#and the carth cameo!
ryssabrin · 1 year
finished kotor 2! that last like two hours of the game really drags lol. having a game where the combat system revolves around a party of companions and then having levels where you’re left by yourself can be fun and interesting but not for the entire ending of the game. i had to do the first phase of the final boss twice bc i slipped up right at the beginning of the second phase and died without saving. really annoyed when i figured out how much easier the second phase is lmao. for some reason my lightsaber attacks were just not doing any damage at all (they kept missing? no idea why) so all i could was slowly chisel down her health with all of the two offensive force abilities i had and rage every time she spammed the life drain ability. anyways. now that i’m done venting about that wow! the story was so good!
i think you can def tell it switched developers part way through bc parts of it feel very bioware and parts feel very obsidian. all of the companions have really interesting story hooks but either i sucked at progressing their dialogue or they’re just not written with much depth past a certain point. atton and kreia get a lot of focus and then mira gets a decent amount (but feels much less connected to the main story), but bao-dur, visas, mandalore and the droids get hardly anything. (why was hk-47 even there?) i did dantooine last so i didn’t see much of the disciple (slight blessing in disguise bc i was not expecting smellis to be in this game lmao), but he seemed like he might have had more focus than the droids. i know some of it is tied to your force alignment but still lol. loved what was there in terms of the character writing but a lot of it felt half baked, unfinished, or just missing key moments. there being no loyalty missions of any kind is very felt. i just barely managed to make atton a jedi right before the part of the game where your companions just aren’t there anymore.
if they’re ever able to remake the kotor games, the first one would be pretty easy to just one-to-one remake. add a voiced protagonist, dialogue wheel and proper character creator, beef up the gameplay and cutscenes (and flesh out the romances) and that’s it. but kotor 2 i feel like would need a full restructuring. the main story around the exile and kreia is so good. the way it digs into how different force users experience and relate to the force and how that affects them is good good star wars content and obsidian really nailed that. i wish sion and nihilous were more fleshed out and actually interacted with the exile more to really hammer home that idea and atton’s addition shouldn’t be locked behind figuring out his weird influence gains lol. anything that doesn’t tie in to that kind of falls to the wayside though.
i think it work better if it were less of an rpg. keep the player on their own for the most part with some story sections giving you different companions as uncontrollable npcs. you can keep the sections where the party splits up and you play as a diff character but have it be a set character with a similar moveset. keep the companions in set locations, maybe on the ship maybe not (mira really doesn’t have a reason to leave nar shadaa and mandalore doesn’t need to leave dxun tbh), and have them each have a questline. that would allow the player to engage with the companions as much or as little as possible and focus in more on the exile as a character and their interactions with kreia. the exile could honestly stand to be more of an established character with less player input as blasphemous as that sounds lol. keep most of the dialogue choices and the ability to play it light side or dark side but anything about the exile’s past should be set. and the planet order shouldn’t be variable. i followed the “best” planet order according to google and i didn’t like it actually lol. korriban should absolutely be last as it’s the only planet where you don’t get a companion, you fight sion for the first time and it has that whole optional vision quest thing. dantooine or possibly nar shadaa could be first and the other second with onderon third.
all in all i’m very happy i finally got to play this game and would be so stoked if it got a remake but i don’t think i’ll be doing a dark side run anytime soon lol.
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alpydk · 5 months
Got a cameo from Raphael Sbarge. 10 minutes of him being the most the wholesome human being to date. The man is a wonderful human being! Honestly I'm just blown away.
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youre-late · 3 months
Any fans of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comics out there? I need some input.
So as far as cameos/hints go, we do get most of your companions from the first Kotor game mentioned.
Revan: lookin' very incognito
Malak: lookin' very hot
Carth: Mr. Republic hero
HK-47: previous models introduced
Mission: already on Taris
There's mention of a T3 unit (that counts, right?)
We're missing Jolee, Juhani, Zaalbar, Canderous, Bastila. We know Jolee is on Kashyyyk, we see Revan's Jedi group on Taris before going to the front so this COULD be when they set Juhani free of her slavers. Canderous is a Mandalorian in there somewhere..so then we're missing Bastila! We even get Master Vrook, Vandar, Atris, Zez-Kai Ell, Kavar, Zhar, and Dantooine! Couldn't have some little pre-teen girl with pigtails in some Jedi location scene???
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lesbiannova · 2 years
KotOR 2: Juhani Cameo Add-on for Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Mod
In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, players are given options to set Revan's gender and alignment during the first conversation with Atton on Peragus. However, the game always assumes a male Revan is romantically involved with Bastila, while female Revan is romantically involved with Carth.
