#and she along with the other ex bffs are why ill never do Best Friends ever again
spitefularoandbi · 2 years
Thinking about that one time a friend of mine was mad that I wasn't more of her friend and I remember sitting at a table in a beer garden as she yelled at me for this and not understanding what I had been doing wrong considering she and I hung out all the time and the problem was I didn't seem like I wanted to spend time with her.
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stcrmys · 5 years
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god !! i hate that i had to rush this but i promise i am so beyond excited to write with all of you ! stormy , thanks kylie jenner for the name idea hehe , is a brand new muse and i am so excited to explore her and see where she goes !! i love plotting, like i find it so fun and am a hoe for angst and drama and friendships ! god if i dont get a cute bff plot you will see me pouting until the end of my days !! asdfg . basically though my point was if you want to plot please just like this ?? message me ? i have to switch to mobile but ill still be here !! also i still have to figure out my tags and finish my plot so i repeat do not desktop my good sis’s blog . anyway please let me shut up !! 
*  lawless  paparazzi  flashed  photos  of  a  2019  ,  zenvo st1  pulling  into  the  sparkling  gates  of  quincy  park  ,  indicating  that  stormy  of  the  prosperous  villeneuve  lineage  has  returned  home  .  college  ended  for  the female  in  2018 ,  but  they’re  already  flourishing  in  their  field  , proclaiming  that  their  bachelor's  degree  in  music  production   is  being  put  to  prolific  use  .  the  general  public  may  be  unworldly  enough  to  believe  that  her accomplishments  were  earned  honestly  ,  but  the  people  of  new  york  city  are  painstakingly  aware  that  it's  impossible  to  snag  a  top  paying  position  as  a  music artist  right  out  of  university  .  the  family’s  been  tormented  with  a  well  -  known  rumor  that  they buy out every record company to eliminate their competition and when that goes south they have a tendency of releasing career damaging scandals to the public to ruin the company’s reputation and their talents career’s  for  years  ,  so  it  was  news  to  no  one  when  the  villeneuve’s made  local  headlines  claiming  the  only  reason  their  obstreperous  progeny’s  career  is  what  it  is  is  because  her father paid spotify, billboard, and apple million of dollars to make sure that her first album went number one and stayed number one .  tempest has  done  a  splendid  job  of  keeping  the  bloodline’s  furtive  truths  confidential  ,  but  their  reputation  of  being  effervescent  &  gaining  a  postgrad  inheritance  of  724.8m  hasn’t  been  enough  to  cease  the  counter  blast  from  new  york’s  angry  civilians  .  if  they’re  not  heedful  ,  not  even  quincy  park’s  sturdy  golden  gates  will  be  capable  of  keeping  out  the  city’s  vengeance  .  (  madison beer  ,  twenty one ,  the skookum  /   )
  ‧  *   i.   ╱   stats    .
name : stormy avania genevieve villeneuve
nickname(s) : storm , storm - storm, little villeneuve, honeybee. 
age : twenty one .
birthday : november sixteenth .
zodiac : scorpio .
gender ╱ pronouns : cisfemale , she and her.
sexual orientation : heterosexual 
romantic orientation : heteroromantic 
languages : english, french, italian.
occupation : music artist 
 voiceclaim : madison beer.
 ‧  *   i.   ╱   summary    .
hazel  hues  dipped  in  virescent ,  locks  of  chocolate  that  sits  on  honeyed  skin  .  the  tempest . boisterous .  captivating .  a  goddess  true  to  the  name  that  carved  itself  into  her  flesh ,  stormy .  her  arrival  itself  being  chaotic  winds  and  whispers  of  a  mistress  who  had  set  themselves  out  to  tear  apart  a  home .   a  concept  twisted  and  concealed  by  the  hands  of  the  villeneuve’s . sob  stories  and  apologizes  along  with  the  preaching  of  “ i’m becoming a better man everyday, “ clinging  to  the  ears  of  the  media  , and soon  the  world . expected . andres   villeneuve  could  do  not  wrong . a  powerful  man  within  the  world  of  music . respected  and  adored . someone  whom  inherited  the   ability  to  make  the  world  drop  to  their  knees  and  worship  mediocre  musicians .  why  would  they  stone  him  for  one  single  mistake  ?  or  at  least  , why  would  they  stone  him  for  one  single  mistake  for  the  rest  of  his  life .  they  forgive  him  in  the  name  of  everyone . and  soon ,  the  villeneuve  became  a  family  of  seven .  
she  was  privileged  . her  tiny  feet  walked  on  thousand  dollar  carpets  ,  the  fabric  that  clung  to  her  body  should  have  been  carved  from  the  hands  of  an  angel  at  what  they  were  cost . private  school .  tutors  .  cheerleading  and  then  volleyball  and  then  soccer  and  then  back  to  cheerleading  . the piano  .  the  saxophone  .  the  drums  .  the guitar  .  her  childhood  consisted  of  experiencing  everything  there  was  to  experience .  sports .  music .  art .  learning  at   two  languages  by  the  time  she  reached  ten .  she  was  raised  to  be  intelligent  . athletic .  talented .  she  had  to  be  talented .  within  the  arts ,  if  she  was  not  picking  up  an instrument  or  holding  a  note  her  dad  grew  bored  and  annoyed .  something  that  the  small  brunette  learned  quick . and  so  like  most  children ,  she  impressed . she  really impressed .  she  was  polite  and  respectful  .  well  mannered . the  strictness  of  her  father  and  step  mother  weighing  on  her  shoulders  .   they  wanted  perfection  . 
being  with  her  father  and  his  wife  and  kids  was  almost  as  if  she  stepped  into  a  dream . flashing  lights ,  luxuriousness . and  while  her  mom  had  a  status  of  her  own , her  dad  was  shaped  and  formed  different  .  the  fame . the  respect .  it  was  everything  to  him . bouncing  back  and  forth , stormy  felt  like  two  different  people . with  her  father  ,  she  was  all  work  no  play . and  her  mother ?  she  was  play  and  whatever  she  wanted  to  do .  her  mom  taught  her  the  importance  in  life  was  not  the  cars  and  the  houses  and  the  clothes  ( “although they are nice.. reallly fucking nice )  but  the  character  behind  the  objects .  and  she  refused  to  let  the  vibrant  child  of  hers  be  locked  into  a  box  of  running  to  fame  like  it  was  the  only  thing  that  would  make  her  life  and  her  impact  important . her  mother ?  she  was  all laughs  and  giggles . jokes  and  shopping  days  . sky diving  in  greece  and  pretend  music  videos  in   italy . the  one  that  mostly  shaped  stormy  into  who  she  is  now . 
for  the  last  twenty  one  years  is  one  person  that  reflects  a  childhood  split  into  two  .  the  ambitious  sometimes  selfish  sometimes  ruthless “ ill  pretend  im  stone  cold  if  that  what  it   takes “ and  the  vibrant  boisterous  life  of  the  party   and  the  light  of  your  life  .  the  twenty  one  year  old  girl  who  has  heard  be  yourself  and  be  better  from  two  different  voices  and  is  still  trying  to  decide  who  she  even  is  underneath  the   all  the  expectations . 
‧  *   ii.   ╱   personality    .
she  is  an  animated  laugh  escaping  parted  lips  ,  affectionate  hands  reaching  out  to  pull  you into  her  embrace  .  she’s  the  sound  of  her  own  heart  beating    in  her  ears  as  her  foot  is  on  the  gas  or  her  hues  pear  out  at  the  sky  of  blue  she’s  about  to  jump  in .  she  is  tired  eyes  in  result  of  not  sleeping  and  instead  writing  song  after  song .  she  is  one  am  studio  sessions  and  three  am  shots .  she  is  the  small  girl  who  pears  up  at  her  daddy  and  just  wants  to  feel  like  she  is   more  then  just  another  way  to  benefit  him  . she  is  the  desire  to  be  wanted  .  to  be  loved . she’s  spontaneous  trips  to  tropical  islands  and  dramatic  scenes  .   she  is  harmless  teasing  and  a  goofy  smile . day  dreaming  about  falling  in  love .  she’s  the  whisper  in  your  ear  that  she  loves  you  but  the  coldness  in  your  bed  as  you  reach  out  and  realize  that  she’s  no  longer  there . she’s  not  thinking  about  consequences .  the  honeyed  dipped  voice  that  tells  you  to  do  it . she’s  gentle  kisses  against  your  skin .  she’s  feeling  everything  all  the  time  and  feeling  it  deeply . she’s  the  girl  you  just  cannot  take  your  eyes  off  of .  she  talks  to  you  and  suddenly  you  feel  as  though  the  world  revolves  around  you . she’s  scattered  thoughts  and  rosy  lips  that  never  stop  moving . a  broken  heart  that  never  knows  if  it  wants  to  grow  cold  or  have  someone  come  and  fix  it  . 
‧  *   iii.   ╱   headcanons ??   .
asdj she’s a mess? basically that’s all i got for her.
she’s the second youngest out of five. 
is an artist under her dad’s label, and while she loves making music she does not love him having a say in her creative process.
she’s such a light !! 
affectionate, playful, ambitious, careless, boisterous, hard to control, talkative, an adrenaline junkie! jealous and petty, vehement. 
is such a different person around her dad? basically blocks him from seeing her true personality.
truth is she still fears his rejection. 
she has a journal that she carries everywhere. 
craves feeling important to people? if she doesnt feel like her bond with you is meaningful she gets all weird and annoying!
is hot and cold in romantic relations.
but so god damn affectionate! with everyone! let her hold your hand or lay her head against your shoulder or run her fingers up and down your arm !!!
is the ultimate adventure buddy .
needs excitement twenty four seven sorry. 
will give you a nickname, she doesnt care if your name is cat. its not just c ! asdfg.
i have so much more but ill add later, im kind of rushing asdfg !! 
‧  *   iii.   ╱   connections    .
best friend, platonic soulmate, ex best friends, group of friends preferably all girls, family friends, childhood friends, other clients who are signed to her father, first love, ex lovers, toxic relationship, toxic friendship, on and off relationship, confidants, partner in crime, the mom friend who always moms her, rivals, friends who drifted apart, friends with benefits, ex friends with benefits, one sided friendship, one sided relationship, unlikely friends, cousins, hardly related cousins, love hate relationship, forbidden romance or friendship??? 
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hgpelite-blog · 5 years
Hi!  My name is:
Today let me begin by introducing myself to you.  My name (now) is Hillary Giuda-Philpott and I am an alcoholic.  NO, no Im not, thats supposed to be funny.  My ex-husband IS an alcoholic but that is a tale for another time.  I will introduce myself as follows:
-Competitive bodybuilder:  Today we start from the beginning of this journey.  It has been 4 years in the making and to be perfectly honest, today I am tired of it.  I don't always love it.  And I am hungry.  But... I keep going.  Why?  Because I am insane?  Or maybe stubborn?  Determined!  That's it.  At least that is what I tell myself.  
