#and that’s why viren saying he was done with dark magic n him had the connotation of a divorce bc of everything they had done magically yea
no bc why did they have to be like that.
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im sorry but if you don’t see the homosexual tension or at least METAPHOR between these two for the entire fucking show you are literally blind or a child
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What Time Forgot Chapter 1
Aaravos x reader
Summary: Viren is being suspicious with all those books he just ruined, and someone recalls a tale of a spell that would cause that damage. Could it be the clue she’s been looking for to track down her love?
Word Count: 1844
Viren wanted to scream when he saw that every text he’d found that referenced Aaravos turned black. “Is nothing safe?!”
“Issues?” a female voice asked.
He whipped around to see a woman standing there in armor similar to his least favorite general’s. “That is none of your concern.”
“Really?” Her eyebrows rose skeptically. “Because it looks like you’ve poured ink on those books, and I know the keeper of this fine library won’t be happy about it.”
“And yet that is still not your business.”
“Whatever you say . . .” Y/E/C eyes rolled as she wandered off.
Leery of being caught by guards, Viren slunk back to his secret chambers to think. Little did he know that the woman, Y/N, moved to look at those ruined texts as soon as the dark mage was gone. That particular style of page-ruining magic struck a nerve with her; it seemed incredibly familiar.
“Aaravos . . .” she breathed thoughtfully. “Why would Viren be looking up a Startouch elf?” Eyes widened. “Unless . . .” She closed her eyes, digging deep into her memory to try and recall what was there scratching at the surface of her mind, begging to be remembered.
It was long before the current generation, during the war of removing humans from all that was magical. And the humans were losing. Badly. Honestly, it had been reluctantly expected given that Xadia had practically all the power with their magic, dragons, and overall experience. In truth, it was a miracle and a testament to how truly conniving the high mage was that they hadn’t lost yet.
He had known they needed help in order to continue holding out, much less to have a prayer of winning. For years, he had heard stories of an elf. A Startouch elf that was able to use all primal sources. And he was supposed to be neutral thus far in the struggle. Finding him and convincing him to join their cause, however, was bound to be a difficult issue.
Which was how that one fateful morning went so far off the rails for Y/N.
For her, the day started lazily--like most days, honestly. As a human firmly on the Xadian side of the border, she didn’t get out much to the nearby elven town. At one point--before the world went to hell--she’d been one of the Crownguard of Katolis. There, in the castle, was where she met the man that was currently acting as her pillow and running his fingers through her hair. With as much time as she spent in the library, it seemed inevitable that they met in the first place.
She lightly dragged her nails across the star-dappled chest, earning a quiet hum. “How long have you been up?” she asked, voice still scratchy from sleep.
“Not long,” that bone-rattling, deep voice replied quietly.
She turned to rest her head on his chest to allow her to meet those golden eyes. “Did we need to do anything today? I feel like we said we did.”
He hummed again, this time in thought. “I believe . . .” his free hand moved up to cup her jaw. “It’s a free day aside from needing to get groceries.”
“And here I was hoping to just stay here all day.”
A low chuckle rumbled through his chest while leaning up so their lips just barely brushed. “I would support that thought, but I’ll give it four minutes before you get hungry.”
Just for that, she defiantly licked his lips, giggling at the slightly disgusted scowl that pulled them down afterwards. Moments later, as an apology, she kissed him sweetly. Of course, that was a slippery slope that led to her being pinned beneath him, hands either clawing at his back or tumbled in his hair.
Eventually, they successfully made it to the town; of course, that was after they’d washed away the evidence of their morning activities. He’d donned his usual plunging tunic, pants, and star-studded cloak while she dressed in the garb of a Moonshadow elf: leggings, boots, and a tank top with her hair braided to be out of her face. She’d worn their style of clothing or a long time since she found it to be the most practical style available among the elves. Besides, everyone in town knew she was human; there was no use hiding it even if there were still some people--mostly the Skywing family--that detested her.
It was overall a peaceful journey with only minor staring. They’d quickly gotten the supplies they needed for the week. Shopkeepers had a tendency to want the pair of them out as fast as possible, what with Y/N’s species and Aaravos’s reputation, but that was fine with them. Neither was fond of chatting with strangers, anyway.
