#im so sorry i nevee shut up about it i dont know whats wrong with me
rexscanonwife · 2 years
I think it's funny that a few days ago I was listening to a lot of punk music and today I'm in more of a folk mood.
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chaostudee · 1 year
kiss me more ; rafe cameron
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pairing : rafe cameron x female reader summary : you and rafe are in a secret relationship. words : 1.6k warnings : none? a/n : im down so bad for this man it is not even okay at this point tbh. btw this is rly rushed so ye excuse the spelling.
at first you didn't mind. sure at times the sneaking around could be fun and yeah those stolen glances across the room made your heart race. although you were satisfied with your relationship with rafe you craved more.
you wanted him to kiss you in front of your friends. you wanted him to introduce you as his girlfriend. you wanted to meet his parents. you wanted it all.
yet there was an underlying issue. nobody would be surrportive of your relationship with you being a pogue and him being a kook. along with that John b( your brother) would never forgive you considering what rafe hade put him through.
you could understand your brothers hatred towards him but rafe had changed, for the better. he had promised that he would be better for you and he had kept that promise.
"hey pretty girl" rafe rasps as he pulls you closer to him, his hands held firmly on your hips and with that placing a kiss upon your forehead.
you cherished the mornings spent with rafe. it was the only time you could truly be intimate with one another without the pressure of hiding your love for one another.
"hey baby" you whisper tracing your finger up his chest. he smiled down at you his hands combing through your morning hair.
"you look so beautiful"
"shut uppp". secretly you liked the attention and rafe knew this but he'd never adress it.
you roll over,, pulling from his grasp to check the time. you had a miny panick attack when you remembered that you were due at work in less than an hour.
"shit shit shit" you murmur quickly sitting up and swinging your legs out of bed.
rafe groans when he feels your presence leave his grasp. "baby whats wrong?" he asks, sitting up when he sees you pacing the room looking for your shoes.
"im going to be late for work.....do you know where my shoes are?".
"baby just call in sick please come back to bed".
you scoff. rafe had been given everything to him. he never worked a day in his life. it annoyed you at times that he didn't understand that you came from different backgrounds.
"i have to go in today, you know some people don't leave off there dad's money". you muttered your words but someone rafe still heard them.
it hurt like hell to hear those words, especially from you. he knew that money wasn't something that you took for granted on the cut.
you pick up your shoes from under the bed and sit down on a nearby chair to slip them on.
"your right i'm sorry". rafe is leaning on one elbow on the bed his body facing towards you. god he looked good. but that wouldn't distract you from your values.
when he doesn't get a response to his apology rafe takes it upon himself to get out of the bed and walk over to you. just as he was about to kneel to meet your height on the chair you get up heading towards to door.
"wait y/n please".
you pause at the entryway and look back at him.
he walks over to you, placing his hands on your arms.
"im sorry my love, please forgive me because i cant spend the rest of the day knowing that you hate me"
"i dont hate you" you whisper.
"im sorry too i maybe overreacted"
rafe displays a small smile.
"so i'm forgiven?"
you roll your eyes but can't help but smile back at your beautiful boy.
"i guess" you say sarcastically.
"kiss me" he instructs.
you step onto your tiptoes before planting a soft kiss on his lips. you pull back but his hand takes your waist and pulls you back to his lips.
he cuts you off with another forceful kiss.
"I gotta-"
rafe pulls back planting one more kiss on your cheek before letting you leave.
"see you tonight yeah?"
"yeah of course".
"do you want me to pick you up"
"oh yeah sorry...."
"it's okay baby i appreciate the gesture"
"y/n i don't know if-
"nothing nevermind"
"love you!" he calls after you.
you can't stop yourself from smiling to yourself. how did you get this lucky. but then you were brought back to reality. nobody knew that he was yours.
you wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms right now. you wanted his jacket around yor shoulders, you wanted his hand caressing yours but all you got were stolen glances and small smiles.
you had only been here an hour but it was becoming torture. even sarah sensed there was something up with you
"hey you okay?" she asks giving you a nudge bringing your attention away from him.
you nod nervously, drumming your fingers on the beer bottle.
"really? you know you can tell me anything right?"
