#and then both virgil's are just sitting there like
ronancebyler · 9 months
me? im just thinking about how in the m*leven season 4 fight scene el is wearing blue (mike's color) and red (her color) while mike is wearing blue and yellow (will's color).
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jsprnt · 3 months
your husband loves taking care of you, especially when you're 35 weeks pregnant.
virgil van dijk x pregnant!reader
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original request: love your work, could you write a pregnant!reader and Virgil? X
A/N: thank you! this one was so fun to write <3
W/C: 1.640
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you shift into another position, again. The soft couch and cushions doing wonders for your back, but still, you couldn’t sleep in your favorite position. Just flat on your stomach, your swollen baby bump not even allowing you to sleep well at night, or take a nap in the quiet hours before dinner time. you felt like you were about to pop, but you still had five weeks to go before your estimated due date.
you had the gender reveal party, which consisted of your and virgil’s closest family members and friends. you both were having a babygirl, the nursery was already cutely designed with a pretty crib and dresser. the baby shower your friends surprised you with was thrown already a couple weeks ago, and not to forget the sweet babymoon virgil and you had gone on. the pretty islands in greece had been a beautiful sights to share with your husband.
the sound of a car parking in the driveway has you halting for a moment. your eyes drift over to the clock on your living room wall. it was past five in the evening already, which meant your husband had returned from training.
you slowly, but carefully get up from your position on the couch, sitting up instead. compression socks alleviating some of the swelling of your legs and feet, your eyes dart to the gray coffee table, full of- everything you could need when being half-immobile. tissues, multiple empty cups, a plate of lazily cut up pickles, a half eaten box of cookies-
“there’s my beautiful wife!” you suddenly hear, swollen, drowsy eyes looking towards your surprisingly very enthusiastic husband. his hands seemingly full of familiar takeout bags as he closes the front door to your home.
virgil’s high energy, even after his intensive training, manages to put a small smile on your face. you hear him take his coat off and wash his hands. so, you stand up, walking- no waddling towards him in the kitchen.
“hi, missed you..” you mumble, feeling him wrap his arm around your back, softly rubbing up and down your sides. you sigh in delight, leaning against his tall and muscular frame, resting your head on his chest. soft sweater grazing your sensitive skin.
“me too, baby.” he mutters, kissing your forehead tenderly.
“I got your favorite takeout. you’re hungry, right?” he asks, thumb rubbing your hips.
your eyes light up, and you nod eagerly. your pregnancy cravings were all over the place. from wanting your usual takeout, to a weird obsession with pickles and chocolate, and the most difficult of all: an icy, crispy red bull. since it wasn’t pregnancy-safe, you definitely didn’t risk it, but your mouth just watered at the thought of taking a sip of the carbonated, sweet energy drink.
“then let’s eat some food. I’m starving...” he says, guiding you to the kitchen island. he’d switched out the bar stools, shortly after your second trimester had started, exchanging them for chairs with a backrest, just for your comfort and convenience.
you watch him grab the takeout, unpacking the dishes.
“you got me the vegetarian one right?” you ask, raising your brows. virgil turns, nodding as he transfers stir fry noodles into a dish and slides it in front of you.
ever since you got pregnant, you detested the smell of meat. virgil being the sweet man he is, did research with his own nutritionist to see how you could still get all the vitamins and nutrients you needed without having to eat meat.
“here baby, eat up.” he mutters, giving you a fork, before walking towards the fridge. he grabs two cans of sparkling iced tea, coming back to sit next to you as you both dig into your meal.
“how was training?” you mumble, chewing down your food, maybe a little too fast.
“good, we were in the gym the entire day- slow down baby, the food isn’t going anywhere..” he chuckles, reaching into the takeout bag and retrieving the napkins. wiping sauce off the corner of your mouth with one.
you both continue eating the delicious food, Virgil’s hand soothingly running down your back every now and then.
“I’m going to take a quick shower.” he says, cleaning off the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
“can I join? can’t get my hair wet though..”
“sure baby, let’s go.” he quickly says, helping you off the chair and into the bathroom.
“my legs have been killing me..” you mutter, watching virgil take your compression socks off. you were glad you didn’t need them on your hands, though your fingers had gotten pretty swollen. prompting virgil to gift you a chain you could hang your wedding ring on, to wear as a necklace instead.
you allow him to guide you into the shower, his hand settling on the small of your back in support. virgil chuckles deeply as he watches your makeup melt off with the touch of the streaming warm water. he made sure to put on your shower cap beforehand.
“you wore makeup? where did you go today?” he asks, allowing you to reach up and take off his hair tie, dark curls falling to the side of his face.
“went for brunch with the girls. it was so good..” you answer, allowing virgil to run the soapy washcloth down your body, making sure to clean you up nicely. paying extra attention to scrub your legs, since you couldn’t reach down, you needed his help more often than not.
grabbing a fresh towel, he wraps you in it. allowing you to walk out of the bathroom and sit on your bed. waiting for him wash himself.
that’s what you loved about him, he always put you first. whether it was you eating first, getting dressed, falling asleep, or anything at this point in your pregnancy.
you quickly grab your undergarments and loungewear, going back to sit on your bed. towel wrapped snuggly against your body, as you take off your shower cap and wipe the extra moisture on the towel.
you look up to see virgil walk out of the bathroom, towel hanging on his hips. you lean back, admiring him, a small smirk forming on your lips.
“what?” he asks, smirk clearly on his face too as he walks up to you.
“oh, nothing, just admiring what’s mine..”
“really? let me admire what’s mine too then..”
he cups your face as you look up, his wet hair falling in front of his face as a single drop of water drips down onto your cheek. a low chuckle leaving his lips as he swipes it away with his thumb.
he helps you get dressed before the two of you get too distracted, not forgetting to rub bio-oil and lotion on your bump and body. the both of you snuggling up together on the couch. your head laying on his broad chest, tatted arm wrapped around your back.
You pause for a moment, feeling your daughter kick against your uterus. you feel virgil’s hand running against your clothed bump, you place your own hand next to his. feeling her kick was still the most out of body experience to the both you. you could’ve sworn you felt the outlines of her little feet as she kicked like didn’t want you to rest tonight.
“active today, isn’t she?” your husband asks, kissing your temple.
“just like her daddy..” you raise your bows, grinning. the consequences of having an athlete as your partner.
“she’ll definitely be as beautiful as her mommy..” he responds, causing your grin to grow into a bright smile.
“what do you want to watch, hm?” he asks, looking down at you, scratching his chin thoughtfully.
“love is blind, the new episode is out.”
he chuckles, his chest vibrating against your cheek as you watch him turn the tv on with the remote.
in the beginning of your relationship he wasn’t too keen on watching shows or movies like that, but the second there was some drama unfolding, he immediately got hooked and it became a thing you both did to wind down after busy days.
“wait- can you grab snacks?” you ask, looking up from his chest. you knew he couldn’t say no to you, because he looked like he had melted at the sight of your face already.
“your cravings are really going off the rails, aren’t they?” he asks, placing a kiss on your lips before slowly getting up.
“don’t see the problem!” you exclaim, looking over to see him open the kitchen cabinets and grab a bag of crisps and salty popcorn, transferring it into bowls before walking back over to you.
“here you go, for my hungry monster..” he teases, prompting you to roll your eyes playfully.
you both start watching the hour long episode, empty bowls on your lap by the end of it. though, you both don’t move from your spot on the couch, virgil’s hand soothing on your slightly aching, lower back.
“you okay?” he asks, your own hand resting on his bicep.
“back hurts a bit, baby’s getting heavy..” you mutter.
“I’m know, sorry love. do you need anything?” he asks, kissing your temple and rubbing your back more thoroughly. he had a tendency to ask what you wanted or needed, just to make sure he didn’t miss anything.
“just- can I ask you something?” you begin, holding back a grin. he’d done enough to make you feel comfortable already.
“would you mind if I broke your fingers during delivery?” you chuckle, having a laugh. knowing he would probably let you squeeze the absolute life out of his hands.
“of course, during delivery you can squeeze and cuss me out all you want..” he smiles, brushing his thumb against your baby bump.
you did cuss him out, but breaking his fingers, almost…
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tsimvkas · 3 months
camera roll — trent alexander-arnold.
A/N: this is based on this video of tottenham bc i wish lfc would give us this type of content
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“Good morning Mo, could you show me the last pic on your camera roll?” you smiled, your work phone already recording. Mohamed Salah took his phone out of his pocket and after a few seconds showed the screen to your camera, a beautiful picture of his wife and daughters having fun.
“I took it yesterday” he said, smiling. “We were watching Saturday’s goal on repeat”
You chuckled, thinking of how much you love your job. Being LFC’s social media was a dream coming true, seeing your favourite players every day, attending every game with them and always thinking about funny stuff to bring them to do.
Of course, some of them didn’t like you that much — not because of who you are, but because of what you represent. The shy ones always try to avoid you when you have a phone on your hand, which is basically always. But during breakfast and lunch, times of the day where you refuse to bring your phone with you, they always sit and have a chat, and that’s how you know they like you — they just hate your job.
One of your favourite players, Trent, certainly hates your phone.
He doesn’t like being photographed that much, or having to answer one of the trends you always come up with and he tries his best not to be rude with you, but even when you’re not using your phone he still keeps his distance, and you wonder if it’s not only your phone he hates.
Trent is a pretty boy, and you wish he would sit and talk to you like the others. Often you catch yourself looking at him, wanting to know him more, wanting him around.
And you feel silly, having a crush on the only guy that runs away from you every time.
That day, after a list of players and their last pictures (Alisson with a picture of his son, Tsimikas with both of his dogs, Dominik with a selfie, of course, and Ibou with a screenshot of a joke he saw before coming to work), you finally spotted him.
He was looking cosy, as always, baggy trousers and a hoodie, and you felt your
Robbo was with him, laughing and throwing his head back. When Trent saw you, he tried to discreetly avoid your camera and let Robertson deal with you.
“Wow, he must hate me” you tried to joke, pointing your phone to Andy. “Can I see the last pic in your camera roll, Rob?”
Andy Robertson likes you very much. He feels this paternal duty, always looking out for you and making sure you’re alright, and you think he and Virgil feel like they’re your parents. That’s why he doesn’t answer you, shouting Trent instead.
“Alexander-Arnold. Come here, right now”
Trent gives him a flat look and you know how much he doesn’t want to come.
“Andy, please. I just need your answer so I can finish it and upload, it’s not a big deal” you smiled.
“Trent, if you don’t then you’ll be in trouble” “Your captain won’t like to know you’re treating the media girl this way”
“I didn’t do anything” he gasped, but obeyed and walked back.
“Repeat the question, Y/N” Robertson encouraged you, already picking up his phone.
“Can you show me the last picture in your camera roll?”
“I can’t” Trent shook his head, looking almost ashamed.
“Trent” Andy groaned, giving you an apologetic smile.
Snorting, Trent grabbed his phone against his will. Robertson showed his picture, the one he took from Trent pulling a funny face on their way to AXA, and Alexander quickly showed you his screen, a zoomed in image of his shoes, the pair he was wearing.
“You just took it” Andy frowned after looking at it, reaching for Tren’s hand. “Give me your phone”
“Robbo, no!” Trent giggled, trying to put his phone higher.
They had a playful fight and you recorded it a bit, before shutting down your phone.
“Thank you boys, you’re good to go” you smiled, heading to your office so you could edit and upload the video.
When the training session ended hours later, Trent looked for you in the media room.
“I’m sorry I tried to sneak out this morning” he suddenly said, scaring you.
“Oh my God, you scared me” you placed a hand over your heart, trying to calm down. “It’s okay, Trent”
“No, it wasn’t nice of me. You’re just trying to work”
“It’s okay. We all know you’re reserved, I’ll try not to bother you too much” you genuinely smiled.
“No, it’s not that. I can deal with cameras, you know” he sighed, playing with his fingers. “I just can’t deal with you”
You raised an eyebrow, not knowing how to answer this. “Oh- wow”
“No! No, not like that. Jesus, see? You make me so nervous I keep switching things. Every time you point your camera at me I get so afraid I might say something stupid or embarrassing ‘cos you keep distracting me and this morning Dominik texted me and said that you were asking about our last camera roll picture and I freaked out because my last picture was you so I thought ‘oh I can just delete it’ but Robertson wouldn’t take his eyes out of me for whatever reason then I tried to go by you unnoticed but this clearly didn’t work”
The way he was desperately gesticulating made you smile.
“You should take a breath, Trent” you smiled. “I’d hate for you to pass out when I don’t have my camera with me”
“Stop making fun of me” he groaned. “I’m trying to tell you something”
“I'm listening”
At first, Trent stayed silent for almost a minute and you could see he was trying to find the words.
