#and the Ardyn in Cor’s body sees Ace and is delighted
sparklecryptid · 1 year
Reveal AU where the reveal takes place due to Cor and Ardyn discovering that they’re soulmates. (Bonus if it’s one of the ‘soulmates swap bodies’ scenarios. Ace is praying loudly at the thought of Ardyn with unconstrained access to the Citadel.)
Ace stares at the out of place very Cor-like expression on his Uncle’s face.
“No.” It’s the only word out of his mouth as Ace feels the world crumble under him. “Absolutely not. I am leaving.”
“Sit down.” It comes out as an order and Ace has the expected petty urge to disobey Cor - because that is Cor in Ardyn’s body and Ace is certain of it - because Ace is not paid nearly enough by the Crown to deal with this.
“Siren.” His code name comes out as a warning. Ace makes the mistake of looking back and is hit full force with the intensity of Cor’s glare on Ardyn’s face.
Ace sits back down and the expected interrogation begins.
“Am I in an Imperial?”
Ace’s expression does not change from the poker face he has perfected under Ardyn’s tutelage.
“In a manner of speaking,” Ace answers, “I’m sure you’ve already felt the uh - absence - of something in that body you’re in.”
“This man is a Lucis Caelum. How do you know him?”
Ace debates the merit of setting the restaurant he and Ardyn decided to meet in on fire.
“He’s an ally.”
“Alright, ally might be a too strong a word. He’s….an informant.”
Ace plasters on a fake smile.
“He’s also the Chancellor of the Empire,” Ace says.
“How do you know him?”
“Oh,” Ace says as if discussing the weather and ignoring the hammering of his heart, “He’s my uncle.”
Ardyn comes to in a throne room. He comes to with Regis looking concerned as Ardyn quickly catalogues the lack of lingering Scourge and Scourge associated pain and then spends a moment to look down. Well muscled. Lean. At least Ardyn’s soulmate has an attractive body.
He looks back up at Regis and debates setting him on fire. Ardyn then debates the merits of letting Ifrit run loose in Insomnia. But that would make his nephew and his nephews family sad. So he doesn’t do that.
He wants to.
He doesn’t do it.
Ardyn thinks Ace would be proud of his restraint.
“You’re not Cor, are you?” Regis says.
Ardyn’s answering grin is sharp.
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