#and the dude the bodyguard wrote love songs about in question turns up and is like 'well i was kinda average actually
pencildragons · 2 years
still insanely funny to me that ortus nigenad has canonically written 18 volumes of epic poetry about a bodyguard who was, in fact, Just Some Guy, and regularly quotes himself out loud in conversations on the regular. man had to die at the start of gtn because he was too fucking powerful to live
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Captain Falcon: The First Peacekeeper (Part 2) Chapter 2
Chapter 2: The Date (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Nintendo or Inuyasha!) It was 4:00 am and I was dead sleep. The phone rang. I tried to pick it up but picked up an ice bag. “Hello?” I said. I then grabbed the phone. “Hello?” I asked. “Nicholas its Luna,” she said. “What time is it?” I asked. “Early… late…. I don’t know, I’ve been up all night,” said Luna. “Are you alright?” I asked. “Yeah I’m fine,” she said, “I just… detected something.” “What is it?” I asked. “When’s the soonest you can get here?” she asked. “I’m on my way,” I said. Whatever she was talking about it sounded serious. I was in the lab looking at the picture she took. “When I was walking I saw a girl with an arrow and someone else with some kind of giant sword,” said Luna, “And they left this sign.” “Whoa,” I said, “So any leads?” “All I have is this,” said Luna. She played a video of the footage she caught. The person was fighting off criminals. “Based on his fighting style, I can say that he has the power to wipe out more than half the humans in Seattle,” said Luna. “How do we know he’s even a bad guy?” I asked, “He might be a hero.” “Nick, he may be hunting down criminals to steal their souls,” said Luna, “And if there is even a 1% chance that he’s the bad guy, then we gotta take that chance with everything.” “I suppose you’re right,” I said, “If I come in contact with him, I’ll try and reason with him. Its worked before and it’ll work again.” “Be careful dude,” said Luna, “He might be unlike something you faced in your past adventures.” Later I was taking a walk around Seattle. I saw Colleen. “What’s up?” I asked. “You’re coming with me to the store,” said Colleen, “That’s what’s up.” “Why?” I asked. “You’ll see,” she said with a grin. I suddenly realized what it was. “Are you crazy?!?!” I said. “Come on Nick, don’t be so chicken,” said Colleen, “All you gotta do is talk to her.” “But I’m not good enough,” I said, “I’ve lost my spark.” “Come on Nick you look great!” said Colleen. “I don’t know,” I said. “Do it,” said Colleen. “But I….” I said. “Please,” said Colleen, “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease….” “Alright,” I said, “I’ll do it to stop you from doing that.” I went up to the girl. “What’s up,” she said. “Hey,” I said hiding my blush. “So the usual?” she asked. “No, I’m just sprouting,” I said. Colleen gave me the symbol, to keep talking. “Um… I see you here a lot, and I think you’re really pretty, and…” I said, “Would you wanna go out on a date with me? Ever?” There was an awkward silence for a moment. “I think you should go,” she said. “I’m so sorry,” I said as I was about to leave. “I’m just messing with you,” she said laughing. “What?” I asked, “Oh my god! That was really sneaky.” “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she said, “What’s your name?” We were still laughing. “Oh, Nicholas,” I said, “Nicholas James Cornelius Mikhail Lee Shay. But most people just call me Nick.” “Nick,” she said, “I’m Wendy. Wendy Evans.” “Nice to meet you Wendy,” I said. “Nice to meet you too,” said Wendy, “So you wanna take me out.” “I would love to take you out,” I said. “Where do you wanna go?” asked Wendy. “Well I know this great Italian place,” I said. “I like Italian food,” said Wendy, “When do you wanna go?” “One second,” I said. I went over to Colleen. “She said yes but specifically what time?” I said. “You say ‘how about tonight’,” she said. I went back to Wendy. “How about tonight,” I asked. “Well I get off at 7 tonight,” she said, “Wanna meet here?” “Sure,” I said. “Great,” she said, “Bye.” “Bye,” I said. I left and went outside. “What would you do without me?” asked Colleen. “I’d like to give it a shot and find out,” I said. “Oh come on,” she said. Later she was dragging me into a store. “So why am I here again?” I asked. “You’re kidding right?” asked Colleen, “You can’t hope to go on a date like this.” “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing right now?” I asked. “For starters you look like you just came from a fight,” she said. “That’s cause I just did,” I said. “Bottom line, we gotta get you looking funky fresh for your date,” said Colleen, “And not the splatoon kind of fresh.” She took me to Old Navy to find a new outfit. I came out in different ones and she didn’t approve. “Nope, nope, nope,” she said. I finally came out in one that she liked. “Perfect,” said Colleen, “But…. Aren’t you gonna wear your trademark hat?” “No,” I said, “I haven’t worn that thing since…..” “I know,” said Colleen, “Sorry.” “Its ok,” I said. Her phone rang. “Hold that jazz,” she said, “Hello?” “Colleen, we just got word that there was an explosion at the museum,” said her boss, Captain N. “An explosion?” she asked, “What happened?” “Someone snuck in and stole an artifact,” said Captain N, “We believe it was Mouser.” “Mouser?” asked Colleen, “That guy….. his name sounds familiar. I’ll take the case.” She hung up. “I can see whoever this Captain N is, he’s keepin’ you busy,” I said. “Yeah, but I’m never too busy for my best friend,” said Colleen, “I was just asked to keep a look out for any suspicious characters.” Later I was heading to this restaurant where Wendy was. “Hey dude,” said Wendy. She was wearing a flannel dress and had her hair in a ponytail, but she wasn’t wearing her hat. “Ready to go?” she asked. “Yeah,” I said. I was blushing a little bit. “What’s wrong dude?” she asked. My hand was trembling. “Wanna hold hands?” I asked. “Is that all?” she asked, “Sure man.” She held my hand and we went inside. I made sure I had my wallet and everything. Later we were eating some food. “This is a really good place,” said Wendy. “Yeah,” I said, “The music’s good too.” “I heard you were a music person,” said Wendy, “My old boyfriend was a musician.” “What happened to him?” I asked. “He lied to me saying he wrote a song, but it was someone else,” said Wendy. “Sounds stubborn,” I said. “I know right,” said Wendy, “But that’s all behind me now.” She smiled. “What about you?” she asked. “What about me?” I asked. “What do you do for a living?” she