#and sorry also for the slight godmodding
fidelissimi-moved · 8 months
@deceptivemorals asked: - 11. for lazy morning sex  - "you're so beautiful like this." - ( g-spot ) one muse is teasing the other with their fingers, fingering them and making them squirm
the demon-witches body stretches, a long and languid motion; the high thread count sheets feel like nothing she's ever slept on in her life and she's already disappointed that she'll have to leave the warmth of his bed soon.
"you're so beautiful like this."
the rumbly voice of the Original meets her ears and Ruby's eyes flutter open, finding the warmth of the bed extends to the dark brown eyes she meets with her own. he actually doesn't look disappointed that she's still there, which surprises her. "you're just tryin' to butter me up for another round before i go, huh?" she teases with a smirk, rolling toward him to steal a kiss and run her hand up his bare chest, as his own settles on her hip and he rolls until he's half laying over her body and letting his hand wander as it pleases. deft and knowing fingers dip between her legs and find her folds already wet, and she spreads her knees as he nudges them apart with his hand and sinks two fingers into her, curling them expertly as he takes his time working her up.
"not the worst idea, if i do say so," Elijah answers as the kiss breaks, and he stares down at her as she squirms beneath him, her breath coming in short, tight gasps. he works himself to his knees between her splayed thighs as his fingers bring her closer and closer to climax, and Ruby rides the blissful wave he takes her on to the very last moment... when he stops and removes his fingers, resulting in a frustrated growl from the demon-witch. "what the... fuck, seriously?" she begins, but he's not done, and the smirk on his face says so loud and clear. Elijah then lines himself up to sink inside of her slowly, and the expression of pleasure and bliss settles back on her features again. "that's more like it," she barely whispers, tugging him down until she feels the comforting weight of his body on hers and her lips can find his again in a deep, needy kiss. they have nothing but time, and they steal every last moment of it, relishing in the slow and lazy pace they set, drawing out their morning activities until the sun is much higher in the sky and he's taught her what it feels like to fly.
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nightmarecountry · 1 year
⚠️ // bite my muse ( can specify where )
I thought you didn't like women, she says against his mouth when he kisses her, bullying her up against the bathroom wall until her back's against the tiles and he's pressed just about as close as he can get.
I don't. You don't count, he snarls. His mouth on hers, his voice coming from higher up, behind the glasses that keep getting skewed when their noses bump together. You barely count as human.
She bites him then, for the insult or for the lie, her blunt human teeth sinking into his lower lip, and it's only then that he finally shudders and presses his hips against her, his body reacting even if the rest of him recoils.
You smell like him. You taste like him.
So do you.
Alex--the Corinthian--whoever he is, grips her jaw in his hand to keep her still. Brushes his fingers just under her eye (focus on that, think about that and about him and not about her), ignoring how wet his face is. He can't tell if he's crying or just starving. It doesn't fucking matter, anyway.
I want something in return, he tells her, mouth at her throat, then lower, lower. He's biting more than kissing on the way down, sinking slowly to his knees on a filthy bathroom floor that will ruin the knees of his trousers. Once his mouth is occupied, his eyes speak for him. You let me into your dreams. I get your eyes.
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themickey · 2 months
task 4 (?): an early memory of woodrow house
november 1989, mickey is 11 years old and has been at the house for a couple months
side note: this contains godmodding for multiple muses but everything is based on head canons we've discussed, if anyone wants me to change something, please yell at me
mickey's first month in the woodrow house was lonely, there was no denying it. she barely spoke any english after going to a french elementary school and not reaching the age where english is taught more widely. coming to live in america was a huge culture shock for her. mr. woodrow, or richard as he kept reminding her to call him, spoke french but it was real french, not the quebecois mickey was used to. he tried his best but there were still some things he didn't understand when she tried to speak to him.
