#and that feels relatable in terms of struggling with mental health issues or degenerative illnesses/having family members who
benjamin sisko autism
benjamin sisko as a man with mental health issues of some kind
the visions of joan of arc the trials of moses, you will bleed into the story until you are more mythology than man, more dream than dreamer
mythologies and religion is the same as science and travelling you will die if you keep having these visions
sports creating narrative structures you cannot know until you have reached the end
despite the feeling that the end will bring sorrow, you must continue 
benjamin sisko as larger than life and as a relatable man who is struggling with how his mind works
#benjamin sisko#ds9#st: ds9#star trek#this is very rough but there's jsut something ive been feeling a lot with certain characters#when they become Very Mythological it's like they loop around and I relate to them from a certain experience#and ds9 does support this read of him as highly obsessive in ways that sometimes harm him#and someone who feels emotions in very powerful ways#and of course someone who's going through grief and ptsd#the prophets as religion and as science affecting his mind and his body#and all along he's really *just* (affectionately) a guy who's trying to get his people through something#and wants to make his dad proud and be there for his son#and whose mindbody betray him#there's also this thing (the episode where he gets stuck out of time and only sees jake a few times before he dies#but then it does get reversed)#where there is such a palpable sense of fighting the inevitable#and that feels relatable in terms of struggling with mental health issues or degenerative illnesses/having family members who#struggle with these things -- jake maybe having to prepare to say some kind of goodbye#i say all of this delicately because i firmly am in the camp that avery brooks is that sisko would never just *leave* those he loves#and I want him to return I imagine that he does (although idk when exactly in my head)#but the pain of that leaving is still real -- and I don't think it works as an absent father metaphor#for it being a cheap stereotype and because sisko simply isn't like that and because there are all these signs#like having a parent whose mindbody you see deteriorating for some reason and trying to continue for as long as you can#it's very vague right now but it is there in my head
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tavyliasin · 3 months
Disability Pride Essays - Karlach and Terminal Illness
So to start the Disability Pride Month essays, I’m going to open with one of the heaviest topics of all - terminal illness. So, please be warned this discussion will include topics around euthanasia and will to live, such as they are reflected in Karlach’s story. I will also be mentioning a few terminal illnesses and their treatments by name. There is additionally some NSFW content in the discussion of how Karlach’s early game romance can relate to sex and intimacy for those with chronic conditions. So with this in mind, if you’re not in the right place to read this right now, please do feel free to skip it entirely. These topics are heavy and may be a lot to read for someone who has a connection to them. It is also not suitable for those under 18.
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What Is Karlach’s Disability?
Karlach is one of the clearest examples of a disability parallel to me, and also one of the most complex. Of course there are choices in her story that affect the outcome, but those are strikingly similar to the choices people often make with real chronic, degenerative, and terminal illness. On the surface level, Karlach has a heart problem. Although it might not prevent her from performing a lot of day to day tasks (she can walk, run, and even fight just fine for the most part) the condition can still flare up causing her short periods of intense physical and psychological distress. We can also interpret some of this as being similar to mental health symptoms in which emotions are felt to a greater intensity and most people might experience them.
The other issue Karlach has in day-to-day life is around intimacy. Of course there aren’t really people who catch fire just for being close to someone they like, or who are literally too hot to touch, but there are those who find touch too painful. Those who, much as they might like to, can’t enjoy an intimate physical relationship due to pain. 
How Do We See The Disability In The Game?
We see a longer progression with Karlach, and this reflects a lot of what we have in the real world with these situations. First she experiences the symptoms, then learns about them from Dammon who offers a temporary treatment to relieve some of it. Which is similar to a medical treatment, one that helps some of the symptoms but isn’t a cure. It buys time, but we know that her heart isn’t fully fixed, that she still can’t do everything she wants to. There are moments we see her emotions take over, or the physical aspects of the condition “flare up” as she struggles with it. Moving in to Act 2, we see another treatment, another sliver of hope, but it’s one that comes at a cost. We know that it will help her for now, the short term hope and joy that Karlach can actually enjoy intimacy and touch, but…it arrives with the knowledge that long term, there is no guaranteed cure. By Act 3, she is learning to live with it, finding more control over some of the outbursts (for example, she will hold off from attacking Gortash at the first meeting even though she’s clearly feeling a lot of intense emotions in that moment, compared to not holding back in the fight with the false paladins in Act 1.
