#and the demon slayer marks and eyes being pink with obanai
ghostbite0 · 1 month
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"those who unlock the demon slayer mark, without exception..."
tdlr obanai's reaction to muichiro and mitsuri's fates as a result of manifesting the demon slayer mark will haunt me forever..... two of the people he cares about the most... doomed... and right after he lost rengoku, too is he to blame... could he have stopped it somehow? had he never exposed them to his tainted blood, had he never cared... could he have saved them...
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Melted Ice
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Pairing: Kanroji Mitsuri x (Fem!)Hashira Reader
Summary: You’re the very first Ice Breathing Hashira. You’re often seen as the one with the ‘Ice Cold Heart’ among the Corps. However one Love Hashira accompanies you on a mission, melting the icy outer layer just to reach your heart.
Warnings: Near-death, Mitsuri’s dream is SMUT, Mega-Fluff at the end
A/N: Hi, I love Mitsuri with all of my heart (Sorry not sorry Obanai) Nekoma Ryuuga is my OC for Demon Slayer. Some of the Forms of Ice Breathing I found on a Fanon Wiki and some I made myself. 
“心のスポーツ” - Perfume
You depart from headquarters onto a mission. Originally, it was meant to me a solo mission. However, Mitsuri had to butt in and persuade the master to go with you. 
“Mater, please let me accompany Nekoma~Chan on this mission!” Mitsuri suggests
“Kanroji-san!” Obanai blurts out
You look at her in utter disbilief.
“Very well Mitsuri,” Ubuyashiki says
You look at him in disbelief.
“Master, I don’t think that’s-”
Before Obanai could interject, Mitsuri was already pulling you by the arm for departure. You were kind of close with Mitsuri, not as close as she is with Obanai. Yet, you like her. But, here she is; accompanying you on a mission.
“Ryuuga~Chan,” Mitsuri tries to get your attention, “Try this mochi I packed for us.”
She tries to hold it up into your face, trying to get you to open your mouth. Blushing, you turn away. You really wanted to try the mochi, but you believed it would be better off for her to eat it.
“Not hungry Mitsuri,” You say, slightly lying, “Save them for yourself okay?”
You tried to sound polite as possible. Although you were seen with an ‘Ice Cold Heart’, you could never really be that way around Mitsuri. Even though the both of you never really went on missions together. Obanai would always be against the idea. 
The way she politely declined. She’s as ice cold as ever! It sends chills up my spine! She’s so cool!
As the both of you reached town, the sun was about to go down so there was no time to settle down in the slightest. However, you couldn’t help but notice Mitsuri gazing at the sunset.
“Ryuuga~Chan! Look at the sunset!!” She smiles, gesturing to the sky
And wouldn’t you know it, the sky turned a brilliant pink.
“If you think about it, it matches your hair,” You slightly smile
Her eyes grow wide when she also makes the realization. 
“You’re right Ryuuga~Chan!” She turns to gaze at you
You couldn’t help but crack a small smile on your face. Mitsuri holds your hand as the both of you gaze through the town, hoping to find the demon that was terrorizing the town.
Ryuuga~Chan’s smile is so cute... It melts my heart!
The both of you decided to have dinner and you were kind of surprised by Mitsuri’s apetite. But, you weren’t bothered by it at all. You really found it cute.
“How did your mark show up again?” You ask
To be honest, you heard it when you were in the Hashira meeting but you became attracted to the Love Hashira just how she described her experience. 
“Eh??? Why that question all of a sudden Ryuuga~Chan?” She asks, blushing
“Why not?” You smile slightly, “I’m intrigued by how you explain it.”
She blushes and turns away.
Ryuuga~Chan is intrigued by me? Oh, my Heart is beating fast!
“My ears were like ‘SCREEEEE’ and then my heart was like ‘BABUM! BABUM!’ and my fingers went like ‘TINKLE TANKLE’,” She explains once more
You couldn’t help but blush as her enthusiasm, despite living in a world of demons, you admired her optimism and happiness through it all. If it weren’t for Mitsuri, you wouldn’t have become a Hashira. Once you look back up at her, you couldn’t help but notice how there was hair in her mouth. She didn’t seem to notice until you began reaching your arm out towards her.