asked. “Well… aside from music I just do anything I can to help others,” I said, “When I was younger I always wanted to help people, and now I got the chance.” “That’s really cool,” said Wendy, “So how do you like Seattle.” “Its home,” I said, “I’m more of a city person, what about you?” “Its new here, but you get use to something sooner or later,” said Wendy. She smiled at me and our feet were touching each other. “Hey guys,” said someone familiar. It was Colleen. “Colleen, what are you….” I said. “Shh,” said Colleen, “Pretend I’m not here.” “Dude, I can’t pretend you’re not here if you’re right here,” I said. She was looking for someone. “Are you expecting someone?” asked Wendy confused. “You could say that,” said Colleen. She saw a man with shades and a strange hairdo. “Who’s that?” I asked. “That’s Mouser,” said Colleen. “That’s Mouser?” I asked, “That’s a midget with a laptop.” “I’ll get backup,” she said. “The guy is 4 feet tall, let’s get him now!” I said. “No,” said Colleen, “He’s a very dangerous man. I’ll be back.” “Colleen…” I said. She was already gone and I sighed. “Excuse me for a minute Wendy,” I said. “Its ok, take your time,” said Wendy drinking. I went over to Mouser. “Mouser,” I said, “Yo French man. Get up, my partner’s looking for you.” “I’m busy at the moment,” he said. “Uh, didn’t you hear what I said?” I asked, “I’m busy too now get on your feet.” He looked at me. “I know you,” he said, “You’re Colleen’s Brooklyn friend, right?” “No, I’m Colleen’s muscle,” I said, “Now don’t let this suit fool you, this is the only color they had left.” I took off the suit. “Now I said get up,” I said, “I ain’t gonna say it again.” He chuckled. “You American are so funny,” he said as he typed on his laptop ignoring me. “And you French don’t hear that well,” I said. I took his laptop and slammed it on the ground. “Little Mouser!” I said as I stepped on it, “Get… your… short… … ass up… outta that chair…. Right… now!!!” Colleen came back and saw everything. You’re messing up my date,” I said, “Now I told you to get up didn’t I?” I went at him but Colleen held me back. “Now I gotta go off on your ass,” I said, “Lemme bust his ass!” “No,” said Colleen.
 “Colleen, hello,” said Mouser, “How’s life treating you?” “I gotta talk to you,” said Colleen. “What about?” he asked. “The explosion at the museum,” said Colleen, “Come with us to the police station.” “The police station?” he asked, “If you have any questions, ask me here.” I grabbed him. “Look man you’re comin with….” I said before I saw a bunch of bodyguards, “Oh my god.” I let him go so they wouldn’t hurt me. “Um…. I’d like to pay you for that laptop, I think I should do that,” I said. “No problem,” he said. “I can get you a new one, I seen it on the internet,” I said. “I must excuse myself,” he said, “Have a good day.”
The bodyguards turned to me. “Colleen, why didn’t you tell me this guy rolls like this?!” I said. “I told you!” she said. “Did not,” I said. “I did too,” she said, “I said… thius.” “What the hell does that mean?” I asked. “It means I go left, you go right.” “I go left, you go right?” I asked. “Yeah,” she said winking at me. “Oh yeah,” I said. I punched a guy on the right and she took out the other guy. They kept coming at us but we held our ground. Colleen kicked a guys shades off and saw his eyes. “No wonder you mad,” she said as she kicked him. One of them had Wendy hostage. “Let her go,” I said. “Why don’t you make me,” he said as he sniffed Wendy. “I said let her go!” I said. I did a jumping kick and hit him in the face. Wendy broke free. Her eyes were glowing red for a second but turned back to normal. After a while we took care of all the punks. “I… just brought this suit,” I said. I looked around for Wendy but she was nowhere to be found. “Wendy?” I asked. She ran because she thought I saw what happened. The next day I saw Wendy in a tree. “Hey Nick….” She said. “Um…. I’m sorry you had to see that,” I said. “Yeah…. That was…. Different,” said Wendy, “I’ve never seen anyone fight like that. But you got the moves.” I smiled. “Really?” I asked. “Of course,” said Wendy, “It was really cool how you wasted those guys.” She smiled. “Look, I wanna say something first,” I said, “I wanna apologize right now in case when I start to get talking and say things that sound really weird.” “Weird?” asked Wendy, “If you want weird, try working in a store all day, and then spending your nights reading about historical stuff that happened years ago, and sometimes never hanging around people and being to yourself, I mean that is weird. If you wanna end this right now, I would understand.” “I was gonna ask you the same thing,” I said, “If you wanna end this right now, and you feel bad about that, if you wanna talk to somebody about it you could talk to me.” She held my hand. “Hey…. Nick?” she asked. “Yeah?” I asked. “If I told you something about me…. Would you still wanna… be around me?” asked Wendy. “What do you mean?” I asked curiously, “Of course I would.” “I mean… no matter what it was, how horrible, you’d still like me right?” she asked. “OF course Wendy,” I said, “No matter what.” She was about to speak. “I….” she said before my phone rang. “Hold that thought,” I said. “Hello?” I asked. “I just got word that Mouser is gonna be at some sort of party,” said Colleen, “Can I ask you to be there?” “I guess so,” I said, “I could bring Wendy.” “Just be careful,” said Colleen, “Something’s up.” Later we were racing each other to GSI where the party was being held. “you don’t stand a chance,” I said, “I’m an athlete!” Wendy was running after me laughing. “I won!” I said as I touched the door. Wendy laughed and said, “That’s what you think.” She ran past me. “That was sneaky,” I said. “I know right,” said Wendy. We went to the top and saw a bunch of people. “So glad you could make it,” said Luna, “Thanks for stopping by people.” She saw me and Wendy. “Hey dude,” she said, “Thanks for coming.” “No sweat,” I said. “And who’s this young lady?” asked Luna. “This is Wendy,” I said. “Pleased to meet you,” said Wendy as she shook her hand, “Pardon the look, I’m sort of an emo.” “Emo or not, you’re always welcome here,” said Luna with a smile. “Thanks,” said Wendy. “I’ll go get you some punch,” I said as I went to the punch bar. I heard talk about Powerman from a black haired guy. “And now there’s talk about the half demon,” he said. I decided to get into the convo. “What about the half demon?” I asked. “Is on the news,” he said, “Its in Seattle right now, and people think its killing people. But I think he’s just trying to do the right thing.” “My name’s Nick,” I said as I