“One last stop,” Y/N breathed. She would be happy to get back to their peaceful house.
Aaravos hummed, as he had a habit of doing. “We just have to pick up that book I ordered.”
“What was it about again?”
“It is an update on the warfront. We may be neutral, but you know how I like to stay updated.”
“Well I suppose we can’t be completely submerged in our little fairytale here. Never been one for doing nothing anyway.”
“Good, because we seem to have guests. Those two ahead, they have a glamor spell on them. That necklace is a moon illusionist’s doing.”
“Been a while since we’ve had a good fight,” she muttered, free hand tightening around a dagger at her waist.
“Now, now, dearest, all in good time,” he chided. “We should at least see what they want first.”
Despite his words, Y/N felt him release the hand he’d been holding. It was a move she was long familiar with; if a fight came forth, he’d need both hands for his magic. “Because that went so well lst time,” she muttered.
The shit-eating smirk on his face was enough to make her roll her eyes. “At least let us lead them out of town. We don’t need to go out of our way to further anger the Skywing.”
“Fair enough.”
“Two of them are circling around in front of us. Third’s still behind,” Y/N reported a few minutes later once they’d reached what was considered the outskirts of town. She’d kissed him on the cheek a few moments prior in order to disguise the process of her looking around.
“Observant as ever, dearest.”
“Okay, now really doesn’t feel like the right time to be flirting,” she snarked back, elbowing him in the side.
“Here we go,” he muttered, changing the tone of the conversation the instant two people--stalkers, her mind provided--blocked their path. “Can we help you?”
“You sure this is the right guy?” one of the stalkers asked, obviously the skittish one of the bunch.
His ‘Moonshadow’ companion scoffed. “Do you see another elf with a human girlfriend?”
“Well . . . no, but--”
“Exactly, this has to be the guy.”
“We are right here,” Y/N sighed. Clearly whoever these guys were, they weren’t professionals. That stung her pride a bit. If this group knew enough about them that one of their members was this skittish, it could be assumed that they knew enough to be more wary of this particular pair. It was a mix of insulting and disappointing, really.
“Right. We were sent by . . .”
And that day deviated wildly from their nice, lazy plans from there. Needless to say, they ended up working for the humans. After the yaers she’d spent ignoring the glares from the elves of their little town, the glares from her former brothers-in-arms did nothing to rattle her, and of course Aaravos was as unshakable as ever. Whispers followed her wherever she went. People called her traitor or worse whenever Aaravos wasn’t around (they weren’t brave enough to do it while he was present) simply because she loved an elf. Of course, she herself thought that their relationship was better suited to be an example that their species could get along and even thrive.
While that relationship flourished as it always had (they’d been together for quite some time, after all), everything else went to shit around them. Because of Aaravos, the humans held their own in the war until the Xadians were willing to come up with an armistice. True to the elven belief that humans were corrupt, they were all too willing to forfeit Aaravos despite all he’d done for them. One of the stipulations for the armistice was that Aaravos would be handed over for the Xadians to punish how they saw fit. Another was that Y/N would never be allowed back in Xadia.
The humans naturally agreed to both clauses.
On their last night together, Aaravos told her of the curse he’d put on his name wherever it appeared in text. Anyone specifically looking for him in human lands would find the pages blackened and unreadable. If they were just reading a random tome in which he appeared, the book would be unaffected--a handy little trick that would help keep from suspicion from arising. It was his way of giving her a fresh start, he explained; no one would be able to connect him with her after enough time had passed.
Provided she wasn’t killed, Y/N would live long enough for the humans to forget. When they initially got together, Aaravos gave her his heart--a crystal he’d used to focus his power when he was young--set into a small silver ring on her finger. To the surprise of them both, she’d stopped aging. It’d seemed like the ring kept her aging to match his in order for them to remain together without the grief that came with loving someone that lived a much shorter life.
As she stood there contemplating things in the present, she thought, That is the only time I’ve ever even heard of such a spell. The odds . . .