the most lonely of times were when they were lined up at the large dinning room table, 16 kids and teens and the man who brought them all together. some were quiet and kept to themselves out of comfort, others were loud and laughed together. all mickey could do was watch and wonder. she wondered what they were talking about, wondered who these strange kids were. she only knew their names, some she could not repeat out loud, her tongue betraying her when she tried to say them alone in her room. even if they could not speak, mickey still tried to remember these new people she was living with.
it was different than being in the homes back in canadia. even when she was placed in a foster home with english speakers, everyone also spoke french to some degree, it was common in montreal, but here, there were just 15 other kids who looked at her like she was an alien when she tried to speak.
one day, she was trying to work on her school work but was having trouble understanding what she was supposed to do. her teachers were trying to help her learn english by having a mix of french and english on her papers, but she was supposed to answer in english. she was having trouble with the words she was supposed to write.
with her paper in her hand, she walked up to one of the older boys. he always had a stressed look on his face, as if he has a perinate stress line between his eyebrows. she wondered what was making him so stressed but she couldn't form the words to ask him.
"excusez-moi," mickey says, holding the paper out. "est-ce correct?" she asked, pointing to the answer she wrote.
the boy looked at the paper for a second, reading over her words. "uh, yeah, looks correct to me," he says before looking back at what he was working on. "i'm sorry michelle, i have to finish this essay for my georgetown application, but you're doing good, i think."
i'm sorry michelle. she's heard those three words a lot since she's moved in. she's come to understand what they mean. everyone had their own things going on and they didn't have time to try to work through what she was trying to say to her. but she also understood the slight praise he had given her in the end. "merci," she says with a smile before going back to the desk she was using.
"michelle, do you want to play with me?" a young girl asked, she looked about her age, maybe a little younger. she had big eyes and a kind smile. she noticed how everyone called her michelle here. it was similar to her name, perhaps the english version, but she didn't like it, it wasn't hers. but this girl looked kinds and mickey didn't have the words to tell her yet.
there was doll in her arms. mickey remembered asking her mom for one of those dolls for christmas the year before she passed. they couldn't afford it but her mom gifted her a similar but much cheaper doll that mickey loved anyway.
"j'aime ta poupée," she says, pointing at the doll in her arms.
the girl smiles at her, as if she understood. "this is samantha!" she says excitedly, showing off her doll. "come on, let's go play!" mickey didn't know what she was saying, the girl took her hand and lead her up the stairs to her room.
a few days went by and she noticed how the kind, young girl tried to talk to her more and more. perhaps she was excited to have someone new to play with that was her own age. they would play with her dolls and it didn't matter than they didn't speak the same langue. the girl would even try to teach her words. pointing at different toys and saying their names for mickey to repeat back to her until she understood.
sitting at the long table, surrounded by everyone who were starting to not feel like strangers, mickey looked around at them all. they looked like a family, talking and sharing a meal together. richard watched them all with a pleased smile on his lips. he always seemed so proud of them when they all sat down together.
looking down at her plate, she practiced the words she wanted to say in her head, translating the words she learned from a french to english dictionary richard had given her. "excusez me," she says softly at first, not off to a good start. a few of the others look over at her, probably shocked that she was speaking. clearing her throat softly, she tries again, a little louder this time. "i do not like it when i am called michelle." her accent sounded strange to her own ears, the words were strange to her but she hoped they were coming across to the others. "my name is michèle. perhaps, you can use a sobriquet," shoot, she forgot the word already. "fake name- no-" she cut herself off frustrated that she couldn't think of the words anymore.
richard spoke up at the end of the table. "it's okay michèle, do you mean a nickname?" he encouraged.
she nodded before gathering her thoughts again, the attention of everyone on her. "yes, a nick-name," she said the word slowly. "perhaps, mickey...like the rodent- mouse."
no one spoke for what felt like forever, though it was probably only a couple seconds before someone finally said something.
