#and that’s a quality so few pop stars (or tbh people) really have
manysmallhands · 9 months
Top 10 Albums of 2023!
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This was all supposed to work out differently. As i recall from the now long distant past, my original plan was to do a countdown where i put up one post a day throughout December. However, I got Covid on December 1st and that plan immediately became lame and useless. After that, my assumption was basically that i wouldn't be able to do any of this, but i got better more quickly than i'd anticipated and found myself working on these reviews in bits as the month has gone on. So, having rushed through all the the song blurbs that i wanted to do, here i am on New Year's Eve with a more or less finished Top 10 albums to put up.
The only problem is that there are ten quite lengthy reviews here and the vibe is already pretty tl:dr. But tbh that's fine: there really is only my girlfriend who ever reads everything (and i believe her, trust is what love is all about after all) so for anyone looking at this and thinking blimey, that's a lot of text, my advice is: you don't have to read any of it. Just look at the albums, scan thru to see if it sounds like something you might like and give one or two of them a listen if that looks like the case. The words are really just to keep me occupied but i'd like to hope that someone likes some of the records.
I said yesterday that i would reveal what the best one is and so I am now delivering on that important promise. The best one is Scarlet by Doja Cat. Anyone who follows me on whatever platform already knows that the best one is Scarlet by Doja Cat. Don't make me say it again.
Barbie - The Album
Few people have seemed much interested in the Barbie soundtrack, other than the punters who kept it atop the compilations chart for four months. I, as ever, channel the spirit of the populous. The sound is basically 80s synth pop updated for a modern audience  - the likes of Haim and Ava Max slot in predictably well - but its the extra dimensions created by how the artists interact with the film that provide some of its more interesting aspects. Sam Smith’s Man I Am reflects a surprisingly LGBTQ Ken despite protestations (certainly its "I'm not gay bro, but..." T-shirt is prompting a lot of questions already answered by the shirt), while Billie Eilish dwelling on life as a manufactured product makes for interesting and uncomfortable parallels in What Was I Made For. Mark Ronson’s plasticky production suits its subject to a tee, further cementing the conceptual unity of the project.
Star turns abound throughout the album as A-listers like Dua Lipa and Lizzo bring their best games alongside some terrific and unlikely downcard cameos. What Was I Made For? and Dance The Night were both deserved #1s, but the pacey pop punk of GAYLE’s Butterflies and Dominic Fike’s breezy, hook laden Hey Blondie are as much highlights as any of the bigger names here. Special mention should be made for Ryan Gosling’s I’m Just Ken, a blockbuster 70s rock number that, whilst puncturing the wider stylistic template, is batshit and hilarious enough to more than justify its place as well as netting him a surprise hit too. The quality lapses once or twice (Tame Impala in particular are bloody awful) but by the time Ava fires the final laser I’m generally happy to go back and start all over again. With banger after banger here, my verdict is in: the Barbie soundtrack is *Charli voice* HOT!
Claire Rosinkranz - Just Because
While this has been a year that I’ve gotten more fully into pop, it took a while for me to find many new albums that I’ve been interested in. This may partly be to do with me clinging to an idea that LPs ought to be substantial beyond having good hooks and charm. In truth, all I needed to do was revert to my indiepop training, where bands have never knowingly been fussed about having any great weightiness. But even so, it took Just Because to make it clear to me that no, you really don’t need any grand vision at all: a high number of great if frothy pop songs will do just fine. It’s a record which bounces from banger to banger in an endearingly sunny style, with each tune so catchy that their lightness becomes a strength rather than a weakness.
Rosinkranz’s voice seems to mark her out as one of the many Billie clones who populate the current pop scene but her musical ambitions are both simpler and more instantly engaging. Not yet 20, her songs have an element of schoolyard whispers which add a welcome silliness here and there, but she also plays with the intensity of youthful emotions to make them a little heartrending even as she goofs off. Highlights include Dreamer, a break up song where the vocal makes it clear that she’s far from as done as she says she is, and Wes Anderson, which offers some sombre advice but packages it in a song so sweet that you’d never know. But in spite of all this it makes no end of year lists (well, maybe just the one), being merely a lovable set of songs that are very hard to forget. Need it be more? I don't believe so.
Doja Cat - Scarlet
Mired in discourse throughout the year, Doja Cat still found time to make a chart topping single (Paint The Town Red) that took the world by storm and a cracking album which, sadly, did not. Scarlet was in my opinion the better of the two: largely ditching the afrobeat pop of Planet Her, Doja staked her claim as an old skool rapper and brought it off pretty well, mixing hard rhyming with her more scattershot pop delivery and sounding entirely comfortable wherever she landed. While flitting musically between modern RnB and neo-soul grooves, her subject matter was largely taken up by how much she hated her fans, a bold strategy that found her shedding support even as blistering tracks like Fuck The Girls shaped up as some of my favourites of the year.
Whilst I’ve found myself uncomfortable with both the company that she keeps and the views which she may or may not subscribe to (i feel safe in saying that she's a right wing edgelord but i suspect that’s the least of it), Scarlet is such a good album that I’ve found myself, if not making excuses for her, then at least deftly navigating around my distaste in order to keep listening to it. While Agora Hills often reminded me how serious she is about her scumbag of a boyfriend, it’s still a song that can submerge me in its beauty entirely; while some of the complaints from her online audience are less easily dismissed than others, it’s more comfortable just to think about the morons calling her a devil worshiper, especially when she mocks them so wickedly on the elegant Skull And Bones. Am I the problem? Maybe I am: it’s a place I often find myself in with hip hop, where faves are frequently problematic and exceptions beg to be made. As such, I can not wholeheartedly recommend this record to people who might want to take a principled stand against some of her bullshit. I can only say that, as a musical talent, there was no one better all year.
Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard?
After 2021’s fairly middling brace of albums, Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd always felt like it was going to be a return to form and this time the faithful were not disappointed. It was another epic and sprawling record which unfolded like a cross between The Bible and a 50s musical. While changeable in style, ranging from hammy country ballads to trap beats and beyond, the thing that springs to mind most often is the Great American Songbook, as Lana takes the melodramatic grandeur of those standards and soaks them in her own messy and complicated worldview. This draws in family, romance, the future, her relationship with religion and how it all scrappily fits together, ranging widely and wildly across 75 extraordinary minutes.
Much of the album feels like it’s being broadcast from a kind of dreamworld, although one that overlays with reality neatly enough. Lana’s dismissive “if you want some basic bitch go to the Beverly Centre and find her” line undercuts the mood on the otherwise lush and evocative Sweet but the impact is hilarious rather than jarring, a perfect marriage of the strange and mundane. In contrast, the brooding A&W initially brings that realism to a far more uncomfortable level, before goofing off wonderfully in the second half in a way that only Lana ever really dares to do. Much of the record feels like it's creating its own language, as key phrases (“let the light in”, “when you know, you know”) are repeated and musical themes come back around in strange modulations. All in all, while perhaps less satisfying as a pop record than Norman Fucking Rockwell, Did You Know… feels like her most complete statement on a personal level yet, whilst still working well within the broader world that she’s spent over a decade constructing.
Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We
Despite liking the odd song or two, I have until now been largely immune to Mitski over the full length of an album. But The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We has a much more organic sound than I’m used to hearing from her, well adrift from the polished guitar rock of her big 10s records. Instead, it takes many of its cues from classic folk and country, occasionally lush and expansive, often determinedly sombre but always at a distance from the areas where she’s generally been at home. Opener Bug Like An Angel is a brooding scene setter, where Mitski unveils the terse and grumpy presence we will grow familiar with over the next half hour. The main elements of the album are already in place - the spare instrumentation; Mitski’s extraordinary voice, hard and intransigent but still full of yearning; the occasional, overwhelming interjections from the wings. It all creates a distinctive atmosphere, extremely intense but intimate too: we’re allowed into Mitski’s world but there’s a lot to take in.
Lyrically, the songs are both heavily allusive and extremely personal, like hearing ancient parables told by the characters from the story. Surprise hit My Love Mine All Mine seems to sit apart as a relatively standard love song but a closer listen reveals deeper layers; the placing of her love as something independent from its object makes it feel more of a piece with the album’s other enigmas. At a time where Mitski seemed to be cooling on being a rock star, The Land Is Inhospitable adds a new twist to her long musical journey, seemingly presenting a more intimate portrait while in fact retaining most of her essential mystery. As an album, it really is quite something: what that is I’m less certain of but I like it regardless.
Olivia Rodrigo - Guts
Tho I wouldn't have called myself a hater (I don’t think I would have been bothered enough), I don't really like Olivia’s all conquering debut Sour, which I thought a bit too one-note and overpopulated with slushy ballads. But by the time Guts came around I was open to listening again, drawn in by its excellent singles and primed for a different experience. Vampire, the best of them and more or less of this year, was a fantastic example of taking something that Olivia is clearly very accomplished at (the grand piano lament) and then, rather than running that into the ground, instead using it as a springboard for an entirely different idea. Get Him Back and Bad Idea Right hark back to earlier guitar based tracks like Brutal, but on Guts they form a much more substantive part of the album, cementing its brand of addictive pop grunge and working up a much goofier version of her messy teen persona.
Elsewhere, the ballads did in fact return. Some have speculated that this may have been a bad idea (right?) but for me they’ve been growers, particularly the likes of Lacy and The Grudge, where Olivia explores the bitterness of youth and uses it to tear holes in the people who’ve wronged her. But if I’m honest, it’s the rockers that I’m usually waiting for: whether the new wave pastiche of Love Is Embarrassing or autumnal Cure homage Pretty Isn’t Pretty, each one feels like a mini-revelation and it’s the style that I hope she leans on most in the future.
Palehound - Eye On The Bat 
Palehound have been around for a while now and every so often I’ve given their records a try and haven't really managed to connect with them properly. Eye on the Bat has been the first exception, though whether that's because it’s any better than the others or I just made more of an effort with it I don’t know. Its template is certainly well worn in the indie world - country rock with varying degrees of aggression or melodic sweetness - but there’s still a lot here that grabs my attention, especially in the charming indie pop of the title track and the heart-rending melancholy of Route 22.
But the thing that caught my ear the most was Ellen Kempner’s disarming honesty, with much of the album spent documenting what sounds like a deeply messy break up. Whether she’s bitterly picking through the fall out on Independence Day or remembering some hilariously embarrassing bedroom scene on opener Good Sex, Eye On The Bat's almost diaristic view is mesmerising throughout, making you warm to Kempner even as she works thru some of her own worst traits. And aside from anything else, her understanding of relationships underlines her strengths as a lyricist, as she dissects their complexities with wit, sympathy and occasional anger to capture all the stuff that transcends whatever we were hoping for in the first place.
Poppy - Zig
After the wild ride that commenced with 2020’s extraordinary pop/metal mash up I Disagree, Poppy has journeyed thru indie rock, goth and punk to wind up back where she started, only not quite. Zig may represent a return to pop - indeed it’s produced by Weeknd affiliate Ali Payami - but it’s one that’s filtered thru all of the places she stopped off along the way.
The crepuscular grind of Church Outfit and Knockoff sound like more danceable versions of the I Disagree sound, while the crunching title track suggests that she can still go as hard as ever. But there are nods to a lighter side here as well, particularly in the strong trio that wind up the album: The Attic recasts her sound in a euphoric drum n bass clatter whilst closer Prove It kicks up a remarkable blend of manic hyperpop and gentle electro-balladry, whilst still working in the rich emotional palette that she’s developed in recent years.
In one sense this is a huge departure from the frenetic punk of last year’s Stagger EP but the vibes here stake out territory that you’d still find oddly familiar. Some of the gothy ballads are less immediate than other songs but nothing on Zig is boring, just varying refinements on her ever evolving musical journey. The critics were split, occasionally rattled and sometimes just plain baffled, but that’s only to be expected by now. Poppy follows her own plan and rarely sticks to the same tune: in truth it’s a privilege just to be a witness to the chaos.
Sweeping Promises - Good Living Is Coming For You
One thing that I find missing in a lot of modern guitar based music is snappy songs with good catchy hooks. While Sweeping Promises appear to place their focus elsewhere - their high concept sound is best understood as someone broadcasting direct from 1979 through a wristwatch speaker - their second album still finds time to deliver fully on the tunes. Good Living Is Coming To You is steeped in bubblegum melodies and memorable choruses, with songs that become earworms before you’ve even registered how catchy they are. 
More than anything, it's dominated by Lira Mondal’s imperious vocals: whether it’s in the cascading harmonies of Throw Of The Dice, the fierce yells and hisses that close out the title track or her sweet voiced switch-outs on Ideal No, her character springs out of every song in a way that few singers ever really manage to impose. While you might think that the post punk era has been mined to death by now, Sweeping Promises drag new life into it by going back further: their sound may be heavily rooted in a specific moment but the elements of songcraft often have more in common with 60s girl group classics than gnarled art rockers. Ten bangers and no filler: Good Living Is Coming For You is everything I wanted from it and more.
Wednesday - Rat Saw God
While the queasy vibes of 2021’s Twin Plagues are still high in the mix here, it was the welcome injection of melody on Wednesday's third album that managed to alert the media. That lightness was more apparent in Karly Hartzman's lyrics than you might notice on a passing listen too: though often praised for her grimly amusing takes on middle American backwaters, the key to them was her deceptively soft touch, casting a sympathetic eye over grisly scenes even as she retained their gnarlier undertones.
Single Chosen To Deserve, with its crunching chorus and heartwarming romantic turnaround, feels like the designated big moment from the record but in reality Rat Saw God has an embarrassment of riches. Quarry in particular, with its Waterloo Sunset-esque signature and matter-of-fact dissection of grim local gossip, is an almost pop version of the most haunting aspects of Hartzman's craft, while the washed out bounce of closer TV in the Gas Pump pitches a lonelier scene in a similarly gorgeous manner.
This is not to forget that Wedneday can still rock extremely hard when they want to, especially on the brutal 8 minute Bull Believer, an ambitious multipart epic that ends with Hartzman screaming “FINISH HIM!!!” repeatedly over the chaotic finale. But while Rat Saw God brought this kind of sawtoothed sound back to widespread acclaim, its real trick was how it sugared the pill just enough to get it past even the most determinedly sweet tooth.
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hizashis-lil-bunbun · 4 years
BNHA Valentine’s Day Headcanons!
Happy first day of February! Some of my Discord friends and I were brainstorming how different My Hero characters would celebrate Valentine’s Day. So let’s give ‘em a whirl! All characters are adults or aged up to be 18+ in these scenarios.
Big thanks to @varnienne, @emmappelle, @sweet-darling91, @donica95​, and @katsontherun for letting me bounce ideas off of them. 💖
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
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Gotta start with my blonde bby. And the best way I can describe his ideal Valentine’s is BIG and LOUD!
He’s never been one shy away from telling you how he feels, but he’s especially talkative on V-Day. Going on and on about how lucky he is, how much he loves you, etc.
It’s love songs all day, baby! From blasting modern pop songs while he makes breakfast to sweet, old-fashioned tunes that he makes you slow dance with him to in the living room. He’s a true romantic (and a surprisingly good dancer to boot).
And he might even (re: definitely will) serenade you. The man is a musician after all! In fact, don’t be surprised if Hizashi wrote a song just for you.
As far as gifts go, Hizashi goes all out. He’s a hero and a celebrity, with the salaries to match. So you can expect a few big ticket items. Plus, he’s a good listener. If you ever mentioned something you needed/wanted/expressed interest in, chances are it will arrive wrapped up in red and pink paper on the day.
“Hey little listener! Remember how ya said you might wanna try painting? No? Well I turned the spare room into a studio for ya anyways! Maybe you can make me something to hang up at the station, yeah?”
But just because his gifts are expensive and flashy, that doesn’t mean he devalues your own. Hizashi will blubber and gush over anything you give him, from lavish luxuries to a something as simple as a homemade card. Loudly I might add. Make sure to have earplugs handy.
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of having a radio star as your partner is that he’ll most likely have to work on Valentine’s Day. It’s even worse if he had teach that day as well. So don’t count on any fancy dinners until after the 14th.
But if you tune into his station on the day (and you will), there will be at least three or four songs dedicated to “his favorite little listener.”
Even if he can’t be with you on the actual night, he’s definitely going to make up for lost time. Mood music, candlelight, the whole nine yards. He wants to romance you. To make you feel as good as you make him feel everyday.
Oral and overstimulation are the name of the game, and Hizashi is a giver through and through. He’s happy as a clam once he’s got his face buried between your legs, making you cum for the umpteenth time that night. Seriously, does he ever come up for air?
