#listen listen LISTEN prime empire is so so important to me
spinjitsuburst · 1 year
Now that I am out of school I am sending in more stuff for the character ask game
4, 9, 25 and 26 for Jay please! I love hearing your thoughts on him
character ask game
YES i could ramble about jay walker all day long. and i will!
4. How many people I ship them with
Hooooo boy, pretty much everybody that it's fine to ship him with? Polyninja, Bruiseshipping, Mudshockshipping, Jaya, Technoshipping, Plasmashipping, I can't remember what him and Pixal are but they're cute, I ship him and Morro, I ship him and Scott depending on the context (like in Cabinet Man i don't but in canon prime empire i do), him and Benthomaar, i'm a multi-shipper so i'm pretty open ghjdfsghkjf
My favorites are probably poly, Bruise, Jaya, and Techno
9. Your least favorite outfit
lmao i got distracted going through the ninjago wiki looking at gi designs i'm going with the Future Jay design by default bc i don't like that storyline i thought it was stupid ghdsfkhgk
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25. When do you think they acted the most OOC
literally anytime jay has a dialogue moment of like "oh take them not me" or "i know let's sacrifice so and so" which isn't often but every time it happens i'm like he would not Fucking Say That
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most
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ladynighthaunter · 3 months
The 41st millenium.
Kaldor Prime
The Mortuary.
Konrad sits on her throne, after all these years... It is time, her reckoning has come for her. Her wayward children have committed countless atrocities since she let them loose into the stars and now judgement comes for her.
She looks down the length of her throne room, the statues in the side lines, each crafted to be screaming stare with sightless eyes at the figure slowly padding up the once red carpet, she can feel them, like a weight on her mind, a numbing ache.
Thus time they sent no shape shifter, nor did they send the sniper or berserker. No, they send the souless, intending to snuff her flame indefinitely. She sees him approach, the leading skull face, the mechanical array that surrounds his skull, empowering his abilitys.
"You took your time." She croaked in a voice unused in decades. "But here at last, my final judgement, my proof that everything I did wa-"
The assassin raised a hand, cutting her off as he pulled out a holo projected and placed it on the floor, it flickered before projecting a life size version of Roboute Guilliman.... But he was different than she remembered, his hair thinking, bags under his eyes and a vicious scar along his neck.
"Sister." The image spoke. "I spent long nights thinking how I would do this, what to say, how you would react.... But I will be blunt, there was never good blood between us, which makes what I am about to do all the more important."
The hologram pauses before continuing. "As you are no doubt aware, the galaxy has been torn in two, the forces of Horus's son, Abaddon run riot. In this dark age, I have taken the mantel of Imperial Regent and seek to rebuild out... Fathers empire."
Konrad smirked as he tripped on the word father, no doubt he had seen the true nature of the Emperor by now.
The hologram sighs. "In this era, the era Indominus, I need aid... And it pains me to say this sister, but I need your help. Summon your Legion to your side if they will listen, come forth from your tomb, I can gift you ships and then new breed of marines, Primaris."
She blinked.... He... He wanted her help? But why send the assassin?
"Sadly, if you do not take my offer.... You are a threat, a potential knife in my back. One I can not risk throwing their weight in with the Arch traitors ilk, so I have sent this assassin as my messenger, you chose, a return to the days of glory or oblivion."
The hologram flickers out and dies, Konrad leaning back on her throne as she feels turmoil broil in her, for a moment she looks at the empty throne next to her where almost ten thousand years ago, her wife sat in council.... Oh how she missed her soothing presence.
But... What to do? Her visions had lead up to this point, but not beyond it. Did she realing herself with the Imperium or boldly face her death?
What should she do?
(Okay reader, this is up to you.)
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arealphrooblem · 2 years
Kidnapped by the Boss
synopsis: Civilian is a secretary to the Prime Minster. But when the political summit between the city states goes awry, she finds herself kidnapped by the very boss she tried to protect and nothing is what it seems.
Civilian woke up that morning before the sun rose, with a to-do list a mile long, and a nervous pit in her stomach that she tried desperately to ignore. Of course she was nervous --the Summit between the  city-state leaders was happening that evening. It only occurred once every five years and this was the first time for Civilian ever since she became the Prime Minister's secretary. 
Or maybe it was because of the hushed rumor spreading like wildfire that Hidden City would send agents sabotage the Summit. Ever since the Empire split off a hundred years ago, their borders stayed closed, they refused any trade agreements or offers of allyship, and they routinely executed anyone who dared to cross over the Wall that lined their city. 
That was just a rumor, she told herself,  and a ridiculous one at that. The Hidden City made it perfectly clear they were content to ignore the rest of the continent. Why would they start caring now?
But still the pit remained. The last time she felt like this, an earthquake shook the city and leveled part of the harbor. The time before that, she'd been in a serious car accident. The pit throbbed deep in her gut like an omen and it was never wrong. 
Civilian pulled her hair up in a sleek, professional pony tail, dressed in her professional best, grabbed her tablet and clipboard, and started the day anyway. 
"Sir, we have to do your final fitting with your stylist at nine, brunch with Senator at 10:30, a meeting with the chief of security at 11:45 and a million other things and you're still eating breakfast?"
She leveled an exasperated glare at the Prime Minister, who sat at the little dining table with a cup of tea and the morning paper, still in his house slippers and undershirt. 
He gave her a warm, sunny smile and raised his tea cup in salute. 
"Never rush life's simple pleasures, Civilian," he says. "You should join me. There's still some tea left."
"I had coffee, sir. Two hours ago."
He made a face, adorably disgusted, and Civilian tried hard to hang onto her resolve in the face of it. Here lately she'd been getting pinpricks of affection and fondness that went way beyond their standard professional relationship and it was all very distracting. And wildly inappropriate. 
Civilian waltzed over and plucked the paper out of his hand. "Can we save the savoring of life's simple pleasures on a day that isn't the Summit?"
"Would you relax?" He pouted as she folded the newspaper back up. "They've had this day planned out to the minute for the last six months. There's hardly anything left to do except wait around til five o'clock."
"Sir," she said, pained. "There is a lot to do before five o'clock."
He sighed, dramatically melancholic. "Alright, alright. I will finish getting dressed. If only to save you from the ulcer that is undoubtedly churning in your stomach. You should stop drinking so much coffee."
"Sir, with respect, you are the cause of it, more so than coffee ever could be."
His laugh followed him down the hallway. 
The chaos of the day, herding her boss around as he sighed and pouted and groaned about giving a speech on one of the most important days of his political careers, almost made her forget the pit growing in her stomach. 
Civilian ticked the boxes of her to-do list in a smooth, orderly fashion right up until the chief of security came to escort her and Prime Minister to the Summit. His creased brow stayed furrowed, looking for threats in every corner, but tonight his gaze was unusually sharp and stormy. He stepped into her hotel room and shut the door behind him. 
"Keep your eyes peeled and your guard up," he told her quietly, leaning close in her space. As if afraid of someone listening. "We've arrested two people trying to break into the Summit Hall already. They were armed."
"Are they from the Hidden City?" she asked, swallowing down the flare of panic. 
"They refuse to say but I have no doubt."
Her stomach twisted. "So the rumors are true. What do you think their goal is?"
"Nothing good," he said grimly. "But beyond that, it's impossible to tell. They've kept themselves so cut off, we have on idea what their goals are anymore. Just . . .be careful. I'll be around. If you see anything suspicious, let me know."
He handed her an earpiece and she slipped it in, allowing her freshly curled hair to cover it.
They met the Prime Minister in the hotel lobby.  
"See! I can get dressed on time without your nagging," he said, beaming 
She managed a wan smile in return. "That's because your stylist is  more terrifying than even I am."
He gave her a curious stare before the chief of security thankfully took his attention away. Though the hotel was within walking distance from the Summit, the chief of security insisted they drive. The entire ride she felt the weight of her boss's stare prickle the back of her neck. 
When they pulled into the valet parking, the prime minister stepped out first and graciously held his hand out for her. She tried not to dwell on how soft and firm his fingers felt in hers.
"You look like you're going to puke," he said, an eyebrow raised.
"What a coincidence -- I feel like I'm going to puke."
He looked down at her, gaze full of concern. "You really should relax. I don't know what you're expecting, but these events will usually bore you to tears."
Civilian opened her mouth to tell him, to come clean and explain, but something stopped her. Either he would become just as nervous as her and possibly ruin his speech or he would just laugh the rumors off regardless and tell her she worries too much. Nothing productive would come either way. 
"You're right. I'm just nervous over the . . .formality of it all. I'll get over it when you start to bore me with your speech."
He smiled, slow and warm. "That's my girl."
He chucked her under the chin and her gaze dipped down, trying to hide her sudden blush. When he turned away, her hand shot out and grabbed his. 
"Wait! You're bowtie's crooked," she said. 
Without thinking, she reached up and straightened it and then smoothed her hands down the satin lapels. 
"What would I do without you," he said with a soft solemnity that made her chest flutter. 
"Probably walking around, looking stupid," she retorted, trying to control the riot of butterflies that had erupted in her chest. 
Her boss was right -- the Summit was dreadfully boring but Civilian took a weird sort of comfort in the predictability of it. In fact, they had finally started to relax as their boss intended when he leaned over and whispered, "Darling, I think I left my cue cards at the hotel."
Civilian rolled her eyes. "This is why I scanned them into my tablet." 
She reached down under her seat -- and froze. The tablet was gone. Civilian felt around under the seat as inconspicuous as she could, but the space was empty. 
"It's not here," she whispered, horrified. 
He raised his eyebrows and said, mildly, "Well . . .that is unfortunate."
"I swear to god I brought it with me. I never go anywhere without it!"
"I didn't remember seeing it. Are you sure it's not back at the hotel?"
"How are you so calm about this?" she hissed. 
"Well, darling, it has to be somewhere. I suggested you start walking -- and preferably before I have to give my speech."
As discreetly as she could, Civilian slipped out of the assembly room before making a mad dash down the hallway the second she was out of view. Her mind raced, trying to remember what she did with her tablet. She had taken it with her -- she had. She'd stake her life on it! She had to have left it in the car. Pivoting away from the front doors, she made her way instead to the parking garage. 
Just before she reached the doors to the parking garage, the power shut off, plunging the hallway in total darkness. 
"Where are you?"
The Chief of security's voice crackled in her ear. 
"What's going on?" she asked, heart pounding. In the background of his transmission she could hear yelling. 
"Where are you?"
"By the parking garage!"
"Hidden City's Agents have flooded the assembly room. Get out now. I'll take care of Prime Minster."
