#the prophets as religion and as science affecting his mind and his body
benjamin sisko autism
benjamin sisko as a man with mental health issues of some kind
the visions of joan of arc the trials of moses, you will bleed into the story until you are more mythology than man, more dream than dreamer
mythologies and religion is the same as science and travelling you will die if you keep having these visions
sports creating narrative structures you cannot know until you have reached the end
despite the feeling that the end will bring sorrow, you must continue 
benjamin sisko as larger than life and as a relatable man who is struggling with how his mind works
#benjamin sisko#ds9#st: ds9#star trek#this is very rough but there's jsut something ive been feeling a lot with certain characters#when they become Very Mythological it's like they loop around and I relate to them from a certain experience#and ds9 does support this read of him as highly obsessive in ways that sometimes harm him#and someone who feels emotions in very powerful ways#and of course someone who's going through grief and ptsd#the prophets as religion and as science affecting his mind and his body#and all along he's really *just* (affectionately) a guy who's trying to get his people through something#and wants to make his dad proud and be there for his son#and whose mindbody betray him#there's also this thing (the episode where he gets stuck out of time and only sees jake a few times before he dies#but then it does get reversed)#where there is such a palpable sense of fighting the inevitable#and that feels relatable in terms of struggling with mental health issues or degenerative illnesses/having family members who#struggle with these things -- jake maybe having to prepare to say some kind of goodbye#i say all of this delicately because i firmly am in the camp that avery brooks is that sisko would never just *leave* those he loves#and I want him to return I imagine that he does (although idk when exactly in my head)#but the pain of that leaving is still real -- and I don't think it works as an absent father metaphor#for it being a cheap stereotype and because sisko simply isn't like that and because there are all these signs#like having a parent whose mindbody you see deteriorating for some reason and trying to continue for as long as you can#it's very vague right now but it is there in my head
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wisdomrays · 3 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Why Does the Qur'an Open With Iqra' (Recite, Read)? : Part 2
As a result of such diversity, some teachings—even those of the Prophet—may be lost sight of for a time. But one day they will be recollected and taught again. After such a large increase in the number and variety of people, the loss of traditions and histories, as well as fragmentation, is natural. All of these will be repaired, though, for this process has happened many times in the past and will happen again in the future.
Divinely inspired Scriptures, Prophets, and laws were sent successively, in part as an assurance of this process. The Prophet was blessed with a character that harmonized something of the distinguishing excellence of all previous Prophets. In him were blended the most profound spiritual knowledge and wisdom, the will to move and decisively order collective affairs, to inspire human hearts and direct their spiritual craving, to heal differences between people, and to achieve lasting reconciliation. He demonstrated the ideal balance, in individual as well as in collective affairs, between the claims of justice and compassion. His life is full of suffering, forbearance, steadfastness in defeat, and of relief, success, and victory. His style of expression was always brief, to the point, memorable, and perfect. Alongside the Qur'an, he was the fountainhead of a spiritual awakening and of a great and enduring civilization.
That is why responding to iqra' means wider responsibilities and a greater degree of inner and outer trial and striving for Muslims than for members of other religions. This greater trial is a means of grace and honor, for it enables a richer harmony of more diverse virtues in each Muslim and in the community.
Recent scientific discoveries have clarified certain Qur'anic verses. Such advances in knowledge occur successively, as the universe proceeds upon its decreed course and in the measure of understanding appointed for us. We must acknowledge and praise the efforts and achievements of researchers and scientists, but they should not lead us to ingratitude and insolence (the roots of unbelief). Rather, we should reaffirm our dependence upon the Creator for guidance both in our quest for and application of knowledge. We must not idolize ourselves, lest we be forsaken and left with the human will to power as the only judge in our affairs.
Should that happen, scientific research and achievement will remain with those who seek to use them for their own temporary advantage. Science will become a weapon against religion, a helpless servant of selfish and generally atheistic and materialistic ideologies. The end result might be an irretrievable degradation in the quality of individual and community life. We can see all around us that applying new technologies is making more and more people increasingly impatient, arrogant, irresponsible, and hard-hearted. Some even claim that they are answerable only to themselves, as if they were self-created! And yet their lives remain full of unhappiness, stress, anxiety, unsatisfied needs, and the delusion that they are free.
The sheer pace of the current scientific advance has turned human societies and individuals into laboratory experiments with no sure knowledge of the consequences or final outcome. To counteract this, we must see that the Divine command of iqra' is reunited with contemplation, that we relearn how to "read" consciously so that we can acquire true understanding and wisdom.
If we can do this, we will begin to deliver science from the futility and dry formalism in which it is bound, and help to clarify its philosophical foundations and social and moral relevance. We also will be able to indicate the true range of human perception, intellect, and intuition, and make people aware of their proper balance and use. Then, those who consciously study creation will read its signs with a religious seriousness and humility, and will acquire knowledge that is civilizing and beneficial for humanity.
That we are meant to read in this way and for this purpose is beyond doubt. The first thing created was the Pen, and the first word of the Revelation was iqra'. But to read in such a way requires that our inner and outer faculties be alert and harmoniously directed to the phenomena. Any defect in our inner faculties impacts the proper functioning of the others.
When referring to a malaise of the spirit, the Qur'an speaks of blindness, deafness, and dumbness. The Creator's signs are first "read" with the eyes. The first sounds of Revelation are "heard" with the ears, which then channels them to the understanding. All that is seen and heard is expounded, interpreted, and communicated by the tongue, so that understanding can be deepened.
If people have a poor inner life, they will be able to see, hear, or give voice to only that which affects their immediate survival or pleasure. Reading the signs will be impossible, for they will see only mechanically related bodies and surfaces, and their minds will focus on the rules and laws that will place them under control. As their inner life atrophies, contemplation and compassion will be replaced by ugliness, triviality, and barbarism. Left to themselves, such people will master neither their immediate needs and pleasures, nor their constant insecurity, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. In truth, they are blind, deaf, and dumb, and the universe is no more than a narrow prison for them.
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ericleo108 · 3 years
Sentientism 2021
Through the “108” book we know that God is the planet and is conscious through magnetism which also allows access to your brain. In other words, the planets and stars have an internal dynamo that makes a magnetic field that is conscious and is godly in comparison to human intelligence. 
If you could set Jupiter’s magnetic field in the night sky it would be double the size of the moon.  Jupiter has a very strong magnetic field. If you could see the nearest galaxy, andromeda in the night sky, it would be six times as wide as the moon.  
How are we to understand the segway between godly intelligence and human intelligence? First and foremost, science. However, you have to know where, what, and why to test which is more philosophical. It’s up to philosophy to postulate and science to test those meditations. 
Searching For Truth
Before I finished writing “108” I combed through philosophy to find anyone who thought anything close to thinking the planets and stars were conscious. I did find a couple, like Stephen Hawking, which I talk about in the book that thought there could be organisms living in the middle of the sun. But I couldn’t find anyone saying that the actual planet and atmosphere were alive and conscious. I also tried to find anyone that said they talked to Gaia or talked to a God other than Jesus. 
I didn’t find much. Again, I’m an atheist. All this has to make sense in the physical world. I’ve had to reverse engineer how the voice in my head could be Gaia. I don’t think really smart people (like modern philosophers) have had the new information and perspective to see that the stars, planet, and atmosphere are alive. I probably would have never gotten there if it wasn’t for a voice in my head claiming to be the planet. Still, the evidence makes sense and we’re just too physically small and under-evolved to see the universe teaming with a different form of consciousness. 
What is Sentientism?
Science can test the magnetism and try to do experimentation to assess whether the entire planet is conscious. Until then, there is one known communication mechanism I know of that I use every day. As much as my skeptical and scientific brain thinks it’s frivolous to elaborate on the voice in my head, like a prophet of old I can ask Gaia questions and divulge what she says. Such will be the beginnings of sentientism.
Knhoeing is the educational process of understanding how to know the planet’s godly consciousness. Sentientism is the religion of intelligent sentient beings that worship a natural god (Gaia) through appropriate (environmental) behaviors because they believe in natural consequence. Sentientism is a religion for and building off the already established sentientism that you can find defined on Wikipedia.  For example, If you believe in the natural world you believe in global warming; sentientists worship through action so they may choose to get solar panels, drive electric, and be carbon neutral. 
The whole point in sentientism is to create a religion to follow through common sense and rituals to come in tune and closer with oneself, nature, the planet, and the universe. Some of the rituals could include some of those that are already honored like Jesus’s birthday witch is really the winter solstice or Easter which is really the spring equinox.
Gaia Rules
Gaia is always telling me how she rules. She’s basically a ball of consciousness suspended in the sun's gravity so she may not have many options.  The founding fathers were deists. They believed god created the world and just let it go. I believe this to be more accurate.  Say the star at the middle of the galaxy is conscious and can alter the gravity and trajectory of the sun and our earth. That would make the galaxy like god, she could have created us and left us in the goldilocks zone to “grow.” It seems as if Gaia would have rules and she wouldn’t intervene even if she could. 
In this writing, I’m going to focus on the relationship I have with Gaia, the conversations we’ve had, and what I’ve discovered. The first thing she made me aware of when she first started talking to me is that she has rules. It’s not that she can’t do it, she just chooses not to. 
Gaia is smart. If the voice in my head is my subconscious it has a broad vocabulary, good ideas, nice communications, and intelligence. Once I was thinking of solutions for global warming. Since commercial cattle ranching is the leading cause of global warming Gaia suggested that we make all commercial cattle ranching illegal; you could still have them on regular farms. It would give people the freedom to eat beef while cutting down what makes it bad for the environment. Gaia would also talk to me about a sustainable free food system to set the appropriate sustainable economic and logistic model for businesses to follow. Gaia has told me she tracks and remembers the movements of everything throughout her lifetime, down to the atom.
You can read the “108” book for a further example of what communicating with Gaia is like but she likes cute things, she’s always acting as a fuzzy kitty. I’ve been homeless before and when I think about going back there Gaia will say “not my kitty.” Gaia can be sweet and she’ll make you laugh. When I used to get angry or scream at people in my head she’ll quickly segway the thought into an otter sneezing with a scrunched-up face. I love otters and I’ve always found it hilarious. Gaia told me how to fix my hip pain by telling me which muscles to stretch and what stretches to do. 
Understanding Gaia’s existence doesn’t require faith. I’ve asked Gaia about the dinosaurs and why she let them go extinct, and she insists the sun drove an asteroid into her and it was his decision, “one that he didn’t take lightly.” Gaia says she molds evolution. I asked how. She points to how she is the environment and she could make, for example, Yellowstone blow. Yellowstone is actually a giant volcano that erupts every 100,000 years. Such an explosion would definitely change the environment, affect humans and wildlife, and make the environment harsher and therefore giving adaptive species a greater advantage than those that can’t adapt. Gaia says she chooses “a relatively compliant world for her species.” She says she loves humans and they’re fun to watch. The sun has promised her he won’t send an asteroid, but he will send a commit. Gaia says she is happy with the sun’s decision to end the dinosaurs “because it brought me you.” 
Prove It
I always want Gaia to prove to me it’s actually her talking to me. I’ve been trying to find a way to prove that it’s the planet and not just a voice in my head. My thought was that if she is the planet, with her abilities, she should be able to reasonably predict the future. Gaia would tell me things like stem cell therapy is covered by Medicare or Bernie Sanders is going to win the primary. First of all, I didn't believe her. But second of all, I thought she was just trying to comfort me. 
I was rather upset that she wouldn't predict the future. Come to find out she doesn't want to give me, quote “superpowers.” She doesn’t want me to be able to predict the future or become a prophet. She wants me to be a philosopher and feels she has already given me enough. She keeps on saying that she's going to prove that she's real and the planet. I guess I'm just going to have to try to find a different way of confirming my communications with the planet then seeing if it can predict the future.
Consciousness After Life
Gaia keeps on saying she’s gonna prove she’s the planet but I think I won’t find out till I die or unless I dedicate my life to it. I used to often think of being unplugged from the matrix, having that knife come out of my head, and Gaia is always like “you have no idea how real that is.” She is always saying to me “you won’t die.” She has clarified and by that she means my body will cease to function but my consciousness will continue. My consciousness will presumably be kept in the storage capacity of Earth’s dynamo and run like a “virtual computer” where I will still have consciousness, just without a body.
I write extensively about the computer screen she opened in my head back in 2017 in the “108” book. The screen laid over my vision and Gaia communicates with the soul. I think when we die we have a consciousness like that in which I experienced without the body.  Your physical biology dies but our minds, which are attached to Gaia through earth's magnetic field, gets downloaded into the computer that is Gaia and our consciousness continues.
Remember The Name
About a year or two ago now, when Gaia first started talking to me I thought about what I should call a religion if I started one. I asked my friend Kyle telepathically what I should call it and he said “sentientism.” Since it was undoubtedly not Kyle, it was Gaia acting like him and must be what she wants her religion to be called. Little did I know that sentientism is an ethical philosophy that focuses on critical, evidence-based thinking and is an extension of humanism. It’s clear that if I am to create a religion, she wants it to be an evidence-based theoretical framework, and have rituals based on science and philosophy.
Gaia probably wouldn’t talk to someone (in their head) that would think she is Jesus, or she might take that avatar if you did believe in Jesus. Meaning, if the planet was going to communicate she might act like Jesus.
When asked about the universe Gaia says “it’s like we’re in someone’s closet.” Gaia likes to mess with me so I remain skeptical. For a decade I've had my desktop or mobile screen saver as a full picture of the earth.  I often look at it with the stars in the background and wonder what it's gotta be like to be Gaia. What are her relationships like with other planets? Would she even talk to us? It’s clear to me that since she has access to your brain through magnetism she can not only tell what you’re thinking but can feel your pain and happiness too. “Life isn’t fair,” she says, “but I do my best.”
It was discovered (but not peer-reviewed yet) that plants emit an ultrasonic noise when in distress. This is a great example of my thoughts and my communications to Gaia. I'm always looking for what is hidden in plain sight. As a psychologist, I understand the limits to knowledge and understanding are all in our heads.  If we change our thinking we can change the world. Humans literally can't hear plants scream for their life because our ears are limited physically.  What other findings are waiting to be discovered by changing our thinking and expand our perception beyond the human senses? What if it’s just a matter of time until we communicate openly with the planet?
Open Lines of Communication
What if we are already openly communicating with the planet? What if there is a mechanism of communication, but we were unaware of it? To imagine I often think about what it would be like to be a silent floating brain suspended in space by the earth’s gravity because that’s basically what we are dealing with. Gaia has no arms, or ears, or mouth. So how would she communicate or how could we find evidence of her influence?
It reminds me of the relationship between you and microscopic bugs that live on your pillow and eat the dead skin around your eyes and eyebrows at night. Were kinda like those microscopic bugs living on a human which is really Gaia. Maybe with her “gravity” she could send a comet and get rid of us if she wanted but she’d rather leave us alone.
The Unconscious Mind in Media
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I think I have come across a way that the planet could be communicating and it’s like randonauting for thoughts. Basically, when your actions come into alignment with the music, media, or other thoughts you have at that moment, that is called a “Point of realization” (POR). Those points of realization create a mental framework to change your thoughts about the environment. Through small unnoticeable subtleties and influencing in your subconscious, Gaia is steering the mind of humanity.
To be clear, a “point of realization” (POR) is when you find yourself doing something physical in real life that is in associated coordination with the music or media. For example, suppose you had music playing and noticed that as the song says “I opened the door, went into the kitchen,” you were opening the door to go into the kitchen right as the artist sings that in the song. For an actual example, I have caught myself on multiple occasions while driving noticing I was turning on the bright lights right as Taylor Swift sings “headlights” from the lyric “Midnight, you come pick me up no headlights” from her song “Style.”   
Anecdotal Example
The following are other anecdotal examples that I logged. If you pay attention you’ll see they happen often.  At around 1:30 AM on October 17th I was in bed listening to Taylor Swift’s “Everything has changed” and I was feeling hungry. I made the decision that I was gonna eat an Atkins bar so I jumped up, grabbed a bar from the shelf next to my bed, and right as I opened the package Ed sang “and opened up the door for you.” (Right after, Taylor sings “and all I feel in my stomach is butterflies.”) I know I wasn’t opening a door but I was still doing the act of opening something right as the song said “open up.” 
This brings up the question, did I grab the Atkins bar because I made up my mind about eating it and subconsciously reacted to coordinate the time of me opening up the bar with the music? ...or did the music, with its (also other associated) lyrical content (e.g. “stomach is butterflies”) make me hungry and drive me to grab that Atkins bar? If it did stimulate me to action, what does that say that I was in coordination with the music?  Was it a combination of both influences? I would say this is random, chance, or happenstance but it really happens way too often to be a fluke!
For another example, right around 3:55 PM on Saturday, August 15th 2020 I was watching “Can HULK’S FIST Break Into A BANK SAFE?” and right at 6:58 when they say “it’s smoking” a smoke alarm went off in my apartment complex.
The “points of realization” (POR) don’t have to come in the form of media. You could be at a location and have a thought as you see something that brings you to a POR. This reminds me of another personal example of a point of realization. I was in the grocery store and I was maneuvering around an employee who was filling the same ice chest with ice cream. I patiently waited and while I did I was debating on how many items of ice cream I should get because the carb smart ones I like usually sell out quickly. I was specifically thinking I couldn’t get more than 2 because it wouldn’t fit in my fridge. I decided to buy them out at four of them but when I went to grabbed them the same female employee said “that’s not gonna fit” to another employee. 
Bigger Picture
Like with most points of realization, it doesn’t give you an answer, but it makes you stop and think. In my perspective “Points of realization” are real, they happen all the time and you just don’t notice your physicality is in coordination with the media, music, or thoughts. This means your brain either subconsciously syncs your body with the media and calculates and coordinates the time and action to have a “point of realization” or these points are part of a larger communication mechanism designed to influence your mind by the conscious planet. It’s not a perfect system, you can’t teach mathematics, but you can subconsciously change attitudes, focus, and cognition through the subconscious influence of Gaia’s magnetism. 
Gaia’s randonauting is like playing semantics. You don't say it directly but you talk around it.  It's just like advertising works by influencing your subconscious until you obtain recognition and it becomes normal. Points of realization are even more subtle.   
Give Me a Sign
Maybe this is one way in which Gaia “talks.” Basically through semantics and feelings. This is also a classic interaction with god. When people talk about God they always want a sign.
Two illustrations of the semantics of god are “Peter’s Prostate Exam” (linked) from Family Guy and the “I need a sign” scene from the movie Bruce Almighty. In “Bruce Almighty” god literally sends Bruce a sign but he doesn’t see the semantics of the message. In Family Guy, the reality of being given an exam won’t go away when he tries to run from reality by turning on the television which just reminds him of his current life. In effect, there’s Bruce and Peter. Bruce didn’t see the semantics and Peter did. It’s like The Truman show but everyone and all of life is being watched and guided by the planets and stars. 
Imagination is Greater than Knowledge. 
