#and the arms go around you when you sit on the chair!!!!!!!!!! it’s cuteeeee!!!!!!!!
deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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very sadded that no one shares my delight at chair deoxys :(
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
I’m really not a camper but I can imagine you Harry and a bunch of your friends decide to get a giant trailer and go to a secluded camping area with nobody around, a huge lake and it’s just overall really pretty. But one night you’re all sitting around the fire in your lawn chairs and you and Harry are sitting so close sharing a blanket. He starts to get a little handsy under the blanket so you suddenly jump up and say “I’m gonna go get the bug spray!” and he’s like I’ll walk you there cus the camper is a little bit away…when you get to the camper you immediately grab him and push him up against the side of it and just start aggressively making out🤧🤧 you know you can’t do anything because it’ll be very obvious when you’re gone for a while so you just make out for a little bit and he’s rubbing his arms up and down you and says “your arms a freezing, stay here” so he runs inside and comes out with his hoodie and puts it over you😪 and then you get back to the campsite without the bug spray and everyone’s like 🤔
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
Aaaaa I’d die for your headcanons they’re so cuteeeee (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) How do you think the boys would react to MC’s high school crush (probably a very popular student) reconnecting with her and asking her out on a date? (Not even trying to be subtle, he said it was a date date!)
So adorbs! I love this!! Let’s just call the crush “Tony” (it doesn’t have any relation to me I swear) 
MLQC Headcanon - Please don’t notice me senpai!
You were at a joint dinner party with your company + LFG to celebrate the recent show doing so well
Naturally, Victor was there (and so was Goldman who just wanted to go home I don’t get paid enough for this)
Towards the end of the party, you were drunk like nobody’s business
You could almost hear the “dummy” coming from him (he didn’t say it, but definitely thought it)
He was annoyed by your drunken habits of clinging to anyone in your proximity
He only liked it when you were drunk in front of him
“MC? Is that you?”
You look up to see a familiar face peering down at you, taking you back to your high school unrequited love years)
Still in your drunken stupor, you get up to hug him (Mr. CEO is shocked well this is an unexpected change of plans)
You turn around to introduce this new enemy friend to everyone else
“Erryone, dis is Tony! He’s…an…upperklassman from skool…and my first love!” (you’re slurring your words, but you just had to perfectly say the last line)
At this point, Victor is speed messaging his driver to get the car ready
The room goes in silence as everyone else darts back and forth between you and Victor (they can’t save you now)
As if you unintentionally realized the pressure from Pudding Chef, you fall asleep in Tony’s arms
“Oh..um…actually I liked you during high school, too. Maybe we could—“
You’re ripped apart taken from Tony’s arms as Victor picks you up, bridal style
“Sorry about that. My WIFE can be….a little too affectionate, sometimes”
“Oh, no problem…um…(he hesitates)…..w-wife?”
Victor hands Tony his LFG card
He has a separate design to use when chasing out potential rivals (it looks even more expensive than the normal ones)
Victor quickly nods back at him before leaving the restaurant, with you clinging close to his neck
He kisses the top of your head, walking to the car parked outside
Goldman has to clean up the mess his boss just left behind I don’t get paid enough for this
You were doing a segment on Kiro’s concert (which he begged Savin to invite you)
To not get in the way of the busy staff, you wait by the corner
Was it the tension in the air? You feel your throat drying up, in desperate need of a drink
As you feel your head spinning, someone comes up to you with an ice cold water bottle
“Hey, are you alright?”
“Thank you so much….I really needed—”
You look up, surprised to see your former crush in front of you
“MC?” He grabs your shoulders, as if he’s making sure it’s really you
The two of you stare at each other for a while before you hear a familiar voice coming from behind you
“Eh? What’s going on? Having fun without me?”
You turn your eyes to him to happily greet the bubbly voice, but you don’t say anything. You can’t say anything
Kiro’s eyes aren’t smiling
“Ki-Kiro! Um…this is Tony…an upperclassman from my high school”
Kiro stares at him, glancing up and down before turning back to you
“Wow! He looks like someone who was popular with the girls…” (Tony can feel hostility, but doesn’t know from where)
“Um..yeah! He was really popular…and all the girls liked him…” (your voice trails off)
“Then did YOU like him too, MC?” (Kiro’s no longer fixing his gaze on you, but to the poor boy behind you)
“I…I guess I did….yeah…” (you’re looking down at your feet, unable to contain yourself within this awkwardness)
“I see….” (Kiro smiles at Tony before pulling you into an embrace, chin resting on your head)
“Well, TONY, it’s been….a pleasure meeting you…”
“Likewise….um…are you two—“
“Dating?” (you quickly look up to Kiro at this sudden change in tone what is he going to do now)
Without giving you time to think how to deny Tony’s question, Kiro cups his hands around your face and kisses your forehead
“YES. We ARE dating” (Tony just nods awkwardly, and walks off to the other side of the room)
“Kiro, since when were we dating each other?”
This time, he kisses you on the lips (literally takes your breath away)
“Starting. Today.”
You were attending a fair hosted by Loveland University, with Lucien speaking as a guest of honor
He even picked out your outfit for today (saying it was his good luck charm or something)
You decide to look around by yourself before he goes on the stage
Behind, you hear a familiar voice calling your name (you turn around, almost dropping the bag of goods you collected from the stands
“Tony? Is that you?”
You excitedly rush to greet him, unaware that Lucien was watching you from the stage as his microphone was being set up
You spend so much time talking to Tony that you don’t realize it was nearly time for the guest of honor to speak
“Tony, were you always a student here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around campus”
“Actually, I heard there was a festival today….and remembered that you put down Loveland Uni as your first choice….so I thought I would be able to find you here….and ask you on a possible date?”
