasn’t on some sort of plan or diet. I had no idea what I even liked or disliked or how certain foods made me feel. I had even forgotten what it was like to feel hungry and satisfied/full. See, through many years of restriction, planning my meals out, eating “clean”, and especially counting macros I never gave my mind a chance to listen to my body and feed it the foods that it really needed. No, I’m not just talking about to train, but the kinds of foods I just wanted during the day. It was such a struggle not counting macros, because I didn’t know what I wanted. I couldn’t necessarily tell anyone about this struggle, because how weird would it have been if I was like, “my stomach is growling…should I eat or should I wait until later?” I journaled everyday for a few months trying to figure out this whole eating thing. After a few months went by I started to feel so good. My digestive system was finally working again (it hadn’t since middle school) and after a full year of not having a period because of the disordered habits I finally had a period. My body was FINALLY working optimally again. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt this healthy!
What I’m saying is simple. Counting calories and counting every macro doesn’t give your body the choices it needs to work optimally for you. There were several situations to where after my macros would run out for the day (meaning I had eaten all the food I was told I could eat) I would still be hungry. This would also happen vise versa. My body wouldn’t need anymore food, but I would have 120 more carbs left…well I’m not hungry so why should I eat?
Well, you shouldn’t!
In conclusion, you can't be in control of everything, especially what you eat every moment of every single day. Let your mind and body connect and eat what feels good at that moment!
Enjoying GOOD food——without guilt
Do you realize that the health and fitness industry is a multi billion dollar industry? This means they have found exactly what people ‘think' they need, weight loss. They’ve taken it and ran with it.
They promote the "normal" things people do...(i.e. eating and exercise) and have corrupted it to the point to where people are labeling themselves as "bad" because of the food they've eaten or the workout they haven't completed.
I used to be this person, while staring at donuts or eating more than my designated macros, "I don't want to be bad today, but I want them so bad and I'm still hungry. Maybe I'll eat it now then be good tomorrow!"
I would also be the one posting on social media, "Cheat meal!! I love eating bad food!"
The association between the words “guilt”, "bad" and "good" shouldn’t even be in the same sentence as the word "food". Food is here to nurture and sustain us physically, mentally, and emotionally. We hear that emotional eating is bad and we shouldn't do it. Well, you know what?!! If you're sad and you think a candy bar will help...guess what? Go out and eat a freaking candy bar! Give yourself permission to nurture yourself emotionally and mentally.
I promise you that everything will be okay!
Eating kale isn't good nor bad (in my opinion I think it's freaking nasty so I won't be eating it). Eating a Subway sandwich is neither good nor bad, eating 2 rolls as an appetizer and eating your whole meal isn’t good nor bad.
I hope this makes sense to you.
There's no such thing as eating "good" and “bad" food. If you label foods this way then once you decide to eat out of these labels your mentality will be challenged and you will realize that you will feel guilty for eating amazingly yummy food.
Food is food. There is no good or bad.
And that’s it.
Your body is MADE to do so much more than lose weight
When was the last time you were thankful you could walk?
When was the last time you thanked your body for creating new life?
When was the last time you could hold your baby without any complications?
You see, our bodies were put on this earth for numerous other reasons than to lose weight. We weren’t made to step on the scale every morning and punish ourselves constantly by trying to lose extra pounds.
Our bodies were made to MOVE! We were made to hold children, and to conceive life!
Mother, I challenge you to really really think about your body and how INCREDIBLE your body truly is. Look at your baby and remind yourself everyday that YOUR body created that little person. If that isn’t miraculous then I don’t know what is.
Our bodies were made to travel. To hike up the mountains with friends and watch the sunset.
Our bodies were made to dance. To dance with your new husband on your wedding day.
Our bodes were made to feel. To hug a loved one who needs you the most.
Our bodies were made to free fall. To go sky diving or ride a roller coaster.
Don’t be a slave to the metal thing in the bathroom that flashes numbers in your face.
Go out and MOVE!
People are watching...
When I say 'people are watching' I am pertaining to the little people.
No, not midgets or Munshkins…#duh.
I’m talking about your children and the children around you!
Nine times out of ten parents (mostly mothers) don't realize how much of an impact their talk makes on their children (mostly their girls).
"We can't eat that. We don't want to get fat."
"I need to lose weight."
"There are too many carbs in that. We should find something different."
"I don't like my body...I really need to change."
"Let's go run off that ice cream we ate last night."
By saying things like this in front of children you're inevitably setting themselves up for failure.
The truth sucks sometimes, but it's true.
These little girls around you will start to think just because mom needs to lose weight I need to lose weight. And because mom doesn't like her body then I shouldn't like my body either.
She'll associate eating with exercising and burning calories.
*side note: the definition of exercise has NOTHING to do with burning calories!!
Exercise: "any activity that improves health and fitness."
Why do you think we hear SO many adolescents say negative comments about the way they look?
It's all they hear their favorite actresses on T.V. talk about. Then they think if the actresses are saying those things about their bodies and they're famous and everyone “likes” them then that’s how they should feel about themselves in order for them to gain a well known social status.
The only talk children should hear you say should be positive and uplifting things especially when it comes to your weight or your children's weight.
If they hear mommy saying she hates her body or even talks about dieting those little ones are going to grow accustomed to hearing those negative words and they will start to act on them. Have you ever wondered why young children ask if they’re fat or tell you they’re fat? Though society plays a huge roll in the influence of your children you also have a great influence.
Here’s a great example. My mother was the perfect definition of health in my book. She loved to move! She loved her potato chips and ice cream, but also loved her nutritious foods that fueled her body. We would go on walks together and lift together. She gave me the love I have for the gym. My mom never once talked about her body, but celebrated the fact that she could eat and she could move.
Once I got into middle school I would ask her why I was bigger than all the other girls and she would always tell me that I was just big boned and I still had baby fat and I would grow out of it. Well I didn’t realize that that was her way of comforting me since I was actually bigger than all the other girls! She would also say that I was definitely my father’s daughter due to my physical statue. All through middle school I would be confused as to why my older sister could eat like she did (we called her the garbage disposal), but when I would eat a normal meal I’d feel like I gained 20 pounds in a matter of minutes. She always told me that I could eat like my sister if I was as active as she was…this is when I really starting exercising for the caloric burn instead of enjoyment. "The more calories I burned the more I could eat!”, I thought. This thought process would lead me down a road of destruction mentally and physically.
There were times when I would ask my mom how I could get rid of my belly. She said if I stood up straight then I wouldn’t have a belly and it would become flat. I tried telling her several times that even when I would stand up straight I would have a belly but she never believed me until she corrected my posture one day, because she could see my belly and I proved to her that I had been standing up straight the whole time…I just had a belly! She turned back to her computer and didn’t say a word.
That day is burned in my memory because that’s when I correlated “being good” with not having a belly. She would always compliment me on my legs but when it came to my midsection there would always be something wrong.
Now, if I could ask her about those conversations today I know she would say that she didn’t mean anything negative or hurtful by her comments, but to my little ears at the time all I was hearing was, “You’re fat! You have a belly and that’s disgusting! If you want to eat today you’ll have to burn several calories to EARN your meal!.”
All I’m saying is that words are very very important! I look to my mom for the perfect definition of health. She was so proud of her body and what it could do. It was never about the outward appearance! Be careful with the words you choose to describe yourself, others, and your children.
The seeds that are planted in their little minds now will be harvested when they’re older.
Lets make their harvest fruitful and plentiful!
