#jeez if only she knew how much these boys care about her
lunasdreamytreats · 2 months
Best kept secrets
Baizhu x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW // !PSUDO STEPFATHER/STEPDAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP! don't like, don't read // modern au // legal age-gap (Baizhu's in his late 30's, reader's in their early 20's) // drinking wine // reader calls their mother 'mama' // petnames (darling, little girl / good girl) // daddy kink (u call him it a few times and he calls himself it too) // mentions of drugs and aphrodisiacs // begging // oral (m+f receiving) // fingering // dumbification // bad writing (was still finding my writing style as i began writing and its not fully proofread)
Word count: 3.5k... (jeez i went crazy)
A/N: HBD MY LOVE 🥰 I love Baizhu sm, been planning this bad boy forever. Please enjoy and make sure to read the warnings carefully and lmk if I missed something ❤️
'How did this happen again?' You ask yourself as you accept another kiss from the man you knew as your stepfather. It feels so wrong, until you remember how your own mother is a cheating gold digger herself. Virtually your whole life up until a year ago had been on the move. Your mother would marry rich men who owned whole companies or company branches and either bankrupt them and leave or cause a scandal so they go out of business and leave. Over 19 years you’ve had a total of 10 stepfathers and you've never been really close with any of them.
As far as you know, the most recent one is the only one out of your stepfathers that has more than one source of income. He owns the only pharmacy in town while also working as a doctor. It must be taking longer to burn through it than normal, you thought, since you're still there.
You feel as if you should be grateful that your mother hasn't ruined it yet, because you've grown fond of life in this family. Your little sister Qiqi absolutely adores you as her big sister. Although your not sure if your mother knows about this, but your stepdad, Baizhu, absolutely loves being able to spend his money on you. Whenever you get off work he'll wait outside for you in the car with your favourite music ready to play. He'd drive around town with you for half an hour before going to pick Qiqi up from school. If you saw anything you wanted while driving, he'd tell you to quickly jump out and buy it with his card.
“Sweetie I don't care how much it costs if you want it I'll gladly get it for you.” Is what he'd say if you tried to protest in any way, in the end, you’ve just accepted it as him wanting to spoil you. Baizhu was very different to any of your other stepfathers, for one, he's making an effort to bond with you..... Oh and he's young, well, young compared to the others. At only 35 when they got married, he was 2 years your mother’s junior and 17 years your senior.
The 4 of you lived a fairly drama-free life up until tonight, when Baizhu came back home after dropping sweet Qiqi off at her best friend Yaoyao's house for her very first sleepover. He came in and asked you to come downstairs and sit on the couch, saying he needed to ask you about something important. You promptly closed the game you were playing and put the controller back, coming down to see Baizhu in the kitchen with a bottle of white wine and 2 glasses.
“Oh? What's the special occasion, Dad?” You asked before sitting back down with him.
“It's about your mother, (Y/N).” You froze slightly, wanting to ask him if anything bad happened to her. However, before you could speak, he placed one of the full glasses of wine into your hand.
"Do you know if she cheated on any of your other stepfathers, like any one of them?"
“Well I don't know for certain, but I've got a feeling she cheated on all of them, including my father.” You lifted the glass of wine up to the light and swirled the liquid around before continuing.
“Right when she leaves them, I found that either their companies crumbled, or they declared bankruptcy. Some less than 6 months after their wedding. It's happened way too many times to be a total coincidence.” Looking over at him, you saw a small sigh leave his lips as his eyes met yours. The low light of the lamps on the wall adjacent to him made his golden irises glow. ‘Oh fuck that's really pretty.... h-hold on a god damn second, that's your stepdad your talking about, dumbass!’ You quickly shook the thought out of your head and took a sip of wine to distract yourself.
“Why'd ya ask?”
“I saw your mother with someone and they were talking about how long until they can run off together....” You always had a feeling she had an accomplice her little scheme, but a whole ass lover all these years? Baizhu leaned forward in order to put the wine glass back on the counter and shifted to face you.
“Thank you for telling me this, my darling.” Eh why the lovey dovey language? He seems to be awfully calm for someone who just found out what a horrible person his wife is.
“Dad.... now that you've caught mama, when do you want us out of here by?”
“Hm? Why would I kick you out, darling?” Again with the darling! Is this really how fathers express their affection towards their children?
“I-I just thought since she's cheating on you, you wouldn't want her or her child arou-!” He's laughing? How? You thought he'd be annoyed. And yet here he is, not only not giving a toss about the current situation, he's laughing at it.... Why?
“Do you think I'd leave my cute, sweet little girl all alone without someone that loves her like I do? No no no darling. Besides, this is the best time to show you something that I've been planning this last year.” What could that be? You wondered. Come to think of it, from his plans for Qiqi's birthday party to things he's overheard at work, he's never kept anything a secret from you. He stood up and retrieved a piece of paper from inside a safe in the wall that he hid behind his back so you couldn't see what was written on it. As he sat back down, you managed to catch a small glimpse of the contents of the paper, you saw your signature there and what you can only assume is Baizhu's, both written in black ink next to each other at the bottom of the page.
'Oh! He must be holding the adoption papers we signed after the wedding'. You had another quick glance at the paper again before he folded it up and set it down on the table.... What?? You must be hallucinating because your pretty sure the words 'certificate of marriage' were at the top of the page. Hang on, if that's a marriage certificate, then why did you clearly see your signature next to Baizhu's?
“Did you see it, my darling?” Baizhu's words brought you back into the moment at hand, oh, that and his hand resting on your waist. The small gesture causing a shiver to shoot up your spine. “You’re my real wife. And you have been all this time.”
“How?” The reality of this situation hitting you like a boulder made your voice go hoarse, coming out like a broken cry. How was he able to hide something so big for so long? “How did I not notice it?”
“I'll be honest, I only got close to your mother so I could be with you, my darling. I knew what your mother was when I saw her, now she's the only one in the dark about it.” Baizhu's voice broke through the stifling silence around us. This is so weird, you’ve always thought your stepdad was a nice man, in personality, heart and looks. And you’ve told your friends about how you'd like your future partner to be like him. So should you go along with it?
“B-But what about the wedding night? Didn't you and mama have sex?”
“Nope, she ran off after the ceremony, I spent the night in your room.”
“W-what!? How the fuck did I not feel you?”
“Not when you've taken the deep sleep elixir I put in your food. I’d put it in whenever I knew your mother was going out for the night.”
“Oh, so that's why I hardly remember those nights.”
“Fuck, you're so cute when you don't know what to make of a situation, darling. I wonder what your reaction is going to be when I do this?” With no warning, Baizhu pulled you closer, onto his lap, and kissed your neck. The bold action made you gasp in shock. While you were distracted, he took the opportunity to catch you off guard again and kiss your lips. The kiss was just as he was, gentle and full of passion, yet demanding. Letting you know that although he’s being gentle, he’s still the one in control. He’s holding you so soft and tenderly, it makes this kiss feel like a natural part of life. Like your forgetting you two had a completely different relationship before...
That's how it came to you and your stepd- no, your husband making out in the open space of the living room. :)
'This isn't wrong. He's my husband.' You told yourself as you kissed him back. The grip his hands have on the flesh of your hips was so soft, as if he couldn't bare the thought of hurting you. Which, in a way, was true. He couldn’t bare the thought of being the reason you were in pain. As the kiss deepened, he felt more comfortable in exploring your body. His hands gently glide up your body before setting on your chest. His hands circle your body to where the dress zipper and bra clasp were.
As his arms pulled you closer, his fingers grazed the bit of exposed skin, making you shiver at the contact. Pulling away from your lips, Baizhu looked at you with love filled eyes and ran his finger over the neckline of your dress before hooking a finger on it and tugging at the fabric.
“My darling, can I?” He asked, rather breathless from the deep kiss. You could only nod in response until you find your voice. That was another way that Baizhu shows he cares, he was patient when you couldn’t get your words out. It was a thing you had struggled with for most of your life. And although it was a small gesture, it was something that mama never bothered to get right.
“Y-Yes daddy~” You managed to whisper a response, your head already felt dizzy and the neck kisses didn't help. Hearing daddy leave your mouth must’ve awakened something primal in him. With a newfound spark of lust in his eyes and a tightened grasp on you, his teeth grazed the skin of your shoulders. You reached behind your back to start unzipping your dress, only for your wrists to be pulled away and held back in one of his hands, while the other pulled the zip down slowly.
“Shhh~ darling, let daddy take care of you now.” An uncomfortable thought came into your head; ‘what if mama came back without warning to see her daughter, clothes slipping off, on her ‘stepdad’s’ lap making out with him?’ But don’t worry, Baizhu has a plan to deal with her if she comes back early. There’s no chance he’d allow this perfect moment to slip through his fingers again. After he pulled the zipper went all the way down, Baizhu started to gently draw circles on your newly exposed skin. The heat building up between your legs was getting frustrating, so you started to rub your clit on Baizhu's thigh to relieve yourself. Until he noticed and gently held your hips in place.
“Darling, I thought you’d let me take over tonight.. you know what happens to bad little girls that don't obey their daddies, don't you, darling?” Baizhu whispered, gently kissing the shell of your ear before continuing, “They. get. punished.” Taping your shoulder blade with each word. Each tap of his finger sent electrifying waves of pleasure down your whole body. You can’t help but lean into his touch, drunk on how quickly you crumbled under his teasing. One thing was for certain, however, the pleasure you felt was unreplicable.
“M'sorry daddy.. don’t punish me, I-I’ll b’good, please..!” You plead, hoping he’d be merciful on you. Since nobody can blame you for being needy. After a few minutes of drawing circles on your back, your dress and bra went flying off you, yelping when the cool air collided with your breasts. Smirking, Baizhu gave your hips a squeeze as his lips left a trail of kisses from your jawline down your chest, before latching onto the hardening nipple. Swirling around it with his tongue, he copied the motion on the other with his fingers, tugging whenever he sucked. All night, Baizhu had been focusing on giving pleasure to your most sensitive spots, like he already had a mental map of where he should focus on.
While your attention was taken up by the stimulation to your breasts, Baizhu let his free hand snake down, across your tummy to settle between your legs. One touch of his slender fingers to your puffy folds sent you jolting forward into his neck with a moan. Thing is, that one touch was only light, nothing much to most people. But to you? Mind-numbing. Actually, you don’t think you’ve ever been this sensitive to anything before.... it’s like your sensitivity to touch became enhanced. Could Baizhu have given you something to do this?
“You like that, don't you, darling? Good girl. Tell me, who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-You daddy, s’you makin me feel good”
“Good. Fucking. Girl.” With every word, he swiped the pad of his thumb against the nub of your clit. Your hips subconsciously bucked into his hand with newfound lust. Like your body was chasing after his touch after he retracted his thumb. Baizhu's fingers ghosted over the outline of your clit, prodding at your hole. Easing the tip of his index finger inside while holding you steady. When your body relaxed, letting him know you were comfortable with him inside, Baizhu pushed you to the couch so you were laying on your back with him on top. The hand that’d been holding you steady now moved from your lower back to hold your cheek softly, catching any tears that fell over your eyes.
“Fuuck, you're clamping on me so tight.. I’ve barely even started with you, never thought a little foreplay would be all it takes to get you begging for me so soon, darling.” Don’t mind him though, he’s just being all mean and teasing you! He began slowly moving his finger in and out, slightly curving it to graze your soft inner walls. He added a second finger gently, stretching them apart in a scissor motion and continuing to touch places you couldn't dream of being able to touch on your own.
“Fuuck~ ur fingers~ s'deep!” It almost felt uncomfortable, keyword almost. The tender kisses Baizhu left along your body made any kind of discomfort you felt fade away. That is until a strange feeling came creeping into the pit of your stomach. A twisting and churning sensation like a knot threatening to make your insides explode.
“Ha~~! A-Ahh! D-Daddy, feels weird..!”
“Oh? A weird feeling, you say? That's your orgasm building up, darling.” His thumb quickly swiped against the sensitive nub of your clit, “Now be a good little girl and cum for me...” Your eyes peeped open at his words, only for stars to invade your vision as the knot came undone over his fingers and the couch. Your fucked out expression caused Baizhu to smirk in satisfaction, taking pride in being the only person to ever make you orgasm; other than yourself, of course.
“Good girl... ” Baizhu glanced down to where you both connected, taking note of how his wrist was now slightly wet... Did you squirt over him? Or was it sweat? This encounter certainly left you catching your breath.. Your body twitched sporadically as your walls finally began to relax around his fingers, and you sighed in satisfaction. Feeling you come down from your high, Baizhu gently pulled his fingers out, awestruck at your essence which was now dripping down his digits.
“Daddy... love you” You reached your hands out and Baizhu took them in his own, helping your sit up and kissing your knuckles softly.
“Love you too, darling. Cuddles?” He asked, holding his arms out so you could come to him if you wanted. You practically jumped up and slid into his lap, burying your flushed face into his shoulder. ‘Oh, you’re the type to get all cute and cuddly after sexual encounters...’ Baizhu thought, but that’s fine, he’d give all the cuddles you could ever need if you asked. You feel him gently smile on the top of your head alongside wrapping his arms around your middle.
Of course, with all that Baizhu’s done for you tonight, you couldn’t just ignore how hard this encounter made him. His dick throbbed against the cloth holding it back, simply begging for him to do something to relieve it.
“Daddy, lemme help, wanna help it..” You attempted to slip off his lap to kneel between his legs, fully prepared to help him. But he tightens his hold on your body, preventing you from moving much.
“No darling, y’can help me from here.” Baizhu reassured, moving the fabric that concealed his cock out the way. It bounced back against his abdomen, splashing a little precum over his stomach. Your eyes widened, you’ve seen dicks before, (in sex-ed class), but nothing like this. His dick was much bigger than anything you ’ve seen, and certainly bigger than you think you can take. Noticing your unease, Baizhu gently took your wrist and brought your hand to touch it.
“Lemme do it with you, darling... help me feel good too, yeah?” With one arm still holding you tightly, Baizhu’s other hand joined yours, guiding you in jerking him off. Even under two people’s grips, his dick still twitched and pulsed against your hand. Biting your lip, you lean your head down to press small kisses and kitten licks to his swollen, red tip. You looked up at him, still with his tip nestled snuggly in your mouth, eyes trying to convey what you want; for him to use your mouth like a fleshlight.
At first, poor Baizhu didn’t know what to say; he didn’t want to lose his composure and ram into you so hard that it became more uncomfortable than pleasurable, but the look in your eyes conveyed that you were actually begging him to lose it. He let out a long, shaky breath before moving the hand that had been on his cock to hold your hair out of your face. He didn’t even realise he was holding his breath...
“Tap my thigh twice if it gets too much for you, ok darling?” You nodded and began easing more of him into your mouth. He almost couldn’t think straight with just his tip in your mouth, but seeing you slightly struggle to fit him in drove his size kink mad. Baizhu’s fingers raked through your soft hair before setting at the top of your neck, taking control back from you and moving your head along his shaft.
Muffled whimpers and gags mixed with Baizhu’s groans made it easy to lose oneself in ecstasy, so you never noticed the small commotion happening on the other side of the door; never noticed the amused smile on your lover’s face upon realising the trap he and the millelith set achieved it’s intended outcome. Not that you were meant to know about any of this anyway...
“Sh-! Shit, on your knees, darling” You nodded and slid his cock out of your mouth to get into position, obediently for your husband. Baizhu rose from the sofa, guiding his dick back into your mouth as soon as you settled down. This time, he allowed himself the chance to thrust his hips into your mouth, meeting the pace you originally set. His thrusts started slow and deep, becoming more desperate as the pleasure built up.
“god.. m’gonna cum darling” Baizhu’s hold on your hair tightened, pulling at the strands that were wrapped around his slender fingers. He had to lean against the nearest cabinet since his thighs were twitching so much, his legs might’ve given out on him. You have to say, Baizhu’s groans of raw pleasure were a melody you’d never get tired of hearing. Baizhu abruptly pulled out from your mouth, gently taking your hand off from his thigh to place it on his heavy, aching cock.
“Finish it off, darling.. y’did so well, wanna cum on your pretty face..” You nodded and dragged your hand across his dick, feeling the way the large bulging vein running along the underside of his shaft throbbed with need. You leaned a little further up, enough to press your lips against the sensitive skin just underneath his tip. Baizhu’s grip on your hair tightened as his free hand grasped his cock, giving it a few languid pumps.
“Keep still, sweet girl,” He could barely get the words out before the tight coil inside his slender body snapped. Creamy white cum painted your face in spurts and globs, a testament to the adoration that Baizhu had harboured for you for so long.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
Possessive Natalie x childish and immature reader, who is so clueless on whatever is going on!!
