#and the savety
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Another bonfire! It looks so dynamic, like the tail of an animal or a growing plant.
It has such a majestic appearance as it is blown into the night by the wind. Like something alive, following the lead to spread warmth in the world…. and now I'm rambling again.
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artschoolglasses · 4 months
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Le savetier, Afre Jean-Honore Fragonard
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francepittoresque · 5 months
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MÉTIER | Cordonniers d’autrefois ➽ https://bit.ly/Cordonniers-Autrefois Jadis, la cordonnerie était un art — les cordonniers étant alors considérés réellement comme des artistes — essentiellement français, et le compagnonnage, qui rimait avec voyage, était très en faveur au sein de cette corporation, non moins que la solidarité ouvrière bien avant l’ère des syndicats
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travelladiesapp · 4 months
Safest Countries for Solo Female Travelers
In an ever-changing world, the perception of travel has evolved, brimming with powerful, courageous women who explore the globe solo. This leap into the unknown can be both exciting and intimidating, but with a careful selection of destinations, safety does not have to be forfeited for a memorable adventure. This article highlights the five safest countries that can promise solo female travelers an experience enriched with culture, stunning views, warm hospitality, and most importantly, safety
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Known for its technological advancements juxtaposed against a backdrop of well-preserved, rich history, Japan tops our list. The country is renowned for its exceptional levels of safety, making it ideal for solo female travelers. Japanese people are gracious hosts and uphold values of respect and humility that define their culture. Public transport is reliable and operates accurately to the minute, and streets are generally illuminated and populated even at night. From the scenic beauty of cherry blossoms in Kyoto to the fascinating city life of Tokyo, your journey through Japan is expected to be unforgettable.
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Widely recognized as one of the most gender-equal countries globally, it comes as no surprise that Iceland is the second on our list. Boasting incredibly low crime rates, the Land of Fire and Ice provides not just safety but also the captivating beauty of its natural wonders. Whether it's the Northern Lights, the Blue Lagoon, or the majestic waterfalls and geysers, Iceland delivers a thrilling adventure for travelers, always within a safe environment.
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Another Nordic country that ranks high in safety is Finland. Finnish people are generally quiet but very polite and respectful, and criminals are few and far between. The bustling city life of Helsinki, combined with the serene landscapes of Lapland, makes Finland a great destination with ample cultural immersion or relaxation, depending on your preference.
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For solo female travelers seeking English-speaking destinations, Canada arrives as a safe haven. Canadians are renowned for their friendly disposition, and the nation flaunts an impressively low crime rate. Its cities, such as Vancouver and Toronto, are clean and safe, with efficient public transport systems. Moreover, the spell-bounding beauty of the Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls, and the charm of Quebec add variety to the discovery journey.
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Often touted as one of the friendliest countries in Europe, Portugal is a hot spot for solo female travelers. With its safety record, gorgeous coastline, captivating history, delicious cuisine, and welcoming locals, Portugal has so much to offer. The Portuguese people uphold the values of hospitality and are always willing to extend a helping hand to tourists, ensuring your stay is safe and enjoyable.
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callmepussylover09 · 8 months
hvala TaNJi Savich sto je u kriticnim trenucima bankrota za mogu prijatelja Zivadina napisala legendarnu pesmu #ZLATNIK. Prelepa si zena 💘💝💖💅👰👰👰👰👰👰🌦️⛅🌧️🌟🌞🌟🌙🦂🦑🕷️🐬🦪🦪🦪🦪🦪🦪🍜🌯🥫🍜🍤🍨🥫 #KadTiJeDobro? #KadTePogledaBOG
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scarefox · 1 year
Just had to go to the vet with my bunny boy Caramel. First time me going with him since I got him 1 year ago (also first time vet for me again after I had to let my other bun Luis go...).
Caramel stopped eating yesterday, got a bloaty belly and since my usual first-aid-belly-kit didn’t help within 24h I better went for a check. Cause I already suspected something else is the cause this time. I was right, he had some tooth spikes. So nothing bad! Just painful in the mouth which causes a little dangerous butterfly effect. Buns nor eating can lead to death due to their digestive system being kinda self-destructive. Now after the pain meds and the spikes removed he starts nibbling on food again 👍
But I still was a bit nervous since it was our first visit together and I know he’s a super anxious rabbit. At least I got him used to a few things in the past year that far that he doesn’t panic anymore when getting picked up or when his mouth gets inspected / he gets meds. He was still scared and struggled a lot (scared rabbits are not good due to their heart attack risk, they also easily break bones if they panic while being fixated).  Anyways, he did better than expected. When I got him back then I was worried he might be a screamer at vets (panicking that hard that they scream, that’s horrible blood freezing for you and dangerous for them... heard that once in the waiting room from a different patient).
Expensive af and cost me 2h after my work shift but hey this little shit head is eating again 😌 he’s still irritated and unusual wobbly on his legs atm. But we got some meds and maybe I have to feed him again if he’s not eating enough on his own.
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philoursmars · 1 year
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Nouveau retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55500 photos (et des brouettes).  Plus trop loin du présent….  
2016. Quelque temps à Pau, dans le Béarn, chez Christine (et Castor !)
Quelques jours en Espagne, dans l’Aragon. Ici Alquezar, où l’on séjournera.
La petite chapelle Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, une enseigne médiévale de savetier (2 pieds gravés), de vieilles ruelles...
