#and sorry about his outfit i cant draw his weird shoulder things so i gave him that cape thing
linthehero · 1 year
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boy howdy do i love drawing characters different from how theyre actually supposed to look just for the fun of it, anyways sorry this is just a small low effort drawing i did on vacation but here’s my bobby worst interp
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mikkock · 5 years
Uhm??????? Unacceptable?? Please tell me more about your OCs in that last art? I demand it? I want a full report on my desk before morning? Cite your sources please?
Oh no,, you’re asking,,, about my own faves,,, sorry to everyone, but I guess im never going to shut up ever now. (i already don’t shut up ever, what have u done, im now going to speak so much that society will collapse AT LEAST)
But for real. I enjoy pretending I don’t have faves, I love all my kids the same, buT WE ALL KNO THAT’S A LIE, those two my fave bitches (they snatched that title from the last two faves, rip to them, and they also snatched, n I must really make that clear, the title of “the bitches with the most AUs from the previous previous faves. Their power.)
SO. Get ready for a ride, table of content: them, their respective character, their story, and the pLETHORA OF ALTERNATE STORIES I GAVE THEM because i must yell about all the versions of my kids i have (non-exhaustive cause its that serious bro, but ill take extra time for the universe depicted in that art just for u bby). (tbh if clamp is allowed to sprinkle their fave gays in all their universes so am i, except they aint secondary characters there, every story is just theirs. love that concept.)(itll be so long you’re getting a whole novel even if i have to post it in two posts)
So~ Em twos. Dari n Wei-wei as I call em, or Dumbass n Egg if you wanna get friendly.
They’re my proudest instance of “oops i made a squad of characters, and two of them just accidentally were so perfectly compatible and complementary oh no I guess they’re in love now.” And then they became my favourite. Cause I guess their potential was too much (jk its bc they hot)
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I spent ten minutes wondering which to introduce first cause dang son, I want to talk bout them both so much shefjgfdg
First, as I technically designed him first (like ten minutes before the other), my man weiwei. if u ever saw my art its impossible that you havent seen him at least once. cause i’m legit always drawing him. cause im in love bro.
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Demonstration : here are my computer scribbled weiweis of 2020 so far (with a few daris there n there they’re a package deal), that i could find, and they do not include all the paper sketches that i’m too lazy to take pics of. (i just been drawing him with so much hair these days that’s illegal, his brand is baldness)
But anyway, he’s CHEN Chia-Wei, he’s 21, he’s Taiwanese n I love him. Two very important facets of his character when you meet him: he doesn’t talk, and is absolutely, in every single dimension, built to make you fall head over heels for him.
He’s (in the “canon” storyline if i may call it that since it’s def not my most developed one but oh well) an art student, mostly paints but is also great at photography and videography (his vibe is busy hectic pieces with strong bold colours, lots of harsh edges, and very people focused).
Aside from that, he’s also super into fashion, and because he’s part of the rich boy squad (the “im broke so im giving half my characters wealth in compensation) he Can and Does exhibit some quite funky fits when he feels like it. (maybe a reason I draw him a lot, since my fave thing is pretty boys in weird ass clothes)(and then i also draw him in just casual shit cuz tittiful men in plain white tees you know. there’s just something about it.)
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Small compilation of outfits. ft me and my band handwriting roasting outfits that id also kill to own but ok u know.
He digs music. (i make playlists for my OCs and i gotta say, his is the best one, i spent so many hours researching it, “arranging” it etc n its still a work in progress but dude. she got many moods my fave part is when it suddenly turns into so many cheesy ballads also she’s enormous cause im as wordy in playlists as I am in writing.) listens to a lot, n also he can play piano n guitar. cause you know. heartthrobs got to win your heart with a song (and if he’s alone he can even mumble some songs, who knows maybe even sing em softly, definitly a sight to stumble on accidentally). Big main artists that have his vibes are Hello Nico, No Party for Cao Dong, n Circa Waves’s “what’s it like over there” album.
He does a lot of sports. He ain’t fit through magic, rip to him. He’s got a serious routine, and it’s a time he likes to use alone, cause nothing like running at the break of dawn, alone with your thoughts, which you can just easily forget through the exhaustion of a workout session afterwards.
he also eats. A lot. Food is just good, bro. (the canon story is def happening some place europe aka his biggest struggle is how expensive food is here. outrageous.)
He secretly loves super cheesy movies. the dramatic romcoms??? the cute shows that are just so cute and worriless?? anything involving soulmates??? yeh dude. he watches it, he reads it, he listens to it, and he may cry about it, but no one will know. That’s the one true guilty pleasure. (and he definitly has a collection of romance dvds, books n manhuas in his old room back at the family home. where no one can see it. perks of studying abroad. no one can see ur hoarding of material that clashes your image. “yes i watch edgy experimental things haha yes i love those smart people movies of course wow the philosophy…” and then immediatly goes to watch the trashiest predictable but oh so sweet dramas all night)
While he doesn’t speak (as in with the mouth) he can communicate in a bunch of language, due to having moved around quite a bit. On top of his native mandarin and hokkien, he’s fluent in English, so he can use those to write, and is also fluent in TSL, and pretty good in HKSL (and from that, other close-in-syntax sign languages). So he doesn’t have trouble getting around, but then he is also overall quiet in public (with close friends and over text though, that’s another story, that’s where he gets chattier, and also where you may get more of his true personality). Also, he can speak with his sister. That’s pretty cool bro.
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I was going to say he’s a very “hides his true colours under a shell” type of character but you know, for an egg character, that’s pretty ironic. We love poetic cinema.
He presents himself as a very laid back, chill detached dude, going with the flow and all that great stuff, and masterfully mixes just the right doses of mysterious, flirty and calm to just go around vibing. But ain’t that jUST THE MILLENIAL’S ILLNESS, those dANG KIDS, going around, gettin relationships but never intimacy 👏😢 (there’s more to it dont leave)
First of all, before you see the Drama, the Turmoil, the first thing you notice when you really do befriend him is that he’s c h i l d i s h, he gets sulky when things dont go following the plan, he gets whiny n jealous for not getting attention , he gets competitive over stupid challenges, and way too playful if you start teasing, and when he gets flustered too…you think you get cool stoic dude but actually you get a dude who’s reacting to things with way too much intensity, and boi i thought u were gon be mature what’s that why have you been pouting for three days over losing a bet come on- That’s mostly coming up when he interacts with his sister, but the closest you are to him to more of it you get to see.
