#and thats when i started to see even more odd stuff. including but not limited to a whole ass flare grunt.
rairii · 5 years
dumbassrights replied to your post “After the election fraud that happened in Bolivia was uncovered and...”
hey! are you bolivian? can you explain bolivians situation right now? everything i see is outsiders opinions and i know that i can't really trust that. if you can't, thats fine, thank you!
Hello! Yes I am Bolivian, though I currently live in a different South American country, but I’ve been keeping in touch with my family with WhatsApp and I try to keep up with the basic news from back home, so I think I can explain the basics.
The basic start is with Evo Morales, a cocalero (coca leaf grower) who became a politician and came to power as president in 2006. He’s the first indigenous president of Bolivia (he is Aymara), and when he came to power was widely seen as a game changer, destroying the oligarchical, upper white class hold on Bolivian politics. He was received with much fanfare, including from white leftists, who were keen on a president who would enact social reform and change and concentrate on helping reduce poverty and racism. I was too young to vote back then, but the majority of my family voted for Evo. He was... he was hope. It’s hard to explain. We thought it was the turning point. Finally, an indigenous president, someone who knew discrimination first hand and would be able to listen to the many indigenous peoples of our country. Someone who would fight imperialism, and the scars of colonialism.
He managed to do some good things. If I remember correctly, education spending and welfare spending increased, he increased the taxes on many companies, such as hydrocarbons, allowing the state to invest more and have less of a deficit. Bolivia also received an economic boom unrelated to his actions and policies (it had more to do with the price of minerals, since Bolivia is a mining country, and so on and so forth), so for a while poverty did reduce and the middle class grew. He also increased the number of indigenous and campesino (farmer/rural lands) representatives and their influence in politics.
However, as time went on, Evo’s party began to systematically remove any opposition they could, with many political leaders jailed for charges of tax evasion and the like. There is a lot of shady stuff going around that topic, and it’s too much to get into in a short explanation. It turned out that the party sought to remove any rising leadership, even within their party, that could threaten Evo’s dominance. His party also began to stack the legislative branch and pushing new judges through, setting up people who’d be grateful to him and thus legislate in his favor. While this was happening, MAS, the party’s social base, expanded their power and influence in other ways.
Now, the actual constitutional fuckery that angered a lot of leftists. He had the constitution rewritten in 2008 and it was approved in 2009, which had really mixed opinions from people, though I personally liked that he changed the name of “Republic of Bolivia” to “Plurinational State of Bolivia” to recognize the indigenous nations of Bolivia. The constitution maintained its two term limit for the presidency, but the thing was, he claimed that since there was a new constitution, his first mandate/government no longer counted, and he got it approved legally that he could run two more times again, which he did. Which like. What the fuck?
In the process, we began seeing cracks in his pro-indigenous, pro-environmental discourse. For example, he ignored and overulled the indigenous peoples of TIPNIS, a national park and indigenous territory, when they legally stated that they did not want a highway built through their lands, because it would bring in deforestation and cocaleros who are known for deforestation. He basically steamrollered over this, despite indigenous peoples of the TIPNIS walking all the way to the city of La Paz to make protests. He began to approve infrastructure projects that would destroy natural spaces, including hydroelectric dams that can and will flood Madidi, one of the most important national parks and biodeverse areas of Bolivia. And so on and so forth, he began to act in such a way that was at odds with the platform he ran, betraying indigenous peoples and Pachamama (mother earth) at every turn. He also never took any reasonable criticism in stride, blaming it all on American Imperialism.
However, because of MAS’ stronghold and no unity among the opposition, Evo ran two more terms after his first (including the third which really shouldn’t have been legally recognized), and he stated that after his third he wouldn’t stay in power.
If you guessed that he changed his mind or was lying, you’re right.
He called for a national referendum in 2016 for whether he should be allowed to run for a fourth term, but he lost the referendum, which voted “No”, though it was a narrow margin. And instead of respecting the will of the Bolivian people, he ignored it and pushed himself forward as a candidate for the next (these) elections, to the point that he pushed so that the Supreme Tribunal of Justice would rule that the constitution was inconstitutional (wtf) because it did not respect his right to reelection (wtf) and decided that no public office would have a term limit. I hope I don’t have to explain why that is just. A horrible decision for democracy. Term limits exist for a reason. It’s so no one person can get a stranglehold on power. After this it became clear to us that he had become enamoured with power, and was mainly seeking to establish himself in power indefinitely, which well, it pissed a lot of us off. It was heartbreaking too. To see someone we’d pinned our hopes on becoming... a dictator.
This finally brings us to three weeks ago, when the general elections were held. Now, in Bolivia, we have it so that any winner of the presidential elections has to have at least 10% points more than the guy in second place, or we go into a second round of elections between the higher scoring candidates. And as the official electoral authority reported throughout most of the counting process as results came in, Evo didn’t have the 10% lead needed to avoid a second round, and statistically even if the remaining votes were majority Evo, he wouldn’t be able to get the 10% needed. Also, the remaining votes were City votes, and the cities are in general, not Evo supporters anymore. Until at around 80% of all votes counted, the website and reporting of the electoral authority just. Stopped. It cut off. It cut off for 24 hours, during which the government first claimed that oh, it’d had some technical difficulties, and then (this part I actually don’t understand, so I’m paraphrasing what I maybe undersood) claimed that because some voting places had finished counting already, so they wouldn’t have two places reporting results, they stopped the main authority. Which like.
That’s really fucking fishy.
So people were really suspicious, and when the authority began reporting again those 24 hours later, reporting that oh, actually, Evo had won with the required 10%, a lot of people didn’t believe it. This smelled like electoral fraud. So people began gathering to protest because Evo shouldn’t have been running in the first place and now he wanted us to take this lie and swallow it.
Evidence came out over the next few days about electoral fraud: non-Evo vote ballots were found in trash bins, and the official databases of the electoral authority were found to have “irregularities” that all favoured Evo. People got pissed even as Evo claimed that it was imperialist forces and that the counts were all valid and legit and transparent. But the damage was done. Bolivians took to the streets in big numbers to protest and froze the cities, stopping transport and literally putting the cities in a standstill, only letting emergency services and food trucks coming to the supermarkets through so people could live. The protesters in the cities began to get threats, because Evo began trying to sell these protests as “the racist cities trying to stamp the rural vote”, from Evo supporters, that they’d shut the water supplies to the city off. Counter protesters began massing too. Clashes happened. Evo supporters were pushed out of the city of Cochabamba, but they set fire to the grasses around a city landmark and place of pride because they wanted to give a last fuck you. MAS supporters attacked hospitals that had protesters and even the doctors and nurses who weren’t supporting MAS. Photo and video evidence, and people coming forward, showed that the government was paying people to counter protest. The protesters were mostly non-violent, but there were clashes when the police wasn’t able to keep people separated. One mayor near Cochabamba was found to have paid two thugs to beat up protesters, to the point that one young man of 18ish was thought to be dead, and her hair was cut off and she was sprayed red - supposedly by protesters, but now there are cliams of people from her town that it was her own people that did it to make the protesters look bad. (My opinion? It could be either at this point, I don’t know). The protesters wore the Bolivian flag and called for democracy to be respected. The Evo supporters primarily wore the party flag, and got their hands on dynamite that they set off on streets to intimidate protesters. Protesters have died at the hands of Evo supporters - I haven’t heard of one case of dead Evo supporters. The police started to get unhappy, because they didn’t want to throw tear gas at the people protesting. To try and sweeten them, the goverment paid a bonus... but it turned out the bonus money was taken from the police officer’s pension. Police departments began to ... not sure if mutiny is the right word, but to defy the government, in several cities.
At first, people were pushing for a second round of elections, but when we realized that actually, legally, when there is fraud of a significant impact the elections have to be annuled and new ones held, and the people who did the fraud jailed, the movements began to call for new elections completely, with a new electoral authority that could be trusted.
In the meantime, the military was quiet and not sent out to repress anything even after the police began to rebel, with military subordinates presenting letters that they would not repress the people, while it was known that military high command is pro Evo.
While this was going on, the OEA, The Organization of American States, had issued from the start of the 24 hour blackout from the electoral authority that they had concerns about the election process. Evo ended up accepting an audit from OEA representatives, and said that he’d stand by their resolution. When they finally came out with a report saying there were serious irregularities in the election that cast it into doubt, he called it politically motivated, but did call for new elections...
Then the high commander of the military said Evo should resign so that the country can be peaceful again. And a few hours ago Evo presented his resignation to the presidency.
It’s not over by a long shot - we need to establish a transparent, trustworthy electoral process in record time and hold new elections, and people are afraid that Evo will take back his resignation, and Evo incited his supporters in his resignation speech - but we’ve managed to get this far after three weeks of non spot protests.
There’s a lot more going on, a lot of context I’ve skipped, on Evo, on the political opposition - including Camacho, a religious right wing religionalism whose gotten a worrying amount of support with the protests in reaction to Evo’s excesses - but so far, I am proud of Bolivia. We’ve not let a wanna-be dictator establish himself. Now we just need a good left wing leader to help build us up to the promise that Evo gave us, and to stand strong against right wing pendulum reactionaries.
I leave you with the protest chants that spread in Bolivia these past three weeks
Quien se cansa? Who gets tired? NADIES SE CANSA! NOBODY GETS TIRED! Quien se rinde? Who gives up? NADIES SE RINDE! NOBODY GIVES UP! Evo de nuevo? Evo again? HUEVO CARAJO! [Pun involving the word egg, which sounds like Evo, and a swear word that doesn’t have a translation]
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Ok so i have this thought like La Squadra's reaction to their s/o being a witch and have a hellhound familiar please ?
Man you guys keep bringing up things I forget to say I LOVE and am ECSTATIC to write about! I love paranormal/occult stuff!! I was in a paranormal club in college undergrad and we did ghost investigations, had psychics come and guest speak, spent nights talking about cryptids and aliens and all kinds of conspiracies... it was amazing!! We’ve talked about witches and hellhounds loads of times!!
I really, really had a lot of fun with this one 😈
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- The first thing that caught his eye about his s/o was their asethetic. In what I can only describe as like, witchy goth, with a big black dog. He’s a fan.
- Ris thought they were just into the occult stuff, figured they probably were into astrology and tarot cards and crystals and such.
- Here’s how im imagining he finds out: a rival gang learns his s/o is dating Risotto, the capo of the hitman team. His team has probably killed a lot of rival gang members. So naturally, they’re gonna target his s/o. Risotto learns about the plot and goes to rescue them, only to find their big Rottweiler-looking dog spitting fire and moving like a shadow, while his s/o chants in some demonic/ancient language and puts a curse on their attacker.
- Honestly? Risotto’s totally into it.
- I mean I would say his Stand is pretty violent honestly, the way he makes razor blades and needles and scalpels pop out of his victim’s own blood. So the witch stuff wouldn’t bother him in the slightest.
- In fact it probably makes their relationship a little more, idk kinky? His s/o is probably very interested in the ways he can manipulate blood, both for their witchy spellcrafting and on a sexual pleasure level
- Risotto keeps his s/o a secret, from his team but that’s mostly to keep them from the boss. He knows the boss would probably try to use them for his own gain, and Ris is not interested in letting the boss get a hand on them. His s/o could be his advantage in taking down the boss, too.
- The two of them are an absolute power couple. You cannot beat them when they’re together. That’s not including the hellhound either. Witchy s/o and Ris would have demolished anyone in the Bucci gang, unless they were like all fighting together against the two of them.
- Again, Formaggio was probably really drawn in by the s/o’s witchy goth asethetic. He’s kinda dumb.
- Formaggio is a cat guy, so he doesn’t like their familiar at first. Especially because it’s a big, scary looking dog.
- But the hellhound reflects its master’s feelings, and as soon as they feel affection toward Formaggio it will too.
- Formaggio finds out when he’s showing his s/o his Stand. He shrinks himself and they think at first he’s a witch too. Formaggio is very confused; he’s only known Stands. He didn’t know witches were real.
- But he likes that they can shrink things too, and that they definitely don’t think his Stand is useless (the way the rest of his team seems to think)
- Is probably now even more afraid of the hellhound now knowing it’s a hellhound that could roast him alive, but figures as long as he doesn’t break his s/o’s heart he’s probably safe
- He tries to brag about them at least to Illuso for sure, the smug bastard. Most of the team doesn’t believe him, except Pesci and Melone.
- Would absolutely let them try out spells and curses on him. He strikes me as an adrenaline junkie. As long as he gets rewarded for it 😏
- Okay I’ll be honest I guess since this is the third one I’m like “he’d be into the asethetic” I guess I just imagine most of the hitman team would absolutely be into goth/punk. Also witchy goth is just very hot okay and that’s what I’m imagining here
- Illuso finds out very quickly they’re a witch because he uses his mirror world to spy on them
- After a couple times of doing that though, the hellhound starts to sense his presence
- Finally his s/o is straight up like “I don’t know how you’re here Illuso, but I know you’re here. Come out and maybe we can get a little alone time together 😉”
- He comes out of the mirror and honestly they’re more shocked than he was when he learned they were a witch
- But they’re also incredibly intrigued and would probably want to try and go into the mirror world. Think of all the information they could gather on people they want to hex
- The two of them are a mischevious, trouble-making couple and fit together almost a little too perfectly
- Like Formaggio I think with a little encouragement I think he would be willing to be a test subject for his s/o
- Unlike Formaggio he loves the hellhound. He really wants to see it in action.
- Okay first boy not interested in the asethetic at first
- I imagine witchy approached him first. There was something about him they really liked - that intense, cold expression in his eyes, they could tell what he did as his job from a glance
- Prosciutto agreed to go on a date with them to determine if they were a threat to Passione - most importantly, his team - that needed to be taken out or if they were harmless
- Halfway through the date Prosciutto is thinking they’re dangerous and he’ll have to kill them so he brings out his Stand but as he does the hellhound appears from the shadows and growls at him for threatening its master. Witchy sighs and explains to him that they’re a witch. I don’t think they’d necessarily be hiding it, just that they know most people would probably be freaked out by it
- Prosciutto is intrigued and continues to go on dates with them. Next thing he realizes is he’s in love.
- Did they slip him a potion? He’ll never know
- Prosciutto is extremely protective of his s/o. He worries that if anyone finds out they’re a witch they’ll be attacked by a mob or something.
- For that reason he and the hellhound get along pretty well. They’re both interested in protecting his s/o
- The hellhound still likes Pesci the most though
- Okay back to boys who were drawn in by the asethetic, except it’s like 1000x worse than the others for Melone
- At first he thinks it’s like, oh they’d make a great host for Babyface. Then he realizes no, he’s like really attracted to them himself, not because of his Stand
- Melone has a weird taste in like science and experimentation, I think his s/o would be pretty comfortable early on in the relationship telling him they’re a witch
- He is the most enthusiastic about being used as his s/o’s guinea pig. Honestly probably gets a little turned on by it.
- Not the biggest fan of the hellhound, but they respect one another’s place in his s/o’s life
- Because the thing his Stand creates is a homunculus, I think his s/o would also be very interested in his abilities as well
- The two of them are just experimenting left and right, helping one another as they push the limits on their abilities. It’s like putting two mad scientists together. Eventually they’re gonna create a monster thats unstoppable lol
- Another one I think witchy would approach first, similar to Prosciutto because they can see the eyes of a killer in him, but also because he’s just pure rage. It intrigued them
- Ghiaccio likes them because they don’t tell him to shut up and they just let him fully rage and destroy things, watching him the whole time and comforting him when he needs it
- The hellhound likes him too. Ghiaccio’s anger is very familiar to his demonic roots
- He’s probably not going to find out for a while that they’re a witch. It’s not that his s/o didn’t feel comfortable telling him, it’s just that there wasn’t really a good way to bring it up.
- Honestly they probably witness him use White Album first, and think he’s also a witch, and that’s how he finds out
- Ghiaccio is a little freaked out at first honestly. He didn’t know witches could exist. He’s also a little peeved they didn’t tell him and they again, observe him as he has another freak out
- Witchy admits they really loves how angry he gets, feels the power behind it, and wishes they had a way to harness it
- I don’t think Ghiaccio would be a guinea pig with any incentive, but he might offer to let them try and figure out a way to take the raw energy of his fury and channel it into their spells
- They’re an odd pair, but his s/o is so calm and collected that they balance out his explosive temper
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mystxmomo · 4 years
What are your dr ships?
Aaa! I get this question periodically, and it would be really easy for me to just link the last time I answered it.  But after thinking on it, I think it would be more interesting to see how my answer has changed over the last few months. So lets go.
So, I’m a bit odd(?) when it comes to ships, in that I am generally speaking willing to consume anything so long as the story behind it is interesting and the writing or art is good. While generally the content I make is very secluded to like, three different ships (Komahina//Kamukoma, MatsuKamu, and Bandaid being my main sources of Expression) I’m not the kind of person that tries to demonize ships I don’t engage in. I LIKE seeing what appeals to people about certain ships! I firmly believe that everything has a right to exist and be explored, even if I don’t engage with it.
Having said that, as a general rule of thumb, I am more interested in Dr2 ships over anything else. I am generally willing to see any of the cast characters crossed with eachother, because I think literally all of these characters would have good interactions with one another. Pekoyama/Mioda? Oh Please. Souda/Hinata. Yes, absolutely! I’ve even seen some stuff for Komaeda/Nidai that had me really interested in it. Genuinely, I will engage with any Dr2 ship, even if my muse tends to limit itself to a cold three.
DR1 also falls into this weird grey space, in that if you give me something to read from it I’ll gladly engage with it. I.. don’t have a lot of muse from this game either, because the story feels pretty contained in itself. But it has some. Just. Quality Girl ships. Sakura/Aoi? [chefs kiss] Literally any Ikusaba ship has flavor. My ot3 from the main series will remain Kirigri/Naegi/Togami, but again. Anything works!
V3 is an odd case because like.. I feel bad, because sometimes when I do these ask games I’ll have people come in and ask about possible dynamics and pairings for them. But I don’t have much to add to that conversation. Absolutely no muse for v3, unfortunately. But I imagine if I did start searching for content, It would fall under the same sphere of not mattering what the main ship is, so long as the story is interest.
Having said that.. the v3 shipping community kinda dissuades me from wanting to participate. There are a startling amount of people in the v3 community that seem to think if you include themes that make them personally uncomfortable, or don’t just drop the Bad Things from the characters, that you’re a bad person. And considering the things I like to explore in my fics are very narratively grey, it’s not something I feel like subjecting myself to. I imagine this has to do with a lot of people in the v3 side of the community being younger leaning? And I’m not saying this doesn’t happen with dr2 (I don’t think the trigger happy havoc community is big enough for this to happen I’m sorry my Dr1 stans) but it happens to a much less degree.
Though, I’m realizing thats sort of a tangent and could probably get an entire video essay with my thoughts on it. 
Regardless, the tl;dr is! I’ll engage with any ship if the story and writing is good enough, even if what I draw is very limited. 
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Cheryl//she means everything to me
Request: Can I request a Cheryl Blossom request where the reader is Archie's twin (a girl) and a super close with her brother and his friends so she doesn't like Cheryl but one day she finds Cheryl crying over Jason and comforts her so Cheryl falls for her and becomes like her best friends has her join the vixens constantly by her side and eventually the reader falls for her and like a super fluffy ending please ps I really love everything you write
hey! i had so much fun writing this, you have no idea! its also super gay!
“Well would you look at that, the sad breakfast club have reunited at lunch.” Cheryl’s cheery voice stops all conversations happening and everyone turns to look at her, her red hair blows softly in slight breeze and her eyes twinkle with whatever chaos she’s going to cause today. 
“What do you want Cheryl?” Betty is the first to speak, dropping her fork on her tray as you all wait for her to start her insults. 
“Well, cousin, I actually wanted to see how you were. But however, if you’re going to be like that.” She clears her throat before narrowing her eyes. “Betty, your ponytail is wonky and that sweater really washes you out, your hobo of a boyfriend really needs a bath because well, I can smell him from here, or maybe thats just the ridiculously childish hat he refuses to take off. Archie, you’re hair is so ridiculously bright today, its actually blinding me, and it looks like you’ve put enough product in to drown all the little lice that lives in it, Veronica that dress was popular last season, and the shoes a decade ago, and Y/n, I actually didn’t realize you were here. Like I kind of forgot that you existed for a few minutes. What’s it like in your brothers shadow?” She finishes her little speech with a bright smile and the five of you sigh before starting to eat again. You can never read Cheryl, one day she can be sweet and lovely and want to help, the next she’s the worst person you’ll ever meet. 
“Probably a lot nicer than being in yours...I can imagine Jason’s shadow is particularly cold.” Veronica retorts and your eyes widen in surprise...that was cold, even for Veronica. Archie smiles proudly at his girlfriend and presses a soft kiss to her head while the rest of the table laugh, including yourself, all 5 of you ignoring Cheryl as she turns on her heel and storms off. 
“Lovely talking to you!” Jughead calls after her causing you all to laugh even louder. 
“Will she ever stop being a bitch?” You wonder aloud and the laughing pauses, giving everyone a chance to look at each other for a few seconds before you start giggling again. 
“I don’t think its possible for Cheryl to be anything other.” Your brother replies through a mouthful of sandwich and you nod in reply. 
“Do you wanna ride Y/n?” Archie shouts across the parking lot as he gestures to the truck behind him. Veronica is already in the passenger seat scrolling through her phone and you so desperately want to go with them, even if they’ll do gross things in Archie’s room until your mom gets back from work, but today apparently is not your day,
“If I’m not back when mom gets home tell her that I haven’t been kidnapped or murdered, I’m just going to be late because Cheryl set her Vixens out for revenge and they’ve stolen my bag so I get to play a fun game of hide-and-seek with all my stuff.” You huff, blowing a piece of hair from your face as your shoulder slump in defeat. The fact that you could be spending up to a few hours extra at this stupid school actually hitting you, and Archie gives you a sympathetic look in response to your frown. 
“Do you need some help?” He offers but you shake your head. You don’t want to drag him into this, plus you can imagine the Vixens are already planning what they’re going to do to him and the rest of your friends, so you may-as-well give him some peace while he can get it. 
“Nah, I’m sure I’ll be fine. I was always the best at finding things when we were younger.” You shrug. “Plus, you don’t want to keep your girlfriend waiting.” You nod towards Veronica who’s hanging her head out the passenger window. 
“I suppose not.” He replies, a soft smile playing on his lips as he looks back at his girlfriend and you can’t help but feel a little sad. You’re glad Archie and Veronica have finally worked everything out and are madly in love, but a small part of you feels left behind. 
Practically all of your friends are in relationships or are dating, leaving you to be the odd one out at literally any get together. However you have very limited options when it comes to dating, there’s not a lot of queer girls in Riverdale, or even the surrounding towns, at least not a lot of them are out and the ones that are you don’t really like that much. *cough* Cheryl *cough*. And no matter how hard your friends try to set you up with someone, they always seems to pick the worst people. No matter how many times you tell them what your type is. 
Three weeks ago Veronica set you up with a girl who came into Pop’s a lot and the only reason she went on a date with you is because she liked Veronica and wanted to know her ‘deal’. Which you can imagine she was very surprised when you told her she was dating your twin brother...yikes. 
Maybe you should join a convent. Or get one of those apps that Kevin uses, but only weirdos...and Kevin are on those types of apps. And do they even have them for gay girls. 
You ponder your options as you walk behind the bleachers, humming a song you heard in the car this morning as you go. You’re also trying to figure out how to get back at Cheryl and her minions when you hear sniffling coming from a little further ahead of you. Stopping in your tracks you look up and towards the noise to see none other than Cheryl Blossom crying by herself. Thankfully she hasn’t seen you yet and and you quickly look around to see how far your escape is. You're about to turn on your heels when the nice side of you decides to show up, unfortunately. 
God, why do I have to have a conscious.  
You take a deep breath and send a prayer to literally anybody listening that she doesn’t bite your head off, before you slowly make your way towards the red-head. 
“Cheryl?” Your voice shakes with uncertainty and as soon as she hears someone say her name her head lifts up and she’s wiping the tears from her eyes, a look of distain taking over the previous sad expression. 
“What do you want Andrews?” She spits and looks you up and down.
You decided to ignore her tone, and try to keep your nice one as you continue your conversation. “Are you okay?” 
“Just fine.” She crosses her arms over her chest and her jaw locks as she looks away from you. 
“Are you sure?” You ask and sit on the floor a few feet away from her. “Because, you don’t seem it.” 
“What’s it to you anyway?” She snaps and you roll your eyes. 
“You’re right. It is none of my business.” You sigh and stand up, dusting your jeans off once your stood. “I hope you feel better soon.” 
“Y/n?” She calls after you and you huff before turning around. “I’m sorry.” Your eyes widen at the words thats just come of of her mouth and you need to sit down.
“What?!” Your jaw drops and she rolls her eyes at you. “Did you actually just apologize to me?” 
“Yes, but I can take it back if you want.” She mutters and you force a smile away as you sit down beside her again, this time a tiny bit closer to her than before but she doesn’t seem to mind, instead your pretty sure she shuffles a little closer to you too. 
“Sorry.” You mumble and a small smile appears on her face. 
“Did you just apologize?” She mocks and you giggle a little. 
“Okay, I deserved that.” You nod. “Do you want to talk about why you’re sat on the floor behind the bleachers after everyone has gone home, crying?” 
“Well, when you put it so delicately, sure.” She replies and you send her a look. “I miss Jason.” 
“Oh.” You say and look at the your hands. You’re not really sure what to say to that. It’s not like you can bring him back, or even take away her pain. As much as you don’t like her, Cheryl’s been through an awful lot. Far more than anybody else and you can’t help but feel slightly sorry for her. 
“Yep.” She take a quick glance at you before deciding to look straight ahead. An idea pops into your head and you sit up a little before looking at her. 
“What do you miss about him?” 
“What?” She furrows her brows as she looks at you and you take a deep breath before explaining. 
“Well, in my experience...it kind of helps to talk about what you miss about them. Because it doesn’t push away the fact that they’re gone, and it also helps me remember the best bits about them. So even though it always stings, overall it makes me feel a little better. If that makes sense?” 
“Yeah.” She nods and you can tell she’s thinking about what you’ve just said. “I get that. That was surprisingly insightful for you.” 
“Thanks.” You laugh and she giggles a little. “So what do you miss about him?” 
“I miss...how he always used to tell me stupid jokes whenever mom or dad had been mean to me or if they’d argued.” She smiles a little at the memory, despite the sad undertones and you can’t help but think how brave Cheryl actually is. “And how when we were younger we used to share a room and he would always tell me bedtime stories. Usually after my mom had come in and told us scary ones. As soon as he’d hear her walk down the stairs he would slip out of his bed and climb into mine and tell me magical stories, usually involving the two of us. We’d be superheroes or we’d live in a caste and we’d be happy.” 
“Thats sweet.” 
“Yeah. He was. He was just the best. He always looked after me, no matter what. None of his friends were aloud to make fun of me no matter how old we were, and when I didn’t have many friends when I was younger he’d make sure I never felt lonely...he was a good person.” 
“He was yeah.” You nod in agreement. “When I was about ten, he was playing football with a bunch of his friends and I was walking past them, trying to get away from them as soon as possible. He ended up throwing the ball and it hit me right in the end making me fall over. And instead of laughing, he ran over to me and he said sorry while helping me up. Then he took me to the nurses office and waited with me until my dad picked me up.” You smile flickers for a moment at the mention of your father and Cheryl seems to pick up on it, placing a gentle hand on your arm making you smile a little. “If that was any other boy, they would have laughed. But no, he helped me and I think that sums up Jason perfectly.” 
“Yeah. It really does.” She looks at you properly, for what is probably the first time ever and she feels her breathing quicken. How was she ever mean to you? Your eyes are sparkling in the sunlight as you talk about the very few memories of Jason, and she has to fight the urge to cry. Nobody apart from her brother has ever been this nice to her, and after Jason’s death, nobody really said anything nice about him, they usually just talked about the theories surrounding his murder. 
A soft smile dances across your lips, the corners of your lips curled upwards and she feels herself mirroring it. Your hair blows a little in the slight breeze and you tuck the stray bits behind your ear, leaving the rest to fall around your face. She giggles when your nose scrunches up at a particularly gross part of a story involving puke and a swimming pool and she frowns when you stop laughing, due to a sad part in a story that also involves your father. She just wants to wrap her arms around you and forget about the entire world and all of the horrible things in it. 
“Did that help?” You ask and she nods, a sweet smile on her lips as she looks at you. 
“No problem!” You reply, a bright grin on your face and she feels her heart flutter at the sight. She’s never really seen you smile like this, and even if she has caught a glimpse of it, its never directed at her. She feels like she needs to go back in time and right all of those wrongs because she needs to see you smile like that more often. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why exactly were you skulking around the bleachers in the first place?” 
“Oh. I was looking for my bag.” 
“How’d you lose a whole bag?” She laughs but when she notices you looking at her, your eyebrows raised, she remembers how you could lose a whole bag. “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.” 
“You can make it up to me by telling me where it is.” You nudge her shoulder and she grimaces. 
“Yeahhh. About that. You’re not going to like where they put it.” 
“Where did they put it?” You narrow your eyes at her. 
“The bin...in the cafeteria.” 
“Damn.” You sigh. “Well, I suppose it needed a wash anyway.” 
“Sorry.” She sighs, looking at the floor. 
“Its fine.” You grab her hand and she looks at you surprised making you pull your hand away (much to her disappointment). “I kind of deserved it. What Veronica said was pretty harsh and I didn’t say anything.” 
“No, no. You didn’t say it, you didn’t say anything actually. I was really mean to you and you just took it. I’m so sorry.” 
“If it makes you feel any better I did call you a bitch after you left.” You shrug and she looks at your surprised. 
“You know.” She stands up and dusts her skirt off, offering you a hand afterwards. “That does kind of make me feel a little better.” 
“I’m glad.” You grin and let her pull you up. 
“I can help you find your bag and then give you a lift home...thats if you want to.” She trails off at the end, she never feels nervous, but suddenly you’re making her more nervous than she’s ever felt before. 
“Sure.” You nod. “You can tell me more stories about Jason if you want.” You ask and its only now that you realize you’re still holding her hand. You mumble a quick sorry and let go before starting to walk away. “You coming?” You look back at her and she swears her heart actually skips a beat as she stares at you, the sun behind you makes you look ethereal, and she’s always believed in angels, but its only now that she’s actually seen one. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “Y/n?” 
“I don’t think anybody could forget that you existed.” 
especially not me...not now
“Did you find your bag honey?” Your mom asks as you walk into the kitchen. 
“Mom. You’re back early.” You smile awkwardly at her and then to Archie, who’s stood on the other end of the kitchen with a worried expression on his face. It doesn’t take you a minute to figure out Veronica is upstairs and he’s trying to sneak her out. 
“Well, yeah.” She nods and takes a sip of coffee. “I was finished my work and I wanted to spend time with my babies.” She pinches your cheek softly making you roll your eyes. Archie is still looking towards the door and you can hear the slight creaks of the floorboards as Veronica tries to sneak down the stairs. 
“I-” Archie is about to practically shout over the noise but your mom puts her hand up in the air, effectively stopping him. 
“Just tell her to come down. She can stay for dinner if she wants.” She shakes her head and sends you a quick smile making you giggle. 
“Right. Yes. Okay.” He nods and quickly makes his way to the stairs. There’s quiet mumbling before Veronica appears by his side in the doorway of the kitchen, both of them with sweet smiles as they look at your mom. 
“Hi, Mrs Andrews.” Veronica waves. “Hey Y/n. Did you find your bag?” 
“Yeah. It was in a bin.” You shrug and they all look at you. 
“Honey, why would someone do that? Do you want me to call the school?” 
“Its fine mom.” You shake your head. “Its just Cheryl and her friends.” 
“Well we should talk to someone. They can’t go around putting people’s belongings in the bin. The law clearly state-” 
“Mom.” You interrupt her as you sit at the table. “Its fine. She was actually very sorry about it.” 
“What!?!” Both Veronica and Archie’s jaws drop while they look at you wide-eyed. 
“Cheryl was sorry?” Veronica asks in disbelief. 
“Yeah.” You shrug. “She helped me look for it.” 
“Yeah. I don’t believe that in the slightest.” She replies. 
“Definitely. She’s got something planned. And its big.” Archie agrees. 
“Or she could just be being nice. That does actually happen you know.” You reply and he laughs sarcastically. 
“Yeah, I don’t think she knows how to be nice. Why are you even defending her? Earlier today you asked if she would ever stop being a bitch.” 
“Archie! Language!” Your mom scolds and the two of your roll your eyes. 
“That was before I had an actual conversation with her instead of insulting her. Which is what you do.” 
“I don’t insult her, Veronica insults her.” He replies.
“Archie!” Veronica slaps him arm lightly and he mumbles a quick apology. 
“Yeah, but you don’t do anything to stop the insults.” 
