#and then decided to donate my kidney to her dying (other) daughter
thelastevilregal · 11 months
Not Jane calling Maura a whiny baby.
That's a little on the nose don't ya think?
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drewgaither6 · 6 years
“Presumed Consent” - A Harvest of Organs
I just watched an interesting episode of Law and Order: SVU in which the topic of presumed consent was introduced. I, before watching this episode, had never been aware of presumed consent and I found it great to hear both sides of the argument in a dramatised way. So, let’s first look at the definition of presumed consent:
Presumed consent is alternatively known as an 'opt-out' system and means that unless the deceased has expressed a wish in life not to be an organ donor then consent will be assumed.
- U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine
What this means, in practice, is that unless explicitly stated otherwise by the patient or their medical proxy (power of attorney), a doctor has the medical and legal right to harvest a patients’ organs for others to receive. This practice can be found in several countries, especially European ones, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey, according to the World Health Organisation.
Now, the case I was watching on SVU was that of a paediatric surgeon removing the heart, lungs, and liver of a young girl who had died from a brain injury, resulting in her brain being dead, but her organs were still alive. The doctor, not being told explicitly not to harvest the organs, made the medical decision to remove the girl’s organs. Just before the transport carrying her heart was to leave, the surgery was discovered and Lieutenant Benson had to intervene, as the parents had not consented.
Throughout the trial, and before when Benson asked the parents if the transport could leave anyway, even though the parents had not initially consented, the argument that the child’s organs had been ripped out of her body without the parents’ consent was made, in a time of great distraught over losing their child, and it was wrong and the doctor should be punished by the law. The doctor responded in a Thoreauvian way, explaining that a law that is wrong should not be followed. Furthermore, she cited the ethics and morality of this issue in which she had outweighed the plurality of the law in her state. She cited that many European countries use this practice.
The ADA, in this case, sympathised with the parents because he had recently lost his father, and he told Benson that he was getting Half-and-Half when his father passed away, and the discovery of his organs being harvested while he was gone would have affected him greatly. Benson, having a young child herself, a son, sympathised with the child about to receive this heart that was intercepted. In the end, they are informed that the child who would have received this patient’s heart dies. The defendant’s attorney cites the rarity of paediatric organs and several agree that the surgeon should be commended as a hero, not condemned as a criminal. In the end, the court finds her guilty on 30 felony charges, as she forged consent forms due to the legality of the crime, and as forgery is a felony, the surgeon’s medical license is revoked.
I wanted to look at two things in this: (1) the legal and ethical implications of presumed consent, and (2) the selfishness of keeping organs, especially by parents.
Upon further research and study on the issue of presumed consent, I find it so that the idea and legalisation of presumed consent outweigh the implications of non-consensual organ harvesting. Organ harvesting, obviously, is a very time specific thing. There is no time to wait or to let parents or proxies decide to donate or not when other’s lives depend on that organ. The surgeon in this fictional case points out that having lost a son herself, the idea of asking a grief-stricken parent these questions is unfathomable. Instead, the law acts on a “act now, ask for forgiveness later” kind of deal. Unless a parent/proxy or patient says, “I do not want to give mine/their organs away for x, y, z,” then the doctor can presume consent of that patient to undergo this procedure. Having such a law saves more lives, and this value has been seen in countries where this law is implemented.
To the Thoreauvian point made by the doctor in this case, I find it very commendable and a very different look at civil disobedience. It follows the same principles as civil disobedience, and I do see that it is a moral and just cause, which is why this type of practice could make it to the Supreme Court in accordance to potentially overturn state decisions to prosecute such an action. And to the argument of selling organs, well I can delve more into that at a potential later date, but you know my position on for-profit healthcare, so that would have to be a no for me.
The second thing I mentioned was the selfishness of not donating organs. I will put aside the religious reasons of not donating organs, and focus solely on the secular. First, let me start off with this case. The parents told Lieutenant Benson, upon being asked if the heart transplant could continue, that they (specifically the mother) were not comfortable with having pieces of their daughter missing.  I practically screamed at my television throughout the episode as they kept bringing this issue up. Like Fin, a detective in the show, said, “Dead is Dead.” There is no logical reason to not donating your organs after you are deceased. Coming from personal experience, my grandfather was on a kidney transplant list and was very grateful to have a direct donor, a co-worker of my grandmother’s (who happens to be an ER doctor). If not, there was a possibility of dying while waiting for one. There are so many deaths in this country every day, but many of them do not donate their organs. As they pointed out in the show, practically no parent of a paediatric patient consents to this process, which is sad due to the amount of necessity amongst paediatric transplants.
This case seems pretty sensible to me that presumed consent is appropriate and beneficial to the greater good. I am a left-Libertarian, but I also am a strong believer in Rawlsianism, so I have no fear in “taking away” personal rights that do not infringe on the daily life of a person and in the end help someone else and better the lives of the needy. I do not stick to one simple principle when looking at government and economics. I do not think that taking the organs from a person who is dead is wrong, nor does it infringe on their personal rights, again setting aside religious reasons, not because I believe the principle changes, but because I do not wish to currently argue that position. I think it is selfish that more people do not donate in this country, and if they do not explicitly say no, then there should be no reason why that shouldn’t be a yes.
