#‘nephew’ he crows ‘I can see why you like this city so much. I’ve had a great deal of fun’
sparklecryptid · 1 year
Reveal AU where the reveal takes place due to Cor and Ardyn discovering that they’re soulmates. (Bonus if it’s one of the ‘soulmates swap bodies’ scenarios. Ace is praying loudly at the thought of Ardyn with unconstrained access to the Citadel.)
Ace stares at the out of place very Cor-like expression on his Uncle’s face.
“No.” It’s the only word out of his mouth as Ace feels the world crumble under him. “Absolutely not. I am leaving.”
“Sit down.” It comes out as an order and Ace has the expected petty urge to disobey Cor - because that is Cor in Ardyn’s body and Ace is certain of it - because Ace is not paid nearly enough by the Crown to deal with this.
“Siren.” His code name comes out as a warning. Ace makes the mistake of looking back and is hit full force with the intensity of Cor’s glare on Ardyn’s face.
Ace sits back down and the expected interrogation begins.
“Am I in an Imperial?”
Ace’s expression does not change from the poker face he has perfected under Ardyn’s tutelage.
“In a manner of speaking,” Ace answers, “I’m sure you’ve already felt the uh - absence - of something in that body you’re in.”
“This man is a Lucis Caelum. How do you know him?”
Ace debates the merit of setting the restaurant he and Ardyn decided to meet in on fire.
“He’s an ally.”
“Alright, ally might be a too strong a word. He’s….an informant.”
Ace plasters on a fake smile.
“He’s also the Chancellor of the Empire,” Ace says.
“How do you know him?”
“Oh,” Ace says as if discussing the weather and ignoring the hammering of his heart, “He’s my uncle.”
Ardyn comes to in a throne room. He comes to with Regis looking concerned as Ardyn quickly catalogues the lack of lingering Scourge and Scourge associated pain and then spends a moment to look down. Well muscled. Lean. At least Ardyn’s soulmate has an attractive body.
He looks back up at Regis and debates setting him on fire. Ardyn then debates the merits of letting Ifrit run loose in Insomnia. But that would make his nephew and his nephews family sad. So he doesn’t do that.
He wants to.
He doesn’t do it.
Ardyn thinks Ace would be proud of his restraint.
“You’re not Cor, are you?” Regis says.
Ardyn’s answering grin is sharp.
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kiatheinsomniac · 4 years
Unwoven Fate V
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The trip with the courtesans had been a long once and she was glad that she had arrived so early in the morning at Monteriggioni or else she would have missed them. It was nice to have company. She shared her story with the girls along the way; from the attack on her childhood home, being raised by her Aunt and Uncle and that life-changing eavesdrop to her travels across Tuscany.
The young woman did her best to keep her body moving on the horse, trying to stay warm after she had lent her cloak to Lucrezia, an hour into the journey, who had been shivering violently and cursing the bitter cold. The courtesans were good company: they kept good conversation and were an entirely new type of people to (Y/n).
Her Aunt had told her that they were vile women, taking the easy way in life, that (Y/n) should be proud to be unlike them. (Y/n) had acknowledged that this was her Aunt's opinion but had never formed one herself, never having met a courtesan until this day. They had been kind and they paid her respect too, it seemed. And it was a different kind of respect, one she had not experienced before: it was not the obligatory respect that came with her family money and her fancy outfits, it was a respect that she had earned herself by respecting these women in turn, by sharing her generosity with them regarding her cloak and letting some of them ride her horse when their feet grew tired.
The rented horse was stolen by now: she had known that she wouldn't be back in the promised time when she rented it but now a part of her felt bad for taking it away from its owner. Either way, she needed the creature - until she reached Rome, anyway.
Upon arriving, some more girls were waiting at the gates to help carry bags of belongings and lead the courtesans of Monteriggioni to their new workplace in Rome. (Y/n) trailed along behind them, looking around as she travelled. Those same guards were here: the red uniforms with the bull crest. Those bull flags flew from towers, Roman ruins, homes and shops too.
Bull. . . Bull! The papal Bull! She resisted the urge to smack herself in the head: how had it taken her so long to figure it out? Was the Pope on a quest to conquer Italy? To divide or to unite?
Either way, she followed the courtesans, the group of girls patiently waiting as she left her horse discreetly in a stable, not wanting to pay to have it watched. Her money was running thin as it is.
After a while of walking (hearing the calls and whistles of men for the girls all the way), they arrived at a grand building, covered in Roses and seemingly recently restored. Courtesans waited outside and Lucrezia stopped at the threshold to hand (Y/n)'s woollen black cloak back to her.
"Thank you for your kindness and company, we've all enjoyed you coming with us." The blonde smiled, leaning forwards to give her an amiable hug. (Y/n) froze for a moment before returning the gesture, wrapping her arms around the woman and squeezing for a moment before they both pulled back.
"It's not a problem at all - I'm thankful that you let me come with you. Now the Auditores. . . ?" She replied, looking around the brothel to see courtesans and men all around, the place smelling distinctly of sleepless nights and roses.
"Who are you looking for in particular?" She quizzed, "Ezio, I assume?" Lucrezia replied, gesturing her hand to the hidden blade on (Y/n)'s wrist. 
"Mario, actually. That was the name in the letter." The blonde woman's face dampened for a moment, her smile fading.
"He was killed in the attack." She replied sadly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you were looking for him or else I would have told you."
"He mentioned some other relatives in the letter: a sister-in-law, niece and nephew. Are they alive?" (Y/n) questioned, biting her inner cheek and starting to pray that she had not come to Rome for a fruitless journey.
"I should hope so." A matured voice spoke up from the staircase. There, stood a woman in her late-middle-ages. Her hair was dark and streaked with grey, crows feet at her dark eyes. Her hair was styled up and she wore the sort of dress that (Y/n) was so accustomed to wearing herself. "What business do you have with my family?" The young woman assumed that this was the in-law.
"It's a bit of a long story. . ." She began, approaching the woman and bowing her head with respect, "I've travelled from the countryside near Forlì. From there, I've been to the city itself, then Firenze, Monteriggioni and now Roma."
"Then your journey has been a long one." She turned around and started walking up the stairs, "Come, rest in the office and tell me your tale." (Y/n) followed behind, hearing the faint sounds of the women working behind heavily closed doors.
The office wasn't too small, with a desk in the light from the back window, a bookshelf and a long screen dividing the room, seeing the posters of a bed behind the screen.
A young-looking woman, but older than (Y/n), was sitting at the desk with a quill in hand, a letter in another. She looked up upon the arrival of the two new women.
"Mother, who is this?" She asked politely, giving (Y/n) a small smile before continuing with her work.
"She says she has business with our family." The older woman replied. So this was the niece, (Y/n) concluded. The in-law gestured for (Y/n) to take a seat before taking one herself.
"I'm going to have to give you a bit of my life’s story for all of this to make sense but I'll try to keep it as short as I can." She began, looking between the two Madames of the brothel. "When I was a young child, my family home was attacked. My mother put me into the maid's arms and told her to run but I saw the attackers kill my parents. My Aunt and Uncle took me in after that and raised me as their own. But, a few days ago, I was walking past the room where my Aunt, Uncle and their guests were and I heard her. . ."
She took in a shaky breath to compose herself, the words wounding her just as deeply as the moment she first heard them, "I heard my Aunt say that she'd had my parents killed. . . And that she thought it was the best thing she had ever done." She could see the shock on the women's faces after saying this. "Since then, I travelled back to my childhood home in Forlì where I found a secret compartment containing this-" she showed her hidden blade and pulled Mario's letter to her parents out of her pocket, placing it on the desk, "-and this. I don't know anyone else who knew my parents except my existing family and Mario. I'm sure you can see why confronting my family was out of the question." Claudia had read the letter by now.
"Your parents were Assassins too?" Claudia spoke up and (Y/n) nodded her head.
"I never even knew until I read this. . ." She bit her cheek to fight the tears that threatened her eyes, "And suddenly I feel like I don't know anything."
"I think it would be best if you speak to my son, Ezio." The in-law spoke up, catching (Y/n)'s teary eyes, "He is acting as the Assassin Brotherhood’s leader at the moment and if he isn't already informed of your parents then one of his contacts will be."
"Thank you. . ." (Y/n) trailed off, looking between the two strangers and realising that she did not know their names still.
"And Claudia - I am sure that you know our surname well." She smiled, giving (Y/n) back the letter from Mario. She could tell that she was sad to let something go that had been written by her passed uncle, "My brother can be a hard man to contact but I have a meeting with him in three days, I can take you with me and you can discuss things with him then."
"Thank you." (Y/n) replied gratefully, "Until then, do you know any places nearby where I could rent a room?"
"You can stay here until then." Maria offered, "We will close off a room for you. There's one downstairs that serves as more of a supply cupboard than a workplace, I'm sure you'd prefer that."
"I'll take whatever you'll give." She replied gratefully and heard her stomach rumble, inwardly cringing and hoping that the other two hadn't heard her. It was now becoming evening and she hadn't eaten since Florence yesterday.
"There is a baker's nearby though." The younger Auditore woman smiled amiably, getting up from her seat, "Come, I'll take you."
The past three days had been spent at the brothel: spending much time talking to Claudia and understanding her job in the Brotherhood as well as the courtesan teaching her a few Assassin tricks: blending in, pickpocketing (it had felt very dishonest to (Y/n) but the last of her money had been spent on food and she knew that she needed it to get by - she also found that she was also very good at it). She was small and went more unnoticed than others when she bumped into someone and her fingers were quick, nimble from her years of violin-playing.
"We're heading to Isola Tiberina." Claudia had told her that afternoon. Claudia was wearing a fine red and gold dress and (Y/n) decided that she didn't want to feel underdressed compared to her, slipping on the deep blue silk dress that she had kept in her bag, the one not given away to that bastard tailor in Forlì. She kept her hair in the two dutch braids which had now become much more comfortable for her as they were easy to do, held fast and kept her long tresses out of the way.
She followed Claudia through the streets of Rome, keeping close and trying to memorise each detail in order to learn her way around the city by heart. Some streets were narrow and there were staircases that looked like an alley but turned out to be a door, tunnels were scattered around too and there were some small gardens here and there. Eventually, they reached a  river and Claudia led the two of them over a bridge. (Y/n) looked up to a tall building that had a pigeon coop and stood in front of a small square of sorts.
Merchants and craftsmen called out to passers-by and the Auditore woman led (Y/n) down to a doorway, holding it open and motioning for (Y/n) to make her way down the stairs. Upon arriving, she could tell that the place was newly occupied: sparse furniture that looked as though it could fall apart at any moment, lots of repairs that needed to be done in the plaster and cobwebs in the rafters. But she could hear the crackle of a fireplace nearby as well, a sign that they were not too uncomfortable here.
"Claudia." The man gave Claudia a warm hug in greeting while (Y/n) stood by silently, waiting to be introduced. Though, someone else addressed her first.
"Emma?" The man was much older than (Y/n) and dressed mostly in browns and yellows. (Y/n) could feel her breath hitch in her throat. She hadn't heard that name in so long that it both killed her and brought her to life at once. Her mother's name. "No, you're far too young. . ." He glanced down at her wrist to see the dull metal of her hidden blade, "Who are you?" His eyes flickered between hers, brows narrowing. A tension seemed to fall over the room and suddenly everyone was suspicious.
"I'm her and Lorenzo's daughter. I. . ." She found herself stammering. This man had known her mother's face and clearly, (Y/n) had grown into it well. Her Aunt had never mentioned that. "I came here looking for answers." She cast a glance over her shoulder to Claudia, now accompanied by the man who had hugged her in greeting. All of the older people in the room seemed beyond astonished. The man spoke up once more, killing the silence that had now hung over the room for a long time.
"I think we would like some answers now too.” He answered solemnly as whispers broke out among the elders of the group. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean: you're supposed to be dead."