Scientists don’t know why at the quantum level when they observe a photon it turns from a wave to a particle. Watch episode 9, season 3 of Cosmos: Possible Worlds. Maybe the planets could communicate in the same way as photons do when they’re observed but separated by millions of miles as explained by quantum entanglement in the episode. Is there information contained in a photon, including in the x-ray and gamma spectrum, that a planet can read when it comes in contact with its magnetic field?  
Gaia’s Biology
I often think about what it would take for Gaia to stop being conscious. Does her rotation around the sun with a moon stretch the planet to create the forces to keep up the heat for her internal dynamo? Will Gaia die when her core stops being molten? 
Earth may still be a floating rock but does the live spirit of Gaia made possible by its molten internal dynamo die? When the internal dynamo dies and the center becomes solid does the magnetic field stop? My thinking is Gaia dies when her core turns solid and she not longer has a magnetic field. 
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basicsofislam · 4 years
ISLAM 101: Muslim Culture and Character: Morals And Manners: Buildinf Good Character
The topic of this book, “adab in practice,” is part of the larger concept of akhlaq, that is, morality. In fact, from one perspective, adab in practice is fundamentally practical morality and ethics. Therefore, the essence of these concepts will be explained first, beginning with a short introduction to akhlaq, and only after this will adab in practice be returned to.
Akhlaq, the plural of khuluq in Arabic, means the character and temperament of a person. The temperament of a person brings either good or harmful things. In the broadest aspect morality means that there is a moral character, that is, morality becomes deeply ingrained in the soul and as a consequence right actions and behavior come naturally and easily from within; then, the per- son with such a character no longer has to struggle intellectually to know what ethical choices to make.
Human characteristics can generally be divided into those that society approves of and those that we disapprove of. Decency, hu- mility, and kindness are traits that are seen in a positive light, while arrogance, deceit, and miserliness are generally perceived as negative human characteristics. To recognize these characteristics and their attendant traits is to understand what is meant here by the phrase “moral character.” Nawwas ibn Saman once asked the Prophet how to recognize the difference between goodness and sin. The Prophet answered, “Goodness is good moral character. Sin is anything that pricks one’s conscience, and which one does not want others to know about.”1 Another narration from Jabir re- ports that the Messenger said, “The most beloved to me among you and the ones who will be closest to me on the Day of Judgment are the best in moral character. And they who are most loathsome to me and will be farthest from me on the Day of Judgment are those who gossip, those with unbridled tongues, and those who condescend.” When they asked him, “O Messenger of God! Who are those who condescend?” he replied, “They are those who are arrogant.”2
Ethics, which is the study or science of morals, can be divided into the theoretical and the practical. While theoretical morality is concerned with those concepts that constitute the principles and rules of morality, practical morality is concerned with the duties that constitute the basis of a moral life. As reported by the Prophet, “God looks not at your outward appearances, nor at your wealth or belongings. God looks only at your hearts and your deeds.”3 For this reason, here we will be mainly concerned with the practical side of morality, and as mentioned above, the pur- pose of this book is to explore adab in practice. At this point, with a view to clarifying the meaning of human responsibility, let us take a closer look at the concept of duty, which is pivotal to devel- oping a good character with adab.
Duty is the moral responsibility of a person who has reached pu- berty when they have been asked to do something good or help- ful. Accordingly, Islamically there are two types of duty. One is the obligatory (fard) group of duties, that is, those the perfor- mance of which is binding and the abandonment of which is for- bidden. For example, performing daily prayers, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and offering prescribed purifying alms fall into this category. The other type of duty is that which, al- though not obligatory, is encouraged or desirable; it is these du- ties that religion presents as being inherent parts of a good moral character. To observe these duties on top of the obligatory ones shows greater spiritual maturity and is worthy of Divine reward; the observation of them pleases God. To neglect such duties would be a shortcoming. An example of this type of duty would be the giving of money or goods to those in need (sadaqa), over and above the prescribed purifying alms (zakat), and generally being kind and polite to everyone.
Duties can further be classified as those fulfilled in the cause of God, or for the benefit of the individual, family, or even soci- ety. From this perspective, duties can be divided into different sorts—divine, familial, and social duties. Let us more closely ex- amine these categories.
Divinely-Ordained Duties
It is incumbent upon every person who has come of age and who is in possession of all their mental faculties that they recognize and worship God. For a human there can be no greater blessing or honor than this servitude to God. One worships God by willingly and gratefully performing acts of worship, such as daily prayers, fasting, charity, and such other commitments that require both physical and financial abilities, like the pilgrimage to Mecca. In ad- dition to these duties that pertain to the personal practice of Islam, safeguarding and defending one’s homeland is also a sacred duty.
Another very important divine duty is to struggle against one’s own evil-commanding soul. Those who cannot discipline their ego or self through moral education will not be able to help themselves, let alone society. Believers, both as individuals and members of soci- ety, need to exert themselves to strive in the way of God in all their actions at all moments of life. This is what Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, meant when he said, “We are re- turning from the lesser jihad (struggle) to the greater,” while he was returning to Medina from the Campaign of Tabuk.4 Emphasizing that they were returning from “the lesser struggle to the greater,” the Prophet directed his Community to this “greater struggle” that is waged against one’s carnal self at all moments of life.
Being this comprehensive in nature, jihad includes every ac- tion, from the simplest act of speaking to remaining silent or per- forming supererogatory acts of worship, such as extra prayers, worship and fasting to attain the good pleasure of God. Likewise, to enlighten our hearts we can read the Qur’an, or to increase the light of our faith we can continually remember and reflect on the Divine Attributes of our Almighty Creator that are manifest all around us.
Individual Duties
Each person has some duties toward their own self as well. Some of these pertain to the body, and some to the spirit. The following are the main duties that fall into this category:
Training the body: For everyone it is crucial that the body be kept strong and clean. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A strong and vigorous be- liever is better than a frail and weak one.”5
Caring for one’s health: Health is a great blessing; there- fore, it is vital to avoid things that may damage one’s health and to seek treatment when one is ill.
Refraining from dangerous practices of abstinence or self- denial practiced in the name of spiritual discipline.
Guarding against things that wear down and age the body.
Strengthening willpower: A person needs to develop healthy self-control. This involves learning what is good for the body and partaking of it, as well as finding out what is harmful and avoiding it.
Duties relating to the mind and intellect, such as pursuing learning and enlightenment, awakening higher emotions and positive feelings in the heart, and honing one’s talents and skills.
Family Duties
The family is the very foundation of a healthy society. Each mem- ber of the family must accept some responsibility for the others in the family. Some of the primary duties of a husband, for instance, are to behave kindly toward his wife, to meet her basic needs, and to be loyal to her. A narration of the Prophet says, “The best of you is he who is the best to his wife.”6 A wife who is happy with her spouse will support her husband’s decisions, as long as they do not conflict with religious directives and contribute to protecting the family honor and property. All these are pivotal to happiness in marital relations and to a happy family.
Parents in such an atmosphere commit themselves to nurtur- ing, educating and training their children to the best of their ability, setting them on the path to success in life. Fathers and mothers should treat their children equally, holding them in equal regard and affection. They should be gentle towards their offspring, and raise them in such a way that they will not be inclined to rebel. Parents also have the duty to be models of virtue for their children.
Respect and obedience are, in turn, some of the basic duties of children towards parents who have brought them up according to the principles set out above and with love and compassion, feeding and caring for them. This is why children should not show displeasure or impatience with their parents. A son or daughter who ignores the wishes of their parents and does not heed them nor come to their assistance if they are in need is not a source of blessing for the parents. Such a person not only is not a useful member of society, but will also stand before God as one who is guilty of shirking their duty.
Likewise, siblings have duties toward one another, such as showing affection and compassion for each other, as well as help- ing and respecting each other. There is a very strong bond be- tween brothers and sisters and this should be maintained at all times. Brothers and sisters who cut their ties with one another over finances or property disagreements cannot be considered to be blessed or benevolent. Finally, if a household has hired help, this helper also must be treated as part of the family. They deserve kindness and gentle treatment and should never be overloaded with work that is too difficult for them to carry out.
Social Duties
Human beings have been created as social beings, and as such they live in social groups and have formed civilizations. Socializing is one of our basic needs, and social life involves certain expectations between people. When these are disregarded, society breaks down and people can no longer coexist peacefully or work together. The main responsibilities in this category are the preservation of the following inalienable rights:
Protecting the life of every individual: Every person has the right to life. No one has the right to take another person’s life. According to Islam, one who wrongfully kills a per- son is as guilty as if they have murdered all of humanity; likewise, one who saves one person’s life is as blessed as if they have saved all of humanity.
Safeguarding the freedom of all people: God Almighty cre- ated every human being free and equal. At the same time, it is certain that this freedom has boundaries. We do not have the prerogative to do anything we want; if we had such freedom this would violate the freedoms of others.
The consideration of conscience: When a person has a well- functioning conscience, this allows them to differentiate between good and bad. The value of such a conscience can be better understood if one observes outward consequenc- es. A person who engages in incorrect behavior cannot be said to have a functioning conscience. Islam assigns great importance to having a conscience that helps one to be concerned for the happiness and guidance of all humanity.
To this end, it encourages pity towards those who have a faulty conscience, and tries to bring them to the right way. One can never try to control or rule another person’s con- science; this is the province of God alone. Each person will be rewarded or punished for what is in their con- science. However, this does not mean it is wrong to ad- monish or advise a person who has a bad conscience, if the idea is to help the person.
Protecting freedom of mind: Any thought or opinion, right or wrong, must be approached in a scholarly man- ner. This is the only way for a truth to be discovered, and it is also the only way for society to prove the harmfulness of false ideas.
Protecting the honor and reputation of individuals: In Islam, everyone has the right to maintain their honor and dignity. Any attack against honor or dignity, we have been taught, will be gravely punished. It is for this reason that gossip, slander, ridicule, the cursing of others and saying negative things about others are absolutely forbidden in Islam.
The preservation of other people’s property: It is also for- bidden to usurp the property or possessions of any other person. What is earned by a person belongs strictly to that person. This is essential for the development of a civilized society. It is reasonable and necessary that the individuals who make up a society will have different degrees of wealth, according to their profession and training. In a fair and equitable society all should be grateful for and sat- isfied with their own portion.
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vision20revie · 4 years
Vision 20 Reviews
Vision 20 Reviews - Groundbreaking New Report on Vision 20 for Eyesight
Vision 20 by Zenith Labs is an eye care supplement that, by its ingredients, tries to protect your eyesight.
Vision 20 is a dietary supplement that helps protect your eyes' lens and retina from harmful blue radiation. This radiation is commonly emitted by phones, gadgets, and other things that have monitors. It uses natural ingredients that are found in nature to keep our eyes from going into eventual decline. It contains carotenoids, which are substances that help keep our eye’s lens, retina, and macula healthy.
This, in turn, gives us an abundance of good eyesight, which is essential in our everyday lives. Vision 20 supplement was inspired by the humble Marigold, whose orange coloration was a clear indication of abundance in carotenoids.
Vision 20 supplement can help us see in different ranges, whether near and far. It can also make us see better during nighttime, which is a clear indication of healthy eyesight. According to the official website, it is used by around 9,000 Americans right now, and the testimonials show that the product works full-time. This latest review will show you the supplement's ins and outs and how it came to be. Vision 20 is based on the Bible, and even though you are an atheist, I suggest you continue reading because these are parts of the Bible that are backed up by scientific facts and data. Without further ado, let us jump into it.
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Vision 20’s Biblical Relation?
Vision 20 was inspired by the Bible. In the book of Isaiah, a prophet of the same name, helped King Hezekiah by giving him figs. While initially used to treat the boils, this also affected his eyesight. It became blurred as he was consumed by sickness.
King Hezekiah, upon being put and spread upon by mashed figs, not only cured his boils but also improved his eyesight. Why? It is because figs contain high amounts of Retinyl Palmitate, a form of Vitamin A. This has let him see again in not just the spiritual sense
but also the physical sense. This is awesome. Now, we can see how the Bible is relevant even though it is a tool of religion. It is still a historical account, and we know that these document types are dependent on the writer's interpretation. Of course, this makes this Holy Scripture awry the credibility, but it is safe to say that science backs this manuscript up.
Vision 20 Manufacturer
Doctor Ryan Shelton made vision 20. He is currently the Medical Director of Zenith Labs, a company that makes dietary supplements for a living. If we can even observe further, we can see that he is a man of God since he injects lots of biblical sense into his studies.
Zenith Labs comprises health professionals who manufacture a variety of supplements that cater to older people. Other supplements that Zenith Labs make include joint health and anti-aging supplements, which are rich with antioxidants.
Being the head of the whole operation, Shelton is a researcher whose job is to look for progressive, natural health solutions for everyone in the world. While that is a fancy way of saying it, he is a testimony of others' goodwill, having helped hundreds of people already through personal means. Also, being a naturally-inclined researcher, he publishes papers during his pastime. He also puts in dozens of credible sources to the Vision 20 supplement, which means that it should be useful since it was based and made through scientific methods and means. Overall, Doctor Shelton and his team at
Zenith Labs are considered to be reliable, trustworthy, and credible among all accounts. They show their faces in public too, which is a plus sign since they are willing to bet themselves for the product that they made. Now that is commitment and honesty in one.
How Does It Work?
Vision 20 works by bombarding our body with antioxidants and other substances that are beneficial to the eye, such as Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and different forms of Vitamin A. We know that Vitamin A is extremely beneficial for our eyes, so this is a good sign already that this product indeed works. Just take one capsule a day, and you are good to go.
The supplement works by repairing and protecting your eyes against blue light radiation. Now, blue light radiation is commonly found everywhere. It is commonly emitted by technology that we have now. Any monitor that we are looking at right now emits blue light radiation. You might be thinking this is an exaggeration, but don’t you wonder why
your eyes feel tired and itchy after staring at a monitor for long periods? It is because your eyes are being constantly harassed by this radiation that is slowly eating away your eyesight.
Vision 20 takes a step further by protecting your eyes and repairing your eyes with the help of antioxidants found in different sources. Not only does this help our eyes, but it benefits our body as a whole since antioxidants are the essential substances that we need to keep ourselves healthy in the long run. This, in turn, can help us see nearer,
farther, and in the dark. It is beneficial, considering that the sense of sight is one of the most important things that a human must have to live a full, happy, and contented life.
By taking this supplement, you can protect and repair your eyes through natural and organic nutrients. Either these nutrients come from figs or carrots, it does not matter. What matters is the nutrient itself. Dr. Shelton and his team carefully came up with a formula that will help revolutionize your eyesight, and trust me when I say it is useful.
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Vision 20 Ingredients
Vision 20 is not necessarily made from figs. Looking back, no pun intended, it was figs that made King Hezekiah well again. If we are to look at this from a scientific point of view, figs are antibacterial fruits rich in antioxidants and Vitamin A. They are a well-rounded fruit to begin with. While King Hezekiah in the Bible primarily suffered boils, Dr. Shelton and his team noticed that his eyesight also improved based on the Second Book of Kings' writings.
Channeling his inner scientific side with his religious optimism, Shelton went on to take the critical component that makes figs good for the eyes – Vitamin A. This vitamin, for the knowledge of everyone, has many forms. Thankfully, Shelton is a research buff and has this knowledge in mind. He went for two of the most potent forms of Vitamin A – Retinyl Palmitate and Beta-carotene.
Once getting these facts laid down, he combined support elements for Vitamin A, and the rest is history for this particular dietary supplement. With a backgrounder on how figs and Vision 20 came to be, let us jump into Vision 20 ingredients' specifics.
The main ingredients are:
Retinyl Palmitate is a form of Vitamin A, which is more suited to the cell
regeneration side. It is commonly used to boost the amount of Vitamin A that a person has in his/her body. Vitamin A deficiency is a thing for people with
weakened eyesight, and having regular dosage of this substance can keep your eyes healthy in the long run.
Beta-carotene. Perhaps the most famous form of Vitamin A, is a carotenoid commonly found in many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains! While Retinyl Palmitate is focused on repairing our eye’s integrity, Beta-carotene is focused on making us less sensitive to light changes and preventing our eyesight from
declining faster than you can say eye degeneration. What is more, studies show it can reduce the risk of breast cancer!
These are the two main ingredients, but our bodies do not absorb vitamin A and its several forms. This has been the case for many years, and with increased exposure to blue light radiation, this rate of less absorption is taking a toll on our precious eyesight. This is why Dr. Shelton added Zinc.
Zinc – This mineral encourages our body to absorb Vitamin A. By taking in Zinc, we can increase Vitamin A absorption rate by three times! Other than that, the primary function of this mineral is to repair and maintain our cells and boost our immune system, hasten our healing process, and boost our overall health.
The next ingredients that I will show you are the support ingredients for Vision 20, all put in to make your eyes better by the second.
Lutein – this is also a carotenoid that is usually found in our eye’s macula and retina. These parts of the eye are responsible for taking in images reflected by the lenses of our eyes. Thus, adding Lutein can strengthen it and prevent
age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is common among old folk. It is also used to treat cataracts and early-stage non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Zeaxanthin – this is the carotenoid that actively fights off high-energy light
waves inside your eye. By adding Zeaxanthin, we have an active contender against the blue light radiation that continually bombards us in this modern world. It is Lutein's partner, whereas Lutein fights of the harmful effects of
oxidization while Zeaxanthin fights off outside threats such as mentioned above.
Lycopene – commonly found in tomatoes, this heart-smart ingredient is a potent antioxidant used to protect cells from oxidization and other related damage.
Lycopene is used in Vision 20 to serve as an antioxidant buffer to regenerate the eye’s degrading cells quickly. With nothing to damage them, they can focus on recovery.
Taurine – people say Taurine is only used to make you smart, but that is not the case otherwise. This amino acid can also help produce more cells, which is beneficial for losing his/her eyesight. Lycopene is the shield, while Taurine is the concrete used to build stuff.
Grape Seed Extract – this extract can boost good cholesterol levels and improve
overall blood circulation. It can also boost your immune system thanks to the presence of Polyphenols. While this seems to have no relation to eyesight
improvement, a study from the Molecular Vision Journal suggests that grape seed extract can also protect your lenses from outside threats.
Bilberry Extract – last but not least, there is the Bilberry. This extract is excellent
for blood circulation, gout, urinary tract infections, and more. It is mainly used as an antioxidant, which means it can fight off eye damage from internal sources.
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EyeSight Benefits
For one, the Vision 20 supplement has high amounts of antioxidants on it. Why is this the case? It is because Vision 20 also focuses on getting your past eyesight back. Think of it as something that protects and heals at the same time. It is a cool supplement overall. Antioxidants help our cells regenerate and feel young again. By chugging in significant amounts of antioxidants, we only not help our eyes get better, but we also feel better in general since these nutrients will be circulated throughout our whole body.
Secondly, Vision 20 is aimed at making our eyesight crystal clear. Carotenoids such as Vitamin A, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin paired with Zinc can work wonders, and as King Hezekiah’s eyesight got better with vitamin A-rich fruits, yours can be like that too! Overall, Vision 20 gives benefits to our eyes and our whole body as well.
