#and the girls are unleashing siege engines
mumblingsage · 5 months
*stumbles through the door covered in red ink*
yeah but you should see the scene I edited
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rogerblackwolf · 3 years
Numa no omo
'The Lord of the Swamp'
Ramree Island, Burma (modern day Myanmar)
-February 8-17, 1945-
"January 20th, 1945
The Empire of Japan knew no bounds when World War II began. By 1938 the Japanese flag flew over the lands of China, Mongolia, and Manchuria. Japan's Imperial Army then invaded French Indo-China, the Dutch East Indies, and Burma. In the Pacific the Imperial Navy was undisputed as it claimed all between the Philippines and Gilbert Islands. For a time we were unstoppable, none could face the might of Japan, even the United States was not spared our might as nearly all US ships were destroyed or severely crippled at Pearl Harbor. In doing so, we only sealed our fate by unleashing the fury of a sleeping giant. At the battle of Midway, we lost four of our six carriers and for the first time we were being pushed back by an enemy driven by a warrior spirit comparable to our own."
The rumble of heavy artillery interrupted the man writing as the shockwaves loosened dirt and dust from the tunnel ceiling and walls. Only one kind of gun could shake the tunnels so violently, Naval guns. A young man dressed in the uniform of the Imperial Japanese Army came into the room and saluted before he spoke. 
"Gunso (Sergeant), Nagazawa Taisa (Colonel) wants to have a word about the coming battle. He is at forward command." The young soldier said, his Arisaka Type 38 rifle at his side.
"Thank you Nitohei (Private), I will be there shortly."
The man closed his journal, stowing it in his pack next to the table he was sitting at, before he went to find the commander. As he travelled the maze of tunnels, getting saluted by the other soldiers he passed, he finally came to a calmer portion of the tunnels. Here he saw several other officers around a table lit with an overhanging light that flickered every so often, as well as a radio man in the corner trying to intercept the enemy radio signals with some success.
"Nagazawa Taisa, Masuda Ryuzo Gunso reporting as ordered sir." The man said with a salute.
"At ease." The Colonel said saluting the Sergeant. Ryuzo came over to the table and noticed the plans of the island, as well as the markings of the enemy landing force off the coast. 
"The Allies will bombard us first with their naval guns, their planes have already taken over the skies, and tomorrow they will land their troops. A full division." Colonel Nagazawa said as he outlined the map with his finger.
"We number only one thousand men. Against such a force, we stand little chance of victory." One officer says.
"We can. We have a more defensible position." Another spoke up.
"But we are outgunned, what the enemy will not be able to gain in manpower they will use their naval guns to lay siege." A third added.
"Taisa. By chance we are forced to retreat...what is our plan?" Ryuzo asked the Colonel.
The Colonel pointed to the mangrove swamps.
"If we lose the town of Ramree, and our base is overrun we retreat through the swamps. I will take responsibility for the defeat. I ask only for you all to have faith in our Emperor." Colonel Nagazawa says.
"Hai." All the officers responded.
After roughly another hour or so the officers were dismissed to their quarters. Ryuzo stayed up for a time before he dozed off, remembering his home in Okinawa, his wife soon became the focus of his dreams. The thought of him returning to her gave him a warmth in this cold and harsh reality.
Over the following weeks the Japanese garrison were pushed back to the town of Ramree, where they attempted to hold but on February 7th they were outflanked and forced to retreat through the swamps. Many of the units were scattered during the retreat, many more were falling behind as they trudged through the thick mangrove trees. But soon the shame of defeat was replaced with terror as the units came under attack by a new enemy.
Many in Sergeant Ryuzo's unit were taken by scaled beasts in the water. A flash of scales, a splash of water, and blood being all that was left of his men. The days and nights were filled with gunfire and death cries as throughout the swamp crocodiles feasted on the men of the garrison. And despite Ryuzo's best efforts, he could only watch as many of his men were devoured by these voracious beasts. Luckily, Ryuzo and his men met up with another unit led by a sergeant named Haida Itashi. The two sergeants now had roughly forty men at their command, but these men were exhausted, starving, and the crocodiles were still a problem. Ryuzo pulled out a map and showed it to Haida.