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I just read your Zhao imagine and it was amazing. I was hoping for a request with Jet and kinda Zuko. Your Sokka’s twin sister, you had a connection with both Jet and Zuko. So when in Ba Sing Se, you hear about Iroh with the tea shop. In hopes of seeing Zuko, you go only to see both Zuko and Jet fighting. You step in as Jet is being arrested telling them you can vouch for one of them and it turns out to be Zuko. Then you can pick how it happens when you run into Jet again before his death thank
I’m so sorry it took me so long to get this out anon!! I hope you like it!! Also hello to my new followers and old! I know the series is back on netflix so welcome to all the new people in the fandom! We’re happy to have you join! I’m Jay and i write for avatar! I’ve been apart of this series since it first aired! (i’m 20 almost 21 so lmao i’m not that old.) 
Please ignore any spelling mistakes!
Ba Sing Se, the refuge city. The group had come here to talk to the earth king, which has been harder than expected. In the city you weren’t allowed to talk about the war. To act like there wasn’t a giant war going on behind the walls. No matter, it was only a matter of time until you were able to meet with the King and get his help in the war. Now you were headed toward a tea shop. It was rumored to be the best tea in all of Ba Sing Se. There was only one man you knew that could make tea so fine it would be labeled the best, Iroh. You hoped to see Zuko there and talk with him again. In doing so you hoped to keep it a secret from your older twin Sokka and the group. Unknown to them you shared a small connection with Zuko. You had a moment with him when you ran into him one night. It was just a talk before you went your separate ways, but it was different between you two. Iroh was also someone you’ve come to see as a friend and wanted to see how he was as well.
As you approached the shop you could hear the clashing sound of metal and shouting. Picking up the pace you saw Zuko and Jet fighting. What was Jet even doing here? And why were they fighting? Quickly you pushed through the crowed to break up the fight only to be beaten too it as some of the Dai Li agents grabbed Jet. Emerging from the crowd you looked at both men as people stood up for Zuko and Iroh.
“(Y/n)!! Tell them! Those two are Fire Nation! You know they are!” Jet shouted
You stared at Jet before looking at the two men in question. They were Fire Nation; you knew damn well they were Fire Nation. Even so you didn’t know who to help. On one hand you could clear Jet and get Iroh and Zuko arrested or you could cover for Iroh and Zuko and let the Dai Li arrest Jet. Sighing you turned your attention to the Dai Li.
“These men are thing but refuges of the Earth Kingdom, not Fire Nation.” You spoke loud and clear
A look of shock and betrayal crossed Jet’s face as he was dragged off by the Dai Li. It broke your heart to do that, you wanted nothing more then to agree with Jet. Even so you knew Zuko and Iroh were here because they really were seeking refuge and you couldn’t find it in yourself to out them as Fire Nation. It hurt to make that decision. You and Jet we’re close, even after he flooded the village you still cared about him.
“Why did you help us?” You heard Zuko ask
“What my nephew means, is thank you for your help.” Iroh gave you a smile.
“You’re welcome, Jet didn’t need to do that. He just doesn’t like anyone in the Fire Nation.” You sighed
“I noticed, if you’re here does that mean the avatar is as well?” Zuko asked
You could hear a slight hope in his voice, and you didn’t want Aang to be kidnapped right when he was making progress. Taking a quick glance at Iroh, you could see a look in his eye that you took as ‘please, don’t tell him’. Returning your gaze to Zuko you shook your head and let out a sad sigh.
“No, I’m not sure where he is. I got separated from the group and took refuge here.” You lied
“I’m sorry, it sounds like you’ve been through a rough time. Why don’t we head inside, I’ll make you a nice calming cup of tea?” Iroh gently asked you
“I would enjoy that very much.” You smiled.
It had been a couple weeks since Jet had been dragged away by the Dai Li. It worried you seeing as there was no trace of him at all after that. What did they do with him? Why haven’t you seen him since then? Though it didn’t take long for your questions to be answered. Jet showed up as you and the gang were hanging up flyers to try and find Appa. Not long after that Smeller Bee and Long Shot showed up shocked to see Jet after being taken. She also let I slip that you saw it happen. It was difficult to explain yourself, having to lie about why you saw it. You knew Toph knew you were lying but didn’t say anything. Making you wonder why. How could he not remember that night? Not that you were complaining much as it would probably get you in trouble if they found out who you went to see.
“You really don’t remember anything from that night?” You asked
“No, I don’t,” Jet replied looking pained, “If you were there why didn’t you stop them?”
“By the time I got there I couldn’t stop them.” You told him
You felt horrible lying to him, but you didn’t have a choice. You just hoped he will his memory back so you can apologize properly to him. Little did you know this would be the last time you would see him.
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sneegsnitties · 4 years
You become a memory of someone else’s legacy
Summary:  After a run-in with a strange sorcerer, cole is sent somewhere familiar, but also incredibly different. Stranded with no way back, will he be able to find his way home or will his memories be replaced and lost forever?
Chapter 1
A hooded figure wanders the alleyways of Ninjago city, a crow calls out and lands on his shoulder. His blood-red eyes shine in admiration at his companion.
“Good. you’re back.” he says, the mask on his mouth makes his voice come out in a rasp, “did you do what I asked of you.” the crow caws in response, confirming that it did exactly what he asked it to do. He smiles within his mask. “Perfect.”
With a flourish, his cape swirls around him, encasing him in a black cloud before he disappears completely, leaving nothing behind as he travels between this world and his own.
He steps into his lair, takes off the mask on his face. Revealing the sharp teeth beneath it in his smile, and some of his not quite human features as he walks over to his spell book on the pedestal. Flipping to the page he was looking for.
His smile widens. “My friend,” he looks up at the crow, “it’ll work.”
There are some days where Cole wishes that things could be more interesting. Today is one of those days. There has been no new criminal activity or some adventure that he and the others need to go on. Or something like that. Hell, they haven’t appeared publicly in months. Aside from Shintaro, but that’s barely anything.
“I’m bored.” Jay moans.
“We know, Jay.”
“Why can’t anyone do something? Is it bad that I want that to happen? Just so we can have something to do?”
“Aside from training, that Wu insists that we do so we don’t end up soft like last time?” Nya adds, “yeah, I feel the same.”
“We could walk around the city, it would be better than sitting here and doing nothing,” Pixal suggests.
“That sounds like a good idea, we could go visit your father, get food at Skylor’s,” Nya says.
“I’m down to go.” Kai sits up, grinning.
“Is it because Nya mentioned Skylor?” Cole teases
“Yeah,” he says, blinking before realizing the implications of what Cole had said to him “she’s a lesbian, Cole.”
Jay bursts out into laughter.
“I know, I just like teasing you.” He grins at his fiery brother.
“Even if you weren’t, she already told me she wasn’t interested,” Kai adds, standing up and stretching.
“I will let Master Wu know that we are heading out,” Zane says, standing up as well to go to the door.
Before Zane can open the door, Master Wu comes in with a concerned look on his face.
“Everything okay, Master?” Lloyd asks.
“I suppose, but I have gotten word from the commissioner that there was a cloaked, mysterious figure spotted in the city last night. He had disappeared into a cloud of smoke.” Wu says looking at all of them. “They do not have a physical description of him at the moment. I was coming to ask you to search for him. Please be careful, ninja. We don’t know what he’s capable of.”
“Of course, master. We’ll be careful.” Cole says with a smile, knowing how much of an effort that he’s been putting into making sure they know he truly cares.
“We were just planning on visiting the city anyway, so we’ll look while we’re there!” Jay says with a grin.
“Should I take the mech?” Pixal asks as she opens the entrance to the hangar bay.
“I think that would be smart to do.” Master Wu says, “we can never be too careful with unknown threats. Return to me safe.”
Cole nods and follows the others into the elevator.
As soon as it closes, jay speaks up, “is it me or Wu more… caring?”
“Yeah, I noticed that too.” Kai says with a shrug, “it’s not bad, it’s just weird.”
“Kind of reminds me of when I first came to live with you guys.” Lloyd grins mischievously.
“I think he realized while we were in Shintaro when I almost gave up in doing the burst, he realized he’s been neglectful in his teachings, and maybe being an authority figure, too. He’s been stepping up.” cole says with a smile.
“About time for that.” Lloyd mutters, “what?” he says when everyone else is giving him a strange look, “he doesn’t treat me like his nephew. Or… family.” He says.
“So what do you think this dudes deal is?” Kai wonders aloud after a moment of awkward silence and walking out into the hanger and into the newly repaired land bounty as Pixal heads into her mech.
“I am unsure, but it sounds like Master Wu was… afraid. Like he knew what the commissioner was talking about.” Zane frowns.
“Better not be another one of those ‘there’s something I haven’t told you’ things.”
“I doubt it.” Cole sighs, “he seemed incredibly freaked out, plus I think he’s trying not to do that anymore.”
The ride into the city is relatively quiet aside from the music coming from their shared playlist through the speakers of the land bounty.
“It would be smart to stop by the police station to get more information if there is any,” Pixal says, her voice filtering in over the music.
“That’s what I was thinking. If we have time afterward, we can do what we were originally planning on doing,” Nya says as she steers the land bounty towards the police station.
“I now have doubts that we will.” She says, disappointment clear in her voice.
“We can visit another time, it’s all right,” Zane says with a reassuring smile, even though the samurai can’t see it.
Once they reach the police station, they find the commissioner is waiting outside for them.
“Oh, thank goodness. I’m assuming Wu told you?” He says with relief and leads them all inside.
“He told us you called and that a masked, mysterious figure was spotted,” Lloyd says with a frown.
“Yes, he was. We don’t know what his deal is. Though we fear it isn’t good. We know what we know because of security cameras spotting the guy in back alleys with a crow, talking to it. He asked it if it did what he asked it to do and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.” The commissioner explains. Leading them over to the computer to show the footage of the mysterious man. “We also reached out to the people in the area, they knew nothing. Nobody does. Whoever this person is, he’s a new threat that we know nothing about. Did Wu know anything?”
“No, he seemed… afraid. Like this was something he hasn’t heard or seen anything like this before.” Lloyd says with a frown.
The commissioner grumbles, “I’ve had my men out there looking for clues. So far, nothing. If you seven can find something, anything. Let me know.”
“Of course. Thank you for telling us this. We’ll do everything we can.”
He grins, “I knew I could count on you. Now, go, save the city, make sure we’re safe. Again,”
The ninja split up, each of them going in different directions to cover more ground. Cole went check out where the mysterious man was originally spotted. Looking around the alleyways to see if he can find anything that isn’t trash or stagnant water. So far, nothing. Not even a crow feather.
“I was wondering when one of you would show up here.” Cole hears a raspy voice behind him say.
Cole turns around quickly, preparing to call the other ninja in when he is unexpectedly knocked to the ground.
“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting you… earth ninja. But that just makes things more interesting.” He rasps, allowing Cole to sit up and get a good look at his assailant.
What Cole sees, intimidates him. The man’s glowing, blood-red eyes, his black hair, the mask on his mouth that looks like an incinerator vent, the black cloak that makes him blend into the background, making it almost look like he’s invisible if not for the golden embroidery on it.
“You… you’re the person that the commissioner talked about.” Cole says, staring at him intensely.
“Ah… so you know of me.” The hooded figure says, with the tone of voice he was using, Cole can only assume he’s smiling underneath his mask.
“I know that you’re an evil dude who needs to be taken care of!” He says, standing up and summoning his lava hands in preparation.
“But you don’t know everything about me, it seems. Good. I wouldn’t have expected you to. I’m not from this dimension, after all.” He says, circling Cole, “go ahead, call your little ninja friends. It may be the last you hear from them.”
His eyes widen, he falters, his earth punch disappears. Was he going to be killed?
Quickly, he presses his hand to the com piece in his hood. Making sure that he keeps an eye on the figure. “I- I found him! In the same place he was spotted!” He says, the fear hopefully not being too obvious in his voice.
