#and i think it’s easier for me to limit my time playing when it’s something like touhou where i can do a full run or two
ahhhhh i’m so fucking close to getting the IN 1cc but Reisen keeps wearing me down to where i can’t clear Kaguya but the last two runs i’ve had have made it to her final spell (i can only do about 1 or 2 runs a day cuz the malice cannon puts a lot of strain on my wrist) and in all honesty i probably shoulda beat it the last time my first 3 stages were the best they’d ever been and i sightread Keine’s Last Spell but stage 4 was p rough for me but that was my fault for streaming and talking and not paying attention. reimu’s like danmaku barrier is definitely like a top 3 spellcard for me along w okuu’s final spell because it’s just so much fun and a really cool concept i think anyways goodnight
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heywriters · 12 days
Details That Convey Intimacy
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Developing fictional relationships that feel authentic takes more than dialogue and grand gestures. All of details below can be used to show platonic, familial, agape, or romantic love depending on context.
cooking a meal for someone, bringing them food, or spontaneously sharing a snack
sharing body heat/warming someone with outerwear like jackets and scarves
fanning them with something if overheated
getting a cold/hot drink for them
offering to carry something, whether it's heavy or just a jacket, to lighten someone's load or free up their hands
changing the subject of a group conversation that will be personally discomforting to someone in the group
making sure to include someone in a group conversation, especially if it's a topic they know they have experience with
waiting for someone to catch up when the rest of the group has walked ahead
remembering someone's food preferences ahead of time when preparing/ordering food
planning trips, whether in a pair or as a group, that provide something positive for everyone to enjoy
procuring personal healthcare items like sunscreen, moisturizer, lip balm, or pain relievers and keeping them on hand for that friend who frequently needs them
making room for someone in a crowded vehicle or on public transit
making room for someone under an awning or in another limited space to help them avoid bad weather
warning or wordlessly covering for someone with a wardrobe/cosmetic malfunction
remembering a small luxury someone mentioned they enjoy, and getting it for them the next time it's in their power to do so
running an errand for someone to make their day easier ('importance of errand : depth of relationship' ratio should be explored)
escorting someone to safety in a sudden unsettling event
escorting someone who is drunk, sick, infirm, injured, or emotionally compromised
asking if light, noise, or other sensory factors are bothering someone and taking steps to make them more comfortable
getting gag gifts for someone to show you reciprocate their sense of humor or quirky self-expression (not everyone does this, not everyone appreciates it, and some people predominantly express love through humor and gag gifts; works well with some characters more than others)
holding someone's hand or arm as reassurance, especially when they are afraid*
using their body to block someone from wind, rain, or heat
picking up a dropped item, or carrying a train or other dragging garment for someone else
returning a recognizable possession to someone who may have lost it
This is an inexhaustible list as humans have many ways of showing love for each other. If you are writing spec fic with non-human characters, you can play with variations on these by remembering three core values the "lover" has to consider:
physical comfort of others
emotional comfort of others
social reputation of others
I'd add "sensory comfort" though I think it's tied to physical and emotional comfort.
Please do not try and force any of these into the mold of the misogyny-based "Love Language" trend. Human emotions and expressions of love are diverse and endless.
*While hand holding can be construed as romantic, in reality it varies. Some cultures do not see this as romantic, and some individuals only mean it as a sign of support or compassion. Same goes for long embraces and kissing, both can be done platonically and of course naturally between close family members or friends.
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radioactive-mouse · 7 months
i keep thinking about like. how the brutality levels vary between seasons and how secret life is the natural culmination of everything these people have been through and the watchers pushing everything to extremes. i’m going to try to articulate how crazy this makes me
3rd Life: god. 3rd life was a clear cut war. we haven’t seen a season since where nearly everyone has such an intense devotion to their chosen faction. the fact that there’s no precedent that they’re coming back next season, the fact that as far as they know, dying means staying dead, makes just how much they’re willing to go down with the ship that much more heartbreaking. grian ended the season exactly how it was played by damn near everyone else— i love you, i would do anything for you, i would rather die than keep going without you. the season of widows.
Last Life: and then they come back. and then ending things isn’t an option. and all of a sudden it’s not a war, it’s a death match, and damn is the competition is vicious. deaths are more often than not a vague, impersonal thing— not get away from my king, my husband, my charge— just the flash of a knife and a quick sorry, just playing the game! if 3rd life told you to hold the ones you love close, defend them to your last breath, last life urges you to burn that love out of your chest entirely.
Double Life: but everything slows down eventually. no more dying for the one you love— just learning to live with them. double life is about knowing that when you die, you will go together, hand and hand into the dark. a soap opera, the players joke. a small kindness, the universe replies. again, pearl wins the same way everyone else lost— no, not yet, please, just give us a little longer together, i’m not ready, i’m so sorry—
Limited Life: but the clock, unyielding, ticks ever onward. and god, everyone is starting to feel it. that sick, nauseating feeling of dread creeping up on them: what if it never ends? what if this is it, this is all that’s left for us— tearing each other apart over and over and over again, and for what? for a show? to feed those hungry things lurking in the dark? we’ll give them a show. bombs rain from the sky, the world shaking under the weight of it. there isn’t a thing left by the end that’s not rubble. we’re all doomed! the players cry, laughing with nothing but nihilistic, unrestrained joy. none of it matters! we come back again, and again, and again, have a little fun with it! light the fuse, collateral be damned. when death means so little, what’s the point in pretending they don’t take a little joy in it? we settle this like grian and scar before us, scott jokes, armor and weapons tossed to the side. are you insane? martyn thinks, remembering the hollow look that would wash over grian’s face when he thought no one was watching. it ruined him. it will not ruin me. this is a death match for a reason.
Secret Life: and here it is. the natural conclusion. this season is candy colored, the map dotted with cute pink houses and silly builds, the players all running around doing these ridiculous tasks. it’s so easy to forget how bloody this season was. unclosing wounds, bruises that don’t fade, the sting of fire or falling from a simple misstep. the hurt never goes away, but it gets easier to ignore— distract yourself with something silly to pass the time: spyglasses and frogs and the ugliest house you’ve ever seen and matching leather jackets and the doghouse and the relationSHIP and a weird tunnel full of doors and secret soulmates and god it’s almost, almost, enough to forget how much it all aches, how much the grief weighs on you, how many times someone you love has died, sometimes to your own blade. almost none of the grudges you hold are real by now, not really. not when you’re going to live and die with these people for as long as the hungry, many-eyed things delight in your suffering. you love each other, in the strangest way— sure you’ve all killed and betrayed each other in a thousand different ways, but at the end of the day, they’re all you have. clinging to each other in the face of the vast, unknowable horrors that drive you to slash each other to pieces. it’s still a game, after all. they’ve gotta figure out how to be good sports about it eventually.
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coralinnii · 6 months
Hi! I saw that you were opening your requests for the next day or so to celebrate getting 2.7k followers! First off, I wanna say congratulations, and may you have a good day/night (almost wrote 'not' lol)!
Anyways, I read your rules, and wondered if I could get a fic with Leona, Vil, Malleus, and Lilia being in a relationship with a Venti! Reader? Essentially, Venti is a Genshin Impact character who plays the lyre, controls the wind, and has a playful personality.
‧₊˚✧ As Free as the Wind ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Twst guys with a Venti!reader 
feat: Leona ❋ Vil ❋ Malleus ❋ Lilia  genre: humor, mild fluff note: no pronouns were used with the reader, Venti!reader is of legal age to drink, no spoilers regarding the Genshin Impact storyline, minor spoilers for TWST Book 7
Thank you reading my rules, always appreciate the extra effort people make! I deeply apologize for how late I am with this, but I hope you enjoy the post. Hopefully I captured Venti's personality well enough >_<'
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Ooff, did he first thought you were a pain in his tail. 
Loud, cheeky, no fear of disturbing anyone for entertainment or favors… at least Ruggie has the decency to be useful. 
He scoffed when you smile and act as if he can’t sense a dangerous well of power within you, the playful persona you present may fool a common man but not Leona.  
He’ll play your game though. There’s no benefit to him to pry into your secrets. He finds this side of you, the one that would play a soft ballad for him for some booze money, much easier to deal with. 
This is a strange relationship, but Leona can respect someone strong and most of all, doesn't tell him what to do. You believe in free will and freedom above else, which Leona appreciates. 
“The concept of one king ruling over all... I can’t say I’m too interested in a land like that.” 
Leona laughed at your boldness. With you, there’s no sense about stuffy responsibilities and obligations. 
There are sweet days where you and Leona would spend the day in the greenhouse, Leona sleeping soundly as you play your lyre while humming your new poems, the wind carrying your melodic voice. 
“Huh, do you have a song for me? Hah, what do you want from me this time? Fine, I’ll let you play.”
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Vil immediately clocked something powerful about you, your nonchalant persona is good, but you cannot fool a seasoned actor like him. 
No matter, though. Vil has no interest in delving into someone’s past like that. Vil assumes that if you must act so easy-going yet private about yourself, then he won’t pry into such things. One must have reasons, he supposed. 
However, Vil cannot let go of your pension for the “occasional” drink or two. Vil doesn’t care that you are older than your appearance suggest, alcohol impacts your body and health as you age so he rather you limit that little habit of yours. 