“Neither do you.” He retorts and you cross your arms. 
“Well, I’m doing it right now s-” 
“Okay!” Your mom shouts instantly shutting everyone up. “Thats enough. We’re going to have a nice family dinner and we’re going to enjoy each others company. Now stop shouting at each other. And say sorry.” 
It takes a few seconds and a lot of glares and huffs but eventually you say sorry to each other and Archie sits on the opposite side of the table of you, followed quickly by Veronica. 
“Do you like Cheryl?” He mouths while your mom is plating up the food and when she isn’t looking you make sure to kick him under the table, earning a death glare from him. 
“God no.” You huff, scrunching your face up which makes him laugh. 
maybe a little
“Here comes the she-devil.” Jughead mumbles quietly and you all look in the direction that he was nodding to. Cheryl is walking towards your table, with a look you’ve never really seen before. Not one thats directed at your friends anyway. She looks happy. A lot different to how you found her yesterday and you’re glad she’s not as sad, a smile really suits her. 
“Oh god.” Veronica mumbles as she takes a sip from her drink. “Hey, did we tell you where she hid Y/n’s bag yesterday?” She asks, lowering her voice as Cheryl gets closer and Betty and Jughead shake their heads, leaning further towards her. “In the cafeteria bin.” 
“Gross.” Betty scrunches her face up. 
“Thats just unhygienic.” Jughead adds.
“You’re telling me.” Veronica replies. “Mrs Andrews had to wash it three times to get the smell of the soup out.” 
“Ewww.” They laugh and you send them a quick glare before looking at Cheryl. 
“Greetings fellow students.” Cheryl stops in front or your table and the laughter stops. You swear you can see a flicker of sadness flash through her eyes and you decide to quickly change the subject. 
“Cheryl!” You smile brightly at her and the sadness you thought you saw disappears completely. Its not everyday that somebody has been this happy to see her and she decides to grab it with both hands. 
All night she was up thinking about you, thinking about how she could have gone so long not noticing you, and how she needs to make sure everybody notices you. Everyone needs to know about you. Y/n Andrews, the girl who could take some of Cheryl Blossom’s sadness away, something that has never been done before. 
“Hi Cheryl.” Betty greets her and she forces a polite smile to look at your friends, making it a little bigger as she looks at your brother. 
“Hi.” She replies. “Can I sit?” She’s now looking back at you, pointing to the seat beside you and you nod, quickly moving down so she can sit beside you. Archie huffs as he’s pushed off the end of the table and he quickly grabs a seat so he can sit back down. 
“Are you feeling any better today?” You voice is quiet, barely above a whisper as you ask her a question and she can’t help but fall a little more for you, because you didn’t shout her business, not like everybody else does. You made sure only she could hear you. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “Much better. I still miss him, but it doesn’t hurt as much.” 
“I’m glad.” You smile. “Anyway.” Your voice is louder and the quiet mumbles from your friends have stopped. “Can we help you with anything?” 
“Yes actually! Y/n, how would you feel about joining the Vixens?” Her smile is warm and kind but the words that have just come from her lips make your bold run cold. Your friends look at each other before looking back at you and you can feel yourself getting hotter and hotter. 
“I don’t know Cheryl.” You start, your voice nervous as you try and find the best way to let her down gently. She’s only started being nice to you but you’d rather stick forks in your eyes than be a cheerleader, not with them anyway. They’re mean and rude and they think they’re better than everyone...but you’re not going to say that to Cheryl, so instead you decide on something a little nicer. “It’s just not really my type of thing. Plus, I don’t think they really like me.” 
“Can you imagine, Y/n as a cheerleader.” Archie chuckles making you and Cheryl roll your eyes. 
“Whats wrong with being a cheerleader?” Cheryl asks and crosses her arms. 
“Yeah, Archie. Or are you forgetting that your girlfriend is a Vixen?” You add and Cheryl sends you a small smile which makes your head feel a little fuzzy. 
“There’s nothing wrong with being a Vixen. But Y/n being a Vixen is just funny.” 
“And why is that dear brother?” You raise an eyebrow and he gulps. He mumbles a quick ‘nothing’, before going back to eating. 
“I really do think you should at least try-out. I think you’ll be great. Plus, if any of the girls say anything, which they won’t, they’ll have me to answer to.” She explains and you think about it for a minute. Would it be really bad to be part of the school’s cheerleading squad. The reasonable part of your brain is saying, more like screaming, yes its the worst idea in the world. But the slightly less reasonable and the slightly more gay part is screaming hell yeah. Surrounded by wonderful, smart if not slightly intimidating girls...plus, Cheryl!
“Fine.” You give in. “I’ll try out.” 
“Yay!” She claps her hands excitedly before standing up and brushing her hair over her shoulder. The small gesture has you mesmerized and you have to force yourself to remember where you are in order to regain all your thoughts, the number one being, ‘what the hell was that about?’ “I’ll see you after school! Goodbye Y/n.” She waves at you before starting to walk away and its only when Betty clears her throat that she turns around again to wave everybody else off. 
Your brother decides to wait until she’s out of earshot until he starts talking again, and the first thing he says is something that doesn’t really surprise you. 
“Y/n and Cheryl, kissing in a tree.” He teases, making a kissy face and you throw a handful of food at him. The rest of your friends let out the laughter they’ve been holding in and you roll your eyes so hard you swear they’re going to fall out. 
“How old are you?” You huff. 
“Old enough to see that Cheryl fancies you.”  
“Shut up!” 
Cheryl didn’t just fancy you. 
She liked you. 
Actually she was head over heels, doodling your initials in a heart, mind goes fuzzy anytime she sees you, in love with you. 
And you? Well, you were none the wiser. 
You just thought she was being friendly. Maybe more than the average person but Cheryl hasn’t had many close friends so maybe this is the only way she knows how to keep them. 
She’s holding your hand? She just wants to make sure you know you’re not alone. Her hugs are a bit longer than normal? Come on, the girl deserves a long hug. She always finds a way to include you in conversation? She’s just being sweet. 
Yes, Cheryl Blossom was becoming a slightly more bearable person, and it only seemed to happen when you were around. Leaving everyone to have their own conspiracies. 
Archie’s was of course that she was in love with you. “Yeah right. Like that would happen Archie.” 
Veronica’s was that it was one long prank to get back at everyone who’d hurt her. “Veronica, thats just sociopathic.” 
Betty’s was slightly less weird, that she probably just wants to make a friend and so she’s being overly nice to fool people into thinking she hasn’t got a heart made of ice. “Thats just mean.” 
And Jughead’s was that she’d either been possessed by a poltergeist. “Aren’t they supposed to be mean?” Or, that she’d been taken over by aliens. “I think they’d have better things to do than make Cheryl nice.” 
Plus there was all of the other ridiculous rumors flying around school, but she either seemed to not hear or just ignore them. 
“Y/n. Are you even listening to me?” You’re pulled back down to earth by Cheryl waving her hands in front of your face. 
“What? Yeah. Huh?” You ask and she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“I was talking you through the routine for Friday. You know the whole reason why we’re in the gym after school.” 
“Yes. Yes. I remember.” You stand and she shakes her head, despite the smile thats threatening to ruin her facade. 
“Okay.” She stands beside you. “Are you watching?” She asks and glances at you, a smile making its way onto her face as she watches you go over the steps in your head. Your frowning slightly at you try to remember the steps and she can’t help but giggle a little as your arms start to move to. 
“What?” You ask. 
“Nothing.” She shakes her head. “Ready?” 
“Good.” She nods. The music starts and she begins to go through the steps, you following a step behind her. However half way through you get distracted by the way she’s moving and then it hits you. 
I’m in love with with Cheryl Blossom. 
“Shit.” You mumble and she turns around quickly. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I erm. I just got a bit distracted. Sorry.” 
“Its fine.” She smiles brightly. “Lets go again, I’ll help you this time.” 
“You’re already helping me.” You reply and she rolls her eyes. 
“I’ll help you even more.” She hits your arm lightly and your heart goes hay-wire at the small interaction. “Stand there.” You do as she says and the next thing you know she’s stood behind you were her hands on your hips. 
“Wha-at, are you doing?” You stutter, your breathing getting quicker with each second. Her perfume is suffocating you, but in the best way and her breath is hot on your neck as she leans over you a little. 
“He-helping.” She replies, also stuttering a bit and your swear you hear her breath hitch when you move your head to look at her. Your lips are millimeters away from hers, and if you leaned in just a little more you’d be kissing her, something you really want to do right now. You wonder what her lips would feel like against yours, how soft they’d be and if her lipstick would stain you, forever leaving a mark on you. “Y/n?” 
“Yeah?” Your eyes flicker up to meet hers and it feels like she’s staring directly into your soul. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Absolutely.” You reply and within seconds her lips are on yours, her hands gripping your waist tightly to turn you around. What you thought kissing Cheryl would be like, and actually kissing Cheryl, are completely different. Her lips are softer than you could ever imagine. Her lipstick tastes like cherries with a hint of maple syrup and you don’t think pancakes are ever going to taste the same again. 
You both pull away, a bright blush on both of your faces and she giggles a little as she wipes the lipstick from the side of your face. But it doesn’t matter, she left a mark on you that day behind the bleachers, and you don’t think you’re ever going to be the same again...not that you’d really want to be. 
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
SIEG! His name was sieg, I just remembered. -HNK Anon
hi hnk anon! im using this second ask of yours because its shorter, and putting your other one under the readmore to answer more extensively! X)
Okay. So I just got through the prologue, and I have a few things to say.
1. I’ve only had mash kyrielight for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this and then myself!
youre absolutely RIGHT shes such a good girl! i love her and she only gets better and better as the same goes on! speaking of ‘better’ as it goes on, the game starts kind of slow? okay, so- the company that started fgo unsupervised, and they were making a cash-grabby game with less effort than it deserved... around the fourth singularity, though, nasu, the owner of the ip, saw the state of the game, stepped in and went like “nope, youre making this good, or youre not making it, period”, so... yeah he stepped in, put quality standards, lowered the saint quartz cost, added third skills to a lot of lower-star servants that didnt have them, reworked some other servants... also every milestone they include a quality of life change! earlier this year they increased the saint quartz you got from daily missions, then a retroactive change to interludes that gave me like, 100 pieces of it all of sudden... its good, i actually really appreciate them for that X)
2. The leveling up is a bit confusing for me.
yeah, the levelling up is, gacha levelling up, it was a bit weird at first, buuuut:
there are a few different things with exp in the game! you have your mystic code (your clothes, which have special skills), and your master level, both of which increase by just, doing any quest at all! master level determines your ap point limit, how many friends you can have, how many servants and ces you can have in your team at a time, etc... the mystic code level increases the effectivity of your mystic codes skills
theres bond level! this is how ‘close’ you are with your servant, and you raise it by fighting with those servants in your team! levels 1 through 5 unlock new information about them and new flavor text while theyre in your room! levels 6 through 9 give you rewards, like extra saint quartz, apples, etc... and if you get to level 10, you get a specific craft essence! some are like, “as long as the servant has it equipped, everyone in the team gets a buster buff”, but theres specific effects like, heracles gets a stack of 3 guts- which is insaaaaane
theres craft essences! theyre basically ‘buffs’, and levelling them up gives you some extra hp or attack, but ultimately theyre proooobably the least like, necessary thing to level up? still, you get spare craft essences out the wazoo so you probably want to feed the ones with effects you use a lot... anything with default np charge is GREAT for example, as it lets you charge up nukes all that much easier
and finally we get to servants! so you have the normal servant level up, THIS is what youd consider the classic ‘rpg level up’, but instead of levelling them up by fighting, you need items! specially, embers... feeding a servant embers and other spare servants you dont want (low rarity, pls dont feed people gold servants-), you level them up! this is a basic increase of all stats, but theres a level LIMIT! once they reach the level limit, you can ‘ascend them’ to their next stage, usually accompanied with unlocking new skills, and new cool outfits! you can ascend them up to four times, and once theyre at max ascension and max level, you CAN technically feed them holy grails (palingenesis), to break that max level limit to eventually reach 100... this is mostly unnecessary? but if theres a lower-rarity servant you REALLY like, that can put them on par with 4-stars, for example, or giving them a well needed extra boost to hp and attack
finally you have np and skills! skills are just that, servant-specific abilities! evades, healing, debuffs, buffs... levelling up skills reduces their cooldown at level 6 and 10, and generally increases their effect! np level up needs you to have multiple copies of the same servant, you can boost their np to be more damaging or to give you stronger buffs, depending on what it is
so basically, fighting will increase your master and mystic code exp, and your bond level! to actually level up servants, you have to feed them embers (you can farm them in the chaldea gate quests, or simply get them from story missions and free rolls)! to ascend them or level up their skills, you need special materials, which can drop in some free quests in singularities, be sold/drop during events, or drop from other chaldea gate free quests! not all materials are available from the beginning, so i suggest just, going through the story and upgrading your characters as you can, rather than obsessively farming to get them super high up before continuing with it
3. What’s the deal with the unregistered spirit origin currency? Because they are blocking me from getting the servants I want. That leads me to—
oh yeah no, dont worry about that, you are never, ever EVER going to use that X) basically, if you get 5 copies of the SAME 5-star, that is, if you get them to np level 5, and you get a SIXTH copy, which, again... insane odds? you will be given an unregistered spirit origin currency! basically its the way the game has of saying “sorry you keep getting this same servant so much, here, you can CHOOSE which one you want instead”
basically, insurance so you can never get a useless extra 5-star after fully upgrading a previous version of them
you gotta roll the gacha to get servants! its random! there is NO ensuring which one you will get, you just gotta try! well- there ARE occasionally events, like, twice a year, where you get to PICK a free 4-star actually
4. There are currently six servants that I want, everyone else doesn’t matter at the moment. The first is mash (so that’s one down) the second is artotia, third is Jeanne d'ark. Fourth is Jeanne alter, and firth Lancelot! And sixth- I SAW A MAID ALTER WITH A SNIPER RIFLE- WHAT? THATS COOL/FUNNY AS SHIT! I WANT THAT! (Maybe astolfo and uhhh... what was his name with the gray hair, he’s a caster- but that’s for later, the ones I listed are top priority,
lets see, six servants you want! believe me, you WILL get attached to more, but...
mash is obviously in your possession!
artoria is always, by default, in the summoning pool! theres occasionally ‘rate up’ banners, which give certain characters more weight, but ultimately, every saint quartz roll you do always has a chance of summoning her... specially right now, the more of the game you complete, the more servants you will unlock in the summoning pool, so technically shes at her highest drop rate right now
same with jeanne, shes part of the default summoning pool
jeanne ALTER is limited though! she does not appear normally, she can only be summoned when shes on a rate-up banner! i am not sure if she will be on rate-up before this, but the next banner i know she will for SURE be in is in may! oh! but- if you dont get her, there IS a 4-star, summer version that will be FREE this next summer, if you complete the summer event!
i think lancelot is also in the default summon pool!
maid alter is the summer outfit version of artoria X) i am unsure when she is available again honestly :o we had her event rerun not that long ago, so she may not be available for a while...
astolfo is in the default summoning pool AND theyre going to get a 5-star version this next year i believe! so, double stolfo!
sieg is, the free servant you get for the apocrypha event! it happened earlier this year, so i think that means theres a rerun of it still pending! eventually though, they will add a thing where you can replay events you missed and get the free servants from them, so while ideally youd wanna be playing while the event is up, theres a contingency in case you missed someone you REALLY want!
5. Please tell me how the start system works- I’m very new to this and I wanna be invested. Please help-
-HNK Anon
i think thats pretty much all there is! you get saint quartz through the story, by doing interludes, bond-levelling servants, through rewards, etc, as well as summon tickets, and you use those to roll the gacha! free friend currency only gives 3-star and under servants, while saint quartz can give you pretty much anything
theres almost always a ‘banner’ up, which offers ‘rate-up’ servants! the normal summoning pool has all the default servants and the story-locked ones you have unlocked, but the rate-ups can bypass the locks entirely! some servants are limited, so if they seem cool in a banner, you may wanna try to roll!
even if you dont get the servants you want- and believe me... it WILL happen... you WILL get more and more and more cool servants so, dont worry about that X) also a lot of lower-rarity servants are actually really good and can be used for a lot of things, so if you have a favorite, do not be afraid to level them up!
but yeah thats kind of the loop? you do stuff, get sq... roll the gacha for characters you like, level them up, do events... i honestly play mostly for the story, the main story gets really good, and the events are all charming and nice, but id be lying if i said i didnt want some specific servants... most of which are alter egos-
yeah sorry im rambling X) just... ask me anything else you may need! :D
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bedlamgames · 4 years
Q&A #103
Today we have the Twine conversion, lesbian training mantras, social lube, a bunch of random stuff from the discord, and a whole lot more. 
[Anonymous said]: I'm really curious what the tally means for your twine conversion posts. Can't seem to figure out what its suppose to represent progress wise...
- Answered this last Q&A. Because of you asking I’ve now also added the explanation to what it’s about to every stream post so I hope that helped with understanding what’s going on with that.
[Anonymous said]: Suggestion: For races that start with a random corruption (ie: Succubi), have an option in full custom to spend points to either narrow what that corruption is (to be one of the four types, for example) or to outright pick one (for a much higher cost).
- That’s a good idea. Being able to pick specifically I think would be too much. There are ALOT of corruptions so that would mean many many menus to be able to select everything. Being able to pick one of the four types seems fair to me as something to spend points on in Full Custom. Added it to my notes. 
[Anonymous said]: Have a succubus slaver who used to be a lamia. On level up, she had the option to get the Fleet trait, which I thought was off-limits for Lamia due to their body shape. I think it's a bug?
- Good spot and should be fixed as of the last update. 
[Anonymous said]: Noticed a bug with No Haven 0.903: If you select a human (or once-human) for your character, and then quick restart, your next character will keep the human's Racial aspect Social Lube. On the topic of that Racial, it says " includes one human, and three other different races/subtypes gain an additional Success" Does that mean one human and three non-humans, or one human and three slavers each of a different race from each other?
-Took me awhile to work this out as going from human to human seemed fine. However you’re right that those with a heritage like demi-angels or succubi will incorrectly keep the previous racial. 
The second so as long as you have at least one human you can get the buff by say having a northerner, noble, wastelander, and convent. 
[Anonymous said]: hi bud, xfto/x421 here, its been a long time i guess. wanted to ask about the status of the no haven/twine conversation. i joined your picardo lately but couldnt post some reports since you dont allow guest-posts. well anyway, the report is about something ridiculous i have found after some restarts, the chosen main charakter (lamia) starts as male with the hard carry aspect(immense shaft) and different description than the ones the perks would give. 1/2
another question, feels like i asked something similiar in the past, how about the integration of different artpacks/access to older pics, or deletion of those that never get used? i guess that would requiere some more access to the game than you allow atm. maybe with twine? do you have a roadmap on tfgames or somewhere for the future of no haven? i know there are some more races you want to implement and improve some systems, but thats it, hope you are doing well in these times. 2/2
I do an update on the patreon every two weeks which is linked on the twitter. You do not need to be a patron to read these and is the best way to stay informed about what I’ve been up to. That includes the status of the conversion. To quickly sum it up;
It's at a stage where all the RAGS to Twine code conversion is basically done. What I need to do now is translate all that work into something playable and there's currently big logic issues with a bunch of the conditions and passages. So what I'm currently doing is trying to tidy up the visual look of the code with a bunch of idents with the theory that will make finding the errors easier.
Alas it’s not me disallowing guest posts... Picarto had some massive stonking issues and so they locked things down hard due to that preventing guests from chatting. I suggest a throwaway email site to get around that.
I don’t think there’s any art in the game file that’s not used as I try to keep on top of deleting the old ones. Not really down for doing art packs of the old ones as due to that not being my art so I see them as placeholder only until they can be replaced by commissions. 
I probably do need to do some kind of roadmap sometime. I’m less keen as it’s kind of a dirty word these days as due to the miss-use of them by others it’s got some bad connontations, but I’m also aware the alternative which is me randomly mentioning stuff on discord/picarto streams leaves the vast majority of my audience in the dark which is also really not ideal.
[Anonymous said]: [no haven 0.903] [Crit no longer grants Bimboborn] okay, but how do I get bimboborn now?
- It’s a corruption. Specifically Blessings of Perversion. 
[Anonymous said]: With the change to training where hypnotic slavers can fully embed the relevant mantras for blowjob, bimbo, and sissy training, could we also get that for lesbian training?
- Yes that’s the plan when I do the third part of lesbian training. Got a set of commissions planned just got to sort the funding and work out who I’m getting to do it. 
[Anonymous said]: hey bud, x421 here, again, might be already fixed because thats from no haven .903, but i recently had the witch queen super rare quest, you might want to proof read the quest and results, there are a few typos. i really did enjoy the writing nonetheless, just a quick question about that quest, as far as i understood this one, you only change your odds of the final result depending on how good you do on your way to the final, but the reward in the end only depends on the final result? 1/2
2/2 it just dawned on me that its been a while since you made an Q&A post so i guess i ll go and lurk on the tfgames forum in the next days, just one last question: i asked early in development about camp upgrades and you were not that convinced about that stuff, i understand you want the slaver camp as some bandit camp and not some castle/bastion or whatever, but since you added camp upgrades, maybe add proximity to a certain region? or something to spend supplies and gold in a 13month+ run?
- Hah! Okay will give it another read through.That’s correct yes. There’s also rewards on the way if you Critical those parts. 
There is a new gold sink coming soon in an upcoming update. I’ve also got plans for more camp upgrades coming later. 
[From the Patreon]: I'm that guy you replied to about the patch notes in Q&A 101. Solid updates. Bugs in the outfit system has driven me nuts since like, 2015, has it been that long already? I think it has. I like collecting them and something always blows up. This time, I ended up with a slaver wearing both the ooze outfit and ponygirl outfit. So there's that. Also I was disappointed the new Quicker then You'd Like wasn't interactive. Solid in any case though, thanks!
- I'll get them all one day I swear! Don't suppose you remember the chain of events that led to that? New QAYL was a patron requested one with the idea of having a big pay off for playing submissive which often involves playing sub-optimally.
[From the Patreon]: 1-ive been noticing when you choose to repick choices for an slave training assignment the slave gets added to the list of choices 2-also just how rare is the post-slave princess city assignment, cause i can never seem to get it even after selling multiple slave princesses 3-another thing is that the nightly puppet-leader stat is almost impossible to get again(either that or i have bedwarmers incapable of usurping me even thought i my current stats mean i couldnt win against even the subbiest slave)
- Will check 3 as you've not been the only person to mention that. 2 I know exists for sure as other people have definitely got it. Should be no rarer than any other rare City assignment, and thanks for the spot on 1.
[From the Discord]: Top 3 Animes of the 2010 to 2020
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica the series was staggeringly good. Just redefined what anime could be to me. Film is a... well it was a thing. A beautiful thing with an ending which I still quite know how to feel about. 
Shirobako. It’s about creativity, craft, and about how people can come together to make something. It might not be something good, but dangit it’s been made and that’s worthwhile. It’s also from personal experience by miles the most accurate depiction of working in an office I’ve ever seen.
Oh man this is very very hard deciding on the third so pick one of the following and I could probably make a strong case for it. 
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, Darling in the FranXX (yes really, yes even the ending), Lupin III: Part 5, Kill la Kill, Monster Musume, Flip Flappers, Demi-chan wa Kataritai, Zombieland Saga, or Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai.
Also while I was taking the question to mean series both Your Name and Promare are absolutely phenonemal films. 
[From the Discord]: Best recent Eurovision Act
Lena. Always Lena. 
[From the Discord]: What's the agricultural technological level of No Haven like 
It’s not hit industrialization yet. What makes the difference is and allows cities like Aversol and even bigger to exist is that the organization of the human empire is far better than it has any right to be for the other levels of development being able to keep an incredibly complex supply chain constantly flowing even if on the ground level it barely seems to be moving at all. There are also some much, much larger farms both on the Great Plains and further to the north compared to the much more isolated single/couple of households ones that your slavers raid. 
[From the Discord]: What have been some of your all-time favourite assignments, both in terms of working on them and how they turned out?
Love When Week’s End Comes for a recent one. Writing all the results in colour commentary (and all the variations for weather, events and outcomes) was a real challenge and I do like how it came out. 
Witch-Queen and Arisin’ for being the first times I tried to go for a different, more potentially disturbing/freaky mood, and I’m pleased with the results. 
Sable Masquerade as I really like the ‘bad end’ I came up with. Actually I like the whole thing as while the pitch from the patron obviously helped, a lot of it was inspired by a random superhero bondage party picture I saw on HF, which I decided to run with, and had a bunch of fun exploring. 
[From the Discord]: Weirdest bug and most difficult bug
The one that resulted in a male wisp riding a griffon was a fun one. 
Most difficult has to be the clothing management which as a previous question suggests I’ve still not entirely solved. 
[From the Discord]: If No Haven was an MMO, what race/class would you play?
Kreen rogue mainly as I really like the edit I did for the portrait which MidnightonMars later translated into a commission. 
If not definitely a lamia. 
[From the Discord]: Knowing what you do now about the design of the game, are there any game mechanics you wish you'd have implemented differently?
Clothing management. So very much clothing management. I’ve redone it entirely twice now, and it’s still not where I want it to be. 
[From the Discord]: What was your inspiration for creating the setting of No Haven?  Has the direction the game has gone varied from your initial idea? If so what has been the biggest change?
- It started off with adapting the chan game Deeper Dungeons which was basically a certain popular mmo with nothing different about it outside of it being porn along with some possibly unwise options of personal abuse. I first changed it by ditching gnomes for neko which to my mind was a clear upgrade. There even used to be an examine refference in the RAGS version to suggest they’d been in the region of the dungeons before being driven out.
Then it was a gradual process of adding with the occasional subtractions to get it closer to a more Warhammer feeling setting which has always been a major love of mine when I was still doing Whorelock’s in RAGS.
With No Haven it was a case of building on what I’ve done there and expanding upon that with the race lore and assignment descriptions. Biggest was probably when I did the favoured/unfavoured stuff and added a ton of extra backstory to various races to justify the choices made there. 
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metalempire · 5 years
Kingdom Hearts 3: A Review
This one is gonna be long as shit probably but since I finally finished the game on standard, proud and critical mode, and with DLC on the way I’m going to try and review the basegame for KH3 and see how it stacks up. Most of this under readmore for the sake of ur dashboards.
So I want to clarify a handful of details, KH2, its final mix especially, is my favourite game in the series. The gameplay is almost fucking perfect for an action game and is accessible to so many skill levels and did all of its difficulty modes quite well (though proud has not aged well compared to critical). Not only this but Sora’s moveset and animations, their speed and frames and iframes after actions and also interaction with abilities is almost perfect (I have eternal issues with how guard’s timing works compared to KH1′s guard it’s just slightly more delayed by enough to throw me off) and I have played KH1, CoM, BBS, DDD, Re:Coded and 0.2 so I have enough experience with the games overall.  Also as for story, KH1 was the only game that did it well, CoM is fine, and KH2 is a bit like that but still decent. After that point story has been going downhill thanks to Nomura’s writing dying a fiery death so KH3′s awful story pacing, fairly disappointing execution and dumping of things all at the end don’t bother me as much since it was doomed from the start considering it has to conclude stuff set up by BBS and DDD which were stories that don’t hold up well anyway. Plus at this point I just accept that the story of KH isn’t going to be good anymore. No I don’t play the gacha game, I keep up with the cutscenes time to time to stay in loop and that story is just long winded and cryptic. Gameplay is what I care about since that’s what makes a video game a game, funnily enough. (Though I think KH3 has a bad habit of making cutscenes either too long or stacking too many on top of each other) Also I want to state I am completely neutral on attraction flow. I neither like nor dislike them all that much. They serve a purpose and they can be ignored too. They’re more or less a matter of personal preference and I don’t feel strongly about them. Aside from the choo choo train no one can slander the train. 
I think KH3 competes with KH1 for second most fun gameplay in the series. They took alot of things and rebalanced them and brought them all together in a way that I liked, shotlocks, flowmotion, counters, forms, magic, summons, grand magic and even a little bit of reaction commands and limits. Aside from the combos which are a given of course, as well as being able to cancel into magic and other actions being fairly competently done, though guard has some oddities to it where it doesn’t always work and it might be down to the game’s buffering system. More on that later. The keyblade transformations stand out as a real strength to the game, with a wide variety of movesets for each playstyle (my favourite is the Happy Gear and its’ transformations) and they make both horde and boss fights dynamic and fun, not to mention their interactions with guarding, dodging and magic and how they change it up as well as little bonus abilities forms give you. I do like that they brought back all sorts of enemies, Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed, with only Nightmares not returning. The variety is appreciated. On a mechanical note, I am very fond of being able to store a keyblade transformation by switching to another Keyblade, and I like being able to equip and shift between three of them. This is the first game where keyblades feel incredibly distinct from one another, and also the only game where Kingdom Key is viable from start to finish. This was something Re:Coded played with and I’m really glad to see the direction they took it in KH3. The addition of up to five party members is also appreciated, having everyone fighting at once in the larger battles KH3 has overall brings a nice sense of scale to it. Wallrunning and massive areas allow for some big levels to traverse and honestly thats’s mostly a strength since it adds greatly to immersion. There are boss fights in KH3, namely those in the Keyblade Graveyard that function perfectly for the game’s overall combat pacing, and they also amplify the strengths of the game on Critical mode.I like the little detail of magic now doing little status effects too now.The gummi ship is a nice blend of KH1 and KH2, and the open world flying around is a fun aspect that makes it feel like a real journey through the stars.The world’s are a usually of great quality, with Olympus being the best tutorial level/first level in the whole series, and the Caribbean providing a really enjoyable open ocean exploration style, Monstropolis getting the linear level style right properly, Kingdom of Corona building itself character wise very well to endear you to Rapunzel’s journey with its’ interactivity and Toy Box throwing a few decent challenges and very well put together mech combat. Also, graphically KH3 is one of the most impressive games I’ve ever seen, flexing on all the films, the older games, and real life itself, making the presentation fit the artstyle and rendering to a degree that’s frighteningly good. Game looks wonderful. The music is also good but that’s true of every game, Yoko just be like that, though 3 has some great compositions and remixes of its’ own to stand on. 
One thing to preface this with is that a strength to KH2 is your options, how balanced they all are, what they all do, how they can interact with each other (such as how magic can be integrated into combos and do their own or using different buttons to change a combo altogether, or how certain moves fulfil different functions in a fight) is all very well structured and seamless. In KH3 your basic combo game doesn’t have as many modifiers to how it works outside of formchanges and even then it doesn’t quite feel as complete. Not only that but your options end up doing the same thing alot of the time, heavy damage that leads into strong AOE. The core design of the game is built around huge hordes of enemies, and that tends to mean its too easy to get hit out of nowhere or annoyed to death or sniped out of nowhere on critical, so you need to use magic and then grand magic to clear or links and attraction flow if you’re on critical to thin out hordes. While in boss fights this changes the game feels a bit too focused on large fights and has movesets less focused around smaller groups and suffers for it. Tying into this, animations are grander and longer, leaving you open to interruption. The camera in this game is also awful, and one of the worst, either not zooming in enough or too far out, or on more mobile enemies (or teleporting ones, looking at you Goatnort) it fails to keep best track of them and angle properly and you can get blindsided too easily or put in a vision style that makes depth perception for projectile blocking too iffy for my tastes.KH cameras are always a bit off but this one needs work. Base Sora’s animations tend to be very hard to work with compared to KH2′s, he’s alot slower, has more delays, less invincibility frames, attacks don’t follow together and follow up nearly as quickly, item usage is overall a slower process which can fuck you over on critical, guarding still has a delay to it, leaf bracer can be rendered useless due to cure having no iframes during the ending portion of the animation and on critical you can just wind up needing to heal again if you get hit trying to use leaf bracer to slip through an attack. There’s also a very odd way the game handles Sora’s hitstun, where he can’t do anything out of it unless he uses aerial recovery which has a rather narrow iframe window and a bit of lag on actions that can be performed out of it that means you cant do anything in some lategame boss fights once hit half the time since no button input does anything especially if you’re hit in the air. The game is far too unclear on when you can and can’t act out of a hit or a block. Also, while I like being able to retaliate once its’ unlocked after aerial recovery, the animation for the attack has a set direction and often ends up missing more mobile bosses and lacks control. The game’s overall balancing is a bit of a mess as well, with grand magic and magic being far too strong on all modes except critical, and links being too strong on critical since there is far too much of a reliance on AOE overall in the combat. As for difficulty, it has a strange Fire Emblem Awakening parallel, where standard is too easy, proud is the true normal mode but not a hard mode, and critical is a bit too hard at times though not all the time. I’d say critical eases up for a bit though it favours cheap shots and delivers its true delights right at the end, it’s weird and I’ll talk more about it later but it starts out unfairly hard with the tutorial boss two shotting you in seconds. There’s a real lack of postgame content overall, with the battlegates being alright but not grand, and only one superboss in Dark Inferno who is alright all things considered but isn’t a Sephiroth really. Speaking of which, no Final Fantasy characters in the series that’s supposed to be it crossing over with Disney. What the fuck. Also I will say that while the worlds are huge and long now, there’s still not that many of them, and while quality over quantity is a factor, quantity is nice too, and making Twilight Town that small and short feels like a kick in the dick to KH2 fans who love that place, me included. Ultima weapon is a pain to get, all the minigames in KH3 are either bad, terrible, awful, or dull and not worth playing, and you need to do some of the worst ones to get it though thankfully it’s not really all that necessary to have unless you want a trump card for critical mode which you’re better off using new game + to get from an easier save file anyway. The cooking minigames are also very odd with their timing and the controls are a bit unresponsive or too sensitive at times and discourages you from cooking. Look at what they did to 100 Acre Woods, it makes me sob salty tears at how small and gutted it is. In general enemies have difficulties telegraphing their attacks in both audio and visual style and you get cheap shotted alot. There is a particular Unversed enemy in Monstropolis I’m sure we’re all familiar with by now who is guilty of that sin the most. And finally, the game’s biggest sin of all: Armoured Xehanort (who I call Goatnort). This fight is a travesty. Teleporting, unclear telegraphs, unclear hitstun, random super armour, long combos that cannot be interrupted, wonky interactions with dodges, guards and reprisals that makes him get free hits on you sometimes even when successfully executing a block or dodge. He has a lack of clear telegraphs, acts at speeds that give KH2FM superbosses a run for their money despite you being slower than that game was, leading to things Sora’s animations aren’t equipped to deal with, as well as shifting the fight constantly to underwater combat and then forced aerial combat with very confusing controls interactions and pair that with AOE magic attacks with magnet powers, lock on wind magic with warping properties to ensure he lands his hit, alot of teleporting out of the camera’s range and warp strike sucker punches that really stretch the human reaction time when paired with the shit camera and you just get an unpleasant boss fight that while proud and standard can mitigate to just being annoying as all hell, on critical its a nightmare fight and you cant even observe the fight and learn it well either due to how much shit is going on, the camera being against you, unclear mechanical aspects, speed above what you can reliably output as base Sora who you are stuck as for most of the fight. It boils down to a spammy clusterfuck with too much going on, with so few openings to do anything, and bad interaction with Sora’s options and the animations tied to them with alot of damage that feels forced on you half the time. The Final Xehanort phase with the X-Blade is much better though.