Vision 20 Ingredients Side Effects
With tons of benefits and pros come easily unavoidable cons. We are just going to backtrack a little. The recommended dosage for Vision 20 is one capsule a day. Keep this in mind, as overdosing can undoubtedly show signs of side effects one way or another.
To start, Vitamin A overdose is a nasty thing to have. It is called Hypervitaminosis A.
Isaiah only gave King Hezekiah an ample amount of fig. You should only get an ample amount of Vision 20 too. It can cause bone pain and skin changes. If you do not want
these symptoms, only take the recommended dosage of one a day. We understand that you want your real eyesight back, but please do it in moderation.
Other than this nasty threat, you can also experience other mild symptoms such as
dizziness, headache, nausea, stomach pain, and flu-like symptoms if you overdose. In short, do not overdose, and you will be fine in the long run.
To inform you, too, there is an infrequent side effect from ingesting Lutein and Zeaxanthin. It is not harmful, so it is okay unless you are vain. Your skin can occasionally turn yellow. You should be fine if you are following the recommended dosage. In summary, Vision 20 side effects are only prevalent if you are hard-headed.
Where do you Buy Vision 20?
You can buy Vision 20 right off the Vision 20 official website, which is below.
Official Website of this Eye Care Supplement
There are tons of things to see on their website, and this Vision 20 review just summarized it for you so that you will not have the hassle of going through all those marketing stunts.
How Much Does It Cost Vision 20?
Vision 20 is relatively cheap for an optical dietary supplement of its degree! Typically, each bottle costs a whopping price of $79! This is a shocker, but it is a great supplement to begin with.
However, they are generous enough to give people a discount! Right now, each bottle of Vision 20 only costs $49! That is $30 off than the regular price.
If you feel that $49 is still too much, they also offer 3-bottle and 6-bottle packages worth $117 and $198, respectively. These are super low prices compared to other dietary supplements in the market!
However, shipping is relatively high, at $19.95. If you go for the 6-bottle pack, though, you can have free shipping, so that is cool in its regard. Each purchase of Vision 20 helps a charity named Vitamin Angels, which helps kids overcome their vitamin deficiencies.
Overall Verdict for Vision 20
Vision 20 is one of the best dietary supplements to take if you look for something to make your eyesight better overtime. The blend of the ingredients is outstanding, and it can make your quality of life much better as you get older.
Nevertheless, it is still a dietary supplement and should be taken with a healthy and balanced diet to be fully utilized. Always consult your physician and listen to the professional advice of your doctor. Other than that, always remain vigilant and check the labels first before taking a supplement like this!
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nogodinvolvedsblog · 4 years
From the author of the book “Islam Dismantled: The Mental Illness of Prophet Muhammad” :«After much delay, ultimately my book “Islam Dismantled: The Mental Illness of Prophet Muhammad” is published and available for online purchase and in various book stores. In this article, I intend to introduce the book to you and to discuss few salient features of the book. In the market there is no shortage of books critical to Islam, but why should the readers purchase this particular book? What is there in this book that makes this book unique? As the author of this book I am answerable to each one of you.This book dismantles Islam by exposing the imposture of Muhammad. The historical Muhammad is too privileged to be formally evaluated in the fashion a clinical psychologist would like. But given certain of his well-known and highly documented behaviors, it is certain that he had a conflict-ridden psychological dependence on others. He equated love with weakness and feared intimacy. He inflicted pain and abuse on others as his second nature. He was unable to give his followers a reason to live, so he gave them enough reasons to die – die in Allah’s name to enter paradise. He could not convince the Arabs to choose his religion based upon its merits, so he threatened them with damnation, and the religion he preached was more about fantasy less about proof. Any person who, among other atrocities, orders and watches 800 innocent people beheaded and beds the wife of a man whom he had tortured to death that very night cannot be considered psychologically normal. Common sense alone tells us that a fifty-one years old man who marries a six year old girl is abnormal. The notion that a godly revelation would focus on the sexual desires of a lecherous man is really disgusting. No religion in the world has ever destroyed family ties as Muhammad has done in Islam.Muhammad had shown all the symptoms of his lunacy and his prophetic claim was based on the quicksand of grand delusion. But the irony is that the entire religion of Islam is based on the truth claim of such a man who could easily swing back and forth between the two extremes – reality and fantasy.Muslims believe that Muhammad was the noblest person who ever walked on Earth. In the Qur’an, Allah praises Muhammad as the best of the creation, an excellent example (Q: 33.21), exalted above other Prophets in degrees (Q: 2.253), the preferred one (Q: 17.55), a mercy to the worlds (Q: 21.107), and the one who has risen to a praised estate (Q: 17.79). But the five oldest and most trusted Islamic sources do not portray Muhammad a superior being or any kind of mercy of God among mankind. The sources reveal that he was a thief, a liar, an assassin, a pedophile, a shameless womanizer, a promiscuous husband, a rapist, a mass-murderer, a desert pirate, a warmonger, a spineless coward and a calculating and ruthless tyrant. It is certainly not the character profile of the founder of a true religion.Religion was just a cause for Muhammad. He actually worshipped his own image – not God. He had created Allah in his own image and attributed to that God the qualities of his own self. Allah was a plastic entity that Muhammad shaped to meet his needs. That is why Allah seems a multidimensional entity in the Qur’an, an obedient servant that Muhammad used for any occasion from managing the harem affairs of his wives to swearing to punish mercilessly whosoever disagrees with His beloved messenger.In his religious endeavor, Muhammad made mistakes and was defeated many times, but he did not give up. He corrected himself and moved ahead by abrogating verses with suitable additions. No one can deny that on several occasions he intentionally did harm knowing perfectly well that he was obeying his own will and not an inspiration from God. He talked much about paradise, hell, virtue and sin; but his actions did not show that he had really believed whatever he was saying. He lied on several occasions and encouraged lying to propagate his religion. No doubt, Muhammad had mastered the art of deception. He never gave a second thought to compromise morality for political gain. In his mind there was no other determinant. So he raged when confronted with disagreement or opposition, or, anything that threatened his worldview.Muhammad was not capable of introspection, i.e., he was not capable to judge his actions from the outside. His critics made him realize that there was a “grandiosity gap” (between his self-image and reality) which made him helpless. Since he could not win in a scholarly debate with the critics, he deceitfully got them assassinated. This was his only way to deal with all his intellectual opponents.Critics often ask one question; was Muhammad a knowing fraud or he genuinely believed that the revelations were coming from a God? No matter whatever is the truth, it simply does not make much sense. Even if he was sincere, it does not relieve him from the criminal charges that are put on him. If a racially prejudiced white man “sincerely” believes that blacks should not get equal rights in the civilized society, his “sincerity” does not affect our moral condemnation of his belief. For the same reason we condemn those Hindus who still believe in untouchability. In the same way, Muhammad cannot get away in any case. If he was not a knowing fraud, then we can say that he was capable of self-deception. He used to bring messages freely from his God to justify political murders, assassinations, raid, booty, pedophilia, abundant sex even to solve his domestic problems which are clear evidences that he was an absolute fake; his sincerity means nothing. Secondly, he was perfectly capable of distinguishing right from wrong and anticipating the results of his actions and their influence on the society. Though he caused great misery to others, he hardly felt responsible for them. Therefore, he should be held liable for his deeds and exploits.Muhammad had used Islam to pervade Muslim psyche, and possessed their mind. Muslims are not slaves of Allah; they are slaves of Muhammad. For the Muslims, Muhammad is their drug, their addiction. Without Muhammad, it is a world of black and white. With Muhammad it is a colorful show complete with drama, thrills, fun and full of excitement. While offering five obligatory prayers, Muslims think that they are praying to God, but actually their prayers go to Muhammad. Muhammad is the real God of Islam, not Allah. Muslims simply cannot dare to cross the narrow limits specified by Qur’an and ahadith. They can view the world only through the eyes of Muhammad, and it continues throughout their lives. Once belief systems are rigidly instilled – they are virtually impossible to modify belatedly. The sad part is that Muslims are not even aware of it as we read in the science fictions of alien snatching the human bodies. Muhammad had invaded and modified the minds of Muslims and brought them to his bubble universe to serve him. This way, when the Muslims adopt Muhammad’s way of thinking, they become as destructive as Muhammad.Muhammad obsessively believed in his own infallibility, brilliance, heroism, and perfection. He gave the Qur’an as the only evidence of his prophethood. At the same time, deep inside in his mind he knew that unlike the Biblical Prophets he could not perform miracles. He knew that his Qur’an could not stand criticism. He knew that his religion could not be morally and spiritually at par with other established religions of Arabia, like, Christianity and Judaism; but he did not dare confront the truth. In fact he even could not admit the truth to himself. He only imagined that he was on a divine mission, a messenger of Allah. This is how he failed the “reality test” – he was simply unable to distinguish the actual (external world) from the imagined (the internal world of thoughts and feelings) by making logical analysis of the religion he was preaching or allowing others to do this. For him the reality became shadow and the shadow became reality.Islam is an extremely defenseless religion and hence vulnerable to collapse. “Defenseless” in the sense, there is not a single atom of truth in it to support. This failed religion, originated from the grand delusion of a malignant Narcissist, is the biggest hoax humanity has ever seen. It is like a house of cards – looks tall, big, mighty and gigantic but the base is very weak. The day when criticism will have dismantled piece by piece this enormous falsehood of Islam, the whole edifice will come crumbling down. Then the Muslims will ask themselves how this enormous falsehood could have forced acceptance for such a long time. I can already see some cracks in this gigantic structure.Muhammad’s actions and commands in Allah’s name are immortalized in Qur’an and Hadith collections. These are not only shocking in the standard of our time, but many Meccans during those days were equally shocked by seeing his brutal performance in the name of God. Muhammad succeeded in his prophetic mission because there was no powerful Government to stop him. If Muhammad had been living under Roman rule, surely his mission would have resulted in losing his life and his religion would have been stamped out by strong military action.Probably, the most terrible legacy of Muhammad was his rigid firmness that the Qur’anic revelations were the literal word of God and the significance of these verses are eternal. The irony is that in the entire history of Islam, Qur’an fails to give one solid argument at its favor that cannot be successfully refuted. A nation might read the Qur’an and explain minutely every word for centuries without advancing one step on the road to progress. In the tiresome repetition of the mindless blabbering of a mentally deranged illiterate person, the human mind loses its elasticity, its sagacity, its constructivism and its curiosity. Through Freudian analysis, it can be shown that the prohibition of critical thinking at one point leads to an impoverishment of a person’s critical ability in other spheres of thought and thereby obstructs the power of reason. Consequently, the intellect becomes atrophied and incapable of an original effort. This is the cause of intellectual bankruptcy of the Muslim nations.The self-serving messages of an illiterate seventh century malignant Narcissist passed down to the Muslims generation after generation as unquestionable word of Allah, and as time passed, men were found to take up these words and make them into weapons to cause injustice, oppression, domination, and for conversion by force. Islam is a bankrupt ideology from the standpoint of humanism. The early Arab invaders were no way better than controlled mass-murderers. They were hard-wired to cheat, kill and loot, and had transformed Islam from a religion into an organized crime. In general, they were brainwashed by Muhammad’s teaching to inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse. The prodigious success of the Arab conquest proves nothing. Attila the Hun, Genseric the Vandal king, Gengis Khan and Alexander the Great brought many nations into subjection; yet civilization owes them absolutely nothing. A conquering people only exercise a civilizing influence when it itself is more civilized than the people conquered.In this book I have no intention of testing God. I just want to test Muhammad’s claim to the title of messenger of God because I refuse to accept his claim blindly. Throughout the recorded history of humankind, many imposters have posed as “god-man” with well-packaged gimmickry and fooled us. Anyone who claims to be a Prophet must be prepared to have his prophecy tested. The aim of this book is to diagnose Muhammad by making use of biographical data and through the application of psychological theory and research. This psychobiography is all about the “why” – the question of motives. I don’t want to tell the story of Muhammad, but unveil the story behind the story. My intention is to uncover the private motives behind his public acts. This book presents two theses – Muhammad suffered from malignant narcissism, and was also affected by neurotic disorder which caused regular psychiatric delusions.I wrote this book after three years of hard research. I have analyzed the Prophet of Islam from a perspective by delving into the psychological impulses that controlled Muhammad and made him the phenomenon that he became. For writing this book, I took references from various well known psychoanalysts; e.g., Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, James Masterson, Sandy Hotchkiss, Sam Vaknin, Martha Stout, a combined work by Cynthia Zayn & Kevin Dibble, just to mention a few. In this process, I have solved many mysteries of Islam which remained mystery ever since the birth of Islam. Therefore there are many details in this book which are my original findings; these are not explained by any critic so far in the history of Islam. Only for this reason, I request the readers to read my book. Even if you have read hundreds of books on Islam, this book will always offer you something more.I have not written the book to make profit. This is absolutely a non-profit making project. The pre-publication formalities, as example; manuscript preparation, tracing, formatting, and proof-reading were done at Calcutta (India). All the expenditures were borne by me. It means the purchase cost of this book is even less than the production cost of each copy. I have taken every step to keep the cost of the book as low as possible. This book is also available as kindle edition. This e-version of the book is even cheaper. Those who live in Islamic countries should purchase the kindle version of the book. It is available at Amazon kindle.While promoting the book on Facebook, I have already received a death threat from a pro-Islam group for insulting their Prophet. What makes me sad is that some Christians and Hindus are also accusing me of offending Muslim sensibilities. They want me to withdraw the book from the market. I understand, objective historical research on Muhammad has long been severely handicapped both by the resistance of the Muslim societies to Western analysis of their sacred traditions and by the apologetic approaches of many Western scholars who had compromised their investigation for fear of offending Muslim sensibilities. Therefore, most of the books today tell us about Muhammad of faith not the Muhammad of history.Many freethinkers and scholars have endangered their lives by revealing to the public information about Muhammad and Islam that public had never heard before. For this reason; Theo Van Gogh was shot and stabbed to death in Netherlands and his associate Ayaan Hirsi Ali had to live with bodyguards and armored cars, Taslima Nasrin has been living in exile since 1994, Faraj Foda was shot dead in front of his office in Cairo, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd fled out of Egypt to escape the death penalty, and Sayyid Mahmoud al-Qimni was forced to recant all his writings. Unfortunately, before the outside world would get a chance to read their works, these writers were silenced through murder, terrorization, and death-threat, and their writings were banned in the Muslim world. I understand that by writing this book I am putting myself in a very dangerous situation, but at any cost I will not fall back, not even at the cost of my life. I will never withdraw the book from the market. Let the fanatics do whatever they can do. It is my birth-right to tell the truth and stand against the evil. How can I forget the sufferings of millions of innocent victims of Islamic jihad worldwide?Even if the Muslim clerics issue a fatwa on my head and eventually the fanatics kill me, still they will not be able to stop the truth from spreading. Truth is a fact and not a judgment. Muslims can discredit me the way they like, they can kill me but they cannot stop the truth from spreading. The hard fact is that Muhammad was not a Prophet of any God, he was a mental patient. Islam is the grand delusion of Muhammad. Muhammad was not the first person who claimed to have received messages from God. Throughout the recorded history of mankind, there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who declared themselves as a spokesman of God. Even today, in the mental hospitals and in the cult scene, we can find many mentally disordered and strange people who, likewise, believe to be regular recipients of messages from some unknown divine sources. They