#soldiers are just the tools to acquire said resources
shallowrambles · 8 months
you seem to talk a lot about the military i was wondering your stance on it?
This is a very broad question.
In anti-war, so this naturally means I'm not a fan.
HOWEVER, I'm not entirely anti-soldier because the cultural pomp, circumstance, and glory ascribed to being a soldier is imho often a giant-ass honey trap.
A lot of research has been done on how class intersects with military, and although soldiers are getting more middle-class and richer, there is a class and race element concerning who is more likely to actually see active combat. I have...complicated feelings about that.
The rich folks use you up and spit you out. I think that's a very special kind of evil.
That said, I rant and rave here occasionally, but I don't use Tumblr for my activism, and I don't have plans to either.
It's VERY frustrating to live in a world that is so fast and loose with its resources that it actively perpetuates more warfare.
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Horde Clone Headcanons #2: Food
Number 2 in my self-indulgent headcanons, the mythos that I use in my Hordak and spacebat-heavy Spop fanfictions.   #2 Food, Nutrition and Culture(s) around Eating  Solid food, much like emotional facial expressions, is a privilege reserved only for Prime.  A. Capabilities  That said, in my world, Prime eats (the banquet for Glimmer and Catra was not just for show).  The clones obviously prepared all of that food and knew how to set a table, and so I have food as a thing not just to impress and intimidate planetary “guests,” but as something that Horde Prime genuinely enjoys - and, of course, reserves for himself.   Clones are capable of eating.  They have teeth (rather sharp ones judging by those canines).  They have stomachs and intestines, or at least some equivalent thereof.  However, the nutritional fluid they are given (the “nutrient-rich amniotic fluid” according to Wrong Hordak) is their general method of sustenance as it is efficient and not particularly pleasurable / is flat-bland.  They *can* eat (because Prime can inhabit any one of them as a temporary vessel and my choose any one of them to be modified into a main Vessel) but generally do not, as their soldier’s rations are the simple fluid.  B. Make-up of the amniotic fluid  In my ‘verse, it is a mixture of raw ingredients harvested from various planets, grown on-ship, a mix of animal-derived proteins and plant-matter, in particular there is a photosynthetic element that creates basic nutrition when exposed to the light of stars (particularly yellow stars), hence its green color.  It also contains an element of recycled clone, clone-blood and general life-force.   Taking it is not considered the same as raw cannibalism, more on that later.  C. Base-species traits  Whatever species Prime “uplifted” them from or corrupted them from (or he himself came from, I am undecided on my headcanon for Prime’s origins and can go many ways - but my idea of spacebats definitely have a base-species)... well, they were omnivores.  They had a diet comparable with humans and with various kinds of bats.  Like much of the fandom, I enjoy imagining them as big fruit bats and have the idea that fruit featured heavily in their base-species’ diet. I also tend to add insects in, since many kinds of bats are insectivores, hence why one of my OCs enjoys eating bugs and landing on Planet Etheria with its giant magical guardian horror-bugs was the best thing that could have ever happened to him!  BBQ time!  C. Battlefield Permissions and Rites  While clones normally do not eat, as they are able to, they have one type of permission to do so under Prime:  Getting stuck behind enemy-lines.  If a squadron is pinned-down or stranded planetside (and Prime, in his mercy, deems them worthy of rescue / doesn’t want to waste the resources, because, let’s face it, clones take time to grow), they are allowed to eat from local flora and fauna to keep themselves going if their liquid rations have run out. Battleships are equipped with tools to scan what is generally safe for them in chemical-makeup.  This is considered very stop-gap and they are not meant to take any pleasure from it.   If the situation is particularly dire, it is not considered a sin for clones to eat their own dead.  Brothers taking from fallen Brothers to survive has very rarely ever happened, but it has happened.  It tends to forever change the survivors.  D. Post-Primefall Foodways   Eating, to use a pun, was an acquired taste for clones after the Fall of Prime. They each had ingrained in them the “behind enemy lines” permission-idea, but it was very difficult for any of them to not shake the feeling that they were doing something wrong by partaking in “something reserved only for Prime.”  Gradually, because it was a matter of survival, the greater part of them began growing accustomed to it.  Encouraged by their Etherian hosts (and presumably the peoples of other planets, too), they began exploring their own tastes in conjunction with their general learning to embrace identities.  Some clones truly cannot get the hang of eating and, for them, some substitues for the amniotic fluid have been created to replace it when the last of the rations run out.  It is not entirely the same thing as the true fluid, as the photosynthesis process is different than what was available in space and because clones are no longer recycling one another.   There is a form of it available (in a town specific to my fanfic) that is a very close approximation due to some of the healthy local clones doing blood-donations for the sake of its creation.  The replacement-amniotic fluid is employed mainly for the sick and the injured as a medical treatment, for example, for anyone in a coma, but no one has any judgement for a clone who just cannot eat taking it instead.  For those spacebats who do get the hang of eating, fruit is a favorite, if not universal.  Now, different bats may favor different types of fruits, but give a bat a mango or a juicy melon and you’ve made a very happy bat!  As said, in my world, some will snack on a big ol’ bag of roast crickets.  Otherwise, they’re able to eat almost anything that’s within a human range, and then-some on certain fruits that are digestible to them, but may be toxic to humans.   E. Survivor’s Guilt  The few spacebats who’ve survived battlefield experiences via partaking of the fallen of their kin - to a man - cannot stand meat.   This was a trait that was suppressed in Prime’s days, in regards to no one thinking much about the makeup of the amniotic fluid and if a spacebat was unlucky enough to get into that kind of situation TWICE, well, Prime’s orders were Prime’s orders.  In the post-Prime era, anyone who’s had to survive that way becomes a vegetarian by default.   It’s not necessarily a moral decision, it really is more a matter of the texture of flesh on their teeth will bring them flashbacks.   It is a known-trait among them, therefore any time a Horde-clone mentions they are a vegetarian or the topic comes up, they will often be the recipient of grave looks from their brothers - a sense and an assumption that said brother was a one-time cannibal.  This can cause great confusion among those clones that never had to do that for survival but have chosen vegetarianism as a lifestyle due to flavor-preferences or a bonding with animals.   It is a strange bit of stigma - that if the topic comes up, the contingency cannibalism is immediately assumed.   F. Undecided Headcanons  I don’t have it solidified, but sometimes I headcanon that spacebats cannot abide coffee - not caffeine in general (I like making Hordak fond of tea), but coffee specifically. Gives them the shakes, is mildly toxic to them.  I also have used, once, the idea that they become inebriated on sour / spoiled / fermented milk.  (This is something I ganked from the old science fiction film and series Alien Nation for fun). Neither of these are solidified and can vary, depending upon what I want to write for a given fic.  
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Those funny feelings I had... (Part 3)
I remind you that I have bad English and I'm sorry but I'm trying. So sorry.
Each dragon had its treasures. Someone collected everything: from ordinary cobblestones of various shapes and sizes to original works of art and various rare things. But for the most part they collected jewels: diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other shiny trinkets. This “passion” had begun with the advent of the first magical creatures caused by necessity. Because there had never been any magic before these creatures appears, therefore it had to be accumulated and stored for centuries, and for this purpose brilliant stones and ores perfectly suited. This continued as a centuries-old tradition. Each dragon of acquiring a treasure chest, which holds a reserve of magic and can help with a strong depletion or injury. The bigger, the better.
Spyro initially didn't understand this attachment to trinkets, but as he grew older he became involved in the process and collected not only stones and metals. He also collected "memorable things." In one of the hiding places in Firefly Grove, he kept his heroic trophies. Among them were the helmet of Gnasty, the crown of the Sorceress, the guide of Avalar, the battered Monnybags bag, and a bunch of similar things. From each enemy he met, he had something to remember. And only crumpled burned purple cape from some reason was more precious to him than everyone else in his collection.
Strange as it may seem, from Ripto he got nothing at all except the chaos of the causal wizard, moral satisfaction after the victory and many days of work on the consequences of the disorder. He disappeared and appeared when he pleases, creating destruction and irritate dragon to gnash of teeth. He was Spyro's most frequent enemy, but the “hero” got the trophy out of the mercy his enemy many years ago.
The sorcerer was clever and sophisticated in his atrocities. Often, acting alone against several opponents, among whom was Spyro, he stood up longer than anyone else, been the winner of the most stalemate situations. Even if he lost, he always survived, no matter what, but he never forgave his enemies. Except Spyro. Although their last encounter didn't even resemble a battle, it was more likely the exchange of mockery, after that Ripto grabbed a magical book and disappeared before the eyes of the dragon.
Ripto was a mystery. Over the years, he has become much stronger and surprisingly more restrained in his outbursts of anger, but in contrast to this detachment and coldness are seen in the sorcerer’s eyes. Their meetings happened less and less, in the end Ripto simply disappeared from the life of the hero of the Dragon Worlds. Many told him that it was for the best, but the new enemy's were not like the angry big-headed dino-wizard. And after so many years, Spyro missed him.
More than a few decades have passed, the dragon has grown up, ready to cross the threshold of maturity, but he still missed the grumbling sorcerer.
Spyro always wanted to get from Ripto not a trophy, but his eyes, which were not covered with anger and alienation. He wanted Ripto's face to smooth out and a smile adorn his features. In secret, the dragon really wanted them to be friends, so that they could speak without threats and swearing.
He had plenty of time to think about the adventures that had happened to him before. Spyro came to the conclusion that in essence Ripto had conceded to him, leading himself as befits an adult and wise creature. It seemed to the dragon more and more often that the sorcerer was infinitely lonely and sad, hiding it behind wrathful bravado. Indeed, besides two big dummys of Gulp and Crash, he doesn't have any of other relatives. Spyro realized this after finding himself in Ripto's world - Chetaute Ripto, where dino people were scared to death and worshiped their king in fear.
Ripto was someone... Who embittered on the whole world for an incomprehensible to dragon reason; who hates his own people, which he rule; Who don't trust anyone and not a single kind word, but the sametime he's intelligent, resourceful, charismatic and purposeful. It seemed to the dragon that nothing could break that determination burning in wizard's chest. Spyro saw that if Ripto wanted something, he would do it any by price. Or Spyro just wanted to believe it.
The dragon was tormented by questions and doubts about the sorcerer, but he believed in what he saw himself. He saw that Ripto is twitching from the outstretched paw, bristling and frightened of it, still drives Spyro into confusion and sadness. He saw that Ripto hides rare bright smiles behind the palm or collar of the cape, so that no one can see it. He saw that Ripto knows how to contemplate and appreciate the beauty of nature and art. He knows that Ripto is not entirely clean and noble blood as it might seem at first glance. And he knows that Ripto smells like orange and smoke what dragon finds very tastful.
This was not enough for Spyro, he wanted to understand why Ripto act this way, but how to do it if you saw each other last time almost 50 years ago and at the same time you are mortal enemys?
So the facts that Spyro finally grew, and Ripto apparently did not change one bit, was put under great doubt.
And once again returning to Avalar, the dragon recalled the first meeting in his life with the dino sorcerer and smiled at his thoughts.
- Remembered something pleasant, my friend? - Hunter asked, joining Spyro at the portal to the Summer Forest.
The dragon turned his pensive look to the cheetah and smiled broadly.
- Yes, Avalar brings me some memories.
- That's for sure. Well, I think we still have to walk through the Forest, Professor said there was a strange magical activity. It is worth checking it out, - after saing that Hunter jumped into the portal and Spyro followed him.
- And once you guys called me, something dangerous is clearly brewing there, - the dragon continued the thought of his friend as soon as they teleported. The archer just nodded.
Summer Forest affably met his heroes with a bright warm sun and noisy foliage. The guys immediately went to the thicket not far from the entrance to Glimmer, which was easy to enter, for the walls separating the thicket from the forest edge were removed for a long time because they were not needed. Carefully and slowly moving deep in forest, they heard the melody of the flute, melodiously carried between the green branches. Going to the sound, they came to the lake, which was not yet touched by the inhabitants of Avalar and had a truly magical beauty: a fascinating water surface, beautiful fragrant flowers and shrubs, cool shadows of tall trees.
On the lush shore of the lake, someone was sitting, pulling out from the flute smoose melodies intertwining with the natural sounds of this magical place. Noticing the stranger, Hunter and Spyro hurried to shelter in the nearest bushes in order to observe his further actions.
Only as soon as they relocated as a group of gnorks rushed out of the opposite bushes to the lake. They clearly had something against the musicant. And imagine Spyro's surprise when he finally saw who these self-made toads sneak up to. Near the lake sat none other than Ripto, slowly and naturally playing some simple, but no less beautiful melody. If it were not for Hunter who was sitting next to him, Spyro would have rushed to the rescue, but now he could only watch in surprise.
Watch as the sorcerer saw the movement behind his back and scatters these toads with one elegant wave of the flute, from which a huge air flow has escaped, throwing out gnorks as if they weigh nothing. Fearfully, they rose to their feet and with some indecision stopped dead, but the new squad of still not frightened soldiers rushed into battle. Flute deftly turned into an unchanged companion Ripto - in his scepter - and the gnorks didn't get off easy this time with a simple flight into the air. The water raised by magic poured into the heads of the toads with powerful jets, throwing some away somewhere in the forest, and some striking at the felling, from which they lost their appearance and disappeared in a flash of grey stinky smoke. Having finished the massacre, the sorcerer, as if nothing had happened, sat down again on the shore of the lake, resuming the game.
Minutes later, none other than Gnasty Gnork came out to the lake accompanied by his more beaten lackeys, which clearly also came from him.
- I apologize for this imbeciles, Lord Ripto, - said Gnasty respectfully. - I ordered them to find and bring you to me, but they took the order too directly.
- Your soldiers are not smart and quick-witted, - Ripto replied gruffly, looking up from the tool. - I advise you to solve this issue. It is unreasonable to rely on idiots who are not able to even understand your order.
- I'm afraid too smart can ask unnecessary questions or betray for the sake of profit.
- So give them the best benefit, Sir Gnasty, - even without seeing the sorcerer’s face, Spayro could clearly “see” how he smiles slyly. - What do you need? I was busy and your request for a meeting tore me off from important documents.
- I know, but I have information that will obviously interest you and I want to share it with you.
- Oh, I doubt that greatly. But go ahead, - Ripto snorted, returning to the game.
Unhurried melody again sounded like a lake, fascinating stupid gnorks and slightly distracting Gnasty himself. He awkwardly wobbled on the spot, but still stepped closer to the former ally.
- You and I have a good tandem in the past, I think if the Sorceress survived, then the three of us would be completely invincible, - the green giant began to ingratiate, obviously not intending to express his idea as quickly as possible, to Ripto’s obvious irritation. - I here thought that with this new information I found we should repeat this experience and even improve it. If we unite again, we will be able to defeat the dragons and take revenge on that purple misunderstanding. Your troops and skills, and my knowledge and strength - together, nothing will stop us! We will conquer the Dragon Worlds and all its treasures!
Gnasti’s fiery speech was supported by several gnorks, but their boss angrily snapped at them, peering intensely at Ripto’s back, who with an imperturbable face continued to play the flute as if ignoring brut in golden armor.