He’s also an affectionate dude actually. Like physically. As in you’ll get spontaneous hugs. He’s come nap on your shoulder. That’s a perk of befriending him if you ask me.
Also he tries to look so cool, so tough haha. He’s actually a lil sensitiv boi. he gets fluffy, he gets flustered, he heart eyes. you turn around and he’s gazing at ya as if you were the whole universe. he gets a mini crisis for holding hands with his crush. ya know. he’s secretly a softie.
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Then in the “what he doesn’t show” (my fave part), where you stock all the anxieties, all the trauma… Obviously there’s a lot of anxiety here (selective muteness being a symptom of it, he hides the other ones very well) mostly fear of inadequacy, of abandonement and of loneliness. mmmmmmmaybe that’s why he was v reticent to continue pursuing that one guy he was into when he realised he was just a tad too into him oh no is that some,, like?? some lovey-love?? cant have that im afraid of gettin heartbroken bro. Aint that sad for a someone who’s one true goal is just findin someone to love and to be with forever, the struggles of yearnin for a soulmate when there’s nothing you fear more than getting attached to a person and letting them see you and your flaws.., delicious.
Now tho (because its so alone speaking about a character on their own and i just wanna get to the part where i can speak bout em together and how they bring out bits of each others ya kno, the good kush….), Dari…
He’s pretty, i must say, and got the funniest hair to draw, and comes from the most opposite background to weiwei’s.
Darian Andriev PARVANOV, also 21, comes from the remote Bulgarian countryside, but i still love him (this makes it sound as if i wouldnt normally love someone from the bulgarian countryside. its not what i meant. by default ud remind me of my son so you’d start being liked if u came from the bulgarian countryside) Now for the first instance of “wow, the complementarity”. The first thing i thought making Dari was that he looked too cool, and that he obviously was a dumbass, and mostly that he was physically unable to shut up. (o fuck he’s me)
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best picture i could find of him. He’s got the dilemma of “wow he looked so pretty n cool until he opened his mouth” 
He’s ALSO an art student (cause they were initially created for the purpose of filling the gap of “i have ocs in every field except the one i sorta know that’s so stupid”), painting major (def vibes differently than weiwei though, he’s doing those soft pretty landscapes n flowers, everything real pretty and peaceful, we got some impressionism nerd in here folks). 
He was/is a real country boy, farm family, he helped tend the fields, he worked in plantations for pocket money, he knows how to take care of cattle and chicken and goats and all the cool babies you can take care of, he can tell whether the soil is good or not, he can drive a tractor, and doesnt fear dirt.
but then also he’s kind of a neat freak, he hates getting paint on himself, so the duality of man, dirt ok but paint? disgostin. his spaces are real neat and spotless, he likes cleaning (its relaxing) and does it nearly too often.
his dumbassery comes from lack of common sense and impulsiveness, aside from that he’s actually what you’d call “mad smart”, dude had em good grades, he can memorise pages upon pages of the most trivial information, he has an accumulation of knowledge beyond limits, and is good at problem solving. so he can recite all the words of the F letter of the dictionnary, but would also put a curling iron in his mouth to see if it would curl his tongue. (side note, he does have a problem with heat n fire, most his “oopsie how i wound up hurting myself on acccident” story involve burning -that stove was just too tempting…)
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while he doesnt feel very attached to his home country, he does feel strongly for his family. he’d do anything for his mum (and actually does everything to make her proud already, that’s his one main goal), and he’s ready to sacrifice a lot for her (as in, spend years working non-stop a really uncomfortable job so his mother wouldnt have to pay a cent of his expenses even though she said she could by doing some sacrifices herself,and then being ready to come back as soon as needed if anything happened, and potentially drop his career and dream n go back to the farm life to provide for mama)(also he still does hold onto some parts of his home country’s traditions, and does sometimes feel homesick but more in a ‘i left the most beautiful landscapes n the city feels cramped and claustrophobic and i dont know people and i dont feel in the right place cuz im a forreigner with a thicc accent who doesnt master the language of this place and straight up have different body language communicators due to cultural difference oh lord i wanna be home where a nod means no and a head shake is yes i keep misunderstanding everything”)
if you want background noise he’s the perfect pal to call over, he’s just so chatty, he got hours and hours of non stop speech ready for you. you can shut him up once you’re done listening with the offering of food. works everytime.
he’s definitly not shy. neither in terms of talking to people, nor when it comes to making decisions. he’s quite bold, and rarely hesitates to go towards something he wants. he’s direct in his approach to most everything.
he likes partying. mostly the socialising part, talkin to people is just fun ya feel. and being in the crowd, doing whatever, pressure free? ya can dance n enjoy yourself, and people wont notice? yeah that’s nice. but doesnt do it super often cause broke bitches aint got the party time n budget. 
he likes arm. (just an excuse for me to drop this thing here cuz i like it)
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While he’s an overall bubbly looking character, with a cheery loud personnality, he does carry some youth trauma that has him more reticent to engage in happiness, he comes from what you could call “not the wokest background” and he may have fallen victim of it : he’s kind of a flashy noticeable character, both physically and in his personnality, and doesnt exactly matches the expectations of dudes in the area he comes from (delicate, emotional and sweet guy? that doesnt exist bro). He went through it, and it has definitly had some impact on his confidence in many aspects. But he’s 100% the type of guy to put on the fake happy front because if feeling bad is sad, making the people you care about sad for you too is Unacceptable Right??? relying on friends?? what???
But then what are we supposed to be doing with such charming characters huh,,, 
Make them fall in love obviously.
Their story obviously has to do with falling in love and workin a relationship cause if I dont write romance i literally die, but I make the center pivot of all of it communication, and barriers in communications. Most obvious being them coming from wildly different cultures, having different native languages, and also the ways you adapt to muteness (what i love most bout that part is even then they fucked up given the easiest quickest small body language things to communicate are head nods n then i managed to make one come from the one country that reverses those like iconic how do they even understand each other -through a lot of work and love bro) but also on more “introspective” points, how to say things that you are even afraid to think about, how to open up and share your burdens and trauma with someone, how to say words you’ve been convinced you weren’t allowed to, the inner turmoil of communication in short. And then also communication through art, and through alternative unusual ways. If i were snobbish i could call it something like “a thinkpieces on how humans overcome obstacles in communication, and adapt, all for the sake of pursuing love” but fact is its mostly boys being in love n learning how to speak, figuratively and also quite literally. And also its me having fun with making characters evolve from each other, be able to influence each other for the better, helping each other be more comfortable with themselves and express the true things of their personnality, and discover new aspects. I just wanna write intense and soulful love bro.