shook his hand. “Inuyasha,” said Inuyasha, “So what’s your opinion about the half demon.” “I think its more of a vigilante than a hero,” I said, “Hunting down criminals isn’t how people do it in Seattle.” “Well try talking with this…. Alien,” said Inuyasha, “Calling himself Power Man, using a bunch of powers to handle a situation.” “Well how else can he help?” I asked, “If something bad happens he can’t stay away from it.” “I say he should stay out of the way and let the half demon do his job, right Kagome?” asked Inuyasha. “Now now, let’s not get hasty,” said Kagome. “Its probably just me,” I said, “But Seattle has had a bad history with…. Freaks dressed like animals. Some would say he may be above the law.” “I think you should stop right there,” said InuYasha, “Unless you wanna take it outside.” We shot each other a glare. “Boys!” said someone. It was another man from the party. “This is great, Nicholas Shay meets Inuyasha,” he said, “I love bringing people together. My name’s Ghirahim, I’m a new scientist.” He shook our hands. “Its nice to… ow!” he said as he shook my hand, “He’s got a good grip you should… not pick a fight with this person.” “I’ll try to remember that,” said Inuyasha with a fake grin. The party continued. I took a cigarette and smoked it. “I thought you didn’t smoke,” said Luna. “I don’t need to smoke,” I said, “Remember I was experimented on years ago, so stuff like this won’t affect me.” I heard some ticking. “What is that?” I asked. It started getting faster. Acting quickly I pushed Wendy out of the way before the bomb went off. People were running and screaming. Some shy guy thugs surrounded people. I took Wendy’s hand and ran to get her somewhere safe. “What’s going on?” asked Wendy. I found a place. “Stay here, I’m gonna get help,” I said. “Ok,” said Wendy. I snuck out of the building and saw 3 guys guarding the roof. They were armed. “Shit!” I said. I grabbed my communicator. “Nick, what’s the situation?” asked Luna. “Its bad, we got 3 guys all armed securing the area,” I said, “I doubt I’ll stop them all at once. I think its time to bring out the big guns.” “I just sent it to your location,” said Luna, “Did it arrive?” I saw a small ship fall onto a building. “Right on cue,” I said. I went to it and got out the new suit and put it on. “With this new suit, you’ll move faster and hit harder than with the old suit,” said Luna, “I call it, Power-Man 2.0.” “Sweet,” I said. “You think that’s sweet try using the new mask,” said Luna, “You’ll be able to pinpoint an enemy’s location and use strategic moves to take them down.” I used it and found a way. “Time to give this thing a test run,” I said. I saw the guys and snuck behind them. I saw a new item in the matrix called the smoke ball. I used it to distract them, and then acting quickly I took them down. “All too easy,” I said. I jumped in through a window and started fighting the shy guy thugs. “Oh shit its Power Man,” said one of them, “Waste him!” they shot at me and I grabbed my beam sword and deflected the attacks. One of them came at me and I jumped up and grabbed something and threw it at them.  Another one kicked me and I fell onto a table. “Ok,” I said. I used my mask to determine my next move. I switched to ice and did a jump. I then shot multiple iceballs at the thugs freezing them in their tracks and then took them down. There were more bombs going off and people evacuated the building. I then fought Mouser while everyone got out. We were continuing at each other until he tripped. "Its over Mouser," I said, "You've lost." "No, its you who's lost Shay," said Mouser. He pressed a button and then blew up chaining a massive explosion. I went to go find Wendy. She was running from thugs who found her. “Oh no you don’t!” I said. I swooped in and caught her and flew out of the building before the bombs went off. She held on tight as I was flying fast. “You’re gonna be ok now we….” I said, “Um…. Ma’am. Whoever you are.” “Thanks,” she said as she gave me a hug, “Nicholas.” “Nicholas?” I asked, “I think you may have me confused with another person.” “Relax, I know its you, I’m not an idiot,” said Wendy, “Colleen tells me everything about you remember? Besides, no one can fight bad guys like Nicholas Shay does.” I took off my mask. “How long have you known?” I asked. “I didn’t!” she said with a smile, “Oh man, but I do now. I can’t believe you’re Power-Man!” “Yep, this is me,” I said, “Now you see why I always disappear.” “You’re incredible,” said Wendy.
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thevampslyssa-blog · 6 years
It’s a Love Story- C10
{there will be moments in this chapter, where you're like "oh this sounds familiar!" well it definitely will, because a lot of the second half of this chapters dialogue is from the 3D movie. i was watching it and thought it fit really well with the story and flow of the chapter. so yah. bare with me!}
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{July 4th, 2008 Toronto, Canada Nick-15| Mel- 13}
    Mel smiled big as she looked at the amphitheatre, she couldn't believe that the boys had come this far and were selling out big venues like this. Actually, this whole Burnin' Up tour was completely sold out.
    The past few months since Nick had asked her to be his girlfriend had literally been a never-ending rollercoaster ride. Their first movie; Camp Rock; the Disney Channel Original Movie that they costarred with Demi Lovato in, had came out a few weeks back. That movie was a huge success, something that no one had even imagined would happen... happened.
Melissa had been asked by the boys' management to make a short cameo in the A Little Bit Longer's debut single's music video that was conveniently Burnin' Up. Those couple of days on set were an amazing experience, except for the times that Selena Gomez tried to flirt with Nick... that pissed Mel off.
    But now that the summer was here, and the tour was just about to start, Melissa  couldn't wait to be on tour with the boys for a few months. As this was their first actual summer tour. They were filming a 3D movie at some point and Nick was constantly writing the next album.
     There were days where Nick dropped everything just to spend time with his girl, as in his mind... she was the most important thing, she always would be. But most times, the music had to come first, as it was indeed his job. ———     "Hey Mel!" Joe exclaimed as she walked onto the huge stage, with a JoBro tank top on and cute purple shorts. "Have a nice nap?" he asked, flipping the mic around, almost hitting himself in the head... almost is the key word there.
