#you cannot tell me henry isnt a bisexual
I'm rewatching the Rubber Duck episode and like- how come nobody talks about the fact that Henry canonly has recurring dreams about his dream girl turning into Jasper every night- like boi, that's you subconscious trying to tell you something
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vampire-core · 7 years
I know i’ve sent you like 4 things in the past 24 hours, but this is what I’m going to say for my english presentation and i’d like you to give some feedback (anyone else who sees this can too)
The reason I’ve chosen to do communications, is because communications has a diverse cast, featuring people who suffer from mental illnesses, and instead of representing these in a negative light, instead they are shown as the main characters of their stories.
for example, i will begin with case 1. case one features three characters, frances elsner, henry elsner, and nancy elsner, formerly nancy o'connell  (was that her name?)
the case begins with henry’s childhood. he experienced abuse from an early age from his mother, frances. due to frances’ achromatopsia, she couldn’t see colour, and it was quite hard for her to live on her own.
as soon as he could, henry married his childhood friend nancy, who had synesthesia. nancy found that henry’s voice was black and white.
previously, the story stated that nancy killed henry when he tried to run due to an emotional dependency on henry, and noticing how easily he managed to cut frances off from his life, fearing that he would do the same to her.
then, after a while of being teased by the radio, hearing the black and white of henry’s voice, hung herself.
however, ghost is changing the story, due to the fact that it sounds like nancy’s emotional dependency and mental state is the reason why she killed henry, and that she’s “crazy lololol”. instead of henry managing to cut frances off, frances plays a literal game of telephone with the couple, telling nancy that henry is contemplating divorce due to her clinginess, and telling henry that nancy is dangerously clingy and overbearing.
this causes awkwardness between the two, which eventually becomes too much. henry runs, this time his plan thought out, leaving a note behind for nancy so she knows why he’s run.
however, nancy doesn’t understand how frances had used her year of “nice mom treatment” as a coverup for her atrocities and took everything out on herself, further believing what frances had told her.
while out on his “vacation” henry gains the confidence to call frances out, and frances lets something slip, so henry immediately returns home. this is where either nancy could have hung herself, or she could still be alive.
case 2 features 2 main characters, kennith and stephanie. following with the cast having a diverse amount of what would be considered “problems”, kennith has bpd, abuses alcohol and drugs, self harms, and due to the fact that he’s gay in the 1970s and 1980s, suffers from a lot of bullying. stephanie, who doesn’t have this veritable plethora of problems, is deaf, and became so progressively through the course of high school.
case 2 begins with kennith performing the COLORBARS broadcast, a broadcast specifically designed to brainwash america using finely tuned frequencies and pulsating imagery, something that is actually possible.
prior to this, kennith and stephanie’s friendship turned sour after miscommunication on both their parts, and due to the fact of stephanie being kennith’s fp, and him being dependant on their friendship, turned him to do the broadcast.
since stephanie’s deaf, she isn’t affected by the broadcast, and she tries to get help for kennith.
the broadcast lasted for 24 hours, and kennith had originally planned to perform mass suicide, making everyone in america kill themselves due to the fact that no one seemed to care about him, even making people watching the broadcast experience these emotions.. however, as the hours ticked past, kennith became unsure of himself, and eventually ended the broadcast by slitting his own wrists
unfortunately, by the time stephanie had gotten help to him, he was dead.
now i’ll reach case 3. case 3 features 3 characters again, bri, avery and simon.
bri is an autistic, nonbinary lesbian, who’s special interest is photography. avery, is a bisexual black teenager and is going out with bri (after bri offered to teach her about photography).
now, you’re probably expecting simon to have some sort of complex mental illness, but…
he doesn’t.
hes just a bigot
case 3 begins with bri, posting edited images of herself and the area around her onto a forum, where she gets harrassed for never posting actual pictures of herself.
simon, being a hacker,  hacks into her webcam and takes pictures of her, before posting them on the forum.
bri gets excessive amounts of harrassment and hate from this, and she completely cuts off from the internet, locking herself in her room and eventually starving to death.
avery, being bri’s girlfriend, finds out about this and contacts simon, knowing him to be the one who posted the pictures of bri.
they agree to meet atop a tall building, and they try to have a civil discussion about what had been going on, however, simon being like that had brought a gun, and when avery reached out as she was getting angry at him, he shot her.
she grabbed hold of his shoulder before falling from the building, dragging simon with her, to their deaths.
then comes case 4. case 4 features just one character, known around the fandom as [Spoilers]. Spoilers is cynical, sarcastic, bitter and spiteful, and occasionally goes into periods of intense dissociation and numbness. they are revealed to be the Storyteller, the one who had created communications as entertainment, however, the audience was really the ones who made the story come to life. Their motives for this are unknown, perhaps to raise awareness for people living with mental illnesses and those minority groups who are often oppressed, but that cannot be confirmed.
HEYA first of all sorry that i was offline, i was spendin yesterday w my qpp!!!! :00
second of all, this is rlly good!!!!!! there are only a Few small errors i spotted:
- bri is nb and uses they/them pronouns, plus theyre biromo and not sure abt their sexuality!!!
- avery is a lesbian who also isnt sure abt her sexuality
- bri also gets Doxxed tm by simon i believe!!! dont trust me Fully but from what i can remember :00
otherwise this looks rlly good!!!! the things i mentioned are Small Details which i only know bc Hyperfixation™ but otherwise this is lookin rlly rlly good!!!!!! :00
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POV: Henry Hart taking a picture of his best Buddy/Boyfriend:
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The fact that Henry canonly went to flower camp and loved it brings me so much joy.
Like, imagine a Henry bring back bouquets he made himself for his mom, and Charlotte. Also, a special one with a bucket fir a vase for Jasper.
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