- Did you listen to me at all?
- You didn’t tell me anything that would make me agree or at least ponder your statement about creating a union, - interrupting his execution a second time, the sorcerer replied.
- And if I say that I have learned the main weakness of all dragons, which will be their doom?”
Ripto flinched, the flute stopped near his mouth, and Spyro, who squeezed the grass under his fingers, twitched together with him. A deafening silence reigned near the lake for a few minutes. Gnasty watched as the sorcerer frowned thoughtfully, thinking and wondering options.
- And you won’t tell me what kind of weakness it is until I agree to a union, right? - Ripto said, carefully touching the surface of the tool in his hands. The answer was a fierce nod from the big man in armor, to which the ripton grinned wryly. - I must give you my due, Gnasty. This is very clever.
- Learning from the best, - said Gnork. - I'm not going to leave you all the work, as happened last time. - Only together we are indestructible, so we both have to give everything. Everything will be serious and grown-up.
- Oooh, so that time we played games, - the sorcerer say mockingly, his eyes narrowing in anger. - You set me up then, Gnasty. Cowardly escaped as soon as the figures were on the chessboard, leaving me alone with the plan that YOU came up with and invent a new one on the go. The things are not done like that, let alone revenge.
- But ...!
- Do you have any idea how much I lost during THAT event because of YOUR plan? Did you even think for a minute about what happened there? Do you even know the result?
- I know, - whispered the green giant. - I paid you the losses. We're quits, remember?
Ripto squeezed the flute firmly in his hands, from which she squealed plaintively, but quickly loses his grip, breathing heavily.
- I remember, but my answer is no, - the sorcerer replied restrainedly, his eyes buried in the clear water. - I don’t have time for dragons, Gnasty. I have other priorities now.
- But ... But now is the time! - Gnasty stared at the dino shocked, walking up to him in tight. - Such a chance falls just once and you are ready to miss it? You were more oppressed by dragons than me! You have always been their main hater! Damn yes I was sure that you will erase these brazen snouts from the face of the universe! And now you are ready to retreat from your convictions !? Forget all injustices and injuries?!
- YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DEMAND ANYTHING FROM ME! I WON'T ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS IF I WANT TO! - the wizard boiled jumping to his feet from which Gnork took a step back, remembering the danger of falling under the sorcerer’s hot hand. - I haven't forgotten anything, - he hissed lowly. - No offense, no defeat. However, some events forced me to reconsider the attitude towards certain things. Including to ... dragons.
- And what did you decide? - asked Gnasti hesitantly.
- I absolutely don't care about them. I don’t want to have anything to do with pompous idiots who don’t see further than their own nose and always run away from the consequences, as soon as something goes wrong.
- What about Spyro?! You have your personal scores with him!
- It's certainly NOT your concerned. If you so want to get revenge then do it yourself, do not drag me. Do I make myself clear?
Suddenly, Ripto inhaled the air, sniffing quickly, and abruptly turned his head toward the bushes where Hunter and Spyro were hiding, meeting his gaze with the dragon for a moment.
- We are overheard! SCATTER! - commanded Ripto. Gnasty and his minions rushed in one direction, and the sorcerer in a strictly opposite.
- Spyro, I'm go after gnorks, and you're after shorty, - shouted Hunter rushing off the spot he was, reaching for the bow.
Spyro was already racing at full speed behind the rapidly disappearing Ripto. As a child, he could quickly catch up with a short dino and as he grew up and stretched out, it shouldn’t take him much time. But to his surprise, he didn’t take into account how deftly the sorcerer looped between the trees, entangling the trail and not allowing the dragon to grab him.
- Stop! I just want to talk!
- Fuck off, fire-breath! Get lost!
Ripto somehow climbed a tree and deftly moved along the woven branches, making it even harder to catch his movement because of the foliage. Climbing up after wizard wasn't an option for Spyro because the branches are unlikely to withstand the current weight of the dragon and the maneuver for him is much less.
The dragon moved his paws as quickly as possible, following an elusive way after enemy, but could not catch up or even see Ripto. And after a moment, dino simply disappeared among the green foliage, leaving behind only a light trail of the familiar smell and the echo of an impish chuckle.
So frozen in the middle of the thicket, Spyro tried to catch his breath. Despite the failure, the heart was warming the thought that the sorcerer did not agree to the proposal of Gnasty. Apparently all the same, he “grew up” from his "prejudices". Crazy smile crept into the dragon's face. Just at the same time, in Spyro's head flashed the thought that Ripto still smells very tasty.
(sorry not sorry)
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Police mostly derives from the 1500s English word 'cap', indicating to seize, from Middle French 'caper' for the very same word, and also most likely linked likewise to Scicilian and also Latin 'capere' implying to capture. The complete type Copper is partly acquired as well as usage enhanced through the metallic copper badges worn by early New york city police sergeants. By the way the patrolmen had brass badges and the captains silver ones. cloud nine/on heaven - extreme happiness or euphoria/being in a state of extreme happiness, not always yet possibly due drugs or alcohol - cloud 7 is an additional variant, but over the moon often tends to be one of the most prominent.
Words as well as language could transform with time, but the audio of a fart is one of life's more sustaining features. consume crow - acknowledge a mistake, experience humiliation - the expression's beginnings are American, from images as well as mythology from the late 19th century. Crow would have been regarded as a rather distasteful recipe, just like the original English Umble Pie metaphor from the 1700s. According to etymologist James Rogers, eating crow became the subject of a tale reported in the Atlanta Constitution in 1888, which informed the story of an American soldier in the Battle of 1812, who shot a crow throughout a ceasefire. A British policeman matched the soldier on his capturing and asked to see the weapon, which when handed to him, he turned on the soldier, reprimanding him for trespassing, and requiring the soldier to consume an item of the dead crow. Nonetheless, on having the weapon went back to him, the soldier immediately transformed the tool on the police officer, and also made him consume the rest of the crow.
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In the laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy with mesh, The cervix is grasped by special forceps. A cut is then made in the vaginal skin surrounding the cervix as well as a soft nylon mesh is after that sutured to the cervix and the vaginal skin shut over it.
Hoag bribed the police to leave prosecution, yet eventually paid the rate for being also brilliant when he attempted to cut the cops out of the bargain, resulting in the pair's arrest. In defining Hoag at the time, the cops were supposedly the very first to utilize the 'clever aleck' expression.
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If you have very early recollections of use or recommendations of exact origins or writers of any one of the above expressions please let me recognize, and I'll release the searchings for on this page generally listing. Let me know also if you desire any kind of mysterious expressions including in the checklist for which no published origins seem to exist. Can you aid discover the earliest beginnings or precise resources of some relatively recent expressions and figures of speech? Right here are a couple of interesting expressions for which for which fully satisfying beginnings seem not to exist, or existing explanations welcome development and even more detail. The main benefits of using these lotions like rapid virgin spray is that they are made from totally all-natural herbs hence lack any sort of sort of unfavorable impacts. Older individuals with more extensive photo-ageing, major skin laxity, or exceptionally sagging skin on the neck aren't terrific prospects as well as may require surgical treatment.
The basis of the significance is that Adam, being the very first guy ever, and also for that reason the farthest eliminated from any individual, symbolises a male that any individual is least most likely to recognize. Out of passion, an 'off ox' would certainly have been the monster drawing the cart on the side farthest from the chauffeur, and for that reason less known than the 'near ox'. This extension to the expression was American; the 'off ox' as well as various other expansions such as Adam's sibling or Adam's foot, are simply made to exaggerate the range of the colleague.
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The above use of the 'black Irish' expression is maybe sustained because it was also a term provided to a former slave who embraced the name of an Irish owner. Whether this remained in Ireland, the West Indies, or elsewhere is unclear, as well as in any event is not likely to have actually been the primary derivation of the expression provided other a lot more prevalent elements. bins - eyeglasses, or the eyes - a basic shortening of the word binoculars, initially showed up in English c. 1930, possibly from the armed forces or London, for which this sort of short-form jargon would have been normal. almanac - journal - either or both from the Arabic 'al manac' meaning 'the diary' and/or from Saxon term 'al-mon-aght' implying 'all moon hearken', which was the record of new as well as moons. Cohen recommends the beginning dates back to 1840s New York City defrauder Aleck Hoag, who, with his other half posing as a prostitute, would rob the customers.
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Dosh shows up to have actually come from this form in the United States in the 19th century, and after that reappeared in much more prominent usage in the UK in the mid-20th century. doss-house - harsh resting lodging - the term is from Elizabethan England when 'doss' was a straw bed, from 'dossel' meaning bundle of straw, subsequently from the French 'dossier' indicating package. Prior to c. 13th century the word was dyker, from Latin 'decuria' which was a trading unit of ten, originally made use of for pet hides. dead pan - expressionless - from the 1844 poem (' The Dead Pan') by Elizabeth Browning which informed that at the time of the crucifixion the cry 'Fantastic Frying pan is dead' brushed up throughout the sea, as well as 'the reactions of the oracles discontinued for ever before'. dandelion - wild flower/garden weed - from the French 'dent de lyon', suggesting 'lion's tooth', as a result of the rugged shape of the dandelion's fallen leaves. According to Chambers the plant's name entered into English in the late 1300s at first as French 'dent-de-lyon', advancing with dandelyon, additionally creating the surname Daundelyon, prior to coming to its present English form.
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London meteorologist Luke Howard established the initial widely approved cloud name and also category system, which was published in 1803. The system is basically still being used today, albeit enhanced from Howard's initial seven-cloud framework.
Names of flowers are among several various other usual English words which entered English from French in the late middle-ages, the reason for which is discussed in the 'pardon my French' beginning. In much of the expression's usual usage the significances appear to converge, in which the crossbreed 'feel' is among domination/control/intimacy in return for payment/material reward/safety/protection. Making use of the expression as a straight disrespect, where the meaning is to examine a person's parentage, is located, yet this would not have been the beginning, and also is a more current retrospectively applied significance. dachshund - short-legged pet - the dog was initially a German breed used for hunting badgers. The word appears to have actually pertained to England in the last 19th century. cop/copper - cop - Some suggest this is a phrase from 'Constable On Patrol' yet this is a retrospectively applied explanation.
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The intimations to floating on air as well as 'being high' of course fit the cloud metaphor and also would have made the expression naturally very attractive, especially in the context of alcohol and drugs. See for enjoyable as well as more climate interests the weather quiz on this web site.
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The 'upside down' expression then naturally described looking for the King's shilling at the end of the stein. If you know anything even more regarding the beginnings of "toss me a bone" - especially the expression happening in a language aside from English, please tell me. The flag is a blue rectangle with a strong white rectangle in the center; 'peter' is from the French, 'partir' implying 'to leave'. In addition,, heaven and white 'blue peter' flag is a common maritime signal flag which represents the letter 'P'. The letter 'P' is associated with the word 'peter' in several phonetic alphabets, consisting of those of the English and also American military, and also it is possible that this phonetic language association was influenced by the French 'partir' origin.
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ciao - Italian welcoming or farewell, and also usual English informality definition 'goodbye' - pronounced 'chow', is derived from Italian words 'schiavo vosotro' suggesting 'I am your servant'. Chambers as well as OED are clear in showing the earlier Latin full type of 'carnem levare', from medieval Latin 'carnelevarium', and that the derivation of the 'val' element is 'putting away' or 'eliminating', and not 'claiming goodbye, as some recommend. OED in fact states that the connection with Latin 'vale', as if claiming 'goodbye to flesh' is due to 'prominent' etymology. mostly - generally/vaguely/one method or one more - one of a number of maritime terms; 'typically' actually implied 'to the wind and off it'.
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One more interpretation, as well as conceivably a belief as soon as held by some, is that sneezing eliminated evil spirits from a person's body. A contributing aspect was the association of sneezing with the Black Death which wrecked England and especially London in the 14th and also 17th centuries. In more recent times the expression has been related to the myth that sneezing creates the heart to stop beating, better reinforcing the Bless You customized as a protective superstitious notion. blarney - influential yet empty words - from the spoken laziness techniques of Cormack MacCarthy, 1602, in holding the castle of Blarney in Ireland, near Cork, despite consenting to hand it to the English as part of the abandonment terms.
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Remember that a wind is defined according to where it comes from not where it's going to. Cruising 'by' a South wind would suggest sailing basically in a South direction - 'to the wind'. box and also die/whole/hole box as well as die - see see 'whole box as well as pass away' feasible meanings and origins listed below. Bars as well as enthusiasts became aware of this practice and also the customized of alcohol consumption from glass-bottom steins began.
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dennou-translations · 7 years
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Violet Evergarden: Chapter 8
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Battlefields were like butterflies. They swayed and swayed, lives wandering about infinitely without a destination.
“I am going to break down their vanguard artillery.”
Battles were like businesses. Filled with lies and truths, bargaining, deceptions. Things progressed with revenues and losses.
“I’ll back you up. But Violet, this fight isn’t only yours. Don’t forget that.”
The bigger the proportion, the lower the chances of the ones that had started said battles to be in them. They would throw their soldiers into the blazing flames like chess pieces on a board.
“I recognize that. However, I alone can suffice for a breakthrough. I concluded that involving others would be unnecessary.”
Although the soldiers were bundled up together, that was, in fact, a gathering of distinct individuals.
“War is not something personal of yours. Victory is reached through the cooperation of all soldiers.”
With so many of them, there were surely those who were bound to become very close to one another in the mass of people.
“I understand. As a soldier, I shall grant you victory, Major. And protect you. That is what I exist for.”
Even if the color of their skin, the words that would spew from their lips or everything they had on them were reproved, everyone was the same at the beginning of all. Were they dismembered, there would be no difference in the composition of their blood, flesh or bones. However, even the bodies of snowy countries’ young men and southern nations’ boys were currently sinking within the soil of what was the motherland of none of them.
“I am fine. Prioritize your own body.”
The interchange from life to death occurred naturally, due to the existence of a greater cause.
“Major, I am your tool; your weapon. Weapons... exist to protect their wielders. Please do not say that to me. The word you always use... is enough for an order. Please say it. ‘Kill’.”
If so, what happened in the meantime that said cause was lost?
Emerald green orbs darkened. In a battlefield of scorching grassland and deluging dirt, the Lord and his subordinate locked eyes with each other. The subordinate kept by the Lord was a beautiful monstrosity. Said monstrosity prided in being the strongest fighter, and was as ignorant as she was innocent. Until the time when her eyelids would close for eternity, she would not know the feeling of having her body burn. There was conviction but no salvation for her. Her hands never held onto anything, and she would most likely continue living that way.
She was definitely destined to do so.
The Girl Soldier and Her Everything
The long-lasting confrontation involving the allied nations of the East, West, North and South of the continent was named the Continental War. Resources strife between North and South; religious strife between East and West. The diverging interests of the Northeast and Southwest, which had formed an alliance with and convolutely comprised each other, interwove with one another and eventually broke out. The Northeast lost, the Southwest won.
