#animation makes neuron activate
randomositycat · 8 months
Artist/animator brain telling me to pick apart each episode for subtle differences in comparison to the show as a whole
What seems like it could be on model and what feels like it was pushing boundaries to developing a semi-new style for the anime
Rant under cut bc hi I do this a lot in my head,, and I could go through each episode and pick them apart but I've got e 17 on the brain so we'll stick with that for now and maybe I'll check out the older ones later
I only bring it up now bc,, well I didn't want to before
In e 17 (since it's the one freshest in my brain) the art differences I notice are purely in the chibi style, and minorly in the closer shots of characters
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This shot specifically feels like it belongs to a different show! But still suuper super cute all the same!
And we go back to something more fitting with the other similar style shots from previous episodes! Not to say that it's all and all the same style every time, but again the differences are subtle and you have to look very closely to even say "huh, that's a bit different!"
I also noticed that usually they don't skip out of drawing fingernails? which sure most animes dont but it feels different here? If that makes sense,,
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They really upped their detail game compared to other episodes! all the little things that pain me to even think about doing as an animator! The work put into some of these shots is super impressive! They even shaded the fake mole?? Come on!! The idea of doing what they've down with these shots makes me tired,, kudos to the artists for having the nerve
The fingernails stand out the most to me bc there is so much detail in them!
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From the cuticle to the beautiful lighting and shading when she was applying make up to his face (I don't have a gift sorryyy 😣)
And we already know the eyes are beautiful, but my favorite attention to detail is Jinshi's eyes. Maomao never fails to comment on his beauty, and artistically it shows as much, emphasizing it to no end really, but he's so subtly feminine that I find myself studying his eyes quite a bit! His long eyelashes really draw you in...
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You can see they dulled it down a little, for his Jinka disguise, but even then he's got such gentle eyes that could easily be mistaken for a woman's if he were to hide his face :) (looking at you Hunting arc, missed a chance! I'll tell you!)
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Maomao's expressions in this episode really take the cake too LOL
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There's no shortage of good maomao faces, especially not here >:)
As each new episode releases I'm just soooo enamored with how steady the improvement is! Artists finding their rhythm with the characters and sprinkling little things here and there that can go unnoticed but definitely enhance a shot! It's amazing!
And it brings me to talk about e4 which yes I agree is gorgeous animated, but im someone who prefers consistency rather than quality in my animated shows
(quality is good yes but to go from very fluid to standard fluid is jarring to say in the least)
I adore the fluidity in e4, obsessed with it. I was under the impression that an entirely different director + team was in charge (I wasn't wrong abt the director)
My favorite bits have to be the expressions,
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And how each movement feels less like a show and more like a movie, like we got a spontaneous budget increase for this episode alone!
Lip syncing too, REALLY on point! I love angry Maomao and I'm a sucker for lip syncing any time!! When she was scolding Lihua's lady in waiting, the animators really hit every keyframe on the nose! (generally makes e4 dub a bit of a hassle for me to watch) I rewatch the sequence again and again because of how well done it is :) a spectacular moment indeed
Another episode with really fluid moments is episode 10, I think 🤔 when she confronts Lady Lishu about Fengming. The entire scene is wonderfully done, with Lishu's expressions and her ladies-in-waiting being excited to talk to Jinshi :) all things I gladly pay attention to
All in all the show has a gorgeous art direction 😊 I hope they continue to enhance it little by little with subtle things like everything i mentioned above
Makes an artist's heart flutter thinking about the dedication and care put into its production
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little-shiny-sharpies · 11 months
Wishing a fun and spooky halloween to you and the dragons 😈🖤
Thank you very much!!! ‘Twas the funnest and spookiest hallow’s end ever enjoyed! 🕸️👻🖤🎃🖤👻🎃🕸️(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Audio from my favorite TikTok ever
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hauntingrabbits · 2 years
I offer Ralph the finest and most esteemed award I possibly can (novelty mug that just says #1 most normalest guy on it)
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gainprincess · 1 year
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Older women...~
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absolberts251 · 8 months
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this panel makes me go crazy. it gives me the same emotion as someone laying witness to a womans bare ankles in the victorian era. I turn into a rabid animal seeing Dottores exposed skin (and when I see Dottore)
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ii GG fhhfhbcbc jcj k xnfbhfhhhfnfnnhhhhhhuguugngngnngn
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help aahe d Hhhhgghhgghhhhhahna a ahhGbuIbibdbidininsubeyv6gh7din7hh7eg6sbdxuninsnisinubxububbdininsnubsdunnianoihe8y3y8y3868y4y88syihxibbkkb;*;*#<^$<%<:;<&÷^77^6÷%6%÷6//×^788<#>;>;> sbiibsih8hGkb jdottore
nghhhhs dbhduudiidoodowijahhahhd dotforoeeeeee dottooroooeeeee i loev youuuuu hghshh
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Dottore: Come now Kitten, you're embarrassing me.. >/////>
Me: Sorry Dottore :3 I get so happy when I talk about you!!!!!!!
