#Gay Jasper
The beginning of the Rubber Duck episode be like:
Henry: Ya know, I keep having dreams where my dream girl turns into Jasper, and i can't figure out why?
Piper: idc bruh
Jasper later that day:
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soupdwelling · 3 months
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they’re the worst ever
(@/roseyycatt’s dtiys on twitter!)
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mlm-ficcollection · 1 year
Jasper Hale X Male! Reader (part. 1)
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(I couldn't live with myself, leaving you all with the old version of my fic when I have an updated one. So here you go, updated fic! Meaning, that if you've read something similar to this on here, or something exactly like this on Ao3, then it is mine. This is part one of, if everything goes as planned, three parts.)
(Part. 2)
"This is (y/n)."
The voice sounded blurry to him, as if he was underwater. Where was that ringing coming from? Was it even ringing? He wasn't sure, might as well just be him, might as well just get tinnitus because honestly, that would just be typical wouldn't it. Why was it so dark?... Maybe his eyes were just closed.
Memories, memories (memories had to be the key to figuring this out, right? Right.) - what was the last thing he remembered? He was in town to go shopping. Working late left him to do his groceries in the evening. It was dark, at least past 9 pm, and there weren't a lot of people out on the narrow cobbled city streets. No people. That's how he liked it.
A group of broad and tall statures with guns came out of nowhere. The rest of it was blurry- there was shouting, three rounds of bullets being fired, and then he felt the impact of his body hitting the ground. He remembered losing his vision, and feeling himself stop breathing.
And now he was here. And he realised he was not exactly sure where 'here' was. And he realised he should be dead (why wasn't he dead?).
He could hear distant arguing. But maybe they were right next to him. He wasn't sure of anything at the moment, not that he was sure of much usually. 
Parts of what was being said were comprehensible.
"....isn't safe..."
"...let him die!..."
"...what could I..."
(Y/n) opened his eyes just a little, only to be blinded by a heavenlike light. Squinting, he could see that the room he was in was very white, almost sterile. However, he had a feeling this was no hospital room. Then again, he was still not even sure where he was.
A groan escaped him as he felt his head start to pound, nausea rising in his throat. The people talking suddenly stopped, their attention on him. He couldn't make out any of their faces if he wanted to, and honestly, he didn't care much for that right now - not with his splitting headache. It would be absolutely lovely if they could give him something for the headache though. 
A wave of pain washed through him then, burning at his nerves and spreading through his body like a wildfire spreading through the woods. He hissed, body contorting and arching as the stabbing agony continued rocking through him, numbing every other sense he had.
"Stay with us-!"
"-me the morphine-"
And (y/n) passed out again.
The next time (y/n) woke up he was in a significantly more comfortable state. There were no echoing arguing voices around him and no pounding in his head as if it were splitting open. In fact, he could hear the distant sounds of birds chirping and the wind rustling through leaves. Was he in the woods? He'd just been in the city.
His throat felt scratchy, though (is this how those people in desert movies felt like?) And as he opened his eyes he was pleasantly surprised by no little sterile rooms, coupled with no blinding lights. Slowly, he sat up.
His eyes focused, and he glanced around. There were giant windows all around him, and outside of the glass was, indeed, a forest. A fucking forest (?). Not to mention, he couldn't remember ever having this good eyesight. (It had been one of his favourite problems to neglect - opticians are expensive.) 
And he also realised that none of the windows were open, which was odd, seeing as he could hear the birds as though they were right next to him. Could be some weird new glass, though. People do crazy things with glass nowadays. 
The living room, which he assumed was where he found himself, was bigger than his whole studio apartment and decorated with minimalism in mind it seemed. It honestly looked like the home of an eccentric rich man. If this was a kidnapping it was the highest class kidnapping he'd ever heard of. Five-star rated kidnapping. 
(Y/n) wasn't a very big fan of minimalism. (Then again; not his house.)
