#and that includes the whos getting the best head segment. its important
laikahh · 1 year
if u wanna be my mutual u gotta listen to 51129 by food house atleast once. its a religious experience
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Roevember : billboard project
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Kamala Harris shines in Oprah interview . . . while Trump preemptively blames Jewish voters if he loses
September 20, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
Kamala Harris appeared on a live event on Thursday hosted by Oprah Winfrey. The interview took place in a friendly setting but was remarkable, nonetheless. Harris is an empathetic, emotionally intelligent, skilled communicator who excels in one-on-one conversations that provide room for her humanity to shine through. As I write, the event is ongoing, but it has already addressed difficult and important issues. But no issue (so far) has been more powerful than the discussion of Trump's abortion bans.
The entire event is here, and I urge you watch it: Harris speaks at campaign event with Oprah in Michigan.
Oprah Winfrey’s producers included a short video on the life and preventable death of Amber Thurman, whose tragic story was revealed by Pro Publica on Wednesday. Amber experienced complications from mifepristone, sought medical care, and was turned away by physicians because she “wasn’t near enough to death” to qualify for a “life of the mother” exception under North Carolina’s abortion ban. By the time doctors were ready to treat Amber, it was too late. She died from complications that could have easily been prevented by earlier intervention. See NBC, How Georgia's LIFE Act killed Amber Thurman.
After the video played, Oprah turned to Amber’s mother and sisters, who spoke eloquently about Amber’s death. Many in the audience were moved to tears. Kamala Harris was visibly anguished by the testimonial of grief by Amber’s mother and sisters.
Oprah then turned to Kamala Harris and said, “What do you want to say, Madame Vice President?” Harris turned to Amber’s mother and sisters and said,
I am just so sorry.
Kamala let her statement hang in the air for a moment of stillness and silence—so that its impact could be absorbed by Amber’s mother and sisters and the audience. The seven-minute video clip of the segment is here: "I am just so sorry." | Kamala Harris on Amber Thurman.
Kamala Harris’s statement was remarkable because it was entirely selfless and completely focused on comforting Amber’s mother and sisters. Few politicians can summon the ability to be genuine and empathetic especially while at a campaign event. Donald Trump has never uttered similar words to anyone in any context.
If Americans are waiting to “get to know” Kamala Harris, the Oprah interview is essential viewing. Share the links included in this newsletter with someone who would benefit from seeing Kamala Harris in an informal setting talking about important issues.
There were many powerful and important moment in the interview. If you can, watch it all. But if you can’t, here are two segments that you should consider sharing.
Oprah asked Harris, “What is in your heart to say to the American people as we head into November 5, especially people who are undecided?” Harris gave a positive, affirming view of America’s future, framing her answer in terms of what we are fighting for, not what we are fighting against. If you only watch one clip, this should be the one: "Freedom worth fighting for." | Kamala Harris.
At the end of the interview, Oprah made a strong pitch for viewers to vote for Kamala Harris. The clip is here: "This is the moment." | Oprah Winfrey. Share it widely!
Oprah said,
For all of you watching who are still on the fence, in the middle, independent as I am, or whether you just still don't know what you're gonna do. This is the moment for all decent and caring people who want the best for yourself and other people. This is the moment for people who are tired of all of the bickering and all of the name-calling, people who are exhausted by the craziness and the made up stories and the conspiracies. This is the moment you wanna get on with your life because you know that we can do better and that we deserve better. You know this, I know you know this, I know you feel this. I know this is what you're saying amongst yourselves. We're better than this. And as my friend and mentor Maya Angelou always said, ‘When you know better, you got to do better.’ So, let's do better and vote for Kamala Harris
It is worth the effort to amplify Oprah’s endorsement. She is one of the most influential Americans of our generation. Let me share with you how I came to realize that fact.
I was preparing for a high-stakes trial about fifteen years ago. As usual, my client wanted to run a mock jury simulation with test jurors selected from the same zip code as the real jurors.
Each mock juror filled out a 200-item questionnaire. The first question was, “Who is your hero?” I thought that was an interesting question, so I said to the jury consultant, “That’s interesting. What types of answers do you get to that question?”
The jury consultant replied, “Oh, we disregard that question.” I asked, “Why?” He replied, “Because the answer is overwhelmingly the same person across all jury pools, so it doesn’t really tell us anything.”
So, I had to ask, “Who is it?” The jury consultant replied, “Oprah Winfrey.”
I then went home and started telling my wife the story. As soon as I described the first item on the jury questionnaire (“Who is your hero?”), my wife said, “Oprah Winfrey.” It was at that moment that I became a believer in Oprah Winfrey's power and influence.
So, share Oprah’s endorsement far and wide! She is held in high esteem by most Americans! And share the clips of Kamala Harris’s shining performance! (To do so, right-click on the blue hyperlink, select “Hyperlink,” then select “Copy Hyperlink.” Go to a new document or social media post, right click where you want to insert the clip, and select “Paste.”)
Meanwhile, Trump preemptively blames Jewish voters if he loses the election
Speaking at an event billed as a summit on antisemitism in America, Trump seemed to preemptively blame Jewish voters if he loses. He said,
The Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss. It’s only because of the Democrat hold, or curse, on you.
See WaPo, Trump says if he loses election, Jewish voters would have ‘a lot’ to do with it. (This article is accessible to all.)
Blaming Jewish people for political setbacks has a long and ugly history. It is time for the media to condemn Trump's antisemitism, not merely report on it.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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thrandilf · 4 months
while i fully agree with the thesis of your gay best friend mei post (she is often pushed aside in fanworks and her friendship with red son is undersold) but i think you might have gone too far in the opposite direction regarding mk and red sons dynamic?
obviously they dont have as much plot-relevant screentime as mei and red but mk is still important to red son. even disregarding their s1 nemesis dynamic, red son still regularly brings up mk in his conversations with mei during the s3 special, announces his entrance to mk in the mech, and asks about him on meis stream in 401, all of these feel like intentional writing choices to imply he cares about mk (and mei, but thats more implicit with him saying her name and such) more than he lets on
that is to say, i dont think shipping mk and red means someone doesnt value mei and reds dynamic or think its unimportant, just like shipping red and mei doesnt mean disregarding mei and mks bond
i hope this doesnt seem like im trying to pick a fight or anything, i just wanted to put in my 2 cents :v (also tumblr is being shit so sorry if this sent twice)
MK and Red Son are definitely friends, not denying that, but the show doesn't have an interest in developing their specific relationship further past like... halfway through Revenge of the Spider Queen. MK says they should trust him, and from there on out the two banter or work together sometimes, but nothing between them really gets going or more intense
Because after that the majority of the time is spent developing Mei and Red Son's dynamic (which was already starting in S1, 1x08 in particular I'd argue, but it was still minor then).
Her and Red Son constantly get paired up onscreen together in RotSQ, both on the main quest and then in like... every shot possible. The piggyback ride thing is actually a romance trope as well, btw. 3x06 involves everyone, but it's Mei who Red Son touches and has the Samadhi Fire connection with, and even then it's Mei who interacts with Red Son before they leave and she leaves her plushie, and then -insert the special here-. MK comes up in their conversations, as Mei comes up in MK's conversations with Red Son, so that segment's even to me, but then the Samadhi Fire ending is kinda like. Man. That's unique to Mei and Red Son and it got build up. That's something intimate and between just them
Don't get me wrong, I don't think shipping Has to be about who a character values most, because my arospec ass doesn't think that there has to be a One person put above all else. But it often comes across that way in shipping. I guess a fic doesn't have to include people who aren't in the pairing, but it does feel like it skews Mei's importance to MK and Red Son.
TBH, entertaining my own idea of a Most important person, even liking Red Son and Mei together, I think think that MK is more important to Mei than Red Son is, if she had to choose. Frankly I also think both of the boys would pick Mei before each other if they were in a situation where they had to choose, MK as Mei's best friend and Red Son, to me, having Mei as his anchor to the group considering how S3 went. They all matter to each other, but in different ways.
