#and the Americans (5.35)
By Topher L. McDougal
California will be the first U.S. state to charge an excise tax on guns and ammunition, starting in July. The new tax — an 11% levy on each sale — will come on top of federal excise taxes of 10% or 11% for firearms and California’s 6% sales tax.
The National Rifle Assn. has characterized the law that allows this new tax, the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act, as an affront to the Constitution. But the reaction from the gun lobby and firearms manufacturers may hint at something else: the effect that the measure, which is aimed at reducing gun violence, may have on sales.
For the record: 10:20 a.m. May 21, 2024 — An earlier version of this piece stated that U.S. gun sales grew tenfold over the past 20 years. They grew fourfold.
One way to think about the law’s ramifications is to compare state tax policies on firearms with those on alcohol and tobacco products. It’s not for nothing that these all appear in the name of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The ATF focuses on those products because, while legal, they can cause significant harm to society in the form of drunken driving, for example, or cancer-causing addictions. They also have a common history: All have been associated with criminal organizations seeking to profit from illicit markets.
Alcohol and tobacco products are thus usually subject to state excise taxes. By making a given product more expensive, this type of tax leads people to buy less of it, reducing the harm to society while generating tax revenue that the state can theoretically use to offset those harms that still accrue.
California, for instance, imposes a $2.87 excise tax on each pack of cigarettes. That tax is higher than the national average but much lower than New York’s $5.35 levy. California also imposed a vaping excise tax of 12.5% in 2021.
Of the four ATF product families, firearms have enjoyed the absence of any state excise taxes. Until now.
Anti-gun advocates and policy analysts have long called for the firearm industry to be subject to the same types of taxes as alcohol and tobacco given the harms that firearms cause. The national rate of gun homicides in 2021 was 4.5 per 100,000 people, eight times higher than Canada’s rate and 77 times that of Germany. It translates into 13,000 lives lost every year.
Additionally, nearly 25,000 Americans die from firearms suicide each year. Moreover, more people suffer nonfatal firearm injuries than die by guns, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Gun deaths and injuries aren’t just tragic — they’re expensive. One economist estimated the benefit-cost ratio of the U.S. firearms industry at roughly 0.65 in 2009. That means for every 65¢ it generates for the economy, the industry produces $1 of costs. And that calculation didn’t include nonfatal injuries within the U.S., or the cost of firearm harms occurring outside the country with U.S.-sold weapons.
U.S. gun sales have grown fourfold over the past 20 years to about 20 million guns annually, and they’re now deadlier and more expensive than ever. California is making sure they are taxed accordingly.
And what should that tax amount to? There’s an argument to be made that firearms should be taxed at a higher level than alcohol and tobacco, which are consumable products that disappear as soon as they’ve been used — guns stick around. They accumulate and can continue to impose costs long after they’re first sold.
When the new law takes effect in July, California will tax firearms at about the level of alcohol. But the state would have to apply an excise tax of an additional 26% to equal its effective tax on tobacco.
It’s unclear how the new tax will affect gun violence. In theory, it should be highly effective. In 2023, some colleagues and I modeled the U.S. market for firearms and determined that for every 1% increase in price, demand decreases by 2.6%. This means that the market should be very sensitive to tax increases.
Using these figures, another colleague recently estimated that the California excise tax would reduce gun sales by 30% to 44%. If applied across the country, the tax could generate an additional $1.5 billion to $1.9 billion in government revenue.
But a problem may come from surrounding states: It’s already easy to illegally transport guns bought in Nevada, where laws are more lax, to California. But there’s some evidence that suggests our state’s new policy won’t be neutralized by its neighbors.
When the federal assault weapons ban expired in 2004, making it much easier to buy AR- and AK-style rifles across much of the U.S., gun murders in Mexico skyrocketed. Two studies show the exception was the Mexican state of Baja California, right across the border from California, which had kept its state-level assault-weapons ban in place.
Gun seizures in Mexico show that all four U.S. states bordering Mexico rank in the top five state sources of U.S.-sold guns in Mexico. But California contributes 75% less than its population and proximity would suggest it should.
So, California laws seem to already be making a difference in reducing gun violence. The excise tax could accomplish still more. If it does, other states may follow California’s lead and work to reduce firearm violence by hitting gun manufacturers at the spot they value most — their bank accounts.
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houseofbrat · 6 months
Don’t blame ‘stupid people on the internet’ for palace’s Princess Kate lies
Elite columnists jumped on the masses for Princess Kate speculation before her cancer announcement. But blame the palace for its lies.
by Will Bunch | Columnist
Published Mar. 24, 2024, 1:12 p.m. ET
The background birds had barely stopped chirping in the dramatic Friday video from Catherine, the Princess of Wales, revealing her cancer diagnosis and ongoing chemotherapy when the rush to judgment took full flight.
The elite columnists at the New York Times — the powerful news org that’s watched its authority erode in the internet age, often from self-inflicted wounds — were almost gleeful, despite the downbeat medical news, in pointing the finger of blame for months of increasingly feverish online speculation on the whereabouts of Princess Kate, missing in action since Christmas. The villain in their version was Time’s 2006 Person of the Year.
“The Real Royal Scandal is Us,” blared the Times headline over its lead column from book-critic-turned-cultural-scold Pamela Paul, who said the real lesson from the frenzy that escalated when a doctored, or worse, photo of Kate Middleton and her three kids was handed out to the press, is that Americans should stop hounding public figures when they deserve privacy. She wrote: “Kate’s terrible news shouldn’t just make us feel terrible for Kate; it should also make us feel terrible about ourselves.”
If you weren’t performing an Opus Dei-style self-flagellation ritual after reading Paul’s column, the whip was turned over to her Times colleague Jessica Bennett in its new feature of quick opinion hits called “The Point.” This one was headlined: “The Internet Should Feel Shame Over Kate Middleton.” I always thought that “the internet” — like Simon and Garfunkel’s rock — feels no pain, but of course the entity that Bennett is really attacking here, again, is you. She wrote, also endorsing Kate’s privacy plea, that “[t]he public, in turn, should feel very, very stupid.”
Let’s be clear: This is a completely bass-ackwards interpretation of what’s played out over the last few weeks. The apparent truth-telling of Kate’s Friday night news dump didn’t happen because people are stupid. It happened because people are smart. Smarter, at least, than a Kensington Palace — Kate, her husband-who-would-be-king Prince William, and their army of protectors — that alternatively dissembled about the princess’s whereabouts, encouraged paparazzi speculation, and finally put out a photographic lie and made Kate take the blame for it.
Indeed, the fact that so many columnists for leading news orgs raced to attack “the public” (formerly known as “their readers,” who are deserting the mainstream media in droves) is “a tell,” showing you what the Kate whereabouts scandal was ultimately about: authority, and the truth. Writers like the Times’ Paul still identify with Kensington Palace because they realize they are kindred spirits: diminished institutions whose bond of trust with the people they feel comfortable in attacking is rapidly collapsing.
Not surprisingly, the columns by Paul, Bennett, and others seized on the most out-there conspiracy theories — to be expected in a world of 5.35 billion internet users, when the royal family’s Nixonian PR strategies all but begged them to speculate. They ignored the reality that what most everyday people were saying on the internet — that Kate must be more seriously ill than the bland and occasionally misleading statements from Kensington Palace — proved to be the truth.
Why should the public feel very, very stupid when it wasn’t the public but Kensington Palace that earlier this month released the now notorious British Mother’s Day photo of Kate and her children, allegedly snapped by Prince William himself, that was spiked by the world’s major news organizations after it became obvious that the picture was altered, perhaps substantially? Was it “the internet” that then decided to throw Kate under the bus by blaming the fiasco on her amateur Photoshopping skills — removing William, not to mention credibility, from the discussion?
