#and the visuals in knh
randomositycat · 5 months
Artist/animator brain telling me to pick apart each episode for subtle differences in comparison to the show as a whole
What seems like it could be on model and what feels like it was pushing boundaries to developing a semi-new style for the anime
Rant under cut bc hi I do this a lot in my head,, and I could go through each episode and pick them apart but I've got e 17 on the brain so we'll stick with that for now and maybe I'll check out the older ones later
I only bring it up now bc,, well I didn't want to before
In e 17 (since it's the one freshest in my brain) the art differences I notice are purely in the chibi style, and minorly in the closer shots of characters
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This shot specifically feels like it belongs to a different show! But still suuper super cute all the same!
And we go back to something more fitting with the other similar style shots from previous episodes! Not to say that it's all and all the same style every time, but again the differences are subtle and you have to look very closely to even say "huh, that's a bit different!"
I also noticed that usually they don't skip out of drawing fingernails? which sure most animes dont but it feels different here? If that makes sense,,
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They really upped their detail game compared to other episodes! all the little things that pain me to even think about doing as an animator! The work put into some of these shots is super impressive! They even shaded the fake mole?? Come on!! The idea of doing what they've down with these shots makes me tired,, kudos to the artists for having the nerve
The fingernails stand out the most to me bc there is so much detail in them!
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From the cuticle to the beautiful lighting and shading when she was applying make up to his face (I don't have a gift sorryyy 😣)
And we already know the eyes are beautiful, but my favorite attention to detail is Jinshi's eyes. Maomao never fails to comment on his beauty, and artistically it shows as much, emphasizing it to no end really, but he's so subtly feminine that I find myself studying his eyes quite a bit! His long eyelashes really draw you in...
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You can see they dulled it down a little, for his Jinka disguise, but even then he's got such gentle eyes that could easily be mistaken for a woman's if he were to hide his face :) (looking at you Hunting arc, missed a chance! I'll tell you!)
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Maomao's expressions in this episode really take the cake too LOL
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There's no shortage of good maomao faces, especially not here >:)
As each new episode releases I'm just soooo enamored with how steady the improvement is! Artists finding their rhythm with the characters and sprinkling little things here and there that can go unnoticed but definitely enhance a shot! It's amazing!
And it brings me to talk about e4 which yes I agree is gorgeous animated, but im someone who prefers consistency rather than quality in my animated shows
(quality is good yes but to go from very fluid to standard fluid is jarring to say in the least)
I adore the fluidity in e4, obsessed with it. I was under the impression that an entirely different director + team was in charge (I wasn't wrong abt the director)
My favorite bits have to be the expressions,
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And how each movement feels less like a show and more like a movie, like we got a spontaneous budget increase for this episode alone!
Lip syncing too, REALLY on point! I love angry Maomao and I'm a sucker for lip syncing any time!! When she was scolding Lihua's lady in waiting, the animators really hit every keyframe on the nose! (generally makes e4 dub a bit of a hassle for me to watch) I rewatch the sequence again and again because of how well done it is :) a spectacular moment indeed
Another episode with really fluid moments is episode 10, I think 🤔 when she confronts Lady Lishu about Fengming. The entire scene is wonderfully done, with Lishu's expressions and her ladies-in-waiting being excited to talk to Jinshi :) all things I gladly pay attention to
All in all the show has a gorgeous art direction 😊 I hope they continue to enhance it little by little with subtle things like everything i mentioned above
Makes an artist's heart flutter thinking about the dedication and care put into its production
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maomaop · 4 months
as I was going thru the KnH artbook again I noticed an illustration of the shrine maiden with Jazgul!!! this is the only visual we have of the shrine maiden
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knhphotomoments · 1 year
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mistexpi · 6 years
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Adderin Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Adderin is a product that claims to mimic the effects of Adderall, the prescription ADD medication. Their advertising claims that it is used for increasing focus levels and attention span, as well as increasing energy levels and memory function.
They say that their products help boost circulatory rates, especially to the brain, and that it helps neurotransmitters work more efficiently. Adderin’s advertising suggests that their product can be helpful for students, working professionals, and elderly individuals looking to reverse the effects of cognitive decline.