“Come now, Vil. Another bottle wouldn’t hurt~” 
“Hmmph, you don’t have to worry much about yourself when you’re drunk but I most certainly do, especially when you come to me reeking of wine.”
But you always managed to quell his anger by singing ballads and poems about your wonderful beloved Vil. That always lifts the Housewarden’s mood and you end up with a mere reprimanding. Hehe.
Vil will not, however, forgive you so easily if you get too mischievous with him. The beautiful man can respect your talent with wind and currents, but he doesn’t appreciate the gust you would conjure up if it messes up Vil’s appearance too much. 
“Don’t even think about running away from me. I know you were behind the sudden rush of wind, my mischievous one. Acting cute or sweet words is not going to work this time.”
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However youthful you may appear, Malleus can sense an old soul within you which feels familiar and powerful. 
Malleus is often surprised by you, for your playful and bold nature while handling the wild winds as skillfully as you hold the lyre. You bear similarities to a certain someone that he can’t help but respect you and hold you to a higher regard than any typical being. 
Malleus doesn’t hate that easygoing personality of yours. On the contrary, he enjoys that spontaneous side of yours as you suggest the strangest of ideas to a powerful figure such as him. 
“Let's go jumping in puddles and see who can make the biggest splash!“
You are a sociable being, making friends so easily that it baffles the young fae. A few cute words from you and it was suddenly so easy to lower one’s guard around you. 
However, when you’re alone and don’t realize his presence, Malleus catches that gleam of loneliness in your eyes as you gaze from your tall resting spot. A look that Malleus feels a kinship with you in that regard.
”You would like to take a stroll with me tonight? Oh, a race in the sky, you say? Very well, but don't be conceited enough to believe I’m so easily bested.”
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Dear Sevens, why would you ever let these two chaotic gremlins be in the same vicinity? Do you know no mercy for others?  
The two of you would hit it off so well, it’s almost concerning. Lilia finds you a delight to be around, almost a kindred spirit even. 
“So, you also took care of a dragon long ago.” 
“Yeap, but he sorta became a nation-wide threat when I decided to leave and go off on my own.” 
“Ah yes, those things do tend to happen.” 
(if you can’t tell who’s saying what, that really speaks to how similar a coincidence that was)
Jamming sessions ALL. THE. TIME. The campus has not known a single moment of rest as you display your musical talents in the courtyard while Lilia encourages you all the way, occasionally playing along with an instrument of his own.
Lilia is fascinated by your lyrical retellings of your world and would love to visit this kingdom that values freedom among all else, and of this dandelion wine you speak so lovingly about.
As a man with his own… history, Lilia isn’t the type to ask too much about you if he sees you dodging the question. He can recognize that familiar look of longing and loss, so Lilia doesn’t press further and instead indulge with you in one more glass of bittersweet wine. 
“What tales do you have to regale for tonight? I’m always captivated by these grand adventures of yours, it’s almost tempting for this old soul of mine, hehe.”
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
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Antiquated Brindleton
An 1890s Decades Challenge Save File
This save has been almost a year in the making, but it's finally here! It includes a completely rebuilt Brindleton Bay inspired by historic New England towns and set in the 1890s. This save uses a light amount of historical cc and most of the packs.
Download and details under the cut:
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Eight new residential lots
Seven new community lots
Six new households
Builds and households are all located in Brindleton Bay. The world is intended to be historically accurate to about 1890, though some liberties for functionality have been taken.
Builds in other worlds have been deleted. The necessary buildings, like dorms, active career lots, and the high school, have all been left in place.
Townies have been evicted, but not deleted, as I prefer EA townies to fully randomized townies.
If you’d like more period appropriate townies to add, the lovely @jewishsimming has some great historical ones to download and @cowplant-snacks has an amazing tutorial on how to manage your townies with MCCC.
REQUIREMENTS: I have all the packs except Batuu and some of the kits. I didn’t limit myself when building. I don’t have everything listed out here, but I will be uploading all the lots and households to my gallery, so if you’d like to know specific pack usage you’ll be able to check there. If you load in and things are replaced or missing and you think it looks obvious feel free to message me, I’m always happy to try to help you find something else that fits! This save includes historical CC, some is included in my download in folders and some you will need to download from the creators directly. The CC required is listed and linked below, you need to download these linked pieces in ADDITION to the included cc folders.
CC To Download:
Cottage Kitchen Stuff Pack
1840s Suspenders Outfit
1900s Male Hunting Fashion
1920s Nightgown
Piteous Outfit
Sylas Fashion Set
Wilbur Outfit
Medieval Nightgown Della
Functional Tennis Set
Antique Standing Camera
Creators Whose CC I Included:
@ameyasims (Better Than a Bush Outhouse, Victorian Swimwear)
@buzzardly28 (Multiple women’s hairs)
@chereindolente (Sacco Chore Coat, Edwardian Child Clothes)
@gilded-ghosts (Boudoir Belle, Victorian Visions, New Woman)
@jewishsimming (Off The Grid Objects, CAS items)
@linzlu (Assorted CAS and BB items)
@the-melancholy-maiden (Victorian Hair and Hat)
@nolan-sims (Potbelly Stove Set)
@pandorasimbox (Get To Church Pack, Azariah’s Sack Suit, Antique Slipper Tub, Heirloom Silhouette Portraits)
@peacemaker-ic (Simple Siding Wall Set, Luxurious Single Bedding V2)
@plumbobteasociety (Some BB and CAS items from the Cottage Garden Pack, HSL Happy Birthday Set)
@twentiethcenturysims (Langtree Hair, Historical High Chair, Quilts for Kids)
@waxesnostalgic (Sportswear Separates, Peterpan Bodysuit)
Thank you to all of these wonderful creators, your historical cc creations make this game a million times better to play and I appreciate all of you so very much. Recommended but not required mods:
Timeless by @pandorasimbox
Default Map Replacements by Deshayan (if you’d like your map to look like mine does in the preview)
Victorian NPC Replacements and Llama Scouts Historical Replacements by @cowplant-snacks
Home Regions by Kuttoe
DOWNLOAD: There are five zipped folders to download, four of which contain included cc, and one which includes the save itself.
Download the "AB_SaveFile" folder, unzip it and simply move the file inside to your saves folder inside your Sims 4 folder (where your mods folder is located).
The included cc is in four folders (to allow for easier upload/download) for build, buy, clothing, and hair. Simply download the folders, unzip them, and place them in your mods folder.
After this you should be good to load up your game and get playing, let me know if you run into any issues, I'm happy to try to troubleshoot. SFS | Google Drive THANK YOU: To all my amazing testers: @epistolarysims @aheathen-conceivably @cowplant-snacks and especially @simadelics who edited my household and build descriptions.
If you use this save file, please tag me in any photos you take, I want to see them all!! This save has been my baby for so very long and I cannot wait to see what you all do with it!
@maxismatchccworldrld @mmoutfittersters
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wileys-russo · 6 months
hihi idk if youre taking requests but i had an idea for leah kinda inspired by sockgate (💀)
so basically r plays for arsenal and theyre having kit photoshoots but the kit person accidentally forgot r’s (obviously the photoshoot isnt in colney) so she has to wear leah’s kit because r’s number is 5 and leah’s is 6 so it would be easier to edit and change the number like on the shorts (just say they didnt take any photos of her back because it would be too hard to change the name or something) ANYWAY leah is eating it up seeing r in her kit (especially if it’s like kind of big on her)
and then idk how you want to end it but maybe after the edited pictures are posted, leah cant help herself and also posts the original ones where you can see it’s her kit or something
love your writing <3
the sockgate trauma...never again the new number 6 II l.williamson
"leah catherine if you make us late again you're sleeping on the sofa tonight!" you yelled out impatiently, checking the time and rolling your eyes. "two minutes babe!" your girlfriend called back as you groaned in disbelief.
"they're dressing us and doing hair and makeup there leah, what is taking you so long?" you dropped your bag to the ground and stomped off to the bedroom. "no don't come in i'm-" you pushed open the door and your eyes widened at the sight in front of you.
"tell me that you are not doing a soduku right now." you spoke deathly calm, eyes locked with hers and narrowing. "would that make you feel better?" leah questioned with a charming smile, sat on the corner of the bed.
but the tinkling of her game gave it away as your eye twitched slightly and leah laughed nervously. "leah, i will be waiting in the car. if you do not join me in exactly two minutes, that thing you've been wanting to do?" you stated as leah nodded along.
"you can do it to yourself and this-" you gestured to your body. "-will be off limits, for a week." you warned seriously as leah scoffed and went to speak.
"a whole week williamson, shift it!" you cut her off sternly, turning on heel and marching out of the bedroom hearing your girlfriend trip over with a curse in her haste to hurry.
"ah fuck." you heard a thump and before you could even open the car door leah was skidding to your side, grabbing it for you. "after you darling." she grinned as you hummed and slid inside, tossing your bag in the back as she hurried around to her side.
"babe why aren't you dressed?" leah frowned as she returned to the change rooms, having finished with her own media promotion and asked to let you know they were ready for you now.
