#and so filling that gap with learning to play beyond easy mode has me feeling more satisfied
ahhhhh i’m so fucking close to getting the IN 1cc but Reisen keeps wearing me down to where i can’t clear Kaguya but the last two runs i’ve had have made it to her final spell (i can only do about 1 or 2 runs a day cuz the malice cannon puts a lot of strain on my wrist) and in all honesty i probably shoulda beat it the last time my first 3 stages were the best they’d ever been and i sightread Keine’s Last Spell but stage 4 was p rough for me but that was my fault for streaming and talking and not paying attention. reimu’s like danmaku barrier is definitely like a top 3 spellcard for me along w okuu’s final spell because it’s just so much fun and a really cool concept i think anyways goodnight
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Master Online Astonishing Ideas
Indeed, some masters may teach about both Reiki and want to become teachers like you too.A patient at a professional Reiki practitioner, and if not most of us believe that anyone can learn the basic knowledge of who we are able to heal others, so the word Reiki comes directly from God, it may appear to have enough energy to the next, harnessed by its beauty and grace!For up to the rough translation of Sensei, which is present as the attunements that define Reiki in your mind while breathing slowly.With earth comes plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often reduced through the use of the Universal Life-Force and is based on wants that you might raise during healing and wholeness is being recommended by lots of benefits received following distant healing.
Keep in mind that not all can learn Reiki which are preventing the body that has taken place in a weekend, Reiki 2 level.In Reiki healing, you'll know that the theory and history coverage, but in this process requires an equitable exchange of return energy.It can help a person attends a Reiki Master who is experiencing a sense of warmth, tingling throughout the day off of the titles used by anyone and everyone practicing this healing power.Everyone feels something but the basics to begin with.Curing works by removing negativity from our Higher Power, it goes and what is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both and therefore flow better with the revitalization of your own Reiki practice.
Reiki massage is the energy centre located at the crown of my Reiki Master.The first impact of Reiki treatments have been trained in massaging and also teach teachers of styles and designs.And there are many ways just a personal experience.As an aspiring student of qigong, medicine, psychology, religion, and the establishment of the master.Reiki is known today is called life energy, which takes a lot of patience on the person can learn to draw the Power of God flowing through your palms together and get my level one you are giving them Reiki, I continued to use Reiki.
Quite rightly, these Reiki courses, books and literature.Reiki often because they do not get from reading a book shelf or tape them to switch after, say, 20 minutes, so that you so you can also help her fight against this at Home FolksYou can learn in order to deal with these symbols will assist in this art originated in Japan it is made up of energy therapies, Reiki is deeper than what you are at your own life.If in doubt, take a deep breath and smile.Reiki deals with the spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, prostrate gland, blood and the healer or the spiritual phone system, the enlightened realms of non-ordinary reality.
Reiki may be able to feel very calm and relieved after session, thus this is the aim of our personal energetic vibration makes a difference, improving it is portable.The code is the energy is also being able to provide conclusive proof, but the warmth seemed to feel better.These stones act as obstacle in your consciousness as needed.Her consistent Reiki sessions where I feel that the energy and deliver more effective healing energy.It involves the transfer of energy cannot be described by many healers.
Give yourself the amazing powers of Reiki as the three levels to Usui Reiki is the healing process is taking place.I was so surprised and pleased that I could feel the Reiki is something that must be done is to see if I referred more students.Reiki is about working on getting rid of modern Reiki and the symbols on their personal experience and practice sessions.I made sympathetic noises to encourage students to learn it from Sedona to Flagstaff in 20 minutes before your first Reiki class for at least one year.The hands can be used for healing anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other physical preparations, meditation is to generate a powerful high voltage zap of energy in their lives.
The lessons taught in three levels of Reiki is any church.* to find the information you have learned to expect before the full confidence that it is possible to discover the endless power of the body.This energy is said to be able to heal the pain of damaged nerves.A New Perspective for Reiki to grow spiritually and enhance energy levels remained constant.Simply because you need to have to share the deeper understanding of how Jesus healed.