Ryuuga~Chan... What-what are you doing?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!
As you move the hair out of her mouth, your fingers gently trace her jawline. Noticing her overly blushing. When you draw your fingers back towards you she looks away and then down at her thighs. You couldn’t help but let out a light-heartening laugh.
“What’s-What’s so funny?!” Mitsuri stutters
“You’re really cute when you blush,” You smile
She looks up and notices how your smile is from ear to ear. After the both of you had eaten, you managed to find somewhere to stay for the night. However, there was one small problem...
“They... Only gave us... One... Bed??” You ask, in shock
Am I going to get to share a bed with Ryuuga~Chan?!
“Well, one of us needs to keep watch,” You finally conclude
Eh?!!?!? But, Perhaps she’s right...
“I’ll take first watch,” You suggest, “You get your rest Mitsuri..”
After awhile you began feeling the dread of the lack of sleep beginning to hit you however, you could hear the sheets behind you rustling. So you turn over and notice Mitsuri tossing and turning. Her face wasn’t relaxed however; brows furrowed, her eyes tightly shut.
“No... No... Please...” She whines in her sleep
A nightmare? No, doesn’t sound like it... But, What is she-
“Ryuuga~Chan...” She gently moans your name
Your cheek begin flushing to a deep red. You have no idea what the dream is about however, it was the way way she said your name in her sleep.
Mitsuri’s Dream She was back at her estate at Headquarters. She was in the kitchen with you. You were in one of those wrap bras, showing off your muscles and in your uniform pants that were rolled up to your knees. Mitsuri was standing in front of the counter; with her back to you. 
“Mitsuri~Chan,” You seductively call out to her
Your fingers trail up her curves and stop at her hips. Your nose gently 
“You smell like honey,” You smile, “My favorite...”
You turn Mitsuri so that the both of You prop Mitsuri up on the counter and wrap her legs around your midsection. Your face was buried in the crook of her neck. Mitsuri fights the urge to hold in her moans.
“Mitsuri~Chan,” You whisper seductively into her ear, making her shiver to her bones
“Ryuuga~Chan, I-I- no-no more,” She whines, “P-please...”
“Oh?” You ask, still seductively whispering into her ear, “But, why pull me in if you want no more? You must be enjoying it aren’t you?”
“I-I am but-but the others...” She continues whining
“Then you should learn to keep your mouth shut,” You almost growl before shoving your face down at the base of her neck
Before she could even let out a yelp, you undo the top button to her uniform and your mouth latches onto the front of her neck, sucking on it. You could hear her letting out strangled whines, whimpers and moans, it was practically music to your ears.
“Ryuuga~Ch-Chan,” Mitsuri moans
One of your hands reach under her skirt and squeeze her round bottom in your hand. She yelps however, you lift your head and you smash your lips against her soft ones. They both mold perfectly together .
“Ryuuga~Ch-AH!” Mitsuri squeals before being silenced by your lips
“Would Mitsuri~Chan like it better if I kept my hand here?” You ask, giving her bottom one last squeeze, “Or here?”
Your finger tips gently caress Mitsuri’s thigh before two of your fingers slipped between the both of her thighs. You could feel how wet Mitsuri was already.
“Hou,” You whisper into her ear, “You’re this wet for me?”
Mitsuri nods as you begin playing with her sensitive bud, watching her squirm under you.
Back in the Real World You sit there, not helping but listen to Mitsuri talk in her sleep... You were thankful she was asleep or else she would have seen your cherry red face. However, it dies down so you remain right next to a sound-asleep Mitsuri, sword within your grasp, being fully aware of your surroundings. However, you were about to doze off to sleep at an ungodly time of night when you heard a crashing noise. Without waking the sleeping beauty, you decide to venture out alone. That was the biggest mistake of your life. As soon as you stepped out, you immediately drew your sword; deflecting an attack however, you felt your body being dragged out of the place you were staying in.