"they didn't bring my kit. there was a typo on the schedule and they thought less was coming so they've got 23 and not 5." you sighed in explanation as your girlfriend took a seat beside you.
"they just told me to wear your kit, 6 is easier to photoshop to 5 since its one number and not two like 23 is." you shrugged as leahs eyebrows shot upward. "leah." you sighed tiredly at the familiar look which settled on her face as she sat down beside you.
"be an adult and go change, now please." you ducked away from her arm which attempted to slip over your shoulders, standing up and crossing your arms across your chest. "have i ever told you just how sexy you look when you're pissed with me?" leah sighed with a dopey smile.
"yes. you make a point to remind me every time you grovel after you've pissed me off!" you threw a towel at her head and sat back down at your cubby. "no, go change baby." your foot shot up to press against her as she stood and attempted to get closer.
"reminds me of a different position baby, one i quite like." leah grinned wolfishly as she pulled your leg to sit on top of her shoulder and kissed your ankle with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"you already made me late once this morning and you're doing it again. go and change leah please!" you groaned pulling your leg back and sending her a stern look.
"i know you think this is going to work but this whole annoyed look-" leah wiggled her fingers at you "-is just making it all the more harder to leave you." leah smirked as you rolled your eyes and exhaled deeply.
"alright alright! i'm going. a girl knows where she isn't wanted!" leah spoke dramatically clutching at her chest, ducking down and stealing a kiss. "unless you'd like me to just change here and we can-" leah started to suggest but a dead panned glare had her grabbing her bag and hurrying away toward the showers.
"here you go then sunshine." a bundle of clothes hit you square in the face as you'd started to daydream only a few moments later, leah changed back into the clothes she'd arrived in.
"you are so-" you stopped yourself, leah sending you a smirk and sitting down on the bench. "eyes and hands inside the ride at all times williamson, i'm on a schedule." you warned as you started to strip off and change, feeling your girlfriends gaze locked onto you.
"leah!" you huffed as you pulled her shirt down over your head and her hand smacked against your ass. "what? it slipped babe." leah shrugged with an innocent smile as you rolled your eyes and pulled on her shorts having to roll the waistband a little so they didn't hang so low, already having your boots and socks on.
"wait! you're missing something." leah shot to her feet as you fixed your hair and turned to leave, pausing with a raised eyebrow. your lips couldn't help but curl into a small smile as leahs own pressed sweetly against them.
"sap." you teased, pecking her lips a few more times before heading out of the change rooms hearing her follow after you. "behave leah." you warned seriously as she held up her hands with a wink and you pushed your way into the media room.
"well well well if it isn't our newest number six!" beth teased as she finished up and immediately noticed that you weren't in your own number. "call me vice captain." you grinned, hugging her as you swapped positions and she spoke briefly with your girlfriend before leaving the room.
"so we're mostly shooting graphics for the screens and the lineups today, some celebrations, some serious shots. we'll do everything forward facing since there was some...issues, sorry about that again." jessica the marketing and media admin smiled apologetically.
"you're just lucky i was around to save the day jess." leah chimed in as jess shot her a playful glare and stepped back, calling out a few poses as the photographer snapped away and you moved between the different backdrops.
much as you tried your hardest to stay focused there was no avoiding the shit eating grin plastered on your girlfriends face as she sat back with arms crossed, eyes laser focused on your every move.
leah wasn't shy about how much she adored you, that was given by the constant teasings of the pining looks she threw your way during trainings or the not to subtle kisses she stole what felt like every few minutes.
leah was even less shy about how much she adored the sight of you in her clothes. early on in the relationship she did find it somewhat frustrating how you'd sneak off with her hoodies or shirts or pants hidden away in your overnight bag.
but seeing you wander around colney with what leah knew was her nike hoodie covering your top half had something stirring in her stomach she couldn't ignore.
your girlfriend by nature could be possessive, though most times it never came from jealousy knowing you were just as much as infatuated with her as she was with you, but rather that solidifying assurance that you were hers.
so as she sat there seeing you take picture after picture wearing her name, number and jersey leah was grinning ear to ear and there wasn't much which could be said to wipe it off.
"all good?" you questioned once it seemed things were wrapped up, sending both him and jess a thumbs up and stepping away, boots clacking against the hard cement floor and shaking your head at the look on leahs face.
"don't say it." you warned, snatching your jacket out of her hands and making a beeline out of the room as she hurried to follow you. "leah!" you laughed as she caught up and grabbed your hand, pushing you against a wall.
"you're like a horny teenager." you chuckled against her lips which immediately ravaged yours, her hands gripping your hips as you cupped her face and deepened the kiss.
"baby girl you know what it does to me to see you in my clothes, let alone wearing my last name on your back." leah pulled away and shook her head, making a mind blown gesture with her hands causing you to laugh again and shove her.
"we're at work miss williamson, be professional." you booped her nose and darted away as leahs kiss met thin air and she watched you dissapear into the change rooms.
"oh but miss williamson all my thoughts right now are strictly unprofessional." leah sang out happily with a cheeky grin as you shook your head. "no ring, no wife." you patted her cheek and held up your empty hand causing leah to now shake her head.
"oh no no no, no need to change my girl." leah swiftly grabbed your bag, stuffing your clothes back in and slinging it over her shoulder, holding out her hand for you to take with a sly smile.
"its time for me to make our new number six feel very very very welcome."
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Calling all fanfiction Readers it's time to have your say.
Hi Fanfiction Readers
My name is Tamsin and I am a PhD student, fellow lurker and fanfiction reader. I am conducting a study into the role that fanfiction plays in the lives of those fans who read fanfiction as part of their everyday lives. Does your search history include the tags related to found family, irondad or batbad for example, then I am interested in talking to you. If you would like to take part in discussions around these tags with a fellow reader and lurkers of these tags within A03 please message me. 
Taking part in this research is a chance for you to share your own experience of fanfiction and what it means to you, while also highlighting that lurkers do still have a voice and an important part to play within fandom research. 
Below the cut is more information about this study and what it involves. Please read this if you would like more information before getting in touch. If you are unable to take part please can you reblog this post or share it to anyone you feel might wish to take part. 
Why have I been chosen?
I have deliberately chosen lurkers within fanfiction communities as the messages they take from and their reasons for reading fanfiction are under researched. Although you may not be a lurker in all fandoms you are involved in, the fact that you are a lurker within any fanfiction spaces make you the ideal candidate from this exploration into lurkers and their relationships with fanfiction, fanfictions online spaces and fandom communities. 
I would also like to emphasise that I require all participants to be over the age of 18 to take part in this study. If you are under 18 please let me know now. 
What does taking part mean?
By agreeing to take part in this study you are agreeing to record a diary of your fanfiction use and reasons for this usage within a discord chat. There is no limit for entries and I ask that the minimum response is once every two weeks. However, this project is aiming to work around your life and commitments and if you do miss a couple of weeks do not panic. Just start sending entries or replying to prompts again when you are able to. If I have not heard from you in a month I will send a message which will read:
Hi. I hope you are doing well. I am just sending a message to check in and to double check if you wish to continue taking part in the study. If you are happy to still take part please send any form of response to this message. 
It is important to note that this response can be as limited as simply sending an emoji. If I do not receive a response after two weeks I will stop attempting to contact you. However this is not seen as a full withdrawal from the study and you are able to return at any time. I will also still use the discussions we have already had as part of my thesis. If you would like to withdraw fully from the study please let me or my supervisors know, with the process of how to do this explained below. 
These entries can take the form of voice notes, written responses and memes or tiktoks. Every two weeks I shall send a prompt to the chat that hosts the diary entries, these are intended to get you thinking about certain topics and do not have to be answered directly or even at all if the questions make you uncomfortable or touch on something you are unwilling to share. At the end of every month I will arrange a touch base interview (over google meet) which will last about an hour. This will be a chance to discuss anything that you find easier to discuss face to face, to review some of your diary entries and for me to answer any question you may have. While I will aim to have these interviews a month apart I do understand that life may get in the way. I am more than happy to be flexible and move interviews around or push them back/bring them forward depending on your schedules. 
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xxknockoutxx · 15 days
(this is just something to put out for fun but I take heavy inspiration from Glitched they're freaking amazing! I hope they are doing well ❤️‍🩹🥦)
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It was another day of sitting at home without a care in the world. Waiting for your husband to come home, this was the one day where you weren't working or out doing chores. The giant house that you and your pro hero husband inhabited was so intimidatingly big, that seeing the house so quiet and empty kinda scared you but in a good way. Like a really secured way.
It wasn't all that lonely I suppose with your husband texting you every once and in a while with memes or compliments or how much he misses you. He's gotten the hang of One for All and is the number 1 hero. All this sounds pretty good for you guys but it's not...
The stronger your hunk of a husband gets, the longer he'll be working and that means less time for you too. This was probably the 3rd day he'd been vacant from the house this week so you were tired of it. I mean who wouldn't be?
I'm just gonna have to make him forget work when he comes back. you thought. Sure it was a lot easier said than done but you are Y/-fuckin-N! Ain't nobody or nothing gonna stop you from getting what you want✨
*Bzzz* Your phone buzzes and you find out it's your husband.
