#and the whole kissteria by shandi
What is the fic or book created by a author/blog that made you go.....
horny, scared or a bit....unhinged?
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mxliv-oftheendless · 2 years
Strangers with Memories
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! Or, if you don't like Valentines Day, it is also the birthday of @ladyshandioftheendless!!! So as a birthday gift, here is a story that dives back into the KISSteriaverse! Fair warning, this is gonna get REALLY SAD, which is ironic considering it's Valentines Day lmao (totally didn't do that on purpose... except I did lol). I was inspired to write this after listening to the song "Strangers" by Taemin, which is actually where this story's title comes from, and which you can listen to HERE if you want before reading this story! It's a beauuuutiful song.
Enjoy! And happy birthday, Shandi!!
Nikki hasn't seen Starchild in years. He hasn't even been to KISSteria in years. But he wants to prove to himself that he's moved on from everything that happened, that he could see Starchild and not feel heartache. He could do this... right?
Nikki could do this.
It had been years since what happened. He hadn’t seen Starchild at all in those years. He steered clear of any diplomatic meetings with KISSteria (Vince would mercifully explain it away saying he was sick), he avoided any news about KISS on Earth, hell, he even avoided the “K” section in record stores. He hadn't looked at his hand in months, at the finger where a glowing purple string would have been tied… if it hadn’t been broken. He hadn’t even thought about Starchild in over five years. Their breakup and the whole mess around it involving demons and his possession was firmly in the past.
So when Vince got an invitation to come to KISSteria to renew Anarkia’s alliance with the KISSterians, Nikki felt like he could finally come along.
“You sure you’re good to come, dude?” Tommy asked as they got ready to leave.
“What are you talking about, Tom?” Nikki asked as he threw some clothes into a go bag. “Of course I’m good to come. You can introduce me to that royal court chick you keep seeing every time you go.”
Tommy laughed at that. “Yeah, sure. But listen… I know all… all that shit really messed you up. And I heard… um… he’s gonna be there. If you don’t wanna go…”
“I wanna go, Tom,” Nikki insisted. “I’ll be fine. Besides, we won’t be the only ones there. Aren’t the royals from Jendell gonna be there too?”
Tommy shrugged. “I dunno. Ask Vince.”
“Pretty sure he said they’d be there.”
“Alright, fine.” He punched Nikki’s shoulder with a grin. “Look at you, paying attention for once like a responsible person.”
“Fuck off,” Nikki laughed, whipping a shirt at him.
He could do this. He wouldn’t be alone there. It wouldn’t be awkward. Everything was in the past now. He could face the past. He could face what he’d done. He could face Starchild. He could do this.
To Nikki’s delight, not only was the royal family of Jendell there, along with their aide, but so was Prince Michael and Nicholas from Hanoi. The two were accompanied by three young elves, who were practically climbing over each other as they gazed awestruck around the palace.
“Mikey!” Vince said gleefully, clapping the fairy on the shoulder. “Since when did you become a family man?”
The affectionate smile on Michael’s face seemed permanently fixed there as he watched Nicholas try to wrangle the three excited elves. “About a year ago. We found them outside the palace and decided to take them in.” He laughed as Nicholas had to run and prevent one of them from knocking over a decorative vase on a pedestal. “They’re a little excited to be leaving Hanoi for the first time.”
“Dude, we should show them the burn mark you made in the wall the first time we were here,” Nikki said to Tommy.
“Not sure why you’d wanna show that off,” Mick grumbled. “Didn’t they have to cover it with a tapestry cuz of your dicking around?”
“Sure did,” Tommy grinned proudly. “It’s been like, forever, and they still can’t get it out! I check every time we’re here!”
“I’ll bet you ten shots they finally got it out,” Nikki dared.
“Oh, you’re fucking on! I’m gonna go check right now!”
Mick sighed as Tommy dashed off. “I’ll go make sure he doesn’t wreck anything before the welcome ceremony,” he said resignedly, as though he was assigned this task every time they came to KISSteria (he was). He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and trudged off in Tommy’s direction.
Michael just laughed as Vince went off to say hello to Nicholas. “You all certainly haven’t changed,”
Nikki just laughed, not really wanting to get into the complexities of that. I definitely have… “Yeah…”
He couldn’t help trailing off as he scanned the hall. There was Nicholas, laughing with Vince; there were the three young elves, chattering excitedly as they looked up at a tapestry; there was Ace—he supposed he should call him King Ace now—and his aide in conversation… where was everyone else?
“Looking for someone?”
Nikki turned to find Michael giving him a politely inquiring look. “Uh, y-yeah—well, no, I just—maybe…” he finished lamely.
He really didn’t like the knowing look on Michael’s face. “I am sure the Prince will be here shortly to welcome us.”
“Oh, good… A-And the Elder, too! She’ll be here too.” Nikki hated how awkward he sounded when he laughed. Fuck, what was wrong with him? “She’s the queen, so… yeah. She’s gotta be here too.”
“Nikki… I confess I was a little surprised to see you here. The last time we all gathered in KISSteria, Vince told us you were sick.” Nikki felt like the knowing look was cutting into him. “Are you all right being here now?”
Nikki’s stomach dropped. He knows. “I… Yeah. Yeah, I’m all right.”
Michael just slowly nodded, making Nikki feel far too exposed for his comfort. “I’m serious!” he insisted. “I’m fine! It’s just gonna be a few days. Seriously, Mikey, I’m fine.”
Thankfully, Michael just nodded. “All right. I am glad you’re feeling well enough to come this time.”
“Y-Yeah… me too.”
He could do this. When Starchild came through the doors to welcome them all, he wouldn’t shy away. He wouldn’t run away from him like a vampire running away from sun. He could do this.
As soon as he thought that, the doors opened, and the Elder swept into the hall, looking as intimidating and regal as ever. And walking just behind her…
Nikki’s heart skipped a beat. There he was. There was Starchild.
He looked better, Nikki thought immediately. He couldn’t help remembering how Starchild looked the last time he saw him; stressed, drained, upset…
Heartbroken, his mind whispered.
But he didn’t look heartbroken anymore. He looked better. His livelihood was back. The glimmer of life was back in his eyes, though it seemed a little softer now and less excited. And Nikki was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to close the distance between them and…
But he stopped himself. He couldn’t. Starchild wouldn’t want that. He probably still didn’t want to even look at him, even though he probably knew Nikki would be here. Had he ever wondered how Starchild felt about things like that? About being forced to be in the same room as someone you loved or despised and not be able to express that? It was torture, having to stand there and pretend he didn’t have such a complicated history with Starchild.
And then suddenly the Elder and Starchild were right there, welcoming Vince to KISSteria. Nikki tried to focus on the Elder, instead of the man that stood behind her. He was just a few steps away. Nikki wished he was a mile away.
“And greetings to you, Nikki Terror,” the Elder was suddenly saying. “I am pleased you feel well enough to join us this time.”
Nikki was suddenly seized by a paranoid fear—did she know? Did she know what happened? Did Starchild tell her? He couldn’t tell anything from the pleasant smile on the woman’s face.
Calm the fuck down, Terror. Maybe she’s just welcoming you and commenting on how you haven’t been here in a while.
Nikki forced himself to calm down, giving her his signature smirk and an overdramatic bow. “Yep, I’m feeling great. And by the time I leave, you’ll probably be hoping I’m sick again next time.���
The Elder chuckled. “I don’t doubt it,”
As Nikki raised his head, his eyes unconsciously turned to see Starchild’s reaction. His heart leapt when he saw the smile on the man’s face. He was smiling at something Nikki said. Did that mean anything?
Nikki longed to be able to ask him. He longed to be able to get a moment alone with Starchild and ask him if that smile meant he was forgiven, if it meant Starchild didn’t hate him anymore. But he couldn’t. If Nikki wanted to prove he could face Starchild, he couldn’t do anything.
And so he let Starchild and the Elder walk away from them to go greet Michael and Nicholas. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He made it. One interaction had gone successfully.
“Dude, you okay?”
Nikki jumped at the whisper and realized Tommy was suddenly beside him. “Don’t fuckin’ scare me like that!” he hissed.
Tommy snickered. “Sorry. But seriously, you okay?”
Nikki blew out a breath and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
He could do this.