Should we actually be feeling terrible about ourselves when Kensington Palace did nothing to disown the various paparazzi videos and photos of a happy and normal Kate riding in cars or shopping at a farmer’s market which — as we learned when the video of the actual Kate was released on Friday night — clearly were not her. Indeed, it was a little gob-smacking last weekend to watch mainstream news outlets hype the TMZ shopping video as some kind of “proof of life” when anyone with a reasonably working set of eyes could see this woman looked almost nothing like Kate.
I won’t go chapter and verse on the various inconsistencies from Team Kate about scheduling, timelines, or its initial statements about her condition, or the fact that even some of Friday night’s disclosures about her cancer diagnosis seemed at odds with how the disease is normally discovered and treated. But I will say that while I agree that Kate’s plea for privacy should be respected, the version of absolute privacy for Britain’s royal family now being pushed by these U.S. opinion writers is a little absurd, especially when a lot of internet speculation didn’t even happen until after the palace’s lies.
Prince William is not a private citizen but in all probability Britain’s next head of state, at the top of a monarchy that their nation’s taxpayers support to the tune of more than $100 million a year because his family’s public presence is supposed to provide a form of moral leadership to a Great Britain that’s experiencing more than its share of problems right now. Like running for president or getting hired as football coach at the University of Alabama, marrying into the royal family is a devil’s bargain where you agree to surrender some of your privacy. The public doesn’t need Kate’s entire medical file, but did it need to be lied to?
One thing that truly annoys me about this whole affair is that it played into some seriously outdated attitudes, from some in the public and way too many in the media, about cancer. I’m still amazed when a public figure reveals an early detected and highly treatable form of cancer and some reports still treat it like a death sentence. Cancer is still horrible, but the 21st century has seen remarkable advances in detection and treatment that means that millions of people with the disease are living full and relatively normal lives. Kensington Palace had an opportunity to attack cancer’s unnecessary stigma with honesty — instead of perpetuating it.
But the bigger problem with this fiasco is that, in an age of growing disinformation, given a nuclear-power boost with new AI technologies, the public has lost all faith in who or what can be believed. It was striking that in the same hour Friday as Kate’s bombshell announcement, the first news flashes and shaky iPhone videos were emerging from Moscow about the theater terror attack by gunmen and arsonists who killed at least 137 people.
The vivid videos were real, but everything else about the terrorist attack was murky beyond recognition. A faction of the Islamic militant group ISIS claimed credit for the attack, but that didn’t explain how terrorists moved around so easily in an overpoliced security state, whose leader, Vladimir Putin, has been linked in the past to “false flag” attacks. Indeed, the Putin regime almost immediately, and with little proof, sought to connect the attack to Ukraine, ginning up an excuse to launch even more horrific assaults against its neighbor while clamping down on dissent at home.
Were people on the internet “very, very stupid” for questioning Putin’s version of the truth? Of course not, but it’s harder to challenge the world’s lying autocrats when the supposed “good guys” are fibbing, too. Dictatorship rises in times when the very concept of truth has been obliterated. The public’s total loss of faith in institutions is a straight downward line that started with Vietnam and Watergate and shifted into high gear with the Iraq War — beginning as tragedy until it finally devolved into the farce of fake royal pictures, when our figurehead is not what she seems.
I���ve always clung to a naïve faith that my colleagues in the media could be the last bastion of truth-telling. But the only truth I feel after the New York Times called me and 5 billion other people stupid is the reality of not knowing who I can believe in anymore.
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palmoilnews · 6 months
GRAINS-Soybeans retreat from three-week high on ample supply; corn, wheat down SINGAPORE, March 11 (Reuters) - Chicago soybeans eased after climbing to their highest levels in almost three weeks on Monday, as expectations of ample South American supplies kept a lid on prices. Corn fell for the first time in four sessions, while wheat retreated from strong gains seen in the previous session. "Sentiment in the agricultural market is bearish," said one Singapore-based trader. "The upside in prices is limited as there is too much supply." The most-active soybean contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Sv1 fell 0.3% to $11.80-1/4 a bushel, as of 0255 GMT. Earlier in the session, the contract climbed to its highest since Feb. 20 at $11.89 a bushel. Corn Cv1 lost 0.9% to $4.36 a bushel and wheat Wv1 fell 0.4% to $5.35-3/4 a bushel. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) slightly lowered its forecast for Brazil's soybean crop further on Friday, but its outlook was above many private estimates. The USDA pegged Brazil's harvest at 155 million metric tons, compared with its February estimate of 156 million and analysts' expectations for 152.28 million. Harvest results in the state of Parana and poor weather conditions in São Paulo were offset by favourable conditions in other areas, the agency said. For wheat, the USDA in its monthly report lowered its forecast of 2023/24 U.S. wheat exports to 710 million bushels, from 725 million bushels previously. Hefty global grain supplies and strong competition for export business dragged down corn and soybean prices to multi-year low late last month. Large speculators increased their net short position in CBOT corn futures in the week ended March 5, regulatory data released on Friday showed. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's weekly commitments of traders report also showed that non-commercial traders, a category that includes hedge funds, increased their net short position in CBOT wheat and increased their net short position in soybeans. Money managers lifted their net short position in CBOT soybean futures and options to a record 171,999 contracts from 160,653 a week earlier. That replaced the prior all-time net short of 168,835 contracts from May 2019. In news, the United Nations food agency's world price index fell in February for a seventh consecutive month as lower prices for all major cereals more than offset the rising price of sugar and meat. Argentina's scheduled corn exports hit their highest levels in at least five years in the early part of 2024, the Rosario grains exchange said on Friday, hitting 1.9 million metric tons and boosted by leftover stocks from the previous season.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
In similar industry stocks, KLA Corp. (KLAC) Stock Price has shown maximum Price change in the recent 1-day of Trading. With 1.27 Million of Trading volume, KLAC Stock Price lost $16.29 with a 3.17% Price drop. However, in the last 5 days, the Stock Price showed an upside trend with a 0.38% Price rise. Source: TradingView As the above chart shows, NVMI Stock, ROK Stock, and ONTO Stock prices are following KLAC Stock with nearly $6.00 of Price change. KLAC Stock Performance KLAC Stock Price mostly experienced Bullish activity as it just showed a bearish trend in the recent month with a 0.63% Price drop. However, on September 7, 2023, its Stock Price dropped over 3% which took its Price to close at $497.18. This bearish trend has taken the KLAC Stock Price near its 20-day EMA. KLAC share Price was making a rising chart but due to bears dominance in the recent Trading session, its Price has changed its path. The RSI further changed the way with the downside journey. However, at press time, the pre-Market Price is also showing a slight decline from the recent closing Price. Thus, a bearish trend can be expected in the future. The 1-year Price target set by the analyst is showing at $539.12, up by over 8% from the recent closing Price of the KLAC Stock. The maximum estimate set by the analysts is showing at $600.00 whereas the minimum estimate is at $425.00. Notably, in the past 3 months, the analysts have given a “buy” rating to KLA Corporation. The Financial Update of KLA Corporation KLA Corporation (NASDAQ: KLAC), an American Capital equipment company, has a Market cap of nearly $67.97 Billion. Late in July 2023, the company released its Q4 2023 report that stated its net income to be $684.65 Million. KLAC’s Price-to-sales ratio is 6.75 while the company has an Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio of 16.27. KLA Corporation paid its Dividends on a quarterly basis and its last dividend per share was $1.30  whereas as of today, the Dividend Yield (TTM)% is 1.01%. In Q4 2023, the earnings per share (EPS) of KLA Corp. was $5.40 whereas the estimation was $4.86 which accounts for an 11.22% surprise. In a similar quarter, the revenue reached $2.36 Billion despite the estimated figure of $2.26 Billion. For the upcoming quarter, the estimated EPS is $5.35, and revenue is expected to reach $2.35 Billion. Moreover, in 2022, the revenue of KLA Corporation amounted to $10.50 Billion. Most of which, $9.32 Billion, came from its highest performing source at the moment, “semiconductor process control.”