“You did!? Don’t confront him until you have backup.” Nya voice filters through.
“Oh, it’s a little too late for that. He confronted me.” Cole says, summoning his earth punch again. The fear and the adrenaline make it hard to hear the various voices of the other ninja telling him to hold off.
As he attempts to punch the guy, he disappears into that cloud of smoke. The earth ninja goes right through.
Coughing, he turns around, hoping to get him the next time. Before he knows it, he’s choking on the smoke, gasping for air. He didn’t think this through, did he?
“You little fool.” The earth ninja hears through his haze as he continues to choke on the smoke. “You thought you could take me on your own.”
“Y- you threat- threatened me.” He chokes out. He can barely breathe.
The last thing he hears before he passes out is the laughter of the man, “you shouldn’t have taken your chances.” he wheezes, “you do not understand what I’m capable of. Foolish little ninja.”
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hushman · 5 years
Curse you Pidge the Paladin
Pidge the Paladin (known also as Agent P) is an agent for O.W.C.A. (the Organisation Without a Cool Acronym) and dedicated to helping keep the world safe. She does this by stopping the "nefarious” schemes of “Evil Genius” Lance McClain, founder of Lance McClain Evil Inc. and evil invention tester for L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. (the League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness). Armed with the best untested equipment L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. can supply him with, Lance will work tirelessly on his plans for global conquest, unless it's on the weekends, after 5pm or if he’s takes a personal day. Taking over the world is all fine and dandy but a good work-life balance is essential.
Rating: Everyone
Tags: Comedy, adventure,
My entry for the Plance Mini Bang over at @planceminibang
Special thank you to @oddreycharge for Beta reading this and to @perrytheplatypusgirl for making a gorgeous piece of art for this fic.
Check it here
You can read the story below or you can read it over at Archive of our Own
Pidge, hotshot O.W.C.A. agent, arrived in her secret base in a teal smart suit, orange tie, brown fedora, and black-rimmed glasses. She sat down in her chair in front of a screen as her boss, Coran Smythe, appeared onscreen.
“Greetings, Agent P,” Coran said. “Our intelligence shows strange frequencies being transmitted from the headquarters of Lance McClain as well as “how to detect increase in bird behaviour” on his web history. Your mission is to go there and put a stop to whatever nefarious scheme he is up to. Best of luck, Agent P.”
Pidge gave a salute, climbed into her jet-powered hover car, and flew off just as her theme song was starting.
Dooby dooby doo-bah Dooby dooby doo-bah Dooby dooby doo-bah Dooby dooby doo-bah Pidge!
She's a computer savvy, tech loving lady of action! (Dooby dooby doo-bah) (Dooby dooby doo-bah) She's a scrappy young hacker, Who'll never flinch from a fray-ee-ay-ee-ay!
She's got more than just all that, Fe(Wah-ah-ah) She's got a snazzy suit and a hat, Fe(ah-ah) And the men all swoon whenever they hear her sa-a-a-ay
“Hold up, who said anything about swooning?”
She’s Pidge, Pidge the Paladin But you can call her Agent P. Pidge! I said you can call her Agent P! A-gent-P!
A short flight later, she arrived at Lance McClain Evil Incorporated by crashing through a skylight.
Waiting for her was Lance McClain in a lab coat and holding a remote.
“Ah, Pidge the Paladin, what an unexpected surprise,” Lance commented. “And by that I mean entirely expected!”
Lance pushed a button. A massive pole popped behind Pidge. Before she could react, a stream of bola flew in, tying her to the pole.
“It appears you have fallen for my cunning trap.”
“Cunning trap?” Pidge deadpanned. “This is the third time you've tried to use this thing. You even marked out on the floor where you wanted me to stand.”
“And yet, you fell for it,” Lance crowed in rebuttal.
Pidge gave as much of a shrug as her restraints allowed. “I wanted to see if you had fixed the aim on the bola launchers.”
Lance pursed his lips. “Fine, act all high and mighty tied to that pole while I enact my evil scheme.”
“And by “enact”, you mean tell some backstory to justify whatever hairbrained scheme and device you have today.”
Lance ignored this jab as he introduced his latest “tragic backstory”.
“You see, it harkens back to my miserable youth spent in my cold and unforgiving fatherland.”
“You grew up in Cuba.”
“It’s a metaphor,” Lance snapped back before continuing. "My siblings have always despised me."
"Just last week, you said Veronica was wrapped around your little finger and loved you with all her heart."
"That was last week,” Lance dismissed. “As I was saying, I was left to face the endless shame and ridicule from my elder siblings. But no more! Finally, they shall learn true terror with this: the Fowlagitationinator!”
Lance flung his arms flamboyantly towards the glorified satellite dish.
“So what exactly does it do?” Pidge asked.
“I am so very glad you asked.” Lance paused briefly as he failed to discreetly pull back his sleeve notes. “This device will emit a frequency that will increase the aggression in every bird within the city.” He read monotonously, “All urban activities will grind to a halt as everyone is terrorised by millions of feathery foes, leaving the city ripe for the taking.” His voice and arms pitched in confidence, dropping his speaker notes in the process.
“Millions?” Pidge raised an eyebrow. “I think you’re overestimating the city’s bird population.”
“I was going for dramatic effect.” Lance let out a groan. “Look, you’re here to thwart my schemes, not criticise them.”
“Fair enough,” Pidge conceded. “Speaking of thwart...”
At that moment, the restraints fell off her body.
“So, did it actually take you this long to escape, or were you waiting for me to finish talking?”
“Didn’t want to be rude.”
Pidge pounced at Lance with a jump kick. The man dodged with a last minute swivel, just barely missing Pidge’s boot. While the first strike had not connected, it had placed her between Lance and the device. He tried to throw a right hook at her. Pidge ducked and delivered a double palm strike to Lance’s abdomen.
“Your gut feels firmer,” Pidge commented. “Have you been working out?”
“Why yes, I have. Thank you for noti..Argh!” Lance was interrupted by Pidge flooring him with a roundhouse kick.
“Are you ever going to not fall for the compliment sucker punch?” The agent snorted.
She fell to ground with a yelp when Lance yanked one of her legs.
“It’s not a crime to appreciate it when you notice the effort I put into this body,” Lance replied as he stood up and wiped his mouth to check for blood. “Speaking of which, would you stop going for the face?”
Lance managed to catch Pidge’s foot before it connected with his groin.
“Not what I meant.”
Lance flung Pidge by her leg across the room, causing her to hit the brick wall with a crash. He raced to press the large red button on the device. Pidge fired her grappling gun. The cable shot out, wrapping around Lance’s arm and pulling him back. He managed to get his arm free from his lab coat in time to bring his guard up against a furious onslaught of limbs.
What followed was a series of back-and-forth blows. While Lance had a higher endurance, Pidge was harder to hit. This continued unabated until he picked up a nearby chair. Pidge snatched a stool of her own.
Before either of them could take a swing, a ringtone interrupted the battle. Both Lance and Pidge put down the chairs.
“Is that your phone or mine?” Lance asked.
“Yours,” Pidge replied. “I changed my ringtone last week.”
“Huh.” Lance checked his phone. “It’s my brother. I’d better take this.”
Pidge nodded her consent as Lance answered the phone.
“Hey Luis, how’s it going?...Not too bad. Same old, same old...Yeah, she’s here to thwart my scheme...Nah, it’s fine, what’s up? Sure I can watch them tonight...not a problem at all...You’ll be here at 7? Yeah, that's fine.” Lance looked up and saw Pidge pointing to her watch. “Listen I’d better get back to work but I’ll see you tonight...Love you too.”
Lance hung up and put away the phone.
“Thanks for that, so do you want go back to chairs?”
“Nah, the moment’s gone.”
“Fair enough.”
Pidge proceeded to duck and perform a leg sweep, causing Lance to fall to the ground. As he picked himself up, Pidge raced over to the device. She pushed the self-destruct button and pulled out her grappling gun. She fired out a line, yanking herself through the skylight as the device exploded.
Once he was certain was alone, he picked up a broom and started cleaning up the debris.
“You know, just once, it would be nice for her to stick around to help with the clean up.”
Lance had just finished sending his report to head office when the doorbell rang. He opened the door and was tackled by two blurs of energy.
“Come on you two, don’t break Uncle Lance within the first two minutes.”
“Hey, I can take it,” Lance laughed. “How about you both pick a game on the gameflux?”
At that sentence, the two raced off to where the gameflux was set up.
“I swear that thing is 90% of the reason they like me babysitting,” Lance commented.
“Well, that and the fact you usually offer pizza,” Luis said. “So you okay? You’re developing a bit of a bruise.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Lance replied. “The agent O.W.C.A. assigned to me just got a lucky hit in.”
“The compliment sucker punch?” Luis asked.
“Gets me every time.”
“You know, man, you really need to see about getting out of that franchise.”
“Eh…” Lance gave a non-committal shrug. “It’s not that bad. Besides, we both know it takes three million dollars to buy out of the place before the two years are up. I got into this mess. I can take the lumps to wait it out.”
“Just promise me you’ll stay safe.”
“Trust me it’s fine. Sure, that woman kicks my butt on a regular basis, but at least we’re keeping things professional.”
Luis rolled his eyes. “Only you would consider being punched in the face as professional.”
“Well, it kinda is her job to punch me in the face since I am technically trying to take over the city slash country slash world.”
“That sounds like the best job in the world.”
“Love you too, bro.”
With a quick hug, Luis left. 20 minutes after watching his niece and nephew screech at each other in Combat Cousins X, Lance heard the doorbell.
He answered the door. Standing there was Katie Holt, holding a couple of pizza boxes.
“Battle supplies as requested,” she said with a wink.
“Thanks, Katie. You're a lifesaver.”
“Oh please, considering the stuff I’ve seen you survive, you’re practically immortal,” Katie replied flippantly.
Lance scowled at her suspiciously. “What exactly have you seen me survive?”
“For starters, Charlene LeManche.”
“Objection withdrawn.”
Katie’s watch started vibrating.
“Excuse me.”
She stepped out onto the balcony. Satisfied that Lance had given her privacy, she activated her watch to see an image of Coran.
“Hope I’m not bothering, Agent P,” Coran said. “I just wanted to congratulate you another job well done.”
“Thanks, Coran. Though if you don’t mind, I’d better head back inside. Secret identity to maintain and all that.”
“Of course. Have a good night, Agent P.”
Katie hung up on Coran and went back inside. Tomorrow, she would probably be kicking Lance’s butt again, but she was perfectly satisfied with beating him at Pancake Dojo 2 whilst enjoying a slice of pepperoni pizza tonight.
It was Tuesday morning. Lance had finished his breakfast and was savouring the first sip of coffee. The blissful start was interrupted by the doorbell. He answered the door to find several men with crates.
“Morning, guys,” Lance said as he stepped aside to let the movers in.
After everything was moved into the open space “Evil Lair” area, Lance got to work opening first crate.
“Alright, let’s see what L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. cooked up for me today.”
Lance pulled out a letter from his superior. The latest device was something called the Vapourmatroninator. Apparently, there was a little extra assembly required.
After all the other crates were opened, Lance realised that that by “a little extra assembly”, they meant that this assemble would be bigger than a minivan, yet not a single piece was bigger than the palm of his hand.
“No worries. So long as the instructions are clear, I’ll just work through it piece by piece.”
Not only were the instructions incomprehensible, Lance wasn’t even sure that it was in English. After an hour of failing to make any headway, he picked up his phone.
“Hey Hunk, I need some help with building the latest world conquest machine… I know what I’m doing. It’s these instructions that make no sense...Look, can you come help me without making fun of me?...Alright, but can you still come or not?...Thanks, Hunk. You’re the best.”
Pidge kicked open the door to Lance McClain Evil Inc. at 4 p.m. on the dot.
She was ready to get her thwart on when she saw Hunk working on the device. He looked up to see Pidge standing there.
