#and snark and flirting and it ends with a drunk Mabel cuddled up to Theo wishing he’d been a Hardy Boy
anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
Since there is exactly one (1) Mabel x Theo fic on AO3 as of the creation of this post, I just want to throw out some fic ideas for others to take freely (and hell, maybe I’ll make something out of these myself too):
Childhood interactions: you can do a lot here, like Mabel making a mystery about Theo or Theo finding Mabel’s sketchbook when she loses it or just cute little meetups that they’ll look back on as adults
Hardy Boys: I mean you could do angsty Theo wishing he could join the pack? Mabel doing another mystery about Theo and the others teasing her about it? AU where Theo is actually a Hardy Boy and a cute slowburn romance?
New Years party: unknown New Years party where they give each other a quick New Years peck that they both think about years later. This is free real estate people, there is so much you can do with these two and New Years parties
Coffee shop AU but instead Mabel has a studio right over Theo’s funeral home
Arthur Conan Doyle-style detective AU: Mabel is part of a detective agency in the late 1800s and is investigating the murder of her childhood friend all the while getting suspiciously close to a certain undertaker
Soulmate AU: You can do so much here. Soulmate tattoos with Theo’s being one in Mabel’s artstyle. Quote AU where Mabel has no idea Theo is her soulmate for ages because his first words to her are in sign language and Theo has no idea because Mabel is a mumbler. The black-and-white to colour thingy but neither knows because they spotted each other during a black out or alarm that set them in the same room as every other tenant at the Arconia, so they both treat the soulmate search like an investigation
Heist AU: Theo is a master jewel thief following in his father’s footsteps and Mabel is a museum guide with a detective streak who happens to be on duty for a touring collection that just arrived
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