"okay mickey mouse," one of the girls sitting close to her repeated with a mischievous smirk. she was close to mickey's age and from what she's gathered, she's also pretty new to the house.
there were others mummering their acceptance and a couple apologies before the conversation when back to normal between the others. richard looked at her with that proud look on his face and raised his glass slightly to her.
mickey smiled to herself, happy and proud that she could finally put her feelings into words that the others could understand.
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dear-demon · 1 year
Greetings, mun here! I wanted to make a pinned post as i don't have access to an about as i mainly use mobile!
This is a blog for Audrey, a lil demon kid with a big heart!
I'll put this post under a readmore as it's kinda long! ^_^
I don't have many rules as of rn but more will be added if I see the need arise!
First of all I want to say that I will always always go out of my way if I can to read and abide by your rules if you have an about, please do the same for me! :]
The main universal rules as always do apply such as no godmodding, please be literate (no one sentence replies), and please be respectful while interacting with me!
If you do so it's likely I'll get along with you great! :D Mun has about 20 years of rp experience and will try to write similar to how you do, though usually I tend to go long & descriptive!
There will likely be heavy and/or dark themes present! I apologize in advance but I do love me some good ole drama! Ha! It will all be properly tagged though, I promise. (ex: blood, gore, angst, trauma)
Also please be aware that Audrey is a minor so I will not be doing any shipping with him aside from childlike crushes!
I will likely include other characters to the blog eventually, such as Audrey's mom or others who may eventually be created. I will add their info as they appear and I can get to it. If these characters are of age I'd be open to shipping, though! I prefer it to occur naturally of course, as forcing ships is not my cup of tea.
(Please note this doesn't mean I'm immune to saying things like 'awww they could be such a cute pair!' in dms, that this won't be an invitation to force a ship.)
I am open to having multiple verses on this blog! :] If something drastic happens that warrants a new verse then so be it.
I will try to tag my posts as best I can but if i miss something please feel free to tell me!
Also feel free to send an ask whenever!
Oh yeah, PLEASE do not like or reblog spam here! I am perfectly fine with it on my main blog but on an rp blog it clogs things up and gets annoying really fast! Please be respectful of that here!
I don't really have the ability to make icons or anything for formatting purposes (nor am i really sure how...) so I'm sorry if my replies are a bit visually boring... ha...
I hope you come to enjoy my lil guy and I hope to make some awesome pals here! :D
Some info about the lil guy!
Full name is Audrey Deere (heheh)
He is 4'7 feet tall!
He's truly a sweetheart! Though being a half-demon sometimes less than savory intentions or urges crop up.
He's a faun! Top half boy bottom half little deer! :]
He lives with his mom in the woods near a small village.
His timeline is set in midevil times! So there will definitely be talks of witchhunting & audrey being scared of christian persecution.
Magic IS a thing aside from Audrey in his timeline but it is seen as very taboo and rare. It is often vilified and persecuted.
Please be aware though that not everything will be 100% accurate. I try to do my research but inevitably I will just decide that things happen there which didn't exist in the real world.
The way he pops into blogs is with a little power of his, he can create little uncontrolled portals when he wishes to explore! Uncontrolled meaning they don't always lead to where he wanted or expected them to!
As i can't really get nice colored pictures atm I'll put it here; Audrey has fluffy long brownish red hair, same as his fur! His eyes are a bright golden orange with a hint of blue when the light hits it right. & His skin is a darkish tan with a slight reddish hue (mostly in his cheeks and the blushing of his arms and torso!)
He's covered in freckles all over and his fur has tan speckles! 🤎
Here's a small reference for his fullbody;
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benevolentgodloki · 6 years
The end was near, but it wasn’t going to go the way Thanos believed. High above the city, the great doomsday weapon had been sabotaged by the Avengers. All of its indomitable power of destruction was going to roil inward, so long as one person remained to keep it in check. One person who wouldn’t return.