Lich my brain is rotting with the ideas 😭😭
They are at a party, and reader is offered vodka, so she drank it all in one gulp, and keeps a straight face, thinking it was water, then she gets more, and gets so drunk, that a guy was hitting on her, so Nat punches him or something, then Natalie has to bring her home 😍😍
I'm sorry I'm spamming so much... but I mean... you asked, I delivered 😙
A/N: THIS. also don't worry about the spamming 😙 requests are open and appreciated<333
Not proofread
Strawberry vodka
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Nat knew about your naiveness, but she never thought it could go this far.
She was invited to a party at Jeff Sadecky's house, only because her teammate Jackie was kind enough to extend her the invitation. Soon after she called you and asked you to go with her, promising herself to keep a very close eye on you.
The party was actually pretty nice, in other words Nat quickly found her friends and shared a joint with them while you patiently waited next to her "Nat?" You asked "yeah baby?" She softly said "I'll go get something to drink you want anything?" She shook her head, then you headed in the kitchen, but before you got too far you heard "Y/n!" Turning around you saw Nat looking at you "careful" she said with a knowing look, you smiled and nodded, happily skipping inside the house.
The kitchen was full of teens looking for alcohol or other substances but you went straight to the fridge to get the best cocktail (the only one you could bear) a.k.a diet coke.
Suddenly you feel someone approaching you "Hey y/n"
"oh hi Tommy" you smiled at the boy, you shared a few periods together and he seemed fine "Here you want this?" He asked offering you a solo cup filled with something pinkish "What's that?" You wondered, it kinda looked like juice "Oh don't worry it's good stuff"
Shrugging, you brought the cup to your lips, after a small taste the unknown liquid tasted really good, so you just chugged it all down, it kinda tasted like fruit punch but stronger.
As the minutes passed the more light headed you got, not even paying attention to the small talk Tommy was trying to do, you poured yourself another cup of pinkish magic
"You look very pretty tonight" you heard him say "Thank you Tommy"
"How about we go somewhere else?" He asked you, getting closer, fingers landing on your hand "Nah I'm good" you felt dizzy, and at the same time really energetic.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER YOU CREEP" you heard someone scream "Jeez! I was just talking to her" Tommy defended himself "Fuck off! You're touching her!" The other person said "Oh come on, it's not like-" the boy could finish the sentence that a punch flew across his face making him gasp in pain.
"Here" the person grabbed your hand, dragging you away "Oh hi my sweet little cucumber Natalie" you recognized her finally
"oh good God, how much did you drink?"
"maybe one or two or three or maybe four cups"
"Damn, let's go home baby"
A/N: the devil works hard but I work harder (fifth and last content of the night, I'm heading to bed, goodnight guys!)
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fallingintolife · 1 year
Secrets and Sickness
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Request: I've been sick for 5 days now and besides the fact that I feel like crud it's really getting me down. So it got me thinking I bet Sam would take care of his girl, you know just doting on her until she's better. So if you have the time or want can you tell us about Sam taking care of his girl after getting a real bad cold?
Summary: The boys are on a hunt when you start to feel sick…but of course instead of telling your boyfriend Sam, you try to handle it yourself…Spoiler-That doesn't go so well…
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Warnings: A little bit of angst because Sam is worried, and talk of a cold
Word Count: 1,704
A/N: Anon, I'm sorry I'm just getting this to you but I hope you are feeling much better by now 💕 I'm sending you all the love and hugs along with some nice caring Sammy 💕
It started with just having the sniffles at first; running and stuffy nose, normal allergy/ weird weather changes like symptoms. So when Sam and Dean went off on a hunt for a few days, leaving you at the Bunker, you were just excited to have some time to yourself. Until day two of being home alone when you woke up with your throat feeling so sore and raw, like a dragon had blown fire down it, causing even just swallowing to be highly painful. Throughout day two was when your cough started. It was like a tickle at first but than escalated into feeling like something was stuck in your throat that you just couldn’t get out. So now, here you were, on day three, five in the morning coughing your lungs out, while trying to get up out of bed  to get water, but feeling too weak because of being dehydrated. That and probably because of the fever you most definitely were running. Sam had told you last night that him and Dean would be home by lunch time today so you only had about six hours to go.
You knew that if you had told Sam you were sick he would have driven through the night to get home to you but you knew it wasn’t that serious. I mean it was a cold! Everyone got colds! You were a hunter and you’d be damned if you were going to complain about it, especially to Sam and Dean. So you allowed yourself two more minutes on the floor before getting your shit together. You were fine.
Sam knew the minute he had called you last night and you didn’t pick up, but instead texted him that something wasn’t right. Whenever you two were ever apart you always wanted to talk to him on the phone so he immediately knew something was up. He had told Dean about how you were acting and had asked if they could just drive through the night so he could make sure you were okay. Dean didn’t hesitate, and continued to drive.
Dean liked you and Dean didn’t truly like nor trust many people, but he did like and trust you.You made Sam happy, so automatically that made Dean happy. Not that he would ever admit it to you but he liked having you around just in general. You made the best pie, could even hold your liquor as well as the boys, and also you just cared. Not just about Sam, but Dean too and that meant a lot.
You and Sam had been dating for the last two and a half years but known each other for an additional four. You and Sam just clicked. You both knew each other’s deepest darkest secrets but still loved each other which definitely meant something. You loved each other, truly.
As soon as Dean parked Baby, Sam was already up the stairs and in the Bunker.
“Y/N! Hey honey, we’re home.” He froze mid step down the hallway to the bedroom you both shared when he heard a loud cough, and then realized you were in the middle of the hallway leaning against the wall.
Sam didn’t remember how he managed to get to you but next thing he knew you were in his arms. You were sweaty which had to be because your body was burning up. You were running a fever, a high fever at that. “What the hell Y/N? Jeez you're burning up…” Kissing your forehead, while picking you up he headed toward you and Sam’s bedroom.
You tried to argue, to say something but you didn’t have the energy, and to be honest you weren’t really even sure if Sam really was here or if you were hallucinating from your fever. Once he got you into the bedroom, Sam quickly stripped you out of your sweat soaked clothes as he waited for Dean to grab the thermometer that he had yelled for as soon as he had heard Dean enter the Bunker. Just when he had gotten you into one of his t-shirts was when Dean entered.
“Shit, kiddo.” Dean grumbled in disapproval, as he handed Sam the thermometer. Luckily, he had grabbed the quick reading forehead one.
Sam ran his hand through his hair. How long had you been running a fever and how long had it been his high? And who knows… What if it was even higher? This wasn’t good. He could tell by the sound of your cough and the small rattle sound that came from your chest when you breathed that if you didn’t already have pneumonia it was headed that way. Another loud wet cough racked through your body.
“Make sure she drinks this and get her to cough all that shit up. I’m gonna make a run into town to get her some medicine. I shouldn’t be long.” Placing a cold wet washcloth on your head, while placing tissues, a trash can, and a bottle of Gatorade next to you, Dean quickly made his way to the Impala, keys already in hand.
With a sigh, Sam gently maneuvered you so that you were laying in-between his legs and against his chest so he could support you. Placing the cold washcloth back on your forehead, you whined in protest and began coughing.
"I know, I know, baby. It's alright. Here, sit up. I need you to cough all that up." Sam helped support you as you coughed up all the stuff that had been sitting in your lungs into the trash can. Rubbing your back gently, he continued to praise you until you lean back against him. He sat the trash can back down and opened the Gatorade for you. "That's my girl. Here, I need you to drink some of this okay? There we go. Thank you baby." He pushed your sweat hair out of your face as you drank down the lemonade. After you drank about half, he sat it back down.
You croaked as you looked up at him with groggy, sad eyes. He knew you didn't feel well and as much as he wanted to lecture you about not saying anything now wasn't the time. Right now you needed rest and you needed Sam to help you feel better.
"Yeah, love?"
"I don't feel good." Sam frowned as he kissed the top of your head.
"I know, baby. It's alright, I'm here now. I've got you. Get some rest okay? I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here when you wake up." You snuggled into his chest too exhausted to say anything else.
Dean had come back after twenty months with a slew of medicines for you. Sam had gotten you to take them and then he and Dean took turns (after Dean insisted…)  to make sure you were getting a new dose every few hours. You didn't even wake up until noon the next day.
You woke up with your chest and throat killing you. You guessed it was from the coughing. As you rubbed your face wondering when Sam and Dean would get home was when you realized that your head was most definitely not laying on a pillow. You let out a groan as you covered your face with your hand. So you weren't dreaming. They really were home. You tried to cover your cough when you felt Sam chuckled.
"Hey, there's my girl. How are you feeling?" He was smiling down at you as he pushed your hair back, partially to comfort you and partially to make sure your fever was still gone. You avoid eye contact as you mumbled, "I'm good. I'm sorry I worried you…" Sam frowned. He gently sat up, you still in his lap, as he looked at you. You tried to put your face into his chest, but he carefully moved your chin upwards for you to look at him.
"Hey, it's okay Y/N. I mean, yeah I was kind of concerned when I saw you laying on the floor when I got home…" He let out a nervous chuckle, as he ran his other hand through his hair. You tried to move your face away from him but he gently held your face still. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick, honey?" You just shrugged, still looking down as your eyes filled with tears, a cough building in your chest and began to cough. Sam frowned in concern and hugged you gently to him. He didn't understand why you wouldn't tell him that you were that sick…
After a few minutes of silence you looked up at him.
"It's just a cold. I mean I'm a hunter Sam. A stupid little cold shouldn't be able to affect me like this. You and Dean have gone through so much worse…" You looked at as another coughing fit began. Sam looked at you uneasily, as he grabbed some water for you. As you drank, Sam spoke.
"Y/N, everyone gets sick. Even me and Dean, and this isn't just a cold baby. You definitely have bronchitis. Luckily Dean and I got home when we did so you didn't end up with pneumonia. It doesn't matter what Dean or I have gone through, sickness can kill too…" You watched Sam as he spoke and could see how scared he truly was. You put your water bottle down, and gently put your hand on his face.
"I hear you. I'm sorry. Next time I'll tell you." Sam gave you a small smile and kissed you nose, which made you giggle and then cough. Before you laid back down, Sam gave you your next dose of medicine before you snuggled into him. You noticed he had already pulled up a new TV show you both had been wanting to watch. You smiled at him and he just pulled you closer into him.
Twenty minutes in and you were already out. Sam didn't care though. He loved you and he was going to take care of you. He was going to show you that, I mean he had already told you he wasn't going anywhere, and he meant it.
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - comforting them about your ex
pov: the boys' girl has an ex and they go back into her life. how would the boys react? the girl consoles them saying they are the love of their life and that her ex is a piece of poop :)
warnings: ex walking back into our lives, comfort, insecurities, self-esteem and confidence trouble, scared of loosing the person, reverse-comfort.. i think that's all? let me know if theres more!
type: comfort (reverse-comfort)
members: all of them
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i feel oli wouldn't really be jealous, because he know how he is and most of the time, he doesn't really mind, he's a free type of guy and doesn't really mind if others boys are looking at you because at the end of the day, he know you're only his and that you only love him
but for this plot, let's say he is, okay?? 😭
this man would be a bit sad
like really sad
but would he tell you? nah.
nah but for real.
he's jealous, but at the same not really
it really depends on his mood
i feel like if he saw your ex, he wouldn't want to talk about it
:( poor oli
his heart is so pure and all
you would know if he's sad or angry
he was completely silent and was holding your hand a bit tighter than usual
you knew something was up
he would be like ☹
"what's wrong?" you asked
"was it your ex?" he asked softly
you quickly nodded and hear him sigh
"what's up, oli?"
"he just looked so.. good? like.. he looked so confident and professional? idk, i just wish i was also like that"
he doesn't want you to be sad and all :(
"oli, baby, you know you are the love of my life, right? i don't care at all if he have more fashion style than you.. and i'll be honest, compared to you, he look like a trash can.. you're handsome in your way and i love it."
happy oli!
let's protect this man energy, thank you!!!
(rest of the boys under the cut!)
bye he would try to act so cool and so flirty with you???
like your ex really thought he still had a chance with you?
we know seb, he's the baby (i can't believe he's actually 20, like what the hell??? the baby of the group IS FREAKIN 20 YEARS OLD OMG- anyways let's continue) of nsb..
he get jealous easily
i mean, i'm sorry, but hey it's seb we're talking about, he didn't really had a lot of relationships in his life and he doesn't really know what to actually do and all, like he still have to learn some things and all
he's simply not used to relationships and all!
he doesn't want you to walk away haha
but like seb, we won't
imagine having a sebastian moy kind of boy in your life and leaving him 😭 nah because seb is too sweet and caring towards us the stars and also with others people, like please IS HE EVEN REAL
sorry i'm done simping for this boy, but like damn
back on track!!!!!!
when seb saw your ex, he felt like something wasn't right
he didn't want to tell you how he felt at the moment
like if he was scared you'd judge him or smth
but you know him pretty well!!
so ofc, he couldn't just say "i'm not jealous!" because you and him would both know it's not even true
when your ex went to you and had the guts to ask for your new phone number, seb lost it
"back off, she's mine!"
"jeez, calm down.." your ex while walking away
"what a weirdo he is, can't believe you dated someone like him.."
not seb trying to make you say he's better than your ex 😭
i mean it's true, sorry not sorry, seb's better than your ex
he was so mushy in the inside like if you were going to go for your ex instead of him
"happily, you found me... and you only love me, right?"
"i do" you said while taking his hand
after a few seconds of it, he finally snapped out of it
"but didn't you think his hair were better than mine?? i mean, idk how to do mine, they're all natural right now and-"
"seb, your hair is so much better looking than his.. in fact, you're so much better than him"
he was smiling, but inside he was screaming
"i'm glad to hear that. he's so weird to have let you go"
you smiled
"but i'm glad he did because otherwise i wouldn't have you as my wonderful girlfriend"
and flirty seb is back, everyone! 🥰
we love our jp's type of jealousy
i feel like either he would be super insecure (but not too much) or a bit sassy
bye, he reminds me of sunoo from enha 😚
like either he would ask himself if he's good enough to be with you
or either he'll be like "bye, i'm so much better than him!!!"
like, he would see your ex and make fun of him
he's only doing that because he's a bit insecure, because what the hell, the guy is so good looking
and he's scared to be replaced by him
because his outfit looked really good compared to his, his hair were in a perfect wave, his face was clear
he was just a bit jealous to see that ur ex still might have feelings for you again because the way he looked at you was really.. something
but ofc he won't tell you that
what if you made fun of him?
nah, he can't just say that
so ofc he'll stay quiet for a while and try to keep his jealousy inside of him
but after a few seconds, he just can't help it lol
he have to put your ex down or smth 😭 he have to convince himself he's way better than him
"damn y/n, check his outfit.. it's so boring!"
"my outfit look so much sophisticated compared to his! am i right?"
"fuck y/n, why is he walking like that?!"
"hum.. why is he looking at you like that? only i, can do that"
like bye-
justin just doesn't want to say he's jealous
he'll never tell you that he is
but ofc you know him
you know he's jealous
jp just never act this way
"jp? are you jealous?"
"me? jealous? hahahaha you're so funny, baby"
you rolled your eyes
"you know you don't have to fake your emotions with me, right..?"
he looked at you and was like 😶
"what do you mean? i'm not jealous!"
you sighed and looked in his beautiful eyes
"i can tell you are. you haven't stop talking about him"
he took your hand and sighed
"fine, then. i guess i'm a little bit super very really a little bit jealous.."
you took his hand and kissed his palm
"justin, baby, i only love you, and i always will. you don't have to be scared or insecure because of him. i broke up with him for a reason and i wouldn't ever get back with him even if i was paid 10,000$. the way he treat womens are definitively not something worth it."
he smiled and kissed the top of your head
"thank you, my love. it reassured me."
"even if seeing you jealous is cute, please tell me whenever you feel like that. i want you to be happy"
then he smiled
"just a reminder that your smile is one of the prettiest thing in the world, so if you ever feel insecure, just think about your smile, okay?"
"are you only dating me because i have a nice smile?" he smiled and laughed softly
"what can i say? it's one of the thing that made me attracted to you" you said
hahahahahahahahahahaha run.
nah i'm just kidding, but like.. not very
this man would be really jealous
not in a possessive way like "omg don't you dare to look at him!!"
but more like in a way "you're mine"
when he saw your ex, he froze
"is it your..ex?" he asked while whispering
you nodded like if nothing ever happened, but still avoiding any eye contact with the dear ex-boyfriend you had
to me, ryan would be like the show jealous bf when it comes to physical and all, like he would hold your hand, kiss it and talk a bit louder to show his love to you
but he would also be the type to be like "i'm not even showing any emotions on my face rn" type of guy
he only show he's jealous when he hug you, when he want to kiss you or any stuff like that
like he said in one of seb's cartalk (if i remember correctly!), he's not the type to do pda in front of everyone
so when ryan started to hold your hand and started to kiss you on your cheek and on the top of your head, you knew something was wrong
and it didn't took you 3 seconds to realize he was jealous
"ryan? you jealous?"
he took your hand and kissed it
"why would i be?"