A couple days later, Nikki found himself stuck at an event of some kind; a little party for the visiting diplomats, according to Vince. And so far, like these things always were, it was fucking boring.
He found himself keeping Mick company, sitting to the side while Mick talked to King Ace’s aide, who had introduced himself as Tomaziel. Mick had let it slip that he was originally from the Celestial realm, sparking a conversation between the two.
Nikki was trying to follow their conversation when he suddenly caught sight of a necklace hanging from Tomaziel’s neck. The pendant was oval, and covered with a turquoise finish, but Nikki could still see an eye through the turquoise. He couldn’t help looking a little closer at the eye, making out its brown color. That eye looked so familiar…
“Nikki, was it?”
Mick’s elbow suddenly nudged his side, and Nikki looked up to find Tomaziel looking his way. “Uh, sorry,” he said quickly. “I just… I saw your necklace.”
“Oh.” Tomaziel looked down at it with a smile. “I see. It’s lovely, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it’s nice.” Why did that eye look so familiar? “So, what’s with the eye?”
“Oh, well…” Tomaziel’s face suddenly turned a very light blue. “The one who gave it to me… it’s his eye.”
“You lucky bastard,” Nikki laughed before he could stop himself. “Your boyfriend gave you that?”
“That’s fucking weird,” Mick muttered as he took a swig of alcohol.
“Don’t mind him,” Nikki said gaily as he patted Mick’s shoulder. “He’s just jealous ‘cause he’s lonely.”
“Fuck you, Terror. I am not.”
Nikki ignored him, instead grinning at Tomaziel. “So, who’s the guy?”
Tomaziel laughed a little awkwardly. “Um… well…”
“Excuse me,”
Nikki looked up, even though he didn’t have to, already knowing who it was. Sure enough, Starchild stood behind Tomaziel’s chair with a polite smile. Nikki couldn’t help thinking to himself how handsome he looked in his formal purple robes. “Mind if I steal Tomaziel for a minute? I think Ace wanted to speak to him about something.”
Nikki didn’t say anything, just looked down at his drink. Mick waved a hand. “Sure, no problem.”
If Nikki had looked up, he would have seen Starchild’s smile widen ever so slightly. “Wonderful. Tomaziel?”
Tomaziel, who had been looking up at Starchild the whole time, set down his drink and stood. “I’m right behind you.”
Nikki couldn’t help watching the two as they walked away. Why wasn’t Tomaziel walking closer to Starchild? Why was he a few paces behind?
“Hey, dude!” Tommy suddenly plopped into the chair next to him. “That court chick is here if you wanna meet her!”
“Later, Tom,” Nikki heard himself say. He was too busy watching the two. Starchild had left the ballroom, through a door off to the side. Tomaziel was a few feet to the side, speaking to Ace. Then as Nikki watched, Tomaziel bowed his head, excusing himself, then turned and walked out the side door.
Something started to knot and twist in Nikki’s stomach. He knew that maneuver. He’d done it so many times before with Starchild. Did that mean… but they couldn’t…
Nikki suddenly shot to his feet. “I’ll be right back,” he said to no one. Then he made a beeline for the door.
The hallway beyond the door was dark as Nikki left the ballroom. The only light came from torches along the walls, casting the hallway in a dim glow. Nikki swiveled his head around, trying to figure out which direction he needed to go. They couldn’t be far.
And then Nikki heard it—muffled voices. He began walking in the direction he heard them, making sure to be quiet. He was about to turn a corner when suddenly—
“—want to steal you away and keep you in my bedroom.”
Nikki dove back behind the corner at Starchild’s voice. He heard a second voice stammer, sounding embarrassed. “I—Starchild!”
Nikki’s heart plummeted as Starchild laughed. That was Tomaziel.
“It’s true!” Starchild giggled.
A laugh from Tomaziel. “I would willingly go with you. It’s hard not being able to see you. Having this necklace, though… it does feel like I have a part of you with me.”
“Good,” Starchild sounded happy. “That’s the point.”
Something seized Nikki’s heart and began to strangle it as he heard Tomaziel sigh. Now he knew why that eye looked so familiar. He’d looked into that eye and its other thousands of times before.
“I missed you,” he heard Tomaziel say.
“I missed you, too. I’m so happy you could be here.”
“So am I. I couldn’t miss the chance to see you.”
“You came all this way just to see boring old me?”
“You…” whatever Tomaziel did in the pause made Starchild giggle, “could never be boring. And yes, I did. And I’d do it again, many times.”
Starchild laughed, and the sound made it feel like a knife was going through Nikki’s heart. He finally mustered up the courage to lean forward and peer around the corner.
There in the hallway were two figures. A torch flickered, and the flare of light made the stars on Starchild’s outfit and the silver detail on Tomaziel’s gleam for a moment. And as Nikki watched, the two of them hugged. And it was like they became one single being, the way they seemed to melt into each other’s embrace. The figure Nikki knew was Starchild rested his head on Tomaziel’s shoulder with a sigh.
“I’m so happy when I’m with you,” he said aloud.
A lump formed in Nikki’s throat. He couldn’t stay here. He had to get away.
So he sprang away from the wall and took off back toward the ballroom, not caring if Starchild and Tomaziel heard. He couldn’t focus on anything except the feeling of his heart breaking in his chest.
Starchild had moved on. He had moved on completely. It wasn’t just what happened between them that was in the past—Nikki was now in the past as well.
Nikki skidded to a stop right before he crashed right into Michael. It appeared he’d re-entered the ballroom, and thankfully no one was looking his way. Except Michael, who gave him a look of concern. “Is everything all right?”
“I…” Nikki’s throat closed up. He felt like crying. But he willed himself not to cry. He was not going to fucking cry. “I’m… I’m not… feeling good…”
Michael nodded. “I see,”
“W-Will you… tell Vince I’m gonna g-go to bed?”
“I will. Get some sleep. I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning.”
No, he wouldn’t. It was a nice sentiment, but Nikki knew he wouldn’t feel better in the morning. “O-Okay. Thanks, Michael…”
And just when Nikki thought it couldn’t be worse, that was when he saw Starchild re-enter the ballroom and go over to the Elder. Nikki’s heart shattered all over again at the smile on Starchild’s face. He looked happy, far too happy. Nikki wanted to scream at him to stop looking so happy, that he knew where he’d been, and who he’d been with to make him smile like that.
Almost gratefully, Nikki turned back to Michael. The fairy’s face looked sympathetic. Stop fucking looking at me like that! “I want you to know, you can come to me for help if you ever need it. I know you prefer to do things on your own, but if you ever feel the need for help, you can always ask for it.”
Nikki almost didn’t want to say anything, because he was afraid he’d either start raging or crying… or even do both. He managed a nod, then willed his voice not to shake. “Okay,”
Michael reached out to pat his shoulder. “I will go tell Vince you left,”
But as Michael walked away, Nikki heard Starchild laugh, and his head turned before he could stop himself. Starchild was smiling and laughing as he talked to Ace. And there was Tomaziel, standing next to Ace and not talking, but his eyes fixed only on Starchild with a small grin of his own.
Nikki had never seen Starchild look so relaxed and happy. Not even when he was with you.
There was another stab of pain in his chest—his heart was shattering all over again. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that Starchild got to get back up and move on and even find someone else, while Nikki was alone and broken. It was like something inside Nikki was keeping him from moving forward. Why didn’t Starchild have something keeping him back? It wasn’t fucking fair.
He felt like hitting something, or crying. They were in the same room, full of people they had mutually known for years. They had known each other for years. And he really wasn’t that far away; he just had to walk a small distance and he would be right there, able to talk to him like they were old friends. But no, he couldn’t. Because they weren’t even friends anymore, were they? Starchild was miles and miles away, pretending Nikki was a complete stranger, and Nikki was alone.
Nikki dug his nails into his palms and finally turned away to leave the ballroom. He couldn’t do this.
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~I Summon Thee!~
I’ve actually been wanting to write this for quite some time but one of @misslivvie‘s incorrect KISSteria quotes finally inspired me to start on it! Thank you, luv! <3
A lonely rebellious StarChild decides to dabble in the Magical Arts~
Once the Council had heard of their Prince’s rejection of his latest suitor they all bombarded him with the usual blather.
“You must choose a wife to secure KISSteria’s future!” 
“KISSteria must have an heir!” 
“Our selections have been perfect! Why do you not desire them?” 