You can feel your face turn red as your former love confessed to you
“Oh…! Um…well…you found me!” (really? That’s all you could think of?)
Meanwhile, Lucien has already begun his speech while you were fumbling over this unknown man who approached you
He ends up finishing without you realizing (your thoughts were someplace else, anyways)
He’s waiting for an opportunity (which was given to him rather quickly)
“Thank you for listening. Are there any questions?” (he scans the crowd before selecting someone)
“Professor! Do you have a girlfriend?!”
Lucien is unfazed by this question and was about to fluff around the answer
But his eyes fall back on you, noticing your face turning red (he’s a little annoyed at this)
“Actually, she’s here with me today, in the beautiful butterfly sundress I picked out for her” (the outfit was meant so he could easily spot you, but this works out)
He directs the entire crowd over, and you finally realize the situation
Your entire body turns red this time, and Tony (realizing just who his rival was) says he has to go somewhere else and leaves
You don’t even answer him back, because your head was now occupied with Lucien (of course, he knows you’re thinking about him now)
You could never win against him
The two of you were at your high school reunion, with your close classmates (he sat across from you so he can make sure you don’t drink too much)
You were sitting next to your old high school crush (the one you’ve liked for years)
Of course, you feel the intense death glare coming from Birdcop every time Tony passes you food
Minor almost peed his pants
You quickly became uncomfortable with Tony’s forwardness
Yeah you liked him in the past, but obviously it was different now (you want Gavin to realize, too)
You keep sending him signals that you’re not interested (awkwardly scoot your chair away)
He just views it as you being shy and promptly puts his arm around you
GINKGO BOY IS FURIOUS (the wind violently picks up outside, and all the windows start clattering)
The insides of your brain start losing focus as one of your friends brings up the forbidden statement
“MC, didn’t you have a crush on Tony before?”
The wind suddenly stopped (oh no.)
“Um, yeah….but not anymore!” (you look at Gavin, just hoping he understood the message)
He’s not even looking at you anymore (he’s piercing through Tony with his amber eyes why are they so still beautiful in this situation)
“Really? I never knew! Maybe we should start going out now!” (Tony, please, you’re making things worse)
Then Gavin stands up, gathering your stuff and ushering you to leave
He looks at you, as if he’s waiting for something
Oh. Right.
“Um, Tony? It’s true that I did like you before, but I’m sorry. I can’t go out with you. Actually, Gavin and I are—“
He spins you around and swiftly kisses you on the lips (Minor is squealing), raising his left hand interlocked with yours to proudly showcase the ring before saying with a definitive smirk
He never let you go to the subsequent reunions after that
Hope you guys enjoyed! I personally had a BLAST with Birdcop’s 
Message me to join “Birdcop Patrol”, a group discussion dedicated to our Ginkgo Boy by yours truly
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
hey idk how the scenario would work out but i wanna tease hawthorne michael in a school girl outfit 🥵 he’d be SO cuteeeee
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Okay so I wasn’t sure if you meant reader in a school girl outfit or Michael. So, I’m going for reader but if you wanted Michael in a skirt HMU lmfao. Also, here’s my fic for Duncan feat. school girl outfit as a shameless plug. 
Warnings: mentions of religion, slight choking, mention of spanking, mind reading (?), dirty talk, finger sucking, hair pulling, fingering, sex, cum play, and Michael spits in readers mouth (not in that order)
I’d like to build this scenario into the Catholic School AU Verse we’ve talked about before. I’m a religion kink hoe and not very sorry about it. Fuckboy Michael in Catholic School:
Day after day Michael saw little miss Y/N on her knees, hands pressed together in prayer - the perfect imagine of innocence. He almost scoffed at how untrue that was. If only the priest that delicately placed the communion bread on her sinful tongue knew what it was doing the night before. 
Michael sat alone in the library attempting to study what he could. He fucking hated the hypocrisy of being at a catholic school of all places. But what could he do. 
Someone stood at his side, casting a shadow over his blank piece of paper. She shimmied her legs, antsy for Michael to look up at her. Antsy for his attention. His blue eyes looked to his side and came face to face with a pair of legs in a mini skirt that brushed against her thighs. 
So maybe he didn’t hate everything about catholic school. Of all the little angels that pranced around out of dress code, Y/N was his favorite. She always made it a point to show him how devout she was. 
Wandering his gaze up her legs, he was met with her knowing smile. “Hi, Michael.” she cocked her head to the side to get a look at his blank paper. 
Michael almost rolled his eyes at her little game. They’d been dancing this dance for too long. He reached out for her hand, holding her in place by her wrist. “Hi, Y/N,” he tried to mimic the same feigned innocence in her tone. 
“Need some help?” she maintained her focus, despite his hypnotizing stare, “It’s pretty hard.” she played coy.
“Oh, it will be.” he chuckled, squeezing his hand around her wrist. Her free hand grazed over her chest, toying with the buttons of her crisp white shirt. 
“We can alway go back to your dorm for some one on one..” making sure no one saw, she undid the top button of her blouse, exposing a bit of lace from her bra. 
“Come on,” he nodded his head towards the door, gathering his stuff. He followed behind her, his focus on the way she swayed her hips from side to side with each step she took. 
