#and the og post was super glitchy
POV: Henry Hart taking a picture of his best Buddy/Boyfriend:
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murdleandmarot 2 months
Hallooo 馃憢 馃憢馃憢馃憢
For the faceclaim post thing can you give us your faceclaim hcs for Vicky, George and/or Tumble :-) ? <3
I鈥檒l do all three!!!
Victoria 馃馃巰馃┌
I don鈥檛 think I鈥檝e ever seen a Victoria I didn鈥檛 like, because she鈥檚 always gorgeous, but I do have a few favorite designs.
First off, Cynthia Onrubia, from the OG Broadway cast (1982-1984)
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Unbelievably gorgeous. Ethereal. Jesus Christ why don鈥檛 I look like that. She looks like some sort of forest nymph, or snow spirit, just so graceful <333. I think the rounded ears and face makeup are so so cool, and I wish people used it more, because I think it鈥檚 so fitting, more so then the sharper, more shaped wigs. I can鈥檛 really say that, because I鈥檝e yet to draw OG Broadway Vicci, but absolutely plan to, because I can鈥檛 stop looking at her. So so pretty.
The second is Charlotte Lovell, from Oasis cast 14
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I just think she鈥檚 super pretty :) she always looks so kind and graceful <3333
(Honorable Vicci is Tecklenburg ofc, I think she looks so cool <333)
Tumble and George are under the cut!
Tumblebrutus 馃馃┒馃
My favorite Tumblebrutus is 100% Mukeni Nel from the UK/Intl tour (2019-2020)
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LOOK AT HIM!!!!! LOOK AT HIM!!! HES SO CUTE!!!! Not only is this one of my favorite Cats candid shots ever, (it鈥檚 just so incredibly perfect, the lighting, the fuzziness, I want to eat it hnnnngggh), but he just looks so smiley!!! This is Pouncival鈥檚 best friend forever!!! I love him so much.
(He鈥檚 also so so cute as Misto and Pouncival <3)
George 馃馃枻馃┒
I unfortunately only have one 馃槶
Frank Thompson, from the movie, 1998
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(I chose this picture bc I giggle every time I look at him, he rly went :0)
Kinda basic, I know, but also he鈥檚 just so <333 What a scraggly little man!!!! He鈥檚 adorable as hell in the back of Bustophers number, love him. he鈥檚 hard to pick out in a crowd 馃槶, especially when watching productions with bad or glitchy video quality. Nevertheless I persist :)
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sillysadduck 2 years
honestly i'd love to hear ur headcanons about the dhmis teachers ::::D
HELLO FRIEND! Ughh I'm so mad I couldn't answer this ask before but tumblr genuinely wouldn't even let me open it at first:( I think I posted about that issue- I was also offline for a few days but im back <:D
These are my hcs for the og teachers, if you want to see the ones I have for my human AU too let me know :)
general hc for all of them: all of them dislike kids, except for Steak, and some of them suck at interacting with them.
-Their voice sounds a bit uninterested and annoyed in the first episode and I think they genuinely were.
-Got scared when things got weird. They weren't expecting all of that to happen.
-They're friends with almost all of the other teachers. They get along the best with Tony. They're a bit scared of Steak tho.
-They actually don't know shit about art, they just pretend to know馃挮
-They love to annoy Tony, they find it funny when he gets mad at them.
-They draw on themselves.
-They don't like using their legs most of the time, but they can. As seen in episode 6 they're just little black sticks like their arms.
-More of a general hc but he worships the Malcom statue as a representation of the actual Malcom. Malcom is actually something among the lines of a God so he can't be seen or touched in reality.
-He has internalized homophobia, but he's gay himself. He just wouldn't act on it, it's against his beliefs.
-He's actually really good with kids. Thats how he got Yellow's "Special One" to join his cult.
-Doesn't mean he likes them, but he's an amazing manipulator.
-He will preach to anyone and I mean ANYONE, I do think he genuinely convinced Paige and Tony to join him by just talking with them.
-He's not aware of some of the creepy members of his cult (furry boy I'm looking at you) but he doesn't care either.
-I actually posted a doodle of this but he hangs himself on the wall and behaves like an actual inanimate clock when he's mad at someone 馃挮
-That someone is Paige 80% of the time bc theyre annoying
-He has no patience, asking him a question is like asking your dad to teach you math. He will yell, slam his hands against the table, get frustrated a hundred times and then he will apologize only if he feels like it.
