#and the fact that jay is so dependent on those around him moreso than any of the others and the fact that in BOTH SEASONS that are jay-
spinjitsuburst · 1 year
Now that I am out of school I am sending in more stuff for the character ask game
4, 9, 25 and 26 for Jay please! I love hearing your thoughts on him
character ask game
YES i could ramble about jay walker all day long. and i will!
4. How many people I ship them with
Hooooo boy, pretty much everybody that it's fine to ship him with? Polyninja, Bruiseshipping, Mudshockshipping, Jaya, Technoshipping, Plasmashipping, I can't remember what him and Pixal are but they're cute, I ship him and Morro, I ship him and Scott depending on the context (like in Cabinet Man i don't but in canon prime empire i do), him and Benthomaar, i'm a multi-shipper so i'm pretty open ghjdfsghkjf
My favorites are probably poly, Bruise, Jaya, and Techno
9. Your least favorite outfit
lmao i got distracted going through the ninjago wiki looking at gi designs i'm going with the Future Jay design by default bc i don't like that storyline i thought it was stupid ghdsfkhgk
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25. When do you think they acted the most OOC
literally anytime jay has a dialogue moment of like "oh take them not me" or "i know let's sacrifice so and so" which isn't often but every time it happens i'm like he would not Fucking Say That
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most
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kitthedruid · 7 years
[So I answered all of these questions for Jay because I felt like it. It’s pretty long so under a cut.]
1: What’s your OC’s biggest insecurity and how would they react if someone pointed it out to them?
Jay has no delusions about himself, he knows what he is and isn’t good at. He is good at helping people, he is not good at fighting. He has few insecurities, but among them is his self doubt. He lacks confidence in himself and is afraid of not being good enough to save someone. If someone were to jab at this insecurity, to tell him that he isn’t good enough, Jay would defend his skills and knowledge, and let them know that the hardest lesson a medic ever learns is that they can’t save everyone.
2: If your OC wants to buy a firearm, what it might be for?
Jay is military and for all that he would rather not hurt anyone, he will defend himself and his team. If he’s buying a weapon it’s most likely for work.
3: Does your OC behave differently around different people, if so with whom and how?
It depends on the person. For example, Derrick, Jay hates the man with a passion and will give him nothing but snark and disrespect. Then there’s people like Truck, Eilidh, and War, his best friends. He leans on them, sometimes literally (physical closeness is a comfort for an anxious or sad Jay). He’ll give them all he can, talk about things he won’t talk about or deflects with others. To his ‘bosses’, people like Captain MacTavish and even Lara, Jay holds rank in high regard and will not forget his place around the superiors he respects. It’s hard for his superiors to get him to relax around them, he’ll try to be all business all the time when it comes to them.
4: Would your OC want to involve themselves in humanitarian work ? If yes, then for what? If not, then why not?
Jay is very involved in humanitarian work and will often volunteer at refugee hospitals and medical camps, providing his expertise where he can. In civilian life (on leave) he will busy himself volunteering at hospitals, helping out wherever they need him.
5: How would your OC generally react to someone being verbally abusive towards them for no apparent reason?
It would mostly depend on what they were saying and doing. For the most part he either wouldn’t really notice, or wouldn’t really care. Of course, if he did notice, he would cut ties with them whether he cared or not, abuse is not something he will take lightly, whether it bothers him or not. He might try to get to the bottom of the situation, ask why and try to resolve any issues, but most likely the end result will remain the same.
6: Does your OC have a realistic image of their own intelligence?
As stated above Jay has no delusions about himself. He knows he’s incredibly intelligent, he has to be in his line of work. However there is the ever persistent thought in the back of his mind telling him that he’s not as good as he thinks (anxiety is a bitch like that).
7: Does your OC have any irrational phobias?
Nothing really irrational. He’s afraid of love, but he’s got his reasons, however little sense they make. He’s moreso afraid of losing the people he loves than of loving. He’s just convinced that he’ll lose the people he cares about, which makes him afraid to care in that way. However he is afraid of being physically alone and isn’t really sure why.
8: How is/was your OC’s relationship with their parents?
Jay loved his parents and his parents loved him. They had a good relationship, his parents were both very supportive of him.
9: Does your OC feel a pressure to achieve or are they content and calm with doing what they can at the moment?
Jay is constantly afraid of not being good enough. He’s always pressing to be better, to learn more, to get stronger, and do more. Sometimes are worse than others and he occasionally pushes himself to the brink. In the moment of tending to someone, depending on the severity of the wounds, he ranges from cool and calm to barely holding it together. But he always keeps himself together, because he knows if he doesn’t in that moment he could lose them.
10: Does your OC guard their emotions by being tough? If not how would they?
Jay is a very honest person. Many people have described him as wearing his heart on his sleeve. He will not hide important parts of himself, but he is extremely reluctant to discuss his emotional well-being.
11: How would your OC react to hearing they’re adopted?
He would be indifferent towards the information. Jay would be surprised his parents had never told him, but other than that he wouldn’t care, to him it’s the same either way.
12: What is one of the most primary things your OC feels that is missing from their life?
