#it took me 5 hours to...rewrite 5k words
mumblingsage · 8 months
*stumbles through the door covered in red ink*
yeah but you should see the scene I edited
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
How long does it take you to write something ? And how do you stay motivated ? The sheer size your stories have motivated me to try writing more than simple one shots. However it's been a week and I barely got 8k written down despite spending about 4-5 hours a day typing on my phone (because i keep rewriting the same thing like 15 times until i get it to sound right). It feels more like a chore than something that's enjoyable
It actually takes a while. Back when I was doing CGHA and AFLH, I was writing a 5k to 6k chapter a week just about. Recently my chapters have been getting heftier and I've been working two projects at once, so this has slowed it to a typical posting every 1.5-2 weeks instead.
Motivation is a tricky one. See, I try to write every day, but that doesn't mean I make progress every day. In an average week, I might only get one or two days where I get a few thousand words done while I might chisel a few hundred words on others.
So, here's my trick to it-
1. I don't write on ideas until I'm absolutely sure they'll 'take'. I get a lot of ideas that seem interesting and get a lot of inspiration for, but then have them crumble about halfway through. Nowadays, I try to avoid this by plotting ahead and making sure I have most of the story decided on before I begin, so I don't get stuck on a train without a track. That doesn't mean it always works. My rule of thumb is to not seriously tackle a new idea until I have the time. If I'm still interested in it when I have that time, I'll probably have enough motivation to make it through.
2. When I'm working on two projects, their content is vastly different. By which I mean, I wouldn't work on two major FNAF projects at once. Or in original content, I wouldn't work on two novels that shared similar settings, tones, ect. The too much of a good thing rule really applies here. You can easily burn yourself out. I kind of do recommend two projects at once though. Even though it IS more work and can burn you out, it also gives you a second story to work on if you can't work on the one. Sometimes when you're stuck at a point, the best thing is to work it out slowly without stressing out. Second projects give me a reason to take my attention fully off one story and onto another.
3. Indulgence is key. Writing flows a lot faster when you're writing scenes you want to write. Beginnings, transitional scenes, moments where you have to draw away and explain something to the audience are absolutely needed, but can be a little more difficult to work through- at least, I find they are. Moments you're interested in are going to come a lot faster and fill up the wordcount a lot quicker, and you might be surprised, but sometimes audiences love that indulgence as much as you do. The standard story structure tells us to be restrained, but there's nothing wrong with cutting loose.
4. Don't force it. Seriously, a lot of the time I get the feeling that, "I should be writing," but the truth is that you shouldn't write unless you're feeling ready and able. If you're thinking, "I want to do x, but I should write," then go do x. I'm not saying to avoid writing altogether, because I HAVE done that, but it is vital to take breaks and to keep a guiltfree mindset. Otherwise it will get you anxious.
5. Also, take frequent breaks if you're not feeling it. If you are feeling it and are on a roll, keep going!
I would absolutely not recommend anyone sitting down and trying to write thousands of words straight. Even I don't do that. On my most productive days, periods of writing usually come between other activities. Don't stare at a blank page, do something else and brainstorm during it. Works a lot better! ^_^
The thing is, I don't think there's a lot of people who would enjoy writing the way I do. It's very time consuming and more than a little intimidating. Honestly, it would be more beneficial to not write every day and to take more breaks, but this is just sort of the pattern I work on. You've got to find your own pattern that works for you.
Also, when looking at the size of my stories- such as CGHA and AFLH- it's important to remember that they took a long time to write. Both of those stories were being typed up over a process of two years each. I know there's people out there who could do it in half the time, but I honestly couldn't, and I don't think I'd want to.
Writing should be fun and when it is it will show in the work. ^_^
...One last thing.
6. Write when tired. I kid you not, this works. The spelling and grammar might get a little wonky, but you'll find a lot more progress getting done when you're half-asleep. Ever hear how Hemmingway used to say, "Write drunk, edit sober?" (It was actually Peter De Vries, go figure) Well, this is the same premise, except it's a natural thing that's going to happen to you daily anyways. Not saying to stay up all night typing, but if you're feeling groggy sometime, try it out.
And don't give up! :D
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malecacidd · 4 years
So... Do you have any fic recs? 👀👀👀
Um????? Vi?????? Yes absolutely?????? Ily????? Kfkzkdnsk 🥺🥺🥺 and aaaaaaa I'm sorry if you've read some of these but!!! Here are some recs 🥺🥺 aaaaa
Chaptered Fics
So I'm splitting this into categories between chaptered and one shots because I can. Also if I know the person has a Tumblr I'll be tagging them too kfkskfks
Turn Your Back on Mother Nature by @siriuspiggyback
Ghosts aren't people. This is something that Klaus learned when he was small. Ghosts aren't people, because people are more than the hate and fear and anger inside of them.
But Ben is different. Isn't he?
/Evil Ben fic that brought me loads of pain/10 chapters/36k words/Rated teen and up with a warning of graphic violence/
This Is the First Day of My Life by @dyll-pickless
There was a stretch of silence. “Fine,” he eventually said. “Don’t get yourself killed.”
Klaus grinned. “I won’t.”
In attempting to find more information on his brother's death, Klaus Hargreeves gets caught up in a lot of trouble with some very powerful people.
/Mob au that I love very very much/14 chapters/40.5k words/Rated teen and up with a warning of graphic violence/
Unfamiliar by @caedi
A sleep deprived Klaus accidentally stumbles into a difficult discussion with Ben. One that's been haunting them both for sixteen years.
This changes a few things for the 1963 apocalypse. Other things stay the same.
/A kind of rewrite of the last few episodes of s2 that broke my heart and I love very much/4 chapters/25.5k words/Rated mature with no archive warnings/
What was Lost in the Portal by @is-jus-me
“Five? What happened?” Vanya asked.
“I- I don’t remember,”
Five managed to successfully return to 2019, but there was a problem, not only did he return to his 13 year old body, but he also lost his memories about the apocalypse and the commission.
Basically, life was shit.
/Amazing fic that I love and beta'd mdnsjd/5 out of 7 chapters posted/4.3k words/Rated general with no archive warning/
last ones standing by penhaligon (on ao3)
Ben's only haunt options are the apocalypse or a cold dark slithering place, and he thinks that the universe must really have it out for him.
/idk how to describe this but basically, 'good' kfkdkdkd it's good/2 chapters/12.6k words/Rated general with no archive warnings/
One shot timeeeee kfmskdks
To Be Or Not To Be by AllThoseOtherWorlds (on ao3)
When Five took them back to the start of the week for a re-do, Ben wasn't expecting to suddenly find himself in Klaus's body, but sometimes things like that happen. Now he has to explain some things to their siblings, figure out Klaus's powers so they can switch back, and perhaps most importantly, convince himself and Klaus that switching back is the right thing to do.