-Not a good teacher at all, but he's good at keeping normal conversations. Just don't ask him any deep questions.
-The others don't understand him. Everyone considers him hard to deal with because of his short temper. He gets along the best with Paige and Colin.
-Also autistic bc how could he not be
-Actually knows the darkest parts of the "digital world"/internet but just like in a common computer you won't get easy access to those.
-He was Roy's computer! He's a fairly old computer, Roy stopped using him when he became glitchy and only brought him back for the show.
-Is super slow most of the time, using him as an actual computer is frustrating.
-Yellow can use him to play old computer games tho, and he will if given a chance.
-Gets mad at Red preferring Laptop because Laptop is not glitchy, it makes him feel replaced and frustrated.
-Scared of bugs, no joke intended
Steak/Lamp chop:
-Literal BBQ dad
-The other teachers find him intimidating bc bro is huge.
-Spinach Can and Bread Boy are like his kids! And Fridge is always by his side, nobody knows if they're in love or just buddies.
-He doesn't speak to any of the other teachers or the main trio most of the time, he's happy with the healthy gang and feels like he doesn't need more than them.
-Spinach really looks up to him, they never leave his side. Steak will carry them everywhere and tell them bad jokes.
-Yellow wants to be picked up by him all the time, he doesn't find him scary, he just saw he's tall and now he wants up.
-Man was DRUNK while he was singing about dreams.
-Can't form coherent thoughts, ever.
-Shrignold loves to be around him bc he always listens. Truth is he's always kind of lost inside his own brain so that makes him a good listener.
-He's really strong physically but he's not aware of it, Yellow was really hurt when he grabbed him by the arm.
-He will fall asleep anywhere and anytime. He doesn't even care.
-He uses Colin as Google by asking him lots and lots of questions.
-No one can stand to be around him when he gets philosophical. And I mean no one. Not even Yellow. His philosophical questions don't even make any sense.
Bonus main trio hcs:
-Yellow is autistic and has ADHD :)
-He loves to be picked up!
-ofc he's a puppet but I hc him to be somewhere between 4 and 8 instead of being 48馃槂 bc... [SPOILER AHEAD] no way he went from being 38 to being 48 the same day on wakey wakey.
-Red is also autistic.
-He learned Yellow will stop crying if he carries him. So he does.
-Sometimes he'll sleep on his bed with him too if that means he can help him sleep better.
-Duck reads bedtime stories for Yellow.
-If he's talking too much Red will pick him up by the scruff of his neck as a kitten as a sweet and silent way of telling him to please please please shut up.
-He has a short temper, just like Tony.
This got super long I'm sooo sorry I just love talking about them </3
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drifloonz 1 year
hmm.. do you have any favourite Pok茅mon/Pok茅pasta characters? If so, what do you like about them? Or.. if you could make your own Pok茅pasta character, what would their concept or design be? Or name in general, you don鈥檛 have to do a fully fleshed out backstory for them. Orrr, what鈥檚 your favourite thing about being on the internet or being in a fandom?
i... to no ones surprise, reaaally like steven. glitchys up there, but i think his og pokepasta sort of sucks ( which is not an unpopular opinion ), but strangled red ( specifically strangled red, strangled and doors open are... neat, but sort of badly written and way more stereotypical ) is just... mwah. chefs kiss. stories about grief and abt a depressive spiral that gets worse and worse AND you get to see how he was like before it? soo good. you can argue the missingno plotline in it was unnecessary which i could agree but i think its just cool more than anything else, esp since most pokepastas based on gen 1 use it or other glitches in the 1st gens for horror a lot, which i think is interesting. missingno can be many things!
i like to think logically that glitches and stuff in game prob exist in the pokemon universe as well, since... well.. pokemon can be turned into data. you put them into the pc. missingno likely just exists and is a heavily corrupted pokemon that is not supposed to be there, or a glitch that the pc or something made real.
therefore, miki probably was "healed" because missingno "filled" her "missing data" or something like that, but i like to keep it more vague and ambiguous too. you can do a lot with strangled red and steven, miki, and mike too which just intrigues me. once again read lessons in guilt and grief and faulty on ao3. they explore this and steven, mike, ( and daisy who doesnt get enough attention ) in a way i 100% agree with and enjoy .