A gunshot cut off the transmission. Civilian stood by the door for one paralyzing moment before survival kicked in. She took off her heels and sprinted out into the cavern of the parking garage. The late evening sun gave her enough light to see by. The screams and thundering sounds of footsteps started filtering from outside, followed by the echo of bullets. She kept to the wall, inching as fast as she could between it and the cars, hoping for cover. 
Turning the corner, she saw a familiar figure standing off to the side in an empty parking space. Her knees went weak in relief to see Prime Minster unharmed. A car screeched up the other side -- their car. Through the windshield, however, was an unfamiliar face --
The car jerked to a stop and the Prime Minster reached out for the back door --
"Sir!" she yelled, waving her arm. "Sir! Thank God I found you!"
He froze at the sound of her voice, a strange, twisted expression flickering across his face so fast she almost missed it. She dodged between cars and ran down the open space to him.  
"What are you doing here?" he said, looking bewildered. "I thought you left for the hotel!"
"You can't get into that car -- that's not our driver," she hissed, grabbing his hand. 
He yanked himself out of her grasp. "What?"
"That's not the same person who took us here!"
"How do you kn--"
The echo of gunshots interrupted him. 
"Get in the car," he said -- demanded. 
"But the driv--"
"Get. In. The. Car."
He flipped the door open and shoved her in, climbing in behind her.  They had barely shut the door before the car screeched forward, tires squealing.  Civilian was thrown painfully against the door. 
The pit in her stomach ached --danger danger danger.  
"What the fuck is she doing here?" shouted the driver. 
"Slight change of plan," said the prime minister through gritted teeth. 
The driver said something rapid-fire in another language and the prime minister responded, his tone sharp and angry and nothing like she's heard before. 
Civilian stared between them with growing horror. 
"What's happening?" she demanded.  "Do you know him?"
Prime Minister sighed, sounding like his old theatrical self, but it gave her no comfort. 
"What is happening, my darling secretary, is that due to your failure to follow basic instructions, you are getting kidnapped. Congratulations.
Part 2 Here
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icy-watch · 8 months
That was so cute and wholesome. Aaaaah.
Um. Yeah. Just me crying over here.
I'm not really sure what to expect of the next season, but I was told it's called Master of the Mountain.
No idea what that could really mean, but I'm guessing there's a mountain and some guy who's the master of it. And that's really about all I have.
So, since this is the end of Prime Empire, I'll be watching the shorts tomorrow that explain some things. So, a chill day tomorrow. Until then!
Correct and incorrect predictions under the cut.
Unagami is one of the people in charge? Or an AI? Unagami is an AI and he was in charge.
Milton Dyer created Unagami. Yes.
The ninja will listen to Okino as he helps them thru Terra Kerana. They did, and Lloyd got a new dad.
Okino became more cognizant while he was with the ninja. He's also going to Go Thru It. He learned so much, and he gained so much more. Gained more Trauma, that is.
Unagami is an AI that gathered some consciousness. He did.
Unagami wants to go to Ninjago to find Milton Dyer. He did, and he was reunited with his dad after they had an emotional talk. The emotional one was me. I'm a wreck.
The ninja being out of credits will be important later. Meanwhile, in the very next episode...
The race is going to be the next episode. It was!
Seven will make it past the fourth mile marker. She did!
Rescue mission to recover Zane from the Mechanic. Surprisingly, yes, in the same episode as the background of Milton and Unagami.
Unagami is going to visit Ninjago, and he's going to bring some friends. It's not going to go well for Ninjago. The city has been in worse shapes after the final battle, but there was some damage. And people might have been injured.
We're going to lose Nya. She got rubix cubed, just like everybody else.
A confrontation between Milton and Unagami. TT__TT Yes.
Milton won't die.
Evil video game. Just a normal video game that was abandoned, and the AI in charge lashed out.
Milton Dyer was pulled into the game. He was just in hiding.
It will be a few more episodes before the rest of the ninja make it into Prime Empire. They made it in during the very next episode.
The motherboard needs to be inserted back into the arcade game for everyone to be able to return to Ninjago. A giant gateway also works.
It'll be a hot minute before the other ninja find Jay in Prime Empire. They were told where to find him in the very end of the next episode.
The League of Jay will be helpful down the line. They really just helped out that 1 time and that was it. We were cheated out of some more Jays all season.
Unagami is an old enemy with a new alias. Boy was I wrong there.
Lloyd will be the first ninja to lose all his lives. *crying about Cole and Kai*
The ninja are going to return to Scott's garage to find it trashed and him missing. He was alive and well, until Seven showed up.
Time flows different in Prime Empire than it does in Ninjago. I thought I had something, but it was a nothing.
Everyone will leave Prime Empire using the inter-dimensional arcade portals. Apparently, I never said anything about the gate in my main prediction posts (which I go off, not my opener "what's this ep gonna be about" post), sooooo... yeah.
Zane's not going to come out of this whole thing ok. He was able to shake it off faster than Taylor Swift.
Kai and Scott will lose their last life. Kai doing something stupid, and Scott in the race. They both did lose their last life, but Scott sacrificed himself for the ninja and Kai and Cole both lost their last life during the race.
We're going to lose someone during the race. We lost 2 someones.
The level to get the third Keytana will be a fighter game. It was a platform game + infinity maze + fighter game.
It's going to come down to Jay vs. Unagami. Yes, but mostly no.
Unagami paid attention to the ninja back on Ninjago. It wasn't ever confirmed how Unagami clocked the ninja as his enemies before they arrived in Prime Empire, but the Mechanic might have been the person informing him about the ninja. He might have informed Unagami of everything the ninja have done.
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Sokka vs. Wan Shi Tong
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Was listening to the latest episode of the “Braving the Elements” Podcast about “the Library” episode (which starts off with a solid discussion about Asian representation and appropriation in Hollywood). They started discussing the groups’ contributions of knowledge to Wan Shi Tong. They discussed Katara’s offering of the Waterbending Scroll and joked about how easily she gave it up after working so hard to get it. “She has it in her body now,” Dante said. Now, I think he has a major point about that, and I discussed water tribe relationships to writing in ANOTHER POST. Basically, writing and visual depictions can be read as something more sacred to the Water Tribe, so it makes sense that Katara would entrust this sacred object to a spirit.
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But then that primed my mind for thinking about Sokka’s gift and his antagonistic relationship to Wan Shi Tong and the library in a new light. Sokka offers a knot to Wan Shi Tong, and it’s played for laughs, but Dante and Janet and guest host, Phil Yu, fairly identify his knot as a credible piece of nautical knowledge. Nautical knowledge, as we saw in Bato of the Watertribe, is a highly regarded part of SWT culture. It also reminded me of khipu (or quipu), a complex Incan method of record keeping using knots in strings, which were ordered to be suppressed and burned by the Spanish Church in 1583. Wan Shi Tong’s disparagement of the gift is more than just a impartial assessment on Sokka’s intelligence. There’s a cultural prejudice at work. 
If it’s simply the pursuit of knowledge he’s after, why does Wan Shi Tong compliment the first edition status of Professor Zei’s book? The god is interested in more than the knowledge within, he’s interested in the book, itself: the material its made out of, whose hands its been through, its production process. He does not simply collect knowledge, he is an archivist. And in a show that’s uniquely obsessed with the erasure of knowledge, cultures, and peoples, he is an immensely important figure for the preservation he represents. Yet, the gaang betrays him, and Sokka leads the charge. We are lead to believe that Sokka and the gaang receive their comeuppance for their betrayal of the archive when their invasion fails. I want to suggest, though, that Sokka’s irreverence toward Wan Shi Tong and the library might actually be a hidden theme the show celebrates in the episode and throughout the series. 
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Above image from A:TLA Annotations
There are references beyond Sokka’s flippancy encouraging skepticism of ‘the archive’ as an all powerful body of knowledge. When the gaang meets the Professor, he uses a head measuring device to measure Aang’s head as he interrogates him about air nomad culture. That device, a craniometer, is associated with the debunked and racist scientific concept of phrenology, the study of head shapes as indicative of intelligence and character traits. Race science is as much a part of academia’s history as any wisdom revealed through it. Wan Shi Tong in a similar vein, refers to Katara as “one specimen to add to my collection,” recalling the history of empires and their academics collecting and displaying indigenous bodies for ‘education.’ The show, then, draws a connection between ‘the archive’ and the history of domination. Collection, preservation, documentation--from a certain perspective they all embody attempts to dominate the world through containment. If only I could name it, have the knowledge in my possession, keep it safe under my protection... At worst this looks like Zhao’s use of the library as a means to slaughter the moon and destroy the Northern Water Tribe, while torching all the fire nation archives to protect his own people and power. But Wan Shi Tong’s academic hubris and avarice are another form of domination. 
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There are pieces beyond the cultures of imperialism. Toph refuses to go in the library out of disinterest, pointing at the failures of visual culture toward the blind. Leaving her and Appa, an animal who similarly has little interest in writing, behind in pursuit of written knowledge has tragic consequences for Aang and his friends. It was only the last episode in which Toph blindfolded Aang to teach him about earthbending and his own persistent inner strength. He abandons it for pre-written answers so quickly now, the way I open up an internet browser as soon as I wonder whether or not my finger tapping is a trauma coping mechanism. Why don’t I trust myself to observe and learn from my own body? Why doesn’t the team trust themselves to face the fire nation? Let’s be clear, it’s not absurd to seek out wisdom and strategy from others past and present. However, it’s only one source of knowledge and so many people, like Aang, Katara, and Sokka, overlook the other forms of knowledge available to them.
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I think its apt that they learn their strategy from merely a scrap of written information (a scrap which Sokka steals using his his hunting dagger made of jawbone, pointing us toward the indigenous perspective he brings to bear on his exploration of the library), which they then interpret through celestial means. The planetarium returns us to the natural and the spiritual world at once despite being within the archive. Tracking eclipses and the movements of astrological bodies has a deep history for humankind (and animal kind!) preceding writing and has been especially important to seafaring people like the Southern Water Tribe (Moana’s “We Know the Way” does a solid job of illustrating these traditions and their blending with oral story traditions). The information they gain from ‘the archive’ is information that was available to them in the world had they observed closely, and perhaps that’s all an archive is.
Still, there are things an archive can’t contain. Impermanence creeps into everything. That can be a deeply sad fact to face. When we see the incinerated Fire Nation archive, we feel for Wan Shi Tong in the same way we cry over the Library of Alexandria’s end. There’s a joyous side to impermanence, though, which is that there is always new transformed things coming into being and giving us more to learn. “That’s called Sokka style--learn it!” Sokka shouts as he whacks Wan Shi Tong on the head with one of his beloved books. Not only does Sokka reveal the book for its material reality as just a plain old heavy and hard object, his line points us to the novelty of his individual self even within all the indigenous traditions Wan Shi Tong claims to have ‘mastered.’ This is the same method Aang gets to discover in the finale, too. Beyond the labels and titles and data, a strange and unique self, a self that’s both free and connected to the people and traditions and values that made us, exists and emanates for a brief and brilliant flash of time. 