Lets get our orientation and mindset around the simple word “worth”.
: good, valuable, or important enough: deserving of:
: the value of something measured by its qualities of by the esteem in which it is held
: usefulness or importance
: an amount of something that has a specified value, that lasts for a specified length of time, etc.
: the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration’ the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated
Now think about yourself. Do you consider yourself to be of worth?
If you answered YES, great. You can skip this section.
If you answered NO, great. Keep reading.
Think of some ways you consider yourself NOT to be worth it.
So you can get a better understanding I’ll list a few ways I didn’t feel worth it a few years ago.
- I never felt good enough because I was always corrected and/or my parents were never ever satisfied with my work.
- I felt like my body wasn’t good enough.
*I was an athlete but I didn’t look like all the other girl athletes (straight body, no boobs, flat stomach) so I always thought I was doing something wrong.
- I felt ashamed for who I was. On the outside it looked like I had everything together but once I was alone I would rip myself apart with my words and physical harm.
I did not feel worthy enough to take care of myself!
I did not feel good enough to not let the lies of society mentally shatter me and break me down.
Instead of finding my worth in MYSELF and in God I found it in my physical attributes. I let how I looked decide on the attitude I would have for that day.
Think of all the times you spent obsessing over your weight, weighing your food, counting every calorie, saying no to plans with friends because you weren’t sure where they were going to eat and you didn’t want to feel “tempted” to eat “bad” food. Now think of all the times you could’ve been spending on YOUR passion, family, or friends. Maybe starting your own business or going out with friends. Whatever it may be choose to do what YOU want to do and shift your mindset and L O V E into the things you need in life.
My one and only request is that you will take these 9 reasons and implement them into your daily life so you can experience freedom from the scale, the numbers, and the war between your mind and body. Remember that if you want this new freedom you must be all in and set these reasons into play today. I promise you that if you give your 100% you will experience the chains being lifted from the bondage of the number game.
Be Relentless and always be moving forward!
Thank you dearly,
Bethany Michael Langland
IG: betsmichael
FB: relentlesstraining16
0 notes
Nutrition Healthy Eating
New Post has been published on http://www.firsthealthfitness.com/nutrition/nutrition-healthy-eating.html
Nutrition Healthy Eating
Nutritious diet is only a terrific matter for your body, head, core. If we fill up people with higher eating routine each meal of waking time we certainly have much more electrical power, clarity and therefore are performing a great point for all our our bodies. A little setting up and time you too can produce enjoyable dinners that happen to be healthful and delightful. Hopefully you like you like some suggestions.
1. Excellent foodstuff: Green health proteins protein shake loaded with delectable and naturally healthy vegetables and fruit. Get 1-3 servings of vegatables and fruits out-of-the-way initial thing each and every morning. Begin with a tasty flavored elevated in protein supper substitution wring. We have found a terrific on line vitamin store. The necessary protein wring we use is set with 15 H of Health proteins and additional Supplements & Enzymes. Put 8 oz .. of just onePer-cent or 2Percent dairy to a blender, 1-2 tablespoons of floor flax seed, 1 small fortune of your respective favourite flavour aminoacids protein shake, and merge. To the combo include 1-2 glasses of clean or frozen oatmeal (a great source of straightener), new or taken blueberries, berries, raspberries, a blueberry, a tomato, 1Or2 of cucumber and mix. This delightful tasting shake goes down so easy and is particularly also so great for the body! Appreciate
2. Reduced-Weight Possibilities: If you are looking for balanced minimal-extra fat solutions try this, use greens just like zucchini or chili peppers (red, discolored, natural all kinds of peppers) loaded with flavoured dental fillings to feature but is not on a cooked properly floor poultry, chopped white colored beef, chicken, species of fish, add clean natural herbs, tomato, and many others. Make inside range until eventually effervescent, leading with fresh new toasted bread food crumbs broil until the best cleveland browns somewhat. Really don’t shut the door on the broiler!
3. Bypass the Mayonnaise: Low-excess fat natural yogurt when combined Dijon Mustard makes a scrumptious alternative to mayo. It is steamy tangy structure constitutes a wonderful option to higher fat mayonnaise
4. New Natural Food: Require time out to discover nourishment, which food are ideal for you. Get creative with healthy recipes. Feeding on a spectrum of clean normal food items in the backyard garden is a sensible way to start out. Make sure to endeavor fruits and veggies that you’ve didn’t have previous to. Take in them clean and of course in time of year. Allow types rush on your own dialect and locate how yummy each one is.
5. Arise Your Metabolic rate: Feeding on tiny and sometimes can raise your metabolic process. Do not skip meals. Try to eat anything while in the first hr of getting to acquire your metabolic processes likely. Morning meal – basically indicates Inchdamaging the rapidIn ., one’s body continues to be resting. Taking away foods to chop calories is proven to work versus you when your body’s metabolic process will lessen the pace of to compensate to be able to spend less electricity – your entire body performs this when there is a limited intake of energy resource.
6. Pump Up the Iron: To place further golf club in what you eat, start being active . fresh new parsley, kale, claws bears or Physical exercise Chard to your frequent dishes, function them within your day health proteins rattles, or healthy salad.
7. Delightful Salad Straight from Garden: Increase individual green vegetables and herbal products in containers that will create your own personal tasty preparing salads. For recession put trimmed oatmeal, cucumber, shaved red-colored beets, cut up fennel, sunflower seed products and fresh specially pterostilbene . or raspberries. Attire the greens that has a do-it-yourself combination of 1Or4 glass coconut oil, 1Or2 goblet using apple cider vinegar, 1-2 tbs, Dijon Mustard, 1-2 tablespons of fruit almonds, lite sodium combo, pepper to flavour. Merge blender. If you want it creamier, add unwanted fat-cost-free Natural yoghurts.
8. Training In advance of Supper: Our bodies set out to reduce from the day time. The optimum time to sort out is all about 8 a long time after waking up. Take a half hour of work out before you have an evening meal to increase your metabolic process you will recognize that you shed fat for a couple of hours immediately after your task out is now over. That is good when used as part of your weight loss diet program.
9. Minimize Sea salt and Sugar Daily allowance: When make meals your household’s preferred dish, you’ll want to rule out the maximum amount of sea salt, at and glucose as it can be. Look for healthy possibilities, for example using low-fat yogurt as an alternative to lotion, leaning out your petrol, best to use extra virgin olive oil, grapes seed petrol or baking bottle of spray after you fire up cook, or cook and substitute sea salt with spices and herbs to flavor. Make from the beginning, not beyond a package. Consult with your physician about how precisely significantly sodium you should be getting. In person we certainly have taken out stand salt upgrading with lite sea salt mix perfectly found on the liven area. It has 50Pct much less sea salt than frequent sea. This lite sea mixture is actually a sea and blood potassium chloride mix with iodide and free of charge-going broker. Shouldn’t be utilised by persons for a sodium or blood potassium restricted eating habits unless of course approved by the medical professional. Great method of obtaining blood potassium.
10. For Your Medical doctor: Whichever put it into practice is often a smart idea to for your physician before you start any weightloss system. It is essential that you affirm there’s an excellent disease that may be halting through reducing your weight.
11. Chew Your food: Get pleasure from each and every chunk, put your hand lower among bites of food and like the style sensations. Never dash an evening meal. The more you are taking you can eat, the more quickly your abdominal can tell your head that you’ll be 100 %. . . it’s going to take time for this interaction that occurs! You may lessen your hunger with time.