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deflcresco · 3 years
Drabble: Three Weeks (After)
Mitsuki wouldn’t have made the choice to come to the hospital. If she can help it, she wouldn’t step there again. Not after what happened the last time she was there. Sh didn’t wan to think about what was happening, her being at the hospital only makes it more real. She didn’t want to think of that reality. Besides, she can’t face another situation like what happened a week ago. To be there… Right in the ICU room where her daughter was, to hear & watch that happen right in front of her…She’d much rather hear about the outcome than witness it herself. It took her days to get over that. It haunted every waking ( & sleeping ) moment & she couldn’t shake it off no matter what. She still can’t get over it. She didn’t want to be at the hospital, not today, not ever.
She tried her best to think of something else. To focus on what was happening instead of what could have happened. But she couldn’t. Who’s to say it won’t happen again? Who’s to say it won’t continue to go downhill next time? As long as her daughter wasn’t getting any better, there was no changing that outcome. She knows that her daughter’s survival was not guaranteed. It’s a fifty-fifty chance, she will either live or die, with such a huge probability at that. She never had much chance from the start. She arrived at the hospital almost dead. How high were the chanced to bring someone back from death?
She’s not being pessimistic, just a realist. She still couldn’t see her. Kagero’s immune system has weakened drastically & the slightest thing can put her at risk (as if she wasn’t already dealing with enough). The only encouragement she got was that her daughter is young, so she might have a better chance. Might. The initial reports were frightening. When she arrived in the emergency room  her blood pressure was undetectable, her body was already shutting down & there wasn’t anything else anyone could do. Organ failure— Multiple organ failure was expected & that’s been going great so far, considering how it’s been more than two weeks of her daughter being on life support with no chance in her condition.
Here she is now, walking through the hospital hallways to meet the physician in charge of her daughter. Honestly, she didn’t want to hear his update. She will hold into the fact that her daughter is still alive somewhat & call it a day. The details… She doesn’t want to know about them. She has sent Hibari away, but he wouldn’t go. She wanted to get this over with quickly, talk to the doctor & leave. He doesn’t have to be here for this sort of thing. But he refused to leave. He did say that he’d be waiting outside for her in the car. It was good enough, so she let it slide. She had no energy to argue with him anyway.
She sat on a leather couch across from the doctor. Several papers were on his desk which he was sifting through. She didn’t want to hear all of these details, she just needs to know the gist of it & be done with this for today. ❝  The good news is, ❞   Starting with the good ? There must be a surprise hidden there somewhere.   ❝  She is stable. ❞  Stable in not dying yet. Stable, standing still, stagnant. Hovering between life & death, not knowing which direction to go yet. It was her unchanged condition since they got here. Aside from actually dying once, right. She was still reeling from that one. She was gone for seven minutes before she somehow responded. Whatever it was he going to say, it will not top that one.
❝  She is in septic shock. Maldistribution of blood flow is still low. There is not enough blood is reaching her organs, ❞   That was the one complication everyone was hoping to avoid. Stable was supposed to mean unchanged, not deteriorate. ❝  What’s happening is  that the inflammation is triggering blood clots, & the low blood pressure causing inadequate blood flow, her organs are not getting enough oxygen, ❞   She was on a ventilator because she can’t breathe on her own. It should be taking care of at least one problem, not cause all of this. ❝  This can lead to organs shutting down. ❞  She felt the room disappear from around her, engulfed in complete darkness before returning. She felt light headed. What was he telling her, why is he saying all of this to her ? She just wanted to know if her daughter was getting better or worse, she doesn’t need these details.
❝  How far is she from that ? ❞  She found herself asking, hating that she did so.   ❝  Her lungs & kidneys are not functioning, her liver is not far behind, ❞   She could barely breathe at the realization of what was happening. Her organs were shutting down one after the other. If this keeps up… Like hell was she stable. She is far from it. The human body can only handle so many organs shutting down before… It can be no longer. At the rate this was going, there wasn’t much time left before they reach that point.
If it’s blood that would save her, she’s willing to donate as much blood as she can. Whatever it is her daughter needed to survive, she’ll be willing to give it to her. If she could exchange places, she’d do it in a heartbeat. What a silly thought, she almost laughed at herself. If it was as simple as donating blood, they would not be here right now.
She really didn’t want him to go on. She has heard enough already. She wants him to stop beating around the bush & tell her what he called her here for.   ❝  She’s no longer responding neurologically…  ❞  
❝  She’s brain dead ? ❞  It made sense now. He called her here, asked to see her in person, to tell her this. It was over.
❝  Not quite, no. Not yet. ❞    But they were going there.
❝  What is it then ? ❞   She didn’t want to spend any more time here. This room was suffocating her & she wanted to get some fresh air. The longer she talks to him the worst she feels.