Rhys, for one thing. Now that he’s gone there’s a distinct lack of romantic love and Jay feels it hard. However he’s not likely to do anything about it, he’s too afraid to try at the moment, but he’s getting there.
13: What kind of situations does your OC avoid the most?
Situations where he has to talk to a psychiatrist. He knows his mental health is shit and he’s absolutely terrified of being labeled unfit for duty because of it. I’ve talked about him being afraid of things a lot through this, but losing his job, being discharged from the military, is the one thing that truly terrifies him. If the threat is there, he’ll do anything to keep it from happening.
14: If your OC gets into a fight with their best friend, would they wait for their friend to make up with them, or would they try to make up with their friend?
See this short thread for what happens when Jay’s an idiot and ruins a relationship. It’s a long story there but he lashed out in his anger and hurt her. He wanted to apologize but he didn’t think War would give him the chance, thought she’d just avoid him. It took him getting beaten half to death for them to make up over that. Anyway. Jay usually apologizes very quickly, he hates getting people angry with him, especially if they’re friends. That one just really tore him up because he’d hurt her.
15: Does your OC consider themselves a good person?
No delusions. Jay knows there’s good and bad in what he does. He knows he’s killed people and he knows he’s done bad things. But he tries very hard to be a good person, tries to be that force of good in someone’s life that makes them think that maybe everything will be okay. Jay tries so hard to be better and do better.
16: Is your OC good at giving others validation of their feelings and making them feel understood?
He tries to. Success varies I think, but in threads with Eilidh where she’s gone to him for advice he’s done well at keeping it level and understanding to his best ability. He tries to see things from their perspective and understand why they feel the way they do.
17: Does your OC suffer from any mental health issues?
Depression, anxiety, and PTSD, all undiagnosed as he refuses professional help.
18: What kind of intrapersonal values does your OC have? (values about their self, what makes them feel like a valid person)
Jay holds himself to his morals, defending those who can’t defend themselves, regardless of uniform, belief, or nationality. He values loyalty, honesty, and kindness. His ability to do good and be good drives him to do better and be better.
19: What boosts your OC’s confidence the most?
Jay doesn’t have a lot of confidence, but something that always gives him that prideful ‘I can do it’ feeling is the caduceus patch on his Kevlar vest and kit. The caduceus holds a lot of symbolic value to him and he sees his own morals reflected in it.
20: Does your OC hurt others often unintentionally? If yes, how?
Jay would be devastated if he found out he’d unintentionally hurt someone. He really tears himself up about it. He’s supposed to heal, not hurt.
21: Does your OC hurt others often intentionally? If yes, how?
Jay does not like to hurt people, but if he’s shot at he’ll shoot back. He understands his value to his team as a medic and will try to stay alive, which means defending himself and hurting those who try to hurt him or his teammates. On that note, Jay is absolutely vicious when it comes to defending his team. You try to hurt his people while they’re down and he will come for you with a vengeance.
22: How does your OC usually show affection? Are they openly romantic or more restricted with their affectionate emotions?
Jay is very physically affectionate, touch is the best way to calm him down and get through to him. Being close. He won’t initiate anything romantic, but he might sit a little closer so his shoulders brush against theirs or lean against them or something, especially if he’s feeling anxious or down.
23: Does your OC tend to hide something about their personality/essence when meeting new people? If yes, what?
Jay doesn’t hide parts of who he is. He gets it all out in the open so that if they don’t like something about him they can get it over with rather than becoming friends only for them to learn about it later and turn on him.
24: How would your OC react if they got humiliated by someone in a group of people?
Well this has never happened but very awkwardly, I imagine.
25: How would your OC process the grief caused by the death of a loved one?
Uh… well… It happened, and he didn’t process it well at all. In fact I’m not sure he even actually processed it. He’s still kinda stuck there. Yeah he’s not in great shape after losing Rhys.
26: What is the most intense thing your OC has been battling with?
His grief and depression over losing his parents and then Rhys.
27: Does your OC practise any kind of escapism? If yes, what kind?
Jay tends to get a bit lost in his work. He’ll often lose track of time while working and forget to eat until he’s absolutely starving. Or until it’s late at night and he ends up falling asleep on his desk.
28: How would your OC react if a bully stole their lunch money in high school?
Jay’s father was a Marine, as non-confrontational as Jay is, losing wasn’t an option. He’d figure out a way to get it back. Nowadays though he’d just walk away, let them keep it and live with the consequences.
29: How does your OC behave on the face of a conflict?
Jay gets quiet during battle, retreats into his head a little. Just enough that he’s calm and able and alert watching over his team. In the event of getting into a hand-to-hand fight, he’ll probably lose, but he’ll fight hard and will not stay down. He keeps getting up no matter how many times you throw him down.
30: What makes your OC defensive quickest?
Jay is mostly content to let people think what they think, he doesn’t really care what they think of him, he knows himself well enough to know whether they’re right or wrong. However. If you go after his friends. Or worse if you physically attack someone who can’t defend themselves. You better be ready, because an angry Jay is a force to be reckoned with.
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