Praise is also a big thing for him. It flows from his mouth like the sweetest wine. And with his quirk, every whispered word and groan against your body feels just as intoxicating. Good vibrations indeed.
He also loves it when you’re vocal. No love song can compete with the way you cry and moan under his touch. He’ll make you sing for him all night long and into the morning hours.
“Damn, baby. I love you so damn much. Love the way you look cumming on my tongue. Think you can do it again?”
Eijiro Kirishima
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Okay. This boy adores Valentine’s Day! Like it’s his favorite holiday.
And how can he not? Everything in the stores is red! He can stock up on red merchandise for the rest of the year in the span of a week. And believe me, he does.
This means his partner should expect a lot of the cliché gifts on the big day: teddy bears, heart-shaped boxes, and red roses to name a few. Oh, and he’s definitely got a stockpile of cheesy, punny Valentine cards centered around his and his friend’s hero personas.
His favorite is the one that says “I think you’re a Red Riot! Be my Valentine?” But maybe that’s partially because it came from you.
Kirishima doesn’t just shower you with crimson trinkets; he buys treats for everyone! Especially his closest friends. To him, Valentine’s is all about showing the people he loves most just how much he cares. And it’s honestly adorable to see him practically bouncing off the walls in excitement when he finds a little red treasure for this year’s celebration.
“Babe! Look at that red shark plushie. It looks just like me! So manly!”
*proceeds to buy seven of them: one for him, one for you, and one for everyone in the Bakusquad + Tetsutetsu*
But at the end of the day, once all the chocolates and stuffed animals have been given away, he’ll make sure you know there’s no one he loves more than you. He spends the final hours alone with you, eating a home cooked meal and cuddling on the couch. Times like these are his favorite, just being to hold you close and appreciate your presence in his life.
Fair warning though. You’ll probably end up watching some some cheesy romcom, cuz he loves those too.
Of course, the red theme continues in the bedroom: red rose petals, red sheets, even a set of red lingerie he bought just for the occasion. Which he proceeds to rip apart minutes after you’ve gotten them on. Hope they weren’t too expensive.
Kirishima tries to be gentle with you, he really does. Savoring your pleasure and letting your orgasms crest and fall naturally. He wants to see you cooing and boneless by the end of the night.
But sometimes he underestimates his own strength and gets a little rougher than expected. Maybe he gives too sharp of a love bite, or squeezes your hips a little too hard. But it’s all done out of passionate love, so you don’t mind too much.
You might actually prefer it if he gets a little rougher.
However, if you wanna get kinky, there is one thing Kiri’s always down for: pulling you over his knee for a good, old-fashioned spanking. His quirk is perfect for it, hardening the palm of his hand just before it smacks down on the soft flesh. It’s like he has a set of built-in paddles. Trust me, if you let him get into a good rhythm, by the end of the night your ass will match the Valentine’s decor perfectly.
“Not pushing you too hard am I, beautiful? I know I can be unbreakable sometimes, but I never want to break you. I love you too much to do that.”
Mirio Togata
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TBH, before he met you, Mirio was a bit of a player (which is kinda canon). Like “has a different date every year” player.
And can you blame him? He’s a total heartbreaker with that (le)million dollar smile and those baby blue eyes. He got so much Valentine’s chocolate from girls in high school, it was sickening! But with you, things are different.
For starters, he’s not so big on material gifts. Giving or receiving.
“How could I want anything more when I’ve got my sunshine right here?”
No, this sweet himbo is all about making memories with his partner! Sharing experiences and spending as much quality time together as possible.
So he plans everything days, sometimes weeks, in advance. Budgeting his time and money to squeeze as much love into a single day as humanly possible.
The moment you wake up on February 14th, he hits the ground running. Quite literally! He’s practically doing laps around your bedroom in his excitement to get the day started.
Valentine’s Day with Mirio turns out to be a marathon of couple activities. Bike riding to a local café for breakfast. Sight-seeing in Tokyo followed by ice cream in the afternoon. He even manages to sniff out a carnival for you to go to in the evening, letting you run amok on the rides and games. And yes, he definitely spends too much money trying to win you one of those giant stuffed animals.
By the end of the day, you’re thoroughly spent and just want to snuggle up next to him. And maybe have a late night snack of chocolate. Mirio is more than happy to indulge you, even offering to carry you home. Anything to be close to his precious sunshine.
Despite your sleepiness and aching feet, Mirio insists he has one last surprise to give you. So he asks you to lay face-down on the bed and wait for him. Naked of course.
Once he finds what he’s looking for, he straddles your tailbone with his thighs and squirts something slippery onto your back. You yelp at the cold sensation and that earns a laugh from Mirio. He tells you it’s massage oil. One specifically designed to relieve muscle tension.
It’s like he knew you’d be sore after his day of non-stop adventuring. Almost like he planned it... What a smooth criminal.
It makes sense though. Maybe it’s because his quirk requires him to pass through things, but physical touch is his primary love language. Nothing grounds him quite like having you in his arms, worshiping every inch of your body.
He works you over, kneading at the muscles in your back, hips, and legs with steady pressure and prescision. He even rubs your feet, making the earlier pains melt away into bliss.
You’re almost too sleepy and relaxed to realize one of his hands is creeping up your body until it’s too late. Next thing you know, he’s curling his fingers into you, amplifying the pleasure of the massage in a new way. Like I said, Mirio’s a smooth criminal when he wants to be.
“Feeling good, sunshine? Yeah, I’ll bet you are. You always look so cute like this... just makes me want to kiss you all over. Maybe I will! But I think you’re still a little tense right... here.”
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
For some reason I feel like I need to defend myself cause I'm not a belieber by any means and I get irritated when we get an earnest and honest pop culture discussion and it will always end with "you're just a biased stan" "you're a hater." Cause you've been so objective and we were really just discussing the main pop boys around. I am not a stan of any of these boys. But I think it's fair to admit Purpose was a huge era. Bigger than any other pop boy save for Divide probably if we call Ed a popstar. Sorry was a huge single and I would argue it's the same level or may be even more impactful than Blinding Lights.
I am in no way denying Fine Line is a big era. But I will still say it's no Purpose and none of his singles touch Sorry or Love Yourself. I also think 1989, MBDTF, Purpose are on a different level because they were both quality albums and the narrative and publicity surrounding them. In short it was meant to be huge and it just needed the artist and their team to cooperate and bring out quality. 1989 was Taylor pushing herself to every single thing imaginable, creating a pr that made her reach every base, living her life on a fishbowl, a narrative of I'm an adult now and I'm a popstar. MBDTF was Kanye's comeback after America or maybe even the world deemed him a villain. It was Kanye proving he is a genius and the quality of his music will be above of any of his bullshit. It was emotional return as no matter what people try to twist, they made his stunt at the VMAs into an opportunity for racist attacks towards him. It's regarded as one or even the best album to be released on the 2010s. Purpose was Bieber's redemption arc after he was so close to destroying both his image and himself. They made the whole thing into a redemption arc, even the roast of Justin Bieber and Carpool Karaoke was meant to show oh he's got his head chilled now. People wanted him to fail, but they released singles that were undeniably bops and would be a hit to the gp one after another. In a year where Drake, Rih, Adele, Ariana all released music he had the top 2 singles on the Billboard Year End charts.
We're having an earnest pop culture discussion here and I hope it won't end with stan wars. I agree with other anons, Charlie blows them all out of the park in terms of raw talent but he just doesn't have enough IT factor and his personality is annoying. But I think a lot of people assume Bieber got here just cause of Scooter's manipulation and cause the tabloids were on him a lot. Both of those were major factors but Bieber is a legitimate talent and he was born with all the right factors to be a musician. He has both the star factor and the innate musical talent. Like your anons said he's a natural and is a white guy born with both rhythm and the melody. He had the luck of the right timing but he also undoubtedly worked hard to get where he is. We all dislike this guy's personality, but pop culture wise he is BIG and he didn't get there because of a fluke and it's valid to discuss him because he is relevant to pop culture.
“I also think 1989, MBDTF, Purpose are on a different level because they were both quality albums and the narrative and publicity surrounding them. In short it was meant to be huge and it just needed the artist and their team to cooperate and bring out quality.” I really agree with this!
Just to add, MBDTF had a roll out of a lifetime. He made G.O.O.D. Friday a thing and was dropping quality demos every Friday for a few months to tease the album and people were sitting around in anticipation every week to see what Ye would be putting out next and who would feature as well. It also doubled as a marketing tactic for Ye’s label, GOOD Music, and pushed a lot of those artist’s career i.e. Big Sean, Cy Hi the Prince, Lloyd Banks, etc. Half of those songs didn’t even end up on the album itself but anyone who was into hip-hop at the time probably still remember how iconic those tracks were and can agree that a lot of them were some of his best work (Christian Dior Denim flow, G.O.O.D. Friday, Looking For Trouble - which most hip-hope heads would agree helped launched J.Cole’s career since his verse destroyed everyone else’s except maybe Pusha T). People have never experienced an album roll-out of that level before and it truly changed the way artists, especially rappers, plan out their roll-outs. Not to mention Runaway got a feature-length film treatment for its visual, which was unheard of the time.
Ok but remember when Justin Bieber was one of the very first pop artists to hop onto the hip-hop/trap wave before it blew up? He had a feature on the G.O.O.D. Friday roll-out and a feature on Travis Scott’s Rodeo? He truly was ahead of the curve tbh. Like I think JB rightfully should get dragged for being a culture vulture but he also put a lot of black artists on and brought attention to them when most white artists would have not wanted to associate with them. Now hip-hop is hot and EVERYONE wants an eight bar on their bridge lol
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lovelylunarwriting · 5 years
Soonyoung College!AU
Dance Therapy Major, with a minor in Astronomy (Astronomical Sciences)
He chose dance as a major because it’s his life passion and something he genuinely enjoys, and more specifically dance therapy because he wants to share dancing with people in a way that can positively influence them and strengthen their quality of life through self expression.
If you ask him about it, prepare for a powerpoint presentation and fifteen minute speech because this boy will go off on how important it is to express yourself.
As for astronomy, he thinks stars are the shit. 
At first he registered as an Astronomy minor because he misread it as “Astrology”
He has a tendency to read way too heavily into horoscopes and will explain in extreme detail how your horoscope relates to the stars. 
One time he told he told Seokmin that he was going to “meet an untimely end” because it said so for Aquarius on the horoscope blog he checks daily.
Seokmin spent the rest of that day following Chan “for security reasons”
Also, anytime Minghao says something snarky, Soonyoung is like “Omg you’re such a Scorpio” 
Soonyoung is very heavily involved on campus, especially with organizations revolving around volunteering.
He just wants to help out whenever he can and give back to the community, whether it be assisting the elderly, helping out with food drives, etc.
Although he enjoys volunteering, don't get the wrong idea- he’s no saint. 
He’s the life of the party everywhere he goes, which is mostly,,,, parties tbh.
And that’s how he ends up fracturing his foot.
After a night of drinking with some of the boys, they were making their way back to the dorms when they passed through the main courtyard, resulting in Seungkwan challenging the group to do something pretty stupid.
Seungkwan : “I bet none of you will jump into the fountain”
Chan: “Of course I won’t, I just bought these shoes?? Why would I ruin them”
Seungkwan : “Because it’s a (dare)”
Soonyoung: “A DARE, YOU SAY??”
Seungkwan : “yES it’s most definitely a dare. Unless you're too chicken...”
Seokmin : “Ooooooo Soonyoung’s a chicken!”
Soonyoung: “Oh yeah? Would a chicken do THIS??”
The boys gather around the flowing fountain in the middle of the courtyard, leaving space for Soonyoung to jump in.
But he doesn't jump in. He cartwheels in.
And slams his foot right on the edge of the fountain. 
There’s an unsettling crack and Soonyoung falls backward into the shallow water.
Seokmin and Chan pull him out and set him on the ground while Seungkwan calls an ambulance. 
When the paramedics arrive, they haul Soonyoung into the ambulance, Chan and Seungkwan jumping in after.
One hospital trip and an unfortunate amount of medical bills later, it turns out that Soonyoung fractured a bone in his foot and won't be able to walk on it for at least six weeks. 
Seungkwan feels terrible and literally w i l l  n o t stop apologizing. 
Seungkwan : “I'm so sorry about this. Had I known you would’ve gotten hurt, I never would have said anything-”
Soonyoung: “Dude it’s fine, it's not like you threw me in. I was the one being reckless”
Seungkwan : “So you're not mad? Our friendship is still going on stronger than ever??”
Soonyoung: “I'm not mad, but you do realize since it was your dare that got me in this position, you have to go explain to my dance instructor why I won't be able to participate”
Seungkwan : “...I guess that's fair”
Chan: “Didn't your instructor completely go off on a girl for walking on the dance floor while wearing stilettos?”
Soonyoung: “Yeah, she's terrifying. Which is why good ol’ Kwannie is going to be a dear and break the news to her for me~”
Seungkwan : “Can't you just break my foot instead?? An eye for an eye kind of thing?”
Soonyoung: “Nope. Next time maybe you'll watch your mouth”
Seungkwan: “And next time you'll watch your step”
Soonyoung: “I’m literally crippled dude, leave me alone”
The night ends with the boys taking an uber back to campus, and each person going to their respective dorms. 
Aka Soonyoung hobbling on crutches into the building (somewhat literally, he almost slipped trying to scan his I.D. card) and then to his room.
The next morning he gets a text from Seungkwan being like “I’ll go with you to tell your dance instructor but I'm not going in alone,'' to which Soonyoung is like “okay that's fair”
They meet up outside the Fine Arts building and brave their way through the halls to admit that They Fucked Up.
When Soonyoung hobbles into the dance studio she’s like “YOUNG MAN WHAT DID YOU DO” and Seungkwan is like “uhh he tripped down the stairs yesterday… real sad”
Soonyoung is like “It-takes-six-weeks-to-heal-bYE” and tries to bolt for the door but forgets the whole,,,, crutches thing,,,, and they slip out from under his arms.
Let’s just say that's not the first time Soonyoung has face planted in the dance room and it definitely won't be the last. 
The professor tells him that even though he can't participate, he needs to show up for class to watch and that he can make up whatever assignments he misses after he heals.
She’s surprisingly nice about it??? And is like “you’re dumb for getting hurt but take care of yourself, you’ll make us all worry”
Anyway, let’s move on to you~
You know who Soonyoung is because you've had classes with him before but you've never really talked to him??
He was always "that kid watching Netflix on his laptop in the back of the lecture hall"
Which is tempting but when you're paying to take these classes,,,, you don't wanna waste your money and time by not trying your best
His friends would frequently wait for him outside the building to grab lunch after their classes, since they all had classes in the same cluster of buildings at similar times
They're a difficult group not to notice,,,, such loud and rowdy boys are hard to miss 
This semester you don't have any classes with Soonyoung, and don't think anything of it until you barely hear someone over the roar of your earbuds shout your name and to hold the elevator 
Looking up from your phone, you're shocked to see Soonyoung on crutches furiously shuffling to get to the elevator before it closes 
You wordlessly mash the "open doors" button a few times, and he sighs, slowing his pace and trudging into the small space.
You consider just keeping in your earbuds but curiosity gets the better of you
"So umm.... what happened?", you ask, popping out a single earbud.
Soonyoung's face goes from tired to panicked real quick and at first you regret asking, but then he explains how he fell down a flight of stairs and you're more at ease, but not completely. 
Your dance major friends have dragged you to their showcases, and you've seen Soonyoung dance. it seems weird that someone so balanced and elegant could just fall like that. 
You: "Were you drunk?"
Soonyoung: "I- what? Why would you ask that?"
You: "Ahh, so you're not denying it. That makes a lot more sense, you're much too graceful to slip out of the blue"
Soonyoung: "...you've seen me dance?"
You: "Yeah, I've got friends who dance and I go to their recitals to support them. You're really good, by the way"
With that comment, Soonyoung turns to face away from you and you think you may have said something wrong on accident until you notice the tips of his ears burning bright red. 
"He's shy.... that's pretty cute", you think to yourself.
The elevator dings, signalling your arrival on the second floor. You step out and surprisingly, Soonyoung follows.
Apparently the "nani???" face you're making is a lot more communicative than you’d intended, because Soonyoung is like "I live,,,, across the hall from you...."
Now it's your turn to be embarrassed because,,,, how the hell did you not notice that
He goes on to ask you if you could help him get into his room- something about not being sure about balances crutches and keys, and before he can even finish asking, you’re like “yep! Gimme them keys” to try and move on from the “how could you not know I live right across from you” thing
You open the door and prop it open all the way so that Soonyoung can hobble on in, then you go ahead and help him get settled on the couch so he doesn’t topple over trying to stand.