❝  As things are, it’s time to consider the alternative, ❞   She should leave. Now.
❝  It’s been over two weeks with no real improvement— Usually, things tend to remain the same. This can go on for a long time, with no improvement whatsoever.  ❞   She listened, she doesn’t have anything to say in response.   ❝  Sometimes, instead of letting her remain like this for a prolonged amount of time, you might want to consider taking her off of life support. ❞  
To let her go.
To release her from the grips of this physical death that’s hovering way too close to her.
❝  Thank you for having me here today. ❞   She got up on unstable legs & left the room. She made her way down to the entrance hastily; she couldn’t bear to be there any moment longer. She couldn’t be anywhere right now. Despite wanting to be outside & getting as much air as she can, she couldn’t do that. She wasn’t able to walk far, her body felt very tired & she wanted to rest. She didn’t see Hibari anywhere, but he was soon helping her in the car & driving them away from the hospital.
If it was up to her, she’d go back in time & stop herself from going to see the doctor. He cannot toss that at her & let her decide something on that scale. Who does that anyway ? Is she supposed to walk up to them and just say ‘yes, you can shut off the machines now’ & it would be over ? How is she not killing her daughter by doing that ? She cannot accept that she is dead, not like this. That dream from a week ago was a clear indication that Kagero is still here. She tried to reach out to her, she tried to call her over. She was so scared & alone. She doesn’t belong in that place. It was too early for her to go yet. There is a whole life left for her to live, she can’t just… Just go like that. But she wasn’t gone. No, she was still here despite her body shutting down. She will give her time, she will give her as long as she needs before she wakes up. She can’t be the one to push her towards the light after telling her to get away from it. She will not betray her like this.
Will she ever wake up, though ?
She might… Maybe not now, not soon. But maybe one day. She knows they can’t do anything without her consent. Kagero will remain there, until she tells them otherwise.
❝  What did— ❞
❝  Nothing.  ❞   She hated how her voice got caught in her throat. She wasn’t able to say anything more than that. The words will not come out even if she tried.
❝  A-Alright. ❞    Hibari didn’t push her to talk. It’s obviously not nothing. He saw her walk out of the hospital, her face drained of color, & she wasn’t saying anything at all. He was concerned about her shutting down again. The last two weeks haven’t been easy by any means, but he would rather her have emotional outbursts than to shut the world out.
The last two or three weeks weren’t easy at all. After that night where they came to the hospital after midnight, the night where their daughter nearly died (she technically did die, but she was brought back) Mitsuki never went to the hospital. That’s not him saying that she was keeping busy & keeping herself distracted, no. It wasn’t like that at all. She never said much since then. She was mostly quiet doing nothing at all. Just—- Overthinking everything like he knows she does. He was caught in a cycle. She will close herself off & not speak to anyone. There is nothing he can do to change that. He can ask her, he can try to get an answer out of her, but unless she wished to disclose what went with the doctor earlier, there was no getting anything out of her.
❝  Are you sure ? ❞   She can’t expect him to buy it & accept her cryptic answer. Even if it was nothing important, it was at least something to require to see her in person to tell her about it.
❝  Mhm.  ❞   She wasn’t looking at him. She was looking outside of the window.
He didn’t know what to say, so he remained quiet. He continued to drive, going back to his apartment. They were nearing it, only two more intersections & they’d be there. Perhaps once they get inside she’d tell him more, or maybe… He doesn’t know, anything would better than this silence.
❝  Go to HQ. ❞   He almost hit the breaks, surprised at the sudden request.
❝  Wha— What for ? ❞  
❝  Work. ❞  
❝  W-Work ?! ❞
❝  Stop repeating what I say ! If you don’t want to do that I’m getting off of this car right now & I’ll get there on my own.  ❞
❝  I’ll… I’ll take you there, you don’t need to leave. ❞   He wasn’t going to get her angry. Sure, he’d prefer to have a reaction from her as opposed to having her shut him out, but getting her angry is not how he wants it to go. If it’s work she needs to be at, he will take her there. She won’t be alone, & he will be there to pick her up when she’s done for the day.
He remained silent the rest of the way. He didn’t want to push her to talk, that seemed to anger her & he doesn’t want her to get worked up. He will do as she says & hopefully she will talks to him about it when she’s ready to do so. He pulled up in front of the entrance. ❝  When do I pick you up ? ❞ He asked before she was out of his sight.   ❝  I’ll let you know. ❞   & she was gone.
She worked until midnight. Not only for that day, but all the days following it. She would go to to the Kouga HQ early in the morning, & he would bring her back near midnight every night. She was mostly quiet during the short time he’d see her. She’d be tired & not up to much. She wasn’t sleeping all that well, she’d barely get four or five hours at best, then she’ be out & he would have to bring her back at midnight. He knows it’s not an ideal situation, but he couldn���t do much about it. He will continue to be by her side & he will give her as much support as he can offer. Even when she’s shutting him out, he will still remain by her side during this trying time.