/One of my favorite fics/7.7k words/Rated teen and up with no archive warnings/
A quiet kind of hurt by @whatisthis-whatamidoing
Ben had been having a nice day, eating his ice cream and watching his brothers bicker. Until a friendly dog tried to say hello.
Ben has trauma surrounding animals
/Have you ever wanted pain and sibling bonding all in one fic? Read this jfkskd I love it/2.5k words/Rated teen and up with warning for graphic violence/
don't forget your lines by @zontiky
Dave goes on a lot of dates, and a lot of people die.
/I can't believe I'm reccing this but it's actually good minus the bit of bave/murder mystery shitshow/2.7k words/Rated teen and up with a warning for major character death/
the first day of the rest of our lives by hujwernoo (on ao3)
Klaus should really stop coming to the alley. It's not like it helps anyone. Everyone is probably dead, so all he's accomplishing is making himself feel shitty. This is the last time, he decides. After today, he'll stop coming.
Turns out he's real fucking lucky he didn't decide that earlier.
/s2 fix it or rewrite of Klaus' arc in which he finds Allison at the alley and I love/5.2k words/Rated teen and up with no archive warnings/
Two Presents by @evelinaonline
How does one surprise their dead brother that follows them around everywhere with a Christmas gift? Well, Klaus better figure it out soon, because Christmas is right around the corner and Ben isn't going anywhere.
/GENUINELY IN MY TOP 3 FAVORITE FICS GO READ RN/2.5k words/Rated general with no archive warnings/
Life After Death, Literally by Tremble (on ao3)
Ben Hargreeves is a lot of things. He’s a brother, an ex-superhero and now an ex-ghost. He was dead, but he “lived” over ten years as a ghost. Becoming a living human, or as human as somebody with eldritch horrors living just under the skin can be, is going to take a bit of an adjustment period.
AKA 5 times Ben forgot he was alive +1 time he remembered.
/The cutest most wholesome shit I've ever read/5k words/Not rated with no archive warnings/
The Dead Make Better Company Than The Living Sometimes by Scarlet_Nin (on ao3)
“This is a bad idea.”
“You’re such a worrywart, Benny!” Klaus squints at him, shifting on his feet at the entrance of a graveyard. He can hear the faint howls of screams in his ears, the coldness seeping into his bones, freezing him into place. “It’s gonna be fine. As easy as a piece of cake. Hey, you know what? We should go out and eat cake after this. You love cake.”
Ben shakes his head. “Look at yourself! You don’t even want to do this, so let’s leave.”
Klaus glances down at him, sexy boots with heels and his favorite fur trimmed jacket. “I look fabulous. Don’t know what you mean.”
“You’ve been standing here for the past hour, trembling and trying to talk yourself up to take a single step further and yet you’re still standing here. Let’s go home, Klaus.”
Yeah, no. Not happening. He's here to prove something. Leaving now would be a waste of time. It would prove Daddy dearest right and Klaus hates that thought more than what he's about to do. If it all goes well, Five and the others would stop being so stressed and he'd earn himself some browney points in family bounding. Easy peasy.
Or not. Because ghosts in a graveyard are like rabid dogs fighting over a juicy steak.
/The summary is so long I'm so sorry nfjsjdjs/This fic is amazing pls read/8.2k words/Not rated with no archive warnings/
So, with nothing else to do, Ben drifted. He just didn't expect to be pulled back into where most people go to enjoy their afterlife.
Take Me Home (I've Lost Myself) by @malecacidd
Reginald dies and god pulls Ben up to let them talk.
Okay that's all I'm doing because this is getting long JFJZJDNZNDNSKSK but 🥺🥺🥺 I hope you like these!!
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gwentoryfics · 5 years
I'm feeling really unconfident about my writing at the moment, so I thought I could turn to you for help. you've probably dealt with similar feelings, so would you mind letting me know how you deal with it when you feel like you arent living up to your own expectations? I'm struggling with that to the point that its keeping me from writing altogether
okay i love this question and i have a million things to say about it. i’m gonna throw down a 'keep reading’ button since i have a feeling this may take up quite a bit of space lol
there are two things i want to talk about in regards to this topic: expectations (like you mentioned) and comparisons. i think a lot of stress, self-doubt, and lack of confidence stems from those two things - the expectations we have about our work, and the way we feel about our work compared to those we admire.
when i was in college, i took a class called spirituality & empowerment. it dealt mostly with the topic of finding peace through mastering your mindset. it felt pretty hokey at the time and i didn’t fully commit to the meditation practices and everything else we did, but in the years since taking the class i’ve had a lot of time to reflect on one of the main teachings: you cannot find peace and happiness as long as expectations exist.
to apply this directly to writing:
if you have high expectations for your quality of writing, you will inevitably be disappointed. you are your own worst critic and you will always find flaws with your writing. if perfection is your goal, you will never reach it, and you will forever be frustrated with your perceived inability to write “well.”
completely eliminating expectations from your life is incredibly difficult, if not practically impossible. i’m certainly guilty of still setting expectations for myself. but there are ways to lessen and change those expectations into something more manageable, to actually give yourself a chance at writing something you’ll be happy with.
1. expect that your first draft will be shitty. give yourself permission to write something terrible. don’t stress about sentence structure or word choice - just throw something onto the page and let it be god awful. letting yourself have that shitty first draft releases a lot of the burden to write well and instead lets you focus on just getting the main plot points down. when you stop yourself from analyzing each word choice you make, you open yourself up to more creative thinking - and more possibilities to enhance the plot.
2. expect that your second draft may not be much better. writing is a process and it takes time - much of which is spent rewriting, revising, and editing.
3. expect that your final product will not be perfect. expect that it will instead be “good enough.” because you could spend endless hours making changes to it and still never be satisfied. there is absolutely nothing wrong with “good enough.”
4. expect that even if you set all of these expectations, you still may not be happy with the end result. and that’s okay. i try to set these expectations for myself, and i still am not thrilled with hot for teacher. i think i still have a lot of areas to improve, and there are also some pretty glaring mistakes i’ve made that i might have caught if i had spent more time revising. (specifically issues with wooseok’s suspension - 1. there’s no real point to it, since there’s no plot benefit to him being kept from r&b ensemble. it would have made more sense with my original plot ideas, but i changed some things around and now it doesn’t really matter. and 2. i wrote that he was specifically suspended from extracurricular activities, and r&b ensemble isn’t even an extracurricular! it’s a class that he’s getting credit for!! lol that was just a huge thing that i missed, but now it’s part of the story and i just have to deal with it.)