In March 2015, felixfelicitas (also known as @t3m4 on Tumblr) released his Alternate Revan Romances mod to remedy that problem. His mod allowed players to set Revan's love interest(s), or lack thereof, and the rest of the game will have different variations of dialogue to reflect that change. Most notably, Bastila can be chosen as female Revan's love interest, and Carth can be chosen as male Revan's love interest. In January 2017, I had updated and released a REDUX version with felixfelicitas' mod.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that Juhani gets literally zero content in the entire KotOR 2 even in cut content, both the original and my REDUX version were unable to make Juhani appear in KotOR 2 even if she is chosen as Revan's love interest. However, this is finally changed.
At long last, nearly 8 years after the release of the original Alternate Revan Romances mod, and 6 years after the release of my REDUX version, Juhani Cameo add-on is finally a reality. With this add-on, Juhani will now appear in KotOR 2 if she is (female) Revan's love interest, with fully-voiced new dialogue thanks to xVASynth, remedying the complete erasure of Juhani in KotOR 2 once and for all!
Visit the pages below for download links to the Alternate Revan Romances REDUX mod and more details and information about this mod.
Deadly Stream
KotOR 2 Nexus Mods
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
fic asks - 18, 21, 23!!!
18. What ship have you written the most about?
um, well, my writing is split between four sites, so that's hard to measure precisely, but probably either Harv/Trinne or Tavi/Aloth? Maaaaybe Revanasi?
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Back in 2009, I wrote... an epilogue, I guess you'd call it, for the KotORs that was Revan and the Exile dealing with the Mysterious Threat in the Unknown Regions and coming back safe and sound so Revan could marry Carth bc that ship is foundational for me and I have always needed them to have a Happily Ever After. (hilariously, I broke it into chapters bc it's 12k, and I have at least three oneshots longer than that now)
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
too... many... choices... I see this on another ask, so you're each gonna get two. xD
The Long Burning Torch, for obvious reasons. It's Ryn/Red, there's pining, a mystery, cameos from other ShoH characters, 20's fashion and slang, and it was just really fun to write(SO WEIRD referring to it in past tense)
Unbowed. Much as I loved playing with the actual confession scene in Unmasked and finally getting them to admit their feelings, I just really love all of Endrali and Arcann's interactions in this one. The pining, the combat(and working together so well it's like they read each others' minds :3), balancing the pacing of it, working with an Uprising for the framework, I just really love it.
Fanfic Asks
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darthsassacre · 3 years
Chapter Twelve:
Bastila Shan contemplates her mission, her actions, and just how truly out of her depth she is.
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ooops-i-arted · 5 years
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They meet once a month to theoretically exchange advice while the kids have a play date but usually just end up bragging about their kids’ most recent accomplishments.
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
In honor of
May the 4th,
Here are my top favorite ships of Star Wars, from the least favorite to the top favorite:
Kylo Ren/Ben x Rey Skywalker/Palpatine
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Why I like them:
Honestly, this isn’t my FAVORITE ship, since I’m not a huge fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope, nor am I a fan of bad boys x good girls. Also, the whole soulmate thing was a bit forced in last minute. HOWEVER, I like a lot of the fan art of this couple, as well as the what they could have had if things were different. I blame a lot of the fandom’s headcanons 😆 . I saw the potential in their back and forth banter in The Last Jedi, and enjoyed when Ben finally came to his senses and fought for the good side with Rey in Rise of Skywalker.
Jyn x Cassian
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Why I like them:
Honestly, I thought it was hilarious that one of the reviews for the movie claimed that this was the best film with a female lead because there was ‘no romance between the heroine and the hero,” because when I watched it, the shipper in me thought “well, yeah, because they all died before anything could happen 😜”. This is another ship I saw with potential because how much Jyn and Cassian influenced each other for the better, despite their rocky start. They went from almost biting each other’s heads off, to reluctantly trusting each other, to having each other’s back, to finding comfort in each other as their time ran out.
Carth Onasi x Fem!Revan
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Why I like this couple:
The first computer Star Wars game I played was Knights of the Old Republic, and thanks to that I went down a hole in the Star Wars Universe. Normally, I’m not a fan of Person A getting together with Person B who was partially responsible for the murder of your spouse and almost-murder-but-still-wound-up-messed-up-beyond-redemption-because-of-trauma child. However, the storytelling of KOTOR and the character arc that Carth undergoes via his interactions with Fem!Revan as well as her own development (based on the player’s choices) wonderfully portrays the power of redemption, earning trust, and forgiveness that it makes sense for this couple to end up together. This is why I pretend Carth’s cameo in KOTOR 2 didn’t happen, because the confirmation that Fem!Revan left to undo the harm she caused but was never able to reunite with Carth (who spends the rest of his life waiting for her and never knowing her eventual fate) is too sad.