You: “Okay, is there anything else you need?” you ask, handing him back his key and trying really hard not to blush when your fingers brush against his..
Soonyoung: “I mean,,,,, I don’t need anything, but if you want to stay and hang out for a while, that’d be nice. It’s no fun wallowing in self pity all alone and Seokmin won’t be here for like three hours”
Thinking about what day of the week it is and then checking your watch, you conclude that you don’t have any classes or labs left today and agree to stay for a bit.
You: “Actually, let me head to my dorm to drop off my bag and grab some snacks, alright?”
He nods his head vigorously at the mention of food so you make sure to come back with more than enough snacks for the both of you.
If someone had told you this morning that you’d spend your evening laughing and playing Wii Sports with Soonyoung of all people, you’d tell them they’re crazy, but here the two of you are, acting like old friends would.
After defeating him in tennis more times than he feels comfortable admitting, he checks the time on his phone and sees that it’s like,,, r e a l late.
Soonyoung: “It’s this late and Seokmin hasn’t come home yet?? What if something happened to him?”
Seokmin: “I walked in literal hours ago. I said hello to you. You said hello back. I’ve been in my room ever since???”, he says from the doorway to his room.
Honestly, you hadn’t noticed him either. Soonyoung is such a bright person inside and out that it’s easy to get caught up in him.
You: “Well since it’s getting late I should probably head back to my dorm. Gimme your phone real quick?”
Soonyoung: “You could at least ask me out before putting your number in my phone,'' he says, peering over your shoulder at the glowing TV screen.
You: “I’m putting my number in your phone in case you fall and need someone to help you. Since I’m right across the hall I’d be the closest person other than Seokmin who probably isn’t too pleased with you,,,, since we forgot he was here,,,,,”
Soonyoung: “Oh. Okay that works, too” he says sheepishly, hoping you’ll forget about the whole “ask me out” comment. 
He has to hobble around for the next six weeks so saving any fraction of pride that’s left is his main objective.
That and not dying of boredom. He has a feeling that the two of you will be playing a lot of mario kart.
Maybe next time you’ll let him win?? Odds aren’t for it though.
Seeing his frustrated little pout whenever you pass him and getting to see him get all mad when you blue shell him is just too impossibly adorable to pass up.
And you refuse to lose. But anyway-
The next few days pass by as they normally do, not particularly eventful in any way. 
That is until you get a text from an unknown number that creeps you out before you realize it's just Soonyoung.
Unknown Number: "hey boo are you home? ;)))))"
Your Phone: "I'm just walking in the building, why?", you text back, adding him to your contacts.
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: "oh thank goodness pleaSE come over, Seokmin put my laptop on top of the bookshelf as revenge and I have an essay due at midnight!!\(;´□`)/"
You Phone: "Okay, I'll be right there!" 
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: "THANK YOU MY ANGEL!!!~(^з^)-♡"
Reading that last text jump-starts your heart, and you almost drop your phone.
Stepping out of the elevator, instead of taking a right into your room, you turn to the left and knock on Soonyoung's door.
The door swings open almost instantly and you're met with a very pouty looking Soonyoung.
Laughing to yourself but mostly at him, you step inside and peer around for the bookshelf.
Once you spot it, you drag a chair over and begin to step up on it when Soonyoung interjects.
Soonyoung: "What are you doing??"
You: "I'm getting your laptop! I can't reach it without standing on something"
Soonyoung: "But that's dangerous!"
You: "More dangerous than cartwheeling into a concrete fountain?"
Soonyoung: "..."
You: "Chan told me. He's in my Sociology class"
Soonyoung: "So you knew and yet still agreed to help me?"
You: "Of course! That's what friends are for, right?,” you say as you step up onto the chair once again, missing the falter in Soonyoung's smile.
He doesn't say anything but you can tell that he's hobbling over to you due to the distinct clicking sound of his crutches hitting the hardwood floor.
When his hands find your waist, you forget how to breathe for a moment, looking down to him as he gives you a reassuring nod.
"He's just helping you balance. It's not a big deal", you tell yourself, and yet the warmth of his hands on your hips has your heart racing.
Focusing solely on the task at hand, you reach up, retrieve his laptop, and take the hand he offers as you step down from the chair.
The two of you keep your hands locked together longer than necessary, but don’t say anything about it,,,,
"Is that all you need?,” you ask, dropping his hand and setting his laptop down on what has to be his bed (the Shinee posters are a dead give away) 
You looking anywhere but at him, afraid that you'll accidentally reveal more of how you feel than you want to.
“That’s,,, that’s it. You can stay for a bit if you want, though? I found Seokmin’s snack stash”, he offers and as nice as it sounds, you decline.
“You have an essay to write and I have,,,, something I need to do so i’mgonnagonowbye”, you manage to say, power walking out of his dorm room and even more quickly into yours.
Your roommate takes one look at your wide eyes and obvious blush and is like “,,,,this is about a boy isn’t it”, to which you eloquently reply for them to “mind their own business and yeaH maybe it iS”
The next morning you jolt up in bed, breaking out of your dream somewhat forcefully.
It wasn’t even a bad dream- it was just you and Soonyoung hanging out like you did the other day but instead of being on opposite sides of the couch you were,,,, a lot closer, to say the least.
As soon as Dream Soonyoung leaned in for a kiss, your subconscious dragged you back into reality.
Why is it that dreams always end right before to good part?
Grumbling to yourself, but not too loudly so you don’t wake up your roommate, you grab your bag, swing it over your shoulder, and step into the hall.
So does Soonyoung. Who shoots you a smile and a wink, while you stand there looking like a deer in headlights.
“Something wrong?,” he asks with a confused tilt of the head.
“No no it’s just- those morning classes ya know? Getting up this early is rough, ahaha”, you say trying to play off your initial weirdness, and Soonyoung seems to take the bait, complaining about his early dance class all the way out of the building.
“I normally don’t mind getting up this early if I get my body moving but,,, having to watch everyone else dance instead is kind of torture”, he admits.
“That does seem like it would be tough. If it gets too frustrating and you need someone to vent to, send me a text alright? My next class is three hours long and super boring so I’ll definitely be on my phone anyway”, you say.
He agrees and the two of you go your separate ways, you heading to your class and him heading to his.
Throughout the whole dull lecture you can’t help but check your messages every so often, just hoping that he’s texted you.
1.) Because you enjoy talking to him and 2.) Because the class is really that dull.
Feeling your phone vibrate, you open the messaging app to see about exactly what you expected.
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “It's been thirty minutes and I already wanna die”
Your Phone: “Please don't, who else would I destroy at Mario Kart??”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “(╥﹏╥)”
Your Phone: “I'm kidding~! And actually I have something that I think might help. When’s your last class of the day end?”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “Like 5:30 in the Science building. Astronomy lecture”
Your Phone: “I'll meet you there with take out, alright?”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “my angel leads me through these dark times once again (ToT)”
Your Phone: “stop with the crying emoticons or I'm not buying you dinner”
The Lovely Kwon Soonyoung: “SIR, YES SIR!”
You can’t help but let out a small giggle as you go back to playing solitaire on your phone. 
Soonyoung’s gotta be the most beautifully ridiculous person you’ve ever met, but at least there’s never a dull moment when it comes to him.
A promise is a promise!! Which is why you find yourself sitting criss-cross on one of the benches outside the science building at about 5:30.
“What kind of person signs up for classes so late in the day,,,,,” you mumble to the bag of Chinese food in your lap.
“THIS GUY!!”, an all too familiar voice shouts from behind you.
You turn to glare at Soonyoung but find it difficult once you see his signature cheesy grin.
A brief walk and much too crowded elevator ride later, you and Soonyoung sit on his bed as you explain your idea to him (and break into the lo mein)
"You're frustrated because you can't express yourself, right?,” you ask.
"Exactly. I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not able to dance"
"That's exactly it- dance isn't the only form of self expression. There's singing, art, photography, scrapbooking, instruments, graffiti-"
"I can barely stand on these crutches and you want me spray painting under bridges,,,," Soonyoung complains.
"You know what I mean. There are other things we can do"
"We?,” he says with a playful smile.
"I- I didn't mean like,,,, you can do whatever you want on your own, you don't have to include me-"
"Hey! Hold up, I was just playing around. I want to spend time with you. Who else will make fun of me when my stick figures end up looking like a bunch of random lines?", he says.
"That's true. Alright, I'll be right back", you say, getting up and heading to the door.
"What? Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go get some glitter pens and paper from my desk, geez. Clingy much?"
"I can't help it, I just want to be with you,,,," he says jokingly, but you blush regardless.
That comment sends you flying out of the room before your heart beats out of your chest.
Being around Soonyoung goes from "we're comfortable friends" to "ahahaha yeah but I adore him" way too quickly to be able to cope properly.
Taking a moment to recover, you wander back across the hall with paper and pens in hand, plopping them down on Soonyoung’s bed.
The two of you spend the night doodling poor renditions of each other and drawing whatever comes to mind.
Honestly, you can’t imagine any other way you’d rather spend your time. With Soonyoung, you have the most fun and feel the most comfortable.
Your other friends are great, don’t get the wrong idea, but with Soonyoung there’s just something,,,, different.
Like if the people in your life were cupcakes, he’d be the one with sprinkles and edible glitter on top. He’s that special.
The next few days, and before you know it- weeks- go by with you and Soonyoung exploring new crafts and spending every free moment together.
Your usual table and friends that you eat lunch with have been bombarded with Soonyoung and his gang of hyper boys (Chan, Seokmin, Seungkwan, and the occasional Mingyu)
Luckily they all get along, and are enjoyable to be around. Even if the table is much more cramped and significantly louder than before.
Most of your time is spent with one another though, whether it be trying and hopelessly failing to fold paper cranes or even looking up YouTube videos of “How to Mime Like a Pro”
The more time you spend together, the more difficult it becomes to deny your feelings for him.
Especially because he’s prone to saying flirty things in such a deadpan tone that it’s hard to tell if he’s joking. But he does it so frequently that you’re pretty sure he has feelings with you. He doesn’t flirt with anyone else like that from what you’ve seen.
He may seem like an open book, but a lot of the time it’s hard to tell what he’s really thinking
So you do the Logical Person thing and vow to never talk about your feelings for fear of making it Weird
Which wasn’t too bad at first,,,, but after spending an ungodly amount of time together, you’re so smitten for him it’s all you can think about.
And you need to think about your GPA. Emotions are becoming genuinely distracting.
But alas, your persist out of sheer stubbornness (and fear of rejection)
One day, you’re doing your usual “out and about, creative task” with Soonyoung and it happens to be photography, one of your personal favorites.
The combination of doing things you love with the person you’re crushing hard on has you smiley the entire time, and Soonyoung notices.
“You’re in quite a good mood today? Something I should know about?”, he asks.
“Things seem to be falling into place, ya know? The beginning of the semester was so hectic but now that I’ve gotten into more of a routine, everything seems,,, okay. Better than okay, even”, you answer, snapping a few shots of Soonyoung dramatically posting on a bench.
“Yeah, I mean you didn’t have me at the beginning of the year”, Soonyoung comments nonchalantly as you almost drop your much-to-pricey camera.
“I,,,, I mean yeah,,, there’s other things too though”
“Another man? Hmm… so I’ve got competition, huh?”
Heart feeling like it’s gonna burst out of your throat, instead of amused and flattered with his usual flirty nature, you find yourself frustrated. 
Unable to hide your change in mood, you lower the camera.
Soonyoung stands up off the bench and wobbles on over to you. Usually you’d try and meet him halfway but you’re too lost in thought. Perceptive as he is, of course he notices.
“Hey, are you okay? I’m just messing with you”, he says, probably trying to be comforting but it feels like you can’t breathe.
“Are you though? Just messing with me?”, you begin to snap, unable to keep how you really feel inside even a moment longer.
“What? I would never”
“Okay, then what’s your goal? To endlessly flirt with me but never actually make a move? What’s your end-game, here? To lead me on until you find someone better??”
“...there isn’t someone better. There isn’t anyone better”, he says softly, taking a few slow steps closer to you.
“Then do something about it”, you say quietly, looking up into his eyes with such ferocity it makes his own eyes widen.
“Fine! Maybe I will, then”, he snaps.
Soonyoung drops his crutches (practically throws them, honestly), swings one arm around your waist and pulls you towards him. More gently now, he cups your right cheek and kisses you with such passion that you kind of forget to breathe.
Much too quickly for your liking, he pulls away and lets you go. Neither of you say anything.
It’s the slightest bit awkward and a lot of things have been left unsaid,,,, but after that kiss you mostly get where he’s coming from
So you raise your camera and aim to take a photo of him. To your surprise, he bursts into laughter.
And so you do too.
For the next half hour or so, it becomes a game of camera tag essentially,
Soonyoung’s current state gives you an unfair advantage of catching up to him quite easily to try and snap unflattering photos of him.
At one point, he shuffles out of your sight. As you swing around a tree to continue your search, you end up crashing straight into him, sending both of you crashing to the ground.
If it weren’t for the autumn leaves, it probably would’ve hurt a lot more than it did.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?”, you ask, laying on Soonyoung’s chest.
“Dude forget me- is the camera okay? It’s like 600 bucks!”, he says.
“I don’t care about that! You’re more important than a stupid camera”, you gripe and to your surprise, he starts blushing.
“I,,, didn’t realize I meant that much to you”
“More than 600 dollars?”
“No, I mean,,,,, I thought you were just spending time with me because you felt bad that I got myself injured”, he confesses.
“Wha- Soonyoung. We literally just kissed earlier today. I don’t kiss people out of pity”
Cue more blushing from both parties
“,,,well that’s good,,,, because I like you,,, and stuff”, he mumbles, making every effort to avoid eye contact (even though you’re literally On him).
“Well I like you too and stuff. So I’ll even consider helping you up”, you say, grinning so hard your cheeks muscles begin to ache.
The rest of the day with Soonyoung goes by mostly normally, not including the hand holding and even more blatant cheesy flirting.
You guys make it official a few days later after Soonyoung overthinks everything and texts you at 4 am on a Tuesday to Confirm that you actually wanna be his s/o
To which you reply “yea. now go to sleep loser<3”
Y’all have a very chill and sweet relationship.
You’re super duper comfortable, but like,,,, almost too comfortable in the eyes of your friends.
Soonyoung will let out the most mighty burp and instead of being grossed out, you just give him a score out of ten.
“What do you mean five?! Did you hear that??”
“Five and a half. You can do better and you know it”
And after a little while, Soonyoung gets his cast off!!
He goes back to dancing, and every day you text him “be careful you f o o l” right before his classes. Because even though he’s healed, that isn’t gonna stop you from worrying.
You thought that once he got back to dancing, he might not wanna draw and take photos with you anymore, but honestly it’s the opposite.
He’ll barge into your dorm room and say something along the lines of “if I have to do one more pirouette I’m gonna do a stag leap off the roof of the student union” and then doodle various farm animals with you.
This happens more often than he’d like to admit, but you thoroughly enjoy his company regardless.
He also gets to vent while drawing, so that’s a plus, too. He’s the kind of guy that has trouble telling people when he’s feeling down, so you appreciate that he’ll talk to you about it.
Overall, y’all relationship is cute and goals, even if it began in the most unconventional way.
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hellofaride2021 · 4 years
Hi, can we please get another 30 questions post? 🥰
Sure, why not? 😊 I found this by searching 30 questions and this one via @immahomosexuall popped up.
1. What do you like and dislike about the way you were brought up?
I like that I was brought up not to judge others. My parents were always clear that I shouldn’t judge people or treat them differently because they were different. Wether that was race, religion, sexuality, disability; I remember being young and them explaing that to me.
I hate my dads temper. I hate that I have the same temper and that we’ve spent too many times clashing and arguing from big stuff to little stuff that turns into big stuff.
2. What do you believe are the 5 biggest issues we face as humans now?
Womens rights!
LGBT Rights!
Corona Virus!!!!
And just the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and nothing being done to help them/treating them like it’s their fault.
3. If you could write a novel what would it be about?
Since I was a teenager I’ve wanted to write a mystery based on the 1920’s focused on a jazz club singer. Most recently I’ve wanted to write a mystery involving family history. My mother has done family history for years and her findings plus other people’s stories have really inspired me.
4.  What are your beliefs regarding the universe and the nature of life and death?
Honestly? I have no clue. Maybe there’s a God, maybe there isn’t. I do like the idea of reincarnation.
5. Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had. 