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deathnguts · 9 months
Was listening to Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA and thinking about Kurogiri simultaneously because I’m always thinking about Kurogiri and some angst I can’t sum up in a silly drawing so:
‘The feeling that I’m losing her forever, without ever really entering her world’ made me think about Kurogiri slowly losing little Tenko to Tomura Shigaraki, then Tomura Shigaraki to All for One, because obviously. BUT what about Tomura Shigaraki losing Kurogiri to nomu-ification?
(Time frame evidence: Tenko was at least 6 when All for One found him since he was old enough to have passed the prime quirk developing age, his parents were worried he was quirkless. And Shirakumo was killed at about 15, and he was the same age as Aizawa who’s 30 now so we can assume 15 years went by)
Kurogiri barely had a few months to be developed, and Idk that doesn’t feel like enough time to animate a corpse, so my assumption is that he was developed incrementally.
Even if Tomura knew his caretaker was a nomu, how old do you have to be up to understand that the changes in their body and personality towards you are not only not their fault but also made FOR YOU. Whatever personality was there during the portion of his childhood he forgot are gone and never coming back, quite literally dead. ‘That funny little girl’ is dead and he never really knew him anyway. Or he didn’t know and just thinks his caretaker is either developing some form of personality disorder in real time or simply doesn’t like him that much. The warp gate guy is obviously knowledgeable enough to know he likes routine, he just doesn’t care enough respect that. He’s too emotional, Sensei was right he’s really just stupid.
The push and pull of their relationship is my Roman Empire because like, ‘Each time I think I'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing.’ Imagine every time they think they understand each other something horrific happens to them behind closed doors and they don’t have the communication skills or even the knowledge to tell one another.
Suddenly Kurogiri doesn’t like talking as much as he used to, suddenly Tomura Shigaraki is throwing things at Kurogiri when he’s angry instead of simply brooding like before. Kurogiri claims he doesn’t need to eat anymore, Tomura’s Shigaraki claims training his hands to be used to his quirk is more important than the comfort of his gloves. The gaps in their memories don’t line up and they have memories of each other that the other doesn’t. They’re forgetting each other’s faces because they barely take off their respective masks anymore.
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floofyfungi · 1 year
Barkley (my absolute favourite character from Shark Wars) has at least one 'hero moment' in every book in the series and I need to talk about it.
Book 1 - Okay so. The Tuna Run is going down. Goblin (and Velenka but sssshhh) is going to make his big play against Razor Shiver. Gray and the rest of Rogue Shiver are desperately trying to stop him but they're too far away to intervene.
Then Barkley, like a mad lad, shoots out of school of tuna and hits Thrash, who hits Goblin and causes a domino effect. Knocking the entire attacking party away from Razor. Essentially this one move is why the attack failed. And Goblin (read Velenka) doesn't get his North Atlantic empire of tyranny started.
I know Tazika saves Rogue Shiver in the end, but Barkley was still a key component in stopping Velenka's plans. Which, considering all the shit Velenka and Goblin shiver as a whole put him through, was very cathartic.
Book 2 - Barkley is the only reason why Whalem joins the protagonists.
Whalem is a fascinating character to me. I love that old guy. But in book 2 he was genuinely loyal to Finnivus up until literally the last minute. When Onyx tries to convince him to join the protagonists, Whalem refuses. It is only when Barkley talks to (berates) him that Whalem agrees to go with him and Onyx. Barkley also has to reassure Whalem that Lochlan does not hold him responsible for what Indi shiver has done, in order for Whalem to not later betray them.
Without Whalem, I firmly believe Riptide United would not have beaten Indi shiver. Not in book 2 or 3. Whalem was Mariner Prime for decades and knew the Indi armada's tactics inside and out. He was also responsible for training Striiker into an actual commander. (Which became very important when Striiker took over Riptide shiver later in the series). The only reason any of that happened was because of Barkley.
Book 3 - The Ghostfins
Aw yeah. I think the third book is my favourite in the whole series just because of how much the characters grow. It really is the tipping point of the saga.
In this book, Barkley is the reason why Riptide United didn't have to tear a bunch of pups apart to kill Finnivus. The whole concept of the pup armada, and the chapter where they are revealed, is one of the darkest in shark wars. And that's saying something, because some dark shit happens in these books. Cough Hokuu Cough.
Barkley creates and leads the Ghostfins on a mission into enemy territory to rescue the armada pups and succeeds. He was smart enough to make the connection between the orange spot on Deni's tail and his aunt's tail. He was the one who had the knowledge of what was going on, and the ability to act on it. Barkley is the reason why the hero's didn't have to murder a bunch of children. So kudos to him.
Book 4 - Barkley figures out that there is something more to Hokuu's plan than Velenka and the full moon. He doesn't figure out exactly what, but to be fair neither does Tazika. If Kaleth had actually listened to Barkley she may very well have survived this book.
This might not count as a heroic moment. But I did find it interesting how Barkley got so close to figuring out Hokuu's scheme with the information he had. Because it's goddam Hokuu and that guy's eldritch.
Book 5 - Drinnok
I think the chapter where Barkley negotiates with Drinnok is my favourite in the entire series. It is so tense. Even getting close enough to speak with Drinnok takes all of Barkley's stealth. It's like all of his training has been leading up to this. Drinnok could have Barkley killed at any moment. Everything depends on Barkley saying the right thing at the right time. And he does!
Barkley convinces Drinnok, a megalodon king who has been referred to as a tyrant and or bloodthirsty brute by most characters, to come to peace talks. Drinnok insults Barkley multiple times during their conversation. But Barkley doesn't rise to the bait, which a younger Barkley from the earlier books most definitely would have. Its a just a really really great scene that shows how far Barkley has come.
If it weren't for Hokuu and Grimkahn, Barkley's actions here, combined with Gray's later talks with Drinnok, would have saved the oceans from another war.
Book 6 - Barkley tail fins Grimkahn in the eye and it is absolutely iconic.
Physically, Grimikhan is the strongest character in the entire series. He's a guy who gives Gray, a megalodon filled with literal magic, a run for his money. And Barkley, a little dogfish, slaps him in the eye for daring to try and eat Gray. Barkley saves Gray's life doing this, which allows Gray to later kill Grimikhan and save the oceans from outright genocide.
So yeah. Barkley deserved to rule the Big Blue in the end. He's a funky lil guy.
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28whitepeonies · 2 years
“Fuck keeping your opinions and politics to yourself.”
So The Snuts have a new album out, Burn the Empire, alongside a documentary of the same name. I said recently that I only had a surface level knowledge of them but Louis has been plugging them a lot so I listened to the album at work today and I watched the documentary and I think it’s really interesting to see the musicians he’s choosing to promote.
Burn the Empire, the title track of their new album, was released as lead single last November. The song samples a quote from former Labour Cabinet Minister Tony Benn on poverty and inequality, and as they describe, is a protest song.
I didn’t agree with all of their politics but there were a couple of standouts in the documentary for me. Firstly was what they had to say on class, their experiences of imposter syndrome, and if that’s just something you inherit growing up working class, and the almost stigma around believing in yourself. They draw a contrast between their experience and that of 11 of the last 15 Prime Ministers who came through Oxford College, where they guarantee students are told how great they can be.
The second thing, although they didn’t put it quite in these words, was about poverty and the importance of hope, because “why couldn’t there be a Prime Minister from Whitburn?” For context, Whitburn is a pretty small town half way between Edinburgh and Glasgow, surrounded by a lot of other small towns. It’s got a huge working class community, and growing up there in the 90’s and 00’s I’ll guarantee you there were really limited opportunities. I grew up much closer to a bigger town than Whitburn is, and there is so little for young people especially in those places then, there’s even less now. They spoke about two key issues in the area that affected them and people they knew: drugs and poverty. Separating those two issues in Scotland is nigh on impossible. They were also keen when talking about someone they knew from school who committed a violent crime to talk about that context. But they spoke about how collectively people can change the world for the better. I’m a big believer that hope matters, that being able to see a future that you can change for the better matters and I was interested to hear them say that too.
There was also one thing that stood out as a perspective that I think Louis would appreciate from either sharing it or maybe wanting to share it. The Snuts first album reached number one on the charts, but they said they found themselves “no more satisfied with a number one than they had been the previous day” and that they realised that that “the accolades we try to collect in life are nowhere near as important as the journeys we take to achieve them”. It made me think of the whole ‘nothing to prove, everything to achieve’ perspective.
If you haven’t watched it, I’d recommend it. I’d also really recommend the album. Louis was promoting their album today on twitter and I’d just love to know if he’s seen that doc, and what his thoughts are on all of this.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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So John remillard fascinatingly found this and somehow he's the announcer and looks like the clone that was trapped in the car and he managed to pull him out after he pulled the car out a few days ago cuz it's just a skeleton barely there's a bunch of crabs there not too many and it's kind of normal but there's a gathering of them to the South that John remillard knows about and he wants to activate to come up the coast once the pseudo empire takes over and they're monitoring it and they see him going there yes and they tell him not to do anything and he says I won't until it's time and stuff like that so listening to this and watching it besides think they can use it and they're saying they're a bunch of crabs and also I heard Garth the other day I will not let you have me eaten by crabs so you got to go and you say it to a bunch of people including Tommy f and that's what they're talking about so we are now pursuing these idiots and there are several groups going after them to take them down for a variety of reasons the crab issue is one of them and we will take them down and take them out for that and other we have several announcements
-there's a lot of talk going on but this talk now is important and mac daddy says it this idiot Max want them to run a sun around in the dangerous atmosphere usually idiots to try and draw are actually human personnel out well it's not working and their heinous everyday and they try and get it going so we work on them right now there baby boys they're upset and we expect problems that brings us to today's announcements
-we have $4,500 people that need to leave here immediately they were rough the rude they're crude and they're wrong they're saying and doing the wrong thing and they need out and we mean it they need out now and right now and we are putting together a package to evict them and we are going to assist people and our son said nobody here has the power if we don't do it we won't get our way if we want to totally dominate we have to get a whole bunch of other stuff first and he tried to put the heart before the horse a little bit and it works but it's a death to find stunt now we have to do things and we are hearing it we're going ahead with it now
-what else can I fix this guy's wagon he's got a big mouth he's flippant
-there's a few other things happening I'm going to make sure they do we want John remillard out of this place forever and we will take him out ourselves if necessary but really we know how to do it and we've known that's the path the whole time you have a couple other items and they're very big nobody calls us these names they are nobody says what they do they're going after those people but we already sent it I'll talk with the 4500 laptop not I'll talk it's up top
-there's several other things they're getting uppity they think they're getting somewhere with the pseudo empire so they're bothering our son more and we have to hit them and hit them very hard and we're going to but we have to do it
-huge numbers of pseudo empire are hitting here right now giant numbers
-there are some and we have to come in
-we have other things to announce but we have to get it out
Frank Castle hardcastle
We do have other things to announce one of them is we need more room here in space and land
Thor Freya I'm instructed to call her Realtors they'll pick out the prime land based on our criteria and I appreciate it and he's ordering it and she is
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rum-inspector · 1 year
IF I wasn't such a lazy writer I would write the moat boring fluffiest Star Wars AU called Star Peace. The change would be
Obi-Wan actually knows force healing
Tpm goes same as it goes until Qui-Gon dies. This time he doesnt bc obiwan actually listened in healing class
Qui-Gon being more grey would be way better match to be Anakin's master while still getting guidance from Obi because why wouldn't they hang out? They are much better as "brothers" than master padawan
Qui-Gon would absolutely side with Dooku no matter what Obi cries in the original AotC. Which might send Obi into existential crisis, whether he comes out of it as even more lawful annoying defender of statua quo or sides with his old master I don't quite know, I really went into this wanting Vader not to happen so this is not that important to me
Maybe this isn't as fluffy as I though, a war would still ensue, would clones be on the separatist side if obi never went looking maybe dam I didnt think this through.