“Fuck, I don’t know how to do this” he whined, running his hands through his hair, and it made you giggle.
You walked towards him, pulling him closer by his shirt. “Do what?”
You smiled when his breath hitched on his throat and Trent mustered up the courage to caress your cheek.
“Ask you on a date? Tell you I wanna kiss you?”
“You can kiss me if you want” you shrugged, trying to play it cool. “But the date will cost you a few more smiles to my camera, yeah?”
“Yeah?” he smirked, suddenly feeling like the confident Trent and grabbing your thighs so he could put you on top of the office table. “How much else for a second date?”
You laughed, amused with the way his mood switched. “You didn’t even take me out on the first one, Trentski”
“But I’m sure there’ll be a second. And a third, and a fourth” he distributed kisses along your jail line, making you giggle even harder.
“You talk too much when you want to, Alexander-Arnold”
“Well, there’s a way to make me shut” he gave you a lazy smile, settling between your legs.
He didn’t stop you when you cupped his face and he didn’t stop you when you kissed the corner of his mouth, anticipating the moment.
You smiled when he licked his lips, remembering he told you that you make him nervous. Brushing his lips with yours, you felt goosebumps when Trent squeezed your thighs.
“Please, Y/N…”
“I thought you wanted to kiss me?” you teased, raising an eyebrow but Trent just squeezed your thigh and smirked.
“I’ve changed my mind, I want you to kiss me”
“This will cost you lots of smiles to my camera, Arnold” you murmured, not giving him time to answer before kissing his lips gently.
Trent bit your lower lip, shyly asking you for permission to invade your mouth with his tongue, but before you could allow him to do it a loud sound scared you both, and you looked around just to see that the door had opened and Mo, Virgil, Robbo, Darwin and Dominik had fell inside the media room.
“Well, it was about time” Virgil shrugged, making you chuckle whilst a shy Trent hid his face on your neck.
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heyhihellosworld · 1 year
𝗛𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀
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Trent Alexander-Arnold x reader
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Trent isn't very good at keeping your relationship a secret, especially not around his noisy teammates.
Warnings: Just fluff and a small hint of angst but not really
Notes: Trent is literally my favorite person to write for x
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The training was finally done and all Trent wanted to do now was go home and snuggle up to you. He was tired and wet, the cloudy day not lifting his mood in any way.
He threw his phone down on the bench not caring that it went past his bag before going to the showers.
He was the quickest getting ready, throwing his clothes down and drying off his hair before lacing his shoes, ready to go when Henderson stopped him.
"Hey, don't forget your ph-" he cut himself off as the screen lit up "Hey who is this?" he questioned, turning the phone up to study it for real. Andy who was next to Henderson leaned over to look for himself while Trent stood frozen.
"Hey let me see" Virgil cut in, and soon everybody was passing the phone around, everyone staring at Trent who looked around the room, his tongue poking out from the side.
"Wait, is that-is that y/n?!" Virgil exclaimed as he got the phone again, studying it really close causing Henderson and Ox to throw themselves over the phone again to study the picture closer "It is! Trent you have some explaining to do!" Henderson called.
"Okay, fuck just give me my phone back you idiots" Trent groaned, snatching it back and turning it off. Closing the picture he had as a background. He had just switched it yesterday, the picture taken of the two of you at Trent's parents house last weekend, you were sitting on the couch together, smiling at each other as he is kissing your temple. He loved that photo and thought it was a cute background but now he remembered why he had a simple background before, you kept your relationship low-key.
Trent threw the phone down in the bag, wanting to leave but there was no reason to even try with the way everyone looked at him.
Everybody knew who you were as you were friends with many of the team, you knew Klopp and was therefore often watching training and matches. Sometimes assisting the trainers out and just being around.
That was how you'd met Trent. After a late training he had stayed a bit longer on the pitch where you had been, the two of you had begun talking and then he'd driven you home with the promise of meeting you again. He had kept his promise and after that you'd met up frequently, slowly fallen in love with the right-back defender.
After you became official you decided to keep it on the low, both for media and for everyone in the team, just wanting to be you for a little while.
"Explain!" Virgil demanded, sitting relaxed on the bench, legs wide spread and a small smirk on his face.
"Well.. we're dating okay!" Trent explained, groaning at the collective gasps from his teammates "Since when! And why haven't you told us?!"
"Since two months back and because we decided not to, at least not yet"
"You've hid your relationship for two months, what!" Ox close to gasped which made Trent groan out a chuckle "Come on guys, it's no big deal, we wanted to keep it easy and not pressure it before we knew anything for real"
"Man, you've gotta take her to guys night soon" Ox grinned, cutting the tension slightly "Yeah yeah, maybe, anyway can I go now?" he asked sarcastically making the guys boo at him "Sure" Robby grinned, Trent rolled his eyes annoyed by them and their stupid grins.
"Have you fucked her yet?" "Are you married?" "Do you have secret kids?"
"Shut up and don't talk about her like that" Trent grunted before exiting the changing room feeling even more bitter than before.
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You were laying on the couch when Trent entered the apartment. You had been working from home, sorting all types of documents and numbers for your boss and now you were just finishing up in front of the tv.
"Hey love" you grinned as you saw his face in the door opening. "Hey" he muttered back, making you frown as he flopped down on the couch, face in your lap
"Hey, what's wrong" you asked softly, scratching his neck gently. "The boys found out about the two of us" he muttered after a second, not wanting to meet your eyes "What" you huffed, making him look up at you with a worried look.
"They saw my phone-background and put one and one together, everybody knows" You sat quite for a little while, processing the news but you didn't notice it made Trent anxious as he waited for you to say something, anything.
"Are you mad?" he said lowly meeting your eyes carefully "What, no no no, I were just-...thinking about what we will do, who we will be open to and if we should become official" you hummed, slowly threading your fingers through his hair to reassure him it was fine.
You were not mad, not at all. You both knew you wouldn't be able to keep it hidden forever and it was never really about hiding it either but more about being just you, getting to know each other and your relationship. But now multiple months had passed and you knew him and your relationship well by now and it felt like your relationship could survive the publicity.
Plus it was only his teammates, the guys you knew well and were sure they wouldn't tell it to the media. It was actually pretty nice that they knew so you would no longer have to hide and sneak around them with your relationship.
"Do you want to become official?" Trent asked, his eyes holding a little shocked glance. "I don't know" you hummed sweetly, kissing his forehead. "I think it would be possible to go official" you thought out loud "What do you mean?" "Like, the reason why we kept it to us where because we wanted to be sure and do it in our time but now I guess or relationship is strong enough to hold that kinda thing and we've already figured us out and I don't think it would destroy us as it could've before." Trent hummed, nodding a little "that's true but do you want that? Do you want to deal with all the media?" his voice was cold and almost dismissive, like what you said was stupid.
You frowned slightly, retreating your hands from his head which made him react, looking at you with an equal frown.
"Do you not want to be official with me?" you asked, slightly offended and hurt.
When he didn't answer you scoffed, pushing his head from you and standing up, ignoring his call of your name as you walked to the kitchen, roughly taking out a coffee mug from the cupboard.
"Babe" Trent sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist but you shrugged him off, really annoyed. "Babe I didn't mean it like that don't be sour" he pleaded but you already where. Pouring up the coffee you'd made earlier and slamming it into the microwave.
"I just.. I've just been thinking" he said carefully, not wanting to upset you anymore. "What" you barked "what the fuck have you been thinking off"
"I just.. can we please just sit down and talk about this" he sighed
"Sure" you huffed, taking out your cup and walking back into the living room, sitting down in the love-seat this time.
Trent sighed, knowing he had talked to fast.
He squatted down in front of you, not liking the annoyed look you had. "I didn't mean it like that"
"I-I guess- I'm just scared to be official" he finally spit. "I really love what we have and I don't want that to be messed up. I think you're right that we could survive it but I can't even think about it not working out. What if all the publicity makes you want to back out or if it causes trouble for us. I couldn't stand it" he sighed out, making your tense body soften and relax.
"It's not that I don't want to be official with you it's just that I don't want to loose you, I don't wanna loose what we have. I feel fine with the boys and all but I'm scared of social media"
He sighed out the words like it had been a hard burden for a long time making you feel slightly bad. Your hand made it's way to his face again, stroking his chin before you lean down to kiss him, sweetly and lovingly.
"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions and I get what you mean" you said softly, loving the small sweet smile that tilted the corner of his mouth upwards.
"I'm sorry too, I didn't word it correctly and it came out wrong"
You nodded smiling at him before beginning your pondering again.
"I get what you mean, I do but we really only have one choice now and that's either we go out with our relationship publicly by ourself or we wait until we are exposed"
You said the words easily, simply just stating facts and Trent knew that you would never pressure him, it was the reality of things right now.
"You're right" he sighed, resting his forehead against your thigh. "What do you think?"
You bent down and dragged him up from the floor, settling in the couch instead so you could both sit.
"I don't know" you hummed
"Me neither" Trent sighed, drawing you into his side.
"What if we just let it be for a second, process it and keep it on the low, adjust to be us in front of the boys and then we will talk about it in a couple of weeks?"
Trent didn't answer, he just took a hold of your chin and kissed you needily. "I love that idea and I love you"
You giggled against his lips before letting them melt together again. "Then that's what we do"
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rauberrauber · 1 year
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line up baby
wanted to make a sort of ref for everyone so i can keep track of everyone's designs, heights, etc
side hcs below cuz i wanna ramble lol
fyi any links are just for pictures to help visualize what im trying to say
also add to these with ur own i love reading hcs :]
the sides work with a kind of cartoon logic (kinda like who framed Roger rabbit) which is what their shape shifting and such is, they can survive pretty much everything, dont bend to reality type thing
i also dig playing around with the idea that they just arent human, they dont need to eat, sleep, even breathe or blink if they dont wanna. They just play more human around thomas so they dont freak him out (everyone but remus at least, dude doesnt give a fuck lol) they all have their priorities regarding that kinda stuff. like logan doesnt eat or sleep almost at all (there r exceptions tho obvi (crofters))  while patton rly likes to cook and bake so why not eat the stuff you make? meanwhile remus eats literally anything he can find
they can also float if they wanna, same thing where they just dont around thomas. this came about me just imagining remus consistently floating around in the mindscape instead of walking for whatever reason? so yeah they can do that
theres a core mindscape and a ‘dark’ mindscape, that sorta works like the upside down from stranger things (as in the dark mindscape is like literally upside down and mirrors everything, like this)
everyones also got their own unique doors to their rooms. logans is very sleek and modern, pattons in more childlike and almost vintage, romans resemble castle doors while remus’ is more like a dungeons, virgils is typically angsty teenager with tons of posters and ‘keep out’ signs, and janus has tons of locks on his
design wise the core sides have straight teeth and fluffier hair while the dark sides have sharp teeth and rougher(?) hair (since changing, virgil has vampire-esque fangs)
square rimmed glasses
loves the rain
unintentionally fidgets with his clothes, always adjusting his glasses or rolling his sleeves up and down or messing with the buttons or his tie
playing more into the whole ‘sides dont have to eat thing’ he finds food kinda nasty lol, again only rly eats stuff thats very good to him (ultimate picky eater basically) patton has tried and failed many times to get logan to try and like new foods
roman was the one who got him to try crofters
watches those long ass video essays about random topics on youtube for background noise
round glasses and heart eyes
has roller blades/skates! specifically these ones that retract the wheels. good way of getting energy out (even if hes super clumsy with them)
tallest + dad bod
tons of bandages, kinda playing around with the phrase ‘broken heart’
him and janus play video games together (both of them are terrible lol)
definitely listens to dad rock/dad music
starry eyes!
crown can float on its own (same w/ remus’)
has one of these couches in his room to dramatically faint onto
him and remus dont share a room, but they have a sort of portal to each others rooms if that makes sense. a big mirror but instead of reflecting, its showing into the other room and only the twins can go thru
wants to be his own side after the split
roman and remus pierced each others ears when they were younger
decently tall but slouches a lot which hides it (slouching hes shorter than the twins but still taller than janus) also rarely stands or sits straight at all so it kinda shocked the core sides when he showed them how tall he rly was (queue roman being mad cuz hes actually the shortest of the main four lol)
has stereotypical emo hair and still has some purple dye in it
hot topic skeleton fingerless gloves and muddy sneakers (idk why it just feels right)
tons of random bruises
draws his nails black with sharpie
listens to metal music to calm down. remus got him into a lot of numetal, screamo kinda music when virgil was still one of the others, it was one of the few times theyd hang out and virgil wasnt 100% freaked out by remus
definitely experimented with scene fashion when thomas was a teenager
drinks tons of energy drinks
shortest ha
yellow eyes
bow wrapped on his hat
long flowy cape and heeled shoes with spats (thats what theyre called right?)
uses the staff from pof as a walking cane
speaks fluent pig latin, remus and logan are the only ones who can somewhat understand what he says (remus cuz hes been around janus so long, and logan wanting to research and understand whatever the hell janus is saying) it also has always drove virgil up the wall cuz hes never been able to get it, janus will start speaking it just to annoy him
only rly relaxes when by himself, always kinda putting on a mask with the others and thomas, regardless of how trustworthy he considers them
constantly coming up with proper plans and schemes, typically wouldnt let remus near them with a 10 foot pole (affectionately)
knows how to lockpick
scared of the ocean
broken crown
eyes can go all crazy, pupils can be different sizes and such (there was a cartoon that did this where the eyes would go red and have a ton of rings around the pupils like spirals kinda? i cant find a pic of what im rly visualizing rip i hope that makes sense)
ton of rings (one of em is an eyeball ring)
is like half an inch taller than roman and will never let him live it down
enjoys all the ‘bad’ disney/pixar movies. (cars, home on the range, etc) and like unironically enjoys them. prolly started ironically to mess with roman but he genuinely find those ones the best and cant fathom why theyre disliked (totally not self-indulgent cuz some of those movies are my favorites)
comes up with random weird plans and ropes janus into them whenever possible, janus plays along best he can
somewhat wants to fuse back with roman (even if hes unsure why)
remus and virge used to make fun of roman together all the time
remus is the one who gave virge his septum and gages
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astranite · 1 month
Five Minutes But Maybe Forever
Earth and Sky ft. feverish Scott who's not having a good time and really needs a hug. Scott’s sick and scared because his brothers have left him. And he doesn’t do well being alone. Virgil makes sure he gets one.