So in less concept and more facts, weiwei meets dari, dari being his puppy self just immediatly strikes a conversation and weiwei gets interested cause “oho nice pretty boy? very good. i want some of that”. they get closer because you cant fight off the Power of friendship (and also the power of “what your friend is bestie with my friend?? guess we hanging out”) and then friendship and interest turns into pining, held back by respective dread of what romance with the other would mean (as in “romance?? cant have that we cant feel” and “with him?? cant do that, convince yourself he’s just a friend immediatly what would the family think”) but eventually they do have to just crash into one another cause that’s just the gravitational pull bro, its physics bro. and from then on its all unlearning destructive behaviours, bettering oneself with the help of the other, and getting over trauma to finally live ur best life. and gettin fckin married bro they’re both cheeseballs theyll wanna wed
BUT MAKING EM FALL IN LOVE ONCE ISNT ENOUGH time to make 3894853 alternate universes about em.
Lets speak bout my fave of those for a hot second.
First of all, the one of the art that brought this ask, guess i could call it “Pretty Tribes” AU, bunch of tribes live and do their things, having nature and energy powers. Dari n Weiwei’s tribes are bros, the latter’s powers needing them to move around to get energy from different places, enabling them different abilities. So basically they get to hang at the other’s place while the regenerate energy from there, and in exchange they help them out with various tasks (dari’s tribe is a rly farmer oriented one, with plant magic, while weiwei’s got more poyvalent powers, and have very good healers notably, so it comes in handy). The two boys were born a few months apart in their respective tribes, so naturally, anything the two clans meet, they’re put together to play and all, and from that they became besties, and each time they meet, after the gaps of time separating the two groups, they feel more and more of a little something else~ story is themed round growing up, friendship between clans, their traditions and cultures, and pretty boys in pretty clothes in pretty landscapes interacting with nature.
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The superpower AU, i fuckin love it bro. Its an old one, made for other characters, but i just love it so much that i had to inject my faves in it. Its got a grimy ugly setting, bad government, propaganda, and fights between super-people (heavily mediatised for entertainment and reinforcing the idea that “look at these evil villains thank god us the good government protects you from them”), with a side of bad ethics in science. In all that, those two have the role of “those two young enemy warrior and villain, they were so powerful and fought so hard”, public figures, legendary and admired by both sides, everyone followed their fights, til one day they presumably died in one of their showdowns. (haha sike they actually found themselves talking for 5 seconds and realised they lived in a society, n built a plan to run away). The main characters get to find they’re alive because one of em had history with super-warrior-golden-boy and go to seek their help to overthrow the Big Bads. (stealing them from their nice gay cottage hermit life smh so rude)
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Mermaids. I like those. Sailor weiwei sees merman dari, they both save each other in different occasions, they grow fascinated with each other, they’re at sea, water romance. Amazing. AU made half cuz i just like water n fish. and shirtless sailors.
(i couldnt find art of it in five minutes so have a link to that lil animatic piece i made of it once)
Indie band AU, where i was listening to songs that vibe so well with those two in general n then my brain was like “what if they’re the ones playing”. They’re (along with the rest of the art squad) a nice little alternative rock band, doing their thing, then one of their songs blows up, and they get quite the attention, to the dismay of dari who wrote that song in a moment of “oh no im so in love with my bandmate but i cant tell him what if i ruin everything we have going on ill just have to love from afar and deal with that” and now has way too many people interested in who he wrote it about and theorising from his every move when performing it (a mix of music, secret crushes and social media) (ft a picture of neither of them but its the least ugly art i found of this AU cuz its old and instruments are the bane of my existence)(also kelana is so pretty i gotta flaunt her around)
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in kind of the same vibe, as in we’re in a music world overexposed to social media, i also integrated em to an AU i did for fun, “boyband AU” as its called aka idol based band system cuz you kno, i got a hobby, lets apply it. Band boy Dari and bodyguard Weiwei got a thing going on, but can’t really act on it in any way, because they’d just destroy the whole band if it ever came public. Featuring annoying bandmates, catchy pop songs and people making fanaccounts of that one hot Mr.Bodyguard cause dang he hot.
(all the art of this one so ugly im sorry)
SPY AU, one of my fave brand. They spies, they get assigned on the same mission, they work real nice with each other. spies hot. fights. strategy. i just like the concept. Gays taking down the worst traffics imaginable??? I love that song.(i actually have so much on this cause s p i e s are fuckin great)
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Fashion. U kNOW i have an AU for fashion. Supermodel and his private stylist, trying to maintain the line of professionalism. And failing to do so. Lets make out in unpractical designer clothes.
Have an highschool AU for a bunch of characters, injected them as “spinoff”, start chatting online being art buddies, fall in love without meeting (ft. all the iconics of internet friendship like knowing tiny details of their personnalities but not the fact that they have a sister or “waIT ur a GUY i thought u were a girl wow wild good news for my gay ass”)
n those are my faves as far as i remember, i got a fuckton of small other ones that arent fleshed out enough, or some that are more of a guilty pleasure universe, and some that are more like “projects that i can expend on as soon as i run out of daydream material” (like u kno those hospital drama shows with super innacurate medicine n shit like idk scrubs or whatever, yeh i want some of that but im keeping it for later)
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How You Met - Akatsuki
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Hoshigaki Kisame
You and your puppy went to the lake to enjoy your day off, eat some nice food your mum made for you and have a small swim in the chilly water. As you prepared your blanket and food basket on the grass, the puppy ran past you, yipping happily and jumping straight into the deep part of the lake. Now, you did know how to swim, but you were better at floating in shallow water and not the most confident swimmer either, so clearly, you were rather worried that she might drown or something. Unfortunately, she suddenly sunk under water with a yelp, and you started panicking, looking left and right, asking for help, but nobody seemed to be around when needed. Freaking out, you took off your flip flops and ran into the water, but you suddenly stopped in in fear, as you saw a menacing shark fin circling around your sweet baby.