How Does This Reflect Real Life
Really what we are seeing here is similar to a terminal illness like cancer, and other degenerative conditions that have a variable outcome. Treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy for some can offer hope at first, a test to see if it can treat the illness, often even with some initial positive results. At the very least, these can slow down the progression and buy time - much like the initial heart upgrades buy more time for Karlach. 
Karlach, Sex, and Intimacy
We can take a closer look just at the intimacy side for a moment too, and how it’s handled within the game. Karlach’s early romance scene, it’s not safe for her to be intimate with a partner, much as she might want to, it would hurt them. One more direct real world parallel for this could be a condition called vaginismus, which can make vaginal penetration too painful for a sufferer to endure, and mean they are unable to enjoy a lot of sex acts. Similar to Karlach’s scene, some might look to different forms of intimacy with a partner like talking about fantasies, or other lighter and different types of partnered sexual pleasure. There are treatments for it, but they take time and patience, and might not be suitable for everyone. There are also, of course, conditions that can make sex acts painful or impossible for those with penises too - so again looking at these other forms of intimacy like sharing fantasies in conversation can be validating to see for people who aren’t able to (or even who simply don’t wish to) engage in a physical sexual relationship with a partner (or partners). There are plenty of disabilities that change how we approach sex and sexual intimacy, which in my opinion can make these scenes more impactful to those who might relate or may not have thought about this as an option in the past.
The Hardest Choices
The ending of Karlach’s storyline really is the most heartbreaking turning point. It’s a crossroads that many reach - a difficult decision between keeping on fighting a much harder battle like Karlach does if she goes to Avernus, not knowing if she will win, or choosing to stop fighting on their own terms. Karlach’s speech on the docks, and even several times she talks before that, really echoes some of the intense feelings and experiences of terminal illness. It’s a constant fight, and choosing to keep going - to keep hoping for a cure that might never come, to buy time - is to lose a lot of quality of life too. Because you can’t just take a day off from intensive treatments (or in her case, from fighting for her life in the hells), and although there are good things worth fighting for, and still some positives within it like the friends or partner who might travel with her to Avernus, sometimes…sometimes for people they don’t feel it’s worth it. They would rather choose a peaceful end, to lay down their sword and stop fighting, instead of continuing to struggle against the tide. Just like for the other characters - and for us as the players - this can be really hard for loved ones to accept. But at the end of the day it is the choice of the sufferer as to what they’re willing to endure. We can’t - and shouldn’t - force anyone to go through more than they genuinely want to. Of course they often want to live, and it is never an easy choice for a patient or for their family to know their time is coming to an end sooner than we would like, but the best we can do is to be there for them. To accept that living isn't quite so easy, that there is a balance to be struck and a toll to be paid. To listen, to make sure they aren’t there alone “on the docks” even if it’s hard. 
What We Can Learn From Karlach’s Story
The main takeaway here is that terminal illness is going to affect people in all kinds of ways that might be unpredictable. They might act in ways that seem irrational to us, they might fall to despair or they might continue to hope and be an upbeat influence trying to support their loved ones. Often, it’s a mix of things. Our role as people who love them is to give them the space to talk, to be heard, and to respect their decisions even if it’s hard on us.
There will often be a choice to be made between quality of life and quantity of life, and much as everyone’s usual instinct is to live as long and as much as they can, it isn’t fair to expect someone to endure an endless battle that might have nothing at the end other than an even less kind passing. We can also be more aware of different kinds of intimacy with partners who have difficulty with physical sex acts, and find the things that might be enjoyable instead. So perhaps next time you’re playing through the game, take a moment to listen closer to the lines between the lines, hear the echoes of real world voices from the heartfelt and impassioned speeches we hear from this complex and beloved character.
With Thanks
I’m going to round this one off with my deepest gratitude to Larian Studios for the wonderful writing and production in the game, and to Sam too for their absolutely unforgettable performance as Karlach. I have seen several people in my life go through stages of terminal illnesses, as well as others fighting their "battles through Avernus" with hope in their hearts. Whether it was intentional or not, I feel like Karlach’s story is a truly beautiful and heartfelt mirror to these experiences, as we see her struggle with everything it means and all the decisions to be made along the way.
My love, as always, goes out to all of you who have been affected by chronic and terminal illness, whether in yourselves or in those around you.
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navratangems · 2 years
Citrine gemstone is very helpful with respect to the physical health of people. It impacts health by improving the well-functioning of the pancreas, immune system, liver, stomach, and intestine. It also raises circulation and reduces the toxicity level of our blood. It raises the quality of digestion.