Down in the wrecked, burning streets, a lone figure limped into the open. Having survived his ordeal with the last of the Black Order, and once again been presumed dead, the brother of Thor stared up at the churning wheel through a magnifying visor. Thanos had worked out what was happening and had used the Gauntlet to portal himself to the vast circle, lumbering through to get at the Avenger who was sacrificing themselves to save the planet.
This wasn’t the first time either. Loki watched Stark straining to keep one of the sliding rings in check with the strength of his suit, reminded of the time the human had expected to die when he destroyed the Chitauri command centre. Iron Man was about to fail, unable to move as Thanos advanced on him. None of the available Avengers were close enough to take action, but the swirling blue gateway that Thanos had left open was mere yards away from the god of mischief.
He cursed and bolted for it, bursting through into the scene of roaring wind and precarious moving parts. There were only seconds to act before Thanos noticed he was there. With a sickening terror, he realised the process was starting: the weapon beginning to hum. Any moment now the centre of the wheel would draw energy from the Gauntlet and act like a black hole. Either the weapon would implode and take Stark and Thanos - and now Loki - with it, or Thanos would revert its function and destroy Earth.
Loki launched himself at Thanos, knowing full well he would have as much strength as an insect against him. All he needed, however, was this distraction. After the first attack, he cast clones, enticing the Titan to swipe at them. Thanos stumbled enough to get one leg temporarily caught between the great rings. A point of light was emerging from the weapon’s core. There were only seconds left.
Leaping at Thanos’ arm, Loki grasped the Gauntlet and aimed it at the sky adjacent to the sky wheel. A burst of his magic shot through it, changing from yellow-green to blue as the space stone was activated.
“Get out!” he screamed at Tony as a portal yawned wide, where exactly to he did not know. Behind him, Thanos snarled and a force smaller than an atom started to tug. 
Loki threw himself at the portal and stopped, stranded in mid-air in a moment of helpless despair, just as he had been when Algrim’s grenade had tried to rip him apart. Once again, Thor was on his way, but he was too far to save him. The pull of the weapon’s singularity was too strong and freedom just beyond reach.
But then Stark escaped his suit, leaving it to hold position for the last few seconds. He had kept his repulsors attached, blasting them full pelt to propel himself at the open portal. Loki heard him yell with the effort, felt arms around his waist and was dragged through. Had they been able to remain, they might have caught the spectacular sight of Thanos holding off against the imploding gate, only for Thor to swoop in and sever the Gauntlet from the Titan’s arm, leaving Thanos finally to fall into oblivion.
Far across the universe, two figures were spat out of a blue mist to land on dark, musty soil. There was an atmosphere, and scattered metal debris, but whether it was inhabited was anyone’s guess.
Grunting with the pain of the wounds he had incurred at the hands of the Black Order, Loki was in no hurry to get up, simply catching his breath and staring at the man he had saved and who had saved him in turn. 
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pathologistsupreme · 4 years
21+ blog due to nsfw and heavy topics. I am 28 years old and prefer to write with adults. Minors will be purged and blocked.
This blog is low activity. Threads will be prioritized with mains. Yes I do mains and they pretty much are the same across all my blogs. Exclusives will develop between me and my mains most of the time.
Personals will be blocked. I do not interact with personals and will not RP with any even if you turn your blog into an RP blog. Sorry but I just don’t do it. RP blogs only please. If you have a side let me know.
Personal preference but I will not follow back dash only blogs. Most of the time I am unable to see all the information and I just prefer not to.
I will not follow: suicide baiters, gatekeepers, sjws, elitists, those who I have heard are bad news. My dash is my comfort and I want to keep it clear of drama. If you try to tell me who I should and should not interact with I automatically purge you. If you do not tag the urls of blogs you interact with and they happen to be on my blacklist I will unfollow you quietly. You may interact with whoever you want but when my own blacklist won’t work due to no tagging I reserve the right to clean my dash. my dash = my comfort.