🥦My hero🥦: Hey baby I got some good news! 😁
I'll be home either tonight or next morning! I can't wait to see my precious little Bunny💚
Your heart swelled as you read the text you eagerly texted him back showing your excitement before going back to brainstorming. Shit.... Now you're on a time limit. With little time you began thinking about a dinner; one with a huge table full of different foods and of course dessert but will that be enough for your busy husband to stay home?
Annoyed and stressed, you just focus on that one thing, preparing food. You walked into the kitchen and searched the full fridge for things to cook. thankfully you had the ingredients to try some viral recipe you saw on Pinterest.
After cooking and laying everything out on the table you decided to change into something more anticipating you changed into some tiny pajamas and black lingerie under it. Surely it would do something to him to see those thin, black and green panties.
"Bun! I'm home!" Your heart froze up before running to the front door and hugging and kissing the breath out of Izuku.
"baby! Hiii" "Hey bun... You look so....- He takes in the way that the shirt you were wearing hugs your curves. The way that it just barely shows the outline of your hardening nipples. —Good..."
"I made you a little sumthin-" You help him put his stuff down and drag him towards the kitchen. This food is gonna be so fucking good that he's gonna eat this and then eat me- wait.
As Izuku takes a seat and looks in awe at all the food on the table. After working 22 hour shifts for 3 days straight you get kinda hungry. He waited for you to be seated as you walked to the table with his plate of healthy servings.
"thank you so much, Bunny. I love you."
You smile and join him at the table, in your rightful chair or throne rather; Izuku's lap.
He begins to chow down on all of his food rather quickly, while spouting his compliments about you and the food. "Wow this is so good, Bun" and "You look so pretty today" and "Did you get all dolled up for me?"
At the end of the meal you carefully bring him upstairs and take off his hero gear. Making sure to be slow and to add a sway to your movements. At this point Izuku's eyes were lidded and he still had that same smile of adoration but it seemed almost suspecting.
You pushed him back on the bed and slowly took off the pajamas. (Deku merch obviously) Under it you had your dark green and black lingerie.
"wow.. you were ready for me, weren't you bun?"
He cups your cheek and pulls you onto his lap. You feel his warm, calloused hand touch your face as a familiar sensation of Izuku's bulge rubbing against your sweet spot.
You lean in for a kiss and start playing with the zipper on his hero suit pants. As you do he slips a hand on your waist and deepens the kiss while helping you loosen his pants and takes off his suit.
"lemme help you with that bun..."
✩.・*:。≻─────────── ⋆♡⋆ ───────────.•*:。✩
"F-fuck! Wait! Izu...." Of course after working for so long and so hard your husband is gonna be a little pent up. Not being able to come home to see his pretty, loyal wife. The only way to solve that? A fucking mating press. Nothing can compare to the satisfaction of a good fucking. Especially passionate, rough and deep sex.
I mean if you aren't screaming his name at the end is it even considered a good fucking? Clearly he isn't putting in enough effort if you give him a reaction that's anything less than a moan of his name, unintelligible mumbles, or praises. So he'll go for a couple hours. Maybe he'll be satisfied after a few positions, some breeding, and marking. Just to make sure you know you're his.
And right after he would take a shower with you cuddle with you and make sure you were at 100 percent and then only then would he go to sleep with you in his arms. An unbreakable grasp.
Then he'll do the same thing next week.
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81folklore · 11 months
older - CL16
pairings: charles leclerc x male!singer!reader (fc: luke hemmings)
summary: singer yn ln releases a love song with his boyfriend, and the public are not prepared for who it is about
authors note: this has been on my mind for SO LONG. i honestly dont like how many fics ive been doing on the same people (charles, lando etc) but whenever i go to start a new one on my list for someone else i think of something that i have to do😭 also in this reader is not a part of 5sos but close friends with the 3, wfttwtaf is readers album and older is exclusivly the readers song
authors note 2: i wanted to quickly clarify i am NOT speculating that charles or luke are gay/queer and this is not my intentions. luke obviously sings older and i find it easier to visualise it this way, while the reader in this is male, this could also be read as gn!reader. this is FICTION please do not tkae this as me speculating anything
authors note 3: i didnt really know what i was doing with this so its kind of all over the place and very rushed :/ but then again when arent my smau all over the place?? also can you tell i hate writing comments by the way i just dont😭
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liked by pierregasly, ashtonirwin and 818,937 others
we started this song together back in 2020 and picked it back up at the end of 2022
'Older' was originally a voice memo of a 50’s-style love song that we wrote together, then forgot about. when thinking of concepts for my debut album i stumbled across the memo and fell in love with it all over again, but i put it aside yet again as to me, it deserved more than the album
the song has changed a lot from the original voice memo, but the meaning has stayed the same throughout. despite all the beauty, the ups and downs of a long-term relationship over many years, there’s inevitably going to be the worst moment of your love because one of you is going to lose each other
capturing those feelings in a song was tricky but ultimately we wrote from the heart and i think it shows in the song itself
this has always been a song between us, so having him play on this song was very importnt to me and im glad he said yes
older is now yours
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liked by landonorris, calumhood and 1,727,338 others
im very pleased to announce a very special one off show at the Royal Albert Hall in London this November 18th. I will be playing a bunch of tracks from my debut album and may be joined to play some others aswell! Tickets on sale this monday at 10 am BST. Lots of love always, yn x
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liked by 5sos, charles_leclerc and 2,719,936 others
thank you for an incredible night at the royal albert hall
looking back at the best night of my life, i need to thank each and every one of you who allowed this dream to come true, i will never be able to thank you guys enough
performing in my dream venue, with my favorite people in the world was something i never thought was possible and yet here i am, writing this still on my high from last night
thank you to my friends; michael, ashton and calum who took the time to come to london and perform their songs with me, thank you for always loving me and agreeing to my crazy ideas
to my team and everyone who worked to make this night as special as it could be, thank you. thank you for making my htoughts a reality and making this night as wonderful as possible
thank you to the staff who worked throughout the show to make sure everyone was safe, well and looked after. you truly do not get as much credit as you deserve and i apreciate the hard work you put in to keep everyone happy
thank you to those who joined me, i wish each and every one of you who wanted to could have been there. thank you for singing along and listening to me pour my heart and soul into my music
thank you for letting me do this x
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user55: not the pcd hitting already☹️
user1: and im supposed to pretend i didnt see yn and 5sos perform os/co??
user50: i cant believe i saw this all happen live
ashtonirwin: thank you for everything yn. youre a real life angel
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, michaelclifford and 3,619,273 others
after having time to process this show, I feel so overcome with gratefulness. my music means so much to me and seeing so many people resonate with it in a live space was so special for me.
charlie, my life would literally fall apart without you and this would have never happened without you giving me the confidence to do so, i hold so much love and admiration for you
thank you for joining me on such a special night and performing our song with me, thank you for sticking with me through it all and thank you for allowing me to share this part of my life with you
i sometimes wonder where i would be if i didnt find you, if i wasnt blessed with your love. i try to think about the times before you, before us, but both feel impossible to do after feeling your love
life with you is so special and i promise to always cherish and love you
merci de m'avoir laissé vieillir avec toi, merci de m'avoir laissé t'adorer, merci de m'avoir choisi (thank you for letting me get old with you, thank you for letting me adore you, thank you for choosing me)
yn x
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc: mon ange, je t'aimerai toujours (my angel, I will always love you)
charles_leclerc: je suis tellement privilégiée d'être celle que tu aimes🤍🤍 (I'm so privileged to be the one you love)
yourusername: vieillir avec toi ne semble pas si effrayant🖤🖤 (growing old with you doesn't seem so scary)
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
"You know, I kind of get it now," Gem says to Impulse.
"What?" Impulse says. He's nervously playing with a frozen shard in his hands. Come on, Impulse, head into the dungeon, don't be shy, you can do it. Keep hyping yourself up, you didn't die horribly last time. Ugh, he wishes he were a little less into the game, or maybe more uncomplicatedly addicted, like Gem; it would make everything easier if he thought he could either just leave or play.
"I get it now!" Gem says. "Oh, stop debating if you'll go in like that, either do it or don't."
"I'm trying, Gem!"
"Yeah, but if you aren't gonna do it, I want a go."
"You used all your shards."
"In principle!" Gem says. "It's the principle! You wouldn't get it. You don't hang out here nearly as much as I do. You don't understand, understand the vibes." She sticks out her tongue at him for good measure.
"Well, inform me of the vibes, and maybe I'll work up the nerve," Impulse says.
"It's like--I get it now," she says. "When you were complaining earlier this season about Tango not going outside, I was like, aw man, you redstoners and your caves. I'm a sunshine girl. I like trees. And bloodshed."
"Don't see how those things are related but continue," Impulse says.
"I thought you were complaining because Tango is equally lame as you are about stuff like 'going outside' and 'talking to people who don't drag him into it'," Gem clarifies.
"I go outside!" Impulse says. "I go outside all the time! I ran a rebellion! I pranked you and Pearl! I yelled at Grian! I helped cover the perimeter! I have a whole island and a giant shop! I got a job with Scar! I even went through the Rift! I don't know what you want from me, here. It's not like I'm Tango. I did things that weren't my base from time to time."
"The lady doth protest too much," Gem says.