Dottore: Hmph, I'd say these fools are unworthy of witnessing our love. But do what makes you happy.
Me: Thank you!!!! I love you Dottore 😊😊😊❤️😊❤️😊💕😊😊❤️❤️
Dottore: I love you as well, Dear 💕❤️
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arealtrashact · 3 months
HIYA! Just wanted to say that i've been following you for a while on insta and twitter and i just love your art! The flowy way in which you put your lines down and your composition choices have been an inspiration for me :] Im simply eating your art at any given chance C: Also, even if im not as much into the boys as i used to be a few years ago, seeing your fanart involving the show still activates that neuron in my brain that makes me wanna draw homelander again at least : ]] If i can pick any favourite fanarts from you, i gotta say that im in love with your doggy versions of the characters! I think they fit the characters really well and the way you use shapes in you character design only emphasises that. (overall seeing your animal versions of characters is super nice, finally someone who gets how fun assigning different animals to existing characters based on their looks and personalities is X] ) Have a good day/night yippie : D!
Thanks for sticking around !
Drawing human characters as animals is a habit I picked up as a kid ( while actively avoiding learning how to draw people . . . ) that I have yet to shed. I guess you can take the kid out of DeviantArt but you can't take the 'all-consuming urge to draw your favorite guy as a sparkledog' out of the kid.
I'm happy to hear that you like my characterizations, no matter how detached they are from their original counterparts •ﻌ•
You're very sweet.
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unatkozorobotok · 4 months
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“Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet.”
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Gnaw (4)
You stand at the precipice of Liyue. The land of Geo. The resting place of a corpse-god, the dragon Rex Lapis, and the home of Archon Zhongli.
Though some part of you hopes that they'll be less hostile, you can't help but feel that Liyue will simply be more of the same.
More suffering. More death.
But now you have a gift. A way to protect yourself. The symbol of one of your loyal creations, and a font of power from which to draw destructive energy. You are not alone. And you will not fall so easily.
You step through a boundary, a line between the nations, and the world changes. Suddenly, the sky does not feel so vast. The air feels thinner, and the ground beneath your feet feels... denser. More present. As though the soil and stone of Mondstadt was gravel.
You take a few moments to breathe, to aquaint yourself with lungs that go unaided by Anemo, and begin walking.
Somewhere in the distance lies the Stone Gate. You decide to avoid it and the people of Liyue as best you can.
You decide to experiment with the abilities you now have so you can defend yourself if need be.
First, you should probably learn to sense them, starting at the symbol upon your wrist.
After a minute of concentration, you feel the faintest twitch of static in your veins. The subtle hum of energy that now calls you home.
You move the energy sluggishly, slowly convincing it to travel along your veins, and it proceeds to gain speed.
By the end of your first hour of 'training', there is a storm in your chest, your heart pounding thunder down your ribs, your blood singing with voltaic power.