12. Try to eat Little and sometimes: – have healthy and balanced appetizers – it is far better to have more than once as opposed to just one or two daily meals.
13. Limit the Herbal oils: For those who will need to use essential oil, use olive oil or grape seeds gas for mix french, utilize flower or fowl share, as a substitute to reduce within the excess fat. Slightly acrylic will go a considerable ways.
14. Tend not to Supersize: Before you decide to supersize that diet coke wine, or perhaps contemplate ingesting one, do you know one particular 2-liter bottle of Soda pop contains roughly 53 teaspoons of sweets??? Ask, would you truly sit down while dining and consume 53 teaspoonfuls of mister?
15. Take in the Skin color: Did you know the majority of the beneficial materials in vegetables and fruit is definitely within the skin tone? Will not peel – scratch if possible, never remove the themes whatsoever.
16. An All Natural Diuretic: This hidden secret is likewise perfect for your skin and is a great natural diuretic! Here is another squeeze of red in a glass of tepid to warm water before you’ll have morning meal – it truly quit will begin your rate of metabolism the next day. Vitamin c also helps to stop bowel obstruction and it’s serious perfect for the actual skin. Get pleasure from fresh squeezed lime in your drinking water each day.
17. Attempt Other Samples Of Protine: Tofu and scented soy are great option protine sames. Several vegetables generate superior degrees of healthy proteins for instance in Lima pinto beans and peas – put the crooks to your cereal and casseroles.
18. Good friend Around Be Enthusiastic: Enroll in a clb or pal with a person when you’re making much healthier choices in what you eat and performing exercises. It is great to get someone else keeping you determined to stay with the weightloss system. Even if you’re only examining in jointly on the phone, ensure 1 another encouraged. For those who have a loved one and youngsters, employ them inside pleasurable plus the exhilarating flavour goodies.
19. Refuse to Snack food items Before Going To Sleep: Your metabolism decreases at nighttime. Do not eat whatever when it is less than three hours before going to rest.
20. Caught up for Time?: Do not go with junk food – rather buy noodles or simply a swift salad. They solely carry a few momemts to prepare. You could make your private Far east bring-out or create your unique home made pizza from cash bought in your local German cafe. You may handle the sodium, natural oils not to mention bring your very own wholesome veggies and lean meats.
21. Stir up Your Rate of metabolism: Chile has been said to become a metabolic increaser. Including soup to tested recipes will help convert your body to a weight reduction central heater.
22. Use Extra Egg-whites: Did you know a lot of the egg fat is within the yolk? Make omelet’s without having the yolks, or at a minimum lessen the sheer numbers of entire eggs and lower your extra fat ingestion. Add more fresh vegetables, a powerful way to increase the fruit and vegetables for your proper dieting.
23. Create Low-Excess fat Quality recipes: Increasing fresh new herbal products is entertaining, basic and so enjoyable. Putting fresh herbs and spices on your formulas and discovering alternatives to white-colored flour, sodium bicarbonate, the baking powder snow and soya sauce as part of your cook book formulas. Pleasurable to experhyment. Create a simple food and create your.
24. Love this Secret: – you may take out weight from the baking teeth whitening trays by sacrificing ice cubes into them normally fat supports for the glaciers-dice.
25. Incredibly hot Normal water: Beverage a cup of water the next day and not cool drinking water. Trouble very first thing will help speed up your calorie consumption. Do not delay- press in many ” lemon ” to preference for the added benefit.
26. Feed on When You Shop: Grocery shopping, always consume before heading! Create a strategy of cake recipes and food your intend to ingest inside the week. Help make your shopping checklist and keep it going. This will assist assist you to in getting ready your diet to get the well balanced meals to advance advertise your weight loss plan or nutritious dietary habits. Avoid the tempting candies and salty goodies! We have found an on-line healthy and balanced shop with an enormous collection of assorted healthful snack foods that include an appropriate steadiness of protein, carbs and excess fat.
These some of the things you can do, easily, to give you in the habit of taking in well and lose weight quickly.
0 notes
ongames · 8 years
45 Ways To Be Happier Instantly
Got joy?
Sometimes it can feel hard to keep up a happy state of mind. The emotion, like all the others, isn’t always permanent. But there are ways to keep it up or boost it when you need it ― and luckily, they’re simpler than you think.
In honor of the International Day of Happiness, we’ve culled expert tips, research and just a few feel-good suggestions of ways to boost your mood. Take a look below:
1. Log some time with your furry friends.
Play fetch with Fido or sneak in a few cuddles with your kitten. Interacting with your pets can release oxytocin in the brain ― you know, the “warm and fuzzy” hormone ― resulting in that joyous feeling.
2. Count your blessings.
There’s nothing like a little thankfulness to boost your mood. Research shows expressing gratitude can make you happier. Try writing down three things you’re thankful for at the end of each night.
3. Remind yourself how great you are.
PSA: You are awesome — you just gotta believe it for yourself. Studies show self-acceptance is crucial to a happier life, but it’s a habit we barely practice. 
4. Call your mom.
Pick up that phone. Research suggests hearing your mom’s voice can help reduce stress. And less stress means a happier you.
5. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
The list of meditation benefits seems endless, but perhaps one of the more positive perks is what the practice can do for your mood. Research shows that allowing yourself a few moments of zen-like escape each day may make you happier.
6. Listen to music.
Admit it: There’s nothing quite like a solo jam session, and apparently science agrees. Research shows that trying to boost your mood while listening to music actually can help lift you to a more positive state. Press play ASAP.
7. While you’re at it, listen to sad music.
No, really. Studies also suggest listening to sad music can help boost positive feelings. (We just see this as another excuse to listen to Adele on repeat.)
8. Give back.
We didn’t get to where we are without a little help, so why not extend that same generosity to someone else? Not only will your kindness influence others, studies show it’ll also make you happier, too.
9. Hang out with someone who is happy.
Joy really is contagious. Research shows the more you surround yourself with positive people, the happier you’ll feel. Time to go catch up with your BFF?
10. Watch a funny video.
Find something that tickles you, watch and let the giggles ensue. Laughter can reduce stress, after all.
11. Plan a vacation.
The anticipation for a trip is almost as good as the trip itself. Prepping for a vacation has been shown to increase our happiness levels, the New York Times reported. The warm sun or exciting slopes are just an added bonus.
12. Whip up a good meal.
Feeling blue? Tap into your inner chef and hit the kitchen. Researchers say people who employ creative process in small ways ― like coming up with a new pasta recipe for dinner ― feel happier overall.
13. Get in a good workout.
Consider this our love letter to exercise. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s equally as beneficial to your brain. When you work up a sweat, you release endorphins, immediately upping your happiness levels. Go ahead, get moving.
14. Spend money on experiences. A fulfilling life doesn’t lie in our possessions, it’s found in the experiences we have and the people we share them with. If you’re going to spend a little moolah, spend it on a trip, a concert or any other experience that will bring you joy. Science says you’ll be happier in the long run.
15. Challenge yourself.
Work for that promotion or take on that marathon. It’s a lovely treat for your mind, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. “Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness,” Rubin wrote in Real Simple. “The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.”
16. Fake a smile.
We get it — smiling may be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a sour mood, but it could help to turn that frown upside-down. Research shows faking a smile can help elevate our mood, even if we’re not genuinely into it right away. Talk about the power of suggestion.
17. Go outside.
Take advantage of your backyard or stroll a park you’ve never been to before and thank yourself later. One study found that going for a brief walk in nature can help improve your mood and alleviate stress.
