#and then come back to what i'm writing for hera in spectre week after that
kanerallels · 5 months
There's absolutely nothing worse than when I get a thousand words into a story and decide that I low key hate it
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gayskywalkcrs · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR MOSS!!!!!!! UR AN OLD MAN NOW!! i hope u have a fantastic wonderful day bc u deserve only the best :)) can i pls get. spectres / rebels modern au. with fluff :)
only a week late!! BUT. here!
"I've changed my mind," Kanan says. "Letting you get me into archery was the best decision I've ever made."
Hera snorts from behind him, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder and moving her hands down to his waist. She presses her hips closer to his and a kiss to his jaw, then starts correcting his posture.
"Elbow down, love." She taps it and Kanan moves down so it's level with his chin. "I am fully aware that you wanted me to do this in a sexy way, just so you know, but I'm too invested in making sure your form is good."
"You focus on my form, I'll focus on the horny," Kanan jokes, waggling his eyebrows in such an endearingly dumb fashion that Hera can't help but kiss him.
"Maybe if we both focus on your form you might actually hit something," Hera teases. Kanan gasps, faux offended, and proceeds to lament at how horribly his wife treats him.
"Such cruelty from such a pretty woman," he bemoans. "I can't believe you'd treat me like this. This is homophobia and racism and sexism. I have been hate-crimed."
Hera outright laughs at that, dropping her hold on Kanan so that she can double over and use her hands to try to muffle her laughter. "Racism," she giggles. "I'm from Haiti, you dumb fuck."
"And I'm Latino, what's your point?" Kanan shoots back, a grin on his face. "Racism, I tell you. You are conspiring to bully me over my terrible archery skills because I'm Latino and you're not."
"Bozhe moy," comes a tired, Russian voice. "They're at it again, Zeb."
Hera looks behind her, a wide smile on her face. Aleksandr Kallus, Zeb's mysterious Russian boyfriend whom Hera is fairly sure is ex-FSB, is walking over to them with a pistol at his waist, his ear defenders round his neck, and Zeb's arm round his hips. Ezra trails behind them, looking dejected.
Ezra was adopted when he was seven and Hera and Kanan were each twenty. He'd been a surly, snappish kid, traumatised by the deaths of his parents only a few months before his adoption. He could've been Kanan's kid by birth, with how similarly they act.
"First you don't let me shoot and then I have to see Mom and Dad being all gross?" The fourteen-year-old complains. "Sabine would let me have a gun."
"No she wouldn't," Aleksandr says firmly. "After lunch I will teach you the air rifle - will that make you feel better?"
Ezra whoops, doing a strange little dance Zeb had taught him the first time they'd met. He's never truly grown out of it - not that Hera cares, she actually really likes the fact that Ezra feels comfortable enough around them to express his happiness - and it makes Zeb smile.
"Don't point the arrow at your feet!" Aleksandr snaps at Kanan, who starts and lifts the bow back up. "If you shoot your foot then you will have problems walking for a very long time."
"Bloody KGB," Kanan teases. He slowly relaxes the bow and takes the arrow out of the nock, putting it back into Hera's quiver.
"That's racist," Aleksandr says, folding his arms and looking at Kanan with an unflinching expression. Kanan stares back, baffled, and Aleksandr's eyebrow twitches from the effort he goes through to hold in his laughter.
Hera watches it click in Kanan's head; he yelps, smacking Aleksandr with his bow. "You are the only white person here!" Kanan retorts, laughing. "This has got to be the most ethnically diverse family in existence!"
And because Hera loves riling him up: "Technically Aleksandr adds to the diversity of the group, love."
Kanan groans.
send a (belated) birthday writing prompt?
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laurenmm62017 · 3 years
Kalluzeb Appreciation Week day 3!
Happy Kalluzeb Appreciation Week day 3! I'm a bit late, but I got it out! I chose the prompt: Adopting children.
From the first time I watched "The Honorable Ones", I knew that these two dorks were meant for each other and I so glad I got to write them. I hope you enjoy!
How Will We Spend Our Lives?