This was when I was about ten years old so I don’t remember much of it but involved my friends and I finding a door in a tree, which led to this other world and going on some adventure. The only other thing I remember is us crossing a bridge over lava lol
6. Do you want children? Why or why not? 
Eh. Yes and no lol. Kids are cute and having one I could help grow and watch them fall in love with things, become passionate about would be great. Also giving my parents grandkids would be cool too. But I don’t know if I’m very maternal. I would hate to be the temper filled parent my dad can be and I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the patience with things like learning to ties shoes, tell the time, help with homework.
7. What are your views on gender equality? 
I think you should be paid based on your title and experience wether you’re a man or woman. I think everyone should be treated the same regardless of gender.
8. How do you feel about cultural appropriation? 
It’s wrong, of course. But sometimes I find myself reading about it online, a new one that’s happened and I’ll be like “oh, is that cultural appropriation or just appreciation? And can I really be in a conversation about that?” Basically I’m constantly learning.
There’s actually a photo of my as a child dressed as Pocahontas for a school dance because I was obsessed with her! At the time I had no idea that was cultural appropriation, I was just young and wanted to be like this person I thought was cool, but I feel awful about it now.
9. Where are the 3 places you most want to travel to and why?
NYC for Broadway
Hawaii because I have family there I’ve never met.
New Zealand because I have family there who I’ve met but we’ve never visited because we can’t afford to, but we have an open invitation.
10. What are some things you wish you’d been taught as a child that you weren’t? 
That you may not end up in your dream job but that it’s ok. It doesn’t mean you failed.
11. Talk about some of the biggest mistakes you’ve ever made?
Not having the confidence to fully learn my country’s language which has held me off getting jobs. Also, just dumb family arguments, especially with my dad.
12. Do you feel you are in control of your destiny or do you believe fate controls the course of your life? 
A little of both?
13. Do you believe is ghosts/ spirits? If so why do you think they exist?
Another yes or no. I think some stories we’ve heard are false but I think it’s a possibility.
14. Do you think there are any other forms of intelligent life in the universe? 
There has to be. With how big space is, we can’t be the only ones out there.
15. What do you think constitutes a truly healthy relationship?
Openness, respect, accountability, compromise.
16. How would you like to live your life?
Happy, financially secure and with more confidence.
17. Talk about a time someone treated you badly.
A kid stole my stuffed lamb in nursery lol the same kid also attacked me in the school playground. Once when I was about 14 this girl and a couple of her friends stopped my friend and I because she had a problem with my cousin. She threatened me, hit me and ended up having the cops go to her house and tell her to keep her distance from me or there would be stricter consequences.
18. Talk about a time you treated someone else badly. 
I’ve been pretty bitchy and awful to my sister when we’ve argued.
19. What is something you can’t do that you really wish you could? 
Dance! It’s in the family and I’d love to. Also sing.
20. What are your initial thoughts when somebody tells you they’re religious? 
Interest. What religion are they? How involved are they?
21. Were you more of the victim or the bully as a child? 
Victim in school for sure.
22. How have you changed since you were a child and how have you stayed the same? 
While I’m still kinda shy and social anxious, I’m so much better than I was when I was younger! There have been things I’ve done that I never would have then.
As for the same? Well I’m still the same geeky person I was as a kid who loves marvel, dc, sci fi, supernatural, music, films, tv, reading, history and true crime.
23. Are you the kind of person who has a large group of friends or are you someone who has just a few people they’re close to? 
Just a few close friends. One I’ve known since I was three, the other six and the third since we were sixteen.
24. What qualities have you got from your parents? 
I have for my sarcasm and love of music, musical/dancing and history from my mum, and from my dad his temper, music and true crime.
25. What is one thing you wish somebody would say to you right now?
You’ve won the lottery lol 
26. Describe your ideal partner? 
Off the top of my head; picture a mix of the personality and looks of Matt Bomer, Darren Criss, Robert Downey Jr, Lin Manuel Miranda and Chadwick Boseman. I’m sure I’m missing some but yeah.
27. Describe yourself as a person?
Passionate, anxious, self critical, protective, geeky, sarcastic.
28. What things don’t you do right now that you feel like you morally should? 
Attend protests for things I believe in. I mostly don’t because I’m claustrophobic and those things get large. Did you see the sizes of the Women’s March and BLM? I felt anxious just looking at them.
29. What is your star sign and how accurate do you think it is in describing you?
Scorpio and I think it’s pretty spot on. There’s one or two i think aren’t complety right, but mostly it’s pretty accurate.
30. What sort of terms are you on with your exes? 
I actually have no exes. I am a grown women who has never been in a relationship 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s partly to do with how shy I used to be (still can be tbh) and also, guys just have never asked me. So yeah.....pandemic is not helping either lol
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isrustandstardust · 4 years
1. What’s been the best day of your life so far and why?
Hard to decide, I had so many great days.
2. Describe your first kiss, who was it with, what was it like, where was it etc?
It was with my best friend at the time, in my parents garden. It was early morning after a night spent talking, her lips were really soft.
3. What’s your biggest regret? I know we all say we don’t regret things but obviously it’s how we learn, from our mistakes. So what’s something from your past you wished you could have changed?
I could have handled a break up better. I ended up hurting someone I cared for.
4. When was the last time you laughed so hard that tears fell from your face and what was it at?
With my husband, yesterday night. We were actually making fun of someone we know.
5. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?
Moving in with a guy I barely knew in a city 400km away from all my family and friends.
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
Nothing comes to mind rn.
7. Do you have any scars and if so, how did you get them?
I have my arms covered in scars. All of them are from self harming.
8. Where would you like to be in 10 years?
In another house, maybe abroad.
9. What are your views on drugs and alcohol?
I’m for the free of choice. I’ve tried drugs only a few times and not drinking atm.
10. What are your views on religion?
Brainwashing shit.
11. Have you ever thought about ending your own life? If so, why?
Yes, more than once. I tried, twice, when I was 21 and going through a lot. The second time I almost succeeded and woke up in the hospital after being unconscious and intubated for a week.
12. Write 5 facts people might not know about you.
- I am bipolar, borderline and have a schizoafective disorder.
- I dream about Satan and the end of the world on daily basis.
- When I was little I used look for little animals to bury and exhume after a while to see how decomposition works.
- I’ve been into witchcraft and rituals since I was 16.
- I write backwards like Leonardo Da Vinci.
13. What’s your zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality?
I’m a Scorpio and it fits perfectly.
14. Pinpoint a moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
When my storyboard teacher remembered me from my online test because it was a perfect score.
15. Discuss your first love.
We were young and trying too hard.
16. Put your ipod on shuffle and write 5 songs that pop up. Explain why each song is on there.
- Don’t mess with me - Brody Dalle. It’s from the soundtrack of a game I love.
- Distance - 4bidden. It relaxes me.
- As the rain comes down - 0K(ill)’s. Because I’m working on their new videoclip.
- 8-MQ 16.10.2001 - 0K(ill)’s. Because it’s inspired by an Italian female serial killer. The title is composed by her initials and date of death.
- Rock and Roll - Gary Glitter. It makes me want to misbehave.
17. Name somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
18. What’s your earliest memory?
My dad taking me to Collodi.
19. What are your views on mainstream music?
It’s heartless and all about making money.
20. What are your highs and lows of this past year?
High: starting officially my character designer career. Low: my mother in law and old dog passing away in less than a month.
21. What are your strongest beliefs?
I believe in being direct and honest. Do no harm but take no shit.
22. Who are you closest to in your family?
My dad maybe.
23. How important do you think education is?
It’s fundamental.
24. What’s one of your favorite shows?
My 600lbs life XD
25. How have you changed in the past 2 years?
I’m more secure of myself and my capabilities.
26. Name 5 people who are famous who you find attractive.
- Tom Hiddleston.
- Mads Mikkelsen.
- Hugh Dancy.
- Michael Fassbender.
- Matthew Good.
27. Name your favorite movie and what it’s about.
3 Iron, in the mood for love. Because they’re sad but huntingly beautiful.
Stoker because psycho killers turn me on.
The fountain because is eternal and heartbreaking.
28. Who is someone who fascinates you and why?
I am fascinated by fictional characters. Like Hannibal Lecter. Yeah, again psycho killers.
29. What kind of person attracts you?
Intelligent people.
30. What’s a problem that you have recently had or are currently having?
My body is giving up on me xD
31. Name something that you miss.
The lake.
32. Share 5 goals you want completed in the next 30 days.
- Doing at least 15 designs.
- Double up my workout time.
- Completing my very first song.
- Take that online course I’ve been postponing for lack of time.
- Get a hold of a camera and go shooting.
33. What’s been the highlight of your month and the lowest point?
Highlight: doing a shit ton of sales on my shop. Lowest point: I don’t recall one, it’s been a pretty good month so far.
34. What’s something that you’ve done in the past that you would never do again?
Being the side chick.
35. What is you’re biggest insecurity & why?
Not being good enough. It can be traced back to my mom being a terrible mother.
36. What were the last 3 songs you listened to and what did they mean to you?
- Natacha Atlas - GAFSA. Because it’s in the soundtrack of 3Iron.
- Morcheeba - Over and over again. I find I’d perfectly fitting.
- Portishead - Wandering star. Because it remembers me of someone from my past.
37. Do you have a toy that’s really special to you and if so what is it, how did you get it etc?
I had a plush of a rhino called Mr. Turkelton [Scrubs reference] that was so dear to me. It’s with my ex, we bought it together and he kept it. Still miss him tho.
38. Have you lost anyone close to you to death?
My mother in law. She was more of a mom to me than my own mother.
39. What is your purpose in life?
Being happy and create beautiful things.
40. When was the last time you cried and what was it over?
I do not remember, but I guess it was during my mil’s funeral.
41. If you got to spend an entire day with your favourite celebrity what would you guys do?
I would love to spend a day with the Mass Effect’s cast playing the game!
42. If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?
Tool. Because I’m a masochist.
43. What are 3 traits that you like about yourself and what are three that you dislike about yourself? Personality wise.
- Being open minded.
- Being stubborn.
- Being so will powered.
- Being insecure.
- Being so unable to handle rage that I keep extremely calm until the moment I explode and get cruel and violent.
- Being unable to let go of things that enrage me.
44. Can you cook? If so what are your favorite dishes to make?
I’m pretty good at it. I love to make fresh pasta.
45. What was the last decision you regretted making?
Drinking that glass of milk, now my stomach hurts.
46. Who’s opinion of yourself do you value the most?
Mine. And then my husband’s. I don’t care of no one else’s opinion.
47. What’s the nastiest thing you’ve ever said to another human being and what drove you to say it?
I demolished a guy who was in love with me telling him exactly what I knew it would break him. I did it because he tried to act like I was his property and then got aggressive when I didn’t act accordingly.
48. What’s the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to YOU? Or something that’s hurt you above anything else and why?
Nasty things don’t get to me, I don’t listen to what people say, especially when it comes from someone I don’t care for or I despise. The things that hurt me the most was saying goodbye to someone I was not ready to let go.
49. You can ask your favourite celebrity 3 questions and she’s taken a magical truth pill so she will 100% answer honestly, what do you ask?
Maybe some technical stuff, Idk. I have no ‘favorite celebrity ‘ so...
50. What mark would you want to leave on this world after you are gone?
I don’t care about leaving a mark in a dying world tbh.
51. What makes you most angry?
Liars, incoherent people, delusional people, copycats.
52. Who do you think is a really underrated artist and what do you love about them?
There are a lot of really underrated artists out there trying their very best and being bashed by online algorithms. Support the artists you like!
53. What are the main qualities you look for when thinking about a significant other?
Intelligence, honesty and having moral values.
54. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
The first that comes to mind is waiting at home for me to return with a hot bath ready and a bed full of rose petals. It’s a cliche,Iknow. But I was young and in love.
55. What is one of your favorite memories?
I have so many, but thinking about the past makes me feel bittersweet.
56. What do you do when you really want to impress someone?
I just act normal, if they’re impressed, good. If not, it’s ok.
57. What are your 3 favourite animals and why?
- Snakes: They’re so fascinating.
- Crows: they’re extremely intelligent.
- Sharks: natural born predators.
58. What’s the nicest present you’ve ever received?
A trip to Paris and a trip to Disneyland.
59. People always go around saying ‘oh I’m their biggest fan’, but what does being a truly big fan of someone mean to you?
Idk, I just like people. I don’t obsess over them.
I obsess over things I like, but not over some individual I don’t know.
60. Have you ever wanted to change anything about your life? If so, what?
I want more money XD
61. What is something you feel like you are really good at?
Drawing. Hopefully making music, but it’s way to early to say.
62. What is something you feel like you can get better at?
Drawing, there’s always room for improving.
63. What is something you feel like you are really bad at?
Hiding when I despise someone. And bowling.
64. If you were given $3,000,000 to put towards 3 charities/foundations ($1 mil each obvs), what would you choose and why?
Wildlife protection, animal shelters, planet’s preservation.
65. What’s one thing someone has done for you that was really small but made a huge impact?
My roommates came back from Xmas holidays one day earlier to have dinner with me because I was alone. And another brought me Xmas dinner a few days before.
66. What do you do when you can’t sleep?
I work :/
67. What’s something that’s on your bucket list?
Make a nice home studio.
68. If you could change 3 things within your government, what would they be and why?
I would actually change the opponent party. They’re dreadful.
69. What’s your favourite holiday and why?
Xmas, because it feels like happiness.
70. What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? Even if it’s TINY like holding a door open for you, something that you rememer even though they were a complete stranger.
A stranger helped me when my nose was bleeding like crazy and I was alone in a mall. He also bought me an orange juice.
71. Who’s your favorite cartoon character?
Motoko Kusanagi.
72. What’s the first song that comes to your mind while reading this and why?
Reptile - NIN. Don’t know why.
73. Put the 7 deadly sins in order of the one you commit the most to the least.
Wrath - Lust - Pride - Sloth - Greed - Gluttony - Envy.
74. What would you like to be the first dance song at your wedding?
I’m already married and we danced over Christian Woman by Type 0 Negative XD
75. Have you ever been told you look like a famous person, if so, who?
Someone told me I look like Butterfly from Death Proof and like Amy Lee from Evancescence.
I really don’t see it.
76. What’s one thing you can not live without?
Art. And music.
77. What is the most selfless thing you have ever done for someone?
Going away.
78. Do you hate someone.
No, I dislike a lot of people, I think the world would be better off if some of them would die, it I do not hate them.
79. What are 3 things that have happened in your life that you’ve never forgotten? Big or small, just things you know you won’t ever forget and still seem crystal clear now.
- Almost dying.
- Getting married.
- Signing for my very first house.
80. What comes first to you out of friendships and relationships, and why?
They’re equally important.
81. What’s your favourite children’s tv show/movie?
Muppets: a Christmas Carol.
82. What song makes you cry the most?
Together we will live forever - Clint Mansell.
83. What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen?
Operation Petticoat.
84. What’s something crazy that you’ve always wanted to do?
Trying human flesh.
85. Has anything ever happened to you that you just can’t forgive?
A lot. Just, a lot.
86. What’s your biggest fear?
Being abandoned.
87. What is your favorite food?
Red meat, pistachio ice cream.
88. Least favorite food? Why?
89. Have you ever felt ashamed about something? If so what was it & why?
Not that I recall of.
90. Do you keep a journal? If so what mostly goes in it? Random thoughts, feelings, stories?
I always keep a journal, I write in it pretty much everything, dreams, feelings, ideas, thoughts.
91. When was the last time you said something nice to someone & what made you do it?
This morning to my husband, because he deserves it.
92. How do you feel when someone says something mean/disrespectful towards your fave celeb?
Couldn’t care less? Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, even if it’s a shitty one.
93. What’s the saddest story/one that’s touched you the most that you’ve ever heard on the news?
Milena Quaglini’s.
94. If you were told you were going to have 3 daughters, what would you want to name them?
Violante, Lavinia and Artemisia.
95. Do you have a middle name and if so, what is it?
I have two. Valeria and Maria.
96. How did your name get chosen? What’s the story behind it?
My dad found it in a sci-fi book back when he was a teenager. It was the name of the first baby girl born on the moon.
97. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for each of your faves e.g. waiting in line for hours, getting up early to see them on tv etc?
I watched a streaming reunion in the middle of the night on N7 day.
98. Are you a virgin?
99. What are the stories behind your tattoos/piercings and if you don’t have any, would you like any?
I have wings because I’ve always been obsessed with winged figures and angels.
I have a lot of movies/books quotes because they all means something to me.
I have cherry petals because of Hagakure.