"Where did you say you got separated from the main unit?"
"About here. The enemy is trying to block the streams leading to the coast, but this one is still open. The Colonel radioed the mainland, they're going to send rescue crafts." Haida said drawing invisible lines with his finger.
"If we cut through these trees, with luck we'll regroup with the main unit. Let's move!" Ryuzo shouts, folding the map and leading the forty men unit through the new path. Several minutes passed before the unit came under attack again, a bask of crocodiles emerged from the trees swimming towards the rear of the unit. The men began firing with some rounds hitting only to anger the beasts as they each took a man.
"Aim for the weak spot, behind their eyes where the neck meets the skull!" Haida shouted as he killed one by hitting the spot.
Ryuzo followed suit as did his men as they began to hold their ground. As quickly as it started the beasts were gone, leaving pools of blood in their wake. Without time to breath, Ryuzo ordered the unit to move once more. Five men were lost in the attack but fortunately as they took the shortcut the crocodiles stopped their pursuit. Night had fallen when the unit decided to take a short rest, the men were exhausted from the trek and their rations were low as well, Ryuzo still checked his men despite being exhausted himself.
One in particular, a Nitohei named Kaito Ikehara, started to struggle, he was the youngest among them and all he had left was the tasteless crackers from his rations. Ryuzo offered him half of his rice which he reluctantly accepted, they even began to chat about their homeland. Both were from Okinawa, although from different towns the two men shared stories that made them feel at ease. Stories like how their fathers worked as fishermen before conscription made everyone sign up for the war and Kaito even admitted that he had a crush on a girl but still couldn't find the courage to confess. Ryuzo gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder before he continued eating, every so often the sound of gunfire in the distance made everyone alert and the screams would haunt them forever.
An hour passed before Ryuzo and Haida got everyone up to move and it didn't take long before they stumbled upon something else. The unit passed multiple skeletons and mutilated corpses of crocodiles, many either half eaten or simply ripped apart and crushed. Both sergeants couldn't explain what was capable of such carnage, plus the thickets of mangrove trees were bent and in some spots snapped or flattened to create new trails for something big. 
"That's why they stopped chasing us." Haida said
"This place is a killing ground." Ryuzo added. He also noticed the men were on edge, but he assured them that they were close to the rally point, just a few more miles.
The unit could hear faint engines in the distance, Haida ordered a couple of men to some high ground to get a better view. Ryuzo placed his foot on what felt like a tree root, as in the waist deep water he couldn't really tell, and steadied his Type 38 on a low branch. Another soldier, noticing a partially submerged log, placed his Type 97 sniper rifle on it and scanned the area in front of the unit. The rest of the men also slowly climbed onto the moss covered high ground, but it felt too hard to be a sandbar.
The man with the Type 97 suddenly felt something off, he placed his hand on a knot only for it to flex and blow air at his hand. The log then began to move and rise, the soldier looked at the thicker part of the log and another knot opened revealing a large reptilian eye. Ryuzo's root suddenly shifted knocking him back, the high ground also shifted making several men fall into the water as the large creature revealed itself. Fifty feet of armored scales, a row of spines down the center of the back, legs like tree trunks, and a long triangular jaw filled with teeth the size of shortswords, the enormous crocodile shook its head side to side before lifting it skyward to let out a bellowing roar that filled the men with terror.
The first strike was at the sniper, a swiping chomp sprayed the men with blood as the man was devoured in one gulp.
"OPEN FIRE!" Haida yelled.