Do not reblog my threads if you’re not part of them. Personals have been known to do this and you need to respect me and my writing partners. Reblog memes & prompts from their sources. If the source is no longer available that’s a little different but if you just use me to harvest memes or aesthetics I will block. If you auto reblog memes from me as a source and never bother to send me anything I will drop you. I practice reblog and      inbox karma.
Softblock is how I purge down my follows and keep my dash clean. I purge people who show no interest in interaction. So if you follow here and don’t offer me at the least a like on my posts then I take this as you wanting a free follow. Do not follow me if you have no intention of interacting with me. I also practice block back so if I discover you’ve blocked me I return the favor.
Darker content will be included in threads. I and my writing partners do not condone triggering subjects in real life. If you can’t differentiate reality from fiction I can’t help you there. No one will tell me what to write or do     with my own blog.
Continue asks into threads if you feel there is more. Flooding my inbox will force me to close it until I can get it under control.
Views of my muse are not equal to my own. Mun does not equal muse. Remember this.
Godmodding gets you ignored. I don’t care who your character is. Do not push anything on Nadine. She will not tolerate it.
Shipping I will do but extremely selective on it. Nadine is bisexual with a slight preference for gentleman. Smut will appear but with established ships only. Ship cross can exit stage left. 
Last but not least: I am an avid supporter of female characters whether they be canon or not. I write canon and non canon male characters and I am well versed in the stigma the RPC in general shows female muses. If you follow me here and I feel you are just throwing me a bone, you never interact or do not put forth effort when you come to me for plot interest I will unfollow you. No explanation. N o warning. That’s how I do it.
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thexplayground · 5 years
based off this story [18+only] - could be something he put in her drink or hypnosis or whatever [also... I love the idea of this drug/hypnosis causing her to cum every time he slaps her face - which is from another story. I just need some more face slapping lol] - sorry for the slight godmoding - if it doesn’t suit you, we can adjust for sure
Muses: any
The last thing she remembered was going out to dinner with him, chatting, eating, having a couple drinks... then it got a little fuzzy. They’d flirted, even a little teasing, at least, she thought she remembered that much. Now, though, here they were, in some room she didn’t recognize that nearly looked like some kind of sex toy shop with all the items around. She was wearing something different, something slutty - a very short skirt, thigh highs, and nothing else. He’d just torn the little top off her, tits still bouncing. Between her teeth was a rubber toy - a bone, and as much as she considered spitting it out, she couldn’t. Pieces flickered into her mind, vaguely recalling how he’d embarrassed her earlier in the night, patting her head, talking down to her, being demeaning... and how she couldn’t do anything but giggle. It was like she was locked inside herself, in a sense. Try as she might to do something else, she couldn’t fight it. He’d told her to shut up, stuffing this toy into her mouth, telling her not to drop it. Whatever command he gave her, she couldn’t disobey it. It was like something happened to her forcing her to obey. Eyes fluttered up as he told her she was nothing more than a stupid, brainless cunt - and somehow that made her pussy drip with need, it made her whimper. Moan if you want me to treat you like the stupid slut you are, she heard him but couldn’t see him now. Fight as she did, she couldn’t stop herself from moaning... having no idea what he was going to do next.
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symbioteburnout · 6 years
Updated Rules
Tumblr isn’t letting me save my Theme, so I’ll just post the rules here.
Bullying, slurs, racism, homophobia, any form of hate will NOT be tolerated. Just don’t. Okay?
Do not send anon hate! I have had to turn anonymous asks off in the past, if I have to do it again, I will.
Muse does not equal Mun, and vice versa. I am not Andi, shocking, I know, even more shocking? Andi is not me! We are two different people, Andi will say and do things I don’t agree with, or support. Do not take Andi’s actions as me condoning them.
I don’t do callout posts. If I am mad at another person, I prefer to settle things one on one rather than starting a witch-hunt or a fandom war. Plus callout posts are just an excuse to bully in my opinion, and don’t always tell the whole truth.