In the beginning I was 29 years old and a brand new gym rat!  I didn't really know much of anything about bodybuilding.  I learned a little bit about macros, losing weight, and how to lift weights (via youtube videos) and like so many that have come before me I became totally obsessed!!  I was already a WELL established cardio queen at my local YMCA so it came as a surprise, for some, to see me in the weight room.  I do have giant balls though, so naturally I wasn't intimidated.  I also have a lovely RBF!  So people, for the most part, left me alone!  Not long after my iniatition in the weight room I left the YMCA for 'The Pound' which was where the real bodybuilders were, no offense Norwich YMCA, and clearly where I belonged!   I truly did feel right at home at The Pound, and this place was like no other gym I had ever seen... not that I had seen that many, BUT...  The owners were (and still are) straight up GOALS!  They both train like savages and have the know how to back up their skills!  And they actually WANT to help their people grow which is one of the things that set them apart to this day!  Shortly after I began training there I was asked "have you ever thought of competing?"  Well no.  Not sure what that even is... I think I even asked "what's that?".  Then googled and figured YEAH Im gonna do THAT!  I can do that!!  And it was off to the races!!
I think that epic moment was some time in August of 2016... and I took the stage that October in Syracuse NY!  I believe my class had 5 girls and I actually came in 2nd!  I remember thinking I was going to either trip or pass out... maybe both.  But luckily I did neither of those things.  My feedback from that show was to smile!  Looking at the pictures now makes me cringe... like most of us when we look at our first show pics.  No joke though I literally looked like I was being tortured up there.  After that show I decided to do the Arnold Amateur in Columbus OH (yea, that is me!  From sharing the stage with 4 people to the 2nd largest show in the world...).  Just a month or so into my Arnold prep I decided I was in over my head and hired a coach.  The first coach I had ever hired!  Her name is Casey Samsel and I was totally obsessed with her from the start.  I still am in fact.. but I think her, and my growth through her, is going to be a whole other blog.  
I took the Arnold stage that March looking better than I did in Syracuse but not nearly good enough.  I was still in the stage of "doing this for fun" and "now I get to eat" so I was ok with not placing top 10.  But far more importantly... something happened to me on that stage... and Ill take a few minutes to get into that now.  Why not.
In May of 2016 I left my college sweetheart & now ex-husband.  I had my reasons and if anyone really cares I will write about that at some point as well.  When I left him I took with me the blame and a barrage of rumors about my relationship with my NOW husband.  And like that cocky RBF gym rat I gave zero fucks.  My husband, Mark, was and is my pilar of strength.  It was through him that I began to find myself and who I really am.  And clearly, because people, this somehow equated to we were having an affair.  I think I am digressing so I'll move on.  And none of that is the point. ANYWAY.  May 2016 to March 2017 was rough.  VERY rough.  I learned who my Ex really was.  I learned how much he lied to me and how bad his drinking problem really was.  I learned that he wasn't going to change, and that things were really over.  I, like that country song said, found out who my friends were!  I also lost half of my family (in terms of support.. no one died).  I had some very low moments in those months... but somehow I made it to that stage in March 2017.  I remember meeting Casey for the first time at this show.  And she really is goals.  My BFF Jess and I were just staring at her!  We were AMAZED by her physique!  Like two little kids looking at a real life Unicorn!!  She led us past the security officers with their dogs, past THE ARNOLD STAGE, and into the backstage area.  That is one of my very few vivid memories of that day.  As crazy as it sounds the memories that day don't all stand out... and maybe that is because what happened when I stepped on that stage.  And no, I didn't face plant.  
I remember being hit in the face with those lights, and unlike my Syracuse showing, it lit me up inside and out.  Mark and Jess were in the audience and they were just about all I had at that point in time!  I had the love and support of my father also but he wasn't there.. the bikinis are a little small for his comfort level so he cheers me on from afar.  I walked out to that center box and it happened.  An epiphany!  I had gone through months of physical and emotional struggle and found myself in Columbus.  Literally.  I had found myself.  This was who I was meant to be!!  I had found a way to channel my pain and struggle and turn into my very best version of myself!  (Insert some cliche saying about a butterfly).  Then and there was when I decided competing was part of who I am.  It was my struggle that got me through.  Competing gave me something to focus on other than the utter chaos of my divorce and all the drama that went along with it.  My prep was the one thing that I could control and in those moments on stage it all paid off.  Even now as I remember that day my fire to succeed is growing stronger.  
Being a competitive bodybuilder is truly one hell of a rollercoaster and I don't know that many people put that out there.  What you see a lot of on social media is the gorgeous women, all shredded, in totally blinged out bikini's pumping up eating a donut (or a rice cake if you keep it clean).  And that is the glamorous and exciting side of the sport!  What you don't see or hear so much about is the shit that is going on, in my head, right now.  Right at this very moment.  It is a constant battle of your will!  It is some kind of cross between insanity and determination.. on steroids (no pun intended, and no I don't use gear).  The kind of hunger and exhaustion you experience during contest prep isn't anything that can be put into words.  It is all consuming some days.  Today I have spent my free hours working as much as I can to keep from counting down the minutes until I eat again!  And my meals, though I am being fed pretty well, barely coat my ribs and really just piss my body off... making me MORE hungry than before I ate.  And I know, cry about it right?  There are literally people starving in the world and I choose to do this to myself.  
The trouble, lately, is I feel like I lost my fire!  I forgot about that soft, underdeveloped girl, who fell in love with this sport!  My goal is always in my heart and on my mind.  I WILL WIN MY PRO CARD!  It has been all consuming for the last 3 years!  My life revolves around my sport and my goal!  But today these girls (and I do mean girls... most in their early 20's) are FIRE!  And here I am, 33, arriving late to the game!  And I find myself asking will I EVER GET THERE?  Or will I just torture myself until I finally decide to give up.  But there... is the problem.  I can't give up.  I will never be able to live with myself if I do.  So in these moments I try to remember my why.  And I go back to that stage in Columbus.  Today and each day I will follow my plan.  I will give it hell.  I feel like I have come full circle and my time is coming.  I made my rounds (and again, that will be in a blog to come), and I have found my way back to my first coach, Casey.  She brought the true athlete out of me and she is the one who will take me to the IFBB pro league.  My time will come!  I WILL be like Charlie Brown and I will never give up.
0 notes
Podcast: Self-Care for Your Mental Health

Self-care is important for everyone, but our hosts feel it is extra important for people managing mental illnesses and other mental health issues. It stands to reason that, if you don’t take care of yourself, then the symptoms of an illness will have an easier time making our lives miserable.
In this episode, our hosts discuss what self-care is, what self-care isn’t, and what they personally do to care for themselves. Listen now!
“Would it be self-care for me to watch a bunch of guys getting hit in the privates?’” – Gabe Howard
  Highlights From ‘Self-Care for Your Mental Health’ Episode
[2:00] What do Gabe and Michelle do for self-care?
[6:30] Why did Gabe and Michelle start a podcast?
[11:30] Why does Michelle watch “fail” videos?
[13:30] Gabe loves fidget spinners and believes they help with his self-care.
[17:00] Watching Jeopardy is an example of self-care.
[19:00] Michelle + Gabe + The Peoples’ Court = group self-care.
[22:00] Who thinks watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the BEST self-care?
[23:00] Is personal hygiene an example of self-care?
Computer Generated Transcript for ‘Mental Health Self-Care’ Show
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: [00:00:06] For reasons that utterly escape everyone involved, you’re listening to A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. Here are your hosts, Gabe Howard and Michelle Hammer.
Gabe: [00:00:17] You’re listening to A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. My name is Gabe Howard. I live with bipolar disorder.
Michelle: [00:00:23] Hi, I’m Michelle. I’m schizophrenic.
Gabe: [00:00:27] And today we are going to discuss self care. But like low end self care, like easy self care, basic self care, the self care that nobody thinks about because everybody’s always thinking about like these grandiose self care ideas.
Michelle: [00:00:42] Well like going to a spa and getting a facial?
Gabe: [00:00:45] That would be one. Or going on vacation, or being able to stay home for a week. Quitting their jobs.
Michelle: [00:00:51] I mean yeah quitting your job. What else is As grandiose self care?
Gabe: [00:00:57] I think the biggest grandiose self care is like marrying a rich person and just eating bonbons while watching TV all day.
Michelle: [00:01:04] Wait there’s something wrong with that?
Gabe: [00:01:05] There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just the kind of self care that most of us can’t participate in.
Michelle: [00:01:10] I mean that seems kind of like a pretty good self care.
Gabe: [00:01:13] I think that is an excellent self care and we’re gonna do a companion episode called self care for the rich and famous and that will be on there.
Michelle: [00:01:20] If you’re a sugar daddy looking for a sugar baby and you’re not a total creep, email me.
Gabe: [00:01:24] Really? The creep thing, do you care? That’s kind of creepy behavior on your part. You’re literally looking for somebody to take care of you.
Michelle: [00:01:31] Okay fine I’ll change that. If you just are a really rich person and you want to give me a lot of money for no reason, hit me up.
Gabe: [00:01:36] Michelle, you and I both live with severe and persistent mental illness and we’ve managed to live successfully for a number of years. And we always talk on this show that there’s more than just medication. There’s more than just therapy. There’s more than just peer support or group therapy or having stable housing or having good friends and family and one of the things that we almost never talk about, and an alert reader pointed out, is we never talk about basic self care tips. And I’m really surprised because between us we have like so many. And I love it when we get together and our little self care ideas don’t quite mesh. A big one of mine is going to get Diet Coke and just chilling.
Michelle: [00:02:13] At seven thirty in the morning.
Gabe: [00:02:16] That’s why it doesn’t quite mesh. And one of your self care tips is going to get coffee but like closer to eleven and it’s very difficult to find a place that has Diet Coke and coffee that you find acceptable.
Michelle: [00:02:30] Like McDonalds?
Gabe: [00:02:30] I mean McDonalds. That was a good compromise on our part. But remember when you tried to take me to Starbucks?
Michelle: [00:02:37] Yeah, and you refused to go to Starbucks. You think you’re better than Starbucks.
Gabe: [00:02:41] I don’t like coffee.
Michelle: [00:02:43] Why not?
Gabe: [00:02:43] Why don’t you like Diet Coke?
Michelle: [00:02:45] I do like Diet Coke but I don’t want it. I’d rather have coffee in the morning than Diet Coke.