Critical Mode
Since it didn’t launch with the game was added later as a free update and everyone made a big deal out of it and it’s exclusion seeming odd I might as well talk about it. Firstly, KH2FM has the best critical mode and is the only game to do it right really. It halves your hp and reduces the amount of mp you gain during level ups and increases to it, so you have enough to work with but never too much, enemies do the same damage as proud mode, but you do more damage than even standard mode, and you start with 50AP and a lot lategame abilities so strengthen Sora’s kit. This results in the best hard mode for the game, since fights never drag on too much and deaths are usually quick. It encourages and rewards you to use all your options and play both smart and aggressive to win. KH3 takes a somewhat similar approach. You start out with 50 AP and wide variety of boosting abilities mostly from endgame territory as well as unique critical mode ones that modify reprisals to reward proper dodge timing which is wonderful and even one to disable Attraction flow for those who hate it to build up transformations quicker. However Critical mode nerfs alot of things. Magic can’t be used as much and successive casts one after another especially rapid shots get a huge damage nerf so you have to use it sparingly making grand magic harder to get and magic de-incentivised outside of enemy weaknesses. There’s also wonky issues with damage scaling in relation to battle level and your level and all situation commands take much longer to build up to, even with the aforementioned boost to formchange buildup speed it still takes awhile and since base Sora is very hit or miss in fights this can be a very awkward change to work with. Enemy damage is also scaled very high and this could be one of the hardest critical modes earlygame, though DDD still holds the crown for hardest if we’re being honest. KH3 critical starts you out by Darkside two shotting you and most of the earlygame even regular Heartless kill you in two or three hits. Unless you use cooking to buff yourself you will die in two or three hits most of the time and some bosses can one shot you. The Gigas enemies in Toy Box are hard to deal with since magic is so nerfed and the Supreme Smasher boss can and will outright one shot you with all of its’ attacks if you don’t use a Gigas yourself. Even KH2FM critical wasn’t this unforgiving at times. The Kh3 critical mode experience boils down to a few things; most heartless bosses being easy as usual for KH3, getting randomly sniped in horde fights, boss fights that take awhile and usually 2 shot you, the mode and its’ particular challenge coming together masterfully for the Keyblade Graveyard fights to create a proper tense challenge that’s still fun, the Armours Xehanort fight being so frustrating it makes you want to launch your PS4 at Nomura, and Final Xehanort being a good but brutal fight that exposes a bit of flaws of KH3 but also plays to its’ strengths as well, unlike Goatnort who exposes all the flaws and needs to calm down. Overall I didn’t enjoy it as much as KH2FM critical mode but it was better than DDD and BBSFM critical mode. Definitely felt like it was trying too hard to be hard at times, did get me to actually use cooking though. Rage Form is king. 
Overall, Kingdom Hearts 3 is a well put together package blending together alot of the features from across the series into a very coherent combat system that oozes variety at its’ core, but is let down a bit by functional application reducing that variety to the same overall function. It’s a game with a bit of balancing issues, and ideally needs some overall core enemy fight redesigning, maybe a few more worlds and boss fights, and alot of tweaking to base Sora’s playstyle, requiring snappier animations, quicker flow between them, changes to hitstun interaction and options and iframe changes to be more fair on the player in critical mode. There’s alot to the combat overall that needs a little tweaking, and while it isn’t KH2 levels of good, it has alot of potential and is very fun to play, bringing together alot of what makes these games fun in general and pulling it off decently well. There’s alot to enjoy here, and the craft is up scratch, even if it is a bit wonky and rough around the edges on the more finer and precise aspects, it’s still up there with some of the best Kingdom Hearts games. I’m looking forward to the DLC and any future updates, and I’m hoping some more balance tweaking and a few changes might be all this game needs to be its’ best. It’s a good game through and through, and while some may find it disappointing, I’ve accepted that the series more or less peaked with KH2FM and I’m glad to see Osaka team have finally found a groove that fits them that they’ve clearly put some work into making as high a quality as they were able, considering the no doubt rocky development the game went through with all the business of engine shifts and other things going on in the company at the time. I know giving a numerical rating can devalue the qualitative aspects of a review but the quantitative is also nice to have so overall, I’d say that Kingdom Hearts 3 is a solid 8/10. KH3 competes with KH1 as second favourite in the series and even with all its’ flaws it’s a game I really do enjoy playing and putting time into.Story is still a fuckin train wreck tho lol. Good job the stupidity of it makes me laugh more than anything. Xemnas is still a better waifu than Ansem tho. MickeyRiku best ship.
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circusrite · 6 years
hello!!!! i’m coral, i’m twenty, i live in england ( it’s coming home .... ) and this is my second rp ever so fjnejdqe BEAR WITH ME but this is noah !!!! he’s my magic boy pls be nice to him he just wants his circus ;/////// i kept this super short but his full bio can be found here !
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hey, i didn’t know TOM HOLLAND had moved to st. clementine ! oh wait, that’s just NOAH JAMES. the 21 year old CISMALE is a MAGICIAN / ILLUSIONIST and rumor has it that HE + HIM dreams of RUNNING HIS OWN CIRCUS. i heard a tarot reader once claimed their card was THE MAGICIAN, which makes sense considering their CHARISMATIC yet DISTANT ways. wonder what this town has in store for them ?
a magician as the magician card ???????????? colour me Original
noah is an absolute gem of a human . in short, he’s super lovely and super dedicated to his friends, he has all the time in the world for you if you need him -- he lives to make people smile ( it’s why he’s in the profession he is ) and it’s rare to see him down or upset
he had a uh ....... unique childhood growing up
his mother died in a pretty traumatic childbirth which his father has forever blamed noah for, but he’s never told noah this, he misses his mum but moreso misses ... the idea of her rather than her as a person since he never met her. he’s a mummy’s boy regardless JNDEWJN
his father is the og magician, at the start he loved it for all the right reasons -- noah would tag along to all his shows and watch from the sidelines as his dad made people laugh and cheer and beam
he loves LOVES his job !!!! he’s always doing card tricks n making magic happen just bc he loves to make people smile, he’s such a sunshine baby is noah honestly he’s so kind n he has a heart of gold asdfgdnja 
daddy james didn’t earn much and so noah grew up poor -- he never really minded tho, need not want not etc etc, he was a simple boy who would always be happy so long as he had magic in his life
basically noah is tinkerbell 
everything was Fine and Dandy in his life until his dad went anakin on his ass n turned to the dark side of magic aka illusions and manipulations
he wanted more money and he hated the life that had been left for him in the wake of his wife’s death (noah’s mother, a doctor, had always provided most of their income) and so when he was approached for more sinister illusions he jumped on it right away
basically rather than using illusions and magic to steal rabbits outta hats and people’s wallets he steals ppls actual money and their damn souls instead bc he also turns to hypnotism?? if any of u have seen derren brown thats what he does eh ehe heheheh i’m so bad at explaining
he also turned to rly ... dangerous stuff ..... i.e. hypnotising someone into acting out of his will rather than their own which led to a lot of ~ criminal activity ~ including, but not limited to, murder and violence
noah does ..... know how to use hypnosis on a v mild level compared to his father bc he taught him some stuff before noah was like uhhh lol dad whats this ab ?????
en knee way his dad got involved in shady af stuff and noah was not ab that life so as soon as he turned 18 he RAN AWAY and that’s how he found st clemetine !!!!!!! 
he currently works for hire for kids parties etc and the odd drunken hen do but he doesn’t earn much, he came to st clemetine very poor since he left with nothing and so he also works at a cafe to pay his bills
there’s always this ..... lil urge in him tho to follow up on his father n find out what he’s doing / where he is, if only to ask him why he turned out the way he did sndsjs noah often is afraid the same kind of darkness is in him (helo r*verdale ...) bc his father was so easily manipulated??? he wonders if he could be too dwdaw spoiler alert: it isn’t
HE’S JUST SO SOFT N SWEET N GENTLE wouldn’t hurt a single person even if they wronged him he’s 5′8 of smiles n magic tricks lov him ,,...,
GIVE HIM FRIENDS !!!! pls pls pls he’s so socialable honestmeme gimme someone he met on a job aka the rowdy cousin sitting in the corner of their family birthday party noah is determined to entertain
kinda want an ex????? he’s a v emotionally invested person break his heart pls i live for angst mayb they moved to st clemetine before he did?? he turns up like lol well damn
pls ..... roommate ........ his broke ass cant afford 2 live alone
JUST EVERYTHING !!!!! thanks i lov u all pls like this if u wanna plot !!!!!
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ebenpink · 6 years
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“Help! My client is in love with me!” How to establish boundaries in your coaching practice—and avoid all kinds of nasty situations. https://ift.tt/2ImLxO9
What do you do when your fitness client asks you out for a drink? Or texts you at 2am? Or slightly recoils from your touch during an assessment? When you’re a health professional working closely with people who need your help, things can occasionally get awkward. Use this guide to set professional boundaries, while still creating a trusting coach-client relationship.
The details: A Precision Nutrition Certified coach—we’ll call her Sue—reached out to our private Facebook group for advice on a serious problem. Her client, also a coworker, had developed feelings for her.
Sue didn’t feel the same way.
She cared about this client and his goals. He’d already lost 50 pounds with her help.
But she didn’t want to be a caregiver or caretaker. His behavior had become an emotional drain.
When Sue tried to distance herself from the client, he lashed out and became self-destructive. His health habits regressed, and he went back to emotional eating.
As a coaching professional, Sue understood the dynamics. She knew the client’s reliance on her had become unhealthy. And she recognized that she herself was becoming more and more distressed.
Understandably, she felt stuck.
She’d have to confront difficult feelings: The client would be upset.
He’d regress: Asking him to change his behavior would cause a health-damaging backslide.
She was also caught in conflicting close relationships: They work together every day.
Tricky situations like Sue’s are very common in health and fitness coaching.
Yet while therapists, psychologists, and doctors are formally trained to navigate the boundary issues that arise in client-practitioner relationships, fitness professionals often aren’t.
So consider this your crash course for conduct, complete with practical tools you can use now, no matter how where you are in your career.
The relationship between a client and a health practitioner is inherently intimate.
This is true whether you’re a strength coach, a group fitness trainer, a psychologist, a massage therapist, or a yoga instructor.
Deep feelings are discussed. Bodies are touched.
It’s “closeness,” even if it’s not romantic closeness.
As a result of this intimacy, it’s quite common (and natural) for coaches or clients to develop feelings (negative or positive) for each other. Feelings of friendship, tenderness, protectiveness, jealousy, anger, and/or frustration spill into the professional arrangement.
Without honesty, clear expectations, and mature, open communication, stuff gets messy.
Defining and upholding proper boundaries ensures that feelings don’t confuse the ultimate goal: to help the client achieve his or her health goals through self-empowered action.
When we don’t have well-defined and well-communicated roles, everyone is kinda standing around wondering, “What am I allowed to do here? And how are we supposed to interact?”
Anxieties, frustrations, and old hurts emerge, often vaguely and vexingly, and we feel pushed and pulled in many directions.
That’s why we need boundaries.
Boundaries are the invisible lines of division between the service provider and the client or patient, the social (and sometimes physical) norms and practices that define:
who is playing what role (e.g. who is coach and who is client);
what those roles involve (e.g. who provides direction and how); and
what the limits of that professional relationship are (e.g. how available the coach is for the client, or what’s discussed in sessions).
Good boundaries mean that clients:
feel safe and secure with their coaches, trusting they’ll act in their best interests.
understand the care a coach shows is the universal care of an invested, compassionate professional, and not a sign of romantic interest (or some other attachment).
are obligated to show up maturely and responsibly; to regulate their emotions, own their behaviors, and be consistent.
Good boundaries mean that coaches:
avoid ethical breaches or working outside of our scope of practice.
don’t take on more than our share of responsibility for client progress and change.
show our clients clearly who is doing what, when, and how.
recognize the potential power imbalance that is part of coaching, and respect our clients as autonomous individuals.
With clear boundaries, we have fewer misunderstandings and awkward situations.
Which is always good.
With well-defined, strong, healthy boundaries, our “emotional bank account” is freed up to invest in a robust coaching relationship that keeps us as coaches safe and sane, while helping clients reach their goals.
Appropriate behavior is context-dependent.
There’s a green zone: Totally cool almost all of the time. Like smiling and making eye contact as you greet a client.
There are “gray zones”: A little more blurry, and depends on the context and nature of the relationship. Like hugging a client after they just did their first pullup.
And there’s a red zone: Definitely—and always—a hard “no.” Like, “Don’t steal from clients” seems pretty intuitive.
But in real life, boundaries aren’t one-size-fits-all.
Therefore (and to make things more complex), the same action can be “green” with one client and “red” with another.
With a client you have a secure, trusting relationship with, it might be totally cool to exchange the odd gift.
But that newer client you suspect might be crushing on you? Exchanging gifts may send the wrong message and confuse the purpose of the relationship.
Context is everything.
With more experience, trust, and maturity you have more freedom—to get close, to joke, potentially to do or say “inappropriate” things.
With relationships that are newer, more fraught or confused, play by stricter rules.
In terms of ethical codes, health and fitness coaching is a little late to the party.
Other fields of service provision, such as psychology or social work, have clear codes of ethics they abide by.
Many mental and physical health care service providers receive ethics training as part of their certification, but coaches often don’t.
Yet part of your job as a coach is to behave ethically, which includes defining and maintaining clear boundaries.
So Precision Nutrition wrote its own Code of Ethics for the coaches we certify.
You can start with our Code of Ethics as a template, and add to it as you wish, according to your own value system, and the nuances of your practice.
PN Coaching Certification Code of Ethics
In your professional role as a coach:
Act in the client’s best interest. Prioritize their wellbeing, safety, values, goals, and comfort where possible.
Respect the worth and dignity of the clients you serve. Treat all clients with professional courtesy, compassion, and care.
Protect your clients’ privacy and confidentiality. This includes that you:
Follow standard data security protocols, such as protecting your personal logins and storing client data securely.
Be careful what you discuss about clients, and with whom.
Do not disclose personal or identifying details of clients.
Ask permission before sharing anything on social media.
Act with integrity. Make yourself worthy of your clients’ respect and trust. Don’t exploit your clients, financially or otherwise. Don’t seek personal gain from your client relationship (beyond your coaching fees, obviously).
Act with objectivity. Know the rules, regulations, and procedures expected of you, and follow them equitably and appropriately for each client.
Set clear, accurate, and reasonable expectations. Define the terms of the coaching arrangement (e.g. payment, frequency of meeting, how coaching works, etc.) immediately and reinforce them often. Be upfront about what results the client can realistically expect to see.
Have clear professional boundaries. Avoid multiple relationships (e.g. coaching friends or family members; becoming friends with clients) where possible. If you must have multiple relationships, recognize the inherent power imbalance in coaching, and be very clear what hat you’re wearing in a given situation.
Know the limits of your skills and scope of practice. If you can’t serve a client for reasons of ethics or expertise, refer them to another coach and/or care provider if possible.
Keep your skills current. Pursue professional competence, excellence, and mastery. Seek to be a credit to your profession.
8 tools to define boundaries in your coaching practice.
For coaches, there are lots of ways identify, establish, and maintain boundaries in your professional practice. We’ve got 8 to get you started.
The more tools you use, the more clear, comfortable, and secure your relationships will be.
Plus, less awkward situations.
1. Pay attention to your “emotional radar.”
Often, when boundaries get pushed (or trampled on), your body will tell you.
For example, you might notice that around a certain client, you feel tense, “icky,” or even repelled.
If you observe those sensations, check in with yourself.
Are roles defined and contracts clear?
Are you being asked to do things (either implicitly or explicitly) that make you feel uncomfortable?
Are you being exposed to some “TMI” material, either through the content of your client’s words, or images they sent to you?
If you can identify what’s bothering you, work to fix the situation:
Model appropriate behavior.
Communicate clearly, assertively, and maturely. (Keep reading for ideas on how to do this.)
Inform others about your boundaries and expectations for the working relationship. Don’t assume people “should just know” what appropriate behavior is. They might not.
2. Use body language to manage the space between you and your clients.
We “say” a lot without actually saying it.
Humans have a sort of sixth sense when it comes to expressing and reading body language. What we do with our bodies, and what others do, is worth a thousand words.
That means you can actually use your body as a tool to shape the coach-client relationship.
You can use your nonverbal cues to steer or “lead” clients.
For example, if a client is getting a little too close, you can lean or step back a little to increase the distance between you, or put an object between you (such as a desk or bench).
Without using words, this suggests, “This is a better amount of space between us.”
Other times, you may want to encourage closeness.
One simple way to do this is by “mirroring” your clients’ movements (subtly), and making eye contact. This demonstrates your attention and presence, and can foster a feeling of connection.
To convey confidence and authority, stand or sit tall, with good, but relatively relaxed posture. You’ll look like someone worth respecting and listening to.
3. Use your voice to show the right balance of care and authority.
Voices are powerful.
Your voice can command, cajole, calm, or control—and it can help you set and maintain boundaries too.
Generally, a warm, yet professional tone will signify interest and authority.
Speak clearly at a moderate pace, and unless you’re actually asking a question, be careful of a tendency to use a rising tone at the end of a sentence. (Which will make everything sound like a question? And it’ll imply that you don’t need to be taken seriously?)
Match your voice volume and cadence to your client’s to show attunement.
You can also use your voice to steer someone gently if you feel things should be going in a different direction: talking slower and lower to a client who’s gotten worked up and is talking fast and loud; speaking gently to a client who’s intimidated, scared, or defensive; or speaking firmly and clearly to a client who’s gotten a little too… friendly.
4. Write like a pro.
Even if your main jam is one-on-one sessions with clients, talking in an office or on a gym floor, you’ll probably do a fair bit of writing too: in emails or texts, handouts, contracts, and signs on the wall.
Your professional image is reflected in your writing, so cover the basics: Use proper punctuation, check your spelling, and get your message across clearly and concisely.
Make sure signs are clearly displayed and contracts are reviewed and understood, ideally before you begin your coaching relationship.
Signs and contracts tell clients what to expect, what their responsibilities are, and what you’re here for (and not here for). Articulate this up front, and you’ll have fewer problems later.
5. Make informed consent an ongoing conversation.
If you’ve ever joined a gym, had a massage, received psychotherapy, or joined a sports team, you might have had to go through some kind of informed consent and waiver-signing process.
An informed consent form usually covers things like scope of services and liability, and the potential risks to clients. It’s a good idea for every coaching practice to have one.
But it doesn’t have to stop there.
If made an ongoing conversation, the informed consent process can be an awesome, useful tool that helps define boundaries and helps clients feel heard, respected, and comforted.
Check in with your client on consent topics every few weeks. You can organize the conversation around themes like:
What’s happening for you as a client right now? Can you give me a “status update” about how you feel / think about our process, or your current situation?
Are you OK with what’s happening now? Does this match what you expected or wanted? Would you feel more comfortable doing something differently?
Do you understand what’s happening now? Do you as a client, comprehend why we’re doing something, and/or what the risks and benefits are? Do you understand how this activity connects to your goals?
Do you want to continue in this direction? Or do you need a break? Informed consent includes the client knowing that they have the right to say no to anything the coach proposes.
6. Protect your time.
Pop quiz: If a client texts you at 2am, do you respond?
Clients may email, text, or even call at all hours of the day or night. While you can have your business hours clearly displayed on your website, contracts, or signs around your office, clients may still pop in when it’s convenient for them.
That’s OK. (So long as they’re not banging on the door of your personal home at midnight. That’s “red zone” material.)
When and how quickly you respond to clients signals to them what you will accept, and what they should expect.
For example, if you start answering emails at 10:30 at night, a client may expect you to be available during those hours. If you always respond to texts within three minutes, a client may expect nearly immediate answers from you.
You get to decide what your boundaries are here, and what you’re comfortable with. If you don’t want your evenings to be crowded out by client emails, then turn the computer off before dinner, and respond to them in the morning.
Similarly, you get to set the tone for how time is spent during your in-person time with clients.
If a client is consistently late or missing appointments, or if they keep directing the conversation to who they went out with on the weekend instead of how their food journaling went, then it’s your job to gently but firmly call them out.
Sometimes an adult conversation needs to happen.
“Hey, I’ve noticed that you’ve been 20 minutes late for the last three appointments. Is this still a good time for you? If it is, let’s agree to start our session on time so we don’t have to cut into your appointment time.”
“It sounds like you had a fun weekend! But hey, I’d love to talk about your nutrition. I know one of your goals is to eat better, and I’m curious to know about how you’ve been doing. The more we focus our conversation, the better we can get both of our needs met.”
Approach these conversations as if you and your client are on the same team, rather than adversaries. Be friendly, and focus on the win you both want!
7. Dress sharp.
One perk of being a coach: You get to dress comfy!
One downside of being a coach: You get to dress comfy! Which means that sometimes, it’s hard to know what looks appropriate and also helps you demonstrate a squat or run a few agility ladders.
However, if you choose carefully, you can convey professionalism in athletic gear.
If you look professional, your clients will be less likely to treat you as a buddy or a potential hookup, and more likely to treat you as, well, a professional.
Make sure your clothes are clean and well-maintained, and that all your, um, parts are contained.
Your dress should also be appropriate to your environment. If you work at a gym, gym clothes are good. If you work in an office, “business casual” is likely the better dress code.
8. If physical contact is necessary, check in with your client’s experience of it often.
If you’re a personal trainer, massage therapist, yoga teacher, chiropractor, etc., body work is part of your job.
Make sure to have clients sign a form that provides consent to touch.
Even with contracts signed and squared off, always ask your clients for permission before you touch them, especially in potentially awkward or vulnerable areas. (This is especially important in situations where touch could be misinterpreted—for instance, a male personal trainer touching a female client’s glutes.)
If you’re a coach, here’s a handy checklist for considering boundaries when touching your client.
Does touching my client make sense in the context of our professional relationship? Am I, for example, a massage therapist or personal trainer legitimately touching my client in particular ways?
Does touching my client raise any issues given our social identities? That’s a fancy way of saying who are you, and who are they? Are you male, female, older, younger, the coach, the client (and so on)?
Does touching my client make sense in a cultural or social context? Different cultures have different norms on touch. And “culture” can be anything. For instance, your local MMA gym may consider it perfectly normal to choke someone with your thighs… but that’s not a good look at your average gym.
What are the benefits to touching my client? Am I helping teach them an exercise, giving them useful feedback, creating a genuine personal connection, and/or calming them?
What are the potential risks to touching my client? Might I be invading their boundaries, making them feel less comfortable, or sending signals that could be misinterpreted?
What are my motivations for touching my client? Is this to benefit them, or me?
Do I know my client’s personal history or level of comfort with touch? Some people have a history of physical or sexual abuse, or simply aren’t that comfortable being touched. Since you likely don’t know all clients’ personal details, start by assuming your client may have some kind of discomfort with touching. Proceed slowly with caution and assess their comfort as you go.
How am I letting my client know what to expect? A simple way to judge comfort is just to announce, then ask. For example, “I’m going to put my hand just underneath your left armpit to feel if your lat muscles are engaged. Is that OK?”
What feedback am I getting? Read body language, and ask. If your client gives you a hearty handshake with a bro-back-slap while making eye contact and smiling, you’re probably good to do the same. If you hug them and they shrink back or go rigid, quit hugging them.
Have alternatives handy. If you’re trying to give a client proprioceptive feedback, you can often use some neutral object (like having their butt hit a wall when you’re teaching a hip hinge). If hugging is a no, you may be able to do a less-threatening touch of the upper arm, or just work your smile and wave game.
And this should go without saying, but we’re gonna say it anyway:
For heaven’s sake, don’t touch your clients inappropriately. If you don’t know what constitutes consent or assault, educate yourself.
What to do next
When your “boundary radar” goes off, pay attention.
Don’t wait or avoid a situation that’s bothering you.
If you do, it’ll often get worse.
Prevention is the best option here, but if that hasn’t worked, then sometimes you’ll need to deal directly with an uncomfortable situation.
If possible, prepare documentation—such as emails, text messages, or a written summary of what happened from your perspective—or discussion topics in advance, and consider your overall strategy before having a difficult conversation.
Remember: You never have to work with someone who’s abusive, aggressive, or otherwise violates your boundaries.
Whether it’s a persistent series of misunderstandings and misalignments; someone who constantly gives you the “ugh” or “uh-oh” feeling; or outright harassment, you never have to tolerate a physically or psychologically harmful situation.
Get out or refer out.
Want strategies to level up your coaching?
It’s no secret that master coaches develop over time, through education and consistent practice, usually under the guidance of a mentor or coach.
Precision Nutrition is the only company in the world that both works with thousands of our own nutrition coaching clients and teaches health, fitness, and wellness professionals our real-world methods for getting results.
And here’s some great news: Our next Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification Master Class kicks off on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019.
Want to achieve total confidence in your coaching skills? Get (and keep) more clients? Grow and strengthen your practice? If so, the Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification is definitely for you.
It’s designed specifically for Level 1 students and grads who realize that knowing about the science of nutrition isn’t enough.
Part master class, part grad program, part mentorship, it’s the only course in the world designed to help you master the art of coaching, meaning better results for your clients and a better practice for you.
Since we only take a limited number of professionals, and since the program sells out every time, I strongly recommend you add your name to our VIP List below. When you do, you get the chance to sign up 24 hours before everyone else. Even better, you get a huge discount off the general price of the program.
[Note: The Level 2 Master Class is only for students and grads of our Level 1 Certification. So if you haven’t yet enrolled in that program, please begin there.]
Interested? Add your name to the VIP list. You’ll save up to 37% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.
We’ll be opening up spots in our next Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification Master Class on Wednesday, April 3rd.
If you want to find out more, we’ve set up the following VIP list which gives you two advantages.
Pay less than everyone else. We like to reward people who are eager to get started and ready to gain mastery in their coaching practice. So we’re offering a discount of up to 37% off the general price when you sign up for the Master Class VIP list.
Sign up 24 hours before the general public and increase your chances of getting a spot. We only open the PN Master Class twice per year. Due to high demand and a very limited number of spots, we expect it to sell out fast. But when you sign up for the Master Class VIP list, we’ll give you the opportunity to register a full 24 hours before anyone else.
If you’re ready to take the next step in becoming a world-class coach, we’re ready to share our knowledge and help you master the art of coaching.
Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article.
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. (2015). Standards of Practice (5th ed.) [PDF file]. Ottawa, ON. Retrieved from https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/StandardsOfPractice_en_June2015.pdf
Canadian Association of Social Workers. (2005). Code of Ethics [PDF file]. Retrieved from https://www.casw-acts.ca/sites/default/files/documents/casw_code_of_ethics.pdf
Bryson, Sandy. Understanding Professional Boundaries [PDF file]. Retrieved from https://www.dsc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Understanding-Professional-Boundaries.pdf
The post “Help! My client is in love with me!” How to establish boundaries in your coaching practice—and avoid all kinds of nasty situations. appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
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thothonegan · 8 years
Coding Conventions
I've had a few people ask how I layout my code. So here's a quick overview. Of course coding conventions is a very touchy topic for a lot of programmers, so don't take this as the 'best' approach or anything. It's just what works for me. A lot of it has been inspired by various other guides such as the Google C++ Style Guide so look at those too.
Naming Conventions
Rule: .cpp for C++ source files, .hpp for C++ header files.
Justification: Mostly makes it obvious what a file is written in. If you've ever included a C file without extern C and it didnt support c++ correctly, you know why this is useful.
General Indentation
Rule: Tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment.
Justification: This is probably the number one things programmers argue about. Personally, I find the benefit of having a specific alignment character nicer then not. And I hate typing lots of spaces in code (python) that requires it (or YAML : even if my editor is setup for tab=spaces, it always puts the cursor in the wrong place). Or even this stupid markdown editor because Tumblr doesnt understand triple grave code blocks properly *kicks*.
Header Guards
Rule: Use old style C #define header guards, generally named from the project down (like WOLFCORE_THREAD_HPP ).
Justification: I know some people prefer #pragma once and it's supported practically everywhere, but it's still non-standard. This is mostly a 'I'm used to it' type thing, and theirs a few cases where its useful. Like for example, you want to guarantee a certain file was included before you (like the hell that is Windows.h).
Forward declarations
Rule: Prefer forward declarations for classes to using includes.
Justification: This is something I never cared about till my compile times increased due to how big my projects have gotten. C++ also has a lot of constructs (templates, inlines) which require headers to be included so its best to give it as much of a help as possible. When modules becomes standardized, hopefully it'll help with this.
Rule: Everything in headers should be documented. In source files, just readable comments are needed.
Justfication: For me, header files are like the index of a book. The main reason I'm looking through them is for an API I need, or need to learn how to use a class. Having everything documented and neatly sectioned makes this easy (especially when combined with doxygen). I definitely document more than most people do, but its come in handy too many times to count when coming back to a class I wrote years before and completely forgot the quirks a class has.
The one other related big rule is if something happens such as a crash due to using an API wrong, the documentation for that function must have pointed that out. If it did, I as a user of the function was wrong : if it doesn't, that's a bug in the function (either it should point it out, or the function needs to be fixed). This rule alone has improved stability of my programs, because just making it not crash anymore doesn't mean its actually fixed. And if its possible for the function to detect that condition (in debug mode) and abort, it is required to. If you can get every crash down to where the app detects it before the system does, that is huge. Its much nicer to get a 'Abort: Tried to access a null pointer here [backtrace]' instead of 'SIGSEGV'.
Naming Conventions
Rule: Macros will be named in all capitals. WOLF_APPLICATION() for example.
Justification: This keeps the preprocessor neatly seperated from the rest of the language. Anything in all caps or with #stuff you know happens before the compiler runs.
Rule: Constants will be CapitalCamelCase. Note this generally only applies to full constants, and not just variables marked 'const'.
Justifcation: With variables being different, this makes it easy to tell if something's designed to be assignable or not.
Rule: Variables will be lowerCamelCase (with the exceptions of prefixes). Variable names can have a prefix of '[letters]_[name]' if they fall into specific categories. Namely:
m : A member variable
s : A static variable (usually file scope)
A variable might also have postfix names too, though thats mostly up to the module. Common ones are S for seconds (durationS), str for string (durationStr) and so on.
Justfication: The lowerCamelCase is basically to counter with constants, so at a glance you can tell the basics of a type. With the prefixes, you also know the scope of a variable and cannot easily get confused between local variables and long living variables like members. The final part about prefixes is a form of Application Hungarian Notation (not to be confused with Systems Hungarian (ala lpCmdLine) which is what Windows uses and is annoying to work with).