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chemanalystdata · 1 year
Zinc Oxide Market Size, Growth | Regional Analysis and Forecast to 2030 | ChemAnalyst
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According to ChemAnalyst report, “Zinc Oxide Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Technology, Demand & Supply, End-User Industries, Distribution Channel, Regional Demand, 2015-2030”. Global Zinc Oxide market witnessed a steady growth in the historic years and growing at a healthy CAGR of 5.35% until 2030 owing to its utilization as additives in various end use industries.
Zinc Oxide is an organic compound that is insoluble in water but dissolves in most of the acids. It appears as a white powder with no odor and decomposes into Zn vapors and O2 when exposes to high temp and standard oxygen pressure. Naturally it occurs as mineral zincite, therefore most of the zinc oxide is synthetically produced. Industrially, there are three main process to produce Zinc oxide namely Fresh Process, Wet Process and American Process. Among all these methods Fresh process is the most extensively used process globally. Zinc Oxide is segmented into four grades such as Standard, Treated, FCC, (Food Chemicals Codex), and USP (United States Pharmacopeia).
Read Full Report Here:  https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/zinc-oxide-market-601
Zinc Oxide finds application in various industries such as rubber, paints and coatings, plastics, cosmetics, adhesives, sealants, ceramics, food additives, fire retardants, lubricants, ointments, glass cement, pharmaceuticals, metal processing, etc. Rubber industry consumes more than half of the total Zinc oxide produced globally for rubber vulcanization. In cosmetics and in pharma sector it is utilized widely in ointments, lotions, and creams for protection against skin damage due to UV and sunburn. Additionally, baby powder or creams to treat rashes, anti-dandruff shampoos, antiseptic ointments and calamine cream comprise of Zinc Oxide in their formulations. 
Based on its diverse utility, major end use industries for Zinc Oxide are Automotive, Building & Construction, Personal care, Healthcare, Food and beverages, Metallurgy and Others. Rising demand of Zinc Oxide in rubber industry from tires as, fillers or activators of rubber compound coupled with the never-ending demand from healthcare and personal care is expected to fuel zinc oxide market over the forecast period. However, Zinc Oxide fumes can cause some health hazards in humans as well as due to its insolubility in water adds some environmental hazards. These aforementioned factors are some major challenges for Zinc Oxide market.
 In the first half of 2020, the unprecedented spread of COVID-19 across the global caused nationwide lockdowns and trade restrictions which directly impacted several industries. Automotive is one of the most affected sectors during the pandemic which consequently declined the demand of Zinc Oxide from Tire and Rubber industry.  Though there was a constant demand for Zinc Oxide from Healthcare and Personal care even in the pandemic. Moreover, after the relaxation in lockdown along with the resumption in industrial operations, Automotive, construction and other end use industries recovered at a speedy pace and is expected to swell up the demand for Zinc Oxide in the forthcoming years.
Asia Pacific region dominates the global Zinc Oxide market and is anticipated to grow significantly through 2030 owing to the booming end use sectors such as Automotive, Healthcare along with Building and Construction. Its increasing Consumption in tire industries and the presence of Giant manufactures of tires such as Bridgestone (Japan), Sumitomo (Japan), Hankook (South Korea), Yokohama (Japan), ZC Rubber (China), Sailun (China), Apollo (India), MRF (India), Maxxis Tires (Taiwan) in the region is anticipated to boost the market for zinc oxide in Asia Pacific subsequently in the forecast period.
Request Sample Form: Zinc Oxide Market Analysis Report
Zinc Oxide market in North America and Europe are also estimated to propel at a substantial rate in the forthcoming years owing to the presence of Giant manufacturers of Rubber and Tires.
Major players for zinc oxide globally include US Zinc, Zochem, EverZinc, ZM Silesia, Akrochem, Rubamin, Pan-Continental Chemical, J.G. Chemicals, Upper India, and Suraj Udyog, and Others. 
“Zinc Oxide has been identified as a versatile commodity having applications in various end use industries aforementioned. Apart from those applications, Zinc Oxide consumption in fertilizers as a substitute to zinc sulphate offers expansion in Zinc Oxide market. Moreover, In Electronics and Electrotechnology industries it is used in Photoelectronics, Field emitters, UV lasers, sensors, Solar Cells etc. which is likely to impel its demand in the forecast period.  In Addition, Zinc Oxide exhibits unique property of protection against UV rays thereby, its nanostructure is gaining popularity as UV-protective textile coatings in textile industry. Hence, offering potential opportunities for Zinc Oxide market players to grab in the forecast period.” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm promoting ChemAnalyst.
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ChemAnalyst is a subsidiary of Techsci Research, which was established in 2008, and has been providing exceptional management consulting to its clients across the globe for over a decade now. For the past four years, ChemAnalyst has been a prominent provider of Chemical commodity prices in more than 15 countries. We are a team of more than 100 Chemical Analysts who are committed to provide in-depth market insights and real-time price movement for 300+ chemical and petrochemical products. ChemAnalyst has reverberated as a preferred pricing supplier among Procurement managers and Strategy professionals worldwide. On our platform, we provide an algorithm-based subscription where users can track and compare years of historical data and prices based on grades and incoterms (CIF, CFR, FOB, & EX-Works) in just one go.
The ChemAnalyst team also assists clients with Market Analysis for over 1200 chemicals including assessing demand & supply gaps, locating verified suppliers, choosing whether to trade or manufacture, developing Procurement Strategies, monitoring imports and exports of Chemicals, and much more. The users will not only be able to analyze historical data for past years but will also get to inspect detailed forecasts for the upcoming years. With access to local field teams, the company provides high-quality, reliable market analysis data for more than 40 countries.
ChemAnalyst is your one-stop solution for all data-related needs. We at ChemAnalyst are dedicated to accommodate all of our world-class clients with their data and insights needs via our comprehensive online platform.
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menuandprice · 2 years
Five Guys Menu with Prices
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Five Guys menu with prices may slightly vary according to your nearest location. The menu of Five Guys is taken from the location Kingston, USA. We have updated the prices of Five Guys menu from 1st March, 2023.
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For the accurate prices, you might have to look for the menu of nearest Five Guys from their official website, or android app, or iOS app, or any other delivery platform. Five Guys menu with prices is popular for their burgers and known for the quality of the fast-food. Their menu includes tasty burgers, hot dogs, cheese sandwiches, fries, drinks, and milkshakes. A good meal will cost $8 at their outlets. Besides the menu prices, I will also tell you the franchise details, contact information and the nutritional breakdown of the items present on the Five Guys menu. But before knowing all this, let’s check out some history of Five Guys. Five Guys is an American-based fast-casual restaurant that was founded by the couple named Jerry Murrell and Janie Murrell in 1986. The first store of the Five Guys restaurant was opened in Arlington, Virginia, United States.