“Katie? What are you doing here?” Hunk asked. “And what are you wearing?”
Before Pidge could answer, Lance walked in.
“Hi Pidge, sorry I’m running a little behind so I had to call in some help.”
“Wait, this is Pidge?” Hunk asked in disbelief.
“Oh right, where are my manners?” Lance said. “Hunk, this is my nemesis Pidge. Pidge, this is my friend Hunk.”
“This is Pidge?” Hunk asked again. “As in the person that thwarts your plans daily.”
“Well, it's more of a Monday to Friday basis, gotta keep that work life balance, but yes. That’s her.” Lance answered “What’s your point?”
“Lance, that’s...argh!”
Hunk was interrupted by Pidge grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back.
“Shut up,” Pidge hissed to Hunk. “Play along and I’ll explain everything later.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, Pidge! Let him go this instant!” Lance scolded.
Pidge complied.
“Hunk doesn’t work for L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. He's just helping me out as a favour. Do whatever you want with me, but I will not have you attacking my friends!”
Pidge looked genuinely remorseful as Lance took out some money and handed it to her.
“Now you are going to say sorry to Hunk, and then you’re going to go the donut shop and pick up a dozen lemon cream-filled donuts with passionfruit sprinkles. When you get back, he should be done with the Inator and then you can thwart me.”
Pidge complied, sending Hunk one last pleading looking before heading out the door.
“Sorry about that,” Lance said to Hunk. “She honestly isn’t that bad, she’s just a little wound up at times.”
Hunk eyed Lance with utter astonishment.
“And she doesn’t remind you of anyone?” He pressed.
Lance paused thoughtfully.
“Now that you mention it, with that fedora, she kinda looks like Indiana Jones.”
“You think she looks like Indiana Jones?” Hunk asked, clearly not sure how to react.
“So when are you next due for an eye exam?”
“Next year, I think. Why?”
“Might want to move that forward.”
Pidge arrived with the donuts just as Hunk finished assembling the Inator. She handed them over Hunk he packed up his tools.
“Well, I better be out of your way,” he declared as he headed for the door with tools and donuts in tow.
“Leaving so soon?” Lance asked.
“Yeah, as much fun as it would be to watch you getting thwarted, I’d rather not watch the device I worked so hard on get destroyed.”
“Fair enough, catch ya later.”
Hunk shot Pidge a meaningful glance before leaving.
He hopped in the elevator and waited for the ding signalling the ground floor. Just as he exited the building, the Vapourmatroninator crashed onto the sidewalk, inches from his ears.
He could faintly hear Lance yell, “CURSE YOU, PIDGE THE PALADIN!”
A while later, Hunk and Pidge, in her civilian attire, were at Hunk’s favourite sandwich place. Only after he was halfway through his sandwich was he ready to address the elephant in the room.
“Alright, Katie, tell me what the heck is going on.”
“Okay.” Pidge took in a deep breath. “You remember that internship I took with a think tank? Well, that think tank is a secret government agency, and that internship is more of a field agent position.”
“So, who do you work for? The CIA?”
“No, I work for O.W.C.A., the Organisation Without a Cool Acronym.” Pidge watched Hunk raise an eyebrow. “Look, the name isn’t great, but they do good work.”
“And why exactly are you kicking Lance’s butt on a daily basis?”
“When Lance signed on to an employment contract with L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. that marked him as an ‘evil genius’, O.W.C.A. protocol is to assign an agent to be a nemesis to every evil genius. This was my first nemesis assignment, so the higher ups wanted to assign me to something lighter to chew on.”
“And the fact that you and Lance being friends isn’t against policy?”
“It would be if Lance recognised me,” Pidge explained. “I would get reassigned and he would get a new nemesis. I’ve been busting his scheme for nearly a year, and I thank whatever miracle that he still hasn’t worked out that I’m his nemesis.”
“How can he not know? All you do is put on a hat and glasses. You don’t even change your voice!”
“Look, are we really going to debate Lance’s intelligence? He has some strong suits, but he signed on to an evil organisation because their name was L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. And it took three weeks of being friends with him before he realised I was a girl.”
“To be fair, we were 12 at the time, but I see your point,” Hunk conceded. “But why stay as Lance’s nemesis? Franchise or not, you know Lance isn’t evil. Wouldn’t you rather spend your time taking down real bad guys?”
“Three reasons,” Pidge explained. “First, if I don’t do it, O.W.C.A. will send someone else, someone who will actually think he's evil. Second, Lance has been a surprisingly useful asset in undermining L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
Any tech that fails with Lance tends to get scrapped, so stopping Lance also prevents some of the actually dangerous tech from being used by actual evil geniuses.”
“And the third?”
“Being Lance’s nemesis means that my work day is usually done by 5 and I get weekends off. Nothing wrong with appreciating a good work/life balance.”
Hunk rolled his eyes at this. “Alright, so what happens now?”
“Well it’s up to you,” Pidge explained. “Standard procedure would be to take you in to have your memory erased.”
Hunk choked on a piece of sandwich. A long sip of his drink helped him to speak again.
“Erase my memory?”
“Just the events of today,” Pidge assured him. “But if you promised to keep this secret under wraps I could conveniently forget the part where you recognised me when I file my report.”
Hunk deliberated for a moment. “Alright, I don’t like keeping this from Lance, but I’m not risking forgetting my great aunt’s banoffee pie recipe over this.”
“Thanks Hunk,” Pidge said gratefully.
“Though if you ask me, the real reason you like this gig is because you get to spend all your time with Lance.” Hunk emphasised his statement with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
Pidge glared at Hunk. “Don’t make me change my mind.”
“That wasn’t a no,” Hunk singsonged.
Pidge was about to respond only to let out a cough.
“You alright?”
“It’s nothing,” Pidge replied.
Wednesday morning was somewhat easier for Lance. The day’s Inator came in mostly assembled. So now all he had to do was wait for Pidge to arrive.
An hour later still had no Pidge. He was starting to worry. Just then, his phone rang. He answered for only to have his ear fill with the noise of hacking.
“Hey Lance,” Katie said in between coughs. “Sorry I can't make game night.”
“Jeez Katie, you don’t sound good.”
“It’s fine, just gotta rest up and I’ll recover soon.” She let out more coughs.
After hanging up with his friend, Lance felt conflicting emotions swirling in his chest. He really wanted to check on Katie, but he was also meant to be trying to take over the city in time to get thwarted.
It certainly was a dilemma.
Allura the Altruist was on her way home from stopping her nemesis when she got a call from Coran.
“Great work, Agent A. Though would you stopping by Lance McClain Evil Inc? Agent P is not feeling well.”
“Right away, Coran.”
Flying her car over to Lance’s evil lair, she parked her car on the roof and dropped elegantly through the sky light, ready to battle. To her surprise, the lair was completely abandoned. She then noticed a large device in plain sight with a note attached.
Dear Pidge,
Sorry I can’t be there. Had to go check on a sick friend. I’ve marked out the self destruct button. See you tomorrow.
Lance McClain
P.S. Curse you, Pidge the Paladin!
Against her better judgement, Allura pressed the marked out button. As she left the ruins of the lair, she couldn’t help but wonder if O.W.C.A should reassess Lance’s threat level.
“Here you are, Katie,” Lance said as he carried in a steaming bowl of soup.
“Thank you,” the sick girl wheezed as she took the soup. “You didn’t have to come over to take care of me. Don’t you have work?”
“It's all good,” Lance said dismissively. “I’ve got it covered. Besides, I wouldn’t leave you hanging.”
Katie blushed. If asked, she would claim it was fever.
On Thursday, a recovered Pidge arrived at Lance McClain Evil Incorporated, refreshed and ready for a day of thwarting. She flew in through an open window. As she arrived in the lair, she realised Lance wasn’t there.
“Pidge! I’ll be right there,” Lance called out before coughing.
A dishevelled and ill-looking Lance stepped into the lair. He was still in his pyjamas and his lab coat was crooked.
“What a...an unexpected sur…” Lance started coughing again. “Sorry, think I might’ve caught something from my friend.”
Pidge looked at Lance in dismay. “You should be in bed,” she scolded.
“No, no, it’s fine,” Lance insisted. “So, behold my… achoo!.... Latest invention the...Something...inator!”
Lance gestured towards a crate that was barely even opened.
“With this I...shall take over the...world.” Lance’s half-hearted speech was shot through with more coughing.
“Lance, seriously, go to bed. I can come back and stop you tomorrow.”
“No, I flaked on you yesterday. I’m not going to do it twice.” Lance raised his fists, staggering slightly as he fought to keep balance. “Thwart me if you dare.”
Rather than fight, Pidge took hold of his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. She pushed him into a chair and silently heated up a can of chicken soup. She plopped the bowl in front of him and said, “Eat.” After making him eat all of it, she hauled him to his bedroom. She took off his lab coat and pushed him into his bed.
“There,” she quipped as she draped a blanket over him. “I’ve thwarted you. Now get some rest.”
“Curse you Pidge the...zzzzz,” Lance was asleep before he was even able to finish his sentence.
Not too long after, Katie arrived to check up on Lance.
Friday came as Pidge arrived at the hideout.
“Ah Pidge the Paladin, so nice to see you,” Lance greeted. “Sorry about dropping the ball the last couple of days. Still, I promise to make up for it as I unleash my TRINITY OF TERROR!”
There was a dramatic orchestra and flashes of lightning.
“Head office finally approved your effects budget?” PIdge asked.
“Why yes, thank you for noticing. Anyhoo, behold! The Degravitinator!” Lance held out a handheld, ray-gun-looking device. “Capable of disrupting the personal gravity of its victims. Behold the Plantinator!” He gestured towards a device with a large antenna. “Capable of sending out a pulse that will cause all the plants in the city area to grow at an uncontrollable rate. And finally the DX7J.” He pointed to a large cubic machine. “Capable of...something equally evil, I guess.” He noticed Pidge’s raising eyebrow. “Cut me some slack, not only did I have to finish building yesterday’s device, head office sent me two inators instead of one today. It's a miracle I know what the first two do.”
“And you had time to set up the special effects?”
“Look, are we going to fight or waste time criticizing my workplace priorities?”
Lance jumped back just in time to dodge a right hook from Pidge. He aimed the ray gun at Pidge and fired. Pidge jumped out of the way, narrowing missing the purple ray that shot out. The ray instead hit a nearby couch. It glowed purple as it started to float. Lance continued firing at Pidge. The agent kept ducking until a desk, several crates and a metal barrel were floating.
“Darn it!” Lance muttered. “Why didn’t they put a decent sight on this thing?”
Pidge leapt onto a floating crate, hoping to get high ground. She leapt to another crate to avoid the ray. She finally lunged at Lance with a flying kick. The kick hit Lance squarely in the chest before he could let out another shot. He fell back to the ground and accidentally pulled the trigger.
A purple beam shot out and hit the Plantinator. The Inator started to float in the air. Seeing her opportunity, Pidge kicked with all her might. It flew out the open balcony door. It then came to a rest between the two buildings.
Both Lance and Pidge stared at the floating Inator.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was expecting,” Pidge admitted.
“Well, we can’t leave that out there,” Lance said. “Eventually, the ray will wear off, and it'll fall onto incoming traffic. I already got a citation for what happened with the Vapourmatroninator. I don’t need another.”
“Fair enough, any ideas?”
“Do you have your grappling gun?”
“In shop getting a tune up. You?”
“The winch on mine broke and I’m still waiting for the replacement to arrive. How about your hover car?”
“Came here on the moped today.”
“Fair enough.”
Lance turned a dial on the ray gun and aimed it at the floating Inator. He fired a red ray that vapourised the floating inator.
“That thing has a disintegrator setting?” Pidge asked in shock.
“Yeah, you really think that would be the main feature of this thing.”
“If it could do that, then why were you bothering with the gravity setting?”