The snowflake is the reminder of a very important person.
The moth is for my self destructive tendencies.
The witch is a homage to me.
The strawberry is a silly Adventure Time reference.
The snake is a biblical reference to both Lilith and Satan.
The Santa Muerte and the black goat are both linked to my beliefs.
100. Do you want to say something to the world?
Stop being stupid, stop making stupid people famous, open a book.
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My dearest Captain,
The story of Thaddeoso is much less exciting than one might think. Basically my grandpa told a story of this huge frog that hung around when my mom was young and they called him Thaddeus. Then then my cousins and I found this huge frog by the spring and my sibling suggested we call him Thaddeoso, so we did.
1. Could you maybe stop judging others and let them enjoy things in peace please?
2. All the ones I’ve seen so far (tos, aos, tng, and voyager)
3. That’s a hard one. I like all of them Janeway and Q and Geordi a lot though
4. I don’t know, I actually haven’t thought about it
5. Yep! I like most musicals, but I think my current favorites are Sweeney Todd, Singin in the Rain, and Cats (not the newer movie though)
6. Maybe maple cus we used to make maple syrup back at the first place I lived
7. You know what should be a thing? Space mythology. Like dragons who live in black holes and hoard light and sirens that mimic distress signals to lure spaceships into asteroid fields and vampires that steal the oxygen from your lungs (I have been thinking about this a lot today)
8. It’s currently tied between a black pair with neon kinda flowery/geometric shapes and a white pair with jellyfish
9. I haven’t been in public lately and I tend to tune out most of the other people in school so I don’t really have anything for this one. I hit my creative writing word count goal though! (8,000 words (everyone set their goals at 8,000 except this one kid who set his at 8,001))
I have never had a brookie, but it sounds amazing.
Dearest L,
To continue the pattern of answering my own questions:
1. I would probably do 1 of 2 things (depending on my mood). Either I would tell everybody to treat all people with respect or kindness, or I would just rick roll everyone on the planet.
2. My favorites are also all the ones I’ve seen so far (I swear it is so hard to pick a favorite Trek! They are all so beautiful and wonderful and unique in their own ways, and its hard to compare them to each other.) These include TOS, TAOS, DS9, and TNG.
3. Data would probably be my #1 favorite, and my second favorite would be everyone else because I can’t choose.
4. I relate to Data’s curiosity and not understanding humans all the time, and I relate to Julian Bashir’s awkwardness. But the character I probably relate to the most is Reginald Barclay. Like every time he comes on screen and so much as breathes I’m like “MOOD. THAT’S ME RIGHT THERE.” I also relate to Riker because I like to put my leg up on random things.
5. I like a lot of musicals. My favorites would probably be Hamilton, The Fiddler on the Roof, and Bye Bye Birdie (I was in that one for my high school’s theater program. I was a background character.) Singin’ in the Rain is also really good, although I haven’t watched it in a while. I do remember my first time watching it, though. I was a little kid and I was at my grandma’s house and she got out an umbrella so we could dance along to it. :D
6. My favorite tree would have to be the Rainbow Eucalyptus: 
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I’m sending pictures of the most amazing trees, you’ll be obsessed with all my forest expertise! (Sorry that was a Dear Evan Hansen reference) (I’m not even that big of a fan of the musical, that line just popped into my head right now) (Although Sincerely Me is sincerely a bop in my opinion.) (Dang that was off topic, where was I?) 
AH, yes. TREES!
I just-look at its colors. Asfshdjkds. I kinda want one tbh. Ok, fine, I really want one. The only issue is that they live in tropical climates and I DON’T live in a tropical climate so it probably wouldn’t do too well if I were to plant one here. Oh well. At least the internet exists so I can admire them from afar.
Here’s the wikipedia article on them if you want to learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_deglupta
7. First of all, can I just say that I LOVE THE IDEA OF SPACE MYTHOLOGY. That’s brilliant. And you’re absolutely correct. Why isn’t that a thing? THAT SHOULD BE A THING!!!! (Side question: do you mind if I use your space dragon idea in that Existential Crisis: The Musical that I’m sort of on a hiatus of writing? Like that,,,, is such a cool idea. The musical mostly takes place in outer space btw. Also if I do use it I’ll be sure to credit you! Even though I’m not actually planning on getting the musical published anywhere any time soon. Side-side question: should I credit you as “Mysterious Anonymous Tumblr User L” or something else? Side-side-side question: I actually forgot what I was going to type here but “side-side-side” is fun to say. OK I JUST REMEMBERED. Actually I just forgot again. Goshdarn adhd. OH I REMEMBERED AGAIN. Would you like to hear what my musical is about in a future letter? That is all.)
Dang i just went off on a tangent there (This is what it’s like when my adhd medication has worn off). What was question #7 even supposed to be?
*checks previous letter* Oh, to go on a rant of any sort. I think I just kind of did that on accident. Whoops. (Sorry you had to read my stream-of-consciousness ramblings about whatever the heck that was.)
ANYWAYS, I liked your space dragon idea so much that i drew this picture based on it, here you go:
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sorry the camera quality is really bad lol. I tried (and failed) to make the dragon look galaxy-printed if that makes any sense. 
But dude- space mythology is my new favorite thing now.
8. My current favorite pair of socks are a pair I have that are fluffy with unicorns on them.
9. I haven’t been in public lately either lol. But congratulations on your writing goal! That’s a lot of words! :D
Brookies are, in fact, amazing.
Now for some new questions!
1. Since you mentioned previously that you liked Unnus Annus, and since I basically missed out on most of it, what happened in some of your favorite episodes?
2. Do you think reality is a simulation?
3. Do you have any cool random facts about anything? (it can be about LITERALLY anything. I like any and all cool random facts.)
4. Do you know what your hogwarts house is?
5. Do you have a motto of any sort?
6. Am I allowed to guess who you are, or should I wait for you to tell me? (I’m fine waiting, it’s just that I have a few guesses already)
7. Would you like to read my horrible Star Trek crack fanfiction.
8. Semi-Philosophical Question Time: How would you define freedom?
That is all! Thank you for continuing to write/read these letters. I look forward to them every day! To quote another musical, “Now my life gets better every letter that you write me!” (Sorry if that was dumb lol, im bad at this)
Yours Truly,
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mermaidvenom · 4 years
Alphabet ask. R. I. P. L. E. Y. 😁
all I can say is thank someone you don’t know the actual spelling of my name because id be here for like 50 years
R: a paring I ship that I don’t think anyone else ships I actually have 5!
Michael and Dagon (good omens I’ve seen one other Tumblr user who ships them) but I just weirdly think they would be cute together I guess?
Sherlolly(sherlock and molly) people ship this but its not popular because molly isn’t very well liked they either prefer to ship him with john a married man XD or Irene Adler but god forbid they ship him with molly because she wasnt an original sherlock character 
Ten and donna I know this one is canonically platonic but for some reason I just think they would be really cute as a couple as they are both huge dorks and she grounds ten more than his other companions( I still ship rose and the doctor but I ship her with the ninth doctor always preferred her with him) 
Gavin Reed and North but tbh I don’t ship ship this its just one time I did an ask game where one of the questions where if I could ship a dbh in a het relationship who would I choose and just thought north would fit with Gavin because she basically a female version of what we imagine canon nines to be 
Portia and asra the arcana again I don't ship ship this its just some of their interactions during the mini game heart hunter make me think they may have a thing for each other and some parts in other peoples routes like when the mc turns Portia's brother into asra to sneak him into the palace Portia goes :O who is that he's really handsome and when she compliments him saying eh looks good etc he blushes I don't know if that's just me reading to much into it I'm clueless about romance so *shurgs*
I: Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
yeah actually good omens its not that fandom is toxic or anything like that and there are some canny good artists out there its just well recently I had a lot of posts popping up on my dash saying that cishet people couldn’t do this that and other and a few of them where saying things along the lines of they cant appreciate good omens the way we do (meaning members of the lgbtq+ community) and they don’t know its a love story etc so I just decided to step back from the fandom and concentrate on the arcana I thought about getting back into DBH since Detroit evolution came out but since its a nines/Gavin centric movie(who I have shipped since my early dbh days) its all matter of time that I will feel ill not be allowed to enjoy that so I just haven’t bothered.  
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I don’t know if this has been done but I had an AU idea of Crowley and Aziraphale meeting Harley Quinn and poison ivy though never really expanded on it much just a little idea I had that poison and ivy and Crowley get along up until she finds out how he got his plants so perfect then she tangles him up in some vines and takes all his plants off him (kind of like you lost your plant privileges) because my imagination is slower than other peoples and it takes me time to expand on things also another AU Crowley ends up in possession of Audrey II or if we go by little shop of horrors original bad ending he just buys one when they get mas produced but I seriously think the interactions between those to would be hilarious like Crowley tries to intimidate Audrey II into growing better etc and Audrey II is just like I’m a mean green mother from out of space you cant threaten me.
L:Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
The archangel Gabriel has nice eyes and The archangel Michael has a nice voice like it has asmr qualities to it I think. (I was gonna try and say something nice about sandalphon but he just creeps me out so I couldn’t) 
E: Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
See the letter P I think that’s crackiest thing I’ve ever added to a fandom (that I can remember) could also count as hilarious to I suppose because if someone with an actual imagination that works decided to draw and/or write those I think some hilarity would be possible.
Y:What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Sanders Sides see a lot of that popping up on my dash 
Star Wars (I was raised a trekkie so star wars isn’t really my thing not that I’m saying you cant like both just I don’t I I’ve only seen like maybe 3 films and none of the new ones and I played like one video game star wars the force unleashed but I had a crush on the protagonist Galen Marek and shipped him and juno eclipse hard!)
and like a bunch of the marvel movies I just didn’t keep up for personal reasons 
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Spilling Tea On Phantom of the Opera 2004
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DISCLAIMER: I just want to say from the start that it is not my intention to offendanyone, you're entitled to your opinions and I'm allowed to have mine...
Ok, so, I just watched this movie a few days ago on my laptop and it was pretty much my first time sitting through the movie. I watched a few clips of the movie on YouTube but... Then, I decided to watch the whole movie. And this was my reaction.
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Don't get me wrong! There WERE parts I liked but... That was just half of the movie... But overall... Um... It was meh. Ahem. Down to business!
My opinion on Gerard Butler as the Phantom? Um, wow. And not in a good way. I feel like this was a case of a talented performer being grossly miscast as the Phantom. I think this Tumblr post best describes on what I thought of his singing.
"He's supposed to have the voice of an angel, but it sounds like he's been gargling vinegar" ~Quoted by @faded-florals
Don't get me wrong. His voice is quite good for an untrained singer but... The Phantom is one of the biggest musical theatre roles of all time! It's right up there with Jean Valjean. It's really not a role that could go a competent singer, someone who's never sang professionally before but could be good once they've been trained up a bit. The role demands a truly great singer... And he wasn't right for the part.
His voice felt too strainy, growly and rock-ish for the Phantom. I didn't like how Joel Schumacher bought into the whole "sexy Phantom" thing and cast a hunky heart-throb, who was nowhere near disfigured enough. It's meant to be a gothic thriller novel with a small romantic subplot, not a B-grade vampire romance movie!
As for Emmy Rossum as Miss Christine Daae... it's true, her voice is good. She should know though, should she wish to excel, she has MUCH still to learn (Heeeeehee. Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
Emmy's Christine had little-to-no character growth and personality but I don't think it reflects her as an actress, but reflects more on the director and casting director because of how young she was (but more on that later)
Not only that, her Christine was SIGNIFICANTLY dumbed down and oversexualized. I mean, the entire point of the story is that Christine grows strong enough to overcome the trauma of an abusive relationship and make sure that her abuser never hurts anyone ever again but still shows the Phantom compassion and sympathy. I mean, her story arc is her becoming strong-willed enough to overcome the Phantom's pull/spell/enchantment/hypnosis or whatever you percieve it as on her! And don't get me started on her costumes because of the SEVERE lack of modesty.
The chemistry was a little flat because she was underage and her two male love interests were both in their 30s (which totally isn't HER fault, of course, but the directors could easily have cast someone else older)
Her voice, too, strikes me as being much too young and undeveloped. She has a very pretty, sweet-sounding quality to her singing but she doesn't sound rich and operatic enough to be a convincing Christine. Rebecca Caine and Amy Manford do the best job of singing the way I think Christine ought to sound- a maturing opera voice! Though POTO is NOT an opera (you wouldn't believe how many people actually think it is...), it does revolve around opera, and Christine is an opera singer, not a pop star.
And now onto... Everyone's favourite vicomte!!!!!!
C'mon people, put your bottles down. It is a truth universally acknowledged (or at least in the wee Raoul Defense Squad Circle) that Raoul is one of the greatest and most underrated boyfriends to ever exist in musical theatre and it's almost impossible to hate him because of how relatable he is.
Ladies, puh-leeze. He's much more relatable than you admit and face it, we all have a little bit of Raoul in us. Failure to see things staring us in the face, saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, having a 'see it to believe it' attitude when we have little-to-no evidence on something... yeah, don't pretend you don't see a trend. Raoul is relatable whether we want him to be or not.
My thoughts on Patrick Wilson as Raoul, he was one of the few redeeming qualities of this not so great movie. Yeah, the swordfight and Tarzan leaps were a little too much but can you blame him?! And though I feel like that foppish wig made him look more like a magic elf prince than a vicomte, he couldn't control that!
His Raoul was so gentle and caring! Yeah, his acting was a bit stiff but at least his voice wasn't a chore to listen to, it has this warm, tender, comforting quality to it which suits Raoul. I really loved the way he sang "Don't throw away your life for my sake" and "I fought so hard to free you" in the Final Lair (😭😭😭) It feels like Raoul is genuinely apologising to Christine.
I know, I know... The Hadley Fraser fans are approaching with menacing expressions as we speak but let me clarify. I still think Hadley is amazing but... His Raoul kinda felt a little too shouty for me and his Raoul was closer to the LND-canon than POTO-canon (not his fault though).
Miranda Richardson (aka. Rita Skeeter) as Madame Giry is kind of weird. I mean, I know Madame Giry's supposed to be a little Strange and Mysterious. But this Mme. wasn't really Strange or Mysterious at all, or even slightly Spooky at all. She was just kind of an oddball. Popping up in random places to give warnings about the Phantom and looking at people as if she were questioning their life choices or something. As for her daughter... well, Jennifer Ellison's Meg was so-so. She's got a sweet-sounding voice and that added scene where she looked for Christine in the lair was a nice touch... But... Her Meg was kinda forgettable and uninteresting. Meg is supposed to prance around shrieking that the Phantom of the Opera is here, not whisper it in a blase manner that you half expect to be followed up with, "by the way, what's for lunch?" Not to mention, she rivaled Christine as far as low-necked costumes went.
Minnie Driver as Carlotta was spot on! Yes, I know she didn't sing the score but her acting was alright. She was very over-the-top and self-centered, which is great for Carlotta, but I felt her portrayal was a little too childish to be accurate. Carlotta is a successful middle-aged diva who's willing to scream and storm when she doesn't get her way, but she isn't a two-year-old pouting and throwing tantrums. (Yes, there's a difference.)
Ciaran Hinds and Simon Callow played Firmin and Andre, respectively. Their managers kinda felt like twits and nothing more. Also, Firmin's masquerade costume was ridiculous. The stupid kind, not the funny kind. ...Well, okay, it was a little funny.
I'm not going to touch on every song here, but I will say that "Hannibal" was beyond awful (if you thought the costumes in the stage version were a bit risque, you should see the movie ones- no, actually you shouldn't) and that "Think of Me," while very nice, was not particularly memorable. Christine's dress, however (despite its less-than-ideal neckline) was GORGEOUS, even though it looks completely out of place in a musical that supposedly takes place in ancient Alexandria.
"Little Lotte" kinda lost its charm by being spoken instead of sung. And Gerard Butler's voice in "The Mirror" was too rough and raspy for my ears and made me cringe in sympathetic shame. The title song was like a cheesy, campy B-grade horror movie tbh, trying way too hard to be spooky and chilling ("ooh, look, Phantom's Lair! It's DARK and SCARY down here!") and succeeding only in being cringeworthy. Not that I've actually ever seen a bad horror movie- or any horror movie at all, for that matter. Unless you count this one.
Christine's costume, too, annoyed me no end. She was basically wearing a corset and drawers under the dressing gown. *facepalm* The dressing gown is supposed to go OVER your COSTUME to keep it CLEAN, peeps. It's not a BATHROBE. And the amount of eye makeup she had on would terrify a raccoon. Yikes.