"NO! DON'T HURT HER! P/N, COME HERE, BABY! FAST!" You were shaking and crying in fear, thinking of the brutal way your baby is going to die, when, instead of the threatening predator, out of the water, came a very tall and well-built shark-like man, holding your puppy in his grasp, protectively, walking in your direction, as she kept licking him, gratefully.
You were now crying of happiness, beaming in glee at the sight in front of him. All senses lost you, emotions overpowering you, and the only rational thing that you could do was to hug the life out of this blue stranger, and he only chuckled and ruffled your hair.
"I honestly c-can't thank you enough f-for saving her. I don't know wh-what I would without her." you said stuttering from emotion. "No need to thank me. I am just happy to help save the life of such a lovely creature." he said, grinning. "Yeah, I totally get you. I'm like that too, since it's why I decided to become a vet since very little. This baby was left abandoned in my clinic after her owners decided that a surgery would be too much time and money wasted." you said, taking her in your embrace and rubbing your head to hers, lovingly. "I hate people like that. Animals are much better than humans, and on that note, lack any evil intent." he said, sighing. "I'm happy to hear that someone else agrees with me, after all this time. People always thought I was crazy for thinking that way." you laughed, seeing his grin widen. "Likewise, I have to say. Will you be around tomorrow too?" he asked, scratching her behind her ear. "I'm not sure. I had this day off from my clinic, but I live in the village nearby, if you want to see me or p/n. I'm uh...Actually the only viable medic in these neighbour villages." you scratched the back of your neck, grinning sheepishly. "If you wouldn't mind a weird, blue shark guy walking around and scaring your patients-" "Nah, only the humans. The animals will surely love you. I have no doubt about that! Hope I'll see you around!" you cut him off, in glee. "I'll see you around, then. Take care and see you later, squiddo." he gave a side-grin and a military salute, as he left the place, leaving you and your lovely puppy enjoy the rest of your day off.
Uchiha Itachi
You were a regular visitor at the vintage bookshop cafe in town, since you absolutely loved to relax on a plush armchair on the ground, with your favourite book and the hot beverage of your choice to soothe your nerves after a long day at work. You were friends with all the employees there, knew all the regular faces and occasionally helped out with what you could. Your favourite was putting back books and arranging them by certain criteria, breathing in the mersmerising scent of coffee and tea. One lovely day, as you were reading "Da Vinci's Code" in your usual silent corner, you noticed a brunet man entering the video silently, and yet, he captured everyone's eyes with his mysterious, intriguing aura, as he walked to the belletristic section, seemingly looking for a certain book.
After reading one more chapter, you look up again and see him in the same place, still searching, so you put the vintage bookmark at the page you were at, gently put it on the table next to your tea and made your way to him, tapping him on his shoulder, smiling softly.
"Hello. I'm sorry to disturb, but you seemed to need help looking for a book. Correct me if I'm wrong, however, and I can leave." you said, trying to look at his gorgeous onyx eyes. "Thank you for your help, miss. I was looking for 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'. I'd be grateful if you could help me find it." he replied, with a ghost of a smile. "Ah...Well, I believe I took the last copy of it, last week, I apologise. I can borrow it to you if you want. I'm almost always around here anyways." you said, recalling the amazing book you recently finished. "Are you not an employee here?" his eyebrow raised in confusion. "Nah, I just come around to relax and enjoy my time. I do tend to help around if I can, since they cant handle all the work, you know?" you replied, looking around in pride and content. "That sounds wonderful. Mind if I come around tomorrow to pick it up? I will return it as soon as I finish it." he said, looking grateful. "Sounds like a plan. Whenever you have time, I'll be here. That, over there, is my usual reading corner, but if you don't see me, just ask around for Y/N, okay?" you grinned, extending your hand for him to shake. "Uchiha Itachi. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for your help, I have to leave now. Have a lovely day." shaking your hand, he made his way out of the bookstore, waving his goodbye at you. "It was nice meeting you too, Itachi." with a side-smile on your face, you turned back to your corner, very smug at the looks the others were giving you.
Your village was very well known for its fabulous festivals- so great that people, both ninjas and commoners, would get out of their way to attend them as often as possible, since they provided delightful food from all over the world, great games, and the best part that always comes at night- 
And that is where you came from-
Since you were very little, you absolutely
fireworks- the colours, the patterns, the noise, the smell, everything about them just made you incredibly giddy and overwhelmed with happiness, so, with time, you started creating your own fireworks, infused with elemental chakra and other tricky, secret stuff to make them even better than the common ones, which made the villagers happy to allow you to do every Firework Show, each night.
This night, however, the festival was in the same day as your birthday, which had you excited - tenfold the usual dose, if possible - and going up the hill, in your gorgeous traditional kimono that your mother gifted you, and needless you say, you put your best performance so far, incredibly satisfied at your work and the gorgeous display on the dark, starry sky.
"That was a great firework show, huh? Much more intriguing and fascinating than all the others I've seen so far. You did this, hn?" a deep voice said behind you, making you yelp in surprise and look back at the blond individual, with big, scared, fawn eyes. "Sorry if I scared you, yeah." he continued. "Just wanted to praise the artist and learn some tips from them." he grinned, confidently. "O-Oh! I'm really happy that you liked it! I did my best with this one! It's uh...A special occasion, might I say!" he smiled softly, trying to tone down your excitement. "Lemme guess, it's your birthday, hn? Special outfit for a special day, yeah." he said as he took out some clay his bag. "It is! Good guess, mate! What's this clay for?" you inquired, curiosity completely taking over you. "This! Is my art! Watch and learn, missy!" he gloated, as the mouths on his hands started shaping clay into a bird, showing it off. "Uhh~! So pretty! You're really talented!" you chirped, examining the birdy. "You think this is pretty? Look at this, yeah!" with that, he infused the clay figurine with his chakra and threw it high into the sky, then activated it by yelling "KATSU!", making it create a huge, fascinating explosion, leaving you awestruck, jumping up and down, clapping. "Art truly is an explosion, right?" you said, looking at him in admiration. "I couldn't have said it any better, missy. Glad to see there are other true art enthusiasts around, unlike my dull partner, hn! Well, gotta go now, missy!" he said, as he gave you another clay figurine. "Hope I'll see you again. After all, artists stick together, right?" you said, with a knowing smile plastered on your face. "You know it, missy! See ya around, yeah!" he waved, as he jumped on the back of a huge clay bird and flew away, leaving you look down at the little gift in your hands, smiling and blushing slightly. This sure was one hell of a birthday!