“I’m not firing a disintegrator ray in my own lair,” Lance said indignantly.
“That’s surprisingly responsible of you.”
“Thank you.”
“Still got to destroy it.”
“Fair enough,” Lance replied as he turned the ray gun back to gravity mode.
Lance spun round, firing the ray gun at Pidge. Pidge dropped and sweeped out Lance’s legs, causing him fall flat on his back. “Nice move,” Lance said, winded but clearly impressed.
Pidge picked up the nearby raygun and smashed it against the handrail. She then started to head back inside to deal with the DX7J only for Lance to snatch her foot, tripping her up.
Lance scurried to place himself between Pidge and the DX7J.
What followed was another fist fight. Lance was holding his own until Pidge hit him with kick to the gut, knocking him backwards.
Lance bumped into the DX7J, turning it on. Sounds of moving parts and sloshing liquid echoed in the machine. Shortly afterwards, there was a loud ding and a small hatch on the device opened to reveal a cup of steaming liquid.
Curious, Lance picked up the cup and sniffed it. He then proceeded to take a sip, much to the panic of Pidge.
“False alarm,” Lance said. “This isn’t an Inator. It’s the coffee machine I ordered.”
“You ordered a coffee machine?”
“Yeah, and not just any coffee machine. This is top of the line, does everything from expressos to cappuccinos.”
“That sounds pricey.”
“I charged it to the head office,” Lance replied. “They’re an evil organisation trying to take over the world - the least they can do is fuel my caffeine addiction.” He proceeded to take another sip from his coffee.
Pidge nodded; she couldn’t really fault the logic.
“Wait, does that mean I already thwarted you?” She questioned.
Lance paused his drinking.
“Huh...I guess so...Oh well. CURSE YOU, PIDGE THE PALADIN!” He hollered before returning to his normal tone. “Do you want a coffee for the road? I’ve got a travel mug I can lend you.”
“Can that machine do a Chai Latte?”
Lance scoffed. “Do you honestly think I would charge my boss top dollar for a coffee machine that couldn’t do Chai Lattes?”
“So glad we managed to switch game night,” Lance said as he brought in a bowl of chips.
“I’m just glad neither of us are mucus factories anymore,” Pidge commented.
“I’m just glad I didn’t catch it,” Hunk commented. “So care to explain how all that stuff is floating?”
“Today’s evil invention was an antigravity ray.”
“Antigravity ray?” Hunk repeated in surprise. “How does that work?”
“I aimed the ray gun, pulled the trigger and then whatever got zapped with it would start floating.”
“No, I mean…” Hunk paused as the realisation of who he was talking to struck. “Nevermind.”
“I don’t get what the end game was,” Pidge commented “As cool as it is, I just don’t get how your bosses expected you to take over the world with an antigravity ray.”
“They don’t really look at how so much as they just throw whatever random idea that comes to them at me and wait to see what happens.” Lance explained. “I’m still not sure how I was supposed to take over the world with an iguana cannon.”
“Buddy, you really need to get out of this gig,” Hunk affirmed.
“Would love to, but we all know that’s not going to happen until my contract expires. Besides it's not so bad. I set my own hours, I don’t pay rent on this place and I now have a coffee machine. Speaking of coffee, you guys want one? It's pretty good.”
“I’m good,” Hunk said.
“Chai Latte, please,” Pidge requested absentmindedly.
Lance paused and stared at Pidge suspiciously.
“How do you know it can do Chai Lattes?”
“Would you honestly invest in a coffee machine that couldn’t do Chai Lattes?”
Lance let out a laugh.
“You got me there. One Chai Latte coming up."
As Lance went over to the coffee machine, Hunk turned to Pidge.
“You know, eventually, he is going to figure it out.”
“Agree to disagree,” Pidge replied as she watched Lance come back with her latte.
Lance handed to the latte to her. As she took a sip, Lance spoke.
“So guys, I’ve been wondering. Should I invite Pidge to join us for games night?”
PIdge did a spit take.
“Sorry,” she sputtered. “It’s a little hot.”
Hunk kept his composure.
“You want to invite the person whose job is to kick your butt on a daily basis to games night?”
“Alright firstly, I can hold my own just fine.”
“Have you ever stopped her from destroying your stuff?”
“Well, no, but that’s not the point,” Lance argued. “Neither of us take the whole thwarting thing personally, and she’s the closest thing I have to a work colleague that I actually like.”
“You like her?” Pidge asked, not really sure how to process this.
“Well sure, she’s skilled, self assured, witty and honestly kind of a badass,” Lance replied.
“She also wails on you almost every time you face off,” Hunk added.
“No one’s perfect,” Lance replied. “Come on, what could it hurt to ask her? If she says yes, it will be a chance to get to know her better.”
“If you feel so strongly, I think you should do it,” Pidge replied.
“What?” Hunk said in dismay.
“Great, next time I see her I’ll ask,” He looked down and realised his hands were empty. “Whoops, forgot my coffee.”
As he went to get it, Hunk turned back to Pidge.
“I know this week has been full of shocking revelations, but how do you plan to be two places at once?”
“I won’t have to,” Pidge replied. “I’ll simply say that O.W.C.A. forbids me from fraternising with supervillains outside of work.”
“You know that’s only going to be a temporary fix.”
“It will do for now,” Pidge replied. “I’ll cross that bridge when I reach it.”
“Yup,” Hunk replied. “Keep telling yourself that.”
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fangirlfanwritings · 5 years
King Gendry x Targaryen!reader
Hi ☺️ I‘d like to request an imagine similar to the Gendry x Rhaenys Targaryen reader. One where Gendry is the son of Cersei & Robert Baratheon & the heir to the iron throne. But when Rhaenys & Dany come to Westeros to claim their birth right they fall in love and secretly get married while they are at war. Cersei and Dany both feel betrayed but in the end they rule Westeros together as king and queen?!
You climbed onto the back of the Rheagal and looked over to your sister. “Are you sure I can’t make an entrance with Jon and the others?”
“We need to show our power, sister. What better way to do so than riding on the backs of our dragons?” You saw her point and took to the skies, making your way to the ring that had housed the last of the dragons when your ancestors had sat on the Iron Throne.
Rheagal and Drogon landed on the ruins of the building and you and Daenerys got off the dragons and walked to the seats that were open for you both. You saw the Queen Regent right away, her golden Lannister hair and sour look gave her away. Then you looked over to her son, the one they called King Gendry Baratheon. You were not prepared to see the handsome face that looked back at you, especially after what you heard about the false King, Robert. 
“King Gendry,” Tyrion spoke to his nephew, “allow me to introduce you to Queen Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen and her sister, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.” Your eyes stayed on the King, and his mostly on yours, as the Queen Regent took over conversation with your sister. Cersei denied your side’s claims that the Dead were coming for the living. Her words were spat at your sister and hearing her tone sharpen you had enough and set your gaze on the Lioness. “You want to deny my sister’s and our council’s claims so badly that you’d risk the lives of your people?”
“I know the people have nothing to worry about since you’re saying such things to get us to lesson our forces against yours.”
“How about we present our proof then,” you said matter-of-factly.
“We will not waste time on such charades.” 
“Actually, Mother, I’d like to see what the Princess has to offer,” Gendry finally spoke up. Though he had never told anyone, being King was something he’d never been passionate about. He didn’t want to rule over people just to rule like his Father and young brother had strived to do. He wanted to do what was best for his people, but having a Lannister as his Mother proved to be a challenge. She frequently went behind his back to get things done before he had a say in the matter.
You called for Sandor and watched him carry the crate in. Once the White Walker was free it was clear you had their attention. Jon spoke now and told them that there were only two ways to kill them. 
“Gendry, my Dear,” Cersei looked over to him. “May we have a moment to discuss this?”
“I don’t believe there is anything to discuss Mother. Why fight our living brothers while the Dead seek to destroy us all? We shall halt our assault against your forces and instead send them to the North to fight with your men against the Dead.”
“You are making a mistake,” she seethed.
“I am making a choice and my choice is final.” That shut her up and she stood up quickly, stomping out of the center. 
The meeting dispersed and everyone began to talk amongst themselves. You walked to Rheagal while your sister spoke with Jon and pet the large beast’s head. You heard someone clear their throat and looked back to see Gendry. “Your Grace.”
“Your Grace? I expected a less warm welcome,” he smirked before looking back at the dragon and growing somber.
“Your father was the false King, I respect your notion that you believe it’s yours. Although I do believe it belongs to my sister. You can come near him if you’d like.”
“I don’t think he likes me.”
“He doesn’t like anyone but my sister and I...and sometimes Jon. Come, he won’t hurt you unless I tell him to.” He stepped near the dragon hesitantly. 
“He’s beautiful.”
“His name is Rheagal, after my brother; much like my own name.”
“I’m sorry about what my Father did to you.” You were shocked. “He did what he did out of love, though I can’t relate I can try and understand. Although it wasn’t right I know he wasn’t thinking straight, he was thinking out of love. I never wanted this war either, but my Mother doesn’t give power up easily. I try and keep her in check as best as I can but Lions are always on the prow.”
“If you don’t want the war then why not call it off?” You asked sincerely, not thinking of personal gain. “I’m hoping that this is a step in that direction. After we kill the Dead your sister and I can work something out that allows for a quick and peaceful transition.”
“You’d step down from the throne?”
“If that’s what it takes to keep my people safe, then yes. But I want to know her better first. I won’t give the throne over unless I’m sure she’ll be good for the people.”
You looked at the war board as Jon went over the plans for the war that was to come. You looked over to Gendry who looked intensely at the board. The more and more that Tormond spoke of the legion of the dead that were on their way, the more you began to realize that your efforts might not be good enough. 
You looked up to your sister and looked at the tension in her shoulders and the ice in her eyes, something you hadn’t seen since your brother was alive. She had been acting different since you all had arrived North. You both were, but yours stemmed from the fact that you were falling in love….that you were in love….with Gendry Baratheon. 
She was quickly become someone you didn’t recognize though and you worried that her path was beginning to follow that of your Fathers. “Y/N,” she called you out suddenly and you were snapped out of your head. “With the war that’s coming I want you out of Winterfell.”
“Your Grace, that’s unnecessary. I wish to stand with our people.”
“It is necessary. You are the heir to our name. I will not risk you falling to the army of the Dead. I want you safe and protected. You’ll ride South on Rhaegal until night begins to fall then you and Tyrion, who will be going with you, will seek shelter and head for King’s Landing; Rhaegal will fly back to Winterfell for battle.”
“Your Grace,” King Baratheon spoke up. “Sending Rhaenys to the capital would be unwise with my Mother acting on my part. She will not hesitate to lock her away. Let me accompany her.”
“What of your troops?” Jon asked.
“They are under your command, Jon Snow.”
You watched from the ground as Rhaegal flew back to the North. “This will either be the first night of our freedom or the last night of our lives,” you told Gendry.
“No matter what the night brings for us, Rhaenys, there is one thing that I believe we should do.”
“And that is?”
“Marry me.”
“Gendry, marriage is a lifetime together. If we win tonight do you really want to be married to a Targaryen?”
“Whether your last name be Targaryen, Stark, Tully, I wish to marry you.
Your sister and his mother were furious about the union. Your sister refused to write you back and Ceresi barely left her room unless it was to torment Gendry and challenge his authority. When you received a crow from Winterfell you were taken aback. Sansa had written you, telling you of Jon’s true identity and letting you know that your sister was quickly turning away from the good that was inside her. Then a letter was snuck to you from Varys.
It took many letters before she agreed to meet you back inside the Dragon pit. Drogon perched atop the ruins and you watched as your sister, Jon, and their trusted council made their way in. She looked at you with a scowl. “Why have you called us here, Rhaenys?” The tone she used caught you off guard.
“I want a truce, sister.”
“A truce?” She laughed. “You speak like we are at war.”
“Not yet.” She cocked her head at you. “I’ve heard more than whispers that you plan on burning the city, shall it not be handed to you on a platter.”