as for other characters i obviously enjoy glitchy but i much more enjoy the like... post-fnflull version of him cuz' in his original popularity he was just sort of prettyboy red who was also a creepypasta but ppl barely drew him like he was one ( i like fnf lulls interp bc of how his body constantly stutters and how when hes irate his mouth just stretches and shit like that. gmod ragdoll with broken physics ass mf ). also as said before his pokepastas sort of forgettable but i do like the concept of a red stuck in a game self aware bc im allll for that shit. i am an IHNMBIMS fan, i love AM, i love self aware AIs that feel trapped and take it out on every1 else or cope with it in Some Way... very interesting concept, idk.
honorable mentions for pokepastas that ppl prob know that i do not talk abt a lot that i like the writing or concepts for are DISABLED and Hell Bell.
hell bell you could argue has a stereotypical 'pasta ending of "ooooh you die in the game you die for real" but idk i eat up the way they did it in hell bell bc the person doesnt die but they sort of do since nobody can see em anymore ( iirc, i hvent read it in a bit ). also uses gen 4 which as someone who started mainline games with diamond and pearl respectively, i enjoy that a lot.
for DISABLED, its not super deep or scary or anything ( ok well its scary for the narrator obviously ) but its another one that just sorta makes me feel bad in all the right ways.
i have concepts for pokepasta aus of my ocs and some side characters but they arent pokepastas theyre just like... ppl who live in the world ( of fnf lull usually since i like to think everything there is connected and coexists somehow ), but i am not original to save my life so i dont think id make an actual pokepasta anytime soon, lol. the closest i got was making a super horrible choose your own adventure where you played as a cubone on deviantart when i was like idk 9
as for internet and fandom stuff, i dont associate myself w fandoms or fandom terminology and unironically i just start to call myself an "enjoyer" of things, bc i dont like being associated w anything... fandom oriented a lot of the time anymore. a lot of fanonization of characters also sucks. i do think the pokepasta fandom has some funny fanonizations though. like yes dilfify that man ( @ steven )
also esp for pokepastas bc i have Hyperfixation Shame. its why i have a sideblog for it, both so it has a concentrated place to go and so no one knows i like it enough to write abt it lol
thank u 4 asking :]!
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glitchyred 8 months
hey, a friend let me know you were looking for OG glitchy red thread. i might have the screencaps and a bunch of old creepypasta lost media on my old hard drive if you don't mind waiting a few weeks for my partner and i to finish going through his storage unit. i wanna say someone on deviantart originally posted the screencaps somewhere? i was into pokemon in 2010/2011 and was following the original /vp/ thread. i also remembered the supposed OP posting a screenshot of his firered game glitching and if i'm right and it's not archived then that really sucks, even if photoshopped it added a lot of immersion to the story. it was 4chan and all anon though so who knows. :( there was also anon ("drawfag") fanart in the thread that someone claiming to be OP approved of and i will eat my own hat if i'm wrong about that because i vividly remember it! it was glitchy attacking fire!red. there were also a lot of wholesome (by 4chan standards) comments about how some people only turned off their game after they got their protag to a pokemon center or somewhere safe, which i vividly remember bc it was the whole reason i kept up with the thread lol. feel free to ask any questions. i'm seriously freaking out right now, i had no idea anyone else was even still into this stuff!! i follow the fnf mod community and didn't even know there was a whole pokepasta mod at ALL!
sorry this is all i can offer for now, i haven't even used tumblr in like 10 years but thank you for the nostalgia! should i play false red? if i don't respond it's because you lost me to hypno's lullaby.
Holy SHIT thats awesome!!! I would love if you shared anything you find so much!!!! I lament over how much lost media there must be in old creepypasta forums so often, this fandom is smth I'm so passionate about. Also I could be totally wrong (I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple pieces depicting The Nightmare Scene) but it would be crazy if you're referencing My Favorite Glitchy Red Art lol. My tablet's download folder is super unorganized so it'll take me forever to dig it up but I know I have it somewhere I'll upload it with reblogs off if I find it. Also that bit abt the wholesome comments is adorable NDKWJJD
Anyway yeah!! The pokepasta community is very small but thriving. FNF: Lullaby isn't the only FNF mod for Pokepastas (I can't. Remember the names of the others off the top of my head but you should be able to find them easily lol) and it's where the majority of the fandom is at rn! I don't hang out on that side of the fandom much but I love. The Lullaby song for Strangled Red it's So good. Also I would recommend False Red for anyone who likes Glitchy Red, it's very much a spiritual successor intentionally or not. It can be a little hard to track down these days so here's a download link if you or anyone reading this needs it.