Written from this prompt by @comfortingcatharsis :)
@edutainer2022 and @lying4sport as you both wanted to see feverish Scooter.
Virgil was gone for five minutes, absolute tops. He’d stepped out to go to the bathroom and refill his coffee mug, leaving a feverish Scott dozing with a hand brushed over his warm forehead to check his temperature and partly just for the contact, getting a mumbled affirmative in return.
The latest virus making the rounds of the Island had hit Scott hard, compounded by the utter exhaustion Scott fought through on a daily basis. He’d finally managed to get Scott to rest when he was weaker than a newborn kitten with a nasty hacking cough that had gone to his chest. Sitting with him as he looked over the latest update schematics for Two as proposed by Brains was both to enforce resting and keep Scott company as out of it as he was.
What Virgil hadn’t expected on his return was to find Scott curled into a ball on his bed, body heaving with sobs. The sounds were choked and painful, dragged out of his throat by gasping breaths. In between, they were broken by harsh, choked up coughs. 
The final detail that nearly shattered Virgil’s already split heart completely was how big brother clung to his abandoned flannel shirt, holding it protectively to his chest as if it the last piece of his brothers left in the universe. 
It was only because of the heat of the tropical day Virgil had taken the flannel off in favour of t-shirt beneath it on its own. He’d draped it over his chair by Scott’s bed and made sure Scott was tucked in before he stepped out; now the blankets were in disarray on the floor, with Scott’s desperation keeping the flannel, Virgil’s flannel close.
Virgil was back by Scott’s side in an instant. He reached for Scott slowly, wanting to do anything but startle and scare him further. 
What had happened in the brief time he’d been away? Unless he thought he was alone, Scott usually hid his hurt until he utterly couldn’t anymore. 
“I’m here, Scotty. You’re safe.” Virgil murmured reassurances without knowing exactly what was wrong. He grasped for what he could to comfort Scott, letting his voice fall into an even cadence in hopes it would get through the more than misery, the desolation rolling off of Scott in waves.
Scott tossed his head, mumbling.
“It’s Virgil. I’m right here,” he tried.
“Nuh uh.” Scott gripped the shirt tighter like he expected someone to tear it from his white knuckled grip. “Virgie’s gone.”
Tears welled up in Virgil’s own eyes. Dammit. He dashed at them as they threatened to track down his cheeks; he wasn’t ashamed of wearing his heart on his sleeve but right now he needed to concentrate on Scott.
Ever so carefully, Virgil pressed a hand to Scott’s shoulder, hoping for physical touch to get through to his brother and ground him. 
Scott froze; Virgil held his breath.
When Scott leant into his touch, resting his shoulder against Virgil’s palm with the force of his weight, his tears came to a startled pause as he registered Virgil’s presence. As he seemed to finally believe it. 
“I’m back, here with you and I’m not going anywhere, we’re going to be okay, Scotty. We’re safe and we’re gonna be okay.”
It became a hand rubbing circles on Scott’s back over his sweaty t-shirt, as Virgil eased himself closer to his brother. 
Feverish blue eyes pierced his. “You left me. You— you were gone.” Scott blinked in confusion, attempting to work out what was happening. 
Virgil crumpled. It was such a short time, he hadn’t thought to even alert John to watch over Scott in his absence.
“I’m so sorry, Scott.”
Scott frowned as he put the pieces together, like they kept trying to slip away. 
“How long was it actually?” It was a command, barely couched as a question.
“A few minutes. I thought you were okay, you were mostly asleep. Wasn’t sure you’d even notice,” Virgil admitted.
Scott scrubbed a shaky hand over his face. “Woke up from a nightmare and you weren’t there. The light had changed, so y’know, seemed like longer.”
Before he left, Virgil had pulled down the blinds to darken the room so it would be easier for Scott to sleep.
A shiver racked Scott’s body, transforming into trembling aftershocks. He’d be due for more fever meds soon, but frustratingly for all of Virgil that hated to see anyone hurting, not yet.
“Everything’s all blurry, blending together. Don’t know what day it is anymore. I can’t—” Scott cut himself off.
At that, Virgil gathered Scott into his arms as gently as he could, arranging lanky limbs so they would be comfortable as Scott barely moved to help, just let it happen.
“—didn’t think you were coming back. Everyone else abandons me too. I mean why wouldn’t they,” Scott mumbled into his neck as Virgil propped him up to lean on his chest.
Virgil swallowed, hard, to not break down there and then as his heart really did shatter. There were going to be messy, ugly paintings at some point later as he worked through all the emotions.
“Scott, listen to me. I will always come back to you. Nothing in the world could possible stop me.”
His big brother twisted around to look up at him with those bright, sky blue eyes filled with tears. 
“‘Cause we’re brothers?” Scott asked. 
“You’re my brother. I’ll always love you.”
Scott crumbled then, and it took Virgil a long, terrifying few seconds stretching out to realise it was in relief, even as Scott took a deep, sudden breath in and begun to cry like everything but the exhaustion had been wrung out of him.
It was less harshly than before but still interspersed with hiccups and coughs. 
Virgil wrapped Scott up closer, cradling him as Scott rested his head at the crook of Virgil’s neck and let him take his weight. All he wanted was for his brother to rest, to know that he could lay down his burdens because they were here for him. He could let Scott cry as he obviously needed to after the whiplash of thinking Virgil was gone, before Scott put back up the walls and bounds that he used to make himself who he thought everyone wanted of him to be, when his family wanted him to just be Scott. Hopefully, bit by bit, Virgil could get it through to him.
Fever made Scott far too warm to the touch, yet Scott was caught up in violent waves of shivers coming and going like the tides. 
Virgil picked up his flannel that Scott had abandoned in favour of Virgil himself and draped it around him. In spite of gentle coaxing, Scott wouldn’t or couldn’t let go for long enough to put his arms through the sleeves properly. Instead Virgil tucked it in, pulling up an extra blanket over them both. 
He settled back against the pillows, cuddling his big brother which went some way to mending his own heart and letting himself relinquish the guilt no matter how difficult that was to do. Beating himself up wouldn’t help Scott, he could only figure out how to do better next time. 
“You okay there, Scotty?” he checked in. 
The tears at least had slowed, reduced to the occasional catch in his breath where it brushed against Virgil’s neck. 
Scott shuffled to bury his face in Virgil t-shirt as he shrugged. It was probably the most honest Scott had been in answer to that question for a long time.
Rubbing a hand over his brother’s arm prompted Scott to tuck it around Virgil, clinging closer. He hated that Scott was hurting but he was ever so glad for the chance to hold Scott and comfort him while Scott let himself be held.
“‘m not going anywhere,” Virgil told him softly, “Before you worry, I don’t have anywhere I need to be.”
The schematics of Two he could look over here, and even then those could wait. 
With one arm securely around Scott, he reached over to the bedside table to grab his headphones and the bright blue water bottle there. 
He nudged Scott to drink as he fished around for the packet of tablets so he could take them too. 
After, Scott went limp against him, melting into the hug. Virgil pressed a kiss to his hair before carding through it in a gentle attempt to lull Scott to sleep, humming along softly to his music to keep away the silence. The less reminders Scott had of being alone, the better.
“Mmmm. Thanks for being here. Glad you’re here with me.” Scott words blended together in exhaustion but they told Virgil Scott would be okay. 
They both would be, because they were here together. 
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lfc21 · 1 year
Slamming their car door to see how they will react.
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TW: Fluff, swearing
Prompt list: Tik Tok
Summary: Virgil loved you and his precious car but what happened when you were the reason the car was about to fall to pieces, maybe.
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You sat in the car patiently waiting for the perfect chance to fulfil your prank. You had been to numerous different shop and Virgil had still not noticed the phone strategically placed in a secret way; which you were glad off. You knew this would be a Tik Tok that would send you laughing in hysterics and your followers loving your relationship together. You were finally pulling into a small corner shop for a few bites to eat meaning it was your perfect chance.
"What do you want from the shop babe?" You asked with a smile as the car stopped and Virgil had finally taken his hands off the steering wheel.
"I'll have water and a salad please" He casually asked with a smile as he lazily looked at you and his phone.
"Ok babe I won't be long" You explained quickly checking your recording phone with your eyes and kissing Virgil's soft cheek. You let yourself out of the car before slamming the car door shut without a care in the world. You casually walked away with no acknowledgement of what you had just done before quickly turning back. You noticed Virgil's mouth wide open as he followed your body move around his car. You opened the door again pretending to forget what his order was.
"Babe, what did you say again?" You quickly asked before letting him have any say in the matter and his face in which stood like thunder.
"What the hell did you do?" He snapped back trying to work out what your aggressive force was about.
"When?" You asked dumbly whilst knocking your head to the side and displaying an expression of nothing else but confusion.
"Just then! You nearly took the fucking door off" Virgil explained signalling to the car door you were standing at and holding onto. You shook your head with a laugh. "Anyway I wanted a salad" he added with a cooler and collected voice rather than his protective and aggressive voice due to his precious car. You nodded in agreement before standing back and slamming the door shut again. You could have sworn the earth shook as the door made a connection with the roof. Virgil jumped in his seat at the noise before blasting the horn of the car causing you to turn around in the car park. He rolled his window down in fury.
"Y/n do you want to break my car?" He asked now hanging out of the car window so he could see you. You quickly laughed before walking over yet again waiting to see when he would explode.
"I didn't do anything" you begged with a wine wondering what it was that was getting on his nerves so much, little did he know you were more than aware.
"You have just nearly smashed my car twice in the space of two minutes" he explained as he opened the car door and stood next to it. "You shut a door like this. You know how normal people shut it" he added whilst gently closing the door with a slight push at the end. You looked up at him in complete innocence with a laugh at his protective nature.
"It was for a tik tok" you explained with a giggle as you wrapped your arms around his large torso and rested your chin along his chest. He looked down at you with a smug smirk and a shake of his head. He couldn't be mad, he quite liked your confidence to try and complete the challenge.
"I'll get you back" he explained as he led you both closer to the shop instead of sitting in a car with slamming doors. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, it went perfectly.