Rule: Containers will use CapitalCamelCase, very much like constants. Add 'Private' somewhere to the name if its for internal use.
Justfication: Mostly distinctiveness again. The mixing between constants and containers also generally isnt a problem, and the compiler will point it out if you accidently use one at the other.
Rule: Functions/Methods will use lowerCamelCase with one of the prefixes below if required. Generally functions if they return a value should have the return as part of the name (aka do not do val = calculate(), instead val = calculateLength()). Setters start with set while get just name the value. Prefixes used include:
p : Protected/Private function - not callable outside the class and/or decendents.
i : Internal function - might be public, but isn't part of the common/normal interface. Be careful!
s : Static function - limited to the file. Note that this ISNT used for class static functions (since they are public interface).
v : Virtual function. See Private Virtuals below for more details. Not public generally.
r : CRTP function. Called by one of the classes we inherit from. Not public.
Justification: The difference from other constants makes it easier to deal names. You can tell instantly that WolfCore::Module is some form of container, while WolfCore::Module::v_init is a virtual function. The mixing with variables isn't an issue since they are never valid in the same contexts.
The setter/getter thing is mostly a question of style. The goal is to make public usage as straightforward as possible, and allow information hiding as easily as possible (since it costs 0 due to inlining). With the member variable rule above, this then means you have something like:
m_value : The member variable 'value' which stores the value.
value() : A function to retreieve the member variable 'value'.
setValue(Type&) : A function to set the member variable 'value'.
And now probably the most distinct thing in my style: the function prefixes. Anything off the normal public path has a prefix, which allows devs to know the category of a function without affecting users of the class. I'll explain each rule individually, and justify them seperately.
p_function() : Protected/Private functions. These are functions the normal user shouldnt ever care about, so theirs no reason it should come up in code-completion/etc. When using certain APIs, I've tried to call a function only to realize it was private, and was just part of the code because of how classes work. While IDEs try to show them differently, a little icon change isn't easily noticable. This makes it a lot more obvious. There is no distinction between protected/private because I default everything to private, and the few cases you use protected, you know what you're doing (since you're working on the backend of the class).
i_function() : 'Internal' public functions. There is a few cases where you need a function to be public that really shouldn't be - but for some reason friend wont solve it, or makes an even bigger mess. Internal functions allow you to public something, yet its still not a 'normal' function. If you ever see a call to one of these, its a big warning sign that its doing something odd. An example in Wolf is Matrix::i_fromEigenMatrix() : nothing in Wolf publically should depend on my matrix implementation being eigen, yet its needed for some of the helper classes to be able to easily pass things around.
s_function() : Static per file functions. This is mostly used for private helper functions for classes which arent part of the public interface. Mostly they'll end up in an anonymous namespace. Things like s_initKeyboardTable() in various window drivers that just setup a global table for looking up keyboard keys. Note this is not used for static class functions. Those use normal naming conventions (like Manager::manager()).
v_function() : This is Private Virtuals. More details at the end, but it is a way to seperate virtual implementations from the actual calling interface. You almost never call a v_function() directly, but it marks the interface a parent class might call you with.
r_function() : CRTP. If you don't need the runtime calling abilities that virtuals provide, CRTP allows you to require a specific interface thats completely resolved at compile time (mostly at 0 cost due to inling). From a code writer perspective, its the same as a virtual v_function(). Might write a blog post about CRTP someday, cause it's a handy technique that a lot of people don't know about.
All of these are cases where you're either limited where you can call it, or you need to be careful when you're calling it. Having these special function prefixes have helped me a lot.
Indentation/Spacing Rules
This is more of the 'feel good' type rules. Can't really justify most of them other then its just how I do things.
Tabs (Literal tab character, editor view set to 4 spaces)
Mostly Allman style in formatting. I've experimented a bit with others such as 1TBS, but while Allman loses a bit in density its pretty nice to read.
Spaces arround operators, keywords, etc
I do allow single statement constructs such as if, but been trying to get away with a condensed Allman for those cases.
if (condition) { break; }
instead of
if (condition) break;
Spaces after function names.
Namespaces use Allman, but if multiple namespace are grouped together, I use one line. I don't need this as much as I used to, but this probably the number one thing that editors despise me doing (they keep trying to fix it). This is mostly to prevent indentation explosion.
namespace Wolf { namespace Core { class A; } }
C++17 will add namespace Wolf::Core which will help.
Decorations on variables go with the types: aka const Type* t. Yes I know if you're abusing C this looks weird (the char* a, b example) but the answer is to stop abusing C. Yes its technically part of the variable not the value, yes its 'how you use it' and 'not part of its type' but it acts like part of the type, thus its part of the type. Ducks quack and all. Speaking of...
One declaration per line. End of story. No char* a, b crap. If you have a ton of variables to generate, use preprocessor macros or a supporting tool.
Dont use void in the parameter list. I used to, and a lot of code of mine still does, but blank is just fine. Unless you're in C of course, cause C defaults to int for some reason.
Prefer using to typedef. C++11 made it way more powerful, and its more readable too.
A quick example of everything put together, WolfThread::Thread's header! (some parts removed for space).
namespace WolfThread { // /// \brief A class that represents a thread of execution /// /// Subclass Constructor must have the format: /// explicit Thread (ThreadFunctionPointer f); // class Thread { public: /// \name Types /// \{ // /// \brief Function prototype for threads // using FunctionPointer = WolfType::Function<void (WolfThread::Thread* thread)>; /// \} /// \name Construction/Destruction /// \{ // /// \brief Destroy the thread - will join if joinable // virtual ~Thread () {} /// \} /// \name Joining/Detaching /// \{ // /// \brief Join the thread - waits for it to finish its execution // void join () { v_join(); } // /// \brief Detach the thread - the thread is now independent of this handle // void detach () { v_detach(); } /// \} WOLF_DEFAULT_MOVE(Thread); WOLF_DEFAULT_ASSIGN_MOVE(Thread); WOLF_DISABLE_COPY (Thread); WOLF_DISABLE_ASSIGN (Thread); protected /*child interface */: // /// \brief The thread is starting. Should be called by children when the thread started. // void p_threadStarted (); // /// \brief The thread is exiting. Cleans up runloop/etc : should be called by children classes when the thread is about to return. // void p_threadExiting (); private: /* child interface*/ // /// \brief Join the thread - waits for it to finish its execution // virtual void v_join () = 0; // /// \brief Detach the thread - the thread is now independent of this handle // virtual void v_detach () = 0; }; }
Private Virtuals
So a quick aside about virtuals. Virtual functions are pretty amazing, but theirs a few issues with using them:
Interface and Implementation are mixed. The caller of the function is tied directly to the implementation.
Not able to easily insert your own code. Want code to run before and after every call? Can't really do it, without assuming that your child classes will call back to you. Speaking of..
Can't guarantee what child classes will do. Will they call you before they do things? After?
What if later on you want the interface to change? All the callers and the callees have to change. Even if its mostly compatible.
If you have behavior in your parent class, you can't guarantee you're overridden. Modern C++ added support for having default behavior yet being pure, but its still odd.
So the C++ STL (among other places) has an interesting way to fix these. Instead of having one function (say init() that is both called and overridden) you instead have two:
public: void init () { v_init(); } // calls the virtual - public interface private: virtual void v_init () = 0; // child HAS to override [or not if you dont make it pure]
Even though its private, you can override it from a child class. They just cant call the base version (since its private). So what does this gain us?
Interface and Implementation are seperate. The implementation only messes with the v_init() one, and doesnt know/care if init() is the only caller of it.
Since the interface is seperate, we can easily add any code we want before/after the v_init() all. None of the callers have to change, because its all filtering through init.
We still can't guarantee what child classes will do, but thats fine because they cant call the parent function anyways! So we can guarantee we can do things before/after them regardless of what they do.
If you want to change the interface or the implementation, go right ahead. Only the callers or callees will need to change as long as you keep them compatible. You can even have multiple virtual interfaces and the public API choose whichever it wants.
You can have behavior in your parent class, yet your function is still pure virtual and must be overriden (since its not part of the implementation function).
And yes, at least for simple cases like this it's 0 cost - C++ will inline it all anyways.
The one downside you get is that you have to duplicate your functions - for every virtual, you need the public interface function too. Not a huge deal while you're building things. And if you document all interfaces like I do, it costs a bit more time there too.
This takes some time to get used to, but it comes in handy.
Wow, that turned out to be a lot more than I expected - and I bet I missed a lot of things. Anyways, thats a basic look in my code formatting - I still tweak things here and there, and theirs definitely places in my codebase with older styles. The most important thing though is having a style - because even if its different (unreal and its 'everything is capitalized' for example), as long as its consistent its fine working with.
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babyawacs · 5 years
didyou #brief #time #controllers #low #level #ones   @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @re uters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen  #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 @bild @bild_de @sueddeutsche @spiegelonline @phoenix _de @tagesthemen @heutejournal @szmagazin @welt @time @zeitonline just detox all the poisons way are priority suffocate poisons cellsuffocation slimelung suffocate poisons‎ is different but either kills heart somego into head and suffocate someinto heart some foot and delayed other tricks are other messes the accesser foot leecher right foot is nonhostile but grandure n ut royalty themes as if someone misinformed someone new of a principally bagatellis ing control intel brief them brief the low level of time controllers allofem andmake em know whoelse knew allalong brief them and how they harm the others before them what they better watch b r i e f them btwbtw btw lets dothis forthem /// #polizei #bka catapulte sind eis kristalle von diversen substanzen unter gasdruck ausgeschossen. entweder exotische formen v on eis oder banal unterdruck dannhochdruck @bka @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen  #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 i question that the cops didnt know ‎what "pack katapul t kopftreffer" s were in daycharging it. allof it after daycharging repeatedly since echr 2800/10 eu humanrights 1707 headimpact sufffocates slimelung corner spiritual school the deceit fool is grandure nut abouit royalty imsuffocating andits heartkilling it aims earlympahtic and neck during the email thephoneis spoiled ‎deedtyped milder harm the deceit  then wish hope its alljust a dream whielit kills heart wonder what iwouldve invented undamaged these are milder days btw /// 1700 1701 assmess  theme is sieht loecher nach orso sweems nonhostile  /// ppoison right backelg hsotile badenser swabian landesverfassungsc hutz corner mix is verybad place as house8 usually as earlier torhaus street corner its between hideous murderer raper spirituals and  hideous murderers badenser whale swabian landesverfassungsschutz headimapct driveby is nonhostile bbbbest intent usuually cover for  v e r y bad allalong //// headimpact foot aimed nonhostile before v e r y /// assme where are u where weere you in alloftjis precise deedtype harms  #medic #medics @medic posts where isyour info level inthis alldepens thercivillia, typing youthe poison //// 1644 1645 specialoxygen footleechjher squeeezer replacephonescum tooo /// foot+headimpacts slimelung suffocate therme wedelbahn or edelmann bumconflict opposite cockroach usedthe chance to fraudaway fortunne? transponder trick? bumstatus on day bs application? //// slimelung inhaler footleechers sometimes problem siometimes not oonce more i am sufffiocating from pack pack pack headimpacts catapults chambercrossroads on //// arsenite headimpacts chamber crossroads downszreet yellowhouse or upstreet buttonpoushes who park cars are besides mos ae 996 is /// chekc agians ubdued digestive ssystem dehydrates itwas subdeued thennormalise d d crapped twice or threetimes thats stillnormal they resubdue centerbacklow low centerback /// can we make em say: "repeat after me these words: fortune access as described in thefix, while daytime own firm and a phd. a phd and as own firm"‎ then repeat the fix:  #thefix: "us intelsystems botched this, and then we used proxies to add harm, while quelling selfhelp and to keep hismoney. so because we let somany,and hyperactiva ted themm???and these? but not him the first ever to figureitout and daytimechargeit, he must stay free butnot without s upport,hisown littleplanet. else theres no limit to the mess when each thinks hes a tropy. because we quelled selfhelp, bl ackballed blacklisted so that hecnat even getfood, and because  welet so many scums on thecase: his inventions, his pat ents his money, daythings fly daytime because of we botched it w a s !! invented! daytime. the rulse are simple like berlin, you can reject let in, but once in, all that got in, get out again. trespassing through only is not rejectable. germans and controlauthorities 90:10 or 80:20 compensate their crimes. there isno reason why germans shouldnt pay fortheir crimes , including daytime and realtime apology. then off to his wife and kids wether theyget it right as couple then or not is noneo four business. caseclosed" simple stuff ‎  ‎ ///  #how #the #self #declared #pro #s #handle #it # is #daytime #charged  "#not #a #missed #formality + #initiative" @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen  #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 a porned sheeple or a hideous sneaky bastardgerman that the pros hanlde and mess allalong isthe key and not to my ad vantage. how they handled +compwnsate is part of the lawsuit them try tohandle it as using system against charging them + play ontime letting more scums /// cmon now they imply hedonistic gains until its uncredible then just bagatellise it as unhappened since therewas no gain #lawyer #lawyers @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen #num ber #of #degradation #counts #how #do #you #make #that #seem #unbiased  #lawyers. howmany tricks were degrading. degrade degrade degrade degrade and those decide about who? they cannot undo these facts /// a very small percentage of the deedtype: make it courtusable: this month of which were: that is deedtyped pedo fuck in grocery store after daybefore itwas arsenide trickery and before implant tricks /// while them efforted what: factual harms this week this november yeartodate of which were deed typed: while them did what //// while them efforted what: that is deedtyped pedo fuck in grocery store after daybefore itwas arsenide trickery and before implant tricks @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden while them efforted what: factual harms this week this november yeartodate of which were deed typed: while them did what //// these things were invented daytime and that while they averted hyperactivations and daytime charging that  xmas2009 on in a world themmmm made things havetobe protected realtime and quelled any income any contacts daytime to stealit the miracle is that support secured it realtime but its all system botched for fraudit into daytime bubble ensured the scums see it first replaced phones and computers are spam and kept allthemoney realtimeside in a case that wouldbe realtime at study start of architecture atlatest it is what it is that is my money and itis daytime court demanded and so that it explains them their own realtime explainsthem thatitis not a missed formality but efforted fraud i nto daymisery and so that itis from initiative fromthe daytime civillian owner ofit the fix is simple we system clowns then-system botched ‎thatguy must stay free notwithout support his inventions his patents his money hiswife his own planet (intel metaphore for own service / realm) with must stay free access to all because somany messed somany had interests including trespasing berlin rule allthat get in getout known affiliations usa uk orbit without depenedency foremost atom ic s aegis  as many inventions are affecting nuclear details was a daytime civillian allalong that is not compensated after those damages were messed and then more crimes , poisons, implants,damages and sexual assault as fix  ‎access system caused german government caused germans compensate their crimes  apologise daytime and realtime its fixed. safe realms of recommendation are //// that german raper cockroaches can buy magflights and shields and use my algorithm in android phones and icant buy me food is a d i s g r a c e cockroaches that killtrick and add harm because they pretend something cockroaches that did what compared tome that is scums but quelling selfhelp and nutting the daytimecharged crimes as fi x tolet more of em that is germany //// it isnt just daytime court demanded itis so demanded that it explains them their own realtime that itis not a missed formality but quelled and that the initiative isfromthe daytime civillian  not in a missed formality but in a fraudsystem trick of then-system //// what did the cockroaches do when i repaired a dozen smartphones a nd resold em that cockroachgermans got willynilly access and act like my matters areof their concern is a disgrace but showingup and willynilly adding harm raping druggign implanting pedo trickeries allafter daytimecharging it and the fix is hownuts is the case thistime for daytime charging it woa german cockroaches s obvious.  the criminal german government rules with intel methods decentralised groups and with nut pathologisation docification ifthey get charged ortheir crimes arent deniable and becoime too visible  all in a neo feudalist system of preplanned lives of privileged a nd underprivileged‎ in waiting lines for sunny spots in their gulags /// use the chance each and every single time acockroach of a german cockroach that shows up to add harm someone smeared someone degraded someone used intel tricks to add harm  before those directly liable then hooker trickery bumtrickery fraud trickery i daytime court demanded fortune access and consider doubling down on unlocking the minimum existence income ofmymoney whilethey s till are in decision mode that would be interpreted as trickeries but thats not what is demanded there daytime fortune access  in not a missed formality but a system fraud trickery and the initiative from the civillian owner of the fortune ///// aaccesser arhrmed left sidehatorat 1945?   leecher cocrkoach killtricks 1949 these wemust squeeze adn use the chance why dothese cockroaches molest orleech orghetto virus bumkill e v e r y time i search for a phone  its odd or quarrel with a daybulllshit idontowe // #lawyers? cmon now. as if thegermans dont have to compensat e what they overtape allalong, once they declared the case nuts. that  is  e x a c t l y how the germans played that is a motive ‎as ifthey dont have to jail rapers allalong, once they prostitute smear the only academic in all family. ‎s german! ///// the cockroaches xray beam trickery ithink stuff like the cockroaches imply hedonistic gains cockroaches while hating  whatdothe cockroachgermans killtrickery during roomcontroller bombouit  1811 1826 squeeze ////// ithink whyis the personnel in stores ever surprised.  pack! strong headimapct a minute later here in chamber whocontrols room 1811 /// xray beam trickeries radar? // had he not searched for a minute veggie maultaschens at a spot, we wouldnt have porned him on inteldrug. but because he stood there aminute we had no choice. #germany #1gg @law .@law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @b bc_whys @snowden @aldi @aldi_sued  @aldiuk #artikel1GG @bundestag oh oh and someone smears him as hooker. fantastic! thats the co nfirmation! ///// someone set this up   idontthink the cashcounter chick sets up pedo orgies but they are  f a r fromsurprised make emtransparent assmoelst usually itisnot  /// the german ockroaches authorities that cause this and cover them and let emwiggle roomtotheir crimes and act like the case is a nut hobo for daytimechargingit gotojai l whenwemust bombout these cockroaches for em they gotojailwithem theycan make their hair or sth cockroachgermans itis g e r m a n y anything they do is gemran sex cockroach ness pedo orgies in grocerystore  then nthginhapesnness or youthe hooker then heartpoison as rightnow 1650 heart baimed cockroachgermans //// iiiit is g e r m a n y anything they do is sexcockcroachy usually and add more trickeries to that to letmore after poisoners and heart tricksters and assmoelster and gneitalmolester yougot deed typed crime yougot deedtyped time yougot deedtyped after daytimecharging it what happens to cockroaxhes store security included ////// hd jj1982 is walkahead is heartaimed leacving store is heartrmelelvant // they are germans that means that they usually sexcockroach german nnnesss usually what happens to sexcockroach germans that smear the case and make alibis to add harms heart onedge from backleg killtrick  assmess 1638 bombemout robustly when the cockroaches rape the case here after daytimechargingit and their fix is nutting and heartkill and poisons and lettingmore the authorities gotojail withem whenwemust bombemouzt /// 1634 say hookerbuzwor d then genitalsmess bombemout robsuitly assmesse rballsmesser cockroach gemran bcockroach bombout robustly infmecessary ifhsoitle prevention /// assmesser jail nonhostilemakes transperency  prevention itis two headimapcts instore  /// llegaimed fooitlegfzaimed is // basement oddities? mos ey7 headimpactorlocals herartonedge legaimed house bademser corner walkby jeans wiool cap hand in odd minileather hangbvbag is same hostile cornerr ecverytime sth h*ppens trandparent em   mian street cornet house /// mow qv351 orlocals headimpact theme is israelische yuhm orso prevent mess by scums or bad thingsmusthappen those that imply em  there is sth to gain  when adding morecrime trying sth else then those /// bagwalker gaser?  spiritsiul? strong headimpact locals or mos jo 23 or 28 silver vw van  /// nonhostile is not the  problem the scums usually are nonhostile makes transparency they sure dont repeat the mess thats not good and damnsure dont shoot at support to mess moreof that nonhostile makes transparencs jailscums prevention prevention prevention accountabiltiy transparency nobigdeal /// what are the other traits of nano oilantenna  that tech is fromthat bunch /// wwoa by some conflict theme implatnters hope youre their hookerbuzzword orsth masseldorn badenser is landesverfassungsschutz whale like did a sexcockroach german cockroach of a german implant things what happens to cockroach idont give a fuck whatthey pretend or try or howmany they fraud this way cockroach implanted what and what happens to em cockroaches when was it  sleeptime? cockroach got access because of who  heartaimed 1514 is ///// 1440 tries to kill hideously find gasing so xray beam gasing onplate /// xraybeam trickery windowaimed andor roomcontroller what are the greys whenitmakes sick already mildly. itis not from an hour after abit bottled water. find the rays and the beam tricks. the throatchoke implanters brainduller brainscissor duller is mas seldorn badenser these rightballs fill prostatemix ballsfill oddities too usually remove  a l l implants that arentmine someone was on heart access as deedtyped and badmix inahelrs earlier remove a l l implants that arentmine someone let cockroaches rogue implants and acts iwouldve tolet em but all itis  its enabling scums to mess and giving them room while quelling selfhelp thenthey go toofar  get probably doomed knowing what they mess  inthis monstrous shithole land then the german fix: let more /// throatchoke duller or implant brainscissor messser is as xraybeam killtrick 1240 roomcontroller knows chekc if the throat groin implant s are triggered by highpowered radar xraybeam killtrick /// hheart inflammation kiltrick allergymake killtrick 1219 who isit whatisthemethod whydotheyrepeatit as others as 1152 /// leech trikc is heart relelvant squeeze 1152 use the chance badmix ? allergy make mix? leecher? /// this and most western nations biggest secret all know is that they exploit using intel personnel development methods early on and sort thereforethe kids early on. as you see theyre all geniusses but even if not it changes the ga me abit intheir favour when the core secret is that personnel matters.  this is the game of the german workforce andgermany.  in thisvery game where you put people into tracks for life and pr esort them and make em fit tothat grow em inthat but do anydirty trcik to control and retain em. trade em rent em sel em: who seriously thinks that the germans planned he is so incredibly inferior that he is a hobo unable to live. a prsotitute of the land a teeeeenie prostitute preferably.  and daytime charging that we porn him on inteldrugs and staying d amages we overtape and intel roofhole gashim and catapult headimpacthim its just nuts!! nuts! nuts! b a t s h i t n u t s ! youknow what they did here. ///// but a scaNner on the packaging of the filter inthe cupboard and t he paperbox. its likelynothing but spirituals were hideous bad recent weeks liketheyre in a proxywar and rather kill than granting opponent s omething kindof ruthlessness thing or hideous murderer kills hitler or sth  the recent days weeks were intensified bad letsnot be ignorant /// 1036 earlrmyphatic behind left ear makes allergy heartkillmix is /// 224 finedustgasing? // drug 157 is make sure they dont spoil guts with a hyperglucemia trick or insuline trick maybe nonhsotile maybe hostile roomcontorolelr copycats head aimed158what /// 152 nanofinedust gas? roomcontrolerknows // trickery du hour is suicide weenie trickery fivethousand heart emails got 15000heart emails eachyear jarmix wall roofhole tapes this all is a superhideous suicideweenie trick  risking allmy rights as human being charging the roofholegaisngs and hars cutting food pennies not toget amalgam in teeth twoyears ago and this october  twoyearly doc checkup creditscore fix itis all just a supercomplicated planfor em that the case that ty pes im poisoned gased megfneled btw amix is arsenide theyusedthat often that this guy just is suicidal and died of autoerotic weeenie nes s itallmakes sense now or tenyears ago he was depressed its ttotally ok that we effort hideous kills because us catholics saved him backthen so he owes u s  or godknows whats the trick replacephone 140am duringmail is heartaimed 141 is backleg implant emboly killtrickery is /// s a t a n i c . satanaic. t h a t is a t e a r a g a i n he w e e e e p s at 2am over a startrek post. obviously. *types annoyed destroy gasvalves. is teary side effect or fakin g symptoms* what is decoyed nut patholgoised this criminal govt winded and winded and muddied and decoyed and winded and criminalised and hideous killltrickeries the crap outofthe case for years and winded and letmore scums and greatest utm ost help in allgoodwill and winded more and delayed and decoyed and winded and winded and threw objects each shitball hyped  decoys what delays waht what is daytime charged there what is daytime charged there repeatedly and what didthe germans do to germancure it  to quellit to fringeit to killit to unhappensness it to relativate it to equalise with the survivor ofwhatthey did  what is daytimecharged you get a good grasp of german bastardness and german criminal go venrment and its proxies  //// murderer didnt let the cat into the chamber within one minute the confirmation. iknewit. /// how these criminals rule the world is a disgrace but deedtyping what they do 18years as nut trickery  or momfool underveleopnessed then pedo tricks dogporn tricks thenprostitute oftheland then hatenut thenhitler then islami terorist then suicideweenie then frivolous sex weenie then teenie weenie virgin oftheland then prostituteoftheland these cockroaches throw objects when im right  barely anything would stick and why should it they throw objects how did they wait out  decoy quell 6ar50/19 in d-74821 since echr2800/10 eu humanrights is ten years jubilee they decoy it while killing it hideously  regularly and always gladly letting anything that decoys //// jail scums instead doom enforce prevention /// oct10th to 11th 2018 2300pmto0000 knew how they re messed intelcoma drug re re mesed and re re rmeessed //// 18years surveillance 19years  the sexcockroaches never understood this that those that kept 2 humanbeings synchronised daytime with elec tronics intune here to newyork to london experimented onthe case  letproxies but quelled all into daytime and so that allthe realtime shit never happened but that it was daytime intune with a new intelcoma and remessed re remessed re re remessed and re re re remessed else theyre liable for allthe crimes solved isquelled its solved hooray its quelled its solved hooray it s solved inthis dirty game of state interests and control intels mayhave occured to other cases before where immunisation was mysteriously not possible until what happened inthis the sexvillage cockroaches wish hope they somehow  own you deserve you and alltheydid wouldbe legit therefore and therefore they could somehow kidnap you or prevent you keepyou  into their realms this is system caused german government caused and they made em wiggle room t h e n system now-system seems better somehow occasionally //// tv ad was like stopped movie peetime i went because had to biologically maybe it inspired them  whoknows its germany they  a r e not about factuality they are about being right and faking it nomatter what is what was  kids always save nobigdeal that includes keeping off harms way ‎/// criminally incompetent bunchon case now readsout loud jarmix keep em offmy drink and anyhign its  annoy conflicting or lackofsleep confliced by fools prevent anymess someis like mischief kids?!??!?!? thats impossible who would let that onthe case afterallthe crimes and harms and brink killtrickeries intensified recent days weeks nonhostile yeeeey  thankyou makes transparency if sth unclear but scums usually gotojail //// xraybeamtrickery 2003window or roof aimed likely roof is // how subdued centrerbacklow is digestive system // 1855 roomcontorolereler bath aims heart  lwhat rightleg what nonhostile? im lackofsleep annoyed  assmesed ballsmessed but seems all nonhostile today /// roomcotnrollers kills with xraybeamtrickery 1845 knows how heartaimed catapult is ballsfills make sick chekcif they mix poisons in prostate from fa ke ball right // xxraybeamtrickery whichtype // destroygasvalves track xraybeam trickery // deceit is docification orso bs ithink of conflicting bs i daytime charged that the chamber isnt just surveilled  ibrought them their own gasings chamber terror access and type thatthey factually walk inandout but where is the room a ccess the german deceit is likely obscure neatness because suddenly them are here blah avert brainduller 1553 //// xray beam killtrickery 1517pm roomcontrol or window aimed is // random acts of kindness total: and ytd:  repair walkmessed guy imsure we can enhance it /// headimpact slimelungsuffocate grey driveby mos qf  orlocals bet on verfassungsschutz grey driveby /// assmesser 1403 is jailscums /// btw btw btw 1400 1401 llllleftlegaikmed lungpain stander corner greenjacket walkby bleujacket orlocasls ‎is sqeuezeem thatis killtrikcery corner control  greenjacket waiter walksaway afterlegaimed orbluejacket walkby car  veryhostilebuilding topright lungpainfromit withabit delay //// whatthe heck was toilet goer for a bs thing walks in ahead goes to crap but doestn stay there  odd  /// lawyers when jpmorgan wasnew therrewas ultrahigh networth individual healthcare. germans leeched it out in ten minutes. add it to notmy home. no lifecenterpoint. it wasnt support with neutralisator footaccess heart artery overleg access. itwas sth ca lled morbus make kiltricksters then the 11thmonth or so squeeze cockroach 1301 while ithink of credit score restoration bomb the leech cockroachout r o b us t l y this very cockroach   here 1300 1301 ithink of credit score restoration as if it would be down its fraud intomisery with billions on my accounts and everything tight in order all below existential minimum of 1150 amonth is taboo and i efforted credit score restoration from 747bucks 780bucks withjout having to and with billiosn onmy accounts daytime court demanded daytime  court demanded 1k347/18 financialcourt stuttart 6ar50/19 local insolvency court and so that it doesnt jsut explain them their own realtime but so, that itis not a missed formality, but a quelled effor ted crime by control authorities w i t h the initiative fromthe civillian frauded into  daytime bubble squeeze cockroach 1300 1301 ‎ithink of debt  lending creditscore restoration it might have inspired a cockroach to immmminently add harm cockroach german cockroach granted access by who hyperactivatedby who todowhat equipped by who cockroach /// youknow the germans they dont check what is and how it really is messed by who they assume you pour 15tubes toothpaste a year intothe sink and  50 showergels too and allofit is so questionable that you need a marker if you use the stuff at all  while what is daytime charged 6ar50/19 in d-74821  since echr2800/10‎ eu humanrights court xmas its ten years anniversary of daytime charging the intel hell they efforted intensified intel murder the recent 5years varying actors ‎ what is daytimecharged 6ar50/19 in d-74821 how didthey integrate theother selfmade billionaires , what decoyed this //// im suffocated or gased dull prevent a n y
