#like I said free real estate
anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
Since there is exactly one (1) Mabel x Theo fic on AO3 as of the creation of this post, I just want to throw out some fic ideas for others to take freely (and hell, maybe I’ll make something out of these myself too):
Childhood interactions: you can do a lot here, like Mabel making a mystery about Theo or Theo finding Mabel’s sketchbook when she loses it or just cute little meetups that they’ll look back on as adults
Hardy Boys: I mean you could do angsty Theo wishing he could join the pack? Mabel doing another mystery about Theo and the others teasing her about it? AU where Theo is actually a Hardy Boy and a cute slowburn romance?
New Years party: unknown New Years party where they give each other a quick New Years peck that they both think about years later. This is free real estate people, there is so much you can do with these two and New Years parties
Coffee shop AU but instead Mabel has a studio right over Theo’s funeral home
Arthur Conan Doyle-style detective AU: Mabel is part of a detective agency in the late 1800s and is investigating the murder of her childhood friend all the while getting suspiciously close to a certain undertaker
Soulmate AU: You can do so much here. Soulmate tattoos with Theo’s being one in Mabel’s artstyle. Quote AU where Mabel has no idea Theo is her soulmate for ages because his first words to her are in sign language and Theo has no idea because Mabel is a mumbler. The black-and-white to colour thingy but neither knows because they spotted each other during a black out or alarm that set them in the same room as every other tenant at the Arconia, so they both treat the soulmate search like an investigation
Heist AU: Theo is a master jewel thief following in his father’s footsteps and Mabel is a museum guide with a detective streak who happens to be on duty for a touring collection that just arrived
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skymagpie · 10 months
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She took the coat, hat, sword and boots in the divorce
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harbingersglory · 5 months
Could I please request Yae Miko kink headcanons?
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{☆} characters yae miko {☆} notes drabble, hc's, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings 18+ content
{☆} brat taming
i mean. kind of expected, but it also goes both ways. she thrives off "taming" you when you're being bratty just as much as she thrives off you doing the same thing to her. and she is a brat when she subs, absolutely. she will keep egging you on and being an absolute brat to the point she'll often forget you're still, yknow, mortal and don't exactly have the stamina to keep up with her being so damn insatiable (that's fine for her, though. she doesn't technically need you to lift a finger to keep it going, if your comfortable with it. just don't expect to be getting up for the next few days.)
{☆} marking
also a given and, again, goes both ways. she loves when you're rough with her, not afraid to break her (the bed, on the other hand, is a different matter), marking is just the cherry on top that has her toes curling and her tail wrapping around you like a vice. especially if you leave marks in places her uniform won't hide later– but she's also gonna do the same to you, and her teeth are a hell of a lot bigger, so I hope you've got a good pain tolerance because she's gonna make you into a chew toy half way through the night. scratching, biting..she might even get a little too excited and zap you once or twice. on accident, unless your into it.
{☆} wax play
miko leans more towards giving then receiving with this one, but I can see her enjoying it immensely. both because she's a tease and likes to rile you up and because she loves to doll you up and make you nice and pretty..which just happens to include pouring hot wax on your skin. if you let her, she'll even blindfold you so you can never expect when she'll pour the wax, and oh boy does she thrive off the surprised noises you make. she loves experimenting with all different kinds of colors of wax, too, just to see which looks best on your skin. absolute menace about it, too. her hands are on the colder side, so when she peels off the wax once it's cooled down she'll randomly place her hands over your warm skin just to watch you jump.
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meimi-haneoka · 29 days
Every time I see the English translation of a certain Clear Card panel with Touyuki appearing on my TL I want to pull my hair because that line was mistranslated so, so badly and people are making speculations and going nuts about it in the tags and it's all based on something that doesn't exists because that's not what Touya says, not at all. Like, not even remotely. It's also so out of character for him to say something like that, I don't know how his fans don't realize something is off in that line.
One day I will compile those translation mistakes in one giant google sheet or something, I need to turn this into a mission because it's honestly so irritating to see how riddled with mistakes this localization is, sometimes to the point of messing with important parts of the plot. I don't see them releasing a decently translated edition in the near future, so it's all I can do to give back some respect to the story. Clamp are aware of the translation mistakes and how they change the perception of the story for the foreign readers, just as they are aware of the posts I've made about them over the years (they talked about this in a Space long time ago, and I still cherish that mention in my heart with pride). But there was basically nothing they could do at the time, if not suggesting the English readers to check the posts mentioning the translation differences. That's great and all, I'm glad I have their blessing but this is also not really how ideally one should read a story. My posts are long and filled with personal comments and maybe that would deter many people from checking out what a certain line actually says, so I need to find a quicker and easier way. Also, I started to do those only from chapter 40 onwards (and in the beginning I was way overzealous, I would need to revise) and this panel I'm mentioning above is part of the butchery they did in the first volumes, which weren't covered by my posts yet.