Akasuna no Sasori
Since you were  little, you've always been interested in herbal medicine and poisons, so much that you'd only research plants, both from your home and from abroad, which made you become a well-known merchant, which allowed you to travel all-over the world, practise and invent all sorts of antidotes and poisons.
You were very passionate about your hobby, and by now, you had several books in which you wrote every plant you've encountered, wrote its properties and where you saw it, and many other books for different potions, how you could make them, their effects and so on.
Obviously, you already knew everything by heart, but it was always nice to have it written down and drawn on paper, especially since drawing was also a passion of yours and it was the only way you could practise it.
You carried precious but dangerous information with you at all times, so it was little surprise when one day, when you finally found the perfect spot for new plants to document and draw, you got ambushed by a bunch of no-so-friendly looking ninjas who wanted to hurt you and take your precious notes from you, which angered you so. As soon as you found a run-down small shack, you hid in it and prepared one of your most powerful poisons so you could kill them all. The best part of this? You were completely immune to all poisons and venoms so no matter what the outcome would be, you wouldn't be injured at all. As soon as they entered the house, you raised your mask up to your nose and stealthily closed the door and with a simple jutsu and a very toxic and complex poison, you breathed out a deadly mist that engulfed the whole place, making the scums die in agony as you swiftly made your escape out of there, enjoying their screams of pain. The only problem was that as soon as you got out of there, you stretched your limbs and as you were about to take off your mask, you notice a red-haired man about your height with seemingly no emotions on his face, staring at you. Despite his stoic face, a glint of smugness was evident in his eyes.
"I heard you were good, but that was much better than expected. I can see why Leader wanted to recruit you." he said in a monotone voice. "I wasn't aware I was so famous..." you said quietly. "The day the Black Mamba won't be famous, I wouldn't be-" "Akasuna no Sasori." you chirped, cutting him. "Sorry, that was rude of me. Forgive me." "So you're aware of my title. Good. You'll be coming to the base without any struggle, then." he smirked at you with a slight patronising stare. "As long as I can continue my passions, I don't see any reason not to. Uh...Maybe the fact that you're criminals could be a strong point...But it would be much safer with than without you." you tried to speak coherently, trying not to make a fool of yourself in front of the person that became an inspiration when you were young. "Before that, uhm...Would you mind if I went home and get my things? I have a lot of important thi-" you started, but were quickly cut off by a dismissive hand. "I'm not a patient person. Go home, I'll be back to escort you to our base. Be ware, however, that I am not a patient person and my patience runs thin incredibly fast. Don't push your limits." he said, sternly. "I-I...Will keep that in mind. Thank you for giving me a chance." you said, low-key spazzic and wanting to get away from his intimidating stare. "Do not disappoint." he stated, before he left without a second word.
Well...That will proved to be a great opportunity for you to grow even further and become and even more qualified poison expert.
You were an amazing ninja, but after a horrible incident which got both your family and your team, consisted of your two best friends, killed, your village blamed and shunned you, making you be forced to go rogue and live the life of a criminal. You were scared and angry at the injustice that has fallen upon you, but there was nothing you could do, apart from living on your life the best you could. After that incident and your shunning, you became a target high in the Bingo Book's Top 10 Wanted Criminals, with a huge bounty on your head, due to your incredible stealth, tracking and mind-controlling skills, which is why, unknown to you, the Akatsuki were trying to recruit you.
Countless months passed since the incident, you managed to find a small but cozy place to live in and you got pretty comfortable with a common life, pretending to be a normal villager. You become the one to provide the small village with flowers and other city technology, so you were used to people knocking on your door, asking for commissions and other stuff to order and bring to the village store, so when a knock could be heard at your door, at first, you weren't surprised. However, that changed when, after so many years, you picked up the sense of an incredibly powerful chakra, which made you uneasy, to say the least, but if that person particularly went out of their way to find you, they were sure to know you were there, so acting anything but peaceful would not be in your favour.
Shivers ran over your body, anxious beyond belief as you quietly unlocked the door and opened it, hiding behind the door, gripping it, only peaking slightly at the stranger standing in front of me. He had short, messy orange hair, multiple piercings, the famous Rinnegan and the feared Akatsuki cloak. Biting your lip, you tried to calm your breathing and hold a decent conversation without showing your worry, since his stern glaze root you to the ground. By the way he was standing, fully composed and an air of authority around him, being here by himself, unlike the others, who seemed to always do missions with another partner.
"H-Hello. How may I help you?" you mustered, unsure of what to do. "You are Y/N L/N, am I correct?" he said in a low, monotone voice. "Y-Yes, who asks?" you clearly weren't surprised this strange knew your name, since you were a known criminal around the big villages. "My name is Pein and I am the Leader of the Akatsuki. I came here to recruit you, being one of those few people with more than average skills." he stated, not budging. "That's...Not so bad, actually. Thanks for considering me, I guess." you said, unsure of yourself, still biting your life. "I will be coming for you next week and I am expecting a definite answer by then." he said, nodding. "There's only one answer which would ensure I'll stay alive, anyways, so uh...You know the answer." you looked away, trying to escape his hypnotising stare. "Very well. Be prepared to leave next week. Also...I suggest breaking your justu. It is not going to work on me. Good day." as with that, he left you there, dumbstruck to the spot, still processing your encounter with the strongest criminal you've ever seen.
It was fun and you were looking forward to this new adventure.
All your life, you've been dealing with a lot of negativity from everyone around you, since you were the only ninja in the village and you were damned good at your job and with that, you gathered a lot of money and hate from others.
This, however, motivated you to become a better person and spread positivity in any way you could and that included telling people they are pretty, wishing them a great, sunny day and/or giving them flowers. It was, in your opinion, a very sweet way of making they day better and seeing them smile brightened up your own day as well. On the other hand, you only wished someone would one day do the same to you too.