So sure, I don't think shipping automatically means that a dynamic is skewed to exclude or devalue a character, but it sure comes across that way when paired with seemingly ignoring all Red Son and Mei do get together, as well as how often I see people trying to give the Samadhi Fire to anyone but Mei. This is also a fandom where it seems like Lady Bone Demon's nameless male sidekick gets the same amount of content she does, which makes me scratch my head
Like, if Drag-onfruit was m/m, would Red Son and Mei be the rarer pair? Would ppl keep trying to give the fire to anyone else? For me it does read as fandom sexism with a gay hat slapped on. At the very least it's MK/main character bias, even though Mei is the female lead
No one Has to ship anything to be clear, Drag-onfruit isn't canon, but maybe it's because I watched the series all in one go that hitting the end of S3 and imagining going, "Who do I think Red Son is most likely in love with/has the most compelling relationship with? -insert anyone but Mei-" baffles me
I certainly prefer Drag-onfruit where MK is deeply important to both of them, even as a sort of platonic third (1x05 shot down MK and Mei or chimera faster and harder than any other ship known to man for me lmao) and to be fair I rarely engage with Red Son and MK shipping because it isn't my thing for multiple reasons, so maybe there is a lot of stuff out there where she's really given the love and place in their lives that she canonly has and I just don't know it, but the Mei treatment that I see in fandom does seem to be a side effect of said fanon favorite ship which is how I landed on the original post I made about her getting shoved aside to be the sassy bff who's conveniently fanonly a lesbian (for reasons I don't get) so people don't have to consider that she could have a relationship MK doesn't get to have
Maybe I'm a pessimist but this is how I've perceived it. TLDR they're a delightful trio regardless
Thank you for being polite btw, I know this got long winded but I appreciate being able to discuss!
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tornrose24 · 2 years
Heyo. For the Memorable fanfic scenes, the ones that come to mind would be Second Braid where the townsfolk start to attack CU with one throwing a brick at him. It was such a change in mood and how horrifying the people turned on our favorite hero. That was good. Oh, and the play scene in the Heart Made of Pine story with George and Harold's friends putting on a show for the orphans and Edith. That was super cute.
For that one question.... which I guess is a meme.
‘Second Braid’ (The Tangled Au that we made together, as found on Archive of our Own and Fan fiction dot net.)
I’m sure NONE of my readers were expecting this moment. I knew I would be getting into some deep, dark territory with that. 
So there is a bit of how reality might play out when it comes to CU as a character. There’s bound to be people who would NOT be happy to the accidental destruction he causes in fights. Sadly we as humans are prone to lashing out at things we don’t fully understand or its going to be in our nature to just lash out period. So the question was ‘what if people were angry enough at CU to try to physically harm him?’
As much as I wanted to explore that scenario… it is heartbreaking to imagine. He wouldn’t MEAN to cause that kind of destruction, but as a child’s creation who sees things as if the world is one big comic book, it probably limits his understanding. God forbid what would happen if we had set this AU in our modern day Piqua.
It was also important to establish a crucial plot point long before it would be mentioned–while there’s people who would hate Krupp, there’s also people who would hate CU. There’s very few people who equally love both sides to this person regardless of if they knew the truth or not. It was going to be obvious with Krupp, but it REALLY needed to be clear with CU…. And yes, it was really harsh. Even mores when the best CU stories require us to see him as his own person capable of feelings, choices, and desires.
And one of the scariest things about that scene was the fact that the boys almost got hurt as well by these same people. But it was also a chance to show that CU WOULD take those blows for them if they were to be at risk too, because that is in his nature to do anything possible to protect them.
‘A Heart made of Pine’ (as found on Archive of our Own’)
In contrast to heartbreak, we go into heartwarming.
I remember that was one of the very first ideas I had when it came to that AU (since those drawings came out first back in January or February…. Uh… 2019 or 2020). That was partly inspired by the ‘Little Wooden Head’ song in Pinocchio and I could see the boys recreating their stories with a CU puppet if they ever had their hands on one (as we could see in those segments in The Epic tales of Captain Underpants). 
I liked having the boys show off both their creativity and their kindness. In fact it was one of the first scenes I was looking forward to writing due to the charm and innocence about it. There’s something pure about writing a scene with children where they are having fun and just being themselves. And to just get swept up into the fun of imagination and story telling. (And in real life there is something so wondrous and pure about being able to capture a child’s attention when you tell them a story.) There was something sweet about the kids and even Edith regarding the puppet as a real person and to thus be able to escape into a better world, even if it was just for one moment.
And given the time period this fic is set in, that personal, interactive kind of entertainment has an additional importance. In the bleakest of times, those moments of light will always shine the brightest.
 I also had Edith included because there’s such an odd charm about meeting the person who is about to become your love interest as a work of fiction/a creation before they are made into a real being that will directly interact with you. A cute way to set up the irony before it would all finally pay off as story wise, I wanted to have something sweet and innocent that could play into how that relationship would develop. However there’s also tying into who she is as a character since I’ve always seen her as someone who gets along with kids, so she would likely enjoy being a part of make believe. (Also I recall a reader comparing her involvement to that one scene in Robin Hood where Marion is playing pretend with the kids, so I think that might have served as some inspiration too.)
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Effective Catalogue Design: Best Practices for Success
Effective Catalogue Design: Getting it Right
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The catalog design can serve as an effective marketing device in today’s competitive business setting. It is a material asset which presents your goods or services, gives all details needed and encourages prospects to take action. However, producing a catalog that really converts goes beyond good graphics and layout.
Sprak Design is here to help you with how to make a catalog that is not just attractive but also productive. Let us now consider some of the main strategies:
1. Identify the Objectives You Want to Accomplish
It’s important to define your catalogue goals before engaging in design activities. What do you intend to achieve with this? Is it that you want to promote a specific product or service, generate leads, or make your brand more popular? These are the contents and designs of the catalogue.
2. Understand Your Target Audience
It’s essential to know who your intended recipients are in order for you to create a relevant catalogue. Think about their characteristics like age group, hobbies/beliefs and other concerns. This will enable you come up with appropriate messages and graphics suitable for them.
3. Draw Up a Captivating Story
Your catalogue should narrate your brand or product’s tale. Devise a narrative that defines the value you offer and one which your target market can relate to emotionally. This will render the catalogue unforgettable.
4. Pick an Appropriate Format
The format for your catalogue hinges on the objectives you seek to achieve and what it consists of. Take into account how much information you would like to pass across, what is appealing to the intended recipients, and how much money you have at hand. Catalogues come in different forms including spiral bound, saddle stitched among others.
5. Prioritize clarity and legibility
Clients who can’t read or comprehend what is written on the catalogue will be discouraged from purchasing goods. Thus, make sure that your design emphasizes clarity and legibility by having a simple layout, readable fonts and sufficient whitespace.
The Value Of Catalogue Designing For Your Business
6. Incorporate Pictures Of High Quality
Images have a great impact in grabbing one’s attention as well as communicating. Therefore, ensure that the images utilized, visual elements or drawings are not only relevant to the company but also appealing to this particular audience segment.
7. Produce Persuasive Text
The text in your catalog must be short, educating and engaging. Use powerful headings, evident subheadings and bulleted lists in order to make it less complicated for reading.
8. Add a Clear Call To Action (CTA)
It is important that there be an obvious call to action (CTA) in the catalogues which should motivate readers to do what you want them to do, be it visiting your site, contacting your sales representatives or buying the products.
9. Effectively Organize Your Content
Ensure that the contents of your catalog are organized in a logical and easy-to-follow way. Use headings, subheadings, and page numbers in order to enable the readers navigate through the catalog.
10. Carefully Proofread
Grammatical mistakes and typos can ruin the reputation of your brand. Therefore, make sure you proofread your catalog thoroughly so that there are no errors.
11. Get Feedback
Before finalizing the product catalogues, it is always good to ask for opinions from coworkers, relatives or friends. They may help in spotting some of the areas requiring improvement and thus make sure that your catalogue comes out the best.
Sprak Design will assist you in crafting an out of this world catalogue. Our specialized catalogues designers will offer their services hand in hand with you, so as to capture its objectives while at the same time making it pretty and educative.
Contact us today to discuss your catalogue project.
Additional tips:
Have a touch of uniform branding; Ensure your catalogue is aligned with your overall brand identity in terms of colors, fonts and images.
Make it brief; Time is not on people’s side so your catalogue must be easily readable and assimilated.
Test out the catalogue draft before printing into mass productions: Pick a small sample group that represents others in order to solicit feedback about design ideas or content-wise alterations that may be needed .
Digital catalogues should also be considered: You can have a printed catalogue and at the same time develop one for online purposes.
If these tips are adhered to, then one can come up with a catalogue that serves its purpose of showcasing the brand while still attracting results—working alongside an experienced team such as Sprak Design is important in this regard.
Read More:https://maps.app.goo.gl/65YgVde9jDsE3Wcy7
Source link : https://medium.com/@robinschley892/effective-instagram-post-design-best-practices-for-success-47d2c8328e92
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alliance00 · 2 months
What Are the Duties of a CEO? Why Is A CEO Important for Your Business?