18. Make some new friends.
Research shows making friends increases our happiness and well-being. Join a club, talk to your coworker or strike up a conversation in the grocery line — you never know what kinds of new connections you can make.
19. Drink a glass of milk. Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps create serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too.
20. Take a cozy bath (like Barry the dog).
If that isn’t the look of happiness, we don’t know what is. Plus, research suggests that warm baths make us feel warm on the inside, too.
21. Get enough sleep.
More sleep = A happier you. Too little shuteye slows down our cognitive processes and increases the risk of depression. Try hitting the pillow 30 minutes earlier each night or taking a nap in the middle of the day.
22. Embrace the aging process.
Most people wish they could avoid aging, but studies show that we’re happier as we get older. Experts theorize this could be because the older we get, the more we reflect on positive experiences. Sounds like a great reason to love those birthdays.
23. Have a good cry.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it may actually work. Research has found that crying can lead to positive increase in mood following the flow of tears. Those in the study reported feeling better than they did before they had a reason to cry.
24. Follow the “golden ratio.”
This theory, developed by positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, holds that for every one negative experience you have, you should have three positive ones in order to achieve happiness. Makes sense to us!
25. Show your appreciation for someone else over email.
Technology isn’t all bad. Take a break from your overflowing inbox and switch gears to a different kind of email. “We fight so hard against the negative and we forget to tell people how powerful a two-minute positive e-mail could be,” Harvard-trained researcher and Before Happiness author Shawn Achor told Oprah in 2014.
26. Give someone else a compliment.
Your generosity will make your day and their’s. Looking for a way to give praise that isn’t superficial? Here are some ideas.
27. Find the perfect temperature.
The weather outside has a direct influence on how we feel on the inside. One study found that happiness is maximized at an approximate 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
28. Keep a one-sentence journal.
Sometimes the most mundane moments turn out to be the loveliest source of happiness. Research shows recording these everyday events may make us happier later on because we appreciate them a lot more when they’re revisited. In other words, if you ate a scrumptious chocolate brownie on Wednesday, write it down.
30. Stop to smell the flowers, literally.
Eau de Happiness? One study on how scent affects joy found that participants who were in a floral-scented room selected three times as many happiness-related terms than negative terms.
31. Have sex.
Here’s a good excuse (not that you need one) to hit the sheets: Research suggests having sex can reduce stress. Of course, how much is up to you. But worth a try, eh?
32. Just TRY being happy.
Can you think yourself to joy? Some researchers believe so. According to two experimental studies, taking happiness into your own hands can boost your well-being.
33. Try to cut back on work.
Residents of Denmark, one of the happiest countries in the world, spend less time than most Americans in the office. Only 2 percent of Danes work long hours, which is categorized as 50 hours per week. And full-time workers still devote 66 percent of their day to self-care, like eating and sleeping. Maybe do as the Danes do?
34. Get spiritual.
Spirituality and religion have been linked to higher happiness and well-being, according to a review of studies on spirituality and health. Sometimes it helps to know you’re connected to something greater than yourself.
35. Celebrate little victories.
There’s power in small moments. Whether it’s getting an answer correct at trivia or catching your favorite song on the radio, indulge in the little “wins” of your day. “I think when we take time to notice the things that go right — it means we’re getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day,” Susan Weinschenk, author of How to Get People to Do Stuff, previously told HuffPost. “That can help with our moods.”
36. Think of happy memories.
Research shows nostalgia makes us happier and more optimistic. Time to dig out those old yearbooks?
37. Skip the small talk and go deep.
Anyone can talk about the weather. Let yourself get a little more connected and have a substantial conversation with someone — research shows it will boost happiness and well-being.
38. Recite a positive mantra.
You can either create your own or find one online (personally, we like these encouraging words). Search for a phrase that’s going to bring meaning to you. Research shows having a mantra can help with bad feelings. Find yours!
39. Spend money on someone else.
Investing in other people really does pay off — for them and for you. According to one 2008 study, spending money on others promotes your own happiness.
40. Become a better listener.
How much do your really pay attention to your conversations? Researchers theorize the more we listen, the happier and more meaningful our lives are — particularly within our relationships. As Epictetus once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
41. Take a selfie.
The next time someone judges you for taking one of those infamous front-facing photos, show them this: A 2016 study found that selfies actually increase confidence and make you happier. Boom.
42. Talk to someone IRL. Put down that phone and log some real FaceTime. Human beings are social creatures (and not just on the internet), so it’s time we tap into those resources. Research shows we simply feel better when we’re around other people.
43. Lower your expectations.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a lackluster New Year’s Eve or Valentine’s Day. It’s no secret that expectation can lead to disappointment if the bar is set too high (in fact, research backs this up). We’re not implying that you should set the bar low, but sometimes realistic ideas make you happier in the long run. 
44. Look on the bright side.
There are perks to seeing life through a glass half full. Try looking for a silver lining in any situation. Optimists are not only more joyful, they also may live longer. That’s a lot of extra time to be happy.
45. Finally, just look at this smiling face.
Give one (or several) of these a try the next time you’re feeling low. Happiness looks good on you.
A previous version of this article appeared in March 2015.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
45 Ways To Be Happier Instantly published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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yes-dal456 · 8 years
45 Ways To Be Happier Instantly
Got joy?
Sometimes it can feel hard to keep up a happy state of mind. The emotion, like all the others, isn’t always permanent. But there are ways to keep it up or boost it when you need it ― and luckily, they’re simpler than you think.
In honor of the International Day of Happiness, we’ve culled expert tips, research and just a few feel-good suggestions of ways to boost your mood. Take a look below:
1. Log some time with your furry friends.
Play fetch with Fido or sneak in a few cuddles with your kitten. Interacting with your pets can release oxytocin in the brain ― you know, the “warm and fuzzy” hormone ― resulting in that joyous feeling.
2. Count your blessings.
There’s nothing like a little thankfulness to boost your mood. Research shows expressing gratitude can make you happier. Try writing down three things you’re thankful for at the end of each night.
3. Remind yourself how great you are.
PSA: You are awesome — you just gotta believe it for yourself. Studies show self-acceptance is crucial to a happier life, but it’s a habit we barely practice. 
4. Call your mom.
Pick up that phone. Research suggests hearing your mom’s voice can help reduce stress. And less stress means a happier you.
5. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
The list of meditation benefits seems endless, but perhaps one of the more positive perks is what the practice can do for your mood. Research shows that allowing yourself a few moments of zen-like escape each day may make you happier.
6. Listen to music.
Admit it: There’s nothing quite like a solo jam session, and apparently science agrees. Research shows that trying to boost your mood while listening to music actually can help lift you to a more positive state. Press play ASAP.
7. While you’re at it, listen to sad music.
No, really. Studies also suggest listening to sad music can help boost positive feelings. (We just see this as another excuse to listen to Adele on repeat.)
8. Give back.
We didn’t get to where we are without a little help, so why not extend that same generosity to someone else? Not only will your kindness influence others, studies show it’ll also make you happier, too.
9. Hang out with someone who is happy.
Joy really is contagious. Research shows the more you surround yourself with positive people, the happier you’ll feel. Time to go catch up with your BFF?
10. Watch a funny video.
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Find something that tickles you, watch and let the giggles ensue. Laughter can reduce stress, after all.
11. Plan a vacation.
The anticipation for a trip is almost as good as the trip itself. Prepping for a vacation has been shown to increase our happiness levels, the New York Times reported. The warm sun or exciting slopes are just an added bonus.
