#and that will motivate me to actually finish these x'D
mitamicah · 1 year
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It is definitely not 3am and I’ve been working on WIPs of Käärijä “stickers”
🤘🟢 🟢 🟢 🤣🟢 🟢🟢 🤘
Am I fashionable late or just obsessed - you decide x’D
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aealzx · 10 months
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Don’s voice sounded borderline frantic as soon as the communication cut off. But it was also smothered by an undertone of something Raph couldn’t identify. There were definitely at least two other people that had gotten roped into their mess via mistaken identity. Which meant something else rather obvious yet critically important. “I know genius. More mutant turtles,” Raph responded, already trying to figure out how to get all of them back, not just their brother.
“No-” Don corrected, then broke off partially to correct himself. “I mean yes, they are, but- nevermind. Raph, they’re kids.” Don’s emphasis was accompanied by raised hands as though he wanted to shake Raph, who was mildly surprised at what had actually caught his science nerd brother’s attention this time
“........... Okay normally I’m the one getting attached to kids on first sight,” Raph teased with a slight grin. “Don’t worry, I definitely noticed that too. We’ll get them back. But first let’s make sure Mikey didn’t get snatched as well. Why don’t you start tracking Augustine down while I call him?”
“Got it,” Don nodded, rushing off to half leap into his well cushioned chair by the computer.
So this sequence of pics actually smacked me in the brain in the middle of drawing my better genes comic way back in february. And getting around to drawing Rise Mikey on Raph's lap motivated me to go back and finish this one as a sprinkle of context X'D
8 | I was reading too many Rise + 2012 crossovers, but I don't know 2012 at all, so eventually brain decided to smack the 2003 boys in there instead.
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aenslem · 4 months
aslkjdlasjf THIS GD SHOW, argh. i just finished season one, which i thought was a good idea, you know, finish the season before taking a break. *facepalms* i have those annoying things to do again (stupid household chores, every gd day you gotta do things), so it'll be a few hours before i can watch more, but i should be able to watch at least one or two more episodes today, so HOPEFULLY things will be a bit more resolved by tonight x'D
you were so right, there is so much happening, and i think EVERYONE on that gd ship needs a few years vacation after all this x'D
"married divorced remarried and divorced again and still having feelings for each other" asljdalksjda that is so correct, they are just that x'D
it's so fun, they're like "i don't trust him" pretty much all the time, and then Rush is like "so i had a dream" and Young is like "ok, i'll call General O'Neill" and they keep relying on each other so much right now, it's great, and Young risking the whole gd ship to save Rush, after having tried to kill him, what, twice already? amazing ❤
ah, yes, fanfiction ❤ it's so good at casting light on things from different angles, i love that, seeing characters and their motivations from all kinds of different point of views. though, you gif makers do that too and i love it, it's so great to look at different gif makers in the same fandoms and see how you focus different things.
right now i'm pretty exclusively reading McShep fics, but we'll see how that looks once i'm done with sgu x'D if you have any recs, please feel free to share!
btw, i've been trying to remember why i followed you from the start, and i'm pretty sure it's Star Trek, and specifically Spones, which, ALL MY LOVE! but i also want to mention how much i love following someone who gifs a lot of women, i love having more women on my dash! i never finished OUaT back in the days, but all your Regina and Swan Queen gifs are making me want to, and your Michelle Gomez gifs, waah, i do not want to watch CAoS! 😭 but you are kicking me in the butt about finishing Doctor Who too with your gifs of her (i sadly miss most of them though since i have it blacklisted for spoilers), i had no idea she was in it but man did that make me want to watch it when i found out!
okay, sorry that this got so long, even when i'm trying to keep things brief i end up being very wordy. so many things to say!
anyway, i'm gonna go do the things now, the sooner i get them done the sooner i can watch more sgu =D oh, wait, no, you posted something from 1x18 last night! i didn't look at it since i hadn't watched it yet, so i'm gonna go do that first! =D ❤
/Rodney anon
Oh don't be sorry , you can get wordy in my inbox whenever you like :3
You're fast! but why am I surprised, I finished 7 seasons of OUaT in a month lmao.
Well, imagine how it was for those who were watching sgu when it was actually airing, they did not have a chance to go and watch s2 right after s1, and you can :D so other things are not as bad as break between seasons of the show, but yeah, there's always things to do, sucks
askjhdaksjhd 'i just had a very interesting dream' scene is so good, and it so much better when you take it out of context lmao
well, they have to work together, they don't have a choice. you know how things were when he left rush on that planet, eli is smart, and eli was also right
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but eli is still not good enough to do all the work, so no matter how much they don't trust each other, they have to work things out and work together and then finally going towards trust and comradery
well, at least they will try lmao
SPONES!!!!!!! SPOOOONEES! they are everything to me!!!!!
well, if you finish ouat and start caos... I am so sorry in advance lmao
I am not sure I can even explain what mess of the shows are those two, I have similar feelings towards both shows, I love the cast, I love some characters, I love women there, I hate the writers :D
Michelle is stunning in caos, there's also Miranda Otto, and they are like my moms, I love them, this show is worth watching just to look at them, but there's also... the rest of the show and plot asjkhdakjdh
same goes for ouat tbh, some characters are great and actors are doing such a good job and then there's whatever was happening in the show, but it;s still fun if you don't take it all seriously.
you will facepalm a lot and you will have an urge to rip your hair out sometimes, but if you try caos, I will give you two good reasons for it
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that's it, think about it
okay, but you definitely need to watch doctor who, WATCH DOCTOR WHO!
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yana125 · 2 months
Hi!!🕯️🍄 and 🏜️?