Following, Unfollowing, and Blocking
I do not always follow back. If I follow you, it means I want to RP. If you follow me, and I follow back, it means I want to RP.
However, if I do follow you, and then nothing happens after a week of me following, I will unfollow. To be more specific, I will ‘soft-block’ you. This means that I will temporarily block your account, so that we will both unfollow each other.
Violation of any of my rules will result in a warning, if you do not change your ways, I will block you.
Talk to Me
If I’m doing something wrong. Tell me!
If I said something that upset you. Tell me!
If you’re having trouble writing a thread or ship for our muses. TELL ME
I’m not a mind reader, I don’t know what’s going on in your head. Talk it out with me, if I’m doing something wrong or something that upsets you, I will do my best not to do it again. If we’ve been writing together and suddenly you feel like our characters are going nowhere, again, talk to me, maybe we can find a work around, or settle things amicably. Don’t just block me out of the blue or ignore me, it sends the wrong message. I will try to extend the same courtesy.
I am OC Selective
Due to some really bad experiences interacting with original characters in the past, I have become very selective when it comes to interacting with Original Characters. Do not take this to mean that 'I hate all OCs’, because I don’t, but I’m just not comfortable writing with certain characters. It’s no different than with canon characters, there are some canon characters I am just not interested in RPing with. If you want Andi to interact with your OC, we can tread the water, or you can send in memes as an ice breaker. However, if I’m not interested, I’m not interested, and I’m sorry.
This is a big deal breaker for me. Do not god mod, ever. Do not write for my character, in a fight thread, do not assume every attack hits its mark. This also includes if your muse knows something about my muse that they otherwise couldn’t possibly know. Do not assume you know about Andi’s hellmark (unless your muse is a demon), do not assume you know Andi is Mania, unless your muse has met her already in canon. Just, don’t God Mod!
I try to ship with chemistry, I also RP Andi as being attracted to both men and women, with a slight female lean. While I sometimes get shippy, if you’re not comfortable with shipping your muse with Andi, tell me, and I will stop. I can get ship crazy, so it’s important to let me know if I’m pushing boundaries.
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goldwept-blog · 6 years
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          * leans into the mic * i wannA BE WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE
thats it. that’s my intro. 
saljdklasj on a more serious note, my internet is wonky, and my mother’s computer is begging to die - so that’s been my afternoon. alas, i am here now and will now attempt to throw together a /somewhat/ cohesive intro. no guarantees :/
i’m vegas, i’m twenty ( yike ) i’m stuck in the est, i’m currently enrolled in university and despite my abhorent patience i also work retail ( so be patient w/ me if i’m slow at times ). i don’t have a discord ( sorry ), but i’m always down to plot ---- though i’m a little awful  @ that as well. i think that’s enough about me ljdLKSJa so i’ll drop ariel’s app here & then go in to some detail about him/them !!
[ agender, he/they ]. did ariel just walk by? the 24/infinite year old angel with the gift of dream manipulation is known for their benevolent, eloquent and clinging, idle behavior. that explains why they resemble ross lynch. doesn’t the lull of sleep, ivory keys & unruly locks remind you of them?
a gift ; like all angels, your father bestowed upon you a gift. one that would allow you to fit in the ranks of the virtues.  you step foot into the dreams’ of others and pride yourself on your work. there’s a certain subtlety to it, but you inspire faith. or at least you did. now the lines have blurred. your gift - their curse. words of inspiration are, at times, replaced with accusations of wrongdoings. ( * the ability is very similar to subliminal messaging. it depends on lucidity, and how much each person remembers of his passings through their dreams is entirely dependent on the person. he can’t alter too much about the circumstances of the dream or what it’s about because the dream isn’t his to meddle with. he can normally simply enter, watch, or deliver messages. essentially based off some readings, “when people are asleep, they may receive encouragement from virtue angels in their dreams”. so it’s not a “godmod” in your dreams - it’s very slight things, but mainly utilised to pass messages, warnings, etc etc. likely something he’d use during the war to try and forewarn people or deter people from doing things. there’s no guarantee these things work though. now though because he’s a bit saltier the messages he’s passing aren’t always positive. it could be confronting/reminding someone of something bad they’ve done, etc. it also may give some insight into a person depending on what they’re dreaming about but again 50/50 because dreams can at times be random - so take it with a grain of salt. 
