#and since there was no info about their son I based him a bit more on Finnick
moon-mirage · 1 year
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A day at the beach
(Annie and her son post-Mockingjay)
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capybonara · 2 months
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I come with more Sardon doodles because I wanna talk more about him and I'm having so much fun drawing these guys (you gotta be the cheerleader for your OCs!)
As stated in a previous post, hes the largest and oldest sibling out of six (Cironus, Kaska and three unnamed siblings). He's based off the wild orca who goes by Chainsaw due to the unique scarring on the dorsal fin!
Unlike Cironus and Kaska who are bards, Sardon is an orca pugilist! Orca's hunt by causing blunt force trauma on their prey so basically Sardon just solves most things with his fists! As I write this I missed the opportunity to make a Shoryuken joke with him hunting the lizalfos OH WELL
I also mentioned that I'd like to pair him up AND give him friends in general! This may or may not be an excuse to draw people's ocs and be part of a community again. People asked what his type is so allow me to info dump BELOW A CUT
Sardon was a runt when he was a child but his mother, aunts, and grandmother protected him and kept him well fed. As he grew he became very rowdy, as a way to fight back from being picked on and to establish a position among his peers. When he was big enough, he found he enjoyed fighting/hunting monsters and then it kind of became a job for him. In a similar way that Kaska visits kingdoms and areas to see if they're welcome to stick around, Sardon goes around areas where his family plan to rest at and clears out any monsters.
Bloon Moon events are something he looks forward too because it means he can go hunting all over again!
But despite his job and rough childhood, Sardon is usually very quiet and reserved. His size and scars tend to have people make assumptions about his personality and so they steer clear. He's a bit jealous of the way Cironus and Kaska can make friends so easily, and it's why he likes hanging out with them so much. Their presence makes him look slightly less intimidating and he may be picking up pointers on how to socialize.
He's very supportive of their endeavors, and he's an excellent listener. When he's not picking fights, he'll be babysitting the young orca children and letting them talk his ear off. He's playing wingman to Cironus, getting lost in discussions with Kaska regarding kingdom politics. Sometimes they need an extra voice for their music and while Sardon doesn't play an instrument, he has a beautiful baritone!
When it comes to courtship, he's been extremely awkward so he gave up for a while and focused on his monster hunting work. He's been pressured by his mother and grandmother about courting since Sardon was a prime candidate for siring more healthy orca children. There isn't much prejudice against seeing those from other races among the zorca, but he knew it had to do with being a first born son.
Still, the idea of companionship is appealing. He has an appreciation for all races in Hyrule, and the same goes for his romantic preferences. He's more familiar with zora because of his family travels but he's run into others on land enough to have a respect for them.
When he's accompanying Cironus or Kaska, they help lower his defenses; he smiles more, he's making jokes with them, and he's able to read the cues from his siblings on who is friendly or not. But he knows he can't always tag along with his siblings and use them as a buffer.
When he's on his own, he tends to freeze when he encounters others, either in water or on land, and he's at a loss for words. To anyone else, he looks like a monster himself. And it eats him up inside because deep down he still sees himself as a trembling orca child. And he questions himself a lot. Did anything about him really change for the better? First being seen as a sardine to something considerably worse 😭
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[submitted 4/24/2024; 📂 for later reference]
WIBTA for reporting teachers to my school principal on the basis of the quality of their teaching?
Hello! For context, my school follows K-12 and I'm in my 2nd to last year (G11). Where I live (I don't know if it's the same for other countries) we all have to get into a track, and each track usually has its own teaching staff led by appointed coordinators who report to the principal every month or so regarding the performance of the teachers under them, though I've heard of some teaching in two or even three other tracks. This information will be important later on.
My first class in the morning is literature, more specifically 21st century literature, and it's taught by Mrs. G. The first thing that gave me a hint that the English-based subjects wouldn't be as great as I hoped was the fact that she was a nursing student. (It's on her Facebook profile. Nearly everyone I know in school posts concerningly detailed stuff about themselves on Facebook, and I just use it for the Messenger...)
Second or third in the morning on a normal school day is Ms. C. She's a DOST scholar which doesn't bother me in the slightest, but out of all the staff that handles the track I'm in, she's the only one who handles two subjects: Statistics and Reading & Writing, another English-based subject, one she doesn't have any certification for. (Again, from Facebook.)
Still, I know well that our system isn't perfect so I sat through their lessons. I was the kid that read a lot of books so I consistently scored high, but I noticed after reading a bit of DepEd learning plans that my classmates and I weren't getting the most out of their lessons for the competencies we were supposed to achieve - for literature, we needed exposure to representative texts from each continent, and for R&W, we were supposed to learn types of reading (archetypal, sociological, etc) earlier. The kindest I can say about them regarding their teaching is that they're deviating from the learning plans in a bad way + spoonfeeding the classes without making them think critically which I know is an important skill when it comes to their subjects.
I later learned from my mom who used to teach at my school that they're still able to hold their positions because they, for lack of a better word, bribe the coordinator with food and a bit of guilt-tripping since some of them are related to him, all to stay in the staff of my track because it's the most convenient one (2nd floor, one hall only). And the coordinator has let it happen for how many years already. It's a matter that should've been reported to the school principal and the division office, but I guess nobody's really had the guts to try and fix this for the sake of the quality of our learning.
I'm going to feel really guilty if I took up on that though. Mrs. G just gave birth this year and needs the salary to provide for her son, and Ms. C doesn't want to give up R&W so she can have enough teaching load + to keep staying in the staff of my track where it's safest to avoid her possibly abusive boyfriend, from what I've heard over the year. I want to do something, not out of malice, but out of concern that the next G11 batch wouldn't learn those 2 subjects and the necessary skills for them properly (because not all of them can afford to self-study).
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renozman · 5 months
This is for the may death never stop you JKK x MHA fanfic by Slexenskee
So it’s 1am for me and I can’t sleep, so I decided to write the idea that’s been sitting in my head for AGES. This all came to me when I realised character heights.
For info:
Hawks: 5’8
Dabi: 5’9
Gojo: 6’3 (!!! Never realised he was that tall)
Endeavor: 6’5
((Ps I’m a sucker for height difference. Through anything (romantic and platonic relationships, if there’s a height difference happening I eat it up).
[Later realised I think I got a thing for tall characters]
So to set the scene.
1) everyone close to gojo is semi aware of his past life, or more that there’s something more to the man that’s kinda other worldly.
2) Some big fights happened, like I mean the level BEFORE the final level big fight.
3) Someone’s hit gojo with a quirk that’s reverted him back to his old form that kinda is his body healed with scars from his death
Now gojos been hit into rubble, so no one can see him, and no one can see his new (well old??) form.
Everyone’s trying to collect themselves, contact help since the villains have fucked off somewhere, and just trying to do damage control (which is hard with busted radios everywhere). Hawks hasn’t been able to find Gojo and he’s worried just a small bit (cos gojo is so strong he can defend himself against anything, but also hawks can’t help but worry for his love).
Hawks quickly meets up with Yui, who he had dumped Eri onto when he had to quickly join the fight.
Him and Gojo had taken Eri out as a treat for the day, later running into Yui when shit went down.
They are trying to collect themselves, figure out what to do about Gojo missing; when suddenly, through the dark of night that’s just being lit from the city lights a man appears from no where.
He’s tall, well built, carrying himself like he’s tired, he’s wearing white baggy pants, a tight black shirt ripped at the bottom ( exposing the thick scar that seems to wrap around his waist), and scars covering the whole of the top half of his body (based of a fanart I’ve seen somewhere, with Gojo having healed). He looks familiar to all of them, but yet alien.
None of them react towards the man just standing there, with him almost standing at Endeavors height. Hawks asks who he is; this causes the tired man to falter a bit. The first to actually move is Eri as she runs at the man with her arms open, tears in her eyes.
The man crouches down so that she can run straight into her arms. (Gojo was worried something had happened to her during the big fight). He brought her in close, allowing her head to hide itself into his neck.
Hawks can’t believe it for a moment, but then he sees it. Past the scars, the different height, the different build (his Gojo is more skinny and leaner, while as the old Gojo had to build muscle quickly while locked away [ps I don’t read jjk, just get heavily spoiled a lot. So pls just go with the flow of what I’m saying]), Hawks is able to see that it’s Gojo Satoru, the man he loves.
He later becomes ashamed at himself for not noticing is sooner then Eri.
He quickly runs over to join the small hug.
Yui watches from afar, eyes widening in shock
So then only a few hours after that, they have found themselves at Endevours agency. They had managed to contact the other heroes and inform them of the chosen meeting spot, agreeing it was best to move onto the next plan with this big shot villains who are on AFO level.
Of course endeavour is the first one there. He sends Gojo a questioning look:
“What, don’t recognise your own son?”
That gets him slow widening eyes, and shocked silence.
Then the detective and Eraserhead arrive. The repetitive confused silence of them trying to see where they seen this tall scarred man before:
“Are you guys serious. I don’t even look that different.”
Slow widening eyes. Shocked silence.
After that Gojo had found scrap paper to write his name ‘Gojo Satoru’ proudly on it, then stuck it to his shirt with a safety pin. Sitting right on his chest. He sat down back with a huff, and crossed arms (hawks tries so hard to not stare at them. It almost feels like cheating when his man looks like someone else).