"you're doing pda in public"
"isn't pda supposed to be in public?"
"stop avoiding my question, nguyen"
he rolled his eyes and sighed
"i am" he whispered
you kissed him on his lips and smiled
"ryan, baby, cutie, i only have eyes for you"
"i love you so much, ryan. you don't even have to worry about him. i only see you and i'll never see someone more amazing, and funny, and hardworking, and caring as you.. you're mine and i'm yours, you don't have to worry your pretty little head, 'kay?"
he smiled
also he was blushing really hard because he had to turn around
"y/n, i swear you're making me weak"
"im glad"
after a few seconds, he looked at him and laughed softly
"i bet he's not even playing genshin or valorant, what a boring man.." (no hate to the people who don't play these games, i just think ryan would say smth like that in this kind of conversation 😭)
this man
he's jealous
but also he's trying his best to not really show it?
like people can tell he is
but also not really
he just look sad tbh 😭
he would def hold your hand FOR SURE
and like kiss the palm of it or smth
i think he would be a sad jealous type of guy
he would see your ex and his smile would fade down
not because he's sad like "omg i saw your ex and it made me sad"
more like because he cares a lot about you
he really do
and it make him sad to see the boy who made you cry, made you hurt.. walking like that like nothing ever happened
he was this close to go see him and say smth so your ex would know it's about him, but people wouldn't understand
like if he cheated on you, he would (probably) say something like that
"hey y/n, i think i'll have a CHEAT day today? i feel like this would be appropriate for me to have since SOMEONE did have a CHEATING DAY, right.." he said while making eye contact with him at the end of the sentence
like people could think kane's talking abt cheat day like the day when you allow yourself to eat a little bit more of calories/sugar
so yeah, hahahaha he would do that if he had the courage and the guts
because nah bye he's too embarassed and shy to do that kind of thing
so kane would just hold your hand and smile like nothing ever happened
"y/n.. i love you"
"i love you too, kane"
he couldn't help it but keep looking at your ex boyfriend
"kane? i asked you a question!" you said
he quickly turned his head and put his eyes in yours and smiled like he wasn't looking at the boy who used to be at his place
"oh sorry, i wasn't listening. what was the question?"
"i asked you if you wanted us to renews our subscription to crunchyroll.. i just saw some gift cards"
he quickly nodded his head and looked at your ex still again
"yeah, we can do that"
you looked at the person who he was looking at and sighed
"are you jealous, kane?"
he sighed and nodded without even saying anything
"aw baby.. you don't have to be. i only love you and i always will. my ex may look good to you, but in my eyes, he isn't. i wouldn't want to have him back in my life, like.. at all."
"you really mean what you just said?"
you smiled and kissed his cheek
"ofc, i do. and i always will"
you knew he was a bit jealous of your ex
"i love you to the moon and back, kane. i know you think he's probably good looking or something like that, but trust me.. he really isn't, at least not to me. i only love and it will always be this way. you're mine and i'm yours."
this one won't be really long since like i said in my mtl jealous (link here if you want to read it!), darren wouldn't be too jealous
but at the same time, yes? is it understandable or not 😭
he would see your ex and be like "why is he looking at you like that???"
no, because only dar' has the right to look at you the way your ex just did
so when he would see your ex looking you up and down, he would quickly give them a middle finger (in his mind ofc)
because in reality, he would be like 🙂 "everything's fine!"
he would *ofc* hold your hand and start to kiss you
when he's jealous, he show it with physical touch, attention... things like that!
like omg 🤭 he's a bit showy showy with you when he's jealous
also, idk why but i feel darren would see your ex and be like "HOLY SH!T, HE HAVE NO ASS" then laugh
i'm just kidding but for real, i feel like dar' would be a bit insecure about it for like 5 minutes and forget about it
"i only love you, darren, you know that, right?" you said while knowing he was starting to feel a bit jealous
he quickly nodded and smiled softly like nothing ever happened
"ofc you do. did you see my ass?!"
no because i'm sorry, i know my hc are supposed to be like comforting and all lovey-dovey but like WE'RE TALKING ABOUT DARREN
i have to make it AT LEAST a bit more 😏 than the others
"yeah, yeah" you replied
he took your hand and kissed your lips and looked at your ex
"i bet he's jealous of me"
"yeah right"
"would you be jealous of me? like do you think i have a pretty ass?????"
tbh he wouldn't be jealous
like AT ALL
regie? jealous? pffffttttt? it's pretty rare
i feel this man wouldn't really be jealous because i feel regie's the most confident in the group and the more nonchalant like he doesn't really give a sh!t about your ex, he think he's poop
you're dating regie for a reason
and he know that you'll never be back with him
imma be honest with you guys, macalino wouldn't be jealous on a daily basis
but when he do (that's pretty rare), he's so clingy and all like cuddly with the other person (aka you)
like he would either hold your hand (yes every members hold your hand when they're jealous 💀) and kiss you at the top of your head
and he would look at your ex-boyriend and frowned
he would laugh at him bye-
"bruh why he is walking like that?"
"bro fucking thought he was being hot by walking in front of us like that"
nah but for real, he would make fun of the other person, it's not even a joke 😭
"regie, are you trying to hide your jealousy?"
he frowned
"what jealousy?"
"the one you have since you saw my ex walking in the shop"
he rolled his eyes
"babe, i love you, but you're imagining things"
you rolled his eyes and sighed
"yeah sure.."
after a few minutes, he would come closer to you and kiss you on your forehead
"i'm the only one you love, right?"
you frowned, but understood after a few seconds
"oooh you're so jealous!! i knew it!" you smirked
he sigh and looked away, ignoring your eyes
"okay maybe i am.. and what??"
you took his hand and pecked his lips
"regie, you're the only love for me, you don't have to worry about him. i only love you and nothing will change that"
with your sweet words, he smiled
it reassured him
you always knew what to say to him to make him feel better! :)
hope you guys liked it!! sorry it took so long :/
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it!): @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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hyperifictrashlazi · 2 years
" 𝑀𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 " ˢʰᵘ ʸᵃᵐⁱⁿᵒ ˣ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Part 3! Part 3! The last part of my 'Simple' fanfic for Shubert and Reader!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you so so much for reading these fics, it made me very happy!! 🥺💜 I'm glad that some of my creativity is working lmfao.
If any of you haven't read the part 1 and part 2 of this fic series, you can read right here first!! Thankies!!!
Part 1 : "Simple"
Part 2 : "Open Book"
Anyway~ To School Romance AU with Shu!! 🍌
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
"Shu, I can't believe I'm saying this but -" Mysta puts a hand on Shu's shoulder, "You're actually an idiot." he then finished.
"Wait - what?" the violet eyed guy looked at his friend, baffled at the sudden remark. He was just having lunch, for goodness' sake.
"You can't say that you don't really care about romance when YOU WERE HOLDING HANDS WITH (NAME) YESTERDAY!" Mysta exclaimed in response.
"What? Shubert doing premarital hand holding?! How daring!!" Vox gasped out loud, putting on the dramatics.
"Wait - you saw that?!" Shu shouted in embarrassment, not even realizing that he outed himself in the process. "So that did happen." Luca said, initially not believing Mysta until Shu reacted.
Shu's reaction intrigued Ike, "You never told us about a crush, Shu." the amber eyed male teased. "Talk about friendship with the bois." Vox followed up in jest.
Red faced, Shu couldn't help exclaiming, "Okay, it was embarrassing to bring up. And - And - We're close friends!" he reasoned.
"He didn't even deny his feelings for (Name)."
"He can't deny when I saw solid proof of it!!"
"Your eventual honesty is very admirable, Shu."
"Shu has a love life, POG!"
Shu deadpanned at his friends, "Stop it, you guys." he stated their way. Jeez, he knew that this would happen if he ever told them...
"So, are you and the Theatre Club's muse together?" Vox asked for the tea with teasing curiosity.
Shu paused, "Together - ?" he then questioned, blinking. This got the rest of the group to turn to their smart yet dense friend.
"You know, Lovers, Dating, Significant Others...?" Mysta further elaborated for the boy. The silence they got from Shu made them all sigh.
"Shubert, I can't believe this..."
"How unpoggers Shu."
"I don't want to hear that from any of you." Shu stated back to the three. "Yeah, give Shu a break." Ike defended the boy with a frown.
"(Name) obviously likes you too anyway." Mysta pointed out. Shu furrowed his brows at that, "How are you sure of that?" he asked.
Mysta rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, it's obvious! Always staying by your side when possible, glancing your way, you're the closest to her in class - they're subtle but it's there!" he said.
"That does sound like a crush." Vox agreed with a nod. "No it doesn't. That's not enough to confirm (Name)'s feelings." Ike bluntly disagreed.
"But Ike! Nothing will happen if Shu doesn't do anything! He has to at least make a move." Luca persisted on the topic. Ike pondered, "Well... you're not wrong either..." he was slowly swayed.
Shu could only blankly watch his persistent friends gossip about his crush like grannies with their favorite drama series.
Jeez, his very caring friends are also very nosy.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
"Okay, okay - let me get this straight." a girl said right in front of You. "You both held hands, admitted some feelings with each other, AND YOU THINK HE STILL DOESN'T LIKE YOU!?" she then exploded.
"I... Yes." You agreed, sweatdropping at your friend. Said friend threw her hands up into the air, "This is why we can't have good things!" she exclaimed.
"Okay look... wait - you know what, you make sense, Lia." You then reconsidered with a mumble. "Uh - no shit." the girl sassed back.
This here was your best friend, Natalia. She was the Theatre Club's main scriptwriter who creates the playwrights for the club. Her story writing is one of the core factors of the Theatre Club.
The both of you were besties since middle school so you were very close and are each other's confidants.
"But I don't want to assume, you know?" You still insisted. "You're assuming he doesn't have feelings for you right now." Natalia immediately rebutted.
"Stop twisting my words, Lia."
"Never, (Nickname)."
"Plus, we all know how Shu Yamino is! He's not the type to do PDA just because!" Natalia stated. Shu was nice but direct, if he doesn't like something he most likely won't be swayed into doing it.
"That's true..." You mumbled, slowly being convinced. Shu wouldn't say those things just because he felt like it... right??
But what if this is just wishful thinking and you're coping way too much right now??
Natalia sees the confused and distraught look on your face and heaved a sigh. "Okay, let's move on from this for now. We still have a play to practice, let's focus on that instead." she decided to let it go.
You nodded, "You're right Lia! Let's focus on rehearsals!" you said, pumped up. Your feelings can take a break for now, it's theatre's time to shine!!
"I bet he likes you back though."
"As if. Stop gaslighting me."
"50 bucks?"
"... 50 bucks."
Shu was out of your league while the stage is within reach. You'll focus on acing that play first.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
"How's the play going?" Shu asked you, glancing at the thick script in your opened backpack. "It's going splendid! Although I still need more practice." You sheepishly said, keeping the worksheet the teacher gave into your bag.
"I'm sure you'll do great." Shu reassured, smiling. He always loved the way your eyes brighten when you talk about the things you like.
"Thanks Shu." You smiled back. You always loved the way he was supportive and gentle in his very own way.
'Maybe... just maybe... I can try...?' Shu thought as he sees you focus on closing your stuffed bag. It was dismissal time after all, and you had rehearsals to attend to.
"No problem (Name)." Shu said, slinging his bag on his shoulder. "Our clubrooms are in the same direction, let's walk together?" he then offered.
"Oh sure thing!" You immediately chirped in response, carrying your own bag. You go to Shu's side, "Let's go." you said with a nod as you both started walking in comfortable silence.
Shu was slightly lost in his thoughts, You were practically glowing with so much joy and energy at the thought of your rehearsals. He thinks that it was utterly endearing.
So full of light, magically bright like the sparkle in your eyes.
"And~ here's my stop." Your voice snaps Shu out of his trance, both of you stopping in front of the Theatre club's room.
You turn to Shu, "Thanks for walking with me." you said, softly smiling. "Anytime." Shu replied as they waved goodbye.
Shu started to walk to the Tech club's room, he felt his face burn, flustered red. Your eyes just now were gleaming... all while facing him and gently smiling.
And your eyes only brighten because of things you like.
Shu covers his blushing face, goodness he's letting his friends' words get to him. This is pretty much copium he's inhaling.
But... he really hopes they're right...
"Mysta's right..." Shu mumbled to himself, sighing. "I'm an idiot."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Days pass and today was the School Festival. A lot of classes and clubs had their activities and booths open for the public festivity.
Shu, as someone from the Tech club, was helping the Broadcasting Club in using the technology for festival announcements and gimmicks. All of his friends were busy with their own clubs or classes.
"Shu, it's my shift now. You can go enjoy the festival." the Tech Club's President stepped into the room. Shu nodded, "Okay, I'll be back soon." he then said, standing up.
"Nonsense, just go have fun. I'll stay here."
"Thank you."
And Shu was off to look around to see his friends in the festival.
His class was doing a cafe (Mysta was forbidden from entering the kitchen). Luca's Track and Field club were hosting a game stall (a shooting game from Pomu, Luca said). And Shu didn't dare enter Vox's class doing a host club (he can see the line for Vox's specific table).
There was Ike's writing club left... where was he?
"Oh hey there, Shu." as if on cue, Shu sees Ike approaching him. "Hey Ike, aren't you supposed to be with your club?" he questioned.
"Oh, the Writing club helped with the script and direction of the Theatre club's play. We aren't exactly that busy." Ike explained. Ah right, the Writing club, Music club, and Theatre club collaborated for the festival.
"The play should be halfway through... Want to join me watch a bit?" Ike offered. Shu hummed, "I was about to head there next so, yeah let's go." he then agreed. The two went to the auditorium where the play was being held.
"Ike told Shu about the overall plot of the play as they walked. It was about a brave noble who wanted to know about their mother's identity. They escaped their home and met a carefree mage who decided to help them in their quest.
As the play goes, the noble found out that their mother was a mercenary who chose to love their father until their death and realized that their own dream was to choose adventuring with the mage they grew to love.
It was a simple and sweet story about rediscovery and dreams.
The two boys make it into the auditorium, taking the few seats at the back. The room was pretty much full, students and guests alike watching the stage with their full attention.
Shu couldn't blame them, (Name) was singing and it was magical.
There you were, on stage. Right under the spotlight, singing your heart out. The lyrics flowing through as smoothly as the tune.
The fates have aligned with brightness and love Gleaming proof we're meant to be by the heavens above So, let's grant each other's wishes, My Star Let's fall into each other's arms just as we are With you, I know we can go far
There you were, like a flame with embers so bright. Your voice and acting were mesmerizing. And like a moth, Shu was entranced by the light of your fire.
Please take my hand Together, let's make a stand And we'll sing ballads of us across the lands!
(Name) faces front, as if the protagonist was looking at the world of adventures they were singing of to their beloved. You made your voice softer, the song approaching its end.
I know we can do it, together we can reach it Side by side, we can make it through...
And for a moment, you lock eyes with soft amethysts watching from afar. You feel you heart skip a beat, butterflies magically fluttering in your stomach, but nonetheless continues the show with violets in your gaze.
All I need is You...
You smiled for a moment, a glimpse of the You singing to Your Secret Beloved, before turning to your stage partner as the Noble serenading their Starlight.
Will you join me in this Journey for Two? A Lifetime of Me and You.
And the leads of the show held each other's hands, sweet gazes exchanged as they smile. In one breath, they sing.
To an Adventure of Fated Skies to see Just You and Me...
The music dies down, the lights fade out... And the applause echoes in the auditorium.
Captivating... Shu Yamino was too busy being absolutely captivated.
It was one look, one line, one smile. And one that made him feel like falling in love all over again.
The applause was nothing to the loud thundering of his heartbeats.
Shu gulped down his overwhelmed emotions, trying to compose himself. He was too flustered for his own good.
"That was a stellar performance! (Name) really is the muse of the Theatre club." Ike praised, amazed by the show.
"Yeah... that was amazing." Shu agreed, still looking at the stage with reddened cheeks. Ike huffs at the smitten guy, feeling his teeth sore at the sweetness.
"I'm staying to watch until the end. Care to join me, Shu?"
"Yeah, I don't mind."
If it's You, Shu doesn't mind anything one bit.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
The sun was setting and the flurry of festivity has come to an end. The School Festival was a success!!
You walked out of the clubroom, waving goodbye to your clubmates. The play was such a success and the applause was still resounding in your ears.
You felt so proud of yourself.
"Oh! Hey Shu, why are you still here so late?" You noticed the raven haired boy by the empty hallway. "I helped the Broadcasting club finish up." Shu reasoned.
You nodded, "I see. Let's walk together?" you offered his way. "Sure." Shu replied as you both walked through the halls.