As the young man stood up and absentmindedly roamed around the house, he realised that he was... Seemingly alone. Awkwardly peeking into every room he came across and calling out only seemed to confirm this; his own voice being the only thing echoing back to him in response.
He wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad sign in this situation - first time being kidnapped and all.
Finally (y/n) ended up in the kitchen. Yeah, some water would definitely soothe the dryness in his throat - motherfucker, had they fed him a desert when he was out??
He sighed and reached up to tug open a cabinet, and stumbled back, caught off guard as he tugged the entire cabinet door off of its hinges. He stared at the door in his hands with wide eyes. (The fuck?? It's not even heavy...)
He hesitantly put the door down, squinting at it suspiciously and assuming the hinges or the wood was very weak or something. Maybe there were even termites in the wood. He grimaced at the thought of termites as he grabbed a glass for himself, and went over to the sink, grabbing ahold of the sink handle and pulling it back.
Only to yell out in shock as he pulled it off the entire handle, separating the handle from the entire fucking sink, with water now spraying out of it.
He put the glass down (dropped it on the counter) and grasped at the hole, desperately trying to stop the water from pouring out and soaking him and holy shit was it wet holy shit holy shit- 
The clearing of a throat behind him split the silence. His head snapped in that direction, wide eyes staring over his shoulder only to see a blond man in a doctor's jacket, sporting an amused smile on his face. 
Behold the aforementioned rich man, I suppose.
"Uhh... It was like this when I found it."
The man tilted his head, and did not seem convinced.
After around two hours of explaining the situation, there were three things (y/n) was now sure of.
1. (Y/n) had almost died earlier, and the man in the room with him, Carlisle, suspiciously surprisingly nice for being a rich man, had saved him.
2. He had saved him by turning him into a vampire. He was now a vampire. A fucking vampire.
3. He had been invited to live with him and his other kind-of-but-not-really adopted kids, who were also vampires. It was some sort of clan situation. ("- you mean like, as in a gang?" "(y/n), no-") 
The offer was extremely kind. And the mansion he was in currently was a palace compared to (y/n)'s apartment in the city. Thinking about the sheer size of the mansion was a good distraction from the fact that vampires and vampire clans were real, and had apparently been for a long fucking time.
He also knew that he had pretty much wrecked this man's kitchen. He was ignoring that fact as well. Besides, they were vampires, they didn't even use the kitchen!
Carlisle was nice to him. The doctor had a calming... Feel to him, and explained the situation in a soothing, practiced manner, that showed it was clearly not his first time explaining this. (Y/n) needed that, because he was just about one more life-changing fact away from having a breakdown. Carlisle explained that (y/n) was free to go should he choose, but also explained the dangers of being a lone vampire. ("I-I mean I haven't even met the other people here, I don't know if I can-" "That's alright, if you want to wait until you've met the others that's perfectly fine.")
And also. That thirst in his throat, was a thirst for human blood. (Y/n) violently recoiled as Carlisle stated this, though he couldn't deny the way his throat itched more at the idea, how his mouth seemed to water with venom at the mere mention of human blood.
Carlisle was very clear that there was one condition for letting him stay; he had to drink animal blood instead of human. (Y/n) had agreed quite vigorously. ("Yeah, duh, fuck yeah I agree."). (Y/n) didn't like the sceptical look Carlisle gave him at that. He got the sudden feeling that it wasn't that easy.
Their conversation was cut off as a door opened across the house, and the rest of the stoic family walked in, quietly. (Y/n) stood up hesitantly, preparing himself for a round of handshakes that never came. None of the 'hi, you must be new here' or the other normal things you'd expect meeting someone for the first time. They simply watched him back. He couldn't help but feel intimidated. Were all vampires like this?
"(Y/n)," Carlisle thankfully took the word, "these are the other members of the family."
The young newborn took his time to examine each one of them, glancing away from time to time and pretending he had the dignity not to stare. (This is so fucking awkward, holy shit.)
