#and smart and badass
hermit-frog · 19 days
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honeyed-latte · 6 months
Why are people so hellbent on ignoring that Hiccup may be skinny looking and gangly but he's absurdly strong, all the meat he does have on his (very sturdy, by genetics) bones is likely muscle. He rides Toothless, one of the fastest dragons in the known world, the g-force Hiccup would experience on his dragon is insane. So insane that Im pretty sure Hiccup can't actually maintain Toothless's top speed for longer then maybe a single bank/turn. His body could not logically withstand the force for extended time.
Hiccup's body undergoes rapid acceleration and deceleration every single time he flies Toothless, the actual strength he would need to do that (without even cracking Toothless's top speed) proves Hiccup isn't some frail, wilting rose.
On top of that obvious show of strength, vigor and stamina; Hiccup is a Blacksmith, which is an occupation notorious for its demand on the body, and accomplished swordsman. We see him physically move Viggo with only his upper body strength at one point.
Reminder: Im not saying he's a better fighter then Viggo, nor even that he's stronger, only that Hiccup has demonstrated he is evenly matched for strength.
Hiccup is, undoubtedly, tougher physically then almost every single character. Including Viggo, Dagur, and maybe even Stoick. He is also demonstrably stronger then all the other Dragon Riders.
(Moving Viggo, unbending metal with his bare hands, lifting Toothless, restraining Astrid easily, knocking out three of Snotlouts teeth with one punch, carrying Astrids whole body without any sign of strain (Astrid is canonically 120lbs), etc)
I know we all love our skinny scrawny nerdboy, but he is not weak, he is not helpless, and its so frustrating people pretend he is.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 11 months
How to easily distinguish the Stone triplets from one another:
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( Inspired by this post.)
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heavencasteel420 · 8 days
It is amazing to me that the show has a character who:
Explicitly says “my father forced me to kill and I was good at it, but I hated it”;
Makes multiple efforts to walk away from a fight where his opponent is doing the absolute most to provoke him and, upon finally snapping, handily beats him;
Stabs a dude with a pair of scissors in self-defense and immediately looks horrified at himself; and
Can stomach all kinds of gross and scary shit unless it involves harm coming to his little brother, whom he obviously has a lot of baggage about protecting.
And a not-insignificant number of people are like “his neurosis is that he feels bad about not being a fighter or a badass.”
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tvckerwash · 2 months
you know, an interpretation of ct that I don't see that I personally really love is that she's a fuck up. like yes she's cool and she has some good fight scenes, but a huge part of her character is that she makes mistakes. the mistakes that she makes are ones that on their own aren't the end of the world, but she keeps making these little mistakes, and they eventually add up until she's out of room to make any more.
a really good example of this phenomenon in action is the actions she took leading up to her final confrontation with carolina and tex.
strike one, she thought she saw something in the water, but when asked by the leader what it was, she brushed it off as nothing when even if it had been nothing, it would've been smart to tell him what she thought she saw.
strike two, she didn't sense or notice florida's presence when the leader did, and she looks at the leader twice, once as she pulled out her magnums, and again after she did a scan of the room, almost like she was looking at him for guidance before he finds florida and takes him out with one good axe throw.
strike three, she couldn't convince the leader to leave when they had the chance to get away, and her cheap tricks were not enough to hold off either tex or carolina in a fight. they were only good for incapacitating her opponents enough for her to get away, which doesn't work when she has no escape.
ct is not tex, or carolina, or south. she is not a one woman army who can get herself out of trouble when she's stuck in tough situations. she needs people who can watch her back, she need a team who can cover her when she does mess up, and the leader and his team were not those people. she couldn't bring herself to trust them, and they couldn't bring themselves to trust her, and that cost all of them their lives.
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amimochi · 3 months
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Fellow Travelers Omegaverse AU (that no one asked for 😂)
On the outside Tim seems like the perfect image of a beta, he's hardworking, religious and plain. But he actually hiding a big secret, not only he's homosexual but he's also an omega both things that can get him fired from the state government in the 50s. His secret was uncovered by Hawk, a war hero alpha whom he met on election night.