She’d tried to find out what the dragon king had done with her lover ever since the day she’d been vanished, but word had never reached the human kingdoms. They seemed to want to forget about the archmage that essentially won their existence for them. Then again, who wouldn’t want to forget that you just offered a virtual hero up like a lamb for slaughter?
Years passed.
Then decades passed.
Eventually, everyone except Katolis’s high council forgot she ever existed.
Then even they forgot.
Just for something to do, she’d eventually rejoined the Crownguard. Surprisingly, she made friends with the children of the king’s advisor. They were good kids, if a little dense at times. Soren was her favorite, naturally; they worked together almost every day, after all. Claudia was a bit too much like her father sometimes for Y/N to be completely comfortable with her, but she tried to be a good influence for the child. Both of the children viewed her as an aunt, and she prided herself in her ability to temper the destructive habits Viren tried to teach them.
Otherwise, her existence largely went unnoticed.
Until she saw those books in the library.
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Fandom Ask Thing! Fandom - BNHA Ship - Sheith Character - Claudia (TDP)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Iida!!!!!!!!!!!!
Least Favorite character: BakuBITCH
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Dekusquad ot5
Iida x any of his friends really
Character I find most attractive: Iida
Character I would marry: Iida
Character I would be best friends with: Iida and also probably Ochako
a random thought: If 20% of the world population is still quirkless, Deku ABSOLUTELY should have had quirkless classmates. 20% is one in five. 1/5. There’s absolutely no reason why quirklessness should already be seen as lesser, uncommon, or otherwise stigmatized. No way in hell Deku could’ve been the only one in all his classes without a quirk c m o n
An unpopular opinion: I don’t think Shinsou should be in class 1-A. I think his goal to get there is reflective of his all-or-nothing mindset that has been holding him back and part of him overcoming that mindset will and should involve accepting that there are ways to become a hero without the schooling that some of his peers are getting, and being a hero is about doing HIS PERSONAL BEST and doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, not where he graduated from. Also, he has friends in the gen class and I want him to keep and appreciate those bonds.
My Canon OTP: I don’t… think anyone in that show is actually canonically dating. I think literally everyone we see in that show is single. Eh fuck it. Iida’s Mom x Iida’s Dad
My Non-canon OTP: Iida x The fucking respect and appreciation he goddamn well deserves
Most Badass Character: Iida
Most Epic Villain: I fuckin love that warp dude. Handman went off on the aesthetics I’ll give him that but I mean what could be better than a tired half-dad in a barkeeper getup?
Pairing I am not a fan of: :) Bitchboy x MY GREEN SON
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Mineta could’ve been a genuinely compelling character if he’d been more firmly characterized as “I am small and also a coward but I want to be a hero more than anything so even though I am very afraid and also definitely crying right now I’m still gonna give it my all” and less as “I am a perverted little bastard. I’m here to be a fucking pervert joke.”
Favouite Friendship: Iida & Deku & Ochako
Character I most identify with: Iida
Character I wish I could be: Shouji
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: Literally episode 1 lmao
What makes me happy about them: God, everything? When they call each other’s names, when they stare fondly at each other, when they touch each other’s shoulders in fondness or reassurance or comfort or simply to remind the other that they’re there and they have their back. God. Keith would and did cross the stars to find Shiro, and Shiro CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD for Keith! They’re soulmates!!!
What makes me sad about them: :) Such a shame we never got a season 8 :) I bet we would’ve had a really amazing resolution to the passion and intimacy of their friendship :) Really just such a tragedy season 8 was cancelled before it could ever air :)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I really and genuinely do not care for femsheith. Even when it’s a genderbend, which usually checks out for me, I am just Not About It
Things I look for in fanfic: A good balance between tenderness and friendship. It’s not all serious heavy emotions all the time, they’re best friends and they LIKE each other, but it’s also not just all goofs and gags, they’re very soft with each other. Also smut.