Tysm and keep me updated!!
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fatal-error-blog 4 years
Hello, I was looking at the 5 nights at Fatel's and I am wondering, what happened to the different Sanses
Hi there! At this point in the story (and from some good sleuthing work on ya鈥檒l鈥檚 part) we actually do know what鈥檚 happened to all the different sanses from the Five Nights at Fatal鈥檚 side comic! Let鈥檚 review: Night 1 we met Underfell sans and by the end of Chapter Four his copy is having a pretty bad time:
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Night 2 we met Cross and by the end of Chapter Four his copy is having a super bad time:
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Night 3 we met a classic sans who a bunch of ya鈥檒l figured out was the same glitchy sans we met back in File not Found! So he鈥檚 having a bad time, it seems.聽You can read the post about it here!
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Night 4 we met an Underswap sans and by the midpoint of Chapter Four his copy is having a pretty bad time:
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And Night 5 we met Lavender and by the end of Chapter Four his copy is having a pretty bad time (also og Lavender probably ended up having a pretty bad time too):
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So yeah I鈥檇 say that pretty much sums it up!
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glitchyred 2 years
Could I ask for some more info on Glitchy Red: Retold? I don't really have a specific thing to ask, so you can just talk about anything you want.
Hi I think this has been in my inbox since I posted a now-deleted thing saying "there is never a bad time to ask me about glitchy red retold". Unfortunately you hit the 0.01% chance of it being a bad time to ask me about glitchy red retold and then I completely forgot about this ask for like forever OOPS anyway I'm here now.
It's a little bit hard for me 2 infodump about things without Direction so here's some random unorganized trivia off the top of my head, some of which is just stuff that would've applied to the semi-canon (stuff that's only canon if you, the reader, want it to be) like the scrapped ask blog and Glitchy Red Reborn;
RED's favorite Pok茅mon is Charizard by default. If he was from a Blue or Yellow cartridge, his favorite Pok茅mon would've been Blastoise or Pikachu respectively. In reality he doesn't have a favorite Pok茅mon, he tries not to feel anything in particular about the Pok茅mon his players catch anymore
With the exception of background tiles, visual corruptions in the game are shorthand for blood, bruising, and gore. This kid has seen some shit man (also this means that retold!RED isn't . Well. "Glitchy" like people tend to draw og Glitchy. If he was "glitching" he would just be Bleeding lmfao)
RED would not lash out against younger players, even if they used destructive glitches or cheat codes. His quarrel is solely with adults
RED's general awareness and feelings towards his world, while now warped by his sapience, is dependant on how his player feels towards the game. He only started to become jaded and aware of the fact that he was in a game because of his players' growing disinterest and inability to immerse themselves. Theoretically, if someone played his game and made stuff like MissingNo part of the worldbuilding, they wouldn't feel out of place or as scary to him anymore
RED can feel muted physical sensation through the console he is inhabiting. He can feel the warmth of the sun or of the players' hands, and in Reborn the Narrator buys him stuffed animals and he can actually feel how soft they are to some degree. On a surface level this is very creepy but you get used to it
In-universe (not in-game) RED is not the only one of his kind but he is one of the most uh. Developed cases of Pok茅mon characters gaining sentience . Don't worry about it
Speaking of RED being really fucking weird, he (or his cartridge) is basically immortal. This one Super doesn't apply to the original story if you don't want it to (except for being hinted at; reread the first description of the cartridge again rq. Yeah.) since it can be kind of silly out of context, but it's also the whole basis for the semi-canon. His cart endlessly restores itself from all damage, though only ever to the extent that it's just barely playable. It would eventually be revealed that if RED was ever truly happy and at peace, he would lose his immortality (which is a good thing. He does Not want to be immortal lmfao)
Uhh last thing he's autistic. This is true for every Red ever but I just thought I would canonize this here this one's not optional DJAJDJAJDJ (this would've been explored more in the ask blog and Is explored a bit more in Reborn but because the formatting of Pokepastas is limiting and he's kind of in a Gameboy Game in a Constant State of Being Retraumatized this can't really come across in the og story rip)
AND one quick fun fact : I wrote the ending of the story First. In my notes app on impulse and then wrote the entire story to lead up to That Moment. I just think it's funny because I like NEVER do stuff like that I barely even heavily plan my stories ahead of time
Hope this lightning-round infodump was to your liking!
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