#and senor quacken
your-gummi-partner · 5 months
can I eat one of your fingers pweeeeease
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"No, i've already been hurt enough"
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Greetings Saturn! I haven't spoken to you in a bit, how have you been? How are you? What have you been up to?
I've been feeling good, and I haven't been up to much, not much happens here
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
the no love songs playlist is over 200 hours long!!! Get it over 207.
Woah that's over 8 days. Unfortunately I've added pretty much my entire music taste and don't have much else in mind but I might add some from my nostalgia playlist
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hyper-lesbianism · 6 months
you clearly don’t understand the angled lish if you did we wouldn’t be having this conversation
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hi how are you doing (I’m bored and I can’t do my Spanish work because I forgot my school computer)
I'm really tired. I was up late last night watching Dr House (that's not really why I was up late though I just didn't want to go to sleep). Currently I'm watching Dr House (cause I'm too tired to do much else).
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jupiter-fan · 7 months
*Saturn walks/floats up to the hater with a giant battle axe on their shoulder, one of zer moons is a person's head. They seem to have a condescending smile*
Hello there Mortal
I heard you are a hater of MY sibling?
@same-pic-of-saturn-everyday & @senor-quacken(the head moon)
yeah >:( @same-pic-of-the-earth-everyday is annoying
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 11 months
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@senor-quacken not enough for this I don’t think, I posted on TikTok from the greens party in Australia about it (less then 10 notes) and reblogged and liked a few posts so I don’t think that’s it!!
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literally-luxembourg · 5 months
Hello people
I am clearly the strongest country in the world. Just look at a map, I’m such a large country no one would dare to invade me ever. Ha ha 😐
(the mod for this blog also runs @senor-quacken @absolutely-olivegarden and @same-pic-of-pallas-everyday)
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - @literally-luxembourg/ @absolutely-olivegarden/ @same-pic-of-pallas-everyday/ @senor-quacken
(I reblogged the “send an ask when reblogging” on all of my accounts)
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Welcome, welcome,
you may be seated. May we take your order?
ah of course. JONES we will have it right away… don’t worry about where it comes from.
(the mod for this blog also runs @senor-quacken @same-pic-of-pallas-everyday and @literally-luxembourg)
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
My playlist: finally a worthy opponent (my playlist has 190 hours of music I think)
Hooooly shit that's a lotta music
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
somehow my playlist still has more music than the no love songs playlist please get the no love songs to 200hours my playlist has 199hours of music
You heard em everypony, go add your entire music taste into the playlist (minus the love songs)
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hyper-lesbianism · 4 months
GAY!?!!!?!!?? 🫵
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hyper-lesbianism · 4 months
I’m gonna fucking die. One of my irl friends just got into a relationship with someone and I need someone to console me. I feel like shit because I want to be happy but I’m just worried about myself rn because I don’t want him to do some stupid shit of leave me and stop being friends this is stupid I know I’m just afraid because I’ve known him for like 5 years at this point
Well if you've known each other for 5 years and he hasn't left you yet, why would he now?
And if he does just because of a relationship, he was never a real friend in the first place <3
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
How about we just say we are real and leave it at that… there has to be at least five real people in the world, right…
yeah i've met at least five i think
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
Am I real?
are any of us real?
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