Then Deku and Shoto herd themselves in. Shoto looks at Gojo, then his name tag, opens his eyes slightly, almost opens his mouth in shock before he regains his composure. He nods and goes to sit down.
Deku isn’t as quick. His eyes had scanned around the room, at all the people seeming to talk about the event. When his eyes fall on Gojo, he just squints them; he starts mumbling some gibberish about recognising him from somewhere.
Gojo slowly moves one hand out from his arm pit (Deku watches the moments just as slowly), and moves the hands to point at the name tag.
Realisation hits, his eyes widen. Shocked silence. For a difference, Deku blushes (he felt a hint of his old crush return, but he went to squash it quickly).
You get the idea. A lot of people arrive, some not noticing Gojo, while others do and repeat the above process of freaking out over the hot, tall, muscley man brooding in the corner whose clothes are half falling off.
When all might had walked into the room and came to the same realisation, he was almost spewing blood.
For everyone (except the obvious people who ain’t attracted to gojo) the scarred covered man looked very different from Gojo (eyes and hair aside); but he was just as hot (gojo causing crisises again).
That’s all I can be bothered writing for now, might write more later.
The main idea is JJK!Gojo looks very different from MHA!Gojo. I’m going off memory from how Gojo been looking in the latest manga updates of him, which had him drawn bulky (which I love). JJK!Gojo is taller, has a more masculine features happening, bigger bulk, scares all over top half and such.
I def wanna up my drawing skills so I can show u guys how I’m imagining Gojo sitting and sulking, with his horrible name tag just there.
It’s now 1:52 so ima just upload this without looking over it and checking spelling. Thank you and good night.
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cyberscratch · 9 months
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'evil'/anti artstyle meme! inspired by excessive-moisture's post doing this same thing!!! i showed it to my friends and asked them to give out my own art traits and basically a list of things i should not do.
the result is this art style! soft colors, less purples, very round and soft, thin lines + no line weight, no trademark things like how i draw fur and mouths PLUS slightly different desighs to fit the style more! (for example spamton being drawn more like his shop sprite)
i drew several characters i'm known to draw a lot / mean a lot to me just to see them how different they are from when i draw them normally! HURTS to not have an oversaturated drawing, uegugh.... but coloring was the most fun part! i love working with colors! the worst part was the lineart because i got SO BORED. fun challenge anyway!
little explanations on each character under the cut since this is a multifandom + ocs post and i wanna short talk about my silly guys ever (my, what the kids call these days, blorbos,)
since this has multiple characters not everyone may be familiar with, here's a tiny bit of info on everyone
frostbite = my fursona! they're a bat / dragon mix. they're holding a mango! nothing much to say since they're just my sona. me, y'know?
spamton = you know him! it's spamton from deltarune chapter 2 !! he's a shopkeeper and a secret boss in the game where he appears in his 'NEO' form. he's based on scam e-mails and ads!
my freak of a son = toontown corporate clash oc - he's a goopy low baller that i call my son. or rather, toontown version of frostbite and i call him their son. regular frostbite as shown in this image and frostbite are separate. he was made using one of high roller's attacks.
scratch = my deltarune sona and self insert! they're the fourth member of sweet cap'n cakes. they're a dj! they're inspired by cat headphones, soundboards and karaoke machines! they're who this blog is named after :P
high roller = from toontown corporate clash! he is a cog 'manager' who only appears during a yearly event 'april toons'. she is a show host and a fusion of two characters ('dave brubot' and 'buck ruffler'). it's show is also the boss fight you fight when they're around!
cathal = full name cathal ray toby bravecog aka the multislacker, also from toontown corporate clash. he is a manager you can fight in-game after completing a set of 'kudos' tasks. they are the VP's son and are based on crt tvs! they're known for being 'lazy'.
blank = (full name blank b. addison) a deltarune oc for my big deltarune au named datapack au. he is an addison who got corrupted by a swatchling mask - which is a new concept introduced in my au. he used to sell movie related trinkets and was a stand-up comedian.
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Hi! Can i ask a request for Aemond, where him and reader have a little daughter and after Lucerys death Daemon sends cheese and blood to kill the baby but in the end they fail, pure comfort/protective Aemond in the end with him being relieved but scared and not wanting to keep his eye off of his daughter
Lucky, Indeed
Request: Hi! Can i ask a request for Aemond, where him and reader have a little daughter and after Lucerys death Daemon sends cheese and blood to kill the baby but in the end they fail, pure comfort/protective Aemond in the end with him being relieved but scared and not wanting to keep his eye off of his daughter
Hi! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this request, thank you for sending it in. I love this idea. I’m team Black, but I love a good angst story, and I love Aemond, so it works out. Honestly, it’s hard to even pick a side, when something as terrible as Blood and Cheese happened. Anyway, that’s beside the point. This is my first Aemond request in a while, so hopefully it isn’t too rusty. I hope you like it, enjoy!
Also, for anyone who wants a full length Aemond fic, I have an Aemond x OC (Aelora Velaryon) that is currently a prologue and six chapters long, about 23K words currently. It’s loosely based off of my fic I wrote for Aemond called Doomsday, which you can find on my masterlist. You also can find the fic that’s in progress there, it’s called We’re Burned For Better. It’s on here, wattpad, and ao3, for anyone who wants to read it on their preferred platform. There’s more info about it on my masterlist if you’re interested!
(Warnings: swearing, blood and cheese, mentions of gore, blood, vague mentions of assault, violence, death, grief, trauma, let me know if i missed anything)
After Aegon had been crowned King, Aemond was instructed to give word to the key Lords of the realm, asking that they bend the knee in return for the right price being paid for their fealty. You, being married to Aemond, had to stand by his side as his wife. You couldn’t object, or voice your opinions. 
You had to hold your tongue, while the realm waited to see what the fate of House Targaryen would be. 
That is not to say you entirely approved of the actions the Green’s committed after the death of King Viserys. But it was not your House to meddle in, nor your right to do so. You instead had to wait for your husband’s return, praying that he’d come back with good news. 
When Aemond left on Vhagar to treat with Lord Borros Baratheon, your daughter had just turned two. You were left behind with her, little Saera, who had been named after her predecessor. 
It is said that the former’s first word was “no,” which amused Aemond to no end. She was said to be clever, spirited, and fierce, yet neglected by her parents. The Maester’s recorded that because she was the ninth born child, her siblings came at a higher priority to the King and Queen. 
A feeling Aemond was not unaccustomed to, he himself having been born the second son to King Viserys, who had hoped and prayed for his first boy. By the time Aemond came, the excitement and magic of finally having a son had worn off. 
Knowing all too well what it was like to feel unwanted by your parents, Aemond decreed the day Saera was born that she would never know the feeling. She’d only know love and attentiveness, things you and Aemond were happy enough to give her. Aemond had been worried about becoming a father, that was clear enough to you during your pregnancy. But his worries faded away when he caught his first glimpse of her, his heart swelling at the sight. 
The two had become inseparable since then. 
You often had to come fetch her out of her father’s lap during meetings, scolding him when you’d find the pair of them mucking about in the courtyard, Saera resting atop his shoulders. Where he went, she followed. It was quite a sight to see. The mighty Aemond Targaryen…stone faced and stoic…with a little girl barely out of cloth diapers, teetering behind him as she giggled, following along.
Aemond had never spent more than a few days away from Saera, nor you, since the time you delivered her. Now, he had been charged with a task by his King and the Hand, one of which he had to obey and follow. 
It has been days since he bid you both goodbye, and you anxiously awaited his return.
Knowing Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon, they would never forfeit the crown. Not after the events that led to Aegon being crowned in the first place. They would never bend the knee, especially to a believed to be usurper. 
While Daemon may be quick to anger, however, you knew that Rhaenyra was not. She would act in the interest of the realm, not on her own ambition. It was a shame she had the throne stolen out from under her. 
She’d make for a good Queen. 
For now, you had to wait, and hope, and pray that the rift between the family was somehow mendable. That the war would somehow be over before it started, and no lives would be lost. It was foolish hopes, you knew. 
You understood just how naive you’d been, the day Aemond returned from Storm’s End. 
Vhagar had been spotted in the skies, and Ser Criston had sent word to you, giving you little time to prepare. A handmaiden had just come to take Saera for her bath, leaving you alone to pace back and forth in your chambers. Before long, the door was flung open, and your husband burst in. 
Aemond looked as if he’d seen a ghost, and was certainly as pale as one. 
He reached for you with shaky hands, wide eyed, and you quickly moved to his side. You gripped his hands in yours, making him look you in the eye. 
“What is it? What has happened?”
Aemond looked like he was going to be sick, and he fell to his knees. You looked down at him in shock, quickly dropping to your knees, scrambling to keep him steady. He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, groaning. You hurriedly batted his hands away from his eyes, cradling his face in your palms. 
“Aemond? What has happened, you must tell me.”
He looked at you in despair, shaking his head. 
“Lucerys is dead.”
You gasped, pulling your hands away from his face to steady yourself, lowering yourself all the way to the floor. 
“Lucerys Velaryon is dead,” he confirmed, putting a permanent pit in your stomach. “Vhagar killed him.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “That can’t be. Aemond, tell me that this is nothing but a cruel joke.”
“It isn’t, Y/N. I couldn’t stop her. Vhagar went after Arrax, she wouldn’t listen to me. Lucerys is gone.”