Y/N looked around his room. It was neater than she expected; most boys around here had a clutter of clothes thrown all over the ground or left overs piling up on their desks. However, there was nothing out of place in Michaels. His desk was cleared off, bed neatly made, drawers closed shut. The only indication of anyone staying in the room was the faint smell of weed and the burned white pillar candles that he burned by his window. 
She watched as Michael locked the door behind him. He was perfect. She remembers gossiping about him with her friends when he first transferred from Hawthorne. All the hushed whispers about him looking like someone out of a  renaissance painting like the ones that hung in the school were only a few of what the girls (and boys) thought about him. 
Michael could be a lot of things, but he wasn’t stupid. He didn’t need magic to tell him how people felt about him. Especially Y/N. Her thoughts were the loudest among all the other sinners. 
“Something tells me that little skirt of yours is gonna get you in a lot of trouble.” he flashed his teeth in a knowing smile, kicking his chair back and taking a seat. He looked her up and down with no intention to mask where his thoughts were. 
“Sister Kathy already punished me for it.” she pouted as she advanced towards him. Without warning, she swung one of her legs on to his lap, carelessly straddling him. 
Oh. Needier than Michael originally thought. 
“She said I’m drawing all kinds of bad attention.” She hooked her arms around his neck. “Almost thought she was gonna spank me with a ruler.” she giggled, her fingers finding the nape of his neck. 
“I don’t think you would have hated that entirely,” he raised his eyebrows. Michael’s voice was slow and dragged out - almost sounding unamused by her antics. Despite the cool exterior he had, he was envisioning little miss Y/N bent over his desk with her bottom a bright shade of red. He preferred using his own hand to spank rather than a ruler, but the nuns were set in their ways, he thought. He loved being able to grip her ass each time his hand came smacking down. Being the direct correlation of her whimpered noises made the blood rush to his cock.
“Not if you were the one spanking me,” she almost read his mind. “I think about it a lot you know.” she shrugged as her fingers found the buttons of her shirt, slowly and lazily undoing them. There was no hiding how erect her nipples became through the sheer excuse for a bra she wore. It left little to the imagination for Michael to ogle at her pebbled nipples through the fabric. 
“I appreciate the confession, angel.” he held on to her waist, “But I already know. I know all your dirty little secrets. Every single thought you’ve had about me - I know it.” 
She looked away from his piercing stare - just when she thought she had the upper hand in this little charade they were playing. Michael lifted her chin, making her look him in the eyes, “Aw, no need to get shy about it now.” he chuckled. “What? Was it last week during mass that you wondered what it’d feel like to have my hands around your neck?” the same hand he used to so gently lift her chin up, was now wrapped around her delicate neck. Her pulse was beating rapidly against his finger. 
“Do you like it?” the tip of his nose bumping hers, his warm breath fanned on to her face. Y/N rocked her hips into his. That was enough of an answer for Michael. 
“Naughty little thing. Of course you do.” Michael helped Y/N shrug her shirt off her shoulders, letting it drop to the ground. “But I didn’t need to sense your thoughts to know that.” he shrugged, “Not with the way you walk around me - always making sure I’m watching.” 
Michael picked up her wrist and brought her hand up to his lips, “Just know I always am.” he kissed her knuckles. 
He stood up with Y/N still wrapped around his waist and walked her over to his wooden desk, sitting her on top. As he towered over her, he bent down to cup her face, catching her lips in a feverish kiss. Y/N wasted no further time and allowed her hands to reach for his bulge as he kissed her. She felt him twitch through his pants. Feeling just how big he felt as she palmed him made her question whether she’d be able to take him. 
Michael chuckled into the kiss, “Don’t worry, angel. I’ll try to be gentle.” he winked as he bit down harshly on her lower lip - an indication of just how gentle he planned on being with her. 
The plaid piece of cloth that had day after day taunted him in the hallways now at the tip of his fingers. Letting his hand wander up her thighs, he could feel her heat radiating off of her. He hooked the thin string of her panties on his fingers and dragged them down her legs. Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine as the cool air hit her wet cunt. 
Michael held up her dainty pink panties up like a prize before slipping in them in his back pocket. Sensing the protest Y/N was about to make, he shut her up with a kiss. A kiss so slow and sensual it made her dizzy. His tongue ran over hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. 
Dazed and lost in his kiss, Y/N didn’t expect the sudden probing of her pussy. Two long digit ran up and down her slit, playing with her arousal and made her nice and slick. She gasped into his mouth allowing further access to her. 
“Gonna get you nice and ready for my cock,” his voice was low, just loud enough for her to hear. His fingers plunged into her pussy, feeling her spongy walls contract around them. He curled them up making her convulse and reach out to grab him. 
“Easy..” he cooed, bringing his fingers up to his mouth, getting a taste of her. “Sweeter than honey.” he winked. 
She caressed her own thighs, lifting up her skirt a bit for him. “Michael, I want you to fuck me.” 
He laughed, taking his cock out of his pants. He was unlike anything she’d seen before. It was long and carved with intricate veins. His cock pulsed in his palm as he began to align himself at her entrance. 
Michael eased his way inside. Measuring just how quickly he entered her by her breathing. It helped that she was so wet. Each time her breath hitched in her throat, he slowed it down. “Just fuck me.” she eventually cried out. The feeling of wanting to be full of him needed to be satiated. She’d been patient for too long. “I can handle it.” 
He groaned in response - even more turned on over how much Y/N needed to be fucked by him. For once, he did as he was told and rammed his cock inside her. 
“Oh, fuck.” she cried out, her nails digging into his shoulder blades. 
When he laughed at her reaction, his whole body shook inside her. She could feel each and every vibration to her core. Michael was balls deep inside her tight little cunt. He was breathing heavily as her warm walls hugged his cock. 