Every man with a rifle and machine gun focused their fire at the beast only to have the bullets ricochet off it's armored hide. Ryuzo got off a shot before dodging a foot that splashed him with water and mud, the beast opened its jaws scooping up two men and devoured them in seconds. A man armed with a Type 96 machine gun fired at the crocodile's side while trying to reload the tail swung his direction, sending him flying above the trees, his scream drowned out by the chaos of men trying to run and shoot. 
While Ryuzo was reloading his rifle he noticed that the beach was no more than a couple hundred yards away.
"The Beach! Everyone to the Beach!" He shouted. The men nearest followed orders and began running for the beach, Haida was helping his men over the roots as the monster thrashed and snapped it's jaws.
Ryuzo tried to reach him but Haida shouted
"Get to the beach! I'll cover you!" As he picked up a discarded Type 96 machine gun and drew the crocodile's attention.
Ryuzo followed his men but turned back just to see the crocodile devouring Sergeant Itashi, even clasped between the beast's jaws he stabbed with his bayonet before his body went limp, his fight done.
Ryuzo regrouped with his men on the beach and watched the last of the rescue craft disappear into the distance. Despite this, he took a headcount seeing he only had fifteen men left. A roar from the swamps, followed by the sound of trees being crushed and shifted, made the men turn towards the trees. 
Ryuzo looked around the beach, noticing several foxholes, he hatched a plan. Five men were placed in a foxhole, bayonets fixed, ready to face the beast. The first trees landed on the beach like crashing thunder, the earth shook under the great beast's foot falls, and the men shuddered from the sound of it's roar. 
"Fire!" Ryuzo ordered, the men focused their fire at the beast but it didn't stop as it went for the nearest foxhole. Two men were devoured, a third was crushed under its foot, and the last two were ripped apart. One man threw a grenade that landed next to the creature, the beast actually recoiled in pain but it seemed more angry than before. As the crocodile charged the next hole everyone scattered, but with a swing of it's jaws three men were scooped into its maw. Another two were crushed under its foot, one man charged the beast sticking it with his bayonet but a whip of the tail broke the man with a sickening crunch. The beast turned to the remaining four men and lunged, missing the group, as it turned to grab one man, Ryuzo turned to Kaito.
"I'll distract it, you run."
"But-" Kaito protested.
"Don't question me, just run." Ryuzo said.
Ryuzo turned to see his final man get devoured, the crocodile then faced him. He fired his shots in quick succession to no effect, in frustration Ryuzo threw his rifle like a spear embedding it in the crocodile's shoulder. A bellow of pain was heard before it grabbed the rifle in its jaw and snapped it with ease. Ryuzo drew his final weapon, his sword, and took a stance as the beast slowly walked towards him. Kaito got to the treeline and found a Type 96 machine gun with an extra magazine, quickly he loaded the gun as he saw Sergeant Ryuzo dodge and slice futilely at the crocodile. He took aim as Sergeant Ryuzo was thrown a few feet away, landing on a bayonet which stuck in his arm. Kaito racked the bolt and fired at the crocodile, spraying the face and side of the beast. It let out another roar as he reloaded, he began firing again as it walked towards him, no effect. Quickly Kaito grabbed his two grenades, pulled the pins, smacked the heads against the tree lighting the fuses.
"For my brothers!" He shouted, throwing them and diving behind cover. Once both blew he looked up and barely dodged the bloodied maw of the beast, it was injured but still able to fight. Kaito pushed himself into the deep foliage and trees which slowed the jaws but they kept coming closer and closer. The jaws were so close he could smell the fresh flesh between the teeth, the next lunge would surely drag him into those same jaws that ate his friends. 
"Tenno heika Banzai!" A familiar voice shouted. Kaito looked above the beast's head and watched as Sergeant Ryuzo plunged his sword into the weak point behind the crocodile's skull. What followed was a roar of pain that made Kaito cup his ears as the body went flat, the jaws slowly closed as the animal breathed its last, it's blood turning the swamp water red. Ryuzo pulled his sword free and, with Kaito's help, got down from the beast. The two men walked to the beach and began to search for more boats, surely more men had escaped, just waiting to be rescued. They were both surprised when they were confronted by a group of twenty men, their uniforms identified them as British troops.