You tried to call out to the Love Hashira however, a giant hand covered your mouth, leaving you to deal with the demon alone. However, you only had hoped that Mitsuri wasn’t a heavy sleeper. 
Can’t be helped... I have to deal with him myself for right now... Mitsuri please wake up soon...
氷の呼吸… 壱ノ型… [Breath of Ice... First Form...]
you inhale the cold night air...
砕氷船! [Icebreaker!]
“Hou,” The demon taunts, “You’re the first Ice breather... Way to make my record kid!”
You ignore his words and charge at him, blade raised. He manages to dodge your attack however, you only land a scratch with the tip of your blade.
陸ノ型… [Sixth Form...] 吹雪! [Blizzard!]
You jump into the air and begin twisting and turning your body in ways you haven’t turned them before, creating winds piercingly cold. This manages to land you a deep gash on the demon however, your blade becomes stuck in his body that has now been regenerated.
“What?!” You ask, “My Blade!- It won’t come out?!”
“You really think this was going to be easy kid?” He asks, punching you in the gut
You cough out blood, however, quickly regain your consciousness and yank out your blade. You stumble backward and kneel on one knee, trying to regain your breathing. 
“I didn’t think life was going to be easy to be honest with you,” You groan, standing up, “But, one thing’s for sure, you aren’t going to devour any humans here tonight! I will decapitate you and send you back to hell!”
You charge at him once more, but with less charge than how you started the fight. 
Mitsuri wake up...
氷の呼吸… 肆ノ型… [Breath of Ice... Fourth Form...] 雪漂流! [Snow Drifts!]
Despite having a damaged gut and possibly ribcage, it didn’t stop you from twisting and turning your body in a way the icy tundra winds would move. You manage to slice off an arm however, it was no good due to the demons’ regeneration abilities. 
“You’re a fool thinking you can do this alone!” He laughs
A flash of pink appears in front of your eyes and the next thing you feel is being swept off your feet. Quite literally.
“Sorry I’m late Ryuuga~Chan,” Mitsuri smiles, “Why didn’t you wake me?!”
“You looked peaceful sleeping and this idiot over there threw me out of the complex before I could call for you,” You yell at the demon
“What the hell are you looking at me for?! I need flesh for sustenance!” He yells back
“Innocent people is not the way to go buddy!” You say
You were about to go charge yourself back at him before you realized that Mitsuri is still holding onto you.
“Mitsuri... You can let go of me now,” You say gently tapping her shoulder
She blushes as she does so. 
“If you two are finished, I’d like to chow down on some fle-”
Before you let him finish, ice forms at your feet and you basically ice skate and make a slice along his jaw.
The way Ryuuga~Chan glides along the ice... And the way her body twists and turns... Oh my god...
“Mitsuri!” You call out to her
She immediately snaps out of her daze and follows you.
恋の型! 壱ノ型 [Breath of Love! First Form] 初恋のわかない!!! [Shivers of First Love!!!]
You look over and notice Mitsuri initiating her first form. However, with her sword being extremely flexible, it was also sharp. You immediately duck out of the way, dodging her blade. However, he grips the blade, regardless if he was getting himself cut by her blade. 
Eh?! He’s not letting go?!!
The demon yanks on her blade, resulting her being lifted into the air.
Let go!!
Before Mitsuri could use another form, she feels your arm being snaked around her. She sits in your arm as her arms wrap around your shoulders.
氷の呼吸…参ノ型‼ [Breath of Ice... Third Form!!] 圧延 凍原!!! [Rolling Tundra!!!]
Like the snow rolling through the tundra, you create a disorienting image in front of the demon. Only, you had Mitsuri in your arm so it was slightly more difficult than how you do it alone. But, you still manage to execute many cuts before he lets out a blood curdling scream, making you fall back, accidentally letting go of Mitsuri in the process.
“Ryuuga~Chan,” Mitsuri crawls over to you, “Wake up!!”
You sit up and begin to gather your vision and your bearings. 