“I’m here to take back what belongs to our family.”
“And you have. I sit on the throne as a Queen, our family is back where it was for hundreds of years. I have found love that I never thought possible and can continue our lineage. We have defeated the dead and can make Westeros a better place for our people.”
“You think anything will change with a Baratheon murderer sitting on the Iron Throne?”
“You will watch yourself when you speak about my husband. He is a good man, and a great King. We have sent his Mother to Casterly Rock, she will no longer have a hold on the people. You wanted us on the Throne, here we are. You want peace with the people, you can act as Lady of Dragonstone and as a member of our council. We can make Westeros better together.”
Fire blazed in her eyes. “You and I are meant to sit on the throne, not you and a meek stag! You will hand over the kingdom to me or I will set this pit afire and then do so to the Red Keep.” Threatening you, your husband, and the people showed you exactly who she was and you stood with a newfound fire and purpose. 
“Command your dragon to light me aflame and you will see me imerge. You have forgotten sister, fire cannot kill a dragon. It only makes them stronger. Threatening to kill your own kin and the people you wish to protect…” you shook your head. “You are turning into our Father and Viserys. Your coin has finally landed and there is nothing I can do to help you. You will get on your dragons, you will load your men onto ships, and you will sail away; perhaps go back to Valeriya. You will leave this Kingdom alone, as you do not deserve it anymore.”
“And if I refuse?”
“You forget that I am a dragon just as much as you are. You forget that Drogon has my blood in his veins also. You forget that I helped you free the men that have fought for you...for us. When they see who you’ve become who do you think they will follow? Their Mad Queen or the Queen that has already begun bringing peace to Westeros?” You could see the anger grow in her eyes as she realized you were right. “What will it be? Peace or war?”
102 notes · View notes
ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: From Here to Eternia
WARNING: This post could get a bit long.
>After learning the truth about Adam, Prince Adam to be precise, we decided to take him back to his homeworld of Eternia. However, due to circumstances, travel to another world is impossible, and we can’t use the Velvet Room because Adam would figure out we’re the Phantom Thieves, even though he has no idea about that... Fortunately, Crow says Peter knows some people who can help us get to Eternia... But from what I can tell they can be... Unusual.
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>The Milano in space on the way to Eternia.
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I know we just got tested, but we still need space. I think Ann’s elbow just hit my back.
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Sorry. I think Ryuji’s foot is on mine.
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I’m right over here.
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He’s right, it’s actually my foot. Sorry, Lady Ann... (whisper) I’m totally not. I love our feet touching like this.
>Suddenly, someone comes in.
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I know it’s not so roomy here... But quit your complainin’! It’s bad enough we have to deal with one royal, now we got two. At least we’re gettin’ paid for this one.
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I’m not sure will. You guys seem to give that kind of impression.
Rocket: Whatever. When they see we brought back the Prince of Eternia, they’ll have to reward us.
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I am Groot. (Translation: They’re a warrior planet. They’re reward might just be honor.)
Rocket: A guy can dream, can he?
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Solving this case is reward enough... But I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask for something to pay the rent.
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I guess I’m no longer the one short on money.
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Because love doesn’t cost a thing.
Rocket: (confused) I’ll never understand why Earthling youths’ attraction to those of the same gender.
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Give it time. You will.
>Adam looks at me and Fox... He has a look of longing.
Man’s voice: This is your Star Lord speaking. We are now approaching Planet Eternia. Please buckle your seatbelts and set your trays to an upright position. And thank you for choosing GOTU Line.
Woman’s voice: Since when did we get trays?
Star Lord’s voice: Just trying to make this official.
Gruff voice: Just focus, Quill.
>I look out the window.
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>I see Adam is also looking out... He definitely recognizes this place.
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>We arrived at Eternia’s capital city, Eternos.
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And here we are. Bet you’re glad to be home, huh?
Adam: Yeah, I guess.
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Let’s just not try anything. I’d like to actually visit a new world without any trouble.
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I doubt it. Trouble always seems to find us no matter where we go.
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Maybe things will be different this time. I doubt anyone here knows who you are.
Voice in the distance: It’s the Guardians of the Galaxy! Seize them before they destroy anything!
>We see several men in armor coming up. Most likely soldiers.
Drax the Destroyer: You were saying?
>Then, one of them runs ahead of them and stops them.
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Wait! The prince is with them!
>The guards stop.
Head Soldier: Sorry, but we know about the Guardians of the Galaxy and their escapades.
Star Lord: Even here? Guess we’re getting real popular.
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And not in a good way.
Head Soldier: And our allies on Planet Arus told us you were coming. My real name is Duncan, but I am known as Man-At-Arms, Head of the Royal Guards.
Joker: A pleasure.
>Man-At-Arms goes over to Adam to take a closer look. I guess he wants to make sure this really is their prince. Then, he sees Crow leaving the ship with the sword. Man-At-Arms’ eyes widen. He turns to the guards.
Guard: Is it really him?
Man-At-Arms: It sure seems that way. But just to be sure, we should let the king and queen know. Come.
>With that, we follow him... None of us noticed someone else coming out of the ship.
>In the palace, we are greeted by a group of powerful-looking men and a woman. At the head of a room, a man and a woman in regal clothing, a tiny creature in red robes and a pointy hat, and a green tiger with yellow stripes. Then, the tiger leaps up on Adam... and licks him.
Adam: (laughing a bit) Alright, alright, I missed you, too... Cringer.
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Adam: (silent for a moment) Cringer? ... Now I remember! You’re my ‘fearless’ friend.
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If Cringer recognizes that that’s really Adam, that’s good enough for me.
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Hold on, he coulda just masked his scent to smell like Adam. I wouldn’t put it past the Guardians of the Galaxy to try a stunt like that.
Drax the Destroyer: (getting ready for a fight) You doubt us?
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(grabbing his friend) Both of your, calm down.
Groot: (restraining Drax) I am Groot. (Translation: Don’t start anything.)
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Ram Man has a point, though, Man-E-Faces. How do we know this really is Prince Adam? Lately, we’ve had a lot of imposters here claiming to be the prince... But we knew right away they were fakes... We won’t say how, though.
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But we can tell not all of them were happy to take his identity. Like Stratos said, we won’t say why.
Man-E-Faces: But this guy’s really good at the prince roll. I know this from my acting days.
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Still, he’s really giving off that vibe. I can believe this really is Prince Adam.
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I can sense it, too. I really believe it, too.
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I just did a scan of his biosignature. It is a perfect match to the king and queen.
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Yes, every bit of this points to this young man being our son. But neither me or Marlena will truly believe it until we look for ourselves.
>With that, King Randor and Queen Marlena go up to Adam. Things were silent. Then, Queen Marlena takes Adam’s arm and finds something under it.
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Youn man, this scar. Can you tell me where you got it?
Adam: I... I don’t know. They told me I already had it when they found me. At first, they thought I got it when I was found, but the scar was really old. They assumed I’ve had it a long time... Like when I was only a baby. They said that this meant that I was... That I was...
Queen Marlena: That you were attached to something at birth?
Adam: Yes.
>Queen Marlena begins tearing up. Even King Randor looked moved.
Queen Marlena: It... It is you! Adam, our son!
>The king and queen embrace their finally found son who was also beginning to tear up. He’s remembering.
Rocket: Sweet. Now about our reward.
Gamora: (stern) Rocket.
Rocket: Just making sure we get our cut. We don’t take Earthling halfway across for just anyone for nothing.
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I have a feeling these Guardians will be a handful.
King Randor: Guardians of the Galaxy and our new Earth friends, for bringing our son home to us, you shall have... the honor and gratitude of our kingdom.
Groot: I am Groot. (Translation: I told you.)
Rocket: (unimpressed) Shut up! No offense, but we were kinda expectin’ somethin’ a little more... materialistic.
Sy-Klone: I knew it.
King Randor: Very well. Fisto?
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Yes, Your Majesty.
>A little later, Fisto came back with a large sack of gold.
King Randor: Would this be enough? There should be enough here to last you a long time.
Rocket: (happy) Now that’s more like it!
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I could have a beef bowl party with that much.
Rocket: (holding the gold) Get your own!
Panther: (upset) Ryuji!
Queen: We’re sorry about that.
Queen Marlena: It’s alright. It’s only natural. I’m just glad to know that those from Earth are as lively as ever.
Queen: It sounds like you know much about Earth, Your Majesty.
Queen Marlena: I was actually from Earth. But I arrived here in Eternia and lived here happily ever since.
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Yup, looks like you had quite the happy life... Marlena Glen.
Queen Marlena: So you know who I am.
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Futaba chan has her sources.
>After a long explanation, we learned what had transpired. Apparently, Prince Adam had run out of the palace... Though, no one would tell us why. But as he ran, a strange light engulfed him and he was gone. They’ve been searching for him ever since. Also during that time, many Adam imposters came and gone. When they finally reached their wit’s end, they contacted some of their closest allied planets. From a world called Third Earth to Arus. Arus already has allies on Earth and thought they could help. The Voltron Force already had some friends on Earth and call them. We were one of those friends. Guess they thought right.
Teela: Now if only we knew what caused it.
Orko: I asked the Sorceress. All she would tell us is that it was caused by a great concentration of energy. There was another surge, but it was small.
>If only we could tell you.
King Randor: Either way, my son has returned at last. And just in time, too.
Crow: What do you mean?
King Randor: This year is Prince Adam’s 21st birthday. By royal tradition, this means I can step down as king and Adam can ascend the throne.
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For real!? Adam, you’re gonna be king!?
Adam: (looking down) ...
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Too much?
>Mona just shakes his head in embarrassment.
King Randor: Of course, he doesn’t have to accept right away if he feels he isn’t ready. He can take all the time he needs. But he has to accept the throne before his 60th birthday, or the crown goes to the only living heir available.
Adam: (stroking his scar) My... My sister... Adora.
Joker: You remember more.
Adam: (nodding) Yes.
King Randor: I’m so glad you remember her. However, Princess Adora is already the leader of her own kingdom and must defend it. The only other heir we have now... Is my nephew, Prince Jeremy. But my brother feels that his son may not be up to the task.
>Adam was just silent grimly.
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(whisper) Something tells me you don’t want to be king, do you?
>Adam continued to be silent.
King Randor: (who heard me) It’s not that he doesn’t want to be king... It’s the people who have a problem with Adam becoming king.
>Everyone just stared as Adam gasps for breath... But then...
Guard: (rushing in) Your Majesties, we have a problem!
King Randor: What is it?
>Suddenly, the palace shakes violently.
Man-At-Arms: We’re under attack!
>We all rush outside to see what was the matter... There was someone firing energy everywhere.
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So it’s true. The real Prince of Eternia has returned. Now let’s see if he still has what it takes to stop me.
>The wizard began firing spell after spell.
Man-At-Arms: Damn. At this rate, Count Marzo will destroy the city. Masters of the Universe, we must protect the people!
Orko: Then Adam is going to need this.
>Oroko gets Adam’s sword and tries to bring it to him... But Adam backs away.
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I think we should give Adam some time. He just returned to us.
Oroko: Oh, right.
>Orko puts the sword down.
Star Lord: Mind if we help out? We’ve dealt with a few magic men in the past.
Mekaneck: Alright. Just try not to go overboard.
Groot: I am Groot. (Translation: You might want to tell that to Rocket.)
Moss Man: Yeah, I think he’s like that, too.
Rocket: (angry) Hey!
Man-At-Arms: Let’s go!
>With that, the Masters and the Guardians leave to deal with Count Marzo.
Joker: I think we should help. Panther and Crow might at least have a chance against that wizard, but the rest of us can still help the people.
Mona: I agree. We can’t just sit here.
Violet: Right, we can do it!
>With that, we leave... I stay behind with Adam.
Joker: Adam, I don’t know why you would choose to stay here, but, in case you change your mind, we’ll be in town.