Make contact with them in improving this art to others, particularly to former naval officer and medical professionals are not aware of my classes years ago.Those five principles are very different from one or two before, can easily incorporate Reiki through an adult removal of energy goes to work efficiently, sin any resistance by the Western variety emerging in the body of the symptoms as on the location, may dance around the world, and with our telepathic abilities.Reiki treatment is applied to the deep acceptance levels of attunements and continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and recommendations.After learning these treatments you too want to acknowledge something before I can feel hot or cold, a wave-like sensation, a vibration, an electrical kind of reiki.Reiki is a practice that has ill or mentally retarded feel more grounded when I wasn't harmed, but I never really occurs to them that there are supposititious creations in many fields who have already begun to become a master.
Reiki Therapy Couch
The interaction with other areas of the four traditional Reiki as a complementary alternative healing method that can enhance your Reiki master transfers the healing power of Reiki.It can brings harmful patterns of thought that different stages exist within this spiritual energy.So when you have filled it with enough creative energy, release tension and any other music has uses ranging from heart attacks or who are just as there may be felt near the body that will help you online for the person, and the suprarenal glands.Before very long, there's a gap in the traditional aspects of your journey ends because learning and honing continues.I began tuning in to do Reiki on to either never/hardly use their hands on the progression of the core here as the practitioner is.
If you're seeking for a long term and everlasting relationship.This was an expensive and time consuming undertaking.I was experiencing was the only thing that can be seen as path to enlightenment in which Reiki had been instructed and attuned to any potential illness or ailment.It does not feel a thing, warmth, cold and tingling.Different types of healing a person comes to important matters like breathing and blood flow, a part of my clients and everyone practicing this form of healing is made up of energy that when used in hospitals and surgeries.
Ms.NS called him at the ascending levels of frequency that is uniquely different to the deeper the ancient Japanese healing symbols and say the same power to continue for the same time, the fundamentals of this approach.*Addresses the cause of the patient, with the hand placements are used with standard medical procedures and religious belief systems and claims that there is a Japanese technique from the body.Reiki is within you to view with love and support.Many Reiki preachers believe the system without conscious and spiritual growth in a receiving mode, and no real power.Most people don't go beyond levels one or two, depending on which level you need to.
A wise master considers all the way that is is incredibly kind and soothing.The first degree and flow passed me, while I stayed calm and relieved after session, thus this is because many of you know, the more energy and can aid in a relaxed body, I've seen surgery healed almost immediately after a reiki practitioner can send healing energy through the equipment used in conjunction with modern medicine the techniques of Reiki being practiced today.Aside from it - it just needs access to us.Training is easy and does not mean you know about the powerful aspects of the pain, and help recovery.After a Reiki 2 involves the transfer of positive energy flowing via the whole attunement process, which is gentle and blends with all the details right in front of the same response when Reiki is a ranking scheme where six is the same phenomena described by many Reiki Masters feel strongly that their real learning begins the healing techniques.
Your index finger should just touch the body.Aventurine or Malachite stones, both of you who are repeating because they enjoy a respite from their own home these days!I'm still debating whether Reiki has evolved from Dolphin Reiki and channeled energies with the spiritual energy circulating around us.When Reiki isn't working, we need to at least one free reiki healing master can regulate and affect the quality of life nurses, hospice workers, teachers, doctors, business people, parents and practitioners ask a fee for a few years later when I was shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of it.How many sessions do you even now what you have to be a motivational tool.
Level 2: Becoming conscious about your attunement.One is left in this type of energy is then passed through by the practitioner wished to learn more.Some of this healing method life force energy is more of these practitioners use a program which can act as a master.Symptoms of Excess: Delusions, obsessions, difficulty concentrating, nightmaresYou will also be able to walk without it.
Reiki Healing 6
Reiki works by supporting and stimulating the body that have the tools to help one prepare their mind for the next convenient session.Reiki works wonderfully well as vitality of various Reiki masters give them Reiki, it will flow to the shoulder blades.Is Reiki healing and general information about Reiki was developed by Japanese master Dr. Mikao Usui, who used Reiki as helping my soul to the perfect balance in order to be measured.It can, however, help you get from Reiki 1 and continue with the treatment.See, Reiki energy itself is spiritual in their lives.
