#and the whole time you Know she had to keep retying her ponytail every 30 minutes. god damn
gender-euphowrya · 9 months
lara croft is such a funny character like this girl has never had a fucking break in her life
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
Slipping on Ice
Summary: Link is forced to take his little sister Aryll ice skating at 7am, and they suddenly have to share the rink.
~Modern Zelink AU ~
Word count: 4644
Or read on Ao3!
“Link, you missed the turn!”
Aryll sat forward from the backseat and tried to point frantically at the road, only for the seatbelt to lock and send her backwards. There were several loud clicks, and she closed her eyes in defeat before Link could say a single smart word, because now she was stuck with the seatbelt completely trapping her.
“Can I fix my seatbelt?”
“No. We’re almost there. Suck it up.”
“You’re mean!” she groaned, leaning her head on the window.
Link glanced at her in the rearview mirror before making a U turn into the near-empty parking lot.
He leaned his head back against the hard headrest and closed his eyes, wishing he hadn’t promised his mother that he’d do anything if she let him go to a party over the weekend. He was 18, he shouldn’t even need to ask permission anymore.
“Come on! Come on! Come on!!” Aryll chanted, shaking the driver’s seat with her little hands.
“One day, Aryll, you’ll actually want to sleep in, and then I’ll wake you up to drag you somewhere stupid.”
“Nowhere is stupid!” she countered, whipping her door open and leaning against the window to eerily peer at him.
Glancing at the clock, he rolled his eyes. It was 6:58am and here he was spending the first day of his week-long vacation taking Aryll ice-skating. He double checked his wallet to make sure the 30 rupees his mother had given him were still there and then reluctantly dragged himself from the car.
Aryll was bursting with excitement, bouncing up and down as her plush coat swished with every excited move she made. She pulled her gloves from her pocket—her favorites that had seagulls on them despite the cold—and fiddled to get her fingers in as she stared into the glass door, waiting for whoever to unlock the doors.
Link, on the other hand, was miserable. He was so tired. He wasn’t one of those people who could function with a coffee and just 4 hours of sleep, so he closed his eyes for the next two minutes while leaning against the metal handrail. It didn’t feel cold; everything was cold. Why Aryll wanted to go to an indoor ice rink was beyond him, but he didn’t really care whether it was indoor, outdoor, or on the moon: he didn’t want to go.
“Fix your hat, Link,” she said to him, tapping on her own. She made a twisting motion.
Feeling for the emblem of the Rito Fliers on his knit hat, he pulled it off and retied his sloppily thrown-in ponytail before returning the hat so that the emblem was back in the center.
Finally, the employee came up to the door and stared at Link with equally weary eyes. Link didn’t recognize him, but honestly, he could have been at the party too, given his age and his general disposition that seemed ready to just die a little bit.
He let out a heavy sigh and unlocked the door.
Aryll didn’t even give him enough time to get out of the way before she’d accosted him.
“Hi! One adult and one child please! And we’ll need to rent skates!”
“I’m not skating,” Link muttered, grabbing the rupees. If he could avoid the skate rental and the admission fee, he could pocket the rest of the rupees.
Aryll glared at him as though he’d just told her that he’d killed her best friend. “You’re skating with me, or I’ll tell mom and dad that you didn’t. I’ll call them right now!”
Grimacing, Link handed over the rest of the rupees and told the man their sizes before turning toward Aryll’s smug expression. “No one wants to be friends with a dirty rat, you know.”
“I’m not dirty. And I haven’t told anyone yet, so I’m not technically a rat either.”
“No one wants to be friends with a smart mouth.”
“At least I’m smart.”
He made a face and leaned heavily against the counter until the guy returned with their skates. Link took them while Aryll bolted through the doors and into the rink.
It was freezing.
The chill hadn’t been enough to wake him up, but it was enough to make him a bit more alert. He looked around the deserted room, his footsteps echoing in the silence and making him more self-conscious than he already was about being here. What if Mipha saw him here? Would she laugh at him for his inability to skate? Would she make fun of him for spending the first day of his vacation with his little sister? Would she even notice he was there?
Not that any of that mattered. Mipha was dating Revali.
It was just a crush. On the most popular girl in school. Who was also gorgeous. But he’d never even said three words to her, so why would she care if he was here anyway?
“Hey! Link! Come on! Give me my skates!”
Shaking his head to snap himself out of it, he descended the stairs and tossed Aryll’s skates in front of her.