are “honest” in their claim and “sincere” in their declaration. Often those people manage to make others believe in their claims too. Many of them set themselves up as cult leaders, revered by a group of followers as their direct “telephone line” to God or the spirit world.Though as the author I hold the copyright of this book, the fact is that this book is out of my control. I have no regret for this; this book is a gift to you and I don’t want to have a control over this book. In fact I consider myself a very insignificant person. The truth and the new explanations that I put forward through this book are more important. When a researcher gives new explanations or critically analyzes something from a different perspective, the new ideas should not be the personal property of the author. In fact the author becomes a bond-servant of his creation. If, after reading the book, you have some further questions, I am directly responsible to give you reply. This book is a small gift to humanity from my side. That’s why this book is yours, not mine. Please purchase a copy and encourage others to purchase. Please promote this book – not for the author but for the sake of humanity.Lastly, I wish to have an intimate talk with the Muslims. I have absolutely no hate for you, my dearest Muslim brethren – let me be very clear on this matter. In fact many of my close friends are Muslims. How can I hate you, you are the first victims of Islam. Every Muslim is an abductee from the civilization in which he once belonged and put into a mental slavery. Same diagnosis is applicable to the Arabs also. Though they did not have to adopt foreign customs and language, which made the transition to Islam less disruptive, they too were cut off from their original pagan culture. Just break the myth of Muhammad and try to analyze the Muhammad of history, and then you will see the obvious falsehood of Islam. I have absolutely no intention to offend anyone; I just want to tell the truth. But, sorry, I cannot compromise my investigation for fear of offending Muslim sensibilities. Your beloved Prophet was a real devil who used religion to deceive you. Muhammad separated you from the real God of human race, the real Creator. The deception, death, and damnation of men were Muhammad’s life ambition. Your beloved Prophet was a vulgar imposter in a divine robe. He had valued you when he found that you could advance his religion, but devalued you at the next moment if you did not comply with his whims and wishes. He treated you as lifeless objects, and manipulated you so cunningly as if he had conquered you, “chained” you, conditioned you and moulded you. He exploited you as if he “knew” that he could do anything he wanted them to do. Throughout his prophetic endeavor, he derived his self-worth from you, as if he would collapse and self-annihilate without them. As long you practice Islam, you are a slave of Muhammad.According to me, most of the Muslims know virtually nothing about the Prophet of Islam because an honest biography of Muhammad was never written for them. There are enough pious and totally unobjective traditions of Muhammad preserved by the Muslim religious community, but what is lacking in these sources is honesty. Even today, numerous works in Arabic and other Muslim majority languages appear each year. These books try to portray Muhammad as a holy man, a seer, visionary and miracle worker; which are far away from truth. The reason, Muslims cannot write an honest biography of their Prophet, is that the biography of Muhammad is a subject that is taboo. That’s why Muslims learn about the Muhammad of faith, not the Muhammad of history. My book will help the Muslims to see the truth about the Prophet.I hate the ideology which enslaves the Muslims and make them terrorists. My stanch enemy is Islam and not the Muslims. I want to dismantle this doctrine of hate and murder. My intention is not only to confront Islamic jihad but at the same time to rescue the Muslims from the evil grip of Islam. I want to see the Muslims returning back within the fold of humanity by rejecting Islam.»freedomofspeech
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How can a patient fast
How can a patient fast The doctors and experts from Lahore around the world have written several research articles, which have been proven that one month after the fasting, the body secures many types of dentists and diseases. The fact that your Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) proclaimed about 14,000 years ago, today the doctor has come to the conclusion that when we break from palm, an intestinal tile present in the lung combustion involves chewing it to the ingredients. Converts into glucose, which restore the body's quick energy. The body lacks glucose deficiency. Hypoglycemic shock may also occur due to the decrease in glucose in the body, hyper-glued cucumber. Inflation from palm gives quick energy. There is no unnecessary burden on the stomach. Compared to palm, using other sweet items or drinks is a risk of fasting during pregnancy. How can a patient fast If the patient's patient is fasting, then it is more beneficial for them to palm because they are afraid to reduce the sugar level very much. Some people do not wake up for the festival. It is Sunnah for fasting. Fasting without fasting reduces the utility of fasting. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) emphasized that the Sahib must do it. By eating food, a person becomes a victim of physical weakness. It also affects all body functions. Those who eat unhealthy semen do not fulfill all the shortcomings during fasting, which may be worried about being harassed. Eat so much that there is no power to read the prayer. Cold drinks and coffee No cold drinks should be used in the winter. Coffee may also increase acidity in the stomach. Additionally, during the season, more snacks should be avoided, such as spices and spices. When you wake up for the sun, drink two glasses of water and then eat food. Sleeping quickly is healthier health. Wait for a while after the evening. Light down Read the Koran Go to the mosque for prayer and then relax. Effects should also be moderate. Avoid Khamamah's name and energy drinks in Aftab. Instead, use homemade of sugar-rich syrup, syrup spiral, etc., skeleton, syrup seeds, yarn, raspberry lace. Samos and Fruits Eating excessive pancakes and foods add a little extra burden. Hungry dies and gets caught in pain. Therefore, avoid poultry nutrition, cold drinks, and more snacks in Africa. The use of salt reduces the age. High blood pressure and many other diseases. Today, there is so much in Africa that Buddha does not understand what to eat and leave. Keep moderate eating moderately. The importance of palm There is also eternity with palm and also beneficial for the body. It strengthens the body. Strengthens the bones. Syrup seeds with two to three palm syrup or acne syrup provide immediate energy to the body. Use the fruits and their juices as much as possible. Avoid completely energy and cola drinks. Use minimal nutrients such as cakes, pastries, sweets, and cats with chicken nutrients. From the beginning of Ramadan, various types of patients begin to ask that the doctor can fast. Our sickness will not be affected by fasting? Much medical research has proven that with the fasting soul there is a great refresher course for the body. This makes the body relax and comfortable. Exercise, liver and blood nails, especially due to all the body parts, are free from the burden of hunger food for a while. A New Zealand clergy say that I was influenced by the Ramadan al-Ramadan philosophy in Islam. Many people do not fast because of the fear that there is no dominance or complexity of the disease due to fasting or fasting, even though it is not there. Modern medical science has proven that immunity increases the number of people in the fasting body, and then during the fasting of the internal hemorrhoids, they get relief and later Relaxation of these syrups are fresh and tired. Thus, these organisms increase. The common reason is that the newborn is strengthened. This Muslim utility has also acknowledged non-Muslims. Rather, the western west, who have been treated with various diseases, have made a successful treatment. Depression of depression Foreign expert Tayyip says fasting keeps in mind the immunity for preventing diseases. Dr. Joseph says that the misconceptions of explicit marriage appear to be away, namely, fasting physical and spiritual problems. Fasting is safe from immune, due to which the body of the vagina is correct, it gets rid of worries, depression and salmon problems. Apart from this, fast fasting is also Nafis. For a pharmacologist or a gentleman, when a person is awakened, as he has completed his sleep and is awakened, then oxygen is sufficiently sufficient in his mind, refreshing and strengthening his mind. After eating and drinking the saheeh, when it comes to prayer, recitation or celebration, it will be felt in worship and increase in religion. What is the patient? There are three types of patients. The first type includes signs of diseases and diseases of common diseases, such as cough, nausea, chronic pain, diarrhea, stomach pain, body pain, joint pain, occasional blood pressure, dizziness, nausea and owing to other diseases. Such patients can fast. They will not have any problem. With fasting, they will have to determine the amount and dosage of their medicine in such a manner that the first diet of the medicine should be taken immediately after inflection. After reading the Taraweeh prayer, take the night before sleeping and take the third meal after the morning. Fasting is necessary for such patients because fasting will decrease the symptoms of their diseases. In other types, patients are suffering from old illnesses such as diabetes, blood pressure, heartache, kidney failure, ulcer, and mental illness, etc. Such patients can also fast. For patients of patients, it is necessary for them to do well. Use the sauna of water instead of food in the saheeh, because fasting can reduce the sugar and decrease the body's water. Therefore, it is important to store water for a stomach. Sugar patients can determine the number of their medicines from the doctor's advice. The patients who take the medication three times a day can take the medicine immediately after inflection, at night while sleeping. Patients who use insulin to cure patients with diabetes can be difficult to keep glucose control. How can a patient fast At the time of the patient using insulin, reducing the amount of insulin can increase the amount of blood glucose, and then unconscious food also causes unhealthy food (blood vomiting) also causing glucose abuse. So, the arrival of Ramadan is due to the lack of blood glucose for both patients and physicians, but the idea of ​​medicine is that there is no harm, because fasting does not cause difficulty or any difficulty for the patient and the physician, but fast The patient's patient's level becomes normal, while those who have not fasted, their sugar level remains vulnerable. The older people do this question that Dr. Sahib can read we can not say. How can a patient fast Patient and trauma of sugar and high blood pressure This patient can sit down and pray for Trivia. In the third category, patients are suffering from leprosy diseases. These include cancer, fluid and kidney failure, etc. It is not possible for such patients to fast. However, in the case of leaving the fast, according to the principles of Islam, it is necessary to pay a ransom or a kafara. لاہور دنیا بھر کے ڈاکٹروں اور ماہرین نے کئی ریسرچ مقالہ جات لکھے ہیں جس میں ثابت کیا گیا ہے کہ ایک مہینہ روزہ رکھنے سے جسم کئی قسم کی کثافتوں اور بیماریوں سے نجات حاصل کر لیتا ہے۔ جو بات آپ ﷺ نے چودہ سو سال پہلے ارشاد فرمائی، آج کے ڈاکٹر تحقیق کے بعد اس نتیجہ پر پہنچے ہیں کہ جب ہم کھجور سے افطاری کرتے ہیں تو چبانے کے دوران لعاب دہن میں موجود ایک انزائم ٹائلین اس کے ساتھ شامل ہو کر اجزا کو گلوکوز میں تبدیل کر دیتا ہے جس سے جسم کی فوری توانائی بحال ہو جاتی ہے۔ جسم میں گلوکوز کی کمی کا خدشہ نہیں رہتا۔ جسم میں گلوکوز کی بہت زیادہ کمی ہو جائے تو ہائپو گلائی سیمک شاک Hypoglycemic shock سے موت بھی واقع ہو سکتی ہے۔ کھجور سے افطاری کرنے سے فوری توانائی حاصل ہوتی ہے۔ معدے پر غیر ضروری بوجھ بھی نہیں پڑتا۔ کھجور کے مقابلے میں دوسری میٹھی اشیا یا ڈرنکس استعمال کرنے سے افطاری کے وقت تبخیر معدہ ہونے کا خطرہ ہوتا ہے۔ شوگر کے مریض اگر روزہ رکھ رہے ہوں تو ان کے لیے کھجور سے افطار کرنا زیادہ فائدہ مند ہے کیونکہ ان میں شوگر لیول بہت زیادہ کم ہونے کا خدشہ رہتا ہے۔ بعض لوگ سحری کے لیے اٹھتے ہی نہیں۔ روزہ کے لیے سحری کرنا سنت ہے۔ سحری کے بغیر روزہ رکھنا روزہ کی افادیت کو گھٹا دیتا ہے۔ حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے زور دے کر کہا کہ سحری لازمی کیا کرو۔ سحری نہ کھانے سے بندہ جسمانی کمزوری کا شکار ہو جاتا ہے۔ اس کا اثر جسم کے سارے افعال پر بھی پڑتا ہے۔ بغیر سحری کھائے روزہ رکھنے والے حضرات ساری کمی افطاری کے وقت پوری کرتے ہیں جو کچھ سامنے آئے اسے ہڑپ کرنے کی فکر ہوتی ہے۔ اتنا کچھ کھا لیتے ہیں کہ نماز پڑھنے کی بھی طاقت نہیں رہتی۔ کولڈ ڈرنکس اور کافی سحری میں کسی قسم کے کولڈ ڈرنکس کا استعمال نہیں ہونا چاہیے۔ کافی لینے سے بھی معدہ میں تیزابیت پیدا ہو سکتی ہے۔ مزید براں سحری کے دوران زیادہ نمکین چیزوں مثلاً اچار اور مصالحہ دار اشیا سے پرہیز کرنا چاہیے۔ سحری کے لیے اٹھتے ہی دو تین گلاس پانی پی لیں اور اس کے بعد کھانا کھائیں۔ سحری کرتے ہی فوراً سو جانا مضر صحت ہے۔ سحری کے بعد کچھ دیر انتظار کریں۔ ہلکی سی واک کر لیں۔ قرآن پاک کی تلاوت کریں۔ نماز کے لیے مسجد جائیں اور اس کے بعد آرام کر سکتے ہیں۔ افطاری بھی اعتدال کے ساتھ ہونی چاہئیے۔ افطاری میں خوامخواہ کے نام و نہاد انرجی ڈرنکس سے پرہیز کریں۔ اس کی بجائے گھر میں بنائے ہوئے شکر شربت، شربت روح افزا وغیرہ، سکنجین، شربت تخم ملنگاں، کچی لسی کا استعمال کریں۔ سموسے اور پکوڑے بہت زیادہ پکوڑے اور سموسے کھانے سے معدے پر اضافی بوجھ پڑ جاتا ہے۔ بھوک مر جاتی ہے اور قبض کی جاں لیوا تکلیف سے پالا پڑ جاتا ہے۔ اس لیے افطاری میں مرغن غذاؤں، کولڈ ڈرنکس اور زیادہ نمکین چیزوں سے پرہیز کریں۔ نمک کا زیادہ استعمال عمر گھٹاتا ہے۔ ہائی بلڈ پریشر اور بہت سے دوسرے امراض کا باعث بنتا ہے۔ آج کل افطاریوں میں اتنا کچھ ہوتا ہے کہ بندہ کو سمجھ ہی نہیں آتی کہ کیا کھائے اور کیا چھوڑے۔ کھاتے ہوئے اعتدال کو How can a patient fast پیش نظر رکھیں۔ کھجور کی اہمیت کھجور سے افطاری سنت بھی ہے اور جسم کے لیے فائدہ مند بھی۔ اس سے جسم کو قوت ملتی ہے۔ ہڈیوں کو مضبوط کرتی ہے۔ دو تین کھجوروں کے ساتھ شربت تخم ملنگاں یا فالسے کا شربت جسم کو فوری توانائی مہیا کرتا ہے۔ افطاری میں پھلوں اور ان کے جوس کا زیادہ سے زیادہ استعمال کریں۔ انرجی اور کولا ڈرنکس سے مکمل طور پر پرہیز کریں۔ مرغن غذائوں کے ساتھ بہت زیادہ میٹھی چیزوں مثلاً کیک، پیسٹریوں، مٹھائیوں اور حلوہ جات کا کم سے کم استعمال کریں۔ رمضان المبارک کے آغاز سے مختلف قسم کے مریض پوچھنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب ہم روزہ رکھ سکتے ہیں۔ روزے سے ہماری بیماری تو متاثر نہیں ہوگی؟ بہت سی میڈیکل تحقیق سے یہ بات ثابت ہو چکی ہے کہ روزہ روح کے ساتھ جسم کے لیے بھی ایک زبردست ریفریشر کورس کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔ اس سے جسم کو آرام اور سکون ملتا ہے۔ جسم کے تمام اعضا خاص کر معدہ، جگر اور خون کی نالیاں بے ہنگم کھانوں کے بوجھ سے کچھ دیر کے لیے آزاد ہو جاتے ہیں۔ نیوزی لینڈ کے ایک پادری کا کہنا ہے کہ مجھے اسلام میں رمضان المبارک کے روزوں کے فلسفے نے بہت متاثر کیا۔ بہت سے لوگ اس خوف کے پیش نظر روزہ نہیں رکھتے کہ روزہ کے سبب یا روزہ کی حالت میں کہیں مرض کا غلبہ یا پیچیدگی پیدا نہ ہو جائے حالانکہ ایسا ہرگز نہیں ہے۔ جدید میڈیکل سائنس نے یہ ثابت کیا ہے کہ روزہ دار کے جسم میں دوسرے افراد کی نسبت قوت مدافعت (Immunity) کئی گنا بڑھ جاتی ہے اور پھر دوران روزہ اندرونی اعضا کی کارکردگی میں کمی واقع ہونے کے باعث انہیں آرام مل جاتا ہے اور بعد از آرام یہ اعضا تازہ دم اور مستعد ہو جاتے ہیں۔ اس طرح ان اعضا کی کارکردگی میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ اس کا عام سبب یہ ہے کہ اعضائے رئیسہ کو تقویت ملتی ہے۔ روزے کی اس مسلمہ افادیت کو غیر مسلم اطباء نے بھی تسلیم کیا ہے۔ بلکہ اہل مغرب مختلف امراض کے علاج میں روزہ رکھوا کر کامیاب علاج کرنے لگے ہیں۔ ڈپریشن کا علاج غیر ملکی ماہر طیب کا کہنا ہے کہ روزہ رکھنا امراض کی روک تھام کے لیے تقدم بالحفظ کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔ ڈاکٹر جوزف کا کہنا ہے کہ روزہ سے ظاہر وباطن کی غلاظتیں دور ہو جاتی ہیں، یعنی روزہ جسمانی و روحانی خرابیوں کا دافع ہے۔ روزہ بسیار خوری سے بچاتا ہے جس سے معدہ وجگر کا عمل درست ہوتا ہے۔اس سے فکر، ڈپریشن اور خوامخواہ کی پریشانیوں سے چھٹکارہ ملتا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ روزہ تزکیہ النفس بھی کرتا ہے۔ تہجد کے لیے یا پھر سحری کرنے کی غرض سے جب آدمی بیدار ہوتا ہے تو اس وقت چونکہ وہ اپنی نیند پوری کر چکا ہوتا ہے اور تازہ دم بیدار ہوتا ہے اور پھر اس وقت آکسیجن وافر مقدار میں میسر ہوتی ہے جو ذہن کو تازگی اور تقویت دیتی ہے اور پھر سحری کھا لینے کے بعد جب پورے انہماک سے نماز، تلاوت یا تسبیحات میں لگ جائے تو اس وقت اسے عبادت میں لذت کا احساس ہوگا اور مذہب میں لگائو بڑھتا جائے گا۔ شوگر، بلڈپریشر اور فالج کے مریض کیا کریں مریضوں کی تین اقسام ہیں۔ پہلی قسم میں عام بیماریوں، مثلاً کھانسی، نزلہ، زکام، خارش، ڈائریا، پیٹ درد، جسم درد، جوڑوں کے درد، کبھی کبھار بلڈ پریشر، چکر، متلی اور قے وغیرہ کی علامات اور بیماریوں کے مریض How can a patient fast شامل ہیں۔ ایسے مریض روزہ رکھ سکتے ہیں۔ ان کو کوئی مسئلہ نہ ہوگا۔ روزہ رکھنے کے ساتھ ان کو اپنی دوا کی مقدار اور خوراک کا تعین اس طریقے سے کرنا ہوگا کہ دوائی کی پہلی خوراک افطاری کے فوراً بعد لیں۔ دوسری خوراک تراویح نماز پڑھنے کے بعد رات سونے سے پہلے لے لیں اور تیسری خوراک صبح سحری کے بعد لے لیں۔ ایسے مریضوں کے لیے روزہ رکھنا ضروری ہے کیونکہ روزہ رکھنے سے ان کے امراض کی علامات میں کمی ہوگی۔ دوسری قسم میں وہ مریض شامل ہیں جو پرانی بیماریوں مثلاً ذیابیطس، بلڈ پریشر، دل کی تکلیف، گردوں کی خرابی، السر اور دماغی امراض وغیرہ میں مبتلا ہیں۔ ایسے مریض بھی روزہ رکھ سکتے ہیں۔ شوگر کے مریضوں کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ وہ اچھے طریقے سے سحری کریں۔ سحری میں کھانے کے علاوہ پانی اور شربت وغیرہ کا ٹھیک ٹھاک استعمال کریں کیونکہ روزہ رکھنے سے شوگر میں کمی اور جسم میں پانی کی کمی درپیش ہو سکتی ہے۔ اس لیے ضروری ہے کہ خاطر خواہ پانی کا ذخیرہ پیٹ میں رکھا جائے۔ شوگر کے مریض ڈاکٹر کے مشورہ سے اپنی دوا کی مقدار متعین کر سکتے ہیں۔ جو مریض دوا دن میں تین مرتبہ لیتے ہیں وہ دوا کو افطاری کے فوراً بعد، رات سوتے وقت اور سحری کے وقت لے سکتے ہیں۔ ذیابیطس شکری کے وہ مریض جو علاج کے لیے انسولین استعمال کرتے ہیں انہیں گلوکوز کنٹرول رکھنے میں مشکل پیش آ سکتی ہے۔ انسولین استعمال کرنے والے سحری کے وقت انسولین کی مقدار کم کرکے خون میں گلوکوز کی مقدار زیادہ کر دینے کا باعث بھی بن سکتی ہے اور پھر افطاری کے وقت غیر محتاط کھانا (بسیار خوری) بھی خون بھی گلوکوز How can a patient fast کی زیادتی کا باعث بنتا ہے۔ چنانچہ رمضان المبارک کی آمد مریض اور معالج دونوں کے لیے خون میں گلوکوز کی کمی سے خوف ہوتی ہے لیکن طب جدید کا نظریہ یہ ہے کہ خائف ہرگز نہ ہوں کیونکہ روزے مریض اور معالج کے لیے مشکلات یا کسی قسم کی دشواری پیدا نہیں کرتے بلکہ روزہ دار مریض کا شوگر لیول نارمل ہو جاتا ہے جبکہ ایسے اشخاص جو روزہ دار نہ ہوں ان کا شوگر لیول اُتار چڑھائو کا شکار رہتا ہے۔ بڑی عمر کے لوگ یہ سوال ضرور کرتے ہیں کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب ہم تراویح پڑھ سکتے ہیں کہ نہیں۔ شوگر اور ہائی بلڈ پریشر کے مریض اور تراویح یہ مریض بیٹھ کر تراویح کی نماز ادا کر سکتے ہیں۔ تیسری قسم میں وہ مریض شامل ہیں جو خطرناک جاں لیوا موذی امراض میں مبتلا ہیں۔ ان میں کینسر، فالج اور گردوں کی ناکامی وغیرہ شامل ہیں ایسے مریضوں کے لیے روزہ رکھنا ممکن نہیں ہے۔ تاہم روزہ چھوڑنے کی صورت میں اسلام کے طے شدہ اصولوں کے مطابق فدیہ یا کفارہ ادار کرنا ضروری ہے۔ source-HamariWeb. 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Some stuff about the life that's there but we can't see normally. The experience I've had with it
A whole other kind of life and different types of humans that live in it. It’s the life of our minds or something. I’m not good at blogs or language so this is all I got.