There was a kind-looking woman who approached them, standing next to Carlisle and smiling encouragingly at (y/n). 
"Esme. Carlisle's wife." She introduced herself, exchanging a disgustingly adorable look with her husband. Suddenly he felt like he was intruding, so he averted his gaze to the rest of the family.
The rest of them stood quietly in front of him in a line, almost giving off the feeling that they were standing guard. Which was a little bit odd. Did they usually do that? Carlisle had told him how dangerous newborns could be. He wondered if they were watching him for any sign of danger, if they were tense and ready to pounce on him.
The position made it easier for (y/n) to inspect them of course, but surely they could have said something...
From left to right: There was a blonde woman, eyeing him suspiciously. That was fair, he thought; he was new after all. He wondered if Carlisle had forewarned them at all. They didn't seem all too surprised, so he must have. (Y/n) smiled hesitantly at her and his gaze quickly drifted to the man next to her.
This man was... Big. Broad and tall, he practically overflowed with mischievous energy. He smirked back at him as their eyes met. It was possible it was because (Y/n)'s gaze might have lingered a second too long on the man's physique-
The newborn heard a snort from the guy next to him. He looked over at the guy confused, raising an eyebrow.
This man had a typical short-sides-long-on-top-haircut, as well as prominent sideburns. It was certainly... A haircut that one can have. His eyes were glued to the floor, an amused smile on his face, as if laughing at a joke only he knew. (Y/n) found it... Slightly infuriating. The red hair on his head was eye-catching though, he had to admit.
Next to him was a short girl who looked as though she came from a fairytale; like she might grant you three wishes. She grinned gleefully at (y/n) with big sparkling eyes, and (y/n) smiled back, relieved at the almost immediate acceptance he felt from this person. This was maybe the closest thing he'd gotten to a greeting from these people.
(It struck him then that all of them were... Attractive. He wondered if that was part of being a vampire. Was he hot now? He had to look in a mirror.
Could he look in a mirror?!)
He heard Carlisle speaking next to him, introducing the members and cutting his spiraling thoughts short.
"This is Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, Alice, and-"
Lastly, there was a man.
He was undeniably very handsome, with his dirty blond curly hair and pale skin (which they all had- was that a vampire trait??). His eyes carried the same yellow tint as all the others in the room- but his were different. They seemed to look into him, not through him the way Rosalie did. He felt seen.
The man in question stepped forward and offered his hand for a handshake (finally a normal fucking greeting. Holy shit.) and introducing himself before Carlisle got to. 
"Jasper. You're the newborn, right?"
He spoke with a Southern accent, which was... strangely attractive on him. (Y/n) tilted his head, observing him as he spoke, not avoiding the piercing eye contact. 
It did however take all of his self-control to not reply with 'duh' to this question.
Instead, he shook his hand, nodding slowly.
"Yeah, that's me... The-the one and only."
Carlisle appeared next to them all of a sudden. (Y/n) liked to think he hadn't noticed his approach because Carlisle moved very quietly, and would adamantly deny getting lost in the moment.
"Jasper has... Experience with newborns. He will be helping you control your urges and figure out how your body works- as you have already noted, your abilities have changed. "
He explained, looking between (y/n) and Jasper. (Y/n) nodded silently, not taking his eyes off of Jasper while Carlisle spoke, and Jasper all the same. Therefore neither of them noticed the knowing look that was exchanged between Edward and Carlisle, nor the curious glances between the rest of the family members, or the wide grin on Alice's face.
The gentle sounds of a forest filled his ears, and the smell of dirt and nature filled his nose. It was pleasant, not like the oil and smog that festered in his nose and drooped down his throat in the city. The increased sense of smell was, in this case, definitely a good thing about being a vampire.
It was currently only him and Jasper, out in the woods, a place they had frequented the last week while waiting for the vampirism in his body to 'calm down' - a thing it apparently needed to do before they started trying to control his strength. 