12. Whip up a good meal.
Feeling blue? Tap into your inner chef and hit the kitchen. Researchers say people who employ creative process in small ways ― like coming up with a new pasta recipe for dinner ― feel happier overall.
13. Get in a good workout.
Consider this our love letter to exercise. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s equally as beneficial to your brain. When you work up a sweat, you release endorphins, immediately upping your happiness levels. Go ahead, get moving.
14. Spend money on experiences. A fulfilling life doesn’t lie in our possessions, it’s found in the experiences we have and the people we share them with. If you’re going to spend a little moolah, spend it on a trip, a concert or any other experience that will bring you joy. Science says you’ll be happier in the long run.
15. Challenge yourself.
Work for that promotion or take on that marathon. It’s a lovely treat for your mind, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. “Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness,” Rubin wrote in Real Simple. “The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.”
16. Fake a smile.
We get it — smiling may be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a sour mood, but it could help to turn that frown upside-down. Research shows faking a smile can help elevate our mood, even if we’re not genuinely into it right away. Talk about the power of suggestion.
17. Go outside.
Take advantage of your backyard or stroll a park you’ve never been to before and thank yourself later. One study found that going for a brief walk in nature can help improve your mood and alleviate stress.
18. Make some new friends.
Research shows making friends increases our happiness and well-being. Join a club, talk to your coworker or strike up a conversation in the grocery line — you never know what kinds of new connections you can make.
19. Drink a glass of milk. Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps create serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too.
20. Take a cozy bath (like Barry the dog).
If that isn’t the look of happiness, we don’t know what is. Plus, research suggests that warm baths make us feel warm on the inside, too.
21. Get enough sleep.
More sleep = A happier you. Too little shuteye slows down our cognitive processes and increases the risk of depression. Try hitting the pillow 30 minutes earlier each night or taking a nap in the middle of the day.
22. Embrace the aging process.
Most people wish they could avoid aging, but studies show that we’re happier as we get older. Experts theorize this could be because the older we get, the more we reflect on positive experiences. Sounds like a great reason to love those birthdays.
23. Have a good cry.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it may actually work. Research has found that crying can lead to positive increase in mood following the flow of tears. Those in the study reported feeling better than they did before they had a reason to cry.
24. Follow the “golden ratio.”
This theory, developed by positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, holds that for every one negative experience you have, you should have three positive ones in order to achieve happiness. Makes sense to us!
25. Show your appreciation for someone else over email.
Technology isn’t all bad. Take a break from your overflowing inbox and switch gears to a different kind of email. “We fight so hard against the negative and we forget to tell people how powerful a two-minute positive e-mail could be,” Harvard-trained researcher and Before Happiness author Shawn Achor told Oprah in 2014.
26. Give someone else a compliment.
Your generosity will make your day and their’s. Looking for a way to give praise that isn’t superficial? Here are some ideas.
27. Find the perfect temperature.
The weather outside has a direct influence on how we feel on the inside. One study found that happiness is maximized at an approximate 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
28. Keep a one-sentence journal.
Sometimes the most mundane moments turn out to be the loveliest source of happiness. Research shows recording these everyday events may make us happier later on because we appreciate them a lot more when they’re revisited. In other words, if you ate a scrumptious chocolate brownie on Wednesday, write it down.
30. Stop to smell the flowers, literally.
Eau de Happiness? One study on how scent affects joy found that participants who were in a floral-scented room selected three times as many happiness-related terms than negative terms.
31. Have sex.
Here’s a good excuse (not that you need one) to hit the sheets: Research suggests having sex can reduce stress. Of course, how much is up to you. But worth a try, eh?
32. Just TRY being happy.
Can you think yourself to joy? Some researchers believe so. According to two experimental studies, taking happiness into your own hands can boost your well-being.
33. Try to cut back on work.
Residents of Denmark, one of the happiest countries in the world, spend less time than most Americans in the office. Only 2 percent of Danes work long hours, which is categorized as 50 hours per week. And full-time workers still devote 66 percent of their day to self-care, like eating and sleeping. Maybe do as the Danes do?
34. Get spiritual.
Spirituality and religion have been linked to higher happiness and well-being, according to a review of studies on spirituality and health. Sometimes it helps to know you’re connected to something greater than yourself.
35. Celebrate little victories.
There’s power in small moments. Whether it’s getting an answer correct at trivia or catching your favorite song on the radio, indulge in the little “wins” of your day. “I think when we take time to notice the things that go right — it means we’re getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day,” Susan Weinschenk, author of How to Get People to Do Stuff, previously told HuffPost. “That can help with our moods.”
36. Think of happy memories.
Research shows nostalgia makes us happier and more optimistic. Time to dig out those old yearbooks?
37. Skip the small talk and go deep.
Anyone can talk about the weather. Let yourself get a little more connected and have a substantial conversation with someone — research shows it will boost happiness and well-being.
38. Recite a positive mantra.
You can either create your own or find one online (personally, we like these encouraging words). Search for a phrase that’s going to bring meaning to you. Research shows having a mantra can help with bad feelings. Find yours!
39. Spend money on someone else.
Investing in other people really does pay off — for them and for you. According to one 2008 study, spending money on others promotes your own happiness.
40. Become a better listener.
How much do your really pay attention to your conversations? Researchers theorize the more we listen, the happier and more meaningful our lives are — particularly within our relationships. As Epictetus once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
41. Take a selfie.
The next time someone judges you for taking one of those infamous front-facing photos, show them this: A 2016 study found that selfies actually increase confidence and make you happier. Boom.
42. Talk to someone IRL. Put down that phone and log some real FaceTime. Human beings are social creatures (and not just on the internet), so it’s time we tap into those resources. Research shows we simply feel better when we’re around other people.
43. Lower your expectations.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a lackluster New Year’s Eve or Valentine’s Day. It’s no secret that expectation can lead to disappointment if the bar is set too high (in fact, research backs this up). We’re not implying that you should set the bar low, but sometimes realistic ideas make you happier in the long run. 
44. Look on the bright side.
There are perks to seeing life through a glass half full. Try looking for a silver lining in any situation. Optimists are not only more joyful, they also may live longer. That’s a lot of extra time to be happy.
45. Finally, just look at this smiling face.
Give one (or several) of these a try the next time you’re feeling low. Happiness looks good on you.
A previous version of this article appeared in March 2015.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2n6aQHy from Blogger http://ift.tt/2mMfhod
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repwinpril9y0a1 · 8 years
45 Ways To Be Happier Instantly
Got joy?
Sometimes it can feel hard to keep up a happy state of mind. The emotion, like all the others, isn’t always permanent. But there are ways to keep it up or boost it when you need it ― and luckily, they’re simpler than you think.
In honor of the International Day of Happiness, we’ve culled expert tips, research and just a few feel-good suggestions of ways to boost your mood. Take a look below:
1. Log some time with your furry friends.
Play fetch with Fido or sneak in a few cuddles with your kitten. Interacting with your pets can release oxytocin in the brain ― you know, the “warm and fuzzy” hormone ― resulting in that joyous feeling.
2. Count your blessings.
There’s nothing like a little thankfulness to boost your mood. Research shows expressing gratitude can make you happier. Try writing down three things you’re thankful for at the end of each night.
3. Remind yourself how great you are.
PSA: You are awesome — you just gotta believe it for yourself. Studies show self-acceptance is crucial to a happier life, but it’s a habit we barely practice. 