Living in the sensation of being filled up, her hungry lips searched his. Michael pulled away, only to grab her by the base of her hair, tilting her head back. She whimpered at the tug of her hair. “Open your mouth for me,” he panted. 
Y/N didn’t miss a beat. Her mouth dangled open, pink tongue on display for him. She watched with teary eyes as he collected his spit in his mouth. Her pleading eyes and silent whines made his cock jerk. Without releasing his grip on her hair, he spit directly into her mouth. She didn’t close her mouth - giving him a clear view of his saliva traveling down her mouth and into her throat. 
“Fuck,” he dragged out the word. 
He began to thrust his hips into her. Bucking repeatedly in a steady pattern. With every thrust her breasts bounced in synchronization.
Y/N reached around him, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling him in as close as she could. “Harder. Fuck me harder.” she begged. 
Grabbing her hips, he slammed into her harder. Fast, forceful thrusts pierced into her. She pressed her forehead on his shoulder as he fucked her mercilessly. 
“Oh God.” she moaned.
“That’s right, angel. Fuck.” he cursed under his breath, “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.” She swiveled her hips as best she could with his iron grip right before her stomach tightened. Her vision blurred and she swore she saw stars. Michael didn’t dare let go of her as he continued to fuck her until he was about to finish. 
As her orgasm washed over her, Michael pushed her back down on the desk, laying her flat. Her legs continued to shake in the aftermath of her cumming. He pulled out his cock, pumping it in his hand a few times until he spilled all over her body.
Her tummy and breasts were covered in his hot milky cum. Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut, trying to slowly regain herself. Michael used his thumb to paint a cross in between the valley of her breasts with his own cum. 
He pressed his now filthy thumb to her lips to which she instinctively responded by sucking it clean. Michael chuckled quietly at how dazed Y/N was. 
“C’mon, Y/N.” he spoke quietly, tucking himself back into his pants. He hooked his arms under her and lightly placed her on his bed for her to rest. 
Worn out Y/N smiled lazily at Michael as he cleaned her up with a warm towel. The hot fabric felt nice against her now sensitive areas between her thighs. “What is it?” Michael asked as he wiped her body down. 
“What happened to you knowing ‘each and every thought’ I have,” she lowered her voice to mimic his. 
He rolled his eyes at her tossing aside the rag and climbing over her. “Just wanted you to take a break before the next round.” he nuzzled his face into her neck, “Your thoughts are telling my just how much of a needy little thing you are..” he mused, his hand already snaking in between her thighs. 
Sorry if I messed up your request, anon! 
Tagging: @psychowriter2702 @lovelylangdonx @fckinsupreme @royalblueviper @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sweetfayetanner @langdonsdemon @holl0807 @bloodsuckinvampire @alyssssagrace @langdondelrey @beautiful--kkryptonite @divinelangdon @langdonswhoreprobably @rocketgirl2410 @gurkmaster3 @ilovevangogh-blog @1-800-bitchcraft @lvngdvns @getdevils @satcnas @no-need-for-rules @venusxxlangdon @hecohansen31 @desertsunflower00 
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Heyyy! Can you please write a blurb where Tom thinks reader likes Sam and that's why he's going out with other girls, but then when she gets hospitalized bc she's having appendicitis, they gave her some morphine before the surgery and she ends up telling Tom that she's in love with him, then she simply black out bc of a sedative they gave her?
So cuteeeee
The jealousy that took over Tom when you spent so much time with his little brother drove him into the arms of other girls, but none of them were you. The jealousy continued to bubble, but when he was driving you to the hospital and sitting in the waiting room with you and holding your hand and all as you were admitted and sedated, doctors knowing that you were on the verge of your appendix rupturing. You were in excruciating pain and each new thing doctors told you scared you more and more. Tom was with you every step of the way and he held your hand when you needed it. The second you looked at him as they started to prep you for surgery had Tom smiling in reassurance,
"I'll be right here when you come out. I'll be here for you, no matter what okay?" He says as calmly as possible, for you. You nod, licking your lips and giving his hand a squeeze,
"I wanna tell you something just in case something happens, okay?" You pose, watching him stand. He nods, wanting to reassure you that you'll be fine, but he knows that you just want the relief of getting something off your chest so he's going to let you,
"Yeah, sure." He says, leaning in to stroke your hair down against the pillow soothingly. You play with his fingers for a moment, avoiding his eyes before you look up, looking between his own,
"Sam told me that you think we're together but... I want you to know that we aren't. He's my best friend but... ever since I entered your guys lives, I've been in love with you." You pour out, watching Tom go through all of the accurate reactions to your confession. He swallows,
"O-oh, okay. Uhm... well thanks for telling me." He replies awkwardly, watching you nod almost sadly as the doctor returns to run you both through the surgery which will take about an hour. Tom goes to sit un the waiting room as you're wheeled off to the operating room. He plays over your brief conversation a hundred times, mentally smacking himself for saying what he did to you. He knew how you were and the idea of you thinking of the feeling but being mutual hurt his heart. He could only imagine something happening to you and him having never established a mutual pining for each other. But after a little over an hour, a surgeon is approaching him and telling him you're in recovery. He's relieved when he's allowed to go and sit with you, watching you sleep off your anesthesia. And then he's standing over you when it wears off, smiling as you groggily come to,