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Illness and Disability
When the subject of disability comes in our conversations or thoughts, we mainly think of disabilities caused by an affliction or physical ailment. Illnesses such as heart disorders, arthritis and back illnesses are certainly the major cause of long term disability. However, mental illness has become a leading cause of disability in U.S and other nations around the globe. According to statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health, a huge percentage of U.S citizens ranging from age 15 and above suffer disabilities caused by mental illnesses.
This shows that a big number of people in the U.S and other regions of the world are affected by mental illnesses such as mood disorders, depression, dementia, schizophrenia, psychotic disorders and anxiety disorders. The number of people living with disabilities as a result of mental illnesses continues to rise in the U.S as many are filling for disability benefits due to mental disorders or illnesses.
Mental Illnesses Causing Disability
1.      Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
Schizophrenia is a very serious psychotic disorder that is characterized by difficulty in interacting socially in a normal manner, thinking logically, control behavior and distinguishing between hallucinations and reality. Schizophrenia is a broad spectrum disorder meaning that it has a range of symptoms varying between different people especially when we compare their responses to treatment. Though some people can respond to medications and resume with their daily chores normally, many others do not.
Schizophrenia is a common psychotic disorder that has been listed by Social Security as a disability. Other types of schizophrenia or psychotic disorders that qualify the benefits of disability include:
schizoaffective disorder
·         delusional disorder
·         schizotypal or personality disorder
·         substance abuse or medication related psychotic disorder
·         Psychotic disorder as a result of underlying medical condition.
Psychotic disorders and schizophrenia become a disability when an individual suffers the following:
·         Hallucinations or delusions
·         Disorganized thinking such as illogical thoughts, disorganized thinking and disorganized speech.
·         Intense disorganized behavior also known as catatonia that causes unresponsive and rigid muscles and inappropriate actions.
·         Emotional isolation and also withdrawal from social interaction.
Psychotic disorders may have the following limitations which qualify it them to become a disability:
·         Interacting with other people
·         Remembering or understanding information
·         Concentrating or maintaining a task pace
·         Managing oneself or adapting to change
2.      Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorder is another chronic mental illness that can cause disability affecting people in their daily work, social routines and school work. Anxiety disorders can be grouped into three major categories:
·         Social anxiety- Social anxiety of social phobia is a form of anxiety where its victims experience crippling anxiety when they face day-to-day social interactions. Its symptoms include fear interacting with people, making an eye contact with workers or strangers, and fear of being judged or embarrassed.
·         Panic disorder- Panic disorder also known as agoraphobia is a type of anxiety that is characterized:
o   Increased fear of being in certain situations or places such as being in a crowded area, being in a public place, taking a bus or being out of your home compound.
o   Panic attacks followed by worry or persistent concerns about consequences you bear having another attack in the future.
·         General anxiety disorder- This is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms such as muscle tension, restlessness, irritability, sleeping disturbance, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue.
Disability and anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders may become a disability if a person experience extreme limitations in one or two of the following areas:
·         Interacting with others using appropriate behaviors
·         Persisting or concentrating at tasks. Sometimes being unable to complete tasks
·         Managing oneself such as regulating emotions, controlling your behavior and adapting to change.
·         Understanding or remembering information such as learning new things, understanding instructions and applying new experience or knowledge to work.
3.      Mood Disorders/Depression
Mood disorders are other medical conditions that have been seen to be forms of disabilities. Depression is a major type of mood disorders with others being dysthymia and persistent depressive disorder. Almost all mood disorders are characterized by symptoms such as a feeling of hopelessness, inadequacy groom and sadness. In addition to these symptoms, a person with mood disorders may suffer decreased energy levels, fatigue and a feeling of restlessness. People with depression may experience loss of interest in some things a condition called anhedonia. In such a condition someone may have limited ability to complete tasks at work.
Several people suffer depression associated with painful situations such as death of loved ones and divorce but this is situational depression and is short-lived. However, people who have repeated issues triggering depression especially on daily bases that last for weeks, they suffer intense depression that affect their ability to cope with daily responsibilities. If a person cannot perform his daily tasks normally due to mood disorders then it becomes a case of disability.
4.      Eating disorders
Many people think that eating disorders are common for those with physical disabilities though this is false. Eating disorders can occur in anyone, affecting his or her ability to perform what others can. We usually look at ourselves and compare our images with those in the media, and this can have a negative influence on body esteem. People with disabilities know their bodies have no physical ability to do what normal people can. They have a feeling of fear, shame and inadequacy. Eating disorder can be a disability when it punishes your body for failing to do what others do with ease.
