#and so she's a lot slower to befriend anyone or trust them in general. like if she got the note telling her to bottle the stuff-
soulless-angel25 · 5 months
you like kotlc?
Yep! I think that the story is really interesting overall. And the concept of this world that is completely hidden from us is soooo intriguing, and the fact that there are so many things that we just don't know because Canon (Sophie) doesn't know either is really fun! It also provides a lot of opportunities for fanfic to be made for it, just fan content in general. It's like how I have a few ideas for heavily canon divergent AU's for it. I've also seen some really good fan content as well!
So yes. I very much do like KOTLC.
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strawberry-milktea · 7 years
(1) I don't know if you've struggled with this before but have you ever wondered how you could use your talents in a career that would help others and do God's work? I'm at a difficult point in my life right now. I think what I'm best at is languages. I was raised bilingual in Spanish and English, and majored in Asian Studies with a concentration in Japanese language. I mostly use the first two languages (Spanish with my family, and English because I live in the USA).
(2) My dream was to get a job after graduation where I’d be able to use Japanese since I was super passionate about it. Things didn’t go as planned because I don’t live in an area with many Japanese speakers. I tried looking into things like internships outside my state and country, but then… some bad things happened. First, I had to undergo surgery for a condition I didn’t even know I had. It was a very scary experience, and I feel like a lot of my emotional problems stem from it.    (3) Then, my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had to undergo two surgeries. She also has severe Alzheimer’s and can’t do many things on her own. I’m her main caretaker since my parents can’t give up their jobs, and I don’t work, so my mom puts me in charge of her while my parents are at work. A lot of other difficult things happened. I don’t have friends because everyone moved on, got jobs elsewhere, got married, etc. while I’m just at home the majority of the time.(4) I get debilitating panic attacks, and there have been times when I’ve not wanted to live anymore because I feel so sad and useless. I feel like at one point, people had high hopes for me, and then I disappointed everyone. It’s been about four years since I took my last Japanese class. Even though my online friends come to me for help with translating things like manga dialogue or Jpop lyrics, I don’t know if my Japanese is even good enough to use for something like a real job anymore.            (5) Also, some medications I was put on to keep my health under control make me light-headed as a side effect, so I sometimes feel slower and more brain-foggy than I was when I was taking classes. I’ve lost confidence in my learning abilities compared to how fast I would learn stuff before. I feel like I’ve been so stagnant these past few years. And it’s hard when I don’t have a support system of friends. I love God. I put a lot of faith in God, I pray every day, and I know He cares about me.    (6, last message) But I still feel lost. I haven’t had luck with finding a job, even part-time jobs that have nothing to do with Japanese. It’s hard. It’s just tough convincing myself that I haven’t messed up, and that there still might be hope for me. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but I was wondering if maybe you could give me suggestions on how I could possibly start fixing myself so that I can be of more use to God. Also, prayers for me and my family would be appreciated. Thank you so much.      —Hi there,You aren’t bothering me! I apologize for taking so long to respond to this. First thing I want to address in this message is you say it’s hard convincing yourself that you haven’t messed up.. Why do you feel your career going differently than planned is a result of you messing up? You couldn’t help that there were not any job opportunities in your area and that you needed surgery that set you back in terms of looking for jobs.. Generally speaking, being unemployed and searching in the job market is a tough spot for anyone to be in, regardless of which career it is. The job market has been difficult for quite sometime now.. I remember when I was between jobs, it was hard to just get an interview and a chance to prove myself, so the idea of actually getting the job can feel very discouraging nowadays. This isn’t your fault.. people who are qualified for jobs have difficulty finding them simply because the job market is saturated and there is competition. A lot of times, people know someone on the inside who puts a good word in for them and that’s how they get their foot in the door. You shouldn’t feel like it’s your fault that it’s been difficult to find work. Honestly, find comfort in the fact that you are certainly not alone in this struggle. I have definitely struggled with wondering how God could use me for His work in the career I went to