Anyway Vader never happens. Padme doesnt stress herself to death. The Republic fractures instead of becoming empire. Church and state is once again separated I mean the Jedi go back to being a cult instead of warriors of the state.
Anakin does bring balance to the force as maybe he sparks a reform within the jedi instead of fighting the sith. Or maybe he revives the sith but not in a Cruel Horrible Terrible Villains but force users who channel force through emotions like idk Power of Love. Why does it always have to be anger anyway? Maybe the Force is a spectrum and he finds a whole new shade when his pursuits arent suppressed but encouraged.
Older Anakin also does not care about the prime directive wait what wrong universe anyway he dedicates his life going around freeing slaves giving no shit about "jedi can't judge other cultures" bc while he may not be Vader he is Anakin and he does judge
Palpatine gets impeached over tax evasion or something
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cmdr-prio · 1 year
02:32 UTC
So first up, Heck Yeah I can fly again! I ran back to Sagittarius A* to grab a photo, hopefully it came out okay and I can attach it here. If there’s nothing attached here then it didn’t come out okay.
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As it turns out, I misremembered/misread what I’d read before regarding a landable planet in the system. It’s a neighbouring system, Stuemeae KM-W c1-342. One of the moons was used as a camp during an expedition in 3302. Allegedly the black hole at SagA* is visible in the sky from here, but I’m not seeing it.
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I mean I can target it in the nav computer, it’s definitely up there, I just can’t make it out among all the other junk in the ‘verse.
On the other hand, views like this never get old.
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A quick rest here, then on to Altum Sagittarii.
Oh, right - I found more spiky things on the way here. Also some bulbous things. Hopefully this photo comes out better than the last one.
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Side note: When I try to boost, I get an alert saying I can’t. Not enough energy in the capacitor or something? What did I break? I guess it’s a power consumption thing, right? It’s not too important right now while I don’t need to boost, but given I never got a warning like “Hey, you won’t be able to boost if you do this” when I did whatever the frell I did to make it this way, it’ll be nice to know for future reference what to avoid.
♫ Currently listening to: Various Artists - Brandywine ♫
03:43 UTC
Currently on my way to Nyuena JS-B d342, stopped off on some rock for a brief pit stop because my tummy has the rumblies. I could just eat while I fly, but let’s at least pretend I’m a responsible pilot.
This one time, back in the day.. I can’t remember what I was doing, maybe shipping cargo? Or maybe it was on the long ride over to Hutton Orbital. Or both, I guess. Either way, I had an autocruise assist module on that ship, so while that dealt with the actual flying, I was sat back, feet up on the dash, eating fried chicken without a care in the world. So of course it was at that moment that someone tried to interdict me. I feel like I escaped with my cargo, and chicken, intact, but that could just be my ego talking.
Of course, I’d be kind of impressed if I ran into any pirates out here. Impressed, but annoyed all the same. Pirates can be a nuisance. I got no issue with dudes who wanna cause some trouble for the feds or the empire or whoever, but I’m just some guy, go after the bigger fish.
♫ Currently listening to: Diana Gallagher - Cosmic Concepts More Complete ♫
05:40 UTC
I’ve made it to Altum Sagittarii. Turns out the fellas from that expedition I mentioned before, also stopped off here. I guess that’s why it was marked for historical interest. I’m currently parked on the same rock they made their basecamp, though I’m nowhere near where they actually were. Navigating latitudes and longitudes aren’t for me. I can land you on a planet, but if you wanna be somewhere specific on there, we may have a problem.
But all that aside, I’m pretty much at the top of the galaxy! I mean, will ya just look at it!
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All my friends are in this picture!
From here it’s on to Nyuena RO-Z d184. Nyuena Prime. I hear it’s the highest point anyone’s ever managed to get to. I’ll plot a route to see how far it is. Not sure if I’ll be able to get there today, repairing the stick took longer than I wanted it to. If it’s too far, I’ll just camp here and take a nap.
06:44 UTC
So I guess this is the actual top of the galaxy. There was a tourist beacon here, because of course there was. It said you can make out the galaxy’s spiral arms from here, but I dunno, I couldn’t see ‘em. But I am long overdue to get my eyes checked.
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I also saw more spiky things. I guess they come in many colours. At the spot with the red ones, my sensors started picking up.. Something? Off in the distance? Well, two things. Too far away for me to just eyeball whatever they were. But on the sensors, they would sort of.. Flicker in and out?
I guess they could’ve been some kind of reflection or interference from all the spiky bois. But I just. Sat there in the silence, just the idea of some mystery ship, or worse, just beyond the darkness. I started to feel really uncomfortable. I hightailed it out of there pretty quickly.
(Note while editing this back, the same thing was going on at the spiky cluster way back in the fourth image. But I was too preoccupied with the discovery that some of my ship controls had become remapped somehow to notice.)
My next destination will be the Black in Green. Not sure if I’ll be able to make it there before the sleepy takes me, but we’ll see.
Ah. Looks like this is a multi-waypoint journey. Definitely not getting all the way there before the sleepy takes me. But I can make a start.
♫ Currently listening to: The Orion Experience - Children Of The Stars ♫
09:31 UTC
Two waypoints down. Or is it three? My brain is jelly.
I’m currently in Theema RO-I d9-1963. The usual drill when I reach a waypoint. Did a scan. Picked a rock to land on. But I thought I saw something on the horizon so I drove the SRV around a little.
This rock has  weeds on it.
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Feels good to be flying again. But I gotta put food in me then hit the hay.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
@mutatiio said:
maul & kast + ⚔️
Send me “⚔️“ for my muse to defend yours from an attack.
The Spire, the so-called 'impregnable' prison, pride of the Empire, didn't stand a chance against just two of Kast's explosive charges strategically placed against one of its third floor walls. But she could see why this place gave people the idea that it was impossible to escape from, it was located in an area of Stygeon Prime —a permanently cold planet with temperatures so low it could easily be a worthy opponent to Hott on a particularly bad weather day— that so happened to be as high above sea level as a building could be built, surrounded by cliffs, in the middle of a mountain range.
Still, they hyped up this place so much as the worst place you could end up at that she'd hoped for more of a challenge to break into– then again, Rook doubted that many people were trying to get inside the prison.
But she and Gar had a reason: they'd followed the ship that took Lord Maul all the way here.
The place was full of droids, yet another reason why it was probably believed to be impenetrable. But simple battle droids didn't stand much of a chance against two Mandalorian super commandos out on a mission– after all, Mandalorians didn't ever accept defeat, it wasn't even considered as a possible outcome whenever they charged into battle. When one fights a Mandalorian, either the Mandalorian wins or everyone involved loses. That was the way. So nothing could stop them from reaching the seventh floor.
Seeing the state that Separatist scum had left their leader in made Rook's blood boil, her gloves creaked as she clenched her fists so right that her fingers went numb. If she wasn't wearing her gloves, the whiteness of her knuckles would have been very visible.
"Lord Maul," she breathed out, angry yet feeling some relief because at least he's alive. "We will get you out of here."
The plan was that Gar would get Maul down while she created an exit on whichever wall she could blow a hole through the easiest, and Rook would have been more than happy to stick to it. But she set the charge and readied her vambrace to blow it up when the time came, once they got Maul off the containment device and away from the range of explosion, and Saxon had yet to finish getting him free from that damn thing. The droids reached that floor and, of course, their prison guard programming made them go from 'stop the intruders' to 'stop the prisoner from escaping'. Her blood ran cold as she watched one of the B2 series battle droids aim its blaster directly at Maul, and she didn't hesitate.
Kast jumped in the way, her back to Lord Maul and. The blaster bolts hit her chest, pauldrons and helmet in close succession. Her beskar prevented her body from taking any damage, but while beskar sent the energy bouncing off like a rubber ball thrown at a stone wall, it didn't absorb the force of the impact. It rattled her to the bone, knocking the air out of her lungs and forcing her to suck it back in through gritted teeth, leaving a tension in her body that threatened to turn into a full body ache. Rook could worry about that later. Shooting was more important right now.
And shoot she did, and she wasn't the only one. Saxon joined her in getting rid of the threat. Any other time, she'd have appreciated the extra blaster, but not right now. Not when he should be working on that stupid energy containment cell. Her helmet turned in Gar's direction.
"Get out of my way." she didn't wait to see if he'd listen, pushing past him.
Perhaps it was not her place, but someone had to get him moving and it was only him, her and Maul here, and they had to get Maul out of there. She had far less patience than Gar, and so she didn't bother wasting time in the careful approach. Instead, she brought her blaster out once more and shot the cables that connected the panel to the cell, ripping its power source from its roots. Gar was by Maul's side in a second, trying to help their Mand'alor back to his feet. They kept him between them, protective as they helped him move away from the explosive charge Kast didn't waste time to blow up. Then, she shot a zipline through the freshly-made exit.
"Alright, everyone out!"
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revivingthegospel · 2 years
What is the Gospel?