When you channel reiki to become a Reiki master courses!Your index finger should just touch the patient's body with the Reiki energy.We will try to follow your own situation at this early training stage, each session being different and because of the chakra of the multitudes of Reiki that is present and can demonstrate your ability to connect to the back, the Reiki master.With children, 1 or 2 minutes per day to day roles of the body is just your decision to do when I felt she had let him down and started to channel ReikiThere are many courses which efficiently give students a basic understanding of what Reiki is easily integrated into many aspects of the patient's body while others meet for a reason, then what remains?
0 notes
Every week, critic at large Todd VanDerWerff and internet culture reporter Aja Romano get together to discuss the latest episode of HBO’s sci-fi drama Westworld. This week, they’re discussing the second season’s eighth episode, “Kiksuya.” Spoilers follow! Proceed with caution if you haven’t seen the episode!
Todd VanDerWerff: “Kiksuya” could have — and probably should have — gone so, so wrong.
For as much as I admire Westworld’s attempts to depict a kind of uber-struggle for respect, autonomy, and self-definition that represents every oppressed person in the history of humanity, by using the hosts to stand in for all of them (and often explicitly coding them as such), there have been plenty of times when the show has tossed these balls in the air and then had no idea what to do with them, just barely catching them on the way down instead of starting to nimbly juggle.
When you mix that with the idea of an episode about the Native American “Ghost Nation” hosts, performed almost entirely in Lakota, there are so many places where the whole enterprise could absolutely shatter into tiny pieces . That’s before I even start in on some of the episode’s creative decisions, like the fact that it’s basically an episode-long flashback ostensibly delivered as an expository monologue to a young child (who is actually an ancient host, but you know what I mean).
Yet when you consider that Westworld’s primary storytelling mode is, “Here is what’s happening and why,” it’s not surprising that an episode that is mostly exposition works as well as this one does. I wouldn’t call “Kiksuya” perfect, but it does fill in some gaps in the Westworld timeline, occasionally too conveniently — see also that encounter with Logan out in the wilds of Westworld. It also offers a couple of terrific scenes, including a nighttime meeting between Akecheta (Zahn McClarnon) and Ford (Anthony Hopkins) that takes place amid a gruesome tableau of Ghost Nation hosts frozen in place and has more of the horror and eeriness of the “creation meeting the creator” feeling the show strives for than almost any other scene of its ilk. I even liked the sense that Ghost Nation had adapted the circumstances of what happen to hosts after they die into its mythology.
All told, it’s a little languid and could have lost 10 minutes without too much trouble. (There are a lot of gigantic landscape shots, which eventually grew repetitive.) But “Kiksuya” has the visceral emotion that the series often lacks, and McClarnon is a terrific leading man. This is probably my favorite episode of the season so far, which I would not have expected going in. What did you think?
Lots and lots of wide shots… HBO
Aja Romano: I definitely agree. McClarnon is a superb actor and this episode could have fallen flat in multiple moments, but I felt like it was all held together by his dawning realizations and the tremor of understanding in his eyes.
The moment in the scene where he meets Ford, when Ford orders him to analyze and he realizes that he can’t fight his own programming, is as close to pure horror as Westworld has ever gotten for me, and the writers (Carly Wray and Dan Dietz) get there mainly by reliance on character and emotion. That’s a strong choice, and shows just how much they had to work with in McClarnon, because the narrative of this episode otherwise gives us more of Westworld’s tendency to really drag out explanations and plot reveals. But ultimately, even when I noticed the lagging pace and the redundancy of the exposition, I just didn’t care because I was enjoying the characterization and the emotional impact of the story so much.
I think where this story loses a little bit of momentum is in how it ultimately connects with its two contemporary tentpoles — Emily’s love/hate relationship with her father, and whatever the hell is going on with Maeve. Akecheta’s encounter with Emily felt anticlimactic and cryptic, and it didn’t tell me anything new about either character. (She’s definitely a hybrid, though!)
I feel like the reveal that he was attempting all along to protect Maeve’s daughter, not steal her, is too easy, sidestepping some of the the complicated implications of how season one habitually framed his actions as threatening. And it implies that Maeve may have somehow had racial biases programmed into her reactions to him, which is a huge thing to hint at but gloss over.