When StarChild was at his breaking point he glared at them and screamed
With the Council stunned into silence he stormed out of the Main Hall. Black Dahlia stood outside in the hallway waiting for him. “Sure did give them a piece of your mind didn’t you~?” 
“I guess you heard that.”
“I’m sure the whole Palace heard it.”
“It was the only way to get them to listen! I’m tired of them throwing women at me and hoping I’ll instantly fall in love and want to marry her. It’s just as foolish as the time they tried to get me to fall in love with you!” Black Dahlia laughed. “Ohhh that was an interesting awkward time wasn’t it~?” StarChild shook his head and smiled. “It certainly was~ I adore you..I do. You’re one of the most beautiful and talented women I have ever met. But they’ll never understand that women..just aren’t for me..” She patted his shoulder. “I’m sorry, my friend. Maybe..one day they’ll get it through their heads. Or..maybe you need some proof that’s..a little more tangible~” He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” Smiling wider, she took the Star Prince’s hand and led him to the Sisterhood’s Temple. “Come with me and I’ll show you~” 
In Black Dahlia’s chambers she went to her bookshelf to scan over her vast collection of spell books. StarChild watched her utterly perplexed. “What are you looking for exactly?” Finding the book she wanted she took it out and turned to him. “We’re going to Summon a companion for you. A male companion~” His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “We’re..going to what..? I-I don’t know, Dahlia..is this wise..?” 
“I guarantee once you have someone by your side..strong, handsome..just a little intimidating...the Council will back off!” She winked. “I know a little bit about things like this. Trust me~” 
“Well..I have for years, haven’t I? I’m not about to stop now~” 
Deep in the KISSterian Underworld a being known only as Demon awoke from his long hibernation. He yawned and stretched his wings, now fully grown. “Just look at you~ How beautiful you are now that you have fully matured~” Blackie, his Demon Brother and mentor stood before him with a big grin on his face and his usual wide eyed gaze. “How do you feel?” Demon groaned and cracked his neck. “No difference really..just taller..wings bigger. That’s all.”
“Something troubles you?” 
“I’m bored. My hibernation only served to take me away from the detestable monotony. This place is unchanging and I outgrew it long ago.” Blackie laughed. “I suppose you will just have to endure, hm? You are a Demon. You cannot leave this place. And even if you did..the outside world would never accept you~” Demon narrowed his eyes. “You have never left. How would you know?” 
StarChild held the spell book with shaking hands while Black Dahlia prepared her altar for the Summoning. “Will you please stop worrying so much? We’ve gone over the spell multiple times! You’re going to do fine!” 
“I’m..still not sure about this. Why can’t you chant the spell?” 
“Because I’m not the one this Summon is for! If you want this you have to do the work!” 
“Ohh..alright..” He took a few deep breaths and gripped the book more firmly. He already had a vision in mind of what he wanted, he just hoped he could actually pull it off. Once she was done with the altar she stepped back to admire her work. “All finished. Shall we get started~?” 
“W-what do I do..?”
“Just chant the spell..and leave the magic to me~”
The air in the room already began to shift as StarChild read the words aloud. She was so proud of him. His pronunciation was perfect, not one inflection out of place. This was going to work..she just knew it.
As Demon followed Blackie back to their Domain he suddenly stopped. A strange feeling washed over him, like he was being pulled somewhere. It was barely noticeable at first but when it grew stronger he hunched over and dropped to his knees, growling in pain. Blackie could only watch as his Brother’s flames grew around him. “W-what’s happening?!” 
“I...I don’t know..but..I think..my time here is finally over. Goodbye..Brother..” 
“There is magic at work here..someone desires me. Finally..I will be free..” With that his flames consumed his entire form and carried him away, leaving Blackie to stare blankly at the ring of ash where his Brother had once stood. “I will have you back...I swear it..” 
The flames of the candles on the altar danced violently, then exploded into an inferno, knocking StarChild and Black Dahlia off their feet. Had he said the wrong thing? Was this supposed to happen? Neither of them knew, and it scared them both.
“StarChild, what did you ask for..some kind of devil?!” 
“Of course not!!”
“A devil~ If that is what you wish to believe I am..you are not entirely mistaken~” 
They both held each other as Demon emerged from the flames, stretching out his wings the fan the flames away. StarChild quickly found himself growing more intrigued. This..devil was frightening, yes..but also quite handsome. Exactly what he’d asked for. He sat up slowly and looked the devil directly in the eyes. “I...I am the one who has Summoned you here. I am StarChild, Prince of KISSteria.”
“And why should that matter to me?” 
“The spell is quite concrete, devil. As your Summoner you are bound to me..and you must abide by my wishes.” 
“The wishes of a spoiled royal brat? I have better ways to occupy my time in a new world.” 
“No! I simply..wish for you to remain here..as my companion.” 
Demon was taken aback by such a request. The brat could still be lying to him, but deep down he doubted it. The look in the Prince’s eyes was indeed one of incredible loneliness, something he himself had experienced many times in the Underworld. So why not stay? At least for now. He was open to new experiences. 
“Very well, little Prince..but we are not bound to each other quite yet~” 
“How is it done?”
Grabbing StarChild’s wrist, Demon pulled him closer and opened his hand. He cut into the Prince’s palm with a claw and lapped up the blood that gathered with his long tongue. “Your blood..is bound to me..” With blood oozing from his mouth he forced StarChild’s mouth open and allowed his blood to drip down his throat. “My blood..is bound to you. Thus..I am your loyal Demon. I will remain at your side until you no longer have need of me.” StarChild held his throat and coughed. Gods, did that blood burn on the way down! Even so, the deed was finally done. “My Demon. I like the sound of that~” He glanced back at Black Dahlia who nodded to him. She couldn’t say she was disappointed with the result~ 
“Welcome to KISSteria, Demon. You are truly welcome~”
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 24!
So..this was going to be the last chapter..and then I changed my mind! There’s so much more after this but strap yourselves in! It’s gettin’ crazy from here!
Small battles have been won..but the war is about to begin. The first Allies arrive.
StarChild stood on the front line with Ace, Demon and Fox beside him. The rest of the Alliance Army stood  behind them ready for the fight of their lives. In the distance a thick red mist could be seen, growing larger as the Cult approached. “How foolish~” he mused. “Using such a crude diversionary tactic to hide their small numbers.” Vinneketh came up to him and grabbed his arm. “Do not be so quick to tout superiority. It is so much worse than you believe..” They turned to see an army of skeletons emerge from the mist, all of them glowing crimson with the Necromancer’s unholy magic. 
“They have bolstered their forces with their dead..” 
StarChild bolted up in bed with a loud gasp, while Ace groaned and shifted beside him. “Mmmph..deja vu~ Another premonition..?”
“Y-yes. It was horrible..but it also gives us an advantage..” 
“For what..?” 
“Against the Cult.” He got up and put on his robe. “I must go speak to the Elder about this right away. I’ll be back.” He collided into Vinneketh on his way out the door. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you!” 
“No harm done~ I assume you saw what the Cult plans to do..” 
 “I did. I was..going to inform the Elder.” Vinneketh shook his head. “We are nowhere near ready to take them on with the army we have. The Palace soldiers are not prepared for the Necomancer’s magic, and using our own magic to protect them will do more harm than good. You must call upon more powerful allies for this battle.” StarChild hoped he could avoid dragging others into this but he couldn’t ignore his visions. They were going to need all the help they could get. They went to the Palace’s Lower Star Chamber. The Correspondence Orbs that floated about all went to their Prince right away when he entered. He chuckled as he took one. “They’re always so eager~ Orb, please put me in contact with Anarkia and Rhye~” The Orb glowed a bright purple. 