"i'm sure" you say more confidently this time.
she clicks her tongue and opens her mouth as if she is about to say something but she is stopped when she hears a scream to her left.
you both look over in the direction to find someone had gotten into a fight. everyone at the party had begun to gather around causing you and sarah to do the same.
you gasped when you saw two familiar faces. rafe stood with his fists bared with john b reciprocating his stance. your brother took the first punch but rafe was too late to swerve and john b's fist collided with his jaw.
you shuddered. rafe lunged at john b, pushing him down to the ground.
"don't you ever speak about y/n like that again".
at the mention of your name your heart clenches. you didn't want to be the cause of this.
before you knew what you were doing you ran up to john b just as he was about to get another punch at rafe.
john b immediatley steps back when he sees you. you have anything to say to him. not now anyways. turning away you look up at rafe. god he still looked gorgeous even with a bloody nose.
now suddenly aware that everyone was watching you took rafes hand and pulled him through the crowd. you walk past a confused sarah and an even more confused jj. pope and kiara gave you knowing grins.
you halt to a stop when you are out of earhsot of everybody else.
"i'm so sorry baby" you whisper as you trace your down the back of his neck.
"for what?" rafe asks carressing your cheek. you pull his hand away.
you gesture to his nose and then his bloody wrist.
"baby no that's not your fault" rafe reassures you as he takes your hand in his.
"so that fight was nothing to do with me?".
rafe sighs and runs his hand across his face.
"fuck y/n i couldn't just let him say those things about you"
you gulp. ".....what did he say?".
"rafe tell me".
he sighs. "he said that you were nothing but a burden to him and that you acted like a slut-"
he stops talking when he sees a tear fall on yoir cheek. god it broke him to see you like this.
"baby no please don't cry he was drunk he didn't mean it".
you laugh. "john b always means what he says".
god you hated him. you know what fuck this you thought.
you gesture to rafe to follow you. he does.
the boneyard is near empty except for the pogues. rafe is hesitant in following you when he sees john b stand up at your arrival.
you glare at your brother but don't speak until rafe is stood beside you. you look up at him and smile, slipping your fingers through his as you do.
sarah gasps and then jj and both point at you and then one another.
john b scoffs. "are you being so for real y/n, this kook, i don't approve".
rafe's grip tightens around your hand but you put a hand on his chest to sooth him.
"let me handle this" you whisper to him.
he was reluctent in obeying but when those eyes made him somehow nod in response.
"i don't give a fuck if you don't approve john b, i never asked for your approval, all i ask is that you respect my decision and that you respect rafe".
"GET IT IG" kiara shouts and you give her a wink.
"oh fuck this" john b says in response before turning to walk the other way. you know he had been depressed lately because of your dad but that gave him no right.
"did you just win that fight?" pope asks.
"i think you did babes" rafe says and he smiles. he smiles so wide that you can't stop yourself from smiling back.
for now this was enough. john b knew and the pogues knew and it wouldn't be lomg before eveeybody knew.
"kiss me" you tell him.
he hesitates knowing that there are people nearby.
"KISS HER" jj and sarah say. they were definetly now your no.1 shippers.
at that rafe did exactly just that. you pulled you close and set his lips on yours. the kiss was lustful and slow and you wanted to stay like this forever. it was like it was just the two of you on that beach. but you were glad it wasn't. you wanted everybody to know that he was yours and you were his.
pulling away rafe kisses your forehead before resting his head against your own.
"you okay?".
"never been better".
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hazeltongzhi · 10 days
hi hazel!
this is a rather personal ask, and i’m sorry to burden you with it. i saw that you said venting is okay in ur inbox, but i’ll try my best to minimize it.
long story short, i am a very very well-off filipino in the philippines, and i’m trying to get my friend into marxist-leninist theory.
my father works for the adb, and prior to that, the imf, and i was born in usamerica. i live in manila and i am a minor (i read ur dni and im sorry TT… i just needed to ask this question really quickly, im trying to source from multiple communists) and i am trying to become a marxist-leninist.
lamentably, i’m sort of a shut-in + very whitewashed. i don’t like bgc, i don’t like looking around the city (makes me sad), and i can’t even speak tagalog, really, because my parents don’t speak it at home unless i ask (they’re fluent, but don’t speak it frequently) and i really feel rather useless if not super sad about the whole deal. this isn’t getting in to even my affluence: i go to an international school, i’ve never worried about financial issues, i don’t worry about my own personal well-being. we go to usamerica frequently for family members too.