college for. Like I mentioned above, there was a period of time I was out of work because the job I had been promised for after graduation fell through due to budget cuts. During the period when I was between jobs, there was a long stretch of time where I wasn’t getting any interviews and I fell into a very negative mindset. I was feeling angry with myself and completely discouraged, wanting to give up on the career I worked so many years for. The enemy was really doing a number on me during that time and I kept telling myself, “This is useless, I don’t even understand how He could use a career in healthcare to spiritually help people. I wasted all those years in college on something I can’t even find a job for and won’t even help people spiritually and give me chances to do His work.” But in His timing (and there was a good period of waiting I had to do), He opened the right doors for me and once He did, things fell into place effortlessly. I saw clearer how every door I tried to force open in my own will didn’t open because He had a reason. He wanted me a certain place in the time He set for it, and the ones I was trying to push for in my own power weren’t it. And in hindsight, I realized He was protecting me - because I later found out one of the places I had been interviewed for and thought was a serious possibility was a really unhealthy work environment that I would have been very unhappy in. Instead, when He opened the doors, I ended up in work environment where I could truly flourish and learn. I have coworkers who are caring and teach me what they know and in turn, I teach the people who come after me what I learn. I’ve built my confidence and became more independent in my job, in ways I never thought were possible because I trusted Him to do the work in me where I was unsure and scared. I came to realize that you don’t have to work in a church to be able to do His work. It brings me joy to show my coworkers love and help them when they need it. I know how much it means to me when people help me when I’m overwhelmed by a large workload or am facing something that is confusing to me, so I’m more than happy to return that favor. I hope when I show them that care and love coming from my heart, that they can see Christ’s love in me. I’ve learned that you can show Christ’s love by being there for people when they feel comfortable enough to open up to you during a quiet moment at work about something going on in their personal lives. I show love for the patients I’m playing a role in helping during their time of medical need by treating them as I would my own family. And I wouldn’t have ever thought ahead of time that it was possible at work, but He has opened opportunities for me to witness for Christ by sharing His Word with a coworker I befriended who opened up to me about emotional pains and regrets he has been dealing with for many years. I’ve written down quite a bit of scripture for him and even got to give him a Bible. This experience taught me that He has work for us in any setting, even settings we may think are the least likely.I understand that there are many factors that pose challenges for you in your situation, but always remember that all things are possible with Christ. Your mom has likely put you in charge of taking care of your grandmother since you are still out of work, but I am guessing that if you were to find a job, she would work with you to make arrangements so that you can start putting your career in motion? If you are concerned about your grandmother having proper care when you find a job, I would suggest to definitely talk with your mom about this. Regarding the panic attacks, I can only imagine how upsetting that must be to deal with, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find and hold a job.. same applies to your loss of confidence in learning abilities. It’s very easy to be fearful that you can’t do it when you haven’t done something for a long time. I’ve been there, I know that scary feeling. But once you get into the routine of a new job, you will see it’s not as frightening as you think it is. Your confidence will grow with each passing day as you see yourself doing what you thought was impossible. Find peace in the fact that panic attacks and lack of confidence are not too big for our God to handle. Trust that He can and will carry you through this!I hope reading about my experience encourages you with the truth that God can and will provide opportunities at your future job for you to do His work.. even while you are waiting to find a job, you are still doing His work by taking care of your grandmother. Taking care of a sick person is something that requires a lot of dedication, love, and sacrifice. It’s not an easy job and is definitely not something that everyone is cut out for. It’s honestly very admirable that you are able to do this! So don’t lose sight of that.I will pray for you and your family.. Don’t lose hope and seek Him for guidance as to what steps you should take next. I hope this has been helpful to you and if there’s anything else you want to talk about, please feel free to message me!