And so, one day, you went to the market, saw some beautiful flowers, took three of them and left to walk around the city and settled for the nearby cafe. Unfortunately, it was all full, apart from one empty chair at a table for two where a gorgeous girl with blue hair was sipping tea and reading a book, which upon further inspection proved to be Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Grinning, yet still feeling shy, you went besides her table, trying to fake confidence.
"Hi! Would it be okay if I stay here? Everywhere else is full." you smiled kindly. "I don't mind." she said, barely stealing a glance at you, but gesturing for you to take a seat.
After taking a cup of hot chocolate, you took out your book from your bag, but something was urging you to talk to the girl, so that's what you tried.
"So, Mary Shelley, huh? I love her work too. She's a genius." you said, unsure. "She's amazing. This must be one of my favourite books and the perspective of ethics is very intriguing." she stated with the ghost of a smile on her face, finally looking at you.
Grinning at her, you continued talking to her about the morals and ethics of the book, the author and many other books with similar topics, until you both finished your drinks and you realised you had to go home. As a way to say goodbye, you paid the bill for the both of you, then smiled at her and handed her one of the flowers.
"It was lovely meeting you and I'm very happy that I got to meet someone as beautiful as you who also shares my tastes in books. You brightened up my whole year with this encounter and I only hope I could make you smile. I hope to see you again, if you wouldn't mind." you said with a grin on your face, gripping on your book, swinging back and forth on your spot, shyly. "I would love to. It was an honour meeting you." she smiled and you could swear the whole room lit up. "I'm Y/N. It was a pleasure meeting you too...?" you stated, hoping for her to tell you her name. "Konan. Thank you for paying for my tea as well." she said, extending her hand for you to shake. "Special people deserve special treatment. Will I be seeing you again soon?" you asked, hopeful. "You will. Farewell, Y/N. Have a bright day." she smiled at you, nodding and leaving the place.
It took you everything you had not to jump-hug her or kiss her cheek in happiness, but you managed to restrain yourself and only grinned at your success and went home, extremely proud of yourself.
You were a retired ANBU ninja who decided that she's enough death in her life in a short amount of time, so you decided to take up healing and other relaxing activities, like tending to your new flower garden, crocheting and taking care of your kitten. It was all going great, so far, finally managing to get over your trauma and learning again how to relax and be happy. As you were tending to your little piece of heaven, you suddenly got startled by the sound of a tree breaking and a thud. You sighed, got up and went to investigate the annoying sound, which proved to be an unconscious, weird-looking, injured man. You checked to see if he had a pulse, which admittedly, he had, but at the same time, as you took off his mask, you immediately recognised him as one of the most mysterious and dangerous Akatsuki member, high-listed in the Bingo Book you constantly kept in your position. What was more, apart from his name and village, nobody knew anything about him, which made him all the more dangerous, since clearly, every person he encountered and fought never lived to tell the tale of his true powers...Or at least his chakra nature. Not that it mattered, anyways. You were no longer a ninja and nor were you intending to go back to that stressful life, but as soon as you finished your medical training, you swore an oath never to let any person die, if you can help (which, on the other hand, never states that I couldn't possibly maim them at least, thankfully.)
His injuries were incredibly bad and if he wasn't as weirdly, inhumanely powerful as he was, he wouldn't have survived another breathe - which now he could take with ease. Sighing after hours of healing, I stretch your arms, satisfied with your work, when suddenly, a hand grasped your neck and you see Kakuzu raised to a sitting position, his glare being ominously highlighted by his long hair, draping over his face.
"Rude...!" you gasped, trying to breathe, as you put your hands on his wrist, trying to make him stop strangling you. "I healed you!" "Not a wise decision." and although he said that, the grip on your neck became slowly softer until it completely released you. "Sheesh...Kinky. At least get me a cup of sugary coffee or something." you mumbled, rubbing your neck, looking away. "Why would you heal a criminal?"  he said, completely ignoring your previous reply. "Criminal or not, it is my duty as a healer to save people, evil or not. Can't do much about it, huh?" you stated, as a matter of fact. "You have a Bingo Book next to you and yet, you don't seem afraid. Why?" he asked, peering into your eyes. "The risk I took was calculated...But boy, am I bad at maths."you chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "Are you aware of the incredibly huge bounty on your head?" it was more like a statement than a question, as he handed you his own Bingo Book to look at. What came as a huge surprise, as you flipped through the pages you also had in your own book, was a page dedicated to yourself- Your name, your village, your chakra nature, your skills and an unimaginable sum under your picture. You whistled in shock at the page you were staring at, then you slowly and lifted your eyes, making eye-contact with the famous Bounty Hunter, as a chilled shiver took over your body
"So...You're going to kill me and hand me in for the money, huh?" you asked, unsure of his intentions. "Money runs the world and ethics nor morality do anyone a favour. It would be ridiculous not to do so." he stated, without any remorse. You gave a scared laugh, thinking about your last moments, but they never came. Kakuzu, instead of killing you, stood up, towering over your small frame "Fortunately for you, I still have an ounce of morality left. Enough so that I won't kill the healer who did me a favour, despite knowing who I was." and he left without another word, leaving you blinking in surprise. For some reason, this encounter left you with a giddy heart and not only from fear, but from a bit of admiration too.
You weren't an actual ninja, being from a smaller village with very few actually training by going to other big village's Academies, but you and your mum learnt how to be very the best healers around, which was why the place you lived at became a small clinic for every kind of people to get treated, either for free, or make donations.
Today was significantly more boring than usual, no conflicts, fights or small 'wars' happening, so you decided to let your mother run the place while watching a movie on your laptop, as you went out to stretch your legs, enjoy some fresh air in the nearby forest, stand by the stream and take in the godly perfume of the flowers.
The birds' symphony that had you lose yourself on Cloud 9 was, however, abruptly stopped when out of nowhere, a screaming head was catapulted in your direction, at a rather fast speed. Your eye twitched at the disturbance and you merely cocked your own head to the left, in order to avoid the annoying thing projecting your way. Happy enough, it slammed into the tree close to you, which made it stop yelling...For a short while.
"Can you shut up already? Some people are trying to enjoy the peace and quite this place offers."you told the annoying talking-head next to you.
This head, apparently, had silver hair, slicked back , slightly messy from the throw, and amethyst eyes.