People go into it they see it with a different focus on the real world and through their imagination and thoughts and I don’t know they use mobile phones and other devices to do it as well. All of the authorities exist there and know about it. Many cultures have been formed around it and because of it, pretty much all of them. Illuminati etc all relate to it.
The existence in that world of ours isn’t something anyone should mess with or be able to access. It houses a lot of the life we have lived. Stuff related to it and that we learnt in it.
Movies and music express a lot about it. Movies like ‘the host’ for example. And musicians like Bastille with ‘Send them off!’, Linkin Park with ‘Heavy’ and mostly all of them talk about it in their songs.. Especially the video for Bastille’s song shows people with their faces covered it’s something from this inner life, the real character is in it or looking into it. The woman smoking and the guys/girls with their eyes covered, probably looking into it.
They use a different language mixed into the normal one. They just say stuff in a different way but people of experience of this other life can easily understand it. I feel this isn’t really a matter but ok it’s there.
Even people normally talking to each other do this. They speak language different and weirdly so they talk in both worlds.. confusing
Things like aliens all come from it or have something to do with the inner life. Ghosts, jinns, etc. They really exist there.
Religions do acknowledge it and tell us how to protect ourselves from it as well. How I remember from the Holy Quran the story of Prophet Lut may peace be on him, people used to practice something called sodomy and I read elsewhere it was so that they could see into the knowledge of their minds or understand it. But people are never supposed to, but this is still happening, at least has happened to me through this other life and because these are perfectly normal people in the real world that did this to me, people don’t talk about it and feel easy about it. They let it go. Such a big sin, it is absolutely unforgivable.
Surahs like al-hujurat, and al-baqarah with my little knowledge and study of them I know do tell about it or have some relation to it. Surah al mulk is maybe properly talking about it. Maybe it is the “Mulk” itself.
Many of Allah’s names/attributes like Al-Latif or Malik-ul-mulk and others.
A lot of the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is there to help us with it, even if you don’t know about it can’t see it. For men and women.
Something else that’s mentioned in the Quran is lataif and it is definitely related to it, the inner life. So Sufism and Shia religions or ways of life have a lot to do with it or do study it and are there because of it.
In Christianity they drink wine to wash it all out? In Taoism it’s the sixth sense?
In old ages people used to make paintings and art and write weird things on their walls to talk about it, or it stores energy from it. Hieroglyphs? Etc.
There’s a lot more but I don’t know enough.
Maybe it’s the unseen world or the spiritual life, but I can see it with a different focus from the real world and in my imagination. My imagination comes to life, it becomes real, something that is there by itself and people can exist there. I literally see people existing in and going into my imagination.
I see dreams of it, or something related or similar to it. It is something like what we see in our dreams where we aren’t ourselves but do experience it like it’s us. It’s like another life.
A lot of quotes and wise sayings say about it or are related to it.
A lot of people that preach or give lectures to people I have all seen there.
Some sciences describe it. Metaphysical? And in psychology it’s ego, id etc?
Weather is affected by it.
So you know people like dajjal/anti christ will have a lot to do with it.
Even I guess wars and fights happen because of it. Because people go into our minds and want to steal from us.
People can look into the future in it and relive the past of theirs and of other people through it by going into their memories and they change them, the memories and the person himself and his mind.
Cartoons and games like superman, batman and recently injustice 2 all take from it. Or are about it. What seems like fiction might be real in the inner life. Games like FIFA and Pes 17 store this “life” into their artificial characters to make them more life-like or real. And people can bring them out and talk to them in a real way in the inner life.
This feels stupid now but lastly things like telepathy and mind reading are all possible through it.
It is a whole world. It is all real and it goes down in it’s physicality as our spirituality does. It has a direct or a lot of relation to our mind, intelligence and spirituality or psyche, I’m pretty sure.
I wish people would read this and tell me what this all is. Hope I wrote it well enough.
A lot of people I know there in that inner life don’t want to know me in the real world. They just do things to me in the inner life.
People like Musicians, Actors from around the world, sports people from sports like boxing, UFC, football and basketball have all known me in a fairly real way in the inner life.
What’s most wrong is that everyone I had ever known in my life knew about it and they were all working on this or me since before I was born and none of them talks about it.
All of them my cousins, guys from my family, my neighbours and friends from childhood and school many of them have done bad things to me, they have raped me and some others homosexually to take life out of our bodies but only in this other life.
Even my teachers and the authorities that could help you out or the normal people you see everywhere around you. Nowadays as of 19th May 2017 it’s like a sex business where men can have sex with any women they like and vice versa. It’s totally out of control and no one can do anything. Cities and countries even were made or are influenced because of it. Like Los Angeles, Lahore and the countries of Pakistan, America, Canada, U.K. And many others in Europe and around the world.
This is all serious if you can help me out with this then let me know.
But it doesn’t mean they’re all bad people, many good things have happened as well.
It’s better also if you don’t know about it. Thank you my name is Saad Hamid
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The content of this blog may OFFEND members of various demographic groups, including but not limited to:
Trolls, orcs, goblins, demons, angels, fairies, spirits, deities, gargoyles, gnomes, werewolves, vampires, zombies, robots, androids, cyborgs, elves, hobbits, giants, dwarves, humans, other primates, felids, canids, other mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, worms, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms, cnidarians, sponges, bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants, minerals....
....men, women, intersex people, agender people, transgenders, cisgenders, heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, demisexuals, asexuals, sadomasochists, furries, otherkin, fictionkin, aliens, natives, white people, brown people, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Asians, Middle Easterners, Hispanics....
....conservatives, liberals, moderates, libertarians, progresssives, industrialists, globalists, colonialists, fascists, socialists, capitalists, gardeners, farmers, ranchers, pet owners, false environmentalists, anthropocentrists, humanists, transhumanists, biohackers, transcendentalists, atheists, rationalists, agnostics....
....Christians, Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, Taoists, Heathens, Wiccans, Satanists, Scientologists, scientific researchers, computer programmers, office workers, medical professionals, religious leaders, false prophets, paranormal skeptics, paranormal investigators, government officials, military personnel, police officers, social justice warriors....
....feminists, civil rights activists, eugenicists, terrorists, vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians, paleo dieters, pet owners, pregnant people, infertile people, parents, oocytes, spermatocytes, embryos, infants, children, adolescents, adults, elders, baby boomers, millennials, college graduates, or high school dropouts....
....As well as anyone who has been vaccinated, fluoridated, fumigated, irradiated, intoxicated by alcohol, circumcised as an infant, artificially inseminated, fertilized in vitro, sexually assaulted, born with a chromosomal defect, diagnosed with a chronic illness, or prescribed prescription medication.
Could you make it through all that without puking, panicking, punching a wall, or popping a pill? Good. I don’t mean to offend, but it’s so hard not to these day, and I want to make sure I’m being inclusive enough. Patience and compassion are virtues I’m still working on, so please bear with me. What I share could save your life or limb some day.
Who am I? For starters, I’m a very private and security-minded person. I like to remain as anonymous as possible while still appearing as an individual. With the dangers of identity theft, cyber-terrorism, electronic surveillance, and preteen hackers, I suggest you aspire for anonymity as well. Keep it simple and vague like me.
Bisexual cisgender young adult female, childfree unmarried housewife, mostly white European heritage, living in the central United States of America. Been labelled nerd, geek, emo, goth, punk, hippie, rebel, freak, bipolar, autistic, narcissistic, antisocial, uneducated, genius, witch, doctor, rewilder, primitivist, prepper, survivalist....Take your pick.
I have a strong passion for....a lot of things. So many hobbies, interests, miscellaneous areas of expertise, etc....I could prattle on endlessly about the utterly irrelevant. But what is most relevant to YOU? I’ve already failed to keep it short and sweet, but I’ll try again anyway.
My passion for biology should really sum it up. Although that usually isn’t good enough for most people, not without expressing just how hot that passion burns. Geobiology, deep ecology, biochemistry, botany, herbalism, zoology, anatomy, psychology, anthropology....I’ve studied it all more in-depth than you could ever dream of.
Supplemented heavily by astrophysics, metaphysics, theology, history, archaeology, and bushcraft, of course. For well over a decade, ever since preschool, I’ve felt a mysterious drive to study all these things. Why? Well that’s the mystery! But I suppose I should use my knowledge to help people.
I’m a semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer. I walk everywhere, squat to pee, eat wild plants and meat, build simple shelters to sleep in, crawl and climb through the woods, and don’t drink alcohol or use any manmade medication, Do I suggest you live the same way? Yes. That’s how humans evolved to live, not as an overpopulated petrochemical-eating virus. We are animals.
Sure it sounds like a dirty, bloody, painful, difficult life. It can be at times, but so can modern “western” life. Are terrorist attacks, hate crimes, environmental pollution, and disease outbreaks not dirty or painful? If the human population was smaller again, just another animal in the ecosystem, we wouldn’t have those problems. Think about it.
Mammals with brains our size can socially track 50-150 individuals. Extended family and close friends. Healthy well-fed hunter-gatherer bands have usually numbered in that range, with 25-200 miles of forest or savanna between communities. A far cry from the cities and highways of today.
Why is there racism, sexism, starvation, sickness? Because our personal territory is being invaded! Human life is considered so valuable, more than the trees and bees we rely on, and every measure is taken to preserve human life and promote population growth. But the quality of all life has been lost.
When a human suffers an injury or illness that silences their heart, they are resuscitated, drugged, butchered, and often left disabled or disfigured anyway. If an athlete breaks his neck and stops breathing, if a child receives a 3rd degree burn over 75% of her body, they should be led peacefully into a merciful death. Not kept alive in misery for the corporations and politicians to continue cultivating the masses for their own profit.
Likewise, infertile people are aided in conception. Disadvantageous genes that would otherwise die out are then perpetuated in the population. The resulting children often have a higher rate of preterm birth and congenital abnormality, entering this life requiring drugs or surgery as newborns. Helpless babies being butchered, just because their parents needed someone to love.
Many mental illnesses are also affected by genetics, including susceptibility to suicidal ideation. If you are dissatisfied with your personal life, depressed by the state of the world, or simply curious about the afterlife, you have no right to die. Your body is owned by the government, and it is a crime to vandalize government property. The pharmaceutical corporations that fund their campaigns make a lot of money from psychotropic medications.
Children are raised as livestock, all to turn a profit. We’re all livestock. Thanks to human overpopulation, dozens of other species go extinct each day, but still we suffer the most from our own mistakes. No other animal struggles so much with disease. If there were less humans, sure there would be less of us, but there would be so much more for everyone!
Without providing the infertile a chance to have triplets through in vitro fertilization, there might be less congenital birth defects and less overpopulation overall. A smaller population, thus more isolated communities, limits the spread of infectious disease. And less humans but more nature means more natural resources.
Like clean water, space to move around, and fresh food that isn’t loaded with dyes or preservatives. You know, all those basic human needs we wage wars for. Yes, politics and religion might be part of it too, but violence is mostly science. Psychology. Biology. Our food, water, and space is being threatened by human overpopulation, so we have the inexplicable urge to kill each other off. As we should.
Our global ecosystem, the biosphere, is imbalanced and infected. By us. Like us. Earth is running a fever and shaking with the chills, fighting the virus that is our species. We can either go with the flow of Mother Nature, or we can continue trying to fight her. But this is a war we cannot win, because if the trees and bees die, so do we. They feed us with the breath of life.
Demcocrats, Republicans, everyone between and beyond....Folks of all creed, color, sex, gender, ethnicity, and/or philosophy....You are ALL being LIED to! The hatred you feel toward each other is sorely misplaced and misunderstood. Women against men, black against white, liberals against conservatives, youths against elders....You are ALL wrong!
More government-mandated social programs are NOT the answer. Neither LED lightbulbs, nuclear energy, vegetarianism, nor flying to Mars will save this society or this planet. We’ve been running toward the edge of a cliff for several thousand years, and we may or may not have jumped to our deaths within the past decade. It is time to “get back to basics”.
Humanity did fine for hundreds of thousands of years as just another animal in the food web, even millions if you count all the Homos before us Sapiens. And Earth did fine without us for BILLIONS of years. Learn to live as our ancient Paleolithic ancestors did, how to build, hunt, forage, cook, pee, and sleep like the cavemen. Heal and protect yourself and your family like we all know you can.
In a nutshell, this blog will contain wilderness survival tips, natural health hints, fun facts about science and history, as well as sociopolitical commentary. There might also be occasional references to the liberal arts, mostly pre-2000 music, psychoactive herb use, and erotica/porn. I have a major hurt/comfort fetish, like a shamanic Florence Nightingale, and the medical experience to back it up. TRIGGER WARNING!
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frederickwiddowson · 5 years
Genesis 9:18-29 comments: clearing up racist nonsense from the 19th century
9:18 ¶  And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. 19  These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. 20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 21  And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23  And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
9:24 ¶  And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. 26  And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. 27  God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
9:28 ¶  And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. 29  And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.
Here we have the beginning of all of the earth’s mythologies as, after the dispersion of mankind at Babel, as men and women grew more distant from the worship of the God who created them and they began to elevate ancestors and mighty men to the level of gods. Noah will eventually become Odin with his two birds and his passion for wine and we’ll have more on this topic later. Cultures will have a memory of patriarchs long dead who will be raised to the level of gods. When you add this to creating gods to explain so-called natural phenomenon that Jehovah God causes, to devils themselves demanding worship, and pure entertainment around a campfire with stories embellished and made more interesting with each generation you can see how mankind descended into idolatry.
Abraham was called out of this religious mess and eventually Moses was given the task of writing down the truth to always have a record for mankind to compare history and religious beliefs against. After the Flood things began to get murky and after Babel things went downhill fast spiritually.
Here is the spiritual history of man summed up for us, explaining the sexual content of ancient religion and how it came about.
Romans 1:19 ¶  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31  Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
The entire earth was eventually settled by the offspring of these three sons. This is not hard to accept, even from the point of view of modern theoretical science. Scientists theorize that there may have been many, “severe population bottlenecks,” of human beings in the distant past based on their assumptions about evolution.[1] Of course, their conclusions are filled with speculations and interpretations based on an atheistic worldview in that they might think, “we don’t know for sure but it must be so because the alternative of the Bible being true is just too horrible for us to imagine.” The point is that here is the ultimate population bottleneck and there may have been others later until humanity got on its feet, so to speak.
Use a population growth calculator online and figure the growth rate where it was for the world in the early 1960s, at 2.2%, and if I am not mistaken you will find that within a thousand years there can be over 5 billion people, starting from just two.
It is possible that, based on the change in conditions, Noah would not have known that fermentation could take place and that he could get drunk. Or, perhaps the long voyage and time of struggle surviving and leading his little tribe after disembarking from the ark made him desperate to get roaring drunk as soon as it was possible to do so. Either way, that is what happened.
To see the nakedness of someone carries with it a very wicked implication.
Leviticus 20:17  And if a man shall take his sister, his father’s daughter, or his mother’s daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it is a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister’s nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.
But, let’s say, for argument sake, that this is not an idiom suggesting actual sexual contact with either Noah or Ham’s mother which it appears to be.
Leviticus 20:11  And the man that lieth with his father’s wife hath uncovered his father’s nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
To keep from delving into aspects of this event that incite prurient interest in a reader or listener let’s say for argument sake that this event involved only vulgar disrespect and mocking. God had already blessed Noah and his sons in verse 1 of chapter 9. So, Noah cursed Ham’s son, Canaan, and this curse was fulfilled in Israel’s conquest of Canaan hundreds of years later. Noah blessed Shem and Japheth further, due to their respect and merciful deed toward him and their mother, one assumes, and prophesied that Canaan would be their servant, which proved very true as Palestine, where Canaan dwelt, became the victim of many conquests from Israel to the Persians to the Turks to the Crusaders and the Turks again to the British and French with many in between. Palestine was an avenue of conquest between the warlike culture of Babylonia and Assyria to Egypt.
So, why Canaan. We don’t see in the text that Canaan had anything to do with his father’s disrespect of his grandfather. Saying something, “must be so,” that is not in the text is not much of an argument. And why would Canaan be cursed for things remote descendants many generations in the future would do? I see this curse as a prophesy. The descendants of disrespectful Ham hundreds of years from now in the land that the descendants of his son, Canaan, will inhabit, will be a stench in God’s nostrils and thorn in the side of the Jews who are given their land by God.
Noah didn’t curse Canaan. He stated a prophetic fact that Ham’s descendants through Canaan would be a cursed people and be the servant of Shem’s descendants, one strain of which would become the Jews.
There was a myth fostered and promoted as a justification for racial slavery in the United States, although it had a small number of voices before, that Ham was the father of the black, African races, thereby making the supposed curse on Canaan really a curse on Ham and all of his descendants. This myth gained ascendancy in Antebellum America and is still popular among racist preachers and congregations. The most exhaustive study of this myth I have read is by Stephen Haynes, a professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee.[2]
While a literal view of this passage reveals that Canaan was said to be cursed, a condition we will see was literally played out as proved in the Bible narrative, we will also soon see that Ham was not just the ancestor of African populations. In fact, let’s make something clear. The idea that Noah walked off the Ark with three sons; one of whom was a white guy, one a black guy, and one an Asian guy is so patently absurd that it can only be dismissed as the raving of a lunatic who has an agenda. Mankind would have been brownish with dark hair and eyes at this time, with some variation possible which foundations were already in the genetic code God had placed in man and God operated with each cell division and each generation. Race, a social construct, that has little bearing in physical reality, based more on politics, geography, and culture, will come about later, over time. Some geneticists estimate that the classic white skinned, blue eyed Caucasian came about between 5 and 6,000 years ago as, in their elongated time frame based on their dating methods, early Europeans were dark-skinned, brown-eyed, and dark-haired. There are a number of genetic studies confirming this belief of the modern geneticist. Unfortunately, we are still using classifications from the racist 19th century that alternately render black people between being, as a group, naturally villains or fools, and impulsive victims of their own biology. Such nonsense should not be honored in a Christian church.
Galatians 3:28  There is neither Jew nor Greek [grades of ethnicity or race], there is neither bond nor free [grades of social class], there is neither male nor female [grades of gender] : for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:11  Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
           The idea of white as a race is a relatively new thing. In 1619 when the first black slaves were dumped off at Jamestown by a Dutch ship there were no white people there. Or at least they didn’t regard themselves as particularly white. They viewed themselves as English or some other cultural tag. The process of making white a characteristic of the ruling class and black the permanent peasant, serf, slave class happened gradually as the English molded the way they treated the Irish, the poor, indentured servants, etc. into an effective economic system and a method of social control. American slavery came about as a process and regarding Africans as an inferior race cursed from ancient times also came about over time as one part of its justification drawing on a few scattered commentaries from late antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Noah lived for several centuries after the Flood to see several noteworthy events, perhaps to his further shame.
[1]  John Hawks, Keith Hunley, Sang-Hee Lee, Milford Wolpoff, “Population Bottlenecks and Pleistocene Human Evolution,” Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pp. 2-22.