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Hey guys 👋🏻 This is my first virgil imagine from the Tik Tok prompt list ❤️ I hope you liked this piece 💜 please leave feedback and requests as they are greatly appreciated 🥰 I'm going to Anfield to today for Liverpool v Chelsea, let's hope we win 🤞have a good day 🙏 masterlist 2022 💌 masterlist 2023 💌
@prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @tsimikasfamily @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @hendersons1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn @superkittywonderland @virgilvansike @virgilvandickmedown @hopefulromantic1 @robbo-trent-fanfiction26
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
vrigil size kink virgil size kink virgil size kink
call him big daddy virg for a reason 
it was the little things that drove him crazy. 
you wearing his clothes, your hand in his, sitting on his lap, noticing how small you looked next to him, you turning to him when you were uncomfortable or felt like you needed someone to protect you. (he knew you were more than capable but he liked you that felt like you could turn to him.) 
virgil likes to leave his clothes laying around, especially before you two got married. his t-shirts, shorts, shoes, you name it and it was scattered through your apartment. 
so of course, you started wearing them. it was accidentally at first; you had to do laundry and his shirt was on your bed, you pulled it on and went out for the day. 
he came over to find you making dinner in his shirt and of course you ended up bent over the counter. 
you looked so tiny and cute in his clothes, it was even better if you came to a game and he gave you one of his jerseys to wear; the thing was massive on you, you were practically swimming in it but every time he looked over at you, his heart skipped a beat and well, something else twitched if you get what I mean. 
sometimes you’d join him at practice or you’d come surprise him and somehow you two would end up in the locker room, his jersey pushed up over your hips and you’re bent over the closest surface.
you also had a habit of sitting on his lap and there was no denying that virgil was a big guy; both in terms of the space he took up and height. 
you barely took up any space when you sat on him, both of his hands fitting comfortably on either side of you. 
now when you were on top of him, he always had sweet words for you. 
“takin’ my cock so well, pretty girl.” 
“relax, it won’t hurt, promise.” 
“made just for me, hm?” 
okay but mirror sex with him ?? horny brain go burrrr 
something about you actually seeing how small you are compared to him just sends you both into a head spin. 
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idontknowreallywhy · 3 months
Resurface 2 - React
Smashed out some more words on the old commute. Am writing poor Virgil’s story from both ends now - this sits somewhere in the future where it all comes back to bite him (and happens immediately after this scene).
Train fic means unedited for now so please forgive heinous errors. Also it was a toss up between “solar flare” and “rare earth minerals” (thanks @gumnut-logic) for what is hampering Five and EOS for tension purposes - had to hamper them somehow else they are a bit OP. Also one of the other Thunderbirds has Magic so… *fudges everything*
“I’m doing my best, Scott, but the solar flare is overwhelming some of Five’s sensors… there are only so many overrides EOS and I can…”
“Sorry. Yes. I’m sorry, John, it’s just…”
“I know.” The precise set of John’s jaw revealed his tension but otherwise he was projecting calm, sympathetic professionalism.
Scott looked around at the various shades of brave face the remainder of his family were wearing. Allie looked sick as a dog but stood tall and his shoulders were squared. Gordon was muttering aggressively and glaring at the island infographic as if it was deliberately withholding information. Brains was whispering to MAX and recalibrating scans at the speed of desperation. Kayo’s expression had set into neutral with the slightest tension in her frame which he recognised as her readiness to spring to their defence against… whatever was happening.
What WAS happening? It had been so fast and Scott had been so absorbed in his own thoughts he didn’t have any answer for what happened in the seconds between Virgil cheerily entering the room bearing coffee and him bolting like a startled hare.
“And he’s not been hiding an illness? His vitals were…”
“Entirely within normal range until 14 minutes ago when there was a sharp spike in heart rate and blood pressure for 6 minutes then he…”
“Became invisible to Five’s scans, yes.”
“Maybe he took one of the boats?” Gordon ventured.
“Negative, EOS has scanned the dry dock, they are all still down there.”
“And no unexplained life signs?” Scott knew they’d covered this but he just couldn’t accept the answer.
John sighed but answered patiently “No, Scott that was the first thing we checked.”
Scott paced and tried to drag his mind out of the spiral of imagining the various scenarios in which his brother could be somewhere a life sign wasn’t. He needed to compartmentalise. This was just another search and rescue mission.
Rescue. Not recovery. Please not recovery.
“Ok. Manual search it is. Brains, you and Max use the drones to access the caldera and the more remote parts of the western slopes. Kayo, Gordon take Thunderbird Four on a clockwise sweep to check the beaches. Alan, you and I will…”
“JOHN!” EOS‘s voice was shrill and Scott’s heart froze.
“Thunderbird Shadow has commenced her launch sequence!”
Kayo’s eyes widened in shock.
“SHADOW? What? Why?”
Everyone looked blank.
“Is Virgil in there? Can you reach him?”
“Sorry Scott, she’s already cloaked and there’s no reply on comms.”
“Stop the launch then!”
“I can’t, we’re locked out.”
“I can.” Kayo, pulled up her remote access and wrestled with the controls for a few seconds before breathing a sigh of relief. “Ok, she’s not going anywhere. Um…”
Scott was already heading for the elevator to the hangars when his sister’s uncharacteristic uncertainty arrested him. He looked back. She swallowed.
“We may have a slight problem.”
“What? What is it Kayo??” Scott knew he was raising his voice but it was that or burst into frustrated tears which was… not an option.
EOS answered first.
“Thunderbird Shadow halted her sequence on the outside of the cliff face.”
Virgil was suspended over a death drop.
“Can we lock him inside?” Gordon had clearly reached the same horrified conclusion as his eldest brother had. Kayo shook her head.
Brains stepped forward “Unf-fortunately n-not as currently configured. The p-pilot’s ability to exit is always p-prioritised over remote a-access in c-case of… c-compromise.”
“I get it. Not your fault Brains. EOS?”
“I’m working on it Scott.”
“Good, in the meantime I’ll grab a couple of jet packs.” Scott headed for the hangar again.
“SCOTT! Wait!” John had dropped the professionalism which arrested Scott’s momentum faster than a brick wall.
“What now John??”
“Let the others go. You have to change.”
“He can’t see you wearing… that.”
Scott looked down at the dress uniform he had forgotten he was wearing and ice crept down his spine. This… was the problem? He suddenly realised John knew something that he didn’t and cursed himself for not finding out what it was already. But now wasn’t the time.
“Right. You three, take jetpacks and get up there but don’t let him get out before I’m with you. I’ll be there asap.”
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
Movie Stars
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Ibrahima ‘Ibou’ Konate x Fem!Reader
Warnings: sweet baby ibou, he's a vlogger y'all could neverrrrr, he's in your face 24/7 but in a cute way, holiday getaways, friendly teasing, lipstick marks, a suggestive ending.
Word Count: 673
Author's Note: first time writing for ibou :) idk what took me sooo long, he's the cutest ever.
Ibou decides it would be a good idea for you two to make a vlog over the holiday break, just so he can keep his teammates updated. 
Switzerland was the choice for this year's winter getaway. You and Ibou had decided you wanted snow instead of sun this year, as you had gone to Mexico the year before.
It's barely past 10 and you can hear your boyfriend speaking, you assumed he was on the phone with one of his teammates, probably Virgil calling to check up on the two of you - something he tended to do with all of the players.
Your face buried into your boyfriend's chest, trying to wake yourself up when you feel him poke your side. You look up, sleep still in your eyes, fully expecting to see someone on the phone; you just weren't expecting to see yourself.
"What are you doing?" You asked him, the red button blinking - he was recording.
Ibou held the phone so you were both in frame, his arm around you. "It's a vlog, babe! Say hi!"
You roll your eyes playfully, "good morning vlog, it's too early for this." You tell him, rolling the other way. You can hear Ibou speaking, "she's not a morning person, give her a few hours and some coffee, then we'll try again."
Swinging your arm behind you, you smack him in the side as you pull the covers up again.
It wasn't until 2:30 that you saw the phone make its reappearance for the vlog. Your ski goggles on your helmet as you watched your boyfriend film the scenery in front of you; mountains covered in snow, the people scattered all over the place, the sun shining down on you.
Ibou turns the camera back to you. "Say hello to ms. grumpy, she's not so grumpy now. She ate and had coffee." He laughed, causing you to roll your eyes. He goes on to say, "you look like a penguin, baby, all bundled up like that."
You were bundled up for the sweater; winter coat, snow pants, boots and your gloves, hat and helmet cause you weren't about to freeze and die or slip and die either.
Taking the phone from him, you turned the camera to face him. "You can't talk when you're bundled up ten times more than me."
Ibou was wearing about 5 layers, scarves, gloves, hat and everything in between. A blizzard didn't stand a chance against him.
He put his phone away, the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon on the slopes.
It wasn't until later, when you were getting ready for dinner that you heard your boyfriend talking to himself again.
The man showing the vlog around the cabin you were staying in. You were sitting at the vanity, fixing the front pieces of your hair when his footsteps came up the stairs and into the bedroom.
"And this is the master suite, we can find the most beautiful woman in the world getting ready for dinner." He says, flipping the camera to face you. You jokingly look around, "who are you talking to ?"
"You, of course." He smiles, his voice sincere.
You smile, going back to your routine as he shows the vlog the view from your bedroom window.
"So," he turns to you again, "what is that? What are you putting on?"
"Dior, baby." You tell him, swiping the lipstick over your lips. "Shade.." you checked the bottom of the tube. "999, velvet."
"Oh Dior? Très chic, mon amour." (very fancy, my love.)
You nod, pressing your lips together. "I thought so too, but I think I have too much on." You get up, walking over to him.
Ibou's got the phone facing the two of you, your hand on his jaw as you get on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek. There's a red kiss mark left behind on his face, the man smiles when he sees it and you check your lipstick in the camera.
"I think it's time for the vlog to end." He says, pulling you to him before kissing you. The phone gets tossed somewhere as Ibou picks you up, carrying you to the bed.
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transfemlogan · 3 months
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(both the same image one is underwater though)
@warnadudenexttime wanted me to do this so I did :3
IF YOU KNOW ME you know I don't have headcanons like normal, regular people. they jump around depending on the scenario or AU or fic. i don't keep one hc for everything. so this was a little hard to do because of how much my ideas will change brcause of the fucking phases of the moon but I tried my best :3
there is not age or height difference because they are the same person. whether or not ones older or taller changes on whatever, i don't enjoy like... only ONE height hc. i have multiple!!
OKAY MAIN LOVE LANGUAGES: I think Virgil's would be quality time. i thibk he loves to sit next to someone and scroll on his phone, while they do something else. he's a parallel play master. PLUS, this is shown at the ending of my negative thinking, when Virgil is just listening to music next to Logan silently in the living room. once he felt comfortable around Logan, he spent time with him. like . a cat.
i think logan's love language would be acts of service. i think logan wants to do everything for virgil. which is also shown in Fitting In, when Logan dresses up and plays along just to help Virgil feel more comfortable. I think Logan likes showing his love through actions because they don't require words & because he, someone who does a lot every day for people, knows how relaxing it can be to have someone else take care of you. i also think he likes it as a way to show Virgil how much he is appreciated and wanted here.
PET NAMES: I think Virgil uses silly petnames all of the time. i know i've already talked about this 20 million times, but his favourite is babygirl. he will call logan baby & babygirl for the rest of his life. (logan says he hates it but we all know the truth.) i can also see Virgil using those like, really cringey ? petnames idk the word. in private to be silly and embarrass logan. he's like "hey, pumpkin. my snookums." "my shmoopie"
(virgil: hey, pookie, we still on for our date?
logan: not anymore if you keep calling me that.
virgil: sorry .... snookums. my shmoopsiepoopsie pie.
logan: im throwing my book at you.)
i think Logan wouldn't really use pet names, but casual classic names, if he ever does. like dear. or sweetheart if he's feeling really sappy. i think Logan enjoys calling Virgil by his name or nickname, because he knows how much is held in that name. he wants virgil to know he likes it and that he's proud of him for telling them all.
catch logan cradling virgil's face in his hands and saying his name with such sincerity and care.
JEALOUSY: i think they both get jealous Super easily and need a lot of attention afterwards. some guy flirts with virgil and logans crossing his arms and pouting. virgil laughs and coos and holds his hand the rest of the day. someone asks for logan's number and virgils grabbing him closer and hissing at the stranger. logan kisses his forehead and rubs his shoulder. i do think logan gets jealous way more though.
EXPRESSING AFFECTION: i think they're both super reserved with their affection, but Virgil prefers physical contact while Logan prefers words. Virgil probably fixes Logan's tie or brushes his hair back casually. i think Virgil loves to cuddle with Logan and hold him close. & i think logan knows virgil needs verbal confirmation abt things. esp like at the end if my negative thinking, when he compliments him.