As you wish, Prince StarChild~
Later that evening an emergency meeting was held in the Main Hall. Despite his distraught feelings, Fox was the first to speak. “I received word from my Leader. I’m afraid my Clan won’t be able to assist us. They’re joining forces with the Wildcat Clan to hold off the Cult in the jungle until KISSteria’s other allies can arrive.” StarChild placed a hand on his shoulder. “We will make certain that any sacrifices the Clans make will count for everything. And..if we should meet any of their dead on the field of battle..we will give them the peace they deserve.” Fox looked down at the floor. The thought of losing any of his Clan weighed so heavily. He only hoped he could concentrate on the battle when the time came. “Ah, here you are. My Master is working with the Sisterhood to place an impenetrable barrier around the Palace.” Vinneketh said as he entered with his Troupe close behind him. I have placed Ayesha in the care of Black Dahlia. We are ready to fight with you.” He went to Demon’s side who held him by his waist. “I must stay with my Troupe..but I will be close to you, Beloved. Fight well~” Demon purred against his husband’s neck. “I will not falter. I have a family now~” 
The sound of engines revving echoed through the Palace’s empty halls. StarChild knew those sounds all too well. “They’re here~ All of you..may want to get out of the way.” As the sounds grew closer and louder, everyone except him quickly moved up the steps leading to the thrones. “Aren’t you comin’ too?” Ace asked, voice laden with concern. He just shook his head and smiled. “Don’t worry. I know how to handle them~” The Twins burst into the Hall on their motorbikes just as they had before, only this time they had a lot more room to show off. “Prince Hottie at 12 o’ clock!!” Tommy yelled. Shaking his head, StarChild stood perfectly still as they sped past him, circling him a few times before skidding to a halt, their tires screeching and making smoking black marks on the floor. Grinning, Nikki dismounted his bike and headed straight for him, grabbing his waist and lifting him off the floor. “..ah..Nikki..!!” 
“Long time no see, Princess~ How ‘bout a kiss for your Nikki, baby~?” 
They both looked over at everyone else staring at them. Except for Ace. He kept his expression neutral but his fists were crackling with electricity. In his eyes was a violent storm that could strike at any moment. “Hmph..” Nikki huffed, setting StarChild back on his feet. “..okay fine. To be continued later then~” The blond sitting behind Tommy rolled his eyes. “You better not’ve dragged me away from my babes so you could chase some royal tail, Terror. Whatever we’re doin’ here let’s get it over with already.” Tommy snorted. “This’s Vince. He’s our frontman. That’s Mick over there.” Nikki went over to help his partner off his bike. “The trip here wore him out but he’ll be fine after he rests up a bit.” 
“I’ll do that.” 
Ace stepped down, curious at how the electricity he conducted seemed to gravitate towards Mick. “Some Prince I’d be if I didn’t help one of my own.” StarChild blinked. “He’s..from Jendell..?” Mick laughed softly. “Kandarr actually. Didn’t think I’d be meetin’ you here of all places. Ace shrugged. “My second home is with my Starshine..” He shot a pointed glance at Nikki. “..mostly in his bed..” StarChild shifted awkwardly. The tension between them was thick, and he was sure everyone in the room could sense it. “T-there are rooms for them in the central Star Tower. I’ll..show the rest of you there when the meeting is over.” Ace only gave a faint sound of acknowledgement and led his fellow Celestial out of the room. That was going to be an interesting conversation for later.
“Well..ah..e-everyone..this is..Anarkia’s Mötley Crüe. The Terror Twins Tommy and Nikki...and--”
“The name’s Vince Anarchy..and I run the whole Crüe show~ We hear this Crimson Cult’s being a pain in your collective asses. Don’t you worry your pretty little heads. They’ll be feelin’ the pain by the time we’re done with em~” 
To be Continued!!
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 25!
The climax to this drama is fast approaching! 
The planning stages begin for the battle. StarChild hopes tensions from within will not add to an already stressful situation.
“Start talkin’.”
Ace startled StarChild out of his wits by silently appearing in their doorway. “Gods! Please don’t do that..you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Ace’s expression didn’t change. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. “I want you to tell me the truth, Starshine.” He sat down next to his lover, fixing him with a stern look. “Have you been foolin’ around on me?” StarChild sighed. He knew he would have to answer for what happened earlier sooner or later. “I swear to you that I haven’t, Acey. Please let me explain..” 
“Oh, I’m all ears.”
“Nikki is special to me. I..met him before meeting you.”
“You slept with him.”
“Have you been doin’ it this whole time?”
“No! Absolutely not! That was just the first time we’d seen each other in a very long time. We’d lost contact, you see. I didn’t even think they would come. It was a surprise..to both of us. Nikki just got carried away. If you want me to talk to him I will.” Ace shrugged. “Just needed some assurance. If a guy I don’t know starts gettin’ handsy with my Starshine I’m gonna ask questions.” 
“I understand that. But will you at least speak to him yourself? I’d feel better if you at least communicated with each other.”
“Ah..I’ll think about it. I can’t make any promises.” 
“Fair enough.”
As they settled into bed StarChild had a nagging feeling that this wasn’t going to be the end of it. 
In the morning the Sisterhood joined the others, with the exception of Mick, in the Main Hall. They gathered around a floating image of the Palace and its surrounding grounds to map out their positions. “KISSteria’s civilians will need to be taken out of the line of fire first and foremost.” StarChild said, pointing to the Sisterhood’s Temple. “The Sisterhood’s ranks will be divided. One half will join Red Lotus in protecting the people by barricading them inside the Temple. The other half will assist Master Radames in protecting Ayesha as well as the Rock of KISSteria in the Palace’s tower. Keeping them both out of the Necromancer’s hands is crucial to our victory.” He pointed to a nearby cliff. “Now..if Vinneketh’s and my premonitions come to pass, the Necromancer plans to have the Cult’s risen dead among its ranks, most likely on the front line. Demon will act as our eye in the sky to make sure this is the case. Nikki, Tommy..position yourselves on this cliff with your instruments. Once Demon gives you the signal start playing your hardest. We need to cut the undead off from the living as soon as possible. Whatever undead you don’t destroy outright, Vinneketh and his Troupe will eliminate with their magic.” The Twins smirked at each other. As long as they were, in their own unique words ‘wrecking shit’, they were happy. “I will be joining you on the front line of course.” Black Dahlia said. StarChild didn’t even bother disagreeing. That was pointless. He only smiled and nodded. “I guess I’ll be puttin’ myself at the front too.” Vince added. “Yours and my voice together can do some major damage, Starboy..what do ya say~?” 
“I say..I’m definitely ready to do some damage~” While they shook hands Ace focused on the empty spot in their circle. “I think Mick should stay here.” Nikki was the first to agree. “Sparks is right. Mick doesn’t go around tellin’ this to everybody but he’s not in the best of health. Goin’ out there would just make it worse. Isn’t there anything else he can do?” Vinneketh nodded. “If he could assist in watching over our daughter, Demon and I would be most grateful~” Nikki chuckled. “Watching the little Princess, huh? I think I can get him to agree. He may act like a grumpy old shit but he loves kids. Just don’t tell him I said that~” StarChild couldn’t help smiling. It was really nice seeing Nikki’s caring side again. “Ah..thank you, everyone~ I suppose that’s all we can plan for now until our other Allies arrive. If there is any word from the jungle you will all be informed. Meeting adjourned.” From the corner of his eye he watched Nikki approach Ace and pat him on the back. “Hey. Thanks for that back there. I’m sure Mick will appreciate it later.” Ace turned with a look that made StarChild’s pulse race a little faster. “Just lookin’ out for one of my own. I’m keepin’ it civil with ya as a favor to Starshine, but you an’ me ain’t buddies. We got stuff to discuss when this is all over.” He left without another word. 
StarChild went up to the confused Nikki and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry..I couldn’t continue to keep it from him..not after last night” 
“You told him about us?”
“I did.” 
“Well. Fuck.” 
To be Continued!!
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Black Dahlia (Chapter 6)
Morning all, and welcome back to Black Dahlia! This is sorta more of a filler chapter where not much action happens, but don’t you love those kinds of chapters? Hope you enjoy! Also, there’s no “Keep Reading” thing this time because I’m posting this from my phone and I can’t put a “Keep Reading” thing there from my phone for some damn reason. Sheesh, Tumblr, amirite? Anyway, read on and enjoy!
After completing their search of the sector, the only room they hadn’t checked was the chem lab, as it was locked.
“Shandi has the keys,” Starchild told Heather. “So we need to find Shandi.”
Shandi, luckily, was in her special effects lab, making sure effects worked for the concert. She was happy to open the lab for them, she just had to finish a test run.
Heather watched the generated ghost fly around and moan and cackle, and she had to admit—her effects were impressive. She definitely had the means to conjure a realistic-looking scythe… but what potentially was her motivation? She definitely stood to lose something if the park closed.