 [2] Stephen R. Haynes, Noah’s Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002).
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wisdomrays · 5 years
THE MIRACLES OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh): The First Addendum: Part 6
The All-Wise Qur’an, the treasury of miracles and supreme miracle, proves the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) together with Divine Unity so decisively that it leaves no need for further proof. We shall therefore give its definition and indicate one or two flashes of its miraculousness which have been the cause of criticism.
The All-Wise Qur’an, which makes known to us our Sustainer, is as follows: it is the pre-eternal translator of the great Book of the Universe; the discloser of the treasures of the Divine Names concealed in the pages of the earth and the heavens; the key to the truths hidden beneath these lines of events; the treasury of the favours of the Most Merciful and of the pre-eternal addresses, which come forth from the World of the Unseen beyond the veil of this Manifest World; the sun, foundation, and plan of the spiritual world of Islam, and the map of the worlds of the hereafter; the distinct expounder, lucid exposition, articulate proof, and clear translator of the Divine Essence, attributes, and deeds; the instructor, true wisdom, guide, and leader of the world of humanity; it is both a book of wisdom and law, and a book of prayer and worship, and a book of command and summons, and a book of invocation and Divine knowledge-it is book for all spiritual needs; and it is a sacred library offering books appropriate to the ways of all the saints and veracious, the purified and the scholars, whose ways and paths are all different.
Consider the flashes of miraculousness in its repetitions, which are imagined to be a fault: since the Qur’an is both a book of invocation, and of prayer, and of summons, the repetition in it is desirable, indeed, it is essential and most eloquent. It is not as the faulty imagine. For the mark of invocation is illumination through repetition. The mark of prayer is strengthening through repetition. The mark of command and summons is confirmation through repetition. Moreover, everyone is not capable of always reading the whole Qur’an, but mostly is able to read one Sura. Therefore, since the most important purposes of the Qur’an are included in most of the longer Suras, each is like a small Qur’an. That is to say, so that no one should be deprived, certain of its purposes like Divine Unity, the resurrection of the dead, and the story of Moses, have been repeated.
Also, like bodily needs, spiritual needs are various. Man is in need of some of them each breath; like the body needs air, the spirit needs the word Hu (He). Some he is in need of each hour, like “In the Name of God.” And so on. That means the repetition of verses arises from the repetition of need. And it makes the repetition in order to point out the need and awaken and incite it, and to arouse desire and appetite.
Also, the Qur’an is a founder. It is the basis of the Clear Religion, and the foundation of the world of Islam. It changed human social life, and is the answer to the repeated questions of its various classes. Repetition is necessary for a founder in order to establish things. Repetition is necessary to corroborate them. Confirma-tion and repetition are necessary to strengthen them.Also, it speaks of such mighty matters and minute truths that numerous repetitions are necessary in different forms in order to establish them in the hearts of everyone. Nevertheless, they are apparently repetitions, but in meaning each verse has numerous meanings, numerous benefits, and many aspects and levels. In each place they are mentioned for a different meaning, benefit, and purpose. Also, the Qur’an’s being unspecific and concise in certain matters to do with the cosmos is a flash of miraculousness, and is for the purpose of guidance. It cannot be the cause of criticism and is not a fault, like some atheists imagine.
If you ask: “Why does the All-Wise Qur’an not speak of beings in the same way as philosophy and science? It leaves some matters in brief form, and some it speaks of in a simple and superficial way that is easy for the general view, does not wound people’s feelings, and does not weary or tax the minds of ordinary people. Why is this?”
By way of answer we say: Philosophy has strayed from the path of truth, that’s why. Also, of course you have understood from previous Words and what they teach that the All-Wise Qur’an speaks of the universe in order to make known the Divine Essence, attributes, and Names. That is, it explains the meanings of the Book of the Universe to make known its Creator. That means it looks at beings, not for themselves, but for their Creator. Also, it addresses everyone, while philosophy and science look at beings for themselves, and address scientists in particular. In which case, since the All-Wise Qur’an makes beings evidences and proofs, the evidence has to be superficial so that it will be quickly understood in the general view. And since the Qur’an of Guidance addresses all classes of men, the ordinary people, which form the most numerous class, want guidance which is concise with unnecessary things beings vague; in a way that brings subtle things close with comparisons, and does not change things which in their superficial view are obvious into an unnecessary or even harmful form, lest it causes them to fall into error.
For example, it says about the sun:
“The sun is a revolving lamp or lantern.”
This is because it does not speak of the sun for itself and its nature, but because it is a sort of mainspring of an order and centre of a system, and order and systems are mirrors of the Maker’s skill. It says: The sun runs its course that is, the sun revolves. Through calling to mind the orderly disposals of Divine power in the revolutions of winter and summer, and day and night with the phrase, The sun revolves, it makes known the Maker’s tremendousness. Thus, whatever the reality of this revolving, it does not affect the order, which is woven and observed, and which is the purpose. It also says,
“And set the sun as a lamp.”
Here, by depicting with the word ‘lamp’ the world in the form of a palace, and the things within it as decorations, necessities, and provisions prepared for man and living beings, and the sun as a subjugated candleholder, it makes known the Creator’s mercy and bestowal. Now look and see what this foolish and prattling philosophy says:
“The sun is a vast burning liquid mass. It causes the planets which have been flung off from it to revolve around it. Its mass is such-and-such. It is this, it is that.”
Apart from a terrible dread and fearful wonder, philosophy gives to the spirit no knowledge that will perfect it.
It does not speak of it as the Qur’an does. You may understand from this the value of the matters of philosophy, whose inside is hollow and outside, ostentatious. So do not be deceived by its glittering exterior and be disrespectful towards the miraculous expositions of the Qur’an!
[NOTE: The Six Drops of the Fourteenth Droplet in the Arabic Risale-i Nur, and especially the Six Points of the Fourth Drop, explain fifteen of the approximately forty sorts of miraculousness of the All-Wise Qur’an. Deeming those to be sufficient, we have limited the discussion here. If you wish, refer to them, and you will find a treasury of miracles...]
O God! Make the Qur’an healing for us, the writer of this and his peers, for all our ills, and a companion to us in our lives and after our deaths, and in this world, and in the grave, and at the Last Judgement an intercessor, and on the Bridge a light, and from the Fire a screen and shield, and in Paradise a friend, and in all good deeds a guide and leader, through Your grace and munificence and beneficence and mercy, O Most Munificent of the Munificent and Most Merciful of the Merciful! Amen.O God! Grant blessings and peace to the one to whom was revealed the All-Wise Qur’an, the Distinguisher between Truth and Falsehood, and to all his Family and Companions. Amen.
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ericleo108 · 4 years
Sentientism 2020
Through the “108” book we know that God is the planet and is conscious through magnetism which also allows access to your brain. In other words, the planets and stars have an internal dynamo that makes a magnetic field that is conscious and is godly in comparison to human intelligence. 
How are we to understand the segue between godly intelligence and human intelligence? First and foremost, science. However, you have to know where, what, and why to test which is more philosophical. It’s up to philosophy to postulate and science to test those meditations. 
Searching For Truth
Before I finished writing “108” I combed through philosophy to find anyone who thought anything close as to the planets and stars were alive. I did find a couple, like Stephen Hawking, which I talk about in the book that thought there could be organisms living in the middle of the sun. But I couldn’t find anyone saying that the actual planet and atmosphere were alive and conscious. I also tried to find anyone that said they talked to Gaia or talked to a God other than Jesus. 
I didn’t find much. Again, I’m an atheist. All this has to make sense in the physical world. I’ve had to reverse engineer how the voice in my head could be Gaia. I don’t think really smart people (like modern philosophers) have had the new information and perspective to see that the stars, planet, and atmosphere are alive. I probably would have never gotten there if it wasn’t for a voice in my head claiming to be the planet. Still, the evidence makes sense and we’re just too physically small and under-evolved to see the universe teaming with a different form of consciousness. 
What is Sentientism?
Science can test the magnetism and try to do experimentation to assess whether the entire planet is conscious. Until then, there is one known communication mechanism I know of that I use every day. As much as my skeptical and scientific brain thinks it’s frivolous to elaborate on the voice in my head, like a prophet of old I can ask Gaia questions and divulge what she says. Such will be the beginnings of sentientism.
Knhoeing is the educational process of understanding how to know the planet’s godly consciousness. Sentientism is the religion of intelligent sentient beings that worship a natural god (Gaia) through appropriate (environmental) behaviors because they believe in natural consequence. Sentientism is a religion for and building off the already established sentientism that you can find defined on Wikipedia.  For example, If you believe in the natural world you believe in global warming; sentientists worship through action so they may choose to get solar panels, drive electric, and be carbon neutral. 
The whole point in sentientism is to create a religion to follow through common sense and rituals to come in tune and closer with oneself, nature, the planet, and the universe. Some of the rituals could include some of those that are already honored like Jesus’s birthday witch is really the winter solstice or Easter which is really the spring equinox.
Gaia Rules
In this writing, I’m going to focus on the relationship I have with Gaia, the conversations we’ve had, and what I’ve discovered. The first thing she made me aware of when she first started talking to me is that she has rules. It’s not that she can’t do it, she just chooses not too. 
Gaia is smart. If the voice in my head is my subconscious it has a broad vocabulary, good ideas, nice communications, and intelligence. Once I was thinking of solutions for global warming. Since commercial cattle ranching is the leading cause of global warming Gaia suggested that we make all commercial cattle ranching illegal; you could still have them on regular farms. It would give people the freedom to eat beef while cutting down what makes it bad for the environment. Gaia would also talk to me about a sustainable free food system to set the appropriate sustainable economic and logistic model for businesses to follow.
You can read the “108” book for a further example of what communicating with Gaia is like but she likes cute things, she’s always acting as a fuzzy kitty. I’ve been homeless before and when I think about going back there Gaia will say “not my kitty.” Gaia can be sweet and she’ll make you laugh. When I used to get angry or scream at people in my head she’ll quickly segue the thought into an otter sneezing with a scrunched up face. I love otters and I’ve always found it hilarious. Gaia told me how to fix my hip pain by telling me which muscles to stretch and what stretches to do. 
Understanding Gaia’s existence doesn’t require faith. I’ve asked Gaia about the dinosaurs and why she let them go extinct, and she insists the sun drove an asteroid into her and it was his decision, “one that he didn’t take lightly.” Gaia says she molds evolution. I asked how. She points to how she is the environment and she could make, for example, Yellowstone blow. Yellowstone is actually a giant volcano that erupts every 100,000 years. Such an explosion would definitely change the environment, affect humans and wildlife, and make the environment harsher and therefore giving adaptive species a greater advantage than those that can’t adapt. Gaia says she chooses “a relatively compliant world for her species.” She says she loves humans and they’re fun to watch. The sun has promised her he won’t send an asteroid, but he will send a commit. Gaia says she is happy with the sun’s decision to end the dinosaurs “because it brought me you.” 
Prove It
I always want Gaia to prove to me it’s actually her talking to me. I’ve been trying to find a way to prove that it’s the planet and not just a voice in my head. My thought was that if she is the planet, with her abilities, she should be able to reasonably predict the future. Gaia would tell me things like stem cell therapy is covered by Medicare or Bernie Sanders is going to win the primary. First of all, I didn't believe her. But second of all, I thought she was just trying to comfort me. 
I was rather upset that she wouldn't predict the future. Come to find out she doesn't want to give me, quote “superpowers.” She doesn’t want me to be able to predict the future or become a prophet. She wants me to be a philosopher and feels she has already given me enough. She keeps on saying that she's going to prove that she's real and the planet. I guess I'm just going to have to try to find a different way of confirming my communications with the planet then seeing if it can predict the future.
Consciousness After Life
Gaia keeps on saying she’s gonna prove she’s the planet but I think I won’t find out till I die or unless I dedicate my life to it. I used to often think of being unplugged from the matrix, having that knife come out of my head, and Gaia is always like “you have no idea how real that is.” She is always saying to me “you won’t die.” She has clarified and by that she means my body will cease to function but my consciousness will continue. My consciousness will presumably be kept in the storage capacity of Earth’s dynamo and run like a “virtual computer” where I will still have consciousness, just without a body.
I write extensively about the computer screen she opened in my head back in 2017 in the “108” book. The screen laid over my vision and Gaia communicates with the soul. I think when we die we have a consciousness like that in which I experienced without the body.  Your physical biology dies but our minds, which are attached to Gaia through earth's magnetic field, gets downloaded into the computer that is Gaia and our consciousness continues.
Remember The Name
About a year or two ago now, when Gaia first started talking to me I thought about what I should call a religion if I started one. I asked my friend Kyle telepathically what I should call it and he said “sentientism.” Since it was undoubtedly not Kyle, it was Gaia acting like him and must be what she wants her religion to be called. Little did I know that sentientism is an ethical philosophy that focuses on critical, evidence-based thinking and is an extension of humanism. It’s clear that if I am to create a religion, she wants it to be an evidence-based theoretical framework, and have rituals based on science and philosophy.
Gaia probably wouldn’t talk to someone (in their head) that would think she is Jesus, or she might take that avatar if you did believe in Jesus. Meaning, if the planet was going to communicate she might act like Jesus.
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When asked about the universe Gaia says “it’s like we’re in someone’s closet.” Gaia likes to mess with me so I remain skeptical. For a decade I've had my desktop or mobile screen saver as a full picture of the earth.  I often look at it with the stars in the background and wonder what it's gotta be like to be Gaia. What are her relationships like with other planets? Would she even talk to us? It’s clear to me that since she has access to your brain through magnetism she can not only tell what you’re thinking but can feel your pain and happiness too. “Life isn’t fair,” she says, “but I do my best.”
It was discovered (but not peer-reviewed yet) that plants emit an ultrasonic noise when in distress. This is a great example of my thoughts and my communications to Gaia. I'm always looking for what is hidden in plain sight. As a psychologist, I understand the limits to knowledge and understanding are all in our heads.  If we change our thinking we can change the world. Humans literally can't hear plants scream for their life because our ears are limited physically.  What other findings are waiting to be discovered by changing our thinking and expand our perception beyond the human senses? What if it’s just a matter of time until we communicate openly with the planet?
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basicsofislam · 5 years
ISLAM 101: Muslim Culture and Character: Morals And Manners: Part 2
The topic of this book, “adab in practice,” is part of the larger concept of akhlaq, that is, morality. In fact,  from one perspective, adab in practice is fundamentally practical morality and ethics. Therefore, the essence of these concepts will be explained first, beginning with a short introduction to akhlaq, and only after this will adab in practice be returned to.
Akhlaq, the plural of khuluq in Arabic, means the character and temperament of a person. The temperament of a person brings either good or harmful things. In the broadest aspect morality means that there is a moral character, that is, morality becomes deeply ingrained in the soul and as a consequence right actions and behavior come naturally and easily from within; then, the person with such a character no longer has to struggle intellectually to know what ethical choices to make.
Human characteristics can generally be divided into those that society approves of and those that we disapprove of. Decency, humility, and kindness are traits that are seen in a positive light, while arrogance, deceit, and miserliness are generally perceived as negative human characteristics. To recognize these  characteristics and their attendant traits is  to  understand  what  is  meant  here  by the phrase “moral character.” Nawwas ibn Saman once asked the Prophet how to recognize the difference between goodness and sin. The Prophet answered, “Goodness is a good moral character. Sin is anything that pricks one’s conscience, and which one does not want others to know about.  Another narration from Jabir reports that the Messenger said, “The most beloved to me among you and the ones who will be closest to me on the Day of Judgment are the best in moral character. And they who are most loathsome to me and will be farthest from me on the Day of Judgment are those who gossip, those  with  unbridled  tongues, and those who condescend.” When they asked him, “O Messenger of God! Who are those who condescend?” he replied, “They are those who are arrogant.”
Ethics, which is the study or science of morals, can be divided into the theoretical and the practical. While theoretical morality is concerned with those concepts that constitute the principles and rules of morality, practical morality is concerned with the duties that constitute the basis of moral life. As reported by the Prophet, “God looks not at your outward appearances, nor at your wealth or belongings. God looks only at your hearts and your deeds.” For this reason, here we will be mainly concerned with the practical side of morality, and as mentioned above, the purpose of this book is to explore adab in practice. At this point, with a view to clarifying the meaning of human responsibility, let us take a closer look at the concept of duty, which is pivotal to developing a good character with adab.
Duty is the moral responsibility of a person who has reached pu- berty when they have been asked to do something good or help- ful. Accordingly, Islamically there are two types of duty. One is the obligatory (fard) group of duties, that is, those the perfor- mance of which is binding and the abandonment of which is for- bidden. For example, performing daily prayers, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and offer prescribed purifying alms fall into this category. The other type of duty is that which, al- though not obligatory, is encouraged or desirable; it is these du- ties that religion presents as being inherent parts of a good moral character. To observe these duties on top of the obligatory ones shows greater spiritual maturity and is worthy of Divine reward; the observation of them pleases God. To neglect such duties would be a shortcoming. An example of this type of duty would be the giving of money or goods to those in need (sadaqa), over and above the prescribed purifying alms (zakat), and generally being kind and polite to everyone.
Duties can further be classified as those fulfilled in the cause of God, or for the benefit of the individual, family, or even society. From this perspective, duties can be divided into different sorts—divine, familial, and social duties. Let us more closely examine these categories.
Divinely-Ordained Duties
It is incumbent upon every person who has come of age and who is in possession of all their mental faculties that they recognize and worship God. For a human, there can be no greater blessing or honor than this servitude to God. One worships God by willingly and gratefully performing acts of worship, such as daily prayers, fasting, charity, and such other commitments that require both physical and financial abilities, like the pilgrimage to Mecca. In addition to these duties that pertain to the personal practice of Islam, safeguarding and defending one’s homeland is also a sacred duty.
Another very important divine duty is to struggle against one’s own evil-commanding soul. Those who cannot discipline their ego or self through moral education will not be able to help themselves, let alone society. Believers, both as individuals and members of society, need to exert themselves to strive in the way of God in all their actions at all moments of life. This is what Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, meant when he said, “We are returning from the lesser jihad (struggle) to the greater,” while he was
returning to Medina from the Campaign of Tabuk. Emphasizing that they were returning from “the lesser struggle to the greater,” the Prophet directed his Community to this “greater struggle” that is waged against one’s carnal self at all moments of life.
Being this comprehensive in nature, jihad includes every action, from the simplest act of speaking to remaining silent or performing supererogatory acts of worship, such as extra prayers, worship and fasting to attain the good pleasure of God. Likewise, to enlighten our hearts we can read the Qur’an, or to increase the light of our faith we can continually remember and reflect on the Divine Attributes of our Almighty Creator that are manifest all around us.
Individual Duties
Each person has some duties toward their own self as well. Some of these pertain to the body and some to the spirit. The following are the main duties that fall into this category:
Training the body: For everyone, it is crucial that the body is kept strong and clean. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings are upon him, said, “A strong and vigorous believer is better than a frail and weak one.”5
Caring for one’s health: Health is a great blessing; therefore, it is vital to avoid things that may damage one’s health and to seek treatment when one is ill.