You covered your mouth with your hand, willing yourself not to be sick. You shakily stood, clutching your hands to your stomach. “Aemond, I can’t…”
Oh Gods, you thought. Rhaenyra. She was probably mad with grief, the poor girl.
He stood up and held onto your forearms, keeping you still. “It will be alright.”
“It won't!” You countered, fighting the tears welling in your eyes. “Luke is a child. Rhaenyra’s child. Her baby boy is dead, she’ll have our heads for this!”
“She won’t–”
“You can’t promise that! Do you truly think there will be no consequences for the death of one of her children? If it were the other way around, if they were the cause of Saera’s death, or one of Helaena’s children…would we not retaliate? Daemon is by her side, Aemond. He won’t let this go, that I can promise you.”
Aemond brought you into his arms, cradling your head into his chest. “I’ll keep you and Saera safe. That, I can promise you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“We have to tell your mother and Aegon,” you said softly, muffled into his shoulder. 
You wrapped your arms tight around his waist, clinging to your husband. Maybe, you thought, if you shielded your eyes in his chest, he’d be able to shield you from whatever may come that would harm you. 
You felt him nod. 
“We will.”
In the days that followed, you walked on eggshells around the Keep. You worried for you and your family, as well as Helaena and her children. You worried for the people of King’s Landing, who were not equipped for a siege. The city was on high alert, preparing for the imminent war. 
You half expected Rhaenyra to come on dragonback herself, burning the city down in a fiery rage that would consume you all.
But she didn’t.
You spent days on edge, waiting for her first attack. The ships that docked were showing up with less and less imports, which meant she was planning to cut off some of your supplies. But that was the only retaliation she sent your way. No consequences for the death of her son were met by her justice. You waited anxiously for the day Rhaenyra would return to collect her debt of the life you now owed her. 
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. There was no sign of the Black’s or their army, except for one letter Aegon received from Dragonstone a month after the death of Lucerys. It read,
“Lucerys Velaryon will be avenged. You owe My Queen a debt. I will see to it that it is paid in full. Count your days, and live them well…the next may be your last.” – Daemon Targaryen
When Aegon called you, his family, and the war council to the Throne Room to read it aloud, you had to excuse yourself. You hurried out of the room, barely making it into a side corridor before retching onto the floor. A handmaiden had followed you out, leaving your side before returning momentarily with Aemond hot on her heels. 
“Come, my love,” he said, securing his arm around your waist. “Let’s get you to our chambers, hmm?”
That night, you didn’t let Aemond or Saera out of your sight. The rest of the family did the same, keeping themselves heavily guarded and close together. 
But within the month, nothing had changed. No one had come. More ships arrived in volume to the harbor in the same month, and it seemed as if Rhaenyra had pulled back her fleet from stopping the supply chain. Another month passed, and nothing happened. The city slowly went back to normal, the ports as well.
You weren’t sure how, but you and the family slowly forgot about the events of the previous months. It was always looming in the back of your minds, that was true enough. But it was no longer your main concern, as you all had begun busying yourselves with other tasks. 
It was almost pleasant, spending so much time with Aemond and your daughter every day. The city was still warm, it had yet to succumb to the cold of winter. If you tried hard enough, you could keep yourself from thinking of the real reason why you had been given this time with your family.
But sure enough, your luck ended. 
At the time, you didn’t know who the assassins were. You had come to know in the days that followed. Their aliases were all that was known about the two men, except for their occupations.
Blood was a butcher. He was once a member of the City Watch, but he lost his gold cloak for beating a woman employed by a pleasure house to death while drunk and rageful. Cheese was a ratcatcher, extremely knowledgeable of the hidden tunnels of the Red Keep. They were employed by Mysaria, the White Worm, who was employed by Daemon. 
A promise was a promise, and the Black’s had promised you a death. In the last quarter of the fourth month after Lucerys’s death, Blood and Cheese had come to collect.
It was near dusk, and Aemond was still in a meeting. He had been given more duties upon Aegon’s coronation, and he tended to get caught running late into the evenings with the council. 
It was of no consequence to you. He had spent all day with you and Saera, like he did most days. A few days here and there that he was a little late returning to your chambers in the evening, it was the price you were willing to pay to get him all to yourselves during the day.
You were well occupied as well, bouncing Saera on your hip while walking around your room, trying to tire her out so that she’d sleep through the night.
When she finally calmed, you placed her down in her cradle. She immediately curled up under her covers, making you smile. You walked around the room, closing all the shutters and blowing out all of the candles, before heading to the connecting room to change into your evening clothes.
You undressed and redressed quickly, feeling quite tired yourself. 
When you stepped back into the room, the shutter that you had just closed was open. Confused, you walked over to peer out the window, before reshuttering it again. You figured the wind had blown it open. It was nearing winter, after all.
Still, it chilled the room. 
You decided to inform the guard posted outside your door, who would pass on the information in the morning to someone who could come and fix it. You sighed, walking over to your chamber door and quietly opening it. 
“Ser, if you could–”
The words died on your tongue as you looked down in horror to see your guard crumpled on the floor, his neck snapped.
You opened your mouth to scream, but it was quickly covered by a large hand, one that hastily pulled you back into your room.
“Make a sound and I slit your throat. Don’t test me,” you heard in your ear, making you shakily nod.
You heard the door latch behind you, and felt a blade placed at the base of your throat. A man, seemingly much smaller than the one holding you captive, rushed over to Saera’s cradle, picking her up. 
“No, please–”
“Shut your mouth. Another word before we speak and you’ll face a fate much worse than death. Scream for help, and I promise that your daughter will be dead before anyone can even reach the door.”
Tears sprung in your eyes as you watched the man cradle your daughter, who had yet to wake up. You kept your voices low. 
“I’m Blood,” the man said into your ear, letting you go but keeping the knife pointed at you as he blocked the door. “That’s Cheese.”
“Why are you here?”
Blood smiled, his grin making your stomach turn. “We’re debt collectors. An eye for an eye, a son for a son…or a daughter, in your case. It’s a shame, I can tell she’d turn out to be quite the beauty.”
Cheese nodded, placing Saera back down in her crib. 
“We only want the one, to square things. Unfortunately for you, your husband has been quite naughty. Queen Helaena wasn’t in her chambers with her wee ones…but you were. There’s a price to be paid, and you’ll have to be the one to pay it. We won't hurt you, Milady, not one little hair on your head. Just as long as you cooperate.”
You let out a sob, pleading with them. “Please, just take me! Take me, kill me, do whatever you want, I don’t care. Just let my daughter go.”
“As tempting as that is,” Cheese said, looking you up and down. “We can’t.”
“We have a job to do, Princess. You owe a life,” Blood continued.
You shook your head, crumbling to your knees. “No, please, take me–”
“No can do–”
“Please!” You screamed, sobbing on the floor. 
Blood rushed over to you, pulling you up by your hair. He brought his hand up, backhanding you across the face. You could feel your lip split as his knuckles struck. He placed the blade back on your throat and held you tight to him.
“Another little outburst like that, and I’ll let Cheese here do whatever he wants with you, and then make you kill the girl yourself.”
You closed your eyes tight, bringing your hand to your mouth to stifle another sob. Your heart was aching, and a pit the size of a boulder had settled in your stomach. What would Aemond think? Returning to his chambers only to find his wife in hysterics, and his baby girl, slain in her crib.
“I’ll make it quick, darling, just for you. I’ll even do it in her crib, so she doesn’t have to wake up and see a stranger. She won’t feel a thing,” Cheese said, feigning sympathy.
Suddenly, you remembered. 
“Can I go and say goodbye to her?” You asked, pleading with them to allow you to. “She’s my only child. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t at least ask.”
Please say yes, you thought. Please say yes.
In all your worrying over the past few months, and Aemond’s continued absence in the evenings, you had come up with your own ways to make yourself feel safe. This included training with Aemond during the day in hand to hand combat, just in case you ever had to defend yourself. It included putting Saera to bed yourself every night, shuttering all the windows, and checking on the guard posted at your door nightly.
It also included strapping a knife in its sheath to the underside of Saera’s crib, out of her reach but easily within your own, if you could get close enough. 
The two men pondered the request for a moment, before finally nodding. 
You felt relief pouring through you, and could have collapsed with elation if it weren’t for the task at hand. You rushed over to her crib, kneeling down over it. She was awake now, peering up at you with big violet eyes. 
You blinked the tears away, softly caressing her cheek. “Go to sleep, my sweet girl. I love you.”
You covered her with her blankets, kneeling further to tuck the sheets in. Blood and Cheese watched as you said your goodbyes, grinning at each other. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Cheese said, moving to come get you.
It was a split second reaction. Within another step from Cheese, you had unsheathed the knife, gripping it by the hilt. With all your might, you aimed it at Blood, flicked your wrist, and released it from your hand.
The blade soared across the room, burying itself in Blood’s chest. 
He looked down in shock, slowly pulling the blade from his chest, dropping it. It clanged on the floor as it fell, and Blood crumpled to the floor soon after, landing in a pool of his own blood. You stared in shock, but quickly recovered and stood to your feet, blocking the crib from Cheese’s path.
Your daughter would live.
If someone else was going to die tonight, it wouldn't be her. If it was Cheese, that was all the better. But if you went down, you were taking him with you. He would not leave this room alive. You’d fight tooth and nail to the end, doing everything you could to protect your daughter. 
Cheese finally collected himself, turning to you. “You bitch!”