>I leave for real.
>Adam looks to his sword. He thought for a moment...
Adam: ... I must be out of my mind.
>He takes his sword and runs out the door.
>In town, Man-At-Arms and Gamora already have Count Marzo on the ropes.
Gamora: I think we have him!
Man-At-Arms: Yes, keep going!
Count Marzo: I’m afraid I have improved on my magic.
>With a wave of his hands, stone hands grab hold of the two warriors.
Count Marzo: You can’t break out of this. I’m too strong.
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Don’t bet on it!
>A fireball flies at Count Marzo and hits him in the back. The stone hands vanish, setting Gamora and Man-At-Arms free.
Gamora: Ann, are you crazy!?
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(this is all I could find) I had to do something.
Gamora: Fine, but be careful.
Panther: Right.
>Panther raises her arms and glowing chains of magic bind Count Marzo.
, Count Marzo: Hmph! Fairy Magic.
>Count Marzo breaks out of the chains, sending them everywhere and almost hitting the others.
Count Marzo: Do you really think that an all-powerful sorcerer can be stopped by a foolish fairy who hasn’t even gotten her wings yet?
>The stone hands grab Man-At-Arms and Gamora again. Count Marzo then goes over to Panther and lifts her by her neck.
Count Marzo: You must have a death wish. You are nothing more than a distraction.
Panther: True. I don’t have what it takes to stop you...
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But that’s where having friends come in handy. Now!
>Two things fire across Count Marzo, surprising him. In his surprise, Panther took the chance and hits the side of Marzo’s chest with her leg, forcing him to let go of her. She flips off from him. He looks up to see who fired. On the building on either side were me and Crow.
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I know what you’re thinking, no I’m not Stark. This is just a gift from a good friend.
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Same here. I wonder if Bucky would be upset to see me dressed like this.
Count Marzo: Hmph! A cheap trick. Now, here are my friends.
>With a snap of his fingers, skeleton soldiers appear around me and Crow. They get closer... Thankfully, something cuts them down.
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I wonder if this is what they mean when they say “black is the new blue”.
Joker: That’s orange is the new black. That saying makes you sound like a bruise...
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Though to these soldiers, you might as well be.
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No doubt about that.
>With Crow, he tries his best against the skeleton soldiers. They seemed to be getting the more upper hand when something rams through them.
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You okay?
Crow: I’ll be fine. Thanks for coming, though.
>Back down, Panther, Gamora, and Man-At-Arms are fighting Count Marzo. He summons more skeleton soldiers. Thankfully, Queen (dressed like Ms. Marvel) and Noir (dressed like Wasp) join in.
Queen: Need a hand?
Man-At-Arms: Sure you can handle it?
Noir: It won’t be easy, but we have help. (to the communicator in her ear) Oracle, can you read us?
>On a nearby roof, Oracle (as Ant-Man), Mona (as Black Panther), and Violet (as Ironheart). They are later joined by Sy-Klone.
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I’m so glad you can fight alongside us.
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I can be just as good, too, you know.
Oracle: You’ll get your chance.
Sy-Klone: Still, I will do what I can for you.
>Suddenly, skeleton soldiers appear. Violet, Mona, and Sy-Klone fight them off to keep them away from Oracle.
Mona: Nice wind moves. I’m actually an experiment myself on the element.
Oracle: (unimpressed) And so is Makoto.
Sy-Klone: Thank you.
Gamora’s voice on the communicator: Yeah, so nice you actually got one of them over here.
Sy-Klone: (confused) What do you mean?
Panther’s voice on the communicator: I don’t think it’s Sy-Klone.
>Back with us, the skeleton soldiers were being blown away by...
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Did I come at a bad time?
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Wind Dragon!?
Skull: What the eff are you doin’ here!?
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And did you get tested before all this?
Wind Dragon: I snuck on the ship with you guys. And yes, I was tested. I'm clean. Now that that’s settled, let’s finish here.
>Raising his arms, Wind Dragon creates a tornado that sucks up all the skeleton soldiers and completely obliterate them.
Count Marzo: Impressive... But not impressive enough.
>Count Marzo sends a wave of energy that knocks us down. Then, the stone hands grab us.
Count Marzo: As I have just said, I have improved on my magic. The only thing that can stop me now is...
????: Put them down!
>Adam comes in with his sword pointing at Count Marzo. Marzo seems a bit unfazed.
Count Marzo: At last, the time has come. Will you resort to that?
>Some of the townspeople came out to see.
Relieved Woman: The rumors are true. Prince Adam has returned!
Doubtful Man: Oh great, the Prince of Weaklings to the rescue.
Wide-eyed Boy: Mom, is Prince Adam going to fight Count Marzo?
Unsure Mother: He might if he uses his powers.
Count Marzo: (laughing) Already, everyone is questioning whether you will fight me as is... Or become the you they think you should.
>Adam just raises his sword, a little nervous, but willing.
Count Marzo: (summoning a sword) Very well, if you wish to fight me as is, so be it. I won’t even waste my powers on you.
>The two of them clash their swords. Count Marzo seemed to be getting the upper hand, but Adam wouldn’t give up. He kept going until Marzo finally started waning.
Wide-eyed Boy: He’s doing it! Prince Adam is winning!
Doubtful Man: I’m not convinced. He can’t hold him off forever. C’mon, let the real hero out!
High-spirited Man: Don’t give up, Prince Adam! Keep going!
Relieved Woman: You can do it! Don’t surrender!
>Adam keeps up the fighting. Count Marzo was finally starting to get weaker.
Adam: I’m... I’m doing it!
>Adam was ready to deliver the finishing blow... But a glowing force stops him.
Count Marzo: Well, maybe I’ll use a little of my powers.
>He throws Adam on his back.
Unsure Mother: Oh no!
Doubtful Man: I knew it.
Wide-eyed Boy: But, he can’t lose. He’s the prince.
Doubtful Man: Grow up, kid. That’s our future king. We need a real warrior as our ruler. Someone powerful and can get things done around here. Hey, you stupid jerk, quit being a dumbass and let the big guy out already! That’s all you’re good for! Just hurry up and change so we can go on with our lives!
Adam: N- N-
>More and more people started joining in the jeers. It was one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen. Poor Adam was now in tears.
>Adam was broken... He finally remembers everything. The rest of his memories have returned. He takes his sword and gets back up.
Count Marzo: (with a wicked smile) You want more?
Doubtful Man: You still even bothering?
Adam: (panting) Alright! You win! I’ll become him once again!
>Adam readies himself.
Adam: By the Power of Greyskull!
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I have the POWER!
>We were speechless. Did Adam really just transform?
Man-At-Arms: Now he remembers. The strongest man in the universe... He-Man.
Doubtful Man: (excited) Oh, boy! Now you’re in trouble!
Count Marzo: Finally, a challenge.
>Count Marzo charges his sword.
He-Man: You want a challenge? I’ll give it to you.
>He-Man charges his own sword. The two clash as the ground shakes with their parries. Almost like lightning strikes. Count Marzo beings casting spells, but He-Man just knocks them aside like they were nothing.
Count Marzo: Being stuck on Earth has made you sloppy. I would be too if I got stranded on such a backwater planet.
He-Man: (angry) That’s my mother’s homeworld you’re speaking ill of!
>He-Man swings his sword at Count Marzo but blocks it with a shield spell that breaks after the hit. He-Man once again swings his sword as Marzo blocks it with his own. Finally, He-Man knocks Marzo’s sword away.
He-Man: Had enough?
Count Marzo: Hmph! In the end, it’s only as He-Man you can actually do anything. How the people will love you. They don’t love Prince Adam. They don’t want him to become king. They want you, He-Man, to be king.
He-Man: (firm) I said, “Had enough?”
Count Marzo: (smirking) Stop denying it. You know it’s true. It’s He-Man they love. They despise Prince Adam.
He-Man: (nervous and sweating) That’s... That’s not true!
Count Marzo: If you don’t believe me, just listen to what they have to say.
Doubtful Man: Actually, I have to agree with him. He-Man would make a much better king than Prince Adam. No offense, but He-Man is strong and powerful and would never keep secrets from us.
Wide-eyed Boy: Mom, you can’t agree with him, can you?
Unsure Mother: I’m sorry, dear, but I think he might be right.
>More and more jeers come in. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. He-Man was starting to turn a fury red.
Count Marzo: See? You should just stop being Prince Adam altogether. No one loves him. They only love, only have loved, and ever will love He-Man... Stupid barbarian.
>He-Man, Adam, was getting worse... I can’t handle this anymore.
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Don’t listen to him! I think you’ve had enough!
>I don’t think he heard me.
He-Man: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!
>He-Man swings his sword down to the dark wizard... But a swirl of wind stops it.
Wind Dragon: (walking up) You heard him. That’s enough.
>He-Man looks up to Wind Dragon. Something told him he should listen. So He-Man puts the sword down and changes back into Prince Adam. Count Marzo tries to escape.
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I don’t think so!
>Crow fires his gun at Marzo’s feet, making him stop long enough for Man-At-Arms to slap some cuffs on him that keeps him from using his powers. I go help Wind Dragon help Adam up.
Doubtful Man: That damn prince got soft. He should have stayed as He-Man and finished him off. While he’s at it, he should finish off Skeletor.
>Adam began crying and runs off. Panther goes to the man and slaps him in the face.
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Idiot. How could you be like that?
Doubtful Man: Tch! I don’t have to take this from an Earthling. Least of all a fairy.
>He walks off.
>Back at the palace, me and Wind Dragon catch up to Adam.
Joker: Adam, are you alright?
Adam: I’m... I’m fine.
Wind Dragon: It doesn’t look like you’re fine. You look like you just got a large bucket of dirty water dumped on you.
>Adam was silent for a bit... Then laughs a bit.
Adam: I guess I do look like that.
Wind Dragon: (also smiling) No doubt.
Joker: Still, I can’t believe it.
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You’re like a superhero.
>Adam was a little down.
Joker: But I guess you’re not happy about it.
Wind Dragon: Won’t you tell us about it?
Adam: I’m... I am He-Man... But I don’t want to be... I don’t want to be He-Man anymore.
>Adam walks away... Suddenly, something flies in through the window... It was a falcon... Something projects above it.
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I believe an explanation is in order.
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No doubt.
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dargons-and-virbs · 6 years
Ripple Effect, Part One
It was a cool and misty Autumn morning when a stranger showed up to the house nestled between the woods and the farmlands on the outskirts of the city where the King of the Britons lived in his castle. In this humble home lived a farming family- Father, Mother, and 3 children. It was as the family was finishing their breakfast, readying themselves for the day’s work, when the stranger rapped upon their door.
Father, expecting no guests, was confused but happy to speak with any who’d seek him out- it could be anyone from a soldier or messenger from the city to a wayward stranger seeking to confirm he’d reached the correct city. Upon opening the door, he immediately assumed the latter, as the man wore an astonishingly clean white cloak embroidered with golden designs on the trims, the hood drawn to cover his eyes.
“Good morning, stranger,” Father greeted the cloaked figure, “what brings you to our home this day?”
The man smiled. “Is this the home of Othryn the farmer?”
“Aye, I’m Othryn. Come in, stranger, and sit with us. You can tell me about why you came on the condition that it’s good news!” Othryn chuckled, then added, “And of course, I can’t be calling you stranger! What is your name?”
Pleased that he was received so well, the stranger entered the house and said, “My name is Lugalbanda. It’s quite a mouthful, so call me Lu.” As Lu sat at the table, he said, “I do bring good news, on the condition that you believe me.” He kept his smile, a smile that couldn’t be less intimidating.
“I like the sound of that, Lu,” said Othryn. “But first, I must introduce my family. This is my wife, Arwnn,” he gestured toward a kindly woman of auburn hair, only the crow’s feet on her eyes belying her age. He then pointed out the children, “My oldest, my daughter Ceirwn, my son, Gwndyr, and my youngest son, Gaewyn.”