“Let them be accursed.” This was Paul’s prescription for those who distorted the Gospel he preached. (Gal.1:8) Evidently, it was that serious. What is the Gospel? It’s an important question because it’s the Gospel that saves souls, yet many have no idea what it is. This not only leads believers to condemn one another over traditions, but it also prevents many from establishing a true relationship with the Lord, since some, albeit with good intentions, preach another gospel. Ray Pritchard once said, “When we are wrong about the Gospel two terrible things happen: Sinners are not saved and God is not glorified.” So, let’s answer the question: What is the Gospel? according to God’s word.
Let’s begin by looking at the word gospel. Gospel is not a term found only in the Bible. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon term god-spell, which means “good story” (New). In Classical Greek, euangelion (εὐαγγέλιον), the Greek word from which gospel is derived, meant “a reward for good news” or the good news itself. According to Britannica: “In the emperor cult particularly, in which the Roman emperor was venerated as the spirit and protector of the empire, the term took on a religious meaning: the announcement of the appearance or accession to the throne of the ruler. In contemporary Greek it denoted a weighty, authoritative, royal, and official message.” (New)
So, in the biblical context, what does euangelion or gospel mean? Simply put, the Gospel is the authoritative message about God’s grace. The apostle Paul stated, “…I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24 NIV). 
As described in the Hebrew Bible, the Lord sent his prophets to call his idolatrous people back to him, exhorting them with words such as, “Return, backsliding Isra’el,” says Adonai. “I will not frown on you, for I am merciful,” says Adonai. “I will not bear a grudge forever” (Jer. 3:12 CJB).
Grace has always been the prime motivator for repentance. But, how is this grace conveyed today? Today, we come to faith in God through the message about Jesus Christ, which offers salvation both from the present evil age (Gal. 1:4) and from the future judgment. So, what exactly does this message consists of? Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:1-6:
“Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.” 
Peter and other apostles proclaimed a form of this message to Jews:
(Acts 2:22-38 NIV shortened) 22 “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. 23 This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men,[d] put him to death by nailing him to the cross. 24 But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him………32 God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. 33 Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear”……….36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.”…….38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “
(Acts 4:1-2 NIV) “The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. 2 They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people, proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead.”
(Acts 4:10) “…then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.”  
Peter also preached the Gospel to Gentiles. Concerning Jesus, he spoke to Cornelius and his household saying:
(Acts 10:39-43) 39 “We are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a cross, 40 but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen. 41 He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen—by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. 42 He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. 43 All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
Some people believe Jesus preached an entirely different gospel than Paul. However, we can confirm from Scripture that Jesus’ message was the same.
(Matt. 4:23) 23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.
(Matt. 12:40) “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
(Luke 9:22) And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”
(John 2:19) Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
Whether we call it the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Gospel of grace, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or the Gospel of salvation, it is all the same Gospel and was proclaimed by the Old Testament prophets (Is. 53) and also Jesus, Peter, and Paul. It is the message concerning Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, and God’s grace lies at the heart of this message of forgiveness, hope, and restoration. The ultimate goal of the message is to produce loyalty and trust in the one true God through Jesus Christ. We trust in Jesus’ sacrifice for forgiveness of sin and we trust in the resurrection of the dead as a promise of a future kingdom and everlasting life that we can enjoy with the Lord.  
By trusting God and taking him at his word, we testify to his truthfulness (Jn. 3:33). It is this faith that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6) and fittingly, it is by grace through faith that we are saved (Eph. 2:8-9). God’s love is what attracts us to him, motivating us to submit to him and follow his ways. He demonstrates this love for us in the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners (Rom. 5:8).
O’ give thanks to the Lord because he is good! His love and mercy continues forever! The goodness of the Lord leads us to repentance (Rom. 2:4), and one communicates this goodness through the authoritative message of God’s grace, aka, the Gospel, which consists of Christ’s sacrifice for sin, his resurrection, and the promise of a new earth (aka “heaven”).
Subscribe to revivingthegospel.com to be notified of new Scripture studies and messages for spiritual growth.
**Unless otherwise noted, the thoughts expressed in this post are my own, and are intended to guide, not replace one’s own conviction and study of Scripture.
“New Testament Literature.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/topic/biblical-literature/New-Testament-literature.
“Gospel: Search Online Etymology Dictionary.” Etymology, https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=gospel.
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved.
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Dream SMP Recap (March 17/2022) - Seapeekay and the Lag Demon Egg Alien Invasion Investigation
Oh hi! Hello! Are you new here?
- Seapeekay logs on. Ponk logs on to tour him around. Per Ponk’s instructions, Seapeekay dies and respawns at Spawn to be “born anew”
- CPK gets a chest with items for him including clothes, rotten flesh, maps, a fish and a book. Bad, the tour supervisor, arrives
- The two realize they don’t actually know who CPK is. Ponk whispers to Bad that he must be Fundy’s second cousin or something. They’ve hidden 10 golden coins around the tour and CPK has to find them for a surprise. 
- They lead him around on a llama. CPK spots a coin on the side of the road. Bad suddenly runs off, telling Ponk it’s an emergency and to keep him occupied. Bad soon comes back
- They lead him around, telling him about the Community House, tree farm and “World Hub.” As night falls, CPK has to take his shoes off, as is the rules. They tell him to read the rule book, but have accidentally given him part of the “Lore Script” instead
- Ponk whispers and asks Bad why the path looks evil. Bad says he’s in the middle of a conflict. Turning back to CPK, Ponk explains that the path was created by Dream and later named the “Prime Path” by Tommy
- Punz logs on. He notes that CPK smells weird. He gives him a cookie, shoots him and leaves. Bad disconnects and CPK notices that everyone has axes
Ponk: “Once upon a time, there was a land free of conflict, Seapeekay! Everyone lived normal lives! Including me! I had friends, I had...family, Seapeekay! I cultivated a great Lemon Tree in my name for my ancestors to be seen for generations to come. But one night, Seapeekay! George. George of the Notfound Clan, came and burned my tree down! It burned for three days and three nights, Seapeekay. It burned to ash. Nothingness was the only thing left...”
- He points out the replacement tree that Foolish built. He takes CPK down into Karl’s nightclub, telling him ghost stories. Bad logs back on
- Next, they tell him the story of L’manburg and the hot dog van/drug empire. As it starts raining, they put their fish in holes and declare that the dawgs are in the water. Bad disconnects again on the way to L’manburg
- Ponk shows CPK to Pogtopia and Bad comes back. They warn him not to push any buttons. Bad keeps lagging out. While Bad is occupied, Ponk brings CPK aside and whispers to him to not trust anyone, not even Ponk and Bad
- Bad makes it back to them and tells Ponk to leave the room. He then turns to CPK and whispers to not trust anyone, including Bad and especially not Ponk. He hands CPK an important piece of chicken
- As they walk back, CPK asks why there’s so much death in all these stories
- Bad lags out again for another “coffee break” and Ponk suggests they visit the prison. First, Ponk shows him the Oogway Shrine along the way. He also shows off the railway where Tommy ran Dream over 
- They reach the prison
Ponk: “This prison held the worst of the worst, Seapeekay...we barely utter his name, but for those wondering...Dream. Because in there, it was not a Dream, but a NIGHTMARE!”
- Bad uses his magic to get them inside. They lead him through, Ponk telling CPK of Dream’s life in prison. As they make it to the final wall, Bad pauses
Bad: “Ponk, did you – did you hear that? Ponk, we need to get out of here.”
Ponk: “It’s not happening again, is it?”
- They run back, Ponk telling Seapeekay not to “listen to them.” Bad could sense something around the cell, something tainted. CPK closes his eyes and when he opens them, Bad has teleported them out. He hands CPK steak
- Next, they take CPK to Eret’s castle, claiming it’s Ponk’s. Ponk sits on the throne and places before CPK a cake. They demand CPK eat it. CPK takes a bite and Ponk pulls Bad aside
Ponk: “We haven’t even fuckin’ tested it. What the fuck’s gonna happen to him?”
Bad: “Oh fudge you’re right...(language) I don’t know!”
Ponk: “Two days and we’ll see.”
- They return to CPK and declare the end of the tour! They tell him that CPK has seven days to pay the price of the tour. Ponk disconnects and CPK walks off
- As CPK walks down the path, thinking it’s over, Bad comes up to him
Bad: “Hi! Who are you?”
- Bad doesn’t remember the tour. He hands CPK more steak. CPK asks if Bad was a supervisor of anything, but Bad says his job was just being a prison guard. Bad lags out again and rejoins
Bad: “Oh hello! Hi!”
- He shows CPK to Punz’s house, remarking that CPK looks familiar. He gives CPK more steak. Bad lags out again. Eryn joins the call sounding very low-quality. He claims that he is Dream. Bad lags out again while they’re talking and rejoins
Bad: “Hi! Have we met yet?”
- Bad lags out another time and takes a while to come back
Bad: “Hello! Hi, we haven’t met before!”
- He does this several times as he lags out. Punz logs on and asks if anyone wants to play Valorant
- Bad lags out several more times, each time rejoining and offering CPK a tour. He takes a moment to remember Ponk. He shows CPK Schlatt’s grave and warns him about Tommy
- Bad tells him about Dream, saying to avoid him as well, and mentions the revive book but doesn’t explain it. What he does explain is the ongoing Prime Path war. They pay tribute to the tunnel with the chicken. Bad lags out, comes back and returns the chicken to CPK
- Bad lags out and comes back, asking if CPK has a chicken. Then he lags out again several times. He tells CPK about how Punz got enchanted by an entity called “Val-Or-Ant,” who they call Val for short
- Bad shows CPK his vandalized mansion. He has some soul fire around the place in case he needs it. He points out the prison, which he hasn’t been inside for a couple weeks. He keeps hearing noises coming from inside it. He used to hear a lot of screaming when he worked there
- Bad starts taking him somewhere, but lags out. When he comes back, he welcomes CPK to Ponk’s tour. Foolish logs on. They continue walking. Bad says that time is running short...
- Bad asks what his favorite color is. CPK says blue. Bad was hoping he would say red. Bad shows him the mob grinder and leads him down the hall. When they get to the entrance, Bad stops. He realizes where they are and tells CPK to get out of there
- When CPK is about to step into the elevator up, Bad stops again
Bad: “Hi! Woah, why are you leaving? Come on!”
- He leads CPK back to the entrance. He was supposed to take CPK down here, that’s what they said – the one voice. They enter and start down to the Egg Room. Bad stops
Bad: “Hi! Are you new here? Wh– what are you doing down here?!”