"The play was amazing, by the way. Ike and I watched halfway." Shu said to you. "Yeah, I saw you guys. Thanks for the support." You smiled back brightly.
Maybe you were giddy because of performing so well, or maybe because Shu watched your play. Nonetheless, you were happy.
"You really are talented, you know that right?" Shu chuckled out. "Oh, flattery won't get you anywhere, Mister Yamino." you said in response.
"I mean it." Shu sheepishly said, "You're amazing." he then admitted. He paused in his steps, making you stop walking as well. "... Shu?" you questioned with a tilt of the head.
"When our eyes met... it felt like you stole my breath away." Shu stated as he faced you. Shades of violet fill your eyes once more, "You were breathtaking, (Name)." he then told you, patches of red on his cheeks.
'NO U!' You thought, heart thumping erratically. Shu Yamino, praising you in the most romantic way possible?!
This was an illusion, a dream, a delirious delusion.
"I - you - wait Shu - what?" the denial in you made you stutter out loud. For the first time in so long, you couldn't compose yourself immediately again.
Despite being flustered himself, Shu was amused by the blush on your cheeks. "Cute." he mumbled out, smiling endearingly.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, eyes widening as you see Shu reach his hand out. Almost immediately, you reach out your hand to meet his midway.
With a single touch, the warmth spreads. "I... I have something to say. Will you listen to me, (Name)?" Shu asked, taking a breath of courage.
"Of course, Shu." You nodded, breath hitching at his fingers interlacing with yours.
"You're mesmerizing, you know... almost magical." Shu started, making you blink at him in question. You, something as ethereal as magical and mesmerizing??
Shu couldn't help a chuckle at your silent reaction, "It's true. You're such an expression of bright compassion, full of colors." he added on. "So full of life... I wouldn't trade any of that for the world." he said.
"I like you that much (Name). To the point that I can't unsee your radiance in my life." Shu confessed, meeting you in a flustered gaze.
You were left stunned, speechless, as you stared right back at him in shock. The scene before you was just breathtaking.
Under the twilight, in an empty hallway after classes, and with gleaming violets sincerely conveying feelings... it was magical.
You owe Natalia 50 bucks... but who the hell cares?! The Shu Yamino, the man you've been crushing on, confessed to you - likes you - and it was causing your brain to short circuit.
"Shu I - I - wait, I need a few minutes to process this!" You exclaim, holding your flushed cheek with your free hand.
Shu huffed, "Is it so hard to believe?" he asked you. "Yes, it's too good to be true." You immediately stated back, busy reeling from the fact that Shu just confessed his feelings to you.
Despite blushing at the comment, Shu perked up, "Wait, you mean..." he said, thinking of the meaning in your words.
"Okay, okay, I'm good - kinda." You said as you looked at both of your hands, still intertwined together tightly.
"I... It feels like a dream... Us like this - holding hands, confessing feelings, picturesque sunset - you know? It's so unreal but..." you trailed off as you decided to meet his eyes, soft and sincere.
"But this is all real... and that makes me so happy." You grinned his way, almost goddy. Shu's face goes a shade redder, heart leaping with ecstatic beats.
"I like you too Shu. I couldn't imagine a life without ever meeting you." you confessed your own feelings to him.
It felt like everything just comes into place. The twilight, the comfortable silence, the endearing smiles, the warmth between interlaced fingers... everything just falls into place.
It felt so magical, a stunning moment dyed in the kaleidoscope colors of the sunset, cherished with sincere gazes and sweet smiles.
"Want to go on a date with me?"
"I'm free this Saturday, let's have lunch together?"
And with their own colors, they paint their own magic over the connection sparked with holding hands and loving gentleness.
Shu Yamino and (Name) (Last Name).
Seemingly opposite types of people who complement each other. A similar definition to Opposites Attract.
Calm and Cheery. Quiet and Expressive. And yet, a mutual synergy of Support and Sweetness between them.
Shu Yamino was smart, supportive, and calm minded.
(Name) (Last Name) was talented, passionate, and outgoing.
And with intertwined fingers, walking together with smiles on their lips, they were full of love and contentment.
It felt enchanting, warm, and utterly sincere. Like a Book coming to a Happy End.
But in the end, it wasn't anything that magical...
Rather, it was a very simple thing.
They were simply two people in love with pure affection and a warm promise of lifetimes sworn on every heartbeat.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Thank you so so much for reading until the end! This took WEEKS and its so long lmfao I'm glad I can give a satisfactory end to this small series of fanfic though!
Once again, thank you so so much for reading!!
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chattaboochel · 1 year
Fluid Hearts | Chapter 2
Secret Discussions
Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut (eventually),harem x afabOC.
Words: 5.1k
Tags (Open): @hellothere9597, @jayvuu , @wannastraygolden , @furiousenemylover , @courtneypaigemartin , @idkwho-this
Thank you guys for the support so far!!!!
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Thud, Thud, Thud….
That was all anyone heard, the ball bouncing away and blood dripping on the ground.
“I-Isagi? What are you doing?”, Kira stuttered, barely comprehending those last few seconds. The ball being stolen by Bachira, Sora bouncing off the wall and then Isagi shooting it. “W-What happened ? I’m bleeding…”
Isagi too looked at him in bewilderment, watching Kira trying to stop his nose from bleeding. “Sorry… whole thing is a blur, the ball came at me from nowhere.”
‘Oh Isagi…’
“Don’t give me that!-"
Claps are what cut off Kira’s whining, “Well done my diamonds in the rough! Only results matter here. You lost Ryonoske Kira and I’m disqualifying you, Now lock off loser!”
“Bout time.”, Sora goes to sit beside a grinning Bachira. “Glad to see him go hmm?.”
“He’s a mediocre Boy Scout” Sora didn’t bother to hide her amusement from Bachira, she had no reason to pretend to be nice now that the blonde wasn’t gonna be here anymore.
Bachira smirked in delight at Soras hidden maliciousness, “Oooh harsh.” The more he interacted with her the more interning Sora became to him, he knew Sora would cause quite a stir here. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“This is bullshit. My careers over? Lying in tatters? This early on?! AND IT'S ONLY BECAUSE I LOST TO SOME CHILDISH GAME?!” Ryonoske started to tremble, finally realizing what had just occurred in that game. His temper rose rapidly.
“Wow he’s really throwing a tantrum.”
Kira continues on, Soras jabs only egging him on further. “I'M THE JEWELL OF JAPANESE SOCCER! There’s no way you think Igarshi and Isagi are more talented than me right?! ALL THIS PROVES IS THAT THEY ARE BETTER AT TAG! WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS HAVE TO DO WITH SOCCER?!”
He huffed out heaving breaths, his fists balled up tight with anger. Ego merely waited for the boy to quit his screaming before answering. “Every aspect of your lives here at Bluelock will have something to do with the sport. So look around you mr mediocre elite.”
“Notice the room size? It’s the same dimensions as a penalty area.” Ego explained, Most of the boys in the room finally took note of his words, gasping aloud at how obvious it had been.
“And roughly 75% of goals are achieved in this confines. If you can’t do your job in this area you have no talent as a striker!”
“SHUT UP! It’s freaking tag! They literally have nothing in common!”
“Jeez he’s so loud too…” Bachira chuckled at the complaining Sora beside him, watching as she dramatically covered her ears.
Bachira too couldn’t care less about the screaming Kira, far more intrigued by the child of the great Kazuma Hisaya. Something about them was different; he knew it.
But that was, he couldn't quite say.
Jinpachi continues to explain to enraged Kira, nothing the man was saying seemed to dull down the boy's hasty temper. “Just a training drill?! How much could you possibly know about me in just two minutes?! Not when a soccer match is 90!”
“Care to guess the average amount of time a player spends with a ball in a 90 minute match? 136 seconds. I provided that and you decided to wait until the time ran out.”
“I had 10 seconds! It’s not like I could do anything-“
“Would you use that same excuse if this was a match? When the ball made contact with you, there was still 1 second left on the clock. You could’ve survived if you had kicked it at Igarshi but you didn’t see the move.”
“Talk about surviving by the skin of your teeth there monk boy.”
He glared at Sora, still holding his aching ankle. “Shut it!”, her hands rise up in mock surrender, a sarcastic sorry leaving her lips. “Touchy touchy.”
“You could’ve achieved victory if you just stretched out your leg. Whoever is it in this game of tag might be the loser if holding the ball too long or perhaps the winner, considering he has the power to choose whose hit next.”
“As a striker you are to shoulder this responsibility, fighting until the very last second runs out. Yoichi Isagi chose a target, a player who was ranked higher than him instead of Igarshi. Before that Meguru Bachira stole the ball off him with Hisaya Sora following once he realized he was going for the strongest guy, just to be a part of the chase.”
Both Sora and Bachira tilt the head at the mention of their names, the other boys now looking directly at them. “The three of them demonstrated a selfishness obsession of victory, uneffected by the group of common sense.”
“It’s pure ego! Just what I’m looking for in a striker!”, Soras lips twitched upward at the praise, Bachira too smiled as he played with his hair. Isagi still looked a little shocked from the last second play but Sora was glad he was getting some recognition at last.
“Ryunoske Kira! Lock off!”
“No.. Bachira saw him out of nowhere… Sora was too fast…” He stood there blank, eyes wide, his skin tinted a soft red hue from his bleeding nose. Kira couldn’t believe it. Someone as skilled as him was the first to go. ‘This can’t be happening?!’ “He singled me out! This isn’t fair! BACHIRA CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!”
Isagi looked on at him, a tinge of guilt spinning in his chest. Not noticing a certain black and blue haired girl jogging up to his side. “Kira.. I um-“
Kira’s glare was ferocious, a seething hatred emitting from his body like a beacon and he aimed it all at Yoichi Isagi. Sora watching the interaction closely, not liking the way fake Boy Scout looked at Isagi. “YOU KNOW IT WASN'T RIGHT! ENDING MY DREAMS LIKE THIS!”
“Seriously Kira? Take your fucking tantrum outside.”, Isagi didn’t feel Sora loop her arms around Isagis neck from behind, propping her chin up on his shoulder to hoist herself up slightly. “Who the hell do you think you are!”
“Someone who's going to become one of the greatest strikers in the world whilst you leave here continuing to stew in your own mediocrity. I hope you enjoy the view now that you’ll be in Isagis' shadow.”
Kira couldn’t believe not even an hour ago he would’ve considered Sora as a peer, someone he could look up to and now all he wanted to do was kick the teens face in, famous parent or none.
“Asshole! How fucking dare-“
“And now I’m bored, would you get lost already? Before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.”
“Why you-"
Sora glared as hard as he did if not harder, daring Kira to speak another idiotic word, she would love the excuse to show him how little his existence really was.
But Kira was a Boy Scout, just as Sora pegged him to be and finally he chose to leave the room, trembling in a silent anger.
‘Woah…. That was seriously intense. Why would Sora get so heated over Kira? Why defend me?”
Sora breathed a sigh of relief once Kira was finally gone, giving Isagi a quick but reassuring pat on the shoulder before letting go of him. Isagi still had his mind of the nearly eliminated Kira.
‘And why did I do it? I think I really put an end to Kira’s soccer career but why… Why do I feel so excited right now? He knows!’
He looks right at Bachira who cheekily poked out his tongue with a sly giggle. ‘So does he’ Isagi looks back to Sora too, she shrugs her shoulders with a smirk, resting back on her hands. “Why did you pass the ball to me? You would’ve lost if I just hadn’t kicked the ball.”
Bachira pretends to think about it for a second before he smiles gleefully. “Hmmm I saw the look on your face. Like he said, only results matter here. So I believed in you and Blueberry and we won right?”
“God I hope that nickname doesn’t stick.”
He winked back at him, Isagi felt everything in him deflate. ‘Man this guy is totally crazy…’
“This is just ridiculous…”, Monk boy wincing as he tried to move his ankle.
“Ridiculous you say? You have a point. That’s the world of win and loose. Remember the world class strikers that everyone here so casually admires? They put their lives on the line like this everyday.”
“How does it feel? For the first time in your life to have to fight for your soccer career. Does it scare you? Are you excited?! This is normal in Bluelock. Are you shaken up?! Ablazed with the knowledge that you survived?! This is what victory feels like! Etch this sensation into your brains.”
‘Hmm I could get used to this’ Sora thought, excitement buzzing all around her body.
“Congratulations, those who have survived have passed the Bluelock entrance exam.”
Cheers come from all around, fists going up in excitement and relief. Sora too feeling the same as the rest did. “Look around at everyone in this room. For now you all will be living together. Sometimes you’ll work as a team and others you’ll be each others rivals, out to wreck eachothers dreams. You’re Bluelock Team Z!”
Soras fist slams into her own palm, determined and eager for the next step. ‘Time to conquer!’
Bluelock was rigerous, already putting its inhabitants to a series of training spanning over three days.
Not that Sora minded the exercise, she usually enjoyed it but this new binder of hers definitely made things a bit harder than she was used too.
Not to mention she finally had a chance to get acquainted with the rest of the members of team Z and boy did she think she was lumped in with a bunch of crazy people.
Skilled? sure, but she was supposed to work in tandem with a bunch of guys who would much rather be caught dead than think of anything other than themselves. ‘Yeah… nothing wrong with that picture at all.’
So far Sora mostly hung around Isagi and Bachira. The three of them already beginning to strike up a close friendship. Chigiri had yet to approach her but she figured he’d choose to in his own time.
She too wondered when she would be able too see Nagi and Reo or better yet play against them. Sora eagerly anticipated that day.
After a particularly gruelling few tests it was thankfully lunch time, Sora was starving, following behind Isagi as they collected their servings of Miso soup and Rice.
Bluelock also had a system where depending on your rank you would be allocated a side dish.
Poor Igarshi and Isagi were stuck with merely radishes and Natto. “You guys got it rough.”
“At least we get food. What did you get for yours Sora?”
“Ah! Pork dumplings, score!”
“Whaaaaaat?!”, the boys whined, their mouths practically drooling at the sight of her much better food.
“Surely you can-“, Igarshi goes to take a swig at one of her dumplings only to recieve a well earned smack on the back of the hand with her chopsticks. “Yeah nice try monk boy.”
“Ow ow ow! Did you have to hit me so hard Sora!”
“Heh, Should take a look at the others plates.” Sora specifically pointing to some very tasty looking Gyoza. “That looks so tasty!”
As they find a place to sit, Sora scoops up a dumpling with her chopsticks, quickly shoving one in Isagis face. “Sora what are-“, as soon as his lips part she puts the dumpling in his mouth. Igarshi looked as if he could cry as he carried on. “Hey!! How come Isagi gets a dumpling!”
“Because he’s my friend and if he kept staring at that gyoza he was bound to make off with them.”
“What? No I wouldn’t!”
“Yeah you would’ve.”
“I would not!”
‘But I thought about it.’ He shamefully thinks.
“So not fair! I thought we were friends too Sora right?”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers of monk boy.” She cheekily fed Isagi another dumpling just to see Igarshi sink into his chair and chew on his pickled radishes out of spite.
It was late in the night or early morning depending on who you asked, team Z members had retired to their shared room to sleep.
Sora had managed to get a couple hours of rest but her chest binder was breaching the point of being unbearable. She groaned as it tightly pulled on her body, her eyes snapping open as she threw off her covers, carefully tiptoeing out of the shared dorm.
The boys' sleeping bodies almost made the trip an obstacle course, especially with Igarshi sprawled out how he was, his limbs stretched over Isagi, who somehow managed to remain sleeping. ‘How he’s asleep with that moron on top of him is a mystery.’
She quietly sneaks away, finding one of the faculties bathrooms, double checking no one was in there before slinking down to the ground, Her hand goes to her back, loosening up the binder and slipping it off for a much needed long exhale. ‘Man, you’d think we’d have perfected this shit by now.’
She cracks her neck, stretching out her arms above her head. She tosses the binder on the ground as she slips on a tank top. ‘Keeping this a secret is going to be a serious pain.’
Her hand rubbed at the sore skin on her chest, tossing off the complimentary Bluelock sweater, the only thing that covered her was the black tank top she had on under the sleepwear.
“And if the others find out, what then? Will loose my spot? Will they treat me differently? What if-“
“You know , you should probably not leave that out in the open.’
The sudden voice has Sora jumping up, one hand grabbing her binder and squishing her breasts as flat as possible. “It’s not- Chigiri?!”
The princess himself, like her, was still in his sweats. His long pink hair only slightly disheveled as he stared at her deadpanned. “Fucking hell Chigiri, you almost gave me a damn heart attack.”
“You’re lucky it’s just me jeez.”, he leans against the door, Sora not realizing it was his way of shielding any others who might pass by the bathroom. “And you’re lucky I wasn’t fully naked you ass.”
“If that were the case you wouldn’t be able to shit talk your way out of that one.”
“Funny, my sister has said the same.”
He shakes his head with a small smile. “How is your sister anyway? She good?”