Gabe: [00:02:51] You see the problem and this is why you shouldn’t have mentally ill friends ladies and gentlemen. We did an episode a few weeks ago where we talked about vices and Diet Coke was brought up as a vice because I drink so much of it and we’re not walking that back. But this is the flip side of that where it relaxes me. It helps me. It is a part of my self care especially when I get very stressed out at work or when I get overwhelmed on a project. I can step out, drive someplace, sit down, sip a Diet Coke, people watch, look around, and that really allows me to calm down. This is a self care option that cost me a couple of bucks and I know that you feel the same way about coffee.
Michelle: [00:03:31] Yes, coffee is readily available walking through New York City. Oh I want some coffee? I’ll be at a coffee shop in at least three minutes.
Gabe: [00:03:38] You once described that if you wanted coffee in New York, you just have to hold out your hand and say coffee and it just magically appears.
Michelle: [00:03:44] It’s ridiculous how much coffee you can get in New York City. Maybe that’s why everybody’s so amped up all the time? People just go go go go go. Maybe that’s what it is. That’s why everybody is just so fast and everything in New York City? Is it just the readily available list of coffee everywhere?
Gabe: [00:04:01] And espresso.
Michelle: [00:04:01] And espresso, is everywhere in New York.
Gabe: [00:04:04] Do you have people that call it ex-press-so? Where they don’t pronounce the s? They call it X-presso, instead of S-presso?
Michelle: [00:04:10] I thought it was X-presso for so long.
Gabe: [00:04:12] You pronounce the X? That doesn’t exist?
Michelle: [00:04:13] I didn’t know why. I didn’t know. I had to be educated, Gabe. I needed to be educated about coffee.
Gabe: [00:04:20] As longtime listeners of the show know, I also host the Psych Central Show with Vincent M. Wales and Vince is a master coffee person. Like he has all the equipment in his home. He knows everything about coffee; he knows everything about the beans. He has so much coffee knowledge and he tries to impart this on me all the time and I just give him this glazed over look like can I go now?
Michelle: [00:04:42] You never told me this about him. So I don’t know why me and Vin are not better friends now.
Gabe: [00:04:47] Oh, Vin loves coffee.
Michelle: [00:04:50] All the sudden I like Vince so much more than I ever did.
Gabe: [00:04:53] Well there’s another thing that I should tell you about Vin. He loves New York style pizza. It’s the only pizza that he will eat.
Michelle: [00:05:00] Why did you never tell me this about Vin?
Gabe: [00:05:04] I’m telling you now.
Michelle: [00:05:04] Ack!
Gabe: [00:05:05] Don’t assume that all the people around you are like old and god awful. Maybe ask them some questions? Maybe find some common ground?
Michelle: [00:05:14] All I know is that he likes comics.
Gabe: [00:05:16] Well I mean he does like comics. That’s true.
Michelle: [00:05:18] And I have nothing in common with Vin because I don’t like comics. But now that I know I have all this stuff in common with Vin, maybe maybe Vin and me can be BFFs?
Gabe: [00:05:23] I always thought you and Vin were BFFs.
Michelle: [00:05:27] No, you didn’t.
Gabe: [00:05:28] I know. Listen everybody, Michelle and Vin don’t have a rift. They get along just fine but they have a lot in common and they don’t realize it because you know Vin is well into his 50s and Michelle acts 12. It’s a big big gap. You know Vin lives in California, Michelle is from New York. We’ve got the whole male female thing going.
Michelle: [00:05:48] It’s going to be a long distance relationship.
Gabe: [00:05:49] It’s going to be a long distance?
Michelle: [00:05:50] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:05:50] Vin is very like muted. Like he’s nothing like me. He’s just very like, Yes, thank you.
Michelle: [00:05:55] Yes, hello, yes. My name is Vincent M. Wales.
Gabe: [00:05:59] He’s a novelist. He spends a lot of time alone with his words. I spend a lot of time alone with my words but I’m not writing them.
Michelle: [00:06:05] You’re just talking them.
Gabe: [00:06:06] I’m just talking. You know how you said early on that one of your coping mechanisms, not self care but coping mechanisms, was you put earbuds in? And that way when you walk down the street, people were like, “Oh, she’s not talking to herself she’s singing along to music. Or maybe she’s on a Bluetooth? Maybe she’s on the phone, etc?” It doesn’t look weird because you have the earbuds in.
Michelle: [00:06:25] Yes right.
Gabe: [00:06:27] I became a podcaster because originally when I was sitting upstairs just talking to myself, my wife thought it was weird. Now I’m like oh podcasting. She thinks I podcast 14 hours a day.
Michelle: [00:06:37] I know. I know my friends in college thought I was on the phone. Sometimes I’d be on the phone, but often they’d be like, “Who are you talking to?” And so I was, “I wasn’t.” I would try to say I was on the phone more times than I actually was, honestly.
Gabe: [00:06:51] One of your self care techniques was to educate the people that you lived with. I don’t think you’ve ever lived alone, have you? You’ve always either lived at home, lived in the dorms, or lived with a roommate?
Michelle: [00:07:01] Yes.
Gabe: [00:07:02] So you’ve had to do that. Part of your self care regimen is educating the people that you live with so that they give you the least amount of flack or shit or trouble as possible, right?
Michelle: [00:07:14] Yeah pretty much yeah. It’s never really been a big deal with anyone I lived with like outside of college. Since moving into Queens and Astoria and living in the apartment I live in now. The only thing that bothers anyone is that I don’t clean enough.
Gabe: [00:07:25] But that’s not schizophrenia.
Michelle: [00:07:26] No, that’s not schizophrenia. But like you know, being as schizophrenic, you always learn like they’re not the cleanliness of all the people blah blah blah.
Gabe: [00:07:35] We’re gonna get letters for that. Wait, did you just say people with schizophrenia aren’t clean?
Michelle: [00:07:38] We just watched that video that was like, “Schizophrenic people might not be dressed the best.” Or whatever that stupid video said. Like, okay, sure we don’t dress great. But what kind of ridiculous freakin’ fact was that?
Gabe: [00:07:49] You know it’s messed up. I know personally two people who live with schizophrenia. I have lots of, you know, co-workers and colleagues and fellow mental health advocates but two people who live with schizophrenia that I consider like like buddies. One of them is Michelle Hammer.
Michelle: [00:08:03] Mmm-hmm.
Gabe: [00:08:03] The great Michelle Hammer.
Michelle: [00:08:04] The great.
Gabe: [00:08:07] And the other one is Rachel Star. Rachel Star is like the best dressed person we know.
Michelle: [00:08:11] I know. And she knows how to walk in heels.
Gabe: [00:08:13] Yeah. She teaches it. She actually had a fashion blog for a while where she taught people how to be a girl and like how to walk in high heels, how to wear the belt, how to do the makeup. She’s like well put together and she has schizophrenia. So I’m starting to think that maybe these videos where they say things like, “people with schizophrenia don’t dress well, and they dress weird, and they act weird, and they’re they’re not clean, and they’re not organized, and they walk funny.”.
Michelle: [00:08:34] And they walk with an awkward gaunt.
Gabe: [00:08:38] Yeah I think maybe.
Michelle: [00:08:38] What is gaunt? The awkward gaunt?
Gabe: [00:08:40] I don’t know what any of that is either but this leads us into our next form of self care. Don’t watch that shit.
Michelle: [00:08:47] True.
Gabe: [00:08:51] So many people, they’re just constantly Googling stereotypes and offensive things on the Internet so that they can be mad at it.
Michelle: [00:08:58] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:08:59] Why?
Michelle: [00:08:59] It’s almost like they want to educate themselves as much as possible but then they find these online articles that really just are stereotypical and are wrong and they just start thinking bad things.
Gabe: [00:09:12] It pisses you off.
Michelle: [00:09:13] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:09:15] If you seek out things to be angry at, you’re gonna find it.
Michelle: [00:09:18] Yes.
Gabe: [00:09:20] But here’s the magical thing though. If you seek out things to provide you with joy on the Internet you will also find those.
Michelle: [00:09:26] What do you find for joy on the Internet? Porn?
Gabe: [00:09:28] Listen I’m not going to lie and tell people that I’ve never looked at pornography on the Internet today. Because that would just be a lie.
Michelle: [00:09:37] And nobody would believe you.
Gabe: [00:09:39] And nobody would believe me. But there are really cool things on the Internet that I do enjoy reading. One of the things that I’ve done and I think that this is vital to self care is I use a news curator. That eliminates a lot of news that I just don’t want to hear about, or sources that I consider to be offensive or dramatic or don’t follow journalistic standards.
Michelle: [00:10:02] Personally like just don’t.
Gabe: [00:10:03] Your personal beliefs are really irrelevant. It’s the part where you’re constantly being bombarded with you’re wrong you’re stupid you’re wrong you’re stupid you’re wrong you’re stupid. You realize once you put a slant on news it’s no longer news.
Michelle: [00:10:14] It’s just bias.
Gabe: [00:10:15] It’s just gossip.
Michelle: [00:10:15] It’s biased news.
Gabe: [00:10:17] It’s opinion.
Michelle: [00:10:18] It’s why I like E News.
Gabe: [00:10:20] Yeah I like I like to read my news. I also don’t like like live news, and by live news like I don’t turn on like the 24 hour news station on the TV because it always ends up like this. Like we’re getting word that something is happening. We have no facts or information so we’re just going to make shit up.
Michelle: [00:10:36] I personally love watching car chases.
Gabe: [00:10:38] Yeah, car chases are kind of fun.
Michelle: [00:10:39] I like when they watch the car chase and then the car goes under a bridge or something like that and then they start watching the wrong car.
Gabe: [00:10:47] They follow for a minute and then the helicopter goes back left?
Michelle: [00:10:48] Yeah. They watch the car and like oh the car seems to be pulling into a gas station. Oh the guy in the car seems to be wearing a different color shirt. They don’t seem to be really in a rush. Oh I’m sorry guys. I think you’ve been following the wrong car now.
Gabe: [00:11:01] Oh the police all left.
Michelle: [00:11:02] It seems like we’ve, uh, we’ve lost the car. Those are hilarious.
Gabe: [00:11:06] To answer your original question of what are some things that I like to read on the Internet that are fun? There’s all kinds of uplifting things. The biggest one for our community that we like to push out is The Mighty. TheMighty.com. We do ask us anything on the first and third Monday, we do it live. You can see our pretty faces. Just go to mental health on TheMighty.com.
Michelle: [00:11:25] You can see my pretty face and Gabe’s ginger face.
Gabe: [00:11:28] One of my self care things is to limit the amount of time I spend with Michelle.
Michelle: [00:11:31] No, but going on what I was saying about watching car chases. I look up on YouTube like fails.
Gabe: [00:11:37] There you go.