5. expect that you may not get any response when you post. it’s impossible to control other peoples’ reactions to your writing and you’re only going to stress yourself out more by putting so much importance on something that is out of your control. trust me, i understand how encouraging it is to get a like, a reblog, or even an ask. ideally, if you don’t expect that response, you won’t be disappointed when you don’t get one (but that’s a really difficult expectation to have). to use myself as an example again - i didn’t expect any sort of response when i posted the first part of hft. i had just started up a new blog and had 0 followers (i think that probably helped lol) so i didn’t even think anyone would see it. but then i started getting asks about it, which was awesome! it was incredibly validating and encouraging. but now when i post updates, i expect those asks to come in. and if i don’t get any right away, i start to think it was a flop or people aren’t interested in my story anymore. i basically put all of my validation into receiving asks, which is super stressful. i haven’t totally figured out how to break free of that. just know that you’re not alone in wanting a positive outcome.
basically, the takeaway from those five points is that low/no expectations give you a higher chance of feeling satisfied. by expecting the least, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to 1. be satisfied with any outcome, and 2. be pleasantly surprised by a positive outcome. again, this is a really difficult thing to do, and i’m not sure that anyone is really capable of completely nixing their expectations lol but it’s something to think about at least. consider what expectations you’re setting for yourself specifically, and then try to think of a way that you can flip it into something more positive.
the next thing is comparisons. we’ve all heard time and time again that it is detrimental to compare yourself to others. it’s so easy to read other writers’ works and say to yourself, “my writing is not/will never be this beautiful/creative/intriguing/whatever adjective you prefer.” 
honestly, yeah, you’re right. your writing will never be like theirs. because your writing is unique to you, just as that writer’s work is unique to them. so instead of comparing your work to someone else’s, compare it to your own.
how does this story compare to one you wrote a year ago? how does this draft compare to an earlier draft? are you seeing improvements? if not, where could you focus on growth? take time to analyze your own writing, because the most important thing is that you’re always growing as an artist. 
and of course, it’s totally fine (encouraged, even!) to take inspiration from writers that you love! whenever i feel stuck, i re-read some of my favorite fics to see how other writers handle similar situations. but no matter what inspiration you take, remember to make it into something that is your own.
now when it comes to building confidence in your writing, approach writing like you would a performance (easy analogy for me to make since i’m a musician). you wouldn’t jump on stage unprepared - you would take time to practice your song/dance/performance. the more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll be, and the more confident you’ll feel going into the performance.
so think of each step of your writing process as practice. the more time you spend working on your work, the more comfortable and confident you’ll be with it, and the easier it’ll be for you to share. 
but again, know when enough is enough. don’t spend the next two years working on a 5k fic. be comfortable with your “good enough” stopping point and move on to the next big thing!
lacking confidence in your writing is a really difficult thing to overcome. and i’m not even sure that it can totally be conquered. i’m always nervous to post new parts of hft, and i constantly question if i’m making the right choices regarding character decisions, word usage, and plot points.
i want to leave you with one last thing. i forget who wrote it, but i think i read somewhere about the idea that there is no such thing as bad writing - only unfinished writing. so don’t get stuck thinking that your writing is simply bad. it’s just a work in progress! the key is to recognize when something isn’t as good as it could be, and look at it as an opportunity for improvement instead of a failure. 
you’re approaching your work with a critical eye, and that means you’re already headed in the right direction! you’re willing to acknowledge that your writing may be lacking in some areas. now you just need to have a little faith in your abilities. 
if it counts for anything, i believe in you.
i know this is literally an essay and i apologize for such a lengthy response, but i really hope that this can be at least a little helpful. remember that i’m always here to give you a boost and/or advice when you need it. as a fellow writer, i want to encourage you to keep trying even when things get hard, and to recognize the strengths that you already have. 💕
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symph5683 · 6 years
The Worst Teacher I’ve Ever Had
I’m going to tell you about this teacher named Mr.J (shortened). Now I was at a private school at the time. I had been going there since I was 4. My two uncles both went there and had this awful teacher. *Posible mentions of triggers*
6th grade- I had him for history only. He was fun and he told jokes. We rarely had homework as we would do it in class. We played games sometimes instead of class. His class was the fun one.
7th grade- History again but also a basketball coach. He was annoying in class. The jokes weren’t funny anymore. I just wanted to learn and not hear childhood stories. I became friends with some of the 8th graders and they talked about how awful he was. I didn’t 100% believe them at first but as the basketball season started, he became my least favorite person to exist. He would yell at us in practice and in games. After games, he would scream and call us insane (“YOU ALL ARE INSANE! INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS AND THAT IS WHAT YOU ALL ARE DOING”). Yelled at us several times on the school trip to DC. He put off school dances (we usually have 4) till we had one left at the very end of the year. While I did highlight the awful stuff, he wasn’t awful to us that year.
8th grade- OOOOO BOY. This was the worst year of my life. I had him for at least 3–4 periods a day and it was HELL.
First period started out with religion- a normal class for a Lutheran school. Up until that point, religion class was a workbook we would go through a few pages at a time about different Bible stories. It was easy after learning the same stuff for years. This year, however, we were learning about “important morals in the church” from books that were YEARS old. We spent 2 weeks of class (3 days a week for two weeks with 40-minute classes equaled around 4 hours) talking about what verses to quote at your friend who is going to commit suicide because her boyfriend broke up with her. A week on abortion (included “Even after rape because she could always put the baby up for adoption”, ignoring PTSD of being RAPED). A week on euthanasia (“You shouldn’t take anyone off of life support even after 12 years because God performs miracles”). And, worst of all, “God’s gift of sexuality”. Now by this point, I had figured out that I’m gay. Everyone knew (we had a total of 11 kids, 10 by graduation). We had gems like “girls your virginity is like a piece of gum. No one wants prechewed gum” and “homosexuals are an abomination”. Nothing like hearing your best friend being forced to read verses condemning you to hell.
2&3 periods were fine. I had really nice teachers.
4th period was American history. We had to rewrite the constitution (not awful), make our own country (he yelled at us a lot for the stupid stuff we made committees for. We never really finished. For the Civil war, we just watched the Ken Burns documentary and took notes (He left the room during the test and we all cheated). He once used the R-word in class and I wrote a nasty letter (my sister has Down syndrome) and he said he would stop. He didn’t. at one point he gave all the answers of a test to one girl in the class (presumably to keep her eligible to play sports (more on that later).
Art- Wasn’t awful, just long and annoying.