You nearly grinned, wiping the blood that had seeped out from your lip, stepping into a defensive stance. “In the flesh…come and get me.”
Just as Cheese took another step toward you, the door to your chambers swung open, revealing a disheveled and concerned Aemond. It took him a second to realize what was happening. 
When he finally did, the look on his face was murderous. 
“Ser Criston went to get the Kingsguard. If you think they’ll get here in time to save you from your fate, you are sorely mistaken.”
Cheese froze in fear, shakily reaching for his sword. Aemond snarled, unsheathing his daggers, closing the chamber door behind him. 
“I hope it was worth dying for. It looks like my wife gave your friend a quick end. You won’t be so lucky.”
Cheese moved to back up, but you had already snuck to reach the blade that Blood had dropped. You scrambled over on your knees, stabbing it into the back of Cheese’s thigh. He howled in pain, dropping to his knees. 
“Please, My Prince–”
His words were cut off by a gurgling sound bubbling in his throat as Aemond lodged one of his daggers into Cheese’s chest. He used his foot to kick Cheese to the ground, reaching down to push the blade deeper. Cheese writhed in pain, raising his hands in surrender. 
“Please! You don’t have to do this.”
“Neither did you,” you said, scurrying to stand behind Aemond. “But you did it anyway.”
“It seems as if you didn’t do my wife the courtesy of giving her a choice. Or maybe you did. What was it, hmm? Sacrifice my child or die? Seeing as that isn’t much of a choice, I will extend to you the same courtesy. So, which will it be? Bleed out on the floor while I watch you choke on your last breath, or have me put an end to your suffering by slitting your throat? The choice is yours.”
Cheese cried out in anguish, trying to pull himself away. Aemond seethed, using his other dagger to stab through Cheese’s throat, twisting the blade as it went in. You watched as he choked on his own blood, gasping for breath. 
“I choose suffering,” Aemond said, pulling both blades free from Cheese’s body. “A gift to my wife.”
Blood spurted out from both wounds, and Cheese writhed and groaned on the floor in pain until he finally stilled, going limp. His eyes were still open when he died. Sometimes, you forgot just how cruel your husband could be, at least to everyone but you and Saera. Fiercely protective, though, a quality which you were grateful for. 
When it was all over, Aemond dropped his daggers, quickly turning around to face you. 
You threw your arms around his neck, and he pulled your shaking form into his. You gripped him tight, and he gripped you tighter, if that was even possible. He cradled your head to his chest, gently rocking you back and forth. You took deep breaths, fighting to fill your lungs and keep yourself from hyperventilating. A wave of emotion came over you, and you couldn’t help but to burst into tears, tucking your face into Aemond’s neck.
“Ñuha nēdenka riña,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
My brave girl.
He gently pulled you from his frame, gripping your chin and turning your face from side to side. He grimaced at your split lip and the shape of a hand imprinted on your reddened cheek. 
“Does it hurt?” Aemond asked, face cold and hard.
You ever so slightly shook your head, causing his frown to deepen. 
“You’re lying.”
You sighed, pulling your chin from his grip, looking him in the eye. “Would you rather me tell you the truth? Fill you with guilt? It is not your fault, Aemond.”
“Of course it’s my fault! I wasn’t here.” He breathed deeply, taking a moment. “What happened? Do not lie to me, I’ll know if you do.”
Your shoulders slumped and your heart ached as Aemond looked at you, racked with guilt and anger. You walked over and gently lifted Saera out of her crib, handing her to Aemond. He immediately clutched her tightly to him, cradling her on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head, keeping her close as he listened. 
“I had just put Saera to bed. I went to change, and when I came back, the shutters were open again. I figured they were broken and the wind had blown them open, so I went to tell the guard so that he could relay the information to someone who could fix it in the morning. When I opened the door, he was dead on the floor. Before I could move, they covered my mouth and pulled me into the room. Held us at knifepoint, so I wouldn’t make any noise.”
Aemond’s jaw clenched as he listened, a fury pooling in his chest. Should have killed him slower, he thought.
You continued. “They said their names were Blood and Cheese, and that they’re debt collectors. They said I owed a life, because of what you did…and if I didn’t give up Saera, they’d kill me, or worse.”
Tears gathered in your eyes as you spoke, your voice thick with emotion. Aemond tried not to falter at the sight. He couldn’t help it. Your tears struck him like an arrow through the heart.
“They promised they wouldn’t hurt me if I cooperated, but I angered them. Blood struck me, and made me choose. I remembered I had strapped the knife to Saera’s cradle, so I asked if I could say goodbye to her. They agreed, and I got to the blade. I killed Blood with it, just like you taught me. You came in right after.”
Aemond closed the gap between you, bringing you to his chest. He held you and Saera to him just as Ser Criston returned with a slew of guards. 
“Are you alright, My Lady?”
You could only nod, finding shelter in Aemond’s arms. You could faintly hear him explain to Ser Criston what happened, but you weren’t listening. You could only focus on slowing the beat of your heart, and making sure your daughter was alright. Aemond kept you tightly clutched to him, not letting you out of his sight.
In the days that followed, you could hardly leave a room without Aemond being hot on your trail. He had practically become your shadow.
Aegon and your family had been quickly informed of what occurred in your chambers, leaving the council to decide amongst themselves what the next course of action should be. You told them to leave you out of it until they came to a decision. 
You tried your hardest to understand the reasoning behind it. It no doubt had been an act Daemon thought of himself. You couldn’t bring yourself to blame Rhaenyra. She had to have been mad with grief, not truly paying attention to the justice her husband decided was fair.
The attack wasn’t even meant to harm you. Evidently enough, the Black’s blamed Aegon for Lucerys’s death. They wanted to hurt him, not you. It was Blood and Cheese who decided amongst themselves that you and Saera were compensation enough for Luke’s death.
Either way, it showed you and Aemond just how ugly this war could get.
Saera was with you at all times, Aemond not far behind. He kept his duties limited, never leaving you without him or guards for long. You were grateful for it, at first. You feared being alone, paranoid that someone was lurking in the shadows. But your fears eased over time.
Aemond’s didn’t.
He wouldn’t speak of that night, not after you told him all you could remember. Maybe he thought he was protecting you. Doing you a kindness, not wanting to bring up painful memories. But it did you both no good.
You could tell it was eating away at him. He was just too stubborn to do anything about it.
He would never tell you, but he was so anxious ever since that night that he nearly made himself ill every day. He awoke every morning feeling like he would be sick if he didn’t keep you and Saera close. There was a permanent pit in his stomach, one he couldn’t seem to rid himself of. And there was a rage brewing inside, so strong that it scared even him.
It took him a month to finally ease up, and give you a little space. 
He made sure you and Saera were always protected, but he gave you your freedom to have some time to yourself. If you thought Aemond spent too much time with your daughter before, you couldn’t have been more wrong. He spent practically every waking minute with her, determined to be the one to keep her safe. 
Saera loved it, of course. She was her father’s daughter. She loved you, too, but there was no denying she favored Aemond. She adored him more than anyone else in the whole world. He loved her just as much, and even more so.
You didn’t mind. You had enough love for the both of them. 
After a month and a half, you decided enough was enough. You would not be ruled by fear, and you most certainly would not let it control your family.
One evening, you asked your handmaiden if she would take Saera for her bath. Under guard, of course. You were willing to let her out of your sight, but never willing to leave her vulnerable. That was something you thought Aemond would agree on. 
Soon after she left, Aemond entered your chambers, immediately scanning the room. “Where’s Saera?”
“She went for her bath. I sent her with Jeyne. Ser Arryk is on guard with them.”
Aemond looked uneasy, but nodded, setting his things down. You gave him a sad smile, opening your arms. 
“Come sit with me, please.”
He looked close to refusing, but finally relented. He sat at the foot of your bed, removing his boots and belt. You crawled to sit behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head in the middle of his back. He stiffened, and then sighed, easing under your touch.
“I want you to talk to me,” you muttered into his shoulder.
Aemond hummed. “About what?”
You pressed yourself closer to him, circling your thumb on his waist. 
“You know what.”
He nodded, keeping his gaze pointed towards his lap. “Alright, then. I’m listening.”
“I know you still feel guilt,” you started, keeping your tone soft. “And you harbor rage, and resentment…I wish you wouldn’t.”
He scoffed, chuckling. “How could I not?”
“Because it’s not your fault.”
Your words were sincere, but he wouldn’t accept them. He couldn’t bring himself to believe you. 
“My wife had to defend herself and my child against two assassins who tried to make her pay for a crime she did not commit, so pray tell, how is it that I am not the one to blame?”
You shook your head, twisting to sit next to him. “Look at me.”
He wouldn’t meet your eyes, and you grabbed his hands in yours, pressing a kiss to his palm. “Ñuha jorrāelagon, jurnegon rȳ nyke. Kostilus, Aemond. Jaelan naejot ūndegon ao.”
My love, look at me. Please, Aemond. I want to see you.
His voice was soft, and when he finally looked up, you could see tears brimming in his eyes. “Nyke ȳdra daor jaelagon ao naejot ūndegon nyke, ñuha jorrāelagon. Daor hae iksan.”
I don’t want you to see me, my dear. Not as I am.
You cupped his face in your palms, your words firm. “I want to see you as you are, no matter how that is. You won’t talk to me, Aemond. It’s been so long. I miss your voice, I miss your laughter. Don’t shut me out. Tell me what’s on your mind, I don’t care if it’s callous.”