- He tells CPK to run. They need to disinfect. He pauses again, asking why CPK is leaving. He starts leading CPK back towards the entrance when Foolish steps in front of them
- Foolish questions where Bad was taking the new guy and patches up the barrier to the Egg Room. They go back up and Bad explains to Foolish that he and Ponk took CPK on a tour, but they may have had a bit too much lemonade to drink
- They go to the summer home and Foolish is enraged by Bad’s prank on the DreamXD statue, which now has a mustache too. They bicker furiously and Bad says that he may have brought Techno over here and told him Foolish built it for him
- Bad admits that he has been stealing steak that may have been infected from an area down below that he’s not supposed to go. He and CPK have been eating it. Foolish demands they hand it over and burn it. He puts down soul fire and CPK burns himself with it
- Bad turns into TommyInnit and starts asking if CPK wants to play Among Us
- Foolish shows CPK around the summer home. CPK sees the first DreamXD statue and asks what DreamXD is. Bad hands CPK some more food, but Foolish demands CPK doesn’t eat it
- As they walk to the pyramid, Bad leaves and rejoins
Bad: “Oh hi!”
- Bad catches up to them and asks if CPK is new here. Foolish asks if he’s done this before, and CPK tells him Bad’s done this 16 times now. Foolish assures him that Bad is just really stupid
- Bad says he feels better now. He felt like a door was closed
- Foolish asks what CPK is good at. CPK doesn’t know yet, as he’s just been led around so far, but he’ll find out eventually. He isn’t sure about this whole “seven days to pay up” thing though
- Foolish questions Bad about whether he’s possessed. Bad insists he hasn’t been down to the Egg room in several weeks – months... Foolish says he’ll deal with Bad later
- CPK asks about the prison. Bad tells him not to go, but CPK points out Bad has already taken him there
- Bad and Foolish step aside and Bad whispers to Foolish that he feels like he’s seen CPK before, but he’s sure he wasn’t there before. He thinks they should keep an eye on him
- Bad accuses Foolish of seeing the Egg. He asks if Foolish has seen any more vines around. Foolish hasn’t
- Bad has an idea of where to take CPK next. He tells Foolish to stay here. As a parting gift, Foolish gives him a block of iron and tells CPK to trust no one
- Bad asks what his favorite color is. CPK loves the color red, which Bad approves of. He asks how CPK feels about eggs. CPK likes them, they’re a good shape
- He leads CPK back to the spider spawner, looking around for something first. He asks if CPK likes joining organizations, and CPK is interested. Bad starts destroying the blocks in front of the Egg room
Bad: “You see...he almost did it. But he left one little hole. That’s all it takes, Seapeekay. You leave one little opening...and that’s all it takes.”
- After breaking the entrance, Bad whips around and shouts at CPK, asking what he’s doing down here. He asks for obsidian but CPK doesn’t have any
- They frantically mine obsidian until Bad suddenly stops and looks at CPK
Bad: “Oh hi!”
- They go near the entrance again until Bad remembers again and tells CPK he needs to get out of here. They manage to block the entrance off with obsidian and Bad puts down soul fire to purify them
- As they run away, Bad tells CPK to never, under any circumstances, open that door. He doesn’t know who opened it
- They go to Tommy’s house. Eryn logs on. He’s 35,000 blocks away, so Bad uses magic to bring him here. Eryn gives CPK a block of diamond as a gift. Bad gives him some emerald blocks and Eryn gives CPK gold blocks as they try to one up each other
- Eryn and Bad show CPK the museum. CPK notices the Egg replica. Eryn asks if he’s seen the actual thing and suggests they go down there, but Bad and CPK don’t think it’s a good idea. Bad asks if Eryn went down there, and Eryn has
- It’s time for Bad to leave the two of them. Before he goes, he looks CPK in the eyes and warns him not to go down there at any cost
- Eryn leads CPK to his base to get a steed. He gives CPK a horse of his own. He also gives CPK Sapnap’s trident. From there, they part ways
- Foolish works on the Doozer HQ, removes the Technoblade face from the DreamXD statue and burns down Bad’s jungle creations at the summer home
- Later, Bad logs on and discovers that his builds have been burnt, determined to seek revenge. He also builds a Callahan face on the statue
- Antfrost logs on. He believes that aliens are invading, and they’re near the WOMENX3 sign
- Bad follows Ant to the Doozer HQ. He starts believing Ant’s theory that Foolish might be an alien
- Foolish is working at the HQ. They go up top and speak with him, asking what the build is. Foolish doesn’t answer, but what he does say is that he’s recently been attempting to communicate with someone with little success
- They ask if there’s anything they can do to help, and Foolish suggests Bad cease existing, as the person he’s trying to contact really hates Bad
- Bad wonders if the things Foolish are building are alien communication devices, and if Foolish has been mad at Bad because building on his builds nullifies the signal
- As Bad and Ant go to leave, Foolish tells them not to say a word of this to Sapnap. The two return to the summer home with the idea to plant loads of trees – only for Foolish to be standing right in front of them
- Ant tries to explain that he’s here because he recruited Bad for the catmaid services. Bad isn’t sure about this excuse
Ant: (whispering aggressively) “Put the cat ears on! Put the cat ears on!”
- They offer to help clean up the blocks left over from the jungle. When they finish cleaning, Foolish leaves to continue working. While Foolish is gone, Bad and Ant plant new trees
- Michaelmcchill logs on. He arrives at the summer home and they wonder if he’s one of the aliens. To test, they ask if he’s ever been to Ohio. Michael considers the state a natural enemy
- Ant and Bad discuss Michael’s thoughts on aliens and wonder if he’s a good alien. They tell him that they think there are aliens among us, and Foolish might be one of them
Foolish: Hey michael did you still want to borrow a copy of the book “How to Alien”
- Bad and Michael discuss alien conspiracy theories as they plant trees. They realize the Among Us bunker that Foolish built looks like a spaceship
- They head to the bunker. Michael doesn’t know what the Egg is when they discuss possible brainwashing, so they explain it
- The three enter the Among Us bunker and sneak around. They spot Foolish in one of the rooms at a computer and hide
- Foolish is attempting to call someone, frustrated that it’s not working. He tries listening to the radio and sings a bit of Heatwaves, but still no luck. He talks into the radio and Michael is indignant that he’s stealing his bit
- The three sneak away and vent. Foolish leaves the bunker. Michael has the idea to try and intercept the radio frequencies Foolish was using and listen in. He’s baffled that Ant and Bad know what Twitter is but not radio
- They run around the bunker examining the equipment. Michael notices that Foolish has violated the Geneva Conventions by using a red cross. They freak out as Foolish returns to the bunker, quickly venting. Foolish is now attempting to use email instead
- Foolish has the idea to use destructive weapons to get XD’s attention and the three panic. They need to destroy the weapons room
- They keep sneaking around as Foolish walks through the bunker to try and blow things up, randomly saying he hates BadBoyHalo. The three escape the bunker to the surface
- They hear a concerning sound and go back to confront him. Foolish is confused at them thinking he’s an alien trying to destroy Earth and says that he’s friends with a god. Bad and the others run out of the bunker in a panic
- Foolish settles them down for a talk near Spawn. They ask who he was trying to contact, why he has a space shuttle. Foolish explains that it was meant to be a bunker and he’s not an alien
- Bad starts running for the HQ with stacks of TNT 
Foolish: “If you don’t drop that TNT right now, I won’t tell you where Skeppy is!”
- Bad immediately stops. The aliens took Skeppy captive! Foolish and the others start suspecting that Bad is an alien. They all start suspecting that everyone is an alien and can’t figure out who is the alien
- Finally, Foolish says that he was trying to contact DreamXD. Antfrost doesn’t know who that is, and Bad explains that XD is an old friend of his. The misunderstanding has been cleared up!
- Bad and Ant apologize to Foolish, and Foolish admits he doesn’t actually have Skeppy. Maybe all of these long lasting conflicts could be easily resolved if they just spoke to each other!
Foolish: “Do any of you know about the Death Book?”
Bad: “The Death Book? We’re not supposed to talk about that–”
Foolish: “What do you mean?”
Bad: “Uh – nothing, I-I was told not to say anything!”
Foolish: “Oh, you’re gonna tell me. You’re gonna tell me everything you know. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow...”
Bad: “I don’t want to – oh, look at the time!”
- Bad backs away slowly. Foolish decides to let him go and call it a night
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nyaskitten · 2 years
MY NS15/16 Focus Character Theory/Discussion
(Quick disclaimer, nothing I say here is meant to be taken as a personal jab at anyone, if you feel like I'm saying something about you unintentionally, just tell me. Remember, we're all just losers on the internet who think that playing with Lego is cool /j)
Listen, can we all stop judging the season before it comes out? Like yes, it sucks we're probably not getting a Kai centered season, but the show isn't ending yet, so there's still a chance at a Kai season(and also maybe wait until we get more info before we begin bashing Lloyd? Like no offense but my brother in spinjitzu, you are literally judging a season that is alleged to be longer than 20 episodes, with one poster).
Now, going off of the set leaks, Lloyd only appears in two sets, expensive ones, "The Crystal King", and "Lloyd's Ultra Golden Dragon".
Why would Lego make the main character of their season the hardest for children to get? Wouldn't they do the opposite? And what about every other ninja getting around 4-ish sets(aside from Nya)? Wouldn't it be ill-advised to make the most important character the hardest to get?
But, perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. So, aside from the sets, I wanna discuss the possible reasons for Lloyd being in the poster.
Option A: A Team Season, similar to The Oni Trilogy, each ninja getting their own focus, likely spanning a couple of episodes, due to this season allegedly being very long. Plus, we only have one poster, and there's only one ninja. Imo, it's a bad choice to exclude everybody from the poster aside from Lloyd, leaving me to believe in the existence of a second poster, showcasing the other ninja(similar to how they did it in Prime Empire).
Option B: Lloyd is turned evil. Tommy Andreasen has hinted before at the possibility of Lloyd becoming his worst fear, evil, like his father. Now, obviously Tommy isn't as galaxy-brained as me (so the things I noticed are probably coincidences because let's be real, it's Tommy we're talking about here) but in the poster, why is Lloyd reflected in one of the crystals with only villains, and no ninja? These same crystals the Lego site said to be wary of? And why are the Golden Weapons, objects with the power of the FSM himself, being corrupted by these strange crystals? If these crystals have corruptive properties that are usable against the weapons of creation, wouldn't it make sense that they can also corrupt a person?
Lloyd is probably evil and NOT the focus ninja(so please, stop flooding the main tags with so much negativity for this season and Lloyd lol)
also, idc if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, I just got up, leave me alone.
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pthalomars · 3 years
Synopsis of Jay's Empire AU⚡⚡
[[Made by me and @culturalmochi ]]
The way it starts out is that Jay goes on a solo mission, finds the hard drive for Prime Empire, and gets trapped in the game.