(Y/n) thought it was ridiculous, honestly. So what, he broke a measly kitchen door. That didn't mean he was outrageously strong. American houses are practically made of cardboard anyway! But yet... 
"Pick up that log."
Jasper broke the silence as he pointed to a fallen tree, speaking with that lovely accent of his. If only what he said wasn't so incredibly stupid.
(Y/n) scoffed out a laugh in response, arms crossed over his chest.
"Are you joking? I can't pick up a fucking tree! I'm a vampire, not fucking... Superman!" He sputtered, gesturing wildly to the trunk. 
Jasper rolled his eyes and walked past him, over to the fallen tree. The newborn scoffed at him, shaking his head and looking away. Is this guy fucking crazy?
There was a creaking sound, and the next time (y/n) looked over the man had picked up a tree, and was now effortlessly holding it over his head. He looked at (y/n) with a slightly annoyed expression, that he certainly couldn't care less about because Jasper was holding a fucking tree over his head.
(Y/n) was speechless. This guy is fucking crazy-
The dirty-blond man dropped the tree to the ground, casually dusting off his hands as he wandered back over to (y/n).
"Not only are you a vampire; you're a newborn. You're at your strongest point. If you don't learn to control your strength, you could very well accidentally kill any of us."
He stated, crossing his arms over his chest and gazing out over the forest. (Y/n) watched him with shining eyes, amazed and slightly overwhelmed by the situation he found himself in.
The newborn simply nodded dumbly, closing his mouth and walking over to the fallen tree. He swallowed nervously, glancing up at Jasper. The other man offered no support but a piercing and expectant gaze - and somehow that was enough for him to fully know that Jasper believed in him.
Before he knew it, he was holding a tree over his head. He let out a surprised laugh, not caring about the dead leaves falling around him like snow, and looking at Jasper with wide eyes. He dropped the tree to the forest floor with a thud.
It became clear that he actually wasn't human anymore. He couldn't be. Not with the way his skin sparkled beneath the sun and the way physics seemed to bend for him. He wasn't human anymore. 
Maybe he was Superman after all?
"So, we have to figure out what to tell your family, your relatives etcetera..."
It was hardly two weeks into his stay as Carlisle went through the steps of living like a vampire, keeping his eyes fixed on (y/n) with a slightly worried look on his face. Something told the newborn that Carlisle found this to be the hardest part of transitioning into a vampire. 
The group was currently in the living room, and dusk had fallen. (Y/n) found the house to be more homelike during nighttime - the lamps cast a yellow glow that reminded him of fire and made the whiteness of the interior seem less... Constricting.
The topic of (y/n)'s family made the newborn freeze up beneath their excruciating gazes, and he felt a chill run down his spine. He wondered if he had grown pale or if he just felt like he had. He probably couldn't grow pale, could he? No blood and all.
This was an unavoidable subject, the one of his family. Yet it was one he would be more than happy to ignore for the rest of his life - because with the subject of his family, there would be explanations needed, questions answer that he really would prefer not to answer right now.
(Y/n) glanced down nervously. He wasn't sure whether he actually wanted to have a conversation about them. Not now, not yet.
"I-it's fine, they won't mind."
He looked up at Carlisle with a sorry attempt at a reassuring smile on his face. Carlisle frowned.
"They threw him out."
(Y/n) sputtered and spun around, coming face to face with Edward. Edward, who had just told everyone he had been thrown out, abandoned by his own family. Had he any blood his cheeks would burn in shame by now. That stupid mind-reading was getting annoying.
He shot him a glare. Edward merely shrugged.
Fucking asshole. 
"Yes, thank you, Edward."
When he turned back to Carlisle, Jasper was now standing next to him, arms crossed over his chest and with an equally as concerned look on his face as Carlisles. This fucking guy just seems to manifest, he thought.
"Why would they do that?" Jasper mumbled in confusion, more so to himself than genuinely asking. 