The most potent mental performance booster on the market is Memotenz. It has demonstrated in our experts’ trials significant increases in users’ memory and thinking abilities. Click here to see a full review for Memotenz.
Do You Know the Best Brain Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Adderin Ingredients and Side Effects
Adderin does not publish their ingredients anywhere online. They do not include images of their nutrition labels, nor do they even highlight any specific chemicals in their advertising.
Fortunately, there are some consumer watchdog sites that have published images of the nutrition labels of Adderin. These are some of the contents included in Adderin, according to those images:
Caffeine Bacopa Monnieri FD&C Yellow #5, Red #3
Caffeine: The most commonly consumed central nervous system worldwide. It is available in many forms and from many sources, however it is most famous for giving coffee, tea, and colas their energy “kick.”
Caffeine can have some possible benefits for mental performance in some cases, however it is not technically considered a nootropic aid.
Nootropics are those agents that directly and positively affect brain function, especially in ways that improve learning, thinking speed and accuracy, and other metrics of mental performance. Caffeine affects individuals’ fatigue levels, which can have an impact on attention and learning, however it has not been shown to have a positive effect on already awake, alert, or stimulated individuals.
In many cases, caffeine can be counterproductive. It can lead to loss of attention span and inability to focus, and it can be followed by a “crashing” period where users become very fatigued and lose considerable mental function.
There is also a serious risk of potentially experiencing overdose or side effects from taking caffeine. It is possible that users may experience any of the following:
Headaches and dizziness
Elevated blood pressure
Anxiety and paranoia
Heart palpitations and arrhythmia
Heart attack
Caffeine is also both chemically addictive and easy to build up a tolerance toward. Users can reach a point where they feel as though they require caffeine, however it does not seem to positively affect them. It is not recommended as an ingredient for supplements of this nature.
Bacopa Monnieri: An incredibly helpful nootropic supplement that is renowned for its ability to improve users’ memory capabilities, among other benefits. It was cultivated first in India and is often sold under the name brahmi; in its natural flowering state it is often referred to as water hyssop.
Bacopa is most helpful as a nootropic aid because of its positive effects on the brain’s dendrites – the connective tissue of the central nervous system. It also has benefits for increasing cerebral blood flow and for improving mood and subjective well-being.
Bacopa is an adaptogen that helps the brain deal with stress and anxiety, and may be helpful in dopamine and serotonin function. It is one of the most highly recommended nootropic ingredients on the market today.
FD&C Yellow #5 and Red #3: Two food dyes that have no nutritional or medicinal value. They only server to make Adderin more visually appealing.
These food dyes, however, have both been possibly linked to a number of different very serious potential health consequences. It is possible that taking yellow #5 can lead to:
Anxiety and depression
Itchy and spotted skin
Blurred vision
Red #3 has been potentially linked to these conditions:
Changes in DNA
Liver damage
ADD and changes in brain chemistry
Behavioral effects
Both dyes have been shown to increase the risk of potentially contracting thyroid cancer, which can be deadly. The FDA has attempted to ban both dyes, however they are cheaper than many of the alternatives so food and drug manufacturers have resisted those changes, despite their demonstrated risks to public health.
Click here to see our experts’ rankings of the top ten nootropic supplements on the market today.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven brain enhancement supplement such as Memotenz for better results.
Adderin Quality of Ingredients
One of the main reasons that companies like Adderin resist publishing their ingredients list is because they are aware that they are using dangerous and substandard ingredients and they don’t want potential customers to be dissuaded from their purchases.
The manufacturers of Adderin are aware that they are using low-grade stimulants and dangerous, unhelpful food dyes in their products. Despite this, they have still made the choice to provide a product that looks pleasing and provides a noticeable “boosting” feeling instead of manufacturing a product that will be successful in the long term.
Our team does not recommend any nootropic supplement that uses either caffeine or artificial food dyes in their products. Bacopa monnieri is one of the best nootropic ingredients on the market today, and it is easy to find in other products with more reputable contents around it.
Potential customers should note that despite the impression given in their advertisements, Adderin is not in any way an approved ADD medication. It should in no way be considered a substitute for proper medical or psychiatric care.
Follow this link to find the nootropic product that will work the best for your specific brain chemistry and performance needs.