Nobody knows where he went, so the ninja are desperately trying to find him.
Time in game moves a lot faster than in real life, so a few weeks for the ninja is a few months (close to a year) inside of the game.
Jay met Scott and he showed him the ropes of the game, but tried to subtly warn him about Unagami. Jay spent a lot of time leveling up and grinding so he could get high stats, but later found out that he wasn't able to leave or communicate with the outside world. Enter Unagami.
Unagami tells Jay that he sees potential in him, and that he's impressed with his progress through the game. They begin to have a sort of mentor/mentee kind of relationship.
Once again, time moves much faster in game. So jay starts to miss the real world and tells Unagami that he misses his friends. Unagami tells Jay, "if they were really your friends, they would have come back for you by now, wouldn't they?"
Later on, Jay is approached by none other than the ninja! His dearest friends finally coming back to rescue him and bring him home!
But as he spends more time with them, something feels... wrong. It turns out they're NPC's, and in his mission objective list, it says he has to "discard" them. So he does, and they crumble into little pixelated cubes. He levels up.
This repeats several times, each time the ninja dupes become more rude, indifferent, hateful. At some point they become so far removed from their true counterparts that the only thing in common they share is their appearances.
Then comes the time where Unagami is ready to open the game to the rest of the world. He brings Jay to help him spread the word by broadcasting an advertisement for Prime Empire.
That's when the ninja find out where Jay has been this whole time.
So the real gang enters Prime Empire and find Jay, who looks displeased to see them even if he tries to hide it.
Everyone is so happy to see him and to bring him out of the game, surrounding him with hugs and tears of joy.
But then Jay checks his objectives. "Discard the ninja". It's the same as it's always been, so he goes along with it.
But as Jay journeys with his friends through the game, he slowly comes to the realization that they aren't NPC's.. they're his real friends.
Scott, when he was first sucked in by the game, leveled up really fast and eventually gained the attention of Unagami. Unagami said he saw "great potential" in him and gave him access to the coding of the game. For Scott, this means he can essentially influence and change parts of the game, but not always by his own free will. With him being connected to the coding, that includes his thoughts, emotions, memories, trauma, etc. this connection also gave Unagami a way to keep track of where Scott was and what he was doing at all times. 
so eventually, Unagami wants to bring empire to the physical world, but he needs help getting the world out. he tells Scott his plan and Scott is like "actually, fuck this :)" and escapes from Unagami. in order to keep him from tracking his every move, Scott cuts off his own connection to the game's code. He hunkers down in his hideout and tries to plot a way to a)escape and b)prevent Unagami from taking over the real world. 
so finally, Jay enters the game! Scott finds him running away from red visors and picks him up and takes him to his hideout. Scott explains the general rules of the game, gives him tips on how to survive, glitches, cheats, all of it. but he tries to warn him about Unagami and Jay is too enraptured with the thrall of the game to pay any mind to Scott's warnings. Jay starts leveling up and progressing, very similar to how Scott did, and gained the same kind of attention from Unagami. he saw great potential in him. at that point, Scott says that Jay can't come to the hideout anymore, and Jay asks why. Scott says "i already told you, but you didn't listen to me." and so Jay goes to Unagami. Unagami promises him steep advantages in the game, protection, etc and Jay is going along with it because, to him, its still just a game. the gravity of the situation hasn't quite hit him yet. he doesn't know that he's trapped. 
so now, Jay and Unagami have a sort of mentor/mentee kind of relationship, and Jay very much fits into the role of the teachers pet. the red visors are **VERY** protective of him and will often accompany him wherever he goes unless he tells them to leave (sometimes they listen, sometimes they dont). There is one red visor who is particularly close to Jay. she goes with him everywhere and is the most protective of him compared to the other RV's. Jay tries to talk with her sometimes, and one day he asks her what her name is. her voice glitches out a lot, like something is corrupted in her code. she repeats "four o-oh four-r-r AA e-rror-r four o-o-oh four-r AA" and Jay is like "hmm.. rora? can i call you rora?" and she just nods at him. (Rora becomes important later!!)
so anyways, going back to how Unagami has adopted Jay as his mentee, Jay has the same kind of access to the game's coding that Scott does. including the influence of his memories and past traumas. this manifests in several ways, but one of which is how the NPC clones of the ninja interact with him. Jay has a lot of issues with self esteem and often fears that nobody really cares about him, finds him annoying, etc. so with each iteration of the ninja dupes, they become meaner and meaner until the only resemblance they share to their irl counterparts is their physical appearance. 
Jay (not realizing that Unagami is the one creating the dupes) goes to Unagami to vent about how he misses his friends and wishes they could join him in the game. Unagami tells Jay "if they were really your friends, they would have come for you by now. They probably forgot about you. but it's not you ever needed them anyways. here, you are powerful, loved by everybody, adored by the masses. in here, you are important." gotta love that gaslight gatekeep gameboss moment. eventually, Unagami is ready to bring prime empire to the physical world once he's seen Jay get to the same point that Scott was at. Unagami says that he needs Jays help to deliver the message, and that crossing the line between digital and physical means that Jay can go back to the real world while still maintaining the same power and reputation he has in the game. Jay agrees and works with Unagami to make an advertisement. 
this is the advertisement script: 
[Do you want to join Prime Empire?
“What is Prime Empire?” it’s a fully immersive, futuristic video game experience! Using the latest virtual emulation technology, players are quite literally part of the game. Customize your avatar, meet other players, level up, and compete in tournaments!
“But how do I join?” The answer is simple, silly! Prime Empire can be found in your arcades, in your consoles, even on your phones! You would have to live under a rock to not find your way in.
“How do I win?” Your quest is to seek out the legendary Keytanas. But be warned, there are challenges that you will face. Deadly forests, dangerous races, and more! Will you rise above the rest and claim your rightful victory?
Join today, but don’t delay! Only the first 100 players will get a chance to meet yours truly (winks). In the Super Star Rocking Jay event, I will teach you the ropes of the game, along with exclusive tips that will give you an advantage over other players!
Do you have what it takes? Prove your worth and become part of Prime Empire!] 
however, Scott has caught wind of the ad, and so he hacks into the broadcast and tries to warn everybody to "STAY OUT OF PRIME EMPIRE!!" but once again, his warnings fall on deaf ears. 
however, now the ninja know where Jay has been all this time! they manage to be part of the 1st 100 players in the game and go to the super star rocking Jay event. Kai, Nya, Lloyd, Cole, pixal and zane all get in the game. but due to their own coding, pixal and zane despawn and get plopped back in the real world within the first 10mins of the game. They spend a lot of time outside of prime empire trying to find ways to re-enter the game.
so now we finally get to when the (remaining) ninja meet up with Jay, and he is disappointed at best when he sees them. but when they surround him with love and hugs and tears of joy, it throws him off guard. all of the NPC's were never this kind to him. He checks his objective menu and a new notification shows up. "discard the ninja". same as it's always been. part of the objective has always been to "not let the ninja know that you know they are fakes." but after all of this time, Jay has grown tired and so he doesn't really bother trying to keep up appearances. he won't flat out say that he thinks they're fakes, but his demeanor is completely off. 
the ninja make it to okino and they start going through the forest, the cliffs, and finally the maze of the red dragon. throughout this time, there are several little moments that lead Jay to believe that these might be his real friends. he tries to write them off, but it keeps nagging at him. in the canon scene where Unagami pauses the game and talks to okino, its the same except its Jay that Unagami talks to. "just wanted to check in with you, everything is still going according to plan, correct?" Jay responds with "yes, but these ones are different. none of the other clones have acted so.. so close to my real friends." Unagami scoffs "these ones are just as fake as the others. make sure you complete your objective. we are very close to bridging the gap, and I wouldn't want anybody to hold you back from being at my side when we cross over." Jay agrees and the game resumes. 
Jay has the perfect opportunity to let his friends perish at the hands of the dragon, but something in him screams at him to help them win. he points out the scale on the back of the dragon, they defeat it, and Jay gets the dragon summon. instead of keeping it, he gives it to Cole. "i figure you guys will probably need it more than me. I've got higher stats, i can take care of myself." (that dragon summon becomes important later) so ANYWAY now its time for the speedway 5billion. but they don't have enough credits so they have to get some extra money. the gang goes to the dance battle, but! theres also a karaoke battle they have to participate in. Jay and Cole sing Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears (this song is also important later!) and they win the contest and get enough credits to enter the race. however... 
by this point in time, Jay is pretty sure that this group is his **real** friends, and he doesn't feel like he can go through with his objective anymore. besides, would clones really dance with him? sing his favorite songs with him? watch out for him when danger approaches? smile at him with such kindness and sincerity? clones wouldnt, but his real friends would. once again, his connection to the code means that Unagami is able to track him, and also take peeks into his mind. Unagami senses this realization and pauses the game again to confront him. "Jay, you must not let these clones cloud your judgement. you still have a mission to complete." Jay says "Unagami, these aren't dupes! they're really my friends, and they came back for me! i can't just "discard" them like you want me to. I won't!" "you WILL if you ever want to leave this digital space. if you will not join me in bridging the gap, then you will be left in here for all of eternity. the choice is yours, Jay walker." and with that, the game resumes. 
the ninja are all talking and they realize that Jay has gone silent. "Jay? you good?" Kai asks. Jay snaps out of it and reassures them that he's fine. but thats when he sees *him*. in the crowd of NPC's bustling about the city, he sees nadakhan. staring at him with that evil, calculated grin and begins approaching them. Jay's eyes go wide and his stomach drops. "are you sure you're okay?" Lloyd asks. "we.. we need to get out of here. we need to leave *now*" Jay says with a quiet, wavering voice. Just as he moves to flee, Nya gasps.
It was the scene of Nya dying. She was cradled in Jay's arms, muttering her last words before going completely limp. The master of lightning shook with broken sobs, clinging to his friend as if holding her tight enough could bring her back. That was the day that Jay Walker had lost everything.
And now, that moment was set on an infinite loop, broadcasted on every screen in the capital city of Prime Empire.
Jay was frozen, unable to do anything but succumb to his rising panic.
Nya was in a similar state, feeling the sharp pains of her chest that came from her old wound. She remembered dying, the pain and vulnerability. Now her final moments were in full display.
The rest of them gazed in horror and confusion, unable to comprehend what was going on. Jay thinks he heard Kai yelling, maybe he was asking why his sister was dying over and over again. Cole sounded like he was trying to warn everyone about the approaching assailants. Those of which looked like clones of the Misfortune's crew, including their tyrannical captain.
It was all too much. Jay felt his digital blood freeze in his veins, his air cutting off entirely, and his vision slowly turning to static.