It feels good.
You are unaware that special organs are rapidly growing in your dermis and flesh to allow you to conduct electrical energy safely.
You are unaware of the way billions of neurons are rearranging themselves to make your use of this power instinctive.
You are unaware of the way your entire nervous system is editing itself, allowing you to pump your body full of electro energy without a cost to your health.
You are unaware that you could now shrug off chewing on a power plant generator's active primary circuit or that you would register lightning as nothing more than a mild annoyance.
What you are aware of is the ball of lightning hovering over your hand. You grin, victorious.
(Electro watches from their throne at the peak of existence, smug smile on their face.)
Your doppelgänger howls in agony as they carve a spiral into the space between their shoulderblades with a blade that oozes molten gold.
They cannot allow themselves to be discovered as a false God. To be revealed now would be a waste of all their work.
To lose the luxuries they rightfully deserve is so horrible a fate that they'd rather maim themselves to keep up the illusion.
Soon, their acolytes will arrive.
They command that their 'imposter' shall be killed on sight.
Five Archons obey.
(They do not notice the way their Gnosis begin to dim.)
You spend two weeks slowly navigating the terrain of Liyue and exploring your new abilities.
You've learned to weave the energy into your limbs to vastly speed them up. You've learned to push that energy into your nails and teeth, turning them into vicious claws and fangs.
You've learned to push the energy into your brain to increase your reaction time and slow the world around you to a crawl.
Days of travel are collapsed into mere hours as you become a purple-streaked blur that rushes across the terrain fast enough to run up cliff faces and across water.
...you've also had countless bloody noses and scraped limbs, gotten enough dirt in your mouth to fill a flowerpot, choked on a multitude of flying bugs, and nearly drowned trying to water-walk.
Fruit and vegetables are bountiful, but you can't quite shake the urge to find some new small creature and bite down into it and fill your mouth with delicious red-
No. You are better than your urges. You are a person, not an animal, no matter how tempting the idea is.
Unfortunately this peace does not last.
You run across a small patrol of Millelith members, each bearing a weapon of some sort.
"Fuck," you hiss, ducking into the treeline to hopefully avoid being found. It's too late.
One of them cries out in alarm, and the entire group is instantly alerted to your presence.
You learn from the orders their leader is barking that you are now to be slain on sight.
Spears are leveled in your direction, arrows are nocked and readied, clubs and greatswords rise.
You easily avoid the arrows, your body humming with electro energy, and the first to swing their blade at you is met with a spear of lightning through the brain, their body writhing violently at the end.
You dispel the spear and dodge a mace, giving the woman bearing it a blast of electrical energy straight to the face, turning her head to ash and instantly killing her.
An arrow slices your side as you toss the headless body away from you, and the wound immediately begins to sizzle as it mends in a golden scar.
You reach into the head of the archer from a distance and send a jolt of power into his brain, flash-frying nerves and swiftly ending his life.
You don't remember ever being as clumsy and slow as they are before you had Electro. Are humans this pathetic, or are the Millelith just awful?
Five more stand in your way.
You gather the charge within your gift and send it out as a bolt of raw electro energy.
The leader is hit, but does not die. They are instead surrounded by a potent magnetic field. The metal of their armor and the metal of their squadmates attract to each other, and they're slammed together.
The five of them struggle to part themselves, pathetically squirming in place. You put them out of their misery to save them the embarrassment.
As soon as that's done, the gravity of your actions hits you. You just killed eight people.
You're horrified - but they were going to kill you first, weren't they?
Should you feel horrified for defending yourself from people who wanted you dead?
...should you feel anything for these people? Some part of you still desperately clings to the idea that this is all some fucked-up dream or a game.
It ceases to matter when elemental energy erupts right in front of you, and Kequing lunges out of a teleport to cleanly slice off your head.
As your vision begins to blacken, and the world drifts away, you watch your headless body stagger backward a few steps and then drop.
