#and started a new one cause i dont learn 👉👈
rexscanonwife · 2 years
I think it's funny that a few days ago I was listening to a lot of punk music and today I'm in more of a folk mood.
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
If I may ask, do you have any Z Stack headcanons? Very curious on their backstories and why tf Zak's got an assault rifle. 👀
yeah i got couple hcs about them~ seems like this is the best opportunity to let y'all know~~
there are in no particular order other than the ones above can be for either the tugs or the humans and the ones on the bottom are exclus bout the human:
let's start with my favourite: this is all a money laundering scheme for one of Zero's relatives
since Zero likes boats, ships, that kind of stuff, he took the opportunity of helping family out with a tugboat business, and so Zero Marine Bigg City was made!
also Zero and Zorran go way back, so that influenced the type of business they build up lol
thus, Zorran is the only one who knows Zero's real name... but he won't tell me so here we are >:/
with this information of Zebedee being a religious name (and let's be honest, quite rare) I like to think that he was ex-communicated from his church
ended up here cause he needed the job, of course, but the "oh, they think I'm bad? I'll show'em what real bad is!" sentiment as well
and what's a fleet of tugboats with only one boat right? xd
Zak's been friends with Zero and Zorran for a long time too but wasn't able to participate until much later because of reasons
my best guess is jail lol
Zug was always into mischief and crime so when hearing about the growing Z-Stacks reputation he comes up to the offices like "can i? 👉👈"
he had the gangsta hat and everything
it may a bit obvious but there was a time where the Z-Stacks got in real trouble, like being caught red-handed and later chased by the authorities and when they found a hiding spot, they realized that Zip witnessed the whole thing; but when the police ask him, he says they went on a different direction, then let the Zs know it was all clear and safe
Zip is an orphan and illiterate. grew up not reading but seeing the bad guys in comics and thinking they were pretty cool, not understanding why they always lost the battle.
helping the Z-Stacks is Zip's dream of being "one of the cool guys" becoming true :D (not that he understands much of what's going on, he just likes to help and is happy)
both Zip and Zug are good at... dissapearing, melting in the background, being unnoticed~~ (where for Zug is a learned skill and Zip is a natural)
Zug is half-asian or something
i like the "Zak has a chronic illness" headcanon, i'll incorporate it into my set of beliefs
ages go as follow: Zip is 27, Zorran is 32, Zebedee is 35, Zak is 38, Zero is 39 and Zug is 42
they all are smokers
they all are very good dancers
they all enjoy a good jazz tune on the background~
dont have much ideas for the "individual trivial things" type of headcanon but i might make a new post with those if I come up with something~
and now to answer your question above of why tf Zak has a *tommy gun... 'cause he's a gangster!
they all are gangsters! like sure, they have a "normal legal business" but they still engage with them back-door activities, smuggling stuff, like cmon we're in prohibition times lol
so ah, their weapon choices goes as follow:
Zero and Zorran carry revolvers, pretty simple stuff that gets the job done
Zero does have a bit more of an arsenal in the office tho, yknow, just in case~
and Zorran will more likely start with a fistfight. nothing better than beating some fuckers up with the ol' reliables Hand 00 and Hand 01
Zebedee carries a small pistol around his ankle but prefers to use rods, staffs, bats, clubs, anything that is good to swing around
Zak sticks to his trademark tommy gun and all other firearms, as he's the one with best aim
he's also quite crafty when it comes to making his own proyectil-based weaponry. ya bet that the first thing he did with the first-ever ballpoint pens was turn them into crossbow lol
for Zip is rifles, shot guns, anything long where its recoil is supported by the body. short guns tend to slip out of his hands and thats very dangerous
Zug's a lil shit who mainly uses cold weapons such as knifes and daggers
he'll punch, stab and shoot you in the knee with his apache revolver and then run as far as his lil legs can take him
and lil bonus for your patience~:
in an argentine au, they're uruguayans xddd
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Ok so, more Rammy info dump
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Imma start off and say I'm sharing this info dump for the ppl who dont know much of her, bc there isn't as many Rammy enjoyers, most are just mutuals
But I've been wanting to doodle her more, so with this post i leave my ask box open for doodle requests for her, bc i want stuff to doodle by tomorrow, but well anyother day will be fine as well Ú3Ù
And if you want i can doodle her with your oc as well (human version or huamn in general, i still struggle a tad bit with animals/animatronics 👉👈), just put in an image of them!
Basic info
♡Rammy the Racoon
•Real name: Renata Oliveira
•Age: 26
•Currently in a "friends with benefits" relationship with Roxy and Chica
For the new folks, here's some basic info about her, and another work featuring her
You can also find some more info of the au her human version is from here, if you want just the Rammy info, then scroll down to Character Relationships/Stories, and you'll fine her info under "Renata (+Suise and Rachel)", tho around the Timeline area, on 2021, you can find a bit of extra info about how she came to be part of the Pizzaplex
Now the dump
•She can be a bit dense at times
But she's very helpful still. She grew up with having to be well behaved so she would be on her teen sister's good side (it didn't need to be alot, her sister never wanted anything bad to happen to her and could be a little protective at times, but ya know, teens can be angsty).
She also learned to perform at a young age as she liked to put on shows after her sister's friends dressed her up. She also enjoyed singing alot of lullabies for her baby cousins (Idk if its a general brasilian thing, but how i grew up family is very important, and cherished, so she has a close bond to many of her family members)
She also is quite fluent in English, tho still struggles a bit still, causing her be quite oblivious to some jokes between her coworkers and not understanding them.