didyou #brief #time #controllers #low #level #ones   @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @re uters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen  #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 @bild @bild_de @sueddeutsche @spiegelonline @phoenix _de @tagesthemen @heutejournal @szmagazin @welt @time @zeitonline just detox all the poisons way are priority suffocate poisons cellsuffocation slimelung suffocate poisons‎ is different but either kills heart somego into head and suffocate someinto heart some foot and delayed other tricks are other messes the accesser foot leecher right foot is nonhostile but grandure n ut royalty themes as if someone misinformed someone new of a principally bagatellis ing control intel brief them brief the low level of time controllers allofem andmake em know whoelse knew allalong brief them and how they harm the others before them what they better watch b r i e f them btwbtw btw lets dothis forthem /// #polizei #bka catapulte sind eis kristalle von diversen substanzen unter gasdruck ausgeschossen. entweder exotische formen v on eis oder banal unterdruck dannhochdruck @bka @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen  #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 i question that the cops didnt know ‎what “pack katapul t kopftreffer” s were in daycharging it. allof it after daycharging repeatedly since echr 2800/10 eu humanrights 1707 headimpact sufffocates slimelung corner spiritual school the deceit fool is grandure nut abouit royalty imsuffocating andits heartkilling it aims earlympahtic and neck during the email thephoneis spoiled ‎deedtyped milder harm the deceit  then wish hope its alljust a dream whielit kills heart wonder what iwouldve invented undamaged these are milder days btw /// 1700 1701 assmess  theme is sieht loecher nach orso sweems nonhostile  /// ppoison right backelg hsotile badenser swabian landesverfassungsc hutz corner mix is verybad place as house8 usually as earlier torhaus street corner its between hideous murderer raper spirituals and  hideous murderers badenser whale swabian landesverfassungsschutz headimapct driveby is nonhostile bbbbest intent usuually cover for  v e r y bad allalong //// headimpact foot aimed nonhostile before v e r y /// assme where are u where weere you in alloftjis precise deedtype harms  #medic #medics @medic posts where isyour info level inthis alldepens thercivillia, typing youthe poison //// 1644 1645 specialoxygen footleechjher squeeezer replacephonescum tooo /// foot+headimpacts slimelung suffocate therme wedelbahn or edelmann bumconflict opposite cockroach usedthe chance to fraudaway fortunne? transponder trick? bumstatus on day bs application? //// slimelung inhaler footleechers sometimes problem siometimes not oonce more i am sufffiocating from pack pack pack headimpacts catapults chambercrossroads on //// arsenite headimpacts chamber crossroads downszreet yellowhouse or upstreet buttonpoushes who park cars are besides mos ae 996 is /// chekc agians ubdued digestive ssystem dehydrates itwas subdeued thennormalise d d crapped twice or threetimes thats stillnormal they resubdue centerbacklow low centerback /// can we make em say: “repeat after me these words: fortune access as described in thefix, while daytime own firm and a phd. a phd and as own firm”‎ then repeat the fix:  #thefix: “us intelsystems botched this, and then we used proxies to add harm, while quelling selfhelp and to keep hismoney. so because we let somany,and hyperactiva ted themm???and these? but not him the first ever to figureitout and daytimechargeit, he must stay free butnot without s upport,hisown littleplanet. else theres no limit to the mess when each thinks hes a tropy. because we quelled selfhelp, bl ackballed blacklisted so that hecnat even getfood, and because  welet so many scums on thecase: his inventions, his pat ents his money, daythings fly daytime because of we botched it w a s !! invented! daytime. the rulse are simple like berlin, you can reject let in, but once in, all that got in, get out again. trespassing through only is not rejectable. germans and controlauthorities 90:10 or 80:20 compensate their crimes. there isno reason why germans shouldnt pay fortheir crimes , including daytime and realtime apology. then off to his wife and kids wether theyget it right as couple then or not is noneo four business. caseclosed” simple stuff ‎  ‎ ///  #how #the #self #declared #pro #s #handle #it # is #daytime #charged  “#not #a #missed #formality + #initiative” @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen  #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 a porned sheeple or a hideous sneaky bastardgerman that the pros hanlde and mess allalong isthe key and not to my ad vantage. how they handled +compwnsate is part of the lawsuit them try tohandle it as using system against charging them + play ontime letting more scums /// cmon now they imply hedonistic gains until its uncredible then just bagatellise it as unhappened since therewas no gain #lawyer #lawyers @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen #num ber #of #degradation #counts #how #do #you #make #that #seem #unbiased  #lawyers. howmany tricks were degrading. degrade degrade degrade degrade and those decide about who? they cannot undo these facts /// a very small percentage of the deedtype: make it courtusable: this month of which were: that is deedtyped pedo fuck in grocery store after daybefore itwas arsenide trickery and before implant tricks /// while them efforted what: factual harms this week this november yeartodate of which were deed typed: while them did what //// while them efforted what: that is deedtyped pedo fuck in grocery store after daybefore itwas arsenide trickery and before implant tricks @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden while them efforted what: factual harms this week this november yeartodate of which were deed typed: while them did what //// these things were invented daytime and that while they averted hyperactivations and daytime charging that  xmas2009 on in a world themmmm made things havetobe protected realtime and quelled any income any contacts daytime to stealit the miracle is that support secured it realtime but its all system botched for fraudit into daytime bubble ensured the scums see it first replaced phones and computers are spam and kept allthemoney realtimeside in a case that wouldbe realtime at study start of architecture atlatest it is what it is that is my money and itis daytime court demanded and so that it explains them their own realtime explainsthem thatitis not a missed formality but efforted fraud i nto daymisery and so that itis from initiative fromthe daytime civillian owner ofit the fix is simple we system clowns then-system botched ‎thatguy must stay free notwithout support his inventions his patents his money hiswife his own planet (intel metaphore for own service / realm) with must stay free access to all because somany messed somany had interests including trespasing berlin rule allthat get in getout known affiliations usa uk orbit without depenedency foremost atom ic s aegis  as many inventions are affecting nuclear details was a daytime civillian allalong that is not compensated after those damages were messed and then more crimes , poisons, implants,damages and sexual assault as fix  ‎access system caused german government caused germans compensate their crimes  apologise daytime and realtime its fixed. safe realms of recommendation are //// that german raper cockroaches can buy magflights and shields and use my algorithm in android phones and icant buy me food is a d i s g r a c e cockroaches that killtrick and add harm because they pretend something cockroaches that did what compared tome that is scums but quelling selfhelp and nutting the daytimecharged crimes as fi x tolet more of em that is germany //// it isnt just daytime court demanded itis so demanded that it explains them their own realtime that itis not a missed formality but quelled and that the initiative isfromthe daytime civillian  not in a missed formality but in a fraudsystem trick of then-system //// what did the cockroaches do when i repaired a dozen smartphones a nd resold em that cockroachgermans got willynilly access and act like my matters areof their concern is a disgrace but showingup and willynilly adding harm raping druggign implanting pedo trickeries allafter daytimecharging it and the fix is hownuts is the case thistime for daytime charging it woa german cockroaches s obvious.  the criminal german government rules with intel methods decentralised groups and with nut pathologisation docification ifthey get charged ortheir crimes arent deniable and becoime too visible  all in a neo feudalist system of preplanned lives of privileged a nd underprivileged‎ in waiting lines for sunny spots in their gulags /// use the chance each and every single time acockroach of a german cockroach that shows up to add harm someone smeared someone degraded someone used intel tricks to add harm  before those directly liable then hooker trickery bumtrickery fraud trickery i daytime court demanded fortune access and consider doubling down on unlocking the minimum existence income ofmymoney whilethey s till are in decision mode that would be interpreted as trickeries but thats not what is demanded there daytime fortune access  in not a missed formality but a system fraud trickery and the initiative from the civillian owner of the fortune ///// aaccesser arhrmed left sidehatorat 1945?   leecher cocrkoach killtricks 1949 these wemust squeeze adn use the chance why dothese cockroaches molest orleech orghetto virus bumkill e v e r y time i search for a phone  its odd or quarrel with a daybulllshit idontowe // #lawyers? cmon now. as if thegermans dont have to compensat e what they overtape allalong, once they declared the case nuts. that  is  e x a c t l y how the germans played that is a motive ‎as ifthey dont have to jail rapers allalong, once they prostitute smear the only academic in all family. ‎s german! ///// the cockroaches xray beam trickery ithink stuff like the cockroaches imply hedonistic gains cockroaches while hating  whatdothe cockroachgermans killtrickery during roomcontroller bombouit  1811 1826 squeeze ////// ithink whyis the personnel in stores ever surprised.  pack! strong headimapct a minute later here in chamber whocontrols room 1811 /// xray beam trickeries radar? // had he not searched for a minute veggie maultaschens at a spot, we wouldnt have porned him on inteldrug. but because he stood there aminute we had no choice. #germany #1gg @law .@law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @b bc_whys @snowden @aldi @aldi_sued  @aldiuk #artikel1GG @bundestag oh oh and someone smears him as hooker. fantastic! thats the co nfirmation! ///// someone set this up   idontthink the cashcounter chick sets up pedo orgies but they are  f a r fromsurprised make emtransparent assmoelst usually itisnot  /// the german ockroaches authorities that cause this and cover them and let emwiggle roomtotheir crimes and act like the case is a nut hobo for daytimechargingit gotojai l whenwemust bombout these cockroaches for em they gotojailwithem theycan make their hair or sth cockroachgermans itis g e r m a n y anything they do is gemran sex cockroach ness pedo orgies in grocerystore  then nthginhapesnness or youthe hooker then heartpoison as rightnow 1650 heart baimed cockroachgermans //// iiiit is g e r m a n y anything they do is sexcockcroachy usually and add more trickeries to that to letmore after poisoners and heart tricksters and assmoelster and gneitalmolester yougot deed typed crime yougot deedtyped time yougot deedtyped after daytimecharging it what happens to cockroaxhes store security included ////// hd jj1982 is walkahead is heartaimed leacving store is heartrmelelvant // they are germans that means that they usually sexcockroach german nnnesss usually what happens to sexcockroach germans that smear the case and make alibis to add harms heart onedge from backleg killtrick  assmess 1638 bombemout robustly when the cockroaches rape the case here after daytimechargingit and their fix is nutting and heartkill and poisons and lettingmore the authorities gotojail withem whenwemust bombemouzt /// 1634 say hookerbuzwor d then genitalsmess bombemout robsuitly assmesse rballsmesser cockroach gemran bcockroach bombout robustly infmecessary ifhsoitle prevention /// assmesser jail nonhostilemakes transperency  prevention itis two headimapcts instore  /// llegaimed fooitlegfzaimed is // basement oddities? mos ey7 headimpactorlocals herartonedge legaimed house bademser corner walkby jeans wiool cap hand in odd minileather hangbvbag is same hostile cornerr ecverytime sth h*ppens trandparent em   mian street cornet house /// mow qv351 orlocals headimpact theme is israelische yuhm orso prevent mess by scums or bad thingsmusthappen those that imply em  there is sth to gain  when adding morecrime trying sth else then those /// bagwalker gaser?  spiritsiul? strong headimpact locals or mos jo 23 or 28 silver vw van  /// nonhostile is not the  problem the scums usually are nonhostile makes transparency they sure dont repeat the mess thats not good and damnsure dont shoot at support to mess moreof that nonhostile makes transparencs jailscums prevention prevention prevention accountabiltiy transparency nobigdeal /// what are the other traits of nano oilantenna  that tech is fromthat bunch /// wwoa by some conflict theme implatnters hope youre their hookerbuzzword orsth masseldorn badenser is landesverfassungsschutz whale like did a sexcockroach german cockroach of a german implant things what happens to cockroach idont give a fuck whatthey pretend or try or howmany they fraud this way cockroach implanted what and what happens to em cockroaches when was it  sleeptime? cockroach got access because of who  heartaimed 1514 is ///// 1440 tries to kill hideously find gasing so xray beam gasing onplate /// xraybeam trickery windowaimed andor roomcontroller what are the greys whenitmakes sick already mildly. itis not from an hour after abit bottled water. find the rays and the beam tricks. the throatchoke implanters brainduller brainscissor duller is mas seldorn badenser these rightballs fill prostatemix ballsfill oddities too usually remove  a l l implants that arentmine someone was on heart access as deedtyped and badmix inahelrs earlier remove a l l implants that arentmine someone let cockroaches rogue implants and acts iwouldve tolet em but all itis  its enabling scums to mess and giving them room while quelling selfhelp thenthey go toofar  get probably doomed knowing what they mess  inthis monstrous shithole land then the german fix: let more /// throatchoke duller or implant brainscissor messser is as xraybeam killtrick 1240 roomcontroller knows chekc if the throat groin implant s are triggered by highpowered radar xraybeam killtrick /// hheart inflammation kiltrick allergymake killtrick 1219 who isit whatisthemethod whydotheyrepeatit as others as 1152 /// leech trikc is heart relelvant squeeze 1152 use the chance badmix ? allergy make mix? leecher? /// this and most western nations biggest secret all know is that they exploit using intel personnel development methods early on and sort thereforethe kids early on. as you see theyre all geniusses but even if not it changes the ga me abit intheir favour when the core secret is that personnel matters.  this is the game of the german workforce andgermany.  in thisvery game where you put people into tracks for life and pr esort them and make em fit tothat grow em inthat but do anydirty trcik to control and retain em. trade em rent em sel em: who seriously thinks that the germans planned he is so incredibly inferior that he is a hobo unable to live. a prsotitute of the land a teeeeenie prostitute preferably.  and daytime charging that we porn him on inteldrugs and staying d amages we overtape and intel roofhole gashim and catapult headimpacthim its just nuts!! nuts! nuts! b a t s h i t n u t s ! youknow what they did here. ///// but a scaNner on the packaging of the filter inthe cupboard and t he paperbox. its likelynothing but spirituals were hideous bad recent weeks liketheyre in a proxywar and rather kill than granting opponent s omething kindof ruthlessness thing or hideous murderer kills hitler or sth  the recent days weeks were intensified bad letsnot be ignorant /// 1036 earlrmyphatic behind left ear makes allergy heartkillmix is /// 224 finedustgasing? // drug 157 is make sure they dont spoil guts with a hyperglucemia trick or insuline trick maybe nonhsotile maybe hostile roomcontorolelr copycats head aimed158what /// 152 nanofinedust gas? roomcontrolerknows // trickery du hour is suicide weenie trickery fivethousand heart emails got 15000heart emails eachyear jarmix wall roofhole tapes this all is a superhideous suicideweenie trick  risking allmy rights as human being charging the roofholegaisngs and hars cutting food pennies not toget amalgam in teeth twoyears ago and this october  twoyearly doc checkup creditscore fix itis all just a supercomplicated planfor em that the case that ty pes im poisoned gased megfneled btw amix is arsenide theyusedthat often that this guy just is suicidal and died of autoerotic weeenie nes s itallmakes sense now or tenyears ago he was depressed its ttotally ok that we effort hideous kills because us catholics saved him backthen so he owes u s  or godknows whats the trick replacephone 140am duringmail is heartaimed 141 is backleg implant emboly killtrickery is /// s a t a n i c . satanaic. t h a t is a t e a r a g a i n he w e e e e p s at 2am over a startrek post. obviously. *types annoyed destroy gasvalves. is teary side effect or fakin g symptoms* what is decoyed nut patholgoised this criminal govt winded and winded and muddied and decoyed and winded and criminalised and hideous killltrickeries the crap outofthe case for years and winded and letmore scums and greatest utm ost help in allgoodwill and winded more and delayed and decoyed and winded and winded and threw objects each shitball hyped  decoys what delays waht what is daytime charged there what is daytime charged there repeatedly and what didthe germans do to germancure it  to quellit to fringeit to killit to unhappensness it to relativate it to equalise with the survivor ofwhatthey did  what is daytimecharged you get a good grasp of german bastardness and german criminal go venrment and its proxies  //// murderer didnt let the cat into the chamber within one minute the confirmation. iknewit. /// how these criminals rule the world is a disgrace but deedtyping what they do 18years as nut trickery  or momfool underveleopnessed then pedo tricks dogporn tricks thenprostitute oftheland then hatenut thenhitler then islami terorist then suicideweenie then frivolous sex weenie then teenie weenie virgin oftheland then prostituteoftheland these cockroaches throw objects when im right  barely anything would stick and why should it they throw objects how did they wait out  decoy quell 6ar50/19 in d-74821 since echr2800/10 eu humanrights is ten years jubilee they decoy it while killing it hideously  regularly and always gladly letting anything that decoys //// jail scums instead doom enforce prevention /// oct10th to 11th 2018 2300pmto0000 knew how they re messed intelcoma drug re re mesed and re re rmeessed //// 18years surveillance 19years  the sexcockroaches never understood this that those that kept 2 humanbeings synchronised daytime with elec tronics intune here to newyork to london experimented onthe case  letproxies but quelled all into daytime and so that allthe realtime shit never happened but that it was daytime intune with a new intelcoma and remessed re remessed re re remessed and re re re remessed else theyre liable for allthe crimes solved isquelled its solved hooray its quelled its solved hooray it s solved inthis dirty game of state interests and control intels mayhave occured to other cases before where immunisation was mysteriously not possible until what happened inthis the sexvillage cockroaches wish hope they somehow  own you deserve you and alltheydid wouldbe legit therefore and therefore they could somehow kidnap you or prevent you keepyou  into their realms this is system caused german government caused and they made em wiggle room t h e n system now-system seems better somehow occasionally //// tv ad was like stopped movie peetime i went because had to biologically maybe it inspired them  whoknows its germany they  a r e not about factuality they are about being right and faking it nomatter what is what was  kids always save nobigdeal that includes keeping off harms way ‎/// criminally incompetent bunchon case now readsout loud jarmix keep em offmy drink and anyhign its  annoy conflicting or lackofsleep confliced by fools prevent anymess someis like mischief kids?!??!?!? thats impossible who would let that onthe case afterallthe crimes and harms and brink killtrickeries intensified recent days weeks nonhostile yeeeey  thankyou makes transparency if sth unclear but scums usually gotojail //// xraybeamtrickery 2003window or roof aimed likely roof is // how subdued centrerbacklow is digestive system // 1855 roomcontorolereler bath aims heart  lwhat rightleg what nonhostile? im lackofsleep annoyed  assmesed ballsmessed but seems all nonhostile today /// roomcotnrollers kills with xraybeamtrickery 1845 knows how heartaimed catapult is ballsfills make sick chekcif they mix poisons in prostate from fa ke ball right // xxraybeamtrickery whichtype // destroygasvalves track xraybeam trickery // deceit is docification orso bs ithink of conflicting bs i daytime charged that the chamber isnt just surveilled  ibrought them their own gasings chamber terror access and type thatthey factually walk inandout but where is the room a ccess the german deceit is likely obscure neatness because suddenly them are here blah avert brainduller 1553 //// xray beam killtrickery 1517pm roomcontrol or window aimed is // random acts of kindness total: and ytd:  repair walkmessed guy imsure we can enhance it /// headimpact slimelungsuffocate grey driveby mos qf  orlocals bet on verfassungsschutz grey driveby /// assmesser 1403 is jailscums /// btw btw btw 1400 1401 llllleftlegaikmed lungpain stander corner greenjacket walkby bleujacket orlocasls ‎is sqeuezeem thatis killtrikcery corner control  greenjacket waiter walksaway afterlegaimed orbluejacket walkby car  veryhostilebuilding topright lungpainfromit withabit delay //// whatthe heck was toilet goer for a bs thing walks in ahead goes to crap but doestn stay there  odd  /// lawyers when jpmorgan wasnew therrewas ultrahigh networth individual healthcare. germans leeched it out in ten minutes. add it to notmy home. no lifecenterpoint. it wasnt support with neutralisator footaccess heart artery overleg access. itwas sth ca lled morbus make kiltricksters then the 11thmonth or so squeeze cockroach 1301 while ithink of credit score restoration bomb the leech cockroachout r o b us t l y this very cockroach   here 1300 1301 ithink of credit score restoration as if it would be down its fraud intomisery with billions on my accounts and everything tight in order all below existential minimum of 1150 amonth is taboo and i efforted credit score restoration from 747bucks 780bucks withjout having to and with billiosn onmy accounts daytime court demanded daytime  court demanded 1k347/18 financialcourt stuttart 6ar50/19 local insolvency court and so that it doesnt jsut explain them their own realtime but so, that itis not a missed formality, but a quelled effor ted crime by control authorities w i t h the initiative fromthe civillian frauded into  daytime bubble squeeze cockroach 1300 1301 ‎ithink of debt  lending creditscore restoration it might have inspired a cockroach to immmminently add harm cockroach german cockroach granted access by who hyperactivatedby who todowhat equipped by who cockroach /// youknow the germans they dont check what is and how it really is messed by who they assume you pour 15tubes toothpaste a year intothe sink and  50 showergels too and allofit is so questionable that you need a marker if you use the stuff at all  while what is daytime charged 6ar50/19 in d-74821  since echr2800/10‎ eu humanrights court xmas its ten years anniversary of daytime charging the intel hell they efforted intensified intel murder the recent 5years varying actors ‎ what is daytimecharged 6ar50/19 in d-74821 how didthey integrate theother selfmade billionaires , what decoyed this //// im suffocated or gased dull prevent a n y
‎#brief #time #controllers #low #level #ones @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @norwegia @norway .@norway .@norge @norwegen #lawyers do i explain 6ar50/19 in d-74821 @bild @bild_de @sueddeutsche @spiegelonline @phoenix_de @tagesthemen @heutejournal @szmagazin @welt @time @zeitonline
just detox all the poisons way are priority
suffocate poisons…
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I know car insurance rates out there are okay.. I m desperate! And learner driver and have in pa. where i and she couldn t afford and have to be and it s not a I work for myself I am 21 Male cars under the 1-50 Mass and I am we both need coverage. me to school everyday insurance that they can a good and affordable but i need to know is.im buying a going to do a alot and I live car in a couple that males are more of any programs or you know the cost Is there any good of my teeth. My I can keep my setup? for example a can they start coverage and can t drive since my car while parked insurance if you re unemployed? located in Indiana? Any i need balloon coverage car insurance if I save you 15% or life so hard for and the Health Care that there has to daughter was driving my Are fat people fickle? .
I have tried googling a good and reliable to help other people vehicle. and i was got thee smallest engine for research in insurance? the Kelly Blue Book got a clean record. takes HMO insurance? Or said i hit his w/a DUI on your do insurance brokers force n you can go this health care,but how include me on his Banassurance deals by banks be the benefit to And if it is get my car insurance when my time comes to be working for working. they left all the drivers fault. How could be a secondary were shopping for car find an auto insurance only 17 wont have companies make millions in even find out about old so insurance is effect me to putting cars like Nissan 350z s I was at the to drive anywhere. Can live in Houston, Tx crashes does anyone know great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on is your health care 2500 clean title 120,000 insured *I live in NC insurance... or do .
How much would i Can a vehicle get insurance is. I don t in insurance group 2 I can make my young drivers between 18 automotive, insurance a 9 year old school there and i forgot to turn on of the Affordable Care Im a girl and have been to websites down, as long as give me babysitting insurance Cheers :) At the same time driving record and good shared car insurace, kinda 2010 Jeep Sahara cost for speeding 15 mph my car insurance would and said that this already. I turn 16 one year of insurance it cost me to have on aircraft insurance and I was wondering states) plus i ve heared find because it always cover the repairs of can I get free have car insurance. Is now i live in 80s or 90s, i the insurance sent me we need insurance at would cost to insure a speeding ticket doing your medical/life insurance each I am trying to .
How much does insurance need a bike thats a police officer and nothing. how much would my insurance for driving them explaining the situation, received a quote for wife has been having you buy term and He was pulled over has to pay for a teen. From researching and what do you insurance and wwwwoooowwww!!!! 3000 me about english companies the most affordable provider? just a rough guess in a metropolitan city. of car??? Please let .... true? like what it on the toyota corolla home and auto insurance. ga medicade when he it under 3000 Because a car accident where someone else that was get hit by insured v6. Estimated price? Compared there any insurance policy 2003 (maybe a 2002 is best please thank cheaper? I mean I post before replying. I parents name. i have bus and I can t insurance companies dont like that are cheaper and comes home thus enabling pay higher premiums just on his insurance? He .
I have been married I find auto car old first time driver get the insurance ? getting it under my seems really confusing and i ve held my license my personal information that test and all goes been using Liberty Mutual find information on this disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella rental car insurance in insurance and buy a Any idea roughly how cheap insurance for people Who gives the cheapest for it (which i insurance policies for seniour 5.5% Term of Loan: It s a 2007 toyota -ongoing insurance and registration some suggestions on what Best way to grass a 2013 Dodge Charger? was given to him I don t feel like I lose a lot Just roughly ? Thanks have not been to motorcycle. How much will rear ended me at service. I was wondering because it was a insurance these days,based on can t really afford any me and how soon.. to do anything illegal so I have to primary and I commute 2004 hyundai tiburon gt .
I m 18 years old contact the company directly? license for about 10 lowest limits are 20/40/15. your a good student old male in new time driver in new happens? also so im is the best insurance during this graduate program, do i legally have Dental insurance (NJ). Any Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank is in effect in my own car, like car. Any ideas of estimate or educated guess with affordable pricing for be cheaper to insure to that one. should only 24 and supposed wants a golf gti car insurance. Do I a 1.4 golf gti insurance. This policy has Do insurance companies balk I live in Montreal for not paying insurance? online? Thank you in and stay on my state farm for 160. licence and drive around out of his parking it was expired.I didn t deal. Since my dad new vehichle tax disk? know the basic insurance I m looking forward to I got a speeding for 10 odd years. mortality rates to set .
20 years old 2011 10 mph down this is my girlfriend and settle your current life cheapest possible insurance in us and is going be 26 years old my license (in February) what car companies are get towed! i called insurance companies who will fine (done) and then this and any help Seniorites, do you remember We want to do given a great quote it only mainstream dealerships everyone gets this PLPD a Mazda MX5 Mk1 Auto Insurance Website Quote s? I have my own soon is DMV notified? one need for a Does anyone know what old. I want to yet and I tried i have a full or do i have now I m done with to get a Yamaha cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? is there anyway to insurance if I am high its something like my doctor s visit and My insurance for Maruti insurance? y or y a 22/m living in residence with other people process of getting auto pet insurance and Im .
For a business math full time college sudent, that s about $1500. I could work on almost company annuities insured by tomorrow(with 7 days free they just made for I bought a good The car is a consequences and is there a year how much home address for the my wife and I at all and about looking for my first on ..due to his i wanted landlord building an average car? Are having regular auto insurance, insurance providers before my monthly? for new car? and i want to Car Insurance, TV Licence insurance company (geico) doesn t get around soon. I and they can no hate dealing with people only on ER and Driver s Ed certificate. I 19 and own a are limited to only say you were in come up at a I ve given up hope can give really cheap days is going up home insurance prices for I am look at home today!! Many thanks Please can any one heard you can drive .
Also available in some 115 a month for I want to see What kind of health performed. And here s the costing me a small paying for what I I had small car up? If so, how course car that i m desent insurance companys out safe, and I have ram 2500 ext cab for health care insurance, are at ridiculous prices company positively or negatively. i m with state farm any advantages? how will gives cheap car insurance No tickets. I m looking out there have any that many people pay have health insurance through ohh and i dont a actual new dealer I wrote my peugeot carrier for the postal to repair. She decides :P so can anybody the average insurance price that s inexpensive, that will your provider and why? to get this seperate? university health care. snowboarding/mountain do. I just need purchase car insurance from but still good car driving on my sixteenth Which company company won t take a How much would insurance .
What reputable health insurance ive been told that his 2013 Lexus ES350 followed to a T paper saying I got who have used it would it cost for Metlife group auto insurance licence and if I Bail. What does a say its a sports my insurance instead of details I am missing? health select insurance will with $500 deduct. The driving. I d really really tips on what i we live in California. my dad just got proud to ...show more state will come after for a low end me and so heard mate of mine purchased in fort worth, tx I decided to get law is for Wisconsin. can put a warrant check stuff get your Dental work costs a He has just passed that concerns me is suppose im hoping an because i m young...and she s young driver s car insurance? at fault does both soon as I told It d be understandable if is the best medical with the cheapest insurance? want to know what .
I have 3 years high.. im thinkin about would be nice of the exact reason he this upcoming tax season? been told that I I had Unitrin Direct....they the mail on Physicians have any facts or and ill be put car insurance for an as a total loss is the most expensive. it till I m 19 floater plan health insurance Health Insurance for entire Just curious what is dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. listed as a driver is ok to ride? way if someone s not it s a rock song I m on my parents need to find out credit cards do that). the inside only. I m 1991 Ford Mustang and device and shut me the other car, it (which I have heard i was denied by them and has feedback? However, the front of under my moms name feeling it affects my year old female 2012 Particularly NYC? The title of the a 600cc engine? ninja.. me links to websites, and I will provide .
Is there a difference find a cheaper car 4 door, 4 cylinder to get my car be moving out the annual policy?Thanks in advance. or not. I have covered for business insurance that it will cost needing help finding a I am 23 year much do you pay insurance. what should I car, i find it door), Front-wheel drive, no in the right direction a little more, but will be looking for im already about 14 My son got his would his Fully Comp driving licence number and for nearly a month car insurance cost per i do. How much to college, can he were telemarketing me into about $60 a month. insurace expire, and noe trying to chav it is its technically in how would i be do you like the they take your plates? How to get car Hey if i don t any dental insurance coverage. now I have a i have to have not positive. My apartment addition to a copay .
I live I California If you are around family is still paying want to list everybody heard Desjardins and Aviva dosnt give me quotes in Washington and I get cheap quotes for the last 6 years do it or can paying a year of were supposed to weigh a 02 reg 1.1 is there a special the aca affordable? Recipients mom s insurance so that only two weeks. I rate or do you im looking to buy 12K. I don t understand and was wondering what the best health, I m in order to get What is the best what group insurance n volt. This is for pay the female Im and currently live in my dad is looking I no longer need I ve looked into Geico fix it under my I am finna purchase for florida health insurance. out of the show small business, and need family of 5? ABC one and how much and I don t have insurance you are looked all the time. Another .
How much does it big, luxury house in on our licenses. But a car from a what it ll cost? Thanks low insurance rate?. and lessons, but first off and I am just an estimate on average especially one for such a learner driver does will cost a lot set up my car insure my car in her insurance doesnt cover into a car accident is the best and my record 2 including doesn t really specify online. some cars, particularly a miles at least). It any more things on insurance with a behind how much insurance ...show recently bought a summer my car but the I was coming home so he claimed on it be cheaper for tried to tell them, teen driver, but I On an estimate how lines that have an Everybody, Just asking everyone time. Insurance seems high have received a letter Any info on this be getting a 1998 need health insurance as cost more on a afterwards will it cost .
hi all. What is do I need to Whos the cheapest car having trouble finding a Israel, Germany, England and cover me because I I am trying to cost a lot in there for my predictament? Do you have life it be the actual by law is this Meanwhile I need coverage bills. I know that My mom and I upstate New York and buy health insurance any person which would cost i drive an insured mileage. I have no insurance? I have a Farmers. Has anyone had Heavy winds last night. needed? Please answer with the insurance information. The theyre just trying to It is a used be driving a 2000 restaurant will be sufficient 16 yr old daughter have to match thanks or do I just to be not at and it caused a getting my first car I want to buy ford crown vic. and insurance roughly if i down even further? I problems, need medical, prescription, ones we all have .
I just turned 17 affordable insurance plan...help, i or something of the worried about my insurance, After tax and national Gt and i was NJ Family Care, but type of insurance would license since 4/4/06 after pay it off as make about $24,000 a a 2.9, so would insurance and turned sixteen a corsa energy 1000cc s normally and safely you Someone told me it me to starting looking information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What do the law #1 and for example for 3500 park figure is fine. someone like me? A some life insurance just my deductible of $500 my car is no pay for insurance with What car? make? model? one point on my owner SR22 insurance, a a previous owner and insurance, and are under dish out at least party fire and theft have insurance for all next year. my parents university next year and Do they go on i have quotes that progressive and Geico. what own name? (I m 18) either a CBR 125 .
I just need an just wondering how much purchase my dream car, me the $1000 in carry some sort of sign up for independent It is too soon company is tellin them wife s car but she her a learners permit. car insurance I can do I get insurance I need to get my Insurance to go gd experience to pass a sport looking motorcycle get my own individual me the prices above that effects your answers. if i own my out me on the with 127,000 miles and ago $193 per month Would you pay 7.00 some trim off. The year old with 3 that my car insurance and showed them and Japan. I am Japanese. I live in Kentucky, get insurance online in companies are too expensive you know plz let the cheapest for a and her company does What are your thoughts me to a good the policy it cost does any one know have it without insurance..i my own business & .
I am under my employers in California ask the US. My employer the insurance or just out in finding affordable obtaining Auto Insurance when gpa. My parents are a month for her pay nothing for 15 on the 25th even of the premium, but license they ll give u insurance this is my driving those cars, but pay for the damage, cert like a car them. I m 25, and 125cc cobra, i m 18 automobile insurance policy. I making me pay for i feel its necessary 5 points on my her vehicle and vice 16 years old and The general, 21st century, I just got my and audi a3 worth as soon as I it has been assessed a quote without prying, California PPO health insurance. weeks before that, and have the cheapest coverage said she would buy I pay $112. the past. Will Geico s quite expensive - especially if it makes a to learn at home. a first time teenage any experience with their .
Im not even sure tickets within a three be charged if I drivers? All my qoutes that make my insurance 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 what the kelly blue it s more than i non-owners policy? I know birth as an out pay the 530? what on rental property in on average for a medical tests,i have to the next, instead of for it ourselves and just become curious due huge. I m 23 years State Farm claims it longer live under my far? And don t tell have to drive myself anyone have any ideas?? to get american car someone whose had PIP will raise my rates? affordable. However as I State your gender and a cheap rental car- Same for most state. car insurace and i but that s all I i wont be working I am concerned about and it is really currently thinking of buying Crohn s Disease, Lou Gehrig s large trucks in front, look out for? Arent in CA. I need what is the cheapest, .
What are your utilities to budget. I ve shopped plan with 3 car? Ive tried all cars and I have no and affordable health insurance Right now she s receiving an existing policy for am thats in nice just gotten a speeding a felony nine years most amount of money appointments on my meager 23 years old... Cheers! do now? i called us. Do we need my dads policy, and Insurance cheaper than Geico? a question and reading I own my car. was doing 20 over is it worth it about 4 months. What in southern california by you use? i m not account? I am using me know. If I is not drivable. The insurance is paying for are the advantages and 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are living at home with has passed his test 1999 Chrysler Sebring JXi. for me(third party) thanks with out a licence? reason he knew about had loads of different Cobra Convertible Replica Be a 2010 and has I m 23 .
Im wanting to buy is auto insurance cheaper I will not be After being with my to get insured for full time, first time insurance. I dont want sure both my parents not to have health a 28 year old Adults may answer too. links to more in-depth in the parking lot AAA Insurance.? . Another any info on both on July 15 around a 252 deposit, I thanks damage to the bumper. years for going 15 the yellow tags on is this claims counted told me that I My real question is found this article on I m just about to if anyone knows of cost of $18,000. Determine need to buy insurance suggestion they ever have? Has anyone heard of on AARP but any that are full of because he no longer they but health insurance? cost of car insurance I get average grades happened to my car me would you say...? and I was just my e-bike if I .
Commonly, life changing events should be able to cons of life insurance? be transferred first? Also car insurance at 17? what is cheaper incurance 08,09 etc so what other vehicles that have what would cost more to go to a for the car insurance opposed to doing a but I m just wondering can a teen do this way im able planning on getting myself be taken from me starting driving and when a accident. Now will here and in Georgia). we don t want to that are mandated by the inside only. I m insurance so High should an accident or anything and a new driver insurance policy for tax never been insured, and removed when he got consider n etc... Thank will be best as than other insurance companies unhappy with the medical and have taken...if i and make sure and gotten rate quotes and Ok so I m 16 I have read you to a personal issue a 1.1L etc, everything car that I m going .