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mrlongkgraves · 5 years
Stories from the transplant journey
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On April 11, transplant recipients and their families gathered at Boston Children’s Hospital to speak about their transplant journeys during a special nursing grand rounds. As Donate Life Month draws to a close, we share excerpts from their stories, made possible #becauseofadonor.
Erin – heart recipient
When Erin was just 6 months old, she was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, which severely weakened her heart. At age 1, she was listed for a transplant — and received her new heart just nine days later.
“My heart was only expected to last about eight years. I am beyond thrilled to say that I am 22.5 years post-transplant. I have been able to keep up with all of my siblings, classmates and friends and live a completely full life. I played sports all through school, stood next to both of my sisters on their wedding days, helped my brother move into his first house, graduated from UNH with my bachelor’s degree (after taking a semester off to go through chemotherapy for cancer), accepted a full-time job doing early intervention, became a godmother to the best little boy, welcomed two nephews into the world, and met an amazing guy that I’m getting married to this summer! We love to camp, hike, kayak and go on adventures together. No words will ever begin to express how fortunate I am to be the recipient of this wonderful heart.”
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Mae – lung recipient
Mae was born with a rare genetic form of childhood interstitial lung disease. Although she was listed for a double-lung transplant shortly after her birth, her mothers, Courtney and Maura, hoped that she, like some children with this disease, would outgrow her symptoms. But after nearly a year without improvement, they decided to relist her. Just 30 days later, she received her new lungs.
“As we were anticipating the one-year “lungaversary” of Mae’s transplant, we were very aware of the pending milestone. To our surprise, our emotional energy that day was focused less on Mae’s miracle, and more on the donor family — what it must have been like for them in that moment, on the anniversary for them of what we assume was a tragic loss of their little miracle.
It is hard to comprehend that someone else’s loss and pain led to our freedom and joy. We remind ourselves that the donor did not die because of Mae, but since the donor’s life had come to an end, our gratitude is immense that the child’s legacy could live on in every breath Mae takes, and every heartbeat of another child somewhere out there and of the other organ recipient to whom this donor gave a new lease on life. Maura has said she always thought she would have three kids, and now she says she kind of feels like she does in our older daughter, Rosie, Mae and Mae’s donor.”
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Boalvi – kidney recipient
When Boalvi was a sophomore in high school, he began feeling sick and weak. He was eventually diagnosed with nephotic syndrome caused by focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), a pattern of kidney damage that occurs over time. In October 2016, he began dialysis three days a week while he waited for a transplant.
“The treatments were long and painful and I never adhered to the necessary liquid restriction. That’s when Dr. Nancy Rodig gave me a wakeup call and temporarily took me off the transplant waiting list. Months before, they had called me in for a transplant; however, there were complications and I wasn’t able to get the organ. I had been at the top of the transplant list and now I was taken off because of my lack of responsibility. The team suggested I entered a program called Med Coping. Dr. Shannon Hourigan was my therapist and she guided me throughout the rest of my dialysis and transplant. She made it much easier to understand why I was doing the things I was doing and what I could do to solve those problems. My outlook changed and I began to do right. They took me off of the waiting list in March and by late June, I was back on. On August 17, 2017, I received my new kidney. I’m grateful for everyone who made this possible for me, including the family of the donor.
Life after transplant has been amazing, I’m healthy, working and looking forward to going back to school in the near future. I learned to cherish my worst moments because they only make me stronger. As long as I’m breathing and living, I’m good.”
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Riley – liver recipient
Riley was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma when she had just turned 7 months old, says her mother, Jill. Soon, her parents learned that she would need a new liver and she was listed for a transplant.
“Doctors determined that Riley’s father, Keith, was a match for living donor. This was such a relief, but I was also extremely scared to have both Keith and Riley go through this major surgery. We got the date of surgery and started to prepare. 
But surgery came sooner than we expected. We received news from Boston Children’s that there might be a potential deceased donor match for Riley. That was a long afternoon, thinking of the possibility of Keith not having surgery and Riley getting the transplant and feeling sad for the donor family. But on May 24, 2018, Riley received her new liver, when she was just 10 months old. It was still a few months until we knew what life would be like after transplant because Riley had to finish two more rounds of chemotherapy to be sure all the cancer was removed. It was a long year for our family, but we all made it through and are very grateful for that. Riley is now a very curious, wild toddler who loves her big sister, her bubbas (bottles) and stealing cookies from the cabinet!”
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Jordi – multivisceral recipient
When Jordi was about 13, he experienced pain that was ultimately diagnosed as liver cancer. After undergoing chemotherapy, he was listed for a multivisceral transplant, which he received relatively quickly.
“If it wasn’t for my donor, I wouldn’t have been able to graduate from middle school and high school, or to attend UMass-Lowell, pursuing a career as a doctor. I want to help other children out by becoming a pediatric oncologist. I know it’s a lot of work, but I’m determined. As a cancer survivor, I think I will be able to relate to these kids and inspire them.