4. Call your mom.
Pick up that phone. Research suggests hearing your mom’s voice can help reduce stress. And less stress means a happier you.
5. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
The list of meditation benefits seems endless, but perhaps one of the more positive perks is what the practice can do for your mood. Research shows that allowing yourself a few moments of zen-like escape each day may make you happier.
6. Listen to music.
Admit it: There’s nothing quite like a solo jam session, and apparently science agrees. Research shows that trying to boost your mood while listening to music actually can help lift you to a more positive state. Press play ASAP.
7. While you’re at it, listen to sad music.
No, really. Studies also suggest listening to sad music can help boost positive feelings. (We just see this as another excuse to listen to Adele on repeat.)
8. Give back.
We didn’t get to where we are without a little help, so why not extend that same generosity to someone else? Not only will your kindness influence others, studies show it’ll also make you happier, too.
9. Hang out with someone who is happy.
Joy really is contagious. Research shows the more you surround yourself with positive people, the happier you’ll feel. Time to go catch up with your BFF?
10. Watch a funny video.
Find something that tickles you, watch and let the giggles ensue. Laughter can reduce stress, after all.
11. Plan a vacation.
The anticipation for a trip is almost as good as the trip itself. Prepping for a vacation has been shown to increase our happiness levels, the New York Times reported. The warm sun or exciting slopes are just an added bonus.
12. Whip up a good meal.
Feeling blue? Tap into your inner chef and hit the kitchen. Researchers say people who employ creative process in small ways ― like coming up with a new pasta recipe for dinner ― feel happier overall.
13. Get in a good workout.
Consider this our love letter to exercise. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s equally as beneficial to your brain. When you work up a sweat, you release endorphins, immediately upping your happiness levels. Go ahead, get moving.
14. Spend money on experiences. A fulfilling life doesn’t lie in our possessions, it’s found in the experiences we have and the people we share them with. If you’re going to spend a little moolah, spend it on a trip, a concert or any other experience that will bring you joy. Science says you’ll be happier in the long run.
15. Challenge yourself.
Work for that promotion or take on that marathon. It’s a lovely treat for your mind, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. “Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness,” Rubin wrote in Real Simple. “The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.”
16. Fake a smile.
We get it — smiling may be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a sour mood, but it could help to turn that frown upside-down. Research shows faking a smile can help elevate our mood, even if we’re not genuinely into it right away. Talk about the power of suggestion.
17. Go outside.
Take advantage of your backyard or stroll a park you’ve never been to before and thank yourself later. One study found that going for a brief walk in nature can help improve your mood and alleviate stress.
18. Make some new friends.
Research shows making friends increases our happiness and well-being. Join a club, talk to your coworker or strike up a conversation in the grocery line — you never know what kinds of new connections you can make.
19. Drink a glass of milk. Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps create serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too.
20. Take a cozy bath (like Barry the dog).
If that isn’t the look of happiness, we don’t know what is. Plus, research suggests that warm baths make us feel warm on the inside, too.
21. Get enough sleep.
More sleep = A happier you. Too little shuteye slows down our cognitive processes and increases the risk of depression. Try hitting the pillow 30 minutes earlier each night or taking a nap in the middle of the day.
22. Embrace the aging process.
Most people wish they could avoid aging, but studies show that we’re happier as we get older. Experts theorize this could be because the older we get, the more we reflect on positive experiences. Sounds like a great reason to love those birthdays.
23. Have a good cry.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it may actually work. Research has found that crying can lead to positive increase in mood following the flow of tears. Those in the study reported feeling better than they did before they had a reason to cry.
24. Follow the “golden ratio.”
This theory, developed by positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, holds that for every one negative experience you have, you should have three positive ones in order to achieve happiness. Makes sense to us!
25. Show your appreciation for someone else over email.
Technology isn’t all bad. Take a break from your overflowing inbox and switch gears to a different kind of email. “We fight so hard against the negative and we forget to tell people how powerful a two-minute positive e-mail could be,” Harvard-trained researcher and Before Happiness author Shawn Achor told Oprah in 2014.
26. Give someone else a compliment.
Your generosity will make your day and their’s. Looking for a way to give praise that isn’t superficial? Here are some ideas.
27. Find the perfect temperature.
The weather outside has a direct influence on how we feel on the inside. One study found that happiness is maximized at an approximate 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
28. Keep a one-sentence journal.
Sometimes the most mundane moments turn out to be the loveliest source of happiness. Research shows recording these everyday events may make us happier later on because we appreciate them a lot more when they’re revisited. In other words, if you ate a scrumptious chocolate brownie on Wednesday, write it down.
30. Stop to smell the flowers, literally.
Eau de Happiness? One study on how scent affects joy found that participants who were in a floral-scented room selected three times as many happiness-related terms than negative terms.
31. Have sex.
Here’s a good excuse (not that you need one) to hit the sheets: Research suggests having sex can reduce stress. Of course, how much is up to you. But worth a try, eh?
32. Just TRY being happy.
Can you think yourself to joy? Some researchers believe so. According to two experimental studies, taking happiness into your own hands can boost your well-being.
33. Try to cut back on work.
Residents of Denmark, one of the happiest countries in the world, spend less time than most Americans in the office. Only 2 percent of Danes work long hours, which is categorized as 50 hours per week. And full-time workers still devote 66 percent of their day to self-care, like eating and sleeping. Maybe do as the Danes do?
34. Get spiritual.
Spirituality and religion have been linked to higher happiness and well-being, according to a review of studies on spirituality and health. Sometimes it helps to know you’re connected to something greater than yourself.
35. Celebrate little victories.
There’s power in small moments. Whether it’s getting an answer correct at trivia or catching your favorite song on the radio, indulge in the little “wins” of your day. “I think when we take time to notice the things that go right — it means we’re getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day,” Susan Weinschenk, author of How to Get People to Do Stuff, previously told HuffPost. “That can help with our moods.”
36. Think of happy memories.
Research shows nostalgia makes us happier and more optimistic. Time to dig out those old yearbooks?
37. Skip the small talk and go deep.
Anyone can talk about the weather. Let yourself get a little more connected and have a substantial conversation with someone — research shows it will boost happiness and well-being.
38. Recite a positive mantra.
You can either create your own or find one online (personally, we like these encouraging words). Search for a phrase that’s going to bring meaning to you. Research shows having a mantra can help with bad feelings. Find yours!
39. Spend money on someone else.
Investing in other people really does pay off — for them and for you. According to one 2008 study, spending money on others promotes your own happiness.
40. Become a better listener.
How much do your really pay attention to your conversations? Researchers theorize the more we listen, the happier and more meaningful our lives are — particularly within our relationships. As Epictetus once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
41. Take a selfie.
The next time someone judges you for taking one of those infamous front-facing photos, show them this: A 2016 study found that selfies actually increase 
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mkmoYW
0 notes
porchenclose10019 · 8 years
45 Ways To Be Happier Instantly
Got joy?
Sometimes it can feel hard to keep up a happy state of mind. The emotion, like all the others, isn’t always permanent. But there are ways to keep it up or boost it when you need it ― and luckily, they’re simpler than you think.
In honor of the International Day of Happiness, we’ve culled expert tips, research and just a few feel-good suggestions of ways to boost your mood. Take a look below:
1. Log some time with your furry friends.
Play fetch with Fido or sneak in a few cuddles with your kitten. Interacting with your pets can release oxytocin in the brain ― you know, the “warm and fuzzy” hormone ― resulting in that joyous feeling.