He brought his hand up to cover yours, leaning his cheek into your palm. He was quiet a moment before he found the words.
“I thought I lost you. I thought I lost the both of you.”
You sighed, running your thumb across his cheekbone. “Darling…”
“When I returned to our chambers and found the guard murdered, I thought I would open the door and see you slain, as well. You, and Saera. Having paid the price for something that I did.”
“But you didn’t,” you said, quickly shaking your head. “You saved us. When you opened the door…I’ve never felt anything like it. Relief doesn’t even begin to explain it. I knew I was safe, I knew Saera and I would be alright.”
“You’d have been alright and never in danger in the first place if it had not been for my actions.”
“You couldn’t have known, Aemond. It was an accident.”
“Accident or not,” he said, voice cracking. “It almost cost me my girls. If you were hurt, it would have been blood on my hands. It is blood on my hands.”
There was a knock at the door, and your handmaiden entered your chambers, holding Saera. You stood, making your way over to them.
“Here you go, Princess,” she cooed, placing Saera in your arms. She nodded to you, excusing herself before she left. “Ser Arryk is just outside, My Lady. My Prince.”
You thanked her, waiting till the door was shut before you turned back around. Aemond looked ashamed, reluctant to meet your gaze. Saera stirred in your arms, incoherently babbling. 
“Kepa,” she suddenly said, pointing.
You smiled, bouncing her on your hip. “That’s right, darling. Kepa. Do you want to tell your Father goodnight?”
She eagerly nodded, reaching for Aemond. You chuckled, walking her over to Aemond, placing her in his lap. Saera babbled, clutching his shirt in her little fists. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she leaned forward to rest against his chest.
“Clearly, someone’s missed you,” you mused. “She isn’t the only one.”
Aemond looked up at you, his face softening. You took his free hand in yours, interlacing your fingers. 
“She doesn’t fear you, Aemond. She doesn’t fear anything. Not when she has you to protect her, and she knows you will…I know you will. I don’t worry for my or her wellbeing, not when I’m with you. But I do worry for your wellbeing, because you won’t talk to me. I know your feelings plague you. You’re free to share them with me, whenever you like. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. I’m your wife, and I’m here to listen.”
Aemond couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How can she not blame me, he thought. How did I get so lucky? You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, laying your head against it. He rested his head on top of yours, sighing in relief.
“You’re perfect, aren’t you?” He asked, his voice laced with humor. “The Gods must have made a mistake, gifting you to me. How unfortunate for them.”
“How unfortunate, indeed,” you agreed, settling into his side. “They seem to have misplaced you. Quite lucky, for me. I didn’t even have to earn you.”
“You’ve earned far more than me, darling. Far more. Quite lucky for me, I’d say.”
You hummed, not being able to stop yourself from smiling. From the sound of his voice, Aemond was smiling as well. 
“I’d consider us both lucky, then,” you decided, you and Saera melting into Aemond’s arms. He only hummed.
A/N - Hi! Sorry this took so long to get out. I went a little overboard, but I just loved this request. I hope you liked it, let me know what you think!
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(Arthreena Anon)
So since I gave you some info on Athreena I wanted to share some ideas for her Sons.
All Three
•They actually prefer Optimus over their old dad, their old pa just wanted to train them to be warriors and didn't skimp on the punishment if they failed training. Optimus actually let's them have free time and doesn't discipline them too much.
•All three are total sports nuts, each one loving both a cybertronian sports and an earth sports.
•While they are mama boys, but they will hide behind Optimus when they try their mama's patience(She doesn't hit them, just her glares can terrify Megatron)
• Each of them have a southern accent but it's different version, like Salvo has a Texan accent, Zaptrap has an Alabama accent, while Shothole has Louisiana accent.
•He's the oldest of the three brothers, hatching from his pod a whole fifteen minutes before his brothers hatched out. Tries to be a responsible older brother but often feels his circuits short-out.
•Salvo loves a good game of Cube and while on Earth he is a huge football fan, even managing to pull in Bulkhead for football, his favorite team is Future Detroits football team the CyberLions.
•His Insect mode is an Elephant beetle, his bot mode is the same size of Bulkhead but his torso is more oval shaped like a beetles torso, his legs are a bit shorter than Bulkheads, in robot mode both of the Insect legs combine to form his arms, his hands being like Beastwars Dinobots.
•His special power is the ability to create fireballs from his horn in Insect mode and hands in bot mode.
•The second youngest and the one to start most of the sibling fights just for the heck of it.
•Loves the Lobbing game his granpah Scorponok used to play with him, but he loves Earths hokey with how violent it can get. His favorite team is Red Wings, he watches it with Sari in the base.
•His Insect form is a Golden Stag Beetle, in his bot mode he has a rounder body than Salvo, he has two sets of arms like his ma, and clawed legs.
•His special ability is that he can generate electricity, enough to power Detroit for a year, but his favorite way to do it is to make literal Thunder Punches.
•The youngest of the brothers and one of the more impulsive of the siblings, always ready to prove himself. Which makes things worse when he's friends with Bumblebee.
•His favorite cybertronian sport is Mecha-Soccer, and he was beyond ecstatic that earth had something similar. He's a fan of Detroit City FC, he roped in Bumblebee and Prowl to be fans.
•His Insect mode is a Rhinoceros Katydid, while in his bot mode he's a lanky bot with long legs and a long torso and long arms. However unlike his brothers his wings are present in his bot mode and can actually fly.
•His special ability is that he can kick so hard that he creates air bullets at the Decepticons.
They start calling Optimus 'Ops pops', jokingly at first but then it just kinda sticks. Optimus doesn't object though he does thinks it's a tad embarrassing considering that they are all way bigger than him.
Optimus has no clue about how to be a dad so he looks up a bunch of tips online, including articles on the subject, while also asking professor Sumdac for advice (he's the only father he knows). The initial results are kinda... awkward.
Optimus: "So... sports, huh?"
Salvo: "Sorry, I wasn't listening, what were you saying?"
Optimus: *sweating, gesturing at the TV* "Uhhhhh, sports?"
Salvo: "Oh! Yeah, it's really intense right now! CyberLions vs BoltHounds! The CyberLions are currently losing but I believe they can still pull through, especially considering they are on their home turf. What do you think?"
Optimus: "Uh, lions are bigger and stronger than dogs, so... probably?"
Salvo: "They sure are, pops, they sure are."
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
hey, can we talk a bit about how similar Roier and Richarlyson, even more when dealing with pain?
They both understand each other when Roier explained that he couldn’t be his pai, since he will always be only Bobby's papa; and Richas agreed, plus saying he didn't thought of Roier like he is one of his fathers, but considered him his pa. And it doesn’t change how much they care for one another.
Also, Both of them have strong personalities, which they use to hide their true emotions.
For one, Roier uses his 4 wall jokes and constant pessimist (like when he saw the egg hospital and just conclude that he didn't exactly saw the eggs, so maybe they aren't real, maybe Pepito is not real, maybe he is just too tired and emotinally broken enough to start allucinating) just so he can protect himself from his own emotions. But he can’t hide his appearance, and he can’t lie when Cellbit sees through his mask.
Richas, in a similar way, knows exacly how to act which each one of his fathers and uses theirs weaknesses to get what he wants. And he can almost get away with it, but them there is Forever, who is superprotective and paranoid about his security (he literally ended stream to talk with Richas admin because he wasn’t using his armor) and them there is Cellbit, who maybe is the parent he most open up about at this point about his emotions because he is the one to understand the complicated part about him the best, because he knows he just need be patience and go with his Richas own time.
Like, there was this one night where it was only the two of them and Cellbit started to push a conversation based on the info Forever told him some while ago: that Richas said to him he doesn't remember some things and started to wake up dead tired. And it went escalate to the point where he asked his son if he felt like there was something wrong with him and he agreed, only to start not respond and show him Pomme's diary. That part got me really emotional because it showed how he felt guilt to feel, his sister spent such a hard time all alone by herself while waiting to be adopted, So he needs to be the strong brother to protect her and his other siblings, he need to be the funny and troublemaker to make the ones he love not worried.
I love these two, and I can’t help but be excited to see them to just be honest with one another when talking about Cellbit situation.
Oh yeah 100%
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
catie I NEED more vettonso lore for your au. please. (love u)
Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! C!!! Thank you so much for asking!! This took me a bit cause there’s a lot of stuff I want to cover and I had to figure out how to balance the explanation of the historical context and how I apply it to my AU. But seriously thank you for asking because I did more research to write this post and learned a lot of things that make me feel deranged but I cannot bring any of this up to anyone irl without sounding like a lunatic. I’d apologize for the length but you should expect this from me by now! (I realized this doc for this was 1.5k+ my god)
Basic Info: early 1700s historical AU with arranged marriage plot 
Historical Context:
Okay, so this AU is based on a real historical event: The War of The Spanish Succession. Which is when the Spanish Throne was without a clear line of succession because the bloodline(Spanish Habsburgs) died out. So then, even though the previous Spanish King named his successor(Philip V, a Duke related to the French Royal family - representing Fernando in this AU), the Habsburgs still thought they should be allowed to keep the throne within their dynasty, thus offering up the second son(Charles VI - representing Seb in this AU) of the Holy Roman Emperor. So obviously they had to start a war because of it. But then the end result ended up being that because Charles VI’s older brother, the Holy Roman Emperor at the time, died during the war(because of illness though so it would have happened regardless), he became the next Emperor and Philip V ended up becoming the Spanish King after all, rendering it all pointless imo.