Kaito looked to Ryuzo for their next move, Ryuzo stabbed his sword into the sand and raised his hands in surrender, Kaito reluctantly followed suit, both knowing they couldn't fight back even if they tried. Both men were escorted to the Allied camp and detained with roughly fifty others, without saying a word they all knew they had been through the worst possible hell, one not even the Allies could match or imagine.
Six months later, Ryuzo and Kaito were able to return to Okinawa after being released by the Allies. The war was over, Japan had surrendered, and the two men came back to a land they did not recognize. The two men went their separate ways and despite the horrors of war, there was one thing that gave Ryuzo peace. The look of his wife when they finally were reunited, his dream became reality as they gently embraced.
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glacialispictorem · 6 years
Nuclear Forblaze!
Events taking place during preparations prior to taking on Grand Hero Battle featuring Zephiel, the Liberator.
Hector: Frost, there is no way I am allowing Lilina to take on King Zephiel. You might just put my daughter in great danger and if you do, there is a reason why I have Armads with me.
Lene: Hector, chill. The summoner got this. Plus this is the perfect opportunity for him to test the gifts he bestowed on your daughter. Also Azura and Olivia are coming along and if you want to, you can along with us and watch from the back.
Frost: Yeah, what Lene said. This is the perfect opportunity to test the new power that your daughter has now in possession of. Also, Miss Camilla helped in this project.
Camilla: *giggles* Trust me, you'll be in awe at what your daughter can now do in the battlefield.
Hector: Alright, alright, I'll tag along just to make sure my daughter will be safe.
Camilla: I'll come along too, I want to see the results one more time.
*cue the Grand Hero Battle proper*
Zephiel: I will bring an end to humanity's dominion over the world. None of you will get in my way! I will not permit it!
Lilina: Sorry, but I think we are going to have to rain on your parade.
*Lene, Azura and Olivia all saying "Yeah! Get ready to be wrecked, King of Bern!" in unison*
Olivia: Uhmmm... did I sound intimidating enough?
Zephiel: Hah! Don't make me laugh! What can a little girl and her three dancers do? Put up a lame display?
*The three refreshers take offense to what Zephiel said and all yelled "HEY!", complete with angry faces*
Lilina: Oh you! ENOUGH!
*the battle begins, and Hector, Camilla and Frost are in the back. The former two are going to observe and Frost relays his orders*
Hector: I am not going to like the sound of this.
Camilla: Soon you will like the outcome of this battle, trust me.
*Lilina gets in position and starts to cast her spell*
Lilina: Have some of this!
*A swirling pillar of flame appears and unleashes a massive explosion. The explosion causes debris to scatter everywhere causing damage to the adjacent enemy units. The enemy forces are starting to get unnerved and Zephiel is gritting his teeth in rage.*
Hector: What was that?!? I swear that the last time I saw Forblaze, it didn't had a blast that large!
Camilla: Hee hee! I taught your daughter the art of Savage Blow, and dear Frost here helped by making it more powerful.
Frost: In other words, your daughter can do splash damage against the enemies and whittle them down until they're easy to knock out. She's effectively a walking siege engine in the form of an adorable princess.
*The look on Hector's face changed from sheer worry to a proud expression. He can't help but to smile seeing Lilina effortlessly taking out Zephiel's army one by one through the set of explosions that her spells are triggering. At the end; all what's left is Zephiel and the two mages*
Lilina: I call upon fire!
*Glimmer activates! This further supercharges Forblaze's power and as a result, she successfully knocks out Zephiel*
Azura: All what's left are the mages. Come on!
*The refreshers passed their turns and gave it to Lilina who took out both of the remaining mages, severely weakened by Savage Blow's effect... and the battle was won! Lilina turns around and runs up to her father and hugging him*
Lilina: Did you see what I did? Did you see it, dad?