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Why Hire A CEO?
A CEO is the top-most leader of a company, directing its activities, performance, market value, profitability, and continuity. A CEO may ask for input from C-suite members before making any crucial decisions, but ultimately, the CEO has the authority to influence the decision. A company’s betterment depends on what and when the CEO makes certain decisions. If you are hesitant about hiring an external CEO but are also open to considering hiring a CEO, this blog would be of huge help to you. We are referring to the role of a CEO for emerging companies or companies that are fast-growing but are not yet having the leadership of an external CEO. The duties of the CEO of a company that is fast growing differs from the CEO duties and responsibilities in a  corporation.
What’s The Difference Between A CEO, A President, And A Business Owner?
A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranked officer in an organization. This leader is not the owner or founder of a company. A CEO is someone who is highly experienced in making the right strategic moves and leading a company from one stage of growth to another. A CEO has extensive knowledge of the industry segments and markets and experience and the ability to identify the best ways to improve a company’s market value and profitability.
A person or group who has the original idea to start that company. He or she creates the original vision and mission of the company, arranges capital, and hires capable managers and directors to manage the operations of the company. A founder usually takes on the role of the president or chief executive at the beginning stage of growth.
A president is also a title that a business owner who runs a company takes. The president will influence all the decisions and appoint directors and managers to lead different divisions and departments.
Why is A CEO Important For A Growing Business? Key Duties Of A CEO!
1. Strategic Planning to Achieve Business Vision
For business growth, the CEO sees innovative strategies and plans to make their vision a reality. A CEO hob duties involve directing the senior management by setting clear goals and objectives for the short and long-term business growth plans. A CEO makes all the strategic decisions and directs the top management about their execution.
2. Budgeting, Forecasting, And Planning Key Moves For Business Growth
A CEO directs the CFO or head of finance in a company about the kind of budgeting and forecasting that the company will need. The duties of a CEO includes getting timely reports from the financial directors about the cash flow, revenue streams, product-wise sales, complaints, recalls, profit margins, etc., and accordingly plans key moves for business growth.
3. Ensuring Higher Profitability
Understanding the company’s performance is the crucial role of the CEO. The overall performance can be measured from the total investment, growth in revenue, gross profit margins, and complete product sale. Ensuring higher profitability is the key KPI for a CEO.
4. Plans And Implements Business Expansion Moves
The CEO plans short-term and long-term strategic plans for improving the company. Not only do they plan, but they also direct and oversee the smooth execution process of the project. They also supervise whether the entire company members are following the strategies, and if any obstacles come, they find a solution to recover them. Remember, the CEO always tries to focus on strategies that maximize profits, increase shareholder value, and improve market position. The CEO of a company must manage all the risk factors. Several types of risks exist in an organization- financial, tax, and implementation of any new strategy- part of these. They are expected to take good care to manage all the risk factors.
Drives All HR Decisions And Workplace Culture
A healthy relationship between all the team members and a good work culture make the company perfect. From an intern to the senior manager, everyone somehow has faith in the CEO. HR gets direction from the CEO about the kind of work culture and work management culture that should exist in the organization. It is the responsibility of all the HR to accordingly frame policies and improve the organizational culture. Under the leadership of an excellent CEO, the work culture becomes very transparent and smooth. A CEO sets the company values and goals as the business crosses milestones. With a productive working culture, a business can achieve high levels of performance across departments.
Improves Client Acquisition And Customer Growth
With the rapid growth of a company, the CEO becomes its face—the leader that all big and small clients look to work with. That helps to have a growth in the number of customers. A CEO must check the smooth functioning of all the project work. They are also responsible for checking the quality of the outcome and handover the error-free product on or before time. They also thoroughly oversee product design, marketing, services, and promotion.
Supervises and Directs Top Management, Advises Founder and Owner
Alliance Recruitment Agency
Alliance Recruitment Agency is your best choice if you are looking for a C-suite recruitment agency. The company has global teams of CEO headhunters. They guide the business owner and founder to correctly interpret the duties of the CEO of a company in their industry context. The CEO’s office roles and responsibilities differ from one industry to another. With the assistance of expert CEO recruitment headhunters who have extensive experience in hiring CEO of companies, your company benefits from getting an outstanding top-level leader. Consult with us if you are considering how to hire a CEO! Our CEO executive search team will work closely with you from defining CEO duties and responsibilities to framing the correct profile description that is relevant for the target audience – the kind of leaders your company wants to hire. We help you find the right CEO!
View Source : https://www.alliancerecruitmentagency.com/what-are-the-duties-of-ceo-why-ceo-is-important-for-business/
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tusharoshrink · 3 months
The Power of Digital Marketing in Today’s Business Landscape
In the current business scene, for any organization trying to reach its target market better there is particularly only one significant legitimate reaction and that would be digital marketing. With the ascent of internet and countless digital devices, it changed how businesses connect with their customers. This change has transformed digital marketing from an option to a downright imperative for enterprises looking forward not just to survive but succeed in ruthless competition.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing includes all advertising delivered electronically through the internet or electronic devices. Businesses use digital channels to build relationships with present and potential customers through using search engines, social media platforms, email marketing or simply their websites. Digital marketing is not like traditional one which much easier to target and set up metrics for, invariably find themselves more productive of a higher ROI.
Types of Digital Marketing
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO refers to optimizing your website so that it ranks better on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is important because as you go higher up the rankings there are more website visits and therefore visibility. SEO is a process, and it requires an understanding of search engines' work, keywords or potential clients searched words.
2. Content Writing: There is no better king in digital marketing than content. Businesses can attract and engage their target audience through creation of valuable, relevant content that is posted consistently. Content comes in various forms such as blog posts, articles and many more that can help your customers be informed, educated or entertained.
3. Social Media Marketing (SMM): Social Media is one of the most straightforward ways to increase your online presence as a brand through some platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Businesses could use a quick newsletter to develop an early community alongside running targeted ads and engaging evergreen content on their site.
4. Email Marketing: Despite the emergence of social media, email marketing is one just as important channel for digital marketers. Businesses can also send custom-made messages to subscribers pushing products, deals & services. Crafting the right email campaign can lead to an increase in customer engagement and sales.
5. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC is a model of advertising on the internet in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads are clicked. Google Ads - This is one of the best, well-liked PPC platforms out there that has enabled advertisers to bid on particular keywords and place ads in the search results. This means that PPC can get a website traffic right now and it is probably the best channel for time-consuming campaigns.
The Benefits of Digital Marketing
With so many benefits, digital marketing stands heads and shoulders above traditional methods of advertising. Real time data and analytics give an insight into how campaigns are performing, allowing for businesses to adjust accordingly. This will streamline the segmentation and targeting of groups so that marketing is aimed at those most likely to convert into customers. Not just that, digital marketing is also way more affordable which bodes well for a potential return on investment (ROI) of all sizes.
Scope and Services in Digital Marketing
A digital marketing company has a lot of different services that you can offer. High in demand freelance services for digital marketing such as social media, content writing and SEO. This means you have to manage PPC advertising campaigns, create interesting blog content and optimize websites for search engines. Other important services include email marketing and influencer partnerships. In addition, creating and managing e-commerce sites like Shopify may bring in clients who want to sell online. The scope for growth and success in the digital marketing field is huge because of this flexibility to modify services according to business requirements.
At Device Doctor India, we offer various digital marketing services to grow your business helping you in the maze of devices. Whether you want help with SEO or social media, PPC and content creation can do it all. We have successfully delivered increased online visibility and customer engagement for our clients which has improved their business on a whole.