Michelle: [00:11:39] And it is just hilarious. But of course if anyone actually got hurt in the fails they wouldn’t be in the fails compilation but it’s just so funny to me watching these people get hurt. It’s hilarious. Rope swing fails are hilarious. Like any kind of like snowboarding fails. Those are pretty funny. Or just ridiculous like just kids doing something stupid. But I know it’s not good to watch this one but it’s hilarious. Baby fails. Baby fails are the funniest fails ever. They just fall over; they trip over things. Or like the babies cover themselves in peanut butter. Hilarious. And of course, the granddaddy of all them is when guys just get hit in the balls.
Gabe: [00:12:19] Just get hit in the balls?
Michelle: [00:12:19] Just getting hit in the balls. I cannot physically know the pain of getting hit in the balls but it looks painful and it’s hilarious to watch them. Have you ever been hit in the balls, Gabe?
Gabe: [00:12:28] Yes.
Michelle: [00:12:29] Sorry. I’m sorry.
Gabe: [00:12:31] It’s amazing to me because on one hand I’m like oh man, would it be self care for me to watch a bunch of guys getting hit in the balls because I know that suffering and that it always makes me cringe. But on the other hand I’d laugh hysterically.
Michelle: [00:12:43] Laugh hysterically. Hysterically, hysterically. Let’s take a break and hear from our sponsor.
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Michelle: [00:13:20] And we’re back talking about self care.
Gabe: [00:13:22] How do you feel about fidget spinners.
Michelle: [00:13:23] I like fridget spinners. Why not?
Gabe: [00:13:25] Have they helped you? They’re not new anymore. I mean they’re well over a year old and I think the fad has kind of gone as far as mainstream.
Michelle: [00:13:32] Oh they were all over Chinatown when I was popping up in near little Italy. They were everywhere. Every kid that came into the market had a fidget spinner a couple of years ago.
Gabe: [00:13:42] They were everywhere for ten dollars and then last year I went to the fair and they were a buck.
Michelle: [00:13:45] Five dollars. Chinatown five dollars. That’s how much they were.
Gabe: [00:13:47] Yeah, everywhere in Ohio ten bucks ten bucks ten bucks ten bucks and then at the fair this year a dollar.
Michelle: [00:13:51] Yeah, well whoever invented them they made a lot of money.
Gabe: [00:13:55] So the mainstream fad is over. I’ve kept mine. I still find it to be very very helpful. I keep a little, not a fidget spinner, but a little fidget toy in my pocket. And I still use what I consider like fidget spinners’ great great grandpa, like Koosh balls or squeezy balls. I find all of those things.
Michelle: [00:14:13] You how? You squeeze your balls?
Gabe: [00:14:14] No, I don’t squeeze my balls. I have a little foam ball that I can squeeze.
Michelle: [00:14:19] Oh, okay.
Gabe: [00:14:19] But it’s interesting that you’re over there thinking about my balls.
Michelle: [00:14:23] No I was just like you like squeezy balls. I mean you said squeezy balls, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:14:28] Stress balls.
Michelle: [00:14:29] You said you like squeezy balls.
Gabe: [00:14:30] Stess balls have been around for a long time.
Michelle: [00:14:31] You said you liked squeezy balls.
Gabe: [00:14:33] Do you ever think that we like bicker back and forth like siblings as part of our self care regimen? Is that like our thing? Because we laugh hysterically when we do it. So.
Michelle: [00:14:42] I guess we do.
Gabe: [00:14:43] So it’s clearly not an argument.
Michelle: [00:14:44] Talking about self care specifically, I always like to bring up the late great Whitney Houston who said learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Gabe: [00:14:59] But how is that a self care thing? I mean isn’t it like a high level concept? It’s kind of like telling somebody that is having financial problems to just make more money or if you’re distressed just love yourself.
Michelle: [00:15:08] Well she decided that to paraphrase I don’t know the exact words but Whitney Houston did say that she decided long ago not to wander in anyone’s shadow. You know what I’m saying?
Gabe: [00:15:19] Because that way if she succeeds it won’t be her destiny or something?
Michelle: [00:15:24] If I fail, if I succeed, at least I lived as I believe. Live as you believe, Gabe. Don’t wander in anyone’s shadow. Don’t be in anyone’s shadow. Be you. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
Gabe: [00:15:37] I think that that is excellent advice. You’ve also stumbled upon another thing that I think is amazing. Music.
Michelle: [00:15:42] Yes.
Gabe: [00:15:43] This music really speaks to you and I know that you have described when you’ve been depressed stressed worried or even a little manic, that you use music to like regulate your moods. You think that’s a common thing? I have that big like 12 speaker surround sound stereo in my car, bluetooth enabled and I use it to listen to our podcast. But whenever you’re here, we connect it, and we’re like doing carpool Karaoke and like screaming to music and people are staring at us.
Michelle: [00:16:08] Yeah like that time I made you play White Houses by Vanessa Carlton and I was singing my heart out.
Gabe: [00:16:14] You were and what I love is I don’t like it when people sing because it grates me. But I was able to turn up the music so loud I couldn’t hear you.
Michelle: [00:16:21] Listen, you don’t like my singing voice? I am a professional singer.
Gabe: [00:16:24] Who sang that song?
Michelle: [00:16:26] Vanessa Carlton.
Gabe: [00:16:27] Let’s keep it that way.
Michelle: [00:16:29] Yes yes yes. Everybody used to say that back in the day.
Gabe: [00:16:32] Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Knock knock.
Michelle: [00:16:35] Who’s there?
Gabe: [00:16:35] Interrupting cow.  MOOOOOO!
Michelle: [00:16:38] Yeah. Everybody knows that one too, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:16:39] Wait, wait, wait. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Michelle: [00:16:41] To get the other side.
Gabe: [00:16:43] Oh you’ve heard this one.
Michelle: [00:16:44] Who killed Alicia Keys?
Gabe: [00:16:46] Who?
Michelle: [00:16:46] No one no one no one.
Gabe: [00:16:52] Alicia Keys is alive, right?
Michelle: [00:16:53] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:16:54] Okay.
Michelle: [00:16:54] That’s her song.
Gabe: [00:16:55] I didn’t know that.
Michelle: [00:16:55] Oh, okay, well.
Gabe: [00:16:57] Who’s Alicia Keys?
Michelle: [00:16:57] You know, she plays piano.
Gabe: [00:17:00] I think she’s a no one. No one no one.
Michelle: [00:17:02] OK. That’s not funny.
Gabe: [00:17:04] It’s a little funny.
Michelle: [00:17:05] Fine, whatever you want.
Gabe: [00:17:06] I think we like different music. We have found music that we both like and I would say that you know that’s another self care tip. Maybe be willing to compromise with your friends. I don’t like to listen to music in the car. It’s not something that I really do. But you and I have had to take several road trips as part of our job and you were like look I talk to you for money so I’m not going to talk to you for free. So I compromised and agreed to listen to music and we had a lot of fun doing it. It really was fun. But when you’re not around I don’t do it by myself. So I think that sometimes self care is being open to new ideas and maybe finding the joy in things that maybe you wouldn’t do alone. Another example of that is Jeopardy. I don’t watch Jeopardy when you’re not around.
Michelle: [00:17:46] I love Jeopardy. I love it. I just love to see more of the competition type aspect because when I watch it maybe I get like five questions right.
Gabe: [00:17:56] I get none.
Michelle: [00:17:57] No you get some.
Gabe: [00:17:58] Never.
Michelle: [00:17:59] I mean I wish I could be on Jeopardy but those people they just they have facts that I don’t even I didn’t even know where actual things. How do they know this stuff? They’re amazing. They’re amazing people.
Gabe: [00:18:11] You find that very interesting, right?
Michelle: [00:18:11] I do. That these people are so smart and I find it so interesting that they know these facts and like where did they learn these? Like, I went to high school, I went to college. I didn’t go to an Ivy League or anything like that, but how do they know these facts? And even there’s the teachers tournament and when I ever thought of a teacher I was like yeah your teacher teaches this subject.  I was that you know they know this subject. No no no. You watch teachers tournament they know everything. Every. Thing. And then the college tournament, they know everything. But I do very well on the high school tournament. Those are those questions I do pretty good and then they had like the juniors. I was so good at the juniors. You have no idea. Those 12 year old kids, I’m on their level.
Gabe: [00:18:56] You know that show Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?
Michelle: [00:18:59] I’m bad at that.
Gabe: [00:19:00] Well, I was not. I was not smarter than a fifth grader.
Michelle: [00:19:02] I was not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader either. Yeah that’s how it is. Well, Gabe, when you’re not around I like to watch The People’s Court. So when we’re together we always watch The People’s Court.
Gabe: [00:19:12] You watch The People’s Court when I’m not around?
Michelle: [00:19:13] I try to.
Gabe: [00:19:14] I never watch Jeopardy when you’re not around. Like that’s only something that I do with you because I only get joy when you’re around. And truthfully I think the only joy that I get is watching you watch it. Listen I think that sometimes people miss the idea that self care doesn’t necessarily mean getting your way. You know so many people are like self care is doing what you want to do and it is. There’s a part of that, but self care is also about finding joy in things maybe you wouldn’t find joy in. And I think of things like, let’s take marriage for example. When you’re married you have to go to places or eat at restaurants or experience things that you wouldn’t seek on your own. I did not want to see Hamilton.
Michelle: [00:19:57] Why not? It’s supposed to be amazing. I want to see it so badly but the tickets are expensive.
Gabe: [00:20:00] But my wife wanted to see it so I went.
Michelle: [00:20:03] I’ll go . I’ll go with your wife. You buy the tickets and I’ll go with your wife.
Gabe: [00:20:07] It’s too late we already went.
Michelle: [00:20:08] Well, you didn’t invite me!
Gabe: [00:20:09] Maybe, but there’s an example. Though I did not want to go but I agreed to go. I got dressed up, we went out to a nice dinner, and I enjoyed myself. I both enjoyed the play and I enjoyed sharing it with somebody, making my wife happy. It’s also about the pageantry of putting on a suit. My wife and I don’t wear nice clothes around each other very often and it doesn’t matter if it’s Hamilton in a nice restaurant or if it’s just going to the Taco Bell in the nice section of town around the corner. Make it special. There’s all kinds of ways to take the mundane and turn them into better, and that is an example of self care.
Michelle: [00:20:45] This self care really is classified under the problem solving.
Gabe: [00:20:50] Problem solving self care?
Michelle: [00:20:51] This is problem solving.
Gabe: [00:20:52] Dun dun dun.
Michelle: [00:20:53] Yeah. All of this is really is problem solving self care. This is what we’re really discussing right now.
Gabe: [00:20:59] I agree.
Michelle: [00:21:00] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:21:00] You read an article didn’t you?
Michelle: [00:21:03] Possibly.
Gabe: [00:21:03] I’m sorry.