"The hell is your problem, bitch?! Can't you have any bit of sympathy for a decapitated man?!" he glared at you. "Can you blame me? I just wanted to have one free day to relax and instead I...You know what? This is actually hilarious. How did you end up like this?" you smirked at him, resting your jaw on your hand. "What does it matter?! Just stitch me back to my body and leave me alone!" he said, trying to roll on the ground. "And where is your body, anyways? I couldn't possibly dream of some magical way to detect your body in the middle of nowhere, right?" you chuckled at him, then grabbed him by the hair, making him look at you directly. "You're even more annoying than that asshole, Kakuzu! Argh, just wait till I see him! That way! Go, now!" he said, trying to spin to show you the direction. "Kakuzu? Is he your boyfriend, or what? Domestic fight?" you snickered, getting up and walking in the direction he was instructing. "Boyfriend?! What the hell is wrong with you, bitch?! That jerk is absolutely horrible and has no regard for my religion! Besides, who cares about relationships?! All I need is Jashin-sama's blessings and I'm good." he thundered, clearly offended by the idea of him being in a relationship. "I suppose that's why you're immortal, huh? No normal person could get decapitated in a revenge-porn acti-" "DON'T EVEN DARE CONTINUE THAT SENTENCE! Or, I swear, the first thing I do when I get back to my body is to make you into a sacrifice!" by this time, the foam forming in his mouth almost drooling down his chin in anger. "You forgot the key-point of this. I could just as simply toss you farther away, just like your partner, much smarter than you, did." you winked at him. "Here! There it is!" he yelled in slight smugness. "Ah...Poor you...You look like a fish on the land, struggling to breathe." you replied in fake sympathy, as you sat down besides his body, getting the emergency scroll from your purse and taking out your sewing kit to help the poor idiot become whole again. As soon as you finished the procedure, during which he kept continuously whining and chatting about weird stuff, he got up and rubbed his neck, stretched, clearly relieved to be back. "You know what? I think you did a much better job than that asshole! Thanks, bitch!" he said, beaming. "My name is Y/N and I'd like you to call me by my name, not some stupid nickname your boyfriend calls you." you glared at him. "You know wha-" he tried to continue the sentence, but he was cut off by a loud, angry, booming voice echoing through the forest.
"Is...This your boyfriend?"
you cocked your head in confusion and amusement at their antics.
You waved at Hidan as he was violently dragged away by his partner.
Ah, what a happy couple~!
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axelsagewrites · 7 years
Magnus Bane*Visions pt2
I know Camille and Magnus’s storyline is a bit different in the books/tv show but it fits in better with the request and the ideas for this so the bitch is in it! Sorry. Also if you cant tell: Warnings?-Mild swearing.
Part 1 Part 3
Main Masterlist HERE
Shadowhunters Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
“I don’t want to see some Magnus Bane guy.” I whined to Clary. We were all currently walking to Brooklyn to find this warlock and I can’t be bothered to be honest. I'd rather just go home at this point. “I know (Y/N), it's just…” Clary started but ended with a sigh. “It's just with everything going on, we need to keep you safe. If Valintine finds out who knows what would happen. I can't lose anyone else. I've already lost mom and Si an-“ She was barely holding back tears so I gave in. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a side hug. She rested her head on my shoulder as we walked. Jace, Alec and Izzy were walking in front of us. They said it was to give us privacy but I saw Jace activate a rune that looked similar to the hearing rune so I doubt what I say will be that private. “I’ll go Clare bear. You won't lose me.” “Promise?” “Now who's the one who sees the future.” I tried to joke but as she started giggling Jace turned around to face us. “Be quiet you two. Who knows whose around?” I rolled my eyes. Everyone thinks I'm just a Mundie anyway. “And you like him?” I whisper to which Clary poked my ribs.
After a fifteen minute walk, we were walking up the stairs to the high warlocks apartment. “I texted him a few minutes ago so he knows we're coming,” Alec stated in his same old monotoned voice. We walked up the stairs in silence although it always felt like the parabiti’s were talking somehow. Looking around somethings looked kind of similar but I brushed it off. The boxes outside of the door across from the high warlocks seemed similar but distant. Probably just some old vision that wasn’t important. Alec knocked on the door and it opened by itself. The shadowhunters began to walk in but I froze for a second staring at the door. Why did he just let us in without checking? And why is the number so familiar. “You ok (Y/N)?” Clary asked drawing the other hunters attention. “Yeah,” I mumbled shaking my head. “Yeah just got a small headache.” Clary nodded and I walked into the apartment. “So what brings you to my home again, shadowhunters?” I froze again. That voice. It wasn’t quite the same but…more awake? It isn’t… The man sitting on the sleek black leather couch stood up and turned around. Black hair, blue tips? Check. Tan, Asian skin? Check. Fabulous clothes? Check. Silky voice? Check. If it wasn’t the man from my vision then it's his bloody twin! “One of Clary’s mundane friends is having weird visions,” Jace said nonchalantly. Ok, that snapped me out of it. “You know, I don’t get why you hate mundanes considering it's your job to protect us.” I crossed my arms and glared at him. “Manners cost nothing you know. I do have a name.” I'm sick of this. I'm mundane, not scum. “Fiesty. Interesting.” Magnus said, getting back the attention. Its weird to think about the vision but at the same time, it's awesome. I don’t know when the vision will take place or if we last but still. “So tell me about these visions.” Magnus sauntered over to a bar and began to pour martinis. “Is it not a bit early for drinks?” Clary asked. I get it’s a bit annoying for him to be ‘drinking on the job’ but it's his flat. Come on Clary. “Its cocktail hour somewhere,” I said at the same time as the warlock. He turned to me with a smile. “I can stand this one. The other one, whats his name? Sheldon? He gets annoying. Whats your name?” “(Y/N). and his name is Simon.” I said, slightly annoyed. “It really isn’t hard to remember names of the only two mundanes,” I mumbled but I was heard. “My mistake,” Magnus said with a slight smirk. Probably because I flinched when I realised they had heard. Damn runes and magic! “Its just I happen to of met a lot of people over my long life. My apologies.” “This isn’t time for socialising.” Alec cut us off. “(Y/N)’s been seeing the future and I’d rather get that sorted out so we don’t have to deal with it.” “Deal with me or the issue?” I glared at Alec. Jesus! Is Izzy the only half decent one? “Ignore my brothers,” Izzy said. Well, that’s my question answered. “(Y/N) sometimes has visions of the future while they sleep. We want to know what they are and if it should be stopped.” “I see,” Magnus mumbled and stared at me. “Have you ever seen a demon before?