Originally, the inequality of the trade between South and North was much too strong, which compelled the North to start the war. The voices of criticism regarding the victory were many, coming from countries that had not participated in the war. What was essential to the war was compensation once it was over. Due to disapproval from other countries, the southern side had only requested the removal of military factories, mainly producing and storing weapons and ammunition, after war reparation. The northern countries had scarce natural resources, but their machinery industry was superior to the South. The confiscation of such technology and the calling-off of their military forces was what served as the compensation.
As no other sanctions had been imposed, there seemed to be peace at first glimpse, but in reality, it was not an exaggeration to say that unsaid rules had been imposed.
The settlement of the East-West war was of superficial mutual reconciliation. The West, victorious, did not forbid the forms of belief of the East and suggested coexistence. However, it was not a reciprocated compromise in the true sense, as it conditioned the East to accommodate to a certain amount of taxes for each church of the West. Moreover, the East had been prohibited of pilgrimage to Intense, the most important sacred grounds of the East-West religion, which had also been the site of the decisive final battle.
There were numerous states all over the continent’s territory. The lump called Continental War had been but one of the conflicts caused by bigger countries putting limits to each other. Nonetheless, peace was brought temporarily to the concerning nations.
Along with post-war reparations, the wounded soldiers would clearly be included in the subjects to come. Soldiers provided for national defense once wars were over. The current objective was to devote medical treatment to the ones that had been injured in the war.
Leidenschaftlich, one of the winning countries, had its military hospital built on a not-so-tall hill. The name of said hill was Enchaîné. It was a problematic location, as the roadway to it, made by cutting dense trees, was narrow and required caution and driving skills whenever carriages and cars had to pass by one another. Originally, it was a recreational facility of the army, and had been quickly transformed into a medical one in order to make up for the lack of hospitals. Such was one of the consequences brought by the war, in which so many soldiers had been injured that the number of sickbays became insufficient.
When going down the road, one had to pay attention to the passage of small animals, such as squirrels and rabbits. After three or so small animal attention signs, the hospital could be sighted. The property retained a luxurious, broad garden. It was a place for playing outdoor ball games, where one could bask in a peaceful walk through the woods. Even the parts of it that no one used would now likely see the light of the sun. Due to the increasing support of wounded soldiers’ families, the hospital had recently become able to acquire regularly operating shared stagecoaches. Children brought in them played together albeit often being strangers to one another.
Amidst those who hopped off the stagecoach was a remarkable man. He wore a tone-on-tone plaid vest over a white shirt and wide pants made of a Bordeaux-colored fabric, decorated with Suède strings. A plaid ornamental cloth rustled from his waist belt. He was a charismatic man, his fairly long crimson hair tied behind his head. Perhaps because he had many acquaintances in the hospital, amongst not only the nurses but also hospitalized patients and their families, he pleasantly returned all the greetings directed at him. His gait was unfaltering.
He climbed up the stairs and walked through the corridors. The scenery from the windows was the best view that Enchaîné hill could provide. Beyond the mountain woods was Leiden, the port capitol. A gull flew in the distance, growing farther away. The current season was early summer. The mountain winds brought in the smell of freshly blooming flowers through the open windows.
The room that the man entered after a knock was an infirmary used by multiple people. Female and male soldiers were apparently split. Some patients of that room were separated by curtains and could not be seen, but all were women.
“Mister Hodgins, she has awoken... honestly, it was a hassle.”
The so-called Hodgins was dumbfounded upon being informed in a fatigued tone by a nurse accompanying a patient. “No way, seriously?” his voice echoed through the infirmary. Breaking into falsetto, it denoted amazement, joy and a little bit of unease.
He gazed at the interior of the room with a nervous look. The one he had asked for lay there, on a bed made of rusted white pipes, staring at her own hands. The eyes that wondrously observed the artificial limbs as if they had been forcefully attached to her shoulders were of a clear blue color. Her hair grew unevenly, but was as flowy and golden as a sea of rice ears. She was a girl so beautiful that she could take one’s breath away with just a glance.
As she took notice of Hodgins, who was searching for words as he walked to her side, she opened her mouth first, “Major... where is... Major Gil... bert?” Her lips had cracks from being too dry, blood welling in them.
“Little Violet... you were quite a bit of a Sleeping Beauty.”
The girl was an injured soldier, just as the other patients. She was the driving force of Leidenschaftlich’s army, acting from the shadows without any registration – the weapon that only a certain man could use, Violet.
“Do you... recognize me? It’s Hodgins. I commanded the Leidenschaftlich units at Intense. See, during the night of the last battle, we greeted each other, remember? You weren’t waking up, so I was worried.”
However, for Hodgins, the fact that she was the soldier his best friend had raised was more significant. As the other patients began talking with one another in hushed whispers, he closed the partition curtains and sat on a nearby chair.
Violet looked into the gap between the curtains. She was probably expecting someone to enter from there. “What about Major...?”
“He isn’t here. Since he has been... busy because of the postwar victory. It’s not a situation where he’d have an opportunity to come.”
“Then... then... he is alive, right...?!”
“That’s... right.”
“What about his wounds? How are they?”
Taken aback by her frantic aggressiveness, Hodgins stalled for an answer. “In terms of injuries, he was in a better state than you. You should worry more about yourself.”
“Whatever happens to me... does not matt...” for a moment, Violet peeked into Hodgins’s eyes as if suspecting of something. “Is this information true?” Her gaze was icy. Precisely because she was so beautiful, her outer ghastliness increased with it.
Yet Hodgins stared back into her blue eyes without wavering. Contrastingly, he put on a cheerful smile. “Worry not, Little Violet. I’ve come to visit you because he asked me to.” With a gentle tone, he created an atmosphere as warm as possible.
Such was Hodgins specialty. From extolling his superiors to making his way into ladies’ bedrooms, the process was different but the technique was the same.
“Major... did?”
Firstly, he had to make the other party think of him as an ally.
“Yeah. We’ve been best friends since back when we studied at the army’s military academy. We always help each other whenever anything happens. We might be more familiar with one another than with our own parents. That’s why I’ve also been entrusted with you. Gilbert is concerned about you. I’m the proof of that. Though you might have forgotten about me...”
“No... Major Hodgins. I recall it. That was the second time... we had met.”
“Eh, you remembered up to the first one? You... didn’t say that on the night of the last battle.”
Hodgins had said during their second encounter, “Well, this isn’t your first meeting with me, but you don’t remember it, do you? I’m an one-sided acquaintance of yours. Call me ‘Major Hodgins’.” And in response, Violet had merely saluted him.
“I had not thought I was being asked to speak.”
“Do you really remember... our meeting in the training grounds?”
“I had not yet learned words back then, so whatever was said is unclear to me. But Major Hodgins was very friendly with Major... Major Gilbert.”
As he had thought she had taken no notice of such things, his happiness was more prominent than his astonishment. The tension that had previously surrounded the two of them had diminished slightly. Violet was self-conscious of Hodgins, and Hodgins was self-conscious of Violet.
“Is that so? He is all right...?” Violet closed her eyes and sighed in relief.
What the nurse had described as a “hassle” possibly referred to that. Someone who would only ask about Gilbert in spite of whatever was being said to her was unquestionably a hassle.
“Your unit’s achievement was particularly huge. To compensate, there were many casualties, but... it’s the same for all the corps. Just as planned, you caused a disruption, destroyed the North’s posture, and we were able to strike them down.”
“The doctors have told me... that we won the Great War. But I do not... have any memory... of the very end.”
“You were lying on top of Gilbert and you both fell unconscious. Then, you were saved by a comrade who called for reinforcements. It was close, but well, neither of you died. Your blood loss was especially profuse.”
——Your resistance level is beyond that of humans. Such words had traveled up his throat, yet he did not muster them out.
“What kind of mission... is Major in at the moment? When should I join him? My body... is not moving, but... it will return to normal within a few days. Major was also supposed to have suffered serious damage. His eye...” Violet’s voice wilted halfway, “I was unable to protect him. I will at least stay by his side to replace his eye.”
——It ain’t very good... to believe too much... in something.
From the very start, the girl had not mourned the loss of her arms at all, only worrying about a man that was not present. Hodgins could not sincerely think well of her blind devotion.
——Trust and faith are different things.
Violet’s attitude was close to faith. Hodgins’s way of thinking was, very much like him, oriented by a calculation of profit and loss. Be it with material possessions or with lovers, overestimation was not advantageous. Otherwise, any case of sudden betrayal or disappearance would be unbearable. He was very passionately enthusiastic when it came to social disposition, but his reasoning was cold.
“That will be impossible, Little Violet. The one who should worry about their body is you. Your arms... you must already have noticed, but there was nothing that could have been done. I’d wanted them... to have put prosthetics of a more subtle design on you, but... this is a military hospital. They ended up being combat-specialized ones. I’m sorry.”
“It is good that they are sturdy. Why are you apologizing, Major Hodgins?”
Upon being asked, Hodgins shrugged. He had no words to reply with. “I wonder why.” His eyebrows were low as if he were troubled.
With that, the conversation came to a halt and a drape of silence fell between them. Perhaps because the infirmary was quiet, said drape was painfully perceptible.
“Little Violet, is there anything you want to eat?”
The sound of the second hand of a clock hanging on one of the infirmary’s walls.
“No, Major Hodgins.”
The whispering voices of nurses and patients.
“Don’t you... want some water?”
Their own breathing.
“It is unnecessary.”
They all echoed much too conspiscuously.
An image of every bullet of potential topics shot at Violet being sliced by her with her battle-axe Witchcraft played in Hodgins’s head. The talk did not progress from there.
——This is a problem. To think that a guy like me would have difficulty chatting with a girl...
Hodgins groaned inwardly at how considerably hard it was to please the Warrior Maiden of Leidenschaftlich. Their only commonality was Gilbert Bougainvillea. However, since she dedicated her body to her Lord to the point that the first thing she had asked upon awakening were his whereabouts, wouldn’t speaking of him only cause her to feel desolate?
——I mean... does she even think of anything as lonesome? She does seem... obsessed with him, though.
It was hardly imaginable that the girl, who looked like an inorganic and refined art piece, was a living being. Was she alive or dead? If she were alive, what did she enjoy in her life?
——Aah... Gilbert, you’ve asked a pretty troublesome favor.
It was difficult to divide people into two types, but there were those who could withstand silence and who could not. Hodgins was rather the latter. His gaze instinctively lowered to his feet as he aimlessly rocked his shoes with them. As his droopy, grayish blue eyes wandered to the floor, he found something. He then reminisced to the existence of what could get him out of his dilemma.
“That’s right, I had brought gifts for the visit! I’d been avoiding doing this because I was told it would get in the nurses’ way, but I’ve actually been bringing in a quite a bit of stuff until now. Here.” Hodgins took paper bags from under the bed. He turned towards Violet, who could not sit up, and pulled a stuffed black cat from within one of them.
Violet’s reaction was minimal.
He then took out a stuffed feline with tiger strips. Lastly, he took out a stuffed dog. Lining the three of them up, he made them bow with a, “‘Hello’!”
Her reaction was still dull.
“Is it... no good?”
“What is?”
“Did they get reproved as a present for you?”
Violet’s big eyes blinked. Her golden lashes swayed as well. “For me...?” She really did hold doubt. “Why for me?” Violet asked again, adding one more word.
“Since you were injured and hospitalized, getting gifts during visits is only the obvious. I see, so you’d never been hospitalized before. These are my feelings... like, ‘get well soon’. Your belongings... have gone missing in the postwar turmoil. You have nothing now. That’s why, in order for the room not to get lonely...” at that second, Hodgins’s body gave a pronounced flinch.
It was because Violet had let out a gasp that sounded like a swallowed scream.
“A-Are you okay, Little Violet?”
“Little Violet?”
“My brooch... my emerald brooch... it is something that Major gave me. If it has been lost, I must look for it. It was given to me...!” Violet moved her neck in a forceful attempt to stand.
Hodgins frantically moved to stop her. Nevertheless, there were no issues, even without him holding her back. Violet could not get up at all.
“Why? Why...?”
There was no way that someone who had been in a coma for months, and on top of it, had their upper limbs fall off and be replaced by artificial ones, could immediately start walking around. Her prosthetics creaked.
He held down her shoulders as she seemed to be about to collapse. From the sides, it looked as if he was pinning her violently.
——Cut me some slack.
Hodgins’s inner gentleman could not forgive the manner with which he was pressing down the girl soldier that his best friend had entrusted to him, who was also a woman weakened due to losing her arms.
“Is it fine as long as it’s emerald? I’ll buy another to replace it, okay?”
Violet shook her head slightly. “There is... no replacement.” She closed her eyes as if suppressing something.
Hodgins concluded it was an extremely important item. “I understand. I’ll buy it back, so rest assured, Little Violet.” He declared without thinking twice.
“Can you do it...?” Violet’s resistance ceased instantaneously.
Without delay, Hodgins put on a boastful grin and nodded, “Probably. I think it’s gone to the black market. I’ll try to contact a merchant that I’m acquainted with. Please, don’t think of going anywhere out of here in that state. Until then, couldn’t you endure it using these? Stuffed toys and brooches are... completely different things, but... ain’t they cute? This is exactly like one I used to own in the past. Little Violet, would you have preferred stuffed rabbits or bears?”
“I do not know.”
“Which is the cutest one out of them? If you had to choose no matter what, tell me which it would be.”
She had certainly never been asked such a question before. Violet silently eyed the plushes from right to left.
“What if the condition is that the world would end if you didn’t respond? Okay, three, two, one! Answer!”
“No way... the dog... maybe?”
“Mickey, right?! Ah, Mickey is the name of the dog I used to own. Then, I’ll leave him right beside you. Isn’t that great, Mickey? You’ve been chosen.” Hodgins placed the stuffed dog he had named Mickey near Violet’s face. He massaged his own chest while watching her finally calm down. Cold sweat trailed his back.
Primarily, Violet seemed to have no interest, but eventually dragged her head close to the stuffed toy and touched it with her face.
After casually watching her for a moment, Hodgins said, “Little Violet. There’s a tad too many people here, so if a private room becomes vacant, should I transfer you? The formalities have been dealt with. It’s... been several months since that last battle. At first, the infirmary was also crowded, and there weren’t enough beds. But now the number of people has finally decreased... though that was just from the fact that most who were brought here died... that’s why... it seems there will be private rooms available. When that happens, these can be put there as well...”
Was a stuffed toy itself something rare to her? Perhaps because it felt pleasant albeit feeble, Violet closed her eyes and rubbed her nose against its stomach. As she had just awakened, she could not yet move her untrained prosthetics. She could only touch it with her head. Once she had pushed it too much and it strayed, she stirred her neck and landed her cheek on it again.
“And, also...” At the sight, whatever Hodgins was about to say was erased from his mind. “Erm...”
Her actions were incredibly natural.
“Is it fun... to touch... that plushie?”
“I do not understand ‘fun’. However, I believe I want to keep touching it.” Possibly due to her anxiety and nervousness subsiding, her tone was softer than before. She politely thanked him as he held still the plush that was drifting apart from her nose once more.
——She was... this kind of child?
An emotion unlike whatever had been wafting within Hodgins until now began to sprout in a corner of his heart. It was not fear, inconvenience or desire to control. It was something more lukewarm.