I’m very grateful to be alive and to be 20 years old. I will keep pushing to live my life as much as possible — for me, and for the donor who is no longer here. Ever since this happened, I know I want to help out other kids, and I’m going to do that.”
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Kymani – lung recipient and organ donor
At age 10, Kymani received a double-lung transplant after being diagnosed with primary pulmonary hypertension three years earlier. He enjoyed nearly a decade with his new lungs, says his mother, Carolyn.
“Prior to transplant, Kymani’s life was very limited. He was not able to attend school due to being on oxygen 24 hours a day, and spent all or most of his time at home. After receiving his donated lungs in 2010, he returned to school. He was so happy to be able to do all the things kids his age were able to do. The nine years post-transplant were his best years, and he lived each and every day to the fullest.
Life took on a whole new meaning for him as he was able to try different activities. In high school, Kymani went from being somewhat of an introvert to becoming a gregarious person, whose presence was felt the minute he entered a room. He loved to dance and spend time with friends. He got involved in chorus, he ran track and even trained me to run around the track. He attended his prom accompanied by all his friends and graduated with them. He was forever grateful to the nurses who cared for him during many of his hospital stays. He decided that he wanted to be a nurse so he could give back what he had so graciously received. Kymani was a full-time student at Quincy College, where he was pursuing a nursing degree.
Unfortunately, Kymani gained his angel wings in October 2018 prior to seeing that goal come to fruition. However, in his dying he continued to make me proud. He had become an organ donor himself. Kymani’s story is truly rare, as he was able to play both roles in his short life. Without organ donation, Kymani would not have lived nine additional years. Although Kymani never met his donor family, he was forever grateful — and I am sure that it’s from that place of gratitude he chose to become a donor himself.”
Learn more about our Pediatric Transplant Program or share your story made possible #becauseofadonor.
The post Stories from the transplant journey appeared first on Thriving Blog.
from Thriving Blog https://on.bchil.org/2WcpNa1
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Reading challenge 2017
11. My Sister’s Keeper - Jodi Picoult 
Genre: drama, chick lit, contemporary, family 
In a nutshell: A test tube baby is forced to donate everything to her dying sister. 
Recommendation: Read this with a box of tissues beside you and pick out a funny movie or tv show to watch once you finish it. You’ll thank me later. 
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DAMN YOU JODI PICOULT. How dare you unleash such a sad and beautiful book into the world. Who do you think you are? 
“It's about a girl who is on the cusp of becoming someone.. A girl who may not know what she wants right now, and she may not know who she is right now, but who deserves the chance to find out.”
Anna’s life is anything but normal. She was a test tube baby, chosen specifically by her parents to be a perfect donor match for her dying sister Kate, who has leukemia. Kate is struggling with her latest bout, kidney failure. Without a kidney transplant, she will die. The girls’ parents tell Anna she will donate a kidney to Kate. Anna does not want to go through with it and hires a lawyer to fight for her own medical rights. The story is told from the points of view of every character through the progression of this heartbreaking story of the importance and family. 
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I can’t really remember why I decided to finally read this book. I think I was told by so many people to just pick it up and read it so I finally did. And now I definitely want to read more of Picoult’s books... you know, once I read the 50 other books on my shelf waiting for me. 
There were times when I was losing interest in the book.. And I’m not sure if it’s because I already kind of knew what happened or what. But I was losing interest. I think it may also be because I don’t CARE about the lawyer’s and Julia’s storylines. They have nothing to do with anything so why were they included? The father is also boring. The mom is interesting (BUT I REALLY HATE HER) and Jesse’s, the brother’s story is interesting as well because you know he rebels because he’s sick of all the attention Kate gets. Kate gets all the attention and then Anna because Anna is the one also constantly in the hospital. But I really hate the mom... she literally treats Anna like a donor primarily and not a daughter, which is really sad. I mean... I don’t know WHAT I would do in her situation but I don’t think I would have a child just to save my other child because then TWO children’s lives would be messed up...And it’s not right to make your kid donate a kidney when they don’t want to. What if they need it? I don’t know. I’m not okay with it. 
Before I end this, THAT PLOT TWIST THOUGH. My jaw dropped and I never saw it coming. 
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adambstingus · 5 years
10+ People’s Last Wishes That Will Make You Cry
All of us know that a time will come for us to take our last breath and leave this human body – yet, the people in this list decided to make their last hours wonderful by doing something they longed to do for a long time.
We live as if there are countless days ahead. We fail to seize the moment and grab the opportunities to enjoy life to its fullest, do things that make our hearts sing, or express how we feel about the ones we cherish the most. It always seems that we will be able to do that ‘later’, when the only thing we really have is now.
So, what’s on your bucket list? Don’t wait for later, enjoy your life now.