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow. “No?” it came out as a question. How the hell should I know? “I don’t think so.” Magnus hummed in confusion. “Ghosts?” I shook my head no. “Spirits?” I shook my head again. “Any type of downworlder?” “No.” I sighed with slight frustration. “I'm pretty sure I would have mentioned that before.” “Sorry, darling, it's just a peculiar situation.” I had to fight back a blush thinking of the fact he will at some point call me darling again. “It's not often I hear about this sort of thing.” For the next half an hour I described what type of visions I have and when I get them. Jace and Izzy had to be called back to the institute so it was just me, Clary, Alec and my future boyfriend. I don’t know if I'm hopeful for saying that considering I already know it will happen. Magnus said he was going to go look through a few books. After a couple minutes of sitting with me and Clary, Alec went to help him. “Why do you keep avoiding eye contact with Magnus?” Clary randomly asked me. “What? No, I don’t.” I spluttered out but she gave me an ‘I don’t have time for your crap’ face and I sighed. “He’s um,” I paused and checked they weren’t in the room. “He’s been in a vision before.” “What? (Y/N) you have to tell him. it could help.” “Not so loud.” I hissed. “It wasn’t like the other visions,” I muttered quietly. She leaned over so I could whisper to her. “We were dating. I just don’t want to make him feel forced or anything. For all, I know it could be years from now.” I looked at Clary and she frowned. “What is it?” I grimaced. “It's just,” she sighed. “I think that vision might be wrong.” “Clary we've been over this-“ I started angrily but she cut me off. “He’s dating someone. I think her names Camille or something.” I froze. I couldn’t be wrong. Could I? “I'm sorry. Maybe that one was just a dream.” I rubbed my forehead in confusion. “It wasn’t a dream. I'm sure of it.” I said barely audible. “Everything ok in here?” Magnus asked as he and Alec entered the room. Clary looked at me and I nodded yes. “Ok, well I think I found something.” “Go for it,” I said. “Well, obviously warlocks are the children of Lillith who couldn’t have children. They were always stillborn. But apparently there is a spell to bring the dead back to life but it isn’t ever used. Some warlock tried in the 1800’s but died in the process. I came into possession of her spell book but didn’t see a point if going through it since none of the spells worked. We were looking through it and a page fell out. It had records of everytime the spell was used or attempted and who on. Around the time she died the records stopped but started again a couple decades ago. Only it wasn’t in the same handwriting. The last time it was used was on a fae baby who was stillborn. It doesn’t say where it happened but it has a date. (Y/D/O/B). Does that ring any bells?” Magnus asked. My face drained of colour and I stared at the floor. Clary put her hand on my shoulder. “That’s your birthday.” She said just above a whisper. I closed my eyes. “What else does it say?” “Not much to be honest. All it says is fae, (Y/D/O/B), successful. There is something on the back in a demonic language but it would take some time to translate.” “Do it,” Alec said. “If you can translate it you have too.” “I will. It will take some time though.” Magnus turned to me. “Are you ok?” “I'm dead,” I whisper. “I should be dead.” I put my head in my hands. “I'm fucking dead!” I yelled, frustrated. “Is that a new vamp then?” All our heads turned to see the woman standing in the doorway. A tall pale woman in a clearly expensive outfit with blood red lips and an eery smirk. “No Camille,” Magnus said which made my stomach drop into a further pit of disappear. “(Y/N) here just got a text saying they're in trouble for sneaking out. They meant it figuratively.” Why wasn’t Magnus telling his girlfriend? Apparently, all three of us had the same thought because me, Clary and Alec all shared a questioning look but went along with it. “Oh, that’s a game.” She sighed. “I could do with some new company. Raphael’s becoming duller as the days drag on. Wait if you’re mundane…” Camille trailed off with a smile. “And were shadowhunters.” Alec stood up. “And you are already under probation Ms Belcourt.” Camille rolled her eyes. “Well run along shadowhunters.” She said with annoyance. Magnus escorted us to the door. Just before he closed it he glanced over his shoulder before telling me, “Just a promotion. If she knew it might not benefit you.” “Why are you dating her then?” I asked to which he sighed. “Reasons you would not yet understand (Y/N).” And with that, he closed the door. We walked down the stairs and I told the others what Magnus told me. Clary didn’t quite understand but Alec clearly did. “That was probably a good idea. Especially since we are pretty sure it's her who turned the other mundane. He just needed to tell us the name before running off and it would be so much easier.” Alec seemed annoyed that Si had run off. I get it now. It's hard to protect people when you aren’t allowed to go after who you need to protect them from. “Thanks for defending me.” Alec raised an eyebrow. “From Camille. I think she would’ve eaten me if you weren’t there.” “You know, you’re not the worst mundane in the institute (Y/N)” He said with a slight smirk. “You’re the only one who did what they were supposed too.” “Whats that's supposed to mean?” Clary exclaimed in anger. I held back a laugh as I said. “Clary you never do what you’re supposed to. Plus his crush fancies you!” “Jace isn’t my crush,” Alec muttered and rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, who is?” I challenged. His eyes dropped to the floor and his checks went dark red. “No one. I don’t have one.”  Clary and I both raised our eyebrows and crossed our arms. We had learned this look together because of how much we used it on Si. It was the ‘bitch quiet lying to me and spill the tea’ look. “Fine,” he sighed. “Magnus’s assistant warlock. His names Elliot.” Clary and I smirked at each other. “Tell anyone and you won't wake up tomorrow.” Alec sped up, leaving me and Clary a few feet behind. We got back to the institute and filled Jace and Izzy in. The plan was to keep me hidden until Magnus translated the text but you learn quickly being Clary’s friend that things never got to plan…
I decided to make this multiple parts because of I’m evil. Ok, maybe I just can't fit it all in two chapters but either way. Sorry I've been MIA for a bit. I've just been busy tbh. I will be posting an announcement later about why and whats going on in November so if for some crazy reason you care about my posts and such I’ll be telling you guys in a little bit.
Part 3
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