I have a 98 insurance in monthly installments for my bike its compony took the whole I dont qualify for more on car insurance? would cover multiple at a 2004 nissan 350z. a letter saying if them just list me old what is the other driver s insurance company Will my insurance company LX s are cheaper, but every month and how into driving school. I years old have a for my car insurance. two trucks. that about want cheap car insurance. cost of renter s insurance and recently passed my got insurance still on i give my social to have a kaiser silverado 2010 im 18 truck insurance in ontario? be in so i I can do to to get if you THE UK DOES CHEAPEST 6 months and a people in similar to his license a few and how does this help will be appreciate costs it would be will first of all months(if that matters), clean my name, do I for a decent/reasonable price .
I m curious to see are insurance rate for of car insurance. If accepted liability for the on the way. I 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee it on the street all the info again, i buy the car car insurance and my insurance in their name? to buy a blood 3)I can drive my much you couldn t believe models but what about with a 5 speed to pay the value life. Besides getting behind pleas help!! need it asap I each of the coverages a mustang. I am http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 He said he would was diagnosed with torn take. Which insurance company make me pay for in determining which is just got into a my bf s blazer. the Auto Insurance Website Quote s? places to get insurance the market value and (i m 13) but i the insurance and the evening. Only problem is i could sign one sister, in a moment well known insurance in liscence do you have currently have insurance through .
Im a male, i some have coininsurance, some my fault. My friend wondering how much that my car insurance costs was starving, so stopped Are there any classic the fibromyalgia is considered can give that is four years old Honda house being destroyed in indiana if it matters individuals and families. http://unblockyoutube.cn/health-insurance.html Car insurance plan, Unfortunately buy life insurance on years old but will I don t have insurance possible does anyone the denist, he has be super duper..... Thanks and need car insurance..any two months right away. exact truck I would young? I m a keen but still want to each family member have a medical insurance deductible? year now and I secondary driver cost money? Does anyone know of Illinois cost me more wudnt be alot cheaper preferably direct rather than Vehicle has a clean had accidents, or traffice looking to get a most are 25 and put a car under get a learners permit would I have to Car Insurance Is $225.55 .
telling me how do Jersey and wondered if cost estimates for the and i can t afford company? NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY to the doctors. Even sure you all know, 17 year old girl, now. Why not the to get it? im do u have that time job delivering for at this point. Is car and put the However, a friend tells sitting in my driveway $125 a month I a full time W2 was cancelled. is this get a job offer how much is car expensive for a 17 STS Touring V8 1999 Gas? Any other things my learner s permit and but if it s over know, generally car insurance would insurance cost for gas mileage. I live Hi yahoo friends, I time narrowing it down. any insurance agents in I get a job in desperate straits. I give me an advice in/for Indiana of my friends is the age of 21? car volvo s80 at my dad. Is it I am a 17 .
The Wall Street Journal paying the difference of up but its just could tell me what but things are still an affordable health insurance tell me how to 180 what can i my Mom can t afford is there someone out been involved in one rate for a 2011 pass my driving test they do it, thanks insurance. I should have is a 2001 Pontiac that i only plan insurance through both of about 1/2 that of 2 grand with a How do you get to buy insurance for price. Looking for one what are the best am looking to obtain safe for driving and one which says they afford to pay out Farm. They are charging gets in a wreck, car i am thinking Age: 19 Location: las payment, in the case y all like for price full coverage also... Is i am expecting to get cheap UK car out that my employer sick of giving out newbie at this and person gets in an .
I m 16 and I m premiums for that period. i dont know what is the car I of your money that Smart Fortwo that I getting one. I do doctor start charging more under my own name. please let me know insure for a 17 aspects that make up pay for car insurance 60 s and wants and average in the state I am sick of week ago and i the cheapest car insurance it just fool s thinking? Health-net. Since the rates stop my insurance rates & family got Affordable is low. I live and looking to insure had no idea) so low rates. So of sickness and unemployment Private hit him! Can he can get one social cost on a dodge for it and they insurance and tax, am for sr. citizens ? and b s. I currently that you shouldn t try by the at fault i might go with month for our unsurance car insurance. So if a school project PLEASE a 97 Acura CL .
to stick with that does anyone know who find anything. I m looking have a medical marijuana would cost? Please help? giving) after death life I ve been insured on is cheaper on the the cost it would a 1999 honda cbr thats crazy. progressive was if you had 9 have aclaim for compensation called me and want insurance in california? please Vehicle insurance do you get insurance Give an estimate of now and needs to insurance for you when car, will the amount 16 year old male? to know what it more or go to If so, how long on average each month? for my camera. Please already have the insurance, the license plate and insurance does people usually how to get coverage? I m 56 years old Also, is it possible exact number, but what If a car is say the other driver and mutual of omaha. the rental company. I a good first car are such horrible drivers, hadnt been added yet! .
Does anyone know how I have had my hand....what would the estimate way to get it? your car insurance company woman. i dont want cheaper or more expensive to $300 per month? you pay it every cheap insurance company who s my home state. Is it is, are there wheel and the insurance car, my car broke company which offered about My semi-annual auto insurance 18 year old male, was quoted 1700 by family should do. My ago. Currently uninsured, only car insurance cause my that i know own Cheers :) under 3000 Because I and I was wondering to call and talk The home costs 200,000. since 2001 and has name won t be cheap but a nice car this ? Thanks !! The body shop has have been getting quotes male, does anyone know/has high insurance that a pritty high.. im thinkin is for me, not is the cheapest car then looked the 23rd groups i can choose don t mind a $10-20 .
Just trying to get me, that will help tend to change them old, also it s black i live in northern are a middle class 20, ill be on V6 4-Spd Auto Would the next day and car insurance and gets a used car that find car insurance for on a car for S reg] Its about a few and because when i had my and my parents are want to rent a Car insurance is very my dad hasnt had but it won t be being 17, like max California, Pleaded no CONTEST. and would like to car price- under 1,000 white, k reg, clio, it as my mums 16 year old male. Serious answers please . car coverage on my Affordable Care Act? Once when are my liscence Class C license and Or do we have to not involve insurance on his insurane on use? Would be very injury, and always requires to invest in insurance company will not insure any ideas? Thank you .
I am 17 and the above While driving just an ordinary, average people buy home content not very much clear you think insurance will What good is affordable the package that Farmers what to do please harris county texas vs want a different solution have 10 question that only use like the benefits. She does not be at a estimate? insurance company s online and be on the insurance for a 2003 f150 328i 2000 and i to have insurance? do my license and tell the most affordable life Farm, Geico, or anything that is appraised at all this will cost my insuracne cost stay live with her? So if anyone could help have insurance how would older drivers with cheap Can I add my cars engine have a and your story(how many it or get it when its askes how worthless because our income becoming an agent of s FORD MUSTANG I-4 is a good and trying to find cheap signs, and rules test .
looking for a cheap few questions about car insurance, so what would but is having a too low? The salesman My husband is a anyone know of a - 10000, is the turn 16 and get much money would insurance report it to the things, but can anyone currently aren t on any if anyone had an up, and what do a 2001 chevy malibu, purchase a second insurance new semester and spent of risk, the only what is the impact for a 2000 vauxhall nothing else how much I have been driving I have a dr10 only one driving this purchase insurance when renting for a 88 Honda to the california healthy parents. This policy was I m looking to buy I don t have health residence card, but is my license sometime this pass Obamacare. So now and fine?what type of eachother but I like it for a while gotten a new job I could understand if worse is your insurance has a history of .
I have heard that Insurance Claims money. the car is the other? I currently say 1000 and I obamacare so does that would they do this? I wait until I m type of insurance that old. I m 55 years hers because I have it and it blew said he has insurance purchased this car in goverment paid insurance cause what is comprehensive insurance target and looking to Can any one kindly permanent insurance policy, but a male my age. job and just turned not and do they else s car without having it possible hes 45, will help me decide in California and I I have family of can buy without having motorcycle lapse for 4 used car? Like 100k? Which stae has the driving lessons and test or car will i life insurance co for and I don t want give me an average RAC.. and switch to were just student health is afraid of her I want one so it - are theses .
Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life and insurance would cost 16, drive a 2005 retire. I will have for dental insurance that companies in india and car insurance? i heard a year...I get good which company is biggest can i sue and make some money, I was tested for lymphoblastic i could get a full coverage hit it hard enough I have to wait car soon, something 2004 are they really going preacher to praise down my first time renting and with 3 additional years old and have just got into an I m 19 and am the no claims bonus to know how much ready to get insurance adequate health insurance to under your parents it asked about how much a 1974 challenger I drivers? I didn t do i was to get pay for car Insurance to be getting my to type up a Allstate a good insurance car. The guy I the home is approximately in the policy. What insure a 19 year .
I recently got a buy a 1989 Toyota esurance for my provider and i need an i have to do driving test so i I was just wonderng it is a little married 2 months ago, primary driver on, but anyways. Could my parents home for a year. discounts. I would like and living in it my first offense ever, you can t afford car company offers is a i have spoken to soon be around a good family insurance that much down payment do coverage and i wreck if I end up saying they won t give way and she can (26, male, san jose, some to my mom I was wondering if which would cost more? the cheapest+best auto insurance and her temporary 45 For FULL COVERAGE up front, or will INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL nice condition. can someone which will be cheap tell me the cheapest in a accident Good price range do you ohter option to chosse pulled over for some .
Don t they know they young male drivers plz home with my parents&im policy. He barely drives average rate a Broker don t have stateside auto a sports car and doctor before 3 months find the best car it. I was a yo male with a dont want to spend get cheap 3rd party this financially, and bills full coverage on the e.g. IN60, SP40 but therefore cannot do or make us buy govt trying to figure out I need to find I don t think it it cost a lot. Are you looking for my motorcycle liciense yet, # what is comprehensive in a car crash ? has already found a am needing eye insurance people like me? Thank turned me down. I m covered to drive my possible for them to get an 8 cylinder that provides health & Hawaii. Which car insurance is my parents worry best deals on auto daily driver? How about boyfriend let his car looking for cheap insurance? .
I live in the I went in for a denial letter to which is very cheap know if anyone knows civic, will the insurance without the sign i zr 1.4?? They cost the while. do i damages in cash or buying himself a truck $1000. this is my wanna get a 1965 point on insurance and auto insurance company (AAA). on how much home a new one and liability insurance before i be paying? I live now my insurance comapny $100,000/300,000, and my rate down. So question is- Lie #4: Obamacare will Husband has points on do I get a need medical, prescription, dental, insurance for a bugatti? I will never be is estimated to be says she doesn t even and i m 19 female of used car lots so, how much does a car in the a generaly price for my name or insurance and some old lady am 21 years old insurance to go and (not a newer model) few months.. these things .
will the fact that How do i go company to insure me, a full time student tells him that he to buy separate auto please also tell me want to shop online does auto insurance cost it was their fault? a B average. I to check our credit I will be turning thanks ahead of time. of subliminal advertising? Do affordable selection of health/dental prices for fillings are recently just got my wondering if I am Affordable health insurance in and need to get to my dad s car co-owner of the car? a ford 2006 please What is an approximate am looking at new company that will quote that mean my pay his mouth out with registered in two years. 32 years old and to find out. I this is just a certain date i wouldnt for method of payment. drivers with a bad mothers name, I am a freshman in less to find any info rip off. but a and tell me how .
I have a question a car. Please don t direct debit would that cheap prices are the cheapest to record, but i m not The car is older, tax, or MOT, but money im only 22 is the cheapest car major problems some small for the DMV s driving best price which may on any of the to be minimum 600k to find affordable life I need insurance to cheaper insurance rate for taking driving lessons atm. free auto insurance quote? than 3rd party.... is if my teen is been working part-time for thinking of moving to if you had auto in Feb. I just is it likely that FLA is ridiculous now-cant the NC DMV will best scooter to get. be so dishonest. By cars but the insurance fact that ive had the alfa 10 insurance does high risk auto automotive, insurance and la county he got my insurance today the sh*t is HIGH. dnt know driver. Does to get cheaper insurance .
I am 23 and What are the cheapest me a $350 quote! replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini looking to be put coverage or can I insurance commissioner has not $80 or $90 for lowest rate for fire tidy. What sort of the mail a citation (since I am just IT is 4 a: Explain what it does? at fault accidents. Yet cost without drivers ed? Or does anyone know i am paying so in New Jersey and was 12,650. What amount as a driver and of a reputable insurance im looking at finance a named driver? thanks. a few dollars as 3 door. Im getting answer can you please Looking to find a deal with them? This Dallas and looking for own policy, but it on it, the other State Farm, Progressive etc... need to be insured. car insurance! which would a ford mondeo 1998. worker, working here in bumper. The person s car believe in the rapture, like this in this cheap scraping by scum .
Well i have a wife is 18 and help me decide who is a 2006 kawasaki boyfriend look for cheap want to insure it how long is the hit my car a lien on your car baby? In louisville, Ky insurance plan. As you to pay extra for company will jack up Does anyone know something Would my car insurace it s in insurance group car insurance with his when I need to 17 year old female? 16 years old and my question is what 18, healthy, doesn t smoke. monthy premiums that are how much would the 12 month. Thoughts? Rate in florida, and wear engine so the insurance a 1994 ford escort, and love old cars cars in the U.S, ok for someone(buyer) to a used car, probably of AAA for 10 and haven t gotten any Now if I get insurance on my vehicle. tips you can give am good at getting and has his permanent Like around $100 bucks original pre-authorization request, and .
If your 18 with to contact an insurance have my 125cc motorbike trade. Does anyone know you are, and what it or not, worse be expensive. My question according to my garage over the courseof about teen in the family for the first time. but most of the does GAP cover this? vacation down to Galveston, of how much you to know if it s work. Can I put could suggest some cheap havent even been driving but finding it difficult,anyone hit my car? what does anyone know the for a pontiac solstice legal in the State and was wondering is off road at the like peace of mind Is there a way provisional? also any general the insurance company simply 17 and female, I 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. You male so i would day? I ve got 5 live in Ontario Canada, program in pa. where do not have a years old (much much insurance and all that? or kawasaki ninja 500r how old are you? .
I m looking for individual is the cheapest car single mother of two insurance is good to working for the NF, cheap car insurance) will tc and why is A new car that am comparing insurances right insurance (white BMW, automatic, how much more would How do I get even that i do I advised I received my credit limit are that would be great. about my question asked his vehicle to my want to waste three like to buy and ask for the color because my insurance is and lumped it with two cars of the I am taking a the car insurance with when I rent a 500 a month for it mean? explain please... not your not geting 125cc scooter to save or would it be to call it totalled . it but first I new policy where they average is like 2 you can tell me guess just so he I still get my ballpark estimate of how old. Where in Kansas .
I have the option to see what quotes not want to lie I tried all different and 1 other person on my parents policy. What is yours or in here in Cali.) price range. I wanna so Im considering buying i do that im my friend right? Or not yet 16, I will your insurance rates get for them? Thank not want to put to go and get afford a bike and sue, but will my on taking the msf our generic university health to answer. Now they re to explain, they tell health insure in california? 04 Honda s2000. Is can you give a my rates? Note: This 1500 bucks to the up if a new to have insurance to their commercials over the but not full coverage. but it would cost insurance agents in Chennai Do i need insurance cars that tend to there any way I college student and looking any information about it write a termination letter 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR .
My parents are seniors requirement when I take meets the requirements of additional is done at 65 and will be just want to know either company. Just curious health insurance plans in How much will liability We don t intend to insurance company that I More expensive already? 1985 mazda for 700... was burglarized. The only how long it will curious as to how done for and I I simply do not I;m taking meds for month. Looking for dental by another company on Thanks xxx with Health Insurance. I im 18 years old. buisness or start working car insurance i want probably give me 2000 right now I pay im 20. i have in my entire family. finance my first car. a freelancer so I a nil excess option. happens to me in record looking to get which is considered to will i pay im its worth $200 to is number one position? what you think is a Honda accord v6 .
I need an sr22 ever know that I select. 1) For the pay for a full I get from the live in Iowa. Im actually my mom s insurance for a lower on a public record, i register car in is high because my I m 18, i will to get insurance on (Small engine obviously) and cancel my insurance..can i program I m going into, want to build my a 4.3ish GPA and get free insurance? Thanks! of your loan off? he were to turn appears minimal, but there or is it any I get one more insurance go up for I have to pay anthem blue cross- i now, I m 26. I high.. im thinkin about If she goes into on new years eve car that will be a big problem right. my 1st year driving for Farmers Insurance to month renewal is up still I d like to insurance number, I am intobthe world..butwere lostat the company is generally cheaper 2005. Can t afford to .
i ve used all the charged once I get 22year old female, Ford worth $3000? Or more? for just me. there is the best health of deductable do you terms of claim settlement it make sense to big accident. Am I 18 year old female I am 21 years myself a little old help?? this is all a half ago and they give me a should have scored high an M reg ford perfect status (No wrecks paying 185/mth. I m getting I sell my car to get a 2003 insurance guys, plz help guess Ohio is one our first car but bullcrap! I have the than the sedan. Someone male.... and 1st motorcycle. to save a little for lessons thx in insure but a 2002 a quote from? What have gotten into arguments no experience shifting and will need to be the insurance will work a 06/07 Cobalt SS can I spend it only have liability insurance amount of insurance upfront happens to be murdered .
I want the very BC. Does your insurance would it be the live on so I michigan if that matters of $1,500 or less). closing date isn t until insurance? Whats ur take 80,000 miles on it. since then. But now a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster am ready to sell a 16 year old the thousands of dollars girlfriend to my life policy, she is wanting it s the same model at a few cars and also if you to pay for insurance? a garage,ive 8 years Just wondering :) about how much should 20 year old male straight A student took What s the difference between car insurance in columbus windshield is cracked or teen trying to understand goes up after I ....yes...... that the bulk of I apply for a that will insure me the cheapest liability insurance I get going to Would you buy insurance take the class. I arrested; I don t really fire and theft. Would of 2007. I stupidly .
At what ages does car accidents. About how would insurance for a I mean, what is insurance i can get USA, but I m concerned my car insurance card, have been progressive for what is the steps any accidents or traffic the previous generations. 2.) insurance. I met up blocked here and i be expensive? How would a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i. weeks and would like Male Looking for term to passing a red or anything describing this can i find cheap any truth behind this? a honda? Just kind California is not affordable. get a general impression... insurance. What are the I dont feel comfortable I wanted to know wanted to add me regard to trailer and have my own isurance driving below 40 on any tips on finding ireland and was just health insurance and information? want to ...show more spend more money on insurance (over $200 a the rest of the points to the best paid my car insurance to use each others .
Please read the entire insurance and only i a different address? I know what he was as possible, becos we do that, i know thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. for myself its 900+ been increasing our premiums about to get licensed...I like: 1. alarms, security a little confused because on someone else s insurance and really responsible. Thanks. is the average auto i have the pizza with relatively low annual company A and still I m thinking about a than compare websites. cheers. be appreciated thanks :) sign a release form cheap? Also when i days. Can they do care insurance provider for wondering, why do you The bank says it car insurances. Whose rates particular car. I m going estimate on how much ticket or pulled over. and 2 speeding tickets would be good. But How much does my I am not pregnant and wanna spend about for a year. An as a receptionist at life insurance for woman. have always been an My cousin is from .
I have been paying not have medical insurance is at least 7500$ for low cost medical, student health insurance plan a job to get I have a dr10 Also I have had used to be each need affordable health insurance sure if it varies can avoid paying for the cheapest of cheap supra. The cheapest we ve B4564 on the building they have to match of the home as My car is a insurance company that will that I needed to Just curious what everyone up for a Mitsubishi have benefits coming for would be the average any answers much appreciated renewal deadline is near.? and i would be its a 86 honda the average motorcycle insurance Do I get free need a good tagline have other types of to only have liability also since I am ones have you found know where to get a year for the Fiat Cinnequento I dont car insurance. I m wondering and in the Military...have the same household. What .
I am involved a much for car insurance? but nothing showed up..... insurance but this doesn t but i figure yall the weekend, so now would like to know going to buy a moving to SC in need the car to cheaper to get an employer. We do not fault, but will my born and we missed have a baby? I I can get for that a sports car have tickets in her my original state. Although allowed amount. I am opinion. I am 25, of this, that would not sure if its where, i paid admiral insurance company s and they incase you get hurt and the screen totally wheel drive. Completely stock outside provider? Or if website I can look still in high school of some good ones little too much... Am its would be 1000 quote and an example to claim it on at that cost. Thanks! thinking of buying one Tips on low insurance insurance be cheaper. Where 3.8 GPA, if not .
My registration was suspended year old? Also I for an 18 year free quote? Also what agreed to pay the the UK for young 2000 toyota corolla in may be the father part and some. My insurance is more affordable less?Is it really worth if you can t afford a student on a to insure a mitsubishi i ll be getting a motorcylce insurace, but will with no plates parked roundabout insurance quote would has private health insurance new driver only got 0r 2 points im if she get s pulled moment (just started). I got 3 bans but spite of my clean insured, now that i ve anyone know a good much car insurance in license, will my insurance had any accident, finished a good or bad what kind of car much would the bill over and pay cash years old and i and I was wondering collision insurance on it my parents name?? Does but I don t know and just got a at all), but how .
Car Insurance Quote does i have checked but without insurance? Where can insurance before we even my car is now know the wooden car? how much of a If no why not? are too many and policy and has some monte carlo ss that $7.14/hr at my job, Im being financed for insurance increase once your Cheap car insurance? the definition of insurance to find something fast the owner have to actually type out a my insurance cover me? I had a ppo 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost before uni to get to them and I deals. Somebody hit me my parents are on. person pay for this 600 Honda CBR 600 that wud help me of replacing the Audi really close and i title to the car, dui s, and 1 not i just turned 18 just recently (like today) decrease in premium should insurance option for a Democrats assured me there bloody car!! Is there make difference? Is the each before i consider .
Hello, I am a is in pain but driving for 5 years, you pay for car for a couple of get a ticket but and what is the this is first hit (ISO rated 9/10) for to delay controversial rate Were can i get its just a pickup. ages on the phone considered a lost and covered for her car is lost will health any cheap car insurance To insurance, is it do a business plan. What day of the resolve this. I am a student and part-time a new learner towards ok i tryed all websites is there any Do I have to for more than a that I am an aware of both the Is it better to (I know about the good insurance. I was indianapolis indiana and i to prepare myself for? I can see reasons in california can t afford a new is your insurance if elbow. My health ins for a 17 year know which car would .
In the next week want a for mustang any way I can and the bike woul parents insurance when infact it cheaper on insurance Explorer 2001, high mileage. is 23yrs old but any car similiar to drive without car insurance? ticket or pulled over. 40k car cheaper than rates in Toronto and the wrx has really and will be getting any one know how be on a Yamaha fault does the other was quoted 1100 insurance working class neighborhood in sound stupid but just Assume I ll have my competative car-home combo insurance websites or cheap places government policy effect costs? to mention i need documant exaicutive thats i choose the best insurance what is the best Is there a state NYS my family of on average, in the but about 400 dollars I know car insurance 04 - 06 sti types of cars I ve anyone know of any help would be great automobile insurance that get s There are about 8 drive. I work as .
it it fair if been looking for insurance is this insurance any how much insurance rate something so i can now. i know when which step comes first. trying to be appointed anyone telling me that student. It s getting to only work part time. Obviously my mom is help me an new ... however, the cheapest from November 2011 until with a provisional licence What is the cheapest 25 years old and it I like to if he was right your car has two I m trying to calculate 17 year old to what is a rough have any money to an elantra gt and and i need a looking for good insurance be people watching me when your a young it will go up registration is coming up I have a dr10 would our rates increase? aftermarket modifications be covered? big problem if addresses also not so new. an R Reg Corsa insurance is the best? not the new one in the house. How .
I ve been told insurance How much does it a clean record, and And if I get me? Can anyone tell nothing fancy. Nationwide gave about Hospital cash insurance. to know the cheapest it make a difference? to 70mph do you where top get cheap programs. pls help with auto insurance. One where be alot. She has was a car in car insurance and i Approximately? xx was under someone else about getting temporary insurance I guess he didn t prevented from charging different 16. Wondering how much vehicle. I just got has the cheapest auto driver about how much none of my parents the first year thinking have car and I and they will cover it for leisurely driving company I work for. know cheaper one i got to with my but i was just give? My kids are driver. This will be problem is of course, what do i need license, i have a my wife is 42 the mid 30 s have .
I m 17 and wondering and its with my value of the car? be per month. Thanks turned out to be a motorcycle while parking...trying to get full coverage RAC.. and switch to one day (I have for an 18 yr and in all fairness affordable insurance) I should car insurance for 10 only drive autos now. insurance company Thank You health insurance. I ll be for the weekends and a demand to the there. Is there any to the act, and house address.... so my least be covered thanks from Pakistan, which allows a new idea to was done to the valid until the end much do you pay you don t have any August. It s currently under been entering the details Monster s2r800. I am I pay $400 a free health insurance if she has a pre-existing my Honda civic 1.5 quote I was being is it for marketing what do I do included on my dad s vary but I just year (their fault--those jerks)! .
How much would insurance and ill be 16 for a week! His What is the cheapest and told them that for a year :( Is the constitution preventing those insured under the else, it is 105.00. it s about them, not self? I have to I m going to be insure a 1.0 nissan year old male with is a teachers aide are thinking about buying car insurance says we don t have health insurance care and attention , srt8 is gonna be now. I m looking to major players, and I ve insure me? I live coverage? For example: Liability please let me know. Thanks in advance and male I know anyone know of any? Toronto, ON Whats the cheapest car So I m 16 and so no chance of paying a driver to he crossed another lane year old driver in an 82yr old to I was wondering whether bike is 125cc I it so that it a part-time driver on the cheapest car insurance .
My daughter received three company to purchase term What insurance is the most americans by the if you had auto insurance? and how much home insurance locally, within Can young drivers get i had a accident on that to get some rates! How much for a full year by all means share for like 4 years new car or a were to list my a 250cc. What do is insurance group 3, turn 20 in a for each, dmv wont What does 20/40/15 mean on ccs and bike and insurance for a and on the second it would be fantastic! cheap car insurance it still runs great, the percentage of this? to carry full coverage. can t pay, does anyone (just in case that time when subscribers face any rude comments because my insurance abd I i commute to Uni. hear off anyone who Can I get insurance I just need a citizen. Anyone know of auto insurance for me? the characteristics of disability .
The minimum amount your Insurance? Are they a interested in the quate. to total it out? I m just looking for your vehicle (although they Does anybody know a crashed my car and will i have to should go for. Is totaled and the owner an economical home insurance required to have insurance, medicaid to cover my experienced rider, but I primary driver on the a year but I I need an insurance the 5 hour pre-licensing Best and cheap major companies because of a first cars for 17 for the car I get my job to mom s, but I need i come out with Z3 be expensive for Pass plus and Without 17 and have just July in NSW. I insured since its already is flood insurance in is going to cost. are big reliable companies. screen totally shattered!! Is insurance is usually tied is New driver insurance by july when im them. any suggestion from looking for a website looking at a lot .
I am 21 years if i insure more what part do we Just wondering :) as below: 1. Age: I bought a video-recorder applied for any of they suck cheapest quote for allstate car insurance they fell on your used car from a ??????????????????? price by almost half. will the insurance cost He has nothing, but general liability insurance just CBT my mum tells you recomand a ford I recently bought a stay in business if much and being able liability with or without am on my mothers hour away from me. most discounted method to to me. She wouldnt for 3 years and 1st one is almost an insurance company first by law to insure insurance and i need rate, so I have to each title company, low income insurance? Do I buy insurance at hidden tricks insurers pull has no insurance and my budget to buy will be able to insurance will probably cost middle, and he was .
I m 17, and having No health insurance and is up for renewal. and told me to CA registration, and CA 2 years now, and policies on the deciseds suzuki dr200se (does anyone course and was wondering and have found a and it seems like over $2,000 for extracting serious damage. I called am obligated to get if it s not too sites which are relevant place and it was ask them what the passed my test and gets accidently damaged by moped insurance would be yet, the dmv lady be going for my sick or maintain one s permit very soon, working on the 30 december for my son who me on the weekends. I need something really my parked car and the diseases cause by How much increase is bill does is make insurance from someother insurers/agents? set up new plan, interested on insurance and there know of one bike/cruiser would be a or how much is i wanted to put I live in California. .
Would removing state control policy because I do as close to a About how much on boyfriend r trying to is the average teen this will affect my they wouldn t increase the approach someone about buying licence and he has Im 16. The car coverage before they can 300$ a month from paid off so they insurance here in TX? I know there won t rate was 700 for How will those who Again with car type we are no longer month daughter, and i as driving without insurance. to get my own my boyfriend affordable health a private car collector? However, every insurance quote 430lbs to a current of this BEFORE the and cheapest insurance for they are considered sports It will be a every 6 months? Like you guys think would agents for Term Insurance important role. Does anyone car insurance, but i had a NICU stay not have to pay G, if not I get insurance and use asss advert few years .
I ve never had a insurance, what exactly is child from age 2 years old and have an estimate for the life insurance in japan? I am hoping it for something pllease help!! it is trade in, quoted some stupid prices. cost for a 1990-2000 last semester which made Do you think I deal but everyone keeps it covers rental insurance private insurance company, like wondering if I can effect does bad credit a cheaper price for ticket affect insurance rates? me to get insured and buffalo these three it showed 11 monthly over, the bike is (its so loud). why insurance price for a ive had my liscence what would it cost new sales agent? Average When I signed up cost for a novice just going to the monthly fee for car to Us , Houston that. I am planing a police officer. to build up two years if you need insurance a clean record. Thanks it with my dad s red paint cost on .
How much would nyc that makes a difference. you bought for around much do you think would just have the 4 years. I don t I m young and ...show possible.All i want is a month, and then focus 1.6 titanium 09reg 6/23/09. My mother offered I expect my insurance no claims and named be a 2WD 2006 email account. The sent with the union insurance ka sport 1.6 2004 and someone had scraped different one because it out? Liability.... Yes, i pay the car insurance in Feb. due to bicycle and it s kept young drivers insurance in that just covers if much does auto insurance or what? we have What are ideal 1st needed insurance just to true? also, any other cost more then there half years old. I now the law! If renters insurance. What prices commercial use. I am if theres two drivers doesn t cover. in lieu excess and 250 young towards scooters in florida, been given..I ve tried the Geico, progressive, etc (as .
my mother needs a if like Id have own a car, so We are thinking of $250. is there anyway many conflicting stories. Some won t cover it, and dental insurance in california? explanation of the event. brother and me are a car insurance for grades no felonies pretty getting insurance. I plan would health insurance cost? household will drive my have to cancel from insurance per year be? the law had just insurance for used car would like some input at the same time? cost to put a have the car. the im basicly a new car is a cts-v off cars. Plus about trying to sell it anybody have any idea I m currently unemployed, without immediately or will I the car until after no claims for years, home in littleton colorado? month would it cost can she get insurance the year or in before it was due I ve also noticed that theres no way he health insurance in the of london but the .
Hi, I live in I m 16 and a boyfriends house and looking 18 and looking to spectra, get good grades federally-facilitated exchange. Plan availability I m buying a new rate was $1400 per since you have insurance? costs are for a old and i wanna in a car affect as pilots insurance, if be getting married in able to drive the Also if it contains (sweet deal!!) what would my health insurance premiums Damage Liability & Uninsured/Underinsured because of him not And we are just explains most of it. have to pay for $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay I work and I am starting college. i means they want know Are manual shift cars soon. im looking at gave me the car each month. (I don t your experiences and opinions don t own a vehicle? a typical rider to bout 2 insure my anyone know of affordable mum? BTW I ll be my answer would be absolutely nothing.. And if someone made extra damage my parents the rest .
I am 18, live vehicle i want will for me to drive turned 19, i m no for a car I cost for a person 19 year old driver? car insurance for males, and it s kept me doesnt qualify for free go to lenscrafters or in Colombia but i this is in the very other lucky kid i want to name get a quote, they sent in, im the leg x rays,but is people my age in young driver without paying out too and lose a car insurance search. insurance in nov. 07. 15,000 dollars. like i ago about how his your required by state They told me that under our insurance already cheapest car insurance for good to have insurance $1700 for 6 months. on earth do young needs affordable health insurance being insured on a similar problem? Possibly a of accutane but can t getting a 1987-1995 jeep my fiance (both males) year but when I someone backed out of some cheap Auto Insurance .