Five Guys Menu With Prices
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Five Guys menu includes burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, fries, and drinks. But the restaurant is widely popular for its hamburgers and fries. The most popular item on the Five Guys menu is their bacon cheeseburger with grilled onions and mushrooms. People usually prefer Five Guys over another fast-food chain because their food is much is bigger and better than the food from other fast-food restaurants. Their fries, burgers, and hotdogs are big, heavy, and tasty when compared to the items of other restaurants. They also have a secret menu as well. From there, people can have stuff that is not presented on their regular menu. Their service is also very fast. You can expect your order in less than 5 minutes. But the Five Guys menu prices are a little bit higher as compared to other fast-food eateries, but when it comes to taste, size, quality, and freshness, it is actually a reasonable price. So without waiting more, let’s check out the latest Five Guys menu with prices. Large Orders Menu With Prices Quick Click Pack 1 – (10 Little Hamburger, 10 Little Cheeseburger, 10 Little Bacon Cheeseburgers, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle)$ 230.50Quick Click Pack 2 – (10 Hamburger, 10 Cheeseburger, 10 Bacon Cheeseburger, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Mustard, Mayo)$ 286.50Quick Click Pack 3 – (20 Cheeseburger, 10 Little Cheeseburger, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Mustard, Mayo, Ketchup)$ 265.50Quick Click Pack 4 – (20 Bacon Cheeseburger, 10 Little Bacon Cheeseburger, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Mustard, Mayo, Ketchup)$ 295.50Quick Click Pack 5 – (20 Hamburger, 10 Little Hamburger, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Mustard, Mayo, Ketchup)$ 242.50 Also, check out the official Red Robin menu with prices. Burgers Menu With Prices Hamburger$ 8.75Little Hamburger$ 6.75Cheeseburger$ 9.45Little Cheeseburger $ 7.65Bacon Burger$ 9.75Little Bacon Burger$ 7.85Bacon Cheeseburger$ 10.45Little Bacon Cheeseburger$ 8.65 Hot Dogs Menu With Prices Hot Dog$ 5.75Bacon Dog $ 6.85Cheese Dog$ 6.55Bacon Cheese Dog$ 7.45 Also, read the latest McDonald’s menu with prices. Sandwiches Menu With Prices Grilled Cheese Sandwich$ 5.65Veggie Sandwich$ 4.95BLT Sandwich $ 6.75Veggie Sandwich With Cheese$ 5.75 Fries Menu With Prices Little Fries$ 4.05Little Cajun Fries $ 4.05Regular Fries $ 5.35Cajun Fries$ 5.35Large Fries$ 6.55Large Cajun Fries$ 6.55 Also, check out the complete Wienerschnitzel menu with prices. Drinks Menu With Prices Bottled Water$ 2.35Coke Zero Sugar$ 2.59Simply Lemonade Bottle$ 2.89Coke Bottle$ 2.69Diet Coke Bottle$ 2.69Sprite Bottle$ 2.69 Milkshake Menu With Prices Bacon$ 5.35Oreo Creme$ 5.35Oreo Cookies$ 5.35Salted Caramel$ 5.35Peanut Butter$ 5.35Double Stuff (Oreo Creme & Oreo Cookie)$ 5.35Banana$ 5.35Vanilla$ 5.35Chocolate$ 5.35Strawberry$ 5.35Malted Milk$ 5.35Reese’s Cups$ 5.35Whipped Cream$ 5.35 Also, read the original Shake Shack menu with prices.
How To Order Online From Five Guys?
Five Guys is an American-based fast-casual restaurant. You can order food from the official website of Five Guys, proprietary online apps, and android app or iOS app. The restaurant is best known for quality food and services. To order food from Five Guys online, you can also refer some of the leading food delivery service apps like Doordash, Grubhub, Seamless, Postmates, and UberEats. We have shared the detailed screenshots that shows how to order food online from Five Guys official website. Finding The Latest Five Guys Menu With Prices Of Your Nearest Location Follow the important steps below to place the order online from Five Guys. 1. Open the official website of Five Guys and begin to place the order online. 2. Add the location of any nearest outlet of Five Guys to order your favorite food. 3. The entire menu will be displayed when you add the location. 4. Further, select the food items and add it to the cart. 5. Once you have add the food item to the cart, proceed to checkout. 6. The checkout page will direct you to add your personal details along with the registered contact number.
Five Guys Nutritional Information
Nutritional Informationfiveguys.com/nutrition-allergen To check the nutritional breakdown of the items present on the Five Guys menu, you can visit the link mentioned above.
Five Guys Franchising Details
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Five Guys has 1,500 locations worldwide. The brand has its outlets in countries like Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland, Kuwait, Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States. So if you want to open a Five Guys restaurant, then this is how much it will cost you. Name Of FeeCostInitial Franchise Fee$ 25,000Development Fee$ 50,000 – $ 125,000Leasehold Improvements$ 100,000 – $ 300,000Lease Payments And Other Rental Expenses$ 7,500 – $ 20,000Equipment$ 55,000 – $ 105,000Signage$ 6,500 – $ 20,000Initial Inventory$ 10,000 – $ 15,000Architectural/Engineering$ 7,000 – $ 25,000Electronic Cash Register System With Modem$ 15,000 – $ 25,000Facsimile Machine$ 350 – $ 500Travel, Lodging And Meals For Initial Training$ 100 – $ 5,000Business Supplies (Stationery, Business Cards, Menus, Gift Cards, Paper And Other Materials) $ 4,000 – $ 8,500Business Licenses, Permits, Utility Deposits, etc. (For First Year)$ 5,000 – $ 15,000Delivery And Catering Expenses$ 0 – $ 1,000Insurance Deposits And Premiums$ 750 – $ 1,250Additional Funds For First 3 Months$ 20,000 – $ 25,000Estimated Total$ 306,200 – $ 641,250 Royalty6% of Gross Sales
Important Links
Official Websitefiveguys.comLocationsfiveguys.com/LocationsCareersjoinfiveguys.comGift Cardsfiveguys.cashstar.com/storeShopfive-guys-gear.myshopify.com
Five Guys Contact Information
Five Guys Corporate Office Address: 10718 Richmond Hwy, Lorton, VA 22079, USA Five Guys Corporate Phone Number: +1 703-339-9500 You can also contact the team of Five Guys by using the contact form on their website.
Social Media Handles
Facebook: facebook.com/fiveguys Instagram: instagram.com/fiveguys Snapchat: snapchat.com/add/fiveguys
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Five Guys (FAQs)
What is the most popular item at Five Guys? The most popular food item offered at Five Guys is the cheeseburger. What is special about Five Guys fries? Five Guys’ fries are always twice-fried, once to pre-cook for around two and a half minutes and then another to make them crispy after cooling between. What oil does Five Guys use? Five Guys uses peanut oil to prepare the food items at the restaurant. What is the healthiest thing at 5 Guys? Bunless little hamburger is the healthiest food item offered at Five Guys. Image CreditsDelish Birmingham Live Reader’s Digest Read the full article
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gillmaseo · 2 years
Big Cock
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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Patek Philippe’s $5.35 Million Tiffany Blue Nautilus Watch  
The watch auction season’s most anticipated moment happened Saturday morning after some pretty intense bidding.
A single Patek Philippe Nautilus Ref. 5711 in Tiffany & Co. blue, one of 170 pieces signed by both the watchmaker and the retailer, sold at Phillips this morning for a hammer price of $5,350,000, which comes to $6,503,500 with the buyer’s premium. It was stiff competition with bidders from all over the world quickly throwing in their paddle. Bidding started at $20,000, met the $50,000 mark in seconds—the piece retails for $52,635—before leaping to $300,00, $400,000 and $500,000. And so it continued to climb ascending into the millions.
“I think I have several hurdles on my piece of paper that I want to reach with this lot,” said auctioneer Aurel Bacs during the bidding.
Clients called in from all over the world, but there was also intense bidding in the room. A well-dressed man in a camel-colored coat stood in the back of floor bidding aggressively on the piece, but as it climbed above $5.1 million he hesitated and acted as though he was going to walk. “Where are you going?” said Bacs before he quipped, “To breakfast? At Tiffany’s?” eliciting laughter from the crowd. Ultimately, that bidder didn’t complete the show for the audience. A remote bidder in Miami took home the in-your-face watch—and you can bet this client won’t have any trouble being spotted in the eggshell blue color that is the signature of the American jeweler.