More HC below cut! 👇
- Tim was using drug/scent blocker to hide his scent
- Hawk and Tim are a fated pair so the scent blocker doesn't work on Hawk (Thus, Tim's surprised Pikachu face)
- Hawk is arranged to marry Lucy, another Alpha from an influential family in DC
- Lucy became pregnant, and they parted ways in 1957, soon after Tim learns that he's also pregnant with Hawk but he doesn't want to ruin Hawk's family so he keeps quiet
- Tim named him Jackson, while Lucy named her baby girl Kimberly
- In the 1960s, Hawk and Lucy are going through a divorce. Hawk helps Tim and his child hide from the FBI.
- Hawk feels a strange familiarity with Jackson right away but he doesn't figure it out until later, while Jackson realises it within a few days he meets Hawk.
This Omegaverse AU will not leave my mind so I just drew it. I think we need more Omegaverse AU in the fandom, what does everyone say? 👀✨
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
the "ur a blowfish!!" pep talk that walt gives jesse is actually super interesting to me because walt has thus far given jesse little encouragement and its heavily implied that in high school, walt gave up on jesse as a student and did not try to support him or inspire him in any meaningful way beyond shaming him for not Performing better. but here walt is suddenly delivering this very pointed, effective pep talk to jesse that gets him up and motivated within minutes. just because he's trying to Get jesse to do something for him. to take care of business. and it just makes me wonder if walt always had the capacity to be a very encouraging teacher or just a helpful person in general, if he does have that skill set, but never thought to apply it in a situation like high school's jesse because he wouldn't gain something from a direct, positive interaction. i mean, we see in the iconic "AHHH. wire :)" scene that walt can deliver information effectively and guide a student thru an academic revelation: walt clearly has the skill to be a good, inspiring teacher. but the only time he's incentivized to apply it is when he's trying to get something out of jesse. he carefully, specifically inspires jesse to do his bidding and then praises him (that praise he craves) when jesse obeys, acting under the guise that jesse was moved to action and has accomplished some goal. "ur a blowfish!!" walt is literally telling jesse what to Be, what he Is, what Exactly jesse needs to do in order to get the approval and happiness he wants. what would that talent look like in someone who actually wanted the best for jesse??
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asexualbert · 1 year
More accurate lines for Remember Them (Epic)
"I am the infamous... Fucking dumbass"
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smoosie · 3 months
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Brave Mira
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sbd-laytall · 13 days
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Smallville | 4.11 | "Unsafe"
Teen Wolf | 2.03 | "Ice Pick"
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fizzigigsimmer · 4 months
I think Billy writers should indulge in Billy cosplay tiktoks every blue moon. Because I love him and I love the way we write him, but I forget all the time what it felt like to view him through fresh eyes but these fans be out here reminding me.
Billy Hargrove walks like a cowboy. He's a bag of trouble and he doesn't care who knows it. The ground shakes when he enters his first scene to Rock You Like A Hurricane. It's part of a front yes, but it's still part of him and it all comes from a place.