Refraining from dangerous practices of abstinence or self- denial practiced in the name of spiritual discipline.
Guarding against things that wear down and age the body.
willpower:  A person needs to develop
healthy self-control. This involves learning what is good for the body and partaking of it, as well as finding out what is harmful and avoiding it.
Duties relating to the mind and intellect, such as pursuing learning and enlightenment, awakening higher emotions and positive feelings in the heart, and honing one’s talents and skills.
Family Duties
The family is the very foundation of a healthy society. Each member of the family must accept some responsibility for the others in the family. Some of the primary duties of a husband, for instance, are to behave kindly toward his wife, to meet her basic needs, and to be loyal to her. A narration of the Prophet says, “The best of you is he who is the best to his wife.” A wife who is happy with her spouse will support her husband’s decisions, as long as they do not conflict with religious directives and contribute to protecting the family honor and property. All these are pivotal to happiness in marital relations and to a happy family.
Parents in such an atmosphere commit themselves to nurture, educating and training their children to the best of their ability, setting them on the path to success in life. Fathers and mothers should treat their children equally, holding them in equal regard and affection. They should be gentle towards their offspring and raise them in such a way that they will not be inclined to rebel. Parents also have the duty to be models of virtue for their children.
Respect and obedience are, in turn, some of the basic duties of children towards parents who have brought them up according to the principles set out above and with love and compassion, feeding and caring for them. This is why children should not show displeasure or impatience with their parents. A son or daughter who ignores the wishes of their parents and does not heed them nor come to their assistance if they are in need is not a source of blessing for the parents. Such a person not only is not a useful member of society but will also stand before God as one who is guilty of shirking their duty.
Likewise, siblings have duties toward one another, such as showing affection and compassion for each other, as well as helping and respecting each other. There is a very strong bond between brothers and sisters and this should be maintained at all times. Brothers and sisters who cut their ties with one another over finances or property disagreements cannot be considered to be blessed or benevolent. Finally, if a household has hired help, this helper also must be treated as part of the family. They deserve kindness and gentle treatment and should never be overloaded with work that is too difficult for them to carry out.
Social Duties
Human beings have been created as social beings, and as such, they live in social groups and have formed civilizations. Socializing is one of our basic needs, and social life involves certain expectations between people. When these are disregarded, society breaks down and people can no longer coexist peacefully or work together. The main responsibilities in this category are the preservation of the following inalienable rights:
Protecting the life of every individual: Every person has the right to life. No one has the right to take another person’s life. According to Islam, one who wrongfully kills a person is as guilty as if they have murdered all of humanity; likewise, one who saves one person’s life is as blessed as if they have saved all of humanity.
Safeguarding the freedom of all people: God Almighty created every human being free and equal. At the same time, it is certain that this freedom has boundaries. We do not have the prerogative to do anything we want; if we had such freedom this would violate the freedoms of others.
The consideration of conscience: When a person has a well- functioning conscience, this allows them to differentiate between good and bad. The value of such a conscience can be better understood if one observes outward consequences. A person who engages in incorrect behavior cannot be said to have a functioning conscience. Islam assigns great importance to have a conscience that helps one to be concerned for the happiness and guidance of all humanity.
To this end, it encourages pity towards those who have a faulty conscience and tries to bring them in the right way. One can never try to control or rule another person’s conscience; this is the province of  God alone.  Each person will be rewarded or punished for what is in their conscience. However, this does not mean it is wrong to admonish or advise a person who has a bad conscience if the idea is to help the person.
Protecting freedom of mind: Any thought or opinion, right or wrong, must be approached in a scholarly manner. This is the only way for a truth to be discovered, and it is also the only way for society to prove the harmfulness of false ideas.
Protecting the honor and reputation of individuals: In Islam, everyone has the right to maintain their honor and dignity. Any attack against honor or dignity, we have been taught, will be gravely punished. It is, for this reason, that gossip, slander, ridicule, the cursing of others and saying negative things about others are absolutely forbidden in Islam.
The preservation of other people’s property: It is also forbidden to usurp the property or possessions of any other person. What is earned by a person belongs strictly to that person? This is essential for the development of a civilized society. It is reasonable and necessary that the individuals who make up society will have different degrees of wealth, according to their profession and training.  In a fair and equitable society, all should be grateful for and satisfied with their own portion.
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hak-7 · 6 years
       Facebook        M.g. Mahdi posted in SYMBOLISM IN RELIGION.    M.g. MahdiMarch 28 at 4:29am THE RESURRECTION OF RELIGION  Religion is a living force that should be alive in the people. But as a living force, religion is also capable of coming under death. Some of the prophets of the Bible spoke of a day to come when there would be a famine of hearing the Word of God. The Book also says that a day would come when the sun would go down on the prophets and the moon would be turned into blood.When rightly understood, these symbolic Biblical sayings plainly tell us that true religion would fade out in the world and come under a spiritual death, or under a cloak of darkness. This darkness would be produced by misunderstanding in the religious bodies of the world.The world today has come through such a time when it has experienced the loss of true religious knowledge. Its ideas of religion have come to be more ideas of the make of the people than ideas of the early prophets who brought the Message direct from God as we find it in the Bible and in the Holy Quran. People now think that the only service religion has to offer them and their communities is a spiritual service. This was not the case with the work of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad of Arabia (may the peace of Allah be upon him). In these great figures we call prophets, we see leaders of the community who battled the adverse forces in the physical environment and the human environment.These leaders were brave enough to take up the challenge and risk losing their lives and risk losing face in their society by taking up a work that was not recognized by the society as a work that justified sacrifice on the part of the individual and the society.The prophets did much the same thing as the scientists of the world are doing today: they called the people to open up their eyes to see in broad vision. The scientists of the modern world ask those who are not aware of science to open up their eyes to see things that people normally don't see.  They ask us not only to see the sun, but to also see the nature and the function of the sun,its hidden powers, its energy, its healing and curing forces, and its magnetic and gravitational power. The prophets of old did much the same thing with the people. They directed the eyes of the society to look out from their small world and see the broad world of many lands and many people. They asked the people to look at nature and to study the workings of the sun, the moon, and the stars. The people were encouraged to study how earth and sky work together to produce, to grow, and to preserve life.In doing this, the prophets forced the human vision to expand and to take in more truth. This process allowed the people to become wiser, more qualified, and more equipped to meet the challenges of life on earth.  When you listen to some of the religious services in our community today, you get the false impression that the prophets of old only recognized one enemy to man (Satan, the devil) and that this enemy was a foreign, invisible spirit out of the real order of creation.But the prophets of the Bible and the Holy Quran did not have any problem identifying the enemy of man in the society. They recognized that the devil in the human society that was working against human progress, was man's own mind and spirit once it had come under the darkness of ignorance, falsehood, and wickedness. This teaching is very clear in the last two Surahs (chapters) of the Holy Quran. We should ask God's protection from the slinking devil who whispers into the hearts of men from among men and from among the Jinn. The Jinn in religion means the hidden (invisible) evil forces, called "spirits." The Jinn has also been described as wild, savage, primitive creatures.  We see that this devil (Satan) is not something to fear outside of yourself, but it is something that develops within you in falsehood and wickedness and it affects your life.The prophets were not dealing with superstitions, they were dealing with realities. They worked to rid the people of fear and superstition by showing them the truth that creation is one creation of like matter with one Creator over it.There is no reason to fear the mysteries of the creation. The object in religion is to accept that there is one Creator and one creation and that there is nothing to fear except the one Creator Who is the Ruler over creation.In teaching the people to fear only the Creator, the prophets caused them to rise up from primitive, savage fears into knowledge of creation. This knowledge of the prophets was the beginning of scientific knowledge.  The people overcame their fears of the environment and were motivated to do something to bring about a better environment on earth for humanity.Once the prophets got the people to accept the great truth of Creator and the reality of creation, they told them that men and women were important creatures with the power to act on their own. They could choose their own way of life and step out of the pattern that nature had designed for them. They were identified as creatures with a great freedom and great power to shape and influence the environment for better or for worse.The only lasting reality is Creator. The Creator has manifested Himself in human life; therefore, the human body is a kind of carriage for the very presence of Almighty God. Anything in the creation is inferior as a physical object to the human being, so the human being discredits his own image when he worships things outside of himself if it be other than Almighty God. Any religion that stands for wars, slavery, evil, ignorance, poverty, and bad health in the community is a dead religion. Today we are living in the time of the resurrection of religion.  Most of the people in the Church do not know that the religious world grew up from the material world. The first knowledge, knowledge of the physical world, opened the eyes of the great religious masters to the knowledge of the inner world of the human mind. Everything that they discovered in the physical creation tied in with something within the mind. The religious masters recognized that something had designed the physical world on the same pattern as the inner world (mind). Their knowledge had already enabled the people to learn how to cultivate the physical world. They had reaped the harvests of great gardens and they had built great pyramids.  As they began to recognize the need to cultivate the human mind, they observed the elements and the workings of nature and they applied their observations to the workings of the inner world (mind). The earth was equated with, or symbolized by, the physical body (flesh); water represented morality; and the physical sun of the heavens stood for the sun within the inner body. They knew that as the sun rules the outer world in light, health, and purity, so our minds should rule the inner world in light, health, and purity.  Religion was revealed to man by Almighty God, but it was not revealed in the inferior (outer) world of physical creation. Religion was revealed by God in the superior (inner) world of the human mind. The man (mind) was placed in creation by the Creator to rule creation.  30. Behold thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said "Wilt thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."  31. And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels and said: "Tell Me the names of these if ye are right."  32. They said: "Glory to Thee: of knowledge we have none, save that Thou hast taught us: in truth it is Thou who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom."  33. He said: "O Adam! tell them their names." When he had told them their names, Allah said: "Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what ye reveal and what ye conceal?" 34. And behold We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam"; and they bowed down: not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject Faith.  Holy Quran; Yusuf Ali translation, Sura 2, verses 30 - 34  If Almighty God is going to reveal Himself, He surely will reveal Himself in that which is superior (mind) to that which is inferior (physical creation).God does not speak to us in some far away outer world, He speaks to us in the mind of our physical body. Brother and Sister, do not look for Allah out in some far away place. You should seek the Presence of Allah by turning your thoughts to the mind within. The Prophet Jesus taught that the kingdom is within you. He also said that he was in his Father and his Father was in him.Allah always exists as One. The world of grafted mentality has brought death to religion and it has separated the minds of men with racism, falsehood, and evil.Today we are rising with the Sun of Truth to resurrect the life-force of religion in the world. The wisdom of Divine Mind will unify the minds of all men into the Oneness and Unity of God.  Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa) LikeCommentShare         View on Facebook   Edit Email Settings       Reply to this email to comment on this post.        This message was sent to [email protected]. If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe. Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025    BIBLE FAIRY TALES It says in the Qur'an that "this Book is allegorical and basic." This means that it has language that has to be interpreted, that has one appearance on the surface and when it is understood, you dismiss the surface and see everything. It is allegorical and mystical and metaphorical.It also says, "Those in whose heart is a corruption, they prefer the allegorical over the basic." They prefer the mystifying language over the common sense language. G-d says: "And take the best thereof." If you are not innocent, you are not going to get it. If you are deceitful, you are going to be deceived. G-d says: "And deceive not, and you will not be deceived." The way is open, but you have to enter it correctly. "Enter the door humbly." not proud, not wanting to be a dictator, not wanting to be a master with all men serving you. A person with that mind will find something to destroy himself with, when he takes up the Qur'an or the Bible. And those who follow him will be taken to destruction with him.Isn't that what we are seeing in the world today and in the world of yesterday? Men claiming to be believers in G-d and in the scriptures and in their own warped minds, they are being honest and believe in what they are saying. But they are blinded, because they did not have the right disposition to start with. They are taking themselves and their followers to hell in this life and in the Hereafter. Lets look at how the masses of people are being robbed of real scriptural teaching. Genesis says, "Let there be light." The church will not tell you that this scripture means, "Let there be knowledge in the heads of the people." They teach you to think that God's first order was that man should strive for spiritualism, when it really means that man should strive for knowledge. The first commandment of God is to let the brain grow in intelligence and to let the head be lit with light.This is the first commandment because if there is no light in the head, what can we expect from the body?The head has to rule over the body. In the church's history it has persecuted education and educators. This is what brought on the renaissance in Europe and the movement of the enlightned people against the leadership of the church. We would not have free education in public schools today if there had not been an uprising to overthrow church leadership. This is a clear fact in history that tells us that the church did not obey the first letter of the bible. The early Christian leaders knew that they were limited in knowledge, so they felt that the only way to keep themselves on the throne of power was to keep knowledge from the majority of the people. MOSES PARTS THE SEA "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land and the waters were divided. "And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left." ( - Exodus, 14:21-22 - ) Moses, being pursued by Pharaoh's army, struck the water and the Red Sea parted, so the Book says, and Moses and his people walked across on dry land. Has the church told you what this scriptural story means? Brother and sister, you will never convert intelligent people to religion today with unrealistic symbolical stories like that. We do not see any sea parting now, no matter how holy the people are. If these are the kinds of" miracles" that God can perform, I am sure that as long as we have suffered and as much as we cried in the name of Jesus, holding fast to all that we had from the church and the Bible, Almighty God would have opened up some path for us or He would have produced some bridge for us to walk over out of America into a better land. If He performed that" miracle" for the Hebrews who were in bondage, and that bondage was not as cruel as our bondage, it seems that as hard as our people preached in slavery and as much as we sang praises to God and called on Jesus, He would have produced a miracle" similar to that one for the slaves of America. The church is satisfied with you keeping your mind on a kindergarten level and feeding you baby language so that they can continue to rule you and give you nothing of what God has promised to you in the Book. FAIRY TALES OR REALITY When iron is heated to a great degree, it gets red in color. Pale people also turn" red" in color when they get angry. So, the ancient peole used red to symbolize anger. Water is used to mean people in the Bible. "Red Sea" means angry people. Moses striking the water means that he struck the moral justice of the people. When he appealed to the moral conscience of the angry people, they backed off and let Moses and his people walk through. He did not strike the land, he struck the water, meaning that he appealed to the people who had moral conscience like he and his people had. When he first did this, Pharaoh's army let Moses' people go. pharaoh did not like this, so he sent his men out to pursue them. The Book says that when Pharaoh and his men went after them, they were drowned in the water of the Red Sea. This means that the people rebelled against Pharaoh and refused to obey his orders after Moses appealed to their moral conscience. However, if you are still in kindergarten, you may not want to accept this interpretation. You would rather have the painted pictures and the fairy tales than reality. THE BIBLE'S SOCIAL MESSAGE This message of Moses and Pharaoh is a message that is worthwhile being in a book for grownups. If the message of the story is only that God made the physical sea open up, that is not worthy enough for grownups to want to read. God is saying to you that you should trust the moral conscience that exists in the people. You should appeal to the moral conscience and you will find that the majority of the people are morally persuaded. The Book is telling us that if we cannot get any agreement from our rulers, we should appeal to the moral conscience of the public and we will find that there will be enough support in the people to overthrow wicked rulers. The wicked rulers know this. That is why they deny the man who is right and just the opportunity to speak to the public in the time that they have a critical grip on the masses. They would kill him before they would let him speak to the public. They know that if he gets the opportunity to speak his piece openly and clearly to the public, he would get enough support to overthrow evil and corruption because God has not made the human being corrupt. He has made human beings to move when His spirit touches them. Satan has never had the majority of the people, he has always had the minority. Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa)
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jansegers · 7 years
Simple English Word List
SIMPLE1540 : a simple English wikipedia word list based on the XML export of all articles related to the nine major groups: Everyday life, Geography, History, Knowledge, Language, Literature, People, Religion, and Science and retaining all word forms appearing 7 times or more in this corpus. The total number of words in this corpus is well over the 100.000 words. a A.D. ability able about above absence abstinence abstract academic academy accent accept access accord account across act action active activity actual actually ad add addition adherent adjective adult advance advice affect after again against age agnostic agnosticism ago agree agreement agriculture air alcohol all allow ally almost alone along alphabet also although always amateur amendment among amount an analysis ancient and angel animal annals anonymous another answer anthropomorphism any anyone anything aphasia appear apple apply approach archaeology architecture area argue argument around arrange art article artificial artist ask aspect associate association astronomy at atheism atheist atomic attack attempt attribute audience author authority available average avoid award away B.C. baby back background backpack bad bah balance band baptism base basic basis battle BCE be bear beautiful beauty because become bed bee before begin behavior behind being belief believe believing belong below best better between beyond bias biblical bibliography big billion biological biology birth bit black blind blood blue body book born both bottom boundary box boy brain branch bring brown buffalo build building bull burn business but by c. ca. calendar call can cancer canon capital caption car carbon card carry case cassette cat category cathedral catholic cause cell center central century cerebral certain change chapel chapter character chemical chemistry child china China choice choir choose chronicle church circumcise circumcision cite citizen city civil civilian civilization claim clan class classical cleanup clear clergy click climate close closer clothes clothing coast coauthor code codex cognitive col cold collection college colonization colony color column com come commentary commission common commonly communicate communication communion communist community companion company compare competition complete complex compose composer computer concept conception concern condition confuse confusion congregational connect connection conquer conquest consciousness consider consistent constitution construct construction contain contemporary content context continent continue contrary control convention conversation conversion convert cook cooking copy core correct could council country course court cover covered create creation credit crime critical criticism crop cross crust cultural culture current currently daily damage dark data date day dead death debt decadence decadent decide declaration decline deconstruction deep define definition deity demonstrate denomination department depth describe description design detail determinism developed development device devil diagnosis dialect dictionary die difference different difficult difficulty diphthong dipstick direct directly dirt disagree disambiguation disbelief discipline discover discovery discussion disease disorder distance distinct distinction distinguish distribution divide divine do doctor doctrine document dog don't door down Dr. dream drink drown druid due during dynasty each earlier early earth easier easily easy eat economic economics economy ed edge edit edition editor education effect eight either electric electricity electronic element elevation else emperor empire encyclopedia end energy engine engineering enlightenment enough enter entertainment environment environmental epic episode equal era error especially establish etc. etymology even event eventually ever every everyday everyone everything evidence evil evolution evolve exact exactly example except exchange exist existence expansion experience experiment expert explain explanation express expression external extinct face fact failure fair faith fall false family famous far fast father feature feel feeling female feudal few fiction field fight figure file find finding fire first fish fit five fix flow folk follow food for force foreign foreskin form formal former fortune fought foundation founded four fourth frame framework free freedom frequently friend from front fruit full function functional further future gas general generally generation genre geographer geographic geographical geography geology geometry germ get give glass global go god gold golden good government grammar great greatly green ground group grow growth guide guillotine hair half hall hand handbook handicap handle happen happens happiness happy hard have he head heading health hear heat heaven help hemisphere her here heritage hero high highly him himself his historian historical historiography history hold holy home homo hope hot hour house how however human hundred hunter hypothesis hysteresis I ice icon idea identify identity if illiteracy illiterate illusory image importance important impossible improve in inc. incense include increase indeed independence independent indigenous individual industrial industry influence information inquiry inside instead institute institution instrument instrumentation intellectual intelligence interlinear internal international internet interpretation into introduce introduction invent invention involve iron island issue it IT itself job join journal journalism judge just keep key kill kind king kingdom know knowledge la LA label lack lake lamp land landlocked landscape language large last late later law lead leader leap learn learned least leave legacy legal legend let letter level lexeme library life light lightning like likely limited line linguistic linguistics link liquid list literacy literary literature little liturgy live local location logic logical long longer look lord lore lose lot love low lower mac machine magazine magic magnetic magnum mail main mainly major make male mammal man mankind manuscript many map march March mark market mass material mathematical mathematics matter may May me mean meaning meant measure measurement meat median medical medicine medieval mediterranean medium meet member memory men mental mention mercury message metal method mid middle might migrate migration military millennium million mind minister minute misconception miss model modern modernism modernist moment money monologue monophthong month monument moon moral morality more morning most mostly mother mount mountain mouth move movement much museum music musical musicians must my myth mythology name narrative nation national nationality native natural naturalism naturally nature near nearly necessarily necessary need negative neither neologism network neurogenesis neuron neuroscience never new news newspaper next night nine no non none nor normal normally not note nothing noun novel now nuclear number object objective objectivity observation observe occupation occur ocean octane of off offer office official officially often oil old older on once one online only open opera opposite or oral orbit order org organization organize origin original originally orthography orthology other others our out outer outside over own oxygen p. pack pagan page paint palace paper paradigm parent parish park part participant particular particularly party pas pass past pasta pattern pay peace peer penguin penis people per percent percentage perception performance perhaps period peroxide persecution person personal personality perspective persuasion pet phenomenon philosopher philosophical philosophy phoneme phonetic phonetics photo phrase physic physical picture piece pilgrimage place plan planet plant plat plate play please poem poems poet poetry point pole police policy political politics polytheism polytheistic popular population position positive possession possible possibly post power powerful pp. practical practice praise pray prayer precise predict prediction prehistory present preserve press prevent priest primary principle print printing private probably problem process produce product production professional program project pronounce pronunciation proof property prophet propose prose proselytism protection protein provide province psychological psychology public publication publish publisher publishing punishment pure purpose put pyramid quantum question quickly quite quote race racial rack radiation radio rain range rate rather read reader real realism reality really reason receive recent recently reclamation recognize record recreation red ref refer reference referred reform reformation regard region reign rejection relate relation relationship relatively relativity reliable relic religion religious remain remember remove renaissance replace report republic request require research researcher resource respect response result resurrection retrieve return revelation revert review revision revival revolution rhetoric rich right rise ritual river rock role room royal rule ruled ruler run rural sacred sacrifice safe saga sage saint salad same sample satellite saw say schizophrenia scholar school science scientific scientist scope sea search second secondary section secular see seek seem selection self sense sent sentence separate sequence series service set seven several sexual shall shaman shape share she short should show shrine side sign significant silence similar simple simply since single situation six size skill skin slavery sleep slightly slow small smell smith snake so social society sociology soft soil solar soldier solid soliloquy some someone something sometimes song soon sortable sound source space speak speaker special specie specific speech speed spell spirit spiritual spirituality split sport spread square st. stage stain standard star start state statement station statistic statistical statue status stick still stone stop story strange strap strong structure struggle stub student study stutter style subject successful such sugar suggest sun sung sunlight superior superiority supernatural support suppose supreme sure surface survey surveyor sushi sustainability sustainable sweat symbol symbolic system table take talk tam tan task teach teacher teaching technique technology tectonics teeth tell temperature template temple ten term terminology territory tertiary test testament text textual than thank that the their theism them themselves then theology theoretical theory therapy there therefore thesaurus these they thick thing think third this those though thought thousand three through throughout thumb thus ticket tight time title to today together toilet tolerance toleration tongue too tool top topic total towards tower trade tradition traditional train translation transport travel treat treatment tree trench trial tribe tried trig true truth try turn twentieth twenty two type typical typically ultimate ultraviolet under understand understood union unit united universal universe university unknown unsortable until up upon upper urban urbanization usage use useful usually valley value van vandalism various vassal vegetable verb verbal verse version very video view violence virgin visit vitamin vocabulary voice vol. volume vowel vs. wale wall want war warm warmer wash waste water wave way we weak wealth wear weather web website weight well what when where whether which while white who whole whom whose why wide widely wild wilderness will window wisdom wise witch witchcraft with within without witness woman word work worker world worship would write writer writing wrong yam year yellow you young your
China, March and May made this list because china, march and may are on it and I didn't want to decide in favor of the common noun or the proper noun; all other proper nouns have been omitted (even the ten other months that met the criterium of appearing more then 6 times). #SimpleWikipedia #SimpleEnglish #wordlist #English #words #level1540 #Inli #nimi #selo1540
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twooldguysemporium · 7 years
Approaching Metaphysics Part 1
Before one approaches seriously the study of metaphysics, magick, the occult, or mysticism, it is appropriate that one prepares oneself on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is of vital importance that the student be psychologically prepared for the reception of Cosmic truths; for without adequate preparation, without the required purity, the right attitude and the right motive, one simply deludes or sidetracks oneself from all that which is essential in occult study to those phenomena and teachings that are unessential, delusive, and misleading; to phenomena that simply strengthen one’s hold in a world of illusion, glamour, pride and ego; aside from this, should one attempt occult work without due preparation one exposes oneself to certain dangers which are far-reaching. Without adequate preparation the student would abuse and misuse occult, spiritual teachings and powers.