"Hey pretty girl. Welcome back." He let's you wake, your hand heavy in his as you blink the fatigue away and try not to move too much. By the time you're back around to some normality, Tom beside you like he promised, you're allowed food and left in peace, just the two of you once its arrived. That's when Tom decides to bring up what you said earlier. He watches you swallow your food, looking cuter than ever with your hair thrown up and no makeup covering your face,
"Did you mean it?" He asks quietly, the rain outside almost drowning him out. You glance over, locking eyes with him. Your eyebrows knit together,
"Mean what?" You ask back, watching him play with the corner of an opened crisps bag in front of him. He chews the inside of his lip,
"What you said about being in love with me since you came into our lives?" The recited confession from earlier when your mind was set in a 'what do I have to lose' mindset has your eyes widened, but you nod anyways,
"Uhh, yeah. Yeah, I did. I guess you told Sam that you went out with like, a handful of girls because you were jealous that he and I had something more than just a really good friendship but... we don't. I've always liked you." You admit, playing with a fry on your plate. He nods, processing the information. He swallows again,
"Well, considering that I've been signing your paperwork... I guess it's only fit to tell you that I've been in love with you for about a year. And I'd totally ask you out if the circumstances were better but-"
"This... could count as a date." You interrupt, cocking your head. You swallow, yourself,
"I know that this isn't the best place to say we had our first date but... I don't really mind if you don't. I was gonna ask if you'd cuddle with me after anyways because I'm freezing." You say with a laugh. Tom smiles,
"Uhh, yeah, okay. Yeah, this could be our first date. And yes, I'm okay with cuddling you. After the shit you've been through, I'll sacrifice myself if you ask." He says, half joking. You smile, trying your hardest not to giggle so you don't hurt yourself. He stands, walking towards you as you knaw at the same fry you were toying with, and leans in to kiss your temple,
"I've been in love with you for a long time and now that we're here... I'm glad we cleared it up. I love you Y/N." He admits. You look up at him, smiling softly before you pull him down further to kiss his cheek,
"I love you too Tom. For the record, I've been in love with you longer." He chuckles as you shoot him a wink, grabbing his bag of crisps and pulling his chair up just beside your bed. Sitting in it, you share a happy, love struck glance, wide smiles set across both of your faces. And Tom's body is crying out in relief at the loss of jealousy. Because now you're agreeing to give the both of you a chance. You're agreeing to be his if things work out. And he's excited to see where it does end up.
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lysyuta · 7 years
BTS Reaction: They figure out that you’re on your period
Anon said: i was wondering if you could do a bts reaction to the boys figuring out you are on your period. (lmao sorry if it seems awkward i just thought it would be cuteeeee) Also love your blog! Keep doing what you are doing ❤️
Thank you for requesting, anon! Sorry this took me so long, there’s WiFi problems in my house right now so I barely have Internet 😭 hopefully it will get fixed soon and I’ll start to post a lot again! ❤️
(Gifs are not mine, credits to the lovely owners 💝)
Kim Namjoon: “Kim Namjoon! Are you serious?” You yelled as you looked at the pieces of the broken vase on your floor. “You’re such a mess! Why are you always breaking things? Yesterday, you broke my charger! Today you broke our vase! What’s next? You’re gonna break my heart?” You asked. You continued yelling at him until you realized that he looked unfazed by it. “Why are you so calm? I’m yelling at you, Namjoon.” You asked. Without saying anything, Namjoon walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug. “You never yell at me like this. Even when I break stuff.” He says to you. “Then why are you hugging me?” You question. He looked at you, arms still wrapped around you. “Are you on your period? Is that why you’re acting like this?” You pouted at his questions, and he took that as an answer. “Go sit on the couch and pick a movie. I’ll get us some snacks.” “Clean up the broken glass first.”
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Kim Seokjin: “I don’t want this.” You groaned, pushing away the plate that Jin had set in front of you. Jin raised his eyebrow. “But it’s your favorite, isn’t it?” He asks, pushing the plate back towards you. You scoffed. “Jin, you don’t even know what my favorite dish is? Wow, what kind of boyfriend are you?” You rolled your eyes, pushing your chair back before standing up. Jin looked confused. You just sighed and walked into the kitchen. When you were about to open the fridge, Jin wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you close to him. “Let go of me.” You scolded him, but didn’t try to push him away. “You’re on your period, aren’t you?” He asks. You sighed and turned around to face him. “Is it that obvious?” You say. “I know that dish is your favorite, so don’t even try to say it’s not. You need to eat, so sit down and eat what I made for you.” He instructs, looking you in your eyes. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
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Min Yoongi: “Y/n did you go in my studio? Why is everything so messed up? Where are all my papers?” Yoongi yelled at you, coming into the living room, where you were sitting. “It was messy in there, so I didn’t a little cleaning for you. You’re welcome.” You tell him. “Cleaning?” He asks. “You messed everything up! Everything was fine where I had it! I can’t believe you y/n!” You stood up, looking at him while feeling hot tears start streaming down your face. Why was he yelling at you like that? You just wanted to help. Once he saw the tears, Yoongi walked closer to you, putting his hand on your cheek and using his thumb to wipe your tears away. “Oh, come on, y/n. Don’t go all soft on me.” He tells you. “But you were yelling at me.” You pouted. Yoongi wrapped his arms around you. “You never cry like this. Why now? Is it that time of the month?” You nodded, keeping your pouty face. Yoongi sighed, understandingly. “Let’s go out for dinner. I can make it up to you because I yelled.” His words made a smile spread across your face.