Hector: I've never felt even prouder than before. *he pats Lilina on the head* I am glad that I've become a father of a powerful little princess.
Frost: For my next blueprint, if Nanna comes home. I shall bestow to her the gift of Razzle Dazzle Pain+ with Double Savage Blow! *Evil cackle* Hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha ha!
*Finn overhears this crazy plan and approaches Frost and yells...*
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
15 Best DC Board Games (Become a Hero or a Villain With These Super Games)
Whether you're a hero or a villain, there's a DC board game for you.
Are you a fan of DC comics? Anxiously waiting for the release of Wonder Woman: 1984? Have you been catching up with Doom Patrol on DC Universe/HBO Max?  Reading your way through some of Hal Jordan’s greatest hits while you wait for the Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 to arrive? Fighting crime in Gotham City on your favorite video game? Me too. 
Did you know that DC also has a wide variety of popular tabletop games featuring your favorite heroes and villains? 
With the upcoming release of DC’s Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons strategy game we figured it would be the perfect time to take a look at the best DC board games. 
15 Best DC Board Games 
  DC Superheroes Match Board Game
4+ | 2 Players | $19.99
Easy to set up, this matching game is bound to make for a fun game night. Play with fifteen of your favorite characters from Superman and Batman to Darkseid and the Joker as you work to be the first to match five in a row. It even comes with a handy self-contained plastic case, making it easy to take with you anywhere! 
DC Super Hero Girls: Wonder Forge 
4+ | 1+ | $14.95
Based on the popular DC Super Hero Girls animated series, this is the perfect game to play with kids. It promotes memory skills, encourages turn-taking, and playing together. The game offers six different games rolled into one: Matching, Crazy 8’s, Go Fish, Four-in-a-Row, Bingo, and Dominoes. 
The Batman Chess Set
7+ | 2 Players | $43.95
Chess is a forever classic, just like Batman: Forever. In this themed chess game, Batman and Batgirl go up against the Clown Prince of Crime and the Harlequin of Hate. This is the perfect chessboard to start teaching your chess playing sidekick or to indulge in your own love for Batman. 
DC Funkoverse Strategy Game
10+ | 2-4 Players | $22.99
If you’re a fan of Funkos like I am, then this will probably be your favorite game on this list. The game comes with two playable maps, which allow you to take the battle to Gotham City and Joker Carnival Chaos. You can choose between four game-exclusive Funko Pops — The Joker, Harley Quinn, Batgirl, and Batman. You can also buy an expansion pack that adds two new locations Arkham Asylum and Catwoman's Penthouse, as well as Catwoman and Robin to the mix. 
Teen Titans Go! (Deck-Building Game)
12+ | 2+ Players | $22.25
If you’re a fan of the Cartoon Network series Teen Titan’s Go! then this game is the right pick for you! Become Starfire, Cyborg, or Raven or one of your other favorite Teen Titan and recruit others Titans as you play this competitive game. It’s 100% compatible with other Cerberus Engine deck-building games, including the Cartoon Network Crossover crisis deck-building game!
Justice League of America Road Trip Board Game
12+ | 2-4 Players | $25.99
Darkseid has called for the destruction of the Justice League of America and before you can make contact with the rest of the team, Watchtower is attacked. It’s a race against time as you travel around the game board, collecting information about the master plan. The game features several different tokens and passes that must be collected in order to fill out your scorecard and win. It’s an epic strategy game that proves to be fun for the whole team. 
DC Spyfall Board Game
13+ | 3-8 Players | $19.75
Based on the social party game Spyfall, this DC themed version is an easy-to-learn game that will instantly improve any party. At the start of each round, players receive a secret card informing them of the group's location — one of twenty unique DC locations, including Arkham Asylum, the Daily Planet, the Hall of Justice, and S.T.A.R. Labs — except for one player who receives the Joker card instead. The Joker doesn't know where he is, but if he can figure out his location before his cover is blown, he wins the round! It’s a little like Clue meets Murder in the Dark. 