i’ve always felt guilty about this, and while learning about theory and making attempts to be more useful have helped me feel better, and i feel a little good that instead of wallowing or even sinking into liberal delusion (like i did when i was younger: my father is a liberal and i would just go along with it because i was at a loss for what to do or ideas on how to progress in such conditions, and i would just believe what he said/school said in order to feel better) i am making efforts to get better, however, i feel like i need to read more and learn more.
recently, i’ve been talking to my peer, another rich filipino who goes to the school i go to, and i have been trying to introduce her the science of marxist-leninism. there are many ideas i wish to introduce her to, and she’s a very receptive listener, and a very nice one. she is interested in the topics i bring up and the concepts i’m trying to explain to her (shoddily), and so i feel like if i give her meaningful, concise resources about scientific socialism/dialectical materialism i can convince her to join me in learning about it, and then i can seek to convince others in her/our friend group. this would be a major success for me.
anyways, i have a long way to go till i can move out (i love my parents, and i so badly hope one day i can convince my father too) and i’m focusing on this short term goal. do you know what resources i should give (and also resources i should read) on, say, things like historical accounts of socialist states + comprehensive, easy texts about theory? i’m gonna send her principles of communism and i already sent her the soviets saw it coming, and i feel like historical accounts would make for very good evidence (our school’s teachers/classes, of course, portray communism in a malignant light, as if they are either a far-fetched idealistic dream [nonsensical, and i need to provide her/prove to her the scientific nature of it] or merely banally Evil and Wrong for the sake of…idk whatever they dont like communism for)
sorry, and thanks anyway even if u dont read this . bye :)
I'm happy to hear that you're learning and teaching. I spent my days in high school more or less doing the same; reading, watching videos, doing shitty small organizing at my labor aristocrat school. I find that Michael Parenti's books, especially Blackshirts and Reds, are a wonderful beginner's resource for history with an ML perspective. They're not super hard into theory so they're more approachable than more advanced texts. There's Human Rights in the Soviet Union which talks about the life under socialism and compares it to the united states. For China, this article goes over some major statistics and has citations, graphs, and comparisons. As for your personal learning, there's always another book or account to read so that never truly stops, but assuming you've finished the basics (e.g., the manifesto, wage labor and capital, principles of communism), getting a grasp on the dialectical materialist and historical materialist framework of analysis is fundamental (on contradiction, on dialectics, dialectical and historical materialism, etc.). After that, a study on imperialism is equally crucial.
I'd also like to add that you're very lucky to have found someone of your particular background who is open to socialism. When I was attempting to organize at my high school, where the average income was more than 120K USD p/year, very few, if any people were interested in anything except minor concessions. Despite this, I think it's still good to get some experience in organization under your belt, be it a book club or a social gathering or a tabling or even handing out/putting up flyers. Being able to leverage your privilege will help with that. You might not convince many people, but knowing how to adapt your goals to your condition and, potentially, lead and work with a group of people is experience you cannot learn from reading alone.
Good luck!
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iheartchv · 2 years
Hey Can You Do A Vampire Raph x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Do A Lemon For It Too
123. “Don’t hold back.” 89. Mating season 58. Turtle bedroom 5. “MINE.” 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?” 96. Making out 142. “Bite me.” 112. Biting/marking 132. “Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.” 95. Gentle sex and Turning into a vampire
Im sorry for it being short and messy, i ran out of time and didnt think id be busy during my vacation >×<
Prompts (c) @turtle-babe83
18+ content below; Raph x Reader are over 18. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! ⚠️
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"What's he got that I dont?"
"Nothing, Raph. He just needed some help-"
"Ya didnt see the way he was flirting wit ya. I read his mind, he wanted to put the moves on you." He was silent for a second. "Besides, you're MINE !" he growled. He watched from the sewer drain, making sure no one was going to harm you.
"You dont have to get all territorial. I dont belong to anyone, not even you."
The two of you bickered and argued. There was no way of getting through Raph's bull headedness. He leaned his face toward you, staring into your eyes and smirked,"Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me. You can't hide those dirty thoughts about me when I'm working out, the way you fantasize about me being on top of you-"
"Shut up!" You yelled and turned around to go home. Your whole face was burning with embaressment. Before you disappeared out of sight you heard him let out a chuckle.
That was months ago. You and Raphael had been dating for a while. It had been just so amazing dating the red brute. He might have been a big tough guy, but you got to see the soft gentle giant underneath, as well. However during one week in spring, you hadn't seen him or talked to him because he wouldnt answer his cell phone. You were worried about him but Splinter and his brothers assured you he was fine. Afterward you were told by Donnie about his behavior and about that certain time of year where anything could go wrong if not too careful.