Typically, individuals who struggle with eating disorders have heard hardly positive feedback about their bodies and physical abilities. Such people often have a feeling of body disconnection as well as shame regarding their body weakness. Negative remarks about people with eating disorders leave them feeling they don’t deserve the same rights or care.
5.      Dementia
Dementia is another mental condition that is characterized by memory loss, problems solving life issues, communication problems as a result of memory loss. People with dementia can also suffer mood disorders and changed behaviors that affect their ability to do or complete tasks at work. Dementia is a neural degenerative and progressive condition which means its symptoms get worse with time. In some stages of dementia some people are totally disabled lacking the ability to reason, think logically, make life decisions, learn, and understand information. At some points, dementia becomes a condition that requires one to have a caregiver.
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heathertruitt · 6 years
Alpha Brain Review: nootropic will improve your mind?
Alpha Brain is a nootropic supplement claiming to improve mental function.
The formula is geared around improving memory, increasing focus and supporting processing time when undertaking tasks – no matter how difficult or complex they may be.
This Alpha Brain review will help you decide whether this natural nootropic is a good option for your needs.
Attention Alpha Brain readers: Click here for our #1 rated nootropics supplement
Alpha Brain is devised to support the mind during your busy lifestyle.
The blend does not include caffeine and is packed with natural ingredients, amino acids and essential compounds to keep the brain healthy and functioning at its best.
The formula of Alpha Brain consists of the following benefits for the mind:
Memory Support
Our memory is key to our identity. If we were unable to remember who we are, where we live or how to avoid danger, we would not be able to survive let alone thrive.
In the simplest biological terms, memory is a complex collection of coded connections within our brains. The neurons (brains cells which receive signals) involved in the previous experience fire up again in synchronisation to recreate the original memory.
Memory is made up of two parts: short term and long term.
The short term memory deals with ideas, actions and decision making in the present moment. The long term memory is where our learned behaviour and records of past experiences is stored. (1)
This ability to effectively recall past experiences and learned behaviour is very important to your productivity and success in many areas of life.
Unfortunately, memory is known to decline with age. Alpha Brain includes ingredients to support memory and improve your efficiency. This ensures you are able to work at your optimum during work and play.
Increased Focus
Many tasks in life require us to maintain constant attention and effort in order to attain great results in the shortest time.
Focus is a cognitive skill that helps you to stay attentive, overcome hesitation, and not be distracted while completing your work or reaching goals.
This skill can be very hard to master, especially nowadays as we live in a busy, noisy world filled with potential distraction.
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed by your schedule can also contribute in inability to focus. (2)
Alpha Brain contains focus boosting and stress busting ingredients that work together to promote the calmness and focus you need to better achieve your goals.  
Faster Processing Speed
It sounds like a selling point of the latest computer, but processing speed is something our brains can struggle with too.
Processing speed means exactly what it says, it is the speed at which we can absorb new information, decide what to do with it, and then undertake the response.
Scientific research has found that our brain processing speed varies with our age; increasing rapidly from childhood to our teenage years, remaining around that level until middle age, and then slowly declining. (3)
It goes without saying, supporting the processing speed of your brain will assist you in being your best, most efficient self in all areas of life.
Alpha Brain uses ingredients with this idea in mind, it helps to keep the brain’s processors on top form.
Now we have discussed the benefits of Alpha Brain, we can take a closer look at the most influential ingredients of the formula:
L-tyrosine is an amino acid vital for synthesis of proteins and also many essential neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Neurotransmitters are chemical compounds which our brain cells use to transfer messages and communicate with each other. (4)
Dopamine is sometimes known as the ‘motivation molecule’ as it is responsible for drive and the need to feel successful. It also plays a role in motor control, sleep, learning and mood. (5)
Norepinephrine and epinephrine are commonly referred to as adrenaline. This neurotransmitter activates our “fight or flight response” when we feel we are in danger.
If we have low levels of norepinephrine this can result in depression and ADHD, whereas if we have too much this can result in anxiety. (6, 7)
L-tyrosine can enhance memory, focus, mood, attention and drive, as well as the suppression of anxiety.
Research shows that it can also support creative thinking and our ability to effectively switch back and forth between different tasks. (8, 9)
Another amino acid, l-theanine improves the ability to focus by relaxing the mind and allowing the clearing of any present ‘brain fog’.
L-theanine is so effective at inducing relaxation it can create a meditative or zen like mental state. It is believed to have this impact because it affects the production of certain brain waves known as ‘alpha waves’. (10)
Alpha waves are usually recorded during the pre-sleep stage when you are deeply relaxed with eyes closed but are not yet fully asleep.