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quibbs126 · 5 months
I’ve been thinking about this dream I had last night today, and I want to share what I remember with you
Okay so I think it was in the form of a video game, and I was watching the cutscenes or something. But also I wasn’t experiencing it as a video game, but rather like a version of events like it was a TV show? I don’t know. But what I do know is the story was segmented into chapters, and I was only able to get to the very beginning of Chapter 2
Chapter 1 followed the main character (they all had names but I forgot their names, other than the one who’s name I ironically couldn’t remember in the dream starting with a G, and I think her name was Ghanima) and his one friend (who is said Ghanima), and they were both soldiers in training or something. They got assigned to some task, and they both thought it was nothing but a simple quest, but through it they somehow ended up uncovering something big that they weren’t supposed to (that being the actual main plot of the game), which involved the princess being snuck out of the castle, and getting caught up in it. Ghanima ends up dying, I think by sacrificing herself so everyone else can escape, and so Chapter 1 ends with our new trio of heroes, that being the soldier main character, the princess, and this other guy I don’t remember the purpose of at all but is also here. All I recall of Chapter 2 is the group starting out sneaking back in to the castle they just escaped from for something they need, which also includes the princess remarking on how they had just escaped from the castle and how things are different now. And that’s about where I woke up
I realize just on paper, it doesn’t sound that great, but it was cool in my head
I remember that both Ghanima and the princess (who I may have just called Zelda) had blonde hair, though it wasn’t the same blonde. They in general looked kind of similar, but personality wise they were very different. Also I remember Ghanima just being a great character, she was the best and didn’t deserve to die so quick. Though granted it could also be because the first chapter heavily involved her and we didn’t get to see much of the other two. Also as I recall, the main character wasn’t just a blank slate, he was a character himself (also a note that MC and Ghanima were never romantically implied, they were just friends)
As for the other two, MC I think was a ginger, while the other guy had dark brown hair. I don’t know why I remember this but I do
I genuinely don’t remember who the other guy is or what his role was, or why he was on the team. I don’t think he was another friend of the main character, Ghanima was his one friend. In my later musings, I’ve come up with the idea that instead of being connected to the MC, he was instead connected to the princess, being her bodyguard or friend or something
Also in my musings I was thinking that the story would just be better if instead other guy died and Ghanima was our third trio member, and also she could maybe be lesbians with the princess, but that’s in part because I genuinely don’t remember what the other guy’s part in the story was, though I’m sure he had some importance, and also I wonder if having the trio consist of two long time friends and then someone they don’t really know would create a dynamic imbalance. Like having the main character be on equal ground with his two new companions feels better
I like the story in my head, and I kind of want to make it its own thing. There would be changes along with it though, like for example making Ghanima and the princess look more distinct. I’m thinking of giving the princess white hair or something (and also now making her parents like gender bent Rauru/Sonia because spite)
Anyways yeah, weird ramble
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ukbeautys-blog · 5 months
Why UK International London Beauty School Stands Out Best Beauty School in noida 
When a city is like a place where the dreams meet opportunities, then pursuit of aesthetic education remains the main issue there. With numerous beauty schools dotting the landscape, each vying for attention, discerning students are faced with a crucial decision: this decision usually torments teens because they often do not know where to start their journey of developing as good cosmetologists. Among so many options, there is one place that stands out above all the others for its immeasurable dedication to the perfection and excellence of the industry — it’s UK International London Beauty School.
Welcome to UK International London Beauty School, where passion meets expertise in the world of makeup education. Our school is dedicated to nurturing aspiring makeup professionals and empowering them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic beauty industry. we are the best beauty school in Noida and provide the best courses with the best faculty and environment and join us to get a kick start in your beauty and makeup career join us fast and get the latest discount and join at a very minimal price
Here are some compelling reasons why UK International stands head and shoulders above the rest:Here are some compelling reasons why UK International stands head and shoulders above the rest:
**Global Pedigree, Local Expertise**: There are no shortage of beauty schools in Noida nowadays but this college which has been imparting the training in London, the capital city of Britain, is bringing its longstanding tradition of world-class beauty education to students here. The academic school has a rich history of innovatively offering programs from around the world and at the same time, having a good understanding of the local economic trends. Therefore, its students have the privilege of studying globally relevant yet locally applicable courses.
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2. **Cutting-Edge Curriculum**: Such a fast moving industry has the innovations all over the place and so, being a step forward in the process is the key to success. UK Int’l School of Beauty is known for its creative educational model that allows for constant curriculum updates in order to provide current beauty industry essentials in the all aspects. From the standard to cutting-edge treatments, that is what students will be taught and then they will be able to successfully undertake the challenges that comes with a fast-changing beauty industry.
3. **Industry-Experienced Faculty**: The most important measure of education quality is the ability of the teachers to convey the knowledge to the students. At UK International students receive instruction from professionals in the beauty industry who have spent years working in the most exclusive beauty salons and prestigious spas worldwide as well as at globally known brands. Their proficiency provides additional educational goals and ensures that the students fully realize the dimensionality of the beauty industry, equipping them for the challenges and opportunities that will come their way.
4. **State-of-the-Art Facilities: As in a case of creating space where you can focus on talent development and stimulate creativity; a favorable learning environment matters in this regard. UK International has fully interactive advanced stations where students can gain experience in using the latest gear, instruments, and product. This design simulates real-life beauty salons, which gives the students a practical feeling of the working atmosphere. The assemblage of the school includes the classrooms with enough spaciousness also the practical laboratory that is fully facility to accommodate hand on training enables a broader intellectual learning and skill refinement.
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Using quality and fame as principles, UK International London Beauty College leads the fight among others competitors as a superb school for students to study in Noida, a segment that is recognized worldwide. International UK is definitely the one to beat as it has the widest global vision, inventive approach, competent instructors, latest facilities, and of course, a stellar support system. It is no wonder that Immense UK has become the leader in the pursuit of knowledge among the aspiring beauticians who are dreaming to leave their mark in the beautiful universe.
Uk International is the best beauty school in Noida. Can you provide the best beautician course near me? We are the best bridal makeup course providers, and we provide you with all the different types of courses, such as cosmetology courses, haircuts, chemical makeup courses, and many more. UK International gives you 100% job assistance, and we are the one where the skill meets the expertise. our academy has the best trainers to make you the best artist in this field. our course runs on the latest modules to provide you with the best quality education.
UK International is the best beauty school in Noida, Ghaziabad, and Delhi, and we have the best faculty on campus across India. Join us fast for your makeup, hairstyling, cosmetology, nail art, and booster skills and become a certified beautician and makeup artist. We are best at creating experts.
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ticketybooangel · 11 months
Rules of the Road
I'm Moss, and I've been roleplaying online for nearly twenty years, now. I know myself well enough to let potential RP partners know the following:
I reply slow in conversation. Please give me the grace of patience.
I reply quickly to posts. Please don't think this means you must do the same; you'll reply when you get to it and I'll survive until then.
I am not comfortable writing with anyone under eighteen. This is not negotiable. I am 30+ years old.
I prefer multi-paragraph writing for myself, but our styles don't have to match. As long as I've got something to respond to in your post it could be a single sentence and I'd be happy.
Now for the actual rules. Don't consider all of these fully stone-set except for the first three, but do consider all of the rest of them things that would require discussion and planning to bend.
No-one under 18. This is not negotiable. It is also listed multiple times in multiple locations to hammer home the point.
No out-of-character shitheadery. This is intentionally left as a vague term because I'd hope most people can guess what constitutes being a shit head. I don't reblog call-out posts but I do block liberally.
No terfs. I'm a proud transsexual and my favorite tool is the block button.
No God-modding. I'll move my character, you move yours.
Not so much a rule as a request, but please don't use micro fonts with me. My eyesight is bad. Bad-bad.
I ship chemistry--and that goes the same for Aziraphales as it does for everyone else. Everyone who writes Aziraphale writes him differently and I love that, but my interpretation of Crowley may not be compatible with every interpretation of Aziraphale.
This said I love shipping. I'm multi-ship and duplicate friendly. Every thread is its own distinct universe and never the any will cross unless it'd be fun as hell to do so.
I write a generally ambiguously-timelined Crowley; has X important thing happened or not? Dunno--check with me ooc and we'll decide if it'd be more fun for something or other to have happened already or not.
I prefer to keep NSFW under read-more cuts; whether or not you do is up to you.
No NSFW gifs in threads, please. It's an easy way to get your blog deleted. However, if it's something you're really sold on then talk to me and we may be able to migrate a thread to e-mail. As a note, this is also somewhere I'd be happy to write.
There is nothing your character is not allowed to do to mine so long as it is feasible that it could be done. When in doubt, ask first; I promise it won't ruin the surprise because while I may now know what's coming, I won't necessarily know how it's coming.
No tw's apply to me, but if there are any you need tagged and you don't feel like having them out in the open on your blog (a fair thing; you don't owe me or anyone insight into what upsets you) just let me know on anon and I'll do my best to tag things that fall under it. This stands as a within reason segment to be held at my own discretion.
There are very few fandom-based characters I won't interact with. We don't have to be in the same universe, and I'm always happy to have someone wind up where they shouldn't be. That being said the two fandoms that I personally will not write with characters from are: Axis Powers Hetalia and anything whose source material is produced by JK Rowling.
Not a rule per-se so much as a point I'd like to reiterate: original characters--particularly Good Omens OCs--get priority when I'm doing replies. I love original characters so much, and that absolutely includes child-of-blank characters.