Health- Imagine you were kicked out right after HS with no money and a minimum wage job. You don’t go to college. Go $9,000 in debt. Adopt a newborn. Plan your meals (which cannot be repeated more than 3 times a month). Girls must buy makeup. Fall for the Nigerian Prince scam 4 times. Burn your house down. If you get behind- good luck. Mental breakdowns and an “f” are in your future.
Creative dramatics- We put on a play during chapel. Wasn’t awful except I was the love interest for the girl who’s sister I’ve been dating for 10 months. Yelled at us a lot then too.
study hall(s)- When I had stuff to get done he would want to play games when I didn’t, we had to sit there. He went on many a rant too (later).
sports- I decided to not play basketball because he was loud and yelled a lot. I got roped into scorekeeping. I went with to the national tournament. I only got to scorekeep for one quarter when the principal had to go talk to parents who were (unrightfully) kicked out. Often went easy on sports kids so they could stay eligible to play. Singled kids out in after game meetings.
I had several panic attacks because of him. Most notably he tried to convince me that I didn’t do something I had already done. Got my whole class into in. I cried afterward.
Once screamed at me because I didn’t hear him from out in the hallway.
Was often homophobic and transphobic
Once yelled at us for half an hour because in January we didn’t know what we were doing/ didn’t want to commit to a 5k on April 1st. He wanted us to do it with the kindergarteners. (They’re like, 5) “You are going against the morals we have taught you at this school.”
The day after my parents found out that I was gay I tried to whisper it to my friends and he screamed “Secrets secrets are no fun unless they’re shared with everyone”
Constantly lied about his age
If you talk to anyone from any year that went to my school, they can tell you more. I promise. It’s how we bond.
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06love · 7 years
O A S I S  | 5K
Summary:  ❝She was his oasis— a place where he could find safety and sustenance.
Even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Kayna was his oasis, time after time, it was her that listened to him when he felt insecure, when he had doubts, when he had thoughts that haunted him, telling him that he wasn’t good enough, she was there for him. And when he least expected it, she became something more, she became his oasis, the place where he could find comfort.❞
Words: 5.800+
Genre: Fluff + tiny bit angst
Pairing: Jimin x O/C
Rooh’s note: inspired by this Bangtan Bomb, + a rainy day while listening to one of the tracks used in his performance. You may cringe from fluffiness? lol, this is basically them pouring their love for each other, and me being soft. Repost + Rewrite, enjoy~
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Tagging @evalocity​ cause you said you wanted to read about my O/C once, so here you go.| photo cr.
Kayna’s eyes witnessed something beautiful and elegant, almost as soft and graceful as the melody itself. ‘Pin-Up Girl’ — the melody she drifted to sleep listening to often. Some nights she would stare at the laptop screen while Jimin was practicing alone in the studio.
They weren’t able to have a conversation, especially at that time of the year where they (BTS) breathed awards shows, and it did affect their relationship at some point, but Kayna was not willing to let that ruin it. No, not the relationship she cherished most. It was the reason she woke up in the middle of the night, for weeks, sometimes months, just so she could send him a good morning message according to his timezone. So, she was not willing to let the lack of communication ruin that relationship.
Even if they were busy and couldn’t talk, it was more than enough to know that the other’s presence was in the room— to be able to see or hear the loved one despite the distance between them. So the new routine to call each other whenever they were alone was created.
Sometimes one of them was asleep, and all the other could hear was the soft moans escaping from the lips they hungered to taste. There were times where one would do their tasks while the other was graciously watching the other on the screen. Kayna would watch Jimin train by himself when he needed to. It was one of her favorite things to do; she says that he has an aura that she swears produces melodies whenever she is around him. She can hear it, his heart beat alongside with his own distinct melody, harmony, him.
While he trained for the SBS Music Awards Festival, Kayna was there, silently observing, with the purest smile of admiration and enjoyment while watching Jimin sway his limbs to the sweet melodic sound that was ‘Pin-Up Girl’ by Nadanmusic. Sometimes she would fall at sleep while he trained till late at night. She enjoyed watching her boyfriend do what he loved, and the amount of happiness she felt when Jimin told her that he’d gotten her tickets to go to the SBS Awards was indescribable. Not because she would be able to see the awards itself (despite that being a memorable moment) but because she would be able to see him doing it live in front of an audience. She would be able to see him perform, see him in his purest form.
After traveling to the spot, Kayna was seated comfortably on her seat next to some other guests, most likely from other idols, in the venue. Some were press, and others seemed to be talk show presenters, but she didn’t mind them, she was focused on something else, rather, someone else, as her eyes searched the venue for the 7 boys she was familiar with.
She was intricately dressed with a long dark blue dress, backless and strapped with a modest v cleavage, tiny sequins fading from the top to the bottom of the dress, a light makeup was applied that suited the event. She was confident and ready to enjoy the show, partially sad because she wouldn’t be able to sit next to him, but she understood and she didn’t mind. One of the rules in dating an international male idol was that her relationship was a state secret. Not even her friends or family could know about it, at least for the time being.
As soon as the lights all went down, her heart raced. She knew he would do the opening show stage, her eyes searched in the dark for the presence of someone in the stage to see nothing but shadows moving towards the center.
The familiar melody began playing and the lights went back up making it easier for her to search for faces. She counted 7 people in that section, 5 females and a couple of males. His silver hair stood out to her and by then her eyes were glued on him. When he began moving, that was when she knew that her previous thoughts were dead wrong. It was even more exciting than what she had imagined in her mind.
Jimin’s arms danced with the music, and every pirouette and twirl he performed seemed to make him as light and delicate as a feather, yet stern like the forces of nature. He was graciously beautiful, he was mesmerizing, and just like that, what seemed a brief second after he began dancing the music had stopped and the attention was turned to meet another group, and they began moving their bodies to an upbeat song.
Kayna didn’t expect Jimin and his group to come back on stage with an upbeat song as well, but when both groups reunited on the center of the stages with a mix of colors and genders, a bright smile was spread across her lips. When he began dancing once again, he blew her mind away. Jimin truly was an exceptional dancer, he moved as strict as he could as he followed the beat of the song, both graciously and firm and it all looked perfect to her. Her eyes never leaving his presence as the familiar song played. She wondered if he knew that she was hypnotized to him right now. Did he know that that stage seemed to be empty and that he was the only one on there? Probably not, but she was happy enough to feel that way.
And just like the first time, in what felt a short amount of time, the first performance was over. The lights went back to black, a cloud of noises with cheers and screams from people that seemed to enjoy it as much as she did was created.
As the show occurred, Kayna enjoyed every bit of it, singing along the songs she knew and cheering for the artists she loved as well, especially when BTS went on stage. She cheered for the boys she loved, one in particular, but no one needed to know about that. By end of the show, she got out of the venue and went straight to the hotel she was staying in for the night. That, not so coincidentally, was the same hotel that BTS was staying in, she knew that it would take a while until Jimin and the boys could go to the hotel. It was not the first time she went to an event he attended and “coincidentally” stayed in the same hotel as them, so she knew the drill.