a fondness  ; your first gracing of humanity and your heart swells. you’ve always been fond of them, even after their falling post-war. in the beginning, you lit up in your brief but meaningful interactions. joined them in song and cheer during their victories and even occasionally mourned their losses. however, you could never stay too long - you were not one of them after all. most of your meetings happened strictly in the name of duty and performing miracles. post-war you help in the little ways you can, but not as much as you probably should. you’ve grown tired. now you admire them from behind closed eyes. most of your meetings take place during slumber, where you can watch from afar and enjoy something that is not the headache you call “life”. sometimes they dream of better times. it is the closest to heaven you can attain. 
a loss ; your wings and ticket home were stripped from you. your favored humans started a war they could not see through but blindly ----- you do not lay the blame on them. your real disdain is for your fellow supernatural, namely purebloods ( for obvious reasons ). you live a quiet life, one most would turn their noses to. a once prim and proper appearance ( suitable of an angel ) has been traded in for lengthy and mistreated second-hand wear. you’re not picky about your living situation. most nights you seek refuge in shelters or if you’re feeling particularly fancy you take to a  motel. you never found yourself work - you didn’t know where to begin with yourself. it’s easier that way. no one acknowledges a stray on the streets. safer. there’s not much that can harm you in this world anyways.
tl;dr ; ariel was an angel who greatly loved humans ( & still does even if they’re a little dumb ). he enjoyed helping them and seeing how they carried on their lives. he’d work closely with them when allowed ( perfrming miracles, etc ), and loved to celebrate and be a part of their happiness. however, this was his downfall when the war came because he likely quickly allied himself with humans without question and ultimately paid the price for it. now he lives a very “under the radar” life. mainly seeking shelters/relying on the kindness of strangers/or just taking a cheap motel stay. he essentially led a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. he’s well aware no one wants to pay attention to someone of low class. his time is usually spent wasted sleeping days away to partake in other’s dreams - because wow it’s just a lot better than this. also not so fond of demons / occasional supernaturals - so when he isn’t sleeping his endless life away - he’s probably taken to hunting them on occasion if an opportunity presents itself or he feels great injustice is being done. 
connection ideas ; 
someone’s whose dreams he visits ( frequency can depend, as well as if they remember it or not ).
people he’s met LONG LONG ago - so immortals or just species who have been around for a while.
give me them friends & enemies, too
maybe someone who let him stay at their place for a night before he ups and leaves
someone he may support or try to inspire via his dream visits ( maybe someone(s) who has gone through a tragedy )
someone he may guilt or torment in their dreams ( they’ve done something bad and he knows it / lets them know it )
listen i’m uhhhhhhhhhhhh super tired. so that's all I've got. but even if ariel can fill connections lmk. badda boom badda bing.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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vartouhix · 6 years
✏ + please teach maker :P
send for my muse’s reaction to your muse… x; accepting✏ …teaching them a different language
 “…Well I could try to teach you Balahyan, but though I am obviously a native speaker, I cannot speak to my ability to teach it. When you grow up speaking a language, the grammar rules and nuances between phrasings become so ingrained that it’s effortless. So I have not spent much time thinking about the why of how we speak, and thus any explanations I try to give may be clumsy…” she explained.