“I see... yeah, I used to be like that in the past too. Little kids... ah, no, I don’t mean it in a bad way, but... little kids do that a lot. It’s not... like they’ll always be looked after by their parents.”
“I do not know my parents.”
“Aah, that’s right...”
Children would touch humanoid and animal toys in search of solace. But those were not real protection from insecurity and toxic environments. In actuality, they were but substitutes. Childhood itself was a replacement for shelter.
——She was... the kind of child to do something like this?
He could not determine anything just from her reaction.
——No, isn’t it more like... she can’t keep up without doing something like this? Right now, she is genuinely... alone.
“Erm... what was it again? That’s right, if there are any other... other... things you want me to do, just say it. Gilbert entrusted you to me. If you’re bothered by anything, I’ll try to solve the matter however I can. Somehow, the things I’m saying are messed up, huh. When you woke up, I was... a bit... shocked, and ended up talking too much.”
Violet replied curtly, “Thank you very much.”
Hodgins, who was a master at keeping a poker face, maintained a grin, but under his smiling façade, he embraced a completely different feeling.
——I see, so that’s how it was?
He had not had many opportunities to get to know Violet – only during the few days subsequent to the gruesome spectacle presented in the training grounds, in which he had seen Gilbert for the first in a long time after their promotions, and the night before the final battle. Once said battle was over, he had come visit her many times. Violet had no parents or siblings. Neither did she have friends. Hodgins was always her sole visitor.
——Even though I know how powerful she is, and how many she can kill...
Perhaps he should disqualify her as a weapon and put an end to such insanity.
——Aah, this is...
Just from conversing with her normally and watching her movements, he could understand.
——This is no good. This... I mean... Gilbert, you...
“Major Hodgins?”
——Isn’t she... just a young girl?
Hodgins felt as if a soft spot somewhere within his heart had been hollowed out with a spoon. As she was so demonic in battle, he had forgotten about it. He had played a blind eye to it. Most likely, anyone in the Leidenschaftlich army who sighted her had done so as well.
“If this... is left in my care, will it not break?”
Violet was but a child that would do nothing when she was not fighting. She was not registered as a person, and had been raised not knowing life outside of the battlefield. She was a beauty-endowed weapon, a commodity, an asset. A girl soldier that was permitted to live in exchange for her battling capabilities had no need for unnecessary knowledge.
One would never think that watching her in combat would instigate so much fear that people would not dare speak to her. Her adult-like appearance caused men to feel excited rather than paternal. She was not treated as a child at all.
——Still, what’s in front of my eyes now is...
“You can do as you please. It’s already yours.”
“All right.”
What lay before Hodgins’s eyes was the girl that Gilbert Bougainvillea had made a ‘person’. The one who had taught her words and manners was Gilbert himself. Doing so while leading army troops in wartime must have been terribly difficult. Hodgins knew of Violet’s initial circumstances.
“Major Hodgins, is something wrong?”
“No, nothing. Isn’t there... anything else?”
While taking back the bags, Hodgins was immersed in the feeling that his entire body was rotting. He attempted recalling how he had regarded Violet so far.
——That time, I... wagered on you.
He no longer remembered what he had bought with the cigarettes he had earned. Gilbert had stubbornly refused to take his own share.
——I had thought you would, surely, be of use to the military.
Just as he had imagined, Violet had done an excellent job. During the final battle, she had successfully caused the disturbance that had been the key of his strategy. That had been merely one portion of a grander achievement, but he did not know of other soldiers whom could say they would have accomplished the same in that situation. Had she not fought, the number of casualties amongst their allies would have been even bigger. Conversely, there were many who would have escaped death without her there. She was that kind of existence.
——I thought... we could use you.
The girl who had survived by slaughtering men one after another at those training grounds pledged allegiance to Gilbert alone. A part of Hodgins had believed that, since she was a monster, she was better off as a cold-hearted assassin doll that could not conceal her brutal nature.
——There’s no way...
The girl who had been named Violet peeked through the curtains with unyielding expectation. Her figure was similar to that of a chick searching for its parent bird.
——...that this... was the case.
“Little Violet, I’m sorry.”
“For what reason?”
“The gifts I have aren’t that good. Next time, I’ll prepare lots of stuff to surprise you. You used to travel a lot, so you haven’t gone shopping downtown, right?”
“Only once.”
“Is that so? I’ll put in more effort next time. Get your hopes up. Even if you don’t like them and they’re no good, it’d be great if you could not throw them away.”
“I do not quite understand, but I will not do that.”
“‘Kay, thanks.”
After that, even as the conversation did not continue, Hodgins stayed with Violet until sunset. They could hardly chat as Violet had continuously fallen asleep and awoken in the process, since she was unable to stay conscious for too long.
At evening, a bell would resound to inform the end of visits in the hospital. Along with it, the nurses started prompting visitors remaining in each room to take their leave. Hodgins was unable to move immediately.
“Major Hodgins, the visiting period is over.”
“Is it all right for you not to go home?”
In the beginning, their talk had not been progressing and he had wanted to hurry home, but now he wanted to be by her side very much. Leaving her alone in that state ached in his conscience. As he pierced his own heart with the fact that that such pain was too late to occur, what he felt was even more of it.
“The nurse is glaring at me, so it’s not. Guess I’ll go home... ah, speaking of which, I forgot to say this: I’m not a major anymore. I’ve quit the military.”
“Is that so?”
“What do soldiers... do when they deploy from the military?”
“We can do anything. Life doesn’t have only one path. In my case, I’m an entrepreneur trying to open his own business. I’ll be the president of an agency. Next time, I’ll tell you about that.”
“All right, Maj... Hodgins...” She was certainly at loss as to how she should refer to him.
Hodgins giggled. “You can call me ‘President Hodgins’. I don’t have any employees yet so I’m not referred to like this, and I can’t get anyone to call me that.”
“President Hodgins.”
“It doesn’t have a bad ring to it. When Little Violet said ‘president’, I got chills.”
“Are you cold?”
“Hmm... next time I come, I’ll explain to you about jokes.”
Although it was summer, Hodgins pulled Violet’s comforter up to shoulder level so that she would not be chilly at night, placing the dog plush next to her face once again. She stared straight into him. Unlike the first time she had done so, Hodgins was unable to bear it and wound up averting his gaze. He directed it to the window. The scenery that could be seen from the infirmary was dyed with the orange shades of sunset.
The borders of day and night intertwining was a scene that one would always end up contemplating, regardless of where they were, what time it was or what they were doing. The clouds in the sky, the sea, the earth, the city, the people; a madder red light poured over everything. Even as those that received such grace were not actually equal, at that moment, all were homogeneously covered and gradually being embraced by the night. As Hodgins commented, “Pretty, huh?”, Violet replied with, “It is beautiful.”
“Well, then.” Hodgins said as he got up from his chair.
“This isn’t a ‘farewell’. I’ll come again.”
——Though you... may have zero interest in me.
Opposing his expectations, Violet whispered expressionlessly, “See you...”
She had fixed the “farewell” into “see you”.
“Yeah, see ya, Little Violet.”
After a brief silence as if she were deep in thought, Violet nodded a bit.
Insects cried so as to inform the world of their short life.
The hospital of Leidenschaftlich’s army was encircled by a forest with lush greenery. The path arranged for wheelchairs to pass through pushed by volunteer soldiers had recently started turning into a resting place for patients. Wooden tables and chairs were scattered along its course, and it was not uncommon to see the hospital staff distributing meals around them at lunchtime. In that midst were a man and a girl.
“Little Violet, aren’t you tired?”
Both sat on stump chairs next to each other. Some time had passed since the early summer of their reunion, and they spent the best moment of sun exposure quietly. It was a windy, refreshing and easygoing summer day.
“President Hodgins, there are no issues. How about ten more strolls?”
Violet wore a loose cotton dress. Although it was a simple and plain clothing, her emerald brooch gleamed on her chest. She would occasionally glance down at it to confirm its existence. Watching her, Hodgins smiled without pointing it out.
“That won’t do. The doctor told you to just go once and return, right? I also get anxious when I see you like this... I’ll push you on the way back.”
“You can’t. I’ll know right away if you’re forcing yourself.”
“All right...”
“Now, let’s wipe that sweat, or else, you’ll catch a cold.” Hodgins took out a handkerchief.
Violet grabbed onto it, preventing him of properly cleaning her forehead.
“Can’t I be the one wiping it?”
“No can do. I would not be able to practice otherwise.”
“But, hey, you’ll mess up your hair.”
“No can do. The one who said I should first and foremost learn to move these arms was you, Maj... President Hodgins. Indeed... in this condition, I would be of no use to Major. Quite the reverse, I would be a dead weight.”
At that, Hodgins did not let any bitter smiles or afflicted expressions show.
Ever since the girl soldier Violet had awoken, the number of visits he paid her had accumulated into two months. Every time they saw each other, he was consistently asked first-thing whether Gilbert Bougainvillea would visit. The latter had not come until now. Hodgins was unable to do anything about it, but he could not handle Violet’s sorrowful face whenever he had to say, “He won’t come today”. Therefore, he had persuaded her with, “While Gilbert doesn’t come, what you’re supposed to do isn’t to lament for his absence but to do whatever you can. In other words, to rest and head towards recovery. Becoming able to use your arms with pride when you meet him is your mission.”
That had a profound effect on Violet.
“I will definitely master the use of these arms even better than my flesh ones. Estark Inc.’s prosthetics are combat-specialized... if my skills catch up to them, I should be able to become an even more useful existence.”
She was the sort of person that shone brighter when having missions or orders to follow. It was her main trait.
“No, that’s not true. Just by existing, girls are already as praise-worthy and wonderful as the miraculous limpid waters that flow from mountaintop springs. Men are filthy.”
“I fail to understand that example, but I think that while I am unable to receive Major’s orders, I should train autonomously.”
It was a somewhat strange conversation, but the mood was not somber. On the contrary: the two of them, who were a disagreeable combination, had unexpectedly become familiar with one another. And that, in retrospect to Hodgins’s relationships, might not be so odd. He and Gilbert were best friends, but Gilbert corresponded to him essentially in a leveled manner. Meanwhile, Hodgins had the tricky characteristic of proffering his love for women but being fond of swaying amongst beautiful people regardless of them being male or female.
“It’s a tricky lifestyle, huh, Little Violet.” Hodgins made a comment also supposedly directed at himself as if only speaking impersonally.
Violet repeatedly picked the handkerchief after letting it fall on her lap, finally managing to wipe the sweat. She had been able to leave her previous state of not being able to use her arms at all, but had not yet received permission to do everything on her own.
“Good job.” After fixing her disheveled forelocks with his fingertips, Hodgins sat Violet on her wheelchair.
“Are we already leaving?”
“Since the wind has started to get chilly.”
“I will... not sweat anymore.”
“If you can, I want you to teach me that technique. No matter what you say, no can do. Let’s go back to your room.”
——It’s exactly because she’s a kid who forces herself a lot that I don’t want to let her do too much therapeutic exercise. Hodgins thought while leisurely pushing the wheelchair.
As always, Violet’s reactions were dispassionate, yet as she cast her eyes down, she seemed somewhat depressed. It was but Hodgins’s own assumption – however, that was how she looked to him.
——Even so, it’s no good to take away what she’s doing. Isn’t there a better training method?
The two that had become used to silence returned to her room. It was not a big one, yet it was just about enough to shun outsiders. The girl soldier with artificial upper limbs, whom only the ones she was close to truly knew, was a frequent target of rudeness and impolite stares.
As a result of her being transferred to a private lodging, Hodgins was able to bring her many gifts. When entering the place, the fragrance of fresh flower arrangements wafted towards them, several stuffed animals welcoming the duo. Clothes and shoes that she had not yet worn lay in piled boxes wrapped with ribbons. It was a very feminine room. Inside of it, Violet’s outstanding figure as she sat on her bed was akin to that of a doll.
“Little Violet, I have something for you.”
“I have received enough. There is nothing I can give in return. I will have to refuse.” Violet shook her head and turned to the side, displaying predictable rejection towards Hodgins, who would bring something during every visit, as a doting grandfather would do with his granddaughter.
“No, it’s nothing too expensive. Actually, it’s a secondhand notepad of mine. A fountain pen, too. I just changed the ink, so I don’t think it’ll run out so soon.” Hodgins put the objects on the desk installed in the private room – a hardcover book-like notepad and a golden fountain pen.
As she was surged, Violet sat in front of the desk, prompted to pick them up. Only a few sheets of the notepad had been used. Hodgins took them off and threw them away.
“Let’s make of this... practice for your hands. Do calligraphy. If I’m correct, you were able to write your name, right?”
“Yes... however, I cannot write... other words.”
“Isn’t that fine? It’s exactly because the hospital life is boring that it was your fate to learn it at a time like this. It’s better to have a goal. How much would you aim to be able to do?”
“Letters.” Violet said as if coughing. “I want to become able to write letters.” Her voice contained urgency.
Hodgins’s eyes and mouth were wide-open in bewilderment. That was a great offer for him. He was actually going to take the matter into that same direction at his own convenience.
“Why... did you think of that? Little Violet, it’s rare for you to have something you want to do. Like, aside from training...”
“Letters can deliver words to those who are far away. There are no communication devices here. However, if I wrote a letter... and received a response, although I would not be using my voice, it would be the same as having a talk. Major might not have spare time for it. Still, I... the fact that I, his tool, am here... to Major...”
Even as she did not finish speaking, he understood.
“To Major...”
Violet did not want to be forgotten. She wanted to remind Gilbert Bougainvillea of her existence as the tool that was there for his sake.
“You wanted to convey your thoughts to him.”
“Yes... No... No, most likely... Yes.” Came the ineffective reply.
She was unable to properly express her feelings. Hodgins knew it well. Every time he opened the door to her room, he would witness Violet’s expectant expressions disappear.
——Aah, no good. This kind of stuff is really no good. Hodgins pressed his eyelids with one hand and exhaled a breath.
“President Hodgins?”
“Hm, sorry, just wait a jiffy. I’ll recover soon.” He flailed his other hand and faced elsewhere. The insides of his canthus were hot. His chest hurt. He bit his lip, attempting to somehow cancel out the pain in his heart with the pain of his body, to no avail.
——I wonder if I’m getting old.
As he was touched by the ‘humane’ face that the automated assassin doll had unintentionally showed him, for some reason, he felt like crying.
——I’m so sad that it’s agonizing.
The sound of his sniffles reached Violet’s ears. Her shoulders flinched once in alarm, just as a small animal would do when sensing danger. It was only Hodgins’s bodily impression, but an aura of not knowing how to deal with the circumstances emanated from her.
“Wait just thirty more seconds...”
Violet observed the surroundings. Her blue eyes carefully searched in the room for something supposedly necessary in such a situation. She took a handkerchief from her nightstand and a black cat plush from her bed. As the strength of her grip did not make it until she reached Hodgins, they fell to the floor. By the moment she squatted to pick them up, Hodgins was already back to normal. He crouched as well to help her out.
“Were you, by any chance, trying to comfort me?”