The Price and Quality of Adderin
Adderin is one of the most expensive nootropic products on the market today. They are only sold through their home website, and these are the retail prices that they quote:
1, 60-count bottle (30-day supply) of Adderin tablets: $92.50
3, 60-count bottles (90-day supply) of Adderin tablets: $277.50
5, 60-count bottles (150-day supply) of Adderin tablets: $462.50
While they do frequently run sales, even with a steep discount these prices are far higher than the vast majority of products of this nature.
For data about the best ways to maximize mental capacity and performance, click on this link.
Business of Adderin
Adderin is a holding of KNH Online Limited and Penfold Trading Estate. There is very little publically available information about either of these corporate entities, however they do provide this contact information:
Phone Number: (727) 498-4811
Address: 475 Central Ave, Suite M4
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Users should be aware that there are a number of advertisements for Adderin that contain false and misleading information. They claim that CNN and MSNBC have endorsed their products, however the links that they provide are clearly falsified. There is no record of Adderin being endorsed by any outside body.
To learn more about which nootropics are the most effective for increasing memory, thinking speed, and attention span, just follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using brain enhancement supplements for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Adderin
The reactions of customers to their experiences with Adderin have been very negative. Stories from the consumer watchdog sites mentioned earlier included these comments:
“I thought that this stuff was supposed to help you focus? I took this stuff to help me cram and I felt wired and out of control for like an hour, then totally crashed and slept through my test.”
“I took Adderin around noon before a meeting. I was a total spaz during the meeting and couldn’t get my thoughts together, then I had diarrhea all the rest of the day.”
“I guess this stuff kinda works for a while, but then I get really foggy. Not effective for long days, and it messed with my stomach.”
Many reviews followed a similar pattern of noticeable immediate boost, probably due to the caffeine content, followed by a hard crash. There were no accounts that suggested it was effective for focus or attention.
Click here to see the most up-to-date ratings of nootropic aids found anywhere online.
Conclusion – Does Adderin Work?
It is not our teams’ policy to recommend any product that will not publish their ingredients. Quality manufacturers stand by their products, and just the sign that they are reluctant to disclose what is in their blend is a sign that users should not trust it.
It is understandable why Adderin feels they have to hide their contents. They use low-grade additives that can be dangerous to users in the long run. Our team does not recommend any product that uses either caffeine or harmful dyes in their ingredients blend.
The most beneficial ingredient that they use is bacopa monnieri. Fortunately it is available in a number of other products that have far more safe and effective ingredients mixtures.
One prominent nootropic supplement that uses bacopa is Memotenz. They are the product with the top-rated ingredients blend, according to our team of experts.
There is no caffeine or artificial food dyes in their pills, however they do feature herbs and amino acids that have proven histories of effectiveness. Click here to see everything that goes into Memotenz’s proprietary formula.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2oYSOZA via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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randomositycat · 4 months
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Knh... what you do to my heart...
The VAs and the visuals and the sound direction EUYGGGHHHH kill me already it hit so much harder seeing it animated WAAHHHH
I had to stop watching for like 2 hrs bc idk I was sCAREDDDD I knew what was coming but i didn't know how they were gonna handle it and YIKES they handled it the way I wanted them to :)
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koumon-no-hana · 4 years
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📯 Sortez vos stylos, y'a une date à noter au calendrier !! 📆
KnHxAnother sort le mercredi 1er Avril (paskon ét tout dey clounes 🤡🤡🤡)
Les trois sides seront :
🔥 "Takeshi no Atsui Natsu"
🎸 "Mei, Sex & Visual Kei"
📖 "Tendres Souvenirs"
Plus d'info dans la semaine
On a remarqué que tout le monde voulait tout le temps voir Mei alors c'est l'héroïne de deux des sides (ne nous remerciez pas, non, c'est un plaisir...)
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koumon-no-hana · 6 years
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Eeeet... ça avance toujours ! :D
Ces derniers temps, j’alterne entre jaquettes de bouquins fictifs (en quantité scandaleuse), lignes de code (toujours plussss), et plein d’autres petits objets puisque les deux décors restant en contiennent à outrance ! C’est à la fois long et éclatant ! o/
De toute façon, tant que j’ai du thé et de la grignotaille, tout va bien.
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