The proceeds from the whopping $6.5 million sale will be donated to The Nature Conservancy, a global environmental organization located in Arlington, Virginia. For the rest of you looking to get your hands on what is said to be the final version of the famed Ref. 5711 Nautilus at the vastly more affordable (relatively speaking) retail price, you will have to start sweet-talking your Tiffany’s sales associate, assuming you don’t already have them on speed dial. Mere mortals will have to wait and get their hands on one in the secondary and expect to shell out a rather hefty sum. Happy hunting!
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Bald Eagle, Bronx Zoo (No. 2)
The plumage of an adult bald eagle is evenly dark brown with a white head and tail. The tail is moderately long and slightly wedge-shaped. Males and females are identical in plumage coloration, but sexual dimorphism is evident in the species, in that females are 25% larger than males. The beak, feet and irises are bright yellow. The legs are feather-free, and the toes are short and powerful with large talons. The highly developed talon of the hind toe is used to pierce the vital areas of prey while it is held immobile by the front toes. The beak is large and hooked, with a yellow cere. The adult bald eagle is unmistakable in its native range. The closely related African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) (from far outside the bald eagle’s range) also has a brown body (albeit of somewhat more rufous hue), white head and tail, but differs from the bald in having a white chest and black tip to the bill.
The plumage of the immature is a dark brown overlaid with messy white streaking until the fifth (rarely fourth, very rarely third) year, when it reaches sexual maturity. Immature bald eagles are distinguishable from the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), the only other very large, non-vulturine raptorial bird in North America, in that the former has a larger, more protruding head with a larger beak, straighter edged wings which are held flat (not slightly raised) and with a stiffer wing beat and feathers which do not completely cover the legs. When seen well, the golden eagle is distinctive in plumage with a more solid warm brown color than an immature bald eagle, with a reddish-golden patch to its nape and (in immature birds) a highly contrasting set of white squares on the wing. Another distinguishing feature of the immature bald eagle over the mature bird is its black, yellow-tipped beak; the mature eagle has a fully yellow beak. The bald eagle has sometimes been considered the largest true raptor (accipitrid) in North America. The only larger species of raptor-like bird is the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus), a New World vulture which today is not generally considered a taxonomic ally of true accipitrids. However, the golden eagle, averaging 4.18 kg (9.2 lb) and 63 cm (25 in) in wing chord length in its American race (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis), is merely 455 g (1.003 lb) lighter in mean body mass and exceeds the bald eagle in mean wing chord length by around 3 cm (1.2 in). Additionally, the bald eagle’s close cousins, the relatively longer-winged but shorter-tailed white-tailed eagle and the overall larger Steller’s sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus), may, rarely, wander to coastal Alaska from Asia.
The bald eagle has a body length of 70–102 cm (28–40 in). Typical wingspan is between 1.8 and 2.3 m (5 ft 11 in and 7 ft 7 in) and mass is normally between 3 and 6.3 kg (6.6 and 13.9 lb). Females are about 25% larger than males, averaging as much as 5.6 kg (12 lb), and against the males’ average weight of 4.1 kg (9.0 lb).
The size of the bird varies by location and generally corresponds with Bergmann’s rule, since the species increases in size further away from the Equator and the tropics. For example, eagles from South Carolina average 3.27 kg (7.2 lb) in mass and 1.88 m (6 ft 2 in) in wingspan, smaller than their northern counterparts. One field guide in Florida listed similarly small sizes for bald eagles there, at about 4.13 kg (9.1 lb). Of intermediate size, 117 migrant bald eagles in Glacier National Park were found to average 4.22 kg (9.3 lb) but this was mostly (possibly post-dispersal) juvenile eagles, with 6 adults here averaging 4.3 kg (9.5 lb). Wintering eagles in Arizona (winter weights are usually the highest through the year since like many raptors they spend the highest percentage of time foraging during winter) were found to average 4.74 kg (10.4 lb). The largest eagles are from Alaska, where large females may weigh more than 7 kg (15 lb) and span 2.44 m (8 ft 0 in) across the wings. A survey of adult weights in Alaska showed that females there weighed on average 5.35 kg (11.8 lb), respectively, and males weighed 4.23 kg (9.3 lb) against immatures which averaged 5.09 kg (11.2 lb) and 4.05 kg (8.9 lb) in the two sexes. An Alaskan adult female eagle that was considered outsized weighed some 7.4 kg (16 lb). R.S. Palmer listed a record from 1876 in Wyoming County, New York of an enormous adult bald eagle that was shot and reportedly scaled 8.2 kg (18 lb). Among standard linear measurements, the wing chord is 51.5–69 cm (20.3–27.2 in), the tail is 23–37 cm (9.1–14.6 in) long, and the tarsus is 8 to 11 cm (3.1 to 4.3 in). The culmen reportedly ranges from 3 to 7.5 cm (1.2 to 3.0 in), while the measurement from the gape to the tip of the bill is 7–9 cm (2.8–3.5 in). The bill size is unusually variable as Alaskan eagles could be up to twice the bill length of “southern birds” (i.e. from Georgia, Louisiana, Florida), with means in between the sexes of 6.83 cm (2.69 in) and 4.12 cm (1.62 in) in culmen length, respectively, from these two areas.
Source: Wikipedia
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its-hajar95 · 5 years
Where Do The Richest Americans Live
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Have you checked the most recent "Forbes 400: the complete list of The Richest People in America" yet?
Surprise, Gates, with a net worth of $81 billion, is ranked No. 1 for the 23rd year running. Meanwhile, his friend Warren Buffett fell to 3rd place for the first time in 15 years with a net worth of $65.5 billion.
Thanks to soaring stock prices of hot tech firms, CEOs at the helm of these companies seem to possess been accumulating wealth at a way faster pace than others. Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos gained $20 billion to spice up his net worth to $67 billion, making him the second-richest person within the U.S.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg jumped into fourth place, his highest rank ever, with a net worth of $55.5 billion. However, Oracle founder Larry Ellison landed at No. 5 for the first time since 2007. His net worth is $49.3 billion.
Standing on the No. 6 spot is former N.Y. City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, CEO of the eponymous firm Bloomberg L.P., who features a net worth of $45 billion.
These six richest multi-billionaires have a combined $363.3 billion at their withdrawal, most of which remains held as stakes within the companies they founded. However, a part of their fortune is vested inland. Mr Gates, for one, owns a Washington mansion worth about $170 million, several horse ranches across the U.S. and shares in some luxury hotel chains through his private investment company, Cascade.
Here, take a glance at the residences the six richest moguls call home:
1. Gates Worth: $81 billion Home: Medina, Washington
Mr Gates, 60, spends most of his time at his 66,000-square-foot Medina, Washington, mansion, nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. The villa overlooks Lake Washington. It took Mr Gates for seven years and $63.2 million to create this house, which is crammed with many high-tech features. He purchased the lot for $2 million in 1988, but it's now worth an estimated $170 million, consistent with public records.
2. Jeff Bezos Worth: $67 billion Home: Medina, Washington
Mr Bezos, 52, within the process of building his e-commerce empire, scooped up a massive amount of real properties over the years, earning him the No. 26 spot on The Land Report's list of America's largest landowners last year. In terms of residences, he features a 165,000-acre ranch in West Texas, a waterfront house in Washington state, three linked apartments in Manhattan's Century Tower, and a 12,000-square-foot Beverly Hills estate that boasts Tom Cruise as a neighbour, consistent with Forbes.
His home at Medina, Washington, on the brink of Amazon's headquarters, boasts 5.35 acres and about 29,000 square-foot of lebensraum. Apart from the most home, there's also a caretaker's cottage and a 4,500-square-foot boathouse on Lake Washington.
3. Warren Buffett Worth: $65.5 billion Home: Omaha, Nebraska
Although the shrewdest investor on earth holds multiple land investments, Mr Buffett, 86, is understood for living humbly.