》 ---------------------- 《
"You know you can always tell me, if there's something up or whatever. I'm here for you, Raph." Y/N had told him. "Your happiness is also my happiness." Raphael didn't want to, but this was getting to be too much. He barely managed to get through his last heat cycle during the spring. He already had sex with her, claimed her as his, but he wanted to claim her and make her his... forever...
One cool October night, your cell phone vibrated telling you that you had a message. You opened the text and saw that it was from Raph. It read:
Can u come over? I need u
You replied:
I'm coming over are you alright?
I will be...
Usually Raph would be a bit flirty when texting so you knew something was up. You jumped out of bed, put on some comfy clothes and a light jacket, and then you made your way to one of the secret manhole covers that led down to the sewers and to the turtles lair.
You made a beeline towards Raphael's room. You hurried to him when you saw him with his face buried in his hands, his knees supporting his arms. "Baby, are you alright?" Your heart pounded in anticipation, wanting to know what he needed.
He looked up at you and responded,"Not right now..."
"What is it?"
He sighed and explained that it was mating season again. "I won't be gentle and self controlled like the usual when it comes to... that..."
"Okay, I can handle that." You shrugged your shoulders.
"Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?"
"I've watched Discovery Channel. I have an idea."
He gently chuckled. "That's not the real problem..."
"What is then?"
It was silent for a moment. "Look, besides me being a mutant, I'm a vampire and you're not"
"I told you before, I don't care about all of that."
"What about 60, 70 years from now?"
You haven't thought about that far into the future. Vampires live forever if they hide really well from the world. Humans however are limited in the game of life. You however had wondered what it'd be like to be a creature of the night; you've never had this bond with anyone that you have with Raphael and you didnt want it to end.
Raph sighed again, feeling sexually frustrated. "I'm sorry. I just... What I'm trying to say is... I want you to be mine forever."
Your hands cupped his jawline. "I am. I'm yours forever and always. Bite me."
His eyes were like saucers but softened when his fingers went to tangle in your soft hair. "Are you sure? It ain't reversible... it'll be permanent..." Donnie hadn't been able to find the cure for vampirism.
"I'm sure. I can just switch to the night shift, or I'll think of something." Your smile turned into a soft kiss silencing him. "Please, Raph, make me yours."
"And you're positive?"
You giggled. "Yes, yes, I'm sure. I'm not a delicate little lady. Don't hold back."
You sat yourself in his lap, pulled on the mask tails and pulled him to you. With a moan you pressed your lips into his, urging him to start kissing you. His hands gropped your backside as his mouth devoured yours, his tongue tasting and exploring you. Your clothes were soon stripped off, and his tongue continued its way down to your damp arousal.
He drapped your legs over his shoulders and he nipped your inner thighs before he dove right in to taste your wetness. Squeals and mewls echoed off the walls and your hands clawed at something to hold onto as Raph's mouth pleasured you. Feeling his tongue thrust in and out made your hips buck up. "Raaaaaph~" you whined.
He was already hard, but was it possible to be harder than this? Hearing your gasps and moans turned him on so much. He could hear your heart thundering in his ears (or was it his?). He knew your blood was rushing hot through your body. His throat felt dry at the thought of drinking your blood while you moaned in ecstasy.
"Y/N, baby, you taste so good. I bet your blood will taste even sweeter" he growled as his tongue flicked your sensitive bud and his hands played with your breasts, teasing your nipples to hardened peaks. His shorts felt so uncomfortable that he had to lay you down on the bed to take them off. He spread your thighs apart and began to pleasure you again.
Before you knew it you approached your climax, crying out as your back arched and your eyes rolled in the back of your head. Your hands latched onto his head as your orgasm shook you to your very core. "Oh, Raphael~ Yes~" you gasped. Once you had finally come down from your high, you spied the green monster of a cock standing, waiting for you. You licked your lips as you tried to get air back into your lungs.
He let you taste yourself on his lips and then nipped and bit your neck for a bit. "Just a minute, babe." Raph came back with some lube. Even though you were already so wet he wanted to take precautions. He didnt want to hurt you during the mating ritual. He coated his finger with it and swirled it around, trying to coat your insides, and then he lubed up his thick member, mixing it with the precum on the tip. He lined himself up with your entrance, spreading you wide as possible as he nestled himself between your legs (you were going to be bruised with how tight he held you).