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Hey, could I please have a match-up? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm pretty shy at first & really insecure about everything. I tend to come of as cold-hearted & arrogant but I DO care very much about the people I like & I'm very different around them, more open & warm etc. I'm pretty pessimistic rip. Actually pretty lonely but too shy to approach people lmao. I love memes, animals (cats!!), reading, cute things & dark/weird jokes + puns. :^) Good luck with your account btw~
Thanks! This one took me a lot of thought, hope you enjoy it! I put most of the information about how you two got to know each other, rather than your actual relationship. I hope you like it nonetheless~
Your matchup is…
Subaru Akehoshi!
Nobody really knows what drew Subaru to you. On your first day at the new academy, you were a nervous wreck. What if people didn’t like you? What if you were a terrible producer? Are the classes going to be hard? What if you don’t make any friends? You were walking with your head down through the halls of the school, thinking of everything that could go wrong. That’s when Subaru spotted you. He walked right up to you, tapping your shoulder. You turned around to find a boy with messy orange hair and a grin, yet he looked worried at the same time. “Hey, aren’t you the transfer student? I’m Subaru Akehoshi!” You shyly replied with your own name, then stating that you needed to go. He stood there as you turned and left him there. It was then that he made it his goal to figure you out and befriend you.
For another month or so, Subaru continued to randomly find you across campus and attempting to make small talk. You wanted to think of him as annoying and nosy, but you couldn’t get yourself to hate the smiley boy. But you still turned him down, constanly asking for him to stop bothering you. But it seemed that the more you told him off, the more he wanted to know about you. He introduced you to his unit, Trickstar, though you said you didn’t want to. The people were pretty nice, but they didn’t see you like Subaru did. After you left, they asked Subaru what made you so special to him. “I dunno. Maybe it’s because I don’t know anything about her? Something about her makes me want to know everything about her. Don’t you wonder what she’s thinking when she says things like, ‘leave me alone!’ Does she really mean it?” Hokke chided him, telling him that you probably actually meant that you wanted to be alone. Still, Subaru wouldn’t give up. But he then understood that he should try a slower approach, and gain your trust over time.
The next time he saw you, you were quietly filling out paperwork in an empty classroom. After searching the entire campus, he was ecstatic to finally find you. However, he kept it quiet. He slipped into a chair beside you, making sure to give you personal space. He just sat there beside you, watching you fill out the paper. You felt awkward under his gaze, raising the question of why he was just sitting there. He responded to not mind him, and then offered to help. You refused, stating you were almost done. After you finished, you got up and looked at him. He stared at you with wide eyes. He wanted so badly to be able to read your mind; what were you thinking? Without realizing, words slipped from his mouth. He asked why you always avoid him, and if you really did hate him. You stared at him, not knowing what to say. He quickly got up, apologizing. He didn’t mean to say that. Before you could say anything, he left the classroom, shutting the door behind him. He sighed heavily. That may have just ruined any chance he had to get you to open up.
After that incident, Subaru stayed as far away from you as possible. You were a bit surprised at first, having grown accustomed to his constant company. Then you were relieved that you would no longer have to deal with his questions, and his general presence. But you came to realize that you miss his optimistic, cheerful self. Seeing his smile always made you smile, though he didn’t know it. It’s almost like his happiness is a disease that you catch whenever you’re around him. But how would you say that to him?
The truth is, Subaru missed you as much as you missed him. Even if he barely got in an actual conversation with you, he couldn’t stand not being able to see you. So he finally approached you, apologizing for his slip last time. He explained that he didn’t mean to say it out loud, and it was obvious how bad he felt about it. You forgave him, brushing it off. He was overjoyed, giving you a huge hug. He thanked you multiple times over. When he finally let go, he was even more excited to see a small smile on your face. He exclaimed about how cute it was, adding that he wanted to see you smile more. Not only that, but he wanted to get to know you, and be able to understand you. You were a bit flustered; he was so straightforward and open.