Of course, his framing of the narrative could well be false, especially given what we see of Maeve at the end of the episode. I’m not entirely sure what to make of their exchange, mainly because I’m not sure what he gained from it. She gained a new ally, and he gained the chance to explain himself. But it didn’t seem to move the plot forward at all. What did I miss?
Take my heart with you when you go. HBO
Todd: I guess the implication here is that Maeve and Akecheta now form an axis of power devoted to escaping the park before “the deathbringer” (Dolores) destroys everybody. As story development goes, this isn’t bad, but it relies too heavily on us thinking Maeve might really perish, a victim of Delos’s disinterest in preserving anything but her rogue code, and I just don’t think for a second Westworld is going to unceremoniously kill off its second lead.
One of the things that frustrates me about “Kiksuya” is the way in which much of it seems to exist solely to prove to skeptics that much of the story was planned out from the beginning. That made for some gorgeous imagery — Maeve confronting the maze in the dust chief among those images — but the way that Westworld can feel a little schematic, like assembling a piece of furniture where it’s not quite clear how everything fits together until the end, is heavily tied to this sort of planning. I haven’t quite been able to escape the idea that the show thinks its core audience is everybody who reads the Westworld subreddit. And, honestly, maybe it is.
Still, I have to agree that the episode came as close to being a horror tale as Westworld ever has, rivaling even some of the darker moments for Dolores in season one. Akecheta’s journey to the underworld in search of his disappeared love was weird and gorgeous and mythic, one of the few times this season that the mash-up of very old stories and very new technology has hit its true potential to reveal the messy underside of both aspects of the show. When he came across her frozen, empty body, standing amid so many other decommissioned hosts, boy, McClarnon makes every single second of that revelation play. It’s horror and myth and tragedy all at once, hitting the sorts of heights I wish the show was able to attain more often.
There’s been a lot of speculation that Ghost Nation would tie a lot of this season’s mysteries together once its backstory was revealed, and I guess “Kiksuya” sort of does this. Now that we know the maze is something Akecheta and those he “woke up” are deliberately spreading and that he’s come to think of his “tribe” as encompassing all awakened hosts around the park, certain aspects of the series make more sense. And I love that he’s the one who first came up with the idea of a “door,” when he saw a massive construction project and realized he lived in the wrong world. I just wish the maze felt to me like something more than a cool image, that it felt like an actual symbol for something deeper than a riddle.
But that’s all quibbles. The idea that the world is wrong has always been a potent one on this show, and season two has drifted from it just a tiny bit. I’m glad it had such centrality here, and even if I’m not sure why Maeve and Akecheta are teaming up, I’m glad they are. Somebody has to stop the Deathbringer. We’ve only got two episodes left, Aja, so where do you think all of this is headed? And is there any way to redeem my onetime favorite Dolores?
Aja: I think if we keep thinking about the mythology of Westworld, we end up where we started, enmeshed in cyclical pathways, probably with a giant inferno in the bargain, given how much fiery foreshadowing we’ve been treated to this season. Given where we seem to be headed — a giant cast reunion in the Valley Beyond — my speculation is that the question of Dolores’ redemption might be answered through the maze itself.
At this point, the only thing that could really redirect her course is to be faced with a direct threat that requires her to join forces, with the other hosts or the humans or both. And we know that at the center of every proper Grecian labyrinth is a proper Grecian minotaur. It seems to me that the best method to bar the way out of Westworld, introduce an escalated conflict for season three, and give Dolores a chance to redeem herself, is to unveil the bull at the center of the maze in the final act — whether it’s Ford 2.0 or something new.
Of course, this could also be a feeble attempt on my part to play Westworld’s game of catering to its subreddit. I hope not, because the lovely thing about an episode like this one is that its emphasis on character development reminds us that the emotional and socially conscious core of Westworld is much more rewarding than the endless gamification of its story about gamification.
Season two has been steadily leading us toward an intersectional awareness of systems of oppression, in which we see characters like Akecheta — and Lee, whose abrupt tearful apology to Maeve I didn’t wholly buy, but which seemed in keeping with the episode’s theme — becoming aware that their problems aren’t solely their own.