“Yiri? Yeah she’s fine, her usual soccer hating self.”, Sora shrugged, the topic of her sister still a sore spot for the girl and Chigiri could tell. “She didn’t want you coming here did she?”
“Ah detective Chigiri strikes again.” He rolled his eyes, knowing this was a tactic of Soras to convince him that she was fine, she would always turn to humor to cover up her pain.
Gathering up her binder in her hands, she sits on her legs, fiddling with the fabric that hides her feminine features. “I forged the signature on the consent forms, didn’t give her a chance to say otherwise.”
Chigiri sighed at that with a shake of his head, a silent lecture it was and she knew it but he kept it nonverbal which she was thankful for. “Let’s be real Chigiri, you’re not just here to talk about my dear old sis.” Chigiri shrugged, neither confirming nor denying.
Sora fiddles with fabric again, looking up to the tiled ceiling. “Guess I owe an explanation.”
Chigiri listened intently as Sora explained how she managed to get into Bluelock, she didn’t see a reason to lie to him. Chigiri deserved better than that. “So that’s everything, you get why I have to do this now?”
“Figures you’d get yourself in this mess idiot.” a soft smile graced his face as he spoke. “I’m guessing I’m the only one who knows?”
“What do you think?”, Sora sasses, using her hand to gesture for Chigiri to turn back around so she could put back on her binder. He does as told, clearing his throat in an effort to hide his embarrassment when he realised she would be topless behind him. .
“You don’t have to worry.” Sora, stopped mid movements, staring down Chigiris back. “I won’t tell anyone about this.”
She laughs. “You’d be a pretty shitty friend if you did” Chigiri scoffs at how Sora never takes anything seriously, typical for her. “But still…thanks.”
Once again Sora found a way to surprise him.
He hears her light foot steps, signaling Sora had finished as she jogged up to the boy, looking up to him. “But I have to ask Chigiri. Why are you here? After what happened you swore soccer off for good but here you are-”
“Nothing has changed.”, She should’ve expected that from him, knowing how touchy this subject was for him but she wondered why he chose to come to Bluelock at all. “You know I can’t Sora.”
Sora sighs, disappointed but she wouldn’t push it further. For now. ‘Stubborn’
“What I do know is that your hair is a mess!”
Chigiris hand goes to his luscious pink locks, messing it up more without him realising. “Hehe ah always a princess.”
“Shut up.”, he face could’ve matched his hair with how pink it was, Only making Soras teasing even more worthwhile. “C’mere I’ll fix it.”
Sora grabs his wrist, tugging him up one of the mirrors no matter how much her friend pretended to hate it otherwise.
Chigiri never let anyone touch his hair, he always spent copious amounts of time taking care of it. But Sora was one of the few people who squeezed through his protective walls he had built. Allowing her to be one of the only people he trusted enough that close to him and his locks. He’d never tell aloud but he loved it when she played with his hair, she was always so gentle but precise when she braided it how he liked it.
Not to mention she gave killer head massages.
The two talked for a while more, bantering back and forth and Sora fixed Chigiris hair whilst he lectured her on the clear lack of maintenance she’d been using on her own.
Given Chigiris inner turmoil that Sora was fully aware of, she was glad to see another friend from home on this wild ride with her.
But she wouldn’t forget she was here first and foremost for herself.
Chigiri went back to bed after Sora had finished fixing his hair, knowing it would just mess it up again anyway.
Sora found herself too wired to sleep, figuring she could get some extra practice instead.
Already changed into the skin suits she enters the field room, not expecting to see both Isagi and Bachira there too.
“Oh looks like Blueberry is here to train with us!” Sora slaps her forehead as soon he says her nickname. “You’re never gonna drop that are you?”
“Nope!”, he giggles, stretching out his hands and arms. “You guys don’t mind me training with you?”
Neither of them object, both watching Sora start her own stretching. “Now that your here actually there’s something I’m confused about.”
“Hm?” Both Bachira and Sora look at him with puzzled looks, waiting for him to continue. “When we played tag, you decided to pass the ball to me and Sora.”
“Why did you do that? How’d you know I’d aim for Kira? How’d you know Sora would follow you.”
Sora too was curious to get an explanation. When watching Bachira on the field it’s like he moves on pure instinct, something no one can read.
Bachiras foot rests on the ball, his hands on his hips as he contemplates his answer. “I guess it’s because… there’s a monster in me.”
Soras heart leaped in chest as Bachiras whole persona changed in front of her but there was something that she resonated with, like she could understand what this monster was in Bachira.
“A monster? I don’t follow.”
“Whenever I play soccer, it comes out and talks to me.” Bachira explains, dribbling the ball toward Isagi. “Telling me to score a goal or weave about more.” His foot stops the ball for a mere moment before weaving in between his feet, Isagi ran after him while Sora waited back, of serving the two of them. “But this time it was different. This time it said ‘pass to Isagi and to Sora. There’s monsters inside them too.’
“Are you for real?” Isagi couldn’t understand what Bachira was going on about, thinking how unhinged this guy was.
Sora sees her chance, Bachira stops long enough for her to steal the ball off him, choosing to bounce the ball off her knees as Bachira smirked in approval. “When I’m on the field I listen to its voice, that's all there is to it. Can’t you hear the monsters voice? I know blueberry can.”
‘Can I? Is that what it is? That thing that speaks to me whenever I try to drown out my ego?’
“And her monster likes a good chase.”
Maybe Bachira understands that and her more than she ever realized. Someone in touch with the monster inside them. “All the best players have monsters inside them, must be what it takes to be a striker. We’ll that’s what I believe.” Bachira takes back the ball from Sora, kicking it upwards. “You know. I’m glad I came here Isagi, because I got to meet you and Sora.”
Sora felt her cheeks get hot while Isagi stared blankly at Bachira. “Want to try again?”
“Yeah.” ‘What’s wrong with this guy? He’s talking nonsense and yet…”
“Come on!”
‘He’s stoking the flames! Just like Sora does’
Speaking of the girl she cartwheels in before crouching low to steal the ball right back off Bachira, her eyes lighting up just like Isagis are. Bachira pulls back the ball fast enough to avoid her, Isagi seeing this move gets inspired himself and sweeps his leg down after the ball. “Yeah! Now that’s more like it!”
Before the three could continue their training session, the PA goes off, announcing the fitness tests had been finalised and that they should return to their rooms to see their new ranking.
Still in their Bluelock soccer suits, the three make their way back to their dorm, immediately greeted by an excited Igarshi. “Hey Isagi! I shot up from my old rank! From 300 all the way to 275 now baby!”
Sora glanced at his arm to see he was indeed telling the truth about his new rank even though she found it so hard to believe he got that hood in such a short span of time.
“What? Impressive…”, he seemed genuinely shocked too.
“You guys are moving up too! Check it!”, Sora peaks at Isagis first to see his rank had soared up to 274 from his previous 299. 1 rank higher than Igarshi.
Whilst Igarshi blabbed to Isagi about their new rival relationship, Sora looked at her own rank. She had been placed at 267. An improvement for sure but she still had players that were ahead of her.
And one of them was right next to her.
Bachira seemed much more invested in Soras rank rather than his own, his lips twitching upwards realizing how close she was to catching up to him.
“Well well, hello there, my little diamonds in the rough. Enjoying life at Bluelock? I certainly hope so.”
Raichi growls at the screen. “Argh! Cut the crap man. You put us in this crummy environment. How the hell are we supposed to improve at this rate.”
A few of the other boys seemed to agree, particularly that of Naruhaya. “I demand to have better food man!”
“Weren’t you the one that stole the ‘better’ food?”, Sora asked him with a raised brow to which the boy clutched his stomach, turning away to hide his apparent guilt.
“So not the point!”
“The environment is crummy because it matches your crummy soccer skills.”
Even Sora felt a little offended at that one.
“Let’s talk a little more about Bluelock. In this facility there are a total of 25 teams from B to Z, split into five groups with five buildings. By the way, each group lost one person so in total there are 275 players left.”
Sora laughed the moment poor monk boy realised he hadn’t made any progress at all. “So that means I’m still dead last?! I got hyped for nothing!!”
Isagi looked at Sora with an expression that practically said ‘really?’. She just shrugged,gesturing to Igarshi having a meltdown. “What? He’s funny.”
He shook his head. ‘Between him and Bachira I have no idea whose crazier….’
Ego continued to explain how the rankings decided which players fit into which teams, letting all the players in team z know that they were the worst players out of the bunch.
‘I’m starting to think Ego doesn’t exactly excel with people skills’
Sora could see Isagi survey the room, at his team mates realized that everyone within the room was delegated into the ‘worst players’ team. She could see the panic etched into his eyes.
She shook her head, then punched him in the side of his ribs. “Ow! Sora what the hell-“
“We’ve got nowhere to go but up.”
Isagi looked at Sora whilst clutching his side, now realizing that in Soras own unique way, that she was trying to help him.
Just like she’s been doing this whole time. “R-Right. Thanks for that.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“When you’re here the top soccer players are king. If you want the luxury than you must win.”
Some of her fellow team mates only glared at the screen whilst others like Raichi glowered at the players, arguing with Kunigami whilst Kuon tried to diffuse the tension.
“We’re supposed to turn this into a team? Fucking perfect.”
Bachira wrapped his around her shoulder. “Oh don’t be so stiff Blueberry.”
“You do see what we have to work with right?”
“Yeah I do.”
She looked at him as he said that but Bachira wasn’t looking at his team.
He was only looking at her.
“Now that you know the rules. It’s time to begin the first selection. “
Bachira tore his gaze away and finally it felt like Sora could breathe again, her heart was racing under her rib cage.
The first selection was about to begin, her secret only known by that of Chigiri. Friendships were starting to form and rivialy would blossom.
Ego doesn’t seem to care much about whatever relationships that we’re beginning to form under his mentorship, explaining to Team Z how exactly the selection worked.
“The first selection will involve the 55 of you in building 5, it’s a kind of five team round Robin. Only the top two teams will move on to the second selection. It’s a survival match.”
“So what. The eleven of us in group Z will be playing together as a proper team? But everyone here is a foreword.” Chigiri observed, the others quickly starting squabble over who will get the coveted forward position.
Isagi was starting to understand why Sora was hesitant with this group. ‘A team made of eleven forwards? How’s that going to work.’
“Don’t you know? Soccer was originally all about scoring , over the years you’ve been imprinted with stupid notions of positions and strategies on the field. Soccer originally started out with everyone as a striker.”
Jinpachi face goes firm for his next few words, his eyes looking down at the group with a serious ferociousity. “So play the game as intended. Dig deep inside and create soccer from zero.”
‘Create soccer from zero… hmmm’, Sora held her hand to chin in thought, pondering these very words like the rest of her new team were.
She didn’t know the answer yet, but she knew Ego was giving them a key that would be essential to succeeding here at Bluelock.
“Abandon common sense and shove new concepts in those small brains of yours. Right now what Japan needs isn’t eleven players who work as a team. What we need is a solitary hero. Messi, Christiano Ronaldo, Neymar and Hisaya. Soccers evolution is limitless because of stars like these.”
Chigiri looked at the prodigy daughter of Kazuma, seeing her hands now balled into fists at the mention of her father, he wished he could make things easy for her but doing that in a room full of strangers could out her secret.
So he settle with a simple knowing look, one Sora caught, Chigiri only nodding and the girl felt her tension ease. She too gave him a nod, with a smile one that silently told the boy. ‘Thank you.’
They both turn back to Ego, still monologing on his screen. “One persons actions could change a team, or the world. That’s the power this sport possesses.”
“Are you prepared to fight your way to the top?! Here inside of Bluelock!”
She knew things would start to livin up very soon and Sora was ready.
Or so she thought.
Sae Itoshi was bored.
As skilled as the young man was, no one stoked the flames out on the field. He wouldn’t play against any regular passing athlete. If he was going to play it , would be against people worthy of him.
It wasn’t until he witnessed one of the BlueLock press conferences where something in him felt alive. He listened to this woman preach on about their plans to create the ultimate striker, to change the fate of Japanese soccer forever.
These words resonated with him, alit something in him that laid dormer for quite some time.
“Sae? Your flight to Spain-“
“Cancel it.”
His assistant gawker at the star athlete in shock, the boys eyes locked on the room of reporters and members of the said Bluelock commitee.
“I want to see what they forge with my own two eyes.”
It was then he took out his phone, seeing a message from one of the only people who could invoke the slightest hint of interest.
Sora Hisaya.
“Hey dumbass! Got selected into some special elite program or whatever so I’m going to be gone for a while.”
“You better keep practicing otherwise I’ll get ahead of you.”
“Try not to miss me too much kay?.”
Sae wouldn’t allow himself to viably react in public but he had quickly put two and two together.
He knew where Sora was and if that were the case, in interest in the Bluelock project only heightened further.
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| Masterlist | 0.5 | 01 | 02 | 03 (coming soon)
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i’ve got... cake
prompt from my beloved @artemisthehuntress: “You have some flour... everywhere.”
harringrove, fluff, getting together
Max blinked in surprise. Her blue eyes wandered from her stepbrother to the hand-mixer to the mess of baking supplies scattered across the kitchen counter. “You have some flour... everywhere.”
“Yeah,” Billy snapped. “I noticed. Thank you so much for that witty observation, Maxine.”
The redhead flinched. The full-name shuffle was never good. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t get the fucking measurements right and I only have a few more hours until the party.”
Max glanced at the calendar and then back to the hand-mixer. “Tonight is Steve’s birthday party. Are you... Are you baking a cake for Steve Harrington’s birthday, dude?”
Billy flushed, glaring a hole through the plastic bowl he had tucked into the crook of his arm. Max could see already that the batter was lumpy and far too dry. They would definitely need to start over. 
“Alright, so,” she rolled up her sleeves, “We’re going to need to re-organize a little and wipe the kitchen down, but we can definitely still make it in time.”
“Y-You’re gonna help me?” Billy seemed utterly gobsmacked at the idea. Max bit the inside of her cheek to keep from making a snarky comeback; she knew how much worse he had it around here. The literal least she could do was not be an asshole all the time.
“Well yeah, Steve’s my friend, too. And I want partial credit.”
“Fine, but it was my idea.”
“Why does it need to be your idea?” Max raised her eyebrow. “Not that I care.”
“Just shut up and help me, please.” 
“Fine, fine. Jeez.”
Max leaned against Lucas next to Steve’s huge pool and watched as Billy presented their (hideous) homemade vanilla birthday cake to the older teen. “He was so worked up about it I thought he was gonna bust a vein in his eye or something.”
“Really? Billy got upset over a cake?”
“He was very insistent that he get credit for the idea, too.”
“Adults are weird, dude. I don’t get it.”
“Yeah, me neither. Wanna go swimming?”
“For sure!”
“Y-You made it from scratch?” Steve asked, biting adorably at his full bottom lip. Billy had never been more jealous of someone else’s teeth. 
“Yeah, pretty boy. Max helped a little, but I figured I could use the challenge.”
“No one’s ever made me a cake from scratch before,” Steve whispered. He quickly snapped his eyes to from the awkwardly frosted cake to Billy’s face, like he hadn’t meant for those words to be spoken aloud. “I mean, uh, thank you. I really like it.”
“No problem, Steve. Happy birthday, by the way. I got you a present, too, but I left it in my car.”
“I could... come get it with you?” Steve offered, setting the cake to the side where it would be safe. His fingers fumbled against each other awkwardly, tangling occasionally with the bottom hem of his polo. He was too fucking cute, it wasn’t fair. 
They didn’t come back to the party for a good, long while. 
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SnV Qin Shi Huang || Ying Zheng/Fem!Reader
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Warnings: First fic lol, historical inaccuracies, typical cannon violence, a kid with trauma and a wannabe therapist, Soulmate AU, slowburn(?), Warring States period-ish, JJK cross over kinda-ish, baby qin needs a hug, internalized misogyny.
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Later that day, the diplomat's daughter decided to return to her chambers, and halfway through–encountered her ever so obnoxious older and only sibling. Michizane Satoru, the heir to the Michizane household.
Older by five years, the younger Michizanes' height barely reaches his staggering shoulders. This man child was an exact carbon copy of the patriarch. Although his childishness amplified tenfold.
You see, the girl has taken after her mostly after her mothers demeanor, cold, clinical and blunt–others also see her arrogant. Unlike his father whose appearance alone stood out like a sore thumb, may he be emphatic and literate, but he usually let pacifistic and people pleasing tendencies ahead of him as well.
Satoru was a cesspool, the worst combination of both, in her opinion.
"So, you've got an eye for a boy." The lanky teenager appeared from behind and leaned to her ear, causing her to turn her head from the source of his voice.
She continues to walk, making it seem like he didn't exist. As she does, Satoru begins blabbering words out of his mouth. Quickly catching up to the younger girl.