"Ready?" he panted.
You wiggled your hips. "Yes~ Remember, don't hold back."
Slowly, but oh so smooth like butter, he slid inside you. He loved seeing how he stretched you, how your tight dripping sex swallowed him. He hissed and groaned as if feeling your heat surrounding him was his first time again; you always managed to take his breath away. He was finding a rhythm to follow, and started rocking his hips into yours.
Your body writhed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you again. "Raph~" you whimpered as he brushed along your gspot. He even managed to find another spot you didn't know existed before.
"Does that feel good, sweetheart?"
"Mhmmm, mhmmm~"
He kept at this pace until you told him to go deeper. Pushing your legs up to your chest he started pounding into your cervix. Your moans grew louder. Surely everyone could've heard but you didn't care at the moment.
"H-harder, faster, Raph. Please~" you whined. You were so close. You felt like exploding and releasing all this pent up frustration.
Your wish was his command. He slammed his hips into your backside, skin slapping and other lewd noises being the only thing that filled the room. Your throat was going to be sore from how loud you cried out in bliss. "Yes, Raphael, f*** me~" you cried.
When you were close he buried his face in the crook of your shoulder as he moaned loudly. "Make us cum, y/n. Make us both cum, babygirl." he panted. The knot in your lower stomach unraveled and you screamed, making noises that you never made before. As he reached his climax his fangs sunk into your neck, drawing forth your life essence, his growls and cries muffled as his mouth made sure to not waste a drop of blood.
You felt ropes of hot cum fill you you could fill some seep out. You cummed so hard you blacked out. When you woke up, you were in his Raphael's strong arms. You groaned as you felt your body start to ache. "What happened?"
"You're awake. Thank gods, I thought I lost you." He littered your face with kisses. "Are you okay? I know you're sore but are you..."
"I guess. But I feel thirsty." Your throat was dry. He exposed his neck and cradled your head under it. "Go on" he urged you. You gently pierced his skin and felt the warm blood on your tongue. He pulled you away before you could drain him dry.
"So it's forever, literally "
"However long that may be"
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samscompliment · 2 years
hi neve let’s chat<3 i’ll do 1 and 19 pls
hiiiii camilla <33333
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
ok i already said the lovers choice for this one so instead im going to use my answer spot here to say that every day i think about your nb dean fic and hope to read it<3 like no pressure or anything but i would totally read it in its work in progress state if that was an option. its my white whale. nb dean forever and ever and ever
19. if you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
ok this is fun and also i talked forever so im gonna put this under a cut. so sorry you literally didnt ask for this but i simply dont know when to shut up i love writing soooooo much<3
so like to answer this one u have to understand that the lovers choise was my ultimate spn fix it but i wrote it while i was still on s7. you know???? it was so informed by early seasons spn and what i knew about the late seasons from tumblr and now i look at it and i go "um well cas definitely didnt know dean was in love with him and dean definitely DID know that he was in love so this is all wrong isnt it". like i do still love the first chapter a LOT but the rest of it. idk. so my ideal fic now would be a new spn fix it. bc i have. Thoughts. about what i need from a fix it having now seen s15.
i have this concept for a somewhat written fic that is told in two parts, one from cas' pov and one from dean's, and it is literally just the worst thing ever because the same things happen in both fics but they just interpret each other soooo badly. like i just cannot get over the miscommunication that happens in the show and ideally i would love to actually wrestle with that bc i say all the time that i think its their biggest roadblock and so i would love to actually deconstruct it one day. and it would have to include literally everything i feel ab them post s15, in the same way that tlc had to include everything i was feeling about them at the time. which now would be, like: dean letting go of his control issues, dean apologising to jack, unpacking all the John Stuff, crowley causing problems on purpose, some good old fashioned betrayal, a bit of godstiel thrown in, cas actually getting what he wants for once. and like i really really want to give cas his buffy s6 arc. idk if that means anything to you but i really want cas to have been genuinely at peace in the empty and then be brought back to life to a dean who is NOT ready to play happy families and for cas to be like WHAT the fuck. like he was literally never going to have to deal with the consequences of his actions and it was great but then DEAN brought him back and DEAN didn’t bring it up and in doing so he both REJECTED and DISMISSED miette. and so cas is like well FUCK you then im going to be a bitch. idk. im going to stop talking now. sorry for writing an essay that could have been 2 sentences. i love you <3
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