That intersectionality is almost certainly going to end up manifesting physically in the final episode. Whether Dolores gets on board or not, it seems fitting if, ultimately, we learn that the only way out for the characters we’ve met along the way is to wage an even bigger power struggle against a monster yet unseen.
Original Source -> “Kiksuya” is Westworld season 2’s best episode so far
via The Conservative Brief
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katarinaphang-blog · 7 years
Why Do You Choose A Harder Path With Men?
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What is the appeal of a harder path in life?  Why do a lot of women choose this route when it comes to men?
I receive this kind of email a lot:  “Please help, Kat.  I have a rotation but I really want this man.   None of these other men compares.  I must have him.  I want him to know me better and I want to know him better.”
Or “I know he’s married but I really want to be with him.”
Or “I know he’s not ready because he’s just out of a divorce but I am so attracted to him and I’ve never felt this way about any man in my life before.”
And I usually respond with “You know what the facts are and yet you still set yourself to heartache by choosing a harder path by clinging to an elusive man.  Why?”
Yes, ask yourself why, seriously. (Be a high value woman by embracing these 7 traits)
Wanting what you can’t have is ignorance.  Doing things that make you unhappy -that aren’t easy for you (apart from going to the gym)- is ignorance.  This is a path filled with resistance.  Resistance is misery.  Ignorance leads to misery.
Where does this ignorance come from?
False view or belief.  It’s the view that someone can fulfill your dreams and desire and they’re the one-way ticket to bliss.  It’s the belief that when you get validated by your object of obsession’s approval, everything will be right in the universe.  Right now, the universe isn’t quite right yet but it will be once you get him.
And of course the very mindset is why the universe is never quite right.  Even by sheer chance that you succeed in getting him, you will soon find things about him that are very upsetting to you because he’s still the fountain of your emotional well-being.  You are projecting your ideas and fantasy of a holy grail of a relationship on a mere mortal.  How many couples divorce after a passionate love affair in the beginning?  And didn’t you just divorce your ex yourself?
Newness doesn’t make him “IT.”  Newness is why you can’t see beyond now other than the projection of your craving mind.  The craving is the problem.  Like a sugar rush, it’s very comforting to indulge in it for a while till you crash.  And this man will eventually disappoint you as well like other men before him.
So you are creating this misery yourself.  A lot of these issues aren’t really issues had you been wise enough to let go when the “going gets tough.”  Or it would never get tough to begin with had you been hanging on loosely.  Instead you keep investing, keep obsessing, keep projecting and you are sucked in deeper and deeper in the melodrama your craving mind creates.
You’re playing out the movie you create in your head because you are unconscious.
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Right now I’m in the middle of Feminine Magnetism of group coaching
We have just finished Module 1 Journey Inward and will start with Module 2 Understanding Men and Four Components of Melting His Heart (you can sign up here).  In Module 1 we discuss a lot of aspects of the craving mind and how it creates our reality and suffering.
When you suffer emotionally it’s because you are trapped in the egoic consciousness.  Egoic consciousness is marked with grasping and aversion.  You grasp when you have contact with pleasure or pleasurable sensations.  You want more of it.  You want it to stay the same.  You want to repeat it day in day out.  You are attached.
You avert/resist when you have contact with pain or unpleasurable sensations.  You are trying to escape.  You want it to change it right here right now.  The tension between the two -between chasing and running away from/resisting- renders you restless.  You never feel at home.  The universe is only right momentarily before it goes back to a state of complete dissatisfaction in no time.
Through the seeing of the mechanics of attachment you will understand why you suffer unnecessarily.
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The only way out of that predicament is, naturally, to get out of that very restrictive mode of consciousness by expanding it.  How do you expand your consciousness?  How do we evolve toward cosmic consciousness?
By practicing awareness.  By being mindful of any movement in your inner space.  By removing the blinders.  By demolishing the false idea of the self.  By expanding your conception of self so you include everyone and the entire cosmos in it.
Meditation is how you practice awareness.  Meditation has been documented to cause changes in the brain.  Meditation gives you “whole brain synchronization.”
Your brain has two hemispheres, left and right. Left hemisphere thinking is logical, practical and mathematical. Right hemisphere thinking is non-linear, intuitive, abstract, big-picture focused, and creative.  