    "Yah, but where's Nick?" she asked, her cute little heart-shaped sunglasses covering her brown eyes.
    Joe smiled, knowing she'd ask about her boyfriend, "he's in the back, cooling off and writing with Demi." and just as he finished his sentence he had flung the mic right on his face, "shit!" he exclaimed, groaning loudly.
    Melissa giggled, "Joseph, what have we told you about doing that? Now, did you learn your lesson?" she 'lectured' him, patting him on the shoulder gently.
    Joe smirked, "Yes I did, Little Mama. Now go find your boy toy." he laughed, pointing to the side of the stage.
    As she made her way back into the air conditioning, she put her sunglasses on the top of her head, and blushed as Nick looked up at her; his signature goofy smile on his face.
    "Hey angel." he said, scooting over on the couch for her little bum to sit next to him. "I missed you." he whispered and kissed her head before looking back over at Demi.
    Demi and Nick were currently working on a song for her new album, called Stop the World, "So if we put the hook here, and those cords along with it, it sounds good, yah?" Demi asked, strumming her acoustic guitar gently.
    Nick nodded, grabbing the pen that was sitting in front of him, "what were those cords again?" he asked, and as Demi told him, he wrote them down.
    Melissa just sat there in awe as the two collaborated, it really was phenomenal that they worked so well together. "What do you think about this babe?" Nick asked, starting the song as Demi sang so effortlessly.
    Melissa clapped her hands and smiled big as they finished right before the end of the first chorus, "I love it guys. it's great." she exclaimed. ———- Later on before the concert, literally right before it:
    The violins were heard, the beautiful melody that everyone had begun to memorize ringing through the amphitheatre. Everything seemed like it was going perfectly, but then Kevin was heard screaming, "GARBO LOST HIS PACK!"
   Melissa then jumped into action, as she was kneeling besides the boys' lift, and hurried off to try and find it.
    Don't understand what that means? Lemme explain.... Because Garbo didn't have his 'pack' that means they don't have the bass playing at that moment, that's not good.
    A minute or two later as the violins began to dissipate, Melissa ran back to the lift, "I have it!" she exclaimed, the beloved pack in her hands. she handed it to one of the stage people and then came back in front of Nick and smiled big at him.
    "Good luck baby, i love you." she mouthed to him, getting a grin and a "i love you more" from her boyfriend.
The concerts from there on out had been super successful, every fan that had bought a ticket, showed up. As time went on, Melissa and also the boys' mom's birthday had come and go, and the new album's release was getting closer and closer. ———-    
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{August 8th, 2008, 4:31am Trump International Hotel & Tower New York City, New York Nick- 15|Mel- 14}
Big Rob walked into the the huge conjoined hotel rooms, making his way through the kitchenette, then walked over to the first Jonas' bed, "Hey Kevin, time to get up buddy. Gotta roll." he said, leaning over and turning on the bedside table light.
Kevin sleepily groaned, leaning up and rubbed his eyes, "I know, what time is it?" he yawned, looking up at Big Rob.
Big Rob smiled, "can you get up? I have to wake up the others, it's 4:30 man."
Kevin being the talkative person that he is, kept asking questions, "okay, yah... how long do we have?"
The big bodyguard simply said before leaving the dimly lit room, "5 minutes... living the dream, baby."
The next wake up call on his list was Nick and Melissa, so he slowly made his way to their bed, that of course had a guitar at the end of it, sitting nicely against the frame. "Nick, Mel... how'd you two sleep. Get up guys, we gotta go."
Big Rob leaned over, patting the almost 16 year old on the shoulder, as Nick sleepily spoke, "what time is it?"
"4:30, get up, alright?" Big Rob asked, knowing that getting everyone up and ready quickly was always a hassle, but he quite honestly hoped that Melissa would help get the curly haired boy up.
Melissa leaned over to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek, half coherent. "C'mon babe. You guys have a busy day today." she whispered in his ear, her hand resting softly on his chest.
Nick groaned, "I know... one more minute." he pressed his head against Melissa's shoulder, a hand snaking around her waist, pulling her closer.
"No guys, were living the dream, we gotta go." Big Rob coaxed, making his way into the last room, and definitely the hardest wake up— Joe.
"Hey Joe, gotta get up brother. You gotta move." Big Rob said, once again turning on the bedside light.
Joe; who always caused problems, groaned, "Dude, go away man."
Big Rob simply responded, "No, we gotta go." He did something that he normally never has to do, which is pulling Joe's dead-weight body to the side of the mattress.
Joe's attitude came out as he exclaimed, as Big Rob pulled him, "No, I'm sleeping dude! I'm sleepi—" he was interrupted as the bodyguard hit him with a pillow that Joe wasn't laying on, "Let's go!"
"Why'd you hit me man?!" Joe asked, rubbing his head where he had been 'assaulted'.
"We gotta go." Big Rob stated, then walked back to make sure everyone else was awake.
About five minutes had passed and the four of them were sitting at the huge table in their hotel room. There was so much more food waiting for them then they actually needed.
Kevin was sitting across from Nick, who had Melissa sitting next to her boyfriend, with her head resting on his shoulder. There was Joe sitting at the head of the table, dozing back to sleep.
The eldest Jonas grabbed his fork and clanked it against his water glass, then threw it to Nick who was also trying his hardest not to fall back asleep. Melissa giggled as she felt Nick flinch, and groan softly.
"Okay, so here's today's schedule, 7am, we—" Kevin began as he read the email off his phone, but was rudely interrupted by Joe who seemed to be more awake then he was the minute before.
"EARTHQUAKE!... Just kidding." he laughed, shaking the table, and Kevin rolled his eyes, looking back at his phone, "Yah, yah, so funny..." Kevin mumbled.
A few seconds later, Joe exclaimed again, shaking the wooden table once again, "AFTERSHOCK!"
    The waitress that was assisting them that morning, came up with a plate in hand. She smiled at Kevin as she sat it down in front of him, "I'm sorry about him, thank you." Kevin said apologetically to her.