Though I liked the random horse because of its nod to the Leroux novel.
"Music of the Night" was so blah-slash-touchy-feely that it made me summarily uncomfortable.
I'd like to be able to say something nice about "I remember/Stranger than you dreamt it" but I have none. One thing that bugged me to no end was how Christine is no longer wearing stockings, like dude, that gives some GROSS implications. Anyways, let's skip to Il Muto!
Oh, but first I should say that "Notes" was rather a flop and that "Prima Donna" is unmemorable and indeed should probably be fast-forwarded as there's a rather unsavory bit involving a crew member showing the audience what he thinks of Carlotta's behaviour.
"Il Muto," I must say, was pretty doggone funny. Carlotta's "Your part is silent. Leetle toad," cracked me up into a bunch of giggling little pieces, and the little vignette of the Phantom tinkering with Carlotta's throat spray made her croaking later on a lot more believable.
Now for "All I Ask Of You", SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I honestly can't understand how anyone could listen to this song and still maintain that Christine and Raoul don't belong together. He represents everything she needs- stability, protection, a guiding hand and affirmed affection. She represents everything he needs, in turn- someone to show affection to and his childhood friend.
One thing I definitely think could have been left out was the scene in which Erik kills Buquet- we totally did not need to see him being chased, terrified, through the rafters and finally strangled. Gross.
And the Phantom and his rose crouching behind that statue... I think this was supposed to be sad, but there was too much snot mixed with tears for it to be sad. It was, again, gross. So was Gerard Butler's pathetic attempt at the "all that the Phantom asked of you" line. And the lack of a chandelier crash in that scene made the song anticlimactic.
And "Masquerade" was so-so but... The Phantom's entrance is anticlimactic somehow, and his Red Death costume (if indeed it's supposed to even BE the Red Death) is unimpressive. I don't like how Raoul just runs off to desert Christine as soon as things start looking ugly (yes, I realize he was going to get his sword, but still... something could have happened to her while he was gone. Duh, did this guy learn anything from "Little Lotte/The Mirror"? Just sayin)
As for Madame Giry's flashback immediately following, I like how it gives us some of the Phantom's backstory, but it seems really abrupt. You don't even realize until she's done that she was talking to Raoul the whole time- it sounds like she's just randomly reminiscing about Stuff, and if you didn't know the story you might be sitting there thinking, "who is this strange woman again?"
Also, Christine leaving wherever-it-is at, like, five in the morning to go to who-knows-where, completely oblivious to the fact that the Phantom is driving her. Whaaaaaaaaa? How'd he know she was planning to go for a graveyard stroll? Was he watching her through the mirror again? THAT'S JUST CREEPY.
"Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" was rather mediocre and dulled down the fact that it is a Christine Empowerment™ song. Why, exactly, does Christine's father have the biggest monument in the cemetery? If he were a rich and famous violinist as his crypt seems to suggest, why on earth was his daughter struggling along as a chorus girl taking free music lessons?
The swordfight... Well... I had mixed feelings about it. Sword fights are all well and good, but... The swordfight takes away the element of mysterious danger to the Phantom. Okay, fine, Christine getting Raoul to spare the Phantom's life is a nice touch, I guess, but did it strike no one else that his "now let it be war upon you BOTH" makes absolutely NO sense after that? If she just saved his life, why would he suddenly be all, "thanks, but no thanks, I'M GOING TO MURDER YOUUUUUUUUUU"?
And "Twisted Every Way" was after "Wishing" which made ZERO sense. Plus, I didn't like how they cut most of it because in the musical, it gave Christine a spine!
"Point of No Return"? Hooooooo boy....... There are so many things wrong with this number. Let's just a list a few.
*HOW did no one recognise the Phantom through his "disguise"?! At least in the stage play, it made more sense because of how he was wearing a cloak that obscured most of his body.
*Christine's sleeves falling down over and over again were REALLY annoying.
*It was just too touchy-feely for my taste.
*The fact that Emmy Rossum was a teenager during filming made this scene gross because of the way they oversexualized Christine in this scene.
*Gerard Butler's voice in that scene made me cringe and shake my head in sympathetic shame.
*In the stage play, Christine ran from him, showing her own agenda and resistance to his pull! While in the movie, she didn't resist him!
*Now for the one that took the cake... The disfigurement! Or it would be a disfigurement if it actually made him look, y'know, deformed. Instead, as several people have put it, he looks like he got a bad sunburn or something. It's really rather pathetic. It makes him look more like a drama queen than he already is! Yeah.... I really don't like this movie.
On to... Final Lair!!!!!!!! It was a flop. From Raoul's whining and flailing around and his stringy hair flopping about (shallow complaint, I know, but it's so ugly) to Christine's sappy melodramatic "don't make me choooooooose" faces to the Phantom's prancing around with his ropes and maniacal laughter that somehow wasn't really scary at all... yeah, it was a flop. A major, major flop. And though The Kiss wasn't all that bad, all I could think of was, "She's SIXTEEN! SIX! TEEN! THIS IS CREEPY, DISTURBING AND GROSS!"
Which is why it's so difficult for me to admit that, um, I... cried at the end.
And then that rose on the gravestone? That single red rose? And the look on Old Raoul's face (still Patrick Wilson, by the way, under all that makeup) when he saw it and realized he wasn't the only one visiting Christine's grave? Yup, I lost it again there, too. And I really didn't want to. Because I tend to cry over movies I love, y'know? And I didn't love this movie. At all
Yet I still cried at the end. I'm not really sure why. I think perhaps it had something to do with the way the story still "got" me, deep down inside, despite the lousy casting and less-than-perfect singing and ridiculously unnecessary elements that totally didn't need to be there. It's still a tragically beautiful romance, and even a bad film can't kill that.
In conclusion, I think Mary Poppins can best express what I thought of POTO 2004.
In conclusion, I rate it a 2.7/5
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win-cr-die · 5 years
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sooooo i have finally reached 400 followers which i did not think would happen and let me say something, i love each and every one to death. when i first joined this fandom, i did not think that i would even hit that mark –– let alone make as many friends as i have so this is a little list compiled to say thank you to each and every one of your asses for taking me in as your own and loving on me, daenerys and margaery !!!! if you aren’t included on this list, know that i love you all the same and you’ll have to jump into my IM’s and befriend my ass okay. honestly, i like to think of myself as a friendly and welcoming person so if you’re wanting to do something or just even make a friend, jump at me, yell at me and claim me. but lets get down to business and talk about what we’re really here for –– my bias list which which i was gonna put under a read more to stop everyones dashes from clogging buuuuut everybody deserves to know the wonderful blogs that have impacted my ass !!!!
                                                                                       ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
MY SUN AND STARS  //  @kngcrw​
kitcat, you are barely online anymore and that murders me because not only are you a friend but you are literally a fucking sister to me. making connections on this ride only ever enhances the quality of your writing in my eyes and i’ve been lucky enough to find somebody like you. i hate referring to you as a tumblr friend because that’s not all you are ... you are my best friend, my ride or die and my partner in crime and i am blessed to get to speak to you every day and hear your dramas even if they do make me roll my eyes to the back of my head each time you go on a long and twisted story. god, you’re a nightmare but you’re my nightmare and i cannot wait until the day your muse returns from the long lost war. my arms are wide fucking open waiting for you okay !!!!
THE CRYPT BITCHEZ  //  @quccnnorth @wclfcrown @dracaesanguinem @thcbull @lghtbrnger @sisterofthousands​ @fjarra
jesus christ. long live the crypt bitchez !!!! you guys have been my rocks for so bloody long and i’m so lucky to have found myself in some morbidly fucked up friendship group that makes the most sickening jokes but also uplifts me when i’m all moody. honestly, you guys make me laugh to death and at times you’ve made me cry but never in a bad way. i truly feel like i have found a home in you guys and we’re not a clique i s2g but a family so thank u all for always making me feel like i have a place with you all. idk where i would actually be at in terms of writing without any of you around because you have taught me so much when it comes to developing my own characters and i feel so lucky that i get to watch all of your own characters beautiful growth ... even if it is as cracky as a crack den
MY HOMIES  //  @curiouscast @alordnamedsnow​ @brideofxdragons @xiledbear​ @theyoungxwolf​ @missandei-of-naath​ @blodistridi​ @asynjja​ @xneedlepoint @luciddreamsx​ @stagnot​ @zaldrczes @wclfsncw​ @rebxrnbyfire​ @ofimaginarybeings​ @chevalier-de-la-fleurs​ @ladybelmore​ @foolsgoldt​
you guys have near enough been my back bone in providing me with threads that make me go all heart eyed and plots that tear my heart from my ribcage ... as well as friendships that just make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. listen, i love writing and talking with each and every one of you. thank you so much for being beautiful writing partners and friends that make me chuckle in some really weird awkward way whether i’m at home in my bedroom or out in public reading my phone. listen, you are all the BOMB and i am blessed to have you all on my dash and in my messages. i’m raising my bottle of water as a toast to doing more shit in the future because i love you guys so much okay !!!! i have made some beautiful ass friendships and don’t want to be on this crazy writing journey without any of you whether we write together or we’re just pals on this crazy old site. thank u guys for being the sweetest and nicest bunch of people that i have ever met and heres to whatever we do in the future
THOSE WHO PUT UP WITH ME  //  @killthebxy @serbriennecftarth @longmayshereignxcersei @reignfyre @secondaryking @goldcnlicn @rhaegail @wolveshonor @regalthorn @goldcnhand @thewhxtewclf @songtouch​ @thekingslxyer @wolfqueennamedstark @fallesto @champagne-coca1ne-gasoline​ @lessereviltm @ironbloodied​ @notenoughmuses @boysbackintown @allthosevoices @blackasniight @wedonotscw @sixthofhisname @ladyoftheiris @lordofthewatch ( aka my pop friend )
i have no idea how you guys have dealt with me jumping into your inboxes and spamming the hell out of you with thread ideas and just general chit chat but just know that i love and value you all to death, whethers it me or you who owes on a thread. i adore writing ( and just talking random shiteeeee tbh ) with each of you as i know i don’t have consistent and ongoing threads with everybody on this list or in some cases, i’ve written with you on previous blogs and have had to keep tabs on you or threads just haven’t taken off  but !!!! yeah i love writing the characters that we’ve brought together whether they be in the most au absurd of ways or beaaaaautiful plots but just know that i would wait an eternity just to write with you guys and thank you so much for taking time out of your day to actually invest in me ?? i’m such a whirlwind, like i’m hyperactive and yet you all seem to tolerate me. god, keep on writing with me please because i would die if any of you just disappeared from my dash
ADMIRING FROM AFAR  //  @zcldrizes @mcsttrusted​ @boltxnbastard @exilekniight​ @thecomplication​ @behindaccents​ @crowncdcrow @viperspear @paetriarch @thesellsword @tyrion​ @jonsnowtm​ @i-will-break-the-wheel​ @xdraecarys​ @artfulprecision​ @jorah--the-andal​ @cqtelyn​ @tyrxshisword​ @perzyr​ @freefiire​ @lyspider​
there are a few of you that i’ve had minor interractions with, some that i have never spoken to before and others who i’m not even mutuals with but who doesn’t love a little random positivity !!!! each time one of you flashes up on my dash, i am so in awe of whatever it is that i’m reading or looking at and i think that you guys deserve to be part of this bias list for just making my dash a beautiful place to be. thanks for portraying your characters in such an amazing light, even despite season eight sloooowly falling downhill. you guys, even though you all seem to be drowning in threads, deserve to know how much you’re appreciated on the dash –– even by a small old lil blog like mine that’s only hit 400 !!!!
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givemeastroke · 5 years
For those asks: 2, 7, 8, 11, 28, 32, 33, 43, and 50
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
music wise: daft punk, the marías (seriously check them out!) and jazz - Julie London, Duke Ellington, Chet Baker.
film wise: “dazed and confused” and ‘jackass” (1,2,2.5,3). I swear I watch these movies at least 3-4 times a week!
life wise: weed and work
7. Who are you jealous of?
I guess there is no one I am fully jealous of, like a whole being. but sure, there are some parts or aspects of peoples lifes that I am jealous of. tbh im not really a jealous person. the only time I feel jealous is if im left out of some event or whatever. sometimes I get jealous of my friends too, if I have a crush on a mutual friend and they get to see them a bit more than I do. stuff like that. 
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
friends, how I met your mother, modern family, sherlock, incredible kimmy schmidt, breaking bad, Santa Clarita diet, parks and rec, the walking dead, the office, Portlandia
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Leros, Greece. a small wonderful island.
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
that I know? my uncle. or a coworker of mine.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
idk. im dumb, and can't think of any fictional world book thing read stuff.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
the same as now, just cooler, better quality, more of it, and probably also a bit more risky.   
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
I don't believe in guilty pleasure. if its a pleasure it should never be guilty, unless it harms some one else, if not go for it! do what ever the fuck you want.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
day: somewhat clear skies, but with a few clouds so the sun only pops up a few times, but when it does it shines very bright. its fall, and the leafs are falling of the trees, you can feel the cold wind sting on your cheeks, but you’re wearing a big coat, so you dont really mind.
night: its kinda foggy, there is a full moon and a few clouds, but not so many that you cant sense the stars beneath. its fall or winter, you're walking outside, its dark and the only light is from the moon and a few city lights here and there. 
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
ForestClan 2.0
these guys again… always improving on it! i thought about doing allegiances too, but tbh i can’t decide on what cats i want/what i want them to look like, so that’s not gonna be included sorry. i’m also not that great at describing stuff but i’m going to try my best.
Wonderful I enjoy seeing what people have for their fan clans!
Territory: ForestClan lives in a temperate deciduous forest, with a wide variety of tree species. They see themselves as the trees, adaptable and changing. Their territory is home to many plant species as well, making it a prime spot to collect herbs and such.
Camp: The ForestClan camp is accessed through a large, moss-covered fallen tree trunk, from long ago. It’s big and wide enough for an adult cat to fit through. Upon entering, the camp is covered by a canopy of trees, and in the center is a towering oak tree called the Great Oak where the leader makes their announcements and sleeps in, as well. The dens are nestled around the Great Oak, which the clan feels serves as a guardian, sent by their ancestors to watch over them. The seer’s den is nestled beneath the roots of the Great Oak, and has been long since served the seers of ForestClan. Apprentices sleep across from the seer den, with warriors on the other side. The nursery is well-hidden behind several clumps of ferns and brambles, the inside is well insulated and well protected during the colder moons. The elder’s den is located near a shady corner close to the prey pile. Both the nursery and elder’s den are closest to the camp entrance.
I really enjoy the camp description! I have always loved camps that were all centered around one tree, it just gives it so much character. Especially when it becomes an entity of its own. My only concern is if the kit and elders den are closest to the entrance does that make them the most vulnerable to attack? Or is that the most well defended part of the camp?
Landmarks: The Great Oak - a large, towering oak tree that’s the heart of ForestClan camp where the leader sleeps and makes announcements. It’s rumored that it’s branches reach the sky and that its roots reach down far into the earth. It’s very sturdy and has lived through many seasons and years of toil. One can even see it when atop a tree in MarshClan territory!
The Glade - a glade where apprentices learn to do battle training, storytelling, and various other events are held here as well. This is also a prime spot for herbs for seers.
The Snakerocks - located beside the river that runs between Forest and Marsh territory, it’s a prime sunning spot for both cats - and is also home to many dangerous snakes.
Sounds like some pretty basic locations. You could also expand and add a few more, even if its just the basic borders, more landmarks is always nice. 
Prey: Birds - Cardinal, Sparrow, Dove, Woodpecker, Grackle, Warbler, etc Mammals - Mice, Rats, Squirrels, Shrews, Chipmunks, Rabbits Reptiles + Amphibians - Lizards, Frogs, some snakes Other: various bugs and insects Predators: Foxes, Snakes, Falcon, Eagle, Harrier, Owls, Raccoon, Coyote, Hawk, Vulture, Osprey, Domestic Dogs (when humans come through w their dogs)
Clan Appearance: Longhair is very common, shorthaired cats less so. Brown tabbies are very common, red is uncommon, cream is rare. Dilute colors are uncommon, white spotting is low to nonexistent. Solid black cats are looked favorably at, as their dark pelt helps aid them in hunting at night (they have a legend about how the night sky gave part of its pelt to a cat and this helped them in catching more prey when their clan was in need.) Colorpoint is, surprisingly, common…ish! Not as common as brown tabbies, but it still is there. Tortoiseshells are also looked favorably. Most common type of tabby is the mackerel tabby, though classic may pop up from time to time. The silver gene is almost non-existent; ForestClan, at one point, had an abundance of it, and kits w the silver gene were culled or left to die in the territory (if U remember that star thing i posted last time?? that’s where this is from!). Eye colors are commonly hazel, yellow or green. Their coats are plush and thick. Their shoulders are broad and their legs are muscular - they’re beefcakes lol. Scars are heavily favored in ForestClan, as it signals that you are a strong cat and that you have survived; they also just find them pretty in a morbid sort of way. Along with their tufted ears and hardened expression, ForestClan gives off a very intimidating vibe… which is how they like it lol.