"It's because-"
"Edward don't you fucking dare." (Y/n) quickly shot a fierce glare back at Edward, warning him, before looking forward again. He glanced between Jasper and Carlisle (looking just as concerned as before), and then looked down, taking a shaky breath.
This could end badly. It had a track record of ending badly. He didn't want it to end badly. Not with them.
He sighed as he trailed off, digging the heels of his palms into his face and trying to clear his head. Coming out never really did get easier did it? 
"just-... Okay just give me a moment."
"He's gay."
"Edward I swear to fucking mother of Christ-"
Carlisle had to physically stop him from getting into a fight with Edward that night.
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butterfly-buck · 7 months
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so jasper huh
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dead-eyedorchid · 14 days
Happy late birthday gift jasperr!!
Ft tribal priest from Travis, Capitan from Xrun and Louis from vibin
Hashtag swagsta!!
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o-solemioo · 15 days
Scenario: Reader is very popular with the boys and girls at forks high because he's even more beautiful than Rosalie and actually talks to people. It's Friday afternoon during lunch and all the Cullens (except reader) are at their table and see’s some random human confess to reader. Reader plays along to piss off Jasper because he didn't let him do whatever (you can pick what it was). Jasper gets jealous and pissed so he calls Carlisle and tells him to not come home until a while. He takes reader home and punishes him.
hi anon,
thanks for the ask! this will be more of a drabble, i haven't written smut in a while... but! i've been loving writing the past few days!! also, i'm not very good with sub!reader, so please forgive me if it's a tad awkward, i'm trying >-<
also, quick note, if all of you wouldn't mind reading this post, that would be lovely! just a little message (including a thing about kinktober ;D) so it would mean a lot if you would take a peek at it! thank you darlings x.
you are loved, ๏siris ☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・
— you really got me
☾ pairing: jasper hale x male!reader ☾ summary: "little brat." or jasper doesn't like when you flirt with others, even if it's "just a joke." ☾ warnings: 2nd person (you), smut, porn and not a lot of plot, dom!jasper, bratty sub!reader, reader is a bit of a masochist for sure, jasper calls reader "pretty", edging, a bit of slapping (in a sexy way i promise), ruined orgasm, aftercare ofc, not proofread. ☾ w๏rd c๏unt: 872
To put it lightly, Jasper was pissed.
You two had gotten into a ridiculous argument about a book you had been reading on the Civil War. You had tried to tell Jasper that it was labelled "historical fiction" for a reason, but he wouldn't budge.
So, you weren't really talking to each other at the moment.
You had been enjoying your lunch, deciding to sit with Bella and her friends, because why not? They were nice people, as much as you were encouraged to stay away from them. Suddenly, Jessica chirped into your conversation.
"So, Cameron... Do you have any plans this weekend?" You knew she meant it in a bit of a flirty way, but you were still mad at Jasper, so you gave in.
"No, I don't think I do." You replied sweetly, your voice dripping with a honey-like tone.
Jasper and his very good hearing did not like that.
When you arrived home that day, the house was empty. None of your vampiric 'siblings', no Carlisle, no Esme. You were confused until you heard a venomous voice behind you.
"So... going out with Jessica this weekend?" Jasper spat.
"It was a joke, Jas, learn to take one." You responded cheekily.
"Little brat." You wouldn't admit it, of course, but you were starting to get a bit excited. Jasper easily picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You playfully struggled in his grasp, both of you knowing that it didn't matter; you were obviously going to let him do whatever he wanted. You just liked messing with him.
He tossed you onto the bed that he didn't need, straddling you and ravenously attacking your neck, nipping and sucking at the flesh that would've left marks, had you any blood to bruise in the first place.
You whined as he ripped himself off of you, slipping your shirt over your head in one swift motion. Then his shirt was off. All of the sudden, he was toying with the button of your jeans.
"W-Why'd you stop?" You asked breathlessly.
"You know what I'm gonna do to you, right?" Jasper smirked. Of course you did.
"Yeah... will you hurry it up?" Why not push his buttons just a bit more? It was fun.