ATTACHMENT: i think they are incredibly overprotective of each other. they both know what the other has been through and how they've been treated. logan defending vitgil with his entire fucking life after AA & virgil defending logan in current episodes (if thomas had not destroyed analogical friendship directly in front of my eyes).
confesses first: I think virgil would confess first only because he'd want to "rip the bandaid off" like he did with his name. i think logan would keep everything inside of him forever & never let virgil know anything ever about his feelings for him. so it would have to be virgil.
intiates first kiss: once again, it's virgil. logan is a little loser who probably shakes and gets red in the face when virgil sits near him. i also think logan might not want to in fear of making virgil uncomfortable and feel rushed, so he lets virgil do it first, but virgil is also worried about making logan uncomfortable and feel rushed so he lets logan do it forst and therefore neither of them kiss for A While until virgil finally does it like 2 months into their relationship. they are idiots and losers.
says i love you first: I THINK THEY'D BOTH SAY IT FIRST. i think logan would be very vocal about his feelings for virgil, in a very awkward nerdy way, because he's always vocal with how he feels about virgil. he wants him to know that he is loved & cared for & i bet he's said that he loves virgil before they even started dating. i also think virgil would say it at first in like a silly, joking way that could be played off as him being silly & joking before they start dating & then slowly saying more seriously & then saying it 100% serious when they start dating while he's all nervous & fidgeting & logan's just "yes. i know. you've told me that many times over the years. i love you too."
big spoon: virgils the big spoon. i dont care. i dontcare what any of you say. virgil could be the shortest man ever and still want to curl up around logan. i think logan likes being in virgils arms and i think virgil is so protective of logan that he wants to hold him in his arms so he knows nothing is going to happsn.
(logan: virge, please— i would... like to hold you in my arms at one point in our relationship.
virgil: absolutely not. what if something happens and i cant do anything because you're holding me. im holding you for-fucking-ever, baby
logan: what happens if something happens to y—
virgil: unrealistic. now come here.)
worrier: do i need to explain this one. hes got anxiety guys idk what else 2 explain.
better with money: logan probably writes out all his expenses in a little notepad & virgil runs to hot topic and 7-11 as soon as he gets a pay check so he can by another band t-shirt for 30 dollars & get a slurpee . it's his little boy treat. & then he's poor.
more experienced: NEITHER OF THEM THEY'RE BOTH NERDS WHO'VE NEVER TOUCHED ANOTHER MAN IN THEIR LIFE. they are awkward and strange but its ok. they talk about their relationship to the other sides and they all stare at each other like "why are they like 2 middle school boys in love for the first time" & thats because they are in fact 2 middle school boys in love for the first tims.
wakes up first: logan has an alarm & virgils been awake the entire night & has not slept in 20 hours
steals blankets: somehow, despite originally curled up around logan, logan Always wakes up to virgil being curled up in their blankets while he's freezing. even on movie nightnor when they're just sitting next to each other, virgil will snatch the blanket away
normally cooks: i think they both want to cook for the other and care for each other. you know that orange trend oj tik tok where couples will say they want an orange but dont want to peel it & it's supposed 2 see if the other person will peel it for them. logan's that green flag consistantly. virgil doesn't even have to say he doesn't want to peel an orange. he will pick up an orange & logan will teleport into the room going "do you need that peeled? let me do that for you." virgil's consistantly asking logan if he's hungry and bringing him snacks. they could be Anywhere & virgil will go "have you eaten or have you just been working all day?" & pull out a fucking granola bar from his pocket & force logan to eat it. they hang out & the 1st thing virgil does is get logan food. virgil will and has tied logan down to feed him food. it was a very strange convo when patton walked in on virgil straddling logan on the couch and spoonfeeding him soup.
And LASTLY... 3 SONGS FOR THEM. my analogical playlist remake is still in the works, but
arms tonite by mother mother — i think it could work in the perspective of either logan or virgil
And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute / That I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight? / That I'm fine even after I have died? / Because it was in your arms I died
I cry hard because I have died, and you're alive / I try to escape afterlife / I try hard to get back inside your arms alive
first date by blink-182 — 100% virgil's nervous rambling
Is it cool if I hold your hand? t Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? / Do you like my stupid hair? / Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? / I'm just scared of what you think / You make me nervous so I really can't eat
When you smile, I melt inside / I'm not worthy for a minute of your time / I really wish it was only me and you / I'm jealous of everybody in the room
loser by sunday cruise — i can see this as a pre-aa analogical song
I don't care much about you / But I wouldn’t mind if you liked me too / Kisses on your hands, meet me in the bathroom / I wanna be alone with you
I’m a loser just like you / Way too scared, too confused
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gumnut-logic · 2 months
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He was there.
Always there.
There had never been a time he didn’t expect it, yet he had never taken it for granted. His brother was just there. Usually somewhere in the background.
Quietly watching.
He didn’t have to say anything. Scott could tell by the cant of an eyebrow, the settling of a hip or the shift of his shoulders. It was subtle, but Virgil broadcast his thoughts on a frequency Scott was tuned to and indicated his opinion.
Scott valued that. Ever so much. He lauded his brother’s capability and trusted him more than he did himself.
So, when Virgil stiffened at the sight of the man who walked into the office, Scott definitely took notice.
Virgil wasn’t even meant to be there. He had simply accompanied Scott into the office in London as a prelude to the main reason why they were in town. Gordon had already gone ahead to Penelope’s along with Alan and Grandma. John was due down in the afternoon. Virgil had come with Scott to the office just to keep him company.
And now he was wired tighter than one of his piano strings.
Scott eyed him a moment before standing up and walking around the desk. He held out his hand in greeting. “Mr Yost, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Scott Tracy, well I never. May I call you Scott? Call me Hows. It is great to finally meet you.”
Scott’s hand was gripped with both of the other man’s and far too tight.
Exuberance abounded.
Virgil stood up slowly and buttoned the jacket of his charcoal grey suit.
There was nothing aggressive about the movement, but it set alarm bells ringing in Scott’s head. He straightened and gestured in Virgil’s direction. “This is my brother, Virgil.”
Virgil had been sitting beside the desk, thumbing through his phone a moment ago, waiting for Scott to finish signing the pile of papers his secretary had dumped on him when he walked through the door. So there was no obstruction to walk around to meet the out thrust hand of their guest.
But Virgil didn’t move and ignored the offered hand. He only dipped his head. “Mr Yost.”
“Er, uh, yes, nice to meet you.” The man fumbled and wiped his hand against the white of his suit pants.
Scott blinked and wracked his brain for a reason why Virgil was so hostile. What had he missed?
Yost frowned up at him.
Scott cleared his throat. “Well, Mr Y…Hows. What can we do for you?”
“Oh! Yes, I heard you were in town and rushed over immediately. I would have sent my proposal electronically, but since you were here, I just knew you would want to see me in person.” The man was positively babbling.
Scott was seriously reconsidering his decision to let the man in.
Yost must have picked up on Scott’s thoughts because his expression changed to one more of panic. “Right, yes, my proposal. How would you like to be the owner of the tallest building in the world?”
Something made Scott look at Virgil at that very moment. The sudden fire in his brother’s eyes was startling.
Apparently, they didn’t want to be owners of the tallest building in the world.
Back to their guest… “Uh, no, I don’t think we are interested, Mr Yost.”
The man frowned. “But you haven’t seen my proposal yet. It’s called Tracy Tower, after your father and shaped perfectly like a rocket.”
Virgil took a step forward and Scott stepped between the two men. “No, I’m sorry, Mr Yost. Thank you for thinking of us, but we are not interested in building anything right now.” He began to shoo the man out.
“But, but, but, you were calling for proposals!”
“Sorry, my mistake.” He held open the door and gestured to his assistant. “Carly, could you please show Mr Yost out. Thank you.” Scott smiled politely to the flabbergasted man as his EA ushered him out.
Scott shut the door quietly behind him.
Virgil grunted and sat back down. “Thank you.”
“Speak to me, Virg.”
“Two words. ‘Crystal Spire’.”
Scott blinked. “You’re kidding.”
“No. I’m not.” Virg was fiddling with his phone again.
“I thought that guy had his…everything revoked.”
“So did I.” Virgil put his phone to his ear. “Penny? Yes, we will be there shortly. I have a quick one for you.” A pause. “Yost just tried to sell Scott a development proposal.” There was a sharp sound from the phone. “Uh huh. Thank you, Penny.” Virgil smiled. “Tell Gordon he can wait. We will be there shortly.” A grin. “See you soon.” And he hung up. Virgil looked up at his brother. “Whatever he has, he will no longer have within the hour.”
“You really don’t like this guy, do you?”
“He burnt my ‘bird while Alan was in it.”
Cold washed over Scott. “That one.”
“Yes, that one.” Virgil grumbled and went back to playing with his phone, conversation obviously ended.
Scott walked back behind the desk and took his own seat, determined to plough through the last of the reports he had to sign. It wouldn’t hurt to get over to Penny’s asap.
To check on his littlest brother for no reason whatsoever.
Virgil was a quiet presence beside him. It felt right.
Because he was always there.
Where Scott needed him to be.
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skeletinmoss · 2 months
The curse of the dark Phoenix
Chapter 5: Rest and roadtrips
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“We start by getting you guys some rest. Then I want to try and get as much milage behind us before the sun rises. I think it’s safe to assume that I’m stuck in a cycle and won’t be able to give you guys clear directions, or be very helpful magic wise in my phoenix form. So I want to get us as close to a proper road as possible before I’m stuck without human speech for hours,” Virgil explained.
“Um… Shouldn’t we start by traveling now and resting by day then?” Roman pointed out.
Virgil smirked at them. “That depends. Do you three think you can handle letting me teach you the revitalization meditation technique I came up with back when I was a wizard?” Virgil wondered.
“What does that entail exactly?” Logan asked.
“Curious are you?” Virgil teased a little smugly. Logan blushed. “I suppose,” he allowed.
“Fast learner. And it’s a good thing you asked. Never agree to stuff before you know the ins and outs. A skilled mage of any kind can make a promise binding if you aren’t careful. Doing so without consent would be considered a curse, but some mages might think it’s worth the hassle,” Virgil explained. Roman got the idea that he had been in front of a classroom before.
“The meditation technique I want to teach you won’t require herbs once you’ve fully mastered it, when you start out it will need something soothing to help lead the way. I noticed lavender was growing in the garden and no trace was left of it in the box of herbs you guys would be uncomfortable around. Am I right to assume that Lavender is a ‘safe’ herb?” Virgil wondered, looking at Roman.
“Um. Yes, lavender is safe,” he confirmed, fully aware that Virgil was humoring him for the time being on the subject of safe and unsafe herbs.
“Good,” Virgil stated as he moved the fingers of his left hand in a delicate pattern and suddenly he held a bundle of freshly harvested lavender between said fingers.
He approached them and handed each of them a bit.
“Ordinarily I only use the lavender when teaching this to wizards, but I don’t know where else your education is going to deviate from mine so we’ll start from the basics and see if we can go more advanced next time. That way you have a method that works at the ready should you struggle with it,” Virgil explained.
“How do we know you won’t be gone when we wake up?” Roman asked, a little nervous about that possibility.
“After that passionate speech you gave?” Virgil smirked. “I’m almost certain you guys would get yourselves in trouble trying to track me down. Too much of a headache to deal with. I’ll just try to gather some supplies here and make a plan, maybe work out some basics for breaking the curse. Or at least counteract it. I can wait an hour. Does that ease your mind?” Virgil asked.
Roman nodded. There hadn’t been a lie there.
Virgil sighed and then assumed a very teacher like pose. “Now, go sit on the floor in a comfortable position. Make sure you can keep it up for an hour,” he instructed. The three mages all settled on the floor cross legged.
“Good. If executed well, this technique will allow your body to recover in an hour the way it would in a full 8 hour sleep,” Virgil stated. Roman and Patton both looked to Logan who, predictably, looked more than a little intrigued by this idea. He’s always been the most frustrated by how much time in a day was wasted on sleep.
Virgil either picked up on that or was just habitually warry of this being a potential issue. “I don’t recommend doing this every night,” he continued. “You need at least one actual night’s sleep a week and even that is pushing it a bit. It depends on your own tolerance level so be aware of when you are starting to wake up a little tired. Don’t brush it off. This is a sign that your body is in need of actual sleep rather than a magically induced recharge.
Don’t be a martyr. Your magic will suffer for it. I speak from experience.” Virgil’s bass voice was serious and even as he said this, making something in Roman’s gut squeeze as the warning seemed to settle into his bones.
“Good, if you are willing. The key of this technique is in your breathing.” And so Virgil talked them through the breathing process and how to use said breathing to draw energy from the environment, using the lavender as a guide if needed.
Breathe the scent and the energy in, and exhale the stress and worries and build up blockage of the day.
Clear the inner paths of your mana for a new day.
Keep breathing like this and eventually it becomes second nature and you are in a meditative trance…
Roman woke up back in the tower. He felt like he hadn’t slept this well in ages… Nor dreamed this vividly in his lifetime…
That was… He felt at his cheeks. Oh he had cried…
“Virgil!” Logan called out, spooking Roman and Patton who’d both forgotten that they weren’t alone in the room.