    Joe then picked that moment to speak up, "Do you have any peach jelly?" The waitress nodded to Joe and went to her cart to grab the little container of the jelly he requested and handed it to him, "thank you."
    Kevin continued on with the schedule, "—7:30, we are leaving for rehearsals, at 8:12, Burnin' Up with the anchors on stage."
    Meanwhile, Nick was getting distracted by Melissa, who was eating her cereal, not even realizing that the teen was admiring her.
    They had both begun to watch Joe, who was still struggling to get the jelly on his toast, "Joe, are you still listening?" Kevin asked, bringing Joe out of his thoughts.
     Joe's head immediately shot up, "Huh? Oh, yah. I am." he said, then looked up at the waitress, who was waiting for him to choose between waffles and pancakes, "pancakes please."
    Kevin again went back to the schedule, "...9am, post-show taping. Then 9:15, finish Good Morning America, then we depart for Central Park to finish our music video, we film it in 3D." Joe again was not paying attention to his older brother and was playfully trying to get the jelly on his toast.
    Big Rob stood to the side of the table, pointing to the door, for the waitress to leave. "... 3:30pm, CD listening party at the Highland Ballroom, we will perform about 3 songs. Then at 5pm, interviews..."
    Kevin looked up at Big Rob, realizing that the waitress had indeed been standing there the whole time, "how long was she standing there?"
    Big Rob shrugged, "5 seconds."
    Nick then spoke up, and leaned closer to his girlfriend, "She was— Joe, she was standing there because you're like, 'Can i have the jelly please?... like do you have any waffles?... pancakes will do.'" Nick mocked his brother, and Mel looked up at Nick gasping at his behavior and slapped the teen playfully on his arm.
   She gave him the look, "he nice to your brother, baby." she said softly, her morning voice coming out fully.
    Joe grinned at the young girl, "Thank you Mel, but seriously dude, did you see her buy the quake joke? That works every time!"
   Nick of course had to encourage his brother's distractions and continue the conversation, "You've been doing that earthquake thing since you were in like third grade."
    Big Rob finally stepped in, stopping the brothers and said, "Stop playing around boys."
    Joe sighed, "but what's wrong with 'earthquake'?" he asked his brother, disregarding what their bodyguard had said.
    Kevin and Melissa were the only ones who heard the man, and Melissa nodded while Kevin spoke, "Sorry Big Rob, only." and Melissa tried to stop the two boys, "Boys, stop. Listen to Big Rob!"
   Nick leaned closer to Melissa,  "Just stop doing it." he said.
   Kevin rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed over the fact that Joe had wound Nick into his little immature antics. "Guys, guys, stop playing these earthquake games."
    Joe grinned over at Kevin, "well i suggest sometime today, Kev picks up some new pajamas." the eldest Jonas gasped, looking down at himself—he was wearing a plaid, fleece robe.
    Nick then reached his hand out to Joe to do a bro-ish like handshake, "Ohhhhh!" the two middle Jonases laughed.
    Nick looked at his older brother, "you showed him." he said jokingly. All the while Mel sat there looking at Kevin, rolling her eyes.
    Kevin who was clearly getting super annoyed, said in a funny voice, mocking the 18 year old, "Ooo, aftershock, can i have your number?"
    Big Rob finally interjected the situation, "we gotta go guys."
    Kevin looked up, worried, "are we late?" The body guard nodded, coming up to the table, "Yes, let's move."
    Joe looked up, his senses coming to, "Where are we going?" everybody didn't know if he was trying to act dumb? But then again... it's teenaged Joe we're talking about here... kissing, well kinda. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Kevin sighed, "Joe, just follow." Everybody began to get up from the table, except Joe, who was still in a daze.
    "Which way?" Joe asked, as Melissa and Nick held hands as they walked back to their room to finish getting ready.
    Big Rob took this moment to his advantage, and pulled Joe out of his chair, as Joe said laughing, "this way, I'm assuming?" ————     An hour later, they were sitting in a van, Nick and Melissa in the way back, Joe and Kevin in the middle and Big Rob driving. Nick's head was resting back against the seat as Melissa was laying close to him.
    Once Nick caught a glimpse of the traffic they were currently stuck in, he sighed, "this is a mess, do you see this? this goes all the way down to Broadway."
    Kevin looked back at Nick and Melissa then back at the never-ending traffic, "unbelievable." he muttered.
    Meanwhile, Joe was being Joe, paying attention to the game on his phone, "Yes! I just beat my high score."
    Nick rolled his eyes, interlacing his hand with Melissa's, "Yah, and were gonna be late for our show."
    Kevin looked at Joe, then pulled his phone out of his hand, slipping it into his jean back pocket, "Big Rob, this traffic is killing us. We're on in another hour, guys."
    Melissa looked over at Nick, a worried look on her face, but that diminished quickly as Nick leaned over to kiss her lips gently.
    Joe who was currently pouting about his precious phone being taken away, spoke up, "There's nothing we can do."
   "Helicopter?" Nick asked.
    Big Rob replied, "already on it." Kevin nodded, looking out the window, trying to figure out how they'd get out of this situation more quickly.
    Joe grinned, "Big Rob, nicely done."
    Big Rob placed his hand on his ear and spoke, "Yesir, tenth and Broadway."
    Kevin said softly, "that's so close."
    "Yah, but we're gonna have to leave the car here." Nick interjected, chewing on his lip nervously.
    "Yeah, but guys, i put this car on my credit card." He chuckled, trying to bring some humor to the situation, like he always does. But he was interrupted when there were deafening screams quickly surrounding their car. "—and, why are there fans?"
    Big Rob sighed, "we got trouble." he spoke to his in-ear, his voice definitely sounding a bit stressed.
   Kevin gasped, "how did they find us?"
   Joe cried out, "BIG ROB! NO! EARTHQUAKE!" this time it really did feel like one, at least for them it did.
    Nick and Melissa both placed their hands over their ears, and the young girl looked at her boyfriend with fear. As this was the first real mobbing situation of the sorts that she was experiencing.
    Kevin looked back at Joe, "Not now! we have to get outta here!" he began to try to open his door, but there were too many fans surrounding them. "I can't get out Big Rob."
    Big Rob began to get out easily, which was a surprise, "stay inside you guys."