Exile x Mical/The Disciple
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Why I like them:
The choice was either the sweet nice guy with an English accent, or the Han Solo-Copy. No offense to Atton, but when I had to pick between him or Mical, I preferred Mical. He’s a gentleman, a scholar, and shows nothing but support for the Exile even though he didn’t have that great of an opinion on the Jedi at first.
Visas Marr x Male!Exile
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Why I like them:
This couple admittedly has similar dynamics and even dialogue options as Fem!Exile x Mical, but with the splash of a more traumatic background for Visas and an even deeper understanding and connection. I like Visas as a character, as she is a sith only because she was basically tortured into being one, not because she’s a bad person. She loved the Exile from afar because of their similar situations of being broken away from the Force, and (if you play a kindhearted Exile) fell for him further because of his kindness. The Exile (again, should the player make the proper decisions) also doesn’t hold Visas’s past nor her connection to the main Sith Lord against her and treats her like how a normal person should be treated: with respect.
Rey x Poe Dameron
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Why I like them:
Yes, they bicker a lot, but their first meetings in the films and the novels were really cute. Also, they’re both really talented pilots who get along great with machines, and with great taste in friends (Hi Finn!).
Han Solo x Leia Organa Skywalker
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Why I like them:
The only slap-slap-kiss couple that has rights. THE Star Wars couple. Ne’er do well Rogue with a Hidden heart of Gold x Haughty Princess who loves her people and learns to loosen up? Only these two can pull it off so well.
Finn x Rey
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I 👏🏻 LOVE 👏🏿 THESE 👏🏻 TWO 👏🏿!!!!
I loved them as soon as they appeared on screen together. Finn can be a coward, but he’s still such a sweetheart and a good guy who’ll keep doing whatever is right. Rey is prickly and hard of trusting, but when she becomes friends with someone it’s really adorable how she gets incredibly loyal and attached to them. While Poe befriended and gave Finn a reason to leave the First Order, Rey gave him the courage and confidence to fight them. While Han Solo gave Rey a paternal mentor figure who she looked up to, Finn was the one who respected her for her strength while helping her realize it was okay for her to open up and be vulnerable. That and their interactions are always adorable and heartwarming. Whatever ship you’re on or building, and whatever your opinions may be on the sequel trilogy, I think it is obvious that Finn and Rey’s relationship with each other was so necessary to each other throughout their entire stories.
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sullustangin · 3 years
Fictober Master Post
I completed Fictober21!  I did all the prompts, and I did them on time.  That was my goal.  Here’s the rundown and links to everything I did.  Feel free to interact either on the AO3 chapters or the individual Tumblr posts, whichever floats your boat.
SullustanGin’s Fictober2021 Collection on AO3  contains the following:
1.  “I need you”  -- Corso and Risha, post-Eternal Fleet
2.  “You have no proof”/Flufftober Prompt: Sneaking out -- Theron/Eva, with Lana, sometime during KOtXX
3.  “I’ve waited for this” -- Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, and Bruce Wayne; DCAU
4.  “Fine, I give Up”/Flufftober Prompt: Fireworks -- Theron/Eva, minor mention of terrorism
5.  “I’m not saying I told you so”  -- Eva and Risha, early days of the search for Nok Drayen’s treasure
6.  “Didn’t we already have this conversation?” -- Hugh/Dot with Phryne and Jack, MFMM, sometime after Season 2
7.  "That could have gone better” -- Theron/Eva, with Satele Shan and kid!Shan, 37 ATC
8.  “This is it, isn’t it” -- Phryne/Jack, sometime after Season 3
9.  “There is no right side to this.”  Eva, Risha, Corso, Bowdaar; before Smuggler Story Chapter 2
10.  “It’s so quiet”/Flufftober Prompt: Pillow Talk -- Theron/Eva, a very mild M, 25 ATC (takes place 3 months after Nathema)
11. "I swear, it’s not always like this” -- Dot, Phryne, and the entire Williams family plus one pig; early days of Dot working for Phryne
12.  “You keep me safe” -- Theron/Eva, with Bowdaar and Miot the Sullustan, between Chapters 9 and 10 of KOFTE (Star Fortresses)
13. "The things you make me do” -- Carth Onasi, with F!Revan, Mission, Zaalbar, Canderous, and Bastila, on Tatooine (first planet after Dantooine)
14.  “Your information was wrong” -- Darmas Pollaran and Keeper, in between Smuggler Chapters 1 and 2.  This can occur at the same time as #9.
