#and that smitten look from janeway
lonely-night · 1 year
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STAR TREK VOYAGER 4.26 “Hope and Fear”
SEVEN: As we approached Borg space I began to re-evaluate my future. The prospect of becoming a drone was unappealing.
JANEWAY: Sometimes you've got to look back in order to move forward.
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regalpotato · 2 years
I'm curious, what are your reasons for shipping Pikeuna. I ship them too I'm just curious as how you got into it :)
Oh I have so many reasons, Anon. And I'm not even gonna 'read more' this because I want people to see the gifs I put effort into making.
Firstly, I watched The Cage pilot when I was a teenager, and fell absolutely hopelessly in love with Number One.
She was the First Officer of the Enterprise (back in an era where women were meant to be quiet and look pretty - evidenced by the fact that the network told Roddenberry he could keep the woman or the alien), she was cold and calculating and good at her job. But wore nail varnish, and obviously had emotions she kept under wraps. I was smitten.
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I'm a sucker for the Talosians calling her out over her CANONICAL feelings about Pike. (Always love when a ship has basis in canon)
And I mean, they just look like a good power couple okay? And I always love a good power couple.
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So I liked the idea of them from the get go, since I was a teenager.
Then Star Trek Discovery happened. And I found out Number One was in Season 2 (played by the original Mystique no less) and I was hooked again.
Here they are making eyes at each other and flirting over Number One's spicy food choices.
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I thought, 'they're not going to keep Number One's crush on Pike are they?' I mean they've changed Pike from being a misogynist (thank god), so would they keep that?
But Number One knows him far too well (she told the Enterprise's engineer that Pike would think the holograms were too much like ghosts). So much so that Spock even calls her out on it:
Spock: You have made a most careful study of the captain.
Number One:
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She freaks out and then slams her hand against the communication panel to contact the engineer and change the subject. GIRL STILL HAS IT BAD GUYS.
I love unrequited love (as long as it's secretly or eventually requited...)
And they just look GOOD together (Anson and Rebecca have such good chemistry)
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And finally, I always ship the 'mum and dad' pairings. Roslin/Adama (BSG), Sam/Jack (SG1), Sheppard/Weir (SGA), Picard/Crusher (TNG), Janeway/Chakotay (Voyager), DeWitt/Dominic (Dollhouse) - and I'm sure I'm missing some. I just like the power couple who are also kind of the parents of the group. It's just my otp vibe.
Plus Una is my fave character, and I always enjoy shows more when I get to ship my fave with someone. And let's be honest GIRL BOSS/MALE WIFE is the best otp type to have.
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