#and talking about arthritis
mumblingsage · 8 months
*stumbles through the door covered in red ink*
yeah but you should see the scene I edited
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ariqueery · 1 year
So a while ago I saw a post with the coolest vintage tshirt and I instantly fell in love and decided I needed it in my life:
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I searched REALLY hard for the original copyright holder to see if I could buy one, including digging up the original source of the image (the Lesbian Herstory Archives) to find out that WMP stands for WomanMade Products, and eventually stumbled across a feminist bookstore with the same name. I called expecting to get the runaround for a week and then be told they couldn’t find the creator, but she actually picked up the phone herself! Becky Bly has been in business since 1976, created this design in the early 80s, and said as long as I wasn’t selling it, I could reproduce it!
I ended up having to redraw it by hand because the original scan was skewed (there was much wailing) and got to work. Ignore how sloppy the pattern is, I fixed most of it while stitching.
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I then immediately put it down and forgot about it for weeks until I realized Pride was right around the corner and frantically picked it back up. I took it with me to a roller derby match to work on during the breaks and ladies, if you haul out embroidery that says “dyke” on it at roller derby, you will IMMEDIATELY have lots of queer women talking to you. This has been Ari’s Top Tips.
I then forgot about it for another week and a half until I realized Pride was in two days and started sewing as fast as I possibly could, bruising my finger where I braced the needle. I finished it at 1:30 am the night before Pride:
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This is the best thing I’ve ever done. I am obsessed with it and keep staring at it. Everyone at Pride thought it was amazing and I got SO many compliments that went straight to my head. One person at temple asked if they could commission me to make one for them and I got to say “sorry :( I only got permission to make it for myself :(” instead of “the amount of labor that went into this is going to COST you, I don’t think you want to pay that much.”
Thanks again to Becky Bly for permission to reproduce this, I am going to use this bag until it falls apart and then probably make another one lol. Go check her out if you’re interested in her work!
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disabled-bug · 4 months
‼️ content warning for talking about (necessary, healthy) food restrictions ‼️
Please don’t be rude about somebody’s dietary restrictions.
Sometimes people don’t even notice it in the little comments about how gross vegan food is, how bad for you dairy-free milks are, how everything gluten-free tastes like cardboard…people don’t choose their food intolerances!!!!
I have to use a lot of substitutes for MEDICAL REASONS, and I’ve had people tell me to my face how gross that is. Vegan cheese tastes like glue. Oh, you have to try a gluten free diet? That’s so trendy now, but really you don’t have to. The food is so bland.
I do have to, actually. It’s discouraging to hear how inferior your food is when there’s no other option!!!!! Please try to be considerate of people’s non-negotiable needs.
Also don’t be mean to people who do choose their own dietary specifications, that should go without saying. Be considerate and respectful of what people have to eat!!!
With love, if nobody is practicing unsafe or dangerous eating habits, mind your business ❤️
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dawnbreakersgaze · 6 months
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Look, before you judge me, I want you to understand that I am beyond the ability to harm. I think Jeremiah is a babe and that is that.
Now, this is, 100% the fault of @skynapple and her amazing fic (which you should ABSOLUTELY go read right tf now) if you haven't already. It's killing me. In a good way. I'm dying in the best way possible and ASDHJKDLSJS is all I can say about how much I love it.
And if you're about to come at me like "Wtf Kay why is Jeremiah built like that?" Then I will remind you that this mfer was a lightseeker- one of the people still at MCs side fighting wanderers when Xav up and disappeared. For a couple hundred years, he was constantly whooping wanderer ass, and I will not be told he was anything other than beautifully buff 😤
This whole thing made me miss drawing so much. I love studying anatomy and bless Jeremiah for being a good sport about it lol. Maybe I should do the others when my hands allow it.
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concorp · 1 year
thinking about maxo and the parasite. about how even if the island had better medical care, it has effectively given him a chronic illness/disability. the massive chunk of his leg isn’t coming back, even if the code inside it goes away somehow. getting rid of the code likely could make it worse even, since it seems that it’s the only thing still holding his leg together. even if he escapes the island that’s made him sick, he’s not going to get magically better.