Michelle: [00:21:04] I did some research. Yes, what can I say? What can I say? I know.
Gabe: [00:21:08] You know, nobody has ever called you illiterate, Michelle.
Michelle: [00:21:11] Nobody. Nobody’s ever called me a illiterate since I learned how to read. I learned how to read, Gabe, one day.
Gabe: [00:21:16] You know jokes are funny. You asked earlier about things that you can seek out on the internet. Jokes. There’s jokes everywhere.
Michelle: [00:21:23] There’s jokes everywhere.
Gabe: [00:21:24] And there’s there’s inspirational writing.
Michelle: [00:21:26] Yes.
Gabe: [00:21:27] That’s always fun.
Michelle: [00:21:28] Watching TV like TV can be self care. I’m a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve been a huge fan since I was eight years old. And you know with the beauty of you know online streaming services and stuff like that I now can just go on to any one of those. Know the episode that I’m looking for. Watch it. And I feel that feeling of just like comfort. And it makes me feel better because I know the feeling that I get when I watch that specific episode. Like the episode where Buffy has to kill Angel and the devastation.
Gabe: [00:22:02] No.
Michelle: [00:22:02] It’s just I it’s like when I’m depressed I watch that episode and I’m like at least I didn’t have to kill my love. You know?
Gabe: [00:22:10] Wow.
Michelle: [00:22:11] She leaves town and goes to L.A.
Gabe: [00:22:13] Does Buffy kill her podcast co-host?
Michelle: [00:22:15] She doesn’t have a podcast, that didn’t exist.
Gabe: [00:22:19] OK. So I’m safe. That’s what I’m hearing.
Michelle: [00:22:21] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:22:21] But your significant other? You might have to kill someday?
Michelle: [00:22:24] Only if she tries to end the world and takes the sword out of Acathla as he’s going to swallow the world. And the only way to save the world is to kill her and send her to hell.
Gabe: [00:22:37] I know your significant other and she’s not that motivated. We’ll be fine.
Michelle: [00:22:40] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:22:42] Here’s some other like just real quick self-help tips that people don’t think of. Brush your teeth.
Michelle: [00:22:46] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:22:47] Eat something healthy. Make a meal, like make pageantry out of, you know? Don’t just grab the chips or you know the bagel bites in the microwave, actually cook a meal. There take a shower, shave, take a walk around the block, go to the gym. I mean it ramps up from here.
Michelle: [00:23:03] Exercise is great self care.
Gabe: [00:23:05] I’m not going to do that. But you’re right it is great self care.
Michelle: [00:23:10] It is and also joining a sports team. Any kind of club team is also great self care too.
Gabe: [00:23:16] People don’t think about that a lot, especially adults. You know I talked to a lot of people over the age of 50 and over the age of 40 because I’m at that age, and like I don’t know what to do for self care and I say like have you ever considered joining like a book club or a bowling league? And they’re like well but isn’t that like for young people? No, and one of the things that you turned me onto a long time ago, which is in your Jeopardy theme, is a lot of sports bars and bars like during the week will have trivia nights.
Michelle: [00:23:41] Yes.
Gabe: [00:23:41] Trivia nights are a lot of fun and you don’t have to sign up, you just have to show up so you show up and you can have fun. And listen, what’s really cool about them that I found out is that most people just suck. They just suck at trivia night but it’s a lot of fun. There’s always like a couple of teams are taking it like really serious and.
Michelle: [00:23:58] People take it ridiculously seriously.
Gabe: [00:24:01] Yeah.
Michelle: [00:24:01] Like ridiculous.
Gabe: [00:24:01] But at least half the room is just like, “Huh, trivia is hard.” But they’re still having fun.
Michelle: [00:24:07] I’ve never placed in regular trivia above second to last place.
Gabe: [00:24:11] Second to last place? So you beat somebody?
Michelle: [00:24:13] One time only. Because one of the sections was Disney.
Gabe: [00:24:17] One of the sections was Disney?
Michelle: [00:24:18] Yeah. That’s how I got 2nd to last place.
Gabe: [00:24:20] Didn’t you participate in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer trivia?
Michelle: [00:24:20] Yes I have many times and I have placed and I’ve never placed below fourth. I’ve got to go first second third and fourth.
Gabe: [00:24:29] Oh wow so you did get first when it was very specific to an amount of knowledge that you had.
Michelle: [00:24:33] Yeah I only placed first the one time where I was alone.
Gabe: [00:24:37] So if I want to take first in a trivia contest I should find like bullshit trivia?
Michelle: [00:24:42] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:24:42] Because I would place first.
Michelle: [00:24:44] If it was mental health trivia you would.
Gabe: [00:24:46] Oh my God. Could you imagine? You and I we would dominate it.
Michelle: [00:24:49] We would dominate mental health trivia.
Gabe: [00:24:51] Not only would we dominate but like if any of the stereotypes were the answer we’d correct it.
Michelle: [00:24:54] Oh, my God. We should have mental health trivia night somewhere. We should start that.
Gabe: [00:25:00] This is an excellent idea.
Michelle: [00:25:02] We should have a little contest or something.
Gabe: [00:25:06] A contest?
Michelle: [00:25:06] A mental health contest. Mental health, we should do something. But how do we know?
Gabe: [00:25:08] Eh, people are going to Google.
Michelle: [00:25:10] They’re gonna google.
Gabe: [00:25:12] I’ve got the first question though and they won’t be able to Google. I figured it out, Michelle. All right everybody, using [email protected], send us an email with the nicest thing that somebody did for you to help you cope with your own mental illness. So a nice story about a friend, a caregiver, a stranger. All stories are welcome. Please send them to [email protected]. And if we use it on the air we’ll send you stickers because we’re chill like that.
Michelle: [00:25:39] Or a talking mental health T-shirt, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:25:42] That is so mean. Why you gotta be mocking the talking mental t-shirts?
Michelle: [00:25:45] I’m not. I’m not mocking them. I’m saying we should send them more than stickers, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:25:50] All right, I will revise it. The winner, the best story, the most moving and meaningful story, will get A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast care package, including more than just stickers. But all of the other stories that we use on an upcoming show, will just get stickers. Fair?
Michelle: [00:26:07] But you have to actually write a good story.
Gabe: [00:26:12] Yeah, you got to read a good story.
Michelle: [00:26:13] You can’t just say, “My buddy gave me a Kit Kat and I was so happy about it.”
Gabe: [00:26:19] I mean you can, but you’re not going to win and we’re not going to use it on the show. And now I want to Kit Kat.
Michelle: [00:26:24] We have some downstairs.
Gabe: [00:26:24] Sweet. That’s where we’re off to. Thank you everybody for tuning into this week’s episode of A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and Podcast. If you are on iTunes we would love your five star review. Write a review, like use your words. Tell people why they should listen and please share us on social media. Email us to your friends, help us go world wide famous. And finally, if you work for BuzzFeed, or know anybody that works for BuzzFeed, where’s our love? Please write a story on us. We will see everybody next week on you’re supposed to yell out A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast.
Michelle: [00:27:04] A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast!
Gabe: [00:27:06] Thanks everybody for tuning in. And we will see you next week.
Narrator: [00:27:15] You’ve been listening to A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. If you love this episode, don’t keep it to yourself head over to iTunes or your preferred podcast app to subscribe, rate, and review. To work with Gabe go to GabeHoward.com. To work with Michelle, go to schizophrenic.NYC. For free mental health resources and online support groups, head over to PsychCentral.com. This show’s official web site is PsychCentral.com/BSP. You can e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank you for listening, and share widely.
Meet Your Bipolar and Schizophrenic Hosts
GABE HOWARD was formally diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety disorders after being committed to a psychiatric hospital in 2003. Now in recovery, Gabe is a prominent mental health activist and host of the award-winning Psych Central Show podcast. He is also an award-winning writer and speaker, traveling nationally to share the humorous, yet educational, story of his bipolar life. To work with Gabe, visit gabehoward.com.
  MICHELLE HAMMER was officially diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22, but incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 18. Michelle is an award-winning mental health advocate who has been featured in press all over the world. In May 2015, Michelle founded the company Schizophrenic.NYC, a mental health clothing line, with the mission of reducing stigma by starting conversations about mental health. She is a firm believer that confidence can get you anywhere. To work with Michelle, visit Schizophrenic.NYC.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/podcast-self-care-for-your-mental-health/
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erraticfairy · 5 years
Podcast: Self-Care for Your Mental Health

Self-care is important for everyone, but our hosts feel it is extra important for people managing mental illnesses and other mental health issues. It stands to reason that, if you don’t take care of yourself, then the symptoms of an illness will have an easier time making our lives miserable.
In this episode, our hosts discuss what self-care is, what self-care isn’t, and what they personally do to care for themselves. Listen now!
“Would it be self-care for me to watch a bunch of guys getting hit in the privates?’” – Gabe Howard
  Highlights From ‘Self-Care for Your Mental Health’ Episode
[2:00] What do Gabe and Michelle do for self-care?
[6:30] Why did Gabe and Michelle start a podcast?
[11:30] Why does Michelle watch “fail” videos?
[13:30] Gabe loves fidget spinners and believes they help with his self-care.
[17:00] Watching Jeopardy is an example of self-care.
[19:00] Michelle + Gabe + The Peoples’ Court = group self-care.
[22:00] Who thinks watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the BEST self-care?
[23:00] Is personal hygiene an example of self-care?
Computer Generated Transcript for ‘Mental Health Self-Care’ Show
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: [00:00:06] For reasons that utterly escape everyone involved, you’re listening to A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. Here are your hosts, Gabe Howard and Michelle Hammer.
Gabe: [00:00:17] You’re listening to A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. My name is Gabe Howard. I live with bipolar disorder.
Michelle: [00:00:23] Hi, I’m Michelle. I’m schizophrenic.
Gabe: [00:00:27] And today we are going to discuss self care. But like low end self care, like easy self care, basic self care, the self care that nobody thinks about because everybody’s always thinking about like these grandiose self care ideas.
Michelle: [00:00:42] Well like going to a spa and getting a facial?
Gabe: [00:00:45] That would be one. Or going on vacation, or being able to stay home for a week. Quitting their jobs.
Michelle: [00:00:51] I mean yeah quitting your job. What else is As grandiose self care?
Gabe: [00:00:57] I think the biggest grandiose self care is like marrying a rich person and just eating bonbons while watching TV all day.
Michelle: [00:01:04] Wait there’s something wrong with that?
Gabe: [00:01:05] There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just the kind of self care that most of us can’t participate in.
Michelle: [00:01:10] I mean that seems kind of like a pretty good self care.
Gabe: [00:01:13] I think that is an excellent self care and we’re gonna do a companion episode called self care for the rich and famous and that will be on there.