Kayna had just finished taking a long shower, washing away all the tiredness her body felt after the long hours she spent in the venue both waiting for the show to start and after it ended to leave. She exited the bathroom with the hotel towel wrapped around her body, tucked under her arms. She moved towards the bed where her suitcase was placed, and after spreading the items on the bed she pondered on whether she should use the tea rose lingerie she had bought that came with a night dress, a beautiful silk one by the way, or stick to the loyal sapphire night robe Jimin had offered her instead.
After her skin care routine, from the fragranced body lotion and the sweet Victoria Secret Body Mist to the face creams and lip balm, a routine that took almost 30 minutes. Given the fact that she took her time, it’s been 1 hour in a half since she left the venue where the show occurred and she believed Jimin left it around an hour after her, she decided to wear the silky tea rose night dress. It would match her lingerie even though she knew she probably wouldn’t need to show it off tonight. Jimin would be tired from the training and the event itself, even she was tired and she didn’t train as much as him. But she always liked to look good for him even if they wouldn’t get intimate.
Someone knocked on the door a couple of times, and the sound was loud enough to stir Kayna in her sleep. She pondered, Jimin had the room’s key, so she brushed it off and tried to drift back to sleep thinking that maybe it was a mistake, but shortly after another knock was heard on the door followed by a low whisper of what she thought to be her name.
She got up and called for her lover’s name once, and after a confirmation, her lips curved up as she clumsily rushed out of bed almost tripping on the sheets and stopping right in front of the door. As she paused for a moment and took a deep breath, quickly trying to fix her hair, she slowly opened the door to confirm it was indeed the love of her life and she saw the smile he had on his lips that matched hers.
Jimin’s arms automatically wrapped around Kayna’s waist pulling her up into the warmest and unwieldy hug he could manage, stepping inside the room and shutting the door behind him. They both stood there, for a few seconds before she pulls back and crashes their lips together into the warmest kiss they’ve felt in a long time. So many nights were spent thinking about each other’s lips, picturing each other’s scents, each other’s presence, and the moment finally came.
“…Hi.” Jimin softly whispered after breaking the kiss they shared, and with a short giggle from Kayna’s lips, he laughed again.
“Hi baby.” She smiled at him, trying to get loose from his grip. He lowered her to the ground and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck, not wanting to lose the closeness they shared.
“I missed you.” His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. Just to let her know that he didn’t want to loose the proximity with her too. Her body felt warm against his skin, and that familiar warmth was something that he longed for almost 2 months now. He missed her body against his, the soft touch of her lips on his, her scent… he missed her. By now he could tell the entire room smelled like candy and flowers, both of which he guessed came from her shower essentials and her beauty products. He knew she would do whatever it was in her power to smell and look her best when she’d meet him. That’s something that hasn’t change, no, not for the total of 16 months they’ve been together. She would always do the impossible to be more than presentable for him even when he had told her that she didn’t need to she’d insist on it.
“I missed you more.” She replied with a grin on her lips. Jimin could never get tired of staring at her. He always found her so beautiful yet different— unique. Her smile gave him butterflies every time he stared. Every. Single. Time. And he’d never complain. Even in a hundred years, he’d never complain how good her smile is for him.
He crouched in front of her, one arm moving a couple inches up from her waist, while the other reached behind her knees to lift her into his lap. Gaining a screech from the young girl as she was caught by surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck even tighter now.
“What are you doing, you idiot!” She laughed out loud, a sound Jimin considered the most beautiful ballad. He swore once that if he would ever find himself in a coma and Kayna laughed, a laugh caused by pure happiness, he would wake up because it ain’t no way he would miss such a beautiful sight. He did get hit a couple of times for mentioning him being in a coma but gained a well-deserved kiss from the praise. And maybe something else, but that’s not what matters right now.
“I, am taking you to the bed and I’ll appreciate your beauty while lying on it. Because I’m tired.” He answered her while walking towards the bed. The hotel room wasn’t that big, it had a Queen-sized bed in the center of it and a long couch by the left corner. The bathroom was on the right side of the bed where you could also find the closet with mirror-covered doors that he saw their reflection and stopped in front of it.
“That’s a nice sight,” He remarked as he raised Kayna enough to gain another screech from her placing her over his left shoulder with some effort, letting her bottom face the mirror and exposing her tea rose panties.
“Now tell me, is there a particular reason you wore these today?” He asked as his hands reached the hem the panties and snapped it against her sides. “And why you’re not wearing any shorts?”
“Don’t do that!” Kayna scrunched while grabbing his waist for support. “And put me down, you know I’m scared of this! Jimin!” She continued with her eyes shut, hugging him tightly.
“You know I won’t let you fall, babe. Don’t you trust me?” He smirked, knowing the answer already. He’d do that all the time— ask her if she trusted him. He’d use it as an excuse to do things that she doubted would work or that scared her, but after the question, she’d let him do as he pleased.
“Jimin, you know I trust you, just-” Her grip had gotten tighter and he knew she was almost at her limit. He moved towards the bed and kindly laid her on it, as she loosened her grip on him. He saw that her eyes were still shut and her face still scrunched in fear. He lowered himself and kissed her lips softly, making her loosen her tight expression.
“I hate you…” She whispered against his lips as he replied with another soft kiss.
“Are you sure you hate me?” He gave her a soft smirk then followed to kiss her neck sweetly. “Cause I don’t think someone that hates me-” He kissed her neck again, releasing a soft giggle from her. “-would have such a beautiful laugh,” He placed another wet kiss on the spot, “-to me kissing her.”
Kayna’s hands moved to cup his face and pull him into a proper kiss. A slow one with so much care and sentiment that Jimin had to place his arms on the bed for support because he knew they’d stay like that for a while, and they did. As the kiss deepened and his tongue was now dancing along with hers at the sound of the slowest ballad, there was no rush, no burning desire, just the moment of being able to enjoy the tingling sensation their lips had on each other.
“I missed you so much.” Kayna whispered while their foreheads still touched and their breathing was almost like one. She breathed his scent into her lungs and felt herself feeling complete once again.
Jimin managed to finally crawl in bed and adjusting his body next to her. She did the same, and by now he noticed that the shirt she was wearing seemed familiar.
“Is that my shirt?” He giggled and reached for the hem to see the tag verifying that it was indeed his.
“I had a silk night dress on but I hated it. I mean it looked nice but it didn’t feel comfortable y’know?”