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Jung Hoseok: You wanted him to teach you a dance. That’s exactly was he was doing until you suddenly sat on the floor, clutching your stomach.  “Oh my gosh. Y/n? Are you okay, baby? Do I need to call the ambulance or something?” He asks, crouching at your side. “It hurts.” You pout. “What hurts, baby? Tell me.” The pain was so much for you, so you didn’t even speak. You just laid down with your back against the floor and your hands on your tummy. Hoseok just look at you, not knowing what to do. Then his face lit up, as if he finally understood. “Cramps?” He asks. “It hurts so much. I think I’m dying.” You nodded. “I’ll go get you a heating pack, okay? Stay here. Don’t die on me.”
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Park Jimin: “You’re late.” You say as Jimin walked through the doors of your apartment. You were standing at the kitchen counter, eating ice cream. “Practice ran late. I’m so sorry.” He says, coming over to you and trying to kiss the side of your head. You moved away from him. “You don’t get to kiss me. You were supposed to be home 3 hours ago Jimin. I wait 3 hours for you. And you didn’t even text or call me to say that you would be late.” You tell him. “I know. I’m really sorry, y/n.” Although he apologized, you kept yelling at him. Why would he not even call to let you know that he’d be late? You were so worried about him. Having enough of your yelling, Jimin left the apartment, leaving you in shock. You never thought that Jimin would just walk out on you like that. You had a stupid thought in your head that he wouldn’t come back. You regretted yelling at him and start crying. What if he never comes back? About 20 minutes later, Jimin came back in the house, this time he was holding a bag. He walked over to you and put the bag in your hands. You opened it, revealing many things. Women hygiene things (which you needed) and chocolate. Lots of chocolate. “How’d you know?” You asked him. “You’d never yell at me like that if you weren’t on your period. So eat that and relax. I know you too well.”
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Kim Taehyung: “Taehyung, leave me alone.” You sighed. You were watching TV and he kept bothering you. First he kept telling you about stupid conversations he had with Jungkook. Then he started playing with your hair. Then he kept trying to kiss you all over your face. “Why won’t you love me?” He pouted as you turned to face him. “Because you’re annoying.” You sighed. “But you usually love it when I play with your hair and kiss you.” He says. Taehyung sat up on the bed and pulled you into his lap. “What’s wrong with you? Are you on your period? That’s why you’re acting so different, isn’t it?” He asked. You looked at him and nodded, sighing. Taehyung kissed your cheek before speaking. “How about we get some ice cream from the freezer and you let me feed you? I get to do something for you and you get to feel better.” He smiles.
You smiled, liking the idea. This time, he kissed your lips before talking. “I know you so well.”
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Jeon Jungkook: Jungkook was in the middle of teaching you how to play a game. You sat on the couch, holding the controller in your hands while he told you what buttons to press. A couple minutes passed before you dropped the controller and clutched your stomach, your cramps becoming too much. “Oh my gosh, y/n! You’re gonna lose the game!” Jungkook says, rushing to pick up the controller and pause the game before your character died. After pausing, he looked at you, holding your stomach. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” He asks, pulling your hands away and holding them. You closed your eyes, trying to endure the pain while Jungkook waited for the answer that you never game him. Without saying anything else, Jungkook stood up and walked to your bedroom, returning with a bags full with pads and candy. “You need this, don’t you?” He asks. You took the bag before looking at him. “When did you buy this?” You asked. “A couple days ago. I kind of remembered your cycle thingy. Go ahead, eat the candy. I know you want to, but there’s one condition. You give me a hug first!”
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marktuanlogy-blog · 8 years
RECAP OF GOT7 FANMEET/CONCERT Sorry I'm still a bit hyped and excuse my language OMG HOW DO I EVEN START ON THIS SMH. GOT7 WAS SO FREAKING PERFECT UP ON STAGE ;-; WE CHEERED AND SCREAMED FOR EVERY THING THEY SAID CUS WHY NOT ... RETURN MY SOUL, LIFE, AND VOICE NOW .