His painfully clenched heart unraveled at her clumsy gentleness. A form of affection unlike romantic love bloomed deep within his chest.
“President Hodgins, you told me before that, in your early childhood, you would nestle with a stuffed toy that resembled this black cat one to deceive your own loneliness whenever you cried from not being cared for by your parents...”
However, said feeling blew away the next second.
“Did I... tell you even about that!?”
“You once came here drunk on the way back from a business negotiation and talked about half of your life for nearly two hours.”
Now Hodgins wanted to cry for a different motive.
“Little Violet, if I show up drunk any next time, it’s okay if you don’t take my words seriously. You can even hit me. Really... I’ll avoid alcohol. I’ll drink tea from now on. I’ll live off tea. Aah, how embarrassing... what did I say after that?”
“That you are named Claudia... because your parents had believed you would be born as a girl and prepared to receive you as such, but you wound up earning the name either way and it was difficult to live with this.”
“Alright, let's go back to the letter writing work, Little Violet.”
Claudia Hodgins was at his limit in countless ways.
The duo’s new experiment started with becoming able to hold the fountain pen. Just from her writing a single character, the pen would roll away and she would grab it back. Her figure as she would attempt to pick it whenever it fell onto the floor caused Hodgins’s heart to be enveloped in sorrow again.
“You can take it slow.”
For Hodgins, who had only ever attended the army’s military academy, playing the role of teacher was quite rough. The same applied to Violet. Although she could dismantle guns, she did not know how to write. The unskillful teacher and student had no choice but complement each other’s ineptitude. In her current level, he thought of her being able to write letters as a marvelous future.
“I want to become able to write... Major Gilbert’s name.”
Along with the progress of her writing, the scenery outside the window gradually faded.
Decayed maple leaves created a colorful carpet over the ground. It seemed the main entrance of the Leidenschaftlich Army Hospital would not be clean of them in time. The mountain road to said hospital was tinted in the sigh-inducing beauty of nature. The world was completely dyed in autumn colors.
In front of said main entrance, a young woman awaited someone, her trunk case and trolley bag lying on the ground. Perhaps because she had too much luggage, her stuffed toys’ heads stuck out of the bag. She was most likely being stood up, staring into the air in an unspecific direction. It was a girl beautiful enough to become a painting. She wore a wisteria mist nude coat and a black high-neck knitted jumper. Her raw organdy lilac skirt rustled noisily every time the wind blew it.
The golden hair of the female soldier Violet was growing quite long. It delated the number of days that she had spent in the hospital. As she spotted a small carriage coming from the mountain path, she took her luggage with her creaking prosthetic hands. With no inconveniences, she lifted them with both arms and headed to where the carriage had stopped. Similarly, a man made his way towards her.
“Sorry, sorry. A lot happened at work, so I ended up being late.” Even though it was an autumn where the gelid breeze could make one shiver, Hodgins was drenched in sweat as he came running, showing a surprised smile as he saw Violet wearing ordinary girl clothes, almost as if not recognizing her. “Little Violet, you look cute. My choice was wonderful! I have so many talents that it’s troublesome... maybe I should have gotten into the fashion industry. What about the brooch?”
“I have it. I thought it might get lost during the moving...”
“It won’t fall that soon. You should put it on. Lend it to me.” Hodgins placed the emerald brooch firmly on Violet’s chest.
Violet showed no signs of cautiousness, although the distance between the two of them was small.
“Done. It suits you, Little Violet.”
Even as he patted her head, she remained docile, not pushing his hand away. It seemed she had accepted Hodgins, who had taken care of her for a long while.
“Major Hodgins.”
“President Hodgins, where should I go now that I have been discharged? What will be my next post? Major has not replied to my letters. I have sent several of them already.” Taking Hodgins’s hand, Violet entered the carriage.
“From now on, you’ll become the foster daughter of a certain noble family. Their son passed away during the Great War, you see. They were looking for an adoption candidate. Their household is related to Gilbert’s. You’ll be educated on lady manners there.”
After confirming that the passengers had come inside the carriage, the cabby set it off. It swung pronouncedly once. Violet stood still with a serious look. She was not caught off-guard in the slightest by the oscillation.
“Are those teachings necessary for fighting?”
Just as she had thought she would finally return to the place where she could put her abilities to use, she was informed of an outrageous fact. Her reaction had been moderate.
Hodgins bent his waist, facing Violet’s eyes directly. “The war has ended, so you won’t be needed as a soldier anymore. That’s why you will learn what’s necessary to lead a life that isn’t the one of a warrior.”
“I do not understand...”
Hodgins nodded at the response he had already foreseen. “Yeah. It’s a pretty complicated issue, and I’m also forcing my own values onto you.”
“‘Complicated... issue’. Even for... you, President Hodgins? Is it not easy?”
“Little Violet, why did you use to kill people?”
“I had that ability, and it was needed. Simple as that.”
“Yeah. In order to live, in order to protect yourself, you’d been killing... surely, you had been doing that even before meeting Gilbert, because someone made you so. It was like a task of getting rid of obstacles... there’s no emotion to it.”
——And that caused you to malfunction as a person.
“Aah, truly complicated. Hm, for example, let’s say I was attacked by a thug. You killed the thug to save me. It would have been better if you had acted without doing so, but you killed him. There’s a moral cause in that. You almost certainly wouldn’t be convicted for the crime. Actually, you’d be a hero.”
“What is a ‘moral cause’?”
“Something important that people believe they should abide to while living. If you don’t abide to it, in the world of humans, you’ll be caught by the military police. Can you understand if it’s from that angle?”
“Then, another example. I had actually wanted to be killed by the thug. I gave him money and asked him to murder me. I wanted to die. We’d discussed our losses and gains and made a deal. You misunderstood that, meddled and ended up executing a person who was merely playing the role of thug and going to kill me because I asked. Do you think this is a murder with a moral cause?”
“See, it’s pretty complicated, right? There’s probably no correct answer. In the legislation made by humans, both would likely be tried, but a correct answer probably doesn’t exist. Forget the example of just now for a bit.”
Violet thoughtfully leaned her rigid and inorganic hands on her cheeks. At the moment, Hodgins was confronting her with what she considered to be ruthless words. Yet that was a problem she would have stumbled upon sooner or later.
There existed a girl soldier. She had slaughtered many. Although the murders had been for a greater cause, she had still killed people.
Was that girl soldier allowed to find happiness?
“Only, what I can say for sure is...” despite fearfully not wanting to be ostracized by the confused Violet, Hodgins spoke, “I don’t want to see you killing anyone, so I don’t want to let you go someplace where you’d have to do that. This is a completely emotion-driven theory, but... I think it’s the closest it gets to a solution.”
He almost despised Gilbert Bougainvillea for burdening him with such a role.
“Murders increase the number of sad people. That’s why I don’t want you to do it. I want to avoid... things that could be sad. I don’t feel this towards the whole world. I only seek it... for those whom I cherish. Gilbert was the same... that’s why we say ‘no’. We push our ideals onto you. A moral cause with an extremely egoistical thinking of killing or not killing. The world is becoming like that. Everyone... is really selfish. Little Violet, what was the last order you received from Gilbert?”
Upon being asked, Violet reminisced to the peak of the Great War. Gilbert was covered in blood. She had cried. Those had probably been the first tears she had shed.
“I love you.” As she pondered over those powerful words, her heart would race. Just by recalling them, her heartbeats would intensify.
“To escape from the military and live freely.”
“That’s how it is.”
The conclusion had come to light. For Violet, Gilbert’s orders had to be followed. She would not reject them so long as there were no exorbitant perils. Even so, it seemed that she had difficulties in accepting a future where she would not return to the battlefield.
“Is that something beneficial to the military? Even if it results in our allies’ deaths if I do not kill?”
“The enemies are also people. Besides... it’s because you don’t know that killing people is slowly setting fire to your body and scorching it that I’m telling you this... Little Violet.”
The girl soldier – rather, the former girl soldier – dropped her gaze to her own body. Nothing was on fire. She could only see the materials of her beautiful clothes.
“I am not burning.”
“You are.”
“I am not. This is strange.”
“Nope, you are. I saw you burning and left you alone. I regret that.”
Everything Hodgins said was abstract.
“You will learn a lot from now on. And then, surely, the things you have done... the things I said I left you alone to do... there will come a time when you’ll understand what they were.”
The subordinate kept by the Lord was a beautiful monstrosity.
“And then, for the first time, you’ll notice the many burns that you have.”
Said monstrosity prided in being the strongest fighter, and was as ignorant as she was innocent.
“You’ll realize that there’s still fire at your feet. You’ll realize that there are people pouring oil onto it. It might be easier to live without knowing this. There will certainly be times when you’ll cry.”
Until the time when her eyelids would close for eternity, she would not know the feeling of having her body burn. There was conviction but no salvation for her.
“Still, I want you to know. That’s why you won’t go back to the military.”
Her hands never held onto anything, and she would most likely continue living that way.
“Little Violet, let’s change your fate.”
She was definitely destined to do so.
However, a certain man had appeared to grasp the hand of the burning girl and throw her into a lake. Although he was not present, he undoubtedly existed.
“The people you’ll meet now are officials from the upper military departments and who belong to a prestigious family that others don’t have contact with right away. From the get-go, your name wasn’t registered in the military. So, start a new life from this point.”
“But then, I won’t be by Major’s side...”
“This is an order from Gilbert, whom you want to become the strength of. He wished for this. What are you to Gilbert, Little Violet?”
“I am... Major’s...”
“Aah, we’re here. We have to give our greetings.”
The carriage had stopped. Without being able to do anything else, Violet hopped off, led by Hodgins’s hand.
Although old-fashioned, a mansion with an architecture magnificent enough to be mistaken for a castle rose at the end of the long road. An elderly couple walked out of said mansion. While they had not yet arrived, Hodgins whispered into Violet’s ear, “Try to not be rude.”
Violet hurried to hold onto her emerald brooch. The carriage was already starting to depart from the same path it had come from. Beyond said path, she did not spot the figure of the person she had wished to be there. No matter how much Violet sought him, he would not come see her.
“These are the head of the Evergarden family and his wife. They will be your substitute parents. Now, your greetings.”
The elegant but gentle elderly couple took Violet’s artificial hands without hesitation. They smiled at her as if unbearably contented.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Violet.”
And thus, Violet Evergarden was born.
Snow melted into the nightly sea. The water surface was even darker than the starry sky that people slept under. The flakes being absorbed by it one after another were a rare sight in the south of Leidenschaftlich.
Children ran towards the gift from the sky after opening their windows. Doormen of wealthy estates trembled with the coldness. Sailors were relieved to have finished their voyages safely and returned home before the snowstorm. In such scenes that were rarely winessed, the arrival of winter could be keenly felt.
In the south of Leidenschaftlich, snow fell only a few times a year and never piled up. No one would have been able to tell it would downpour incessantly by a capricious command from the heavens on that year. Normally, there would be nothing but nimble snowfall, yet it had piled up to reach the knees of adult males.
A government meteorologist announced the occurrence to be a once-in-a-century abnormality in the weather, and the southern part of the country was caught in a temporary disorder. People would slip when coming outside and the roads for carriages and cars had vanished. Those who did not have stocks at home had flooded food shops and restaurants, from which came screams of rapture and apprehension. Once logistics had ceased, no one was walking around the city. It was wrapped in silence, as if the snow had absorbed all sounds.
Among it was the figure of Hodgins, who advanced along the snowy path, used as he was to walking over it despite being from a southern country. For someone like him, one of the former majors of Leidenschaftlich’s army, which had clashed with the northern countries, the snowy scenery overlapped with the battlefields.
He continued trailing the lone roadway silently while pushing over the snow with his dragging winter shoes. In front of him, although faintly, he could see the Evergarden manor, which was far apart from Leiden, the capitol city of Leidenschaftlich. He let out a thankful sigh in relief. The puff of his breath soon dissipated like smoke in the darkness.
As he arrived at last, firstly, he was welcomed by a butler of the Evergarden residence. The mansion could not be considered warm in every corner due to its large structure, yet Hodgins, who had endured the passing of a dark snowy night, was grateful enough to even be inside a room. During his reception, he spent a few minutes drinking hot tea next to the fireplace.
“You have finally arrived, Mister Hodgins. I was thinking you would not come today.” An elderly woman with a silk nightgown appeared before him.
“Miss Tiffany, it has been a while. I’m sorry for visiting in the middle of the night.” Hodgins bowed respectfully.
“That is my line. You were in another continent, am I right? It was my mistake to summon you immediately after your return.”
“There’s no way I would refuse the request of a lady. Where’s Mister Patrick?”
“My husband has left me here and confined himself in a far-off town. He still protects this land, but he will certainly not see this scenery again before he passes... Since this is about that person, even though he is already so old, I think he might even be playing with snow outside. He better catch a cold.”
The image of a youth merrily making snowmen formed in Hodgins’s mind. “It’s wonderful that he is a candid person that does not forget his childish innocence.”
“No, he is but a child. Even so, he is the head of the Evergarden family... still, rather than Patrick, we should discuss about Violet. My head is full of her at the moment.”
Tiffany Evergarden started talking with a melancholic face. It seemed she had attempted to give Violet various sorts of knowledge ever since taking her in. From schooling to etiquette, horsemanship, singing, cooking and dancing. Yet she would not enjoy any of them or show a remotely delighted expression, and whenever she had nothing to do, she would shut herself in her room and write letters all day long. However, none of the letters she had sent ever earned a reply.
“She has become pretty familiar with everyone in the house, and even massaged Patrick’s shoulders a while ago. He cried from joy... no, it might have actually hurt. But even though she is awkward, I believe she is a good child. Our hearts, which felt as if they had been stabbed when our son died, are gradually healing... I like her sincere innocence.”
“So do I.”
“But if only we are healed, there would be no meaning in adopting her.” Seemingly cold, Tiffany braced herself over her gown. “We took her in after hearing everything about her circumstances. We are the ones that actually should bestow her with something... is it no use, after all? If there is no blood relation...”
“That is not true.”
In spite of Hodgins’s assertion, Tiffany shook her head. “We cannot... replace Gilbert.”
“Just as Violet cannot really replace your son. No one can replace another person. We can only be of comfort. Ever since that girl left wherever she came from, she has not had a home to return to until now. Neither did she have people waiting for her with a warm meal. But she does now. This time, whatever path she decides to take will be very important. Just this much is enough. It’s something very precious. Please do not send her off.”
“‘Send her off’...! I have no such intention. If I had to let go of Violet, I would rather sell my husband.”
Her gaze held no lies.
“Miss Tiffany... this exchange is becoming very fascinating, but please cherish your husband.”
“Honestly, a daughter is much cuter than a husband...”
“Please do not destroy the dreams of an unmarried man.”
“If you have any interest, I can introduce you to as many candidates as you want.”
As Tiffany’s eyes shone, Hodgins quickly halted the conversation, making his way to Violet’s room as if running away. The servants of the Evergarden household nervously observed him from a distance. The resolve to enter the room was not building up in him. He then attempted to motivate himself.
——No one can become anybody’s replacement. Isn’t that right, me?