#1 When 6-Year-Old Elena Was Diagnosed With Brain Cancer, She Began Hiding Hundreds Of Little Love Notes Around The House For Her Parents To Find After She Was Gone
#2 A Week Before My Grandfather Passed Away, I Snuck His Favorite Beer Into The Nursing Home For Him. It Was His Last Beer Ever
#3 Her Dying Wish Was To See Her Best Friend, Oliver The Cat, One Last Time To Say Goodbye
#4 Homeless Man Learned He Was Dying Of Cancer With Only A Few Weeks To Live And His Only Wish Was For Someone To Adopt His Sweet Dog, Baby
#5 Mom’s Last Dance With My Dad The Night Before She Passed Away After A 15 Year Battle With Cancer
#6 Dying 7-Year-Old-Boy Tells His Seriously Ill Mother To Let Him Die So He Can Give Her His Kidney And Save Her
#7 Cancer Patient Mario, 54, Says Goodbye To The Giraffes At Rotterdam Zoo, Whose Enclosure He Used To Clean
#8 Five-Year-Old Girl Suffering From Cystic Fibrosis Is Granted Her Dying Wish To Marry Her Best Friend In Heartbreaking Wedding Ceremony Just Hours Before She Passes
#9 Tattoo Artist Grants 12-Year-Old Boys Last Wish With Colourful Markers
#10 This Girl Gets Her Dying Wish Of Being Serenaded By Florence And The Machine
#12 Single Father With Terminal Cancer’s Final Wish Came True When He Found A Foster Family For His Four-Year-Old Son Before Dying
#13 After 75 Years Of Marriage, This Couple Died In Each Others Arms Hours Apart
#14 Cancer-Stricken Son Holds Dying Dad’s Hand One Last Time
#15 My Grandma Wanted To See The Ocean One Last Time Before Checking Into Hospice. Her Face Says It All
#16 A Former Show Jumper Crippled By Parkinson’s Disease Fulfills Her Dream Of Riding A Horse For The Final Time At The Age Of 87
#17 Dying Vietnam Vet Asks For A Final Meeting With Beloved Horses Outside Hospital
#18 Dying World War Two Engineer Gets Last Wish Granted: To Be Reunited With Iconic Plane, After Bosses See Him Staring Forlornly Through Fence From His Wheelchair
#19 Tijn Has One Last Wish: To Prevent Children Dying From Pneumonia. So He Challenged People To Paint Their Nails And Donate Money. He Has Raised Over 2.6 Million Euros To This Day
#20 Hospice Patient Receives Dying Wish To Snuggle Some Kittens
#22 One More Visit Home To See His Newborn Sister
#23 Dying Father Gets His Final Wish: To See Son Graduate
#24 North Carolina Neighborhood Celebrates Christmas In October So A Dying Woman Can Have Her Last Christmas
#25 Devoted Music Teacher Gives Last Lesson From A Hospital Bed As His Dying Wish To Pass On His Experience To His Students
#26 Dame Helen Mirren ‘Knights’ Dying Boy, 10, After Making His Wish For The Queen To Come To Have Tea With Him Come True
#27 Thousands Of Carolers Surround Home Of Dying Girl, 8, To Fulfill Her Wish For A Massive Christmas Sing-Along
#28 3-Year-Old Old Girl’s Last Wish Was To Meet A Prince And Princess
#29 James Wathen Is Reunited With His Dog Bubba One Last Time Before Death
#30 Father Dying Of Terminal Cancer Has Wish To See His Daughter Graduate From His Alma Matter Granted After Texas A&M Brings The Ceremony To Him
#32 Terminally Ill Air Force Veteran Granted Last Wish Of Sky Diving
#33 One Terminally Ill Woman’s Last Wish Was A Visit To The Hospital To See The Scans Of Her Unborn Grandchild
#34 Jack Benny Arranged To Have A Single Red Rose Sent To His Wife Every Day After He Was Gone
#35 One Last Visit To The Grave Of His Daughter
#36 101-Year-Old Meets Newborn Great-Granddaughter Before Dying Days Later
#37 Dying Forest Ranger Was Granted His Last Wish To See His Beloved Woods One Last Time
#38 Last Wish Of A Terminally Ill Woman Was A Private Viewing Of The Rembrandt Exhibition
#39 Angel De Jesus Zamora’s Wish Was Fulfilled When He Was Crowned Chief For A Day Because He Will Never Grow Up To Be One
#40 Saying Goodbye To His Farm
#42 Kailem Married His Girlfriend, Brandi-Lee Wadwell, In A Small Ceremony By His Hospital Bed
#43 Teenager Marries Her Terminally Ill High School Sweetheart In A Heartbreaking Hospital Ceremony Just Days Before He Dies In The Hospital
#44 Dying Man, 92, Is Granted His Last Wish To Hold Hands With His Wife Of 66 Years As The Couple Meets For The Last Time Two Hours Before He Dies
#45 Miles Scott Got To Be Batkid For A Day
#46 Terminally Ill Dad Leads His Daughter Down The Aisle 2 Weeks Before He Passes
#47 His Last Wish Was Seeing His Ponies
#48 Final Catch. Dying Vietnam Veteran Fulfills His Last Wish By Being Wheeled To Pond In His Hospital Bed To Go Fishing
#49 This Woman’s Wish Came True When She Met Lionel Richie