She spent a long moment eyeing Maker, her head leaning to one side ever so slowly as she bit the inside of the corner of her mouth in thought. Finally, she spoke again. “I need you to be very still and close your eyes. I want to try something.” When he eventually complied, Vartouhi swiftly leaned in and placed her lips gently on his. Her eyes fluttered shut as the telltale glow of her powers began to radiate from them. She concentrated, trying to reach for his mind in the way she normally would if she was assimilating a language from him. However, instead of taking knowledge, she thought of a simple Balahyan phrase and tried to give it. She lingered for a long moment, wanting to give it a chance to work (if it was even going to).
The light had already faded from her eyes when she pulled away and looked at him. “Now… can you express your gratitude to me, in Balahyan?”
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Dedicated RP partner
Hii My name's Nia! Hope everyone is having a lovely day for starters.
Now before i even get into the rp stuff itself i just want to say please please please do not reply or email me if you know you have a habit of disappearing or that if your life has a habit of making you dissapear for months on end. I am am extreamly loyal rper and has had rps that have lasted 3+ years and others that have lasted nearly as long. So i need someone willing to be just as loyal. 
Now dont get me wrong, i undestand life gets in the way. And if you need even up to a month off its cool. Its no problem as I am also very patient. But I have been let down by too many people with that situation. And because i only do long term rps its really really fustrating 
On another note,I'm a very passionate writer. I can write from ten to 70 paragraphs on a good day. But my average is 15-20 per post. Im pretty detailed all around and very plot oriented(which is why people who dissapear is so fustrating lol). I also really like to talk about the rp with my partner. While its not required it is fun to talk and joke around about the story and characters especially when neither of us is able to get out a post right away. Plus I have noticed that doing so keeps the rp petty fun and less stressful especially when we're busy. 
Sometimes though i have noticed just through experience that some people ditch rps or give them up because of lack of interest or it becomes boring to them or simply (as i been told) that they cant keep up with my writing.....Now as my partner if your not feeling the story let me know. As its not hard to start a new rp but it is hard to find a new partner. If you can write well then instead of dissapearing lets fix the story so that it will work. I want us to both work together so that we both enjoy the story and have fun while making it. Hell if you want to do multiple rps at a time or side rps from the main story because its an idea that you really are passionate about then im all for it.
But do not just up and dissapear or just quit. A break? Definitely. Straight up quitting please dont.
I know a lot of what i said sounds repetitive but not being able to even finish an arc or a plot in a long term story is really fustrating. And if you understand where I'm coming from then you'll also understand how much it makes you want to quit. Especially when you know your a good writer. I know i quit, but the urge to write a good story got the best of me lol.
So please, if you know you cant do long term novel style stories or cant just be a faithful partner please dont bother emailing me. Before we even rp i send a excerpt of my writing and style just so you can get an idea of how i write. If you feel as though you cant keep up then let me know. If you want to try,then let the story be short term. But if your confident well....
You deserve a metal lol. And i am sure we will make awesome stories together but be sure to send an example of your writing too and what your looking for.
Now if you made it this far Im sorry for the long rant. But its definitely something that had to be said. Anywho heres my stats and what not and all that jazz.
TimeZone: EST
Age: 19
So rp wise i really love horror romance(with some comedy relief here and there) and overall dark themes. But with a good amount of character development. Now the genre doesn't have to stay like that throughout the rp. The genre will definitely change depending on the plot and characters development. But again if theres a side rp that you want to do that's just one of your creations aside from the main rp i really dont mind what genre it is. 
Pairing wise, I really dont care what your character is. Just know the main character i create wont be human. I have an entire species bio,and dont worry its nothing godmode or extreme its simply not human lol. And I tend to make slight modifications to the creature as well depending on the other persons character. I also have other creatures too and a whole world written out if you care to see it lol. Also i dont care what gender you chose either for your character. I play both. But i will say I only do M/F pairings. Sorry lol.
I think that is all. If you have any questions do ask. I have very little restrictions that apply to the rp other than dont turn it into a porno for every other post 
If you still have interest i would love to hear some of your ideas. Cause i already have a ton i want to use. If not well i wish you the best on finding an rp partner.
Thank for reading this far though. Have a lovely day!
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