Hodgins had tasted that feeling many times after becoming Violet’s guardian. He had also felt lonely. But simultaneously, he had felt happy.
——If it’s me, I can give her the things that Gilbert couldn’t and do that he didn’t manage to.
“Even without becoming his substitute...”
He hit the chest area of his shirt as if confirming something. He then cleared his throat and tried once more to knock on the door.
“Come in.”
Since it was her, she probably knew who was coming inside just from his footsteps. Although he had visited her room often, even Hodgins would be anxious when sneaking into a young woman’s bedroom late into the night. But the tension melted into a different emotion the next second.
“President... Hodgins. It has been a while.”
Violet Evergarden, named after a flower goddess, had become even more beautiful yet again in the few months they had not seen each other. Her figure as she wore a negligee was pure and refined. Her golden hair had become lengthier. The sight was mysterious even. She had grown into someone fitting of the name Gilbert had given her.
“Little Violet, what are you doing?” Still, what caught Hodgins’s eyes was not that. His voice quavered. He had not wanted to show much of a reaction, yet could not hide it.
Violet stared at Hodgins as he entered the room while sitting on the floor amidst a heap of disarranged letters. It was not one or two, but dozens of paper sheets piled up quietly like corpses. Dead thoughts merely existing, like continuously pouring snowfall.
She did not answer him right away. It might have been that she did not have the will to open her mouth. “I was... sorting out letters.”
“From who? I always send postcards, right?”
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“Nobody... these are the ones I wrote and did not send. I no longer send letters. I understand... that there will be no reply. I simply find myself writing letters whenever I have nothing else to do, is all. There is no meaning to it. These are mere miscellanies in which I wrote about my days. I was pondering on whether I should dispose of them.”
The letters without destination were indeed corpses. And Violet, who had given birth to them, lacked the glow of life in her eyes. It could be that she was livelier during the times she spent in the battlefield.
“Little Violet...”
Hodgins sat down in-between the mountain of letters and the empty space. He positioned himself to confront her directly. When looking into Violet’s blank eyes, he felt like evading them. However, Hodgins disciplined himself with the reminder that that had been the result of continuously evading her.
“Major will... no longer come back to me, will he?”
“Yeah... he won’t.”
“Has my value as a soldier been lost... because my arms were gone?”
“That’s not it.”
“I can still fight. I can become stronger.”
“Our fight is already over, Little Violet.”
“Can I be of use aside from as weapon?”
“You’re not... anyone’s tool anymore.”
“Then, if my existence itself is a bother to Major, could you please tell him to order me to disappear? I will go anywhere. If I... if I remain as I am, I will be of no use...”
Hodgins desperately stopped his surging tears. “Don’t say... something like that... what would be of me and the Evergardens?!”
“That is... precisely... why... That is... why... I don’t know... what I... should do.” With her eyes also wet, Violet begged Hodgins, “If I... If I am unnecessary... as a tool... I should be discarded... I... am... I am... not supposed... to be cherished... like this... by someone... Please. Throw me away. Throw me away somewhere.”
“You’re not a thing. I think of you as my own daughter. Hey, I’m sorry. Listen.”
“I do... not know... what... to do.”
“Little Violet, I’m sorry... Really sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Take me back to... where Major is. Please.”
“It was just that. I’m sorry. Really sorry.” Hodgins stuck a hand inside of his shirt and showed Violet an object that shone silver.
It was not an ordinary necklace but an identification card – a much needed means to identify those who had passed away in battlefields. Although soldiers degradingly joked about them being similar to dog tags, they had no problems with wearing one. But it was a completely different story for someone to be carrying what was not their own. It contained the soldiers’ names and gender, and was used to confirm the identity of dead bodies whenever they were damaged beyond recognition when killed in war. Many kept their deceased comrades’ tags as a memento.
The name of the person that she had been earnestly chasing after was carved in the polished identification card. Violet had learned how to write. She had frantically practiced Gilbert’s name. That only read as one thing.
“Gilbert is dead.”
“Violet, I love you. Please live.”
Large tears spilled from Violet’s eyes.
Summer ended, autumn was welcomed, winter was left behind and spring arrived. The latter was called the ‘white season’ in Leidenschaftlich. Trees planted all over streets of the capitol city, Leiden, would burst with white flowers during spring and the petals would create a scene similar to falling snow. During such a time, no matter where one went, the flowers would be dancing in the sky. It was a remarkable seasonal trait where one would be able to witness something that could only be seen for a short while.
A new year; a season that was wonderful for starting something.
A postal company that had just finished being built was established in the city of Leiden. Its signboard had the words “CH Postal Service”. It was not open for business yet, but the president was preparing for the occasion. There was nothing but a telephone on the desk of his office, which was still tastelessly empty.
“Are you really okay with this?” although the view from the open balcony was stunning, the postal company’s president, Claudia Hodgins, narrowed his eyes as if glaring at something.
Perhaps his words had rubbed the one on the other side of the line the wrong way, as the latter let out an exaggerated sigh.
“What you’re doing isn’t wrong. I agree about cutting ties with the military. If it’s for that, I’ll help you. I was reluctant at first, but not now. I really... want to protect that kid. While I was with her, I started feeling like this. It’s true. This is true. I want to... cherish her. But, y’know, Gilbert...” After wrapping the dog tag that he had received from Gilbert in order to lie by using it as a memento around his finger, Hodgins flipped it with his nails. “Here’s my prediction: you’ll regret this.” The life proof that was being fiddled with rotated until it converged. “Are you a foster parent and his daughter? A superior and his subordinate? You say that it’s for her sake that you play the role of guardian without being nearby, but this is just an excuse for you not to get involved too deeply with Little Violet, isn’t it? If that’s only out of affection, you should protect her by her side. You entrusted to me a child that lived by doing nothing but chase after your back, and... and... do you really think she will become happy like this?” The dog tag that Hodgins firmly grasped into his hands once again was cold. “The circumstances have, well, become better. We can move on with no more wars. But, I don’t think Little Violet is happy right now. You see, even if she had remained a soldier... even if she had remained as a tool of the military, she was glad to be by your side! She was happy! She lived on pursuing your back, and she’s still doing so, even after I told her that you were dead. You get it, right? It’s the kind of girl she is! If this continues, she’ll be like that for the rest of her life. Waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting for a master that won’t come...!”
A girl who merely forever awaited a man whom she had been informed to be dead. Her face, her lonely blue eyes flickered in Hodgins’s mind and faded.
“She’s too pitiful like that! Gilbert... don’t ignore that kid’s will! It’s a huge mistake to think you’re protecting her by distancing yourself like this. I will read your future. You think you’ll be fine far away from each other because you’re young, strong and healthy, right? You think you’ll protect yourselves until you eventually die, right? You’re pretending to be at peace, right? You big idiot! People die out of the blue. Don’t overestimate others or yourself. Even I might suddenly die tomorrow. Nobody can predict the cause of their own death. No one is really okay. Gilbert, when that time comes for either you or Little Violet, you’ll definitely regret this and cry. Because I said so. If you end up wailing somewhere, it’s not certain that I will comfort you. Though I’m your friend, I’m also Little Violet’s substitute parent now. Bawl as you please and curse yourself. Listen, don’t call me again until you’ve reconsidered! You’re a huge moron...!” After yelling, Hodgins violently slammed the phone into the handset.
As his anger was not subsiding, he took off the dog tag and threw it away. The silver object that replaced the man he had wanted to hit clanged against the floor and lay on it miserably.
“Stupid bastard...”
The more Hodgins learned about Violet, the more the anguish of her existence charred his chest. And the sense of guilt from being a complicit of the very reason of her sadness tormented him.
“Stupid bastard...”
Likewise, said anguish also applied to Gilbert.
Hodgins sighed upon glancing at the dog tag he had tossed during his emotional fit, kneeling down to get it back. The name “Gilbert Bougainvillea” was written in it. Such was the name of a man that had been born in a strict household and continuously corresponded expectations. He specialized in massacring himself for the sake of others, and though Hodgins had no idea how many of himself he had murdered, his hands were most likely dyed in his own blood.
Beyond the trail of corpses he had left by constantly killing himself, Gilbert had met Violet.
He was a man who had never had something he wanted to do or that he could talk about in the way that Hodgins had of his dreams. He had quietly, serenely and deftly walked his long and narrow laid-out path. After having come to that point, Gilbert had broken said path for the first time.
Getting Violet out of the military was not as easy as putting it in words. Not even the personal connections and merits he had accumulated would suffice. If the situation were to continue permanently, Gilbert had to climb further heights – towards the apex of the pyramidal hierarchy, up to the summit where he would not let anyone berate him.
No invincible tools followed him anymore. Even as he had climbed to the top, the young woman he loved was not by his side. He had forsaken her, exactly because he loved her. He was betting everything, betting his life, killing himself in order to protect her.
“It’s full of idiots... everywhere.” Hodgins put on the dog tag once more and concealed it within his shirt.
He had only ever witnessed his best friend crying one time – when he had first seen Violet’s prosthetic arms. It was not as if Hodgins knew all about him, but at least he knew that he had never showed such a face. Hodgins had thought he was that kind of man. And that very Gilbert had cried.
“Hodgins, I have a favor to ask.”
That alone had been enough reason for him to accept it.
“My, my...”
Outside the postal company, a man and a woman banged the door while arguing with each other for some motive. Hodgins took a deep breath and headed to the entrance. The doorbell rang at the same instant that the door opened.
“Hey, so you’re here.” His expression had returned to that of the postal company’s president, Claudia Hodgins. Compared to his uplifting self, the other two had sullen faces on.
“Why did you call us over? It’s not the opening day yet, right? Also, you should teach this stupid woman some manners.”
“President, please don’t leave me alone with him anymore. I have a hard time holding back to not hit him.”
“Don’t lie, you hit me just now! Where the hell did you ‘hold back’?!”
“Now, now, you two.” Perhaps he was already used to the two biting each other in the course of conversations whenever they opened their mouths. Hodgins stood impartial, without being overwhelmed, as the mediator of the dangerous verbal argument. “Benedict, Cattleya. Starting today, I want to include one more founding member for the inauguration of CH Postal Service.” Although he was attempting to usher her into their midst, after confirming that a certain person was coming from the slope behind the two company employees, he stopped.
“What’s with that? I haven’t heard about it.”
She was walking her way up the long, long slope towards them with her own feet and her own resolution. Lowering his droopy eyes, Hodgins smiled.
“President, is it a woman? Is she cute? More than me?”
“It’s a girl. She’s the youngest of us. She has certain circumstances. Well... all of you whom I’ve gathered are a bunch of weirdoes who have your own circumstances, but... she might be the most outstanding one. Her age is closer to you guys, so I want you to get along. I’d been coaxing her all this time. She finally accepted. Auto-Memories Dolls go around the whole world, so... whatever comes will be good experience for her to search for what she seeks.” As the two turned around, he took her by the hand presented her to them.
The one who was reflected for the first time in their eyes was not the ‘Violet’ of the past.
“Let me introduce you. This is Violet Evergarden.”
Violet possessed features that emanated a cold beauty, bowing formally like a doll.
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Fight Camp 2.5.12 APK
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Despite the fact that Siegefall is a very acquainted base-building approach game, there are a number of ins and outs as well as ideas that players should take into account that will ultimately aid their armies preform far better throughout battle. Placing items on your land - Tap on the thing you wish to acquire and also you will be reclaimed to the camp. However, in a proposal to combat back the endlessing fraud battle; insurance policy firms are arming themselves by revealing the cheats and phonies that storm the nation. When the brand-new people arrive, put 1 to work at the lumber camp and also the other to working from the ranch. Not only you could download Battle Camp Hack Tool totally free without surveys, however additionally it will certainly allow you to come to be among the most effective gamers worldwide! I understand your suggestions are excellent however i camp in your home because after wave 22 the helicopter come with every as well as during the juggernaut waves including wave 26 30 34 38 i camp in the vehicle. The gun here and also laying mine in generate areas typically makes me concerning 30K before , after that I camp and kill the continuing to be 10 to 15 light shield men. First, if your device does not utilize the Android system yet you like to play Android video games, you could now do so on the COMPUTER. Battle crowds of harmful enemies as well as tackle gigantic Monsters in significant boss fights. It does not set you back anything; it only takes some time (which can be reduced with the Speed Up" power-up you often gain via battle). While you could easily camp below throughout the lower waves, when juggernauts come you need to get ready to abandon ship and diminish the alley means towards the store. Be sure to read our DomiNations Evaluation before you read our Supremacies Tips, Cheats as well as Strategies to learn why this is more than just a mere Clash-of-Clans-alike. Click on them while you're obtaining the lumber camp established up and also utilized battle camp codes if the bubbles have actually already begun popping up above the fires. Have the one you put to work at the lumber camp to first gather the cut up wood resting on the ground near the camp, and then have them chop up the logs. The enhancement of David Harris to the linebacker team produces a great fight in training camp for playing time alongside Dont' a Hightower.
Common Misunderstandings Regarding Battle Camp Hack
The real battle for the setting is going to be in between James White as well as Dion Lewis. Developing a protection head office as the Allies or battle laboratory as the Soviets grants accessibility to the intrigues' corresponding unique power. Battle Felines is an easy as well as fun video game which lets you play utilizing adorable kitties to go wild around the world. After finishing camp which if you follow the quick suggestion for energy will occur on your very first sitting, you will certainly hit degree 5 as well as Teepee Hollow (the initial actual area) opens up to you. Lasso your hero as well as all of your guns with each other as well as move them to the bandit camp at the north end of this location. Family pet rescue legend rips off tool could be utilized on any web browser as well as on any kind of tool like PC or Android with no issue. Regardless of the android mobile phone you are using, you can concur that room is a problem. A minimum of 3 shooters from outside the camp had likewise attacked an army setting in order to help the fighters run away, safety and security resources said. As soon as both of your assistants are offered, placed them both to operate at the lumber camp. Click as well as drag to view even more of the camp as well as find other monsters to do battle with. Utilizing this battle camp hack tool any type of one can get unrestricted fight camp gold and can unlock all weapons easily. One solid strategy using this hack for Battle Pet cats is to make use of God Feline's Baby Boom ability, and standardize your best feline boxer. Choice 1: Build an Archery Camp when you can manage it and have a Degree 2 Soldier upgrade to an Archer. Hence, you can test these android video games on the computer to identify if they merit to be on your phone. Our testimonial of the iOS version claims all of it, however if you're seeking the tl; dr - YOU 'RE THE GOD DAMNED BATMAN. Get as well as use Healing Potions, when essential (if a Soldier Falls in Fight below, he is gone from the game). The one sure fire means to much better your possibilities of surviving this typically brutal globe are by constructing a solid avatar that could battle the beasts and for that you need gold and energy. Glendon: I believe the most fascinating battle entering into camp will be just how the running back brings shake out.