#50 He Wanted To See The Dolphins Playing For The Last Time
#52 All This Woman Wanted Was Saying Goodbye To Her Animals
#53 Terminally Ill Groom Fulfills His Final Wish In This Last Minute Wedding
#54 All This Terminally Ill Man Wanted For His Wish Was To Go Home Again
#55 Linda’s Final Wish Was To Raise Enough Money So That Her Parents Didn’t Have To Pay For Her Funeral
#56 Hospital Makes Exception And Allows Couple Married 73 Years To Be Together In Same Room
#57 Dying Patient’s Last Wish Comes True As She Is Reunited With Beloved Horse For Final Time
#58 Terminally Ill Patient Had “The Best Day Of His Life” When His Wish For The Last Ride Was Fulfilled
#59 Terminally Ill Star Wars Fan Gets His Dying Wish As He’s Granted Access To Early Force Awakens Screening
#60 A Scottish Teen Fulfilled His Dying Wish Of Taking His Girlfriend To The Prom
#62 Touching Moment: Crew Stand And Salute Dying Pearl Harbor Sailor As He Is Granted Final Wish To Board The Dewey Again
#63 A Costumed Worker Entertains A Smiling Patient On Her Classic Wish For A 3-Day Trip To Euro Disney
#64 Terminally Ill 14-Year-Old Girl’s Last Wish: To Have A Prom
#65 Once More To The Beach
#66 This Woman Got To See The Beach And Feel The Sand One Last Time
#67 New Hampshire Teacher Harriet Richardson Ames, 100, Meets Dream Of Getting Degree A Day Before Dying
#68 Terminally Ill Man Given Weeks To Live Fulfills Wish To Touch The Sea One Last Time
#69 92-Year-Old Grandmother Gets Dying Wish To Fly In A Rainbow Motorized Parachute Fulfilled
#70 This Gentleman Wanted To See His Hometown From Above
#72 I Didn’t Have A Picture But My Grandma Wanted Her Entire Family With Her While She Died
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/10-peoples-last-wishes-that-will-make-you-cry/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/182062508107
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allofbeercom · 5 years
10+ People’s Last Wishes That Will Make You Cry
All of us know that a time will come for us to take our last breath and leave this human body – yet, the people in this list decided to make their last hours wonderful by doing something they longed to do for a long time.
We live as if there are countless days ahead. We fail to seize the moment and grab the opportunities to enjoy life to its fullest, do things that make our hearts sing, or express how we feel about the ones we cherish the most. It always seems that we will be able to do that ‘later’, when the only thing we really have is now.
So, what’s on your bucket list? Don’t wait for later, enjoy your life now.
#1 When 6-Year-Old Elena Was Diagnosed With Brain Cancer, She Began Hiding Hundreds Of Little Love Notes Around The House For Her Parents To Find After She Was Gone
#2 A Week Before My Grandfather Passed Away, I Snuck His Favorite Beer Into The Nursing Home For Him. It Was His Last Beer Ever
#3 Her Dying Wish Was To See Her Best Friend, Oliver The Cat, One Last Time To Say Goodbye
#4 Homeless Man Learned He Was Dying Of Cancer With Only A Few Weeks To Live And His Only Wish Was For Someone To Adopt His Sweet Dog, Baby
#5 Mom’s Last Dance With My Dad The Night Before She Passed Away After A 15 Year Battle With Cancer
#6 Dying 7-Year-Old-Boy Tells His Seriously Ill Mother To Let Him Die So He Can Give Her His Kidney And Save Her
#7 Cancer Patient Mario, 54, Says Goodbye To The Giraffes At Rotterdam Zoo, Whose Enclosure He Used To Clean
#8 Five-Year-Old Girl Suffering From Cystic Fibrosis Is Granted Her Dying Wish To Marry Her Best Friend In Heartbreaking Wedding Ceremony Just Hours Before She Passes
#9 Tattoo Artist Grants 12-Year-Old Boys Last Wish With Colourful Markers
#10 This Girl Gets Her Dying Wish Of Being Serenaded By Florence And The Machine
#12 Single Father With Terminal Cancer’s Final Wish Came True When He Found A Foster Family For His Four-Year-Old Son Before Dying
#13 After 75 Years Of Marriage, This Couple Died In Each Others Arms Hours Apart
#14 Cancer-Stricken Son Holds Dying Dad’s Hand One Last Time
#15 My Grandma Wanted To See The Ocean One Last Time Before Checking Into Hospice. Her Face Says It All
#16 A Former Show Jumper Crippled By Parkinson’s Disease Fulfills Her Dream Of Riding A Horse For The Final Time At The Age Of 87
#17 Dying Vietnam Vet Asks For A Final Meeting With Beloved Horses Outside Hospital
#18 Dying World War Two Engineer Gets Last Wish Granted: To Be Reunited With Iconic Plane, After Bosses See Him Staring Forlornly Through Fence From His Wheelchair