Talisman: Batman Super-Villians Edition Competitive Board Game
13+ | 2-6 Players | $58.73
Take on the role of Gotham City’s notorious evil-doers and free the villains as you work to become the leader of Gotham’s underworld. Based on the classic fantasy tabletop game of Talisman, the anti-heroic objective focuses on building the Health, Strength, and Cunning of the Caped Crusader’s enemies. Play cooperatively or against others before a winner earns the reputation as the leader of the criminal underworld. This Batman board game is destined to become a favorite tabletop game. 
Batman The Animated Series: Gotham City Under Siege
14+ | 1-5 Players | $49.19
This game was the first in a planned series of games based on the series popular animated series, with designs by Richard Launius and Michael Guigliano. Play one of the five highly detailed miniatures (Batman, Catwoman, Batgirl, Robin, or Commissioner Gordon) as you battle against supervillains and protect the animated universe of Gotham City. I will note, if you buy this game you should double-check your figurines ASAP, just to make sure they’re not broken, as they seem to be delicate. 
Batman: The Animated Series: Rogues Gallery Game
14+ | 1-5 Players | $25.57
Based on Batman: The Animated Series and designed by Sen-Foong Jim and Jessey Wright, this game boasts fast-paced push-your-luck gameplay as work to take down Batman’s rule in Gotham City. Play as one of Gotham City’s most devious villains as you attempt to be the first to take down Batman — a task that requires a sound strategy and a dash of good luck. Gather your forces, lay your traps, and claim the ultimate bragging rights as the villain who finally defeated the Batman!
Batman: Gotham City Strategy Game
14+ | 2-4 Players | $52.95
Each player gets the chance to take on the role of one of four fearsome villains (The Joker, The Penguin, Killer Croc, or Two-Face) as they struggle to become Gotham City’s most heinous criminal. As your hold on the city increases, so do your chances of being foiled by Gotham’s great caped crusader himself. 
If you’re not familiar with HeroClix, they are collectible miniatures games that are centered on the world of superhero comic books (like Marvel and DC Comics). They happen to be the #1 Selling Collectible Miniatures Game. 
DC: Rebirth (Deck-Building Game)
15+ | 1-4 Players | $39.99
This deck-building game features competitive and cooperative modes, that allow you to compete for bragging rights against your fellow superheroes or work together as a team to defeat the most devious villains before the Threat Meter maxes out. You can even use them to bribe your rivals for various favors! Play as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman — as you move across the cityscape of the board. 
DC: Forever Evil (Deck-Building Game)
15+ | 2-5 Players | $39.99
You can play Forever Evil as a stand-alone game or mix it with Rebirth or the following Cryptozoic Entertainment deck-building games. This game makes it so fun to be bad and now here’s your chance to be an infamous supervillain. Like every good villain that came before you, the henchmen you leave behind don't count toward the bottom line. Just be on the lookout for lowly thieves who would steal away your hard-earned loot. 
  DC: Confrontations (Deck-Building Game)
15+ | 2-4 Players | $36.82
While this another deck-building game, it can easily be played as a player-versus-player battle that would rival Batman vs The Joker. Most of the cards are suitable for mixing in with previous Cryptozoic base sets. Ally cards are introduced, playable during your teammate’s turn — giving them a little extra boost when it’s most needed. Like any good sidekick would do. This game is best compatible with other Rival games like Green Lantern vs Sinestro and Batman vs The Joker. 
DC: Dark Nights (Deck-Building Game) – Coming Soon
15+ | 2-5 Players | $39.99 
In Cryptozoic’s newest deck-building game Batman has discovered a Dark Multiverse and unleashed evil versions of himself upon our world! The Justice League must band together to defeat Barbatos, The Batman Who Laughs, and their Dark Knights. Unfortunately, one superhero won’t be enough to overcome these challenges. It’s a fight against time to save Batman and the Multiverse as you work to recruit other superheroes to your team!