His home sits on a corner in Omaha, Nebraska, which he bought in 1958 for $31,500. Mr Buffett has lived there ever since. The house, initially inbuilt 1921, underwent several expansions to form it a comfortable and cosy 6,500-square-foot home for the person who features a net worth of over $65.5 billion.
4. Mark Zuckerberg Worth: $55.5 billion Home: Palo Alto, California
The youngest most prosperous entrepreneur docks most of his wealth in schools, health and other philanthropies. His land portfolio includes his range in Palo Alto and a 9.9-million pied-a-terre near Dolores Park in San Francisco.
Mr Zuckerberg, 32, purchased his first Craftsman-style 5,000-square-foot range in Palo Alto in 2011 for $7 million. He snapped up four of the homes surrounding his field in the subsequent years for about $43.8 million to raised keep his privacy. But his decision to level and rebuild those four homes has been stalled.
5. Larry Ellison Worth: $49.3 billion Home: Woodside, California
Oracle executive chairman Larry Ellison, 72, has an in-depth land portfolio. He has bought up large parts of whole neighbourhoods in Malibu and around Lake Tahoe. He owns a $70-million Beechwood Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island; a garden villa in Kyoto, Japan; and 98% of the land of Lanai, Hawaii's sixth-largest island, which he purchased in 2012 for $500 million, consistent with published reports.
His estate in Woodside, California, with an estimated value of $110 million, is modelled after 16th-century Japanese architecture, complete with a human-made 2.3-acre lake.
6. Michael Bloomberg Worth: $45 billion Home: Manhattan, New York
Former NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 74, has quite a dozen of properties worldwide. He spends most of his time at his Upper Estate Side townhouse, but he also owns estates within the Hamptons in NY, even as in London, Bermuda, Colorado and Florida.
Mr Bloomberg's townhouse, located at 17 East 79th St., spans five stories with a limestone exterior. During his three terms as mayor, Mr. Bloomberg lived within the townhouse rather than Gracie Mansion. However, he apparently features a decide to turn it into a mega-mansion. Since 1989, he has been gradually buying up units at 19 East 79th St., the townhouse co-op that's right nearby to his current residence. Out of the six groups within the white 1880 Greek-revival-style building, Bloomberg now owns five of them, consistent with The NY Observer.
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twins2994 · 5 years
Chicago White Sox-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
9.16.19-Reynaldo Lopez (9-13) 5.35 ERA Vs. Jose Berrios RHP (12-8) 3.63 ERA
9.17.19-Lucas Giolito RHP (14-9) 3.41 ERA Vs. Martin Perez LHP (10-7) 4.89 ERA
9.18.19-Dylan Covey RHP (1-8) 7.98 ERA Vs. Jake Odorizzi RHP (14-6) 3.60 ERA
The White Sox At A Glance- The White Sox have struggled since we last saw them. They are (5-11) since August 29th, but are still in third place in the American League Central. Since we last saw the Sox, Jon Jay went on the injured list with a hip issue and the team made several call-ups. Manny Banuelos, Carson Fulmer, Daniel Palka, Danny Mendick, Dylan Covey, Zack Collins, and Jose Ruiz were all called up. The Sox roster sits at 32 men as of now. The White Sox lost two out of three games to the Mariners in Seattle this weekend. Yoan Moncada hit 7-for-14 with four RBI’s in Seattle. Eloy Jimenez went 6-for-12 with a homer and two RBI’s against the Mariners. Adam Engel even had two homers against the Mariners this weekend. The White Sox are getting a good look at catcher Zack Collins, who play in all three games this weekend. The starting pitching wasn’t good in Seattle. Dylan Covey went 3 2/3 innings, Dylan Cease threw five solid innings, and Ivan Nova only lasted 3 1/3 innings on Sunday. Hector Santiago did a bulk of the relief work with 3 2/3 innings. He threw 90 pitches, so he will likely be out for the first two days of this series. Jimmy Cordero, Aaron Bummer, and Evan Marshall continue to set up Alex Colome. Colome gave up a walk-off homer to Omar Narvaez on Saturday night. 
The Twins At A Glance- The Minnesota Twins took two out of three from the Cleveland Indians and are 4.5 games ahead of the Indians for first place in the American league Central. They head home for their last homestand this week. First up is three games with the White Sox. The Twins have three starting pitchers for this series. Jose Berrios, Martin Perez, and Jake Odorizzi will all get starts this week. Eddie Rosario hit 4-for- 12 with three homers and four RBI’s in the Cleveland series. He has 31 homers and 99 RBI’s on the season. Miguel Sano hit two homers with five RBI’s against the Indians this weekend. Max Kepler sat out on Sunday as he is getting back from that chest injury. Marwin Gonzalez continues to take batting practice and should be getting closer. Nelson Cruz was out Sunday after playing in both games on Saturday. Jake Cave returned with two hits on Sunday. Ronald Torreyes was pinch-hit for midway through Sunday’s game. The Twins had three bullpen games this weekend, so the starters need to go deep into games. Jorge Alcala, Trevor Hildenberger, and Kohl Stewart were the lone guys not to pitch this weekend. Kyle Gibson came out of the bullpen on Sunday, so I’m not sure what that means for his next start. 
What To Watch For- The Twins are (11-5) against the White Sox in 2019. Minnesota is (4-2) in games played at Target Field. Reynaldo Lopez is (1-3) with a 5.30 ERA in six starts against the Twins. Max Kepler has two career home runs off him. Jose Berrios is (10-2) with a 2.40 ERA in thirteen starts versus the Sox. James McCann has three homers off him. Lucas Giolito is (4-5) with a 4.58 ERA in ten starts versus the Twins. Nelson Cruz had three career homers off him. Martin Perez is (3-2) with a 4.81 ERA in five starts against the Twins. Dylan Covey is (0-4) with a 7.30 ERA in six games against the Twins. Jake Odorizzi is (3-3) with a 3.20 ERA in nine starts against the Sox. Jose Abreu has homered off Taylor Rogers twice. Nelson Cruz is hitting .471 with eight homers and twenty-three RBI’s against the White Sox this season. Overall, the Twins Magic Number is nine and everyone would love to see it go down this week. The Twins play Monday and the Indians don’t, so that makes up for the half game in the standings for the rest of the year. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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mrfrblogresearch02 · 2 years
Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Market Report 2027: COVID-19 Implications And Growth
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Market overview:
The ultra low-temperature freezer market Size has occupied a market value CAGR value of 5.67 percent during the forecast period. The market value has occupied a USD value of 989.44 million during the review period. The freezers are some of the medical professionals are very much capable of preserving the materials by freezing them. Some of the materials include enzymes, viruses, drugs, cell preparations, tissue pieces, and others. The temperature of the freezing takes palace at 40 degrees celsius where the lowest temperature is about 150 degrees celsius.
The freezers during the pandemic show a decrease in market demand and size. These ultra-low freezers can preserve the biological sample which contains COVID. The biomedical industry has helped in market development, especially during the pandemic. Increase in development and marketing of freezers that preserve biological material and also bring biological material. Has prompted the market to grow efficiently. Thes key players have has developed certain gaskets which help in resisting the frost.
Market segmentation
Based on type, the low-temperature freezer market has been classified into upright and chest. The upright segment has dominated the whole of the market covering a market value of USD 488.35 million. These units have been used up for manufacturing organized shelves for manufacturing biological materials. Based on application, the market is being segmented into drug products, blood and blood products, and biological samples. Blood unit has covered a market value of USD 259 million which accounts for high growing demand that will freeze up the blood products. Based on the end-user units, the market is being classified into hospitals and clinics, biobanks, research and academic settings, and others. the biobanks occupy a large market value because they kept other biological methods safe.