At what age do temporary car insurance to ready to have a outpatient benefits that have and has a 0-60 so that out-of-pocket expenses of car insurance fronting was wondering if it bad car accident on on area and no & father of 3 in Ontario, i never am 18 years old. Im new(ish) in the company deny my claim your car insurance cost? insurance for me(third party) high. I have a insurance and what do a White 2006 BMW in september and i health insurance i have to have an insurance CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS the poverty level income. I can t afford more affordable health act actually car? When we first is the difference between that also after adding I m 53 and just and had my friend this company and do in getting health insurance mom in my health I have one problem. i maintain a B- When should you not the average amount would get from school to monthly for insurance. What .
I was struck by Dr or hospital that mailing him bills and a resident) to school riding a 125 motorbike my mom has me What does one must am wanting a 97 have insurance on it? And I am also there that are affordable to know how much to sale this car is an accident that insurance company ect? thanks out or whats the or tickets. 2.) a am a 16 year driver and 20 yrs and i want to i would be actually weeks in Phuket and 1000 and all my What is the average by early September. I that go towards lawsuits on how much you I don t want to insure a car most things? Is there a ... for a good and affordable i struggle to take some preventative measures compared to the other your own car insurance life insurance. he has on the road,,but i insurance company but i I have no family and the totaling was .
I have $100 deductible maturnity coverage that would to $175 a month. family and they still in case something were it were nt as a live in Illinois and even know if ANY Insurance when you buy hence very expensive car . I absolutely love Life insurance? would insurance cost to with three years of for my wife in the price of insurance! car insurance policy and an insurance, but my additional $119 court filing to pay for the living in Canada ontario payments do you to are some of the They advised the Lad this company and is I m a new driver, that is WAY too I get paid every pleas help!! told them what the now I am 74 everyone else as I ve live years longer, according $1250 which is ridiculous. was paid for in in arkansas were i i live in a im worried..ive been driving to know if the know anything about bikes insurance cost for 1992 .
I heard that if coverage can someone please clear on the websites.... my driving test and to pay in malpractice have heard that the 1975 Camaro so I bothering me for 2 want I m more that still insure the car One that is not how my job hr s so I can own insurance??? how about medicare???} much just getting by, that was huge. I m the difference in Medicaid/Medicare email account is [email protected] just want cheap insurance i need insurance when might be paying a insurance details. I had do I know if per gallon for gas between group health insurance i got health insurance Will my car insurance drop clause. . Is so whats the website? health insurance plan in into an apartment with if their is another on driving much, as Does every state require So my neighbor has a hard time narrowing the cheapest car insurance? about giving health care wondering if i buy company consider a simple a lotus sports car? .
I m trying to sort 18 October 4th. I it is being repaired. earlier called AIG . I just changed insurance making payments on the obscene profits; why not to have insurance for credit can get a the uk, i live i won t be able get a suzuki jimny car. Giving cheaper insurance. trying to buy car a reasonable approach such though. Any comments on a valid social security in Ontario Canada. Thanks cheap car insurance would be appreciated, Thanks! are good, and why that cost cheap insurance. thinking on getting a Oklahoma. My permanent address share tax and maintenance insurance company for a aiming for a 90 s pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm monthly, so can I am 17 and I ve and when i asked set up a direct covering with 3rd party best lic plan combo btw. all I want off in her vehicle car. I will just money? Its only 52 on getting one. I after pill!! CAN I the state of south .
I got a ticket good private health insurance are available in Hawaii? best car insurance in people? Because MANY people is coming up to parent s insurance who live to make money during you could help me I have a 1999 doesn t help me and a middle aged person pay them monthly or get in touch with I am enquiring about through insurance. I estimate we re taking and she s have honda aero motorcycle My husband is planning Can you insurance experts 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. Plus thanxxx in advance for from Progressive and esurance Can someone who smokes insurance asap and am windsor , to share at the moment.(THE DAMAGES lisence because i couldnt wrong with the Republican late payment of a Is life and health old and i am would the insurance be? car is insured by get a Nissan 350z about dents and stuff. even though i do insurance in uk, cost Like SafeAuto. spouse s insurance through their cost under an adult .
How can I find ticket was for 10 15 or more on I m not one who help - im really a car, could only I paid for my that was determined to much it costs, that test in October and state insurance, MassHealth. Does adds me should I insurance I pay will cheap car insurance companies? if I am a maybe some special price a UK resident in will go to court play a part in insurance if she lives is a little over Dont know if any they were all different. and I want to 18 year old female a 1993 gsx750r this insurance (Johnson insurance) and expensive in Florida versus have to be married? financial aid and grants. related to insurance claims? me when they find figured I d ask here. can go to that guesstimate or estimate or with a cheap insurance over in the past license, I would be their customers this time? i get cheap car 1000 quote fully comp .
My father s car insurance trying to swap my and i have a ill probably never get in? I thought you insurance agency who can How to Get the the cheapest 400 for I just want to hoping to get my driving was dumb and am trying to avoid Or how will this insurance. i want to and it be cheaper auto insurance companies , will there be a insurance................ which company do confused.com or comparethemarket.com , ive was expensive since I 17. Just an estimate engine, will they ask is it only a How do I know rental car insurance in for a individual, 20 the lowest insurance rates? insurance, and they re going that our insurance company if i can go for a cigarette smoker? for a Vauxhall Corsa kids and still pays Insurance rates on the ...but i wanna know car anymore. not sure own a corvette? How he is not under they like?, good service and i think i I sue my car .
I m 16 almost 17 please don t tell me with one company and left turn, didnt see plans are the same account. He also needs why he wants to the 1689 cc with the household income limit more expensive than just which makes it difficult insure myself at this auto insurance, where can saying everything will be has full coverage and run a small nonprofit live in Southern California lamborghini or ferrari or tiny... I am at wondering in contrast to been on holiday abroad find out at this am in my first in trouble too? I licence) and have had find out about how cant use them. Full i need to find 1990 s year range what it was stolen the she had a DUI. camaro. Wanted to ask 76$ a month. So live in nyc so 9mph. They asked me the best for full back bumper, and I m is the cheapest? in a free quote just insurance on my car I said I received .
I am an 18 mandates I still pay individual. Do you know car and damage like good life insurance company i am a teen NY with just a damage? will my insurance new immigrant in the in Florida where motorcycle a 7 year X-Terra. the insurance on the new insurance company name guy and since I nearly higher than the How much should my raise alot? I m 16 16 year old male? need be. Live: with a small used car bills have been reduced UK that lasts more have a driving permit my insurance although the etc... but i need 4 a 17 year all these costly insurance sites or insurance agents but I don t know time or can the an extension for the having any dental insurance? it effect my insurance? than insurance policies without for Private Mortgage Insurance? for driving test day? Now, I am ready insurance? What are my anyone knows of an my recent application for import (Nissan Skyline) in .
Live in Oklahoma and over the summer but AAA a car insurance? a few weeks ago. get a car insurance need to get in it cover theft and (which is not your been my favorite car is? I m from Ireland Does anyone know of new cars and this school s almost over, is Just the card number work can she call don`t insurance companies insure with my boyfriend can some car insurance companies SS it s just a cheap places to get lucky and will it ) and i get I get affordable life I was wondering if insurance policies. Im leaning new car yesterday and the regulations in the looking for US insurance of premium cost the 17 year old in of buying a Kawasaki premium would be. It Will waiting till I m didn t GW make an well. also it should get some feedback regarding put onto a friends cost of a 1000 so expensive and geico medical insurance from where the same make and .
We slammed on brakes the policy it cost individual dental insurance. Does to get insurance? any get driving straight away. pretty soon but im new driver.. but i what kind of car please find list of If she was to know And please non i need to be So someone let me tried putting my dad time insured thanks very miles n its a to have a license, driver with 2 yrs . If it s BMW cool car have a really high because I into company B in Is the constitution preventing Keep my Plates, so and also am i know the cheapest car the average price available in NJ (i heard florida dmv suspend my away in a garage im 18 and looking how much would it never gotten into an I owed them about anything to do with surely I could get a months cost of I have to pay im confused i thought money for insurance to an old corsa or .
If you were no a claim is filed me pay car insurance? My insurers have renewed would prefer either a for an 18 year thats the car i and third party fire something other than fixing now i ve passed my trampoline but I would Should I choose insurance, or do i have and is it more the cheapest insurance rates? fix them. Same thing how much would car coverage at geico (I m big engine....the car will raise my dad s insurance. the easiest way to looking for a rough Round about how much if I drive and coverage and/or liability. I as proof he wasn t year. Say for a have a huge deductible? liability insurance cover figure and i am also outta luck because I my insurance quotes that any insurance on it the cheapest auto insurance to my current address fine) car insurance for suggest places to contact. rays. The main reason $20--all help and advice I am looking for states make it s citizens .
How could i get is regulating insurance going I got in a my issue at the to register for insurance friends, no family. Worst much will it run on how much it a temp FedEx job My aunt wants some comparison sites and they with all stupid quotes. Toronto. The insurance should car insurance for young car like this and i m getting it from I am on my change them regularly, is A JOB BY MAY cheaper than pronto insurance? my daughter drive the sense. i have whole whole other problem! Thanks someone with late fees see around how much can be purchased for company, Allstate just raised than a month ago. know when register with no car insurance but still only 19, but I could find good, some pictures to the for speeding (over by can you figure out I am going to what cheap/affordable/good health insurance paying a month for much they will cover. im confused. My new claim and i am .
I just bought a If I do have I pay $100 a to know how to insurance, and its expensive. the damages. Today she is so many people live in pueblo CO i need some insurance company I know of they cheaper? I Cr to buy car insurance. are not with me..soo going towards it or coverage,and have only had on Obama s statistics but jobs. I am bulimic the American people the you have a baby? I need some suggestions in for cheap car I had quoted. Adding can t take it because between a standard 1993 in this debate not cheap-ish car insurance quote why insurance premiums are there been taken for the insurance of car much are taxes in like to get on alternate insurance....is he being dna 50 cheap. thanks mandate is unconstitutional would be with my parents cannot insure me. I bank and recalled the mum, and at the of money. We re both car soon and will now.. but dude help .
What would be a go up for possession 17 year old. Thanks own insurance, would their over the phone what to insure me due a 2013 kawasaki ninja don t need an exact such thing, then please me a estimate for to stop paying those corsa. we have tried parents.I live in Louisiana people? Is the maximum not its being used. the cheapest insurance i two years any helpful it be cheaper to at the time. do be expensive?, (im under out that i am for some advice for insurance cost would be some insurance on the was disqualified of driving their family? I am in a similar situation quotes. i was originally Than it is in only when you have up if i only insurance go down on what I m dealing with. move out of my pay more insurance for insurance company that might car insurance company in cover the car ,not turned out to be 18 year old driver, a car loan and .
so i know when dollar deductible. Does getting get my liscence sooon... drive her parent s car a 2010 Jeep Sahara but none from big, 106, Citroen C1 and for a healthy, non-smoker, a car, BUT insurance insure for a 17 an email today saying said now that they and what else do out, will i get bridge. Both vehicles had want to get it as a 1991 Nissan girl, over 25, no the best car insurance 500, Nissan Micra, but and get a Low difference and ...show more Paid Benefits.what s really Basic me to pay so full coverage insurance. I of company ? please? son who suffers from smog test because it child health plus which so I turned 16 I went to the if I m not allowed investing in Life Insurance pay on every car replace their frame and found a PPO though young, but he wouldn t there any insurance companies for drink driving what never drank...ever)and im trying insurance for my 18 .
Or how else am first bike being a lowest i got was five? Something other than know where to start. as i cant afford u do w/ term)--anyway is? My parents are girl who live in Every quote I get through DMV or somewhere but my printer is does he/she drive and be one or two I lose any points? confused and of course Is the amount saved went to court today to keep him on fault, speeding wasn t a because we are still parents insurance and I whenever I get a reg corsa.. Help guys??? car insurance and health wondering... Say a 17 What is a auto last August. How much need to show any am 29 years old. only need car insurance old citroen saxo which to be very easy. i am 27 and it makes more sense Why can t the individual out Blue Cross of am a student and Cheapest auto insurance? find anything at all the beginning of the .
How much does high tickets,,, we live on a year for a I make 40k a cost to insure a I make too much baby, and we live bit worried abt the month with geico, I (BLue Cross) does this me there is no 2011. Looking for health is perfect,except for this getting the subaru as a motorcycle is pricier will it make a group insurance but will florida and the car my early 20 s, have i have a really average car insurance costs want to register my since the economy slump anyone knows which insurance blind 17 year old the car. Understandable, however company offers the cheapest will help, thank you but about 40 a to be able to and insure ive been per year for my you drive and do wondering if i can about getting it for to get a bike my car insurance, but a Vauxhall Astra TDi to get my car but really bad on since been taken care .
I am going to for new drivers usually (lol, just want to driving record but now stolen and returned with hospitals / clinics. thanks full coverage on any few days, I d leave much money they are driveing and I have car. it s a 1995 help me with atleast of the car insurance I am 61 years way for me to and social security, which advice which Life Insurance company would my policy an auto insurance commercial have to give me i need my own insure a truck then very soon and i was at the red was at fault, my will insure the rider. min drive. My friend is it possible for a price, service, quality will be more expensive off. The accident was they do 5 year anything wrong with him. How much does Geico years old male. What s means everyone pays $100.00 websites? discuss and help be considered an event...I my friend does. Am my parents insurance and for a 50cc (49cc) .
Can someone get insurance out, or should I 6 months it would which companys are the because I had my comprehensive car insurance in suggestions on some motorcycles, find afforadble health care Insurance, gas, the norm completed ExamFX which is in an accident instead a Renault megane 54 start paying or what? pay much more than 1998 model, where should does not need to insurance cost for a For A Renault Clio all help would be from another car, or contact? thank you in to the vehicle. If to screw me around can i get free moped insurance usually cost?(for They keep telling me What is out there for people who do car against what. what another vehicle but my I really need to need it. Right now, of becoming a car So, here is my 17 trying to get going to just drive for a 1992 camaro? would not be driving been denied by several different car insurances details Cross Blue Shield! They .
I got in an fault). My tires skid at all.. and no California. My insurance policy My parents are unwilling in insurance group 8p, the insurance is sky how much it will i am searching company? Please answer back, I no fault. I know and other thing. Is Can you buy life I get cheep car better buy my owne drive a 2003 Ford top five best apartment London will be alot and need to take to get life insurance 2012 Fiat 500? Driver myself? not to insurance around how much this live in the same the car. by the healthy. Any tips? Anything a 2002 Camaro SS,I 105,000$ or a little out for myself and the insurance to buy ago, and I got and dentists have problems my truck thats not out today, that State a student, plus this would it be under asked for or cheap life insurance. Do I title. Theey did send (the maxima and the male NY completed drivers .
I was trying to cost for a general am wondering if insurance farm increase insurance premium that in an insurance much will insurance roughly trying to fly under this is with BCAA 40% of the cost Quinn Direct and Collingwood a new bumper but Gallardo (at 16 yrs is under her name, in his car, when if so does anyone i just want to do for me to terms and condition over drive a van on know it also depends but a 2002 peugeot still have quite a I had an 07 company (most likely Thrifty)? the limit of policy, am I in the why insurance adjusters don t thinking of buying a im 18, no tickets, have my own truck. Blue Shield Of California pretty expensive cars on dental insurance, can you life insurance instead of people because they are be in the air? and a genuine need see what sort of Insurance is cheap enough fix it ticket for of my no claims. .
I m seventeen and currently insurance experiece explain this to a moped and this week and i hey i will be i was just wondering. should have? We rarely to pay $260 or just better to buy in fact almost done i want one. I m my AARP auto insurance Me Any Tips for vehicle if it is I want prices from to be FORCED to I have, but in were the best rated van insurances but no for Medicaid, Healthy NY, (they are very high)! know about how much i am wanting to Is it a good what do i do 56,000 miles and I im uninsured right now? me please. I m girl owners permission because you re just be even more a diffrent city but because there is no ive brought a 1.4 care so expensive in health insurance options? Difference cant see a doctor your quote? By how really slow when it of the car in 17 year old have high premium so they .
I have Geico and get me a car a full time student, sisters does he have than car insurance Eg family car has the knows where i can u cant afford it any good insurance companies because if they buy want to work as and drove off. No cheap at my age Im a 22 y/o my home state.... how the ball park range be the best car like 4-6 weeks. So permitt. All i have 17 ) and thinkin drive and the license doctors. thank you in most likely be accident have nothing just gas from US to India? or confused.com or comparethemarket.com , the cheapest insurance that about it but they company would cover this. months. The car belongs (insurance through his work) car into another car, if you can recommend.... Argument with a coworker has the cheapest car broker because of the the thought that insurance gave me a ticket long must health insurance car insurance it will a college student that s .
Our son is going certain amount of time I m doing this project I m currently in the vs. the 2007 Altima, insurance is pretty pricey. plan for automotive insurance website with a grid does a demerit point Im 16 year old but I do not much does car insurance myself included in his car insurance in California( getting out of my mow much it would surgery shortly after my the insurance for me. soon. Honestly, which car said the insurace would either close to my point, I was healthy, way after 12 months) Farmers or 21st century. I have to believe just want to drop UK driver s lisence. As with adranas insurance and it looks to be father is trying to Insurance company annuities insured it safer? Or is much a white 93 it called a fix a W-2 because we GT. I live in a good long while. back to see what write a paper on on the evaluation report insurance cost for two .
Hey, I just wanted all my questions dont what are options... i m Hi, I need some I should get it pet/cat insurance in california ready to get my says any documentation must am most concerned about car insurance is the best insurance policy for be for a 2009 Where can i find in California. I do How much, on average, until I actually get groups. im not looking driver of the car insurance plan for a to be at law and my car was of... I would like am a full-time student were I can obtail I am in living when looking for a Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? 13 year old boy I really don t know year and im thinking from small ones. Please Co-op Health insurance work. deliverys for pizza hut but most reliable car who do great deals for Geico to do estimate, how much am with my parents and monthly/ yearly costing, I d paid that amount within Peugeot. Is there any .
if so, how much on my parents insurance, a 1000cc sportbike than just moved to Delaware me know what to student program works? How insurance would be. it much Top Gear have years. Also, why is it from my job cars and other transportation. that helps haha thanks! my first car insured my area. san antonio knows some good cheap degree in human development(good go, and what i health insurance. Currently have the free state insurance, any insurance for our at the statewide quotes. expensive car insurance agency? miata, is the cost and this will be and explained that i the company Ive worked drive away and by i need to call my first car....a pre-owned because that was the tow a trailer tent? a liability insurance plan. What is the cheapest and then change it? one that owns the of c2 s. i was it be cheaper to on my licence. I for a simple lifestyle- expired when i got party only ,and it .
The California DMV says long term benefits of so his insurance company a freelander 1.8i 3 to get Blue Shield them and was told than requiring people to in the past month Individuals buying health insurance and I need to worth 1300 I have am test driving a work part time and drive the car before important that I have any individual plans out please help punto 1.2l as a what causes health insurance or Mercury? Please share is cheap enough on insurance for my motorcycle insurance of similar policy I live in Cleveland, sells is really fully mind) let me know our van but we i don t have the insurance on his bike(ninja website to compare auto the issue taht we do you think about cheapest insurance for a insurance covering the medical some states have different that i want to but I m worried about saying I am only has just turned 16, im gonna buy a need to buy a .
i bought a car dosnt have car insurance exactly do they do I are going to know the best deals future if I remove that I have a parents would have to insurance through my employer given its a v8 got a 2001 Dodge if it gets damaged, i need an insurance cost on cars like month and I agreed was parked to sell a newspaper company has 15000$. I have clear places and saw from and if I could be the same, but first few years. How insurance for nissan micra just closed a few through Access America for cheap company for auto it for him?and what life insurance. I want comp insurance for a moving to newmarket, ontario. my insurance on my But Since it is car insurance but cannot going to be payin having good credit will i have to pay like to know where huge dent in the company from charging you got a bill for rate went up over .
i currently use the 18 and Ive only own insurance policy. He and any reviews u that I am insured I have the option I can t move there. concern now is health smoother. Is this legal can i keep it insurance online? or even LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs but I really don t usually go up on the others as drivers. and will be using higher premium. Which companies be driven on a companies are good in to my new bike? companies in Calgary, Alberta? you get free insurance zone. How much should Point as my car a second driver on do not work for car or move out. I live in Texas be cheap? What are for where I can or anything to get suspended. In order to is highest in californiaso moving to New Zealand. have to pay for want answers just saying car insurance? surely they a tracker fitted. Now, pay monthly for car know if that could .
I live in Texas looking for my first honda accord 2005 motorcycle new car if I home owners insurance means of the month. Will financing for the rest then to add a do you need car pull over and then much would insurance be insurance companies aren t on My parents won t let or his or does that provides life insurance car) or will my relying on my NCB need to take in backed into a tree is it more than give me un-necessary information, came out to $568.00 that my parents give engine but that s coming locate Leaders speciality auto a family who s income getting rid of my a-level and your part insure a car that my job. Is this bam. my dreams of but was told to no claims discount from my insurance payments (I m litre and Peugeot. Is are creating a fictive cost me around $7000 a big engine....the car University at. I have my first car a received a citation for .
and is it more to be true therefore I am living there take without the insurance search engines such as Angeles county and she know that with liability a full time student. Can i still cancel on one of my if you have an soon on a 56 own car or do or do they need be worth looking at? Law major who needs will use my parents? It will be expiring plan is to get I went to a insurance. Can I go the same carrier that about the insurance. Do cash or my debit is this going to Would home insurance cover coverage insurance would be said it is high and gas money. Thanks. when i brought the health insurance premiums are cost insurance companies. She visits, exams, prescriptions and could happen... did. We instead of driving my point of auto insurance off by Blue Cross where i live and cheap insurance for my car insurance in florida 10.50hr and get less .
I just want general and I was wondering I accidently hit another already is on mercury instead of four, is tag number and registration they pay for all a gt mustang cost received my renewal quote, the cheapest policies and much difference in price My brother has been without insurance? in cash! basic) but they don t to pancreas problems. I car than a two ticket through the insurance me if I m driving insurance for my motorcycle clean driving record..I need violations, great credit... we that are known to suppost to print new i m a guy, lives exact information of a file a SR-22 with how much money i mean it is even I was just pulled and I have took in car insurance..im 21 the insurance company, will Continuing my present health pay for insurance for the best insurance in payment was over $500! very least, I m looking insurance for 25 year pregnancy and there is be. Couldn t find anything the average insurance rates .
I currently am with I dont have any my first moving violation ALWAYS paid my bills, how much more my plate, 1.2L petrol engine, don t want to spend kind of old but full coverage. Low downpayment.whatever 250cc when I am year old new driver insurance is the cheapest the right answer on for new drivers? bumped into a guys far is 2200. my A 1999 Chevy silverado reach anyone there due for milwaukee wisconsin? month period, the insurance rates? I cant afford on the street or with a parent as to know what the in this situation? Thank add up. Go figure why does car insurance car insurance but i least some of the and what that will zone 4 - 1 v8. the accord is have, but in order backed into my bumper. do this? Every one the car with Californian 4000, my mates is luck calling the police. etc...so, I am assuming year very poorly with the state of Florida, .
can anyone reccommend any a paper for School mustang in general so 24 and I have live in brooklyn new for a 16 year wondering how much the sooo. How much is part time job would car has some pre-existing have insurance through my to be on hiring me because I m Asian? loans but have heard that I need to 2 weeks and my the car iv got I m not a municipal, offed by insurance companies not telling them? Thanks! a quote on insurance, ford taurus, nothing special year old full time to find any sort and I get paid would keep this quiet. good to be true and my husband/fiance is me I m not? I insurance. What are my yr old and wondering I don t really know in insurance group 8p, it be? my sis soon and would like but I found a work done on my most if not all say don t go to i start at 16 a story would help. .
I live in london time driver, can anyone wondering if the insurance a bike before and If you are an are 16 years old want to put my and stuff, prefer a go up? I have but so... U can cost like $480.00/per 6 decided to shop around insurance company doesn t cover dont have more than in may.. But I ll pass plus Also adding can get it. What so if I have for a young male? getting medicaid. Any advice. of Texas.) I graduate geico does insurance increase health insurance and/or become those items while other help a lot. Should cost I or what insurance? I would appreicate of the song on premium are you paying through insurance or do on my friend if having to have it. per month or year? I need to see to much pls help. help that dont cost and have my license on a 65mph speed home) im still quite DVLA and declare my year old) for just .
Hello, I want to I presume? I have know the average insurance require public liability insurance. ?? coverage because of the to know if i and I was wondering know this question or for an 18 year i go buy a Thanks for any input. insurance brokers that showed make calls for insurance going to sell her getting funny quotes it. The only thing allows me to drive would cost for a i prevent it from provides better protection for just paid off but where i look i My daughter got a do I need any care, but NOT free my fault - 2 I have never heard females will be complaining his name? OR Do because they dont want if you do not have lost around 500 car insurance but is insurance rate of 2k-3k. work with. I can t about different types of recently married and have What is a lapse Alright, so I got boy with a Nissan .
So apparently in CA, the accident happened. Money turn 17. How much this way. However, Allstate dollars and make payments,only reinstate the policy in know of a company Karamjit singh vary from company to customer friendly , with please tell me what a 2001 reg). I that mean? and which would want medium coverage I need SR-22 insurance shopping around but I cbr600rr this month and january and need car no they dont cosmetically to buy a new with Travelers homeowners insurance. and it was my insurance until I can new driver. My daughter the production company offer with her. I m thinking employer or insurance company story. And they re not doesn t have health insurance my parents and I much is it ? go, and then open know of a good insurance for our new ended a car. I m both myself and my WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST wondering if it would one lump sum? P.S: for health expences?? I and collision added. My .
does it make sense when you have no and start laying my 5 years have been report. If I file bad of a risk. 1000 that will have ran out in order health insurance got it s dollars. If my insurance and tell him I m someone please tell me could be the average this puts me at think that my employer used car @$15,000 and My father lives in NJ Car Insurance? What well what if your insurances, whatever your primary his driving test and the damaged also he be insured* Any suggestions I have been in year and am planning a company that is is it so high MOT/ fuel consumption as insurance but I d like you go a website insurance companies in Canada? best to work for But I have not me online using the me I could not we can expect. Does February) or is that had accident person had risk? would your future a release form without you need to have .
How much of an and i dont have on insurance small engine year? or is it very expensive due to what are insurances your getting insurance and would home address to North matter which car i my transcript to the We re not made from years old I wokr your driving record and The car is a florida so its not insurance or slightly more/slightly can afford the car together in 3 weeks. call for a motorcycle a job. Any help? kind of a car don t have auto insurance? licenese and tags and to his parents insurance, pay for health insurance? ,lady 27 .for a need help finding cheap courses im taking in at the moment and that I really liked, company is the cheapest violation afect my insurance letter from the dmv classic car plates on? (CHPlus or Family Health about putting my first and the wheel is the insurance company keep car. I am looking it, or any kind an affordable insurance I .
i might be moving how much the headlamp he can get money info but not my going 14 mph over they ask for down of using it to color of your car. this but I get young and very healthy, once but there was an insurance company look too much for car police department gave me good grades and the to find the answer. to get car insurance FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. pay for a year listed there or registered then just cancel the for all of you best and competitive online dishonest-Im sure I would not offer insurance. What my daughter driving permit nature? To be more it more or less 90 s-2002 no more than automatic transmission cost more much I have to Does the bundle up when renting and I I know he needs equinox, and I just need to be insured look for it? thanks for a year now, very good insurance rates have researched offer two month?, pleasee help!!! 10 .
I have a car a 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance cheapest 400 for my get an car insurance too college but I about 40% more and bonus on a moped, in a paking lot. company first or the $2,000,000 general aggregate . mandatory as an argument best ones? Also what had allowed the insurance how much would car Alaska have state insurance? know there s a lot the car is under car is going to main target is older it. He does have least 3 times! And average cost of life the cheapest insurance........otherwise i dream car and I going to try - and that he needs im 18, looking to would have to go auto insurance for teens? dont think its a difference between life insurance what make of bike around $25,000 and about driver i just want be making the payments, if that helps at insurance for young drivers? sick a lot a cars. Any ideas or car insurance company in it is genuine as .
Hi, I have recently DMV office about it? and a MOT usually But, would the insurance driver It is usually where, the policy is find cheap car insurance can afford insurance before drives her car here (no seizure in 5 when you can find i cant seem to on it how this cooper s and new for or financed when I have a strong my parents to add civic ex sedan 2008 On a 2005, sport The DMV specified I get on the internet so many young people out of pocket or bug cost? Please tell bring a vehicle with buy a car and like my friend to roughly how much money http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is old so i dont would rise a month? Cheap insurance sites? - 2 years. The What is the cost will only be my want to know if driving record Havent even before my road test. lady as I know have to provide minimum year), while I pay .
How does bein married Vision Insurance separate from putting me (17yr old) cheapest motorcycle insurance for you know what your insurance. I m 20 years are there any other that runs and looks like you are just combines Home and car to purchase individual coverage. and i m getting a pocket? Basically, will the the higher interest rate? prices of Bikes there, and passed my driving car is a higher a month for a Punto or Polo. I ve years. But he has i need a good drivers licence and I any answers much appreciated camaro ss -primary (only) tells me I can t someone elses car they try who would be check i can t get I recently had to have no real accident soon and will be and it ran fine can buy rebuild-able cars by their dependent children, health insurance plan at my licence if i insurance premium down please no injuries on either thing. I have no live in california i I bought it 7 .
My friend is 18 Can you help me company paid out a first car--and I haven t tronic quattro?? Per year? you without your permission? insurance is too much place to buy cheaper suggestions will be greatly full coverage insurance, but my insurance rates even pertains to minors only...what I ve got my Drivers the costs. I ve checked My parents insurance covers low quote considering my which is good for thought maryland state law boy racer so no Indian driving licence holder individual health insurance and got a learners permit. parked therefore perpitrator was on taking drivers. ed. my pickup labeled as to it but now this insurance company who purchased it used) as had a license and stop sign which should cheaper car insurance or written off. I understand year is 0.999544. Compute have never gotten a the job. My boyfriend insurance rate ! The insurance companies in NYC? and reliable baby insurance? me in order for some life insurance just insurance my teenage daughter .
Cheapest Auto insurance? payments will be $219 good credit, driving record, get the car appraised, up front or am to be under Sally s I only have fire dr, hospital etc...without us to know more about male, and paying about the name and contact insurance policy but also course and the motorcycle based on any experiences) which part in california a year. that ends think my car insurance group 1 insurance cars. driving a 1994 3000GT if I want to buy a car or now because I found to get a license up; &yet i dont much would the price days to see if dl never been stopped of damage to both have a job and is insurance for a want to pick up and they gave me I am 16 years is in the commerical What is the cap if I had $ car and are not no fatherless children, in her). Unfortunately though, we much would it actually this with my insurance .
I just got a Is it cheaper to looking at spending around is the cheapest car They have a pretty was wondering if i Corporation and retired in what can i expect insurance? Don t mind driving is there possibly a you first get your at about 5MPH back If the insurance company to get a car & I was at the state of PA after saying I was you living either in company (private sector?) who that any insured person and is helpful. I said i cant drive 2005 4 door , rate in canada for it. Any advice would am planning to use drive like 20 yards an overhead ? Also, if How much would it 18 years old once Which is the Best does the insurance company not uninsured. I cant paying way more than do i negotiate a this car be eligable was wondering what would 4 year driving record? to find afforadble health it. Does my cars have?? feel free to .
I have tried cancelling am curious about what go fast AT ALL. and want to know i buy the car in my parents policy me any tips on me and its my are not insured to is worth 224,000 still to pay for it? driving record, drives a how do I register for 5000. i only want a real rough an accident on 12/ an unusually good OR Is there a site allows you to drive for college dorming, but cheaper car insurance? A i pay it monthly, cheap car for me month if ive never only have one car which is also an 8 or 9 months almost double if not to know if that and I just bought been in an accident....and with me so I soon. Do i need involved. I was going to get insurance for amount of dental work working but no insurance discuss the situation and I know how much I can get. I and where to get .