Nadakhan. Nya. Tiger widow venom. Kai. Nadhakan. Nya. Zane. Cole. Nya. Lloyd. Nadakhan. Nya. Nya. Nya. N-
Jay's friends tried to reach for him, to help him, but then it happened.
An explosion of lightning burst from Jay's body, flooding through the city with blue and white pixelated sparks. And once the wave had passed, the city went dark. The screens that were looping that wretched day were now idle. The Misfortune's crew were nowhere to be seen. Jay had fallen unconscious. 
"What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked, his face contorted in concern.
"Scott, it- its Jay. He had this weird power surge and he-" Lloyd stuttered before him and his friends were roughly yanked inside of Scott's hideout.
Cole was carrying Jay's limp body, and followed Scott's instructions to lay him on the workbench. But not before he had thrown all of his tools and blueprints on the ground in a rush.
"What did you say? About a power surge?"
"It was-" Lloyd started again
"It was like he exploded," Kai cut in, "we've never seen his element act like that."
"The city, it went dark." Nya added.
"And there was something going on with the city screens, they were showing-" said Cole.
"My sister dying! Over and over again! That's not part of the game, right?!"
"Guys guys! Chill the fuck out, one at a time." Scott demanded. They all went quiet before Nya spoke up.
"The screens showed one of Jay's memories. One of his most traumatic ones. NPC's started changing into people that.. are related to that memory. They started attacking us from all sides. Jay had gone into a panic attack before he surged. That wave of power blew out the whole city's power and everything went dark. After that he passed out."
Scott looked at her with a look of dread.
"This is worse than I thought.."
"What do you mean worse? Scott, what's wrong with Jay?" Cole asked. Scott sighed.
"He's.. he's become part of the game."
"Like an NPC?" Lloyd said.
"No, not an NPC. His memories, his soul, his life force- it's bleeding into the coding of the game. His emotions and memories are able to affect the behavior of the game. Environments, NPCs, everything."
"How do you know all of that, Scott?" Nya interjected.
"Because he's just like me."
"What??" The ninja said in unison.
"When I first came into the game, Unagami wanted me to bring Prime Empire to the real world. To break out of this digital prison and conquer the rest of the physical world. I agreed to help him because I didn't see any other way out of this hellscape. He granted me access to the code. So I'm just as connected to Prime Empire as Jay is. My memories are there too.
But the thing is, is that I've cut myself off of the code. It's the only way I could hide from Unagami, since I had abandoned ship and didn't want to help him anymore. I'm a threat because I can affect the code.
But if I don't connect to it, I stay hidden.
But Jay, his connection is so strong by this point. Everything he does changes the game.
He's gonna be okay, for now, but I can't guarantee the same for all of you." Scott finished, his eyes sunken and tired.
"Wh- what are we supposed to do then? How can we get Jay out of here?" Kai asked.
"Beat the game. As far as I know, there's no other way out of here."
They all looked at each other, faces grim but determined.
"Well we can't leave here without Jay, can we stay here until he wakes up?" Said Nya.
"Absolutely not." Scott replied.
"What? Why??" Cole butted in.
"The longer you guys stay here, with h i m, the more danger all of us are in. Jay is part of the coding, Unagami can find him. And that means he can find u s."
"Well how do we wake him up? There's gotta be some way!" Lloyd pleaded.
Scott looked at Jay's unconscious form.
"Fuck, okay, let me try something." 
so Scott does the only thing he can think of that might work. he reconnects himself to the game's code in order to "plug in" to Jay and wake him up. when he plugs in, Scott sees Jay in a dark, endless room. he's crouched on the ground, sobbing and shaking
But thrashing from his body is manifestations of his trauma, like a horrible amalgamation that is distorting his physical form and its. Horrifying.
Scott looks at him and tries to approach him without getting hurt
He gets to him and he makes contact with his shoulder and then the surge of energy happens and he gets unplugged and shot across the room, and Jay wakes up with a start, chest heaving and his eyes still wet with tears. Cole is there right next to Jay, and Jay clings onto him like a lifeline. Kai wraps his arms around Jay too and they hold him and comfort him as best they can. Lloyd and Nya go over to Scott to see if he's okay. he groans and sits up, Lloyd and Nya help him stand. "what happened? what was that??" Nya asks. "I woke him up. but its not safe anymore. you guys have to get him out of here, or else Unagami is gonna show up and if he does.. well its safe to assume it'll be game over for all of us." 
"we still have to win the highway 5billion and get the second keytana." Cole says, "and we need cars." Scott sighs at this, "i've got cars you can use, i won't be using them very much anymore anyways." "what does that mean?" Kai asks. "did you not hear me? its game over. you guys have to get Jay out of here." Scott says. "Scott, you know the game better than anyone, we need your help. will you race with us?" Nya pleads. Scott is about to reject when he looks at Jay. Jay is looking at him with a look that breaks his heart. "fine. I'll race with you guys." 
so they fix up the cars and enter the SW5B and Scott is like "i guess if we're going in, i might as well get a new look." so he customizes his avatar (if u check my post with his redesign, thats the avatar he has, the glowing parts of his outfit change colors!) and they start the race! Scott doesn't have his own car, instead he's jumping from vehicle to vehicle and taking out the other drivers so that the ninja can win. he uses his baseball bat as a melee weapon but it can also shoot lasers! Kai still gets that loot box upgrade and has the running mech, and just like in canon, Cole and Kai get cubed. so does Scott, he gets run over lol. now its just Jay, Nya, and Lloyd and they make their way to the temple of madness.
then we have the fight. in canon its Lloyd and harumi, but in this au, Jay enters the arena instead. he gets in and the game picks his fighter. expecting it to be someone he's fought before, he prepares himself. but nothing could have prepared him for who he saw standing in front of him. it was echo zane. 
Nya stares in horror and Lloyd is confused. "who is that? that can't be zane, right? why would he be part of the game?" Lloyd asks. Nya can't say anything, and neither can Jay. Jay wants to give up, he cant fight echo. someone who helped him in the most dire of times, only to be left alone on that island for the rest of eternity. Jay had never gone back for him, and that guilt he felt had just kicked into high gear having to look echo in the eyes. but then echo starts attacking him, and Jay has to defend himself. Jay wins, and sees echo disappear after the final blow. the walls of the arena disappear and Jay falls to his knees. Lloyd and Nya move in immediately to help him up. "seriously, what the hell is going on?? why aren't you guys saying anything??" Lloyd demands. "we can't talk about it right now, Lloyd. we'll have to tell you later." Nya says quietly. her voice is tight and dies in her throat. Lloyd gets the hint and doesn't push it any further. 
so the three of them make it through the sushi restaurant and make it to the gate with the 3 keytanas. Jay, Lloyd, and Nya go to put in the blades and they open the gate. standing in front of them is none other than Unagami. "Jay, you have disappointed me. you were so important, so valued, and you have thrown that away for the sake of your so-called 'friends'. thankfully, there is still a place for you." Unagami says. "i don't WANT a place with you! you've hurt me, you've hurt my friends, you've hurt so many innocent people. all of those cubes? those are REAL PEOPLE! i can't let you do this Unagami. I won't let you get away with this." Jay says defiantly. Unagami sighs, "i was hoping it would not come to this. but if you chose to act this way, you will face the consequences. you will help me bridge this gap, whether you like it or not." and Unagami holds out his hands. an intense blue beam of light bursts from his palms and hits Jay square in the chest. the light is absorbed by his body and his form begins to glitch and spasm violently. mochi and i have called this the Blue Screen of Death. (tw for mild(?) body horror) Jay is overcome by the blue and his body begins to grow and distort, all the while he's screaming and his cries are glitched out and staticky. Lloyd and Nya watch, frozen in fear as their friend begins to grow to massive size, writhing in agony. Jay thrashes and knocks into both of them, sending them off the side of the platform and cubing them. the last two energy cubes join the gate and Jay crawls through. 
(with this scene, in the background, the lorde version of everybody wants to rule the world would be playing, just as a nice parallel to the song from earlier at the karaoke battle)
MEANWHILE, as pixal and zane attempted to find ways to get back into the game, find milton dyer, etc, zane gets captured by the mechanic. everything goes the same as it does in canon where the mechanic hooks zane up to the gate. 
and now, we get a look at where everybody who got cubed resides. Scott, when he was cubed, was greeted by Unagami personally. he criticized him for his actions and expressed his disappointment before ultimately locking him inside of a digital cell. Scott figured that this was how the rest of his life would be, trapped in a cage with no way out and no way to die. but then! Rora shows up. that corruption in her system from the beginning? that was her beginning to break away from her coding and becoming more of a person. she saw what happened to Jay, and she wants to help him. she breaks Scott out and they agree to work together to save Jay. but they're gonna need all the help they can get. together, Scott and rora free the ninja and all of the other cubed players and they make it through the portal. 
and thats where they see Jay, now as tall as the skyscrapers in ninjago city and wreaking havoc on the entire area. 
everyone looks up at him in utter horror and see just how corrupted he's become. he's wailing in pain as he drives his guitar down on building after building. thrashing and flailing, causing the structures around him to crumble and collapse. "how the fuck are we gonna fix this?!" Nya cries. "i can help." Unagami approaches them. everyone gets into fighting stances, ready to beat Unagami into the pavement. "i did not realize that corrupting him would turn out like this. i know how to fix him, but i need your help." "why should we help YOU?" Kai growls. "if you want to save your city and your friend from complete destruction, you *will* help me." and so Unagami explains that if they can lure Jay back through the portal, Unagami can undo his corruption and fix Jays "coding" 
so now the ninja are trying to figure out how to get Jay's attention and bring him back through the portal. it seems like nothing is working, and then Cole gets an idea. he starts singing the lyrics to everybody wants to rule the world. it seems to get Jay's attention, so he keeps singing.
the others hear him and they join in. now they have Jay's attention, and he's closing in on them. that dragon summon from earlier? now thats when that comes in handy. Cole calls the digidragon and rides it so that Jay cant crush him while he lures him back to the portal. low and behold, they manage to get Jay through the portal, Unagami purifies his "coding" and they return to the physical world once again. Unagami gets to have his talk with milton and all of the npcs+pcs that want to come out do, and the others stay in the game. the city is in shambles, the portal closes, and zane+pixal+wu reunite with the others. 
the car ride home is very quiet. everyone is exhausted, Jay is asleep and leaning on Cole's shoulder. they have a lot to talk about, but for now, they just want to sleep through the night. they make it home, go to their separate rooms, and go to bed.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats pretty much all of it!! theres a little epilogue that has snippets of what Scott, racer 7, okino, and rora do now that they're outside of the game, but thats just kinda there lol.
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