2 notes · View notes
russianzarya-blog · 7 years
Battle Camp 2.5.12 APK
battle camp hack tool
Despite the fact that Siegefall is a very acquainted base-building approach game, there are a number of ins and outs as well as ideas that players should take into account that will ultimately aid their armies preform far better throughout battle. Placing items on your land - Tap on the thing you wish to acquire and also you will be reclaimed to the camp. However, in a proposal to combat back the endlessing fraud battle; insurance policy firms are arming themselves by revealing the cheats and phonies that storm the nation. When the brand-new people arrive, put 1 to work at the lumber camp and also the other to working from the ranch. Not only you could download Battle Camp Hack Tool totally free without surveys, however additionally it will certainly allow you to come to be among the most effective gamers worldwide! I understand your suggestions are excellent however i camp in your home because after wave 22 the helicopter come with every as well as during the juggernaut waves including wave 26 30 34 38 i camp in the vehicle. The gun here and also laying mine in generate areas typically makes me concerning 30K before , after that I camp and kill the continuing to be 10 to 15 light shield men. First, if your device does not utilize the Android system yet you like to play Android video games, you could now do so on the COMPUTER. Battle crowds of harmful enemies as well as tackle gigantic Monsters in significant boss fights. It does not set you back anything; it only takes some time (which can be reduced with the Speed Up" power-up you often gain via battle). While you could easily camp below throughout the lower waves, when juggernauts come you need to get ready to abandon ship and diminish the alley means towards the store. Be sure to read our DomiNations Evaluation before you read our Supremacies Tips, Cheats as well as Strategies to learn why this is more than just a mere Clash-of-Clans-alike. Click on them while you're obtaining the lumber camp established up and also utilized battle camp codes if the bubbles have actually already begun popping up above the fires. Have the one you put to work at the lumber camp to first gather the cut up wood resting on the ground near the camp, and then have them chop up the logs. The enhancement of David Harris to the linebacker team produces a great fight in training camp for playing time alongside Dont' a Hightower.
Common Misunderstandings Regarding Battle Camp Hack
The real battle for the setting is going to be in between James White as well as Dion Lewis. Developing a protection head office as the Allies or battle laboratory as the Soviets grants accessibility to the intrigues' corresponding unique power. Battle Felines is an easy as well as fun video game which lets you play utilizing adorable kitties to go wild around the world. After finishing camp which if you follow the quick suggestion for energy will occur on your very first sitting, you will certainly hit degree 5 as well as Teepee Hollow (the initial actual area) opens up to you. Lasso your hero as well as all of your guns with each other as well as move them to the bandit camp at the north end of this location. Family pet rescue legend rips off tool could be utilized on any web browser as well as on any kind of tool like PC or Android with no issue. Regardless of the android mobile phone you are using, you can concur that room is a problem. A minimum of 3 shooters from outside the camp had likewise attacked an army setting in order to help the fighters run away, safety and security resources said. As soon as both of your assistants are offered, placed them both to operate at the lumber camp. Click as well as drag to view even more of the camp as well as find other monsters to do battle with. Utilizing this battle camp hack tool any type of one can get unrestricted fight camp gold and can unlock all weapons easily. One solid strategy using this hack for Battle Pet cats is to make use of God Feline's Baby Boom ability, and standardize your best feline boxer. Choice 1: Build an Archery Camp when you can manage it and have a Degree 2 Soldier upgrade to an Archer. Hence, you can test these android video games on the computer to identify if they merit to be on your phone. Our testimonial of the iOS version claims all of it, however if you're seeking the tl; dr - YOU 'RE THE GOD DAMNED BATMAN. Get as well as use Healing Potions, when essential (if a Soldier Falls in Fight below, he is gone from the game). The one sure fire means to much better your possibilities of surviving this typically brutal globe are by constructing a solid avatar that could battle the beasts and for that you need gold and energy. Glendon: I believe the most fascinating battle entering into camp will be just how the running back brings shake out.
1 note · View note
stone-man-warrior · 5 years
October 20, 2018: 3:47 pm:
October 20, 2018: 3:04 pm:<br><br>I reported here recently that the African L... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-20T18:47:44-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-20T18:47:44-0400
October 20, 2018: 3:04 pm: I reported here recently that the African Lion that is used by Safari terrorist cell to kill American Citizens, make snuff movies, profit from them, and also are used to target individuals who expose terrorist activities associated with Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist variety of terrorists had possibly killed Sandy Monroe of 434 "MyStreet", and is Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist Vatican Cannibal oriented. She is also part of the Li'l Pantry Market terrorists who kill hundreds of thousands of Americans annually. Sandy Monroe is at her home cell right now with two men, I don't recognize either of the men. Jeff Monroe would normally be right there whenever Sandy is right there, they are a "Mating Pair" of Seventh Day Adventist terrorist soldiers and and such, are not usually seen outdoors apart from one another. "Mating Pair" terrorists of the Seventh Day Adventists are almost always together when outdoors. Those are the rules of the Seventh Day Adventists. I heard both of the men speak, neither voice belongs to Jeff Monroe. I heard Sandy Monroe speak, she does not sound exactly like Sandy Monroe. Both Mr. and Mrs. Monroe have voices that are uniquely recognizable as their own, especially Sandy. Part of the terrorist training, in agreement with the ways of the Screen Actor Guild, is to practice their vocal presence or vocal appearance such that their voices are unique and can be easily recognized by other, supporting terrorist cell operatives. Today, Sandy looks slightly different, I was only able to glimpse her profile and it does not appear to be her. It appears to be Lorena Chapman in disguise as Sandy. Lorena Chapman and Sandy Monroe have nearly the exact body shape. Lorena Chapman is a master of disguise, I would not say that Sandy Monroe is a master of disguise. There is a charade going on at the Monroe's, first, they pretended to have a cement mixer making cement. They were all busily inspecting their mold tainted marijuana crop, but the noise of a portable sized cement mixer was happening right there where they were at. When I went outside, they quickly turned the cement mixer off, and did not start it back up again. There is no cement work going on. They are hovering around the marijuana crop, waiting for me to go outside and split firewood. I need to split firewood before it gets cold and they know it. When I go split wood, they arrange that an attack happens from 3747 Russel Road, the Strong family Screen Actor Guild terrorist cell. So, Sandy looks like an impostor, but I am not sure. Jeff does not appear to be there, but it looks like an impostor Jeff is there, there is another man that I do nit recognize, and could possibly be Frank Beard, I want to know who is there so I can split some firewood today safely. There is a girl there in her twenties who is at that location regularly, but not everyday, the girl with the green hair, I think her name is Deb, and they call her "Red Bug" for the car she used to drive, but no longer drives. Maybe the girl with the green hair has a new nick name now. These people are extremely dangerous people, they threaten my life daily, they have access to my voice through a broadcasting implant that was put in my jaw at a terrorist dental office, and they have the receiver for it. I saw "The Virgin", the oldest daughter of the Sparacino Screen Actor Guild Jihad oriented terrorist cell at the mailbox. The Sparacino terrorists are Li'l Pantry cell members and have killed over a hundred thousand American Citizens on their own, separate from the larger cells they belong to. The Sparacino's are the only Jihad variety of terrorist that I am aware of, and they hide that inside of the Seventh Day Adventist Variety of terrorists. When the Seventh Day Adventist Screen Actor Guild terrorists that occupy the entire county of Josephine, take over a residence of an American family, then, the Sparacino's will go in as the Seventh Day Adventists are getting comfortable in the newly acquired residence, they kill the Seventh Day Adventists and take the residence for the Screen Actor Guild, and then, somehow, find a way to blame the loss of the Seventh Day Cell on some other unknown excuses. In this way, the Jihad terrorists stay secret, while also advancing their variety of terrorism, and they do it while pretending to be Seventh Day Adventists. So I saw "The Virgin" AKA: "Black Honda", at the mailbox, she appeared to be providing cover for a dark grey SUV that went into the neighborhood to an unknown location. This kind of cover only requires that someone make a distraction such that the destination and description of a vehicle is difficult or not possible to get. It worked today. So, I am not quite ready to celebrate because I saw what appears to be D=Sandy Monroe, but I am also not convinced that who I saw was indeed Sandy Monroe. Games are being played today, I am targeted. At a minimum, they are successful at ensuring that I will not have fire wood for the winter and will possibly freeze to death. That is a reasonable goal that they can achieve just through pressure of presence and the large numbers of people they have to be at every place that I take a walk or drive to. This kind of pressure requires careful communication and planning to be successful, it requires a great number of people who all work together to provide that I will be killed. The need me dead so that this page of information the which reveals the use of the otherwise invisible and secret use of the Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas that is so important and necessary to achieve their goals of world domination. Stay tuned. Please help. I cannot reach anyone who will stop the terrorists from killing the American Citizens, or reach anyone who will help me get out of here.
Shared with: Public
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-20T21:12:24-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-20T21:56:54-0400
October 20, 2018: 5:34 pm: I want to talk about a terrorist condition here in Oregon. The Seventh Day Adventist Screen Actor Guild Vatican trained terrorists have killed all of the US American Citizens in the County of Josephine, and I am fairly certain that the entire State of Oregon is also in the same condition. The terrorists took over the State Police, used Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas, in addition to the StingRay surveillance equipment that once belonged to the real State Police, and they used those items as a means to create a complicated array of networked terrorism that works like a well oiled machine that kills American Citizens and steals the wealth of the State of Oregon and it's resources. Having said that, I want say something about an idea that they have come up with that works good for killing American people at their homes. The idea may have a name that they call it, but I don't know what they call it, so I am going to call it "plug-ins". The idea of "plug-ins", for the purpose of understanding what I am explaining is best explained with a number of metaphors. Computer software is a good metaphor for this. Computer software sometimes has a base program that is only useful with the set of "plug-ins" that it comes with, and of course with capitalism in mind, a plethora of other "plug-ins" are available at extra cost. So, base program, with additional features that add functionality to the program. In terrorism in Josephine County Oregon, think about a terrorist occupied household residential cell as the Base Program. In addition to the base program, there are "plug-ins" in the form of tools, lawn mowers, chop-saw, RV quad and motorcycles, broken vehicles that are perpetually worked on but never completed, utility shed that is always under construction and being worked on but is never finished. These are examples of the "plug-ins" for the purpose of explaining how Seventh Day Adventist terrorists attack US American neighbors. First, imagine that a residential street has been taken over to the extent that the house on the corner at each corner of the street has been taken over by a terrorist family cell, but no one on the street is aware of the take-over. Then, understand that the terrorists all go to the same church, they make plans there, devise schemes, they write screenplays like the ones that are used in Hollywood movies. They practice the screenplays, make scripts for the dialogue associated with a neighborhood attack in the daytime while everyone is around, and they make sure that even though everyone is around in the neighborhood that no one sees or notices that an attack is happening or has happened. Now, understand that each residence on the corners is a base program, and each residence base program has the identical set of plug-ins that came with the program. So, in terrorist residential base program language with identical plug-ins, each corner house has a lawn mower, a chop saw, a wheel burrow, a chainsaw, a reciprocating saw, a set of some shovels, rakes, and hand held gardener tools, a vacuum cleaner that is noisy, and at least one perpetual project that is never completed but has been worked on everyday for as long as anyone who lives on the street can remember. So, those screenplays, the scripted dialogue and the schemes used to devise a means to attack a neighbor from a corner property can be used exactly the same from one attack to another attack, and since everyone involved practiced their routines and their dialogue, that means that the more often they attack a residence of an American family, the better they get at doing it. The details of the actual attacks are not something that I am interested in writing about, it is too complicated and various, and since the terrorists have already succeeded in taking Oregon, this information may possibly be moot in the State of Oregon, but could be helpful in other locations that are currently being consumed. Those chainsaws, mowers, chop saw etcetera plug-ins are the same at every terrorist house. it is the responsibility of the individual terrorist cells to maintain the equipment so it works on a moments notice. These days, the maintenance of the "plug-in" equipment is as simple as taking the equipment to a terrorist operative who's day job is to maintain "plug-in" equipment. There is no charge for the servicing of these "plug-ins", the terrorists are communists, or, they are operating as a military where the work is provided as a means to an end. In this way, any terrorist soldier is able to walk on to any attack on any neighborhood residential takeover of an American Family residence, and with only a brief education of the any unique circumstances, they are able to quickly plug themselves into any terrorist residence that is equipped with the base features of the mandated "plug-in" tools that will be present, and operational, per the leadership and command chain of the terrorist armies. The terrorists devise the equivalent of a Broadway Musical. They set the stage, and then act out their roles. While acting out their roles, any time that they can lure a Victim to that location is a good time to make teh kill. They use the plug-ins, they make a lot of noise, there are people doing activities at various places where the attack is originating from. While the business of looking busy, using a chop-saw, mowing the lawn, or working on that perpetual project is going on, there are also people who stay hidden, they sneak up on curious neighbors and kill them, or take them captive. Also, the sound of a Chop-saw has the meaning of "begin", it also has the meaning of "stop, return to base". The sound of a vacuum cleaner is a signal that a terrorist has been injured and needs and "Evac" and medical attention. the sound of a reciprocating saw means "wrong, or otherwise fouled up", the wheelbarrow is for carting away dead and injured Victims or terrorist soldiers, the perpetual project is a means to create an activity that draws attention there, and serves as a sort of home base where terrorist soldiers can return to and not look as though they are lost during an attack, the chainsaw is there to inspire fear, they way the chainsaw is operated can also inspire more fear by a skilled terrorist operative. At least one very large ice-chest "hibachi" is used to store dead victims after they have been cut and cleaned, there are usually a number of "hibachi" ice-chest containers at every Seventh Day Adventist Vatican terrorist cell. Those are most of the base-variety of mandated plug-ins that are required at every terrorist residence. There are other prescribed plug-ins which are also used per necessity, and signal noise making plug-ins that are indicative of a wide variety of conditions that occur as a result of an attack on an American Family at their home. Plug-ins are useful in terrorism.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-20T23:02:26-0400
October 20, 2018: 7:47 pm: The sound of the gasoline powered electricity generator that moves around the neighborhood is still present at night time, I can hear the thing humming along right now. It started up at the first instance of darkness tonight and is running un-remarkably except that tonight the generator noise seems to be coming from the Taylors Seventh Day Adventist Screen Actor Guild Vatican cannibal terrorist family cell at 600 "MyStreet". Tonight, there is nothing really to say about the sound, the location seems to have changed, and the sound is not noticeable had I not noticed the way it traveled from the South, to the North, then back to the South of my location. The sound of a strange dog barking is present. It's not unusual to hear dogs barking, but this dog is not one of the usual dogs that I hear. It's a nice and clear night outside. The air is dry, and the stars are clearly visible. The moon is South and a bit low, but bright and about three-quarters lit. The sound of soft breeze is wafting in the trees, and there is little, or no sign of people. Very little traffic noise from the freeway two miles away, and only rare and occasional sounds of vehicles on Russel Road. No help has come. The terrorists are in complete control. They advance, live, kill, and take with impunity. No one hears my calls for help, and my family is all dead or held in captivity. Soon, the USA will be no more, and the French American Republic Territory will take it's place along with that of Canada. When that happens, only those who speak fluent French will be allowed to live. Everyone one else will be slaughtered publicly, for entertainment.
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Clash Of Clans Gem Hack.