Pro-Tip: Instead of ordering these games on Amazon, be sure to check with your local comic book or game shop and see if they've got them in stock! DC has made it even easier to locate nearby comic book shops that are open for business with this handy shop tracker.
  The post 15 Best DC Board Games (Become a Hero or a Villain With These Super Games) appeared first on Your Money Geek.
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liyangxu12-blog · 7 years
US forces conduct twin raids in Libya, Somalia
The suspected al-Qaida figure nabbed by US special forces in a dramatic operation in the Libyan capital had been living freely in his homeland after his return there three years ago, his family said. Libya's government asked for an explanation Sunday from the United States after the Americans seized Abu Anas al-Libi from a Tripoli street outside his home and whisked him out of the country.
The raid that captured al-Libi was one of two dramatic American raids on the ground in African countries targeting suspected terrorists on Saturday. In Somalia, a Navy SEAL team swam ashore early the same day and engaged in a fierce firefight, thought it did not capture its target, a militant suspected in the recent Kenyan mall siege.
The operations — one in North Africa, the other in the Horn of Africa — were a startling move to pursue terror suspects directly in two countries mired in chaos where the United States has suffered bloody humiliations in the past.
"We hope that this makes clear that the United States of America will never stop in the effort to hold those accountable who conduct acts of terror," US Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday while in Indonesia for an economic summit. "Members of al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations literally can run but they can't hide."
The Pentagon identified the figure seized in the Libyan capital Saturday as Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai, known by his alias Abu Anas al-Libi, who is accused by the US of involvement in the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa. He has been on the FBI's most wanted terrorists list since it was introduced shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. There was a $5 million bounty on his head.
The US Defense Department's chief spokesman, George Little, said the suspect is "lawfully detained under the law of war in a secure location outside of Libya." Little's statement did not elaborate.
Al-Libi was indicted by a federal court in New York for his alleged role in the bombings of the US Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, on August 7, 1998, that killed more than 220 people.
But it was not immediately clear if he had been involved with al-Qaida since or had been connected to militant activities in Libya, where al-Qaida has a growing presence since the 2011 ouster of Moammar Gadhafi.
His family denied he was ever a member of al-Qaida and said he was not involved in militant activity since his return.
Al-Libi's son Abdullah al-Ruqai told The Associated press his father was a member of the Armed Islamic Fighting Group, an Islamic militant group that battled Gadhafi's regime, many of whose members were forced to flee the country in the 1990s. Some members later linked with al-Qaida, but others did not. Abdullah said his father and the family were in Afghanistan for about a year in and half in the early 2000s.
Al-Libi was then imprisoned in Iran for seven years, Abdullah said. He did not elaborate, but Iran jailed a number of al-Qaida-linked figures who fled Afghanistan after the 2001 US-led invasion of that country.
The family returned to Tripoli in 2010 under a rehabilitation program run by Gadhafi's son. Since then, al-Libi was not involved with any groups. "He would go from the house to the mosque, and from the mosque to the house," the son said. He said his father had hired a lawyer and was trying to clear his name in connection to the 1998 African embassy attacks.
A senior US military official said the Tripoli raid was carried out by the US Army's Delta Force, which has responsibility for counterterrorism operations in North Africa. The official was not authorized to speak publicly about the operation and discussed it on condition of anonymity.
Family members said gunmen in a three-car convoy seized al-Libi outside his home in the Libyan capital.
His brother, Nabih, said the 49-year-old was parking outside his house early Saturday after dawn prayers, when three vehicles surrounded his vehicle. The gunmen smashed his car's window and seized his gun before grabbing al-Libi and fleeing. The brother said al-Libi's wife saw the kidnapping from her window and described the abductors as foreign-looking armed "commandos."
Libya asked the United States on Sunday for "clarifications" regarding the raid and said any Libyan should face trial in his own country.