“Do you like working at KISS World, Shandi?” Heather asked her conversationally.
Shandi looked up at the question, and smiled. “Yeah, it’s pretty great. I mean, that security lady, Delilah, is kind of intense, but Mr. Goldman’s nice. It’s definitely better than always being on the road. Why do you ask?”
“I dunno, I just heard the park might close if this witch mystery isn’t solved,”
Shandi looked surprised. “Really? That’s terrible!”
Heather nodded. “Yeah, it is.” Reassured slightly, Heather went back to watching the ghost.
Suddenly, the door banged open and someone ran inside, tackling the ghost—or trying to tackle it, rather. There was a grunt, and then a splash. Why was there a splash?
“Freddy!” a voice cried out. Daphne?
The form on the floor sat up. “What is this place?” he said aloud—it was Fred.
The ghost disappeared, and Shandi turned the lights back on. “It’s my special effects lab,” she said.
Heather looked, and it was indeed Fred on the ground, looking soaked, with Daphne behind him. “Hey, kids!” she said cheerfully.
Starchild was not so cheerful. “I thought I told you guys to stay back,”
Daphne glared pointedly at Fred as he picked himself up off the ground. “Some of us had other ideas,”
Shandi looked at Fred’s soaked clothing. “Don’t worry, Fred, we can dry you off.” She turned to her two assistants. “Beth? Christine?”
The two girls went over to a huge fan and turned it on. The blast of air blew Fred back, and distorted his voice as he tried to speak.
When the girls turned off the fan, Daphne spoke again. “I take it you didn’t find the witch?”
Heather shook her head. “Nope,”
“We searched this whole sector except for the chem lab,” Starchild replied. “That’s why we came to Shandi.”
“I’m the only one who has the key,” Shandi explained. “C’mon, let’s go.”
The group followed Shandi down the hallway to the lab. “If you don’t mind me asking, Shandi,” Heather said to her, “why is the lab locked?”
“For the last few months, chemicals have gone missing,” Shandi replied. “So I keep the lab under lock and key. No one gets in without coming to me first.”
“What kinds of chemicals?”
“Gases, mostly. The gas is harmless to people, but the effect it makes is cool.”
Shandi unlocked the door, opened it, and turned on the lights. There were tables set up, and a machine over in one corner, but other than that the tables were bare. “See?” Shandi gestured to the tables. “Empty.”
Fred’s eyes lit up at the sight of the machine. “Hey, is that a chemical analyzer?”
Shandi smiled. “Pretty smart of you, Fred,”
“I’ve got a couple at home,” Fred pulled out the evidence bag containing the red dust. “Hey, do you think you can analyze this? It’s the residue from the witch’s mist.”
Shandi took the bag. “Sure. Anything for a fellow chemie.”
Fred watched her go over to the analyzer. Heather raised an eyebrow at that, then turned to find Daphne glaring in Shandi’s direction. Jealousy on both fronts, eh? This is sure to end well…
The analysis was going to take a few hours, so Fred and Daphne decided to meet up with the rest of the gang.
“Would you allow me to escort you back to the surface, m’lady?” Starchild asked Heather jokingly, bowing like a gentleman as Daphne and Fred walked off.
Heather laughed and curtsied. “Oh, how very kind of you, sir,”
As they were walking back to the surface, Heather suddenly thought of the flowers lining the wall. “Hey, by the way, I wasn’t expecting the flowers outside the wall. Who did that?”
“Uh…” Starchild rubbed the back of his neck. “… We suggested it. The band, I mean. We didn’t actually expect them to do it.”
Heather wasn’t expecting that. “Oh… Well, they look really nice.”
The two of them were silent for a moment, then Starchild said, “Heather… if you wanted to, you could come back.”
Heather turned to him in surprise. “I could?”
“As I said, if you wanted to. We’d all accept you back. If you don’t want to, it’s okay. But… we miss you almost every day.”
Heather couldn’t find a reply, except for, “… Can I think it over?”
Starchild nodded. “Of course. Take all the time you need, and when you’re ready, we’ll be there.”
Heather rejoined the gang in the security building. Upon walking into the room with the security cameras, she immediately noticed Shaggy and Scooby were shaking, glancing around. “What happened to you guys?”
“Like, we ran into the witch and some freaky KISS monsters!” Shaggy replied. “We like barely escaped with our lives!”
From where she was sitting at the computers, Velma rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic, Shaggy.” She turned and explained to Heather, “They ran into the Crimson Witch, and she apparently made KISS monster statues come alive. By the time we got there, they were gone.”
Heather raised her eyebrows at both the story and Velma calling her the Crimson Witch. “Freaky. How was your visit to Chikara?”
Velma frowned at the thought of the woman. “I’ll give her this: she can tell a story.”
“It still seems kind of freaky to me,” Daphne stated. “Too freaky to be real.”
Heather didn’t reply to that. She wished it was too freaky to be real, too.
She and the gang gathered around Velma’s chair as she keyed up character profiles of all the people they had met tonight. “I can’t say we don’t have enough suspects,” she said. “The problem is finding a motive.”
“The only one who’d like the park to shut down is Chip,” said Fred. “But he doesn’t seem smart enough.”
Daphne turned to him. “Shandi’s smart enough,”
“I know,” Fred replied. “But she’s way too cute to be a suspect.”
Daphne glared at him. Heather rolled her eyes. “I’m not too sure about Shandi, Daphne,” she said to the obviously-jealous girl. “I asked her earlier about it—I don’t think she wants the park to shut down.”
“What about Manny Goldman?” Velma asked.
Heather frowned as Manny’s profile came up onscreen. “Manny would never do something like this,” she insisted. “He’s not the type. Besides, he doesn’t even want the park to close.”
“Like, neither would the security lady,” Shaggy chimed in. “They’d lose their jobs.”
“Chikara’s the one who’s most obsessed with the witch,” Velma said, turning her chair around. “She talks as if she’s really supernatural.”
“She’s not?” Shaggy asked.
“No, Shaggy, she’s not. No matter what you think you’ve seen, there has to be a rational explanation.”
Heather didn’t give a reply to that, either. The way this mystery was going, she was going to let Velma stick to her philosophy for as long as possible—she wasn’t going to sink so low as to shatter it for her.
“It all centers on that rock,” Fred commented.
“The so-called Rock of KISSteria,” Velma agreed, “which seems to be KISS’s Detroit Rock.”
Heather snorted slightly at that. It was a lame cover story back then, and it was a lame cover story now.
“You mean the one they sing about in that song ‘Detroit Rock City’?” Shaggy asked. “I always thought that stood for rock and roll!”
“Huh.” The gang and Heather turned to see Spaceman and Starchild entering the room. It was Spaceman who had spoken. “Never thought of that,” he said thoughtfully. “I guess that works too.”
“Did you figure anything out?” Starchild asked the group.
“Not yet,” Daphne answered. “But if we had that rock, we might be able to set a trap.”
Starchild smiled at her. “Then maybe it’s time we hand it over to you, darling,”
Heather watched in anticipation as Demon placed the ornate box on the table, trying hard not to bounce on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“I do not like this,” Demon growled.
Starchild just kept smiling. “It’s going to be fine,”
“How do you know?”
Starchild just pointed at his right eye.
Demon was not amused. “Oy…”
Catman spoke up. “C’mon, Demon. If we don’t stop the witch tonight, the park’ll go under!”
“So let’s rock these kids already!” Spaceman exclaimed.
The two of them placed their hands on the box one after the other, and Starchild followed. When they placed their hands on the box, a musical note sounded out.
Demon finally heaved a sigh and threw his hands up in the air. “Alright,”
He placed his hand on the box, and a fourth musical note sounded. Then the top decoration of the box twisted around, then sank down. The box opened, and the Rock of KISSteria was revealed to them all.
Perhaps it was because it had been years since she’d seen it, but the sight of the majestic black diamond took Heather’s breath away. She had always taken pride in the fact that her family helped to create that rock, and to see it before her eyes again was nothing short of an honor.
The rest of the gang seemed awed as well. “Jinkies,” Velma breathed. “It’s a black diamond!”
“The largest in the world,” Starchild informed her proudly.
“That explains why the Crimson Witch has turned this place upside down looking for it!” Daphne exclaimed.
“Now it’s just a matter of setting a trap,” Fred said, getting his serious plan-making look on his face.