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courtofterrasen · 1 month
I’m just about done with finals, so I decided to gather up a quick list of over 50+ different POC women characters with actual good stories and character development as well as what they’re in, since you guys seem to be complacent in accepting mediocrity🥰
I know there are A LOT more REALLY GOOD characters out there, like Firebird from Marvel for example, but these are all characters from media that I either have personally consumed or know a lot about that I can think about off the top of my head. So if anyone wants to keep the list going in the comments, please feel free to add on
Charlotte- Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
Shuri- Black Panther (MY LOVE😭❤️)
Okoye- Black Panther
Nakia- Black Panther
Queen Ramonda- Black Panther
Katara- ATLA
Korra- LoK
Toph- ATLA
Azula- ATLA
Beauregard- Critical Role: Campaign 2
Fy’ra Rai- Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited
Opal- Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited
Deni$e- Critical Role: Campaign 3
Deanna- Critical Role: Campaign 3
Lady Kima: Critical Role: Campaign 1/ Legends of Vox Machina
Laerryn: Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
Veth Brenatto- Critical Role: Campaign 2
Mirko- My Hero Academia
Ahsoka (people refer to her as a POC character even though she’s a Togruta)
Tiana- Princess and the Frog
Esmeralda- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Nani- Lilo and Stitch
Raya- Raya and the Last Dragon
Mel- Arcane
Ambessa Medara- Arcane
Sevika- Arcane
(Special shout out to Ekko from Arcane because he’s SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER)
Storm- Marvel comics
Wonder Woman- DC comics (she is Mediterranean, which is located in the North Africa/ Europe/ West Asia region, for the incels who are going to try to fight me on that. Just because your skin has less melanin than people “think you should have” does not invalidate you being a POC)
Nubia- DC comics
Special shoutout to General Nanisca in The Woman King. I have not watched it yet, but I’ve heard a lot of great things
Valkyrie- Thor Ragnarok
Gamora: Guardians of the Galaxy (though, she’s not human, she’s a Zen-Whoberis, but her actress is Dominican and Puerto Rican)
Ava Silva- Warrior Nun
Sister Beatrice- Warrior Nun
Sister Lilith- Warrior Nun
Deyha- Genshin Impact
Candace- Genshin Impact
Xinyan- Genshin Impact
Janai- The Dragon Prince
Ursula- Once Upon A Time
Mulan- Once Upon a Time
Lucyna “Lucy” Kushinada- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Mermista- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Catra- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Lonnie- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Netossa- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Entrapta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Perfuma- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Mara- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Frosta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
(All of whom are Etherian’s, not Terran’s, which would equivalate people from earth)
Mazikeen- Lucifer
Wednesday Addams- The Addam’s Family/ Wednesday
Calliope “Cal” Burns- First Kill
Talia Burns- First Kill
Yennefer- The Witcher (actress is of Indian descent.)
Triss- The Witcher (some debate can be had about this due to her character in the games being white and her actress in the show having South African heritage. I enjoy them both equally)
I would add Pocahontas to this list, but the Disney recreation of her story is an extremely incorrect and awful retelling, so I implore you to go and look up the story of Amonute/ Matoaka, which is the true name of Pocahontas. It’s not an easy story to hear, but I feel as though people need to know her true story instead of Disney’s romanticized one.
Also, if you guys REALLY want a good female POC pirate story, check out the story of the most successful pirate in the world named Ching Shih, aka Cheng I Sao. She was a woman born in Guangdong, China in the late 18th century and worked as a prostitute until she caught the eye of Cheng I, the notorious Commander of the Red Flag Fleet. After buying and marrying her, he noticed her intelligence, leadership skills, and determination, so he began to teach her about life in the high seas. She quickly adapted and helped him lead his fleet, and when he died she assumed full control over his fleet and amassed 1,800 ships and 80,000 pirates under her control and became the most feared pirate leader of her time. It’s a VERY cool story
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gerandor · 9 months
I love how absentminded nandor was when the guide was explaining the whole thing was her doing but the moment she said ‘guillermo took matters into his own hands” nandor laser focused on it and knew exactly what she was implying.
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yummycrummy · 9 months
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Can SR and Lesley rate my fit? 😎
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The British parents approve 👍✨
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avisisisis · 9 months
I could talk about how female characters are almost always watered down to the responsible friend or the voice reason or the badass character with no feelings, etc etc and how it's not only harmful but usually ooc for most of the characters it includes (Nya, Annabeth, literally every girl from PjO, Shoko and Nobara, etc) for hours but I have to sleep
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johanna-swann · 4 months
"Taylor was such a bitch to poor baby boy Buck. :("
You guys realise that he cheated on her, right? And then instead of telling her he asked her to move in, making her depend on him.
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