    Joe looked out the windows worriedly, "Where is he going?"
    Melissa whimpered, leaning closer to Nick who seemed very conflicted on if he should be helping with his girl's anxiety or trying to figure out a way out.
    Kevin began to feel more and more concerned as the seconds ticked by, "I'm trying to get out of the car...." a minute or so later an idea came to his mind, "we have to go through the roof."
    Nick nodded, looking at his girlfriend who instantly seemed to calm down a little as he rested his hand on hers. "let's try it, ready?"
    Fans began to scream louder as Kevin was the first to slip through the roof, then Joe next and lastly it was Nick and Melissa.
    By the time Nick was done helping her out, Kevin looked back at them, and waved them along, "come on!"
    Big Rob called out as Kevin tried to get him to come with them, "Go, Go! Save yourselves!"
    Soon they were running through the streets of New York City, the fans following after them.
    Joe was the last to make it to the helicopter as he had gotten distracted by a few cute girls, we're talking about Joe here, remember?"
    Kevin climbed in the helicopter, looking at Big Rob, "how'd you get here so fast?"
    Big Rob shook his head, "Don't worry about it, just get in!" ——-
    {August 11th, 2008, 11:00pm Trump International Hotel & Tower New York City, New York}
    The boys, Melissa and Big Rob climbed in the cramped elevator, as they were on their way to the "album release" party in Times Square.
     Melissa was leaning against Nick as Big Rob went over the "ground rules" for how everything would go once they got there. "This is gonna be real out of control, we were told that there are thousands of girls waiting. Once we get there, we do what we gotta do... walk out, and that's it—ya know what i mean? Just stick by each other, and Mel remember, don't let go of Nick."
     Mel nodded, her hand not leaving Nick's already. She wasn't planning on letting go of the teen till they made it safely back in the hotel room later that night. ——-      The vans began to slow down immensely as they got closer to their destination. Joe was the first one to make a sound, as everyone was clearly in disbelief. "Oh my gosh..." he whispered, "oh my goodness.."
     Nick pointed, "it goes all the way."
Joe exclaimed, "it's New Year's Eve. Oh my gosh!" he grinned, getting overly excited.
     Kevin grabbed the walkie talkie from Phil, realizing just what Joe had just said, "It's like it's the Jonas Brothers' New Year everyone... it's the Jonas Brothers' New Year."
     The vans safely pulled in front of the Virgin Music Store. Kevin of course was the first one to get out, standing on the car for a brief second to wave to the fans. Then Joe and Nick both followed what their older brother had done, doing the same.
     Big Rob led the way as they made it into the store, each boy holding onto one another and Melissa was safely in the middle of Joe and Nick.
     Everyone in their crew, each bought a album right as the clock struck midnight. Joe was the first one to officially buy A Little Bit Longer, as he walked away from the register, he took the album out of the small baggy, holding it up, "YAHHH!" he exclaimed. ——— 1:30am:
     Nick and Melissa were both dead on their feet as they got back to their room, "can i just sleep in one of your shirts babe?" Melissa asked, already stripping herself of her clothes. At this time of night, and knowing what time they had to be up for the next day. She didn't care that she was practically naked in front of her boyfriend.
     Nick smiled and nodded to the innocent girl, "sure, angel." he said softly, going over to his suitcase and grabbed one of his extra shirts he kept with him, just for her. "here baby." he said, coming up to her, helping her slip it over her head.
     After her face was visible, he leaned down and kissed her lightly. "i love you. thank you for being here with me this summer." he sincerely whispered, his chocolate brown eyes searching her identical ones.
     "Anything for you." she responded, after a few seconds, she yawned, kissing him once more. They quickly got situated in the bed, and snuggled into one another, and drifted off to sleep. ———— 💕
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plaid-lover-bay25 · 6 years
Birthday Surprises!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my favoritist people! @impalaimagining
Pairing: Taylor x Jared, Jensen, Danneel, family and friends
Summary: Jared makes sure his girlfriend Taylor has the best birthday ever!
Word Count: 1349
Warnings: A little bit of language. Drinking, partying, party bus, flirting, surprises, cuteness, sexual teasing
A/N: It’s Taylor’s birthday y’all!! I love her so much so I wrote her this special story where Jared makes her birthday amazing!
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One wild night in downtown Austin with her best girls, that is exactly what Taylor needed to celebrate her birthday. Her and her friends were headed out to dinner and straight to the best bars in a fancy party bus. Her boyfriend had set everything up and had entrusted his bodyguard, Clif, to watch over the women for the night.
 The restaurant where Jared had made reservations for them, had been amazing. The food was delicious and they had even brought out a small chocolate cake with sparkler candles. Her friends sang loudly for the whole restaurant to hear and started cheering. There had definitely been pregaming.
 The group climbed back on the bus and started blasting some older pop music. They sang along loudly to all the songs they used to sing in middle school. Clif chuckled and looked away as some of the girls started dancing in the walkway of the small bus. The man quickly shot off a text to his boss about where they were headed next. Jared had a big surprise for Taylor tonight and Clif knew he wanted everything perfect.
 It was a few hours later and the group was haphazardly walking out of the most recent bar on their tour and giggling loudly. Clif helped each one onto the bus and watched as Taylor got on last.
 “He’s been checking up on us hasn’t he?”
 “Of course. You know him.” Clif responded to her question.
 “I’m trying not to drink too much. I know he has something planned.”
 Clif winked at her but his words conveyed something different. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
 Taylor smiled brightly as she entered the bus and sat beside her best friend.
 “Jar is amazing! We should make him do this more often.”
 Taylor just rolled her eyes at her drunk friend. “I miss you guys but I definitely miss him more right now.”
 “You’ll have him all to yourself tomorrow.” she winked and then turned back to the rest of the group as the bus moved on.
 As soon as the bus turned Taylor knew exactly where they were headed next. She hoped he was there.
 “Calm down. They’re almost here. Just breathe.” Jensen tried to calm his friend.
 Jared stood next to Jensen wide eyed and panicked.
 “Dude, did you even hear me?”