“Yeah!” Shaggy agreed, placing his hand on Scooby’s head. “So like, who’s going to be the bait?”
All of them, Heather included, turned to look at them and chorused, “You are!”
Shaggy and Scooby visibly deflated at the news. “Scoob, how is it that out of four ginormous superheroes, you and I have to do the hard part?”
Scooby sighed despairingly. “Oh, just lucky, I guess,”
Heather smiled at them. “C’mon, guys, you can do it! KISS can’t lure her out; they’re too obvious.”
“Yeah,” Catman agreed. “Put yourself in our shoes.”
Shaggy perked up at that. “Y’know what? That might just help.”
“… and then we’ll throw the net over the witch!” Fred concluded, smiling in excitement as he finished explaining his plan. “So, how’s that sound?”
He was met with silence. Demon, in his usual blunt fashion, spoke up first. “Your plan is to lure her out with the Rock of KISSteria… and throw a net over her?”
“Yeah!” Fred nodded. Then his smile faded slightly. “Why? Is that bad?”
Catman shrugged. “I mean, it’s not a bad plan. It’s just…”
“You’re going to need to do better than that,” Spaceman finished.
Velma looked skeptical. “She’s just a woman in a costume. How hard can it be to trap her?”
“Very hard,”
Everyone turned to Heather. Her arms were crossed, her gaze was on the floor, and the younger kids were instantly struck by the haunted look on her face. She looked up at Fred. “Fred, far be it from me to get in the way of your trap-making, but it’s not going to be that simple. Either add on to it, or scrap it and think of something else.”
“But Aunt Heather—” Fred began, but Heather cut him off, her voice now firm.  
“I don’t care. You need to do better than just throwing a net over her!” She turned to the rest of the gang. “And that goes for the rest of you. The Crimson Witch is dangerous, kids. She’s not some run-of-the-mill monster who’s just a human in a costume. You all have to understand that from here on out, you could get seriously hurt, or even killed. So figure it out, but in the gods’ names, do not just settle for throwing a net over her.”
She turned on her heel and headed for the door, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll go tell Manny we’re making a plan.”
When she had disappeared out the door, Daphne made to follow her. “Let her go,” Starchild said to her. “She’ll be fine.”
“I’ve never seen her like that before,” Fred said worriedly. “What is it about the Crimson Witch that makes her so upset?”
“Chikara mentioned Heather, too,” Velma piped up. “But she kept calling her ‘Black Dahlia.’ Why is that?”
KISS glanced at each other, and it was Starchild who answered. “There’s a lot about Heather she doesn’t like to talk about, and a lot more to her than you realize.”
“But Aunt Heather’s… Aunt Heather!” Fred insisted. “She’s not some maniac with a ton of secrets! She’s just Aunt Heather, my sixty-year-old aunt who likes flowers and rock music! Why would she want to keep secrets?”
Demon glared at him pointedly. “Let’s say something happened to you, so horrible that you were never the same as you were before. Would you want to talk about it?”
None of them had an answer to that.
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Shandi’s Tales from Sphynxia!
Writing more about the Golden Order cause I’m sure poor Vinneketh could really use his bros right now~
With Demon gone, Vinneketh goes back to Sphynxia to be with his family..only to find the Royal Court of Rhye are there as guests!
Vinneketh had made a decision. His Master and the rest of his Troupe were always there for him in his times of need. Now that Demon was no longer with him he needed them now more than ever. After speaking to the Elder she was more than happy to grant him the use of KISSteria’s Star Portal to return to Sphynxia. Upon his arrival he noticed desert caravans outside of the Palace. They were clearly for royalty, carrying sparkling white banners with a very familiar coat of arms. Immediately he knew who they belonged to. He was looking forward to having tea with Prince Freddie again. “Welcome home, Vinneketh!” Radames greeted, hugging him tightly. “I know this separation has been difficult for you, but we are here any time you need us. You are very much loved, my son~” Vinneketh smiled. “Thank you, Master. I think being home is something that I need right now. I can heal properly here~”
“Is that my darling Vinneketh I see~?”
“Indeed it is, Freddie. How wonderful to have you and your Court as guests here in Sphynxia~”
They ran to each other and hugged. “Oh, it’s been an absolutely fabulous time here darling..the decor is just so beautiful! Dear Radames has been quite the gracious host~ I and the rest of my Court are just settling into our sleeping quarters. We simply must meet later for dinner!” Vinneketh nodded enthusiastically. The joyful atmosphere was already helping him to feel better. “I would like that very much, Freddie~ Please pardon me while I go and dress myself for the occasion~”
Later that evening after bathing and changing clothes Vinneketh adjusted the brooch that held his sash together before heading to the dining hall. He was happy to see the rest of his Troupe at the table. Bomani was the first to see him enter. He quickly got up from his seat and went over to him, pulling him into a tight embrace. “It is good to see you back here again. I have missed you..” Vinneketh hesitated briefly but returned the hug. “And I have missed you..all of you..very much~” The others joined the embrace. “You gonna be stayin’ for a while?” Masika asked as he ruffled the dancer’s hair. “Cause we got a lot of catchin’ up to do!” Vinneketh laughed. “Yes, I do intend to stay for quite a while. I promise you we will all have ample time to catch up~”
Radames led Freddie and his Court into the hall a short time later, all of them dressed in flawlessly white flowing garments. Freddie of course had his collar lined with fur and jewels fitting of his higher ranking. Vinneketh always found new ways to admire the Sovereign Prince’s eccentric sense of fashion. “Honored guests from Rhye, Sphynxia welcomes you, and whole heartedly accepts your offer of friendship. May our alliance be fruitful and prosperous for us both~” The Warrior Troupe bowed graciously after their Master spoke. Freddie was beside himself with happiness. “May your Gods bless you for your lovely hospitality, Master Radames~ If you don’t mind my Court would like to say a few things~” 
“Oh, please..you are free to speak whenever you wish~” 
Vinneketh watched intently as each member of the Court stood to speak. Lord Brian was very tall, handsome and incredibly well spoken. Every time he moved his head his curls would bounce. It was adorable~ Lord Roger was a refreshing ball of energy. He made many humorous quips as well, which never failed to make Freddie laugh. He’d get along well with Masika~ Lord John however was the exact opposite. His voice was quiet but he spoke very poetically. Dalila was quick to show his admiration, making John’s cheeks flush as he took his seat. How cute~ During dinner the entire table was alive with conversation. Even while Vinneketh spoke with Freddie he noticed how much Dalila and John seemed to gravitate more towards each other. They really seemed to fit well together~
The hours ticked by with no one really noticing. Unfortunately Dalila was one of the first to succumb to the need for sleep. He politely excused himself from the table, saying good night and bowing to their guests. He was too tired to realize that the lotus blossom in his hair had fallen out, but John noticed. He got up from his seat and picked up the flower, running out to catch Dalila further down the hall. “Pardon me..!” he shouted, cradling the blossom gently in his hand. “I’m afraid you dropped this.” Dalila blinked, patting the spot in his hair where his blossom was supposed to be. “Oh! That has never fallen out before. How strange. But it was most kind of you to return it to me~” John felt his face heat up again as Dalila smiled at him. He was just so incredibly beautiful when he smiled~ John timidly reached up to place the blossom back in the blond warrior’s hair. “There you are. Good as new~” Now it was Dalila’s turn to blush. “Thank you, John~ Would you perhaps..like to meet in the morning for tea by the lotus garden~?” John’s heart was already pounding with anticipation. “That sounds wonderful. I would love to~”
To Be Continued!!
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 12!
So this friggin idea just sprang out of nowhere and I dunno where it came from! I’m flying by the seat of my pants with this so if anything doesn’t make sense I apologize. I’m afraid I don’t have a vast knowledge of Mötley Crüe. :/
KISSteria gets turned upside down with the arrival of the loud and crude Terror Twins. At first StarChild is repulsed…but eventually he finds himself enraptured~
The silence of the KISSterian Court’s main hall was broken by the loud revving of engines. StarChild grimaced, watching the Elder dig her fingers into the cushions on the arms of her throne. It still amazed him how expertly she disguised her emotions in the name of diplomacy. The crowd quickly parted as their ‘guests’ came barreling in on their motorbikes, hollering and laughing like the vagrants they were. StarChild’s face twisted is distaste. It was hard to believe that men like them were part of any realm’s ruling body. Then again considering where they were from.. The Elder stood, waiting until after their guests turned off their engines to speak. “The Court of KISSteria is honored to welcome Tommy and Nikki Terror from the realm of Anarkia!” StarChild audibly snorted. Terrors, were they? He could believe that. 