She made a face at him, and he still looked confused as to why was his shirt with her. So she continued, “Fine!” She gave up. “I brought your shirt to give it back, but then it reminded me of you, and it’s so much more comfy than the night dress i bought. Plus, it still had your perfume on it. Sorry!”
She rolled her eyes faking annoyance.
“Does that mean that you haven’t wash it in almost 2 months?” His brow was quirked up in confusion.
She answered that she’d wash it— it was just that she stole his perfume and had sprayed it on the shirt to smell like him.
He laughed at the answer she gave him, and she still complained that it wasn’t the same.
“Well, you can take some dirty clothes from my suitcase, if you feel like it?” He suggested, receiving a hit in the shoulder by the curly-haired girl.
“Are you hungry? We should eat something,” She suggested, ignoring his previous question.
When he agreed, she grabbed the phone to order room service, succeeding right after.
“Do you wanna watch some TV while we wait? They said that it could take around 40 minutes.” She suggested again, this time reaching for the remote to turn the tv on but his arm stopped her.
Kayna turned to meet the eyes of the silver-haired man sitting next to her in the bed. She didn’t notice what he was wearing, it all happened so quick that she didn’t have the time. He had a pink T-shirt and some shorts on.
It took her a while to see that it was the pink shirt she had offered him around 3 months ago, that caused her lips to curve up slightly. It caused her to remember the day she bought it.
Jimin told her he didn’t want it and that he would appreciate something black or blue, but she bought it just to get on his nerves. It was a plain Hugo boss pink shirt. She bought him 2, a light pink one and a hot pink one. He said that it won’t suit him, so he never wore it even when she asked but now he was wearing it.
“I missed you too, you know? I’ve worn both of them lately just to think about you whenever I look myself in the mirror.” He smiled at her and she thanked him for that. “I don’t want to watch TV,” He pulled her close, “I wanna be with you. And just… just be with you.”
Kayna always felt the need to fill the room with some noise or distraction whenever she was nervous, and right now she was. It has been almost 2 months since she last saw her boyfriend, and that placed her on edge. She didn’t know exactly how to cope. She always had that soft feel of a new relationship whenever she was with Jimin. It’s not like they see each other all the time. It’s always at least a week or two before they can see each other again. The longest it’s been was almost 3 months, and she thought during that time they might’ve ended their relationship. It had only been the beginning of their relationship but the way Jimin hugged her when he saw her again like he truly missed her, made her realize that this wasn’t an experiment anymore. It was an actual relationship that he was also willing to fight for despite the setbacks.
She agreed and laid back with him. And after a few minutes of admiration while he stroked her hair, curling it on his fingers, she broke the silence, catching his attention (as if it was possible to be more attentive than he already was).
“I loved your performance today,” She smiled, “You were… baby, you were amazing. When you were up there…” She shifted in bed to look at the beige ceiling with gold prints of flowers along it with a beautiful small chandelier in the center. She ran through her thoughts searching for words to describe her feelings, and her hands slowly intertwined fingers with Jimin’s without her even looking. “You were like, like smoke… that first performance, your body slid and twisted. Just like smoke… y-you know? It was so beautiful to watch, pleasing… yet just like the parting dust, it vanished too quickly.”
She looked almost sad for saying those words.
Kayna didn’t need to turn to know that Jimin’s eyes were glued to her right now. She just knew she had his entire attention. Jimin cared about what she thought especially regarding his performances.
“Then when you came back, and that song started-”
“You love that song,” He interrupted her with a soft laugh and she continued right after agreeing with him.
“-You know I do. I love that song so much. And you!!” She turned to face him, catching him by surprise. “You didn’t tell me you were gonna perform it.”
He said it was a surprise and she agreed, it was indeed a beautiful surprise.
Then she continued, “You did great! You danced like, like- like the wind? I don’t even know how to describe it!”
A small chuckle escaped his lips.
“I’m serious here! Baby, you did amazing, you were- you were just like the wind, strong and devastating, and like smoke, soft and… pleasing. Both in one. Get it?”
Jimin shyly smiled, covering his mouth with one hand. He then looked down at her hands, almost as if he was ashamed for what he was gonna say next, “ I’m-I’m unsatisfied…”
A few couple of seconds passed before Kayna spilled a soft ‘why’ and he continued explaining, “It’s just that… as expected, when we try to shorten and do things quickly there are many parts that are unsatisfactory.”
Seconds of silence followed again after his words. Kayna wasn’t exactly sure how to reply and she wanted to analyze his words carefully.
“Despite that since it is my first time showing that professionally, I’ll work harder next time.”
Kayna understood what he meant, it’s not that he felt like he wasn’t good, he just felt like he could do better. He criticized himself as an artist. And that was fine to do, but in her eyes, he had done the best job possible. He had done everything right yet he still felt like he didn’t, and that’s something she couldn’t have. She needed to assure him that he did great. He was almost perfect. And that was enough.
“Baby, look at me,” Her hand moved to lift his chin so they could both be at the same eye level, and she saw in his eyes what he meant- he was indeed unsatisfied, and she could see something close to shame in them, and yet she was completely confused.
How could a beautiful creature like him think that about himself?
“You were perfect, and I don’t say this just as- as your girlfriend.” She stuttered. Sometimes saying that out loud still sounded weird to her. The world still didn’t know about the fact that she and Jimin had been dating for a more than a year now.
For the past year, Kayna and Jimin had been struggling to keep in touch while he had the busiest schedule and she had her own life to take care off.
In the beginning, she still couldn’t believe he was infatuated with her- a simple girl that happened to cross his way a couple of times. He said it took him a lot of courage to approach her that day at the cafe right before she left. During a few weeks after work, Kayna would go to a cafe near the building he worked, and for some reason —that is still unknown to her. Park Jimin seemed to observe her almost every day, from a few stores high. He then began going to the cafe around the time she was there but she never noticed him until he made himself noticeable. From that moment on, with a lot of care and caution, their relationship progressed into friends. Before she knew it, she had a nervous Park Jimin at her doorstep at 2 am, telling her that for some reason his heart insisted on telling him that she was a trustworthy person and he couldn’t be without letting her know how much she made his heart skip a beat.
Yes, he won her heart like that… slowly entering it. And when she least expected, her heart was already wrapped by his soft and warm hugs whenever he needed an escape. (That wasn’t that often.) Kayna still wondered how they managed to keep things hidden for so long. No one, other than the 6 members of Bangtan and the superiors from Big Hit, knew about their relationship, and that’s how it’s supposed to be, that’s how they would keep it until they both decided it was time to reveal it all to the world.