Impulse sighs. Gem laughs and hops into the air and squeezes herself into a gap between the walls near the entrance to the dungeon. Impulse has seen her in there a lot recently; it's almost like she's a gargoyle, or an inlaid relief for the dungeon. Weird thing to think about his friends, but--
"Besides," Gem continues. "Besides. I just said I get it now."
And something about that makes the hairs on Impulse's arm stand on-end.
"You get why we have to work so hard on circuit design?" Impulse asks hopefully.
"No, I don't get the redstone stuff, that's all still stupid nerd stuff," Gem says cheerfully.
"Jock," Impulse says.
Gem smirks meanly. "Script kiddie."
"Ow, that hurts. And it's not even true. Where did you even learn that one, you just admitted you hate that stuff!"
"Lady never tells her secrets," Gem says.
"Well, if you don't understand the redstone, what do you understand?" Impulse asks.
"Just--you really could stay in here forever, couldn't you? It'd be fun while you did it! I even built a tree and everything. Not much I have to leave for anymore, is there?"
Impulse swallows. Ah.
"Except when you run out of shards," he says, after a painful long several seconds in which there's a rock in his throat and he can't breathe and he has to try very hard to find an excuse to refute that.
"Yeah, except for that. Why did Tango have to go and limit how many times we can go in, huh? If I didn't get bored halfway through the week I think I could just move in!"
And Impulse--
Impulse thinks of Tango.
"Yeah," he says. He plays with the frozen shard in his hands. It feels very cold. "I wonder why."
"So? Are you gonna run or not? I want to mock you when you die," Gem says.
"...I might as well spend them all sooner rather than later," Impulse says, and he puts the shard in the barrel. His heart skips a beat as the door opens. Gem cheers. He shakes his whole body to shake off the conversation as he goes inside. It never does, after all, to try to run the dungeon while distracted.
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maxislvt · 10 months
I've been thinking so much about omega Wanda and alpha reader and I was thinking about omega Wanda buying alpha reader hoodies and stitching in her last name on the chest just to show that Reader is hers, it started off as just a small w.m on the sleeve but then it grew and moved to the left side of reader's chest where Wanda always places her hand when she leans in to give a little peck to reader throughout the day
warnings: omegaverse, nonsexual dominance, suggestive
i wrote this in like 2 hours
As much as you hated to admit it, your wardrobe needed upgrading. Before Wanda, you were all work and no play and your clothes reflected that. All the formal attire you had was bought at the last minute for missions and barely fit. All your lounge clothes were just workout clothes you felt comfortable to sleep in. You had four pairs of shoes and two of them were technically a part of your costume. 
It was only a matter of time before Wanda had to intervene. 
“Sweetheart, I understand that these clothes mean a lot to you but you have to get rid of something to make space for new stuff,” Wanda said. She was having a hard time getting through to you. Alphas were quite territorial and had a hard time letting go of their things. She understood why to a certain extent. These were the clothes your mother had given you when you were rescued. It wasn’t easy for Wanda to get rid of them either, but some of your clothes were barely holding together. “Look at this,” she gasped. “I can fit my head through this hole!” Wanda put the hoodie over her head to show the truth of her statement. 
You chuckled at the sight of Wanda. “Can’t you just patch it up? There’s no point in buying a new one if it does what it’s supposed to.” You simply shrugged when Wanda groaned. The need for new clothes wasn’t above you, but admittedly you didn’t know how to go shopping for clothes. “Look, I’ll get new clothes but I’m not going to just toss all of the stuff I got already.” You began putting your clothes back on the hanger. It was easier said than done considering Wanda kept snatching clothes away from you. Some of them you let go, but when it came to a particular leather jacket, you refused to let it go. “Nuhuh” — you pulled the jacket back towards you — “I’m keeping this one.” 
Wanda pulled back. “It’s not even real leather. I promise you we’ll find a better one when we go shopping.” She was usually careful with your things, but the leather was peeling and the sleeves were stretched to their limit. She wouldn’t blink twice if it ripped in half right now. You were far too cute to be caught dead in such a tattered piece of clothing. She tugged at it again. “We’ll get you a new one,” she said, this time her words were more pronounced. A clear warning.
Of course, you were just as stubborn as Wanda. You wanted your jacket. Not a new one, not a better one — it had to be that jacket. “You’re not the boss of me. I want to keep the jacket and that’s final.” You said as you finally yanked the jacket free from Wanda’s grasp. You had the jacket, but now there was a bigger problem. Wanda wasn’t too pleased with your defiance. “Look Wanda I—”
“Bend over, and you better not miscount.”
After a brief conversation, you and Wanda agreed to go shopping. 
Wanda wanted you to explore different stores so you find clothes that interested you, but she wanted to get the essentials first. That unfortunately meant spending a dreadfully long time in a tailor. To make matters worse, it was 8 am on a Saturday. That was when you usually woke up, but that was for training. Not for playing dress up. The tailor was nice, but no amount of kindness could make you less upset about the detour in your schedule. The worst part was that Wanda insisted that you have plenty of accessories to go along with the new suits you bought. You were too upset to even bother looking for regular clothes. Wanda agreed to take you home after the fitting, but she hated seeing you upset. 
Wanda knew she had to apologize and there was only one way to do it.
It was supposed to be just the one jacket. It was a decently priced repair and sewing her name initials on it was a quick process. Then she found a few of your old hoodies and got a little carried away. Each time her name got bigger and bigger. By the fifth one, her last name covered the entire backside. She was thankful only a handful of your hoodies were truly salvageable. Once she was done, she simply placed them back into your closet while you were off on a mission. 
You noticed that they were back in your room almost immediately. The thought of Wanda owning you so blatantly made you blush, but you liked it. You began wearing them all around the tower. Whether it was a debriefing or while you were working out. It felt good knowing you were owned.
Wanda was just hoping for a little more.
“When I made these, I was thinking you’d wear them outside.” She wrapped her arms around your shoulders and snuggled into your neck. Wanda’s lips brushed against the mark she left on your neck months ago. “We’re not a secret anymore.”
You let out a deep breath to keep calm. “I’m more worried people will try and copy the design.” It wouldn’t be the only time a company copied something of yours for hero merchandise. “I love them, but all it takes is one picture of me in this thing, and suddenly everyone has one.” Your head leaned back against her chest. Sometimes you wished you were just a stay-at-home alpha. You had no idea how to take care of a home, but you’d be more than willing to figure it out if Wanda could have you to herself.
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munsonsmixtapes · 4 months
Truth or Drink
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actor!Eddie x actress!reader
summary: you and Eddie play a game of truth or drink for an interview
cw: mention of alcohol
You and Eddie had been hesitant to do an interview as a couple but as soon as you were offered an opportunity to play truth or drink, you knew you had to take it. Answering questions with alcohol would have definitely made it easier. Especially because you were unsure of what was going to be asked.
You sat across from each other at a table on the set where the segment was filmed and you both got comfortable while everything was being set up. You and Eddie had watched a couple of episodes the night before so you knew exactly what to expect. All you had to do was answer the questions truthfully and if you couldn’t, you had to take a shot.
The camera was all set and there was a countdown before the camera started rolling. You and Eddie put on your smiles that you had perfected over the years and turned to face the camera to introduce yourselves. The guy behind it counted down from three then pointed, signaling that it was your time to shine.
“I’m Eddie Munson.”
“And I’m y/n l/n and this is truth or drink.”
The camera cut and they brought in the cards that held the questions. For once, you weren’t nervous. And that was usual for you because you always were when it came to interviews. Eddie looked at you and reached across the table for your hand and you gave it to him to which he gave it a squeeze.
Eddie wasn’t nervous in the slightest. In fact, he was excited. Doing an interview with his girl and getting free booze? It was a win-win in his mind. And he was interested to see what kind of questions were going to be asked. He was an open book. Nothing was off limits.
“Do you want to start or should I?” You asked as you looked down at the card in front of you.
“Ladies first,” he gave your hand another squeeze before letting it go.
“Okay,” you nodded then cleared your throat. “This one’s starting off strong. Out of all of your exes, who’s your favorite?”
“Easy,” he shrugged and you panicked. “None. You’re my favorite, babe.”
“I don’t think that counts,” you shook your head. “I think you’re gonna have to drink.” You looked at the crew behind the camera and they all nodded in agreement. “Drink up, Eds.”
Eddie downed the shot and felt it burn all the way down. He slammed down the glass then picked up his own cards, letting out a laugh at the question he had just read.
“Oh, this one is good,” he laughed. “Fuck, marry, kill my most popular characters: Cal Burns, Mason Brooks, and Theodore Lee.”
“God, that is a good one,” you nodded. “Fuck Cal, obviously.”
“That was quick,” Eddie scoffed, but he did want you to say Cal. He really liked playing that character and the depth that he had to him.
“I like cowboys, sue me.” He didn’t blame you at all. He totally saw the appeal.
“Marry Mason because he was in the movie where we fell in love.” That warmed Eddie’s heart and made him feel like he never had before.
“You’re such a sap,” he teased, but he loved that about you. It was one of his favorite qualities about you.
“And you love it,” you winked, making him go weak in the knees and he was so glad he was sitting.
“I do,” he nodded with a smile.