Michelle: [00:01:20] If you’re a sugar daddy looking for a sugar baby and you’re not a total creep, email me.
Gabe: [00:01:24] Really? The creep thing, do you care? That’s kind of creepy behavior on your part. You’re literally looking for somebody to take care of you.
Michelle: [00:01:31] Okay fine I’ll change that. If you just are a really rich person and you want to give me a lot of money for no reason, hit me up.
Gabe: [00:01:36] Michelle, you and I both live with severe and persistent mental illness and we’ve managed to live successfully for a number of years. And we always talk on this show that there’s more than just medication. There’s more than just therapy. There’s more than just peer support or group therapy or having stable housing or having good friends and family and one of the things that we almost never talk about, and an alert reader pointed out, is we never talk about basic self care tips. And I’m really surprised because between us we have like so many. And I love it when we get together and our little self care ideas don’t quite mesh. A big one of mine is going to get Diet Coke and just chilling.
Michelle: [00:02:13] At seven thirty in the morning.
Gabe: [00:02:16] That’s why it doesn’t quite mesh. And one of your self care tips is going to get coffee but like closer to eleven and it’s very difficult to find a place that has Diet Coke and coffee that you find acceptable.
Michelle: [00:02:30] Like McDonalds?
Gabe: [00:02:30] I mean McDonalds. That was a good compromise on our part. But remember when you tried to take me to Starbucks?
Michelle: [00:02:37] Yeah, and you refused to go to Starbucks. You think you’re better than Starbucks.
Gabe: [00:02:41] I don’t like coffee.
Michelle: [00:02:43] Why not?
Gabe: [00:02:43] Why don’t you like Diet Coke?
Michelle: [00:02:45] I do like Diet Coke but I don’t want it. I’d rather have coffee in the morning than Diet Coke.
Gabe: [00:02:51] You see the problem and this is why you shouldn’t have mentally ill friends ladies and gentlemen. We did an episode a few weeks ago where we talked about vices and Diet Coke was brought up as a vice because I drink so much of it and we’re not walking that back. But this is the flip side of that where it relaxes me. It helps me. It is a part of my self care especially when I get very stressed out at work or when I get overwhelmed on a project. I can step out, drive someplace, sit down, sip a Diet Coke, people watch, look around, and that really allows me to calm down. This is a self care option that cost me a couple of bucks and I know that you feel the same way about coffee.
Michelle: [00:03:31] Yes, coffee is readily available walking through New York City. Oh I want some coffee? I’ll be at a coffee shop in at least three minutes.
Gabe: [00:03:38] You once described that if you wanted coffee in New York, you just have to hold out your hand and say coffee and it just magically appears.
Michelle: [00:03:44] It’s ridiculous how much coffee you can get in New York City. Maybe that’s why everybody’s so amped up all the time? People just go go go go go. Maybe that’s what it is. That’s why everybody is just so fast and everything in New York City? Is it just the readily available list of coffee everywhere?
Gabe: [00:04:01] And espresso.
Michelle: [00:04:01] And espresso, is everywhere in New York.
Gabe: [00:04:04] Do you have people that call it ex-press-so? Where they don’t pronounce the s? They call it X-presso, instead of S-presso?
Michelle: [00:04:10] I thought it was X-presso for so long.
Gabe: [00:04:12] You pronounce the X? That doesn’t exist?
Michelle: [00:04:13] I didn’t know why. I didn’t know. I had to be educated, Gabe. I needed to be educated about coffee.
Gabe: [00:04:20] As longtime listeners of the show know, I also host the Psych Central Show with Vincent M. Wales and Vince is a master coffee person. Like he has all the equipment in his home. He knows everything about coffee; he knows everything about the beans. He has so much coffee knowledge and he tries to impart this on me all the time and I just give him this glazed over look like can I go now?
Michelle: [00:04:42] You never told me this about him. So I don’t know why me and Vin are not better friends now.
Gabe: [00:04:47] Oh, Vin loves coffee.
Michelle: [00:04:50] All the sudden I like Vince so much more than I ever did.
Gabe: [00:04:53] Well there’s another thing that I should tell you about Vin. He loves New York style pizza. It’s the only pizza that he will eat.
Michelle: [00:05:00] Why did you never tell me this about Vin?
Gabe: [00:05:04] I’m telling you now.
Michelle: [00:05:04] Ack!
Gabe: [00:05:05] Don’t assume that all the people around you are like old and god awful. Maybe ask them some questions? Maybe find some common ground?
Michelle: [00:05:14] All I know is that he likes comics.
Gabe: [00:05:16] Well I mean he does like comics. That’s true.
Michelle: [00:05:18] And I have nothing in common with Vin because I don’t like comics. But now that I know I have all this stuff in common with Vin, maybe maybe Vin and me can be BFFs?
Gabe: [00:05:23] I always thought you and Vin were BFFs.
Michelle: [00:05:27] No, you didn’t.
Gabe: [00:05:28] I know. Listen everybody, Michelle and Vin don’t have a rift. They get along just fine but they have a lot in common and they don’t realize it because you know Vin is well into his 50s and Michelle acts 12. It’s a big big gap. You know Vin lives in California, Michelle is from New York. We’ve got the whole male female thing going.
Michelle: [00:05:48] It’s going to be a long distance relationship.
Gabe: [00:05:49] It’s going to be a long distance?
Michelle: [00:05:50] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:05:50] Vin is very like muted. Like he’s nothing like me. He’s just very like, Yes, thank you.
Michelle: [00:05:55] Yes, hello, yes. My name is Vincent M. Wales.
Gabe: [00:05:59] He’s a novelist. He spends a lot of time alone with his words. I spend a lot of time alone with my words but I’m not writing them.
Michelle: [00:06:05] You’re just talking them.
Gabe: [00:06:06] I’m just talking. You know how you said early on that one of your coping mechanisms, not self care but coping mechanisms, was you put earbuds in? And that way when you walk down the street, people were like, “Oh, she’s not talking to herself she’s singing along to music. Or maybe she’s on a Bluetooth? Maybe she’s on the phone, etc?” It doesn’t look weird because you have the earbuds in.
Michelle: [00:06:25] Yes right.
Gabe: [00:06:27] I became a podcaster because originally when I was sitting upstairs just talking to myself, my wife thought it was weird. Now I’m like oh podcasting. She thinks I podcast 14 hours a day.
Michelle: [00:06:37] I know. I know my friends in college thought I was on the phone. Sometimes I’d be on the phone, but often they’d be like, “Who are you talking to?” And so I was, “I wasn’t.” I would try to say I was on the phone more times than I actually was, honestly.
Gabe: [00:06:51] One of your self care techniques was to educate the people that you lived with. I don’t think you’ve ever lived alone, have you? You’ve always either lived at home, lived in the dorms, or lived with a roommate?
Michelle: [00:07:01] Yes.
Gabe: [00:07:02] So you’ve had to do that. Part of your self care regimen is educating the people that you live with so that they give you the least amount of flack or shit or trouble as possible, right?
Michelle: [00:07:14] Yeah pretty much yeah. It’s never really been a big deal with anyone I lived with like outside of college. Since moving into Queens and Astoria and living in the apartment I live in now. The only thing that bothers anyone is that I don’t clean enough.
Gabe: [00:07:25] But that’s not schizophrenia.
Michelle: [00:07:26] No, that’s not schizophrenia. But like you know, being as schizophrenic, you always learn like they’re not the cleanliness of all the people blah blah blah.
Gabe: [00:07:35] We’re gonna get letters for that. Wait, did you just say people with schizophrenia aren’t clean?
Michelle: [00:07:38] We just watched that video that was like, “Schizophrenic people might not be dressed the best.” Or whatever that stupid video said. Like, okay, sure we don’t dress great. But what kind of ridiculous freakin’ fact was that?
Gabe: [00:07:49] You know it’s messed up. I know personally two people who live with schizophrenia. I have lots of, you know, co-workers and colleagues and fellow mental health advocates but two people who live with schizophrenia that I consider like like buddies. One of them is Michelle Hammer.
Michelle: [00:08:03] Mmm-hmm.
Gabe: [00:08:03] The great Michelle Hammer.
Michelle: [00:08:04] The great.
Gabe: [00:08:07] And the other one is Rachel Star. Rachel Star is like the best dressed person we know.
Michelle: [00:08:11] I know. And she knows how to walk in heels.
Gabe: [00:08:13] Yeah. She teaches it. She actually had a fashion blog for a while where she taught people how to be a girl and like how to walk in high heels, how to wear the belt, how to do the makeup. She’s like well put together and she has schizophrenia. So I’m starting to think that maybe these videos where they say things like, “people with schizophrenia don’t dress well, and they dress weird, and they act weird, and they’re they’re not clean, and they’re not organized, and they walk funny.”.
Michelle: [00:08:34] And they walk with an awkward gaunt.
Gabe: [00:08:38] Yeah I think maybe.
Michelle: [00:08:38] What is gaunt? The awkward gaunt?
Gabe: [00:08:40] I don’t know what any of that is either but this leads us into our next form of self care. Don’t watch that shit.
Michelle: [00:08:47] True.
Gabe: [00:08:51] So many people, they’re just constantly Googling stereotypes and offensive things on the Internet so that they can be mad at it.
Michelle: [00:08:58] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:08:59] Why?
Michelle: [00:08:59] It’s almost like they want to educate themselves as much as possible but then they find these online articles that really just are stereotypical and are wrong and they just start thinking bad things.
Gabe: [00:09:12] It pisses you off.
Michelle: [00:09:13] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:09:15] If you seek out things to be angry at, you’re gonna find it.
Michelle: [00:09:18] Yes.
Gabe: [00:09:20] But here’s the magical thing though. If you seek out things to provide you with joy on the Internet you will also find those.
Michelle: [00:09:26] What do you find for joy on the Internet? Porn?
Gabe: [00:09:28] Listen I’m not going to lie and tell people that I’ve never looked at pornography on the Internet today. Because that would just be a lie.
Michelle: [00:09:37] And nobody would believe you.
Gabe: [00:09:39] And nobody would believe me. But there are really cool things on the Internet that I do enjoy reading. One of the things that I’ve done and I think that this is vital to self care is I use a news curator. That eliminates a lot of news that I just don’t want to hear about, or sources that I consider to be offensive or dramatic or don’t follow journalistic standards.
Michelle: [00:10:02] Personally like just don’t.
Gabe: [00:10:03] Your personal beliefs are really irrelevant. It’s the part where you’re constantly being bombarded with you’re wrong you’re stupid you’re wrong you’re stupid you’re wrong you’re stupid. You realize once you put a slant on news it’s no longer news.
Michelle: [00:10:14] It’s just bias.
Gabe: [00:10:15] It’s just gossip.
Michelle: [00:10:15] It’s biased news.