2. Count your blessings.
There’s nothing like a little thankfulness to boost your mood. Research shows expressing gratitude can make you happier. Try writing down three things you’re thankful for at the end of each night.
3. Remind yourself how great you are.
PSA: You are awesome — you just gotta believe it for yourself. Studies show self-acceptance is crucial to a happier life, but it’s a habit we barely practice. 
4. Call your mom.
Pick up that phone. Research suggests hearing your mom’s voice can help reduce stress. And less stress means a happier you.
5. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
The list of meditation benefits seems endless, but perhaps one of the more positive perks is what the practice can do for your mood. Research shows that allowing yourself a few moments of zen-like escape each day may make you happier.
6. Listen to music.
Admit it: There’s nothing quite like a solo jam session, and apparently science agrees. Research shows that trying to boost your mood while listening to music actually can help lift you to a more positive state. Press play ASAP.
7. While you’re at it, listen to sad music.
No, really. Studies also suggest listening to sad music can help boost positive feelings. (We just see this as another excuse to listen to Adele on repeat.)
8. Give back.
We didn’t get to where we are without a little help, so why not extend that same generosity to someone else? Not only will your kindness influence others, studies show it’ll also make you happier, too.
9. Hang out with someone who is happy.
Joy really is contagious. Research shows the more you surround yourself with positive people, the happier you’ll feel. Time to go catch up with your BFF?
10. Watch a funny video.
Find something that tickles you, watch and let the giggles ensue. Laughter can reduce stress, after all.
11. Plan a vacation.
The anticipation for a trip is almost as good as the trip itself. Prepping for a vacation has been shown to increase our happiness levels, the New York Times reported. The warm sun or exciting slopes are just an added bonus.
12. Whip up a good meal.
Feeling blue? Tap into your inner chef and hit the kitchen. Researchers say people who employ creative process in small ways ― like coming up with a new pasta recipe for dinner ― feel happier overall.
13. Get in a good workout.
Consider this our love letter to exercise. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s equally as beneficial to your brain. When you work up a sweat, you release endorphins, immediately upping your happiness levels. Go ahead, get moving.
14. Spend money on experiences. A fulfilling life doesn’t lie in our possessions, it’s found in the experiences we have and the people we share them with. If you’re going to spend a little moolah, spend it on a trip, a concert or any other experience that will bring you joy. Science says you’ll be happier in the long run.
15. Challenge yourself.
Work for that promotion or take on that marathon. It’s a lovely treat for your mind, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. “Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness,” Rubin wrote in Real Simple. “The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.”
16. Fake a smile.
We get it — smiling may be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a sour mood, but it could help to turn that frown upside-down. Research shows faking a smile can help elevate our mood, even if we’re not genuinely into it right away. Talk about the power of suggestion.
17. Go outside.
Take advantage of your backyard or stroll a park you’ve never been to before and thank yourself later. One study found that going for a brief walk in nature can help improve your mood and alleviate stress.
18. Make some new friends.
Research shows making friends increases our happiness and well-being. Join a club, talk to your coworker or strike up a conversation in the grocery line — you never know what kinds of new connections you can make.
19. Drink a glass of milk. Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps create serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too.
20. Take a cozy bath (like Barry the dog).
If that isn’t the look of happiness, we don’t know what is. Plus, research suggests that warm baths make us feel warm on the inside, too.
21. Get enough sleep.
More sleep = A happier you. Too little shuteye slows down our cognitive processes and increases the risk of depression. Try hitting the pillow 30 minutes earlier each night or taking a nap in the middle of the day.
22. Embrace the aging process.
Most people wish they could avoid aging, but studies show that we’re happier as we get older. Experts theorize this could be because the older we get, the more we reflect on positive experiences. Sounds like a great reason to love those birthdays.
23. Have a good cry.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it may actually work. Research has found that crying can lead to positive increase in mood following the flow of tears. Those in the study reported feeling better than they did before they had a reason to cry.
24. Follow the “golden ratio.”
This theory, developed by positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, holds that for every one negative experience you have, you should have three positive ones in order to achieve happiness. Makes sense to us!
25. Show your appreciation for someone else over email.
Technology isn’t all bad. Take a break from your overflowing inbox and switch gears to a different kind of email. “We fight so hard against the negative and we forget to tell people how powerful a two-minute positive e-mail could be,” Harvard-trained researcher and Before Happiness author Shawn Achor told Oprah in 2014.
26. Give someone else a compliment.
Your generosity will make your day and their’s. Looking for a way to give praise that isn’t superficial? Here are some ideas.
27. Find the perfect temperature.
The weather outside has a direct influence on how we feel on the inside. One study found that happiness is maximized at an approximate 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
28. Keep a one-sentence journal.
Sometimes the most mundane moments turn out to be the loveliest source of happiness. Research shows recording these everyday events may make us happier later on because we appreciate them a lot more when they’re revisited. In other words, if you ate a scrumptious chocolate brownie on Wednesday, write it down.
30. Stop to smell the flowers, literally.
Eau de Happiness? One study on how scent affects joy found that participants who were in a floral-scented room selected three times as many happiness-related terms than negative terms.
31. Have sex.
Here’s a good excuse (not that you need one) to hit the sheets: Research suggests having sex can reduce stress. Of course, how much is up to you. But worth a try, eh?
32. Just TRY being happy.
Can you think yourself to joy? Some researchers believe so. According to two experimental studies, taking happiness into your own hands can boost your well-being.
33. Try to cut back on work.
Residents of Denmark, one of the happiest countries in the world, spend less time than most Americans in the office. Only 2 percent of Danes work long hours, which is categorized as 50 hours per week. And full-time workers still devote 66 percent of their day to self-care, like eating and sleeping. Maybe do as the Danes do?
34. Get spiritual.
Spirituality and religion have been linked to higher happiness and well-being, according to a review of studies on spirituality and health. Sometimes it helps to know you’re connected to something greater than yourself.
35. Celebrate little victories.
There’s power in small moments. Whether it’s getting an answer correct at trivia or catching your favorite song on the radio, indulge in the little “wins” of your day. “I think when we take time to notice the things that go right — it means we’re getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day,” Susan Weinschenk, author of How to Get People to Do Stuff, previously told HuffPost. “That can help with our moods.”
36. Think of happy memories.
Research shows nostalgia makes us happier and more optimistic. Time to dig out those old yearbooks?
37. Skip the small talk and go deep.
Anyone can talk about the weather. Let yourself get a little more connected and have a substantial conversation with someone — research shows it will boost happiness and well-being.
38. Recite a positive mantra.
You can either create your own or find one online (personally, we like these encouraging words). Search for a phrase that’s going to bring meaning to you. Research shows having a mantra can help with bad feelings. Find yours!
39. Spend money on someone else.
Investing in other people really does pay off — for them and for you. According to one 2008 study, spending money on others promotes your own happiness.
40. Become a better listener.
How much do your really pay attention to your conversations? Researchers theorize the more we listen, the happier and more meaningful our lives are — particularly within our relationships. As Epictetus once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
41. Take a selfie.
The next time someone judges you for taking one of those infamous front-facing photos, show them this: A 2016 study found that selfies actually increase 
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mkmoYW
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pat78701 · 8 years
45 Ways To Be Happier Instantly
Got joy?
Sometimes it can feel hard to keep up a happy state of mind. The emotion, like all the others, isn’t always permanent. But there are ways to keep it up or boost it when you need it ― and luckily, they’re simpler than you think.