“I’m saying this as someone that appreciates art, almost as much as you do- You did great. You were perfect to me, baby, and no one can ever convince me otherwise. You know why?” His eyes slowly shut in a smile, as he questioned her ‘why.’ “Because I know talent when I see it, and you,” She reached close to kiss the tip of his nose, “You, baby, you are pure talent, and you know it.”
A bright smile spread across her lips.
“Thank you… you know how much that means to me. You know how much you mean to me.” His arms moved without notice to pull her closer, and her eyes followed the dance, one that their bodies knew too well. Breathing in sync, legs intertwined, arms around waists, foreheads touching. Connected. They were both connect through something far much meaningful than just their bodies.
“I love you Jimin,” The soft sound escaped her lips, and to him, it sounded like a beg, but a beg for what? “I love you so much it hurts just to think that you may not know how much I love you, how you may not feel the love you deserve. But then again, you get love from your fans, from the boys… But I still feel like-” Kayna searched for words in her mind to describe what she meant, and the silence began bothering Jimin for once.
He asked her to continue the phrase, continue to elaborate her thoughts, and she did.
“I feel like I don’t show you that enough, I feel like I should let you know just how much I love you… You see, I feel that what I feel towards you is something more than just a mere connection.”
“How so?” He asked in pure curiosity. What did she mean by ‘more than just a mere connection’?
In response, Kayna sits up and pulls his tired body from the bed to follow her.
The young man complained and whined for a while before she made the cutest puppy dog face and threatened to not kiss him until the sun shines, and the silver haired boy most certainly did not want that so he sat up and got a reward kiss which spread a smile on his plump rosy lips.
Her hands grabbed his, and she began talking, and by now, Jimin didn’t know just how much these words would mean to him. “You know how I’m not good with words, right?”
They both agreed.
She did have some difficulty expressing herself, so she used something else in compensation — illustrations, examples, anything that would make it easy for her to pass on her thoughts. “So let’s just say that… that- that what you make me feel, it… it goes beyond just saying I love you. We’ve been together for a little over a year now and yet I feel like you are the best thing that happened to me.” Her smile was so genuine that Jimin couldn’t help but raise the corners of his lips as well, blushing. “When I see you entering the room, I can’t control the way my heart beats like a freaking drum, every single time, and when you smileee!” She rolled both her head and her eyes grew in astonishment, “Park Jimin, your smile gives me so much hope. It’s the most beautiful smile I’ve seen.” She cupped his face, preventing him from covering his own face as he blushed a hot pink tone. “If, and may the devil be deaf right now, but if I ever go mute, just the way I’ll look and smile at you would be enough for you to realize how much I love you. I’m positive of it.”
By now Jimin was a mess of tiny laughs and beautiful eye smiles.
“Really? That’s how much you love me? You know you could always learn sign language to tell me how much you love me, right?” He corked up his eyebrows but was quickly shutting his eyes as repetitive hits were deposited on his left side as Kayna complained about him ruining a beautiful romantic moment.
“Ah- St-Stop! I’m sorry! Hey! At least I’d learn how to speak sign language for you!” He replied through the blows.
“That’s not funny! I mean thank you, that’s sweet, but let’s just hope that doesn’t happen.”
“What if you get your arms chopped off for some unimaginable reason?”
Kayna’s eyebrows were almost touching because she could not understand where that level of morbidness was coming from. Jimin received another set of hits on his arm that was probably feeling sore by now.
“Are you saying that I might become armless? Why not chop my legs too?”
“That,“ He paused “could also happen.”
By now Jimin was covering his face, Kayna had grabbed the pillow set and aggressively began hitting Jimin with it nonstop. That boy could always ruin those sweet moments.
In time, Kayna realized that it could be the fact that it made him feel overwhelmed with emotions, so he always found a way to make the subject lighter and put away all the attention on him. She knew he was paying attention, listening, and understanding, he just had a little trouble being the center of it.
After several minutes of a young lady violently attacking him with the pillow set, and laughter filling the room. A couple feathers escaped from the pillowcase, landing on both their faces and hair, getting tangled between their beautiful locks. Jimin then grabbed Kayna’s arms, throwing the pillows to the ground.
He managed to pin her against the mattress, sitting on top of her while tiny feathers still fly across the room slowly finding their way to any surface. One tiny little white one falls gently landed on Kayna’s lower lip. The contrast between the coral-pink and the white made his mouth feel dry, he hungered for them once again. He moved one of his hands from the wrists he held, to take the delicate feather from the lips he craved to taste. Her eyes followed every move he made, slowly, carefully as he appreciated what was in front of him.
Kayna’s hair was spread across the bed, her bun was messily undone, shades of brown from the lightest to the darkest decorate the white sheets. It almost matched her beautiful skin tone, and her doe eyes had that sparkle he saw since the first time he laid eyes on her. She was beautiful to him, exotic, unique.
When he moved to close the distance between them, she spoke, “Even if I was blind, and deaf, and had no arms and legs….” He stared at her, waiting for the end of the sentence while their eyes focused on each other, trying to read what they had to say. “Even if I died, I believe my love for you would still be felt. Because I know, I know it is stronger than that. You are the only man I want to be with. The most beautiful person I know, both inside and outside, and there’s no one that could ever make me feel the way you do.”
By now Kayna could see something in Jimin’s eyes, something she hasn’t seen before, and she wondered what it was. What was it that she hasn’t seen it yet?
A tear was able to escape Jimin’s eyes as he looked down at her. It fell and landed on her cheek. A smile was spread across his lips, and unlike Kayna, he knew what he was feeling. — Fear.
For the first time since they’ve been together, Jimin felt fear. Fear of losing her. How could he ever lose such an amazing woman? How could he ever even think of letting her get away? The answer is he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. She was his oasis— a place where he could find safety and sustenance.
Even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, Kayna was his oasis, time after time, it was her that listened to him when he felt insecure, when he had doubts, when he had thoughts that haunted him, telling him that he wasn’t good enough, she was there for him. And when he least expected it, she became something more than just ‘the girl I have a thing for,’ she became his oasis, the place where he could find comfort.
His hand moved to wipe the tear that landed on her cheek, he lowered his lips and sealed another chaste kiss on her lips. “I’d be a fool if I ever let go of you…” He whispered and gained a smile from his loved one.
Kayna’s arms wrap around him, letting him collapse on top of her. His head buried in the crook of her neck accepting her warmth with all the love she could deliver.
“I’d be the fool if I allow you to let me go. We’ll make it through no matter what. Right?”
To this, Jimin thought back to the words she had once sent him, on a postcard when they completed 6 months together. After the dinner, for the first time, she said it in person: “I love you.” Her trust issues were behind her when she decided to give herself to Jimin. After he dropped her home, she gave him a box and told him to open only when he got home. He agreed and they shared a kiss goodbye.