Mmmm broad shouldered tabbies, I just LOVE it. Strong beefy babies are my kryptonite, though I also go for the opposite too. As for coloration these all make pretty good sense for their territory. 
Clan Skills: Climbing is a skill that ForestClan prides themselves on. They are known for their battle prowess as well, and are said to be terrifying to face in battle. They have a keen sense of direction and know their way through the paths the forest has laid out - it’s surprisingly easy to get lost in a forest if you don’t know the layout of it; kits are taken on ‘field trips’ at a young age and learn to navigate the paths in the forest. By the time an apprentice is ready to graduate to warrior, one of their 'trials’ is to navigate through the forest to get to the glade where they will then be given their proper warrior name (or more tests… haven’t decided yet). Despite their large size, these cats have good balancing skills which is a surprise to many.
I like this a lot. Its super important for a clan to begin educating their young at least a bit before apprenticeship. I always thought that keeping your kits cooped up in camp is just a bad idea, so helping them learn basic navigation so warriors dont have to be constantly watching their apprentices to make sure they dont get lost. Even if its just a basic “how to navigate to camp or an important landmark so we can come find you” course.
Clan Culture: ForestClan value community, strength, and wisdom. The heroes in their stories often have very Sparta-esque qualities. ForestClan places much value on their senior warriors, as well. To be a senior warrior is seen as a wise and (to some) more attractive cat. Elders are held in high esteem as well, and have a special ceremony to acknowledge them. ForestClan also highly values motherhood, and queens are treated very well (some joke even better than the leader!) and with utmost respect. It’s customary to bow to a queen, elder or senior warrior and the three groups form a council that, along w the seer and the leader (called Matriarch in ForestClan) makes several important decisions. A Matriarch is trained in the bloodlines of the Clan, and must know these - memory is very important to all cats, but especially so to ForestClan.
The militant clan is always an interesting one to play around with, but Im very interested in the Matriarch, since I know Ive posted about matriarchies on my blog before and I do really enjoy them. I have a similar dynamic in my own Bloomclan, though they place a much higher respect on the motherhood and teaching aspects than the battle aspects. But I really appreciate clans with councils, who can help decide as a group for the clan.
Clan Personality: To Outsiders, ForestClan can come off as appearing as a closed-off, tight-knit and very intimidating group that  seems to have no love for anyone outside of their circle. And… they would be right! ForestClan is very tight-knit group that tolerates no nonsense; to speak to one would be similar to speaking with a military official. They are direct, blunt, and are prone to giving commands than engaging in social niceties. While they can be polite, they much prefer to get to the point of the matter. Their sense of humor is very dry, if it’s present at all. Among themselves, they can and are gentle, yet firm. They expect the best of out everyone - even if a warrior has no defining skill, they are still expected to help out - whether that be storytelling, watching kits, helping a seer, or den repairs. ForestClan expects everyone to help, and if not… you are welcome to see the door.
Its a very fair culture I would say, you either contribute or you find somewhere else to go, but they dont seem to consider those without “traditional” skills to be less of an asset. And their attitudes align with a group trying to survive in a difficult environment, you dont have too much time to waste.
Thank you again for contributing! I do enjoy replying to these when I have the time.
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deityplay-blog · 5 years
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           ❛❛  -------------- simultaniously the worst && dumbest human being  !!
      wrow. i’m sick as a dog but let’s do this !! :’)  hey hey hey, im ornn. always tired. im 20, she/them not picky tbh, and i’m in the est. i’m going to try and make this short && sweet but my intros ?? ever short ?? we’ll try and make it a first djsadj. this is my trash son charon roth. he’s uhhh piece of work. not a lot of redeeming qualities tbh --- but ig that means a lot of room for development rIP. 
distinguished bi adljslk
born in london, england. 
90% ego, 10% bad decisions
i say he was quentin’s critic but tbh he’s probably everyone’s critic.
had a relatively normal upbringing. despite a snobby attitude, he didn’t come from old money or rich parents. his parents always supported his acting and pushed it - went to his plays, drove him to rehearsals, started helping him when he wanted to go bigger than the school plays or small local theaters. listen. the early days were GOOD. he was still humble, he was building up a resume, and his career was blooming. 
while he’s still a young teen his family decides to uproot and take it to NYC, his mother’s job wanted her to be relocated and given they way charon was going there was probably no better place to be. he’d complete high school in america, bag himself a cute little high school sweetheart, but with each passing role, his head gets a little bit bigger.
baby was on broadway bUT god he was becoming insufferable. he was the starring role in all aspects of his life. une petite primadonna. 
it's probably why he applied to ashcroft because he wanted !! the !! best !! 
so he gets in. says adieu to NYC and decides to get a little closer to home by moving to scotland for the university. at this point, he thinks he’s everything, he’s made it. so he asks his girlfriend to move up there with him. which she does. they’re young and wild.  they’re freshly twenty one and because we haven’t fucked things up enough !! he decides to pop the question because in his eyes they’re forever. this is the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, thanks. 
surprise !! that doesn’t last long. i’d say the engagement lasted a little under a year - and then she broke it off. while he wouldn’t recognize it, he really wasn’t the same person he was at the start. he was full of himself. full tilt diva. 
which is about when he went from just having a big ego to also being a huge asshole !!! and making people’s lives awful. a natural at thinking he was just too good for people, even in one of the most prestigious groups ; the imperium society. 
i’d say that’s probably why he didn’t like quentin. people admired him, in the eyes of some perfect --- and wow !! that’s just competition to charon !! 
he also went and cut off his parents because he felt they were mooching off him and the relationship was getting unhealthy. they didn’t actually care about him like they use to.
so he’s a mess !!!  
:’) but i love him.
i’ll put some wanted connection ideas below that might also give some details on him && help with ploting if anyone wants  ♥ !!
friendships before he went real awful. he may have never been humble but he wasn’t always this cold. i’d love to see people he may have been friendly with in the past !! 
best friend - maybe cut off now. someone he confided in && probably really liked. get me emotional like maybe someone he was considering to be his best man/woman at his wedding or bounced ideas off them !! but now maybe they don’t get along like they use to or charon being himself acts like he’s too good for them now. 
one-night stands !! because he’s probably the KING of one night stands than pretending he’s NEVER seen you before in his life. feel like he’s always trying to chase that feeling of being in love by hooking up w/ way too many people sjdkasld.
adding on to that !! one-night stand that actually maybe he caught feelings skdaskld - this can be totally unreciprocated. he might not even be open about it. but maybe someone he like actually thinks about. like maybe it could work or could have ???  closed !!
give me SERIOUS enemies. i want mutual hatreds. or rivals. tension, baby !! 
maybe im a sucker but someone he’s a lil soft on. this is probably like a select few. maybe he chalks it up to pitty. but someone he doesn’t spit venom at. maybe not outwardly kind but not mean :’) or fleeting moments of kindness when no one is looking. or he’s an asshole or indifferent around everyone else but in private he’s actually a lil soft - or more like an older charon. 
ksdsklad honestmeme feel free to throw ideas at me !!! i’m too easy going for my own good but i’m super excited to be here asldjsakd. 
i think that sums it up. awfully but skdjsad. i’m always open to plots !! i dont use my discord much so the IMs is probably the best place to reach me !! i have REALLY early work tomorrow but my muse is high so bless me w/ your beauty :’)
i also threw togther a messy PINTEREST !!
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atmilliways · 6 years
You like AUs, right? Mash up Metalocalypse and That 70s Show, go! Mash up Metalocalypse and Friends, go! Mash up Metalocalypse and Frasier, go!
Oh jeebus, why?
… But yeah you’re right I do.
That Dethklok’s Show
You know what makes me mad is that I want to say Nathan and Charles are Eric and Donna, but Seth is unarguably Lori and that messes everything up.
Okay so Pickles = Eric, Seth = Lori, Calvert = Red but with hair, and Molly = Kitty except Seth is her favorite child too.
Skwisgaar = Kelso because he’s tall, pretty, and horny. Also, in this AU, he is drowning in brothers because Servetta can’t keep it in her panties.
Toki = Fez because he’s foreign, happy most of the time, sings and dances for the simple joy of it, and his room is decked out with toys and fun stuff.
Murderface = Hyde because of the righteous fa-RO baby, and also because he DOESN’T HAVE ANY PARENTS. He moves in with Pickles’ family and lives in the basement. (Pickles was hoping this would give Molly and Calvert another Target to rag on and give him a break. It didn’t work.)
Unlike Hyde, Murderface is not cool and doesn’t get any eventual Hyde/Jackie storyline. Instead, his relationship history goes more like Fez’s. Without the weird forced Fez/Jackie stuff at the end of the series, which really went downhill has soon as Donna dyed her hair blonde.
Charles = Buddy, the random rich kid who is canonically gay, only he’s a regular part of the group instead of a one-episode throwaway character.
I’m cool with Pickles/Charles, and that fits with Buddy coming on to Eric in the show. But I would eventually break them up and put Charles with…
Nathan = no one on the show, but he’s got a lot of Hyde’s qualities in terms of stoic, bad boy vibes. However, like Kelso, he is an Adorable Dumb (see “that’s doable” hat).
Rebecca Nightrod = Jackie, but she’s not a necessarily a regular character. Murderface fawns/lusts over her like Fez, even though she’s a bitch. Nathan hates her, even though he does date her briefly in a relationship that she holds onto tenaciously until, in an act of desperation that absolutely horrifies Pickles, he cheats on her with Seth.
Abigail = Donna, because she’s smart and has good hair. (Zero bleach kits in sight.)
Rockso = Bob, because he’s a cue ball on top and makes liberal use of crazy wigs. Bargain Rockso’s is that store that’s always open on holidays — just in case you’re driving home Christmas night, realize you forgot to get a gift, and rush in to buy a fridge to solve the gift problem and/or some cocaine to forget there was ever a problem in the first place.
Magnus = Leo. He gives Murderface a job at his hilariously unprofitable Photo Hut business, declines to sell his real cool car to Skwisgaar on principal, and generally supplies the gang with all their weed and assorted drugs.
Dory McLean = Midge. She’s young, dumb, has big boobs, and Abigail is exasperated as hell that she doesn’t understand feminism in the slightest.
Knubbler = Mitch, the weird kid who hangs around and is sometimes kinda entertaining but keeps hitting on Abigail, which annoys her. However, he’s also stupid and accidentally self-sabotages (see setting his sleeve on fire while trying to flirt), so she doesn’t really waste energy on slapping him back down.
Pickles “burning down the shed” = Eric telling Red “I do it too” when Hyde gets busted for possession. Either way Abigail (Donna) is standing in the background going, “For the love of god, DON’T.”
Trindle = Cousin Penny, only instead of prankish Pickles (Eric) she targets Nathan, who during her last visit when they were much younger helped Pickles trap her in a revolving door. Abigail is completely secure in her looks compared to Trindle and actually talks Rebecca out of a potentially disastrous sunlamp tan.
Nathan and Abigail go out for like, a second, while Nathan and Charles are I one of their off-again fazes.
Endgame parings are Nathan/Charles, Abigail/Rebecca, and Skwisgaar/Toki.
Nathan = Ross. Can you picture Nathan doing the *long sigh, ex wife is a lesbian blues* “Hi” thing? Because I can.
Abigail = Carol. They got together but it just didn’t work out in the long run. 
Rebecca Nightrod = Susan. Tbh, I think the reason she keeps popping up is because of how @little-murmaider portrayed her in Stay Alive. She and Nathan get along like a house on fire, in that it’s a disaster and Abigail keeps having to turn the hose on them to stop the bickering.
Toki = Monica, although his chef skills are mostly confined to providing fruit and burning plastic. He’s still got the overshadowed younger sibling thing going on though.
Molly = Judy Geller. Dotes on Nathan.
Oscar = Jack Geller. Is amiably odd.
Charles = Rachel. Except not as ditzy. But he does break an engagement off at the altar and moves in with Toki, an old acquaintance he hasn’t seen since high school and one of the few people he, ah, did not invite to the wedding. For the record, he was hoping that wouldn’t come up.
Skwisgaar = Joey. Except when they all go to London, Toki (Monica) does hook up with him, gradually teaches him how to relationship, and eventually they get married.
Murderface = Chandler. He hates his data processing job and keeps threatening to leave it to work on his side project, Planet Piss, but never actually does because the money is really good. When he goes back to the pet store to return the baby chick Skwisgaar impulse bought, he instead adopts an ugly-ass duck that no one wants because it’s original owners thought it was just an ugly duckling that would grow up into a swan. He feels that he can empathize with it, and names it Dick van Duck.
Knubbler = Dick van Duck. Listens patiently to all of Murderface’s Planet Piss ideas.
Pickles = Phoebe. He doesn’t even know who his dad is, and is proud that he doesn’t. (I’m not going to lie, Phoebe’s family situation definitely fits more with Murderface, but Phoebe’s dating track record is too good.) Remember the one where Pickles broke up with someone he’d just moved in with because the person shot a bottle of liquor?
Seth = Ursula. 100% Ursula. Seth is a “career driven” waiter and also a part time porn star on the side, using Pickles’ name.
I don’t watch this one as much, so this one won’t be as detailed probably.
Skwisgaar = Frasier. Idk, because he goes on dates with a different woman at least every episode. Also, he’s a jackass, but good at what he does and there are some redeeming glimmers of not being a complete asshole that make his presence worthwhile.
Nathan = Niles. Minus most of the neuroses. Instead of successful musicians, he and Skwisgaar are both successful psychiatrists, although Skwisgaar usually gets the bulk of the public’s, ahem, attention.
Daphne = Charles. He’s oblivious to Nathan’s crush on him for ages, but when he realizes it’s there and thinks about how sweet Nathan’s always been to him, he falls hard.
Rebecca Nightrod = Maris. She and Nathan have a rocky marriage, and eventually a rockier divorce in which she accuses Nathan of being emotionally unfaithful because of Charles.
Abigail = The brilliant divorce lawyer that handles Nathan’s case, and briefly dates Charles. They seem like such a good fit on paper that they’re actually engaged for a bit, but they break it off amiably right before getting to the altar, and Nathan and Charles ride off into the sunset in an RV with “road warrior” vanity plates.
Toki = Roz. (I know, technically Roz’s promiscuousness would be more Skwisgaar, but Skwisgaar’s superiority complex fits better with Frasier.) Although competent and successful in his own right, he is not the on air talent. Unlike in Frasier, when Toki and Skwisgaar sleep together they actually become a couple instead of backing off and remaining good friends.
Rockso = That garbage man that Roz was head over heals with for a while… Rodger?He belongs in a garbage can. Anyway, after breaking up with Toki over the latter’s inability to get over his massive cocaine use, Toki goes to Skwisgaar for comfort, which leads to drinking which leads to sex. Toki flees the next morning and flies to Norway for the annual family reunion, only he hadn’t told anyone he’s broken up with Rockso. Skwisgaar, desperate to Talk Things Out and hopefully even Do That Again, follows and (cringingly, but of his own volition) answers to/pretends to be Rockso to help Toki save face in front of his critical family.
Murderface = Bulldog. He and Toki briefly have a thing, and he’s actually kind of sweet when you get right down to it, but things don’t work out. Masturbation photos are involved — don’t ask. Also, at one point Skwisgaar accidentally repeats a rumor that Murderface is going to get fired where Murderface can hear it, so
Murderface goes and yells at the station manager (then Knubbler) and quits. Then he’s unemployed for a while, and scrapes by delivering pizzas. I forget how that situation resolved itself in the show but it does.
Knubbler = Kenny the station manager. Weak willed. Weak chinned. Ineffectual. Good track record in his career, but mostly he’s just there.
Abigail = That domineering and extremely competent lady station manager that’s there for a while… Kate? Has a cat. But she does NOT get it on with Skwisgaar (Frasier) on his desk and accidentally bump the On Air button partway through. She has a very strict policy of not getting involved with anyone she works with, although naturally everyone tries.
That’s all I got.