These rules are likely to be updated as needed, but I think this gets the general gist. If you're ready to plot, feel free to do so, or if you want to send an ask in-character or reply to an open please have right at it!
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ketodiet2 · 1 year
Unlock Your Best Physique with Carb Cycling for Weight Loss
Are you uninterested in restrictive diets and grueling exercise exercises that go away you feeling disadvantaged and exhausted? If so, it's time to consider a innovative method to weight loss – the "Cycling Diet Plan." This innovative method combines the satisfactory of each worlds, permitting you to shed those undesirable pounds while nevertheless savoring carbohydrate-rich meals. In this complete manual, we'll delve into the sector of carb cycling, exploring its benefits, the way it works, and who can advantage from it. Say good-bye to weight loss plateaus and hiya on your dream body!
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Understanding Carb Cycling for Weight Loss
Carb biking isn't always simply any other fad; it is a transformational software that has been embraced through top athletes and bodybuilders to beautify their athletic performance and acquire their fine body. But what exactly is carb biking?
Carb biking includes strategically various your carbohydrate consumption during the week. On some days, you consume more carbs to gasoline your exercises and refill glycogen stores, while on others, you reduce carb consumption to promote fats loss. This technique helps you keep away from the feared weight reduction plateaus that often plague traditional diets.
The Health Benefits of Carb Cycling
Beyond weight reduction, carb cycling gives a plethora of fitness benefits. It can assist modify your hormonal ranges, save you diabetes, and extensively boost your energy stages. Imagine having the energy to energy thru your workouts and each day sports readily – this is the magic of carb cycling!
What to Eat (and Not to Eat) on a Carb Cycling Diet
A important component of a successful biking healthy dietweight-reduction plan is understanding what to consume. Your food plan ought to be wealthy in complicated carbohydrates like rice and potatoes on high-carb days, and lean protein assets to guide muscle healing and increase. On low-carb days, opt for veggies and protein-wealthy meals even as guidance clear of sugary treats like ice-cream and french fries.
Why Carb Cycling Works
Carb biking isn't just about weight loss; it is a holistic technique to improving your physical condition. By synchronizing your carbohydrate consumption along with your exercising ordinary, you can maximize fat loss and muscle building. This stability is the key to attaining your first-rate physique without feeling deprived or crushed by way of extreme dieting.
Get Started Today
Are you geared up to take the bounce and release your high-quality physique with carb cycling for weight loss? We provide a transformational software with a view to manual you every step of the manner. Say goodbye to weight loss plateaus and good day to a more healthy, more vibrant you. Plus, whilst you take motion today, you will receive distinct bonuses, consisting of a useful checklist and a thoughts map to preserve you heading in the right direction. And with our one hundred% money-returned guarantee, you have got nothing to lose – except those greater kilos.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions on carb biking for weight reduction? Check out our FAQ segment for extra facts.
Q: Is carb cycling appropriate for anyone? A: Carb cycling can be tailored to match numerous fitness stages and nutritional possibilities. Consult with a healthcare expert before beginning any new weight loss plan.
Q: What makes carb cycling exclusive from different diets? A: Carb cycling is precise as it lets in you to experience carbohydrates whilst still selling weight loss. It's a bendy and sustainable technique to vitamins.
Q: How lengthy does it take to look outcomes with carb biking? A: Results may additionally range from character to person, however many people experience major enhancements inside a few weeks of starting a carb cycling software.
Carb biking for weight reduction isn't always only a diet; it's a life-style exchange which could lead to a more fit, greater energized you. Say goodbye to the struggles of strict diets and loopy exercise routines. Embrace the energy of carb biking and liberate your quality body. Don't wait – take action nowadays and embark to your journey to a happier, more healthy you! Click the hyperlink under to get commenced with Carb Cycling for Weight Loss.
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alicantodrugsinfo · 1 year
Top 10 PCD Pharma Companies in India: Searching for the top 10 for anything can give you so many results. The same case is with the top 10 PCD pharma companies in India. When you search for the best pcd pharma company or top pcd pharma company in India, it will show you many results. When there are many choices it becomes difficult to choose the best one. And choosing the wrong one can end you up in trouble. So, to make this task easy for you we’ve decided to mention the top 10 pcd pharma companies In India. In the end, we have mentioned India’s best pcd pharma company and why you should go with that pcd pharma company. So, Without wasting any time let’s get started.
Top 10 PCD Pharma Companies in India Alicanto Drugs: Alicanto Drugs is the leading, fastest and India’s best PCD pharma company. The company deals in the manufacturing of various pharma products including ayurvedic products. The company head office is located in Panchkula, Haryana.
We are One of the Most Reputed PCD Franchise Companies from Panchkula. We are having Multiple divisions in different Segments like –
Intra Life: Intra life is the first name when you look out for pcd pharma companies in India. The pharma company head office is in Bengaluru and has a wide range of products.
Zota Healthcare: Another name in India’s best PCD pharma company is Zota Healthcare. The company deals in ayurvedic syrups and capsules too. The company provide excellent qualities of pharma products and franchise.
Talent Healthcare: The next name that comes to the list of top 10 PCD pharma companies in India is Talent Healthcare. The company headquarter is located in Uttrakhand. It provides third party manufacturing service to other pharma companies in India.
DM Pharma: The 5th name in the list of top 10 pharma company is DM Pharma. The headquarter of the company is in Chandigarh, Punjab. The company deals in various pharma segments.
Cubit Healthcare: The next name in the list of India’s best PCD pharma companies is Cubit Healthcare. The company has a good reputation and its headquarter is located in Ahmedabad.
Leehpl Ventures: It is another name in the list of pharma companies in India. The company head office is located in Nagpur. Apart from various products, the company also manufacturers Nutraceuticals.
Auspin Pharma: The company is providing a PCD pharma franchise in India for the last many years. Its main head office is in Panchkula, Haryana. It is a new company and is known for providing PCD franchise opportunities.
Vibcare Pharma: This is another pharma company located in Panchkula that gives PCD pharma franchise opportunities. The company has many PCD franchise all over India.
Biotic Healthcare: Last but not the least, Biotic Healthcare is another name in India’s best PCD pharma companies list. The company is consistently growing and has a wide range of products.
Which One Is India’s Best PCD Pharma Company Now come the main point and important thing i.e which is India’s best PCD pharma company in the above-mentioned list of top 10 PCD pharma companies in India. And the answer is Alicanto Drugs. The company manufactures all medicinal products including a wide range of ayurvedic products too. The main motive or the vision and mission of the company is to make everyone live healthier. For this vision, the company is continuously working. Alicanto Drugs Pharma company is trusted by several healthcare professionals for its top-class products. The company believes in the use of modern technology.
If you are working professionals who want to start a pharma business and looking for the best pcd pharma company in India, then you can contact Alicanto Drugs pharma company. Being the best India’s best PCD pharma company the company provides its franchise to people who want to start their career in the pharma business. For more details, you can contact at below mentioned address. Address: Plot No-159, Industrial Area Phase 2, Panchkula (Haryana) Pin code-134113 Contact person: Ritika Ahuza (General Manager), 7717514041 Contact person: Atin Arora (Director), 7888491021 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.alicantodrugs.com/
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micugrowthspotlight · 2 years
How To Edit Your Own Short Videos With Canva
Short-form videos like Reels, TikToks, and YouTube Shorts have been on fire for a while. You may already have an incredible contractor through services like Fiverr or others. But, if you don’t or are considering the costs involved, we’ll explore exactly how to Do It Yourself.
With Canva!
In the interest of full disclosure, I am an affiliate of Canva, and my link is included in this edition. That being said, I partnered with Canva because I’ve used their product for all my DIY marketing, not only for Micu Growth but also for charitable causes and flyers for community events. There are more features built-in to the site, but today we are specifically focused on video editing.
So, now that I’ve introduced you to Canva and how I came to find them, onto the reason you clicked this newsletter, how to edit your own short videos.
You need to be aware of three overarching functions before producing short-form videos.
Who is your ideal audience & where will you reach them?
What content will you be sharing or promoting?
How will you produce videos that Inspire, Teach, or Entertain? (Best = Do All Three!)
Step One: Once you have established what to say and do in your video, go ahead and hit RECORD. That’s step one. We need to have your video ready to import to Canva. I recommend using your iPhone or a high-quality webcam with great audio. Pro-tip, if you use a webcam, sit back away from the camera so that you will have space above your head for captions and to avoid your shoulders and arms being cropped off since Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts have a vertical aspect.