15.  “I like that in you” -- Theron, Marcus Trant, and Jonas Balkar, 10 ATC (after Lost Suns)
16.  “Not this again” -- Theron/Eva, through the years: 15 ATC, 21 ATC, 25 ATC, 29 ATC; vague reference to PTSD
17.  “I’m with you, you know that.” Theron/Eva, with Vette, Koth, Jakarro, and C2-D4, 29 ATC (takes place before #16) -- Mention of healthy pregnancy
18. “This was not part of the plan” -- Lana and Koth, after retrieving the Outlander, 21 ATC.  Not a happy fic.
19.  “I feel strange” -- Theron/Eva, sometime during KOtXX; references to drug use and sensuality
20. “That’s what I’m known for” -- Lana with Theron and Eva, anytime post-Rishi; silly fic
21. “What did I say?”  -- Phryne/Jack, sometime after #6
22.  “No Promises” -- Carth and Dustil, post KOTOR, implication of Carth/F!Revan
23. “This time, do what I say” -- Arcann, Koth, Lana, with cameo by Senya, sometime after KotET
24.  “Is this supposed to impress me?” -- Bruce/Diana, with Lex Luthor DCAU
25.  “Do you know what time it is?”  -- Theron/Eva and Lana, post #19
26. “I’m sure this has never worked, ever” -- Kid!Shans, with Theron/Eva, 44 ATC
27.  “You could have died!”/Flufftober: "I’m cold”; “Here, have my jacket”   -- Theron/Eva, with the smuggler crew, 3 months post #10, just before Ossus
28.  “I don’t have to explain myself” -- Jace Malcom, same time as #10, thoughts of Theron/Eva and Satele. Mention of Theron’s stupid haircuts.
29.  “Why are we whispering?”  Bruce and Diana and Clark
30. “Don’t ruin this” -- Carth/F!Revan, with Canderous; just before Leviathan
31.  “Take me with you” -- SWTOR/KOTOR crossover with Theron/Eva and Carth/f!Revan and Dr. Oggurobb.  Basically, my headcanon explanation for why my Revan isn’t Keanu Reeves.
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lesbiannova · 2 years
A bit of a strange question but do you know of any mods that remove carth onasi's spiel about loving female revan in kotor 2? Cause I know damn well I was with Juhani and not him. The more I think about how canon and legend treats its queer and poc characters the angrier I get and there's nothing I can do about it.
Yes, my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX mod is exactly the mod you are looking for. The mod is precisely made for KotOR players, especially queer KotOR players who are frustrated with the game's heteronormative assumption that female Revan romances Carth and male Revan romances Bastila.
It should be noted though, even though my mod gives you the option to mention Juhani as light side female Revan's love interest, the mod does not make Juhani appear in the game, because unfortunately Juhani has literally zero content in the entire KotOR 2, even if you use The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (which is required for my mod to work regardless). At least, Alternate Revan Romances prevents Carth from talking about Revan romantically if you do not want him to be female Revan's love interest.
UPDATE: Starting from Version 4.0, Alternate Revan Romances REDUX has added a Juhani cameo add-on that will actually make Juhani appear in KotOR 2 if she is chosen as (female) Revan's love interest with fully-voiced new dialogue.
Just a correction, the proper term is characters of color/colour, not "PoC charcters".
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darthsassacre · 3 years
Chapter Six:
Nidora and Carth make their way to the Lower City, end up caught in a turf war, threaten a man... and make some friends along the way.
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lesbiannova · 6 years
Things I would like to change about KotOR 2 (that there are no relevant mods yet)
Recently I have been asked about what I would change about KotOR 2. I am a huge fan of KotOR 2, but I also like to think about how my favourite fiction or media could be better.
One of the good things about KotOR 2 is that it can be modded, so there are things that can be changed by mods. Just for a few examples:
The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) restores most (but not all) of the KotOR 2 content and fixes various bugs in vanilla KotOR 2. If you play KotOR 2 on PC, installing and playing TSLRCM is essential to have the best experience with KotOR 2.
I had made series of same-gender romance mods for Visas, Atton, Brianna, Mical, Darth Sion and minor NPC Dahnis to fix the severe lack of same-gender romance content in KotOR 2.
With the Alternate Revan Romances mod, your KotOR 2 game no longer assumes a female Revan romances Carth, while a male Revan romances Bastila.