The two of you continued to grow closer over time. Subaru would test his boundaries, often ending up going a bit too far and getting scolded. He would ask random questions that popped in his head, and would remember your exact answer. He slowly gained more and more knowledge of you, and took a liking to anything you talked about. Read a new book recently? He loved to hear you talk about it! Even more, he laughs at any and all memes that you like, and shows you plenty that he finds online. He enjoys your strange sense of humor. You considered him your closest friend at the school, and didn’t want to admit that you may be crushing on him. Just a bit.
He was the same way. He didn’t understand what all the things he felt around you meant. Seeing you always made him happy. When you hands would brush while you take his phone to look at something he’s showing you, he gets that butterfly feeling in his stomach. He constantly talked about you to his classmates, unit members, club members, anyone that would listen. He even told Daikichi about you, and all the things he’s learned about you. Hokuto finally told him to shut up about you and just confess; which he was confused about. Confess what? Hokuto sighed at his obviousness. He explained that it was obvious that he liked you, and he should just tell you. At first, he didn’t understand. Hokuto had to spell it out for him: “You love her.” He gasped in realization, darting home.
The next day, Subaru caught you after school. He asked if you wanted to come walk his dog to the park, which you accepted. You had nothing else today, so why not? Plus, you loved Daichiki. And he loved you right back. He would jump on you and lick you as soon as you walked in the door whenever you came over. Subaru put the leash on him and grabbed a toy, and you made your way to the park. The two of you chatted about anything that came to mind until you finally reached the park. He sat down on the grass, prompting you to sit beside him. You began to play fetch with Daikichi, pampering him with pets and kisses every time he came back with the toy. Subaru watched with a pout. He complained that he wanted attention, too, whining like a dog. You giggled and pat his head. It was then that he blurt out that he loved you, causing you to freeze in surprise. He quickly apologized, stating that he would go home and stop bothering you. But you stopped him, replying softly that you liked him back. He dropped Daikichi’s leash, pushing you to the ground in a hug as he grinned happily. He gave you a quick, messy kiss.
You two were officially a couple. Subaru is always there for you, making you smile even on bad days. He always says just the right thing to cheer you up when you’re down. He’s like the sun, providing you with warmth and happiness. Leave it to him to drag you into whatever crazy ideas he comes up with. You’re the perfect partner in crime with him. He likes to say you two are like the good cop, bad cop partners in movies. His optimism may annoy you from time to time, being a pessimist. But that cheerful counter is just what you need when times are worst. He knows that you have a habit of not telling him when you want things, and figured out how to know when you needed them. When you need attention, but don’t want to ask him for it, he’ll give it to you anyway. He introduced you to everyone he knew, and they all knew about you already as “the one that Akehoshi doesn’t shut up about.” And it’s true. When he’s not with you, all he wants to talk about is you. When he’s with you, he loves showing you off to others, but has a bad habit of keeping you to himself. He gets jealous really easily, and doesn’t bother hiding it. His unit hates how hyper he gets when you’re around; he can never focus! (They like you, they just hate Subaru’s enthusiasm about you.)
With this boy, there’s never a dull moment. He’s always on the go, dragging you along with him. There’s always something going on with him. He has endless energy, sometimes you wonder where he gets it from. Somehow, he comes up with dozens of pet names for you. He usually sticks with a single nickname for you, but tends to rotate through many others that randomly pop into his head. He has absolutely no idea what amount of PDA is acceptable, and just does as he pleases. If you didn’t like him doing something, though, he would stop as soon as you ask. He learned how to read you really well, and can usually tell if he upset you. As for dates, Subaru isn’t much for the traditional fancy dinners and such. He prefers playing with you, and sometimes bringing Daikichi along. He loves to just cuddle on the couch, or running around pretending to be a knight in a fantasy he made up. Subaru always needs something happening, or he gets bored. If you can’t keep up with his boundless energy, he will always slow down a bit for you to catch your breath. He would do anything for you! You two would balance each other perfectly!
Other matches: Kaoru, Hinata
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