Gabe: [00:10:17] It’s opinion.
Michelle: [00:10:18] It’s why I like E News.
Gabe: [00:10:20] Yeah I like I like to read my news. I also don’t like like live news, and by live news like I don’t turn on like the 24 hour news station on the TV because it always ends up like this. Like we’re getting word that something is happening. We have no facts or information so we’re just going to make shit up.
Michelle: [00:10:36] I personally love watching car chases.
Gabe: [00:10:38] Yeah, car chases are kind of fun.
Michelle: [00:10:39] I like when they watch the car chase and then the car goes under a bridge or something like that and then they start watching the wrong car.
Gabe: [00:10:47] They follow for a minute and then the helicopter goes back left?
Michelle: [00:10:48] Yeah. They watch the car and like oh the car seems to be pulling into a gas station. Oh the guy in the car seems to be wearing a different color shirt. They don’t seem to be really in a rush. Oh I’m sorry guys. I think you’ve been following the wrong car now.
Gabe: [00:11:01] Oh the police all left.
Michelle: [00:11:02] It seems like we’ve, uh, we’ve lost the car. Those are hilarious.
Gabe: [00:11:06] To answer your original question of what are some things that I like to read on the Internet that are fun? There’s all kinds of uplifting things. The biggest one for our community that we like to push out is The Mighty. TheMighty.com. We do ask us anything on the first and third Monday, we do it live. You can see our pretty faces. Just go to mental health on TheMighty.com.
Michelle: [00:11:25] You can see my pretty face and Gabe’s ginger face.
Gabe: [00:11:28] One of my self care things is to limit the amount of time I spend with Michelle.
Michelle: [00:11:31] No, but going on what I was saying about watching car chases. I look up on YouTube like fails.
Gabe: [00:11:37] There you go.
Michelle: [00:11:39] And it is just hilarious. But of course if anyone actually got hurt in the fails they wouldn’t be in the fails compilation but it’s just so funny to me watching these people get hurt. It’s hilarious. Rope swing fails are hilarious. Like any kind of like snowboarding fails. Those are pretty funny. Or just ridiculous like just kids doing something stupid. But I know it’s not good to watch this one but it’s hilarious. Baby fails. Baby fails are the funniest fails ever. They just fall over; they trip over things. Or like the babies cover themselves in peanut butter. Hilarious. And of course, the granddaddy of all them is when guys just get hit in the balls.
Gabe: [00:12:19] Just get hit in the balls?
Michelle: [00:12:19] Just getting hit in the balls. I cannot physically know the pain of getting hit in the balls but it looks painful and it’s hilarious to watch them. Have you ever been hit in the balls, Gabe?
Gabe: [00:12:28] Yes.
Michelle: [00:12:29] Sorry. I’m sorry.
Gabe: [00:12:31] It’s amazing to me because on one hand I’m like oh man, would it be self care for me to watch a bunch of guys getting hit in the balls because I know that suffering and that it always makes me cringe. But on the other hand I’d laugh hysterically.
Michelle: [00:12:43] Laugh hysterically. Hysterically, hysterically. Let’s take a break and hear from our sponsor.
Announcer: [00:12:49] This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp.com. Secure, convenient, and affordable online counselling. All counselors are licensed, accredited professionals. Anything you share is confidential. Schedule secure video or phone sessions, plus chat and text with your therapist, whenever you feel it’s needed. A month of online therapy often costs less than a single traditional face to face session. Go to BetterHelp.com/PsychCentral and experience seven days of free therapy to see if online counselling is right for you. BetterHelp.com/PsychCentral.
Michelle: [00:13:20] And we’re back talking about self care.
Gabe: [00:13:22] How do you feel about fidget spinners.
Michelle: [00:13:23] I like fridget spinners. Why not?
Gabe: [00:13:25] Have they helped you? They’re not new anymore. I mean they’re well over a year old and I think the fad has kind of gone as far as mainstream.
Michelle: [00:13:32] Oh they were all over Chinatown when I was popping up in near little Italy. They were everywhere. Every kid that came into the market had a fidget spinner a couple of years ago.
Gabe: [00:13:42] They were everywhere for ten dollars and then last year I went to the fair and they were a buck.
Michelle: [00:13:45] Five dollars. Chinatown five dollars. That’s how much they were.
Gabe: [00:13:47] Yeah, everywhere in Ohio ten bucks ten bucks ten bucks ten bucks and then at the fair this year a dollar.
Michelle: [00:13:51] Yeah, well whoever invented them they made a lot of money.
Gabe: [00:13:55] So the mainstream fad is over. I’ve kept mine. I still find it to be very very helpful. I keep a little, not a fidget spinner, but a little fidget toy in my pocket. And I still use what I consider like fidget spinners’ great great grandpa, like Koosh balls or squeezy balls. I find all of those things.
Michelle: [00:14:13] You how? You squeeze your balls?
Gabe: [00:14:14] No, I don’t squeeze my balls. I have a little foam ball that I can squeeze.
Michelle: [00:14:19] Oh, okay.
Gabe: [00:14:19] But it’s interesting that you’re over there thinking about my balls.
Michelle: [00:14:23] No I was just like you like squeezy balls. I mean you said squeezy balls, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:14:28] Stress balls.
Michelle: [00:14:29] You said you like squeezy balls.
Gabe: [00:14:30] Stess balls have been around for a long time.
Michelle: [00:14:31] You said you liked squeezy balls.
Gabe: [00:14:33] Do you ever think that we like bicker back and forth like siblings as part of our self care regimen? Is that like our thing? Because we laugh hysterically when we do it. So.
Michelle: [00:14:42] I guess we do.
Gabe: [00:14:43] So it’s clearly not an argument.
Michelle: [00:14:44] Talking about self care specifically, I always like to bring up the late great Whitney Houston who said learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Gabe: [00:14:59] But how is that a self care thing? I mean isn’t it like a high level concept? It’s kind of like telling somebody that is having financial problems to just make more money or if you’re distressed just love yourself.
Michelle: [00:15:08] Well she decided that to paraphrase I don’t know the exact words but Whitney Houston did say that she decided long ago not to wander in anyone’s shadow. You know what I’m saying?
Gabe: [00:15:19] Because that way if she succeeds it won’t be her destiny or something?
Michelle: [00:15:24] If I fail, if I succeed, at least I lived as I believe. Live as you believe, Gabe. Don’t wander in anyone’s shadow. Don’t be in anyone’s shadow. Be you. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
Gabe: [00:15:37] I think that that is excellent advice. You’ve also stumbled upon another thing that I think is amazing. Music.
Michelle: [00:15:42] Yes.
Gabe: [00:15:43] This music really speaks to you and I know that you have described when you’ve been depressed stressed worried or even a little manic, that you use music to like regulate your moods. You think that’s a common thing? I have that big like 12 speaker surround sound stereo in my car, bluetooth enabled and I use it to listen to our podcast. But whenever you’re here, we connect it, and we’re like doing carpool Karaoke and like screaming to music and people are staring at us.
Michelle: [00:16:08] Yeah like that time I made you play White Houses by Vanessa Carlton and I was singing my heart out.
Gabe: [00:16:14] You were and what I love is I don’t like it when people sing because it grates me. But I was able to turn up the music so loud I couldn’t hear you.
Michelle: [00:16:21] Listen, you don’t like my singing voice? I am a professional singer.
Gabe: [00:16:24] Who sang that song?
Michelle: [00:16:26] Vanessa Carlton.
Gabe: [00:16:27] Let’s keep it that way.
Michelle: [00:16:29] Yes yes yes. Everybody used to say that back in the day.
Gabe: [00:16:32] Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Knock knock.
Michelle: [00:16:35] Who’s there?
Gabe: [00:16:35] Interrupting cow.  MOOOOOO!
Michelle: [00:16:38] Yeah. Everybody knows that one too, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:16:39] Wait, wait, wait. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Michelle: [00:16:41] To get the other side.
Gabe: [00:16:43] Oh you’ve heard this one.
Michelle: [00:16:44] Who killed Alicia Keys?
Gabe: [00:16:46] Who?
Michelle: [00:16:46] No one no one no one.
Gabe: [00:16:52] Alicia Keys is alive, right?
Michelle: [00:16:53] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:16:54] Okay.
Michelle: [00:16:54] That’s her song.
Gabe: [00:16:55] I didn’t know that.
Michelle: [00:16:55] Oh, okay, well.
Gabe: [00:16:57] Who’s Alicia Keys?
Michelle: [00:16:57] You know, she plays piano.
Gabe: [00:17:00] I think she’s a no one. No one no one.
Michelle: [00:17:02] OK. That’s not funny.
Gabe: [00:17:04] It’s a little funny.
Michelle: [00:17:05] Fine, whatever you want.
Gabe: [00:17:06] I think we like different music. We have found music that we both like and I would say that you know that’s another self care tip. Maybe be willing to compromise with your friends. I don’t like to listen to music in the car. It’s not something that I really do. But you and I have had to take several road trips as part of our job and you were like look I talk to you for money so I’m not going to talk to you for free. So I compromised and agreed to listen to music and we had a lot of fun doing it. It really was fun. But when you’re not around I don’t do it by myself. So I think that sometimes self care is being open to new ideas and maybe finding the joy in things that maybe you wouldn’t do alone. Another example of that is Jeopardy. I don’t watch Jeopardy when you’re not around.
Michelle: [00:17:46] I love Jeopardy. I love it. I just love to see more of the competition type aspect because when I watch it maybe I get like five questions right.
Gabe: [00:17:56] I get none.
Michelle: [00:17:57] No you get some.
Gabe: [00:17:58] Never.
Michelle: [00:17:59] I mean I wish I could be on Jeopardy but those people they just they have facts that I don’t even I didn’t even know where actual things. How do they know this stuff? They’re amazing. They’re amazing people.
Gabe: [00:18:11] You find that very interesting, right?
Michelle: [00:18:11] I do. That these people are so smart and I find it so interesting that they know these facts and like where did they learn these? Like, I went to high school, I went to college. I didn’t go to an Ivy League or anything like that, but how do they know these facts? And even there’s the teachers tournament and when I ever thought of a teacher I was like yeah your teacher teaches this subject.  I was that you know they know this subject. No no no. You watch teachers tournament they know everything. Every. Thing. And then the college tournament, they know everything. But I do very well on the high school tournament. Those are those questions I do pretty good and then they had like the juniors. I was so good at the juniors. You have no idea. Those 12 year old kids, I’m on their level.
Gabe: [00:18:56] You know that show Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?
Michelle: [00:18:59] I’m bad at that.
Gabe: [00:19:00] Well, I was not. I was not smarter than a fifth grader.