“That’s for making me actually skate and blackmailing me.”
“I’ve seen you skate, Link. If you can even call it skating. It’s more like shuffling.”
“Shut up.”
Aryll grinned while she slid into her skates, testing them out before heading to the door onto the ice.
“Hey, wait!” Link called, gesturing to the spot in front of him.
Link set his shoes down and knelt on the ground. “Put your foot up. It’s like mom never taught you to tie shoes.”
Groaning, Aryll threw her head back and set her skate against Link’s leg so he could retie it. The force that he pulled at the strings had her jerking back in surprise, and nearly toppling over, but she kept her balance and watched Link as he knotted the laces a few times. Admittedly, it did feel like a better fit when he was done.
“Other one.”
He shook his head as he pulled the loose strings. “Honestly, I thought you knew what you were doing.” He pulled the laces and Aryll swayed again.
“I do! I’m just… not the best shoe-tier.”
Satisfied, he patted the side of her foot. “Okay; go ahead. I’ll be out in a minute. But you know you’re kind of on your own, right?”
“Oh, I know!” she laughed, finally gliding onto the ice with an ease that Link was reluctant to admit he envied.
He put his own skates on slowly, glancing up every now and then to make sure Aryll hadn’t cracked her head open or anything terrible like that. He’d have no idea how to get to her if something happened, but she had been adamant that her classes made her good enough to know how to fall and how to jump and how to glide.
No one else knew how to ice skate, so sending Link was as good as sending anyone else with her. Plus, despite their occasional snippiness, Link would protect Aryll with his life, and their parents knew that enough to trust him alone with her at an ice rink. He’d find a way onto that ice faster than someone could call an ambulance.  
Link let out a deep breath again and set his phone inside his shoe before standing up. It wasn’t as bad as he remembered. He could do this, for sure.
That attitude went out the window the second his first skate hit the ice.
“Oh, shit,” he hissed, already unsteady with one foot still on land. Land? Is that what it was called now?
“Sound carries in here!” Aryll chided, swishing by him tauntingly.
He waited until she was on the opposite side of the rink before clutching the boards for dear life, throwing his other foot over and slipping like was… on ice, he supposed. His feet couldn’t stabilize, and it was all up to his arms to hold him up until he managed to regain his balance.
Sliding his hand along the boards, he pulled himself as far as he could until the plexiglass took over, and he was forced to slide his fingers into the narrow gap for any grip.
He hadn’t lifted his legs yet, but he was where the net would be in hockey, so he let go for a second and glanced back at Aryll. “Better than you thought I could do, huh?”
She skated up to him and then turned herself backwards, judging him with her arms across her chest as she disappeared.
“Critic,” he muttered, trying to lift his foot. He could only manage to get his right off the ground, and he kept trying to dig the front of his skate into the ice to push himself forward, because that’s what everyone in those videos Aryll made him watch with her last night did. He managed a shuffle, and every time he felt himself going, he grabbed for that little spot under the glass to steady himself, and then dragged himself along.
“You really suck,” Aryll said on her next pass.
“Hey! Language! You’re like, five!”
“I’m not five!” she called back. It was a running joke between them because Link needed to do math to figure out Aryll’s age. He always had to subtract six years from his own age to figure hers out, but she still seemed younger to him. Maybe she’d always be that way just because he was the oldest. Maybe, she’d be in her thirties one day and Link would still think she was a teenager.
It took a long time and several taunts from Aryll, but Link made it around the whole rink once, while Aryll had probably circled it nearly two hundred times. He’d gone around again, but he was stopped, watching Aryll practice her jumps when he heard the echo of footsteps entering the rink.
It was a public place, he knew, but they’d gone early to avoid people, not to share.
But wow, any semblance of annoyance he had disappeared when he saw the girl hurrying down the steps with a gym bag slung over her shoulder.
She had long blonde hair that fell over her shoulders, and really that was all Link could see from that distance, but he did have a thing for blondes, and that was all he needed to feel an instant infatuation. But of course, his nerves shot up tenfold because now there was a hot blonde who’d watch him not know how to skate and probably fall on his ass.
He dragged himself around a bit more, trying to just keep his eyes on his feet instead of on her, but he was a sucker and glanced up.
She was watching Aryll with a fond smile on her face before she stood up and moved onto the ice.
Link shivered while he looked her over. She had a loose short-sleeved shirt on, her sports bra straps showing on her shoulders, and she was in a pair of leggings that hugged her a little too perfectly. He groaned to himself. She had to be hot. Physically, not temperature wise because honestly, she looked like she might be pretty cold.