That said, there are other things in KotOR 2 that, as far as my knowledge as a modder goes, cannot be easily fixed by mods, because these requires major rewrites or adding new content that will require much more effort.
Below is a list of KotOR 2 things I would like to change, but there are no relevant mods for it yet.
1) Acknowledge Juhani’s existence.
As much as I love KotOR 2, the complete erasure of Juhani is among the few things in the game I find inexcusable. Not only that Juhani never appears in KotOR 2, not even as a cameo or a hologram like Bastila or Carth does, she is never mentioned even once in the entire KotOR 2 game. This is despite the fact that Juhani is not only a party member in the first KotOR game, she is a romance option for female Revan, even though her romance is tricky to trigger (for your information, I have written a Juhani Romance Guide for KotOR 1). If you set Revan as female in KotOR 2, the game always assumes female Revan romances Carth, unless you use the Alternate Revan Romances mod.
Unfortunately, even with the Alternate Revan Romances mod, there is nothing can be done with Juhani other than adding a few dialogue options that allow you to acknowledge Juhani as light side female Revan’s love interest, due to the fact there is literally no content for Juhani in the game files.
If I had the skills, I would definitely like to add Juhani content in KotOR 2. If she is set to be light side female Revan’s love interest, she would appear as a hologram leaving inside T3. Juhani would also have a cameo like Bastila’s after the Exile’s meeting with Carth after defeating Darth Nihilus and destroying the Ravager.
2) Hints to the fate of Juhani, Jolee, Mission and Zaalbar if you set Revan as light side.
Jolee, Mission and Zaalbar are referenced at least once in KotOR 2, unlike Juhani, even if those content are easy to miss. The Exile can mention Jolee in one of the conversations with Brianna the Handmaiden about Atris’ feelings about the Exile, by using the term “pulling a Bindo” for Jedi who involve in romantic relationships, and there is a headgear named Bindo’s Band in KotOR 2; Mission and Zaalbar are alluded to in an armband named Vao Armband that is unused in the game, which can be restored by using the Vao Armband Drop mod.
That said, there is no mention to what happened to Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar and Juhani during the events of KotOR 2, even if you set Revan as light side, since these four characters survived in the light side ending of KotOR 1. The fate of Juhani and Jolee is particularly concerning because of the Sith Triumvirate’s campaign to purge the remaining Jedi, including ex-Jedi like the Exile themselves.
I like Juhani, Jolee, Mission and Zaalbar, so I would definitely allow them to survive the events of KotOR 2. I would also make some references to their fate in KotOR 2, either by making Juhani appears as a cameo as mentioned above, having Bastila, Carth and/or Juhani mentioning that Jolee, Mission and Zaalbar are still alive.
3) Conversations with more party members about the Exile’s Force bonds and nature as a Wound in the Force.
During the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence, the Jedi Masters (if you did not kill them) or Kreia (if you did kill the Jedi Masters) will reveal that the Exile is a wound in the Force and the Exile has the unusual ability to form Force bonds with the lives around them easily, especially Force Sensitives, which is why many of the Exile’s party members are Force Sensitives.
Visas or Mical (which one depends on if you have Mical as a party member or not, and if you use any of my gay mods for Visas or Brianna) will comfort the Exile on the Ebon Hawk after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence when the Exile tells them about what they learned in the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave, but it would be better if you could talk about the reveal about the Exile’s nature with other party members and hear what they think of it.
4) Make Bao-Dur’s fate in the ending clearer, and allow Bao-Dur to live.
Bao-Dur disappears from the story after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence, other than the Remote’s hologram on Malachor. The lack of closure for Bao-Dur is one of the casualties of the rushed development of the game. However, even with TSLRCM, Bao-Dur’s fate in the ending is still ambiguous, because there are not enough relevant files in the game to restore it. According to Chris Avellone, Bao-Dur was supposed to die on the attack on Telos to help HK-47 get to the HK-50 factory and shut it down to save the planet.
Personally, I like Bao-Dur a lot. His relationship with the Exile and his character arc revolving his attempt for atonement due to what happened to Malachor are among the many things I love about KotOR 2. I feel that Bao-Dur deserves a chance to live to find peace with himself after the events of KotOR 2.
Therefore, if I were to rewrite Bao-Dur, not only I would make Bao-Dur’s fate in the ending clearer by making him appear in the endgame, I would also allow Bao-Dur to live. My idea would be something like Bao-Dur becoming unconscious when the Ebon Hawk crashes on Malachor, and had to stay on the Ebon Hawk to recover, which would explain his absence on Malachor.
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