Regional analysis
The freezers market has been extended into the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe Middle East, and Africa. The region of America has a covered market share with a large market value of USD 366.78 million with a CAGR value of 5.35 percent during the review period. The North American region has dominated the region due to high infrastructure and more overall spending. Some of the European regions comprise Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain, France, and some of the rest of Europe. the Asia Pacific region occupies a high CAGR value due to high overall ultrasound sales healthcare systems. Some of the Middle East and African region also occupies high CAGR value showing an influential rate.
Industry News
Some of the key players are VWR International LLC of the United States, Esco Micro Pte ltd of the US, Thermo Fischer Scientific of the US, Labcold of the United Kingdom, Eppendorf AG of Germany, BINDER Gmbh of Germany, Eppendorf AG of Germany, Helmer Scientific of the United States, Stirling Ultracold of Greece, Arctiko of the United Kingdom and PHC Corporation. PHC has launched an ultra-low temperature freezer along with an LCD display. It has developed and marketed the development of a new freezer along with a monitoring system. Helmer Scientific has attained a superior position by investing largely in both research and developmental activities.
List of companies”
VWR International, LLC(US)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (US)
Eppendorf AG (Germany)
Stirling Ultracold (Greece)
PHC Corporation (US)
Arctiko (UK)
Helmer Scientific (US)
BINDER GmbH (Germany)
Labcold (UK)
Esco Micro Pte Ltd (US)
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients.
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chemicalblog · 3 years
Global Biocides Market Research Insights 2021-2030
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  Biocides Market Scenario - Biocides Market is slated to grow at a CAGR of 5.35% to reach USD 15.6 Billion by 2030. Biocides such as wood preservatives, insecticides, rodenticides, disinfectants belong to a category of products which are intended for the destruction or inhibition of unwanted organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and insects. They are used in a variety of industrial purposes. The global biocides market is growing at an incremental pace and is likely to scale to a significant valuation in the forthcoming years, asserts Market research Future (MRFR) in an in-depth study. The increased use of biocides across industrial sectors for disinfectant purposes is likely to favor the market growth. Biocides can be defined as chemicals which are mainly used to kill organisms, harmful microorganisms, and control the growth of bacteria and fungi. Biocides are extensively used in industries like drinking and waste water treatment, healthcare, and consumer goods industry. They are categorized into preservatives, disinfectants, pesticides, and insecticides.
Obtain Brochure For Latest Technology Advancements @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6502 Biocides Market - Eminent Firms: Some of the major players operating in the Biocides Market are AkzoNobel N.V., Akcros Chemicals, Albemarle Corporation, Arch Chemicals Inc., Champion Technologies, Lubrizol, Anpath Group Incorporated, Baker Hughes Incorporated, Ashland Inc., BASF, BWA Water Additives, GE Water and Process Technologies, Solvary SA, Sigma-Aldrich, Thor Group limited, Buckman Laboratories International Inc., Cortec Corporation, Troy Corporation, Clariant AG, The Dow Chemical Company, Lanxess AG and others. Market Potential and Pitfalls :-
The increased use of biocides and its products in several industrial sectors for disinfectant purposes is triggering the demand for biocides across the globe. The surging demand for clean water for industrial and domestic purposes, and increased use of biocidal products as disinfectants and anti-fouling agents has created immense opportunities for the market to expand across the globe. The application of biocides in F&B sector for disinfecting equipment, pipes, and surfaces which are in close contact with the packaging and manufacturing processes have contributed to the market growth. With the rising focus on hygiene and clean water and strict government mandates, the biocides market is likely to gain impetus. Industrial preservation accounts for huge chunk of biocides. The augmenting emphasis on improving the sanitation in workplaces and production processes along with the improving economic conditions are some of the other major factors highly influencing the market throughout the appraisal period. Moreover, rebound in constructional activities, especially in APAC and the North American regions have supported the market growth.
Biocides are extensively used for water treatment in swimming pool and spas. The outbreak of several water-borne diseases which require water treatment are encouraging the market growth. Moreover, the riding need for portable water in industrial and domestic purposes is likely to trigger its demand in the coming years. Biocides are also witnessing a surging demand from the energy sector which further complements the use of hydraulic fracturing technique in this sector. They are also used as well stimulation fluids in hydraulic fracturing in order to prevent production and corrosion issues. Such factors are highly influencing the market growth across the globe.
On the contrary, biocidal active products are highly toxic in nature and long-term exposure to such products can cause harm to human health. Such concerns associated with health hazards are predicted to vitiate the market growth across the globe.
On the other hand, fluctuations in the price of crude oil and other raw materials are expected to hinder the growth market during the review period. Nevertheless, the cost-effectiveness of the polyolefin would support the growth of the market throughout the forecast period, keeping the demand for Biocides up. Access Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/biocides-market-6502 Segment Study of Biocides Market :- The global biocides market has been segmented on the basis of product and application.
By mode of product, the global biocides market has been segmented into metallic compounds, halogen compounds, phenolics, organosulfur, nitrogen, and others. Among these, the halogen compounds are likely to gain prominence as they are less costly, effective microbial growth control agents, relatively low occurrence of resistance, and have wide spectrum of applications.
By mode of application, the global biocides market has been segmented into food & beverages, water treatment, wood preservation, personal care, HVAC, paints & coatings, oil & gas, boilers, fuels, and others. Among these, the water treatment segment is considered to gain significant prominence. The surging demand for industrial and treated municipal water from several end-use industries is estimated to fuel the segment growth. The growing emphasis on clean water by the government of developing as well as developed nations is likely to create immense opportunities for the market.
Buy Now @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=6502 Biocides Market Market  - Geographical Analysis :- Geographically, the biocides market span across regions namely, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Rest-of-the-World (RoW).
Considering the global scenario, the North American region is considered to command a major share in the global market owing to strong rebound activities and surging demand from the F&B industry. The inflated demand for biocides in treatment of water is likely to fuel its growth. Moreover, the reviving construction sector in this region encourages the market growth in wood preservation and paints & coatings treatment.
The Asia Pacific region is estimated to witness a sturdy CAGR in the coming years owing to the expanding manufacturing sector in the region. Businesses are shifting manufacturing capabilities in this region in order to capitalize on the low cost labor. Also initiatives undertaken by the government to spread awareness regarding hygiene have inflated the demand for biocides in this region. Industry Updates
In January 2019, the South Korea government released K-BPR implementation plans to acquire information on minimum toxicity level of existing biocidal substances currently in circulation. April 01, 2019: DuPont Industrial Biosciences and IMCD have recently announced an expansion of their distribution partnership for biocides which is used in the homecare applications and industrial preservation. The partnership focuses on marketing, sales, and distribution of biocides that had started 35 years ago between the two companies. In July 2018, India's Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee (CIB&RC) have announced that it has published long-awaited guidelines for the registration of biocides used in paints. In October 2018, Dow Microbial Control, a U.S.-based business unit of DowDuPont Specialty Products, has announced the launch of two new within its AQUCAR Water Treatment Microbiocides portfolio. The new cold-weather biocides, AQUCAR 7140 LT Water Treatment Microbiocide and AQUCAR TN 250 LT Water Treatment Microbiocide provide microbial control down to -40 Fahrenheit.
Read more reports at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/categories/chemicals-market-report Read more details at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/infographics Read more details at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/videos About Market Research Future:- At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. Contact Us: Wantstats Research and Media Private Limited 99 Hudson Street,5Th Floor New York, New York 10013 United States of America Maharashtra, India
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rahulpande15 · 3 years
Battery Recycling Market Estimated to Experience a Hike in Growth by 2030
The global battery recycling market size is projected to be worth USD 34.77 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 5.35% during the forecast period (2022 - 2030), The market was valued at USD 18.14 billion in 2021. MRFR’s report on the battery recycling market highlights trends and opportunities for companies looking to cut costs and pursue sustainable production methods during the forecast period (2020-2027). The COVID-19 pandemic and its implications are explored in depth in the market.