After pulling himself along a little more—and then trying to shuffle his feet rather than drag himself like he was trying to lead a stubborn horse—he needed to pause to rest. So, he watched Aryll and the girl skate around the rink.
The girl neared him as she was making a turn around the rink, like a warmup, and smiled shyly at him when she noticed his gaze on her.
Shit. She probably didn’t want to be watched just as much as he didn’t. And Goddess, her eyes had been so green they’d nearly made him do a double take. But no! No double takes! She didn’t want to be watched!
It wasn’t until he heard Aryll’s loud “Whoa!” that he looked back out, clutching the boards again as he whipped his head and lost his balance. He expected to see Aryll on the ground, but she was just watching the other girl in awe. And honestly, so was Link.
She was spinning, but not like a normal person. Her arms were tucked against her chest and she spun like those people on the television who competed for medals and awards.
Her arms went out gracefully as she ended it like it was no big deal. Like she didn’t look like someone had just perfectly spun a coin.
She smiled at Aryll, and Goddess above, her smile was gorgeous and inviting and why did she have to be here?
The girl then leaped, some sort of near perfect split in the air before landing and sending Aryll another grin.
“How do you do that?” Aryll asked.
“Aryll!” Link called, chastising her. “Let the lady practice in peace.”
“No, it’s okay with me if it’s okay with you,” she said, stopping just in front of him.
Oh, she was so much prettier up close: freckles that scattered along her face, her long hair tied back into a much better ponytail than his own, glowing skin, impressive muscles. And she wasn’t too bad in the… no, he had to keep his eyes up! Only to be captured in her green ones. Expectant.
“What?” he asked, realizing that she was waiting for an answer from him, but entirely forgetting the question.
“I don’t want to talk to her or help her out if you’re not okay with it. That’s all. You are with her, right?”
“Yeah,” he said quickly, looking at Aryll’s clear eavesdropping expression as she pretended to be distracted, though her eager face gave her away. “Yeah, go ahead. She likes all that… spinning stuff.”
The girl bit her lip to stop herself from giggling at ‘spinning stuff.’ Goddess, he was stupid. What a stupid thing to say to someone who clearly knows what they’re doing.
He kept shuffling, trying in earnest now to block out their conversation so he could focus on the simple task of going forward.
His attention was torn between making sure Aryll wasn’t being kidnapped and wondering how he’d ever cross the rink to save her if she was. But all he saw was the girl demonstrating something before Aryll tried it, and the girl’s face lit up as she clapped in encouragement.
The entrance of the rink was back in his sight, so he was less concerned about watching Aryll and more focused on his feet.
Which is why he didn’t see the girl until she was right in front of him.
“You should move away from the boards and look up rather than at your feet. It’ll help.”
Even her voice was gorgeous. Goddess above…
“I’ll fall,” he said simply, his hand still on the board.
“Yeah. You have to fall.”
“You haven’t fallen and you’re doing all those… spins. So I don’t think that logic works.”
The girl skated backwards in front of him. “Do you really think I haven’t fallen?”
“No, of course not,” he muttered. Someone who was that good had to have learned through a few spills over the years.
“Then trust me. Look up and get away from the boards. Stop worrying about falling.”
She skated back over to Aryll, demonstrating something else for his sister to try.
With their attention diverted, he pushed away from the boards and kept his eyes on the wall straight ahead.
And promptly felt his skates slide away from him, wide and uneven, throwing him entirely off balance until he hit the ice with a hard thud.
Knowing that both their eyes were on him now, he tried to get to his feet quickly, but that only ended with him slipping and hitting his chin on the ground. So, face burning with utter embarrassment, he rested his forehead against his arm so he could scream internally for a hot second before trying again.
When he looked up, the girl was crouched down in front of him. “Do you need help?”
He could either: stay on the ice like a flattened pancake, or let the hot girl realize that he really is an embarrassment for being unable to get to his own feet.
Looking back at her, he was struck by how she didn’t smile. She wasn’t laughing at him, or enjoying his pain. She wasn’t pitying him either. She just looked… like this was normal.
“Y-yeah,” he found himself saying, taking her outstretched hand.
He shuddered at the contact of her skin on his. She helped him flip onto his stomach and then to his knees before she pulled him up. “Is this your first time skating?”
Lie, or tell the truth?
Something about her wide, earnest green eyes had him sucking up his pride. “No, I just suck.”