L-theanine is effective at eliminating distracting and stressful thoughts which can destroy your ability to focus.
Oat Straw
Oat straw is an extract taken from the oat plant when it is still in its pre-grain or ‘milky’ stage.
It has been used as a behavioural remedy since the middle ages, usually in the treatment of skin disorders or depression.
Oat straw is clinically proven to alleviate stress and tiredness, which can therefore improve cognitive performance. (11)
Cat’s Claw
Cat’s claw comes from a woody vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest. It dates back to Inca times as an effective natural remedy for a wide variety of ills.
Long term inflammation in the brain can lead to depression and dementia. As it’s an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, Cat’s Claw defends the brain from inflammation and associated damage.
Cat’s Claw also reduces the build up of amyloid plaques (damaging proteins to brain cells) associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. (12)
Bacopa Extract
Bacopa is a herbal remedy used for centuries in Chinese and Indian medicine.
It has a balancing effect upon the body and mind, promoting calmness and focus. It is recognised as a beneficial treatment for stress, anxiety and attention issues, also boosting the learning ability of users. (13)
Bacopa can also defend the brain from degenerative diseases later occurring later in life. (14)
Huperzia Serrata
Huperzia serrata is a rare herb originating from China. It contains an alkaloid known as huperzine A, which has powerful inhibitive properties upon certain enzymes. (15)
This is important because these enzymes also break down a crucial messenger cell, acetylcholine, which the brain needs to transmit signals between both the brain and around the body.
If levels of acetylcholine are reduced, it also lowers cognitive activity.
By blocking the enzymes, huperzine A protects levels of acetylcholine and therefore supports mental ability. (16)
Phosphatidylserine is a kind of lipid or fat which is widely present in brain cells. It is a type of phospholipid, which means it provides structural support to cell walls. (17)
Phosphatidylserine makes up 15% of all phospholipids found in brain cells. (18)
These lipids break down as we get older. Therefore, maintaining adequate availability is useful for supporting brain health and function as we age. (19)
Pterostilbene is a concentrated antioxidant providing many benefits for brain health.
Antioxidants help protect the body from damage caused by molecules known as free radicals. (20)
Free radicals are “unstable” or “incomplete” molecules, which means they travel the body looking for chemicals to “steal” from other cells to complete themselves. This is how they cause damage. (21)
Clinical studies have shown pterostilbene can enhance cognitive function and is likely to be supportive in treatment of age related mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. (22)
Side Effects
In terms of side effects, it would appear Alpha Brain is generally well tolerated. The fact it doesn’t contain any caffeine eliminates a common offender.
Although, when examining the ingredients independently there is a potential risk of the following mild reactions: headaches, nausea and graphic dreams.
Recommended Dosage
The recommended dosage of Alpha Brain is two capsules per day, preferably with a light meal.
What is Alpha Brain?
Alpha Brain is a nootropic supplement aiming to improve memory, focus, processing speed and general cognitive health.
How to take Alpha Brain?
Two capsules of Alpha Brain should be taken per day with a light meal.
Who should use Alpha Brain?
Alpha Brain is for those who feel they need mental support to help them manage focus and attention effectively. This could be dealing with a large workload during a stressful period at work, or making sure you are performing at your best in your chosen sport.
How much does Alpha Brain cost?
30 capsules of Alpha Brain retails at $34.95. 60 capsules cost $59.88 and 90 capsules cost $79.95.
Is Alpha Brain legal?
Yes, Alpha Brain is legal.
Is Alpha Brain safe?
Yes, Alpha Brain is safe to take.
Where to buy Alpha Brain?
Alpha Brain can be purchased from the official website, Amazon, or other online health stores.
Does Alpha Brain really work?
The ingredients in Alpha Brain have been subjected to clinical studies and have proven their effectiveness.
Are there any Alpha Brain alternatives?
Some Alpha Brain alternatives with similar claims are ‘Provasil’ and ‘Noocube’.
Alpha Brain is an interesting supplement that appears to have strong scientific backing with regards to effectiveness.
We like how all of the ingredients have been chosen specifically to support both health and performance of the mind.
As more and more of us are feeling the pressure and stress of modern life, it can seem as if our minds barely take a break from work or technology.
Alpha Brain appears to be a promising aid for stamping out mental strain, helping you to maintain focus and sustain optimum levels –  whatever the situation.
Attention Alpha Brain readers: Click here for our #1 rated nootropics supplement
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