“Blood demon art; Piercing Blood!” The demon says, finally regenerating his jaw
“Ryuuga~Chan!” Mitsuri yells, getting up
Mitsuri begins pushing the both of you out of the way. Your eyes grow wide as she takes the attack for you. You could hear her let out a scream of pain. She falls into your arms and you begin holding onto her for dear life, gripping on different parts of her haori.
“Mitsuri! Mitsuri!!” You try to wake her
To no avail, you were thankful that she was still breathing and the attack didn’t reach too deep into Mitsur’s body, however, you take off your own haori and attempt to use it as a bandage wrap. You were freaking out. Not only Obanai would have your head, but you would be losing Mitsuri if you didn’t act fast. Or think fast. Something in you snapped when you hear the demon laughing.
“I guess it’s the end of the line for the both of you!” The demon laughs, “You both are the weakest Hashira around Especially that Pinky... What was her name?.. Was it... Mitsuri” 
Before he could gouge the both of you with his morphed arm, in a flash, his arm is sliced clean off. The part of his arm that is still attached to his body began frosting; his skin beginning to turn into a bright blue, slightly matching the ice that’s also beginning to form along the arm.
Huh? My arm isn’t regenerating?!
He looks over and realizes the floor that was once green and lush, became ice. He looks out and initiates himself to charge at you however, he doesn’t budge.
What?! My legs are.. Stuck?!?! Who is this kid?!
氷の呼吸… 玖ノ型… [Breath of Ice... Ninth Form...] 氷の床! [Ice Floor!]
Holding Mitsuri in your arms, using the backhand technique, the tip of your blade makes contact with the ground. Although you lift your blade away from the ground, the ice floor remains.
“Thank you Mitsuri~Chan, you’ve done more than enough to get me here,” You whisper into her ear, “It’s my turn to show you my power as the Ice Dragon!”
You place Mitsuri down behind you and turn yourself back to the demon. 
Don’t die on me Mitsuri~Chan... Not before we get married! I love you Mitsuri... I’m not losing you here!!
“You dare touch Mitsuri~Chan... You will be shown the power of the Ice Breather!” You scream, the cold, icy winds beginning to form around you,  “Kanroji Mitsuri is not weak! She is better than most Hashira... Brave, Strong, Compassionate... She uses all of that to her advantage in battle. If you can’t see that in her than you don’t deserve to tarnish her name!!”
Unbeknownst to you, Mitsuri opens her eyes slightly when she heard her name in your mouth. 
Ryuuga~Chan... I love you... I really love you!!
You felt your temperature drop and frost beginning to settle onto your face however, it doesn’t phase you as you jump higher into the air.
Total Concentration Breathing...
氷の呼吸… 拾壱ノ型… [Breath of Ice... Eleventh Form...] 氷の龍!!! [Ice Dragon!!!]
Within the cold particles around you, a dragon becomes visible. The Demon looks up and sees you mirroring the movements of the dragon in mid-air.
That mark on her neck... She really is a Strong Hashira... “What a beautiful sight...” He gazes as you come in closer to his range, “This wouldn’t be a bad way to go out... I’ve always wanted to see a dragon when I was a kid...” See a dragon when I was a kid? Where did that come out all of a sudden?
His vision begins blurring once he realized he had been decapitated.
Were those my memories? It’s always been fuzzy... 
You watch the sun rise as the demon begins turning to dust. Once the ice you had created melted, you turn to Mitsuri; eyes still halfway open. 
“Mitsuri~Chan!” You yell, breaking out into a run
You heaved and huffed from your damaged ribcage, falling right in front of Mitsuri’s face. 
“Ryuuga~Chan,” She smiles, placing a hand onto her cheek
Mustering up any energy you had left you pick up Mitsuri bridal style and make your way back to Headquarters, hoping Aoi-san is ready for the both of you for treatment.
“Ryuuga~Chan?” Mitsuri calls, “You’re... Really cold...”
But you don’t answer.
I want to say something Mitsuri, I really do. But, if I waver even in the slightest, I’m going to falter and drop you. I have to concentrate on my breathing... 
Once you reach the Butterfly Estate, You help Aoi-san put Mitsuri in a hospital bed as you begin standing back. However, your vision begins blurring.