How does this relate to Vettonso?:
I'm not overly interested in either Charles VI and Philip V as people, but rather the roles they fulfill in this conflict, but obv I can’t help but draw on details from their lives. As I mentioned, Fernando is now Fernando I of Renault/France Spain and Seb is Sebastian I of Red Bull Austria. This is supposed to be like 2010-2012!Vettonso with Ferrari!Fernando and RBR!Seb(but like Fernando's title of Duke coming from France, because of his championships with Renault.) This AU is kinda just me looking at this historical event and thinking: wouldn’t a gay arranged marriage solve this succession quandary? But also just that it reminds me of Fernando and Seb’s rivalry, and the nationalities/kingdoms fit pretty well!!
Think about the throne of Spain as akin to winning a race, but becoming Holy Roman Emperor as winning the whole entire competition.(Also side note: real life Charles VI didn’t become a king until he became Emperor and adopted all of his brother’s titles, but I want Seb to be a boy king in this AU, so he can have a title as a treat.) Imagine you’re competing for something and you win it, but the only reason you win is because the other competitor won an even bigger prize!!!! Yay you got what you wanted but the boy king is now the emperor of most of Europe. And now you are stuck with him through lawfully wedded arranged marriage because they let you have what you wanted but only under the condition that the two kingdoms are still united. Yeah Fernando got the title, but Seb gained even more titles(get it???) 
They probably have a lot of animosity coming into the marriage, like “how could I ever build a relationship with the man who tried to steal my birthright?” but then realize they’re pretty similar after all. Though obviously Fernando has a lot more resentment than Seb because Seb won the whole damn thing! He would have control over Spain as he’s the king but since it's still within the domain of the empire, Seb would always have the final say. And Seb tries to be magnanimous like “Don’t worry, I won’t interfere”, and Fernando is all snide with comments like “Oh thank you great imperial majesty, can I really? Would you really allow me to do so?” But eventually become loving co-rulers that still constantly snipe at each other over different decisions the other makes. 
Some headcanons(I guess you’d still call it headcanons even if it's your own AU bcs it still comes from your head) + some fun facts from real life that have brainrotted me so I’m putting them in:
Their dynamic is just Seb being a very righteous, bratty boy king emperor who is unabashed about being that way, because he feels that it is his right, but still has a heart of gold and wants to treat his husband well no matter the circumstances leading to their marriage. And then Fernando is like a stray cat that keeps hissing and scratching because it’s really hard for him to accept the circumstances because he still feels humiliated, even though he got everything he wanted, but he still can’t help but be charmed by this baby emperor because he sees attributes of himself in Seb, and can’t really fault him because he would be the exact same, flaunting his power, if he were in Seb’s shoes. 
They would have to speak in French to each other because that’s their shared language but eventually attempt to learn each other’s native languages! Imagine Seb has to travel to Spain to give some Emperor speech and Fernando then bullies him for his bad Spanish. 
They would probably split where they live based on a schedule or by need. Yes, Fernando is the King of Spain but he is also the Emperor’s husband so he does have to spend time in the capital, Vienna. And then since Spain is a part of the empire, Seb has to go routinely, but y’know also to spend time with his husband. They find that their marriage as well as their politics is full of having to make concessions and compromises in order to make it work. 
Something I find funny is that as compensation for not getting the Spanish throne back, Spain had to cede some Italian territories to the Empire. That is literally the Ferrari plot with the transfer from Fernando to Seb!!
I’m not sure how the titles would work in this AU because obviously a m/m political marriage has not ever happened(as far as I know.) But I guess Fernando would just be King Fernando I of Spain and then Seb would be Holy Roman Emperor Sebastian I with the million titles that come with being in that role(though like most importantly Archduke of Austria and King of Bohemia and Hungary, etc.) I like the idea that Seb tries to share some titles with Fernando as a show of good will but Fernando is so affronted, mostly just from embarrassment, like “oh you think I need your good will?? I can’t be happy with what I earned in my own right??” But their kids would receive both titles and would be split in the traditional way, like first kid getting it all mostly, but the others still being nobility obv(yes.. there would be mpreg because of the plot need for succession….don’t ask who…)
They bond through their love of horses, particularly fast horses. The first time they go riding together, they’re both like awkwardly trying to act very proper as a sense of showmanship to the other like “I’m more mature than you”, but then can’t stop trying to get ahead of the other person and eventually break into a full-on race. Their aids are mutually like “oh god, they’re both the same type of insane.” 
Irl Charles VI was so salty about losing the throne that he wouldn’t stop dressing like a traditional Spanish monarch. I can totally see Seb doing that and Fernando getting so pissed with him like “you became emperor!! What more could you possibly want???’ and Seb then fixing him with his biggest pout and saying “your throne!” But also Fernando being weirdly into it because it’s basically Seb presenting himself blatantly as Fernando’s spouse. 
In that same vein, I’m going crazy over how there’s a painting from before the war, of Philip V wearing vestments from both the French order of chivalry and the Habsburg order of chivalry. Like basically stating the desire to see those two lines combined into one kingdom, which fits so well into this AU. Just Seb going crazy over how Fernando is willingly branding himself as belonging to Seb’s house. 
A testimony of Philip V’s personality is that he was a “neurotic, vacillating ruler, concerned with outward decorum and brave only in battle,” god can you not sense the energy of Fernando in that statement???
Very important to me that Charles VI reportedly had many male lovers, and that his soulmate was one of his courtiers. Maybe there can be a bit of Martian or Sebson cheating plot with them being his courtiers hahaha  
Not very relevant in this AU but there’s something about how Philip V had the longest ever reign of a Spanish monarch. Is that not Fernando??? Old man who will rule on forever, or should I say, forever keep his seat 
I already obv posted the wip for this but I'll include it here again as visual rep hehehe:
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I've spent way too much time lately trying to research the fashion of the time ugh. But this, as I said, is like first joint portrait session into the marriage. And I guess I kind of want them to be wearing their corronation clothing, which I'm pretty solid on for Seb but still need to research more for Fernando. I think I'll maybe try and just put him in the afformentioned traditional Spanish monarch clothing, but the fact that it's all black kinda bores me, I'd rather he wear red!! This is like a typical royal couple type pose, except they're being more tactile. Also there's something to be said about the symbolism of Fernando being the one standing and Seb being the one sitting hehehe....
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thelasttime · 4 months
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so i don't know your general familiarity with ABC's Once Upon a Time but we were talking about it on here earlier so i wanted to offer a brief (lord willing) explanation of the timeline and relationships bc it's a hot mess!
i've used yellow to divide the major characters into two main "generations" based on who we see interact and when but there's some caveats. as you can see, hook, milah, and rumple were all contemporaries but rumple became immortal and hook went to neverland so they never aged after their first appearances. baelfire/neal, who as rumple and milah's son would be the generation immediately after them, also went to neverland and didn't age except he was still a kid (that's important for later).
its unclear how much time passes before cora appears but like i said, immortal or in neverland, and for transparency's sake i had to include rumple and cora's relationship, which is the miller's daughter spinning straw into gold story that most people associate rumplestiltskin with. anyway, that relationship doesn't work out and cora marries and has regina, the evil queen who becomes snow white's stepmother but i put snow and regina in the same generation because just trust me okay, i don't have time to explain, just trust me that we're meant to interpret them as closer to peers than mother-daughter.
belle is in gen 2 because while she doesn't meet snow or charming personally before the show's present, rumple mentions her to charming and regina kidnaps belle and holds her prisoner for a while. so yes, rumplestiltskin is Chronologically older than belle and most of the main cast except for hook, but more accurately he's eternally Father of a 13 y/o Aged, and belle, who was old enough to be engaged to gaston at the time of meeting rumple, is into that.
everyone who isn't in neverland (or wonderland, long story) gets frozen in time for 28 years Per The Plot and baelfire returns from neverland, still a teenager, in time to take on the identity of neal cassidy and meet main character emma! they have a tryst as teenagers (emma confirmed to be 18) that results in henry. we don't know neal's exact age at the time, but their actors are almost the same age (one year apart) so neal was most likely 18 or 19 physically.
the end result is that when time starts moving again, emma is 28, henry is 10, and everyone else appears to be Around Emma's Age (she says as much in season 2) or in rumple's case a bit older but not as old as you'd expect because neal/baelfire aged a bit without rumple aging.
i say all this because i need people to know that its not worth talking shit about age gaps in OUAT since hook is literally from the same generation as rumple and OLDER THAN BAELFIRE but no one has any problems with him and emma because they think his actor is attractive. thank you for your time, madie, this is something i'm very passionate about ;0;
"28 years Per The Plot" made me laugh so much help!!!! this is so fun, thank you so much for the info-dump <3 this lowkey (highkey) makes me want to watch the show although it does seem very chaotic
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monicozslastbraincell · 5 months
Caved and made some That's Not My Neighbor oc's (actual art??)
We interrupt your typical Monicoz Tumblr feed to bring you this breaking development:
I honestly never do this anymore, but SOMEHOW this scratched my silly little brain just right for the hyperfixation to exist and now I've made some original characters to compensate.