When he got home, he anxiously opened it and saw a handmade doll that looked like him with brown hair, a pink shirt, and ripped black jeans. A tiny heart was sewed on the right foot and next to it their initials, ‘J & K.’
After that, he noticed the postcard with the distinct trade of her hometown, that said the words he began reciting once again:
“Love is like a river, it flows around rocks, adapts itself to valleys and mountains.” Kayna now joined him to complete the quote she once wrote, their voices together, “Never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time.”
They both hugged each other with a strength that wasn’t even necessary, and that moment felt clear, perfect, the sound of their breathing and heartbeats were the only thing that seemed to exist in the world.
Jimin whispered a soft ‘thank you’ and before Kayna could answer.
There was a knock on the door, followed by the words ‘Room Service’ that cracked a soft laugh from both of them.
“Nothing to make this more romantic than food, wouldn’t you agree?” Jimin laughed, and he moved to the side to let Kayna get up and go answer the door. ♡
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reyskyber · 7 years
Fic tag game (?)
I was tagged by the ever-lovely @stardust-blake (Thank you!! This was fun!! I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve been at uni and just got back to my laptop.)
1. what is your most popular fic by kudos? comments? bookmarks? are they all the same?
Most popular is Begging Me to Beg for You for all three (idk why, it was so bad omg)
2. do you have a favourite of your fics? if not, do you have one you’re most proud of? why?
I think my favourite fic to write was Season’s Greetings, because the idea came to me from pretty much nowhere and it was just cute and fluffy.  But the fic I’m most proud of is IDGAF because I never actually intended to write it, and it was my second smut fic but I just felt like it actually worked that time?  If that makes sense. I didn’t want to go and hide in a corner after I published it like I did for BMTBFY.
3. what fandom/ship (if you write for more than one) is your favourite to write for?
I think bellarke are my favourites to write for, just because it’s the easiest for me.  With dramione, it always felt like the fandom was so big, and everyone only ever read works from a handful of readers (I know in actuality it’s not like that, but at 15 it felt like that).  And I am never going to attempt a Jon/Dany because the game of thrones/ASOIAF universe is so big I don’t even want to think about it, which is why I ended u writing Kit/Emilia instead, which does make me uncomfortable now and I wouldn’t write it again.  I just wanted a Jon/Dany modern AU without having to know the ins and outs of how Winterfell worked etc.
4. do you have any fics that got more popularity/attention than you expected? if so what were they?
BMTBFY.  I should have seen this coming, since it was a smut fic, but I sort of just wrote it and left it and now it has over 5k hits which I wasn’t expecting at all.  And I actually don’t think this fic is any good so I’m still shocked when I see people reading it/leaving kudos.
5. where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? do you have a fic that you feel is particularly unique in that area?
Almost every single fic I have written is because of something that has happened to me in my real life (except the canonverse ones obvs).  But Season’s Greetings was inspired by a text message I saw where their friend mistakenly thought they’d called them “honey” when they were asking for honey flavouring.  The inspiration for Winter Winds was me stood outside my work waiting for a lift off my mum thinking “wow I wish one of my friends would drive past and pick me up.”  But then that seemed weird to write so I changed it to what it became.  And That’s a Wrap was me wrapping my family Christmas presents for about three hours straight thinking I should monopolise it, alas someone stole my idea. As for unique fics, I’ve got one coming that feel unique, but I’ve only been reading bellarke for a few months so idk if someone’s already written it yet.
6. do you have a favourite character to write POV for?
I like to switch, just to give the full view of the situations.  But I’ve always naturally slipped into Clarke’s POV (I think that stems from YEARS of reading every single fic from Hermione’s POV and being completely thrown when I read anything from Draco’s so now female POV just feel natural? idk).  
I think I’m more like Bellamy in how I react to situations so that’s a bit easier to write, but I think I talk more like Clarke than any other character, so her dialogue is easier to write?  In all honesty, I just write whatever I think of and do a lot of editing later so I don’t really take much notice of what I’m feeling when i’m writing.
7. what’s your favourite side pairing to include?
I’ve not had much change to write anything including a side pairing, but I love Lincoln/Octavia and Miller/Monty or Miller/Jackson (I just need Miller to be happy okay?)
8. do you have a fic you feel is underrated in comparison to your other fics? or you just wish more people would read?
I just wish everyone who read BMTBFY actually went and read IDGAF because it was actually a lot better (in my opinion, and my sister’s.)  But I don’t have that many fics published so?
9. what’s something you would go back and change in one of your fics?
hahahaha everything.  I once wrote a dramione fic that I’m scared to go back a look at.  But tbh, I will eventually hate anything I’ve ever done if I stare at it for long enough, so there’s a lot I’d change and it’s nothing major, just scenes that could do with rewriting or something.
10. what is your favourite sort of comment to receive on a fic?
Any comment.
11. what are your favourite genres of fic to write? (e.g. modern au, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, etc.)
I think I feel most comfortable writing Modern AUs, as long as I never try and emulate any kind of US culture (bc I know nothing), but fluff all the way, I can’t write angst for shit.  So fluff all the way.
12. what are your favourite tropes to write?
Gotta love a good friend to lovers trope.  I’ve not written many tropes yet, but hopefully I’ll get inspired and get chance to work on some stuff.
13. do you write fics similar to what you enjoy reading or completely different? both?
hmm sometimes.  I mean, I enjoy writing modern AUs, but that’s a very broad topic and I’ve read a lot of AUs. I generally avoid reading anything with Clarke of Bellamy dying and I don’t think I could write that, but tbh I’ll read almost anything but I’m quite picky about what I write.
14. what’s your writing process like?
If it’s something I want to be good, I’ll write it out entirely by hand and then type it up.  And I almost always have to write everything in chronological order and then work backwards once the bulk of it is there.  Editing takes me forever though.  I need a lot of tea and music and usually take about 15 minute breaks because I’m easily distracted.  But if I’m writing a scene that I can feel rather than just see in my mind’s eye then I cannot stop writing it until it’s done.
15. multi-chapter, oneshot, or drabble?
Back when I first started reading fanfic a drabble was 100 words or less, but now it seems to be more?  So I’m gonna say a drabble (anything up to 5k) is easier for me because I can write it in a day or two and then edit it quickly.  But I like writing one-shots too. And I’ve never done a multichapter so idk.
16. if someone was only going to read one of your fics, which would you want them to read?
This is a tough once, because I’d want them to read the one I’m writing now because it’s actually a proper fic instead of a drabble.  But I’d say any of them, they’re all quite similar (sort of).
Is there anyone left to do this that hasn’t?  Idk who to tag?  If you see this, consider yourself tagged!
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