"Hey now, don't ignore me! I'll tell father you didn't bring me along while you're sneaking around!"
"It's not the fault of mine you slacked off and let me slip away." He was silent for a few seconds, unable to rebut and finally relenting to his defeat.
"I err–jeez fine. I see you've already taken care of that. But still, it's dangerous for you to be alone."
"I can defend myself quite alright, thank you very much." The younger Michizane sarcastically retorted back. While the older one playfully clutched a fist on his chest, in mock hurt.
"Ouch, Then what's the point of me being here then?"
"I question the same thing. How about we ask father once he's done with their meeting."
Soon enough, they stopped with their bickering. Thanks to her memory, unlike her brothers', they've arrived at their designated rooms quicker than expected. She entered hers, and much to her dismay, so did the other. She sighed under her breath, certain there is no escaping the blabbermouth.
She prepared a few stacks of paper along the compact ink powder and brushes she had bought along with her. Placing those to the round table in the middle of the room, the lanky man child plopped to her bed, and shut his eyes.
Now she had all the things she needed to start writing, and so wasted no time. It was a miracle for her that the brother of hers stopped his superficial chatter. Or so she thought.
"Seriously, pipsqueak, you're acting strange today. Don't you dare lie, I know that look on your face." He asked out of nowhere, luring his younger sibling to a prattle. And although wearing a bandage, her eyes twitched in annoyance.
"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're implying."
"Sure sure, whatever." He absentmindedly added.
It didn't take long for him to ask her again.
"What does he look like?" He arose from her bed, and trudged towards the table where she currently scribbled, tossing away the fact that she clearly didn't want to be disturbed yet he still did, anyway.
"Who?" She halted from writing, tilting her head. In Satoru's perspective, he could barely make out one or two characters from what she was writing. He's never been the one who has the passion for linguistics and leaning more towards mastering the arts of jujutsu.
"Don't play coy with me kid." His mouth curved onto a smirk, knowing full well he wouldn't leave her unless he was satisfied with her answers and knew the whole story. She could only sigh.
Poor girl. This was going to be a long day.
She couldn't lie to herself, however. It's no denying she finds him a little curious, and truly she got her eyes on him.
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The sun had already fallen when Satoru decided to leave. And I am yet to be done. Usually before going to sleep, I've made the habit of writing about my day, where on each page, I write in a certain dialect, then another language in the next.
The wind was cold, the light from the lantern emanating the room, allowing me to jot down in the dark.
A gentle knock from the door drew my attention.
"May I come in?" I knew this voice quite well. Well at the least this time he was courteous enough to actually knock.
"Yes–you may, father."
He quietly slid the door, my eyes darting away to meet his gaze.
I see him holding a tray of porcelain tea cups, and a pot of what I assume is boiling water.
"What brings you here?" I said, reverting my attention to the papers. I could hear the light clinking of the tableware against the wooden table, as he made himself at home and sat beside me to take a peek at my work.
"Am I not allowed to visit my daughter, hm?" He said, placing his elbows to the table and his head above the back of his hands, tilting it slightly.
I close my eyes in expharation. My social battery drained. I'm not sure if I could deal with another white haired Michizane to a mindless chatter.
"If you're going to ask about–"
"Oh no, no. I'm not going to ask about that." Taking a handful of dried tea leaves, he started to brew a cup of tea. Though I didn't pay much attention to it, after a minute of meditative silence which only consisted of the sound the porcelain makes as it collides with another of the same material.
The calming and sweet aroma of the tea crept to my nose. It smells heavenly, I must admit.
My father slides the hot cup of fresh newly brewed tea beside my paper, although not that close where I could possibly spill it over when tapped.
"So how was your day?"
"Quite alright, I suppose."
"Your brother can be quite a lot to handle, isn't he?" He said, then taking a small sip of the tea.
"So why bring him along? It's starting to look like I'm the one to attend to him instead of him attending to me." I scoffed incredulously, still focused on the task at hand. But still I told no lies, my older brother is a child at heart, and could only be tamed with sugar.
There was a short pause and so I took that chance, to take a sip, the faint taste of something sweet embracing my tongue and filling my throat with warmth.
"Unlike you, he doesn't take his future seriously. I need him to see for himself what may be his standing a decade from now once I have stepped down upon my duties." He answered, swirling his already half empty tea cup, a habit I noticed he had picked up when he and his fellow vassals drank sake to their hearts fill.
"But have you asked him if that is what he wants?"
His eyes slowly land to mine, seemingly to contemplate something.
"No, not yet." He shook his head.
"Then I suppose you should. And once he has told you he holds no interest in such, I think it would be best for you and mother should start planning for another hei–" I suggested, but is interrupted with his coughs, eventually turning into a fit of giggles.
"Alright, alright, I hear you sunshine." Laughter gradually fading, he drank the last drop of the tea.
"It matters not to me if the Michizane is led by a woman." He added.
"Are you implying for me to take the seat?"
"Why not? What a functional community needs is someone who is capable, smart, responsible and assertive. You clearly display those traits."
"But I am a woman."
"And?" His eyes rose, expecting me an answer…an answer that I can't give justification to, for some reason. It took me for a while to come up with a decent refutation.
".....It will look strange upon their eyes. A woman has never led within their household, let alone an entire community. That's nothing more than a pipe dream." It is true, no man would listen to a woman, never they will respect one's authority merely because we are nothing but child bearers to their perspective. It makes me truly wonder how my father came to exist.
He who views his lover his equal. I am fortunate to have him as a father, but I hate him for fueling a fruitless dream would only leave me in vain.
"Then how about we make it into reality?" I scoff. Where does he come up to even think of such things?
"That's absurd. Are you sure you have not drank half seas over?" I leaned to his arm, sniffing the fabric of his garb.
Concern is what was written on his face, as he did the same, but with the vacant sleeves of his other hand.
"Do I smell like it?"
He didn't smell anything, much to my not-so-disappointment. Because it could only mean he genuinely means what he had proclaimed.
"Then there's your answer."
It makes me feel at ease for my father to acknowledge my abilities alone, but for him to entrust the future of the Michizane upon my hands?
Never had I thought of such.
"If your brother refuses, then I'll make you Yamato's first female daimyo." He added, patting my head, before deciding to garner up the mess on the table as both of us were done drinking the warm beverage.
".....If that's what suits you." I said, before he proceeded to stand up and leave my room.
"I reckon we should retire. It's been a long day for all of us." Nodding, he excused himself, but before he could,
"If–if you do not mind, father, could you sleep by my side?" I blurt in the heat of the moment. Fear coursed through my veins. The fear of sleeping alone in a room I am not familiar with overpowering my reasoning.
"You didn't have to ask, kid. I'll return this for a minute and while I do, you should tidy up, alright?" Offering me a genuine smile, I let my tensed shoulders relax.
"Yes." Without question, I did what he had told me to do.
I lay on one side of the bed, my eyes focused on the ceilings. It all consists of gray. The amount of gray, or red with my colourblind lens, I've sighted today may rival the gray I have seen throughout my entire life. I guess this is their signature colour. It's not overwhelming per se, but over time I feel like I'm starting to get tired of it all.
Father announced his return with the cautious and agonizingly slow sliding of the door. Traveling to the empty vacant side of the bed, he laid down to the side, turning his body to face me. I copied him, mirroring my ocean eyes in his.
"Goodnight." I whispered, and shut my eyes to slumber.
"Sweet dreams, moonlight." Everything was starting to go faint, but I still did hear it, my consciousness slowly drifting onto black. The gentle repetitive taps on my shoulders akin to something nostalgic, the calm beating of something as I curled, snuggling to the warmth. Allowing the realm of dreams tonight to engulf me into slumber.
That very same evening, a boy with a pair of eyes dyed in blood red cries himself alone to sleep. Missing the embrace of she who made his life less bleak.
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Notes: Ok, I was supposed to be updating every 10 days, midterms just rlly fcked me up lol.
Anyways, this was supposed to be just some fluffy chapter but when I was nearby just the end of it, Somebody to Stay in my shuffle started playing and like gave me so much baby qin feels so I said f*ck it why not. My duality be showing lol. I'm so sorry.
And originally, I planned on having Yuuta Okkotsu to be the one who's supposed to be with Y/n, but I thought their interactions sounded too bland. So I switched it up with Satoru and so sassy sibling slander ensues.
I also love me some supportive dilf. Plays daddy issues*
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daisy-thetoxic · 2 years
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Just fluff
Olivia Whitwalker: Brown hair, 5'5, green eyes.= fem oc
Millard had gotten the ball stuck in a tree. Olivia, Millard and Hugh surrounded the tree. All 3 looking up at the ball, trying to figure on how to get it down without Olivia getting in trouble with Mrs. Peregrine again, as she usually comes up with ideas that gets her hurt, therefore getting in trouble with her wife for getting hurt.
It did not cross any of their minds to ask their sister/daughter Fiona to grow the branch out and get the ball.
Olivia looked at the boys, then the house then the tree. "Ima do it" She said with a mischievous grin.
"Are you sure Olivia?" Millard asked, knowing Mrs. Peregrine wouldn't like it.
"Pffft, it's not like I'm gonna get in trouble, I'm a responsible adult, I can do what I want and when I want" She said proudly, puting her hands on her hips, like a superhero.
"Didn't you just get in trouble last week because you-" Hugh was cut off by Olivia shushing him with a glare.
Olivia mocked his words, being her childish self. She started making her way up the tree, as she got half way there, Fiona came up to them, looking up at her mother curiously.
"You guys do know I can get it out for you right?" She called up to Olivia. Olivia stopped in her tracks, thinking about it before huffing.
"Jeez Fiona, couldn't have came earlier?" She called down, her boys playfuling glaring at their sister.
Fiona laughed at them, as Olivia countinued to climb up. When she reached the ball, she pushed it down, still maintaining balance on the branch.
Olivia thought about shifting into a bird and flying down but jumping looked so much funner. She quickly looked at the house to make sure her wife wouldn't be coming. Before she let a mischievous grin loose, and got closer to the edge.
The kids could tell what she was up too and decided to step back and watch, not only for her jumping down but, they knew Mrs. Peregrine would come, as she always knew.
The tree was fairly tall, and anyone else would break a bone but since Olivia's particular is shape-shifting it came with healing abilities.
Olivia jumped down, landing in a spider man pose, a big smile on her face, until she heard a cough, she jumped up with a shriek. "Oh my lord, we need to put a bell on you!" Olivia screamed, stopping at a halt after seeing her wife's unamused face. 
"Heyy love, how's you doing? Did I mention you look gorgeous today?" Olivia sheepishly grinned.
"And what in earth are you doing?!" Alma questioned her,
"Getting the ball from the tree?" It sounded more like a question
Before Olivia could defend herself, Millard spoke up.
"Olivia said she could do whatever she wanted and when she wanted, Ma'am"
Both women turned to the child, Alma turned to her wife with a eyebrow.
"You are no longer my favorite, Hugh is" Olivia whispered to the boy, a betrayed look on her face.
Hugh did a little dance, letting bees out while Millard, well- you couldn't exactly tell.
Olivia quickly shifted into a puppy, giving her wife puppy eyes, but it did not work as her wife just pointed to the house and the pouty puppy complied. Whiney and sulky through her sad, slow walk.
Alma rolled her eyes at her wife's actions, quit used to her.
Once they got in the libary/ office, Mrs. Peregrine closed the doors and locked it, making sure the window curtains where closed, be the time she was done, her wife shifted back and was pouting.
"I'm sorry okay! Please forgive me, I'll do anything!" Olivia broke, not wanting her wife to be mad at her any longer, although her wife was very hot mad but just not mad at her.
Alma walked closer to her "Did you get hurt?" She asked, her eyes scanning her wife's body, a corset with trousers and a coat. She did look beautiful, as she let her eyes linger at her wife's cleavlenge longer then she'd like.
"No, of course not, I'm always careful" as the words came out of her mouth, her wife snorted at her, Olivia glares offended at her.
The proximity getting closer between them. "Good, because I already came up with your punishment" Olivia looked down at Almas lips for a split second, their lips hovering.
"And that is?" She questioned, really hoping it was what she thought, but boy was she wrong.
" your gonna do the laundry and help Fiona with the garden, and the kids with their chores" at that Alma stepped away, leaving her wife flustered and glaring at her.
Before her wife could even get dramatic, she unlocked the door and swiftly left the room with her wife groaning in frustration behind her, knowing she is pouting, a smirk fell on her lips.0
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lolotr · 1 year
10 fandoms 10 characters tag game
rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same
Thank you @courfaeriedust for tagging me!! It's been so long since I have been tagged in something like this that when I saw the post on my dash I didn't even bother to check. It took the notification for me to figure it out lol
Here we go, in no particular order:
1. Kaleidotrope (podcast). I, too, will begin here, since it's been four years and I'm still not over it. As much as it pains me, I think I will pick Drew, but mostly because I resonate with him so goddamn much. One of the running themes of this list will be trauma.
2. Call Me Katie (web series). Bates, it's obviously Bates, it could never be anyone other than Bates. My disaster bi, the boy who helped me start to realize I'm queer, with his dumbass puns, his neediness, his obsession with vlogging and pizza... I could go on forever.
3. The Adventure Zone - Balance (podcast). Hoo boy. How do I... Magnus? Or Lup? I'm gonna go with Magnus, if only because he is the one who never fails to make me cry. Travis (and Griffin) does such beautiful things with this character and role plays BRILLIANTLY. well, they all do. gosh jeez this is hard
4. Lord of the Rings (books, movies). Never mind, this is super easy. Samwise Gamgee. Next fucking question.
5. Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast. AHHHHHGGGGDKEKXJDI Zolf or Sasha???? At this very moment Sasha. She just-- I just-- my stabbing girl. My damaged, stabbing girl.
6. Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus (book serieses). (These are the two in the verse I've read so far.) It feels like a cop out, but I think Percy. It was between him and Annabeth, and I absolutely love their dynamic, whether it's before or after dating. But Percy is so smart and capable in certain ways and so utterly stupid in others (I have a theory that both he and Annabeth take hits to their mental stats when they are within thirty feet of one another). He's loyal to a fault, he's obsessed with blue food, he fought the god of war at 12 and won, he dove into Tartarus rather than be separated from his girlfriend/best friend again, he even has ADHD. Truly the character of all time.
7. Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV show). Zuko. I love the whole gaang but his character is done so beautifully and complexly. Like that is how you do a redemption arc, people. From the very beginning. And you do not make it easy for this sixteen year old who has committed war crimes, no you don't.
8. The Hunger Games (book series). Peeta. I live that he is optimistic, kind, and principled, but not naive, oblivious, or weak. His flaws are the same as his strengths: he's self sacrificing, self effacing, loyal. Everyone rubs Katniss's nose in the fact that he's good except him. But also, he's not perfect, and there's a lot of complexity tied to the fact that everyone thinks he's better than Katniss in every way, but he's mostly just better at hiding the darker parts of him. I love that we see nothing but the darkest parts and he's able to come back.
9. Dames and Dragons/LegendLark - first campaign (podcast). Fran. Again, I adore everyone, including NPCs, but I have such a soft spot for her. Noel plays her so beautifully and isn't afraid to make her jarring, make her part of the inner conflict of the team. I love how she's grown, and I'm excited and scared to see how the show wraps up.
10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show). This is tough, because some people's characterization varies so wildly sometimes, but... Giles. I'm going with my sexy dad who cares so fucking much about his adopted child(ren).
I had a lot of trouble with this list, because I've been in fandom since I knew what it was. I picked things that I still enjoy, and also things that I still enjoy talking about/analyzing. Because that's how I show love.
PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU: @all-chickens-are-trans @chaotic-gay-is-my-alignment @sonseulsoleil @yeahdefnot @greatestvoyageinhistoryofplastic @rovermcfly @the-vaudevillain @anywhoozles @wire-smith @cantdance anyone who wants to! Sorry if I tagged anyone who's been tagged already, I was doing this on mobile and couldn't be bothered to check
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honey-beann · 8 months
1, 2, and 14 for the asks! -@wamblings
Okay I may or may not have gone off here, so buckle up lmao
(Also side note, but if you're reading this and you somehow haven't read @wamblings' fics i implore you to do so immediately, I reread them so often that you would think I was studying for a test)
#1 - Have you written scenes (sex or otherwise) that actually made you feel uncomfortable, and how did you deal?
Oddly enough, I think that the only thing that comes to mind is the scene in Home(you) where the reader is reflecting on her past with the rk brothers. I struggled a lot with writing out the way that all of them were interested in her both before and after she chose to be with Sixty, because I wasn't sure how to make it feel as natural as it was supposed to, and that made me feel super uncomfortable with it all. Attempting to convey the non-platonic but also not entirely romantic relationship the reader had with all of the boys was really difficult for me, because the idea of them being unable to move on from her and her not necessarily pushing them to do so made me strangely uncomfy.