A void of black appeared and then with a flash of purple light Virgil stood in front of them.
He had a sack packed and from the way it was clearly recently patched up, Roman suspected that it might have belonged to the arch mage. But if he was still alive and trapped like Virgil and hopefully his friends, then he might not mind too much if Virgil borrowed it so he could help save them all.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“You failed to mention the dreams! Or am I to believe that this is unusual!?” Logan demanded, seeming flustered.
Virgil cocked his head. “I mean I usually dream of good memories while in trance but sometimes… Oh… Right.” Virgil looked at the three of them. “You three haven’t had time to really bond with your guides yet huh?” he guessed.
“We met them a week or two ago,” Patton said, his voice a little fragile.
“And they’ve been dying to get to know you for a while I imagine. Sorry about that,” he offered, genuinely feeling bad. Roman could feel his guilt squeeze at his own heart.
“But it shouldn’t have been a bad experience though. Not unless you’ve been messing with some dangerous stuff,” Virgil insisted, a little confused at Logan’s strong reaction.
“It wasn’t… I just don’t like being blindsided like that,” Logan stated, looking away to hide his face.
If Logan’s dream was anything like Roman’s then “It wasn’t bad,” was an understatement.
It had felt like coming home after a long journey and seeing his family again and eating his favorite meal and just being Home. But also like doing something new and exciting and being free. The fire in his heart felt stronger somehow. Like he could just tug at it and summon it to his hand.
Roman wanted to ask about the dream. He wanted Virgil to tell him all about what it all meant and how he could do that again.
But he didn’t want to ask with Logan or Patton around. Especially Logan, he seemed to feel a bit sensitive on the subject.
So instead he asked something else. “When we recalled some of your legendary deeds. You said they were exaggerated… Could you explain that? Just to temper our expectations,” he asked. He’d feel terrible if he failed to protect Virgil just because he assumed he could handle something that he could not.
Virgil seemed to think on that for a moment. “Well, the ‘laugh death in the face’ is just because of, you know. Phoenix stuff. How else are people going to describe watching you losing your head and then with a little flash of fire return to normal as if nothing happened… It wasn’t pleasant, my neck hurt like a bitch for weeks, but I lived.
It's not that impressive. Phoenix bound High mages are a bit more durable than most I guess, but every high mage is pretty sturdy. Janus and Remus are both immune to poison of any kind and Janus has a thick skin let me tell you. You’ll sooner dull your blade than draw blood. It’s not impossible and when he does get injured he’s a whiny bitch until I heal him.
But we’re all pretty durable, my brand of durable is just a bit more dramatic,” he explained disturbingly casually. How often had this man sort of died?
“The star thing… I imagine it’s about Stardust. I found him making trouble in a town while passing through way back. He was just a playful pup though,” he continued.
Patton gasped at that. “You had a puppy!!!?” he asked. This fact clearly improved Virgil’s standing with Patton immensely. And Pat was already the most reluctant to mistrust others.
“I do. I look forward to seeing him again when I get home.”
Roman frowned. Had Virgil managed to give his pet long levity too? Still 50 years of being unsupervised… Then again maybe he left the dog with trusted friends who’d been looking after him since. Roman hoped so. He preferred finding the dog with a sweet elderly couple that used to be twenty somethings when Virgil last saw them rather than the alternative. Virgil didn’t pay attention to his moment of worry though and continued.
“Speaking off home… It’s not spirits. I haven’t bound the souls of the dead to my house. It’s just… lively. You’ll see what I mean,” Virgil stated. “I promise I wasn’t that big a deal.”
Roman looked him up and down skeptically.
“I’ll be the first to admit that I like fancy robes and shiny accessories. But even I would say that that outfit,” Roman pointed to the regal attire Virgil had shown up in. “Is fit for the guest of honor of a royal ball and nothing less,” he declared firmly.
Virgil blushed. “It was just for the fifty hear jubilee okay? I wanted to put in some effort, this is not my go to travel wear. Which reminds me. Do any of you have a spare robe because I’m not wearing these the whole journey,” Virgil insisted, avoiding the subject in Roman’s opinion.
“Roman does,” Patton stated.
Roman blushed, forgetting about his initial plan to press the issue. “I sure hope we all have a change of clothing with us!” he objected.
Logan seemed to be over his pouting enough to give his friend a hard time. “We do. But how many did you pack?” he pointed out.
Roman huffed. “I have one extra to spare,” he admitted.
“Are any of your robes self-cleaning?” Virgil asked.
The group shook their heads. “It would seem to me he is smart to bring some extra clothes just in case the journey got messy or required something less formal,” Virgil stated. Roman smiled a little. The High Mage had no reason to come to Roman’s defense like that even if he could feel his embarrassment. Other than being kind.
If Virgil was used to teaching classes, then Roman could easily imagine him being supportive of the students that struggled more and putting the more talented kids who made fun of them in their place.
Virgil gestured to the wall where their bags were set to the side. He’d really been prepping for their departure.
Roman silently knelt by his bag and dug in. “Ah, so Jay’s bottomless bags are still in fashion huh?” Virgil chuckled as he saw Roman’s entire arm disappear into the deceivingly small bag, Roman could feel a bit of relief coming off of him. Seeing something familiar after all the changes must be nice. Especially if it was related to his old friend.
“He made these?” Roman asked as his hand closed around the fabric of the outfit he thought Virgil might find suitable for his needs.
“Yeah, his Great Wizard project,” the purple favoring mage stated.
Roman pulled his arm out and gave Virgil the bundle of clothing trying not to think too much about how standard these bags were nowadays. If you ever did any traveling investing in one was a smart move. Every household had at least one. Roman’s family had owned one for every member of the household. They’d been around for a long, long time.
But not as long as Virgil or his friends apparently.
Virgil had known a time when your bag had to be as big as the items you were carrying.
“This looks great,” Virgil noted as he walked over to the vanity screen to get changed.
“What is the plan,” Logan asked.
“I did some calculations and I’m pretty sure I know where exactly we are at. I’d say in two to three days walking, depending on delays, we can get to my home so I can stock up properly. I gathered some herbs and stuff in here but there’s things I’ll need. Not to mention I should check in on Stardust and to see if no one tried to mess with my things.”
Roman exchanged looks with the others. They were going to see the living home of the Night Flame Mage?
“After that, we can figure out our next move. But first. I’m going to have to try and see if my friends are… Awake,” Virgil mused as he returned to them, putting his own clothes into the bag he’d claimed.
Roman could feel the wave of anxiety that hit Virgil as he mentioned the potential condition his friends were in.
He himself was hit with a whole different kind of nerves as he saw Virgil in the outfit he’d borrowed from him.
Roman had been telling himself that the flowy robes had exaggerated Virgil’s elegance but he seemed to be proven wrong. The outfit Roman had loaned him consisted of a simple black shirt and pants. On top of that was a wraparound leather body piece that held reddish brown tones and a pattern carved into the leather, tightened around the waist with a belt. A cowl provided additional warmth and if needed, anonymity.
And Virgil was pulling it off flawlessly.
“Good craftmanship,” he noted as he studied his outfit before taking a long stick from his backpack that looked like Virgil had found it laying outside. It seemed thick and sturdy and was about the length of Roman’s fore arm.
Virgil waved it and the light’s he’d made at the start of the night rushed down, past the trio and onto the staff. That would be handy while walking through the dark.
“Well, let’s get going,” he suggested before disappearing in a flash of purple and shadow.
“Wish he’d stop doing that,” Logan muttered as he grabbed his bag and headed down the stairs.
“Oh, if you could do that you’d be doing it all the time too,” Roman challenged.
Patton giggled as they made their way down the stairs.
“He’ll probably teach you if you ask,” their fighter pointed out.
Logan pursed his lips but didn’t comment.
They really should find a moment to have a private talk. Logan seemed verry off after that dream.
They stepped outside and Roman found his eyes drawn to the sky.
“Yeah… little side effect of having an avian guide. The call of the sky,” Virgil nodded in understanding.
“Now come on. Six hours till sunrise,” he insisted as he turned and started walking.
Roman hurried forward to catch up, his friends right behind him. They didn’t head for the main road where they’d been dropped off, which would lead to the capitol.
Instead they were headed south. There were a few villages that way, but nothing big until you hit the border. But that would make it potentially more appealing for a mage who didn’t want people knocking at his door every other day.
“Is it really okay for us to know where your home is? In the stories the great mages were always careful with the location of their homes,” Patton wondered curiously as they walked.
“That’s not entirely wrong. The random civilian wouldn’t know. But you guys are great mages and while charming has been a bit jumpy at the start, I don’t sense any ill intent.
And we don’t have time for unneeded mystique. Those idiots need help,” Virgil stated clenching his hand around something… The stone that had been under The Arch Mage’s bed.
“That’s a sending stone right?” Roman asked.
Virgil nodded. “It’s from a set of 3. Each of us had one. To check in on one another even if we weren’t around physically… It turns out I was the first… J and Remus both sent me a few messages. Then J went silent. Remus didn’t know what happened to him. If it was an illness there’d be warning signs. J would’ve sent a warning with his dying breath if needed.
And Remus… He took a while to go quiet,” Virgil said. “He was always the blabbermouth,” he joked. But Roman could feel his worry, his sorrow. It was enough to bring down his mood and even make his eyes water a bit.
He blinked away the tears.
“May I ask. You implied having, died, for a lack of a better term, in the past. Do you remember the first time?” Logan wondered.
Virgil nodded. “Sure. When I became one with the dark phoenix, I knew that whenever I died, I would be reborn as I was before dying.
But I could still die. Sort of. I was a mess about it. Cuz I didn’t know what it would be like. What to expect from being reborn. And not knowing was agonizing. My mentor at the time offered to help me through my first passing. We made a pact where he promised I would not be truly harmed under his watch to ease my nerves about actually dying for real on accident.
And then he gave me a poison that would put me to sleep and slow my vitals until I stopped breathing. And then I woke up again. My stomach was a bit upset, but other than that I was fine. And I wasn’t as worried about dying after that. Not that I go around dying on purpose,” Virgil clarified, laughing to himself. “Remus would though. He’d find new and creative ways to die spectacularly and dramatically every other day,” he stated.
“This Remus person seems… A unique character,” Logan observed.
“You don’t know the half of it… But you’ll see soon enough. His messages are the best clue we got to where he is now. I’ll need you guys’ help for that, four sets of ears hear more than just the one,” he mused turning the stone in his hand.
Suddenly Virgil stopped in his tracks. “Quiet,” he whispered.
They all froze and listened. A crack… Another. Something was heading their way…
“Well, look what we got here. That’s a fancy staff you got there. Why don’t you hand it over along with all your other valuables. It would be a shame if you got blood on those fancy robes,” A leery voice mused. Virgil righted himself while Patton got into a fighting stance, the fur on his arms standing on end and his claws ready to strike.
The wolf arms were a souvenir from his first attempt at transformation magic. Patton didn’t like them but they did a good job of intimidating douchebags when needed.
A cloaked figure stepped from the shadows into the light of Virgil’s magic torch, followed by a dozen more.
“Turn back now that you still can. I am not in the mood,” Virgil stated lowly. Roman was pretty sure he wasn’t the only one who felt a shift in the wind. The cloaks just chuckled.
“Well, at least those were some impressive last words,” the leader cloak chuckled as he drew his sword and rushed forward to plunge it into Virgil’s abdomen.
Roman let out a horrified cry. It didn’t matter that Virgil had told them numerous times that he’d survive worse than a sword to the stomach. But Roman had never seen a man be skewered before. It was a horrible sight. Add to that the fact that Roman could feel the surge of pain, though muted down a lot from what it was probably like for Virgil and he wished he’d brought along a weapon of some kind to fend off these miscreants with.
Virgil grunted in pain, but held up a hand to keep any of them from approaching to help.
“I warned you. Step back guys,” he coughed. Roman and his friends just barely jumped out of the way as Virgil burst into flames making the would be bandit jump back, screaming in pain. The sword fell to the ground as the purple flames briefly took the shape of an enormous bird, red eyes glowing in the middle of it, and then, with a mighty caw, the flames subsided and Virgil stood there as though he was never stabbed to begin with.
“I’m out!” One of the cloaks screamed as he sprinted back into the darkness of the forest.
A few others followed with very undignified screams.
The leader was still on the ground howling in pain. Roman supposed that resurrection flames would be pretty hot.
“I said to step away, idiot,” Virgil huffed, tracing a pattern and then moments later the wailing stopped.
“Now leave, before I decide to turn you into mayflowers,” he warned. The leader scrambled to his feet and bolted, followed by the rest of his crew.