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autistic-bashir · 2 years
star trek has literally ruined my ability to interact with media normally because whenever i watch a new show and try to get a feel for the fanbase it’s like what do you mean there aren’t people talking about how they want to watch these middle aged characters rotate in a microwave until they explode
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came because i’d never seen a disabled archeologist before (i want to be an archeologist really bad and i’m pretty sure i’m getting a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis tomorrow as a teen so yk.) and stayed because i love your archeology postings and it’s comforting knowing there are people like me out there in my dream felid.
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Hey, I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis too! Being an archaeologist is absolutely possible for you! I've had to plan my career around my body's abilities, and sometimes it's been difficult, but it has been achievable.
The week after I got my JRA diagnosis I got my kazoo tattoo (designed by @art-thropologist) as a way to remind myself not to forget the whimsy in life. Maybe you can find something similar for you.
Finally, I hope that the diagnosis (should it be given) will open the door for you and your doctor to find some methods of care which will increase your quality of life.
It is terrifying getting a diagnosis that young. It's okay to be terrified—it's natural, even. Give any feelings arising from your health the time they deserve, and then let them go. Letting go can be a difficult, frustrating process. Have compassion for yourself.
People like you and I just have to play the hand that's been dealt to us to our best advantage. Sometimes that's really, really hard to do, and that's okay. Learn to think outside the box, to find opportunities and get accommodations. The path ahead of you does have some obstacles, but it is not impassable.
You're more than welcome to pop back into my inbox if you need someone who might understand what you're going through. I'm also always happy to talk about accessibility in higher education, studying archaeology in college, and being an archaeologist with arthritis.
Keep your trowel sharp and your heart hopeful,
P.S. I don't know if you've tried topical Voltaren gel yet for inflammation pain, but that shit is the bomb. You can buy it over the counter now, but it's cheaper if a doctor prescribes it because then your health insurance will pay for it.
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hongtiddiez · 8 months
having genetic diseases and disorders is brutal but lucky for me im sooooo strong and sexy
called 3 doctors today, emailed another one, have appointments made with a cardiologist, rheumatologist, psychologist, shots on the way from my dermatologist, and more blood work scheduled to be done
now to try and get at least half my work emails done because I'M SO STRONG AND SEXY AND COOL AND I CAN DO THIS
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agesharp · 3 months
july is disability pride month :-) happy july to us
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woke up with like the worst pain I've ever had in my elbow, which has previously been a non-problematic joint for me. Body???
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wormteeth2004 · 3 months
bc I'm finally on meds for (almost) everything wrong with me i always forget i have problems until they get REALLY bad. like. oh hello overwhelming anxiety. long time no see. ahh asthma.. i only see you around when I'm sick. thanks for visiting me during a nice sunny day Big Fat Migrane.
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millerflintstone · 2 years
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Picked up my remade glasses prescription and I'm able to read without blurred letters and eye strain. My vision in my right eye actually improved after the impromptu retinal tear fix.
Gigabyte had her blood pressure re-check today along with her second dose of Solensia for her arthritis. She actually scratched her left ear with her questionable left hind leg yesterday while sitting. She had not been able to do that for almost a year.
Her blood pressure was 168 today! A vast improvement from 259.
Then I went to Costco and now I'm ready for a nap.
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afraidofchange · 8 months
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Rama's presence gives off '6'0 energy' except she's 5'5" and has muscle from years of soldiering, being a paladin, and wearing heavy armour. But she's soft around the edges, with her 'womanly curves' hidden beneath the plate, tucked away in baggy camp clothes. She walks proud with her head held high, but her knees are arthritic; she's 47 but looks a decade older than she is.
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crabs-but-better · 5 months
in no way do i support eugenics whatsoever. but i do think people should think long and hard before having children.
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reborrowing · 5 months
flopping out of the walls and hoping for the best because I’m not doing the whole secret climbing thing anymore with this arthritis forget itttttt whatever happens happens
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blueheartedwolf · 6 months
The amount of people lately that have asked me if my cane is just for the aesthetics is stupidly high I need non disabled people to cut their tongues out.
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