Lu turned toward each of the children, though none of them could tell exactly which way his eyes were pointing. Ceirwn and Gwndyr looked to be strong children of maybe 13 and 11 respectively, both nearly identical to their father. Gaewyn, about 8, had his mother’s auburn hair, but unlike her eyes of stunning green, his were pale and evidence of a life that the boy had never actually seen. What Lu already knew, but couldn’t be seen while they sat at the table, was that Gaewyn had never walked, either, his legs misshapen and useless. The child had never gotten the chance to be a child the way his older siblings had. Lu hoped to change that.
Still smiling, he said, “I see bright futures for all four- yes, even the one you haven’t quite met yet. Young miss, you will marry well and be the blessing of your husband’s life, and you’ll have more say in the matter of a happy life than he will by far. Gwndyr, you will travel with soldiers, but you will sow peace with your words and be rewarded justly.”
“And Gaewyn,” he turned toward the boy who could not see him, and after the slightest pause, said, “you will know a life that most men could never imagine. You will be the guide to a king who will save Britain from perhaps its darkest days. Your name will be known for a thousand generations, and you will ascend from history into myth and legend.”
Lu now turned to Othryn, whose smile was now a sad one. His eyes were wet but nothing like the tears that Arwnn shed silently behind her children.
Othryn spoke first. “These are kind words, Lu. I am honored that you see such greatness and such happiness in my children’s lives.” It was then he let out one shuddering breath before continuing with the fortitude of a man who was not just strong for his family, but strong because they gave him strength.
“My family is all that matters to me in this world. To know that they will be happy until their last days makes me proud.” He wiped a tear from his eye before saying, “Your prediction for Gaewyn is quite something. How will he achieve that greatness from the humble beginnings of a farmer’s son?”
The euphemism was carefully constructed and expertly delivered, but it was obvious to all what he meant. Lu took that to mean that they believed in their son as a person, they were raising him to be as selfless and kindhearted as they were, but they let on without words that none of the kingdom’s physicians, magicians, or priests of any god had seen any success.
His smile softened, more loving than any who’d met the child before. “He will achieve this greatness because I will train him. It may seem hard to believe, but I did challenge you to do just that. I’d like to show you something, but please trust that I would not bring any harm to you or your family.”
When they nodded hesitantly, he spoke again. “I know that Gaewyn’s eyes can be unsettling to those with less love in their hearts, but I wear my hood this way for nearly the same reason. These are mine.”
With that, he slid the hood of his cloak back, revealing soft hair that looked as if it were spun from gold. When he lifted his head, the four humans who could see let out tiny gasps. What they saw were eyes of sulphur yellow, that almost seemed to glow, and yet they made his face more beautiful than it could have been otherwise- which is to say that he would have been the most beautiful person any of them would ever see as it was, and the unsettling eyes somehow made him more angelic.
“I know, they’re quite a shock. I’ve had them my whole life, the whole life of every man, woman, and child who has ever lived. I’m as old as time and I’ve fought even my own brother to protect mankind. You’ve always held a special place in my heart.” He turned those timeless eyes to Gaewyn once more, losing his smile and becoming serious for the first time since meeting the family.
“That’s why I’ve come for Gaewyn. My role in humanity’s future is going to move ever further into the background. There will come a day when the part I play is only the ferryman to the next life, so I now travel the world, teaching people like Gaewyn.”
The characteristic grin spread on his face once more. “I don’t ask you to believe me with no proof. I’d like to heal him, give him eyes that see and legs that walk. What would you have me do to prove that I can do that?”
Othryn sighed. “I trust that you mean well, if only that you seek to prove yourself. If I’m honest, I don’t know what I would have you do. Annwn?”
Annwn took several deep breaths before she spoke with a voice that conveyed the strength of a mother who would face an army to protect her children and the softness of a woman who would rather see a world that never knew war and chaos.
“Can you let me see my younger brother? You said you were to be the ferryman, so I can assume you’ve already taken that role. Let me see him and speak to him.”
Lu smiled, somehow more light shone in his eyes. “It is done.” And with the snap of his fingers there was another knock at the door.
The room went quiet, so quiet that you could almost hear the heartbeats of the family. Annwn walked to the door and made every attempt to steady her hand before opening it. When she did, she let out an audible gasp, brought her hands to cover her mouth, and dropped to her knees. At that point, she was eye-level with a boy identical to her youngest son. Identical to her. This boy was Gannan, the twin brother just a few minutes younger than her. The twin brother she’d lost when they were 9 years old, who fell out of the cart on their way to the market and was crushed under the wheels. He looked just like he did that morning before they left their house.
Tears streaming down her face, she turned to Lu, who gave her a nod. With that, she threw her arms around Gannan and wept. She told him how much she’d missed him, how she never went a day without thinking of him, and that she was sorry. And Gannan held her, his twin who had seen twenty-four years since that day. He didn’t make a sound, but wore a tearful smile. After a few emotional minutes, Annwn’s sobs grew quiet. That gave Gannan the chance to speak at last.
“Annwn, I’ve missed you, too, but I’ve watched over you from the next world every day. You have no reason to be sorry- you could never have prevented what happened to me and that’s fine. I wish I could have been at your wedding to heckle your husband, and I wish I could have held my niece and nephews on the day they were born. But I’m happy where I am, and I feel no hunger, no pain, and no suffering. And when Lu brings you to me, you’ll be just the same. He’s brought all of us- even cranky old Grandmother Haddyn made it here and not some place of torment.”
Annwn smiled, gave what could only be described as a half chuckle, half sob, and said, “Gannan, your words make me happy. I love you so much, and seeing you again is among the greatest blessings I’ve ever been granted. But how can I know this is really you, and not some illusion? I want to trust that it’s you, but you look just the same as you did after more than twenty years, and we put you on a pyre. Please understand. Can you tell me something only Gannan would know, a secret we shared?” She longed for that confirmation, and it showed on her face.
Without hesitation, the boy leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “When we were seven, we found a bear cub in the woods. It was badly injured and barely alive, but we sheltered it and fed it. It died in the night and we buried it the next morning and prayed that it would be without pain in the next life. We never told anyone and no one ever saw us. The bear cub is with me on the other side, and we play every day.”
So quietly that only Gannan heard her, Annwn whispered, “It really is you...” Then she stood and turned to her family. “Othryn, children, this is Gannan. This is my twin brother. This is the brother you never knew, Othryn. This is the uncle our children never met. It’s really him.”
The reunion continued for another half hour. Gannan gave his approval of Othryn, what he would have done 14 years ago when he married Annwn. He told the children about the games he and his sister played all those years ago. It was a time of love and laughter, and Lu seemed to be holding back his own tears when he spoke up.
“I wish I didn’t have to bring this to a close, but Gannan needs to return to the other side. I would love nothing more than to let him stay longer, but we would risk him not being able to go back. He could end up trapped between the worlds, and as much power as I have, I cannot undo that. It’s best he returns now, and when it’s your time, I will bring you to him.”
None of them wanted to end the reunion, but with sad smiles, they exchanged their goodbyes and embraces. Gannan saved his sister for last. She knelt before him, he held her tear-stained face in his hands, and kissed her forehead.
“I don’t want to leave, sister, but I must. Trust Lu. He’s perhaps the kindest person any of us will ever meet. He will take care of Gaewyn. And he will reunite us when the time comes. I love you.” He hugged his sister for the last time before she passed on to the next world, then looked to Lu. The ferryman gave him a nod and he walked out the door. As he walked he seemed to fade, before disappearing entirely.
As everyone wiped tears from their eyes once more, Lu cleared his throat and said, “I hate that. I do. I’ve spent the entirety of human history trying to end suffering where I can, caring for those whose time has come, and I hate ripping him away from you again. I’m sorry, Annwn. I wish I could have let him stay with you.”
Annwn started to laugh, a happy laugh with salty tears. She stood and turned to Lu. “Lu, you’ve nothing to be sorry for. You gave me the chance to see my brother and give him a proper goodbye. I cannot thank you enough. I trust that you will care for my son as you’ve cared for my brother.” She turned to her husband.
Othryn crossed the room and held his wife close. He looked into her eyes and said, “If he has gained your trust, he has gained mine. There is just one thing before we let him take our son from us.” Still looking at his wife, he addressed their guest, “Will we see him again? I can’t bear the thought of not seeing my son again until we’ve both passed on.”
Lu sighed and looked down at the table. “I cannot keep you from him or him from you. Not after I’ve seen up close how much family means to you all. He has much to learn, lifetimes’ worth. I can bring him home for one day every five years, but no more. Can you accept that?”
Othryn put his forehead to his wife’s. “Gaewyn, my son. I do not want to lose you. But I do not want to keep you from the life he promises. This is not about what I want, though. This is your choice to make.”
No one spoke, but Gaewyn didn’t need to have his own eyes to know that five other sets were turned to him, awaiting his response.
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travellingwithali · 6 years
Day 13 to 16 –  Sydney
After leaving Canberra we arrived in Sydney around 5pm.  It’s not our first time in Sydney so we’ve done most of the tourist things Sydney has to offer.  This time our visit was mainly to visit relatives and friends.  Anthony decided he wanted to stay in Chatswood because it has a great shopping centre!  We stayed in the wonderful Meriton Suites and had an apartment on the 26th floor with fantastic views.  They also have their own carpark conveniently located in the basement.  When you walk around Chatswood you can see why it’s called little Hong Kong, which was also why Anthony chose this place having lived most of his life in Hong Kong.
Views from the apartment
I’ve been having fun editing all my photos using Ribbet.com.  It’s amazing the difference the editing has made.  I thought I would add some frames too, it was too tempting not to. The photos above were taken with my Canon Powershot SX730.
Day 2 in Sydney
The apartment was very near the train and bus station around five minutes walk, and if there’s one thing Anthony likes as much as shopping it’s public transport.  So after purchasing our Opal tickets – you need these to travel on public transport – we found the right bus stop to make our way to meet Anthony’s nephews in Crow’s Nest.
Two gorgeous boys – the one on the right is the lead singer with the upcoming band Johnny Hunter
Crab zoodle pasta
Then it was back to the apartment on the train this time.  Hubby a very happy boy using all this public transport.
Later we met my wonderful friend and her hubby in Manly, a favourite place of mine.
Me and one of my besties, Loraine
Dinner in Garfish, Manly
We drove to Manly but it’s very easy to reach by ferry from Sydney Harbour.  Manly has a laid back holiday feel to it with a great beach.  There are many restaurants, bars and cafes lining the Corso.  The night we were there people were still swimming at 9pm and many were picnicking  on the grass verge by the sea.
Manly Beach
Day 3 in Sydney
After breakfast on the balcony again we headed over to Gordon to meet up with Anthony’s aunt and cousin for lunch.  Time was soon marching on and we still hadn’t been to the city yet, so we hopped on the train to Wynyard which took us over the bridge and then walked down to The Rocks.  We found a great bar in the cruise terminal overlooking the harbour where we had a few cocktails and thought about where to go for dinner.
Overlooking the Opera House with my usual Sauvignon Blanc in hand
Cruise Bar
A few more from our walk around
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Something I’ve never done is climb the bridge.  I would rather look at the view than be the view!
  The lovely Appetito where we had our dinner
Waiting to get his dinner
Tomato and Mozzarella Salad
Lamb shoulder with ratatouille
Seafood Pizza for Anthony
    Sculpture by Dali
  Well what did you think of my frames?  To frame or not to frame?  It was fun but very time consuming.
Our time in Sydney had come to an end but not our journey.  And so onwards and upwards to Coffs Harbour and Brisbane in Part Six.
Perth to Brisbane Road Trip – Part Five – Sydney Day 13 to 16 -  Sydney After leaving Canberra we arrived in Sydney around 5pm.  It's not our first time in Sydney so we've done most of the tourist things Sydney has to offer.  
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