“Everyone sucks at the beginning. Once you get it, you’ll be flying like the Rito,” she laughed, tapping the emblem on his hat. Then she blushed furiously, her whole face turning a shade of pink as she let go of his hand and moved backwards. “Sorry. Personal space issues sometimes when I’m on the rink.”
“No, it’s okay,” he muttered, unable to get his voice any louder. His hands were out to steady himself, but he slipped again, landing on his knee.
This time, she did smile, but it was soft and she held her hand out again.
“Your sister could teach you. She said she’s been taking skating lessons for a while.”
Scoffing harshly, Link shook his head and glanced at Aryll, who was blissfully making loops around the rink, unconcerned with them. But he took her hand again.
This time, she didn’t let go. She shook it. “I’m Zelda.”
He glanced at their clasped hands and raised his eyebrows, shocked that she was even telling him her name. “Link.”
She gave him a tug before letting go of him, letting him coast in the momentum. “So, you… um… go to school around here?”
He looked back at his feet so they didn’t get away from him, but he heard Zelda tsk, so he looked back at her. “Yeah. I’m in my last year at Faron High.”
Her smile broadened. “I’m in my last year at Labrynna!”
Hot, kind, and his own age.
Link took her in, suddenly feeling guilty; as much as he wanted to fall again just so she’d offer her hand one more time, he didn’t know her. “I’m sorry for taking up your time. Thanks for helping.”
“I don’t mind,” she said, glancing at Aryll for a while. “I’m always here, so it’s nice to have a different morning. And I like meeting new people.”
And just like that, the guilt faded away from him. “Always here? You a professional skater?”
“Not professional,” she said, offering her hand again. “I’ve done competitions.”
This time, he didn’t know why she was offering, so he hesitated before getting sucked in by her genuine smile. She tugged him again and he started to glide with her again.
He chuckled and kept his eyes off his feet. “You good at it?” Zelda raised an eyebrow, so he quickly waved his hands. “I-I mean, you looked incredible, but anyone who can move forward deserves a medal in my eyes. So, my comparisons aren’t great.”
Zelda bit her lip and shrugged. “I’ve done well.”
That, Link knew, was code for ‘yes, I’m very good,’ but from someone far humbler than himself.
After checking on Aryll, Zelda nodded to herself as she looked over Link. “You’re doing better already.”
“I am?” he asked, glancing at his feet.
Which, of course, sent him lurching forward until he hit the ice.
Zelda giggled this time, covering her mouth to try to stifle it. “I’m sorry! I threw off your focus!”
Link groaned and made it halfway to his feet before taking her hand this time. Well, he was getting better at falling anyway.
She didn’t let go.
Instead, she held out her other hand. “I can help keep you balanced so you can try moving your feet.”
One more hit, and Link was sure he’d wake up from this dream. Because what was even happening right now?
Well, if this was a dream, might as well go for it. And if it wasn’t… what could he do that’s more embarrassing than he’d already done?
So, he took her hand.
She pulled him with her for a moment before gesturing to his feet. “You should try… you know… skating.”
“Right,” he said, admittedly holding her a little tighter as he tried to push off the ice but stumbled.
She steadied him, but before he knew it, she was clicking her tongue at him again. “Link, stop looking at your feet.”
The sound of his name on her lips had his head jerking up far faster than he meant to. He was like an eager puppy, and he knew it.
Once they’d gone around a little more, Zelda loosened her grip. “I’m going to let go. Keep going. You’re doing really good.”
He blew out some air as she released him, and his arms shot out to his sides to keep him steady. But he was doing it. He was going forward.
He couldn’t help the triumphant little laugh that escaped from his lips.
“So, you’re not hopeless after all!” Aryll said as she skated beside him. “It’s taken him forever to figure this out! I even tried to show him videos yesterday.”
Defensive, Link glared at Aryll. “I tried to do it their way. But I couldn’t figure out the toe thing.”
Zelda raised an eyebrow again. “Toe thing?”
“Yeah, they kept pushing off with their toe or something, but I can’t get it.”
Goddess, Zelda was perfect, because she lifted her foot up to show off her skate while still skimming backwards in front of him. “This thing?” she asked, pointing to a sharp barb looking thing in the front of the blade.
“Yeah, they pushed off with that, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it.”
Zelda laughed again as she set her foot down. “These are for figure skating. The ones you have on are for hockey. No toe pick. They’re different.”