He pulled your pants and underwear down at a painstakingly slow pace, your already hard cock springing out. Jasper laughed.
"I haven't even done anything, pretty" He mumbled in that lovely southern drawl.
Without warning, he gripped the base of your cock and squeezed a bit, making you gasp. He relished in the noise and leaned forward to use his spit as lube. You held the bedsheets in your strong hands as he began to stroke you excruciatingly slowly.
"Come on, what's the hold up, Jas?" You huffed out, already bothered with what you knew was a punishment of sorts.
Jasper took that as a challenge. Out of nowhere, his hand began to move rapidly against your length, pulling gasps from you and making you squirm.
He refused to relent until those fateful words slipped from your mouth.
"Jas, Jasper... I'm gonna cum-" And his hand went still. You lolled your head back and let out a groan. Of course. You wouldn't get away that easily.
And when you finally felt half-yourself again. He just started back up. Your lungs began to burn as you writhed underneath him, letting out strangled moans as he abused your cock.
Again, you felt yourself close to your peak. "Please, please," You began to beg slightly. "Let me cum."
Nope. His hand was fully off of your dick this time; you tried to close your legs, searching for any sort of friction, but he forced them open, slapping the inside of your thigh harshly, drawing another moan and a smile from you. He knew you were liking this, of course you were.
This continued for a while. You would beg him to let you cum, and he would only pull his hand off of your aching length.
Finally, the half-hour mark hit and he decided he would be nice.
The next time you piped up with a "Please, please, Jas, baby, let me cum, please..." Your voice was hoarse and rough; yet you still asked with a small smile on your face.
"Okay, pretty. Cum." He commanded. It didn't take much else for you to reach your high, but the second your seed spilled from your cock, he pulled his hand off again, leaving you with nothing to guide you through your high. You bucked into the air a few times, crying out for any sense of relief, but he just smiled as he watched you toss and turn.
When you finally came down from your ruined euphoria, Jasper left the room for a moment, leaving you heaving and half-dazed. But he returned with a washcloth, cleaning up your now sensitive dick.
"Fuck." You sighed. "That was good, actually."
Jasper let out a hearty chuckle at your words. "You find anything good." He shook his head slightly.
"So do you forgive me now?" You smiled, still a bit dopey.
Jasper smiled. "Yes, pretty. I do." That pretty drawl could put you to sleep. You were just happy it all worked out.
damn, i'll be honest, i wasn't expecting that to be as easy to write as it was... again, quite drabbly, but i know a lot of people like shorter reads, so i hope this is alright :)
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camp-lad-david · 4 months
happy pride 2024! 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
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stay safe! you are loved!
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 months
Me: ”Maybe my mental health isn’t that bad”
my favorite comfort characters through the years:
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*Regulus Black
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(Young version though)
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alumi-san · 1 year
Not me re-watching my childhood Nickelodeon life action shows and finding a lot of gay ships.
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People Jasper has canonically called hot: Henry, Ray, Henry’s Dad, Henry again.
People Jasper has canonically not called hot: literally, any female.
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bitchkay · 3 months
Roy, Lynt, Fenn, & Toa discussing what the fuck they just saw:
(They walked into the s rank lounge and Guy and Jasper were in a... a very compromising position)
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soupdwelling · 7 months
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i watched dead poets society and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it
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corvid-ghost · 9 months
Yk that moment in a new years episode of friends where none of them have a date for new years so at midnight Chandler freaks out and says "just somebody kiss me" and so Joey does
That moment is so hensper coded, like Jasper would very much so that
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dead-eyedorchid · 18 days
Me and the bestie as per usual
RIGHT ONE BELONGS TO @defnotdeimos he's so cool trust
Hashtag pirate swag !!
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I met Jackson Rathbone at a convention a few months ago and I told him I liked the short film he starred in (Horseshoe Theory) and he said it was his first time ever kissing a man and that his wife accused him of liking it too much
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