The raid puts the fragile Libyan government in a delicate position — the country's post-Gadhafi leadership faces criticism from some Libyans that it is too close to the United States, and it cannot be seen to be allowing US forces to act freely on Libyan territory. The central government has had only limited authority around the country, where militiamen — many of the Islamic militants themselves — hold considerable power and have unleashed their anger on the government in the past.
The country's turmoil has allowed al-Qaida and other militant groups to increase their activity here.On Sept. 11, 2011, militants attacked the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya's second largest city, killing the American ambassador and three other Americans, an attack that demonstration the power of militias and the weakness of the government.
Al-Libi was believed to be a computer specialist with al-Qaida. He studied electronic and nuclear engineering, graduating from Tripoli University, and was an anti-Gadhafi activist.
He is believed to have spent time in Sudan, where bin Laden was based in the early 1990s. After bin Laden was forced to leave Sudan, al-Libi turned up in Britain in 1995 where he was granted political asylum under unclear circumstances and lived in Manchester. He was arrested by Scotland Yard in 1999, but released because of lack of evidence and later fled Britain.
In the earlier raid Saturday, the Navy SEAL team reached land near a town in southern Somalia before militants of the al-Qaida-linked terrorist group al-Shabab rose for dawn prayers, US and Somali officials told The Associated Press. American officials said there were no US casualties in either the Somali or Libyan operation.
The assault on a house in Barawe targeted a specific al-Qaida suspect related to the Nairobi mall attack, but the operation did not get its target, one current and one former US military official told the AP. It was carried out by members of SEAL Team Six, the same unit that killed in Laden in his Pakistan hideout in 2011, another senior US military official said.
Both spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the raid publicly.
The team ran into fiercer resistance than expected, and after a 15 minutes to 20 minute firefight, the unit's leader decided to abort the mission and the Americans swam away, the official said. SEAL Team Six has responsibility for counterterrorism activities in the Horn of Africa.
A US official said US forces disengaged after inflicting some casualties on the fighters, said the official, who was not authorized to speak by name and insisted on anonymity.
A resident of Barawe, which is about 150 miles south of Mogadishu, said by telephone that heavy gunfire woke up residents before dawn prayers.
The US forces attacked a two-story beachside house where foreign fighters lived, said an al-Shabab fighter who gave his name as Abu Mohamed and who said he had visited the scene.
An al-Shabab official, Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu Musab, said in an audio message that the raid failed to achieve its goals.
Little confirmed that US military personnel were involved in a counterterrorism operation against a known al-Shabab terrorist in Somalia, but did not provide details.
The leader of al-Shabab, Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, also known as Ahmed Godane, claimed responsibility for the mall attack, a four-day terrorist siege that began Sept. 21 and killed at least 67 people. A Somali intelligence official said the al-Shabab leader was the US target.
Kerry said the United States would "continue to try to bring people to justice in an appropriate way with hopes that ultimately these kinds of activities against everybody in the world will stop."
Al-Shabab has a formal alliance with al-Qaida, and hundreds of men from the US, Britain and Middle Eastern countries fight alongside Somali members of al-Shabab.
Al-Shabab and al-Qaida have flourished in Somalia for years.
The raid in Somalia came 20 years after the "Black Hawk Down" battle in Mogadishu, when a mission to capture Somali warlords in the capital went awry after militiamen shot down two US helicopters. Eighteen US soldiers died in the battle, which marked the beginning of the end of that US military mission to try to bring stability to the nation.
Since then, US military intervention has been limited to missile attacks and lightning operations by special forces.
In September 2009 a daylight commando raid in Barawe killed six people, including Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, one of the most-wanted al-Qaida operatives in the region and an alleged plotter in the embassy bombings.
Al-Shabab later posted pictures on the Internet of what it said was US military gear left behind in the raid. Pictures showed items including bullets, an ammunition magazine, a military GPS device and a smoke and flash-bang grenade used to clear rooms.
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