“They are?” he asked, trying—and failing—to get a good look at his own skates. “I thought they were all the same.”
“They’re not,” she said, her cheeks pinching her eyes with her smile. “You know, you’ve been skating this whole time without falling.”
“It’s a miracle,” Aryll muttered.
Link turned to her with a glare. “You’d better watch it, because when I get really good, I’m going to pick you up and throw you across the ice, and you better know how to stick that landing or you’ll end up on your ass.”
“First off, language,” Aryll huffed. “Second off, that sounds fun, so go ahead.”
He scoffed and playfully pushed her, though it did little more than throw him off balance for a moment. And when he looked up, he could see that people were starting to come into the rink quickly.
Zelda sighed and watched them with a sad expression. “I know them. They always just completely take over the ice. It’s a pain.”
Link finally stopped moving when he saw who it was. Mipha, Revali, and their friends were laughing boisterously as they took their seats in the bleachers to get their skates on.
Zelda looked between them and Link. “Do you know them?”
“Kind of. They go to my school, but we don’t talk.”
Zelda stared at them, specifically at Mipha, before muttering to herself. “Wow. She’s really pretty. I’d kill to look like her.”
Looking Zelda  over, Link was glad that Aryll had taken a turn around the rink without them. Because he didn’t think he’d have the courage to say anything if she’d been around as his audience.
“I know a stranger’s opinion isn’t worth anything but… personally, I prefer blondes.”
Whipping around, an incredulous look on her face, Zelda lost her balance and fell back onto the ice. She barely seemed like she noticed, pulling her legs up to her so she could stare open mouthed at Link until she regained her composure.
Her face was bright red, and she couldn’t quite meet Link’s eyes as she laughed to herself. But finally, she worked up to it and her gaze had him pinned.
“Yeah, I do too.”
Link nodded nervously before he started to chuckle and held his hand out to help her up.
She took it as a courtesy, but got up on her own so she didn’t pull him down when he’d spent so long getting his balance.
This time, when their hands lingered too long, the energy between them was palpable, and both of them were blushing.
Aryll skated up to them. “I’m hungry. Can we go to Windy’s?”
Link glanced apologetically at Zelda, and she followed them back to the gate, watching as they both pulled at the laces in much the same aggressively impatient manner. It had her grinning.
“You know,” she said when Link stood up. “I’m here at 7:30 whenever there isn’t school. I’ll be here tomorrow, if Aryll would like some more help.”
Her eyes were distinctively flirty, and Link was beyond glad that Aryll was still too young to recognize it, because she gasped in excitement. “Can we, Link?”
He didn’t look at Aryll, too entranced by Zelda’s blatant invitation. “We’ll ask mom, but if she says you can, I’ll bring you. If not… I might just come here alone.” His lips tipped up, and he prayed that the red in his cheeks and down his neck just looked like it was from the cold.
“No fair! But mom will say yes if you’re bringing me so she can go back to sleep!”
Link didn’t even realize how awake he’d become since Zelda came into the rink.
Zelda pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ears that had come free in her fall. “Okay then. I’ll see you both tomorrow. For lessons.”
Aryll beamed. “Maybe you can come for lunch with us tomorrow?”
Zelda bit her lip and looked over at Link, who was now staring at the floor so she couldn’t see his expression. But she thought he was cute when he was nervous. “Link? What do you think?”
Forced to look up at her, he knew she could see how eager he was to just straight out say yes. It was all over his face, and burning in his eyes. “If you’d like to,” he said carefully. “I have no objections.” He finished sliding his normal shoes back on before standing up.
“Okay. I look forward to it. I’ll see you tomorrow Aryll. Link.”
He stepped forward, a little too close to where she leaned on the board. “Zelda.”
Her mouth dropped into a smile as he used her name for the first time.
Link patted Aryll’s shoulder to lead her up the stairs before taking one more look behind him at Zelda.
They were halfway up the steps when Link pointed to Aryll. “Do not tell mom that there is a pretty girl involved.”
But Aryll smiled. “Your voice carries, Link.”
Spinning around on the stairs, he saw Zelda beaming as she giggled. But she—thankfully—pushed off the board and twirled once before skating away, her eyes on them until she no longer could see where they stood.
And when Link glanced at Mipha as they passed, and he felt that his infatuation with her had faded to near nothing from the time he’d gotten out of the car to the time he got into it once again. He knew he was doomed. because the only one on his mind now was Zelda.
He’d never been more excited to set an early alarm.
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