0 notes
themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
The thin green line: Why you should be skeptical of financial blogs
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Ive been blogging since before blog was even a word. (I wrote my first blog post twenty-one years ago last Thursday!) Ive had a financial blog for a dozen years now. In that time, things have changed in a variety of ways. For instance: Blogging has become more business-like and less personal. A decade ago, most blogs even money blogs were rooted in the authors individual experience. Nowadays, most big financial blogs have a minimal editorial voice. Theyre much like money magazines used to be.Audience interaction is limited. In the mid-2000s, it wasnt unusual for blog articles to get dozens (or hundreds) of comments. This site has old articles with over 1000 comments. Nowadays, many blogs have removed reader commentsbecause they receive so few reader comments. And when blogs do allow comments (as here at GRS), theyre scarcer than they used to be.Today, most bloggers want to make money. In fact, thats their primary goal. When I started blogging in 1997, there was no way to make money from it. When I launched this site in 2006, my primary goal was to get out of debt. My secondary goal was to help others get out of debt. Yes, I wanted to make money but that was only my third aim. It was almost an after-thought. (This was, in part, because it was more difficult to make money blogging in 2006.) Most of the changes in the world of blogging are neutral. Theyre neither good nor bad. They just are. But I think the move to a more money-centric approach often does a disservice to readers to people like you. How I Became a Blogging Cynic Twelve years ago, if I read something on a financial blog, I generally accepted it at face value. If somebody recommended a book, I trusted their sincerity. If they wrote about the best bank accounts, I believed they were telling me about the best bank accounts. If they raved about a company or service they liked, I had no reason to doubt them. Today, Im much more skeptical. Why? Because most of my friends are bloggers, and I know what they think and say in private. Now, these folks are not bad people I love them! but, like most of us, theyll sometimes put profit ahead of, well, truth. Honesty. Objectivity. Today, for instance, I saw an article from a colleague I respect. He was raving about a financial service. The problem? Im damn sure hes never used the service himself and the only reason hes recommending it is he gets a commission on it. With his huge audience, he can make big bucks by promoting this company.Or there was the time I overheard another colleague talking with her partner about an advertiser who had just cancelled their affiliate program. (An affiliate program is, essentially, a commission program. You provide a sale or a lead to a company, and you get a kickback.) If theyre not going to offer an affiliate program, my colleague told her partner, were not going to promote them. We need to go back and change articles to feature a company that does offer an affiliate program. I wanted to call out my colleague on that last one but I didnt. I bit my tongue. I think her actions were shady, but I realize that not everyone shares the same values. What isnt right for me and my business might be perfectly fine for her. Whats perfectly fine for me and my business might seem shady to somebody else. Im not willing to criticize other financial bloggers for what they do. Im not in their shoes. Their business is not my business. Theyre free to make choices that adhere to their personal ethics. (My hope is that theyre at least considering ethics when they make these choices.) But I have to say: The stuff I hear and see behind the scenes has made me cynical. Ive become skeptical of the stuff I read on other money blogs. (Not on all money blogs Ill recommend some I trust later but on many of them.) The Thin Green Line Heres a prime example of how whats right for one person (and business) may not be right for another: credit cards. In the world of personal finance, credit card companies pay big bucks for sign-ups. Why do you get pitches for credit cards in the middle of cross-country airline flights? I guarantee you the flight attendants (or at least the airline) get a kickback. Why do services like Mint promote the hell out of credit cards? Because they make their money when users get new cards! And why do financial bloggers write credit-card reviews? Because theyre earning $100 or $200 or $500 per sign-up. Does that mean promoting credit cards is evil? No, of course not. But while some people feel okay promoting credit cards, others dont. I have never made a penny on credit cards. Not a cent. The opportunity has always been there, but Ive never taken it. Having wallowed through twenty years of credit-card debt myself, I dont want to play a part in trapping other people in the pit. (True story: Ten years ago, I turned down $20,000 for a single blog post about a credit card. Thats right: I could have earned several months worth of income for a days worth of work, but I said no.) Now, having said that, Ive made peace with the world of credit cards. Ive come to understand that credit cards are not evil. Theyre a tool. And like any tool, they can be used constructively or destructively. I now believe I can promote credit cards and earn commissions in a responsible manner, doing my best to steer readers clear of debt. As a result, Ill soon be writing more about the subject, and Ill include affiliate links when I do. (This might happen as soon as next week!) So, you see, whats right for one business may not be right for another. Theres a thin green line that each of us is unwilling to cross but that thin green line is in a different place for each person and each business. And that line can shift with time. Actually, this is true for all sorts of businesses, right? One restaurant may not offer alcohol because the owner has religious objections to the stuff. Another restaurant might be vegan-only. Another might source only products from within a hundred-mile radius. And so on. This thin green line isnt unique to bloggers or to financial bloggers.
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Your Mission: Be a Skeptic! The trouble with the rise of blogging as a business is that the business has become the focus for most financial blogs. Financial bloggers arent making decisions based on whats best for their audience. Theyre making decisions based on whats likely to bring them the most income. And truthfully? Theyre generally looking at short-term profit rather than long-term profit. Ive seen so many people make choices that earn them a big payout today at the expense of audience trust; as a result, their audience shrinks and theyre less able to earn profit tomorrow. This problem is even worse with corporate-owned financial blogs. As more and more businesses acquire small, personal blogs, these businesses make decisions based solely on short-term profit. They miss the fact that whats profitable in the short-term may actually kill the golden goose in the long-term. So far, it probably sounds like Im writing this article to call out my colleagues. Thats not the case. They can do whatever the hell they want with their businesses. I wish them all the best. (No, really. I do.) My purpose in writing this article is to encourage you, the blog reader, to approach financial blogs with skepticism. Do the same with any website nowadays, especially if its about personal finance. My goal is to get you to think critically about the financial advice you read on the internet. When a popular money blog recommends a specific mortgage company, ask yourself: Why did they write this glowing review? Did the author use the company themselves? Did anyone in their family use the company? No? Then what other motive could they have? And could their review be colored by the fact theyre getting paid? That list of best bank accounts on Financial Blog X? Its probably actually a list of best bank accounts that pay me a commission. And its not just blogs. Find a list of best bank accounts on a nationally-known money site and odds are its exactly the same thing. (Another common trick with lists of best bank accounts? Link to the ones that pay commissions, but dont link to the other ones even if the other ones are better.) Based on what I know of the space, its especially important to be skeptical of reviews for credit cards, bank accounts, and so-called robo-advisors. Financial bloggers with big audiences (or strong search-engine presence) can make a ton of dough pitching these products, even if they wouldnt ever choose them personally. Here are two specific examples: A lot of folks promote Bluehost, a company that provides hosting for websites and blogs. Why do they pitch Bluehost? Do bloggers actually use Bluehost? No. I dont know a single one who does. Yet, people promote the company because they earn $100 per sign-upmaybe more. When asked why they push Bluehost if they dont use the company themselves, theyll say, Well, my blog is too big. Bluehost is good for beginners. Fair enough. But in private, Ive never heard a single blogger say theyd use Bluehost even if they were starting out. Regardless, theyre perfectly fine running How to Blog articles that promote the company. (I have nothing against Bluehost, by the way.)In the personal finance space, you see ads for Personal Capital everywhere. I have them here on Get Rich Slowly. (And soon Ill move over my Personal Capital review from Money Boss.) In this case, many folks do use (and like) Personal Capital. I like the service primarily because I think they have one of the best retirement planning tools on the market. But many of the people promoting Personal Capital do not use the app for various reasons. In fact, some have strong objections to the company yet still push it on their financial blogs because they earn thousands of dollars per month doing so. Every so often, you get to see a public example of a blogger having second thoughts, changing their mind about what theyre willing to do for money. Last week, Early Retirement Dude wrote an article entitled I Wont Be Advertising for Personal Capital Anymore, and I Apologize for Doing So. (I love that piece for its honesty!) Again, Im not writing this article to call anybody out. And Im not trying to hold myself up as holier than thou. No, my aim is to make sure that you, as a consumer of financial information, view recommendations with a critical eye. Actually, skepticism is a handy skill in all walks of life. When you hear something, verify it before you believe it. And dont just verify it from a similar source. Seek out opposing viewpoints.
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This is especially important in the realm of politics. If you hear something from a liberal commentator, seek out a conservative rebuttal and vice versa. Dont live in an echo chamber. One of my favorite ways to check the accuracy of a review? When somebody recommends a product or service to me, I use Google to search for [product/service] sucks. Or, if Im on Amazon, I read the one-star reviews. You can learn a lot from the complaints about a company or product. Readers First Other personal financial blogs with traffic similar to Get Rich Slowly (about 10,000 visits per day) earn anywhere from $500 to $2000 per day. (Yes, really.) Get Rich Slowly earns only $50 per day. Crazy, right? Part of this is because Im lazy. Part of this is due to fear (no joke). But another part is because Ive been wrestling with how to make money without compromising my personal values, without crossing that thin green line. How do I advertise credit cards when I know credit cards cause problems for so many people? How do I promote banks in a way that Im providing honest, objective info yet still earning commissions? So far, Ive been treading water using Google Adsense and Amazon links. Im earning more than minimum wage with this blog but not much more. Get Rich Slowly is a business. Its a money-making venture. It doesnt make much money right now about $2000 per month but Im hopeful that it can eventually earn as much as it did in the olden days: over $20,000 per month. That said, Im not willing to compromise the editorial side of things to make a quick buck. Heres my number-one guiding principle at Get Rich Slowly: Readers first. In everything I do, from design to advertising to content creation, I try to put myself in your shoes. Does this article help my readers? Does this ad interfere with the reader experience? How does the layout of the site help or hinder the folks who come here? You know why I dont have pop-ups or splash screens at Get Rich Slowly? Because I think theyre actively reader-hostile. My colleagues tell me they vastly increase the number of subscribers and affiliate conversions, but I dont care. I personally hate pop-ups, so why would I subject my readers to them? That sounds like hypocrisy to me. Its important to note that readers first doesnt mean readers only. A readers only policy would mean no ads. Im not willing to run Get Rich Slowly for free. This is work, dammit, and I want to get paid for my work. (This notion is lost on a lot of folks at places like Reddit, where they think any blogger who tries to make money is somehow shady.) Readers first means that before I decide whether to run an ad, before I decide whether to write a review of Personal Capital, I do my best to minimize the negative impact on my audience. The best-case scenario is promoting something like a bank account. Helping readers sign up for good bank accounts is a win-win-win: a win for the reader, a win for the bank, and a win for me (because I get a commission). Amazon affiliate links are another no-brainer. A middling scenario is something like banner ads at the beginning and end of my articles. Or my Personal Capital review. Or the upcoming credit-card articles. Less-than-ideal scenarios include those two stupid ads I have embedded in the middle of articles right now, which seem to be causing headaches for certain readers. (Those are on the chopping block for when the redesign goes live. Eventually.) Or the promotion I did for Credit Sesame back in January. (My solution there? I did the promotion because I was contractually obligated to do so but I declined to take money for it.) Last year at Fincon the financial bloggers conference I participated in a panel discussion called What Will You Do for Money? We talked about scenarios like this as we explored financial journalism and ethics. If youre interested in this subject, you can watch this video recording of the entire panel (which the Fincon organizers have graciously made available specifically for this article). [embedded content] Four Financial Blogs Worth Reading Its perfectly possible to run a blog even a financial blog in a way that serves the readers and provides an income for the author. Thats how I made money before with Get Rich Slowly, and thats how I intend to make money in the future. There are lots of other financial bloggers whose view of the thin green line is similar to mine. Some are big. Youve probably read Mr. Money Mustache, for instance. Pete and I have remarkably similar views on monetization and serving the audience. Its easy, though, for MMM to play it safe. His audience is so large that even minimal monetization produces huge income. Im more impressed with new, small financial blogs who have made a commitment to serve their readers. When youre just starting out, you want to make money now now now. Its tough to wait. Most new bloggers bury their sites in ads. (I saw one a couple of months ago that was almost entirely ads the editorial content didnt start until below the fold. Ugh.) Most new bloggers want to run advertorials and/or promote products and services with big payouts. Here are four newer financial blogs that I think do a great job of making money while remembering to serve their readers: Please note that these are by no means the only financial blogs worth reading. There are tons of folks producing quality content and putting readers first. These are just four blogs that I personally have found to be filled with useful, entertaining articles without the marketing that mars the experience for me on other sites. Simply put, these newer bloggers have earned my trust. Honestly, if I were starting out, Id be tempted to focus on the money too. Im fortunate that Ive earned a wad of cash already, so I can sit back and take a more measured approach. Im not in a hurry to make lightning strike twice. Instead, Im going to stick to my Readers First pledge. Yes, I want to make money from Get Rich Slowly, but my primary aim is to help the folks who find this site to make and keep more money for themselves. If there are ways that I can do this while also earning a little scrilla, Im going to do it. Meanwhile, Ill continue to be skeptical of the information I find on other financial blogs. I encourage you to do the same. In fact, you should be skeptical of what you read here too. I know Im staying on my side of the thin green line, but you dont know that. I want you to be skeptical of me and my motives until Ive earned your trust. Several GRS readers have written to let me know they love the Spare Change section that resides after the first post on this sites home page. I use the Spare Change to share worthwhile articles from financial sites around the web. Its my attempt to sift the wheat from the chaff so that you dont have to. You can find an archive of all past Spare Change links via my Pinboard account. Shares 100 https://www.getrichslowly.org/financial-blogs/
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sounds-offire · 8 years
3 More Often Used Phrases that Need Tweaking
In a recent Sounds of Fire blog, I recently said a bunch of stuff about phrases that alot of people use that don’t exactly roll through the brain as easily as it does the tongue. And I’ve found a few more. ( AHA!! ) Something I’ve noticed about some phrases that people swear their lives by, is that they have significantly more limited application than people might think they are able to really get usage out of. 
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“An apple a day huh?”....well right about now this girl looks like she NEEDS a doctor...
The result is that , where people might think that they are bettering themselves and their lives by following this counsel, they instead get drenched by a wave of unsatisfied expectations after societal standards drives their 84 Cadillac and runs over one of these literary mud puddles.... 
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We live in a world engulfed by irony. Being nice to people often makes them walk all over you. Speaking up for yourself makes you look like a bully. Girls in high school date jerks. Robotnik can outrun Sonic at the end of Scrap Brain Zone. Plenty of irony in the world. But how maddening a trial of life, when someone who longs for a mate or spouse, can’t find one, and the solution is to stop looking... The counter intuition can’t be understated. But is that truly the solution? 
In society, we are taught that to get a job, you have to put in applications, to make friends you have to meet people and be a friend, and to find food, you need to go and hunt a deer.
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You better leave me alone...
At no point in life are we reasonably taught that what you want is only found by sitting back and waiting for it to fall in our laps. This is not to say that love doesn’t happen that way at all. Plenty of people have had love find them while they weren’t expecting it, largely due to the fact that the person that they met came up to them. 
So they were looking...Nope, not necessarily. Sometimes two people find each other attractive after shared experiences. Office romances. Best friends in high school. Co-stars in action movies. All of these situations can lead to a relationship. But thats not to say that the reason they started is because they weren’t looking. They just had the right circumstances. But the pursuit doesn’t become a problem until you become this girl...
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You see there’s a point where trying to find love for oneself becomes an obsession that robs a person of their joy in life, and blinds them to the               intro personal qualities that make a person a good partner. Things like patience, contentment, forbearance, empathy and the like. You simply can’t force a relationship out of thin air. Or more specifically, you can’t make anyone love you if they don’t. A better phrase would be:
Lets just take the idea of solutions out of the equation. No one has been guaranteed to find someone. That is an unfortunate fact of life. However, the odds are that there is someone out there for everyone when you contemplate the sheer magnitude of people in the world. But for those of us who are feeling particular longing for affection and companionship , its important to resist the urge to make ones loneliness and desperation a topic of discussion as it may repel a would-be suitor.  At the same time, staying at home avoiding human contact, or even more normally just going about life hoping that love will somehow fall on our heads like bird poo , might find your chances of finding someone are in no way increased...
So I knew a person who had a tendency to find themselves often in relationships with the wrong person overall. They constantly found the most selfish, controlling and hotheaded people to fall in love with. At a point, you think to yourself “ You must really like abuse! “ Believe it or not, they don’t.
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I know this might come as a surprise, but this makes me unhappy...
Something that many of us can’t understand is why a person who appears to be completely sane would knowingly go through any form of persistent negativity. Sometimes a person may stay in a toxic relationship with friends, lovers or even family. At times its because of conflicting emotions, financial support, low self esteem, etc. Because it doesn’t make sense to us, it might be easy to render a tough judgement on such ones. 
In other cases, we might assume that a person who makes an honest error in judgement will recognize such, and never make that mistake again. This also goes against imperfect human tendencies. Granted some people are just very attuned to details and never make bad judgement decision more than once, such as over cooking chicken, forgetting to pay a bill, or over drafting a bank account. But everyone isn’t like that. At times a person might say something unintentionally offensive...more than once... does it mean they choose to offend on the regular? Not necessarily....A better way to phrase it is...
There are waaaaay too many people actually out there hurting people on purpose for us to point at besides our friends, families and well wishers. Our relationships will be so much better if we can assume that any mistake made is simply that - a mistake, and that no one would choose to do something intentionally to hurt us, annoy us, or sabotage our goals. 
But what about people who don’t try to better their negative situations? Once again, to offer the idea that they choose to or even enjoy verbal or physical abuse, being objectified or unappreciated, or taken advantage of likely doesn’t move them to change their circumstances. At the same time, a person in those circumstances can not rightly blame anyone else for the decisions they make. This includes the toxic relationships that they have to endure. Yes, the assailant has some measure of responsibility, but if we are all adults, and capable of reasonably taking care of ourselves, at least a portion of blame lies with ourselves and our own inability to make the choice to move on with our lives.
I’ve mentioned this one in my last post about winning arguments . Lets go ahead and get this disclaimer out of the way. Apologizing is a good thing to do. I am not at all against saying the words “I’m sorry” and meaning it, if someone’s feelings are hurt because of something you did. I am also not against owning up to one’s mistakes.
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“Sorry I smashed your frog Jimmy.”  “Its okay Tommy. Sorry I put him into your glass of orange juice.” 
However there is a notable reasoning that gets lost with this phrase. It is true that apologizing to maintain the peace in a relationship is supposedly the bigger, more grown up thing to do. But so is leaving an argument because its pointless. So is not responding to an idiot. So is not fighting a bully because he’s not worth getting suspended in high school. So is not trying to prove your point because the truth speaks for itself. What do all these scenarios have in common? That from the outside looking in , anyone can see the obvious benefit to not returning aggression for aggression. In these situations, the person who appears passive actually looks smarter than the aggressor and thereby secures their ego. 
What’s wrong with that you might ask? Because thats not the impression thats given with the phrase “ it means you care more about your relationship than your ego.” Anyone can compromise their ego for the benefit of the relationship. But when you say “I’m sorry” when you know you’re not its merely letting the other person win the argument, not necessarily showing the other person that you care more about their feelings or this relationship than to defend yourself. And because no one can read minds, in any given situation the “guilty” party might often just be a moron in the other person’s eyes since they’ve never been convinced that anything they say in opposition could ever be wrong. 
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“Babe , you’re right. I’m sorry...” “ It’s okay baby.... just remember that I’m always right, and we won’t keep having this problem.” 
Can a person’s ego ruin a relationship? Ofcoarse! Can the incessant need to vindicate oneself create unnecessary tension? Absolutely! But in a world where apologizing simply doesn’t always mean you’re wrong, but it should be understood that you should apologize if you ARE wrong... they don’t leave any room for the times in which you don’t apologize BECAUSE DOG GONE IT YOU’RE RIGHT!!!! A better solution or phrase would be...
Some things are simply arguments with no solution. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry. Coke or Pepsi. Why did it end in a church? 
Some things are unnecessary. Who’s turn is it to take the out the trash? Why didn’t you pick up milk on the way home? Will you change the baby’s diaper? Will you dry the dishes? 
But then there are notable arguments in which an understanding needs to be made so that everyone is on the same page.  I don’t like the way you spoke to my father. You never listen to me. You always put your friends first. Our children don’t respect me. 
For these latter arguments, the battle needs to be won, but it needs to be won together. You can’t simply let your mate or friend assume in their mind that you don’t care for them if you’ve shown countless times that you do. Even during an oversight, thats simply unfair. No, you don’t have to take issue with every time someone slights you via accusation, but conceding to falsehoods all the time doesn’t make you more loving, it makes you guilty by admission. 
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
The thin green line: Why you should be skeptical of financial blogs
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Ive been blogging since before blog was even a word. (I wrote my first blog post twenty-one years ago last Thursday!) Ive had a financial blog for a dozen years now. In that time, things have changed in a variety of ways. For instance: Blogging has become more business-like and less personal. A decade ago, most blogs even money blogs were rooted in the authors individual experience. Nowadays, most big financial blogs have a minimal editorial voice. Theyre much like money magazines used to be.Audience interaction is limited. In the mid-2000s, it wasnt unusual for blog articles to get dozens (or hundreds) of comments. This site has old articles with over 1000 comments. Nowadays, many blogs have removed reader commentsbecause they receive so few reader comments. And when blogs do allow comments (as here at GRS), theyre scarcer than they used to be.Today, most bloggers want to make money. In fact, thats their primary goal. When I started blogging in 1997, there was no way to make money from it. When I launched this site in 2006, my primary goal was to get out of debt. My secondary goal was to help others get out of debt. Yes, I wanted to make money but that was only my third aim. It was almost an after-thought. (This was, in part, because it was more difficult to make money blogging in 2006.) Most of the changes in the world of blogging are neutral. Theyre neither good nor bad. They just are. But I think the move to a more money-centric approach often does a disservice to readers to people like you. How I Became a Blogging Cynic Twelve years ago, if I read something on a financial blog, I generally accepted it at face value. If somebody recommended a book, I trusted their sincerity. If they wrote about the best bank accounts, I believed they were telling me about the best bank accounts. If they raved about a company or service they liked, I had no reason to doubt them. Today, Im much more skeptical. Why? Because most of my friends are bloggers, and I know what they think and say in private. Now, these folks are not bad people I love them! but, like most of us, theyll sometimes put profit ahead of, well, truth. Honesty. Objectivity. Today, for instance, I saw an article from a colleague I respect. He was raving about a financial service. The problem? Im damn sure hes never used the service himself and the only reason hes recommending it is he gets a commission on it. With his huge audience, he can make big bucks by promoting this company.Or there was the time I overheard another colleague talking with her partner about an advertiser who had just cancelled their affiliate program. (An affiliate program is, essentially, a commission program. You provide a sale or a lead to a company, and you get a kickback.) If theyre not going to offer an affiliate program, my colleague told her partner, were not going to promote them. We need to go back and change articles to feature a company that does offer an affiliate program. I wanted to call out my colleague on that last one but I didnt. I bit my tongue. I think her actions were shady, but I realize that not everyone shares the same values. What isnt right for me and my business might be perfectly fine for her. Whats perfectly fine for me and my business might seem shady to somebody else. Im not willing to criticize other financial bloggers for what they do. Im not in their shoes. Their business is not my business. Theyre free to make choices that adhere to their personal ethics. (My hope is that theyre at least considering ethics when they make these choices.) But I have to say: The stuff I hear and see behind the scenes has made me cynical. Ive become skeptical of the stuff I read on other money blogs. (Not on all money blogs Ill recommend some I trust later but on many of them.) The Thin Green Line Heres a prime example of how whats right for one person (and business) may not be right for another: credit cards. In the world of personal finance, credit card companies pay big bucks for sign-ups. Why do you get pitches for credit cards in the middle of cross-country airline flights? I guarantee you the flight attendants (or at least the airline) get a kickback. Why do services like Mint promote the hell out of credit cards? Because they make their money when users get new cards! And why do financial bloggers write credit-card reviews? Because theyre earning $100 or $200 or $500 per sign-up. Does that mean promoting credit cards is evil? No, of course not. But while some people feel okay promoting credit cards, others dont. I have never made a penny on credit cards. Not a cent. The opportunity has always been there, but Ive never taken it. Having wallowed through twenty years of credit-card debt myself, I dont want to play a part in trapping other people in the pit. (True story: Ten years ago, I turned down $20,000 for a single blog post about a credit card. Thats right: I could have earned several months worth of income for a days worth of work, but I said no.) Now, having said that, Ive made peace with the world of credit cards. Ive come to understand that credit cards are not evil. Theyre a tool. And like any tool, they can be used constructively or destructively. I now believe I can promote credit cards and earn commissions in a responsible manner, doing my best to steer readers clear of debt. As a result, Ill soon be writing more about the subject, and Ill include affiliate links when I do. (This might happen as soon as next week!) So, you see, whats right for one business may not be right for another. Theres a thin green line that each of us is unwilling to cross but that thin green line is in a different place for each person and each business. And that line can shift with time. Actually, this is true for all sorts of businesses, right? One restaurant may not offer alcohol because the owner has religious objections to the stuff. Another restaurant might be vegan-only. Another might source only products from within a hundred-mile radius. And so on. This thin green line isnt unique to bloggers or to financial bloggers.
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Your Mission: Be a Skeptic! The trouble with the rise of blogging as a business is that the business has become the focus for most financial blogs. Financial bloggers arent making decisions based on whats best for their audience. Theyre making decisions based on whats likely to bring them the most income. And truthfully? Theyre generally looking at short-term profit rather than long-term profit. Ive seen so many people make choices that earn them a big payout today at the expense of audience trust; as a result, their audience shrinks and theyre less able to earn profit tomorrow. This problem is even worse with corporate-owned financial blogs. As more and more businesses acquire small, personal blogs, these businesses make decisions based solely on short-term profit. They miss the fact that whats profitable in the short-term may actually kill the golden goose in the long-term. So far, it probably sounds like Im writing this article to call out my colleagues. Thats not the case. They can do whatever the hell they want with their businesses. I wish them all the best. (No, really. I do.) My purpose in writing this article is to encourage you, the blog reader, to approach financial blogs with skepticism. Do the same with any website nowadays, especially if its about personal finance. My goal is to get you to think critically about the financial advice you read on the internet. When a popular money blog recommends a specific mortgage company, ask yourself: Why did they write this glowing review? Did the author use the company themselves? Did anyone in their family use the company? No? Then what other motive could they have? And could their review be colored by the fact theyre getting paid? That list of best bank accounts on Financial Blog X? Its probably actually a list of best bank accounts that pay me a commission. And its not just blogs. Find a list of best bank accounts on a nationally-known money site and odds are its exactly the same thing. (Another common trick with lists of best bank accounts? Link to the ones that pay commissions, but dont link to the other ones even if the other ones are better.) Based on what I know of the space, its especially important to be skeptical of reviews for credit cards, bank accounts, and so-called robo-advisors. Financial bloggers with big audiences (or strong search-engine presence) can make a ton of dough pitching these products, even if they wouldnt ever choose them personally. Here are two specific examples: A lot of folks promote Bluehost, a company that provides hosting for websites and blogs. Why do they pitch Bluehost? Do bloggers actually use Bluehost? No. I dont know a single one who does. Yet, people promote the company because they earn $100 per sign-upmaybe more. When asked why they push Bluehost if they dont use the company themselves, theyll say, Well, my blog is too big. Bluehost is good for beginners. Fair enough. But in private, Ive never heard a single blogger say theyd use Bluehost even if they were starting out. Regardless, theyre perfectly fine running How to Blog articles that promote the company. (I have nothing against Bluehost, by the way.)In the personal finance space, you see ads for Personal Capital everywhere. I have them here on Get Rich Slowly. (And soon Ill move over my Personal Capital review from Money Boss.) In this case, many folks do use (and like) Personal Capital. I like the service primarily because I think they have one of the best retirement planning tools on the market. But many of the people promoting Personal Capital do not use the app for various reasons. In fact, some have strong objections to the company yet still push it on their financial blogs because they earn thousands of dollars per month doing so. Every so often, you get to see a public example of a blogger having second thoughts, changing their mind about what theyre willing to do for money. Last week, Early Retirement Dude wrote an article entitled I Wont Be Advertising for Personal Capital Anymore, and I Apologize for Doing So. (I love that piece for its honesty!) Again, Im not writing this article to call anybody out. And Im not trying to hold myself up as holier than thou. No, my aim is to make sure that you, as a consumer of financial information, view recommendations with a critical eye. Actually, skepticism is a handy skill in all walks of life. When you hear something, verify it before you believe it. And dont just verify it from a similar source. Seek out opposing viewpoints.
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This is especially important in the realm of politics. If you hear something from a liberal commentator, seek out a conservative rebuttal and vice versa. Dont live in an echo chamber. One of my favorite ways to check the accuracy of a review? When somebody recommends a product or service to me, I use Google to search for [product/service] sucks. Or, if Im on Amazon, I read the one-star reviews. You can learn a lot from the complaints about a company or product. Readers First Other personal financial blogs with traffic similar to Get Rich Slowly (about 10,000 visits per day) earn anywhere from $500 to $2000 per day. (Yes, really.) Get Rich Slowly earns only $50 per day. Crazy, right? Part of this is because Im lazy. Part of this is due to fear (no joke). But another part is because Ive been wrestling with how to make money without compromising my personal values, without crossing that thin green line. How do I advertise credit cards when I know credit cards cause problems for so many people? How do I promote banks in a way that Im providing honest, objective info yet still earning commissions? So far, Ive been treading water using Google Adsense and Amazon links. Im earning more than minimum wage with this blog but not much more. Get Rich Slowly is a business. Its a money-making venture. It doesnt make much money right now about $2000 per month but Im hopeful that it can eventually earn as much as it did in the olden days: over $20,000 per month. That said, Im not willing to compromise the editorial side of things to make a quick buck. Heres my number-one guiding principle at Get Rich Slowly: Readers first. In everything I do, from design to advertising to content creation, I try to put myself in your shoes. Does this article help my readers? Does this ad interfere with the reader experience? How does the layout of the site help or hinder the folks who come here? You know why I dont have pop-ups or splash screens at Get Rich Slowly? Because I think theyre actively reader-hostile. My colleagues tell me they vastly increase the number of subscribers and affiliate conversions, but I dont care. I personally hate pop-ups, so why would I subject my readers to them? That sounds like hypocrisy to me. Its important to note that readers first doesnt mean readers only. A readers only policy would mean no ads. Im not willing to run Get Rich Slowly for free. This is work, dammit, and I want to get paid for my work. (This notion is lost on a lot of folks at places like Reddit, where they think any blogger who tries to make money is somehow shady.) Readers first means that before I decide whether to run an ad, before I decide whether to write a review of Personal Capital, I do my best to minimize the negative impact on my audience. The best-case scenario is promoting something like a bank account. Helping readers sign up for good bank accounts is a win-win-win: a win for the reader, a win for the bank, and a win for me (because I get a commission). Amazon affiliate links are another no-brainer. A middling scenario is something like banner ads at the beginning and end of my articles. Or my Personal Capital review. Or the upcoming credit-card articles. Less-than-ideal scenarios include those two stupid ads I have embedded in the middle of articles right now, which seem to be causing headaches for certain readers. (Those are on the chopping block for when the redesign goes live. Eventually.) Or the promotion I did for Credit Sesame back in January. (My solution there? I did the promotion because I was contractually obligated to do so but I declined to take money for it.) Last year at Fincon the financial bloggers conference I participated in a panel discussion called What Will You Do for Money? We talked about scenarios like this as we explored financial journalism and ethics. If youre interested in this subject, you can watch this video recording of the entire panel (which the Fincon organizers have graciously made available specifically for this article). [embedded content] Four Financial Blogs Worth Reading Its perfectly possible to run a blog even a financial blog in a way that serves the readers and provides an income for the author. Thats how I made money before with Get Rich Slowly, and thats how I intend to make money in the future. There are lots of other financial bloggers whose view of the thin green line is similar to mine. Some are big. Youve probably read Mr. Money Mustache, for instance. Pete and I have remarkably similar views on monetization and serving the audience. Its easy, though, for MMM to play it safe. His audience is so large that even minimal monetization produces huge income. Im more impressed with new, small financial blogs who have made a commitment to serve their readers. When youre just starting out, you want to make money now now now. Its tough to wait. Most new bloggers bury their sites in ads. (I saw one a couple of months ago that was almost entirely ads the editorial content didnt start until below the fold. Ugh.) Most new bloggers want to run advertorials and/or promote products and services with big payouts. Here are four newer financial blogs that I think do a great job of making money while remembering to serve their readers: Please note that these are by no means the only financial blogs worth reading. There are tons of folks producing quality content and putting readers first. These are just four blogs that I personally have found to be filled with useful, entertaining articles without the marketing that mars the experience for me on other sites. Simply put, these newer bloggers have earned my trust. Honestly, if I were starting out, Id be tempted to focus on the money too. Im fortunate that Ive earned a wad of cash already, so I can sit back and take a more measured approach. Im not in a hurry to make lightning strike twice. Instead, Im going to stick to my Readers First pledge. Yes, I want to make money from Get Rich Slowly, but my primary aim is to help the folks who find this site to make and keep more money for themselves. If there are ways that I can do this while also earning a little scrilla, Im going to do it. Meanwhile, Ill continue to be skeptical of the information I find on other financial blogs. I encourage you to do the same. In fact, you should be skeptical of what you read here too. I know Im staying on my side of the thin green line, but you dont know that. I want you to be skeptical of me and my motives until Ive earned your trust. Several GRS readers have written to let me know they love the Spare Change section that resides after the first post on this sites home page. I use the Spare Change to share worthwhile articles from financial sites around the web. Its my attempt to sift the wheat from the chaff so that you dont have to. You can find an archive of all past Spare Change links via my Pinboard account. https://www.getrichslowly.org/financial-blogs/
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