Hiiiiii! ^^
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Hm... About 6-7? It really depends on my mood. Though if the editing takes a lot of time and I had to reread my writing for the tenth time I'm starting to lose my patience with it and have to do something else for a few days X'D
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
HMMMMMMMMMMMM 🤔 Like... Who's a morning person or how they like their coffee and things like that? I don't really have headcanons about that. But but but.... I have head canons of like plot related happenings so... Okay, a Star Wars one from a live action series I haven't seen yet (The Mandalorian) and shipping two guys from an animated series I still haven't properly seen yer (Star Wars Rebels), and this one is related to the plot of the fanfic I started writing ages ago and still need to finish: Zeb knew that the New Republic Defense Force was swamped and Teva wouldn't get an answer from them through the comms because his husband Kallus was working there (for reasons, more in the fic I should finish) and they hadn't talked in weeks because of the earlier mentioned swamped status of the New Republic Defense Force.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
The long ramblings 😳 They have a vibe and I love rereading them and they give me the motivation to finally finish the next chapter. (And I'm actually giggling while I read them X'D)
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🌹 - Favourite line from a fic/hc I'm working on?
❤ - Favourite fic/hc you've ever written?
💀 - Least favourite character to write for?
✍ - Why did you start writing? What's was your inspiration?
☀️ - When do you do most of your writing? Do you work better during day or night?
From this ask game
🌹 - Favourite line from a fic/hc I'm working on?
Answered here.
❤ - Favourite fic/hc you've ever written?
Answered here.
💀 - Least favourite character to write for?
I haven't written for all of the diaboys yet so this may change at a later point but currently it's Ruki. If you're wondering why I haven't posted any soulmate AU headcanons in a very long time, it's because I've been suck on his for over two years. Suck's the wrong word maybe, it's not that I feel I can't write him but I just can't find any real joy in it. Even with character's like Shu, who's one of my least favourites of the boys, I've actually found writing him kind of fun because it lets me tap into a certain part of my own brain. With Ruki there isn't any of that, I can't particularly explain why when I don't have any of the same problems with Carla or Reiji but yeah...
Someday I'll finish those soulmate AU headcanons... someday...
✍ - Why did you start writing? What's was your inspiration?
So I've always quite liked writing fiction. One of my strongest memories from primary school (the UK equivalent of I think an elementary school sort of?) is writing short stories with my childhood best friend. I started writing fanfiction back in... maybe 2013? It's hard to remember now, but I think the motivation was "hey I'd love to read a story like this" so I wrote it. It was absolutely terrible but I really enjoyed writing it. I messed around with fanfiction for a couple of years and then school got intense and I didn't have the time for it anymore.
Fast-forward to university when I had fully fallen into diahell and was using Shin-related fantasies as means of coping with the stress of my degree. At some point I thought "hey maybe I should write these down as if I like them, then other people might?" and that was what got me started with DL fanfiction.
While a fair number of my drabbles/scenarios do still come from me daydreaming about Shin (my beloved muse and main source of inspiration ❤), sometimes I now just have ideas that I think would be fun to play around with like Forgotten Gods and one of my current WIPs.
☀️ - When do you do most of your writing? Do you work better during day or night?
I easily work better at night. A good proportion of my writing has been done between the hours of midnight and 3 am, which admittedly may explain some of the typos I later find. That being said, one of my most popular drabbles was written during the day while I was in the lab, sitting next to a rotary evaporator (a machine we use in chemistry to remove solvents). So I guess I work best at night and/or in a laboratory X'D
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you have a great day!
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anoldor · 4 years
Today I tried being brave and showed my story to my three close friends. The story is the best I have written imho, but after I listened to their feedbacks, I felt disheartened lmao I thought it was without flaws, but ofc I was being biased lol Afterall I had expected that they praise my writing style x'D So right now I can't sleep out of uneasiness. When you guys get any constructive criticism, how do you deal with it?
Oof what a hard question. First I am sorry for you. These things are really not easy… 
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During a long time, I seek for hard constructive criticism and it has been helpful as much as it destroys part of my motivation. Because of this, I have improved, but I have a cemetery of unfinished work. Since it’s your friend, I think they were genuine on their desire to help, now comes the hardest part. - Stay proud of your work. It took me a long time to realize, there isn’t so many people able to finish their project and to actually give life to their ideas, it’s a quality you must be proud of and never devalue. -Remember that nothing is perfect, not even great AA game, or best seller novel. - Remember you can’t please everyone. There is so much different opinion around there you just can’t make a work unanimously loved. We that in mind, you need to think about what you loved on your novel, because I am sure there is part of it yourself and your friend, enjoyed. People don’t focus enough on the good aspect, but you must not forget them. About the stuff they criticise you need to sort them on different categories. Category 1: The thing you agree on, the things you think would be nice to improve. Category 2: The thing you agree on, but don’t think it really matters enough. Category 3: The thing you disagree on. Then, you stand your ground for the thing you disagree on. It’s cliché but you love it? Then keep it and only make the modification you think are worth on your current work. (after taking a brief pause, it’s not good to work when depressed by criticism.) You can learn from their criticism for your next work but for this one, don’t change everything because someone else told you it wasn’t good enough, it’s your creation and you were proud of it, don’t let this feeling go. I do care a lot about critique we get for Anoldor, sometime I do some change, sometime I know I can’t or will do later, but in my head, when facing with constructive opinion, I go into warrior mode. « Watch me. I know what I am doing is not flawless, but it's great, nonetheless, and I will do something even better next time. Watch me. »
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Never think poorly of your work because of other. And take care of yourself if you feel down. Read a book you like, drink a tea, spend time with friends until you feel positive.
Much love and courage on you @kpchrs
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