Market Scope
The global battery recycling market is fueled by efforts made by governments in curing emission levels and reducing reliance on fossil fuels as a energy source. Stringent government regulations over disposal of batteries, dipping prices of batteries, and establishment of recycling units can propel market growth. Shift to electric vehicles and inclination towards lithium-ion batteries can augur favorably for the market.
But fluctuating prices of raw materials may hamper market growth.
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COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected the battery recycling market owing to delays in supply of raw materials and scarce demand for batteries. Labor shortages, unavailability of raw materials, and delays in trade can hamper market growth.
Segmentation Analysis
Lead-acid Batteries to Lead in Global Market Share
Lead-acid batteries can capture a huge market share owing to its reliability, efficiency, and wide scope of applications. Its recyclable nature can be a plus for the battery recycling market over the forecast period.
Automotive Batteries to be Biggest Source for Global Market
Automotive batteries can lead the market demand owing to shift to electric engines from conventional ICE engines by manufacturers and increasing procurement of electric vehicles. Rapid urbanization and large strides in batteries can drive segment growth during the assessment period.
Regional Analysis
APAC to Capture Major Market Shares
Asia-Pacific (APAC) is expected to capture a major share of the battery recycling market owing to demand for electric vehicles and smart devices. Establishment of charging infrastructure and environmental regulations for curbing carbon emissions can drive regional market growth. China, India, and Japan can contribute to regional demand due to demand from the automotive sector.
Competitive Analysis
Gopher Resource LLC (US), Retriev Technologies Inc. (US), Teck Resources Limited (Canada), Fortum Oyj (Finland), Battery Solutions, LLC (US), RSR Corporation (US), Exide Technologies (US), GEM Co., Ltd. (China), Gravita India Limited (India), East Penn Manufacturing Company, Inc. (US), Raw Materials Company Inc. (RMC) (Canada), COM2 Recycling Solutions (US), Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL) (China), EnerSys (US), The Doe Run Company (US), American Manganese Inc. (Canada), Neometals Ltd (Australia), ECOBAT Logistics (UK), TES-AMM Singapore Pte Ltd (Singapore), Johnson Controls International plc (US), Aqua Metals, Inc. (US), Exide Industries Ltd. (India), Call2Recycle, Inc. (US), Glencore International AG (Switzerland), Terrapure Environmental (Canada), and Umicore (Belgium) are key players in the global battery recycling market. Acquisitions are the main gameplay of players looking to sustain their position.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/battery-recycling-market-10020
Industry News
Koch Industries has invested USD 100 million in Li-Cycle, a North America battery recycling company, to scale its operations in the U.S.
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sramfact · 3 years
The report "Aerospace Interior Adhesive Market by Resin Type (Epoxy, Cyanoacrylate, Acrylic, PU), Product Type (IFE, Seating, Stowage Bins, Galley, Panels), Aircraft Type (Single Aisle, Regional Jets, Small, Medium, Large Wide Body) - Global Forecast to 2021", The global aerospace interior adhesives market is estimated at USD 848.9 Million in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 1,101.7 Million by 2021, at a CAGR of 5.35% between 2016 and 2021. The market is driven by growing demand for low cost carriers and the replacement of older aircraft with new advanced aircraft, which are lightweight and provide fuel efficiency.
North America is estimated to be the largest consumer of aerospace interior adhesives. The region accounted for a share of more than 30% of the market, in terms of volume, in 2015. The aerospace industry in North America provides various growth opportunities for the aerospace interior adhesives market. The U.S., Canada, and Mexico are countries considered in the North American region. The U.S. dominated the market in North America and globally. The market in Mexico is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period.
Polyurethane is manufactured from various raw materials, such as, solvents, pigments, additives, and resins. The major manufacturers of aeropsace interior adhesive are Henkel AG & Co. KGaA (Germany), Huntsman Corporation (U.S), Avery Dennison (U.S.), Arkema S.A. (France), Solvay S.A. (Belgium), Hexcel Corporation (U.S.), 3M Company (U.S.), Delo Industrial Adhesives (Germany), Master Bond Inc.(U.S.), and Permabond LLC (U.K.).
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Ultra-low Temperature Freezers Market Overview, Opportunities and Applications By 2027
According to the MRFR reports, the global ultra-low temperature freezers market is projected to acquire a market size of approximately USD 989.44 million and record a robust CAGR of 5.67% until 2027.
Ultra-low temperature freezers are the ones used for medicinal purposes. The global ultra-low temperature freezers market is primarily driven by the greater need for units that could effectively store drugs, bacteria, viruses, pieces of tissue, cellular solutions, enzymes, and other chemicals at extremely low temperatures. Furthermore, the factors such as heavy investments by major market players in research and development and continuous technological advancements are also anticipated to catalyze the market's growth over the forecasted era. However, the market growth is anticipated to be restricted by the stringent FDA regulations and the high cost of buying and maintenance.
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Segment Analysis
The global ultra-low temperature freezers market is bifurcated into numerous segments based on type, temperature, application, end-user, and region.
Based on type, the global ULT freezers market is divided into chest and upright.
The global market is split into Negative 87-150 degrees Celsius and Negative 41-86 degrees Celsius by temperature.
Based on application, the global ULT freezers market is bifurcated into drug products, biological samples, blood and blood products, and others.
The global market is split into academic and research settings, hospitals and clinics, bio-banks, and others based on end-user.
Regional analysis
The global ultra-low temperature freezers market is studied across four major regions, including the Americas, the European Union, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa.
The American market for ultra-low temperature freezers has accounted for the maximum market share in 2019. The market was valued at USD 366.78 million in the same year and is anticipated to exhibit a healthy CAGR of over 5.35% during the review timeframe. The region is further divided into South and North America. The North American regional market is likely to lead globally due to overall spending and better infrastructure.
The European Union can be further segmented into Eastern Europe and Western Europe. The growth of the European regional market for ultra-low temperature freezers is being driven by a growing number of government initiatives to regulate the use of ULT freezers.
The Asia-Pacific regional market has recorded the fastest growth over recent times. The surge in the ULT market is caused by the governments' heavy investments in overall healthcare systems.
The ULT freezers market for the Middle East and North African region has been witnessing a record-worthy growth over the years owing to the growth of the information and examination business.
Competitive Analysis
The global market for ultra-low temperature freezers has an intensely competitive landscape. The market is easy to enter and offers several lucrative opportunities to the players worldwide. The players in the market are investing heavily in the innovation of the latest and advanced products. The list of prominent leaders in the global ultra-low temperature freezers market includes Esco Micro Pte Ltd (US), BINDER GmbH (Germany), Arctiko (UK), Stirling Ultracold (Greece), Thermo Fisher Scientific (US), Labcold (UK), Helmer Scientific (US), PHC Corporation (US), Eppendorf AG (Germany), VWR International, LLC (US), and several others.
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Recent Developments
June 2021- the Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) Freezers series by Thermo Scientific TSX have been upgraded completely with the addition of new features to offer industrial, biorepository, clinical, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and research laboratories with safeguards to provide environmentally sustainable protection of materials, such as reagents, biologics, cell culture media, and vaccines. Thermo Fisher Scientific's latest advanced TSX Series ULT Freezers are the only ones to provide an exterior illumination option, which eases the use by allowing rapid visual inspection of freezer health status.
February 2021- the business unit of Godrej & Boyce, Godrej Appliances, has now added ultra-low temperature freezers to the company portfolio, which serve to vaccine cold chain storage facilities. These technologically superior medical freezers can store life-saving medical supplies, including critical vaccines under -80°C, and focus on increasing global and Indian medical cold chains.
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