-. i recorded the entire 2hour thing with one arm smh give me my arm back too got7 First of all, we went to go get our merch (poster, jacket, shirt, and light stick) and got to our seats and all... and then we were just waiting for GOT7. Mark's family came exactly 16 minutes before the fanmeet started and we all went wild for a good 3 minutes. So I just went crazy on my Snapchat story and uh spammed it :O THEN it was 7pm and HARD CARRY started playing and we all were just screaming got7 got7 got7 got7 got7 GOT7 CAME OUT LIKE WTFWTFWT I WAS NOT READY i screamed so much with this girl next to me haha she's a jackson bias <3 IT GOT LIT AF. So they sang Let Me I SWEAR THEIR VOCALS ARE BETTER IN REAL LIFE OMG MY EARS GOT BLESSED MARKS RAPPING WAS SO FREAKING PURIFYING OHHHHHHHHHH YOUNGJAES VOCAL BLESSED MY LIFE LIKE WTF MAN They were sitting in the chairs from left to right: Jackson, Jinyoung, Mark, Jaebum, Youngjae, Bambam, and then Yugyeom. THEN THEY SANG Prove It I SWEAR JAEBUMMIES VOICE IS SO SEXYYY AND CHICCCCC X1000000 I LOVE BAMBAMS RAPS IN THIS SONG IDK WHY I JUST DO OK. AND MARKS OMG THOSE DEEP VOICES ARE JUST SE(ductive)XY AF. (NEW FAVORITE SONG IN TURBULENCE) hey all did self introductions (ALL IN ENGRISH YUS IM SO PROUD) and all seemed pretty shy at first OMG HOW COULD U BE SO CUTEEEEE Bambam (ATTEMPTED TO) get us lit but then it got awkward af. Like he told us to say Got7 everytime he says Ay and the third time he didnt even realize we said GOT7 and he just kept looking at us like SMH BOI SMH. idk their host was annoying af BUT I MEAN HE WAS THE ONE THAT ENCOURAGED THE SEXY DANCE FROM THE MEMBERS SO NO COMPLAINTS THERE. Q&A started .... Jackson's Question: What's your ideal type? Yugyeom: Sexy cutie IGOT7 (I swear I heard someone from the back saying ILL BE SEXY AND CUTIE FOR YOU YUGYEOM) it was super cute when the host was like raise your hand if your a sexy cutie IGOT7 :3 WE ALL RAISED OUR HANDS haha and yugyeom was like "so many heh *nervous laugh*" Bambam: a girl who is cute, but when you get to know her, she's sexy. I'd like a girl with a sexy side. BOI U NEED A GIRL TO DAB WITH U EVERY MORNING. Youngjae: ummm.. ummmm...... OKAY YOU *points to girl* *breaks everyone else's hearts in the crowd* "BECAUSE YOU ARE AN AHGASE" *HYPES UP CROWD MORE SCREAMING* -everyone else starts saying IGOT7/Ahgases- *Bambam trying to calm us down lmao no it didn't work because Youngjae basically just told us he loves us all* Jaebum: I don't really have an ideal type... (he was nervous af) Host: So you like all AHGASES? Jaebum: yeahhhh.... Host: YEAHHHHH... * I THINK I ACCIDENTALLY STOPPED RECORDING HERE OOPS * MARK: (MINDY IS MY IDEAL TYPE) YOU... I love all AHGASES (boi) Jinyoung: I love IGOT7s <3 Jackson: I love everyone, I love you, I love IGOT7 (love me jackson) Next question: Can the members do a sexy dance? Jackson: Yugyeom Yugyeom you first <3 Yugyeom does sexy dance to Prove It (inappropriate content pm me for those details :3) i will never think of that song the same way again. nope nope nope yugyeomie yah. Mark turns around like no i aint seeing this shit again (even though ur hyung man) Jackson looks down at Yugyeom doing his uh-sexy dance- and is very proud of his work. After Yugyeom was done with the sexy dance Jaebum reached out his hand and took it back and made Yugyeom fall again (savageee) but yes, he did help him up afterwards Yugyeoms face was like why am i even living rn Question: What inspires you in writing a song? Jaebum's: Experience and imagination (DEEP) Host: OH AND JAEBUM READS A LOT (JAEBUMBUMBUMBUM) and watches lots of movies... what kind of movies? -Jaebum's face: wtf is he saying...- Jaebum gets translation: La la land (what is that...) -sings a song from that movie SEXY AF VOICE- Question: What do you like the most of the MV music? Youngjae: i like the small parts and the really strong beat and you can bounce around to the music Question: You (meaning Bambam) and Yugyeom.. can you dance to (???some lit af american music which i clearly dont know of since i got into kpop but it was lit i mean yehhhhh...) music Bambam: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASYYYYYYYYYYY *Insert note: YUGYEOM IS SUCH A CUTE BABY OMG I WANNA ADOPT HIM* Question: If you were an American artist who would you be? Yugyeom: *asks crowd* Yugyeom: Kendrick Lamar? someone from crowd: DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP Bambam: oh? what are u guys saying *laughs* Bambam getting ready for a dab like its his routine DABDAB dabs* crowd goes wild* DABDAB IS VERY PROUD OF SELF* MOMMA JINYOUNG SHAKES HEAD* bambam ur ded. BOOM BOOM BOOM (BOOMX3) PLAYS* G7 TURN UP <33333333333 *me singing to the song but rly i probably pronounced everything WRONG BUT NO REGRETS) HIP THRUST DURING BOOM BOOM BOOM PART YUGYEOM AND BAMBAM CALM DOWNNNNNN When bambam sang "turn all the lights on" MARK LOOKED AT HIM AND NODDED AND WINKED WTF YO I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW GOOD THEIR VOICES ARE IT JUST SOUNDS SO GOOD LIKE UGHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHH PARK JINYOUNG IS LIKE A FREAKING PRINCE IN THAT BLACK JACKET WITH SILVER LINING AND RED UNDERSHIRT OMG HE IS A TRUE PRINCE HIS PERM IS JUST HUKUHKHUHKUH then... JUST RIGHT PLAYS CROWD GOES CRAYCRAY AGAIN *MINDY'S NONSTOP SHAKING YO* THIS ENTIRE SONG IS SO WARMING I LOVE THE WORLD NOW lol thats funny. YOUNGJAE SWITCHING UP THOSE VOCALS MADE US DRUNK AF BAMBAM IS BEING EXTRA AF LET ME TELL U WITH THOSE LONG LEGS HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS READY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD (JACKSON). IN HIS RAPPING PART JACKSON WAS very inappropro lets make this less inappropro and just say he was like "SAY OHHHH YEAHHH.... SAY OHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH... SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH. SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHH." BAMBAM: "SAY OHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (voice cracks* smh boi) SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH (voice cracks again*) SAY OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHH (now imagine this in a deep deep voice) SAY OHHHHH YEAHHHHH (this was even deeper) ++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAMES ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Game #1: Guess the Song Game #2: Hacky Sack (each member from GOT7 plays with someone from the audience) Everyone chooses who they partner with MINDY WAS 2 NUMBERS AWAY FROM MARKS NUMBER SMH MARK MARK MARK IF YOU ONLY ADDED 2 TO THAT LAST DIGIT I WOULDVE GONE UP .