#19 Tijn Has One Last Wish: To Prevent Children Dying From Pneumonia. So He Challenged People To Paint Their Nails And Donate Money. He Has Raised Over 2.6 Million Euros To This Day
#20 Hospice Patient Receives Dying Wish To Snuggle Some Kittens
#22 One More Visit Home To See His Newborn Sister
#23 Dying Father Gets His Final Wish: To See Son Graduate
#24 North Carolina Neighborhood Celebrates Christmas In October So A Dying Woman Can Have Her Last Christmas
#25 Devoted Music Teacher Gives Last Lesson From A Hospital Bed As His Dying Wish To Pass On His Experience To His Students
#26 Dame Helen Mirren ‘Knights’ Dying Boy, 10, After Making His Wish For The Queen To Come To Have Tea With Him Come True
#27 Thousands Of Carolers Surround Home Of Dying Girl, 8, To Fulfill Her Wish For A Massive Christmas Sing-Along
#28 3-Year-Old Old Girl’s Last Wish Was To Meet A Prince And Princess
#29 James Wathen Is Reunited With His Dog Bubba One Last Time Before Death
#30 Father Dying Of Terminal Cancer Has Wish To See His Daughter Graduate From His Alma Matter Granted After Texas A&M Brings The Ceremony To Him
#32 Terminally Ill Air Force Veteran Granted Last Wish Of Sky Diving
#33 One Terminally Ill Woman’s Last Wish Was A Visit To The Hospital To See The Scans Of Her Unborn Grandchild
#34 Jack Benny Arranged To Have A Single Red Rose Sent To His Wife Every Day After He Was Gone
#35 One Last Visit To The Grave Of His Daughter
#36 101-Year-Old Meets Newborn Great-Granddaughter Before Dying Days Later
#37 Dying Forest Ranger Was Granted His Last Wish To See His Beloved Woods One Last Time
#38 Last Wish Of A Terminally Ill Woman Was A Private Viewing Of The Rembrandt Exhibition
#39 Angel De Jesus Zamora’s Wish Was Fulfilled When He Was Crowned Chief For A Day Because He Will Never Grow Up To Be One
#40 Saying Goodbye To His Farm
#42 Kailem Married His Girlfriend, Brandi-Lee Wadwell, In A Small Ceremony By His Hospital Bed
#43 Teenager Marries Her Terminally Ill High School Sweetheart In A Heartbreaking Hospital Ceremony Just Days Before He Dies In The Hospital
#44 Dying Man, 92, Is Granted His Last Wish To Hold Hands With His Wife Of 66 Years As The Couple Meets For The Last Time Two Hours Before He Dies
#45 Miles Scott Got To Be Batkid For A Day
#46 Terminally Ill Dad Leads His Daughter Down The Aisle 2 Weeks Before He Passes
#47 His Last Wish Was Seeing His Ponies
#48 Final Catch. Dying Vietnam Veteran Fulfills His Last Wish By Being Wheeled To Pond In His Hospital Bed To Go Fishing
#49 This Woman’s Wish Came True When She Met Lionel Richie
#50 He Wanted To See The Dolphins Playing For The Last Time
#52 All This Woman Wanted Was Saying Goodbye To Her Animals
#53 Terminally Ill Groom Fulfills His Final Wish In This Last Minute Wedding
#54 All This Terminally Ill Man Wanted For His Wish Was To Go Home Again
#55 Linda’s Final Wish Was To Raise Enough Money So That Her Parents Didn’t Have To Pay For Her Funeral
#56 Hospital Makes Exception And Allows Couple Married 73 Years To Be Together In Same Room
#57 Dying Patient’s Last Wish Comes True As She Is Reunited With Beloved Horse For Final Time
#58 Terminally Ill Patient Had “The Best Day Of His Life” When His Wish For The Last Ride Was Fulfilled
#59 Terminally Ill Star Wars Fan Gets His Dying Wish As He’s Granted Access To Early Force Awakens Screening
#60 A Scottish Teen Fulfilled His Dying Wish Of Taking His Girlfriend To The Prom
#62 Touching Moment: Crew Stand And Salute Dying Pearl Harbor Sailor As He Is Granted Final Wish To Board The Dewey Again
#63 A Costumed Worker Entertains A Smiling Patient On Her Classic Wish For A 3-Day Trip To Euro Disney
#64 Terminally Ill 14-Year-Old Girl’s Last Wish: To Have A Prom
#65 Once More To The Beach
#66 This Woman Got To See The Beach And Feel The Sand One Last Time
#67 New Hampshire Teacher Harriet Richardson Ames, 100, Meets Dream Of Getting Degree A Day Before Dying
#68 Terminally Ill Man Given Weeks To Live Fulfills Wish To Touch The Sea One Last Time
#69 92-Year-Old Grandmother Gets Dying Wish To Fly In A Rainbow Motorized Parachute Fulfilled
#70 This Gentleman Wanted To See His Hometown From Above
#72 I Didn’t Have A Picture But My Grandma Wanted Her Entire Family With Her While She Died
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/10-peoples-last-wishes-that-will-make-you-cry/
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