“And I guess kill Theo. He’s an ass.”
“True,” he shrugged.
“My turn again. Name someone who you didn’t like working with.” Oh, he couldn’t answer that. He was thinking of someone, but even he knew it wasn’t right to say.
“Got me again, angel.” Eddie downed yet another shot and nodded in approval at the question on his card. This one was so good and definitely going to make you drink.
“What’s so funny, Edward?”
“Name someone who has slid into your DMs.” You thought about it, but didn’t think it was a good idea to say. You didn’t think it was right to make something so personal public. So, with that, you downed the shot, making a face as it burned your throat.
The game went on and on until Eddie finished all of his shots and you only had two empty glasses. Even though it wasn’t a competition, Eddie had crowned you the winner. Normally, you were the one who was closed off, but this time, you were an open book and he admired that you had answered almost every single question. There was so much growth from you since you had gotten together and he couldn’t have been more proud of you.
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hillbillyoracle · 6 months
How to Create Downtime Menus
As a lot of my posts are, this one was inspired by a conversation with my partner. She seemed to think some of my ideas were helpful so I thought I'd write them up and share them here.
I use a combination of these ideas to do two things - redirect myself when I get stuck doomscrolling/freezing/obsessing and redirect myself when I'm stuck on the "must be good, must be productive" hamster wheel and can't seem to stop doing chores until I'm fucking exhausted or have pushed/hurt myself. Knowing you need to stop is one thing - knowing what to do instead is another.
Not all of these will work for every person at every time. Pick one or two that seem interesting and give them a whirl.
Habit of the Month
This is a small habit I can do in about 5-10 minutes a day. These are sometimes habits that I want to audition for my lineup or just want to focus on as a way of rebooting a given area of my life. Physical habits have been things like stretching, a walk, putting on moisturizer, drinking water, making tea, etc. Emotional habits have been things like stream of consciousness journaling, bullet journaling, recording myself venting, etc. Spiritual habits have been things like meditating, altar work, reading sutras, tarot readings, etc.
If I'm stuck in a loop and I haven't done that task yet, it serves as an easy win that feels moderately meaningful to accomplish. This is easier to do than longer or less interesting tasks.
Side Quests
These are little challenges I'd like to accomplish that are 100% fun and completely optional. They are specific and can me completed within a given time frame - usually a month. They usually aren't the most meaningful to keep them more fun and so I'm not letting myself down if I don't opt to complete it.
They've been things like:
The Minor Expert Challenge - read three books in one subject
The Kanopy Critic Challenge - use up all of my Kanopy credits that month
The Regal Freegal Challenge - download all the albums/songs I can on Freegal that month
The Monthly Playlist Challenge - create a playlist of the month where each song represents something about each day of that month; like a playlist diary
The Reverse Tarot Draw Challenge - pick/list a tarot card you best think represents each day of a given month or other time period; like a tarot card diary
The 100 Words Challenge - learn 100 words in a foreign language
As you can see, I prefer things that are pretty low energy friendly so I can work on them on days I'm super tired. Just little chronic illness things.
Alphabet Lists
I use these for my cleaning routines actually but I also have been trying them with my downtime. The way it works is you list out the alphabet and choose one self care or hobby task you'd like to do for each. They don't have to start with the same letter, it just serves as an easy way to limit how many you pick and keep track of what you've done. It's satisfying to cross off the whole list.
Tasks I put on these are things like
A - paint my nails
B - crochet a charity hat
C - write 5 letters for Letters Against Isolation
D - send a letter to a friend
E - play a solo rpg
F - play a solo board game
G - complete a puzzle
They're fun tasks I'm not currently doing as often as I'd like but chill enough that it doesn't matter when precisely I do them more often. I try to pick tasks that are roughly 30 minutes to an hour long though some definitely take longer. I like to complete these roughly monthly but I try to complete a whole list before I start it again. Anything I just did not feel like doing and kept skipping gets scratched out and I rewrite a new list with new item to replace those. And I start again.
Whenever I'm like ugh I don't know what to do with myself, I try to pick at least one thing on the list and give it a try for 5 minutes. If I don't like it after that I can just put it away and pick something else.
10x10 lists are a different take on a similar idea. It's a list of 10 things you'd like to do at least 10 times in a given time period. Mine tend to be on the seasonal or annual timescale but maybe you're intense and prefer a monthly one. If I don't complete them in a given time period, I just continue with it until I'm done. Better to complete it on an altered timeline than not at all.
For me these tend to be slightly bigger tasks that take a little more planning or energy. I'm not totally sure why I use them this way since you could definitely use them for smaller tasks but that's just the space they occupy for me.
So examples of what would be on my list would be things like:
Grab a hot chocolate from the coffee shop (x10)
Complete a PokemonGo event (x10)
Have a spa night and watch a movie (x10)
Do something extra nice for my partner (x10)
Try a new game (x10)
Find a geocache (x10)
Filing up a little 10x10 grid is pretty satisfying. Much more so than anxietying myself into my bed for the equivalent amount of time.
Seasonal Bucket Lists
I really enjoy making these though I really struggle with the current season (Spring) given my allergies. There's this idea my partner has told me about in DBT where you try to recall positive moments to help "build a life worth living". I think seasonal bucket lists are really good at helping with this for me. I look back on the seasons I made these lists way more fondly than the ones I didn't.
They generally center on seasonal activities I don't want to miss out on. So for summer that's stuff like going for a night swim/skinny dip, getting 5-10 good cloud photos, playing a yard game (like cornhole), seeing a street concert, etc. I also try to take pictures of those (if they don't already involve them) so I can reflect on them later and enjoy the residual happiness.
The point of these isn't to overwhelm you with options. It's just to have enough ideas prepped that you can find something no matter your energy level or time you're working with.
Remember - rest and enjoying yourself is necessary for human health. Folks how get good rest and experience flow states more regularly tend to heal better. People who spend time on what they enjoy are often more enjoyable to be around.
It's never a waste of time to make yourself happy.
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The Fake Ring
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x female Reader 
Summary: The three times you lied about your relationship status with a ring and one time you don’t have to anymore or - It’s easier to work as a bartender with a fake ring on your finger to avoid situations. But that also means Jake thinks you’re already in a relationship 
Word Count: ~2.7k 
Warnings: is the beach scene a warning?, discussions about situations when you need to lie you’re in a relationship to get rid of people, me not having a clue about the navy  
AN: I started this story a year ago when I bought myself a fake ring for work. I rewrote it 3 times and I wasn't so sure, if I should post it on this blog, but I love TGM and I had fun writing it, so: Hi Jake, welcome to this blog
When you needed to make sure you were off limits 
The night had just started for you as you were stacking the clean glasses and had just finished counting the register. Nobody was there so far, but that would change when the naval aviators would come in and the folks that tried to talk to them or get one to sleep with them would arrive. They often arrived after them in the hopes they would see their entry. 
You liked the beginning of your shift when you had the room to yourself until the regulars came in and then the aviators. They were nice and often chatted with you until it got crowded. It was how you got to know some of them, and you were especially fond of the group that was currently stationed there. 
Right when you thought about it the door opened and a few of them stepped in. They stopped at the bar and waited for you to make their drinks while small talk floated through the room. They took their drinks and went to their side of the bar where the first bets for a game of pool were placed. 
“You’re not playing tonight?” you asked Hangman who stayed back at the bar with you. 
“I’ll let them a chance of winning before I join them,” he smirked at you and you laughed. He wasn’t wrong though; he was good at pool. And at dart. And at flirting. “I rather keep you company if you have time for me. How was your day?” he asked and took a sip of his beer. You knew that he would quit after the first beer and would switch to something non-alcoholic if the next day was a working day. 
“Same old, same old. Nothing as exciting as flying for sure. I bet you don’t want to hear about me going grocery shopping and that my highlight was to pick up a new book that I got lost in until I noticed I had to leave for work,” you teased as you filled a drink for another customer. 
When you came back Hangman was still there. “I like to hear about everything that makes you happy.” His eyes quickly went to the piece of jewelry on your hand. “I’ll see you later, darling,” he said and stood up before he joined the others at the pool table. You almost forgot about the ring. You started wearing it when people started hitting on you and for the most part it worked. And it was better this way, because you weren’t sure if you could tell Hangman no. 
Hangman flirted all the time, so you wouldn’t be special. Even though he always asked about you and your day and coaxed you into telling more. And people did talk about him a lot and had a certain opinion of him, but he was always respectful and you knew he wouldn’t cross a line. 
That’s why you were seeing him flirting a few hours later with two women who were more than willing to do so. Phoenix had slipped into a seat in front of you. “Another round?” you asked her. It was a slow night so you could give her a few minutes. 
“Yes please, and a break from Hangman's terrible flirting, so don’t hurry,” she replied and it made you laugh. 
“I bet he isn’t that bad,” slipped your lips and you hurried to bend down and grab some bottles, so she couldn’t see your face. But she was still staring at you when you were back on her eyelevel.
2. When you had to protect your heart 
Inventory sucked! There was no other way to describe the days when you had to count how many things you still had at the bar and what you needed to order. You stepped out of the cool bar towards the bench where Penny sat outside. “Okay, I counted...” you never finished the sentence as you just spotted what was happening on the beach. 