 Jensen just shook his head at his friend. He knew Jared was excited but didn't think he would be this anxious. As soon as they heard the bus pull up a wide grin spread across Jared's face. They watched from the bar as the group of girls clamored out of the bus and onto the sidewalk. Jensen knew when Jared spotted Taylor because he stopped breathing.
 Jared watched as the woman he loved stepped out of the black vehicle. He didn't think she could be more beautiful but she was glowing as she stood next to her friends and waited for Clif. Clif quickly opened the door to what they thought was an empty bar.
 “Surprise!” the room of people called out as Taylor stepped through the door.
 She looked around to see the room full of old friends and family members. Jared had invited them from her home town and had given her the best birthday present. Tears started to fill her eyes as her mom came up and gave her a hug.
 “Hey, birthday girl. Ready to do some shots with your old mom.”
 Taylor laughed loudly at her mom’s antics. She had definitely missed it. She was soon passed around the room as everyone wished her a happy birthday. Someone handed her a drink and she looked up to meet the most gorgeous eyes. She loved those eyes.
 “Happy birthday, baby.” Jared leaned down and kissed her.
 “Thank you. For everything. You are too good to me.” she said just before kissing him again.
 “No, I’m not. You deserve all of this. Now, go enjoy your guests. I’ll be mixing drinks.” he winked at her as he watched her walk away.
 Jensen cleared his throat and got the room’s attention. “We are here to celebrate one hell of a woman!”
 Cheers echoed around the room and Jensen waited to continue. “So as a happy birthday from me I have put together an amazing playlist in honor of Taylor. We have the bar all night. Let’s party!”
 Another cheer echoed through the room as music began pumping through the speakers. Some people started to dance and others sand along. Jensen had created an eclectic mix of old and new songs suiting everyone’s tastes, especially Taylor’s.
 The party grew more rowdy as the night went on and more alcohol began to flow. Jared joined everyone on the dance floor a few times. He started to make up some crazy dance moves as Taylor looked on and broke down in a full body laugh. The party was amazing and she couldn’t be happier.
 She wished a few people good night as it grew later and some of the girls decided to head back to the hotel after another cake had been brought out and they sang out “Happy Birthday” again. More and more people headed out as it hit two in the morning and Jared started to clean up.
 Jensen pulled Taylor onto the floor and jokingly slow danced to a sappy song as Jared fake glared at him. He was soon interrupted as Danneel took over and claimed Taylor as her Wife and everyone else could suck it.
 The last few guests headed out and Jared locked up as Jensen and Danneel walked with Taylor down the sidewalk.
 “Thank you guys for coming and helping out.” Taylor said as her and Danneel walked hand in hand.
 “Anything for my best girl.” Jensen claimed as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
 “You’re married. Stop hitting on my girlfriend.” Jared demanded as he caught up to them.
 “Fine but not my fault you haven't tied that down.”
 Taylor smiled up at Jared, knowing that they had recently talked about marriage. The group finally got back to the cars awaiting them and said their goodbyes. Jared opened the door for Taylor then walked around the car and got in.
 “Thank you again for tonight.”
 “You're welcome. I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to pull it all off.”
 “It was amazing, Jared! I can't believe you got my parents here.”
 “That was the easiest part.”
 Taylor laughed and took Jared's offered hand as they drove back to his house.
 “I have one more present, if you want it.”
 “Jared, no more, seriously. You've done enough.”
 “It's just something I need an answer to.”
 Taylor's eyes widened at his statement.
 “Oh, shit, not that question, Tay. Sorry.”
 Taylor's free hand went to her chest. “Damn it, Jared don't freak me out like that.”
 “I was just wondering if you wanted to finally move in with me?” Taylor could hear the insecurity in his voice.
 It took Taylor a moment but she finally nodded. “Most of my stuff is there any way. Might as well.”
 She ended her statement with a small laugh and Jared joined. “Okay then. Let’s go home.”
 As they entered the house Jared kept a hand on Taylor’s waist, keeping her close to him. She giggled as she stumbled over the doorstop and into the foyer.
 “This birthday was amazing.”
 “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to spend even more with you.” Jared kissed her soundly.
 “How about all of them?” Taylor questioned.
 Jared stared down at her waiting for something to change in her look. “Are you asking what I think your asking?”
 “Not officially but yeah.” she looked away for a moment. “I love you Jared.”
 Jared suddenly pulled her into a bone crushing hug and kissed her again. “I love you, too, Taylor. Let me show you how much.”
 Jared dragged her up the stairs and into their room. She put on a show as she stripped for him and joined him on the bed for her final birthday present.
tags: @impalaimagining @thisisnowmylife-gdi @sammyneedsadog @hetaliameow @myfand0msandm0re @justjessiehere @pinknerdpanda @grace-for-sale @goldenolaf25 @high-functioning-sociopath8 @authoressskr @waywardasfudge
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allskynostars · 7 years
33 please! thankyou in advance
Thanks so much!
33. celebrity/fan au
All Jughead wanted was a coffee, that was literally it. He figured he could duck across the road from the hotel into the discreet coffee shop without being noticed. In a cap and sunglasses, obviously. Even though it was raining. He didn’t even bother alerting Reggie, his manager come bodyguard, who was asleep in the other room. Both of them were exhausted enough from the tour, he wasn’t about to wake the guy just for a coffee. 
He tugged on the collar of his jacket in a last ditch effort to hide his face, and crossed the quiet street to the cafe. So far, so good. He took his glasses off as he walked through the door, but kept on the rest of his ‘disguise’ in tact. The girl behind the counter did a double take before greeting him. 
“H-Hi there, how may I help?” 
“Can I get a double shot espresso, to go please.”
“Sure, coming right up,” she smiled, still looking at him like he had two heads. She took a to-go cup from the stack and started on his drink. Jughead stood off to the side, checking his phone. Touring was tiring, and as much as he loved to play his songs for his fans, he hated fame. He despised it. The numerous amount of times he thought about quitting a day added up substantially. He had no personal life, his one and only friend was the same one from his childhood. It was impossible to differentiate between those who genuinely wanted to know him and those who wanted the claim to fame. 
“Excuse me?” The girl behind the counter asked, grabbing his attention. “Are you, are you Jughead Jones?” He sighed, great. He couldn’t even get a damn coffee without being recognized. He loved his fans, truly, but he missed just being a nobody. He put on his best star boy smile and nodded. 