Step Two: With your recording completed, you’ll want to open up a template in Canva for your short-form video. I prefer the IG Reel video template. With the Template selected, upload your video and set it as the project’s background.
Step Three: Now, with the selected video, you’ll want to click the play button and then use your space bar to toggle between play/pause. This is extremely helpful for our next step.
Step Four: Using the play/pause, advance through your video using the “Split Video” command (hotkey “S”) to break up your video into bite-sized pieces. *Try to keep it to one thought or between spoken breaths. Alternatively, keep the screen to one topic if you are a fast speaker or createing a numbered list.
Step Five: With your video now segmented, it is time to add captions, graphics, and pop-ups you plan to use. This is done by selecting either “Text” or “Elements” from the toolbar. (Branding Tip: Keep your colors, fonts, and font size consistent between videos.) Here is where you will be very happy or ready to throw your computer based on the space you’ve left yourself and framing within the video for your graphics. Each video section gets its own add-ins, and once you’ve repeated the above step for all sections, you’ll be ready to animate!
Step Six: I recommend not overdoing it and, like fonts, staying consistent between videos. One of my favorite animations for text/captions is “Burst,” where the words burst onto the screen to form your sentences and groupings. For graphics and images that I’ve selected from the elements toolbar, I use a variety. However, my core group includes “Pop,” “Wipe,” and “Stomp.” (You can also add transitions between clips or insert a fade-to-black by clicking the “+” between sections.
Step Seven: Preview your video to ensure that the animations, captions, and timings are just how you like them. (Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten music and sound effects, I do them last)
Step Eight: Once the visual aspects are ready and your sections flow with the spoken or native audio within your recording, it’s time to add sound effects and music. Here you can go in a variety of directions…
Skip – to keep it simple, use the native audio without any changes
Canva – add music, sound effects, adjust the volume and more (see below)
Social App – if using an app like TikTok or Instagram, you can download the video as-is and add trending music when you upload it to ensure all copyrights are satisfied.
When editing sound in Canva, the elements toolbar is your starting point. You can search by keyword, then select “audio” to sort through the audio clips and sounds within Canva’s library. Preview by clicking the smaller play/pause or add to your video by selecting the title of the sound clip. You will now see a bar below your video bar in purple that you can use to trim the sounds, scroll through longer songs and sounds, and stack sounds for effects over music.
Once a sound is selected, you can adjust the volume it will playback at by selecting the speaker icon on the top right of the screen. I generally set music to a volume between 5 – 20, depending on how it previews.
Step Nine: Download/Share – to download the video click the “share” button on the top right of the screen and select the file type, which segments (all), and destination. Voila, you now have a finished product saved to your desired folder or your photos app if using a mobile device. Upload away!
Or, if you select to share to social or schedule, you’ll be prompted to choose the outlet you want and then add captions, tags, etc.
That’s it! You just created and edited a short-form video using Canva. Congratulations! Get back to it and remember that marketing is senior even to sales, and obscurity is your #1 enemy. Using an easy-to-use and affordable tool, your newly developed skills in video editing will help you rise to the top.
Are you interested in trying Canva, or do you have more questions? Click my Canva affiliate link below, or send me a message.
-Gary, Micu Jr.
President, Micu Growth Consulting
10X Certified Speaker, Coacher, and Mentor
Grant Cardone Licensee
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stclairlps · 2 years
local seo services jacksonville fl
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Local SEO makes it possible for your website to be ranked highly on local searches. A good business that has the intention to grow knows the importance of reaching out to potential customers right where they are and this is where local seo services jacksonville fl comes into play. In as much as online transactions have taken over, it cannot be ignored that there are customers who want to come directly to your retail store or right into your physical establishment to get the products and services they need.
Such customers, therefore select results that are specific to the cities, state or country that are relevant depending on what they are looking for, where they are or where they are headed. For instance, if you run a hotel business, then you are better off being listed locally because it is only through local SEO that you manage to attract customers and offer them more details on how to find you even though you make it possible for them to place bookings online. The local SEO service does have its benefits and they include the following.
1. It improves brand visibility among your local customers, which is very good because they are the people who can conveniently reach out to you without worrying about distance and delays in the delivery of what they are looking for.
2. It boosts your brand popularity within the city you are located, the country or even the state where you are located. The more popular you are locally the more traffic you should expect and this is one of the greatest benefits of local SEO services. You basically increase footfalls to your office or retail outlet.
3. It makes it easier for the last minute shopper to find services or products without any time limitations. This is the group of customers that does not have delay allowances and when local SEO is working for you, you can be sure you do not leave them out because they can find you fast and you can convert them just as fast. The service makes it possible for you to tap into this segment.
4. When you optimize your site, you manage to build trust among local customers and they also become very familiar with your brand. Nothing works better in fetching loyal customers than trust and this is exactly what you will get when you tap into the local search engine optimization. In as much as international markets matter to you, local business is what keeps you going and you therefore cannot forget to give your best to those closest to you.
5. Local SEO saves you from unnecessary competition. Without it, you would have to fight for the masses with the rest of the companies or businesses across the globe. But when you embrace local SEO, you know that the competition is greatly reduced. You just need to put your best foot forward locally to increase your traffic and boost rankings to get better results. It helps you narrow down the competition to increase your success rates.
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droptrust · 2 years
Classic snake online
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To learn more about how and for what purposes Amazon uses personal information (such as Amazon Store order history), please visit our Privacy Notice. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Cookie Preferences, as described in the Cookie Notice. Click ‘Customise Cookies’ to decline these cookies, make more detailed choices, or learn more. Third parties use cookies for their purposes of displaying and measuring personalised ads, generating audience insights, and developing and improving products. This includes using first- and third-party cookies, which store or access standard device information such as a unique identifier. If you agree, we’ll also use cookies to complement your shopping experience across the Amazon stores as described in our Cookie Notice. We also use these cookies to understand how customers use our services (for example, by measuring site visits) so we can make improvements. Compare your highest score with your friends to see who the best player is.We use cookies and similar tools that are necessary to enable you to make purchases, to enhance your shopping experiences and to provide our services, as detailed in our Cookie Notice.
Enjoy playing the classic 3D snake game.
There real risk of bumping into your tail, so be precise with your movements. This is ideal if your snakes grows very long.
You may also travel in an up and down direction vertically across the screen.
Moving in a circle instead of a straight line across the screen gives you more surface area to travel.
As a strategy, move your snake in a circular direction around the map.
This means higher chances of bumping into your tail. Published: Jan 22nd, 2019 HTML5 Here we have yet another.
A longer snake means less surface area for your snake to travel. Published: Jun 12th, 2019 HTML5 Play the classic game of Ludo with players from all around the world.
The more you play, the better you’ll master the controls. Once you know the right time to turn, it will be no problem. You’re not sure when to turn the snake from a wall or get a food item.
If you’re not used to its 3D perspective, it’s trickier to gauge distance.
The 3D graphics add a layer of challenge to the game.
This makes it harder to maneuver your snake to avoid hitting its tail.
The snake grows longer the more food items you consume.
Grow your body as long and as large as you can but beware For if your head is to smash into any segment of your body it will end in certain death. Follow your hunger and chase down the apples as they appear. The more food you get, the higher your points. Use the W,A,S,D or Arrow pad keys to navigate your robo-snake through this gridded arena.
You must navigate the snake and collect as many food items scattered on the screen.
This is just like the classic snake game but it comes with colored 3D graphics.
You cannot stop mid-game, or your snake will surely die.
Go to the restroom of get a glass of water before starting the game.
Make sure to do other important things before playing.
There is no way to pause the game when you start it.
Select the audio button to mute or unmute the game’s sound effects.
This is beside the green directional buttons.
There is an audio button at the bottom of the game screen.
This game is best played on desktop PC using directional keyboard buttons.Players may sometimes experience pressing a button, but the snake won’t move to that direction.Touchscreen buttons are not as responsive as keyboard buttons. Using your index finger, tap a button as needed to control the snake’s direction.There are directional arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen.Consider this before choosing to play with a mouse. Using the mouse cursor is more challenging than using the directional arrow keys.Use your mouse to left click on a button. There are also green directional buttons located at the bottom of the screen.
Control the snake by pressing the keyboard’s directional buttons. Use Classic snake Hack cheats online generator for players to get Coins Classic snake Hack Tool available for Browser, Android and IOS, it will allow you to Get unlimited Coins, easy to use and without downloading.
The “CREDIT” button shows details about the game’s developer.
The “HELP” button shows directions on how to play the game.
The opening screen has two other buttons:.
The snake moves fast right away, so be ready. Select anywhere on the screen to start the game.