Legitimately, I haven't made original characters for any non-original media since Steven Universe and Hazbin Hotel back in like 2019.
It definitely does not help that this has been my favorite genre for the past few years...
Introducing: some That's Not My Neighbor original characters.
TW in advance for some body horror/misplaced facial features!
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Pictured is Dr. Thomas Knowlton, biochemist, who lives with his adopted son Danny in the apartment. He definitely has his suspicions about the "oddities" around the area, and tries his best to protect Danny from them. If the war taught him anything, it's that he should have eyes in the back of his head.
Danny Knowlton is a student. He likes typical kid stuff and isn't wholly aware of the dangers. He's had the occasional encounter but surely it won't follow him home, right? Stranger danger, as his paranoid father says.
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And here's them being silly.
I tried to make them kind of accurate to the base game, sprinkling in a little bit more info about them. I'll probably post more art of them soon and make some more lore.
I'm so so normal about this. Just as normal as the fella asking to enter the building.
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ditzyclown · 5 months
In my cult of the lamb game I have a whole ass bat family, it started with Putre as I wanted some followers to work through the night (and who better than a bat) and then things escalated from there-
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with his first bio daughter asking for her sister from dark wood (who are you fooling girl, you are surprise adopting lol) to him having another bio son to the adopted daughter to ask for her brother in darkwood TO THE BIO SON TO ASK ME TO MURDER THE NEE ADOPTED SON AS SOON AS HE WAS INDOCTRINATED
Anyway more silly info bellow
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-Putre is the priest and one in charge to keep the materials for rituals safe and ready to use while alerting the lamb if they are ever low on materials
-Is extremely grateful to have his brother in the cult and to even grow his family in the cult, he's relieved that his two biological kids will never have to see the horrors from the lands of the old faith and that his adopted ones at least won't have to suffer... He's not sure how to feel about how anytime he, his family or another cult member dies the lamb revives them always....
-Based on my game he's friends with almost everyone on the cult, including Baal, narinder and shamura amongst others. (Dad energy was that powerful ig)
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-Is the younger one of his siblings (though he's not so sure anymore)
- He's black with blue painting
-Fion is still finding his place at the cult, he does bring food from outside occasionally despite Putre's insistence to not exit cult grounds
-Putre asked for the lamb to rescue his brother from dark wood. The lamb made it but not in time
-Had to be revived
-the eye painting in his forehead was scratched by heretics so now the scars look like an X over them.
-His ears also got a bit shredded, can't echolocate as well :(
-After recovering from the fact his lil bro got game before him (lol nah he was just in shock), he actually was pretty happy to see Putre doing well and for him to be an uncle.
- He's white with red painting
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- Hungre is the eldest child (Kept young by the lamb themselves along the majority of kids born or brought into the cult)
-Wanted a sister and decided the lamb would be the fastest way to get one
- Has not seen the lands of the old faith once in her life.
-Has a good heart
-Loves her family and the cult, Leshy often teaches her how to do pranks and how to make art crafts with camellias too!
-A very pale pink almost white looking
-Second eldest (adopted) child
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-Cautious in nature from her life in darkwood
- Was born years later after the death of the bishops but still is untrusting of Leshy since he looks like those shrine statues....(He also wears heretic clothing!)
-Was also unsure about the lamb at first and clinged to Putre and Hungre
- Wears a long red dress to try and imitate her dad church attire
-After having a little brother Feno decided "And another One" and did the same strategy as Hungre and asked the lamb
-Grey fur
- Wasn't bothered that the one the lamb managed to find wasn't a Bat, he's adorable!!
-Has better flying abilities than Hungre since she had more space to learn (tcotl devs place expand the cult grounds I will sacrifice my firstborn for it)
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- Second youngest
- Angy that he isn't the youngest brother anymore
-didnt like that the lamb didn't kill thorar when he asked for
-Has yet to warm up to him
-Once tried to sneak out of the cult out of curiosity to see what was so scary about the outside
-As soon as he saw a purple spider and the god merchant (Wich I Named Light) he turned tail and ran
-Has yet to learn to fly
-He's a dark blue
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-Rescued form darkwood
- Doesn't understand too well what's going on
-A bit afraid of Pano since he heard him request the lamb to kill him
-Is still getting used to sisterly love and having a new parent
-Putre often holds him when it's night since he's still getting used to the moon necklace more slowly than the bats and still gets groggy and sleepy
-Misses his family, darkwood..... not so much
-Since he was mostly hid by his original family (only for heretics to still find them) he hasn't really seen a shrine/statue of Leshy he doesn't know he is one of the bishops (and neither that the other weird followers are bishops themselves)
-Black fur with grey paint
I might give them more lore or change a few things
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pikayune · 1 year
Thinking about the possibility of Jaiden being tortured and I’ve got some thoughts.
I think it’s fair to say that Bagi not only would support torturing Jaiden and most likely would be the main instigator, but also probably wouldn’t have any remorse about it considering their relationship isn’t very developed. What I think is more interesting is considering who among the other island residents (with a standing relationship with Jaiden) would side with Bagi, who would be on the fence, and who would be actively against her.
-Major players-
Bad: has a fairly strong relationship with Jaiden that’s mostly positive but based off his current lore I think he could be easily convinced to side with Bagi, especially in the name of getting information about his son. His loyalties, as a whole, mainly lies with the eggs and given that he still thinks the federation had something to do with their disappearance, it wouldn’t be a far stretch for him to see how getting Cucurucho to talk would be beneficial to finding them. I think he wouldn’t be happy about it, but he would be able to set his emotions aside to get what he wants.
Tina: this is one of the most interesting ones because Tina has stated multiple times that she cares a lot for Jaiden. She also has a massive crush on Bagi and has been shown to be willing to hurt others in her name. I think she would be highly torn in this situation, especially considering that she didn’t list Jaiden among the people she wouldn’t want to see hurt. Ultimately I think Tina would heavily object, but could be convinced to not intervene (doubly if Bad was also trying to convince her).
Forever: contrary to his attitude toward her in the past, I think Forever would be against torturing Jaiden. Ethically, he strives to be very fair and kind, and would be troubled with causing undue suffering. From a personal perspective, Forever now has first hand experience with what Jaiden went through with Bobby and has a better understanding of her mental state during that time. Additionally, he was also grateful towards her for her kindness during his time on the pills. All together I think their relationship has changed to the point of Forever seeing her as somewhat of a kindred spirit and wouldn’t want to see her harmed.
Cellbit: I think Cellbit could very well see the merit in torturing Jaiden to get at Cucurucho and definitely has more than enough motivation to want to hurt the bear, but I don’t think he could bring himself to ever let anyone hurt Jaiden. He cares for her a lot and considers her family, and even though he’s do anything to get Richas back, he wouldn’t stoop so low as to allow his family to be hurt. The main thing I see here is that he might end of being an unwilling accomplice seeing as he’s been playing a bit fast and loose with Jaiden’s info recently. He mentioned her having multiple houses in front of Bad and now knows that both Cucuruchos care for Jaiden so it wouldn’t be surprising if he shared that info with someone HE trusted but Jaiden doesn’t.
Roier: obviously Roier would not be okay with anyone hurting Jaiden, but I actually think with the distance that’s grown between them since Bobby’s death, he wouldn’t fight as hard for her. He could be convinced to not get involved, especially if those torturing her lean into the possibility of getting information on the eggs or push her connections to the federation. I don’t think he’d give in easily, but I also don’t see him as entirely steadfast on the issue, though if Roier did give in he’d have a lot of self loathing around it.
Foolish: for all the jokes the two make about arresting each other, Foolish would absolutely not be okay with Jaiden being tortured and would actively work to save her. Initially, I can see him seeing this as a fun adventure for her, but the second he catches wind of her being actually hurt/ scared/ distressed the gig is up. He cares about her the most on the island, outside of his family, and wouldn’t allow her to be hurt (in an unfun way).
Baghera: absolutely not. Baghera would shut that shit down the second she found out. And even if she wasn’t able to stop it from the get go, she wouldn’t stop trying. She would fight and plea and do whatever it took to get Jaiden out of that situation, no matter who she was against.
-Minor players-
Etoiles: nope. His whole thing is protecting the islanders and he also thinks fairly highly of Jaiden and would actively work to protect her. Also she gave him his scythe and he would never turn that on her.
Phil: would play into it, trying to scare Jaiden and get information through scare tactics, but the second actually physically/ lasting torture came into play he’d be entirely out.
Fit: more or less impartial. He wouldn’t support the venture but wouldn’t do anything to stop it once the wheels were in motion.
Max: still pretty gung ho about his mistrust in Jaiden and could see the benefit in torturing her. The only hesitancy would come from parallels to his own experience.
Pac & Mike: both really like Jaiden and have a positive relationship with her. Moreso, both have trauma surrounding imprisonment and torture so definitely wouldn’t support it. (Though Mike is a bit of a wild card rn, I still believe he wouldn’t go against her)
Slimecicle: Jaiden is one of the few people he’s actually close with and thinks very highly of her after her position as his lawyer and when she cared for him all night after his rampage. Wouldn’t support it but also wouldn’t be very capable of stopping it.
Mouse: vehemently opposed. Would aid whoever else in freeing/ protecting Jaiden.