Tommy and Nikki were well known throughout their realm as the Terror Twins. They weren’t related in any way but they had been so close their entire lives they were basically joined at the hip. They had a bit of an air of attractiveness about them, StarChild supposed. Both sported wild black hair, Nikki’s decorated with red streaks, were dressed in studded, ripped black, white and red leather that fit like a second skin, spiked gloves with their Realm’s symbol, platform heeled boots and tattoos covering nearly every inch of their bodies. They dismounted their bikes and approached the thrones. The way they walked..the looks on their faces..they just screamed arrogance. It was already getting on StarChild’s nerves. 
“It’s an honor to meetcha and blah blah blah..” Tommy said, making a talking motion with his hand. Nikki smacked his shoulder and laughed. So rude. StarChild got up from his throne and fixed them with a stern look. “Excuse me. I was unaware that you weren’t taught proper respect when you’re guests in someone else’s home. Perhaps you should come back after you’ve learned some.” The Twins turned to him and stared. “Oooh..what a feisty little Princess we got here~” Nikki teased with a lecherous smirk. “Why don’t you and I ‘negotiate’ in private? I’m good with my mouth~” He made a point of wagging his tongue for emphasis. Making a noise of complete disgust, StarChild stormed out. He’d already had quite enough of Nikki Terror. 
It wasn’t until StarChild attended the Twins’ Alliance Ceremony, which was unfortunately a royal obligation, that he was forced to deal with Nikki again. As hard as he tried to avoid him, the clever Anarkian would always find him in the crowd and make lewd gestures and comments. Eventually Nikki managed to corner him on a balcony. “Nowhere to run to now, Princess~” he purred, backing StarChild against the wall. “Why..can’t you just leave me alone..?” He shuddered, finding himself trapped between Nikki’s arms. “Cause it’s fun teasin’ you..and I like it when they play hard-to-get~” ‘They’. Meaning he’d done this many times before. Not surprising. He could fight back. There was nothing stopping him from laying this idiot out. So why wasn’t he? It wasn’t just because it wouldn’t be beneficial to the alliance.. Nikki’s lips brushing against his ear made his skin tingle pleasantly. “N-no..” His arms shot out, grabbing at Nikki’s shoulders to hold him back. “I can’t..I..”
“Why? Am I not good enough for you, Your Highness?”
“I didn’t say that!” 
“You don’t have to say it. I saw that haughty look you gave us when we came. We’re from Anarkia so we must be trash.”
“Well..your ‘introduction’ didn’t help matters.”
“Heh. That’s just me, Princess. I’m not gonna apologize for bein’ who I am.” 
“You’re rude and vulgar.” 
“Yep. And you know what? You were blushin’. If a small part of you wants it..it’s nothin’ to be ashamed of~” 
StarChild turned away. His face was so hot it felt as if it was going to catch fire at any moment. He felt warm breath on his neck, his collar being unfastened, then hungry lips pressing greedy kisses to his sensitive flesh. His arousal was building fast even though he’d never been with anyone else before. He was scared but it just..felt so good. He started to tremble, grabbing onto Nikki’s arms. “Please..Nikki..” 
“Tell me what you want~” 
“I don’t..want to do this here. Someone could see. Let’s..go to my room..” 
“How ‘bout we meet up after this whole thing’s over? Don’t wanna be a horrible guest and all that..” 
Nikki Terror actually concerned about being rude? That made StarChild laugh. “Since when did you start caring?” Nikki shrugged. “Maybe you rubbed off on me a little, Princess~” 
After StarChild placed his collar back around his neck they went back inside, with Nikki giving StarChild a not so subtle pat to his bottom before they parted ways. StarChild huffed. What in the Gods’ name was he thinking wanting to share his bed with someone like Nikki Terror? He was truly crazy..and he kinda loved it. 
To be Continued!!
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 11!
The Vinnie mood is high so more writings are inevitable! Bless our beautiful Gold Boi~ 
Vinneketh tries a sleeping potion from the Sisterhood that has interesting side effects. Ties in to @misslivvie‘s story Missing You~
Vinneketh hugged Dahlia tightly as he left the Coven’s temple. “Thank you again~ Hopefully with this I can finally sleep.” Dahlia smiled. “It was our pleasure, Vinneketh~ Please come back to visit soon. If the potion doesn’t work we can try something else.” He returned her smile and left, clutching the bottle close to his chest. “Gods please..bless me with slumber this night..” 
After so many restless night he took to sleeping in Demon’s chambers. It somewhat eased his loneliness for his beloved husband but not enough for him to rest peacefully. While brewing his evening tea he poured the bottle into the kettle. The tea turned a deep shade of purple much like the color of wine. It was rather beautiful~ He poured himself a cup, taking a deep breath before drinking. As soon as his cup was empty his eyes grew heavy. “I didn’t expect it to..work so quickly..” The moment those words escaped his lips his head was on the pillow and he fell into a deep restful sleep.
Far, far away on the planet Earth, KISS was gaining quick notoriety. Four extremely talented young men that came from seemingly out of nowhere, their faces painted with unusual but unique designs and dressed in leather, spandex and platform heels began dominating the world of rock music. Demon, disguised in his new human form stared out of the window of the hotel room he shared with CatMan. Though proud of their successes there were still days when he missed KISSteria..and the touch of his lovely husband. He stared at the gold wedding band that he now wore chained around his neck. “I wish you were here with me, my Treasure..” he whispered, holding the ring tightly in his hand. “I wish I could tell you how much I miss you..” The room was suddenly bathed in a bright gold light causing Demon to shield his eyes. When the light finally died down and his vision cleared, Vinneketh was standing before him. “Treasure..?” 
“Beloved..is that you..? Why do you look so different..?” 
Demon continued to stare as he moved closer. Was he dreaming? He couldn’t be..he was awake! His wedding band began to pulse, matching the rhythm of his husband’s. He quickly tore the ring from his neck and placed it back on his finger. “It is me, Treasure. My wish has been granted~” Vinneketh saw the ring, and that was all the proof he needed. He ran into his husband’s arms, sobbing and clinging to him. “My wish as well, my beloved~ Gods bless the Sisters~” Demon chuckled softly. He’d have to remember to thank Dahlia upon his return. Curious hands touched his face and hair. “This human look..it suits you, my darling~ How does it feel?” Demon purred, leaning into his husband’s touch. “It’s..still strange but I’m becoming accustomed to it. Right now though..nothing I’ve experienced here compares to the joy I feel at this very moment~” Vinneketh smiled, pulling his husband closer for a kiss. “Demon..my sweet Demon~”
“My name is Gene now, Treasure. Gene Simmons.”
“That is a fine name~”
“Mmm..I’ll enjoy hearing you moan it~”
“Gods yes please. I have been so starved for your touch, my darling. I do not know how much time I have here. Please take me now..!”
The dancer allowed his eager husband to strip him naked and carry him to his bed. All of the pent up passion they’d held for each other was laid bare as they made love. Vinneketh writhed and panted, clawing at his husband’s back. “Gods..I have..missed you..inside me, my beloved..ahh..please..faster..please~!!” Demon growled in reply. He pushed his human body to its absolute limit, wrapping his husband’s legs around his hips as he thrust into him. “I love you, my Treasure..no one else can please me the way you can..no one..” Soon they were completely in sync. They moaned together. Their bodies moved together. They climaxed together. 
Demon collapsed onto his side with a sated sigh, still holding his husband close. Vinneketh kept his arms and legs wrapped around his husband’s body. “Dearest Gene..I love you, my darling~” He frowned and held on tighter. He could feel himself slipping away. “I am sorry, beloved..I must go..” 
“What? Why now?” 
“The magic that brought me here..it is fading..” 
“No, Treasure..you can’t go..you just got here..!” 
Vinneketh shook his head, gazing at his husband with tear-filled eyes. “I do not wish to go, my darling..I would stay if I could..but I–” Demon pulled him close for a deep, loving kiss. “It’s alright. I was happy just to have you as long as I did. I was happy to hold you..to kiss you..to make love to you.. I will never forget how glorious you felt.”