Magnus = Martin. Because he’s a cranky old man. He and Nathan don’t get along and he resents having to live with Skwisgaar, but they all gamely trade barbed insults and leave it at that. Magnus is a retired cop who still works on old cold cases as a hobby, having vowed revenge on uncaptured murderers everywhere. He and Charles (Daphne) get along pretty well, and there is no stabbing of any kind.
Metal Masked Assassin = Cam Winston. At one point he blocks Skwisgaar and Toki in Skwisgaar’s SUV into a parking space with his own SUV, and only relents and backs out when Charles comes and calmly threatens him, because “that’s my bread and butter you’re blocking in.”
There, are you happy now?? I spent a ridiculous amount of time on this, asdf;lkj lol.
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Croatia to Eurovision with a confused angel lad and his lowkey over-enthusiastic mentor
Yeah, well, I definitely have hoped for this nation to finally finally bring back Dora as their national selection, as I myself have never really felt their internal entries since they abandoned it (well maybe except Nina from 2012 but even then by now I grew out of it softly). Not even Nina from 2016 which was tipped as a huge fan fave (though I’m so sorry for it getting completely lambasted in Eurovision, especially because of the poor clothing choice and Nina’s warbly notes here and there).
And they did! After like what, 7 solid years??? After the last Dora ending out with a disastrous end result and spawned a person to (more) stardom who even qualified a couple years back and this year he’s there to be a songwriter for his home country because of the Eurovision 2019 slogan inspiring him???? Well... yeah that happened. With having fought 15 other participants made up of familiar faces, up and coming starlets, the already legendary divas or just some people, he won as a songwriter for this next target of my review - the target that is aptly titled “The Dream” and is performed by a 19 year old up-and-coming pop star, Roko Blažević. Yep, Jacques Houdek won a NF but not with himself singing. Man did his magic game get stronger over the years since Dora 2011.
And interestingly enough, Jacques’s wizardry comes in with him being capable of selling chanceless music as something worth buying into. How can that happen???
Well, to be frank with you all, this song is not that bad, unlike everyone thinks it is. It feels like a low-rent musical ballad, sure, but it's not terribly composed or anything... well, I know I usually hate on those songs that like using mostly not the "verse - chorus - verse - chorus - bridge - chorus", but there are plenty of songs that mess with that structure that usually just omit the last two components (radio pop music) or don’t even need one, and they sound great. Here we have the omission of the last two components that more reminds me of “Grande amore” (I am not saying they’re comparable but still), as in, slow ballad in the F minor (”The Dream” even slaps a keychange on) that tries to sound majestic/dramatic, not very much so to be intense, just something theatrical I s’pose. And has a little too little time for another full verse so they just go to a bridge (and "Grande amore" had two long pre-choruses too?!?). I don’t hate this one, if I had to make a 2019 ranking this instant I’d put this in Top 30 somehow.
So what is there to be found that puts people off? They cannot be hating on Roko’s voice, which is really great for a young man like him. (In fact, God forbid I say one bad word about him, because some specific one on Twitter will have a beatdown with me because I dissed her hubby... so I’ll keep my mouth shut about any qualities of his :X) I guess it consists of several factors: 1) the song sounds dated; 2) the lyrics, especially in that chorus (I DREAM OF LOOOOOOVE, YOU DREAM OF LOOOOOOVE~ lol I actually dream of hatred, hatred will prevail >:) ); 3) the vocal volume is loud at parts; 4) the song is English-Croatian and somehow it should be sung in Croatian just to hide away the hideous understandable lyrics. My personal caveats are: 1) the song is too plodding and it shows a lot in that chorus with Roko holding his long notes (can we get tothe point FASTER?!); 2) the chorus lacks productional depth and maybe with a slight revamp (given Jacques wouldn’t be so stubborn about it!) it could have sounded the right amount of dramatic. If anything, I am GRATEFUL that it sounds more palatable than "My Friend", as THAT one was a joyful of cringey clichés tbh. The cheese became rotten and smelly and the sudden violin lead-in into the bridge still creeps me out. Goddamn it Jaq.
Not to mention Mr. Houdek is soooooo optimistic about his song, he finds everything in it perfect enough to not change it! Not the melody, not the language decisions, not the wings (did I tell you Roko wore wings on his NF performance??) - no! Did someone not tell him that Eurovision is rapidly evolving and his fantasies of coming top 3 with this song just better stay fantasies? Oh wait, it's the same man who once sang "dare to dream and make it real", of course he's stuck to his guns like super glue. Can't blame him, there were worse songs in top 3 over the years. Still though, the wings is a stupid idea. There should be something else involved if Jacques wants a performance to be memorable. Roko can't just stand there and only do what he's told to do by his guardian songwriter - granted he has to behave but still...
In the end, how would I summarize this tl;dr? I am one of a handful of folks who find this alright. There's a bigger minority who outright adores the song but I'm just there that likes this and nothing much more, honestly. Everything's just alright. Guess I'm sometimes soft enough to accept cheese, huh. But seriously, the mentoring behind the scenes... it's creepy to say the least. I'm happy Roko's having a helluva good time at least.
Approval factor: Oh I don't know with this one, statistically we can just go ahead and... try approving this? I’m not a huge fan of Croatian entries this decade, at least Slovenia redeemed themselves in my eyes last minute with “Sebi”, while even in my Croatian faves (they mostly are “Nebo” and “Crazy”, and I maaaaaybe like “Lighthouse” a bit too actually?) I see some negative qualities that completely overwhelm my liking for them. But since I legally find “The Dream” okay, I give this one a bit of a pass.
Follow-up factor: Sadly this kind of choice feels to me as a steady divedown in overall quality of what Croatia usually offers us. Well the decline was always on since “My Friend” followed up “Lighthouse” I suppose, or it's just so happens that Croatia sent the duds on this decade only in odd years ("Celebrate" was fun but tragic trash, "Mižerja" was pleasant I guess but everything here was miserable from the beginning and everyone still doesn’t get why “My Friend” qualified and “Crazy” didn’t). I like it though.
Qualification factor: I’d like to believe that this one can borderline sneak the fuck in to the finals for no reason other than Jacques knowing how to work things in his favour. Yes, I’m not writing this off completely. Although I still see some parts where this wouldn’t work out, it’s actually not 100% doomed... if anything, I at least don’t see it coming last in semi easily! It’s not as LAME as Iceland last year was. And it too was a basic love-peace-dreams message inserted into an older-timey-sounding singalong ballad and was given for a young singer that has a helluva lot of potential later ASIDE Eurovision. That is if they don't pretend Eurovision "ruined [their] careers, njeh!", of course. At least Roko can SANG live and maybe it will happen again that a singer's voice will make this surprisngly qualify over the song? We'll see. For now Jacques should just stay focused on how to make Roko's angel wings (sigh...) more memorable on stage in case the voice is not qualifying but the gimmicks are.
EMA 2019 at least had positive surprises all over for a NF this non-cared-about-by-me. Dora just... did not. Really. This NF did not interest me all that much song-quality-wise, and it even had SIX MORE SONGS than EMA!!! Crazy, huh?? But it’s okay, I can talk about the show to you if you want me to:
• From the Dora participants list announcement I was mostly excited to hear like two entries, and I'll mention both of them right away separately. And it's by two artists I've heard of before a lot! Though this first one kind of made me feel like I've been somewhat betrayed... enter Luka Nižetić who has got a nice vast catalogue of songs now - soft song(s), upbeat summer songs, and so on. And I kinda liked some of those songs of his I heard (if you're looking for recommendations, give "Vječno" a listen!), but “Brutalero”, his actual Dora 2019 entry was... on a whole different level. Dude, when was ripping off “Mi gente” ever useful?? It’s the year people were chasing after “Fuego” as the Latinesque bop to copy, not this! I hate it when people rehash annoying (but catchy) songs, and it’s certainly worse when they do it as their Eurovision NF entry. Brutal. And I actually remember hyping him before hearing the song, which is a bigger facepalm-worthy moment of mine. When will I ever learn?! ;( Thank God for the juries who served this song right. IDC if the revamp version of this made it any better, I’ll be fuming over this not being an inspired song. Oh and the comic book cartoon style made this brutally laughable to me, I said what I said. It might have entertained some kids though. So to summarise, Luka’s capable of having bops out, but “Brutalero” ain’t it, sis.
• Well guess what - Friendship ended with LUKA, Now MANNTRA is my best friend! Hell yeah lol. Did I tell you I like rock music so much? So I really foresaw kind of liking Manntra's song “In the Shadows” and rooting for them based on me knowing their name (just like Luka but oop), and in fact I really did root for them in the end! I wish I supported them more than Luka instead. They’re bangin’. They’re blazin’. They’re pure awesomeness. Their costumes. THAT BREAKDOWN. Magic. Should’ve won, and if them winning were any forbidden because Croatia is just refusing to accept stuff I’d stan for, at least come second. Screw Luka, screw Lorena. Bring the rock music back. ^^
• oh yeah and the others I guess. Well, if I had to recommend a few entries, here goes: if you’re nostalgic for old-timey early 2000′s bops (in the style of “Everyway That I Can”), you go and listen to the aforementioned Lorena Bućan‘s entry, “Tower of Babylon”. If you dreamed of one of the Femminem singers becoming a 60s retro artiste (actually you did not, that sounds very utter random), go check her project’s (Gelato Sisters) entry, “Back to That Swing”. If you’re here for THE QUEEN DOMENICA, go ahead, check out “Indigo”, the ultimate shopping mall background music anthem. My actual other favourite together with Manntra was Beta Sudar though, as “Don’t Give Up” as some really nice pop I guess. You see what I mean when I said that Dora this year did not interest me all that much song-quality-wise? Well ofc some songs were nice but that's all and too much 'just niceness' is slowly breaking me honestly. I would have gladly cancelled the NF and put Manntra through internally instead. Epic boys deserve an epic platform to showcase themselves, I don’t make the rules here.
Thankfully that's that out of the way, now I'm just going to wish this sweet little angel man all the best in Tel Aviv and not to be too upset if he flops. I know Jacques would be upset, but for that he shouldn't put Roko through a similar mind process also...
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fussysim · 6 years
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simself tag
i was tagged by @petitesimss & @peakanss 🍒
i tag @peachy-flesh, @toxicen, @pixeltownies, @penelope-and-wonders, @vvladislaus but if anyone wants to do this go ahead!!! 
traits: goofball, lazy, hot-headed
aspiration: bestselling author (hiiiiiii)
1. What is your full name? antonina joanna 
2.What is your nickname? tosia
3. Birthday? april 7
4. What is your favorite book series? harry potter ofccccc
5. Do you believe in Aliens or Ghosts? YES STRONGLY
6. Who is your favorite author? jakub żulczyk (a great polish author!!)
7. What is your favorite radio station? none
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? i always go for cherry but lime is great too
9. What word would you use to describe something great or wonderful? zajebiste!!
10. What is your current favorite song? mac miller - whats the use? orrr a$ap rocky - sundress
11. What is your favorite word? biiitch
12. What is the last song you listened to? the internet - stay the night
13. What TV show would you recommend for everyone to watch? rupaul’s drag race always!!!!! and maybe the haunting of hill house
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? shrek, mean girls and any marvel movie 
15. Do you play video games?  well...............not really tbh
16. What is your biggest fear? my parents finding out about me dropping out of school
17. What is your best quality in  your opinion? i’m a good listener (at least that’s what i’ve heard)
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? my appearance lol and laziness
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? i have three cats and one dog so:))
20. What is your favorite season? spring
21. Are you in a relationship? yes!!!!!
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? living with my parents duhhhh and being carefree
23. Who is your best friend? my bf or my mom lol
24. What is your eye color? green
25. What is your hair color? blonde
26. Who is someone you love? my mom dad bf and dog
27. Who is someone you trust? NO ONE
28. Who is someone you think about Often? my dog fiona
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? rpdr all stars 4 
30. What is your biggest obsession? drag queens. and my dog fiona
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? well my fav was the cramp twins and of course hannah montana??
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? my bf
33. Are you superstitious? 50/50
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? wet food in the sink 
35. Do you perfer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind it for suuuureee
36. What is your favorite hobby? writing. i mean, i used to write a lot
37. What is the last book you read? first snow by jo nesbø
38. What is the last movie you watched? 14 cameras (boring, dumb and disgusting)
39. What musical Instruments do you play, if any? i tried playing guitar but i was lazy 
40. What is your favorite animal? my dog fiona!!!
41. What are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? i’m shy yall i can’t just expose myself like this
42. What superpower do you wish you had? i just wish i wasn’t this dumb lol
43. When and where do you feel most at piece? my hometown
44. What makes you smile? my boyfriend, my dad’s calls, my mom sending me pics of my dog, food, memes
45. What sports do you play, if any? none lol
46. What is your favorite drink? red fruits tea
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? like a year ago?? for my boyfriend when i wasn’t in the mood for talking
48: Are you afraid of heights? well i’d like to say no but i’m a chicken 
49: What is your biggest pet peeve: biting nails lol i hate it, emma chamberlain’s videos (i don’t think she’s funny at all lol she’s just regular bitchy high schooler)
50. Have you ever been to a concert? yeah
51. Are you vagan/ vegetarian? NO but i’m gathering informations how and when to start
52. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? a  princess tbh but i wanted to be a vet too
53: What fictional world would you like to live in? greendale lol
54. What is something you worry about? that my parents will hate me lol
55. Are you scared of the dark? YEP i’m the meme where the person has to check if the chair is the demon
56. Do you like to sing? nah
57. Have you ever skipped school? i used to all the time 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? my home!!!!!! with my pets, boyfriend and family
59. Where would you like to live? the netherlands for sure
60. Do you have any pets? 3 cats 1 dog 
61: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl for
62: Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunset
63. Do you know how to drive? yes but i dont have driving license:/
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? no but i will soon
66: What is your favorite genre of music? i like 2000′s music lol, r&b, recent polish rap music and pop 
67: Who is your hero? my dad
68: Do you read comic books? if i had some i would
69: What makes you most angry? stupid people and me myself and i
70. Do you prefer reading a book on an electronic device or on a real book? real book my eyes can’t take electronic devices
71. What is your favorite subject in school? english, polish and histor
72. Do you have any siblings? yep i have older brother and sister
73. What was the last thing you bought? groceries 
74. How tall are you? 158cm
75. Can you cook? yeah the only thing i’m good at tbh
76. What are three things that you love? my boyfriend, my pets, my family
77. What are three things you hate? fortnite, expired lush products, my friend’s boyfriends
78. Do you have more male or female friends? equally
79. What is your sexual orientation? i’m in love with person not a gender
80. Where do you currently live? poland!=
81. Who was the last person you texted? my mom 
82. When was the last time you cried? 20 minutes ago BUT FROM LAUGHING OK
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? of course its shane dawson lol and elle mills and a few polish simmers
84. Do you like to take selfies? yes i am very insecure but also very vain 
85. What is your favorite app? stardew valley on mobile??
86. What is your relationship to your parent(s)? i used to hate them but now?? we’re best friends
87. What is your favorite foreign accent: i don’t have one:(
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? nyc
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? no
91. Are you religious? i don’t know anymore
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space, ocean scares tf out of me
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no!!!!
94. Are you allergic to anything? grass??
95. Can you curl your tounge? yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? no
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? when i’m in trouble only
98. Do you perfer the forest or the beach? beach
99. What is your favorite piece of advice anyone has given you? you will always grow back which means that no matter what you can always bounce back 
100. Are you a good liar? yes, indeed
101. What is your Hogwarts house? HUFFLEPUFF!!
102. Do you talk to yourself? when i fck something up
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? yes but i don’t write in it anymore, i just keep things in it
105. Do you believe in second chances? yes i believe in 52543 chances bc i’m weak
106: If you found a wallet full of money, what would you do? uuhhhh idk
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes but only with help
108. Are you ticklish? yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? no:( i’m scared
110. Do you have any piercings? i used to have my nose pierced
111. What fictional character do you wish were real? 
112. Do you have any tattoos? i have lil tattoo on my middle finger i did myself like 5 years ago
113. What is the best decision you’ve made in your life? get a dog with my sister without my parents knowledge
114. Do you believe in karma? yes for sure
115. Do you waer glasses or contacts? glasses
116. Do you want children? uh tbh i’m jaded, i would rather adopt
117. Who is the smartest person you know? my dad
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? lying to my teacher and getting caught
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? yep i used to do this a lot but then i moved in with my boyfriend:(
120. What color are most of your clothes? black and pastel
121. Do you like adventure? YES
122. Have you ever been on TV? i don’t think so
123. How old are you? 20yo!!
124. What is your favorite quote? you will always grow back??
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory (and spicy!!!!!!)
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