My wishlist: Not entirely sure what this is asking but
1. Shiro to acknowledge Keith’s confession from the clone fight
2. Keith to try and play it off (he’s a terrible liar so we know this would not work) because he thinks he’s being rejected
3. Shiro to gently take his shoulder in hand and say he feels the same
4. A tender kiss
5. Absolutely nothing about their public relationship changes. They were in love before they confessed and they are not the types to get all blushy and nervous. Maybe they’ll hold hands or sling their arms around each other’s waists in front of others now but that’s it.
6. They do cool space-politics stuff and then travel the stars together after the war ends, retired and exploring all the wonders the universe has to offer them with their cool space dog.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don’t have, like, alternate ships for them. I like Heith, and Rolo x Keith, but only really as concepts? I like Keitor and Lotor x Shiro (they have a ship name but I’m forgetting it right now) but only in the context of fanfic, in canon I would want him to work it out with Allura so that’s kinda out. I just genuinely cannot see them with anyone but each other, really. 
My happily ever after for them: In a houseboat, but like, for space. Not a spaceship, since those are really big and built for a lot of people, but a spaceboat. Them, their dog, and the endless expanse of space for them to travel and explore together.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of the main tdp cast I think she’s probably my favorite! (She and Aaravos are duking it out for first place in general)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
Prince Kasef 
Idk I guess I like Claudia x Rayla content but I also don’t really see it? It’s cute to observe? But not something I actively partake in? But I find it charming? I can’t really say if Rayla should be in this list or not. 
Weird one but I think she and Nyx would get along super well
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: SOREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEYRE SUCH GOOD SIBLINGS! 
runner up is her relationship with Ezran the two are super heartfelt
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think her using dark magic is any different than a butcher carving up a cow to be eaten. Yeah if she’s using elf or dragon body parts that’s fuckin bad, because those are people, but humans have a LONG history of killing animals for food + tools + materials, so using certain body parts for magic is also?? Not the worst thing in the world. If a magic sheep can have its meat turned into mutton, its wool turned into clothing, its skin turned into parchment, and its bones turned into  magic, why SHOULDN’T Claudia use it’s bones? Yes, there’s a toll on her body, but like we’ve seen in the show, Dark magic is a FORM. It requires practice, study, patience. The reason Callum reacts to it so badly is because he’s basically some dude who’s never worked out in his life waltzing into the gym and immediately going for the heaviest barbell. Claudia has studied this extensively, practiced it, built up her “magic muscles” so to speak, and so her body can handle it. Viren also overdoes it, but that’s because he knows he can butterfly the negative affects away and doesn’t particularly care if he gets a little ghostly in the process.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: she and Callum had had a chance to talk it out and make up. They’re friends! Best of friends! They have been since they were young kids! She genuinely was trying to do what she thought the right thing was, that’s all she’s ever tried to do, and I think Callum is the kind of person who, with some time to simmer down, has enough empathy and understanding to see that and reason with her.
Favorite friendship for this character: Callum and Ezran
My crossover ship: I don’t actually have one
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netflixoxygenoxygen · 5 years
claudia x reader headcanons
claudia is a beautiful dumb dork mage and i hope i got her beautiful dumb dorkiness right so please enjoy!
so, if you’re a practicing mage she loves loves loves helping you with spells! or anything! is more excited when you do a spell correctly the first time than you are. also probably cannot wait for the day you can both tag team some dramatic foe using magic together because you two would obviously make the Best Team
if you’re not a mage though she loves loves loves collecting ingredients with you! and she info dumps a lot of magic-related stuff on you so, in theory, you can do every spell she can. in theory
collecting ingredients is a great excuse to hang out with you not that she needs one 
sometimes you two don’t even get much done because you’re both too busy admiring the scenery aka stealing glances at each other and/or you have to steer her the right way because she’s reading her spellbook
if you’re scared of bugs however...
good luck
claudia: oh! y/n y/n look! i recognise this web pattern!! if we just follow the main threads, we can find a goliath birdeater--
you, losing all blood in your face: im sorry what did you just say
claudia: which will be great for the newest spell i--oh here it is!! y/n look!!!! it’s huuuuge--wait, why are you running????