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redjaybathood · 7 months
were you the one that mentioned the solar machine? i know i saw it mentioned on my dash a few days ago and meant to ask this but completely forgot until now. i wanted to ask if you could share what the book is about because it seemed really interesting based on the title! i was trying to find some info on it on my own but had trouble since my ukrainian is still pretty basic and there wasn't much available in english. eventually i would like to try reading it along with more ukrainian literature :)
i hope you have a good day, and слава україні!
Haha I sincerely don't recommend starting with it when you start with Ukrainian literature. Stylistically it's a very heavy-worded book, Vynnychecnko himself wrote that he kinda shoulda worked on editing it for a few years before publishing. But, him being in exile, and I guess there are not a lot of job opportunities for a former head of the Ukrainian government.
I would describe it as a book that would be perfect for an anime adaptation. It also has a Chinese web novel about the revenge of a rich girl turned destitute vibe (not entirely, because there's a whole lot more to it, and Elisa doesn't really take that much screen time! but if I were to adapt it, she would be in the core cast)
Plot in short: Germany lost the WWI, now aristocracy is irrelevant and capitalists - bankers, factory owners etc - are taking over becoming essentially the new aristocracy. Which, people still being people and power being attractive, that doesn't make Germany any better off.
An old aristocrat loses everything on the stock market. Out of honor, he just kills himself and his elder son, masking it as a tragic accident, because god forbid someone finds out he treated the stock market as a casino, and now the only thing that is staying before the public finds out that he's broke, all his property taken away etc etc - is an arranged marriage of the head banker with his daughter. So yeah, at least he didn't sell off his kid and just went away and died.
So now princess Elisa has to take revenge.
That's the Chinese web novel vibe. It also comes through the romance subplot, the love interest of the "perceived as useless and ugly by the people in power but actually really handsome and capable. And also of how the novel consent between MC and ML. The dubcon vibes (as the inciting incident of them getting together).
And the anime vibe starts with the, you know, actual Solar Machine subplot. The sci-fi part of it - except for the social fantasy - doesn't really start up until, I think it was halfway through the text? I didn't care about it as much as the whole Inarak subplot. I don't think he really thought it through enough. Thus the debate, is it utopia or anti-utopia? I would argue the former, or rather, it progresses from anti-utopia to utopia.
(also, you need to be aware that it is written in the early XX century; for example, he rightfully calls out racism via the duke's description of people and MC's reaction to it, all the while not breaking the character of the MC, bc she's coming from the same background. At the same time, in narration, he's constantly giving men "women traits": ass, lips etc. And I'm a shipper of Simon Petlura/Volodymyr Vynnychenko, so I would love to believe it's something other than a bit of period-typical background misogyny; like, he writes women so differently and with much empathy, but he still cannot escape the notion that a man having a woman's trait in his appearance is a symbol of weakness.
At the very same time, he gets it: God is with those who have money. There is no God, and all the misfortune of a woman is that she has no money... )
(in response to the older duke's daughter telling her younger sibling about what amounts to her husband stopping short of pimping her out and then forcing her to have sex with him, with financial abuse on top)
All in all, Vynnychenko is great with characters. You can like or dislike them - and he doesn't make an effort to make you one way or another, except maybe with the main antagonist and people who serve him. But they are engaging and, yes, would be great to see on screen, imo.
And I would expect tumblr leftists to love Solar Machine, actually, for its critique of capitalism, for Inarak (they so would stan Max! and possibly Trudy but for other reasons) - and for the end message. I've seen exactly the same message spread around on tumblr so I would have said I'm shocked he's not popular among them, but then again, he's a Ukrainian.
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docheros · 6 months
this is for you @uhhbeans my most beloved
ok so like. originally seán made a game about the egos that was so successfull that a company that makes movies approached him with an offer to make a movie based on his game
we all know what seán is doing to these characters now, the anomaly found video and the comics are just the tip of the iceberg. so, let's revamp the actor au!!
(backstory, info about the actors and some headcanons under the cut)
before we properly start: seán is friends with a guy named antony; they started to talk when "jacksepticeye" was created, antony used to help him with some of the editing. so, in this universe, antony was one of the editors along with alice
seán always discussed this story with his editors, and antony was the one that really motivated, gave new stories, reasons, showed how he could make it better, and act better as well!! he's an actor too :]
so, when seán (i'm repeating his name too much sorry) started to change the route of the story and said he wanted something more serious, antony (and a team, ofc) helped him develop Anomaly Found. and for all his help and ideas, seán asked his friend to portray anti from now on. and antony couldn't be more honoured
so, anomaly found happens! seán's chase here like irl. and the comics come out, and much more stuff, etc etc. to give the egos an ending, he decides to make it a movie, but since he couldn't like. act as 5 dudes and at the same time help with production, he decided to hire actors!
Elias Schmidt, German, 32, as Henrik Von Schneeplestein!
Ryan White, American, 35, as Chase Brody!
Oliver Williams, British, 39, as Marvin the Magnificent!
Patrick O'Brien, Irish, 35, as JackieBoyMan!
George Cole, British, 43, as Jameson Jackson!
and finally, Antony Moore, British, 40, as AntiSepticEye!
and now, some headcanons of this AU for the soul :]
Seán and Antony were the ones to make the auditions, and they both wanted actors that could bring their experiences and thoughts into the characters
bc of that, Elias' german (but not a doctor, that'd be asking too much), George's mute and Patrick's autistic
Elias is very good at acting as Henrik, but he's not like him in the slightest. he's the youngest of the crew and a big jokester
despite that, he loves Henrik to bits! he's always doing lives and videos like "henrik answers your questions" while they're filming
this is Ryan's first big budget movie, and he's kinda nervous about it
different from Chase, he isn't married and honestly hates alcohool. when asked, he usually says "so is anyone interested in being my stacy? aside from the divorce and well. the horrors"
Elias jokes he's much more like initial Chase (he watched all the videos about the egos, even if Seán said it's not necessary bc a lot changed) and Ryan's much more like fanon Henrik
Patrick and Ryan are the most serious of the crew, it's hard to get a smile out of them. that doesn't mean they don't enjoy the movie or their company, ofc!
Antony's a dad! his son plays as Chase's kid bc it was the only kid that wasn't scared of Anti's makeup (and the antiaverage shippers of this universe enjoy this fact a lot)
Oliver and George are the ones who unintentionally spoil the most
Oliver looovees to talk and read about Marvin shipps. he's feeding the marvelsepticeye shippers very well!
Patrick on the other side isn't very happy in joining his shenanigans lol
George is a modern man, he loves his cellphone and his bluetooth earphones, so acting as Jameson (a man from 1920s) was a bit of a challenge to him, but he loves challenges!
he's very vocal about ableism towards mute people. and also very vocal about jj's sexual life
if they ever went to buzzfeed to promote the movie, Patrick would loooove the puppy interviews and George and Elias would loooove the "[x] reads thirst tweets"
when asked if they knew jacksepticeye,
Elias: ofc, who doesn't? i used to watch his videos all the time! what do you mean he's the one behind this
Ryan: i used to watch a bit when i was younger, we're the same age so it was like hanging out with a friend. what do you mean he's the one behind this
Oliver: ooh, i guess so? my siblings used to watch this dude like, all day. he's the one doing this? neat, i guess
Patrick: of course, everytime i mentioned i'm from Ireland people used to be like "omg jacksepticeye's from there!!!", it kinda annoyed me. he's the director????... he didn't hear me, right?
George, signing: who?
Antony: i heard he's a pain in the ass to work with (cut to Seán telling him to shut the fuck up)
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alyshiba · 6 months
Hello!. Love your posts and answers.
I have one theory regarding the next book that i’ve seen around and i wanted to share it with you:
in IF, they mention violet ex being a prince or someone really important and i do wonder if he’s gonna appear in the next books and have a role in them. And obviously, i wonder if RY is gonna make him a thing with violet if xaden turns full venin. I think the mention of who he is, and how we couldn’t marry violet was foreshadowing of him coming back eventually but i’m dreading it a little bit
Hy there! Thanks for the compliment <3
As always, spoilers ahead for Iron Flame
When I read both books, honestly, i didn't focus my attention on any details about Violet's past relationships. But you have to consider that FW and IF are books that requires multiple re-reads to apreciate oall of the details in them.
Every source I found over the past months that mentions this theory base it on details that have more than one explanations, like:
Violets and Aarics interactions: Of course Violet will have a friendly relationship with Aaric (like Dain TBH). Lillith is a General, we could dare say Melgren's second, so of course they will be in direct contact with the royals. In the ball scene in FW you see how familiar was Lillith with King Tauri, so ofc their children will grow up knowing eachother;
One of Violet's exes is in infantry: This info is being used as proof because "a future king must be in military school and since Tauri doesn't approve of his sons being the riders quadrant, than Halden must have been in the infantry section", well.... aside from the King's second born (killed by Xaden durin threshing in their first year at Basgiath) we have no record of a prince being officially sent into Basgiath. Officialy being the key since Aaric is "undercover". So we don't know if Navarrian royalty has a tradition of sending children to war colleges or "homeschools them".
Violet is unconfortable/turned down by the propect of being "royalty" when she understands that Xaden is still unofficially the Duke of Tyrrendor: This has been used to indicate that Violet's relationship might have gone badly because she's not nobility and therefore the couple was made to break up.
Neither of this fact is proofs.. we have nothing to support this theory yet. It isn't impossible, but at the moment we can only speculate. Plus, why must it be Halden the ex, and not the other brother (the one Xaden killed)?
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