Michelle: [00:19:02] I was not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader either. Yeah that’s how it is. Well, Gabe, when you’re not around I like to watch The People’s Court. So when we’re together we always watch The People’s Court.
Gabe: [00:19:12] You watch The People’s Court when I’m not around?
Michelle: [00:19:13] I try to.
Gabe: [00:19:14] I never watch Jeopardy when you’re not around. Like that’s only something that I do with you because I only get joy when you’re around. And truthfully I think the only joy that I get is watching you watch it. Listen I think that sometimes people miss the idea that self care doesn’t necessarily mean getting your way. You know so many people are like self care is doing what you want to do and it is. There’s a part of that, but self care is also about finding joy in things maybe you wouldn’t find joy in. And I think of things like, let’s take marriage for example. When you’re married you have to go to places or eat at restaurants or experience things that you wouldn’t seek on your own. I did not want to see Hamilton.
Michelle: [00:19:57] Why not? It’s supposed to be amazing. I want to see it so badly but the tickets are expensive.
Gabe: [00:20:00] But my wife wanted to see it so I went.
Michelle: [00:20:03] I’ll go . I’ll go with your wife. You buy the tickets and I’ll go with your wife.
Gabe: [00:20:07] It’s too late we already went.
Michelle: [00:20:08] Well, you didn’t invite me!
Gabe: [00:20:09] Maybe, but there’s an example. Though I did not want to go but I agreed to go. I got dressed up, we went out to a nice dinner, and I enjoyed myself. I both enjoyed the play and I enjoyed sharing it with somebody, making my wife happy. It’s also about the pageantry of putting on a suit. My wife and I don’t wear nice clothes around each other very often and it doesn’t matter if it’s Hamilton in a nice restaurant or if it’s just going to the Taco Bell in the nice section of town around the corner. Make it special. There’s all kinds of ways to take the mundane and turn them into better, and that is an example of self care.
Michelle: [00:20:45] This self care really is classified under the problem solving.
Gabe: [00:20:50] Problem solving self care?
Michelle: [00:20:51] This is problem solving.
Gabe: [00:20:52] Dun dun dun.
Michelle: [00:20:53] Yeah. All of this is really is problem solving self care. This is what we’re really discussing right now.
Gabe: [00:20:59] I agree.
Michelle: [00:21:00] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:21:00] You read an article didn’t you?
Michelle: [00:21:03] Possibly.
Gabe: [00:21:03] I’m sorry.
Michelle: [00:21:04] I did some research. Yes, what can I say? What can I say? I know.
Gabe: [00:21:08] You know, nobody has ever called you illiterate, Michelle.
Michelle: [00:21:11] Nobody. Nobody’s ever called me a illiterate since I learned how to read. I learned how to read, Gabe, one day.
Gabe: [00:21:16] You know jokes are funny. You asked earlier about things that you can seek out on the internet. Jokes. There’s jokes everywhere.
Michelle: [00:21:23] There’s jokes everywhere.
Gabe: [00:21:24] And there’s there’s inspirational writing.
Michelle: [00:21:26] Yes.
Gabe: [00:21:27] That’s always fun.
Michelle: [00:21:28] Watching TV like TV can be self care. I’m a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve been a huge fan since I was eight years old. And you know with the beauty of you know online streaming services and stuff like that I now can just go on to any one of those. Know the episode that I’m looking for. Watch it. And I feel that feeling of just like comfort. And it makes me feel better because I know the feeling that I get when I watch that specific episode. Like the episode where Buffy has to kill Angel and the devastation.
Gabe: [00:22:02] No.
Michelle: [00:22:02] It’s just I it’s like when I’m depressed I watch that episode and I’m like at least I didn’t have to kill my love. You know?
Gabe: [00:22:10] Wow.
Michelle: [00:22:11] She leaves town and goes to L.A.
Gabe: [00:22:13] Does Buffy kill her podcast co-host?
Michelle: [00:22:15] She doesn’t have a podcast, that didn’t exist.
Gabe: [00:22:19] OK. So I’m safe. That’s what I’m hearing.
Michelle: [00:22:21] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:22:21] But your significant other? You might have to kill someday?
Michelle: [00:22:24] Only if she tries to end the world and takes the sword out of Acathla as he’s going to swallow the world. And the only way to save the world is to kill her and send her to hell.
Gabe: [00:22:37] I know your significant other and she’s not that motivated. We’ll be fine.
Michelle: [00:22:40] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:22:42] Here’s some other like just real quick self-help tips that people don’t think of. Brush your teeth.
Michelle: [00:22:46] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:22:47] Eat something healthy. Make a meal, like make pageantry out of, you know? Don’t just grab the chips or you know the bagel bites in the microwave, actually cook a meal. There take a shower, shave, take a walk around the block, go to the gym. I mean it ramps up from here.
Michelle: [00:23:03] Exercise is great self care.
Gabe: [00:23:05] I’m not going to do that. But you’re right it is great self care.
Michelle: [00:23:10] It is and also joining a sports team. Any kind of club team is also great self care too.
Gabe: [00:23:16] People don’t think about that a lot, especially adults. You know I talked to a lot of people over the age of 50 and over the age of 40 because I’m at that age, and like I don’t know what to do for self care and I say like have you ever considered joining like a book club or a bowling league? And they’re like well but isn’t that like for young people? No, and one of the things that you turned me onto a long time ago, which is in your Jeopardy theme, is a lot of sports bars and bars like during the week will have trivia nights.
Michelle: [00:23:41] Yes.
Gabe: [00:23:41] Trivia nights are a lot of fun and you don’t have to sign up, you just have to show up so you show up and you can have fun. And listen, what’s really cool about them that I found out is that most people just suck. They just suck at trivia night but it’s a lot of fun. There’s always like a couple of teams are taking it like really serious and.
Michelle: [00:23:58] People take it ridiculously seriously.
Gabe: [00:24:01] Yeah.
Michelle: [00:24:01] Like ridiculous.
Gabe: [00:24:01] But at least half the room is just like, “Huh, trivia is hard.” But they’re still having fun.
Michelle: [00:24:07] I’ve never placed in regular trivia above second to last place.
Gabe: [00:24:11] Second to last place? So you beat somebody?
Michelle: [00:24:13] One time only. Because one of the sections was Disney.
Gabe: [00:24:17] One of the sections was Disney?
Michelle: [00:24:18] Yeah. That’s how I got 2nd to last place.
Gabe: [00:24:20] Didn’t you participate in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer trivia?
Michelle: [00:24:20] Yes I have many times and I have placed and I’ve never placed below fourth. I’ve got to go first second third and fourth.
Gabe: [00:24:29] Oh wow so you did get first when it was very specific to an amount of knowledge that you had.
Michelle: [00:24:33] Yeah I only placed first the one time where I was alone.
Gabe: [00:24:37] So if I want to take first in a trivia contest I should find like bullshit trivia?
Michelle: [00:24:42] Yeah.
Gabe: [00:24:42] Because I would place first.
Michelle: [00:24:44] If it was mental health trivia you would.
Gabe: [00:24:46] Oh my God. Could you imagine? You and I we would dominate it.
Michelle: [00:24:49] We would dominate mental health trivia.
Gabe: [00:24:51] Not only would we dominate but like if any of the stereotypes were the answer we’d correct it.
Michelle: [00:24:54] Oh, my God. We should have mental health trivia night somewhere. We should start that.
Gabe: [00:25:00] This is an excellent idea.
Michelle: [00:25:02] We should have a little contest or something.
Gabe: [00:25:06] A contest?
Michelle: [00:25:06] A mental health contest. Mental health, we should do something. But how do we know?
Gabe: [00:25:08] Eh, people are going to Google.
Michelle: [00:25:10] They’re gonna google.
Gabe: [00:25:12] I’ve got the first question though and they won’t be able to Google. I figured it out, Michelle. All right everybody, using [email protected], send us an email with the nicest thing that somebody did for you to help you cope with your own mental illness. So a nice story about a friend, a caregiver, a stranger. All stories are welcome. Please send them to [email protected]. And if we use it on the air we’ll send you stickers because we’re chill like that.
Michelle: [00:25:39] Or a talking mental health T-shirt, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:25:42] That is so mean. Why you gotta be mocking the talking mental t-shirts?
Michelle: [00:25:45] I’m not. I’m not mocking them. I’m saying we should send them more than stickers, Gabe.
Gabe: [00:25:50] All right, I will revise it. The winner, the best story, the most moving and meaningful story, will get A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast care package, including more than just stickers. But all of the other stories that we use on an upcoming show, will just get stickers. Fair?
Michelle: [00:26:07] But you have to actually write a good story.
Gabe: [00:26:12] Yeah, you got to read a good story.
Michelle: [00:26:13] You can’t just say, “My buddy gave me a Kit Kat and I was so happy about it.”
Gabe: [00:26:19] I mean you can, but you’re not going to win and we’re not going to use it on the show. And now I want to Kit Kat.
Michelle: [00:26:24] We have some downstairs.
Gabe: [00:26:24] Sweet. That’s where we’re off to. Thank you everybody for tuning into this week’s episode of A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and Podcast. If you are on iTunes we would love your five star review. Write a review, like use your words. Tell people why they should listen and please share us on social media. Email us to your friends, help us go world wide famous. And finally, if you work for BuzzFeed, or know anybody that works for BuzzFeed, where’s our love? Please write a story on us. We will see everybody next week on you’re supposed to yell out A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast.
Michelle: [00:27:04] A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast!
Gabe: [00:27:06] Thanks everybody for tuning in. And we will see you next week.
Narrator: [00:27:15] You’ve been listening to A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. If you love this episode, don’t keep it to yourself head over to iTunes or your preferred podcast app to subscribe, rate, and review. To work with Gabe go to GabeHoward.com. To work with Michelle, go to schizophrenic.NYC. For free mental health resources and online support groups, head over to PsychCentral.com. This show’s official web site is PsychCentral.com/BSP. You can e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank you for listening, and share widely.
Meet Your Bipolar and Schizophrenic Hosts
GABE HOWARD was formally diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety disorders after being committed to a psychiatric hospital in 2003. Now in recovery, Gabe is a prominent mental health activist and host of the award-winning Psych Central Show podcast. He is also an award-winning writer and speaker, traveling nationally to share the humorous, yet educational, story of his bipolar life. To work with Gabe, visit gabehoward.com.
  MICHELLE HAMMER was officially diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22, but incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 18. Michelle is an award-winning mental health advocate who has been featured in press all over the world. In May 2015, Michelle founded the company Schizophrenic.NYC, a mental health clothing line, with the mission of reducing stigma by starting conversations about mental health. She is a firm believer that confidence can get you anywhere. To work with Michelle, visit Schizophrenic.NYC.
from World of Psychology http://bit.ly/2UPepzA via theshiningmind.com
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