In honor of the International Day of Happiness, we’ve culled expert tips, research and just a few feel-good suggestions of ways to boost your mood. Take a look below:
1. Log some time with your furry friends.
Play fetch with Fido or sneak in a few cuddles with your kitten. Interacting with your pets can release oxytocin in the brain ― you know, the “warm and fuzzy” hormone ― resulting in that joyous feeling.
2. Count your blessings.
There’s nothing like a little thankfulness to boost your mood. Research shows expressing gratitude can make you happier. Try writing down three things you’re thankful for at the end of each night.
3. Remind yourself how great you are.
PSA: You are awesome — you just gotta believe it for yourself. Studies show self-acceptance is crucial to a happier life, but it’s a habit we barely practice. 
4. Call your mom.
Pick up that phone. Research suggests hearing your mom’s voice can help reduce stress. And less stress means a happier you.
5. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
The list of meditation benefits seems endless, but perhaps one of the more positive perks is what the practice can do for your mood. Research shows that allowing yourself a few moments of zen-like escape each day may make you happier.
6. Listen to music.
Admit it: There’s nothing quite like a solo jam session, and apparently science agrees. Research shows that trying to boost your mood while listening to music actually can help lift you to a more positive state. Press play ASAP.
7. While you’re at it, listen to sad music.
No, really. Studies also suggest listening to sad music can help boost positive feelings. (We just see this as another excuse to listen to Adele on repeat.)
8. Give back.
We didn’t get to where we are without a little help, so why not extend that same generosity to someone else? Not only will your kindness influence others, studies show it’ll also make you happier, too.
9. Hang out with someone who is happy.
Joy really is contagious. Research shows the more you surround yourself with positive people, the happier you’ll feel. Time to go catch up with your BFF?
10. Watch a funny video.
Find something that tickles you, watch and let the giggles ensue. Laughter can reduce stress, after all.
11. Plan a vacation.
The anticipation for a trip is almost as good as the trip itself. Prepping for a vacation has been shown to increase our happiness levels, the New York Times reported. The warm sun or exciting slopes are just an added bonus.
12. Whip up a good meal.
Feeling blue? Tap into your inner chef and hit the kitchen. Researchers say people who employ creative process in small ways ― like coming up with a new pasta recipe for dinner ― feel happier overall.
13. Get in a good workout.
Consider this our love letter to exercise. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s equally as beneficial to your brain. When you work up a sweat, you release endorphins, immediately upping your happiness levels. Go ahead, get moving.
14. Spend money on experiences. A fulfilling life doesn’t lie in our possessions, it’s found in the experiences we have and the people we share them with. If you’re going to spend a little moolah, spend it on a trip, a concert or any other experience that will bring you joy. Science says you’ll be happier in the long run.
15. Challenge yourself.
Work for that promotion or take on that marathon. It’s a lovely treat for your mind, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. “Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness,” Rubin wrote in Real Simple. “The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.”
16. Fake a smile.
We get it — smiling may be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a sour mood, but it could help to turn that frown upside-down. Research shows faking a smile can help elevate our mood, even if we’re not genuinely into it right away. Talk about the power of suggestion.
17. Go outside.
Take advantage of your backyard or stroll a park you’ve never been to before and thank yourself later. One study found that going for a brief walk in nature can help improve your mood and alleviate stress.
18. Make some new friends.
Research shows making friends increases our happiness and well-being. Join a club, talk to your coworker or strike up a conversation in the grocery line — you never know what kinds of new connections you can make.
19. Drink a glass of milk. Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps create serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too.
20. Take a cozy bath (like Barry the dog).
If that isn’t the look of happiness, we don’t know what is. Plus, research suggests that warm baths make us feel warm on the inside, too.
21. Get enough sleep.
More sleep = A happier you. Too little shuteye slows down our cognitive processes and increases the risk of depression. Try hitting the pillow 30 minutes earlier each night or taking a nap in the middle of the day.
22. Embrace the aging process.
Most people wish they could avoid aging, but studies show that we’re happier as we get older. Experts theorize this could be because the older we get, the more we reflect on positive experiences. Sounds like a great reason to love those birthdays.
23. Have a good cry.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it may actually work. Research has found that crying can lead to positive increase in mood following the flow of tears. Those in the study reported feeling better than they did before they had a reason to cry.
24. Follow the “golden ratio.”
This theory, developed by positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, holds that for every one negative experience you have, you should have three positive ones in order to achieve happiness. Makes sense to us!
25. Show your appreciation for someone else over email.
Technology isn’t all bad. Take a break from your overflowing inbox and switch gears to a different kind of email. “We fight so hard against the negative and we forget to tell people how powerful a two-minute positive e-mail could be,” Harvard-trained researcher and Before Happiness author Shawn Achor told Oprah in 2014.
26. Give someone else a compliment.
Your generosity will make your day and their’s. Looking for a way to give praise that isn’t superficial? Here are some ideas.
27. Find the perfect temperature.
The weather outside has a direct influence on how we feel on the inside. One study found that happiness is maximized at an approximate 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
28. Keep a one-sentence journal.
Sometimes the most mundane moments turn out to be the loveliest source of happiness. Research shows recording these everyday events may make us happier later on because we appreciate them a lot more when they’re revisited. In other words, if you ate a scrumptious chocolate brownie on Wednesday, write it down.
30. Stop to smell the flowers, literally.
Eau de Happiness? One study on how scent affects joy found that participants who were in a floral-scented room selected three times as many happiness-related terms than negative terms.
31. Have sex.
Here’s a good excuse (not that you need one) to hit the sheets: Research suggests having sex can reduce stress. Of course, how much is up to you. But worth a try, eh?
32. Just TRY being happy.
Can you think yourself to joy? Some researchers believe so. According to two experimental studies, taking happiness into your own hands can boost your well-being.
33. Try to cut back on work.
Residents of Denmark, one of the happiest countries in the world, spend less time than most Americans in the office. Only 2 percent of Danes work long hours, which is categorized as 50 hours per week. And full-time workers still devote 66 percent of their day to self-care, like eating and sleeping. Maybe do as the Danes do?
34. Get spiritual.
Spirituality and religion have been linked to higher happiness and well-being, according to a review of studies on spirituality and health. Sometimes it helps to know you’re connected to something greater than yourself.
35. Celebrate little victories.
There’s power in small moments. Whether it’s getting an answer correct at trivia or catching your favorite song on the radio, indulge in the little “wins” of your day. “I think when we take time to notice the things that go right — it means we’re getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day,” Susan Weinschenk, author of How to Get People to Do Stuff, previously told HuffPost. “That can help with our moods.”
36. Think of happy memories.
Research shows nostalgia makes us happier and more optimistic. Time to dig out those old yearbooks?
37. Skip the small talk and go deep.
Anyone can talk about the weather. Let yourself get a little more connected and have a substantial conversation with someone — research shows it will boost happiness and well-being.
38. Recite a positive mantra.
You can either create your own or find one online (personally, we like these encouraging words). Search for a phrase that’s going to bring meaning to you. Research shows having a mantra can help with bad feelings. Find yours!
39. Spend money on someone else.
Investing in other people really does pay off — for them and for you. According to one 2008 study, spending money on others promotes your own happiness.
40. Become a better listener.
How much do your really pay attention to your conversations? Researchers theorize the more we listen, the happier and more meaningful our lives are — particularly within our relationships. As Epictetus once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.”
41. Take a selfie.
The next time someone judges you for taking one of those infamous front-facing photos, show them this: A 2016 study found that selfies actually increase 
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mkmoYW
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