This takes you to the game screen control instructions.
To begin the game, select the “NEW GAME” button on the screen.
Avoid colliding into walls or the snake’s tail, or it’s game over. Control the snake’s direction to collect as many food items as you can for higher points.
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syn0vial · 3 years
The Official Star Wars Fact File: Zam Wesell
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(Unofficial translation by me, syn0vial. Please forgive me for any mistakes, I've studied Spanish for some years but it's definitely not my first language!)
Zam Wesell was an exceptional figure that belonged to an equally exceptional species, the Clawdites. The bounty hunter was an unorthodox and extraordinary being who left a mark with her short life and career.
The Clawdites have always been oppressed and never been trusted. It is something that is accepted as natural in life. Their society arose due to a gene therapy that cured a sickness, but also created a new species, condemned to be exiled from the principle habitable zone of the planet Zolan. All Clawdites can change the color of their skin, but only a few are capable of altering the texture of it, and there are even fewer that can change its shape. Only a small number—very capable beings, dedicated and with great self-control—could take the form of another being for an indefinite period of time.
Shape-shifting results in great pain and discomfort for a Clawdite; they must use oils and ointments to stop their skin from becoming horribly cracked. Yet, in contrast to even the best of her species, Zam Wesell could not only change form with relative speed, but could maintain it while resting.
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Combat Training
In Zolan society, those that deviated from the rigid secular norms were persecuted. Clawdite society was less restrictive, but even they showed apprehension about some of Zam Wesell's activities.
In the semi-anarchic society on the Clawdite-dominated continent of Sultur, where Zam was born and raised, the clans were governed by warriors known for their boastfulness. In general, the strongest prevailed, but even the boastful owed loyalty to their clan. Among them all, the best warriors of Zolan were the Mabari knights. They were part of a religious order that would not admit sinners among their novices. The religion of Zolan preached that the untruthful were the worst sinners of all. Despite this, Zam, when she was with them, successfully hid her true nature long enough to reach the third level of mastery in the Mabari martial arts, before being forced to flee Zolan.
Zam relocated to the corporate planet of Denon, where skills like hers were in great demand. The corporate security organizations always needed new employees and with Zam's shape-shifting ability, it didn't take much for her to ascend to the rank of sergeant. Nevertheless, this was only the beginning of her career. She calculated each step with utmost care; in this way, she quickly rose to become a very well-paid corporate bodyguard.
She was a self-proclaimed "progressive" and never forgot her planet and her people. She always sent huge sums of credits to Zolan, to radical Clawdite groups dedicated to the emancipation of their species; it is unknown whether she was truly invested in the situation of her species or if she only wished to provoke unrest.
Outlawed: Zam Wesell's journey before she became a bounty hunter was a winding one. She was denounced on her home-planet, Zolan, for being Clawdite and even more so, for her ability to shape-shift. After learning martial arts in a religious sect of warriors called Mabari, she abandoned her planet.
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Clawdite Assassin
Since leaving Zolan for Denon, Zam Wesell had accepted work that provided huge profits and little excitement. Not much happened before she left her job as a bodyguard and sought a change of scenery.
Her experience in the risky world of industrial espionage on Denon had perfected Zam's deadly skills, while also allowing her to develop a web of contacts, financing, and gear to start her career in earnest. Finally, she could establish herself as a bounty hunter. She had adopted as her identity the appearance of a short, attractive female human, as a means of securing more work and hiding her true Clawdite face. With practice, although not without pain, she managed to maintain this appearance even while sleeping. She also adopted a uniform, a purple jumpsuit that could adapt to both her human and Clawdite forms, and that helped protect her skin.
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Above the jumpsuit, she wore a flexible armored doublet and a protective skirt. The skirt's connected segments concealed an impact-absorbing system that offered protection against attacks from behind. Her helmet had its own light and incorporated a commlink under the veil that hid her face. In the heat of combat, her true Clawdite face could emerge, which the veil helped hide. Zam's belt had a series of compartments and essential devices for her profession, including the holster for her KYD-21 blaster. In front of her doublet, she carried a small respiratory device. These tubes inserted into Zam's body and allowed the device to function through her lungs if it was required by the atmosphere. The uniform came complete with a certain number of Mabari objects, among them an ancient cape clasp, an emblem on her helmet, and combat gloves. All these objects were ingraved with inscriptions from sacred Mabari texts.
We're bounty hunters, Zam, not heroes: The partnership of Zam and Jango Fett began long ago, long before she was contracted to kill Padme Amidala. The two bounty hunters respected each other. Zam had the honor of knowing the son of Jango, Boba Fett.
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Elite Assassin
It was fated that the paths of Zam Wesell and Jango Fett would meet, but it would prove a very dangerous crossing.
Zam Wesell was considered one of the best bounty hunters of her generation, and she believed it. So it was logical that she would come to be known by Jango Fett, considered the number one in their profession.
One of their first encounters [Syn's notes: preceded five years by their true first encounter in the game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter] took place after Antonin Vigo, of the Black Sun, contracted Zam to kill Dreddon the Hutt. She took the form of a red-headed slave and successfully carried out the mission. Just as she was about to take her leave, Jango Fett appeared. Zam discovered that she was not going to be paid, nor was Jango, who had taken out Antonin at the behest of Dreddon.
Zam and Jango both knew of each other's reputations. The mutual respect that they had and their simiar ethics led them to allow one another to go on their way. However, the two would meet again shortly afterwards when a dug named Fernooda contracted Zam.
We've Got To Stop Meeting Like This: Zam and Jango were contracted to recover an ancient artifact. She let him do all the hard work; then ambushed him and made off with the idol.
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Jango, you're always complaining about my shapeshifting: The mutant power of a Clawdite was very useful in her work and elongating her arm to grab hold of the idol that both she and Jango Fett were searching for. [Syn's notes: The presentation of this information is a little misleading. Zam catching the idol like this occurred well after this job for Fernooda, when both Zam and Jango were working together to keep Fernooda's boss from using it in a terrorist attack.]
I know that there's a man under that mask: Zam managed to get closer than anybody to the mysterious Jango Fett, with the exception of his son Boba. Even so, she knew that a relationship between them would affect her work, and thus decided not to push it further.
It was an awkward situation, since Fernooda had assigned the job to Jango, but had decided to ensure its success by also contracting the Clawdite. The aforementioned mission involved recovering an idol that had been in the possession of Fernooda's boss. Zam, who knew that Jango had also been contracted, let her rival do the dirty work before springing an ambush. This time, she insisted on seeing the face of the man under the mask. She was so transfixed on him, that she didn't realize there was an enormous insect, the guardian of the idol, about to attack her.
Without knowing why, Jango came to Zam's rescue and, recognizing that she was in his debt, she allowed him to leave with Fernooda's idol. Thus began the strange and exceptional relationship, even friendship, between Jango Fett and Zam Wesell. [Syn's notes: As mentioned earlier, their association truly began with the events of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, but perhaps this is the point things got a little more personal between them.]
Partners: Without a doubt, Zam and Jango worked well as partners. The question was whether they were willing to let their affection become more important than their work.
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Mutual Empathy
Although it was nearly inevitable that Zam Wesell and Jango Fett should encounter one another again, the first reunion that occurred between the two bounty hunters did not go as either had expected.
At first glance, the mission seemed simple. It involved an assignment that Vigo Antonin, of Black Sun, had given to Zam Wesell, and the contracts from this organization were always lucrative. Certainly, the jobs offered to bounty hunters of Zam Wesell's level were never easy.
The target was Dreddon the Hutt. It was never a good idea to threaten Black Sun business and Vigo Antonin wanted to make an example of him. Zam used all the resources at her disposal to investigate and infiltrate Dreddon's organization. Her Clawdite powers allowed her to adopt the form of a human dancer that appealed to the Hutt. She needed all her concentration to maintain this form during a prolonged period, but Zam was very good at what she did. The disguise completely fooled Dreddon. Hutts are very difficult to kill.
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Poisons and blasters could not guarantee that Dreddon wouldn't have time to call for his guards, so, to end his life, Zam restrained herself to placing a microbomb hidden in one of Dreddon's amphibian snacks when he was about to enjoy a private performance from his favorite dancer. The result was somewhat chaotic, but decisive.
A Private Affair
Just when she was about to leave, Zam heard someone approach. She grabbed her blaster and hid, waiting to see who could be intruding on her mission. She was almost happy to see Jango Fett, the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy, next to the corpse of his client.