“Aoi-san?” You call out weakly before falling onto the cold, hardwood floor
The next you open your eyes you’re lying in a soft bed other than the floor you remember crashing on.
“You’re awake,” A familiar voice says
You slowly look over and it’s Obanai. You almost freak out but if it weren’t for your damaged ribcage, you just wince in pain.
“You almost got Kanroji-san killed,” He says, grimacing at you
He wasn’t wrong though... But, you also saved her if it wasn’t for that thing snapping in you when the demon called Mitsuri weak...
“Mitsuri’s in her estate and asked me to look after you,” He sighs, leaning back into the seat he was sitting upon
“If it was any other Hashira, I would have just said no.” He says, monotonous, “But, I see the way Kanroji-san looks at you... So, do me one favor... You look after her or I kill you...”
You nod, not being able to form words. 
“Don’t.. Tell her I’m awake yet.. Obanai,” You manage to say, “I want her to know that when I’m fully healed.”
“Fine,” He hisses gently, “Also, since when did you get that mark on your neck?”
He pulls out a mirror for you and low and behold; A snowflake-like pattern has appeared on your neck...
“I... Has that always been there?” You ask him
“As long as I’ve been watching over you,” He says
“I don’t know... I only realize this now,” You say
“How did you get it?” He asks
Then it hit you... That temperature drop... It made your Eleventh form a lot more fluid than the times you’ve used them on previous missions... When the demon called Mitsuri weak... That’s when your mark may have appeared. However, the key points you should note is when you willingly dropped the temperature drastically and how that made your skill much more quicker and fluid.
“Forget I asked, it’ll probably be asked at the Hashira meeting later,” He says as he leaves
But... I can’t even go to the Hashira meeting...
You were unable to attend the Hashira meeting due to your ribcage still in its healing process. However, a couple of weeks later, you were finally out of the Butterfly estate and found yourself at the Kanroji Estate. Obanai had given you word that Mitsuri was waiting for you at her estate, so you beelined for it.
“Mitsuri~Chan?” You called out, opening its front doors
“Ryuuga~Chan?” She appears from the other end of the estate
Tears forming into your eyes, you break out into a run towards her and vice versa. You almost trip over your own feet but regain them as you continue your way towards Mitsuri. The both of you crash into each others’ arms, nearly falling onto the floor.
“ただいま,” You say, resting your forehead against hers, your hand cupping her cheek and the other snaking around her waist [I’m Home]
“おかえり,” She replies [Welcome Back]
Her hands run through your hair as the both of you finally share a kiss Mitsuri had always dreamed of having with you. Although you were the Ice Breathing Hashira, you were expected to have a ‘Ice Cold Heart’. But, when Mitsuri came around, she melted that Ice to reach your heart.
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you-cantbesirius · 5 years
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iiiiii made a kny oc??? i actually have an idea for one more but ill just dump this one here first and make a separate post for the second. huffs. NOTE: i’ve updated naho’s profile under the cut!! oc character sheet credits to @/sleepynezuko 
花桐 夏帆 (Hanakiri Naho) | 21 | 165 cm
General Information—
Name: Hanakiri Naho (花桐 - 'Paulownia flower’,  夏帆 - ‘summer’ ‘sailboat’)
Birthday: September 3
Age: 21
Height & Weight: 165cm, 63kg
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Appearance: Naho has bright magenta eyes and plum coloured hair with dusty pink tips that plunges down to her waist. She wears three flower-shaped ribbons on either side of her head due to her namesake, and has the left side always tucked behind her ear. She wears the regular Corps uniform with a white-blue gradient haori, embroidered with a pink and navy mist motif. The hem of its sleeves are sealed with a pink ribbon.
Affiliation & Rank: Demon Slayer Corps, Hashira.
Positive Traits: analytical, hardworking, loyal
Negative Traits: overly critical, shy (past), remorseless
Habits: teasing the younger hunters, brushing at her hair with her fingers
Quirks: likes cleaning out her bedroom a lot, sometimes up to twice in one week. It’s not so much for sanitation purposes, rather, it’s cathartic for her. She does it especially often when she misses her family or someone.