I think this is also why I've been working on the re-work/second part for so long, because I know exactly what I'm trying to have come across when it comes to their relationship, but it also makes me wonder on occasion how ethical the situation is haha. I don't think I push myself to write about protagonists doing things outside of my personal moral compass very often, so doing so just made me a little bit uncomfortable. That said, I was absolutely able to push through it by having a few friends read it and give me their thoughts so I could get a little bit better of an idea of what was being conveyed :)
#2 - Do you write porn from the perspective of the character you want to be, or the one you want to bang?
I am a big fan of both lol. If I were to say which perspective I write from more often, I would have to say the character that I want to be (the reader), but even so, I don't know if I've written a smut scene entirely from their perspective before (although now that I think about it, I probably have).
I like to talk about both what the reader feels, and what the other character feels as well, especially when doing so can add to the plot (if there is a plot at all). So, for example, when writing Sweet Eternity, If Only, I wrote a lot from the reader's perspective, but I also wrote from Nines' as well, because I knew that being in his head for a part of the fic would add additional and necessary context to the plot of the story. How else would we know that he cares for the reader in the way that he does if she doesn't even seem to know about it? I think that with certain characters, being inside of their heads during intimate moments can really add depth to them, so I definitely like to bounce back and forth between the perspective of the character I want to be and the one I want to bang lol.
#14 - What's your favourite way to emotionally destroy your favourite character?
Oh jeez, this is a hard one, because even if you can't tell, I adore writing angst. For some reason, when it comes to this blog, I haven't been doing it as much as I have on my other accounts, but even still, I think it is probably my favorite genre to write. As for my favorite way to emotionally destroy my favorite character though, this is a bit of a loaded question, especially because it means I have to pick a favorite haha.
That said, I'm not sure when or how it happened, but sometime within my several years of being in this fandom, my favorite character ended up being Nines, in spite of how little actual game content we have of him. I think that the idea of a machine that was never in a million years meant to feel, that was built for violence beyond anything else, and that has no interest in feeling the way that those before/around him do/have really calls out to me, because when it comes to love it means that his experiences with it are almost entirely uncontrollable for him. He isn't like Connor, he doesn't have some part of him that yearns for that connection, because he doesn't believe it has any value. He wants to be efficient.
And I think that's where my favorite angst to write about him comes in, because I adore situations where he is desperate to be as cold, unfeeling, and efficient as (in)humanely possible but he just can't. This concept of him being confused, angry, and even frightened by his own emotions is really interesting to me, as is the idea that his refusal to give in and let himself love and be loved is painful for him, but that he just can't let go because he believes it would make him weaker.
Plus, the dynamic that comes along if he ever does give in? Cold, calculating, and immensely intimidating android who only loves one person and just tolerates everyone else? The unexpected way that he yields to nearly every single one of his partner's desires in spite of how stubborn and uncaring he can be?
And alternatively, the world never knowing peace if he ever had to endure losing the only person he has ever offered his heart to?
I'm a sucker for all of that (if you couldn't tell).
In fact, I think a really good example of love for torturing Nines with his own emotions and feelings is the entirety of Beautiful Ruiner, Damn My Ashes haha.
Not only is he hellbent on insisting that he doesn't love the reader and that she also doesn't love him, but he also can't let himself enjoy the opportunity he has to touch her the way he wants to, because that would mean admitting he's weak to his own desires. Plus, the fact that he refuses to acknowledge his immense need for her and the care that he feels towards her only to wake up from stasis and realize he had been making his entire physical experience with her up in his head? Thus proving just how little control he is beginning to have over his own thoughts and feelings? I love that, the loss of control, the denial, the persistently cruel internal monologue of agony, it is like music to my ears lol.
Bonus facts, my favorite Connor angst is usually death related, so him losing someone in the one way he cannot change, and my favorite Sixty angst tends to be him refusing to let himself be happy and pushing too hard until he finally pushes someone right away.
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gaoau · 7 months
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H 0% S 0% V 83%
is there color in your world? warnings — none. word count — 852
prev. — next.
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the rain stopped for good after suna learned about byzantium and its shades. he expected her the following morning, thinking she'd probably take osamu's seat to show him her dark byzantium nails.
the hues faded into greys in the silent classroom.
osamu had left to the vending machine and [surname]'s good mornin' had yet to sound. at the back of the room, shijiki was awfully quiet while she tapped away at her phone with a frown.
little over a week went by in monochrome and blurred saturation. suna glanced over to [surname]'s empty desk any chance he got. she enjoyed changing things way too abruptly for his liking. barging into his life with eccentric words he couldn't wrap his head around; vanishing into thin air and leaving silence where there had been early greetings.
she twisted the script when he least expected it.
the colors around him shone brightly but nameless. he recognized a shade being slightly different from the other. he wondered what [surname] had to say about them.
an underclassman in the team always unclasped a brown watch before practice. the dog that barked at him on his walk home had orange fur. one of his classmates presented a powerpoint with magenta slides—suna still didn't know what she meant about magenta not being real.
even when he looked forward to the board, osamu's dyed hair filled his vision. what shade was it? did [surname] have a name for it? he couldn't dismiss it as just grey anymore.
it wasn't like he had grown used to the silence—half of his mind waited patiently for [surname]'s voice to start his day. it just so happened that her friends didn't have much regard for other people when they got excited. particularly shijiki.
after colorless days without names, he was greeted with hollering and whooping and cheering. pairs of footsteps he didn't care to count scrambled to the back door.
he cringed in annoyance, scrunching his nose. osamu mimicked him as they shared a discontent glance. suna rested his cheek on his desk and hoped his arms were enough to muffle the ruckus.
unfortunately—or fortunately?—they weren't. [surname]'s voice flowed into his ears, "good mornin', ev—!" and died into a startled cry.
among the squeals and shrieks of pure mirth, he could make out her friends exclaiming how much they'd missed her. some boys welcomed her back with cheerful greetings. he thought shijiki was crying.
[surname]'s distinctive tone rose above the cacophony. "i live! i live!" her words trembled with laughter. "i'm okay! 'twas just a cold, jeez!"
the noises died down. suna couldn't have been more grateful.
"we told ya to stop stayin' under the rain, dumbass!" he recognized shijiki's shrillness anywhere. skin smacked against skin and [surname] whined.
"but i didn't!" she argued back. "haven't done that since the school year started!"
a chuckle escaped him before he could catch it. suna shifted his head to rest on his chin. "liar," he mumbled.
osamu smirked at him, his brows rising. he was definitely a miya. suna rolled his eyes as he hid behind his arms again.
"she's comin' over," osamu whispered, almost as if it were a warning.
"good mornin', suna-kun."
even if he knew she was approaching, her voice startled him. he lifted his head to meet her eyes. he surely hadn't missed the way her knife buried itself deep into his chest. [surname] smiled warmly at him as though she hadn't disappeared for longer than a week.
osamu raised his hand to catch her attention. "i'm 'ere, too."
"ah, good mornin', miya-kun." [surname]'s eyes flickered towards him. suna wondered why osamu didn't recoil like he did. "yer hair looks nice today."
"damn, only today?"
she hummed. "s'cause today i paid attention. tomorrow i'll look again and make sure to compliment ya." her ahahaha! giggles blended with osamu's laughter.
suna could only stare at them. it impressed him how she could freely spout her randomness for anyone and assume they would take all of it. osamu seemed to be doing just that.
"well, have a good day, you two." [surname] waved her fingers as she turned around. suna watched her leave.
he couldn't understand her brain, what she expected of him, or simply how she operated. his world remained colorless for one more day.
osamu nudged him with his elbow. "i'm sure you were dyin' ta talk to her, my bad."
he hadn't realized that he didn't exchange a single word. he rolled his eyes again. "shut up. at least she didn't say anything too weird. you'd need to borrow atsumu's braincell to understand."
"bold of ya to assume i didn't take 'em all in the womb."
suna snorted.
"you okay, dude?" ginjima frowned while pulling a packet of tissues out of his bag.
atsumu muttered out a thanks and grumbled, "spring aller—" he sneezed again.
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percontaion-points · 11 months
Firstlife chapter 13
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Today’s review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 13
“Reality exists within the scope of your senses. If you feel it, it’s real.” —Myriad 
I don’t mean to rain on the author’s parade, but some people feel that they’re George Washington. It doesn’t mean that they’re right. 
Again, I feel like there’s a missed opportunity for an entire “You aren’t an angel/devil; you are mentally ill” subplot here. But that would probably require way more self-awareness than this author is capable of. 
“Your contract will last your Second-death. We will ensure your Firstlife is filled with fame and riches that far surpass anything your parents ever achieved, and in your Everlife, you’ll be given a place of honor inside the palace, as well as any other home you desire. If you want it, you get it, even if it’s occupied. You will never lack for anything. You will have servants, and you will answer only to our King.”
“But...how do you even know I’m an Abrogate?” 
“For starters, you’re Fused with a General.”
He drops the news as if I’m supposed to coo with excitement. Thing is, I’m not even slightly startled. I should have guessed this was always about the spirit I’m supposedly Fused with, not me. 
Again, without any basis of comparison, I can only assume that they offer this shit to pretty much everybody.
I think the only person we’ve seen is Clay, who was offered the job as messenger. But zero details on anything else he might have been offered. 
“Abrogates are Generals, and Generals are decisive, right? They make battle plans.”
I think the biggest mistake that the spirits are making is expecting for an indecisive 17 year old girl to lead the charge into battle. 
There’s a reason why the military’s current structure is based on experience. No more can you simply buy your way into a good military title. 
“You don’t know what Generals are. You’ve never spoken to one.”
I’ve personally never spoken to a military general, this is true. But that doesn’t magically stop me from knowing what they are. 
“I like listening to your onesided conversations.” 
He’s heard my sleep talking? Great! “What have I said?” 
“Ten’s tears fall...”
 “No. Ten tears fall. The number ten.” 
“No. You clearly said Ten’s tears. Your name.”
Wow, it’s almost like her name is a fucking number or something. How weird is that?
“Your parents haven’t been told of your escape...yet.” That’s something, at least. 
“Why the reprieve?” 
“Prynne has only informed parents of the deceased, and I requested Myriad keep quiet about you. Your parents...annoy me. Your mother is hiding something, and your father is an adulterous prick.”
Finally, some good news.
 I won’t think about my dad’s infidelity and the mental hatchet job it must be doing on my mom.
Jeez, no wonder her mom’s a basket case. She left everything she knew behind when she was 18 for a boy. This boy grew up to be an emotionally abusive jerkwad who shipped their only child off to be waterboarded the second she thought about being rebellious. And then the man has the audacity to cheat on her? And then he has the goddamned gumption to say that it’s HER who is ruining the family? 
Buddy, you ever look in a mirror recently?
The plane jiggles again, but at first, I don’t really care. Not anymore. When it continues, growing increasingly more violent, I freaking care. I freaking care a lot. The bin above us pops open and my backpack spills out as the nose of plane dips at a more acute angle. If not for our seat belts, we would have pitched forward. 
This isn’t normal. 
I’m nearing full-blown panic when the pilot steps from the cockpit, a bag slung over his shoulders. He moves swiftly, avoiding our gazes.
That’s 100% normal and a perfectly good sign!
He didn’t want me to wind up in Many Ends. And he might have lost his Secondlife for it.
Chapter 13 summary: As you can imagine, the plane is one of those shitty little puddlejumpers; meant for short trips. I can’t even imagine that it would make it to anywhere in the continental USA; the entire thing seems like a joke. Anyway, Ten hates how it shakes and bounces. She sleeps some, but when she wakes up, she asks Killian to sell her on Myriad. 
He promises her riches beyond her wildest dreams, and power to go with it. She’s like “You putting me in charge of anything seems like the set-up for a shitshow.” However, they’re all so convinced that she’s the reincarnation of some general. He tells her that the generals all died in a big attack right before she was born. That normal people’s spirits don’t glow like that. She’s like “Sounds like you’re selling me some real baloney, you know.”
The plane starts to shake real bad. Which is concerning enough. But then the pilot comes out and he’s like “Hasta la vista, baby.” and then jumps out with a parachute. Killian goes to the front to try and land it, but then comes back and says that he can’t. He begs the girls to sign. Ten begs him to leave his shell, or else he’ll have his seconddeath. 
Ten wakes up in a strange place and wanders around without reason for 2 whole pages. Then she wakes up again. Turns out that she’d died a little, and ended up in Many Ends, the purgatory. But Archer (who she and Sloan called when the plane was crashing) showed up and brought her back to life. Sloan is okay, and is being tended to by a friend of Archer’s. He doesn’t know what happened to Killian. 
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wanderingrain · 1 year
Blogging through Till the World Ends Ep 6
Aww not domestic gangster boyfriend.
Oh ok we're just gonna loudly make out on the couch behind little sister's back.
I cannot take P'Joke's eyepatch seriously I'm sorry
If she says this meat is the dog🐕 I swear
She's totally going to vgyrdchjoyrdd
oh no we're hinting it's human
Oh ok we're not hinting.
They're grossed out but not as much as you would expect them to be. Your little sister makes you eat human and you're only a little bit grossed out? Not even enough to be disgusted? What even is this gang? Lol
I've said it before, There is literally no way to explain away Golf hitting Art with the guitar. "I just got so angry" Major red flag my dude. "I thought you were trying to steal my girlfriend. " Major red flag my dude. I feel like this whole premise only really works because they're going to die (maybe) in 4 days. Like there is no way this relationship can survive long term unless they both get a lot of therapy. But short term? We're all gonna die anyway my dudes. ┐(゚~゚)┌
"I didn't mean it. " Dude it was clearly premeditated. I think you mean "if I knew you then like I do now I wouldn't have done it" which is still a Major red flag my dude.
well if these aren't the consequences of my own actions
Brother cuddllllleeees
I sense some BS advice coming from Jae
"it depends on the relationship." Jae he literally assaulted me.
"How many people have you hurt?" Jae there is a huge glaring difference here in that I (Art) never assaulted anyone.
Ugh where's the crack. Give me the crack back.
What is this all of a sudden???
This is so much worse advice than I thought it would be!!
"Golf didn't have bad intentions" HE BASHED SOMEONE OVER THE HEAD WITH A GUITAR!!
I knew they would pull out some stupid excuse to get Golf and Art back together but I thought it would Art least be funny!!?? Not this "sometimes you just have to let the person you love hurt you" crap.
This is so toxic please. This is Love Mechanics levels of toxic. Except this show doesn't have romanticized SA. (Crossing my fingers)
You know how when you talk to older women and they're like "oh yeah I waited on my husband hand and foot. He's just so tired after work you know? But boy was it difficult to cook with 7 children under foot but you learn to manage it!" And they treat men like they're basically one of the children they have to take care of and expect the younger generations to do the same? Yeah that's the feeling I'm getting from this conversation.
Before this conversation happened I was prepared to say "aww adopted mother cuddllleees" but now I'm too upset with Jae 😕
wow I just got an ad for a movie called "women talking" that looks like it's about what I was literally just talking about. 😨
I'm so glad they cast actors who can cry. It's always so awkward when they're clearly trying but can't.
Dude stop calling his name and just spit it out!! He's clearly here to listen!! This is Lovely Writer all over again where he was given ample time to explain and just stood there in silence!
Is he showing Art the video he took where he tried to unalive himself?? That's like emotional blackmail? What the heck
Your excuse is "if I'd wanted to kill you I wouldn't have helped you" ?? See this is the good crack! Take everything else away and just say the most absurd thing possible!
I see you looking at his lips Art. I see you
Lol not P'Gus and Jae falling into the room! Not them just continuing to lay there instead of jumping apart. Finally the crack is back!
Is this wedding foreshadowing?
He is not about to propose. They just got back together. Have they even kissed yet? I don't think they have.
No he is oh jeez. I have no words.
I don't know how I feel about this but the world is ending in 4 days so sure why not if it's that important to you.
Can't believe this is their first- oh ok nevermind.
Lol trying to use a Pomeranian to follow a scent.
The way the dog just FLOPS onto the ground!! This is the good stuff.
Oh no what is this awkwardness?
More Christmas🎄 music!!
It's not complete because you didn't kiss, Art. Duh
They're not even lining up correctly this kiss ain't gonna happen.
Yup there it is
crying on the floor what was that sneeze ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That wasn't supposed to happen was it. That was a real sneeze and they all just acted past it. I love these moments in amateur shows so much.
Is this the first time we've seen Jae with her hair down? Besides the wedding?
They're acting like she's so old lol. She's not even hobbling on her feet and they're acting like she's on death's door.
Aww is sweet that they're all crying
uh oh not the gang approaching.
I'm not really sure why I exchanged "babes" for "my dude" in this one but I did so... ┐(゚~゚)┌ I can't believe our boys got married and they still haven't even kissed yet.