the first date she is utterly awkward. she had been planning on asking soren for help but then forgot (that’s for the better though...the advice he gives is probably not the advice anyone needs) so now she’s not sure if she’s being too forward or too distant is it appropriate to show off a magic trick right now maybe she can make a potion to make you forget all this, this was such a bad idea--
by the end of it she’s uncharacteristically quiet and feeling a bit down in the dumps but all she needs is a little “this was fun i hope we can do it again sometime?” and she’s over the moon again
the next date she goes stuff it and straight out grabs your hand because you know what??? “??” life is short!!! 
most likely gushes to viren and soren about you. viren seriously considers dark magic because (season 2 spoilers) he sees how happy she is and just cant have her getting left behind like he was. he keeps a close, close eye on you 
soren just attempts to tune out his sister but it really doesn’t work. he thinks she’s using dark magic to force him to listen to her talk about how amazing and strong and cool-- “ok shut up now clauds ive heard this five hundred times before”
if you’re a fighter/guard, she probably tries to get a good word in to promote you
will watch you train/spar if you ask her to buuuut she might get a liiiiitle bit bored. sorry. she tries though! and she really does believe in you - that’s her reasoning 
claudia: well i don’t need to see the ending because i already know you’re going to win!
you: claudia i was literally thrown down the last five times you came to watch
claudia, wincing: wellllll....
and while she may not have a lot of sway over some guards, when it’s you and her brother sparring she makes sure to give her brother the ‘im watching you’ gesture extra aggressively because she really doesn’t want you getting hurt despite how much you’ve told her it’s fine
be prepared if you go to the library with her on one of her library runs
she tends to keep books for a long while and borrow like fifty books at a time (the librarian hates her for this. though the librarian hates everyone. its fair) so you’ll more than likely get stuck carrying like 5 3-inch books in a stack as you two complete your third lap of the library
claudia: alright!! i think we got them all!! thanks so much for the help y/--wait where’d you go??
you, collapsed five shelves away: ... 
claudia tries out a loooooot of nicknames like ‘honey’ ‘sweetie’ ‘baby’ (soren walked by once and fake gagged. or maybe he really gagged who knows).  wants to find the perfect one for you so she goes through calling you everything and anything she thinks would fit like ‘jelly tart’ ‘sugary pie’ ‘the primal stone of my heart’ “mayyyybe we should stick with honey”
in the end though she loves saying your name (maybe a shortened version or some nickname variation too) most
just like how she loves you a whole lot!
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aaravos-afterdark · 5 years
Call Me Sir - Aaravos/Viren
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Rating: Mature (18+)
Fandom: The Dragon Prince; Aaravos x Viren (Viravos)
Word Count: 1,800
A/N: Two different versions of the same idea - Viren is a manager and Aaravos is the talent. They're not supposed to be anything more than that. // all writing account: @lokiiwood 
Alternatively read on AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18441164/chapters/43685489
Version 2 - “Distant from the Talent”
Inspired by the 80's AU fanart of Abigail Salier!
Twitter Link 1
Twitter Link 2  
“Are you my new footboy? Never seen one quite like you.”
“I'm your new manager.”
He laughed. Viren sighed, pushing his sunglasses onto his head. The elf sitting on the raven, plush couch before him had arrived early and Viren had already told himself not to stare before he came into the room. Of course he heard of Aaravos the ‘Shining Rockstar.’ Before they even spoke of his dancing and singing, they whispered about his enchanting, star-studded skin that reflected brilliantly off disco balls. They awed over how even his eccentric, various animal prints he wore all at once didn’t look so bad - on him. Viren was already exhausted from the tiger and leopard headband he wore in addition to his zebra pants and pink, giraffe accessories. Why was the talent always like...this?
Whatever. Viren could handle a delinquent, even if he wasn’t...wearing a shirt? He tore his eyes away after realizing the star on his muscular chest was part of him. He heard Aaravos stand and pretended to check over his clipboard, adjusting his suit as the elf approached.
“Aren’t you a cute, little thing.”
The word that had to be sarcasm made Viren look again. What the - oh, they didn’t mention how tall he was. All elves were, but Aaravos was...tall. Aaravos quite literally looked down on him as he fixed his loose headband, glittering muscles flexing. Was that on purpose? Ugh.