"Maybe next time," you mutter without sound, as the darkness swallows you.
Deep purple blood oozes from the stump of your neck as every trace of your corpse disintegrates.
("I will put you back together, my maker," whispers the Abyss. "I will always put you back together.")
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead
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iamthekaijuking · 1 year
suaropods on earth are the absolute upper limit for land vertebrates, but is it because they have four legs? cause i was working on a scifi spec evo idea where the endoskeletal vertebrate-analogs have eight legs and it got me wondering if it means their sauropod equivalents can be even bigger in a similar earth like gravity
If it was just about leg numbers then land mammals wouldn’t be smaller than the biggest dinosaurs
In reality you need specific evolutionary pressures, circumstances, and unique and efficient anatomy to get big.
For sauropods it was entirely due to their internal anatomy. Sauropods are saurischian dinosaurs, which have hollow bones with internal scaffolding that likely made them stronger than if they were solid, as well as a very extensive respiratory system that included numerous air sacks, many of which ran through their bones. This ultimately allowed saurischian dinosaurs to massively cut back on volume and allow them to cool off easier and have more efficient respiration. There’s things we still don’t know about sauropod anatomy though such as how their circulatory systems combated their sheer verticality. Dinosaurs also have unidirectional respiratory systems, which is more efficient than mammalian two way airflow.
For modern baleen whales it has more to do with the aftermath of the last ice age and how it impacted the location of their food (keep in mind this explanation of the evolution of baleen whale size is based on my current understanding and might not be correct). Baleen whales actually used to be much smaller, around bus size. But during and after the last ice age the ocean currents changed and krill populations became concentrated around the poles. Because of this, baleen whales needed a way to eat as much as possible in one sitting and travel long distances efficiently. The easy solution was to get big, which became easier as their predators the macroraptorial sperm whales and Otodus megalodon gradually went extinct. A thing to note however, is that because they need more resources due to their size, the number of baleen whale species is lower than it was several million years ago. Also also, blue whales are getting bigger.
On earth, 200 tons is more or less the maximum size for animals, as the biggest whales, ichthyosaurs, and sauropods got around that size.
There’s more things to note though:
No, higher oxygen levels don’t make things bigger. Not even bugs. Modern arthropods are actually on average bigger than their Carboniferous counterparts, and the oxygen levels were way higher back then. And griffinflies, very active flying insects, lasted all the way into the Permian, when oxygen levels were lower than in modern day.
It’s important to consider what the bones of animals are made of as well as their structure. Different internal structures can handle stress better, and different materials can handle pressure differently.
Eight legs might be too many, as having more legs, while very stable, can be more energy costly. Two legs might not be able to support as much weight as four, but it is more efficient.
A very big thing animals have to fight with when it comes to size is something called the square cube law. Basically as something gets bigger its volume (insides) increase way faster than its outsides (surface area). If you had a 1 centimeter cube and doubled its size, the surface area would quadruple but the insides would increase eight times. But there are ways of combating this such as decreasing volume with things like air sacks or increasing surface area by being very wrinkly (that’s how human brains fit so many neurons!). And because things with a metabolism generate heat, big animals have to combat overheating because they have a lot of insides. That’s why elephants have such big vascularized ears and why their skin acts like a sponge to soak up water.
Also I have no idea how perucetus got so big, that glorious fatass
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dranka · 6 months
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I always had a voice telling me to 'watch Utena', but when I learned it's CS Pacat's favorite anime, I went ALL IN and boooy it was a ride.
Because my brain activates neurons by crossovers and shitposts - a Rose Bride Anharion 😌
I did my best to make it as drama shōjo as I could.
I'm super kyaaaa 🙈 that Pacat-sensei got to see it and react to it with a beautiful 'XD' 🙇
Spoilery thoughts:
The rose bride concept in the relation to the Collar is 👀🔥 also the protagonist who believes he can free them if they own them but not command them.... is the bride free or just reflects the desire of their betrothed? Bruh.