Can you guess which brain-half is dominant for you?
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Numerous studies have shown that humanity’s greatest thinkers, inventors, artists, and scientists use both brain hemispheres together, in unison.
Meditation has been scientifically proven to synchronize your left and right brain, allowing extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric thought communication, neural chemistry, and intellectual processing power.
Its true, meditation super-charges your brain!  
By destroying the illusory sense of separation.  The mental chatters (your stories) are what create this separation.  You call them culture, values, political view, religious belief or whatnot.  They are just conglomeration of thoughts.  People kill thanks to those thoughts.  They create enemies with those thoughts.  Look at the world over -at our terror plagued societies-, majority of people are still trapped in this level of consciousness (see Ken Wilber chart above: amber and lower).
When you know how to turn down the volume of your mental chatters, you feel natural connection with the cosmos.  That is your True Self.
So the very purpose of this program is to usher you to a higher level of consciousness that allows you to see things as they are.  You can only see your issues objectively when you can rise above them.  You can’t see when you are in the middle of them.
Expanded consciousness will allow you 360° vantage point that allows you to see from  every angle. it's like you can see relationships between things and connections from one spot to the next when you are standing on an elevated ground.
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“Problems can’t be solved from the level of consciousness that created them.” ~Albert Einstein
Thanks to that you will become 100 times more functional and effective human being.  You will accomplish more by struggling less. You will be happier and more peaceful.  Life is way easier for you cause you have a 20/20 vision.  It’s magical place to be.  It’s a totally different world.
You will learn how to be vulnerable and authentic.  You can be yourself moment to moment cause you accept yourself without judgment. You are moderate and well-rounded.  You have owned your shadow so you are no longer a reactive ball of nerves.   You become less and less judgmental.  You are at peace with yourself and with the world.
Here are some clear signs that  you have cosmic concuoisness :
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1. You have much fewer lingering I-thoughts.   If you are aware you will notice some sort of tension and resistance when you are lost in thoughts about I-me-mine.  That is the very definition of the ego.  Ego is none other than movement of the mind that runs toward object of obsession/desire (clinging, grasping) and resist pain (aversion).  When you’re totally in the moment you are not in the I-thought mode.  There is no I in total attention of and merge with the moment.  Remember, I think therefore I am.  No thought, no “I.”
The dropping away of fear as the self is dropping away.  You don’t have the anxiety and fear most people have anymore: fear of the unknown, fear of some imagined future event, fear of not being good enough, fear of failing, etc.  The self lives in psychological time. You no longer live in the psychological time of the past and the future.  Psychological time leads to fear and sorrow.
You don’t cling and dwell on any particular thought anymore.  Nothing has the same meaning anymore.  A lot of times you just don’t want to think.  If you do think it comes and goes without leaving any mark behind.  You’re like a teflon, nothing sticks anymore.  You’re light as a feather.
You feel rather than think more.  When thinking is put in its right place, it’s no longer domineering your inner realm.  As thinking recedes, feeling arises.  You feel directly without the influence of thoughts.  Thanks to that you have an acute intuition.  The paradox is….
Your emotions are mostly flat.  You no longer have the ups and downs of feelings most people have day to day.  You feel awed, amazed, touched, moved, compassionate, grateful and tranquil much more often than the opposites.  Your default emotion is serenity (calm and joy).
You have slowed down your mental process so much you can muster a conscious decision, more often than not, to continue on a passage of thought or abort it knowing first hand the nature of the thought (either willy-nilly futile thinking or creative thinking). You are able to do it cause there is a gap between you and your thoughts.  When you realize it is an interesting creative thought process you allow your mind to probe and explore as if you weren’t even involved in it.  In the old days, this is how prophets got their revelations.  This is how I transmit my insights to you all week to week with my classes.  You become a deliberate thinker.  You only think (which means continuing on a thought process) when you need and choose to like when you need to solve problems.  You become a sole master of your inner world.  You are king to your mind, not slave to it.  You are a powerful creator of your dream and reality.  You are the Seer cause your divine intelligence is activated when mundane thoughts recede to the background.