So I thought before that one of the gang members was going to be Art's little brother, but that was before I realized that P'Long wasn't actually a new recruit and that both of the guys were older than bubblegum. (Have they ever even said her name btw? Cause I haven't noticed.) I'm sure his brother will come up somehow though. They wouldn't have brought him up if he wasn't going to appear at some point.
Are we working off the assumption that anyone inside a bunker when the moon hits the earth will survive? Because I've been thinking this whole time that it's a kind of false comfort situation. Like there's nothing anyone can do to stop the mass extinction of humanity but we need to at least seem like we're doing something.
I've kinda just been assuming everyone's going to die at the end which definitely contributes to me not taking things as seriously. Nothing really matters if all our characters are just going to die, no need to get too attached to them. ┐(゚~゚)┌ I'm really just here to have fun.
On to episode 7 and maybe the start of a new adventure outside the dorm?
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Black Dahlia (Chapter 6)
Morning all, and welcome back to Black Dahlia! This is sorta more of a filler chapter where not much action happens, but don’t you love those kinds of chapters? Hope you enjoy! Also, there’s no “Keep Reading” thing this time because I’m posting this from my phone and I can’t put a “Keep Reading” thing there from my phone for some damn reason. Sheesh, Tumblr, amirite? Anyway, read on and enjoy!
After completing their search of the sector, the only room they hadn’t checked was the chem lab, as it was locked.
“Shandi has the keys,” Starchild told Heather. “So we need to find Shandi.”
Shandi, luckily, was in her special effects lab, making sure effects worked for the concert. She was happy to open the lab for them, she just had to finish a test run.
Heather watched the generated ghost fly around and moan and cackle, and she had to admit—her effects were impressive. She definitely had the means to conjure a realistic-looking scythe… but what potentially was her motivation? She definitely stood to lose something if the park closed.
“Do you like working at KISS World, Shandi?” Heather asked her conversationally.
Shandi looked up at the question, and smiled. “Yeah, it’s pretty great. I mean, that security lady, Delilah, is kind of intense, but Mr. Goldman’s nice. It’s definitely better than always being on the road. Why do you ask?”
“I dunno, I just heard the park might close if this witch mystery isn’t solved,”
Shandi looked surprised. “Really? That’s terrible!”
Heather nodded. “Yeah, it is.” Reassured slightly, Heather went back to watching the ghost.
Suddenly, the door banged open and someone ran inside, tackling the ghost—or trying to tackle it, rather. There was a grunt, and then a splash. Why was there a splash?
“Freddy!” a voice cried out. Daphne?
The form on the floor sat up. “What is this place?” he said aloud—it was Fred.
The ghost disappeared, and Shandi turned the lights back on. “It’s my special effects lab,” she said.
Heather looked, and it was indeed Fred on the ground, looking soaked, with Daphne behind him. “Hey, kids!” she said cheerfully.
Starchild was not so cheerful. “I thought I told you guys to stay back,”
Daphne glared pointedly at Fred as he picked himself up off the ground. “Some of us had other ideas,”
Shandi looked at Fred’s soaked clothing. “Don’t worry, Fred, we can dry you off.” She turned to her two assistants. “Beth? Christine?”
The two girls went over to a huge fan and turned it on. The blast of air blew Fred back, and distorted his voice as he tried to speak.
When the girls turned off the fan, Daphne spoke again. “I take it you didn’t find the witch?”
Heather shook her head. “Nope,”
“We searched this whole sector except for the chem lab,” Starchild replied. “That’s why we came to Shandi.”
“I’m the only one who has the key,” Shandi explained. “C’mon, let’s go.”
The group followed Shandi down the hallway to the lab. “If you don’t mind me asking, Shandi,” Heather said to her, “why is the lab locked?”
“For the last few months, chemicals have gone missing,” Shandi replied. “So I keep the lab under lock and key. No one gets in without coming to me first.”
“What kinds of chemicals?”
“Gases, mostly. The gas is harmless to people, but the effect it makes is cool.”
Shandi unlocked the door, opened it, and turned on the lights. There were tables set up, and a machine over in one corner, but other than that the tables were bare. “See?” Shandi gestured to the tables. “Empty.”
Fred’s eyes lit up at the sight of the machine. “Hey, is that a chemical analyzer?”
Shandi smiled. “Pretty smart of you, Fred,”
“I’ve got a couple at home,” Fred pulled out the evidence bag containing the red dust. “Hey, do you think you can analyze this? It’s the residue from the witch’s mist.”
Shandi took the bag. “Sure. Anything for a fellow chemie.”
Fred watched her go over to the analyzer. Heather raised an eyebrow at that, then turned to find Daphne glaring in Shandi’s direction. Jealousy on both fronts, eh? This is sure to end well…
The analysis was going to take a few hours, so Fred and Daphne decided to meet up with the rest of the gang.
“Would you allow me to escort you back to the surface, m’lady?” Starchild asked Heather jokingly, bowing like a gentleman as Daphne and Fred walked off.
Heather laughed and curtsied. “Oh, how very kind of you, sir,”
As they were walking back to the surface, Heather suddenly thought of the flowers lining the wall. “Hey, by the way, I wasn’t expecting the flowers outside the wall. Who did that?”
“Uh…” Starchild rubbed the back of his neck. “… We suggested it. The band, I mean. We didn’t actually expect them to do it.”
Heather wasn’t expecting that. “Oh… Well, they look really nice.”
The two of them were silent for a moment, then Starchild said, “Heather… if you wanted to, you could come back.”
Heather turned to him in surprise. “I could?”
“As I said, if you wanted to. We’d all accept you back. If you don’t want to, it’s okay. But… we miss you almost every day.”
Heather couldn’t find a reply, except for, “… Can I think it over?”
Starchild nodded. “Of course. Take all the time you need, and when you’re ready, we’ll be there.”
Heather rejoined the gang in the security building. Upon walking into the room with the security cameras, she immediately noticed Shaggy and Scooby were shaking, glancing around. “What happened to you guys?”
“Like, we ran into the witch and some freaky KISS monsters!” Shaggy replied. “We like barely escaped with our lives!”
From where she was sitting at the computers, Velma rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic, Shaggy.” She turned and explained to Heather, “They ran into the Crimson Witch, and she apparently made KISS monster statues come alive. By the time we got there, they were gone.”
Heather raised her eyebrows at both the story and Velma calling her the Crimson Witch. “Freaky. How was your visit to Chikara?”
Velma frowned at the thought of the woman. “I’ll give her this: she can tell a story.”
“It still seems kind of freaky to me,” Daphne stated. “Too freaky to be real.”
Heather didn’t reply to that. She wished it was too freaky to be real, too.
She and the gang gathered around Velma’s chair as she keyed up character profiles of all the people they had met tonight. “I can’t say we don’t have enough suspects,” she said. “The problem is finding a motive.”
“The only one who’d like the park to shut down is Chip,” said Fred. “But he doesn’t seem smart enough.”
Daphne turned to him. “Shandi’s smart enough,”
“I know,” Fred replied. “But she’s way too cute to be a suspect.”
Daphne glared at him. Heather rolled her eyes. “I’m not too sure about Shandi, Daphne,” she said to the obviously-jealous girl. “I asked her earlier about it—I don’t think she wants the park to shut down.”
“What about Manny Goldman?” Velma asked.
Heather frowned as Manny’s profile came up onscreen. “Manny would never do something like this,” she insisted. “He’s not the type. Besides, he doesn’t even want the park to close.”
“Like, neither would the security lady,” Shaggy chimed in. “They’d lose their jobs.”
“Chikara’s the one who’s most obsessed with the witch,” Velma said, turning her chair around. “She talks as if she’s really supernatural.”
“She’s not?” Shaggy asked.
“No, Shaggy, she’s not. No matter what you think you’ve seen, there has to be a rational explanation.”
Heather didn’t give a reply to that, either. The way this mystery was going, she was going to let Velma stick to her philosophy for as long as possible—she wasn’t going to sink so low as to shatter it for her.
“It all centers on that rock,” Fred commented.
“The so-called Rock of KISSteria,” Velma agreed, “which seems to be KISS’s Detroit Rock.”
Heather snorted slightly at that. It was a lame cover story back then, and it was a lame cover story now.
“You mean the one they sing about in that song ‘Detroit Rock City’?” Shaggy asked. “I always thought that stood for rock and roll!”
“Huh.” The gang and Heather turned to see Spaceman and Starchild entering the room. It was Spaceman who had spoken. “Never thought of that,” he said thoughtfully. “I guess that works too.”
“Did you figure anything out?” Starchild asked the group.
“Not yet,” Daphne answered. “But if we had that rock, we might be able to set a trap.”
Starchild smiled at her. “Then maybe it’s time we hand it over to you, darling,”
Heather watched in anticipation as Demon placed the ornate box on the table, trying hard not to bounce on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“I do not like this,” Demon growled.
Starchild just kept smiling. “It’s going to be fine,”
“How do you know?”
Starchild just pointed at his right eye.
Demon was not amused. “Oy…”
Catman spoke up. “C’mon, Demon. If we don’t stop the witch tonight, the park’ll go under!”
“So let’s rock these kids already!” Spaceman exclaimed.
The two of them placed their hands on the box one after the other, and Starchild followed. When they placed their hands on the box, a musical note sounded out.
Demon finally heaved a sigh and threw his hands up in the air. “Alright,”
He placed his hand on the box, and a fourth musical note sounded. Then the top decoration of the box twisted around, then sank down. The box opened, and the Rock of KISSteria was revealed to them all.
Perhaps it was because it had been years since she’d seen it, but the sight of the majestic black diamond took Heather’s breath away. She had always taken pride in the fact that her family helped to create that rock, and to see it before her eyes again was nothing short of an honor.
The rest of the gang seemed awed as well. “Jinkies,” Velma breathed. “It’s a black diamond!”
“The largest in the world,” Starchild informed her proudly.
“That explains why the Crimson Witch has turned this place upside down looking for it!” Daphne exclaimed.
“Now it’s just a matter of setting a trap,” Fred said, getting his serious plan-making look on his face.
“Yeah!” Shaggy agreed, placing his hand on Scooby’s head. “So like, who’s going to be the bait?”
All of them, Heather included, turned to look at them and chorused, “You are!”
Shaggy and Scooby visibly deflated at the news. “Scoob, how is it that out of four ginormous superheroes, you and I have to do the hard part?”
Scooby sighed despairingly. “Oh, just lucky, I guess,”
Heather smiled at them. “C’mon, guys, you can do it! KISS can’t lure her out; they’re too obvious.”
“Yeah,” Catman agreed. “Put yourself in our shoes.”
Shaggy perked up at that. “Y’know what? That might just help.”
“… and then we’ll throw the net over the witch!” Fred concluded, smiling in excitement as he finished explaining his plan. “So, how’s that sound?”
He was met with silence. Demon, in his usual blunt fashion, spoke up first. “Your plan is to lure her out with the Rock of KISSteria… and throw a net over her?”
“Yeah!” Fred nodded. Then his smile faded slightly. “Why? Is that bad?”
Catman shrugged. “I mean, it’s not a bad plan. It’s just…”
“You’re going to need to do better than that,” Spaceman finished.
Velma looked skeptical. “She’s just a woman in a costume. How hard can it be to trap her?”
“Very hard,”
Everyone turned to Heather. Her arms were crossed, her gaze was on the floor, and the younger kids were instantly struck by the haunted look on her face. She looked up at Fred. “Fred, far be it from me to get in the way of your trap-making, but it’s not going to be that simple. Either add on to it, or scrap it and think of something else.”
“But Aunt Heather—” Fred began, but Heather cut him off, her voice now firm.  
“I don’t care. You need to do better than just throwing a net over her!” She turned to the rest of the gang. “And that goes for the rest of you. The Crimson Witch is dangerous, kids. She’s not some run-of-the-mill monster who’s just a human in a costume. You all have to understand that from here on out, you could get seriously hurt, or even killed. So figure it out, but in the gods’ names, do not just settle for throwing a net over her.”
She turned on her heel and headed for the door, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll go tell Manny we’re making a plan.”
When she had disappeared out the door, Daphne made to follow her. “Let her go,” Starchild said to her. “She’ll be fine.”
“I’ve never seen her like that before,” Fred said worriedly. “What is it about the Crimson Witch that makes her so upset?”
“Chikara mentioned Heather, too,” Velma piped up. “But she kept calling her ‘Black Dahlia.’ Why is that?”
KISS glanced at each other, and it was Starchild who answered. “There’s a lot about Heather she doesn’t like to talk about, and a lot more to her than you realize.”
“But Aunt Heather’s… Aunt Heather!” Fred insisted. “She’s not some maniac with a ton of secrets! She’s just Aunt Heather, my sixty-year-old aunt who likes flowers and rock music! Why would she want to keep secrets?”
Demon glared at him pointedly. “Let’s say something happened to you, so horrible that you were never the same as you were before. Would you want to talk about it?”
None of them had an answer to that.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Since you're done with The Mime (2 episodes in a month?Jeez girl, how is your hand?) the next one is Gorizilla right? What are your thoughts and opinions about the plot and the akuma?
I held onto this because, like Zombizou, I hadn't seen the episode yet. So here are my rambles. I don't think there's much to say since the episode only really pissed me off at the very end. Buckle up for that cuz Mama's gonna swear:
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Rose that is your SIXTH BAG VARIATION! Portfolio Bag in Orange, Brown, and Mint Green, Orange Book Bag, and now a Pink AND Orange Backpack! At least make them all PINK!
I kinda wish I got to experience this episode without the forknowledge that Adrien was sneaking out to see his mother's movie. I don't know if it was a good or a bad thing that for half the episode it's completely unexplained why Adrien is putting himself through Mob Horde Hell and avoiding his own bodyguard. It felt worth it for me because I knew, but maybe it would feel weird watching it and being like "why are you doing this to yourself?" I thought the same for "Ikari Gozen": "How would I feel watching this episode if I didn't know Kagami was trying to make friends until Marinette knew?"
While I totally buy Marinette and other tweens being drooly over this ad (sorta) I do not buy everyone and their mom dropping everything to swarm the kid and I DEFINITELY do not buy anyone watching that commercial and thinking the actor in it was "cool" the way Wayhem did lmao. Adrien was right when he said it was embarrassing, good on him for being self aware about it.
Also who thought it was a good idea to sell "Perfume eu de Teenage Boy"?
It's fun to watch Roger call the Bodyguard "little guy". My guy, he could eat you for sustenance. You're a vitamin to this brick house of a man.
"My dad hid the DVD somewhere at our place". For a man who's whole motive is reviving his "dead" wife, he sure has weird ways of keeping her alive in their hearts. Statues and paintings of her likeness? Good. A movie of his moving, talking, living mother? Bad.
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Production Budget so weak she doesn't get a costume smh.
(I had nothing to say about the whole akuma, it was pretty much a standard, decent akuma. Plus I'm a sucker for one side of the mask catching their partner talking fondly of the other side, ie Ladybug telling Adrien she has faith in Chat Noir)
But from this point onwards, it's all downhill for me:
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You worm, you scum, YOU made an akuma and YOU ordered it to capture your son and YOU allowed that akuma to take your son to the highest building in Paris and YOU put him in the middle of the fight between your akuma and Ladybug and YOU allowed him to be dropped off the side of that building and YOU WAITED UNTIL THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND TO ALLOW LADYBUG TO SAVE HIM and YOU. ARE. TO. BLAME! Take responsibility for yourself!
I want everyone who calls Marinette a "stalker" to shut the fuck up because Adrien just handed his email address over to the guy who traced his every single move for a whole day despite Adrien literally running from him at every turn and posted his photo and location online without consent and no one ever seems to care about that.
And the coup de grace, the cherry on the shit sundae: "You just had to ask me."
Fuck. You.
He DID ask and you told your own son, with eyes pointed at the ground, twisting his ring anxiously, to make an appointment through your secretary. Eat a bag of dicks.
and Oh. OH. To wrap it up with "You should've trusted me" and "when you hide things I jump to the worst conclusions, you understand?" (literally outloud I said "No I don't understand, what "conclusions" is Adrien supposed to assume you mean?")
But the gall. THE AUDACITY. It was intentional, right? To end the episode after that CHEF'S KISS OF A BULLSHIT LINE by panning down to Emilie in the basement? Gabriel Lord of the Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlbossing over here scolding ADRIEN for not trusting HIM. MAYBE IF YOU GAVE THE KID 5% OF A REASON TO DO SO-
Thing is this could either be Cinematic Gold to frame the Agreste family's self destruction and inevitable implosion due to his manipulation of Adrien, or (more likely) this will be completely forgotten as they try to convince audiences to FoRgIvE GaBrIEL cuz LOOK he eventually let Ladybug save Adrien from being sidewalk paste so it evens out, RiGhT?
Also what a let down that there wasn't an in universe shipping war between pairing Adrien with his "towel girlfriend" and "Gabriel's muse."
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