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otterandterrier · 11 months
what if I spent money on a falafel wrap to cope with the horrors of having bats in my wall
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still funny that arakawa wanted to leave an impression/impress ichi when they first met and then bro's surprised when the kid shows up for the next three months. ichi was like a little baby duck and brother arakawa just became a father of two
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
//if i had a sp multi, it would consist entirely of characters nobody gives a shit about, like ned, thomas (le petit tourette), and GOD HIMSELF.
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aaternum-a · 1 year
no bc wtf is this ... 20+ notifications about bot follows over the last 30 days. who let you in here????
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akagamiko · 2 years
Some Things About Gryphon:
One of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords
Her blade is a little over 4 feet long (1.24 meters), with the hilt she’s over 4 1/2 feet (1.43 meters) 
Old as Fuck, dating back to around the Void Century
Has been passed down through his family since she was forged
✨Legend✨ has it that Gryphon was forged with a dragon’s flame
Gryphon’s blade can be set aflame, she has a very warm aura about her even when not in use and the blade has been known to leave burns both in and out of battle. On the plus side, she can also cauterize the wounds she gives you.
Because she’s been in his family for centuries, she is incredibly loyal and would be an absolute shit blade for anyone not blood related to them--if not related, they would need to be an incredibly powerful swordsman
Shanks is sure that Mihawk is the only person who could handle Gryphon. At the moment, there are definitely plans to ensure that  she would go into Mihawk’s care if something were to happen to him. (Mihawk is not aware of this)
An absolutely blood thirsty blade, but only for Devil Fruit users. Someone with an ear for swords would be able to hear her screaming if there are 3 or more DF users around.
Growing off of that: she can handle 1 fairly well, but starts to get antsy when there are 2 DF users nearby. Again, with an ear for swords would probably hear something akin to distant whispers or wind-like noises.
Gryphon was far less well-behaved when Shanks first began working with her when he was around 17. She could barely stand being around 1 DF user until they were able to form a connection and she was able to calm down. This took a few years.
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msommers · 2 years
i simply think for meredith
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amorremanet · 1 year
Truly, there is nothing exactly like the sheer level of “did we even read the same book/watch the same thing” that one feels when met with the reaction “Ewww but they’re BROTHERS” about a ship where it’s actually a plot point of pretty critical importance that A., they *AREN’T* brothers by either blood or adoption, and B., there IS NO FORMAL DEFINITION for their relationship status within their sociocultural context but whatever they are, it sure does inspire people to call them “childhood sweethearts” in a way that’s loaded with romantic innuendo and act like Character B is Character A’s ex (full romo) vs. Character A’s endgame marriage to Character C
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tavtarnish · 1 year
Sorry lads, the mummy issues hit - soap's gonna suffer in something I'm writing
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watchiingover · 2 years
@welcometotheoverwatch​ asked:
“Tell me something: Why were you crying?” { James for whoever! }
Hana had hoped she was alone in the hangar at this time of night, but evidently, someone had either followed her or just happened to be around to catch her during one of the rare moments she allowed herself to cry.
She tried to be strong. For her country, her people, her team and herself - but the weight on her shoulders, the high expectations everyone had of her, sometimes it got too much for even her to bear. The emotions she had forced down created a dam ready to burst, and the nightmare that finally caused it to crack had been a little closer to home. Memories of her mother, carefree days of her childhood, swept away by the Gwishin.
She had come to the hangar to work on Tokki, an attempt to purge the images from her mind, but the inconvenience of dropping one of her tools finally let the tears she had been holding back flow. That’s when she heard someone enter, and had swiftly wiped the tears from her eyes and forced a smile to greet him with, but it seemed he had seen through her. Her gaze lowers, and she wipes the remaining tears from her cheeks with a sniff.
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“I wasn’t crying.”
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munamania · 2 years
hi lol i wish we were mutuals so we could bitch about the awful girls in our lives together lmao. but also huge kudos to you for keeping your distance from her! 👍🏻
LOL oh no i rlly go thru spurts like thrice a year of actually following people/back but pls feel free if u wanna ramble <3 thank u for the words of encouragement. by keeping my distance i mean. it's not hard bc we rarely talk between classes. but also i was p normal even though she was very :-)) <333 !!!!! during our last classes and i gave her a tiny little present that i very normally considered my like. goodbye. and then let myself get my hopes up cause she responded like :D when r u going home i should be done w finals stuff i'll text u!!! and like. that's not gonna happen <3 but im handling it like a champ. or at least better than i have before. lol
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zukoromantic · 2 years
if you keep liking all my ace attorney posts we're gonna end up like this /j
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ACDJCDJDV already got the bff rings
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hcppyhotel · 2 years
have i ever mentioned that i’ve been toying with the idea of a goetia oc.
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