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Pomme saying she associates Time to Say Goodbye with all of the eggs has activated every neuron in my brain, like-
“Now it's time to say goodbye to the things we loved and the innocence of youth”
“We can't just cling to childish things as evil just grows closer”
“Were we born to fight and die?
Sacrificed for one huge lie?
Are we heroes keeping peace?
Or are we weapons pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory?”
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, she’s a genius, I want to see a million animations of the eggs to this song, I might have to make one myself
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ashersbraincell · 1 month
You know, everyone always focuses on the visual aspects of the DNA species Sebastian has when talking about redesigns and stuff. But what about the things that aren’t visible to the eye?
•Anglerfish-some lie half-buried in the ocean floor waiting for prey, this could be used for cute burying headcanons for Sebastian! Like how he likes to bury himself under items/blankets etc.
•Blue Whale-Huge potential for the low frequency vocalisations, only natural predator is the orca, so might be scared of oc’s based on these?
•Great White Shark-again with the orca, quoting Wikipedia „larger sharks dominate smaller sharks, females dominate males, and established residents dominate newcomers”(doesn’t have to be in a sexual sense either), „generally very curious animals, display intelligence and may also turn to socializing if the situation demands it”, said curiosity if exentuated by brightly coloured items which they have a habit of nibbling to get a better sense for what it is, „Skin dosed with adrenaline would turn lighter, with melanocyte-stimulating hormone causing melanocyte cells to dissipate thus making the shark's skin a darker colour”, „have also been known to eat objects that they are unable to digest”, hunting behaviours include immobilisation/waiting for prey to bleed out, enhanced sense of smell, have toxic blood
•Silver Spinyfin-can see in color in very low light conditions
•Mantis Shrimp-live in burrows, so further fuel for the burrowing under items/blankets hc, use hands to either grab, smash, or spear prey, territorial and frequently in combat, can see ultraviolet, „can learn and remember well, and are able to recognise individual neighbours with which they frequently interact”, for all you shippers here’s a cute extraxt from wikipedia: „the mantis shrimps remain with the same partner up to 20 years. They share the same burrow and may be able to coordinate their activities. Both sexes often take care of the eggs (bi-parental care)”, can detect neuron activity, „Mantis shrimps have been observed landing blows on each other in what is thought to be a ritual fight to test each other’s speed and stamina. The shrimp will deliver blows to each other’s tailplate called a ‘telson,’ hugely tough pieces of armor that protect them from having their shells pierced” (from https://www.indoyachts.com/the-mantis-shrimp/#:~:text=Mantis%20shrimps%20have%20been%20observed%20landing%20blows,protect%20them%20from%20having%20their%20shells%20pierced. )
•Sea Snake-deadly venom, seriously I’ve not seen anyone talk about him having venom bevause of being a snake, like ever,
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anisecandy · 4 months
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A mini Lucifer I've drawn as a "thank you" for @flamirasplitz
I'm gonna be honest with you - he looks like this bc my dormant otaku neuron pathways activated and I thought to myself "well, obviously Lucifer is the most the cast has to offer in terms of shota characters, people must love him for his shota charm, so to make a Luci fan happy I should make him even cuter :)" and it took me until I finished half of the lineart to remember that Hazbin is does NOT operate on anime logic and Lucifer is probably so beloved due to being a depressed mess and Flam would most likely be happier if I drew him plastered out of his mind, with 5 o'clock shadow, sobbing over an old family photo...