Family: Hanakiri Etsuji (father, alive), Asagao Sayo (mother, deceased), Nishimura Fukume (step-mother, deceased), Nishimura Akihiko (younger step-brother, alive), Nishimura Ise (younger step-sister, alive)
Allies, people in particular she works well or gets along with: Tanjiro, Kanae, Mitsuri, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Ubuyashiki family, most of the younger hunters.
Enemies, people in particular she works poorly or doesn’t get along with: Sanemi, Obanai, Shinobu, Zenitsu, Yushiro.
*fun fact: both her father’s last name (Hanakiri) and her mother’s last name (Asagao; 朝顔) have flowery implications
Abilities & Powers—
Breathing Style: Breath of Fog, derived from Breath of Mist. It’s not her nor her family’s own creation of breathing style. Its roots go back multiple decades. Her father, the former Fog Pillar, had taught Naho the breath style as she is his eldest child. The Breath of Fog consists of some similar elements to its pre-derivatives — Breath of Mist and Breath of Wind. It revolves mostly around obscuring the enemy’s field of vision and confusing them.
Main Weapon: A katana with a smoke patterned guard and a crisp white scabbard with a navy ribbon tied near the top. The hilt of her katana has a pink base and is wrapped with a plum-coloured cord. Her Nichirin blade is light blue, with the word ‘Destroy’ engraved in Kanji.
Demon Slayer Mark: ? (to be revealed!!)
First Form: Distant Gloom - a purely evasive technique. Spinning the sword in circular motions creates a smokescreen, allowing the user to escape or disorient the enemy and their attacks.
Second Form: Swirling Haze of Dawn - a flurry of ranged arc slashes that erupt into a hazy cyclone. The user charges forward through the haze to finish the attack.
Third Form: Cloud Crane’s Protection - a crane-like creature of dense fog is conjured by the user. Once its wings stretch open, the wingspan nullifies any incoming projectile attacks. Certain strong or powerful attacks can still break through the density of the fog.
Fourth Form: Fog Demon Dance -  the user increases their movement speed to be able to disorient enemies, at the same time launching multiple long ranged strikes in helical patterns that hone in on a target.
Fifth Form: Rising Mist of Annihilation - a vertically upward slash attack
Sixth Form: Fog Piercing Rain - the user strikes from above at high speed. The thrust is enough to pierce most enemies, and the ground.
Final Form: Nirvana Veil - a heavy cloak of fog that appears as an illusion to anyone else. The user can manipulate the illusion as and however they want, however, the range, complexity and duration of this illusion depends on the user’s own mental capacity. This form is different in that it requires the user to meditate tediously, thus rendering them vulnerable while using the final form.
*note: it took me hours to come up with these. how does gotouge sensei dO IT..,,, that being said please don’t steal these without permission or anything ;w;
Favorite Food: Cold udon, Namagashi (fruit jellies designed in floral or leaf motifs)
Likes: Cleanliness, her hair, embroidery
Dislikes: Rudeness, having to ask for help
Thoughts on Demons: Zero remorse for them. Their story and past selves don’t matter to her.
Thoughts on Nezuko & Tanjiro: Absolutely skeptical about Nezuko, even after the Pillar Meeting. It takes three missions and the constant persuasion on Uzui and Mitsuri’s part to sell her. Now she’s indifferent to Nezuko being in the Demon Slayer Corps. As for Tanjiro, he’s always been a bright kid, so Naho finds it difficult for herself to fault him in any manner.
Thoughts on Tamayo & Yushiro: Adamant on not working with Tamayo or Yushiro. Especially Yushiro, whose sharp-tongued personality tends to rub her the wrong way. As far as possible, Naho would rather have no contact with them, even if Ubuyashiki wills it. However, she’s seen the work Tamayo has done for the decades of miserable humanity that have spawned from Muzan’s hands, and a small part of her tends to see past the fact that Tamayo is a demon, admiring her compassion above all.
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