“Sorry for that. I was hoping they’d be a bit cautious after my warning. Didn’t mean to step onto your territory Patton,” Virgil offered casually, though Roman had trouble believing it was as trivial as he made it seem. Still, Virgil’s emotions only showed vague annoyance and slight discomfort.
“Oh that’s alright… That… That was something. Are you alright?” Patton asked.
“Just a bit of a stomach ache,” Virgil assured him.
“Let’s keep going,” he insisted.
“Follow up to my earlier question. How many deaths did it take before you treated them as… An inconvenience?” Logan asked.
“Hmmm… Not sure…” Virgil admitted.
“How did your attacker get you in that box if rebirth is like that? I didn’t even see any ashes…” Patton pointed out.
“I was ready for it so I could consciously trigger my rebirth. If I was taken by surprise last time… Let’s say my response to being stabbed would be a lot more normal. The ashes would need a moment to charge so to speak. Which would be enough time for my attacker to gather them into a box and keep me from forming,” Virgil explained.
“I’m still not over how… Calm you are about missing fifty years,” Roman admitted.
“Well… Fifty years for me is different than it is for you. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a long time and I know a lot of the people I knew who weren’t high mages like me are ancient by now.
And the fact that so many of the mages I knew back then seem to have gone missing or died of that illness you mentioned is disturbing…
But missing time… It’s the first time it’s been so long, but not the first time I woke up and the dates didn’t match,” Virgil explained, hopping over a creek and waiting for the rest of them to cross safely too.
“How so?” Patton asked curiously once he made it across the way.
“Well, for situations like the backstabbing I gave Remus and Jay amulets they could use to store my ashes in while they got out of whatever crappy situation we found ourselves in before setting me free somewhere safe,” Virgil recalled as they all reached the other side and started on an incline in terrain.
“This one time, Remus knew I’d yell at him so he figured he’d get to an inn, have a good meal brought to the room and put me in better spirits when coming back out.
But when he went to retrieve the amulet from his pocket, I was gone. Turns out some pickpocket had stolen me while Remus was making his way to the inn.”
They had to duck under some low hanging branches.
“I wasn’t there for it of course. But he searched for days before asking Janus for help and it was five years before they gathered the courage to tell the council that I had not been ghosting them all this time but that I had gone missing.”
They crossed a lovely meadow and noted the sky was getting a bit brighter.
“In the meantime the amulet was sold and gifted and regifted and lost and found a hundred times before landing on a farm as an anniversary present.
The family knew someone who studied magical theory, thought they weren’t a wizard and they could tell them that the amulet held something powerful and that it could likely be summoned in a time of need.
And what do you know, after sitting on the fireplace mantle for four years the young son grabs my amulet and rushes outside. Accidently setting a beast taming spell on me as he demands I protect them from the raiders that were busy, you know, raiding the farm.
I came out and was compelled to take my phoenix form and do as he asked.
Not that I wouldn’t have helped out regardless, but he’d actually set a spell on me.
Once my compulsion was sated I turned back into a man and the poor kid was on his knees begging me not to be mad.”
Virgil chuckled as he kept Roman from falling down the steep decline they were navigating.
“I reassured the family, convinced the kid to come along and arrived at the council just in time to interrupt… Ah… Discussions on how they should go about finding me.
I got the kid in school and ripped Janus and Remus a new one,” he finished.
“So you were just… A nicknack for five years?” Roman surmised.
“Apparently I just spent fifty as a paperweight for all I can tell,” Virgil shrugged. “Live long enough and you learn to just roll with the punches,” he stated.
“I can feel the urge to turn increasing with the light coming back,” he mused.
Then he handed Logan a scroll and the staff. “I mapped out roughly how we should go. If I correct course in bird form, please trust that I have a reason okay?” he asked urgently.
Logan nodded. “I promise,” he stated.
Virgil let out a breath. “Good… Well, see you when the sun’s down,” he bid before taking a few steps back and then glowing with a purple fire, shrinking down until the trio was looking at Storm.
“So… You can understand us perfectly in that form, right?” Roman asked to be sure.
Virgil cawed and nodded his head before spreading his wings, Roman noticed that his feathers were tipped red on the underside, jumping up and taking to the sky. Circling above them.
“Hm… I suppose he’s looking out for unexpected obstacles… Let’s go,” Logan stated as he checked the map before putting it away and heading onward.
“I’m surprised you aren’t trying to read the journals right now,” Roman mused.
“The terrain will become less unstable soon enough. He is leading us through this forest to reach an old road. There, I’ll be able to focus without you having to worry about me missing a step,” Logan stated, marching onward. Roman looked up, spotting Virgil flying over through the canopy again.
“Fair enough,” he mused.
“We should report back to the council first.” Logan stated retrieving a sending stone of his own and handing it to Roman. “I can do a factual report. But considering we should keep our discoveries on a need to know until we know more, I think you should do the smooth talking,” he insisted before Roman could argue.
The herbalist sighed and took the stone.
“Good morning Great Council. We are just making a quick report. We have found evidence that the Arch Mage was interrupted in his studies and suddenly left the premises. We have found some encoded journals and a good lead on where we can find the key to decipher this mystery. We will keep you updated as we travel along,” he reported.
“Lord Roman!” a familial high pitched, easily excited voice exclaimed. “Hi, um Terence here, I was tasked with attending the sending stone in case the council missed your call. I’ll report back to them as soon as possible!” he promised. Terence was a very nice wizards apprentice and had high hopes of becoming a wizard himself one day. He was very passionate about all things magical. And Roman could only imagine his reaction when meeting Virgil in either of his forms.
Roman was relieved it was the loyal, dutiful Terence who’d answered and not one of the more… grumpy council members.
“Excellent work,” Logan nodded as he accepted the stone back.
“So… Those dreams,” Patton mused softly.
“What about them?” Logan huffed.
“I mean… Mine was pretty… Intense, but in a good way,” Roman offered.
“Yeah. Mine too,” Patton offered.
The pair waited patiently for their friend to say something himself.
“I… Mine was… Good too. But after Virgil’s scolding… I felt… Accepted and welcomed and encouraged. But I didn’t feel like I deserved any of it,” Logan admitted.
“Because of the curiosity thing?” Roman recalled. “I mean, I agree, your guide probably knows about that. But if they do then they also know you are rethinking that opinion,” he offered.
“That was part of it, and thank you. But still. I’m not like you two. When we became Mages you two took to natural casting so easily… But Virgil is right. I want my books as a lifeline. I’m not sure why. But it nearly kept me from completing the ritual and become a great mage along with you two.
Much of what Virgil has told us is… Troubling me. But I might have to accept his tutelage if I am to overcome this…” Logan laid a hand to his chest as he struggled to find the right word, but then they heard a caw and next thing Roman knew, the massive phoenix landed on his shoulder.
“Getting comfortable I see,” he mused.
Virgil shook his head and made a sound that gave Roman the idea that he was tired.
“He’s come down for a nap I think. So we best be on our guard while we’re without our eyes in the sky,” he surmised. Virgil made a low sound in the back of his throat before settling in and within moments Roman could feel he was asleep. “That is actually impressive,” he mused.
“Let us continue then,” Logan decided as he consulted the map again and led them further along their path.
“I think Virgil would be a great teacher. I mean he isn’t pushing the dark magic thing as much as any of us would probably do if we were raised in the age before the Arch Mage. And he hasn’t mentioned my claws even once,” Patton mused.
“I suppose he has indeed learned to: roll with the punches,” Logan allowed.
They walked in silence for a while until suddenly Patton froze.
“Guys… I… I’m pretty sure something is coming. Get low,” he insisted. Roman looked at his friend and suddenly realized that his position sort of made Roman think of a rabbit, ready to flee.
Not only that but there was a faint blue glow about him.
Deciding to play it safe Roman gently lowered himself in order not to jostle Virgil too much, Logan followed suit.
Indeed moments later Roman could hear a growl in the bushes.
Patton’s entire body snapped in the direction of the growls and jumped forward turning himself halfway to land a firm kick to the still hidden creature, causing it to let out a pained whine and sending Patton flying back. He used the momentum of his now flipped trajectory to turn midair, do a handstand and then land back in a crouched position.
“Bad dog,” he huffed.
Roman really wished that this would be the end of it. That whatever that was had been alone and scared off by Patton’s first attack.
But around them more growls sounded and one by one a small pack of five earth wolves approached them. Frick. They were eyeing Virgil like he was dinner, and to them he probably was.
Virgil, by the way, was finally woken up by the commotion and made a displeased sound before startling to attention when he realized what was going on.
He turned his head to Patton, and any anxiety Roman felt from him when he first realized he was on the menu disappeared.
“Virgil trusts you Patton!” Roman called, hoping it would help.
“Some more specific advice would be preferred right now,” Logan pointed out nervously.
Virgil hopped off of Roman’s shoulder and then made a few more small jumps. What…
“You want him to hop?” Roman asked.
Virgil’s responding caw seemed like a confirmation. “He wants you to hop!” Roman translated a bit louder so Patton could hear him over the growls of the circling wolves.
“Hop… Rabbit… Forest… Hunt… I think… Yes I’ll try that,” Patton nodded. He took a deep breath and knelt down the blue glow intensifying around him and then Patton jumped. And he kept jumping, faster and farther than humans typically did. Bouncing himself against tree trunks and the ground in a nonsensical pattern, leaving the wolves confused and uncertain. Then Patton made impact on the ground next to one of the beasts and jumped away before the wolf could even realize he had a shot at taking a bite out of him. Where Patton left an imprint, vines shot up and wrapped around the creature.
Not tight enough to harm it, but it would keep him from moving.
Patton repeated the trick a few more times and then the entire pack was wrapped up, even the handful that had started to retreat.
Patton landed back with the rest of the group breathing heavily. “How was that?” he wondered, still catching his breath. “Personally I think I did pretty Vine.”
He looked up expectantly and probably more out of relief than anything Roman let out a laugh.
“Alright puns aside, we should go. I don’t know how long those will last,” Patton admitted.
Roman let Virgil settle back onto his shoulder and rose to his feet. “Let’s get going then.”
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multi-fandomedfreak · 11 months
Sanders Sides - How they would comfort you during a panic attack
Authors note: I miss my favorite boys and got motivation to write for some reason so lets gooo. I just wrote the core four so if you want Remus and Janus feel free to leave a comment.
⚠TW!⚠: Mentions of panic attacks, fluff, prob a little angst ig if you squint
-Roman would be his dramatic self (bc of course he would be) but at the same time would think up of ideas on the fly on how to help as you have your panic attack
-Would probably BOMBARED you with questions as he tries to figure out his best on how to help until he figures out that you wont be able to answer all too well in your panicked state
-If you indicate that you want to be held, he will hold you against his chest firmly so you can hear the comforting sound of his heart beating
-If not, he will simply sit and/or lay next to you until your panic attack is over, affirming you that he’s there for you
-Afterward, he will shower you with all sorts of comforting words -in both english and spanish- and shower you with acts of service (Bringing you some comfort items, making sure you’re comfortable, ect.)
-If you like physical affection, he will cuddle with you and pepper kiss all over you. Your face, your hands, your neck, your arms, your shoulders, ect.
-Like, literally no part of your body is safe from his onslought of kisses if you let him
-Don’t like physical affection? No worries he will simply keep you company but that won’t stop him from complimenting you every chance he gets
-He will compliment your eyes, your laugh, your humor, literally anything and everything he can think of. Which is a lot considering he’s creativity
-If it makes you feel better, Roman will bring you to his mind palace and create stuff specifically for you 
-Being that he is the most logical side and doesn’t do well with emotions, he will obviously try to go about it the logical way
-Will most likely know what to do already since he has helped many of Thomas’ friends from panic attacks and has helped Virgil before in the past
-Logans definitely the kind of person to just sit close to you while trying to give you space at the same time, not wanting to overwhelm you even more
-If you ask to be held, know its gonna be kind of a stiff hug at first since Logan isn’t used to physical affection (Patton tries to surprise hug him from time to time due to that reason)
-After a while though, seeing that it’s helping you calm down from the panic attack, he definitely melts into the hug. Even after you’ve calmed down he still won’t let go (someone give him a hug please he needs it)
-If you don’t like physical affection or just don’t like hugs, he’ll probably hold your hand through your panic attack as he guides you through breathing excersises 
-You’ll both just sit or lay in silence, enjoying each others presence for a while before one of you breaks the silence and you both just talk about random things
-Just small, light hearted things to lift the mood. “You’re so cute.”   “Objectively, I’m actually considered average looking.”   “You call yourself ‘average looking’ one more time and I’ll put salt instead of sugar in your coffee.”    “....”   “Exactly.” (this is so cute omg i’m about to implode)
-Omg Patton goes into full on DAD MODE the minute he knows your having a panic attack. He might be able to see if before it even happens bc he just has that kind of, caring-for-others-more-than-himself-mode built in him. 