Having kids was never the highest priority for Kallus, right up until baby Jacen was born. It’s a couple days after Hera gave birth to the cutest little Lima bean he had ever seen. Then again, he was never known for being a caretaker, even before he had left home and joined the Academy. He genuinely never gave children another thought, even when he and Garazeb began to get more serious.
Hera had invited them all to see the baby after a couple of days of rest in the medbay. It was a pretty small room, so Zeb, Rex, and Alexsandr allowed Sabine and Chopper to go in first.
“I’m real happy for Hera.” Rex said, smiling faintly. “She has a part of him forever now.”
“Just hope this little womp rat doesn’t have his powers. Can’t even imagine all the chaos that’d bring.” Zeb laughed.
“Please don’t say that, Zeb. You’re going to make it come true somehow.” Alexsandr smiled, leaning against his partner, while Rex stands across the hall.
“I never thought I’d see the day we would have a baby Spectre come into the galaxy.” Zeb said, smiling down at Alexsandr.
“Neither did I. I-”
They were interrupted by the door to Hera’s room opening, and Sabine and Chopper gestured for Zeb and Alexsandr to go in next. They pushed off the wall together and entered the room.
There’s Hera, lying in the medical bed, with a tiny bundle of blankets in her arms.
“Hey, boys.” She still sounded tired, which isn’t a surprise. “Here to meet our newest crew member?”
She shifted the blanket to the side to reveal the tiniest face they had ever seen and tufts of bright green hair. The baby’s eyes were still closed and appeared to be sleeping.
“This is Jacen Syndulla.” Hera smiled down at her baby. “7 pounds even.”
Zeb leaned down to get a closer look while Alexsandr walked to the other side of the bed and placed a comforting hand on Hera’s shoulder.
“He’s beautiful, Hera. I’d say he looks just like him, but I don’t know what he looked like as a baby.” Zeb joked, making a funny face. He just couldn’t understand how small babies were. Lasat children were born to climb their parents and trees.
Alexsandr chuckled and asked, “The birth went smoothly, I heard. I expected nothing else from General Syndulla.”
“Kallus, I’m naked with a tiny baby on my chest; I’m the farthest thing from a generalat the moment. I just want to be a mother for now.”
“Of course, Hera. Sorry.”
“Do either of you want to hold him?” Hera suddenly asked. Both Zeb and Alexsandr were taken aback. Hera looked at them expectantly, then gently pulled Alexsandr closer and began to slowly transfer the little bundle into his arms.
Alexsandr’s eyes widened, his hands immediately moving to hold the baby rather awkwardly. One hand was supporting his head, and the other was holding the body, but Zeb snickered quietly as Alexsandr tried to get more comfortable.
Alexsandr ignored Zeb and Hera talking quietly. He stared into this tiny being’s sleeping fade and he felt a surge of protectiveness, like he will never let anything bad happen to him.
That night, Zeb and Alexsandr were lying in bed, about to go to sleep. They were both lying on their left sides, Zeb’s back facing Alex while their hands were tangled together over Zeb’s stomach.
“Have you ever… wanted that?”
“Wanted what, Alex?”
“A child. A family of your own?”
Zeb hummed, and turned over to face Alexsandr. He cupped his face in his hands carefully and tilted Alexsandr’s face up.
“I’ve never really given it thought. I always just assumed I’d stay the uncle of the Ghost crew. I never thought of having a child of my own. But I can tell that you have, Alex. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I… I also haven’t given it much thought in the past. Not until Hera got pregnant. I think… when this war is over… when things finally settle down, and we aren’t fighting for our lives. I want that. I want a family together. We could adopt a child or two. We can finally have peace.” Alex covered Zeb’s hand with his own and squeezed it as he spoke. “Sorry, I’m rambling on.”
“No, it’s fine, Alex. I love hearing you speak so freely. I love the idea of spending the rest of our lives together. You have to know that, right?”
Alex nodded.
Zeb smiled and continued. “It's a bit early to think about children, but I wouldn’t mind a little ankle biter running around the Ghost with Jacen.”
They smiled at each other and slowly fell asleep together, dreaming about the present and about the future.
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