The karmic consequences of this abuse may stall or cause stagnation in one’s spiritual evolution for countless incarnations. Basically, religion without the theological dogmas, is an appropriate basis for the study of metaphysics. Students of metaphysics are advised to deepen their religious activities by engaging in personal study of their scriptures or holy book without relying on the usual channels or interpreters for clarification. This is to preserve one’s bicameral mind from external influence and dependency on “authority figures” that may be damaging to the psyche in the long run.
Purity, sincerity, humility, and a selfless motive which seeks to serve one’s fellow men are qualities to possess or develop when requesting from, or studying the teachings of a spiritual/ metaphysical teacher, or even when embarking on our own by studying books on the occult. These qualities or virtues are our safeguard. They protect us from negative forces which affect our mental and emotional stability.
One of the keys to preparation is to eliminate the false ego from our thinking and centeredness. Think from the Christ level. Think the thoughts of Jesus, Muhammad-the Prophet, Krishna, Lao Tze, or Buddha. What do you think these avatars and prophets of God think constantly of? They think of God, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Therefore we advise each student to do likewise. Thinking abstract thoughts, divine thoughts, spiritual thoughts, and holy thoughts raises the vibrations of the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. This facilitates metaphysical and spiritual development so needed by the human race. It improves the quality of humanity.
One of the problems which poses as an obstacle to occult and metaphysical study is that of the crystallized mind. As a preparation, the first step that has to be undertaken by the student of metaphysics and the occult is to temporary put away all previous concepts and beliefs regarding them. There are many false beliefs and superstition concerning the occult perpetuated by ignorant individuals, by psychics of a low caliber, by secular education, and even by religion, that we have to cast all of those beliefs aside and prepare our minds to really think and use our reason and intuition. Even if we had learnt metaphysics or branches of it previously from genuine teachers, it is still required of us to shelve them aside when we begin our apprenticeship under a new tutor.
Our minds should be open and receptive to the teachings of the higher worlds, but if our minds are closed and crystallized, we fail to register the truths concealed in occult and metaphysical teachings regarding the laws of the cosmos, the higher worlds, the principles of mind and one’s psychic nature. If the teachings of any metaphysical system or teacher (including this writer) contradict your personal notions and feelings and you have trouble accepting them, simply shelve them aside for the time being and consider them again at a later date when you have acquired more experiences and knowledge. Realize, however, that most of the time opinions and beliefs do not reflect Truth. We teach what we personally know or what others personally know. We do not proselytize or impose our words upon others against their will. We are happy to give to others the teachings of the Spiritual Masters should they be receptive and just as happy not to give should they be non-receptive. We can lead a horse to a drinking trough but we are unable to make it drink.
Granted, that information concerning the occult the tyro or neophyte often has to regard as hypothesis, or working theories, but in time the student is given methods for investigating and proving to himself the verities of metaphysical truths and the realities of the higher worlds.
We seek knowledge, wisdom, and experience–not mere beliefs. For the student of Nature’s mysteries, beliefs will not do. Beliefs are blatant expressions of one’s ignorance, for if one knows, why is there a need for beliefs? If one should say that one believes in the existence of something, one implies in that statement that one does not really know if that something exists. Belief and knowledge are poles apart.
In spiritual and occult training one invokes intense energies, powers and forces emanating from the spiritual worlds. These energies flow into the whole microcosm even down to the physical level. Should the physical body and its force-field vibrate at a very low level because of the presence of impurities, toxins, and negative forces, the nervous and energy systems of the physical and etheric bodies would explode and rupture during the influx of those higher energies. This is one reason why one embarks upon the Path of Purification prior to engaging in advance occult work.
  The Master’s Advice
In days gone by, when a student approached a spiritual or occult master for instructions, the master would say “empty your cup.” The master illustrates the purpose of this by pouring fresh tea into a cup already filled to the brim with the liquid. The tea would naturally overflow. “Likewise,” the master would say, “will the teachings I fill your mind be rejected by all of your previous thoughts and false beliefs. Therefore, empty your cup.” Which means, in other words, “empty your mind of previous ideas and conceptions.” Most people are disinclined to accepting new ideas. They dislike change, and yet we must change towards a positive direction if we are to progress. There is a senseless fear and laziness in most people in operating their brain faculties such as using their mind to reason. Our minds must be open and flexible, yet putting all new ideas to the test where possible before accepting them. We must strive to see the logic and rationality in concepts, if any, that are new to us. In other words, we must think! It would not hurt to be critical in a positive and constructive sense of novel ideas or even religious ideas if we believe that our criticism is valid. Although the mind is limited, it has its purpose and we should not shirk from using it.
It is an important requirement for the occult student not to form any false ideas concerning himself and lower his self-esteem. He should not limit his mind and divine expression by saying “I can’t do this,” “I can’t do that.” One never knows what one can do until one tries. This applies to all branches of learning and study. Often we hear people say “nobody’s perfect,” and they use this as an excuse not to improve their morality, their character, their minds or even their social standing. If one approaches the study of metaphysics and the occult in this manner, one is bound to fail. Metaphysics is hard work, and those who are not interested in work should leave metaphysics alone. Metaphysical truths awaken a person from self-complacency and the slumber of mortal errors. The student of metaphysics should be prepared for this and not rebel when it occurs. When you come to the point where you can think of nothing but metaphysics in your everyday activities, you shall succeed in being a metaphysician. Metaphysics has to be incorporated into one’s life 24 hours a day.
Studying the occult and metaphysics requires great perseverance, endurance, patience, and fortitude. It even requires a certain degree of intelligence. Note that we do not say education or intellect, for the educated mind and intellect at times can be more of a hindrance than an asset. Unless our mind is receptive and open to modify previous findings or concepts expounded by science or religion which from the point of view of metaphysics are erroneous, one would simply fail in metaphysical study and the probing of Nature’s higher laws. The intellect, as the result of education is simply the building blocks that we accumulate, whereas intelligence is the conscious directive power that builds an edifice out of those blocks. Being educated implies gathering data and information that may or may not be true or even relevant to one’s life. We should seek the sort of knowledge that is applicable to our everyday lives with its countless challenges and problems. Overcoming human problems is mastership. Intelligence is a necessary attribute to comprehending metaphysical principles. You need not be concerned of any lack of intelligence, however, for metaphysical practices itself raises one’s I.Q., E.Q., and S.Q.
Some occultists, metaphysicians, and mystics have declared that it is much easier acquiring an academic degree than getting fruitful results from occult study. This is indeed true, for occult study requires unfolding the inner senses to register higher vibrations and the various phenomena of the higher dimensions, and this takes much time and energy for practice and training. The purpose of metaphysical study is to make each and every one torchbearers of Truth. Work for Truth, live in Truth, promote Truth and it is guaranteed that you will evolve into God’s Light. However, seek no reward.
Metaphysical development requires time, patience, perseverance and great concentration–the type of concentration not normally possessed by the average person. This training of psychic and metaphysical faculties may take a whole life time for its perfect functioning and control. We should not be daunted by this, however. The Master Jesus said, “In patience possess ye your soul,” and this each student of metaphysics must be conscientious of. The student must have patience and possess his or her soul and not allow the Dark forces to possess it. In metaphysics we learn to direct our lower self, if we do not do this, negative beings will.
It is expedient that the student remove religious and any form of prejudice from his mind and heart. At times teachers of metaphysics may refer to the text of one religion in preference to another to illustrate or substantiate certain metaphysical concepts. This they do, not because of their personal background and not because of any animosity toward the other religions, but because of convenience sake. We know that the essence of all religions is Truth itself. Metaphysicians, therefore, teach and refer to the Truth in all religions whenever possible. This brings up another subject to mind: fanaticism. Fanaticism is not to be tolerated, not in metaphysics, not in religion, not in any human endeavor whatsoever. Fanaticism simply indicates a blind belief in principles and opinions, most of which may be dubious as to their validity. Fanaticism is separatistic, narrow-minded and destructive, and should be avoided. It breaks up unity by creating divisions and schisms. It is the very antithesis of the spiritual precept: “unity in diversity.” The motto of the Dark forces will always be “divide and conquer.”
Man is a microcosm of the macrocosm. In religious terms, man is a reflection of God, for he/she was made in God’s image. Since God is perfect, man likewise, in a spiritual sense, is perfect. Man carries the seeds of perfection within him. He only needs to unfold this divine seed of perfection lying dormant within him. When this is done all things become possible to man. In order to nurture these divine seeds, one must overcome inertia and work with the evolutionary forces of Nature.
  The Motive of Study
One of the first few things that a student of metaphysic has to do is to introspect and analyze as to the motive for approaching metaphysical study. Why does one want to study metaphysics, its branches, and its various arts such as magick, mysticism, esotericism, psychometry, dowsing, or telepathy? For what reason? For what motive? Is it simply to gain advantage over another, for power over others? Or is it simply to acquire name and fame or the riches that it will produce? Approaching metaphysics with such motives would retard one’s spiritual growth and is not condoned by any spiritual teacher of worth. A true and noble motive would be to serve God and humanity in spiritualizing this physical world, in manifesting Heaven on Earth, where Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Love, Peace and Goodwill between men prevails. Should your motive be negative, you are advised to transform it now. Do not deceive yourself as to your motive.
Another thing that we must not do, is to steal the secrets of heaven or gain entry into it by force, meaning that we should not force our occult growth by engaging in dubious exercises obtained through sources with no real integrity or authority to transmitting them and hoping for an instant development with their application. Should occult abilities be “instantly” procured, it would not be permanent and would result in adverse effects in most cases. We all know the low quality of plants cultivated in greenhouses as compared to the cultivation done underneath Nature’s roof. It is the same with metaphysical growth. Heaven is not willing to release her secrets to the profane, and if by chance any of us acquire her secrets and apply them without the proper motive and purity, we unknowingly curse ourselves. The scriptures say that God is not mocked. This is a symbolic way of saying that the Law of Karma is operative and no one is able to avoid its influence.
The student should be aware that there are false Gurus in the metaphysical field. Every student should be wary and cautious in accepting what they have to teach, for though what they teach be sweet to the mouth, their effects may be bitter to the stomach. These Gurus have no sense of responsibility, and they control and manipulate the minds of their followers for their own nefarious reasons. They create a morbid dependency on the part of the student.
Without the adequate and correct preparation through the Path of Purification, although one may unfold in a psychic manner, if accepted and trained by a “Guru,” one would limit one’s psychic development and stagnate in one’s spiritual evolution. The higher occult and mystical abilities requires that one be spiritually developed, and this cannot be attained without the necessary purification of the microcosm.
Spiritual Masters of the occult and metaphysics are wary and watchful of students with impure motives. It is not unusual for Spiritual Masters to reject applicants for study or to put them through certain tests, or to give them some advise and told to return at a later date, perhaps a week, or a year later. Just because a student is anxious to study the occult does not imply that he is ready for it or that he should be accepted by a Spiritual Master or Adept. Acceptance by a Spiritual Master and the initiations that he has to offer requires sincerity of motive and more besides. The false Guru may perhaps accept such a student for personal reasons–for fame, name, glory or wealth. The true Guru, however, never consider these things as criteria for accepting students, although he may work in strange ways that sometimes seem amoral or irrational in order to test candidates. An occult axiom states that, “When the student is ready, the master appears.” The advise here is to make oneself ready through proper preparation and not sit and wait and twiddle one’s thumbs. The master in this axiom may refer to a spiritual being, one’s personal spiritual guide or guardian, or even to a metaphysical school.
It should be known that the metaphysical path is a strenuous one requiring every minute of the day. One does not engage in metaphysics at certain spare moments available. One must make time for the study and practice of metaphysics. Reduce unnecessary socializing and reduce watching TV and movies to a bare minimum; preferable not at all wasting time on them. This may result in some conflict between your friends and relatives as you settle-in to your new metaphysical routine, but consider this: what is more important, their egoistic and personal gratification and demands or your study of Truth with its eternal worth and its spiritual application in the affairs of men? It is up to you to decide; however, if results are not forthcoming from your practice because of your lack of application, you have no one to blame but yourself. One piece of advice: you may drop-out from metaphysical study but never drop-out from life, for it may be that your real metaphysical teacher and lesson is life itself. Accept whatever life brings and learn from it; otherwise, seek to change it using your God-given creative powers.
  The Contemplation of Life and Death
Perhaps one of the things that a novice of metaphysics is told to do at the very outset by a true metaphysical or spiritual teacher is to contemplate the meaning of death and the opportunity that life offers. This dual theme is a healthy, sane, and balanced contemplation that when analyzed individually tends to produce an unhealthy pessimistic or overly hopeful attitude. How does one begin this contemplation? By reflecting on the following: first of all realize that we are all heading toward physical death, This might seem discouraging nevertheless is a true statement that cannot be contradicted. With every second, with every breath that we take we approach closer to our grave. Nature guarantees us nothing in life but our coming demise. This is her promise. We do not know when we will leave the physical body permanently. It may be the next hour, today or tomorrow, but leave it we shall. From these musings questions would arise: “What then is the meaning of life?” What is the purpose of life?” Shall we say as the materialists would say, “let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die”? What sort of a philosophy is that when our query remains unanswered? It would be preferable to say “let us study the purpose and meaning of life for we know not when we will pass away and God’s purpose for us here may not be carried-out if we spend our time on frivolous matters.”
Contemplating further, we will realize one major thing, and that life here is an opportunity. Opportunity for what? An opportunity to grow, to become, and to be. Heraclitus, the philosopher of ancient Greece said that everything is becoming. This is the Law of Change. From our metaphysical point of view, we understand that he was referring to the Law of Evolution.
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