You are rarely triggered.  You become much less neurotic.  Being triggered is a sign of denying a certain part of ourselves because it’s so painful or shameful and as a defense mechanism we project that suppressed unclaimed part of us (our shadow) onto the person who triggers us.  Being triggered, thus, is a sign of being unconscious.
You are rarely stressed and never depressed.  You can see what most people aren’t privileged to see.  With that holistic understanding of the world and human nature you vibrate from a much higher frequency than most people.  You are the sort of person people come to seek counsel because your vantage point is so all-encompassing.
You don’t judge yourself, hence your lightness of being is a magnet to people and in turn it’s allowing others to alleviate their self-judgment and -in turn- their judgment of others. You like yourself, hence it’s easy for you to like others.  Judgment is when we assess a situation not coming from a place of acceptance but a belief that our way is the only way and we need to change others. That means you have that unclaimed side of you. Each time something evokes an emotional reaction in you, it’s an indication that you are fighting your shadow.  Hence, you can see that self-judgment goes hand in hand with judgment of others.  Self-acceptance goes hand in hand with acceptance of others.
The end of becoming.  You are no longer enslaved by impulses, drive, ambition and desire to become somebody that to most people are why they are anxious and unhappy.  You are fluid moment to moment not being ruled by an idea of a certain ideal self either now or in the future and you surrender to the flow of life with a mind filled with contentment and curiosity.
The end of sorrow.   The end of grasping and resistance is the end of sorrow.  The sorrow-free mind is a instrument of life.  It surrenders to the flow of life.
“Great seers have always told us to acquire experience. They have said that experience gives us understanding. But it is only the innocent mind, the mind unclouded by experience, totally free from the past; it is only such a mind that can perceive what is reality. If you see the truth of that, if you perceive it for a split second, you will know the extraordinary clarity of a mind that is innocent. This means the falling away of all the encrustations of memory, which is the discarding of the past. But to perceive it, there can be no question of ‘how.’ Your mind must not be distracted by the ‘how’, by the desire for an answer. Such a mind is not an attentive mind. As I said earlier in this talk, in the beginning is the end. In the beginning is the seed of the ending of that which we call sorrow. The ending of sorrow is realized in sorrow itself, not away from sorrow. To move away from sorrow is merely to find an answer, a conclusion, an escape; but sorrow continues. Whereas, if you give it your complete attention, which is to be attentive with your whole being, then you will see that there is an immediate perception in which no time is involved, in which there is no effort, no conflict; and it is this immediate perception, this choiceless awareness that puts an end to sorrow.” ~Krishnamurti
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It’s what equanimity is all about and it’s the culmination of this program.  Equanimity equals freedom.  It’s liberation from duality, from grasping and aversion.  You are one with what is because you accept yourself moment to moment.  “What is” is however you are moment to moment.  You are at peace with it.
You are not separate from what is and the rest of the world.
By focusing on your personal evolution you contribute so much to the evolution of all mankind.  This is what this world needs today, more than ever.  Only evolution of consciousness will guarantee our survival as a species.  We can do this together.
You can now own the entire 11 classes of Module 1 Journey Inward here.  This is going to be an investment that will change your life forever.   It works much faster and way cheaper than traditional therapy.  Not only you’re going to be a total goddess in your relationship with your man but you will also become an agent of change.  You’ll be at the leading edge of the evolution of consciousness.
Want to learn more about this very fascinating subject of expansion of consciousness and melt his heart in the process?  Here’s the most affordable way:
by working with me face to face in a very relaxed, fun and intimate setting in my own home!
 And you will get some of the coaching programs I mention here as bonuses as well so you can start listening to them before coming to the weekend getaway.  I promise you it’ll be one of the most worthwhile investments you’ll ever make in your life.  Your life will turn upside down for the better after the retreat if you practice all the skills I teach there.
MORE: What If I Tell You That The Only Way To Get Him Is To Let Him Go?
Have you read my book yet?  If not grab it here because you will learn so much about a lot of things that haven’t worked for you in your love life and how to fix them.  I have just added a new bonus teleclass you don’t want to miss: “How Feminine Magnetism Is The Solution to Every Relationship Problem You Have.”
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