“Yes, yes, I’m shorter than you. Anyway, it is a pleasure to formally meet you.”
Viren held out his hand and Aaravos gently took it, softly clasping it between his two, beautiful hands.
“Naturally, it is a pleasure to meet you too,” he grinned, his freckles briefly twinkling as those bronzy coins bore into him. Were his scleras always like this? He thought the black would be off-putting from the photos he'd seen, but in-person they were…captivating.
Viren took his hand back awkwardly, the warmth of his touch lingering. They told him the new rising star was a dangerous one, perhaps even a gamble. And it wasn't because of any violent history or questionable talent, it was because Aaravos knew he was gorgeous and hadn't learned any public speaking - or private, as he duly noted. It was a combination that made the best of them fade as quickly as they rose.
But Viren wasn't in a position to have that happen to his new talent. After the disaster at Katolis Records, this was his last chance to not fall into permanent obscurity and unhirability as a manager. He had kids to take care of, dammit.
“Yes. Ahem, I am Viren.”
“Oh yes! I know of you. Tell me, what will you do for me that you failed to at Katolis Records?”
Viren would not entertain this nonsense. He had enough of people looking down and doubting him, and since he couldn't do anything about Aaravos being oppressively tall at the very least he wouldn't put up with his quips.
“Perhaps save your complaints forafter we begin. Furthermore, if you actually saw my portfolio you'd know I have decades of positive experience.”
“Oh, really?” he mused, stepping forward and beginning to circle him as a prowling tiger might of trapped prey. But he refused to be intimidated. Viren kept his eyes on Aaravos until he finally stopped and hummed.
“Satisfied?” Viren scoffed.
“Very.” The dark and deep allure of his response caught him off-guard.
"Something interests you?" he chuckled.
"Ah - I was just thinking about your vocal range. They told me you're a bass but could go as high as a tenor."
“Oh, that's not true.”
“I figured. I'll ma-”
“I can also go as high as some altos.”
“...Aaravos, that's impossible.”
Aaravos’ eyes narrowed as his smile widened.
“And!” Viren interrupted before he could even start, “I'm not interested in hearing it right now either. We're both going to be very busy, very soon.”
“All business, that's interesting.”
Aaravos’ smile was knowing and secretive as he studied Viren's face.
“And how is it interesting?”
“I just assumed...hm, no wife I take it?”
“What exactly are you getting at here? Can we cut to the point?”
Aaravos adjusted his obnoxious headband and shrugged. “It's just our first meeting is alone in a private room. Me, a youthful and gorgeous star, and you...not.”
Aaravos’ fingers tickled both of Viren’s arms, dawdling up in their alluring slow dance before the entertainer landed his arms on his shoulders. Aaravos took a step closer and Viren promptly took one back. He felt heat rising to his ears. Embarrassment or anger? Probably a healthy mix.
“I-I have nothing but professional interest in you. I'd appreciate it if we didn't discuss such strange things. I don't need a harassment lawsuit on my hands.”
“As if I'd report anything you did to me.”
“Nothing. Disappointments aside, you may go ahead and ‘manage’ me, sir.”
Viren's rebuttal died on his lips. How was Aaravos doing that? His already deep voice would somehow echo and rattle him inside as if Aaravos was magically speaking into his ear.
What a handful. What he'd give for some humble talent who knew how to mind their own business, or at the very least not ask him about his ex-wife. Just once. Viren turned on his heel with a grumpy sigh and they returned to the ‘real world’ of the studio.
Aaravos followed him, but they were frequently interrupted by people in awe of his appearance. He towered over most as they passed and stole their attention, and Viren would be lying if he said he didn’t understand why. Aaravos was attractive - really attractive - and unnecessarily seductive. Their disaster of a meeting proved that fact, but Viren decided not to take his innuendos to heart.
Although rude, Aaravos was right. He was a young, gorgeous star and Viren was just a manager who wasn’t getting better in either apartment.
“Where are we going, sir?”
There went that tone again. Forget how - why was he doing that?
