#*deep deep sigh*
riacte · 10 months
[deep sigh]
slowly but surely collecting more moments… next unhinged treebark moment poll could be coming any time… can’t take a break smh
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clonehub · 8 months
In general I'm tired I think of people, whether characters or authors or the fandom, acting like the republic was shiny and wholesome with a few scratches compared to the Empire (which is unequivocally evil, no doubt). The empire condoned slavery and so did the republic. The republic just called it an army. There's a LOT that could be said about how liberals will accept anything if it's painted blue, but will suddenly cry if their political enemy does it, too. But a lot of writers in star wars I think are too scared to go down that path.
TBB looks like it might have a clone rebellion story coming in, which annoys me because that kind of event needs its own show, full stop. Fifteen episodes to handle the Crosshair thing, omegas kidnapping, AND an uprising about clones? As well as Tantiss and the whispery antagonist and other subplots, like Emery. It feels tight. It also annoys me because the bad batch don't care about regular clones and if they wanted an arc about the batch finally giving a shit, that was meant to start in season 1. The batch are escaped slaves. They were massively privileged compared to the regular clones, but they were all enslaved nonetheless. I keep talking about a missed opportunity for critiques on lateral oppression within marginalized groups of people, but also the tbb writers are largely white and afaik are all American so it's not like they would have handled it with grace at all.
The clone wars could/should have focused more on the clones. They're my favorite aspect of the star wars universe and to see them constantly get shafted and mishandled gets on my nerves.
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mainfaggot · 2 months
little sister got yelled at by my mother for wearing a shirt with a rainbow on it because, and I quote: "that's a controversial symbol and you're not a LESBIAN !!!!!!!!!!" i was trying so hard not to laugh like girl. the lesbian in the room would never wear that ugly ass shirt for starters also rainbows are not evil and who gaf if it's also a pride symbol... corny! CORNY! it's even funnier (worse) that earlier my mom was all like, "I'll love you forever and no matter what because I am your mother..." haha sure you will. you draw the line at fagdyke tho
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barklikeagod · 2 months
can tell the mental illness is getting crazy bc i’m not feeling joy looking at my ocs…
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noirve · 3 months
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angelsdean · 5 months
me on r/ledzeppelin rn looking into bootlegs 😅✌
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wretchie · 5 months
the vroom vroom omegaverse show is getting a second season and the dash is going wild at the possibility of honest to god mpreg this time. the circles i run in are strange but the times we live in are stranger
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anna-intissar · 1 year
"The love you give recycles and circulates through the universe, no expression of love is ever lost or wasted"
When I read something like this, a sense of relief washes over me.
Because I know for a fact that you'll get what you give, and I know that what I gave was nothing short of that relief.
That's some presumptuous thing to say!
But I know.
I'm certain.
When I look at my actions I see that they end up with a smile on my face or someone else's.
And that's why I feel relief when I know that my actions will circle back to me.
But sometimes,
I get this selfish desire.
What If I don't want that love to travel through the universe back to me.
Maybe I want to receive it right away!
Maybe I don't want to be loved by a star in the milky way or by a whale on the ocean.
Maybe I just want to feel like what I do for others really matters to them.
Maybe just maybe that me and my offerings aren't taken for granted.
I'm certain that maybe I want to feel a fraction of what I give.
But maybe it's not meant to be for me.
Maybe the love I give is accumulated somewhere in a different universe. In another life. In another embodiment of light.
But sometimes it feels like it's never happening.
And my love will only come back to me as a warm sunny day in the middle of winter.
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gracejones · 1 year
honestly tonight was a great distraction from the fact I have to e-beg tomorrow
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riacte · 9 months
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Instant defeat speedrun any%
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gendergenius · 1 year
my parents stop treating me like a family therapist challenge (GONE WRONG) (IMPOSSIBLE)
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grimgummies · 1 year
Ah shit I think that thing is happening again where my posts don't show up in tags qwq
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Watching facilitators just royally fuck up focus groups is going to be my villain origin story
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jokerlennon · 1 year
my organisational skills are admittedly abysmal but i dont think im at fault here
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yukierree · 2 years
I knew the month of November was going to be though but I didn’t expect it to start so soon
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