-Kind of like Roman and Logan put into one because he will ask if theres anything he can do to help and sort of knows how to deal with a panic attack but isn’t too sure
-Sooo, he just looks it up on his phone real quick. Once he understands what to do, he will help you through it with a kind and comforting voice
-I feel like his voice will definitely help ground you more than anything because its just so cute the way that he says “everythings ok” and “I’m here for you, kiddo” and just things like that
-Patton literally gives the best cuddles I dunno what to tell you other than you will most likely fall asleep if you cuddle each other
-And will most definitely give you forehead kisses
-Don’t like to be touched? No problemo because he WILL make you something to eat and drink, especially if its your favorite/comfort food. I’m not even joking he will probably start baking a cake right there and then if thats your favorite treat
-He just loves to show you his love through his food overall
-Once you’ve calmed down he talks rambles about anything that will make you feel better once you’re all calmed down
-My poor emo boy definitely knows how to handle a panic attack but has only ever dealt with panic attacks by himself so when he sees you having one
-He kind of freezes. 
-Once he snaps out of it though, he’s definitely panicking a little bit too with you as he attempts to think of everything he can to help you
-He’s kind of a guy who hesitates before doing anything because he just really isn’t sure but starts to calm down after seeing you calm down too
-If you indicate that you want to be held through your panic attack, he will be a little stiff at first but not in the way Logan is stiff
-Stiff as in he’s not sure if he’s doing this right and hopes that this actually comforts you
-Dont wanna be held? He’ll just offer you some comforting items kind of like a crow and its so cute that it really helps you calm down
-Once you calm down, he will constantly be checking up on you to make sure you’re ok 
-”You comfortabe?”  “ Need anything else?”   “I can get something for you if you want.”
-He’ll probably offer you his sweater too and once you put it on its smells so much like him and its absolute heaven
-You’ll def make him blush if you take a deep breathe of his scent on his sweater
-He’ll put on your favorite movie and chill with you in the living room for a while to make you feel better
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rose-thorn · 10 months
tma!sanders sides au bc i’ve been brainrotting over this for the past several days
(@wobblystrawberry helped a lot with this [hiiii])
- The Corruption
- the bastard that made me start this whole thing (wanted to make The Stinky Trash Bastard Man, Stinky Trash Bastard Man Squared and it sorta just went from there)
- known as The Duke of The Crawling Rot
- raided the magnus institute with Jane Prentiss (where he meets Logan, they probably start dating sometime in the AU) (both Remus and Prentiss wore raggedy red dresses and Roman got pissy about Remus stealing his color)
- dating Janus and living with him + Annabelle Cane (more on her later)
- The Desolation
- known as The Prince of Total Desolation/The Prince of Devastation
- was The Lightless Flame’s attempt to salvage the idea of having a Messiah and all the work that was put into that (a failed attempt at that)
- a lot of “he hurts everyone close to him because of the intensity of his love for them (“also he can’t touch anyone without burning them alive)” going on with him
- him and Jude Perry are lesbian/gay hostility (also Jude pretty much HATES Roman because he’s quite literally the “replacement” for the woman she loved) but sometimes have their moments of coexistence
- him and Virgil have something going on but it isn’t clear to anyone (including me) what exactly it is
speaking of…
- The Dark
- it was close between The Dark and The End but ultimately I went for The Dark
- ascended to Avatar-hood earliest out of everyone else (at like something between 14-17 idk)
- much more on the human-ish end of the spectrum (main thing is his eyes, i’ll drop the design soon i promise)
- Janus (who’ll i get to next) was like a mentor/older sibling figure for him, and tried to get him to become an avatar of The Web (is still trying to do so) which is why 1) Virgil is still closely tied to spiders, and 2) mostly why Virgil Does Not Like Janus
- Virgil still has a pet tarantula that Janus had given him, he’s tried to muster up the will to kill her or get rid of her more times than he can count now, to cut off his ties with The Web, but he just can’t bring himself to do it
- him and gerry (who i’ve decided doesn’t die in this au and instead becomes a fully realized Beholding Avatar) are close friends and most of their interactions go something like:
“You fell in love with the fucking personification of insanity and lies" "big talk for a guy with a crush on the biggest bitch of a fancy dumpster fire" "fuck you" "fuck you" "so you're trying to tell me you didn't name yourself after gerard way?" "i didnt" "bullshit, i bet you heard 'mama' and immediately took his name" (gerry’s trans in this, i make the rules)
- Virgil used to be friends with Julia Montauk before someone got jealous and tipped her off that Virgil’s an avatar (they get less toxic later i promise okay?)
- also he’s sorta friends with oliver banks, they have these “oh hey, it’s you” acquaintances and sometimes sit down to catch up like:
“how’s it going with your vast boyfriend? (mike crew)” “oh yeah a Hunter cop shot him he had to pretend to be dead while Buried for a bit but he’s doing better now, tea?” “how’s your bf in the red?” “my what.” “y’know the Lightless Flame’s Messiah 2.0?” “MOTHERFUCKING ROMAN??”
- The Web
- okay yes The Spiral is literally the fear of deception, and yes Janus is literally called “Deceit” but this fits him better imo
- he/she Janus because fuck it
- as i said, tried to get Virgil to become a Web Avatar, still trying, how well this is working out for her is up for debate
- he is pulling all the strings possible to keep Virgil far away from The People’s Church of The Divine Host as possible (whether this is out of genuine care and fear for how being in a literal cult would affect Virgil’s wellbeing or a want to keep Virgil’s connection to The Dark as possible… that’s also up for debate)
- has severe scarring on the entire right side of her face, how did that happen? basically, Mary Keay wanted to test to make sure the Leitner skin book was real, so she hired janus (who also brought Virgil, and that’s how gerry and Virgil met) to help with that, long story short, she then backstabbed him and tried to skin him alive. janus got away but let’s just say she’s pretty damn lucky Virgil was there to get him to a hospital
- dating Remus (and eventually Logan) and lives with Remus + Annabelle Cane
- Speaking of Annabelle Cane, one day while Remus and Janus were just cuddling on the couch, Annabelle just walked in, said “We’re a colony now”, and set up in the spare bedroom s5 style and Janus + Remus were just like “oh-kay?” and went on with their day
- if you’ve ever seen that one “passive aggressive roommate” song on youtube, that’s Janus and Annabelle. both are the passive aggressive roommate.
- spider limbs from his back as well as the several hands thing because why the hell not, it works
- The Eye
- mainly the being judged/having your secrets exposed aspects (because in sander sides he is literally the judge over thomas’ morality, his job is to watch over thomas’ actions and tell him whether or not he’s a good person)
- certain people make eye contact with with him and Know that he Knows all the bad things they’ve done, and feel the compulsion to spill their guts, once they start, they cannot stop no matter how hard they try
- after the fact, his victims find a teddy bear sitting on their bed that always seems to be Watching them no matter where they go
- works at The Magnus Institute, where he meets Logan, who, during his transition to becoming an avatar, was one of his biggest supports, since he was going through the same thing, they start dating after a while, and by the time of the Prentiss + Remus attack, they’re engaged (they both fully ascend only a few months after their wedding)
- [insert patton having a moral crisis because he doesn’t want to be a monster that feeds off of people’s fear but he has to and part of him likes it wow this is reminding me of a certain other Beholding Avatar]
- idk how it happens but he still becomes a father figure for Virgil somehow, i’ll figure out specifics eventually
- The Vast
- while i absolutely love Beholding!Logan hear me out. the fear of insignificance works so well here.
- he started working at The Magnus Institute a year or two before Patton (and five or six years before the Prentiss + Remus attack)
- i cannot overstate how everyone in the au thinks he’s Beholding: Jon thinks he’s Beholding, Gertrude thought he was Beholding, Gerry, who canonically has an ability to tell if people are marked by an avatar and who, for the purposes of this au is an avatar of The Eye, thinks he’s Beholding, motherfucking Elias/Jonah thinks he’s Beholding, Virgil, Janus, Annabelle, everyone thinks he’s Beholding EXCEPT Remus, who just knows for some reason (at one point when Patton and Logan got engaged Remus was like “damn patton you’re so committed to the eye, wouldn’t have figured you’d marry a vast avatar.” “a what”)
- to be fair, he was like 0.5 seconds away from becoming an Eye Avatar then BOOM BITCH VAST JUMPSCARE (The Eye is immensely bitter) and is partially Eye-aligned
- when Patton and Logan started dating, Logan just kinda assumed that Patton knew he was a Vast avatar
- after Patton learns, the convo goes something like “but- you work with the institute? how are you an avatar of the vast?” “i still need to eat, patton, and rent in central london is not cheap.”“huh.”
- Logan has a tie that Patton got him after learning he was a Vast avatar, the tie has a blue sky that fades into a deeper blue at the top, has some clouds and birds scattered around, and has a colorful sunset at the bottom, he wore that to their wedding and every day after
- there is healthy communication between all parties when Logan starts dating Remus and Janus as well
- probably levitates elias/jonah over the edge of a building for threatening/traumatizing Patton at some point, Elias had no clue that Logan was a Vast avatar until that moment (self-made blind spot, like the one he had around Martin being a threat)
- Jon and Logan would be friends. they just would.
- Logan’s probably the one who convinces Virgil to go to therapy
that’s most of what i have right now, i will probably continue to talk about these bastards + post the designs
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halfhissandwich · 1 month
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@analoginceweek Day Two: Nightmare
Story below!
Knock knock.
Roman perks up from his desk in surprise. Why is someone at his door at this hour? Nobody else is supposed to be awake, who would be awake right now? Stealing a glance at his clock which reads 2:53 AM—he had decided to pull an all-nighter to finish writing—Roman groans, running a hand through his slightly ruffled hair as he prepares himself to scold his brother Remus for bothering him while he’s working.
However, instead of seeing his twin, Roman is pleasantly surprised to open his door to see Logan and Virgil. Both of his boyfriends paying him a visit?! And in their pretty pajamas?! And no Remus in sight?! Huh! Not that Roman believed in good karma, but maybe working so hard had earned him some! “Hello, you two! Come in!” Roman couldn’t keep the gleeful smile off his face if he tried as Logan and Virgil enter his room, but it quickly fades when said smile is not returned. “Why the sad atmosphere, my loves?”
Logan and Virgil exchange a look before Logan speaks. “Good eveni- night- morning…? Um… Hello Roman, we wanted to chat a bit. Discuss an important matter.” He starts. Roman frowns, a bit of black eyeshadow appearing on his face before he can stop it. Virgil’s eyes widen and he smiles reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Royal Pain. Neither of us are mad at you, we just… it might have been Remus’ fault, but…” Virgil trails off.
“Remus? What did that brother of mine do now? You’re standing outside my door, tired, at 3 in the morning, complaining about Re… mus…” Roman trails off as he realizes the situation. “A nightmare. That’s what happened, isn’t it?” Silence and the avoidance of eye contact confirm Roman’s fears.
“You’re… well, you’re Creativity too, so can you give dreams too?” Virgil asks.
Roman stares dumbly at them before processing the question. “I don’t see why not.” And he didn’t. He gives Thomas good dreams all the time and he’s good at it, why not offer the same blessing to Logan and Virgil? “Would you like me to do so?” Logan quickly nods in response to Roman’s question while Virgil looks away and covers his face, embarrassed. With a quiet laugh at the emo’s flustered reaction, Roman sits on his bed, beckoning the two to join him. Logan doesn’t hesitate to cuddle up to Roman much like he had done many times at a young age, but Virgil is clearly, well, anxious about it. “Are you sure this is ok…?” He asks, voice shaking slightly. “You don’t have to cuddle, but you’re gonna be falling asleep so you might want to lie down.” Roman explains gently. That seems to calm Virge down, as he sits on the bed and slowly cuddles up to his partners.
Roman nearly crumbles with joy before he reminds himself to stay focused.
Sparkles slowly begin to appear around the group as creative magic starts to do its thing. It’s slightly difficult to manage the dreams of two sides at once—Logan and Virgil are very different after all. Roman places one hand on each of his boyfriends’ heads as the two of them slowly doze off into a blissful sleep. Roman coos once Logan and Virgil are peacefully asleep, both wearing small yet beautiful smiles on their faces. The work the prince had been working on calls out to him, but Roman pays it no mind as he lays down to get comfortable on his bed, reaping the rewards of his dreamy craftsmanship.
He can finish his work tomorrow.
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