“Take a seat, enjoy the show,” Penny chuckled and patted the bench next to her. 
“What is happening?” you managed to get out and stare at the people who were playing some kind of game – shirtless. “Is that Phoenix?” 
“Yup and everyone else. Give me the list,” she held out her hand and you put the paper in her hand before you sat down and started watching whatever was happening there. “I bet we could get a lot of money if we would record that,” you said to your boss. 
“Yeah, but do we like to share?” was her reply and you shook your head no. 
“While we’re at it… what’s going on with Hangman and you?” Her tone was easy, but she looked at you with something that told you there was no escaping that conversation.  
“Nothing. He likes to flirt with everyone, that’s it.” You shrugged your shoulders and let your gaze wander back to the game when a loud shout was heard, and someone lifted a guy – Bob? You weren’t so sure – into the air. 
“If you would take that thing of your finger, maybe,” Penny started, but you interrupted her. 
“There is a reason this is on this finger.” You wiggled your hand, and the small stone caught the sunlight and reflected it. “People won’t accept a no anymore and,” this time it was Penny who interrupted you. 
“Did someone do anything you didn’t want to?” 
“No! It’s just they see it as a challenge when I decline it. But once they see the ring they kind of back off. It's just easier for me this way.” 
“Okay, once they do you tell me. I won’t tolerate anything of that, okay?” She waited until you agreed and patted your hand. Inventory took longer than usual because you were distracted by the game. 
Penny had gone inside to place the order and you were busy collecting everything from the table when a shadow fell over the papers. “Enjoyed the show?”  
“It was okay,” you replied and eyed the sandwich Hangman was eating. He held a half out towards you. After a short hesitation you took it and bit into it. He took Penny’s seat and you shared the food. You were thankful that he had put on a shirt, because otherwise you would have stared at his body. 
“I think I need to have a chat with them,” he said once he finished and licked his finger. You were mesmerized and didn’t catch on immediately.  
“Your partner. They need to take better care of you. But I shouldn’t have to point out the obvious that you should feed your partner. You never even told me a name,” he said and looked at you expectingly. 
Suddenly you went hot, caught in your own lie. Never had someone requested a name of you and you couldn’t come up with something. “Maybe because you only talk about yourself,” you said and stood up. You quickly grabbed the papers and threw a “Thank you for lunch” over your shoulder before you went inside the building. 
It was a lie; he was always asking about you. But you knew when you came up with something on such a short notice you would be caught in a web of lies. You needed to think about it.
3. When you had to admit you lied 
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Bob asked when he saw Jake watching you again at the Hard Deck. 
Jake didn’t even bother to look away from you, only when it was his turn at pool. “Because despite all of you thinking I’m an asshole, I’m not hitting on someone who is taken. It’s just a little flirting and as soon as she tells me to stop I will,” he said while lining up his cue and as he didn’t lower his voice the others were also pulled into the conversation. 
“Who are we talking about?” Rooster asked and hoped his opponent would be too distracted to sink the next ball. 
“His crush,” Coyote jumped in, he had been wanting to bring it up for a while. 
“What crush?” Rooster asked confused. The others just stared at him, while Jake mumbled something about not having a crush. “Don’t look at me, he was just flirting with three different people last week,” Rooster defended himself. 
“They wanted to be entertained and I just did that. It wasn’t as if I was leaving with them though.” Despite the talking he managed to sink two more balls before it was Bradley's turn again. 
“Okay so... if she’s in a relationship, why is she spending her breaks with you? And I haven’t heard her talking about a relationship ever,” Bob thought loudly. “Although she also mostly talks to you and not me.” 
This made Jake pause. Not once had he heard a name from you, he saw the ring and assumed and went from there. But you also didn’t deny anything when he mentioned a partner. But Jake was anything but shy that’s why he left the table without an excuse and stalked to the bar. He waited patiently for you to finish your conversation and shooed Penny away when she wanted to take his order. She gave him a knowing look, but he didn’t break her gaze. Only when he noticed you approaching, he looked in your direction. You shot him a smile and showed him you’d be with him soon. 
“Want a refill?” you asked once you stopped in front of him. 
“Are you in a relationship?” The question made you stop and you stared at him like a deer caught in the headlight. 
“Why are you asking?” Your response told him a lot, so he just raised his eyebrow. “No, I’m not,” you admitted as you didn’t want to lie to him. 
“Okay, then why this?” he pointed at your finger. Another patron showed you he wanted to order something and Penny was busy at the other end of the bar. 
“I’ll join you in my break and explain then, okay? So, about the refill?” 
“I’m good, see you then,” he knocked on the bar twice before he made his way to the restroom. 
You took your break earlier than you would have usually. After a stop in the kitchen you walked over to the pool table with a plate full of nachos and two cokes in your hand. You pushed one in Jakes hand who was leaning against the wall watching the current game. You held out your plate too, but he just shook his head. It was quiet for a while when you watched the other aviators play. 
“How often have you been hit on and the person didn’t back off when you told them you weren't interested? Or were you always interested? Wait, I just realized I asked the wrong person.” You looked around and wanted to ask Phoenix when you spotted Bob. You repeated the question again. Poor Bob looked tortured and admitted it had happened quiet often. 
“Some people even see it as a challenge, especially when more people are around,” Phoenix chimed in who had come over when she spotted you with her back seater. 
“If someone tells me they’re not interested, why should I humiliate myself and try harder?” Jake wondered. 
“Oh Jake, if only everyone would be that way,” you patted his arm and didn’t know why you were surprised that it was quite hard under your touch. “The thing is I’m at work, a little flirting is okay, but people seem to forget that the later it gets. And the easiest way to get them to back off and not cause a scene is this one.” You held up your ring to show him. “This works way better than the I’ve got a boyfriend excuse and don’t even get me started on the girlfriend option.” 
“So why not say anything to me?” Jake finally asked. 
You shrugged. “How should I have known you’d be different back then? And you already noticed it. I didn’t know if you were really interested and that you started asking questions.” 
“Just wanted to make sure you know if you say the word I’ll back down. Will you say the word?” His eyebrow rose while he stared at you, waiting for your answer. 
“Jury is still out. My break is over, if you want to see me you must visit me at the bar,” you threw a wink at Jake before you walked back to the kitchen to return the dishes. 
+ 1 time you didn't need the ring
“Hey darling, okay for me to come in?” you heard Jakes before you saw him. He was standing in the doorway with the sun behind him, so you told yourself this was the reason it was hard to look at him. 
“Sure,” you nodded and he stepped inside. “You alone?” 
“Yeah,” he confirmed and walked towards the bar where you were stacking glasses. “I’m actually here to tell you we’re leaving for a short while so you wouldn’t worry about,” he kind of rambled at the end it caused you to look up at him and stop your task. 
“Are you nervous?” you finally asked. 
“Me? Never!” He tried to sound confident, but you saw right through him. 
“You know how long you’ll be gone?” The walk around the counter towards him was quick and you put your arms around him and pulled him close to you to your first actual hug. It didn’t take him long to return the gesture and his arms found their way around your middle. 
“Not allowed to share,” he mumbled and you noticed how some weight dropped from his shoulder. 
“Okay, well come back safe.”  
He promised you that and let go after a while. It seemed like neither of you were ready for that. 
“Hangman!” He stopped at your yelling just before he was about to leave the place. “Bring back everyone else home too.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” he saluted and left quickly. 
“Keep them coming, sweets. And add whatever you want to and join us.” 
“Thank you, I’m working. But I’ll bring a new round shortly,” you said and sidestepped the table and the outstretched arm to go back to the bar. So far this group wasn’t a real bother, but you had to be careful when the night progressed. And three rounds later they got kind of rowdy telling you to join them again. It was more demanding this time. 
“Is there a problem here?” you suddenly heard a voice behind you and when you turned around you saw Jake behind you. Before you could think about it your arms wrapped themselves around his neck and you hugged him. 
“You’re back! Are you okay, are the others?” Over his shoulder you could see Fanboy, Rooster and Coyote while you spotted a few others making their way over to the pool table. 
“You haven’t answered his question. Is there a problem here?” Roosters smile that he sent your way was gone quickly when he mustered the guys at the table. 
“No problem here at all,” one man said with his arms raised in defense. 
“I sure hope so, we have no problem throwing you overboard,” Jake told them and took your hand and pulled you towards the bar. “Where is your ring?” he asked when he noticed the lack of jewelry. 
“Don’t know. Felt kind of wrong wearing it now,” you shrugged. 
“How about we make a deal?” he asked and you just realized how close the two of you were. “You don’t have to wear it when I’m around. I’ll take care of everything then. You can wear it when I’m not here and you can tell them that you have someone that already takes care of you.” 
“Do I?” you asked cheekily, but you had also noticed that everything had shifted with Jake. And his lack of flirting with others. 
“Always had. Let me take you out,” he said and everything else disappeared when his forehead pressed against yours and he stared into your eyes. 
“Okay,” you breathed, and your lips almost touched. “But I must get back to work now. See you in my break?” you asked and he nodded which caused you to laugh as your faces were still touching. “See you later, Jake.” You finally walked away and didn’t see the clap Jake got on his back from his friends while he still looked after you with a lovesick look on his face. 