It would be an understatement to state that Supercell hit it big with Clash of Clans The video game has topped both Google Play and the iOS App Shop for many years and reveals no indications of ever decreasing. The best clash of clans hack tools will likewise offer you professionals cheats along with with this you will have any sort of structure you desire within the fastest time possible. Using our Clash of Clans Hack you may be supplied with the opportunity to acquire extra freehanded gems and other precious resources in you game. Please note: Clash of Clans v8.709.2 Mod work with Personal server just. And by using the hack tool, you will be able to get to a secret file that will provide you unrestricted resources and get one of the most of the video game. • You can make a percentage of free gems just by cleaning out the particles (like rocks and trees, for example). So we offer solution for getting free Clash of Clans gems within seconds without any efforts. If you wish to receive more Gold and Gems for Clash Of Clans while using Clash Of Clans generator Tool then feel free to merely use the Clash Of Clans Cheats once again. Because it has no jailbreak or root, this will not happen to play Clash of Clans. But for those who could not afford to spend for gems they tend to choose any hacks to obtain those gems to establish their clan. Clash of clans is multiplayer game where players develop their own clan, they can train soldiers which later on they can use it to attack other gamer to win prizes and loot gold, elixer and dark elixer to build more powerful neighborhood. We are providing you hack tool that produces clash of clans totally free gems and you won't deal with any sort of inconvenience with this hack tool. Unless you have the entire time of the world to spend on playing this video game, you need the hack tool to obtain a supply of gems. Coc hack tool 2017 ios download coc mod apk versi terbaru. No matter what Clash of Clans username we went into, even something not in usage like, tacobananapotatoe23098756534, returned as a valid name throughout the check" phase of the Clash of Clans hacks. The functions of the game that are noted above are only some amongst of all the timeless functions that are packed into this video game resources generator. Giving them advantage with endless gems, golds and elixir, raiding a clan is an extremely easy task. Individuals are always asking me, exactly what should I invest my gems on in Clash of Clans?" to which I typically reply, uhhh, I do not know you, however can I please have my vanilla shake now?" However they do have a valid question. Simply puts, it can be said that there are great deal of considerable jobs surrounding your game which can not be completed until and unless you own an excellent stock of resources which will improve your powers time to time. Aside from gems, you can likewise claim endless totally free gold and elixir using our Clash of Clans hacks tool. Our website gets you a newer and better tool for your Clash of Clans hack. What Occurs avec Clash du Clan Hack? Clash of Clans gems hack is really simple to play you might face trouble in start of the game however with time it will get easier. The content of the COC hack tool is secured by Copyscape. Clash of clans is a free video game established by Supercell in 2012 for IOS and in 2013 for android, this game is an online multiplayer method game where people produce their clans and fights with other clans for getting points, elixir, gold and dark elixir. There is nothing simpler than hacking a video game using an android device. We truly recommend you to use the online Clash of Clans hack tool instead of the downloadable one due to the fact that it is simpler, easier, as well as totally free. Clash of Clans Online Hack is all set to be utilized. The Clash of Clans gem hack is the first and only working hack based on the genuine gems technology. Now, with more than a million Clash of Clans MODDED APK В out there all over the web, why this one. No matter what type of Clash of Clans hack tool you attempt to use you'll need to beware. Clash Of Clans Jewel Hack program is hack that most gamers desire. Defending against 1,000 attacks will make you 100 Gems. Gems hacker, gold hacker, elixer hacker within a long time, nevertheless there wont be anything like that and it is just to prank your loved ones. There are several Clash of clans gem hack tools which may prevent the system and enable you to think you will get the complimentary gems.
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Fact Split Heroes Sneak peek: Clash Royale With Fact
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Clash Royale could bump that number up a few notches. Yet wait. Clash royale is not just all about having limitless resources, it is likewise about method. Nonetheless, the team behind this mobile video game is the very same group that services Clash of Clans, other RPG strategy mobile video game that is incredibly popular. Simply positioning all your soldiers down as well as expecting the very best rarely works. Our Clash Royale iTunes rip off benefit each supported gadget: iPhone, iPad, Android and also your PC. The video game is openly offered for all android as well as iphone running systems. With quick 1-4 min on the internet fights and basic yet strategic gameplay, Clash Royale is the ideal video game to select up and also play at at any time for both laid-back as well as hardcore gamers alike. The video game is somehow interesting, boosting, and strategic, without compromising its habit forming qualities. The majority of you learn detail that start players to take cost-free gems from clash royale within hack device.
They will certainly amount to the 60 Gems required, and also numerous get an Upper body with these Gems. If you do not go into the right username, the gems will not be credited to your account. Both of these will allow players to advance further, unlock brand-new cards, as well as get much better. The initial occurs nearly instantly and also educates gamers arguably one of the most important concept in the game, positioning devices on the map. Players chose a Hero and a deck of cards which includes Minions and also Spells that can be summoned on the battleground as needed. Assaulting costs elixir, and spells cost elixir as well. Do you have the best defensive settings as well as soldiers on the area? If you want a difficulty, you must recognize that you do not need to rule hacks out. Make sure to open up cap as well as complimentary torsos generally as they could be opened by you. Clash Royale's 2v2 setting is as much concerning synergy as it has to do with nonstop, elixir-fuelled activity," said Sam Isenstein, Affiliate Creative Supervisor at Firstborn.
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War Robots Hack N.
War Robots generator
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When you try the War Robots Hack, the game can be less complicated as well as much more enjoyable as you will have complete unchanged access to countless sources that you could acquire everything. While there are several variations of War Robots rips off around the web, not every one of them are functioning. That being said, the robotics in Transformers: Planet Wars have a mind of their own and stray in weird instructions. It tells the story of a single girl awash in a desert sea, her mechanical pet companion and the bad red robots that wish to eliminate both of them. If yes we have an excellent details for you, with our incredible tool you could create immediate as well as unlimited quantity of Silver and gold to your game simple just by pressing one button! Our Walking Battle Robots Hack has. a distinct algorithm that makes it untraceable and also you could use it as many times as you desire when you're running reduced on resources. The game counts on the allure of its sensible robots to encourage play, yet with such a dull set up it's hard to become spent. For instance, Fergusson claimed that detecting enemies in multiplayer mode, an auto mechanic added in Gears of Battle 3, will certainly make its way to Ultimate Version. All this creates a solid sufficient structure, yet the problem with Robotics Assault! Caminando Robots Guerra Códigos Tool Hack ya está disponible para usted, mucho después researche disadvantage nuestro robotic automatizado!. When you begin using our War Robots hack, you will certainly never disappoint gold, silver, or workshop factors. Putting engineers to operate in the best area could raise the number of resistance cells you get in touch with, goose your power output or perhaps speed up the recovery of your injured soldiers. Battle Robots Wiki ini kalian juga bisa mengajak teman kalian dengan menjadi teman fights kalian digame yang satu ini. Walking Battle Robots is allowed to play yet there are different in-application gets that range in cost from $4.99 to $99.99 set after just what you need.
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ipadsadvise · 7 years
PC Gaming Week: 7 best strategy games for PC and Mac you can play today
Games that just a COMPUTER can provide
Strategy video games make you assume. They're not such as most shooters that provide mindless gameplay, or the adventure game that has you leaping off cliffs as well as driving boats.
Strategy video games need your mind juices in any way times to prepare each move very carefully as well as assess just what the opponent will certainly do following-- promptly. They require you to establish militaries, build worlds and collect resources in the procedure.
But technique games aren't nearly the gameplay: they typically supply sprawling, geopolitical tales also that hook gamers and maintain them concentrated on the campaign. That stated, just what makes a technique video game excellent is just how it pulls gamers into its mythology as well as enables them to accomplish goals without overcomplicating it.
Here is a handful of strategy online games on the PC as well as Mac that attain this equilibrium perfectly.
1. StarCraft II
Blizzard Home entertainment launched the first StarCraft sci-fi armed forces strategy video game back in 1998, and also while it was incredibly prominent, the video game wasn't the mammoth item StarCraft II has actually come to be. With the sequel, Snowstorm has actually launched three installments that extend one substantial project: Wings of Freedom (2010), Heart of the Flock (2013) as well as Legacy of the Void (2015).
Each of these launches concentrate on a certain lead character team: human exiles called the Terrans in Wings of Freedom, the Borg-like insectoids called Zerg in Heart of the Throng, as well as the telepathic alien race referred to as the Protoss in Heritage of the Space. The overall campaign happens 4 years after the Brood Battle development pack for the original StarCraft, starting with Jim Raynor's quest to remove the high-handed Terran Dominion.
StarCraft II is successful by incorporating sharp tactical gameplay and also balance with an immersive story and also surroundings. The online game additionally includes its very own degree editor, enabling gamers to share their maps as well as mods through the Battle.net online neighborhood. Naturally, StarCraft II can be played online-- it's one of the widest-played eSports worldwide-- however presently it does not offer local LAN play. StarCraft II can just be bought from Snowstorm Entertainment digitally and in boxed versions.
2. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Here's another prominent approach game from Snowstorm, though with a distinctly dream style. It was released back in 2002 as well as features a single-player campaign story that's informed with the eyes of 4 races: Humans, Orcs, the Undead, as well as the Evening Elves.
As with StarCraft, players are commonly confronted with a map covered in a black fog, which is gradually gotten rid of as you discovers the location (Diablo does this, also). You start by mining information, building settlements as well as developing soldiers in order to shield your assets as well as take control of other components of the map. A day/night pattern maintains players on their toes, too.
There are an overall of five campaigns in Warcraft III that center on a certain race: one for the Night Elves, one for the Undead, one for the People, as well as 2 for the Orcs. Objectives are labeled as 'missions' and are rolled out as the player checks out a map. The are both major quests an optional pursuits to carry out, the previous being called for in order to move the story forward-- natch.
Warcraft III additionally supplies a multiplayer component that can be played over neighborhood LAN. Snowstorm also released a growth pack called The Frozen Throne that was published back in 2003. Both the original video game and also the development could be purchased for the PC and also Mac through Blizzard's on the internet website, and also in a Battle Upper body retail box.
3. XCOM 2
This method online game is rather brand-new for the PC, Mac and also Linux channels, established by Firaxis Games and also published by 2K Gamings in February 2016. It occurs Twenty Years after XCOM: Opponent Unidentified (2012), and also sees the Planet taken control of by aliens-- just what else?-- in spite of XCOM's best efforts.
In this installation, XCOM is currently component of a resistance activity aimed to reclaim control of the planet.
In the single-player project, players assume command of XCOM, a former military company that is currently a simple resistance force. A new Avenger mobile base has been set up where from you provide commands while heading research study and engineering divisions to develop tools and also other tools that will certainly assist combat the hostile aliens.
What makes XCOM 2 stick out is its maps, which are lavish as well as abundant thoroughly, as well as it's strategy-rich, turn-based combat. They're likewise different each time you play them, maintaining the game fresh. Along with the single-player project, there's additionally a peer-to-peer multiplayer mode, pitting players versus each other making use of squads blended with alien and also XCOM units.
XCOM 2 could be purchased through Vapor, Amazon.com and also other sellers in boxed and also digital editions.
4. Cities: Skylines
If you were disappointed by the messy launch of the extensively frustrating SimCity reboot back in 2013, take relief in that 2 years later on an advancement group with a greater understanding of its target market took fee of the category in a much a lot more decent, and much less flagrant, manner.
Sacrificing all the always-online DLC traits in favor of holding larger cities and also Heavy steam Workshop support for mods, Cities: Horizons is every little thing classic SimCity players wanted, and would certainly have obtained if it just weren't for whatever the hell took place at Maxis.
Cities: Horizons preserves the appeal of early city building simulations with a handful of modern twists. An in-game social networks solution for example called Chirper allows citizens obtain in contact with you, the globe designer, to voice problems.
More noteworthy, however, is the thrill of handling traffic paths on an area to district basis. As a matter of fact, most of your administration in Cities: Skylines is separated by areas, making tax as real to the USA as developmentally possible.
5. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
Developed by Antique Amusement as well as published by THQ in 2004, this armed forces sci-fi video game is based on the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame. The game occurs on the royal world of Tartarus that's presently overrun by Orks. Behind-the-scenes, the human-run Imperium remains in consistent battle with the Orks-- in addition to those human beings offering the demonic Turmoil and also the Eldar (room fairies)-- in a battle to maintain the human race alive.
That said, the game supplies 4 militaries the gamer can make use of throughout the single-player project: Area Militaries (extraordinary soldiers), Mayhem Marines (mutated marines), the psychic race of Eldars (once more, space elves), and also the savage Orks. Resources consist of power as well as appropriation, the latter which is generated by the military head office. Power is created by establishing generators that will degeneration in time, maintaining the player busy.
The game begins with you establishing your major headquarters and a number of fundamental systems. Then, you're routed to concentrate on recording and also holding tactical areas on the map that could later be utilized to harvest extra resources and also unlock nearby locations on said map. Battles are won by getting riding of bases inhabited by opponent forces, or by hanging on to areas for a duration of time.
There are 3 development packs for this RTS title currently offered: Winter season Assault (2005), Dark Crusade (2006) and also Soulstorm (2008). Every one of these, consisting of the base online game, can be acquired on Steam instead cheap.
6. Homeworld
This is an oldie however a goodie, created by Antique Entertainment and published by Sierra Entertainment in 1999. The primary protagonists are the Kushan, that at once were exiled to a nest of prison ships after losing a stellar war. Other races include the Taiidan, an interstellar realm that rules many of the galaxy, the Bentusi traders, the Kadeshi, the Turanic Raiders as well as the Galactic Council.
A essential component that divides Homeworld from the other video games in this article is that it's played in a 100% 3D area, hence its specialized following.
The usable races contain the Taiidan and also the Kushan. Each have their particular staminas and weaknesses, and also are at first entrusted to gather minerals from planets and also produce dust clouds using special spacecrafs, which bring these resources back to the gamer's information controller ship, carrier or mothership. Ultimately, the task handy is to keep the fleet to life as it completes objectives and compiles resources.
Ther things of the tale is to situate the homeworld of the Kushan, called Hiigara. This story spans sixteen missions across the single-player campaign, which sees the making it through ships of the fleet carried over to the next mission. There was an online multiplayer element to the game as well-- enabling players to helm either the Taiidan or Kushan.
Homeworld is readily available for Windows and Mac OS X in a Remastered collection by Transmission Software program on Heavy steam, which includes the remastered variations of Homeworld as well as Homeworld 2, timeless variations of both video games, and more.
7. The Banner Saga 2
Like the initial online game, The Banner Saga 2 reprises the Pick Your very own Adventure layout, however with a handful of necessary improvements to its auto mechanics.
While it's not a full-on video game sequel, but instead an episodic extension of the first video game, rather essentially beginning at Chapter 8, Banner Saga 2 handles to take the fight system from the initial as well as turn (base) it on its head.
By including brand-new personalities, classes, as well as by default, brand-new capabilities, the online game really feels a little much less like a two-year-late second episode and even more like a considerate follow-up to a beloved faux-nordic traditional approach video game. Also exclusive to the sequel are instances of even more easily integrated narration in-battle, all without overlooking the requirement for an increased range that'll make you seem like an ant contrasted to your combatants.
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