•She's also very abservent still, even if she cant understand a joke, she can read someone's body language very well, and can see whether they are lying or not. Not 100% right, but at least 90% of the time she is
She also has good memory (unlike me-) and is what she does in her role: Search for the lost items and give them back to their owner, if she doesn't remember she always has it written down on a small notebook.
•She's usually very friendly, and seen as the sweet niave type (which honestly, she is most of the time), but she can be smart when she needs to. And don't get on her bad side, cuz she's a good prankster. What type of prankster? The dangerous type if you annoy her (which can consist of insulting her loved ones or mistreatment of kids)
She doesn't play pranks as much, so you'll never expect it from her. It starts out harmless, then it gets annoying
The the target wont know its her with her innocent act, and will accuse the obvious ones. If they figure it out it's her, no one will be on their side as she plays innocent, then it gets a bit risky, and until they learn their lesson
She won't stop.
Tho that side of hers doesn't show that often.
•She's also a bit short tempered at times. She tries her best to be nice, but she breaks it a bit when she gets frustrated. Which can be out of small things such as, the sound of paper or gum chewing, snoring, or breathing the wrong way or skin touching even if her own (definitely not stuff i lose my temper with)
She learned how to keep her composure, especially around kids
But she'll need a cool off afterwards, which luckily Sun and Moon provide her with. Or cuddles with Chica and Roxy. Tho those are usually by the end of the day since both Chica and Roxy are usually way busier then Sun and Moon. Plus the twins are right next to Rammy's post, so it's faster to go in-between work breaks.
•As for her hobbies. She likes to play dress up and do her makeup, even if not for work
She also likes to sow and draw! Mostly designing her outfits. Most of the stuff she uses is hand made by her too! Ofc not everything but most of it
•And on a final note
Her area is basically a remodeled version of kid's cove now, which makes her be quite close to the daycare
She usually helps out sun and moon, her and sun having a close bond
They chat, share gossip, help each other with the kids when one area is more hectic
And in the end Rammy likes to help out in cleaning duty if the daycare
(Also, doodles may not all be done quickly, if at all, some might take days to make. I just need a collection of ideas to do throughout the times i get bored)
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jungwnies · 2 years
my dearest, my loveliest, my most talented and only maeby baby hi!! ^^
sorry i've been mia, last week my mom went on a business trip and cause she didn’t want me alone at home and my sister ordering an uber alone at 9pm i spent a couple of days with her at uni!
my sister is a (visual) arts major (also her school is hUGE) so i was able to see a lot of cute stuff and learn a lil bit of info (i learned about printers in one class and hey! actually very interesting, of course I did not retain any information but believe me it was fun and interesting ^^)
i also managed to experiment a little bit with my air dry clay projects and just made a lil bowl and a cup which even tho it was my first time they turned out so cute 🥺 (also my sister found out that they do a little flea market situation at her school like every month and she said that i could go there and try to sell some of my stuff! let’s hope I sell well! 🤞🏻)
on a not so happy note, after like almost 5 months without it, in two weeks im having a therapy session 😖, i dont remember if I’ve mentioned this before but ya girl used to go to therapy since like 2018 but this year i had to stop due to financial difficulties and for some time now i've been dealing with some… stuff that im pretty sure need a lil bit of guidance so i just scheduled by session with my therapist (kinda sad tho, doing it without my mom knowing but ya gotta to what you gotta do), hopefully it’s just a small bump and i can go back on track unu
(also you’ve heard avatar is going back on theaters for like a week ahhhh like the highlight of the month so far hahaha)
are u back in school? how’s it going? i know it’s easier said than done but pls don’t stress and you know it: take your breaks, chill, drink water, eat your meals and snacks, listen to some tunes and try to do something that you love! (one of my goals for when before the year is over is to read at least two physical books again! do you have any goals you are still aiming to accomplish? ^^)
sending so much love to exactly wherever you are ring know 💗💗💗🍪(i was eating a cookie just now so you get one as well)
love you maeby baby <3
take care, im always rooting for you! (^∇^)
- 🧸anon
omg ofc never feel obligated to message me often, just seeing your emoji pop up on my notifications is enough even if it’s not all the time. it’s always so heartwarming when you come into my inbox 💕
i think it’s cool that’s your sister is a visual arts major, a lot of my friends went to the school of performing and visual arts and i was the one who went to the school of arts and sciences 😂 university was fun before i actually had to start taking classes, but it’s not that bad and it’s kind of fun on some days.
also i hope that your air dry clay items sell well wherever you desire to sell them 👏👏 they seem so cute i want one now 👉👈
i completely understand financial problems and stopping something because of them, but i’m really happy to hear that you’re going back because that means you’re acknowledging that thoughts and behaviors you have (it’s always good to be aware of your emotions) so i’m really proud of you for going, even if you didn’t tell your mom. even if it’s a small bump, everyone deserves a chance to talk about it right? 💗
(i’m super excited for the new avatar to come out, im anxious waiting for it LOL)
school on the other hand for me has been going really well so far, i am an ESL major, and i minor in psychology so it’s really fun especially at my school. my main goals are being able to balance social media (tumblr) and my personal life :) i really enjoy writing here so i hate when i face any delays but of course that’s normal for any writer on here.
sending you lots of love and care where you are as well mwa mwa 💕💕💞
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