Zam had successfully completed her mission and would soon receive a rich reward for her troubles. What's more, she could make fun of Jango Fett for the murder of his client. She had him at her mercy, pointing at him with her blaster, knowing who he was and what he was capable of.
Unfortunately, Zam's good humor soon went up in smoke. Jango had returned from completing a contract for Dreddon: killing Vigo Antonin! Thus, neither Zam nor Jango would be paid. Fett took the first opportunity to draw his blaster and with that both bounty hunters were in the same bind.
Zam was the first to lower her blaster, with her trademark style. With a twirl and a grin, she pointed out that the problem was that neither of them wanted to make the first move. She then flounced off, leaving Jango alone with his thoughts.
It's a weird rock: The artifact that Fett and Wesell had to recover was an idol that, as they would discover, bestowed mysterious powers upon its owner. [Syn's notes: ...If "mysterious powers" means "ownership of extremely explosive chunk of rock," then yes, that is correct.]
A New Contract
However, Zam needed work. The matter with Dreddon had left her without anything to show for it. A dug named Fernooda offered a contract shortly after she returned to her base of operations, but he warned her that he had already contracted another bounty hunter for the job in question: Jango Fett.
Zam readily accepted the job, since it seemed simple. Recovering a little statue from the natives of the jungle planet Seylott that had been stolen from Fernooda's boss. She had already decided to let Jango do the dirty work and ambush him at the temple's exit.
Jango's Revenge
It seemed that this time, Zam Wesell had won. She even managed to get Jango to remove his Mandalorian helmet. The scarred face she saw was handsome, if a bit gloomy. Then, a huge carnivorous insect attacked Zam from behind. The other bounty hunter ignored Zam's cries for help, taking the statue and running.
My client offered 50,000 Republic credits: The paths of Wesell and Fett crossed once again when the dug Fernooda contracted them to recover an object that the natives of Seylott had stolen from his boss. Immediately, the instinctive sense of rivalry returned between the two bounty hunters.
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Heroes of Coruscant
Zam thought that she was doomed, Jango Fett had taken off, leaving her to be devoured by the enormous monster on Seylott.
While fighting to escape, Zam was surprised to see Jango return. He told her to take out all the explosives that she had on her and prepare to detonate them. Zam didn't have much option but to trust him, although she wasn't sure that he wouldn't get both of them killed. Fortunately, Fett's jetpack got them out of trouble. Zam picked up Jango's helmet from amidst the smoke and the dust left from the creature's destruction, gave it to him, and allowed him to take Fernooda's idol; afterwards, she turned and left, smiling as she told Jango to take care until next time. There would be a next time, Zam assured her rival, although this didn't seem to bother Fett.
However, Wesell wasn't satisfied. She had heard rumors here and there, and soon learned the truth about her mission on Seylott. The idol had been under the power of the Force-sensitive natives. The Annoo-Dat general Ashaar Khorda wanted the idol to use as a weapon capable of generating explosions that could destroy an entire planet. Even worse, Khorda's target was Coruscant.
Zam traveled quickly to Kamino, where she met with Jango and, to her surprise, with his young son Boba. She believed that Boba's mother had been killed and Jango said nothing to the contrary. Instead, he listened impatiently to Zam's story about the idol. Zam ended by saying that, since she and Jango had found the weapon, they owed it to the people of Coruscant to stop Khorda's plan.
Under the Mask: Zam Wesell was one of the few people who could elicit affection from the harsh and implacable Jango Fett
A Matter of Conscience
Jango wasn't interested, since he wouldn't be paid for the work and his son needed him on Kamino, but Zam convinced him that there were countless children that needed him on Coruscant. Jango Fett, an orphan rescued by strangers, softened his position and finally accepted his first time working together with Zam Wesell. [Syn's notes: Again, second time since Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.]
Zam had seen Khorda's right-hand man, the dug Fernooda. Thus, she took on his appearance in order to discover Khorda's and his lackeys' plans. They found out that Fernooda planned to place the idol in one of the planet's central reactors, where the explosion would cause a chain reaction that would destroy the planet completely.
Jango and Zam, along with a solitary Jedi, found the mad killer, after following the clues that he and his gang had left. Together, the three proceeded to defeat the gang and recover the idol. The Jedi could absorb the Force of the idol and leave it without power once more; although at the cost of his life.
Safe Return: Zam Wesell worked together with Jango Fett to seize a powerful Force artifact and return it to its owners. She managed to convince Jango to accept the mission.
Zam and Jango took the idol back to Seylott, earning them the gratitude of the natives. They were requested not to return ever again, something that the bounty hunters had no intention of doing. Upon returning to Kamino, Zam was not fooled by Jango's complaints of not being paid, since she knew that, deep down, he knew that returning the idol had been the right thing to do. It was the same impulse that had saved her on Seylott. She said goodbye to Jango with a kiss on his scarred cheek, so he wouldn't feel it had all been for nothing. It seemed that Zam had won again.
Altruistic Mission: Zam's desire to prevent the deaths of millions of people in a terrorist attack shows that she had a certain sense of conscience.
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The Final Mission
Jango Fett made an atypical decision: subcontract Zam for the most dangerous assignment.
Jango wanted to spend more time with his son Boba. The boy's education was very important to him. However, the most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy had many offers of work. He accepted most of them and the rest he passed on to Zam Wesell. She worked alone most of the time, although they worked together occasionally, to the benefit of both of them.
Assassination Contract
A man that Jango knew as Tyranus, the same that had given him work with the Kaminoans, requested that he accept a special mission. It involved the killing of a high-order politician who had interfered in Tyranus's business. The pay was very good and Jango was happy to be able to pass it on to Zam Wesell. It seemed like a simple job.
The target was a senator dedicated to public life, something that would make her an easy target for an intelligent assassin. However, the target was also a queen of Naboo, friend of the Jedi and a central figure to the supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
Direct Hit: Ostensibly, Zam Wesell had killed the senator Padme Amidala with a bomb on her ship, but the victim ended up being a decoy, making it necessary to take another approach.
Reckless Driving: Zam realized that she was being pursued by Jedi. Her skill at the wheel of a speeder allowed her to traverse the busiest districts of Coruscant, but her pursuers wouldn't give up the chase.
To Kill a Senator
Zam chose the occasion carefully.The target was to return to Coruscant for a crucial vote, and her landing would be predictable enough. Zam used her capacity for shapeshifting to discover the time and place of Senator Padme Amidala's return.
With her usual cunning, Zam managed to place a bomb on the target's landing platform and then left to observe from the heights of a building a kilometer away. From there, she waited for the moment of truth. Amidala's silvery ship landed, flanked by fighters. The senator came down from the ramp and the moment her foot stepped onto the platform, Wesell detonated the explosive. There were few survivors and the news was full of stories and images of Zam's success.
Double Action
Zam Wesell believed she had completed the mission, but her satisfaction was short-lived. Amidala was apparently alive in the rotunda of the Senate at the end of the day, a very irritating outcome. The woman killed on the landing platform was a double. Fett was angry, along with his client. There could be no more mistakes.
Fett spoke with Zam and gave her a glass tube with two kouhuns inside. He cautioned her that they were extremely venomous, since she wasn't an amateur.
The bounty hunters counted on an ASN-121 droid, programmed with the location of Amidala's quarters, to deposit the deadly cargo. Then, Zam sat and waited for the return of the robot.
It was emiting an alert signal. Zam saw through her scope a Jedi holding onto the droid. Not even the droid's destruction could shake the Jedi, and soon she was being pursued through all of Coruscant, with her skills as a pilot put to the test.
Just when she thought she had lost them, one of the Jedi jumped onto her speeder. In the subsequent skirmish, her vehicle was damaged and she was forced to land. She sought refuge in a bar with the Jedi close behind.
Death of a Hunter
Seeing one of the Jedi at the bar, Zam approached as close as she dared, knowing that he could deflect a blaster bolt if warned in time. Unfortunately, the Jedi was much more astute, igniting his lightsaber with a twirl and severing Zam's hand that held her blaster. The pair of Jedi dragged Wesell's wounded body into an alley to interrogate her.
Ground Chase: Zam, without her speeder which had been damaged, had to flee on foot. She got into a bar, where she intended to ambush her pursuers, but Obi-Wan Kenobi attacked her with his lightsaber before she could fire; Wesell was badly injured.
One of them, the younger one, pressed Zam to reveal the name of her client. At first, she resisted, but then, after the Jedi spoke again, began to tell her captors what she knew.
The poison dart that Jango shot ended Zam's life before she could speak a word. She died quickly from the venom's deadly effects; she didn't suffer. This was the last thing that Fett could do for a friend.
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