-. you wouldve hugged meh <3 (that's for lataaa) mindy's heart breaks NO BUT I FEEL HAPPY FOR THOSE IGOT7 WHO WENT UP STAGE MAN NONE CRIED??? I WOULDVE FLIPPED HELL (sorry sab's natural habitat) GOT7'S COMPETITIVENESS IS CRAZY EVERY ONE WAS SCREAMING AND DYING AND KILLING EACHOTHER TO GET THE RIGHT ANSWER OMG But overall, Youngjae won the first round after guessing the most amount of songs correct <3 He even went on his knees for "Beggin' on My Knees" *lowkey feels like Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and Mark were pretty ignored... almost never got called on...* Game #2 begins and the people who were chosen gets up stage :D Every IGOT7 does their self introduction Yugyeom's partner: Amy, favorite GOT7 song is Fly Bambam's partner: Molly, 24 years old *PAUSE HERE FOR A SEC* Bambam: ohhh.... NOONA *continue* Bambam's partner: favorite GOT7 song is If You Do Youngjae's partner: Arianna Youngjae: Arianna, ah, yea, WOAWWWW Youngjae: How old are you? Arianna: Who's that Youngjae: I asked how old are you. Who I am? I'm Youngjae HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Youngjae: What's your favorite song? Arianna: Who's That Youngjae: You don't like Home Run? Jaebum's partner: C(K?)at Jaebum: Cat? Oh wow oh oh uhhhhh okay What's your favorite song? Cat: Just Tonight Mark's partner: (mindy ;-; jk) Serena, favorite song is Fly Jinyoung's partner: Vivian, favorite song is Mayday Jackson: Sussy, from China, favorite GOT7 song is IDK because she doesn't understand engrish. and her favorite member is Jinyoung (BETRAYALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL) Jackson: Can you be more confident? *HUGS* (i need a man like jackson ;-;) JACKSON SAYS HIS PARTNER IS PRO AND WEARS HER COAT SO SHE CAN KICK THE THINGY JACKSON YOOOO GIRL WANNA TRADE (wait but mark) Scores for the second game: Youngjae team: 5 Jaebum team: *Jaebum trying to be calm but almost trips smh* 3 Bambam team: *STARTS MAKING SHIPS OF HIM AND HIS PARTNER* "Holly, Bambam... Hollybam.... Bamlly. Bamlly you go first" 4 Jinyoung team: *JINYOUNG IS SUPER GOOD AT THIS* 15 (Jinyoung made like 12 im so proud of this mother) MARK TEAM: (mark im so proud) gets 16 ---- PRAISES THE KICKY THINGY hugs the girl up in the air .... mindy is reminded that her last digit was only 2 numbers away sad face XD Yugyeom team: *hits his partner and she fake dies lol* 8 Jackson team: "She's pro" *CONFIDENT HES GONNA WIN* *TAKES OFF HER JACKET AND HOLDS IT FOR HER* *AFTER HIS PARTNER IS DONE PUTS JACKET BACK ON HER* 5 WINNER IS TEAM MARKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK the girl gets marks jacket LUCKYYYYYYYYY WE GOT TO SEE THE "SECRET" BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE MAKING OF HARD CARRY'S MV THEY ARE SO SEXY IN THEM. THEY START PERFORMING FLY JB IS BACK TO HIS EXTRA SELF AND THIS TIME ALSO BRINGS IN YUGYEOM SMH. MARKS RAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP HOW CAN MY HEART TAKE THIS LOL NO I DIDNT I DIED. JINYOUNG'S VOICE IS SO SOFT WTF MANNN even mark screaming at the end was sexy af everything got7 does is sexy af SMIRK FACE INSERTED NEXT THEY PERFORMED IF YOU DO THEIR PERFORMANCES ARE SO GOOD I FEEL LIKE IM REPEATING SO MUCH BUT ITS RLY RLY AMAZING IM SO PROUD OF THEM GAWD GOT7 IS SO AMOOZHING GOT7 say their thank yous and YUGYEOM WIPES HIS SWEAT uughgghhghghg and its sexy af THEY SAID THEY WILL COME BACK JINYOUNG SAID THEY WILL COME BACK THIS YEAR. JINYOUNG SAYS KCON JINYOUNG SAYS SO. *MINDY STARTS SAVING NEW YEARS MONEY THEY START PERFORMING HARD CARRY HARD CARRY HEH WOH HARD CARRY HEH *no jackson did not lift up his shirt like i expected* Jaebum wraps HIMSELF IN A HOODIE AND IT LOOKS SO DARK BUT SO CUTEEEEEE THEN THEY PERFORMED HOME RUN ONE OF MY FAVS <3 JINYOUNG AND HIS SASS OMG JINYOUNGGGGGGGGG BAMBAM TAKES SOMEONES PHONE AND RECORDS HIMSELF BAMBAM KNOWS HOW TO KILL FANS. BEWARE OF THE BAMBAM.. SO DOES JINYOUNG. BEWARE OF BOTH JINYOUNG AND BAMBAM. THEY SAID THEIR GOODBYES AND LEFT </3 -------------------------------------- overall this fanmeeting was a very very very amazing experience and I got to see GOT7 in real life, not through the screen bUT IN REAL LIFE ive been crying since 11 smh i need help it's so surreal I can't even believe it's already over like. HUKKKK. Got7 is probably at Mark's house right now and Mark finally gets to reunite with his parents that he hasn't seen since summer. got7 is probably resting up for their next comeback
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