Oh well. Maybe next time
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softcitrus2345 · 10 months
The anon was just asking if I had any early encounters with media that influenced my interest in certain kinks, as well as what my favorite kink trope in general is, and this was my response- Oh boy, there are so many instances but I can only really remember/find a few of 'em- But these were the main ones that stuck with me for years-
I grew up watching MLP. Like, it was my SHOW for years, so it was the main source of media/fandom that I sought out this kind of content in my early days of unsupervised internet access-
I remember watching these scenes and having a neuron activation moment but I didn't know why. Then a few years later I got access to the internet and I'd find myself looking up shit like "fat mlp characters" and even I didn't really understand why either- 💀
I guess I know now XD
There was also this one scene from some Disney thing where Mickey and Minnie were in a sorta Hansel and Gretel situation and got fed a ton of food (I remember being disappointed when they didn't get fat from it for "some reason" XDD)
But there was also this book. From when my age was still in the single digits I feel like had at least a part of the blame for these kinks snowballing into what they are today-
It was called "The Very Greedy Bee"
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Basically this one bee drinks so much nectar that it gets really big, eventually SO big that it can't even fly
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I remember rereading these pages a lot on my own- ⬇⬇⬇
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So ye, this is one of the earliest instances I remember feeling "weird" from a piece of media.
I VIVIDLY remember this one toy I used to have that I can't remember what it was called FOR THE LIFE OF ME-
It was this big dog-looking thing that was advertised as a fun way for kids to put their things away. You'd put your things away by "feeding" your stuff to it and it would fit a pretty good amount in there
I remember when I would play with it, I would always take all of my stuffed animals and try to stuff as many as I could into its mouth and make it as big and round as I could- I guess this counts as both an introduction to stuffing and soft vore huh-
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But yeah, those are all the main things I can remember-
As for your second question, I'd say my favorite trope has got to be stuffing paired with instant weight gain, it's just really fun and I love drawing stuff of that nature
Usually the instant weight gain/extreme stuffing would go hand in hand by using some kind of potion/enhancer kind of thing with it, but ye >;3
I just like when characters get really big really fast from eating a lot- O/////O
Hope this answers your question, anon XP
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oreosmama · 8 months
hi um so two of my fav writers on this platform literally reblogged another of these drabbles as i was writing this one so?? I'm buggin.
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It’s the long-drawn snapping of neurons that prickle at you, eyes closed and forearm thrown over your face. A slow peel of eyelid after eyelid, foggy thoughts wisping away at a moment’s notice in the blackness of the bedroom; the ceiling is more a theory of shapes inferred from moon-coerced shadows than its usual cragginess, and you unhook your arm from the dip between your nose and forehead to reach up. Comb your fingertips through the air. 
Was it the breeze through your ever-closed window? Open now, a new development, but surely one that would rouse you like a bear from slumber. You feel large enough to be a bear, warm enough to feel tarped in fur, lethargic enough to clamber off your mattress and land on all fours and grunt like an animal. 
Maybe it was the slice of light underneath your bedroom door. You never forget to turn off the switches in your living room, the LED bulbs too glowy and insistent to sleep the way you do, curled up on one side and facing the doorway. 
Or maybe it’s because you’re not sleeping the way you always do. Not at the moment. Right now, you’re tipped onto your back, each limb swallowed up by an inch of cushion, flat like a slab of carbonite. Your body and the bed are inseparable—each pore on your skin is looped through with a stitch that dips into the sheets, rises back out and finishes with a double knot. 
All you can do is lay there. Willingly, you suppose, despite the spasms. 
A new ozone layer has settled around you, consistency of molasses, and hot to inhale. It stinks of past activity, like breaths that have been used up and tossed out. All of it cloys against your skin, maintaining a sheen of sweat to add to the discomfort. 
You’re awake now, though. 
Unhappy, but no longer unconscious. A bit bitter that you’re all alone. 
But a sharp trill pierces the air, and it hits you—that’s it.
That’s what had awoken you. 
Roused this grumpy, sticky, sore form of you that’s polyfoam-bound, torn too quick from a fundamental repose period. You’re too exhausted to moan, gripe, curse like you should. 
Even as the lights under the door flicker out, and something pushes it’s way inside with various scuffling movements. The room returns to stagnancy with a soft click, save for the lone gust of wind invading and receding at an unsteady tempo. 