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tootiecakes234 · 11 months
The Bet (Part 2)
Warnings: smut(MDNI)
The first night goes without a hitch considering once you got home that night you were tipsy, and only enough energy to shower and get in bed. It was the next morning when the problems started.
Day 1:
Saturdays were you and Katsuki’s lazy day. It just so happens that the two of usually like to start lazy days with lazy sex. All the soft kisses and slow motions. Katsuki was always so sweet in the mornings.
So imagine how disappointed you were when Katsuki was already up and out of the bed when you woke up. You find him in the kitchen dressed like a slut at the stove making breakfast.
“Why’d you leave me in bed by myself” , you ask as you wrap your arms around his waist and press yourself against his back.
“ it was either slip outta bed or slip inside you.” He sounded like he was pouting.
“Ooohhh are you struggling already baby??? Cuz I can give you what you want. All you gotta do is say the word.”, you said with a teasing tone.
“Tch not a chance. Now sit your ass down so we can eat.”
You peeled yourself off of him and took a seat.
“So we never went over the specifics for this. What is and isn’t off limits?? Can we get ourselves off? Is oral on or off the table?? Hmmm?”
“No one touches my pussy again til you’ve begged me, so that means no getting ourselves off and no oral. That’s still sex dumbass”
“Sounds good to me”, you were smug now but it wouldn’t last.
You guys had cleaned up around your home this day.
The entire time you were cleaning you were thinking about him. He was just so good looking all the time, no matter what he was doing. He was washing dishes at one point and you were thinking about his hands wrapped around your throat with the soap bubbles in tact. And that made you think of taking a bubble bath with him, and the last time you guys did that…. Whoooo!!
What the hell was happening?? You had only been without sex for less than 48 hours. It can’t be this bad already!
You check your little period calendar and lo and behold you’re fucking ovulating!! What kinda of shitty ass bad luck is that.
“Hey, where is your head right now?? You’ve been zoned out since I started this movie and you were the one who told me to turn it on.”
“I… umm nothing. I was just thinkin. Why are dressed like a slut?? You got something against shirts??, you asked him annoyed.
“Hah? Where the hell did that come from? Since when do you give a fuck what I have on?”, he was looking at you like you’d lost your mind.
“ I don’t care. I just feel like you should put on some damn clothes,” you mumbled this cuz you knew you were being irrational but it’s true! He shouldn’t be allowed to walk around like that. He had on grey sweatpants and nothing else. Not even anything underneath cuz you could see the imprint of his dick.
When you looked at Katsuki again the bastard was smiling at you. “You ready to give in yet?”
“I- yo-…. You’re doing this shit on purpose??? Are you serious Suki?? You’re actually the devil incarnate.”
“You didn’t think I was going to make this easy on ya pretty girl.”, he then dragged you by your foot until you were laying down on the couch and he was hovering over you.
The next thing you know his lips are on yours. He was kissing you so intensely that it stole your breath away. His hands were on you and exploring and you were getting dizzy from it all.
When he pulls away from you, you all doe eyed with your lips parted and bruised. You open your eyes and he’s staring back at you with a grin on his face, “this is gonna be easier than I thought”.
There’s no way. There’s no way he’s playing with you like this. He was teasing!
The thing is he wasn’t just teasing you. He was teasing himself and you felt it pressed up against your thigh! Two can play this twisted game.
You reached down between you two and brushed your hand over his hard on. His hissed a little. Ha, got em.
“Sorry, I thought that was the remote poking me.”
“Like hell you did”, he sneered at you.
You leaned up and kissed him sloppily cuz you knew it turned him. You slip your tongue in his mouth and he immediately starts playing with it, sucking on it. A little moan escapes him. Perfect, right where you want him.
You pull back enough to whisper up against his ear, “this is going to be easier than I thought.”
When you leaned back against the couch you tried your best to look innocent, but the laugh threatening to escape comes out as a giggle.
“This is war, you fucking tease”
All you did was smile at him and push him off you. “It doesn’t have to be war hot stuff. It could end here. All you have to do is get on your knees.”
He scoffed at you and got up and started walking away from you. “No way in hell princess! You’re going down.”
He was in a sour mood the rest of the night. That’s what he gets. Tomorrow you were stepping up your game. He’s playing checkers, you’re gonna be playing chess.
*this is longer than I intended but I really struggled with the way I wanted to write this. I think I’m gonna break it up into separate days. I also wanna write some of it in Bakugo’s POV. Let me know what you guys think.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
@ravenmoore14 @theplacetoputfics @sleepyyhabii
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live-laugh-legolas · 3 months
Love languages of the Fellowship
Aragorn: Words of affirmation
-This man speaks poetry
-Will tell you how beautiful you are by comparing you to a sunrise or some shit
-Holds you close while speaking to you, so only you can hear him
-Limited PDA so when you are alone his affections feel extra intimate
-Will always let you know how appreciative he is of you
-So gentle with you and the best listener
-Understands that sometimes you just need him to listen and don’t want him to fix anything; but will help immediately you if you do
-I don’t know if this makes sense but he loves you by making sure you love yourself
-Keeps his verbal compliments private and shows how great you are in public; compliments can feel subjective and he makes sure people come to the objective conclusion that you are so great (I have no idea how to properly explain this)
-Loves a good hug and to bury his face in your hair
Legolas: Quality time
-Any time spent with you is great but I think he would show his partner the world *cough Gimli*
-Will take you on an adventure so he can see the excitement and wonder in your eyes
-If you ever mention wanting to see someplace he’s already getting the bags ready
-Even in the most beautiful places he will be looking at you cliche
-I think intimacy is something that he doesn’t quite understand
-Not in a negative way, but in the sense that he loves so much that he doesn’t really know how to express it
-Will just stare at you, it’s almost creepy, but you are just so pretty
-Is very playful with those he is close to
-If he teases you it’s likely because he likes you and feels he can let formalities drop
Gimli: Gift giving
-This man would gift you the world
-Treats you like the king/queen that you are
-Always wants you to have something of his or from him with you at all times, and vise versa
-I think he would carry your picture with him like his father did
-Always trying to impress you and show off
-His love is rooted in a deep respect and admiration
-Will never be overbearing; if you want to do something he will support where he is needed but won’t take over
-“That’s my wife/husband/partner!”
-Your #1 supporter and the president of your fanclub
Boromir: Quality time
-I firmly believe this man to be a picnic type of guy
-Will get the softest blanket and all your favorite foods and will bring you to a spot he scoped out weeks prior because it had to be perfect
-Will feed you grapes; probably turns into a game of trying to catch them in the air
-He will do anything to make you laugh; whether it be play fighting or a dramatic reenactment of a story, as long as it makes you smile he has no shame
-Wants you to be prepared for anything so he will teach you everything he knows; like how he taught the hobbits to use swords
-Will show you off and brag about how amazing you are and lucky he is
Frodo: Gift giving
-Doesn’t do grand gifts like Gimli would; but the small things that make him think of you
-He will pick up something and just hand it to you; a pretty flower, a cool rock, etc
-Will bring home leftovers if there is something you will like; I’m talking food in a napkin in his pocket and totally crumbled when he gives it to you
-It’s the thought that counts
-Will cuddle up with you and silently read a book together, only turning the page when you’re ready
-Loves to listen to you rant over your interests and hyper-fixations
-He may not know wtf you are talking about but he will actively listen with a big smile nonetheless
Sam: Acts of service
-I mean this one is pretty obvious
-This man will move a mountain for you
-Anything he can do to make your life easier consider it done
-I feel you would probably have to stop him from doing too much otherwise you would be left with nothing to do
-If you are craving something, no matter how obscure, he will get it or make for you
-Supports all your interests and hobbies; he reminds me a bit of my dad who will do extensive research if you mention you are interested in something so he can talk to you about it
-Can be a little overprotective at times but only because he loves you so much
-If anyone dares to say anything that is even a little rude about you he’s coming to your defense with a puffed up chest
Merry: Words of affirmation
-Unlike Aragorn he doesn’t speak like he thinks he’s Shakespeare or something
-More like compliments that don’t even seem thought out
-Just speaks his mind; Will blurt out randomly that you are so beautiful when you are doing the most mundane tasks
-They will all be there for you at your lowest, but this hobbit senses it before it even happens
-It’s like a sixth sense; the ‘oh no y/n is upset’ sense
-Will always keep his eye on you to make sure no one is bothering you
-Definitely does the tough guy thing until he gets a splinter, then it’s all over (do you know the reference?)
-Gives nicknames, sometimes odd ones
Pippin: Physical touch
-This sweet little fool is a cuddle bug
-Although the touch can also be excitedly jumping on you
-Probably accidentally elbows you or something because he is always standing so close
-Will grab your hand and exaggeratedly swings your arms
-When he is around you his mood just soars
-He’s like those dogs that never stop wagging their tail and it turns into a weapon of mass destruction
-Includes you in everything. It’s second nature to him that you must be invited
-Often he doesn’t even ask, just pulls you along and will explain on the way
This is the first time I’ve written anything like this so feedback is welcome. I didn’t include Gandalf because in my eyes he is a grandfather lol
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