#and that we crap on our resources and waste them incenses me
shallowrambles ยท 5 months
you seem to talk a lot about the military i was wondering your stance on it?
This is a very broad question.
In anti-war, so this naturally means I'm not a fan.
HOWEVER, I'm not entirely anti-soldier because the cultural pomp, circumstance, and glory ascribed to being a soldier is imho often a giant-ass honey trap.
A lot of research has been done on how class intersects with military, and although soldiers are getting more middle-class and richer, there is a class and race element concerning who is more likely to actually see active combat. I have...complicated feelings about that.
The rich folks use you up and spit you out. I think that's a very special kind of evil.
That said, I rant and rave here occasionally, but I don't use Tumblr for my activism, and I don't have plans to either.
It's VERY frustrating to live in a world that is so fast and loose with its resources that it actively perpetuates more warfare.
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