“To your new trailer, we have to get you settled in before those hippies start flooding our lots again.”
“Oh, an upcoming concert?”
“A war protest.”
Aaravos sped up to walk side-by-side with him, glancing over every few seconds and practically begging for his attention as they escaped into the studio parking lot.
“Yes, Aaravos?”
"You let me call you ‘sir'...At first, I was being playful with you, but perhaps you really believe my good looks make me your junior?”
“...What are you saying?” Viren paused his walking to shoot an eyebrow up at the man with the most cat-like expression he’d ever seen.
“I’m much older than you. You should be calling me ‘sir.’”
“W-what? Do you mean by elf standards?”
Aaravos laughed and hooked his arm around his, tugging him to continue walking. Nervously, Viren’s eyes skimmed around them.
“I’m old by all standards. But we’ll round down to a 1,000 if anyone asks, alright?”
“Round down? Are you messing with me?”
“Not unless you want me to,” he purred. “So...how about calling me ‘sir’? Hm?”
Viren’s mouth trembled as he checked the clipboard. It was right there in print. Impossible. Aaravos was older than him. He couldn’t believe it. Aaravos was older than him and still looked like that.
“The...the trailer is the one with the star on it,” Viren mumbled, pointing with his chin and trying not to blister in his favorite tailored sweater.
“What a wonderful manager you are,” Aaravos gasped, although Viren wasn’t sure if it was sarcastic or not.
They arrived and Viren snatched his arm away and reached to unlock the vehicle, but Aaravos’ arm stopped him. It softly hit the door and Viren was trapped between the side of the trailer and his chest.
“Aaravos! D-dammit I told you-”
“Told me what?” he whispered, his white hair blocking out light as it fell down his face.
“I told...I told you...t-to…”
He couldn’t remember. Viren couldn’t remember a damn thing.
Aaravos’ free hand leisurely pulled his sunglasses down from his hair to settle on the bridge of his sweating nose.
His long fingers teased around his ear and Aaravos chuckled.
“Call me ‘sir’ if you want me to stop treating you so sweetly. I can be professional.”
Viren’s mouth parted, but he couldn’t even remember the magic word that Aaravos just promised to release him.
So he said nothing.
And he continued to say nothing when Aaravos’ perfect, buxom lips ghosted over his before muzzling him. Aaravos tasted nothing like how he looked or behaved - sweet and floral, even when he eased his lips open with an equally beguiling and calming tongue. The kiss almost felt natural and appropriate, not that he’d had one at all in years now. He forgot what they were like - but the memories of how nice they felt came rushing back.
Aaravos’ other arm wormed its way under his suit and up his chest, pushing his back fully against the trailer with suffocating seduction. The other arm that had trapped him pinched at his thigh before rubbing over his clothed crotch, coaxing out a straining response. Viren was being completely overwhelmed by Aaravos’ touch as three different sensations sent him spiraling into submission. The hand under his shirt finally found nipple, rolling it between his fingers as his other hand began to stroke the new shape outlining his pants.
“Nm…” It was an accident and embarrassing enough for Viren to shove his head back, thumping hard against the trailer as he rasped, inhaling as much air as he could.
Dammit. Dammit. Oh, what had he just done? Viren quickly shoved Aaravos’ hands off of him as he tried to regain his bearings. They were outside. Anyone could’ve seen how easily he’d been ensnared and how his shame was stretching and aching towards Aaravos.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m – you – no!” Viren attempted. Panic shook his words as his eyes darted around them in the parking lot. “I-I can’t mess this up. I have kids to take care of!” he tried to explain to the elf who moved his arms politely behind his back, completely casual. As if he’d just as easily do it again, as if ravaging his cohorts was just a normal part of his business.
Kids. That would scare him off, right? Viren could take solace in that. He was alone by choice, and he didn’t need to lose his job and what was left of his reputation just because Aaravos was...him!
Aaravos’ eyes crinkled with an amused smirk and Viren’s stomach dropped.
“How delightful, Viren. I love children.”
Alternatively read on AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18441164/chapters/43685489
Version 2 - “Distant from the Talent”
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