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sowhatnotcreative · 1 year
you make me angry and sad, and i know you would feel the same about me. i hope someday it won't be like this. i'll never understand how you believe my girlfriend existing takes away the rights of other women. i love her, and she deserves to live in peace. she deserves to use a public restroom without the threat of going men's room as a woman, the same way you believe she's a threat to woman. i can tell you she's not. i hope someday we can see eye to eye, somehow.
try to live humbly, and in peace. love people despite their sins. i wish you well, truly. and i apologize for the hate you get. but please, try not to inspire it.
So your "girlfriend" deserve the right to go to the bathroom without the threat of males, but no biological woman does? Because that's the exchange you are admitting to.
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cc-cuttlefishculler · 6 months
need someone obsessed w me again
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zdravljeilepotaema1 · 8 months
Hvala svima koji su podržali moj projekat. Donacija za moj humani projekat Hvala Milanu Stanojeviću Hvala Zaidi Mahalbasic
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View On WordPress
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ghostlyturtleking · 10 months
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Making fries 🍟 in a big pot of hot oil on a camping cook station. Also, we are following all the rules for work safety.
Traveling picture dump | Povile, Kroatia July 2023
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tskhandmade · 1 year
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Usudi se da probaš!!!!!! Klikni na link u BIO i kreni na svoje putovanje. #NLP #nlppractitioner #nlpcoaching #nlptraining #edukacija #psiha #onlineedukacija #komunikacija #uspeh #saveti #mentalnozdravlje #licnirazvoj #radnasebi #inspiracija #cilj #popularnapsihologija #psihologija https://www.instagram.com/p/CphF29SNodz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Genije koji se krije u svakom od nas - „Lenji Genije“ Kendre Adači
„Lenji Genije“ Kendre Adači, bestseler Njujork tajmsa, uči nas da se posvetimo samo onome što smatramo da nam je važno, a da zanemarimo nevažno.
Sa svih strana slušamo kako bi trebalo da uživamo u trenutku, budemo najbolji, sanjamo velike snove, ustajemo pre sunca… a možda bi bilo bolje da zaboravimo tuđa mišljenja i pokušaje da budemo savršeni, nego samo da budemo ono što jesmo. Kendra Adači nas poziva da nađemo sopstveni način na koji ćemo voditi život, da budemo geniji za ono što je važno, a lenji za ono što nije. Otkriva nam kako da pomoću trinaest principa efikasnije pristupamo svojim odnosima, poslu i obavezama, među kojima su:
- Odluči jednom.
- Kreni sa nečim malim.
- Postavi čarobno pitanje.
- Idi pravim redosledom.
- Ubaci odmor u svoj raspored.
Ova knjiga pruža saznanje kako da prestanemo da se ravnamo prema merilima drugih ljudi, kako da ponovo postanemo zadovoljna, optimistična i smirena osoba.
Knjigu „Lenji Genije“ možete naći u svim Delfi knjižarama, Laguninim klubovima čitalaca, onlajn knjižari delfi.rs, kao i na sajtu laguna.rs.
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aroace-cat-lady · 2 years
I might miss spell every single word in the english language, but i will NEVER EVER, get wrong somebody's pronouns.
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receptikuvaronline · 2 years
Hlepčići, kako iskoristiti stari hleb? - Verica Poznanović
New Post has been published on https://recepti-kuvar.rs/hlepcici-kako-iskoristiti-stari-hleb-verica-poznanovic/?Hlep%C4%8Di%C4%87i%2C+kako+iskoristiti+stari+hleb%3F+-+Verica+Poznanovi%C4%87 Recepti+i+Kuvar+online
Hlepčići, kako iskoristiti stari hleb? - Verica Poznanović
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Kako iskoristiti stari hleb, postoji više načina, nekada je grehota bila baciti i mrvicu hleba. Napravite hlepčiće.
Znam ljude koji ako im padne mrvica hleba pokupe je, dunu, prekrste se i pojedu je. Ali malo je danas takvih.
Kako iskoristiti stari hleb?
Hlepčići, kako iskoristiti stari hleb, sastojci:
stara vekna hleba, ja sam koristila baget,
1 dl ulja,
1 glavica beloga luka,
po ukusu ljuta začinska paprika,
po ukusu slatka začinska paprika,
tucana paprika po ukusu,
sitno seckani crni luk.
Hlepčići, kako iskoristiti stari hleb, priprema:
Hleb iseći, pa premazati sa uljem.
Posuti sitno seckanim belim lukom, ljutom, slatkom i tucanom paprikom.
Zatim staviti u tepsiju i zapeći.
Izvaditi iz rerne i posuti sitno seckanim crnim lukom.
Moja priča
Eto da i moja mama nešto napravi, brzo,lako, jednostavno, a da ne upropasti nešto dobro. Ipak je napravila štetu, slikala je testeninu za neki konkurs u kristalnoj čaši, Bože testenina u čaši, ali ajde voli ona to tako. Lepo joj čaša ispadne iz ruke i razbije se, rasparila je komplet, nije se mnoogo sekirala, u zadnje vreme nema dana da nešto ne razbije. Čaše, tanjiri, vaze, Ali to je moja mama, postala je trapava , ali vidim da se trudi, stvarno se trudi. Voli te tvoj….
Vidim da je mama ove Ciganske hlepčiće slikala pored lešnika.
Volela je mama sestri i meni kada smo bili mali da priča o Keltima i Keltskoj magiji. Kaže ona ovako:” zamislite želju, napišite je na papir i štipaljkom zakačite za granu lešnika. A ja mami odgovorim. Mama pošto ti želiš da putuješ u Irsku, napiši želju i prikači je štipaljkom za granu lešnika. Pa ako se tebi ispuni onda ćemo Mika i ja da zamišljamo želje. Nasmeja se moja mama i reče, brišite napolje.
Verica Poznanović
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