“That’s me,” he replied. He hadn’t noticed a girl in the back corner of the cafe, who had clocked him as soon as he left the hotel. In the short amount of time he had ordered and been waiting, she had tweeted his whereabouts. 
“Would it be okay.. Could you sign something for me?” She was sweet, he decided then. She didn’t freak out like a lot of them did, much to his relief. She handed him his coffee then, which he put down on the counter.  
“Of course,” he patted his pockets, “do you have a pen or something? Sorry, normally I carry one with me.” She smiled and reached under the counter for a pen, pulling out a little notebook as she did. He signed a blank page, Jughead Jones, and then drew a little heart for good measure. 
“Thank you so much.”
“Anytime,” he replied, flashing her one last smile before turning to leave. Shit. There were a group of young girls out the front of the cafe now, whose squeals he could hear even from inside. He turned back to the girl behind the counter. 
“Sorry, is there a back door? I’m not really in the mood.” She nodded, pointing him to a door that led to a corridor. He nodded his thanks and pushed through the door, just as another girl was opening it from the other side. This one was blonde, and he was instantly taken aback with how big her eyes were. 
“Sorry,” he said, trying to push past her. 
“You can’t come back here,” she begun to tell him, her eyes wide in recognition. At that very moment the group from outside became brave, pushing into the cafe. The commotion caught the blondes attention, and before Jughead could begin to explain she grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the door. She continued to pull him down the corridor and into an office, letting him go to shut the door. She turned back to him with a sweet smile. 
“This happens a lot, being LA and all,” she explained. Jughead was still shocked with how instantly he was attracted to this girl. She was gorgeous, and his fingers itched to write about her. He hadn’t been struck with inspiration so suddenly in a long time, if ever. “I’m Betty.” 
“Jughead,” he held his hand out to shake hers, “Jughead Jones.” She rolled her eyes and laughed. 
“I know who you are,” she informed him, “I actually have tickets to see you tonight.” 
“Huh, that’s funny,” he replied. She nodded. Betty was still leaning against the door. 
“You can stay in here until the hoard disperses, if you like. I wouldn’t even risk the back door right now.” 
“Thanks so much, Betty,” he said genuinely. “I’ll call my manager, let him know.” She gave him a nod and left the room so he could call Reggie. 
“Dude, you’re an absolute tool,” Reggie laughed down the phone once Jughead had told him. “I’ll get dressed and come over, give me a few.” 
“Thanks Reg,” he replied, hanging up just as Betty came back in. She handed him the coffee he had left on the counter. “You are a true life saver, Betty.” She gave him a smile and sat down on one of the other chairs in the room. “So, are you in LA just to be in LA, or?”
“Some days I may as well be,” she laughed. “But, truth be told, I write screenplays. Well, I attempt to write screenplays,”  she sighed. “But this is my day job, so I won’t quit it, as they say.” 
“Show business is a hard one.” She glanced at him thoughtfully. 
“You did alright, big shot,” she teased. It came easy, he realised, conversation with Betty. Normally he was awkward in any situation, but there was something about her that calmed him. Part of him wanted to bottle it up and take it with him. He could really use it. He shrugged before responding. 
“I just got lucky, I think.” He heard Betty scoff. 
“Oh please, you’re just a talent that deserves the recognition,” he could be mistake but he could swear she had began to blush. She caught his gaze. “Honestly, Jughead. Your music, it’s so great.” He gave her a smile of thanks. 
“I never wanted to sing, you know.” She tilted her head in question. He shrugged again. “I just wanted to write, songs, poems, anything really. The singing came after.” 
“So it was just a fluke that you sing like an angel?” she asked, laughing. Now it was Jugheads turn to scoff. 
“Shut up,” he teased. “I do enjoy it, don’t get me wrong. But not this shit.” he gestured to where he sat, hiding from a hoard of girls. 
“Yeah, must be hard having the option of any girl you like,” she smirked. It was a joke, an obvious one, but Jughead felt the urge to tell her he wasn’t like that.
“That’s not me.”
“Oh, Jughead, I was kidding.” There was a flash of sincere worry across her face. 
“I know,” he winked. “I just don’t want you to think I’m some woman hungry pop star.” 
“I would never,” she said lowly, a smile playing on her lips. At that moment Jugheads phone buzzed with a text from Reggie stating he was waiting out the back door for him. Jughead tapped out a reply that he would be out in a minute. He couldn’t deny the disappointment he felt, he wanted more time to talk to Betty. “Your getaway ride here?” 
“Yeah,” he replied without looking at her. She stood from the chair and walked over to the door, checking the coast was clear. 
“You’re good to go, Jones,” he liked the way she called him that. 
“I owe you Betty, truly. Thank you so much.” He rose from his own chair and walked towards the door she held open. “I don’t know how to repay you.” 
“Well,” she drawled, “I’ve never had a song written about me before you know.” There was a joking tone in her voice, but with the way her eyes shone and her lip sat between her teeth, he was inspired enough to write a whole new album. 
“Your tickets, for tonight, are they any good?” He asked abruptly. 
“I’m in the stalls,” she told him. He shook his head. 
“I’ll get Reggie, my manager, to come back with VIP passes for the gig.” Her eyes widened in shock and she shook her head. 
“Jughead, you don’t have to do that, honestly.”
“No, shush, I want too.” He smiled down at her, and then suddenly she was hugging him tight against her. 
“Thank you so much,” she spoke into his ear, and Jughead felt himself shudder. She made to pull away, but Jughead held her close for a moment longer. “And they say don’t meet your heroes.”
“Shut up,” he joked.
Later that night, as he stood in front of a sold out crowd, he looked for Betty in the front row. His heart raced as he saw her, smiling up so brightly at him. 
“Okay, I’m doing something a little different tonight,” he told the crowd, earning and outburst of cheers. He held Betty’s gaze as he spoke again. 
“I was struck with inspiration today, for the first time in a long time. So if it’s okay with you, I want to play you a new song. I only wrote it today, so be kind.” 
Betty looked up at him with a question in her eyes, one that was answered as he sung about a blonde with eyes like he’d never seen before. 
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