“Neither shall I. I will find a way to return to you, dearest husband. I swear on my Gods.” He kissed Demon’s lips one last time. “I love you with my whole heart. Forever..and always..”
“Forever and always, my Treasure~” 
Vinneketh awoke in his own bed with a soft gasp. He looked over at the sun’s rays peaking through the small gaps in his curtains. It was morning already? He sat up and stretched. “That..potion really did do the trick..and then some~” His body still hummed from his husband’s touch. His bed clothes smelled like him. It was a wonderful experience he would not soon forget. Still..he wondered if Dahlia knew what would happen.
“I simply must ask her when we have breakfast~” 
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 10!
Lol I hate myself for thinking of this. This is the last part of the Golden Dancer series. At least for now~
Demon must cope with a pain he never thought he’d experience. The pain of loss.
Vinneketh could see the anxiety practically radiating from his lover. He crawled onto the bed behind Demon’s hunched over form and began to rub his shoulders. “I wish you would talk to me, darling..” he said, resting his chin on his lover’s head. “I cannot help you if you cannot be open with me.” Demon just heaved a heavy sigh. As nice as the massage felt it did nothing to ease his tensions. “I do..need to speak to you..” His voice was barely audible. “..it’s just so difficult..” He purred quietly as the dancer pressed kisses to his temple. “Whatever it is…you can tell me. We promised no secrets, remember?” He nodded. Even without psychic abilities he found it extremely difficult to keep anything from his Treasure. He held Vinneketh close and took a deep breath. “The night we argued..I went to StarChild for consolation. He..has expressed interest in going to Earth to live among the humans..creating their music. He wants to go soon..and he’s asked me to come along with him..” His lover’s silence only made his anxiety escalate. Not that it improved any when he finally spoke again. 
“You..are leaving KISSteria..? Leaving me..?” 
Demon squeezed his eyes shut. Those words stung so much they shook him to his core. He held his lover tightly and kissed him. “If I had any other choice I would never..but StarChild and I share a bond of blood. He is my summoner. I am sworn to protect him. Vinneketh nodded slowly. He understood such bonds very well. Still..it didn’t make this hurt any less. “Can I not go with you..?” Demon shook his head. “We have no idea what this ‘Earth’ will be like. I would be crazy to allow you to risk yourself as well. I refuse to lose you, my Treasure. You are my dearest love..my soulmate. Part of me will always remain with you.”
Vinneketh clung to Demon’s shoulders, shaking and sobbing loudly. “I beg you..please..!! Reconsider..!!” His beloved kissed him once more, gently stroking his hair. “Marry me, Vinneketh..say you’ll belong to me.” He pulled back slightly with a soft gasp. Did he..hear that right? “Wh-what did you say..?” Demon held his face, wiping his tears away with his thumbs. “I said..marry me.” The dancer broke down again, this time shedding tears of happiness. “Yes, Demon..yes I will marry you, my beloved..!” 
Demon agreed to his lover’s wishes to be wed in Sphynxia. With the Elder’s blessing they were allowed to use KISSteria’s Star Portal to transport themselves there. Nothing made Vinneketh happier than being home again after being away for so long. He took Demon’s hand and led him towards the Palace. “I must introduce you to the Master~” When they entered Demon could clearly see what influenced Vinneketh’s bathchamber decor. Nearly everything was drenched in gold and made from beautiful white marble. The strong scent of incense made his nose twitch. He much preferred the gentle scents of the oils his lover enjoyed. “Master~!!” Demon watched as the dancer ran to a man dressed in regal white robes with long flowing sleeves that resembled a bird’s wings. He smiled and held his arms open. “My dear Vinneketh. I am pleased to see you looking so well~ We have missed you here.” They held each other in a tight embrace. “Master..you know I could never stay away. Come..I want you to meet someone~” Demon stiffened. The man’s eyes seemed to be judging him already. “Beloved..this is my Master Radames Fertari~ Master..this is Demon, the man I wish to be wed to~” Radames narrowed his eyes. “So I see. This is the one who stole your heart, hm?” Vinneketh beamed. “Indeed he is~ Master..I would be honored if you gave us your blessing~” Radames crossed his hands over his heart. “It gives me such joy to look upon you now. The brightness in your smile is truly a gift from Ra himself~ If you will permit me, I will perform the marriage rites~” The dancer hugged his Master once more, making the cutest happy noises Demon had ever heard. “Yes, Master I would love that so much~!” 
While Radames prepared the Ceremonial Temple, Demon sat and watched him. To say he was nervous was the understatement of the millennium. His hands were shaking. He was sweating. His heart was racing. Still, he had no regrets. Vinneketh was the one he wanted to spend eternity with. “Everything is in readiness.” he heard Radames say. “All that is left is..to.. ….” Demon turned in the direction the Master was staring, only to be struck into silent awe himself. Vinneketh stood there looking as radiant as the sun, dressed in glittering golden robes with a train that trailed at least 5 feet behind him. No sleeves of course. It was much too hot for sleeves anyway. Instead golden coils shaped like snakes were wrapped around the length of his arms. The black silk sash that Demon had given to him was wrapped around his waist, held together with a gold brooch in the shape on an ankh. A golden circlet wrapped around his head crowned with the figure of a kneeling winged woman with her arms stretched out and a sun disk atop her head. “That..is the circlet of Isis I gave you as a birthday gift. Look at you..the very image of the Gods’ perfection~” Radames said, finally finding the will to speak. The dancer smiled and nodded. “Thank you so much, Master. I had been saving it for this day~” Demon was frozen in place. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire existence..and they were about to be married. “I am..so unworthy..” he whispered to himself. 
“We are gathered here to join these two in the sacred bond of marriage. On this day, Demon and Vinneketh have chosen to live out the rest of their lives together in the holy union of heart and soul.” Radames took a small gold chest from the altar behind him, opening it to reveal a pair of rings. One made of gold and one made of obsidian. “Take these rings, my children..and speak your vows~” Vinneketh smiled, taking the gold ring and sliding it onto Demon’s finger.
“My Demon..my dearest love~ I never dreamed I would find such a deep spiritual connection with anyone. With the placement of this ring I give myself to you, my beloved. In the presence of my Gods I give you my solemn vow that I will remain by your side for as long as breath remains in me~” 
Demon purred softly, admiring his ring briefly before taking the obsidian ring and placing it on Vinneketh’s finger. 
“You, Vinneketh..are my most precious golden treasure. You have taught me how to love with my whole heart and you have given my life true purpose. With this ring, I vow to you that my loyalty to you will never waver. My love for you will never be destroyed. I am yours until you no longer wish to have me.”
Radames smiled as they gazed deeply into each other’s eyes. “Then, my children..with the power vested in me by our Gods, I bless you with the gift of being wed. You may kiss~” With their fingers laced together Demon and Vinneketh shared their first kiss as husbands. 
They spent the next two months in Sphynxia basking in their wedded bliss. But their happiness seemed all too short lived when Demon received a letter from KISSteria. He crushed the paper tightly in his hand. “My love..StarChild is requesting my return. I believe he..wishes to leave for Earth any time now.” Vinneketh sighed. “I have dreaded this day..and now it has finally come. He went to his husband and wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing his cheek against his back. “I suppose..we must return..” Demon nodded. “I will have to use my power to transport us back. Hold onto me tightly.” In a blinding blaze of fire they vanished, reappearing in Demon’s chambers on KISSteria. They went to the Main Hall where StarChild waited with SpaceMan and CatMan. “There you are, Demon! I’m happy my letter reached you. Are you ready to go?” Demon blinked. He wasn’t expecting to have to leave as soon as he returned. Vinneketh frowned and squeezed his husband’s hand tightly. “I..suppose I am. Let’s get to the Portal.” 
As they all stood in front of the Star Portal, Vinneketh couldn’t stop himself from crying. Demon held him close and nuzzled his sweet smelling hair. “I promise you, my love..I will return. Until then I will find a way to stay in contact with you. I told you when we wed…you will never lose me.” The dancer nodded, kissing his husband one last time. “Please..be safe, my darling..part of my heart goes with you.” 
Watching them enter the portal, Vinneketh made a promise to himself that he would see his beloved Demon again. Even if he had to brave the perils of Earth to do it.
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