Your next breath is a roiling mix of oxygen saturated with sodium and garlic. You hum aloud, a vague attempt to dissuade the bile crawling up your throat. Each time your tongue scrapes past your teeth, the morning grime collects and taints your tastebuds. 
You need water, and a toothbrush, and two tablespoons of toothpaste. Five minutes for an alcoholic rinse, too. 
Definitely don’t need the robust wafting of a pepperoni Hot Pocket up your nostrils at the ass-crack of dawn, as the mattress dips with a bulky outline. 
“Sorry, Bonnie,” a Scottish voice that is not apologetic in the slightest mumbles beside you. “Didnae mean to wake ye. Fuckin’ makes me ’bit peckish.”
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gynandromorph · 3 months
I find your comics about Legend really really fascinating and really wanna understand how her thesis works, but not knowing very much about Nofna's worldbuilding, I feel lost? I've really enjoyed your Nofna style emulations and you put a lot of care into exploring the intricacies of her powers
not sure i can explain well, zachary has explained the powers as "advanced pretend." imagine if you could imagine something hard enough to project it into reality. there is a step in between, where you can only project what you're imagining into another person's perception of reality. here's how nofna explains it:
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Legend's thesis particularly rubs up against the instant transmission of language. Art in the comic is language without language -- in order to communicate with depth, you have to be speaking to someone who has already agreed upon a specific set of parameters to communicate: words. animals did not have words to communicate with each other, so they used this to settle "disagreements."
Legend's thesis, at first, focuses specifically on the agreed-upon transmission of language via writing, not Art as a whole. she finds it interesting that words can communicate ideas involuntarily, even when there is no one communicating that idea. words are a language with which even dead people can speak. the first inception of her thesis functions by projecting letters and words at a target to force them to read it. she investigates why it is that one can project ideas onto someone else that they might disagree with, even though the medium of communication (writing) is agreed-upon. she comes to understand that reading relies on involuntary recall of information -- memorizing phonics (the sounds letters "make"). she knows that this method of communication still only works if all parties have agreed to LEARN HOW TO READ in the first place, and pursues empathic transmission (other-oriented reception of communication) as the source. her thesis moves on to function by manipulating mirror neurons by projecting writing at her opponent. she runs into a dead end with mirror neurons, which activate while acting, observing acts, or reading about acts. she pursues the viability of memory as a source of transmission for reading to manipulate. her thesis begins to function by projecting pretend onto memory networks in the opponent's brain and obfuscating what information in their head is real or fantasy. the style thematically adopts her experiences of psychosis and the ambiguity of reality in one's sense perception; there's really no way of telling if what you're perceiving is real or not, though the use of evidence may assist in coming to a judgment. because the style manipulates memories, it does not rely on being impressive or novel to be accepted by an opponent's mind, so it becomes "undeniable" (able to be rejected as false). the fourth and final form of Legend's style comes after a critique from Pegging during which she is told that reality and fantasy are not the same thing. if they were the same thing, they would not have separate words to differentiate them. there is a fundamental difference between them, separated by some sort of wall. though outraged by having the core of her thesis pulled out from under her again, Legend investigates the fourth wall, and why her thesis was able to manipulate reality itself with no reader to receive it. she comes to the conclusion that the common thread between reality and fantasy which has allowed her thesis to function is narrative -- the chronological ordering of events to produce a logical argument. in the case of reality, it's simply forced to bend to the rules of logic. nothing that happens in reality is illogical. no effect happens without a cause. writing and memories preserve aspects of reality from the past to the future as information, but things that happened in the past don't stop existing if they aren't written down; the placement and force of every atom in this universe is entirely built upon its historical context. her thesis comes to function by turning the world into words representing said historical context, onto which she can project retroactive continuity, instead of turning herself into words to project outwards at others. it comes to fail because the only reason for fantasy to exist is an imperfect world from which it can deviate.
i hope this explained how all that works; it's sort of pretentious (no pun intended), like all philosophy.
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